#affect tracer
add-psychic · 5 months
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qweaenr · 1 year
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ELSWORD - Edward Grenrore, Add -
“ Heheh.... the laws of this world... I shall decide them! ”
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moonheroz · 2 years
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All of Add’s Tracer smiles from the animation. So hot to look at :D
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pinkishypriv · 2 years
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I hope he's released in the Kog server soon
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elrios-trash · 2 years
Wow a trap Add! Finally another physical support ;-; we do need more of them seriously. Sooo after all this time Dominator is a DPS Phys hahaha. Make sense because he only supp in physical damage increase, but don't have any HP/MP recovery skill for his party. Yep, Maddox have it. And I can't wait for Ain and Chung 4th! The rest of physical type characters.
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I bet Mastermind and Dissembler are having fun with their long hair.
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wriochilde · 4 months
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got my boy the nerdiest mount i could find
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nickeverdeen · 3 months
Overwatch characters and their PDA
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Given Genji’s reserved nature and background as a disciplined ninja, his enjoyment of public displays of affection (PDA) would likely be moderate.
Hand Holding: Genji would intertwine his fingers with yours, showing a secure and intimate connection between you two while walking together
Hand on Lower Back: While navigating through crowds or walking side by side, Genji would place his hand gently on his lover’s lower back, offering subtle guidance and protection
Forehead Kiss: In a moment of tenderness, Genji would lean in to press a soft kiss to your forehead, conveying affection and care in a discreet yet meaningful way
Cheek or Temple Touch: Genji would lightly brush his lips against his partner’s cheek or temple, showing affection in a gentle and respectful manner
Arm Around Shoulder: During moments of closeness or comfort, Genji would drape his arm lightly around your shoulder, offering support and solidarity while maintaining a sense of respect for your personal space
These gestures reflect Genji’s reserved yet caring demeanor, emphasizing his desire to express love and connection to his partner in a subtle and respectful manner, even in public settings
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She appreciates opportunities to express her love and affection for her partner openly, but she also values maintaining a level of respect and consideration for others’ comfort in public settings. Therefore, while she enjoys showing affection, she may do so in a tasteful and mindful manner.
Hand Holding: Mei would happily hold your hand, intertwining their fingers as they walk together, symbolizing unity and closeness
Hugs: Mei’s warm and nurturing nature would lead her to readily give you hugs, wrapping her arms around you in a tight and comforting embrace
Cheek Kisses: Mei would affectionately kiss you on the cheek, expressing her love and fondness for you in a sweet and gentle manner
Arm Linking: Mei might loop her arm through yours arm or link elbows while walking, showing a sense of intimacy and companionship
Shoulder Lean: When standing or sitting together, Mei might lean her head or shoulder against lover’s, seeking closeness and physical contact
These gestures reflect Mei’s affectionate and caring nature, as she expresses her love openly and warmly in public settings with her partner
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Sombra appreciates the opportunity to show affection for her partner openly and boldly, and she enjoys the playful and flirtatious interactions that come with it. However, she also values maintaining a level of control and discretion, so she may not engage in PDA excessively or in situations where it could attract unwanted attention.
Arm Wrapping: Sombra confidently wraps her arm around your waist or shoulder, pulling you close as you walk together, showing a sense of possession and intimacy
Playful Shoulder Bump: Sombra playfully bumps her shoulder against yours as you walk, adding a touch of flirtation and playfulness to your interaction
Hip Touch: Sombra assertively places her hand on your hip, guiding you or pulling you closer in a confident and affectionate gesture
Quick Kisses: Sombra steals quick kisses from her lover, whether it’s a peck on the lips or a playful kiss on the cheek, adding spontaneity and excitement to their interactions
Hair Play: Sombra playfully runs her fingers through her partner’s hair or tucks a strand behind their ear, adding a flirtatious and intimate touch to their interaction
These gestures reflect Sombra’s confident and assertive personality, as she shows her affection for her partner in bold and playful ways that suit her.
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Given Tracer’s lively and outgoing personality, she likely enjoys public displays of affection (PDA) to a considerable extent. Tracer’s enthusiasm and warmth make her naturally inclined to engage in PDA, but she also respects boundaries and would adjust her behavior based on her girlfriend’s comfort level and the situation.
