#african santa claus
nickysfacts · 6 months
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Black Santa Claus’s origin story!
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ericaportfolio · 1 year
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Dropping a lot of Christmas artwork for the rest of the week! To start with The Workshoppers, let's meet the Claus Family plus a new addition. In the middle Santa Claus and Jessica Claus, themselves (obviously). On the left is Nickolas Claus (Nick), their son, and to the right is Nick's New Girlfriend?!?!?! Yep, the events of this potential story all started with Nick moving to Hawaii and getting a girlfriend of African American and a bit of Polynesian, Kaitlyn Kit. However, if word gets out that Nick is a Claus from the North Pole, the press will have a hay day. Can the Claus Parents act normal in their new Hawaii retreat to get to know Kaitlyn? Will Nick tell Kaitlyn the truth about his family? How will Kaitlyn handle the revelation? Hopefully, nothing goes wrong like a coworker's daughter finding out the truth and being forced to become an intern… oh wait… Lani… never mind. Santa and Jessica Claus were inspired by the many designs the characters went through in the Rankin Bass verse.
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noway78 · 6 months
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He's Real!?
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vonibluesshop · 8 months
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supersvgsp · 1 year
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Santa Claus Christmas In July Us Flag SVG Graphic Design File
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heycarterbooks · 1 year
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Hey Carter Books will provide you with a vast number of options when it comes to locating the best African American book for your reading needs. We hope you found it useful and that you will be able to apply what you learned to help yourself or someone else. If you have any further questions, please contact us. Please contact us at heycarterbooks.com if you have any questions. Thank you for taking the time to read this!
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naturalrights-retard · 6 months
A city in Belgium has cancelled a scheduled Christmas event in which a black female ‘Santa Claus’ was set to reeducate attendees about “colonial ideology” and how “generations of Flemish people are racists.”
The Telegraph reports that people in Ghent have pressured the mayor to call off the appearance of one Queen Nikkolah, a character created by artist Laura Nsengiyumva, who would have ‘reworked’ Christmas fables about Santa for children at the event.
The report claims that the character was set to be dressed in the colours of the Palestinian flag (for some reason) while handing out gifts to children.
Ahead of the event which was scheduled for Wednesday, Queen Nikkolah announced “I dream of a Belgium liberated from colonial ideology and a society without discrimination.”
Conservatives in Belgium labelled the event “woker than woke,” with Nadia Sminate, a vice-chairman of the Flemish parliament, warning that “Queen Nikkolah’s initiative is actually saying that entire generations of Flemish people are racists.”
“There is nothing wrong with Sinterklaas, as we know him,” said Mathias de Clercq member of the Flemish liberal party, adding  “We shouldn’t try to turn him into something else.”
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The Unnatural and Unexpected (Embry Call x Black! Reader)
A/N: Hey you guys! Guess who’s back..back again! I had a few ideas in my head and want to put it out there..I thought about turning this into a series and expanding it further. Leave a comment if I should … as always like, comment and follow… let me know what you think!
This is set during Eclipse around newborn battle. This is tailored for a African American/Black female reader specifically, however all are welcome to read..
Part 2
Imagine being Embry’s imprint and tagging along with the wolves to their newborn training session. However, you’re always in for an unexpected surprise when you’re around Bella..
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People had a lot of different opinions when it came to you. There was one trait, everyone seemed to agree that you possessed:
You were a skeptic. 
Hell, you didn’t even really believe in the Easter bunny or Santa Claus when you were a kid. Magic? Please. Vampires and wolves, no such thing. 
You should’ve known when your family moved to a sleepy ass town straight out of a mystery novel you would be wrong. Dead ass wrong. When the new girl, Bella, befriended you, normal flew out of the window the same time she did last year.     
She dragged you to La Push after the Cullen’s had left the prior year. It was there you were introduced to Jacob, Quil and Embry. You instantly took a liking to La Push, the boys -and particularly Embry. Unexpectedly, they took a liking to you too. 
From then on, you found yourself gravitating more towards the reservation; the tranquil beaches reminding you of your previous Floridan home. You just felt a connection there that you couldn’t quite put your finger on. 
