#afab t-girl
bnyrbt · 2 years
i want. pride. and community. and recognition and support. for amab tboys and afab tgirls (◕_◕)
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
"This is the gender fuckery and cis+ website"You guys can't even handle trans people who don't want to physically transition
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windwardstar · 15 days
"transmascs can be feminine and still have their gender respected while transfemmes have to erase any signs of masculinity"
Except if you're nonbinary and feminine you're just a theyfab and not really trans
If you don't bind you're just faking it
If you have long hair and get misgendered it's just your fault. You should try harder.
If you try harder. If you bind. Cut your hair. Foreswear anything pink or girly or feminine. You're misogynistic and toxic masculinity.
You're an evil man (because all men are ontologically evil. It's not biological which is why trans women are women and good but trans men are men and bad. It's the masculinity itself. Rid yourself of masculinity and you are purified, washed clean of the sin of man). You're an evil man (your misogyny is somehow the worst possible most harmful incarnation of misogyny without any of the grace given to cis women. Where you have to unlearn youre misogyny but nobody has to unlearn their transphobia)
You raise your voice to speak up, to defend yourself, to take up space and it is proof testosterone has made you angry and dangerous and evil. Tainted by the original sin (of being a man). (And because you choose this, it is worse, because it is not something you can say is just something that happened to you, that you cannot repent and say please save me from this darkness, your revel in all the ways the mark of the devil changes you into his image) you speak on pregnancy and get accused of mansplaining. You speak and get told to shut up to let women speak- as if you too have never had your voice silenced.
You get told you just want to be oppressed. That you don't experience misogyny. As if you are not trans. As if you have not grown up under the thumb of misogyny that pressed out and punished any display of masculinity (because it wanted you to be a girl. Good and pure and feminine.)(where you're not really trans you just want to escape misogyny- you're just a confused little girl, shut up you dont know your own experiences.)(where you are trans and so have escaped misogyny- so shut up you don't know your own experiences)
You get told to be caring and kind and pushed to be feminine. To be the homemaker and nurturer. Because you are a girl. When you transition though suddenly it is proof you are a predator. Why would a man want to be in this position? Why would a man want to be around vulnerable people if it wasn't to take advantage? And you're trans. Which makes you a sex freak. Which makes you a dangerous pedophile and predator.
You get told you have to realize women see you as a threat (as if you are not already intimately familiar with why, as if you have not been the victim, as if you are not still able to be one)- because you are now a man (inherently dangerous) and there is now way women (inherently victims) can be a danger to you (because transphobia against transmascs doesnt exist). (And how can cis women possibly be a danger to trans men. Don't you know it can only be men who are dangers to women)
That you have to be ok with being kicked out of girls only groups. That sorry this program is meant to uplift women+ voices and you're a man and there are already enough men. As if by claiming the title of man your transness does not matter, that your marginalization does not matter.
You're transmasc. You are feminine. It is proof you aren't trans.
You're transmasc. You are as masculine as you can be. It is proof you are irredeemably evil.
You're transmasc. You try and find a balance. Masculine enough to be respected to not be misgendered, to not have being misgendered be your fault. Feminine enough you don't get accused of misogyny and hating women and toxic masculinity. Feminine enough you don't get cast out of every space you occupied before because just the presence of testosterone in your body makes you dangerous.
You strike the balance, you contort yourself into making them comfortable, and they say you don't have to try. That you get respect regardless of what you do.
(Also before anyone wants to misrepresent or misinterpret or misunderstand this: none of this makes what transfemmes face any less hard or horrific or whatever words you want to use to describe their struggles. It is possible for multiple groups to face the same struggles and recognizing shared experiences, to speak about the unique manifestations for one group without claiming there isn't a correspondingly different version for another. Trans women and trans men are both punished for masculinity. Trans women and trans men are both punished for femininity. Society wants both groups to conform to their agab and wants both groups to transition in a way that makes them conform as closely as possible to their chosen gender to get respect- and will simultaneously be punished for doing so and accused of misogyny. Trans people are both failed women and failed men, both and neither and whatever will be most easily wielded against them.
And this all goes for nonbinary and intersex people who have their own unique ways in which those aspects are experienced.
You don't have to push down one group, dismiss and invalidate their struggles in order to speak about and uplift another group. You can talk about the things transwomen deal with without dismissing what transmascs face (and the reverse, but this is in direct response to a series of people doing the first.)
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nomazee · 8 months
breaks my heart to see people misuse afab with fics just say fem reader my friends
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corvigae · 1 year
Extremely transphobic that I can't pick and choose exactly what traits I'd want from hormones like one of those Coca Cola mixing machines where you can make like sour grape Dr. Pepper or whatever the fuck
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revanchistsuperstar · 2 years
Oh lol I just realized something that I just never explicitly mentioned here after taking a hiatus from tumblr and then just coming back like nothing happened:
When I was running this blog back in the day and it was an SPN blog (yeah I know) that slowly shifted into a Star Wars blog, and I was vaguely popular cosplayer, I was pretty well known for the fact that identified as genderqueer and bisexual.