Hand Holding: Tracer enthusiastically holds her girlfriend’s hand, intertwining their fingers as they walk together, radiating joy and affection
Quick Kisses: Tracer frequently steals quick kisses from you, whether it’s a peck on the lips or a playful kiss on the cheek, adding spontaneity and warmth to your interactions
Hugs: Tracer enthusiastically embraces you in tight and energetic hugs, lifting you off the ground or spinning you around in a joyful display of affection
Shoulder Bumps: Tracer playfully bumps her shoulder against you as you walk, adding a touch of playful intimacy to your interaction
Back Pats: Tracer affectionately pats her girlfriend’s back or shoulders in a friendly and reassuring manner, showing her support and affection openly
These gestures reflect Tracer’s spirited and affectionate nature, as she shows her love and affection for her girlfriend in a lively, enthusiastic, and playful manner that I’d personally say suits her
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While she appreciates opportunities to express her affection for her partner openly, she also values professionalism and may prefer to keep displays of affection subtle and understated, especially in certain settings. Overall, while she enjoys showing her love openly, she may do so in a more reserved and considerate manner.
Hand Holding: Mercy gently holds her partner’s hand, intertwining their fingers as they walk together, symbolizing unity and support
Arm Around Shoulder: Mercy might place her arm around your shoulder or waist while walking, offering comfort and closeness in a protective gesture
Forehead Kiss: In moments of tenderness, Mercy leans in to give you a soft kiss on the forehead, conveying affection and care
Cheek Caress: Mercy affectionately caresses her your cheek with her fingertips, expressing warmth and love in a gentle manner
Hugs: Mercy embraces her lover in warm and comforting hugs, wrapping her arms around them in a nurturing display of affection
These gestures reflect Mercy’s nurturing and compassionate nature, as she expresses her love and affection for her partner in gentle and caring ways that provide comfort and support.
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While he appreciates opportunities to express his affection for his partner openly, he also values his personal space and may prefer to keep displays of affection relatively subtle and understated, especially in certain settings. Additionally, McCree’s enjoyment of PDA may vary depending on the situation and his partner’s comfort level, as he respects boundaries and prioritizes mutual respect in his relationships.
Hand Holding: McCree casually holds your hand, intertwining your fingers as you walk together, showing a sense of unity and closeness
Arm Around Shoulder: Cassidy may drape his arm around your shoulder or waist while walking, offering a protective and comforting gesture
Quick Kisses: He steals quick kisses from you, whether it’s a peck on the lips or a playful kiss on the cheek, adding a touch of affection and spontaneity to your interactions
Shoulder Lean: While standing or sitting together, Cassidy leans his shoulder against yours, seeking physical contact and closeness in a relaxed and casual manner
Hand on Lower Back: McCree places his hand on your lower back while navigating through a crowd or entering a room, guiding you with a gentle touch while showing a sense of protectiveness
These gestures reflect McCree’s laid-back and affectionate nature, as he shows his love and affection for his partner in a casual, supportive, and playful manner that suits his cowboy persona
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While he may appreciate moments of intimacy with his partner, he values privacy and may prefer to keep displays of affection relatively subtle and reserved, especially in public settings. Additionally, Hanzo’s enjoyment of PDA may vary depending on the situation and his partner’s comfort level, as he respects boundaries and values mutual respect in his relationships.
Hand Holding: Hanzo gently holds your hand, showing a subtle yet meaningful connection as you walk together
Arm Around Waist: Hanzo may place his arm around your waist while standing or walking, offering a protective and comforting gesture
Forehead Rest: In moments of intimacy, Hanzo may rest his forehead against yours, conveying a sense of closeness and trust
Shoulder Touch: Hanzo lightly touches his lover’s shoulder in a gesture of support or reassurance, showing his affection in a subtle and understated manner
Quick Kisses: Hanzo may offer quick and discreet kisses to his partner, whether it’s a soft peck on the cheek or a brief kiss on the lips, adding a touch of affection in a reserved manner
These gestures reflect Hanzo’s reserved yet genuine affection for his partner, as he shows his love and care in subtle and understated ways that reflect his stoic demeanor.
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pochipop · 7 months
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#. synopsis! — how they greet you after being gone for a bit .
#. characters! — pharah, moira, tracer, sombra, ashe .
#. warnings! — none .
#. alt accounts! — @ddollipop (nsfw), @hhoneypop (moodboards) .
#. others! — navigation & masterlist .