She also dragged you to Jacob’s house after HE stopped talking to her. 
It was at this point you honestly had to question what this girl was doing to cause people to run away from her like the plague. I mean it wasn’t just a few, but groups of people seemed to just up and cut off ties with her, seemingly overnight
However, after quickly realizing her propensity for sticking her nose in places she probably shouldn’t, it started to make a little more sense. Though, you would be lying if you said that you weren't a tiny bit curious as to what exactly she stumbled upon. 
A group of people that could secretly shift into giant wolves was not at all  on that list of possibilities. 
You being an imprint to one of those shifters? Never even dreamed about it. 
Although, you weren't too upset at the unexpected revelation this time.
She dragged you to the Cullen’s when they returned a few months ago. Outside of Bella’s tales of her interactions with them, you didn’t really hang around or know much about them. You had a few of the members in your class and one of them as a science lab partner a few months back. They were slightly off and distant at first but after you got to a place of polite conversation, you chalked it up to just shyness. When you found out they were vampires, naturally, you didn’t believe her– until you found out about the wolves.
 Suddenly, their isolation and behavior made sense. After that, you never really looked at them the same.
Knowing both vampires and shifters even existed in itself was a shock.  Learning about their sheer abilities was slightly terrifying. You’d be lying if you said being around them didn’t make you feel a little more..vulnerable. Although Bella felt differently, you didn’t like that if things went left for whatever reason, you could be snapped into two with zero hesitation. The only way you could gain any control over this is by immersing yourself into the world of the supernatural at your pace. 
It is why when Embry told you you were his imprint, as much as you liked him, you still kept a little distance. Him and the pack understood- never pushing you past your comfort level. Although Emily, and the other imprints at times, playing referee before things ever got out of control, have a major hand in that you suspect.
Since you lived in Forks, Embry and the pack were away during the day, unless you came to the reservation. You were the only outsider, aside from Bella, that knew both of their secrets. So when she fucked around and found out with Victoria and a newborn broke into your house–you found yourself spending more time at the Cullen's house. Or more accurately, dragged there.
The first few times, it was a little awkward. But after a few visits, they actually started warming up to you and vice versa. Alice gossiped with you from day one–asking you questions about your hair and even complimenting your appearance. You shot the breeze with Emmett about sports. Hell, even Rosalie had warmed up to you a little, much to yours and Bella’s shock. By your third visit, they cooked you dinner.
You had to admit a three hundred-something year old vampire making a pasta dinner from an old ass cookbook was a pretty amusing site. They were actually pretty damn good cooks too.
Embry and the pack were not happy about this, but he knew better than to try and tell you what to do. With all of the newborn activity, there was only so much he could do. He took some solace with the fact others were looking out for you when he was not around. It would be a cold day in hell before he let his pride keep you from being safe--even if it meant dealing with his sworn enemies. Besides, the more comfortable you had gotten around the Cullen's, the closer you got to him and the pack: A bonus in his eyes.
 Regardless of your apprehensions, nothing could be solved if you buried your head in the sand and pretended none of this existed. Whether you liked it or not, yours and Bella’s fates were intertwined. At the very least, you figured you could keep an eye on her to make sure she didn’t get herself, others or you into deeper trouble --or worse. 
When she asked you to go with her to the field and watch them train, you obliged. Hopping from the backseat of Edward’s volvo, you slammed the door shut behind you. Bella emerged from the passenger side shortly after and fell into step next to you. You parked yourself on the sidelines of the clearing, far enough away from the action, but close enough to see and hear what was going on.
Not too long after, the shifters, in all their glory, emerged from the trees. Two of them split off from the group and headed toward you and Bella. The slightly smaller, slender one sniffed and circled around you.
“I’m fine, Embry.” You affirmed, chuckling softly. He nuzzled his snout into your palm, and let you scratch behind his ears before running off to join the others, Jacob in tow behind him. All you could do was hold your breath and hope they could play nice for a few hours, as Carlisle stepped up and took his place in front of the pack, Edward slightly behind him.