Yeah I went back on my adhd medication and actually was able to focus on the triggers for my dysphoria and what I was feeling for the first time in 10 years and realized I’m a gay man whoops
#concerta done transed my gender#but honestly seriously I came out to my Facebook friends yesterday but it’s something I’ve been feeling for a while now#there’s a whole essay I could write about how I came to this conclusion#that basically I was dating people who were attracted to women and who treated me like a woman sexually#and I get really bad dysphoria from being treated sexually as a woman when I’m presenting more masculine#so basically I’ve been cosplaying as a hot femme AFAB enby for the last 12 years#and not medically transitioning because I was subconsciously afraid of it making me unattractive as a femme#but I have finally come to the conclusion of fuck that I’m a man#who cares if going on t makes me less hot as a girl I’m not a girl I just do drag#starting HRT in December and I’m so excited#I do eventually want top surgery but I honestly don’t have much dysphoria around my chest so I’m fine with waiting till the fat redistributa#redistributes whoops#and I gain some muscle from working out and whatnot#my dysphoria is much more around my hips and my height#also yeah I do still vaguely identify with bisexuality I do sometimes find women hot#but yeah I’ve always been more into men and I’ve always been open about that#ya boy is 29 years old and I’m finally figuring this shit out#lol also love that for the longest time I’m was like ‘I can’t be a man! I’m so feminine!#……..like y’all it never crossed my mind I just might be a fucking faggot 🤣🤣🤣#but hi yeah I’m Jensen and I’m a fruit. he/they please!#concerta transed my gender#adding that tag for my blog sorting transition tracking purposes
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batbluud · 8 months
not to get #Controversial but like some of you people sincerely need to stop acting like repackaged gender essentialism is in any way progressive because you add enough ""bad"" modifiers to it
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edgepunk · 1 year
cooking is so,,, cooking is a woman's job, but also all world-renowned chefs are male, but women are the only ones who should be in the kitchen. make it make sense
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iron-sides · 10 months
someone needs to throw me in gay yearning jail for my own good
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asordidbarwere · 11 months
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bnyrbt · 2 years
hi maybe this is an odd ask and u absolutely dont have to answer this if u dont wanna but would you talk a bit in depth about ur identity as an afab trans girl? this isn't bc im like against it, but actually i wanna know more about it bc i feel like it fits me but ive always felt like i "wasnt allowed" to identify that way. thank u <3
hi i’m so happy to get this ask!! i rly hope my answer can be helpful to u, i wish u so much luck becoming comfortable and confident in ur identity!
usually when we say “trans girl” it’s assumed to mean a girl who was assigned male, & in a lot of contexts that works. the way i use it is just that, even tho i was assigned female, my femaleness is still intertwined with my transness. for the word t-girl in particular, i use it as a double entendre with the t standing for both “trans” and “testosterone.” going on T and getting bottom surgery is really important to me to make me feel more comfortable in my womanhood! i don’t feel like you could describe my womanhood as cis, because it doesn’t “match” my assigned gender. it’s not the same version of womanhood that cisheterosexist society expects of me. it’s a womanhood that’s also a manhood, it’s a womanhood with a penis and a beard, it’s a bisexual womanhood in both the older and newer senses. it’s not cis womanhood. it’s transsexual womanhood. it’s transgender womanhood. my female identity cannot be separated from my male and nonbinary identity, they’re all just various facets of my whole self. it’s kind of like older usages of “transgender,” where it referred basically to any kind of genderqueerness and gender nonconformity… in some ways i think words like “transgender” “nonbinary” “gender nonconforming” can be almost synonyms! being “binary” female-to-male, for example, even if you are solely and entirely male, does not fit into the hetero-cis-inter-sexist binary of ‘male born with penis (and a jillion other conditions) and female born with vulva (and a jillion other conditions).” same goes for being a “cis” man who wears dresses and makeup or kisses other men. breaking out of patriarchal gender norms is breaking out of patriarchal gender norms, regardless of how you do it. i’m a girl and i’m trans and you can’t separate these two facts about me!
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dullahandyke · 2 years
boys will go 'i should learn more about pcos' and then bookmark 20 medical papers on the matter and then remember that medical papers make their brain hurt
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isneezelikeamouse · 2 years
Twitter trans community discourse is mind numbing like what the fuck is a theyfab. Get help
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mosquitinho · 2 years
. ...
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kansasjustgotgayer · 2 years
I wish i could know what my face would look like if i took T. I wish I could know exactly what my new vocal range would be.
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americascomic · 7 months
I talked to a trans femme teen yesterday who told me to not use slurs (faggot, tranny) and I think people like to blame social media for these kids being so tenderqueer-y, but this kid also told me that of the 1,400 kids in her art school, there is lots of out gay, trans masc and non-binary AFAB kids but only 10 t-femmes, and I saw in her and this other trans femme teen I know this harsh assimilationist streak (they want to go stealth, strive for conventional beauty standards, jealous of the cis het white blonde girls) because they barely have a community and so it becomes a place to survive.
The internet is this boogieman that distorts what is the consensus. It has a selection bias of hyper isolated, neurodivergent, and anxious people who are just looking to survive
I look at queer kids with annoying conservative opinions I don't see the solution being "internet stop sucking" - the assimilationist woodworking "Cross Dressing Quarterly" trannies of the 90's didn't need TikTok to get this way, it was the violence of the closet.
I see the problem being them being scared kids - what bell hooks calls "the most oppressed class" and I see the solution being a more porous, safe community between kids and adults (outside of the nonprofit industrial complex that uses queer youth spaces to condescend, infantalize, and give resources in a nondemocratic way)
We always say "protect trans kids" and it's worth queer adults of all types toughing through bigotry and accusatory stares to find these kids, build relationships, give resources and love them. All we have is each other. We protect us. Us tranny faggots
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