#adventurers are just Built Different.
candycryptids · 19 days
Quick! Your OCs are being dragged to the dancefloor by a friend - how do they react? Does the amount of people around influence that reaction? Or the kind of music played maybe?
GHFNFJDJFHB!? What a fun question omfg
Chuu has a vice grip on the sofa she’s sitting on if there’s more than 5 people at a party lmao. She’s not gettin up. N o p e. (Can sometimes be lured out onto the dance floor with a Waltzing number, but will rarely stay for longer than 2 songs before she’s found a way to slither out of being an active party participant. She’d rather chill and eat snacks and watch OTHER people look silly on the dance floor.)
Tuesday is ecstatic to be invited to the dance floor- but he only really knows how to do the stuffy Ishgardian Ball Dance when he first gets invited out to a party lmfao. The amount of people present doesn’t really impact his willingness to come out to the dance floor, but once he learns more ways to dance or even how to just, ‘feel it’ and make it up as he goes he gets much more excited about dancing to upbeat or quicker songs. He is Very good at not stepping on Toes :) (almost as if somebody didn’t want to deal with smushed toes…. 🤔)
Tangy is so zazzed to dance. She is…. Not the best at ballroom dancing or like, whatever you wanna call a couples dance, so. Watch your toes! It doesn’t matter how many people are there but being the center of attention can be kinda daunting :’> she’d rather dance to more upbeat music than slow dances so she’ll probs bow out for drinks and a snack during those to take a breather sjfjdkfs … pls also imagine her doing classic ‘dad’ dance moves or something from the Peanuts x3 [cut cos it’s Long 🫢]
….. 🤔 Ishi will gladly dance with a friend (or friends!) at smaller gatherings- and even invite others out to the floor x3 but at bigger more official events? She’s probably grateful for the excuse to step away from whatever Politically Charged Chat she’s been roped into regarding allied tribes or intercity relations. (She isn’t trained in dance, but will readily learn and follow somebody else’s lead •v•)
Mochiie is someone who’s reluctant to take an invite to the dance floor no matter how many people are present if there’s already people dancing and there’s not much space. He’s uh… conscious of his tail. (Poor guy sent a lalafellin couple sprawling once when he got tangled up in his feet, so he tries to be Overly Cautious now)
😂 Colette will indulge a friend in a dance, and relies more on being able to lift/twirl/dip her dance partner for flair - it’s an All-Eyes-On-Them situation. If Eorzean weapons didn’t have a habit of cracking under the pressure she’d probably be a tank. She prefers music with dramatic flair, to match her flashy dancing style. She laughs a lot more when it’s a Smaller group, there’s less performance pressures 🤧 (I should REALLY pose her dancing with Setsuna at some point… I’ll have to bug my partner for some files x3)
🤔🤔🤔 Levraut was the hardest for me to figure out. He’s classically trained in Ishgardian Dance? But he hates it. He thinks the whole thing looks silly, and he’s not so into huge parties (since they’re usually hosted by The Rich And Influential And Expect A Certain Class Of People yk) … he’d be a hilarious ‘sexy lamp’ for someone to dance with though… I think it would take him some time to feel comfortable dancing in the center of everything but he wouldn’t mind kinda grooving in place around the edges.
Until he’s 5 cups in. And then you have to haul him off the dance floor before he makes more of a fool of himself than he currently is, and tries to start a fight with the Violinist, because it quote ‘sounds like you’re killing the cat what made the strings all over again’ (regardless of if that’s true or not; a drunken Lev craves Rowdy Brawling and will Incite It)
… 🤨 I think that’s everyone if only because I don’t have a solid idea what the Trio would be like in a Party situation
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Rohan Kishibe just built different
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anthurak · 2 months
Friendly reminder that in the episode What Was Missing, the door of the Door Lords stated SPECIFICALLY that it would only open for a song played by a genuine band.
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Yet Marceline and her angsty, gay, love ballad to her ex was clearly only one line away from opening that door ALL ON HER OWN.
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All while said ex was clearly falling for her all over again
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cactiaintracist · 22 days
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Meanwhile Martha Jones;
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Why Martha Jones was perfect for him
Space Babies (2024) // Smith and Jones (2007)
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cowboyshit · 9 months
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possum-socks · 5 months
okay, genuinely, how the fuck did shadow the hedgehog survive a fall to earth from outer space ???
and why is nobody more shocked when they see him in heroes? if i saw a guy alive and well after he presumably splatted on the ground at terminal velocity i would have a lot more questions than they did
give me your theories because i am at a loss
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fictionadventurer · 6 months
"Good children's television lets the child characters learn lessons for themselves. Adults can provide inspiration or help, but the children should take initiative for their own discoveries and come to conclusions based on their experiences.
Bad children's television has the adults tell the children all the lessons and information they should learn. The children are only there as stand-ins for an audience that the writer wants to preach this information to and passively absorb the lessons rather than taking an active role in their own story."
I find it quite ironic when a genre becomes exactly what they were trying to act as an alternative for.
Because the point of children's entertainment is that it educates in a more entertaining and engaging way than school, you know by letting the kids enjoy fun adventures. Kids don't like being lectured or talked down to, either in school or in their television. It's why they love kid heroes.
You can so very much tell when a children's show is written by someone who remembers what it's like to be a child and respects children as human beings, and when it's written by someone who thinks it's their duty to Educate The Youth so they become Knowledgeable Adults. A children's show has to understand that the audience is already smart before they can begin to teach them anything.