To your amazement, it actually went way better than anticipated. You actually chuckled a few times when Emmett pummeled Edward several times and Alice had gotten the upper hand on Rosalie. Even Carlisle had a few tricks up his sleeve. For a centuries old vampire, he had some moves.
Everything was just about to wrap up, when you saw a few of the wolves perking their heads up in alert. When the Cullen’s stopped mid-stride, turning their heads into the clearing, you started to grow concerned. Embry was next to you in an instant, staring at the clearing, slightly growling.. You were about to ask what was going on when Edward finally spoke.
“The pack has heard something in the woods and Sam is asking if we could assist them. I let them know that we will and will be right behind them. In the meantime, we need to get Bella and YN out of here.” He translates, heading toward Bella. As if on cue, the pack  disappears into the woods, Embry the last one behind. Edward looks at him.
“Esme, Jasper and myself will take Bella and YN back to the house. You are more than welcome to stop by there after the coast is clear. She will be safe.” You can hear him snarl slightly beside you, until you console him. 
“I will be okay. I’ll see you after,” you assure him, patting his head for good measure. Somewhat satisfied at your response, he starts off toward the trees.. Embry turns around, takes one last look at you and the Cullen’s now beside you, then disappears into the clearing. It was as if he was saying,  “Take care of her or, I’m coming after you next..”
You didn’t have to be Edward to know that. 
Once the rest of the coven had taken off with Embry, Esme wasted no time directing her sons.
“We need to split them up in case someone decides to tail us. Edward and I are going to take Bella the long way back to the house. You take YN back as fast as you can. We will trail you until about halfway, then diverge into a different direction.” Before you could protest, Edward was already shutting the door to his passenger seat, Bella already inside.
“You’ll be back before you know it. We’ll be right behind you.” She squeezes your hand in reassurance.
Jasper then looks at you for a second, and your rising anxiety dampers for a bit. You chalked it up to his abilities, before he instructed you.
“It will be easier and faster if I can carry you. Keep your eyes closed, count backwards from 100, and hold onto me as tight as you can. Don’t worry about hurting me. Trust me on this one.” He gently touched your arm in comfort, goosebumps left behind in the wake of his touch. 
Japer Whitlock was a man of few words, but when he spoke it was hard not to listen. For whatever reason, you actually believed him. 
As soon as you were in his arms, Jasper was off. Esme, Bella and Edward were right on your tail before they approached a fork in the road, just as Esme said, and veered off into another direction.
Bella might have been oblivious to many things but this was not one of them. As soon as Edward got into the car, she questioned him. The green trees surrounding them turning into blurs as they whizzed passed them.
“What was that all about?” Her significant other remains silent as he speeds up slightly, trying to keep Esme’s pace. 
“He looked at her, the way you did with me when we first met..” She trails off in realization. 
“You don’t think..”
“As unorthodox as it sounds, yes. That’s exactly what it is. Alice didn’t even see this coming.” He sighs, stunning her into silence. 
Edward knew exactly how you felt about the life of the supernatural. If he’s being honest, he wants the same type of normalcy for Bella, despite her desires otherwise. He has seen many things in his afterlife that he did not want her to have to go through, if he could help that. It was very rare that he did not know something due to his mind reading abilities or general knowledge.
Yet, the reasoning as to how a shifter’s imprint could also be a blood singer eluded him entirely.
For the second time these past few years, Edward was at a loss. He did not think it was possible. Even Carlisle has never seen something like this in his extensive afterlife.
He is even more at a loss as to how Jasper will break this to you. The one thing that is clear is the more he keeps it a secret, the more danger he’ll put you in. Although he loved his brother, you became his good friend. He hated too see anyone he cared about in unnecessary danger. So, he gave Jasper an ultimatum: he tells you or someone else will.
This was unexpected and unnatural even, but it was the truth nonetheless.
For a human that wanted little to do with the supernatural, you were now going to be at the center of it.
The bitter irony, he thought as he continued dashing through the trees in the seemingly endless forest. 