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In spite of the soreness and the body aches from parading around in her heavy armor for the last few weeks, Fareeha’s face lights up with a smile the moment she sets her eyes on you. All those restless nights on duty simmer out to a distant memory now that she’s seen your face again. She doesn’t care who's around to see as she pulls you in, hugging you tightly, —almost crushingly (in a good way.) You bury your face in her chest, taking in her scent and her body’s natural warmth. In the embrace, she revels in your presence, allowing herself the time to reacclimate to your affection in lieu of the harsher conditions of battle. Though she’s trained long and hard to be the top-notch soldier that she is now, it’s hard to deny the downsides of her job now that she has someone waiting for her back home. The drawbacks aren’t enough to keep her on the ground forever, at least not right now, but one day she knows there’ll be a time when she returns, and it will be the last. The frontlines won’t call her name any longer. . . But you will. And you’ll let her hold you all the same. She leans in to kiss you, cradling your cheeks in her calloused hands, mumbling how much she’s missed you against your lips, and in a rare lack of stubbornness, she won’t argue when you tell her she should go and get some much-needed rest.
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# MOIRA !! ♡
Moira doesn’t like to be fussed over, but she’s not beyond affection. Not in private, at least. Upon her return, she’ll take her time tying up any loose ends from the mission, walking through the labs on three hours of sleep at most, but her mind still sharp as ever. It’s incredible, really, the force that woman is even on the worst of days. She’ll make you wait until her work-related tasks have all been handled appropriately, —and then she’ll finally turn her attention to her sweet, lovesick angel who’s been waiting so long for her arrival. When she does, it’s almost like the weight of the world falls away, both from your shoulders and her own. She may not show it outwardly, but you can tell by the way her body loses the majority of its tension that she’s relieved, at least in part, to be home with you. The intensity of her focus is always the same, whether it falls on one of her experiments, or on you, —the one who waits so patiently for her to come back. There’s a warmth in her eyes when she looks at you that she seldom shows with others, and it leaves you weak in the knees. Although Moira isn’t keen on the over-the-top reunion sort of greeting, she’ll welcome you into her arms once the two of you are alone, and she’ll have no problem kissing you deeply, if only to remind you that she truly does love you, even if saying it isn’t her strongest suit.
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# TRACER (LENA) !! ♡
Lena doesn’t waste a single moment from the second her two feet hit the ground. Any thoughts of a relaxing cup of warm tea or a hot shower to soothe the lingering aches are drowned out entirely by her tunnel visioned desire to see and hold you as soon as humanly possible. She’s been thinking of you the entire time, especially so since she began the journey back home, every inch of her just thrumming with excitement. The instant she sees your face, she meets your gaze with a wide, happy smile and dashes over, arms wide open to wrap them around your frame. She showers your face in a cascade of peppered kisses, hoping they might get her point across better than murmuring “I missed you” a thousand times over ever could. You giggle at the display, and she keens at the sound, —it’s like a long overdue melody that soothes all the bruises littering her skin. It’s all too easy to get lost in the togetherness, and Lena practically melts at the feeling your lips pressed against her own in an ardent kiss. Sure, she loves her job. She loves helping people, loves saving the day, —loves being a hero for those who need it. But at the end of all things, she knows the fulfillment of going on missions will fade one day, and when she’s left only with the bliss of savoring your lips on hers. . . Well, she thinks she’ll be just fine.
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For all the things she is, Olivia has never been particularly sentimental. She plays life fast and loose, taking risks that no one else will, —and sometimes it’s just for the sake of it. Still, she comes back and it’s like she left a little part of herself in your hands the entire time, hoping you’d keep it safe and secure. Though she teases you for tearing up or openly admitting that you missed her, there’s always an unspoken admission that she feels the same way, even if she’s a little too proud to say it. She isn’t too proud, however, to hold you close, —tightly enough to convey all the feelings she bottles up to keep herself from looking like a fool, stumbling over pathetic attempts at confessions of love. It’s easier this way, when you take her playful ribbings for what they are: a love language within themselves. It’s easier when she doesn’t have to bare her soul and strip herself apart for you to believe that she cares. She’ll jest with you about how smitten you are, never losing that nonchalant facade; but in between the lines is a warmth unlike any other. A love like hers really seems to transcend the need for explicit declarations of infatuation, so even when she doesn’t lay overt affection on thick enough for you to drown in, you never doubt that you’ll always be the first to know when she arrives back home.