#answered asks#adventures in writing#i am still so angry over that painful curious george episode#where george suddenly doesn't know what a shadow is#(even though there's an ENTIRE EPISODE about groundhog day)#and four-year-old allie comes out and explains it's his shadow#and then says#i kid you not#'my teacher says that a shadow comes when our bodies block the light'#(perhaps not an exact quote but 'my teacher says' was definitely used and it still pains my every nerve)#and then george wonders something about shadows#and where the earlier seasons were BUILT around george having questions#and then trying out different ways to find answers and solutions#in THIS episode allie says they should just ask the man with the yellow hat#and the man with the yellow hat TELLS them about shadows#in a similar vein there's another late episode where george wonders about migrating birds#(somehow everyone figures out he has these detailed questions even though all he does is grunt and point)#and the man with the yellow hat ponders it while they're shopping#and then I KID YOU NOT professor wiseman shows up and is like 'i can tell you the answer'#it pains me so much i am so enraged for the sake of the children who deserve better#unfortunately my niece has no taste and has not noticed she is being fed inferior mental fare#she just likes watching the japanese monkeys slide down the snow dragon#(which is one of the better parts of one of the later episodes)#(that at least feels of a piece with some of the ghostwritten picture books)#(even though that ENTIRE EPISODE is otherwise 'people tell george things while vapid light pop music plays)
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jyou-no-sonoko19 · 9 months
While working on comms, I'm finally finishing my Japanese-dub re-watch of CAoS, and during s4 ep6, I noted that:
The Biblical Lazarus, haunted by what he saw in Hell for the four whole days he was dead, lost his entire fucking mind on resurrection.
Mary Wardwell, dead and damned for almost six months and resurrected with her old life completely bamboozled… did not.
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starry-simming · 1 year
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Jacob’s first days helping out around the house go well. He’s overenthusiastic to do it all, so Caroline and Tommy have had some more free time. Mostly he helps fix up broken appliances and tends to the garden with his mom. 
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Today he goes to town and runs into Altha. She’s had her birthday recently, too, a few days after his. 
“We should go out by the river. Behind my house.” Jacob suggests. “I’m done with everything for the day.”
“Let’s go before my mother sees.” Altha grins and hurries away across the bridge. “Just because we’ve gotten older, she thinks we need supervising.” 
“I just know my father will be the same.” Jacob groaned, following close behind. For him, it was all the more fun to have to be sneaky about spending time with his friend. 
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They spent the day fishing, although none of them were able to catch anything. And for once Jacob was home early enough to catch his siblings coming back from school. 
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kotalefanzu · 2 years
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Jodio I took 17 Benadryl and I’m seeing the hat man
jodio says:
dw hes there to collect my money u better pay up
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blujayonthewing · 1 year
I think about that time aubree got a casual hookup a lot I think largely because it was a time something nice happened to her with no downsides
#I am imagining her being treated softly. I am imagining her being touched gently. I am imagining her falling asleep in soft arms.#aubree talks about cooking with a gnome who named herself after an herb and drinks wine and has sex and wakes up and makes coffee for two#and doesn't think or talk about The Horrors even once. for twelve blessed hours. what a concept#I've had three glasses of wine and I am now crying about my blorbo ahskfdlsh she just has NO SUPPORT in the PARTY!!#justin has built a world full of kindness and goodness where being kind makes a real difference#where you can form real and rewarding connections with people in a living and responsive world and it's so wonderful#but we travel because we're adventuring!! so aubree only has the party actually present!!#and the party consists of a bard who works overtime to be rude and mean and make a BAD impression everywhere we go for no reason#and an overwrought teenager whose trauma is 1) the only trauma that matters and 2) overpowers ANY of those real and meaningful connections#her player constantly like 'ooOHhhHh justin your GRIM WORLD you are PUTTING LISBET THROUGH IT hohohooo'#ACTUALLY the entire POINT of this grim world is to highlight the power of love and hope in the face of darkness and despair!!#but you keep CLOSING YOUR EYES TO THAT!! and CHOOSING TO PLAY GRIMDARK NO MATTER WHAT!!#so I'm just sitting here like :) this is a world full of kindness and hope and aubree doesn't get any#cause she's the only one IN the party BRINGING any!!#and we don't stay long enough with any one NPC for them to be there for her#LAYS on the FLOOR.#it's a weird contrast with mel who is ALSO profoundly lonely because mel doesn't understand that#and if she DID she HAS friends she could lean on-- zhartook at the very least and probably also claire#aubree grew up in a big family in a tight community-- she KNOWS she needs connection and right now doesn't feel like she HAS anyone#sucksss#about me#aubree
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astxrwar · 2 years
the ableism of that one episode of gravity falls makes me :|
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toybeluga · 1 year
whoa I'd seen ao3 authors talk about the seretonin hit from comments and kudos but hooooly shit that hits like something else. like I've gotten nice comments on art before but wowwwwww those have nothing on a comment talking about specific reactions to sentences in a chapter I am so high on life right now I already tried to comment on fics but I am going to go forth and comment EVEN HARDER now
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ars0nism · 2 years
personally i think we should stop killing characters who are really nice i dont think they deserve it
this post was made by just played that mission in ffxiv heavensward gang
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chiropteracupola · 2 years
for all that I whined that flocking is a very slow process, it does get slapped on all in one go and is then Done in as long as it takes for the glue to dry.  and yeah, I did end up processing way more hair than I’ll actually need for this, but it’s still taking forever to glue a layer and wait for it to dry and glue a layer and so on and so on...
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