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skaruresonic · 4 months
No one tell those people that african tribes regularly practices slavery amongst one another, and the trans atlantic slave trade got kicked off in the first place because europeons decided to aggressively and proactively exploit the supply of slaves they were being provided from trading with african nations.
Shock of shocks, when you take people who lives hundreds of years ago in drastically different environments and hold them up to modern first world american moral standards, they end up seeming a little bit fucked up in comparison. Wowowow! What are you, 12? Did you just discover that santa claus doesn't exist or something? "People who lived in the 1300s did a bad thing once >=o " holy fucking shit, you're blowing my mind!!!
People who talk about historical individuals or peoples as if they need to be judged as good or bad piss me off. Whether they're talking about the aztecs or fucking HP Lovecraft or whatever. It really just contributes nothing to the discussion and cataloging of historical facts. "Pol Pot was a very bad man >=c " that's nice sweety, we're trying to document and discuss what he did and said though, you're not really helping anymore when that's all you have to say about it.
No one tell those people that african tribes regularly practices slavery amongst one another, and the trans atlantic slave trade got kicked off in the first place because europeons decided to aggressively and proactively exploit the supply of slaves they were being provided from trading with african nations.
It's all about context and extent. The colonists arrived here and originally sent Indians as slaves to the Caribbean before they went to Africa because, at the time, we were the nearest natural resource on hand. The problem is, then, the underlying belief that regards people as a resource to be consumed. It requires the stratification of society into Resource or Person.
While this belief is definitely not unique to one culture, it was the colonists who employed it on a mass scale.
While I'm not entirely comfortable comparing the selling of our people as slaves to the transatlantic slave trade, it seems to have impacted our culture, to the point where I suspect the word for "to betray" holds the root for "to sell" for this very reason. And yes, that is because some of our own sold others of our own. That is an unfortunate fact.
Remember what I said about our struggles not being so different from others'? They also share common roots. The one drop rule contends that if you have just one drop of Black ancestry in you, you are Black. This was used, historically, to justify the slavery of generations into perpetuity.
Blood quantum is the same process but thrown in reverse: the blood of other races dilutes your own, and there will be a point where the Indian will be bred out of you and your children will no longer be considered of your people. This is still in use today for tribal enrollment requirements, and becomes an increasing problem as families grow and the chances of inbreeding increase. This was absolutely by design in order to make us disappear.
Both of these ideas may seem in opposition to each other at first glance, when really, they're intertwined: the result of white supremacy attempting to control us. They rest on the same underlying ideas of denying people the right to self-determination.
Shock of shocks, when you take people who lives hundreds of years ago in drastically different environments and hold them up to modern first world american moral standards, they end up seeming a little bit fucked up in comparison. Wowowow! What are you, 12? Did you just discover that santa claus doesn't exist or something? "People who lived in the 1300s did a bad thing once >=o " holy fucking shit, you're blowing my mind!!!
The thing is, people weren't always barbaric in the past. That's my entire point. It's a fallacy to assume modernity is synonymous with civility and progress.
I just get chuffed about it because they always bring up the scalpings and the human sacrifice and warring tribes and whatever else in order to paint our ancestors as morally gray. However, you need some light to balance out the darkness in order to paint a truly gray portrait. They never say anything about the Longhouse, the Great Law of Peace, the Two-Row wampum, the times our people saved colonists from starvation or slaughter, or the inter-tribal alliances we made. It's just, "they cut the tops of people's heads off omg so brutal" as if they're saying anything particularly new or revolutionary, and they leave the matter at that.
In fact, the Haudenosaunee were not the only peaceful coalition the Skarù·ręʔ were a part of---we made a smaller alliance of mutual protection with two or three other tribes down in North Carolina as well.
The omission of our merits and the constant attention to our bloodier histories just feeds into this hateful stereotype that we were always savages.
Also, I didn't address it in the earlier post, but OP essentially went on to imply that white supremacy isn't a real problem. Rather, they waxed lyrical on some overreductive, strawman-nihilist "Rousseau was wrong" bullshit about how war will always exist in complex societies and it isn't unique to white supremacy.