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# ASHE !! ♡
When she’s certain that all of her ducks are in a row, Ashe doesn’t mind letting you fawn over her a bit behind closed doors. If you were anyone else, she’d be halfway to biting your head off the moment you smooth your hands over her shoulders, asking if she’s hurt, —if things went well, if she needs anything from you now that she’s back. . . But you aren’t just anyone, and she’s begrudgingly accepted how much she cares for you, even on her worst days. She never goes into much detail about what happens while she’s away. That’s for her to know and you to stop thinking about, but she’ll offer little tidbits every now and again, and she’ll talk to you in that smooth, southern accent that drips just like molasses until she grows tired of the monotony of conversation and shuts you up with her mouth on yours. Words become obsolete, and the warmth of her lips speaks volumes that even prose never could. The unspoken parts of her endeavors might remain locked away, but the sweetness of her affection is an open book. As far as she’s concerned, letting you sit on her lap is proof enough that she’s just fine, and you’ll get the hint sooner or later. You’re a clever one, after all. Above all else, Ashe isn’t keen on living in the past. When things happen, the pieces fall where they may, and she’s long since decided that it’s better to just move forward, closure or not. Needless to say, she’s found that a little make out session never hurts to push the progress onward in that regard, so you can keep her company for a bit before she returns to her typical position, and she’s always sure to make it worth your while.
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add-psychic · 2 years
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-[ Affect Tracer | Dissembler | Overmind ]-
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On this day, 27 February 1973, armed Native American activists occupied Wounded Knee, South Dakota, in protest against tribal corruption and the continuing failure of the US government to fulfil treaties they signed with Indigenous peoples. Around 200 Oglala Lakota people, alongside activists in the American Indian Movement (AIM) took over the site of the 1890 massacre of Native Americans by US troops. National guard troops, FBI agents and federal marshals swarmed the area, shooting at occupiers with machine guns and tracer fire. Len Foster, a Diné (Navajo) man who took part in the occupation, recounted to Alysa Landry of Indian Country Today taking part in 11 firefights with federal officers: “Each one was very intense, very life-threatening… It was an intense, very serious engagement.” Despite suffering casualties, some fatal, the occupiers held out for 71 days until eventually surrendering. Though not successful in achieving its stated goals, the occupation galvanised huge support for AIM, famously including Marlon Brando’s boycott of that year’s Oscars, instead sending Sacheen Littlefeather, an Apache actor in his place to collect his best actor award, who delivered a speech about Wounded Knee to reporters backstage after she was threatened with arrest for speaking on the podium. For Len Foster, “In a way, it was a very beautiful experience… Wounded Knee opened a lot of hearts and minds to what oppression we were suffering. We were downtrodden, oppressed, made to feel ashamed. We were told to cut our long hair, not to participate in ceremonies, to become Christian and burn our medicine bundles. All the decisions we made at Wounded Knee affect our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.” Learn more about Indigenous resistance in the Americas in this book: https://shop.workingclasshistory.com/collections/books/products/500-years-of-indigenous-resistance-gord-hill https://www.facebook.com/workingclasshistory/photos/a.296224173896073/2219663954885409/?type=3
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wisteriaiswriting · 4 months
can you do a fic with mercy giving you motherly love?
𝕄𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕪 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖
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Words: 413
This is two scenarios and a fic!
𝕊𝕔𝕖𝕟𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕠 𝕆𝕟𝕖:
When you’re sick you’ll try to be independent, but when Mercy finds out? Not a chance. She’s keeping you in bed all the while watching over you. Only having herself watch over you.
At this point you have your own medicine cabinet in your room, all due to Mercy bringing you something else. But she means it in good health, which you’ll have again soon enough.
𝕊𝕔𝕖𝕟𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕠 𝕋𝕨𝕠:
When you’re slightly injured, like a scrape on your knee. Her first response is to care for you, next is the scolding. Making sure you’re safe while making sure you know the dangers you need to avoid.
Giving you a quick little forehead kiss before sending you outside again.
If it's major though, say from battle. Immediate bedrest, she’s not letting you get up unless necessary. (And the bathroom obviously.) She’s going to hang around you almost 24/7, successfully if no one interrupts.
