#ada interactions
taleswrittena · 1 year
@daywalkwithme​ from here bc of the editor issue
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It is all too amusing to watch his reaction. To listen to him blame her for him being here when she never once forced him to be. Sure, she had extended an invitation, but she didn’t hold a gun to his head and demand he come.
“You came of your own free will.” Ada points out, arms crossing over her chest as she tilts her head to meet his gaze. She seems quite amused at his reaction to this entire thing, it’s written all over her face.
“You can go, if you’d like. I’m not forcing you to stay.” She can handle this just fine on her own, no matter the circumstances. She’s found her way out of many situations before without so much as a scratch.
“Hm.” She pretends to think for a moment, “And just what are you proposing? I do hate to be in debt with people.”
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taleswritten · 4 months
@wewantwar from here
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"Stalking you? Oh please, you're not special enough for me to stalk you." Ada scoffs at him. The hell does he think, she just goes around following him around? No, she's got better things to do than that.
It's a situation of wrong place, wrong time, and honestly? Ada doesn't really care what he's doing - it's none of her business. Whatever it is, it's personal, and she wants nothing to do with it.
"I'm not afraid to get blood on my hands, you of all people should know this. I just don't see why I should help clean up a mess I didn't make."
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okaykois · 1 year
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i’m waiting so patiently for separate ways dlc :-)
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sableeira · 6 months
I love how we go from episode 3 “no one ever figured out what Dazai’s former occupation was” to episode 5 “Dazai corrects someone in detail on the mafia’s revenge mo”
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eerizon · 8 months
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a doodle that i put a little too much energy into.
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deluluzai · 7 months
I SWEAR I will commit smth if Dazai and Kunikida don't get like a reunion. Bro they're literally PARTNERS, and like imagine how Kunikida couldn't call Dazai every morning anymore bc he was in JAIL and then comes back with a broken leg and shoulder...
God same for Atsushi and Dazai, and like the ADA in general, like I feel like ADA is a family and they were in touch the whole time this war was going on except for Dazai and yk.. :(
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ellipsiseffervescent · 3 months
Taking nuanced characters and debating whether they are morally "good" or "bad" is so boring actually
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kyouka-supremacy · 11 months
I'm so so mad Chuuya was still with the pm in Beast!!!! Give Chuuya a universe where he can be happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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spiralingemptyness · 3 days
love myself for stalking tags and shit
saw a death island luis one shot and idea
I don’t write fanfic (half tempted to, considering the ideas I have but ao3 writers have it rouuugh)
so take this instead
Luis: where would my squire be without his knight
Leon: I got no clue but I’m glad I don’t have to find out
Chris: you seeing this shit…
Claire: ya, it’s love dipshit, get with the program
Chris: I know that you ass. I’m talking about the fact that someone can touch Leon without him scratching them like a feral cat-
Rebecca: they’re actually quite sweet together, Leon often brings Luis lunch if he gets caught up with work
Chris: who the fuck are you and what have you done with the Leon I know…
realistically speaking if Luis was to live, he’d probably be stuck with Ada, not that that’s a bad thing 🤔🤔
also side note Chris is the only one who gets ‘scratched like a cat’ by Leon, and he’s pissy about it
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crimescrimson · 2 months
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Ada Wong & Leon S. Kennedy: The History [ Resident Evil 4 (2023) ]
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ineffablejaymee · 4 days
the best part about the chuuya in the ADA AU are the paralels between him and yosano
id kill for chuuya to be told 'this is the one place which doesnt need you (your ability)'
theres something beautiful about chuuya finally putting his loyalty with people who wont exploit him for his ability. people who want him, as a human, a member of the team and dont really care that he can create black holes. people who want his loyalty, friendship and skills and not for the sole reason chuuya doesnt feel human
another thing to consider is fukuzawas ability. if it means giving chuuya control over the corruption he wouldnt need dazai anymore. they could shift their relationship as codependent into simply people who trust eachother and enjoy eachothers company despite the emotional baggage they have
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taleswrittena · 1 year
@daywalkwithme sent [ COVER ]:     while hiding from persecutors, sender pushes the receiver against a wall and uses their body to hide the receiver’s face from view. ( to Ada )
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Being a spy, Ada is well versed in the art of distractions. They're being followed, she's figured that out about five minutes ago when they first started following. The question is, did Blade notice too, and did these guys know exactly who they are following?
Whoever they are, Ada has a long list of enemies, it could be anyone.
They turn in a corner and before the culprits can see where they had gone, Ada finds herself spun around and shoved against the wall. She knows exactly what he's doing so she accepts it, she does not try to peer around him, no reason to give them a chance to see her face.
"You know, if you really wanted to protect me from whoever is chasing us, you could kiss me. That tends to make people go away." Lips curl up in a teasing smirk.
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fairybonesandstardust · 6 months
fukuzawa trying to get his kids (the ADA) to fight with their fists less and their words more
everyone shaking their heads snd ignoring him because he’s obviously being a pacifist and diplomatic and violence works best for the ADA
yukichi “mean girl” fukuzawa whose has on many occasions been known to make grown men cry:
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carbonateds-oda · 1 month
close enough. Welcome back souheki 🎉
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wolfiewuvs · 2 months
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Ada Wong care giver (CG) moodboard
DNI • ddlg, nsfw, anti-agere, anti-petreg, proships
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remnantsofthepast-if · 4 months
Happy Valentine’s Day! May your day be filled with love and happiness from friends, family, and romantic partners if you have them, but more importantly from yourself!
While it’s still quite early in the relationship with the Remnant’s ROs, that doesn’t mean they don’t want to celebrate it with their love! Some more than others, and some in a more extravagant and wild way while others prefer something more quiet and simple. But they’re all genuine and romantic in their own way! Let’s stick with the adorable side of all for this year, all right? :D
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