First of all, nobody was saying violence or imperialism are white-only things. To argue otherwise is to imply other people don't know their own histories. Or other countries' histories.
Second, the existence of the Haudenosaunee contradicts this narrative that humanity is so inherently belligerent that reconciliation is just a pipe dream in "complex" societies. We operated just fine in peace for literal centuries before colonial contact. Either you don't consider us a "complex" society, or you have an incomplete view of history.
Third, white supremacy is very much real, and it is a problem that impacts a large number of people, white people included.
Again, the US as it exists today largely does so because of white supremacy. It is a direct result of Manifest Destiny and the assimilation and displacement of indigenous people. Trying to divert the conversation by pretending what was said was that all violence is innate to whiteness is a strawman of the argument, as well as deliberately being obtuse in order to distract with meaningless asides. It'll only make people go, "Oh well, everyone was shitty in the past, so I guess there's no reason to try to understand the structures my ancestors put into place and how they might benefit or hurt others to this day."
Of course violence has existed in every society. Of course it will continue to exist in some fashion. But that doesn't mean we can't take steps to curb it and discourage it whenever possible.
Moreover, our ancestors having scalped someone 200 years ago doesn't mean anything when blood quantum still exists on the books in order to "breed" the Indian out of us and have us forfeit the land to the government, you know what I mean? I would think the more pressing and far-reaching problem rests on the colonist structures that are still in operation today, and it is worth examining where those structures came from in order to dismantle them.
And look, I don't particularly enjoy waxing poetic about this stuff because it's not something I like looking directly in the face for long periods of time. As a white-passing Native, I know I'm not the hardest-impacted by these things. I'll never experience the harshest brunt of the racism my darker-skinned friends, family, and neighbors do.
That doesn't mean I experience No Racism Ever, of course. But I recognize that most of the fucked-up-ness of the situation and my relative comfort comes from the fact that my incidental whiteness inoculates me from a lot of bullshit I would otherwise experience.
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frithwontdie · 6 months
Belgian city cancels plan to replace Santa Claus with African Queen
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number1spongebobfan · 9 months
T&F Diesel Headcanons
He is devious!
He is in a rivalry with Duck and Thomas.
He smokes cigarettes. He's a baaaad boy (note that I don't support smoking, it's really bad for you guys).
He bosses Paxton and Sidney around, since they don't know any better.
He has Doberman Pinscher ears and tail in his animal form.
He's emo. He dresses in all black and listens to grunge.
He is miserable and self-loathing.
He drinks from soda cans filled with oil. He is often covered in diesel stains.
He does boxing. You do not want to see him and Thomas get physical. Different fighting styles, yeeesh!
She's a scene girl.
She listens to My Chemical Romance.
She has a passionate interest in rocks. She knows what kind are sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic.
She and Toby are good friends. Toby likes her cowcatcher skirt. Mavis likes his cowcatcher shorts!
Percy has a huge crush on her but she's oblivious.
She has Maine Coon cat ears and a fluffy Maine Coon tail in her animal form.
She hangs out with Diesel from time to time but doesn't tolerate his prejudice against steamies. A lot of her friends run on steam.
Her patron saint is Mother Mary Lange. She founded the first African American religious congregation.
He's the pirate train! Yo-ho-ho!
He sings sea shanties. Donald the Scottish twin sings along with him.
He's the Mr. Krabs of Sodor. He's attracted to shiny objects and can be very greedy.
He is attached to the sea. Sometimes he'll drink the sea water then his face looks like this 416c175b6a82f64209c441768857c61a.jpg (640×960) (pinimg.com)
He purposefully annoys Cranky with his really long sea stories.
He's a Japanese Spider Crab with wheels on his six legs in his animal form.
His patron saint is Saint Nicholas aka Santa Claus.
He is a Metropolitan Vickers Diesel highly respected by the railfanning community.
He is a grandfatherly figure to Bill and Ben. He is able to withstand their tricks with firm but gentle discipline.
He and Edward are friends.
He dresses in military fashion.
He is best friends with Bear, the friendly diesel bear with wheels on his legs. He understands how he feels.
He is a bear with wheels on his legs in his animal form.