This means constant care, with affection sprinkled in throughout. After any procedure you’ll get a kiss, brushing your hair in the morning as well.
The day had been surprisingly quiet for Mercy, had been. Because soon enough she got a call from Tracer, calling her into one of the many training rooms. Room 4 to be specific.
Walking in to see a pretty common sight, just one she didn’t want you to be involved in. Brigitte was already tending to Cole, whose arm was missing while his shirt was covered in red. It was white that morning.
On the other hand you sat away from them, holding your nose. Blood dripping in between your fingers, your breath is loud and harsh. Instead of rushing to Cole, who was in worse condition, you were her first stop.
“What have you done to yourself?” Her words had you confused, as she didn’t speak loud enough for the others to hear. Luckily enough they made their way out, likely to find someone else to help.
She's cleaning up your blood as she starts scolding you.
“You need to be more careful, choose someone else to spar with.” The previously white cloth was now red, she sighed seeing this.
“From now on you’ll spar with me,” Helping you stand, not too far from her. “As I don’t want another accident happening.”
Finishing her sentence as her hands wrapped around you, leaning down to leave a gentle kiss. She couldn’t bear seeing you hurt, but she couldn’t stop it. So she’ll do her best to deduce the pain.
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veny-many · 10 months
If you want to understand drawings under, please read this previous post:
And if you don't mind other my alive!Plo AU too. (They have order 66 au tag)
Commander! Comet
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He was promoted when Wolffe gone to MIA, due to his works he had in position of the right hand for Commander.
He didn't have Wolfpack symbol in his armor before, but when he became new officer for battalion, he marked wolf in his shoulder. To mark his his new place and responsibility in his mind.
Actually, Comet was one of the 104th that didn't want to paint wolf in his armor because of preventing from losing his individual(for his mad love for the stars and comets). But he had more important things in his new life than his own thought.
Comet think Wolffe betrayed them. So he tries to be angry to him. But when he got so much stress, all he could think was the protective and warm affection from his former Commander and big brother.
Other original Wolfpack members worries about him. They call him puppy or little brother despite the fact he is now their superior. They don't care, for their precious brother's sake.
When Wolffe knew about Wolfpack is now chasing them, the first thing he said was "That's my boi" And other people just got confused.
"They are dangerous hunters, Wolffe." "Of course they are. I taught them better than anyone."
When Comet finally dechipped, Comet glued to Wolffe's body and cries a lot. He knows is was embarrassing, but he couldn't help it. Thankfully his big brother said nothing and just hugged him back till he got tired from crying and fell in sleep.
Rebellion! Wildfire
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Yes, rebels Wildfire is Canon.
When he first saw Wolffe he thought he was dangerous with his chips.
And Wolffe though him dangerous too.
Chaos ensures.
Until Plo back to place with meal and says "WTK is happening here boys"
And Wildfire and Wolffe finally believe they are safe and enjoy the meal together.
I hope you like this @dukeoftheblackstar
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Warthog first thought Jedis are traitor like other clones.
But by the time passed, and the world under Empire got more cruel everyday, Warthog started to doubt about the betrayal.
He thinks about the Tracer, his dear friend, who died under command of Jedi.
But Warthog was saved his life for multiple times by General Plo Koon. It was truth. When he shouted for help, his General always helped.
He thinks, if he feels bad for kind hearted Jedi's death, would it be betrayal to his marched away friend?
And the answer was, no. When he got dechipped, he finally able to think about the truth freely with his mind.
That karking Sith Lord made this stupid war and forced his friend and brothers and Jedis to death trap.
Warthog runs to rebels gunship for revenge.
Sinker and Boost stops him and finally managed to calm him down with promises of vengeance for Empire.
And Wolffe witnesses his brothers chaotic actions again, after the very long time.