Bill and Ben tease him by calling him, "Boco Coco"!
He's kind of like Alex the Lion from Madagascar? Because he's so respected he got a bit of an ego, but he's a good guy regardless.
He had a crush on Ashima when she visited Sodor for the great race.
Diesel 10
He's not a nice guy.
He crushes steam engines with his claw.
He killed Lady, however she came back to life.
He almost killed Thomas. He ripped his arm off during the chase scene, but thankfully they put it back together again.
PT Boomer is his driver. He's a stick figure w/ a motorcycle helmet who carries dynamite.
Sir Topham Hatt doesn't kick him off the island due to finances.
He's a bull with train wheels in his animal form.
He's comedically villainous but when he's angry, you're screwed.
He treats Splatter and Dodge like punching bags, no wonder why they left him.
She used to be very rude and sour when she first came to Sodor. Now she has a change of heart.
She's a dairy cow with train wheels on her legs in her animal form.
She's very girly and fashionable.
She and Lady have DIY spa days together. They get massages, mani-pedis, facials . . . they're girls okay! XD
Diesel thinks she's really annoying.
She uses strawberry flavored lipstick and high-volume shampoo for the extra bounce in her hair.
Her patron saint is Saint Elizabeth of Hungary.
She has back pain. She's highly sprung.
She dresses in flapper fashion and carries a feather boa around her neck.
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shakespearefreak · 1 year
American Girl Christmas Movies
I've been thinking about Christmas movies, and which ones each of my dolls would like (this assumes each of them has her canon personality, but the historical dolls obviously having an anachronistic knowledge of television). So here's what I think each of their favourite Christmas movies would be:
Samantha Parkington: Mrs. Santa Claus (1996)
Starring Angela Lansbury as the titular character, this lesser-known TV movie tells the story of Santa's wife tiring of being ignored and venturing out into the world, and winding up stranded in 1910 New York City the week before Christmas.
This movie would really speak to Sam for multiple reasons. For one, of course, it's set right near her time period, and I also think she'd relate strongly to the feminist themes. One of the major storylines involves a factory whose child workers strike for better working conditions, and another involves the suffragette movement, both of which are issues that feature heavily in Samantha's stories. Also, one of the main characters is a young Irish immigrant who reminds me a lot of Nellie.
I think she'd also really like A Christmas Carol (1951), which is arguably the most faithful retelling of the Dickens story (I've decided one of her favourite books is Christmas Carol, because it fits with her personal values very well... aaand maybe because it's my favourite book, haha).
Makena Williams: Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey (2020)
Set in a fantastical world where science is magic, robots are powered by Belief, and the Square Root of Possible can be expressed in a mathematical formula, Netflix's Jingle Jangle is about brilliant toy inventor Jeronicus Jangle (Forest Whitaker), who falls into despair after his trusted assistant Gustafson (Keegan-Michael Key) steals all his blueprints and uses them for his own ends. Years later, Jeronicus' granddaughter Journey (the stellar young Madalen Mills) tries to restore his faith with her cleverness and optimism.
I think one of main reasons this movie would appeal to Makena is that it's all about celebrating Black excellence and Black joy; there's a lot of representation in the cast, without focusing on racism and suffering. She'd also really love the costumes, which are a gorgeous mix of traditional African colours/patterns and Victorian-era styles; all the thought, detail, and talent that went into the costuming would inspire her fashionista heart.
Evette Peeters: The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus (1985)
This stop-motion TV special, based on the book by L. Frank Baum (the author of The Wizard of Oz), was created by Rankin/Bass, the same team that made the famous Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer and Frosty the Snowman specials we all grew up watching. It's a unique take on the legend of Santa Claus where an abandoned baby is found by a kindly Wood Nymph and raised among the fairies. As Claus grows up, he moves to the human world and, dismayed by the suffering he sees there, he begins making toys for nearby children, hoping to bring light and joy to them, and ends up at odds with the Awgwas, evil creatures that influence children to do bad things.
I only just got Evette, and she's not even out with the rest of my girls right now, since I'm saving that as a Christmas surprise for Makena, but I feel this one pretty strongly. For one, I think the cottagecore/forest visual themes would really appeal to her. Also, I headcanon Evette as pagan, and one of my pagan friends once told me they loved this movie because it was the only Christmas movie that dealt with the world of the Fae in a way that aligned with their beliefs.
The only one I'm not sure of is Josefina. Someone suggested Christmas on Mistletoe Farm (2022) for her; we watched it together, and she enjoyed it, but I’m not sure it’s her favourite. Any other suggestions?
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ms-hells-bells · 2 years
I was reading about St Nicholas of Myra aka the inspo for Santa Claus, and one of his most famous early acts of generosity that inspired the Santa Claus tale was when he put bags of gold through the window of three sisters who were going to be sold into prostitution, saving them. 'Tis the season to celebrate survivors and abolish the sex trade! For those of us who can afford to be charitable this festive season, a donation to a charity or organisation working in this area couldn't be more fitting and timely
wow, first of all, you just somehow unearthed a core memory i had, where at primary school we were told the tale of saint nicholas and black peter, and we had a guy dressed as black peter (who at least was an actual black person, not someone in blackface. he was just like a random african immigrant guy that loved doing this shit for the kids at school every year lol) come to our school and throw us gingerbread buttons. i distinctly remember, because i was like 6-7 and it was the first time i ever saw an adult with DARK black skin, and i was so scared 😭😂 also, we were just eating thrown gingerbread off the nasty school hall ground 🤢
unfortunately, the bags of gold were dowry money, so the father could sell the girls off into marriage. but, i guess that was the best that could be done in 4th century europe..though, it's all mostly legend (legend being a mix of truth and myth), it's still a nice story, and we can view the christmas season as connected to charity and kindness and care for the vulnerable. and yes, donate! even if you have little money, used toys and clothes for the women and their children in shelters, non perishable foods, even some perishable christmas foods, so they can have a nice christmas feast! depression and violence increases around christmas, so combatting that, and giving when we can is so important.
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ftpmovement · 2 years
Julia Wright, daughter of literary icon Richard Wright on what the death of Queen Elizabeth II should mean to Africans worldwide.
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"There will be many funerals..."
-George Jackson, shortly before his murder
As a veteran journalist, I watch the body language of thousands of mourners in live streaming, as I write, filing to pay their respects to their late monarch, Elizabeth the Second, in Saint Giles Cathedral, Edinburgh.
As a Black woman, this is what I see: a crowd of mostly shabby genteel, mostly white, vacant faced, subdued, awed, baffled, bewildered, tired, ordinary folk cut off by a cordon from the object of their mourning, unable to have a last look at the face of the person they grieve for because the casket is closed. Other folks chat while they watch virtually and vicariously and wonder if there is actually anybody in that pompously guarded coffin.
Very symbolic doubt... Will there come a time when they will wake up to a Santa Claus monarchy?
My sadness goes not to this privileged, imperially entitled Queen but to these masses amassed in their living dream as they file in front of empty and antiquated pageantry.
Words from one of my father's favorite poets, Vachel Lindsay, come back to me: "It is not that they die, it is that they die like sheep".
It is said that the late Queen had a minute hand in planning the details of her own funeral - at a cost of billions of taxpayers pounds.
Dr Janine Jones and Kalonji Changa - who defends the poor - agree to say: we need equality in the face of death.
I rewind to the footage of Emmett Till's funeral: his open casket by decision of his mother, Maimie Till Mobley, who brought his sealed lynched remains back from Mississippi at the cost of a full year of her own salary. The thousands who passed close to the open coffin were not cordoned off from History - in fact this absence of cordons, this transparency sparked the civil rights movement.
Maimie, our Black Queen, turned us towards the future with the decisions she took - not towards a stultified past.
And I rewind to Malcolm X's funeral and to the mourning crowds excluded from it, waiting cordoned off by hostile police behind barriers. And I pay tribute to the dignity of another Black Queen, the late Betty Shabazz I was years later to meet - and the talk we had.