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I have more general headcannons for the Overwatch heroes
Bastion has yet to really figure out their gender, they identify as he/him currently because of their relationship with Torbjorn but they are still discovering parts about who they are
Bob used to have a voice but Ashe’s parents had it removed when Ashe started to treat Bob as her parent instead of them, it had the opposite effect that they had intended. Ashe is determined to find a copy of Bob’s voice so he can tell her his stories again and talk to her while he makes meals and hum to her when she just needs a hug
When Efi began to create Orisa’s Javelin update she let Orisa pick out her own hairstyle, there are several hair styles stored away because Orisa went slightly overboard with picking one out, Efi is currently debating getting into selling hair styles to Omnics she’s made so many that she’s become that good
Brigitte had a habit growing up of trying to make mech suits for various animals, from a jet pack mech for a cat to a flying suit for a squirrel, Torbjorn already warned Bastion that she may try to do this with Ganymede, but he also knows that Reinhardt encourages the behavior
Widowmaker’s brainwashing did not simply affect her current emotions, the way that the brainwashers ensured it worked was that they altered her memories of her past emotions so that she felt like she was faking them instead of actually feeling them. Once that process was done then they implanted that she only feels real emotions when she kills someone and implanted the urge to kill Gerard. It also has to be stated that barely anyone knows that she is actually brainwashed, the only people who do are those that brainwashed her, some of them are dead, and Doomfist. So most people thinks this is the real Amelie instead of the fake. Angela and a few others just thinks she suffered a psychotic breakdown
Ana has a small holo disk that holds articles about all of Fareeha’s achievements, from her promotions to her completed missions, everything. Fareeha does not know about this
Ramattra has been analyzing certain individuals in order to create generals for Null Sector, or at the very least super soldiers (this is in reference to the Null Sector skins some heroes have, I want all of them to be canon to the lore)
Sombra hates hacking Omnics, the first time she tried it felt so wrong that she ended up getting sick. The issue that arises is that with manipulations there is always some sort of choice, no matter how much of an illusion one may be, but hacking an Omnic takes away all choice, and Sombra hates that because it makes her feel like the people she’s hunting down to uncover the conspiracy. She was sick for several days after she hacked several Omnics in Numbani for Doomfist
D.Va is a really good at making meals, and I mean like from scratch, it was something she learned to do when first entering the streaming scene because she didn’t want to become reliant on cup noodles and snacks for sustenance, which is ironic because she absolutely sucks at cooking games, which is made further ironic because Tracer, who can’t make a meal to save her life is amazing at cooking games
Doomfist’s philosophy was born when he lost his arm, he cried out for help but no one came even though he could see that people heard him, but no effort was made to save him. He had to force himself out of the rubble pinning him down, and forcefully tearing his trapped arm off to get out. That is when his philosophy first began to develop
Lifeweaver is constantly studying plants to try and find new effects he could create with his biolight that could help people, but the first plants he researched after he left Vishkar were some of Satya’s favorites. She had a small garden that she would trim and keep from overgrowing, with a bonsai tree to round it all together. The first plants he designed and created after leaving Vishkar and joining the Arcology were from that garden, he keeps a replica in his room to remember his best friend
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actionsurges · 9 days
i have done pretty much everything i want to do for the foreseeable future in ds1 other than this. i love the ocs i've created for it but it is time to move on. but i also am fond of their builds and their runs so here they are (some of which i've posted actual info about, others no)
AKARI – A fledgling pyromancer from the Great Swamp whose thirst for knowledge and power only grew when she found herself in Lordran. On her journey as the Chosen Undead, she fanatically sought out all manner of pyromancy to master all that was possible, even the black flame of the abyss. She took Queelag's soul, forging it into a chaos demon's pincer to wield, shrouding herself in the anonymity of hollow thieves. Upon being confronted with the illusion of Anor Londo, she realized the age of fire was ending and wanted to secure her own position in the world to come. Akari slaughtered her past mentors with the same pyromancies they taught her, laid waste to the Bed of Chaos and burned Lord Gwyn with her flames, stronger than the cinders he had become. She did not link the fire. Instead, she took the last of the flame and stomped out the ashes. Akari walked into the Age of the Dark knowing she alone held the power of fire and that the world would depend on her to light the way.
ANATOLI – A knight of the Princess Guard who left Anor Londo to find his sister Aylinfaris after she was banished from the Darkmoon Covenant. Along his journey as the Chosen Undead, Anatoli evolved from wielding his honorable rapier and shining armor to the dingy garb of the firekeeper who died on his watch and Knight Orienstein's armor, armed with Lord Blade Ciaran's golden tracer. Anatoli sought out to rescue and help any he could; he felt particular affection for Reah of Thorolund. When he realized Gwynevere was only an illusion, his faith in Anor Londo and the Age of Fire was shaken. Upon defeating the Kings of New Londo he found that Reah had died and that the only surviving member of her retinue Petrus killed her. Enraged by this, he sought revenge, killed Petrus, and carried Reah's ivory talisman to channel his miracles. When Anatoli faced Lord Gwyn and prevailed, he chose not to link the fire, instead opting to lead humanity into the Age of Dark as a guiding light, with the means to protect and heal humanity. 
AYLINFARIS – A knight of the Darkmoon Covenant who was disgraced after she showed mercy to a quarry and banished from Anor Londo. On her journey she sought to redeem herself and wielded a bastard's sword and parrying dagger, shrouding herself in dark scorched robes. She viewed her travels as a show of penance and fully devoted herself to being the chosen undead, to save Anor Londo, and relink the fire. When she and her brother reunited, she realized their journeys had changed them. While he grew disillusioned, her fervor and desire for the life she knew deepened. Upon reaching the great city again, she was taken back into the service of the Darkmoons. She dutifully collected the Lord Souls and burned them in the Lord Vessel without hesitation and when she defeated Lord Gwyn, she did as she sought out to do and returned order to the Age of Fire.
CELESTINE – A young noble from Vinheim who followed the Way of White. Her penchant for sorcery and curiosity led her to pursue knowledge from any source, though she also wielded the Moonlight Butterfly's Horn and adorned her brow with the Crown of Dusk. She freed Big Hat Logan and learned from him, only to watch his descent into madness and slew Seath The Scaleless, only to sped time within the Crystal Caves, studying the magic and potential they hold. Celestine defeated Lord Gwyn, fulfilling her duty as the Chosen Undead and returning Lordran to the Age of Fire.
DUANA – A commoner from Izalith who lost her family when it sank, consumed by chaos. When she emerged from the Undead Asylum she swore herself to the Lord of the Dead in hopes she could resurrect them. She wielded a dagger, cut from the tail of a halfbreed dragon and the Gravelord's miracles in tandem on her journey. Her hope in the world diminished as she knew, no matter what he promised, Nito could not bring her family back to her. Duana defeated those who held the Lord Souls and faced Lord Gwyn. After defeating him, she entered the Age of Dark to face what remained alone.
EVREN – A blacksmith from the Great Swamp who befriended Andre the Blacksmith and brought him embers, as well as stumbling upon the ancient Path of the Dragon, and the majesty of the Ancient Dragon in Ash Lake. During his journey, he bore the weapons of mighty dragons he conquered, and defeated Gwyn with the Dragon's Tooth and linked the flame, extending the Age of Fire.
LUGH – A prisoner of New Londo, who watched from his cell as it sank. After years of solitude, Lugh broke free and devoted himself to the Darkwraiths and the coming of a new age. He slew any competition including Solaire of Astoria and Siegmeyer of Catarina and came to wield the Demon Spear and the armor of his peers and of the Black Knights he conquered. Lugh relished in killing Gwyn and dooming the world to the Age of Dark.
LYKORIS – A hunter of the forests of Lordran who emerged when the abyss began to creep closer once more. She sought to discover what had happened and what the great hero Artorias had missed, following in his footsteps as she walked the path of the Chosen Undead, wielding a jagged ghost blade. After being shunted back to the past, she found that what she knew was a lie. After defeating Artorias and Manus, halting the spread of the Abyss, Lykoris bore Artorias's corrupted greatsword and took his place to stave off the abyss. She did not link the flame. Years later, she emerged from the abyss, unkindled and covered in ash into a future unknown to her, where once again the fire is fading.
NOX – An archer of skill only matched by Pharis until they defeated her and took her fabled black bow as their own. Nox embarked on the quest of the Chosen Undead, not due to any noble purpose, but to test their skill with the bow. They defeated every foe upon their way and began the Age of Dark.
SAMSON – A Warrior of Sunlight from Astoria, brother in arms to Solaire. While Solaire sought the sun, Samson pursued the path of the Chosen Undead, aiding those who he could and illuminating the way with bolts of lightning and his giant's halberd. Much to his dismay, he could not save Solaire from the madness that came in Izalith with a chaos bug upon his face. Samson continued his journey alone, defeated the weary Gwyn, and extended the Age of Fire.
VESPER – A firekeeper who wielded pyromancies and miracles in tandem, who took matters into her own hands to protect the flame. Though dissuaded by her peers and by seemingly fate itself, Vesper collected the fragments of the Lord Souls and relinked the flame, rekindling the Age of Fire.
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