And I rewind to the poignant footage of Martin Luther King's funeral and the humble pauper's cart that drew his coffin after the funeral service at Ebenezer Church. And my heart goes out to another Black Queen, the late Coretta Scott King, so full of courage surrounded by so many of her husband's assassins.
And I rewind to so many of our funerals - when we are fortunate to be given back the bodies of our lynched and to bury them.
I want to pause a moment on the soul-wrenching funeral of George Jackson who in his own "royal" way prepared his own funeral by writing:
"an empty bed
tears are shed
no more sun
after I'm gone
my family cries
their love has died
my friends are there
death's in the air
my chains unbound
I'm put in the ground
everybody's sad
but I'm glad
it's lucky me
because now I'm free"
I recognize as one of my Black Queens, his mother, Georgia Jackson who lost two sons, Jonathan and George to white supremacy and "did not sit in a corner and cry".
And what about our other ancestral Queens: Harriet Tubman, Ida B. Wells, bell hooks to name only three.
And then we have the living who are not yet even elders: Assata Shakur, Pam Africa, Johanna Fernandez...
We are blessed with so many Black Queens, alive and dead - we are so rich.
Let's celebrate.
(c) Julia Wright September 13 2022
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lboogie1906 · 1 year
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Arthur James Evans (born March 27, 1942) is an actor who has made multiple film and television program appearances over three decades. He was born in Berkeley. His acting career, spanning almost 40 years, started with Frank Silvera's Theater of Being in Los Angeles. He took a starring role in The Amen Corner which transferred to Broadway in 1965. His first uncredited acting performance was in Claudine in 1974. His first credited role was in Chico and the Man as Bubba in the episode "Too Many Crooks" which aired in 1976, and his talents for many instruments came in handy when playing Blind Lemon Jefferson in Leadbelly. One of his early roles was the first victim in Christine. He co-starred in the all-star African-American drama A Soldier's Story as the memorable brown-nosing character Wilkie. He is known for his role as Leslie Barnes in the action film Die Hard 2. His other film credits include Big Time (1977), Youngblood (1978), The Cracker Factory (1979), National Lampoon's Class Reunion (1982), Into the Night (1985), Fright Night (1985), Jo Jo Dancer, Your Life Is Calling (1986), Ruthless People (1986), Native Son (1986), White of the Eye (1987), School Daze (1988), The Mighty Quinn (1989), Downtown(1990), Trespass (1992), CB4 (1993), Bitter Harvest (1993), Tales from the Hood (1995) and Metro (1997). He has made many appearances in a variety of television shows such as M*A*S*H, Hill Street Blues, Monk, The X-Files, and Family Matters on which he played a man claiming to be Santa Claus. He starred in the music video for Stevie Wonder's "Go Home". He was seen in Anderson's Cross playing the grandfather of the lead character Nick Anderson. He had a guest appearance on the sitcom Last Man Standing in the episode titled "Grandparents Day". #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence https://www.instagram.com/p/CqTcHIyPMA1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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I'd like to know 6, 8 and 11
6. Do you have a favorite book with folklore or folk/fairy tales?
The Guardians of Childhood series by William Joyce, because he takes these folk characters like Santa Claus, Boogeyman, Jack Frost, and Mother Goose and goes crazy with them, bringing an aspect of the epic saga to what are essentially nursery characters.
8. Is there a specific fairy tale you dislike?
All that deal with the "False Bride" thing.
On must versions there is a princess and her African slave, and the African woman violently forces her and the princess to trade places, with the other characters noticing how ugly and black the princess suddenly got.
The princess eventually returns to power, the court discovers the truth, and the African woman dies at the hands of the punishment she ordered to be given to her "slave".
The African woman is always described as nothing more than a wicked, vile woman, and we are constantly told about how her black skin makes her look hideous. It is the most racist motif that I ever found in folk tales.
11. Have a bit of folklore trivia you'd like to share?
How fairy tale heroines like Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty may have been inspired by obscure Spring/winter goddesses, and her stories are metaphors for the changing seasons. There is no concrete evidence, and it is all intense speculation, so don't take any of this as truth, but it is very interesting nonetheless.
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