#actually the first thing i ever taught myself by ear on my harp was a little riff from autoclave
fructidors · 1 year
my toxic trait is mishearing all the guitars and cellos in early hifi tmg songs as harps
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faelune-home · 4 years
(A/N: Cos somehow a girl managed to fire out 3700+ words over two weeks. Hope y’all like it.
Focuses on my main miqo WoL Fufu. A little night of piano playing shared w/ Alphinaud. Set during Early Heavensward
Also available on Ao3 here
The door to Fortemps Manor creaked to a close, yet a sharp gust of wind managed to sneak through anyway, catching Alphinaud and making him shiver. Even after having spent some few weeks in Ishgard, he still wasn’t quite used to the chill snap that gripped the city. Perhaps now was the time to finally think about investing in a winter jacket...or maybe a new attire altogether.
He made his way through the halls, intent on returning to the room gifted to him by Count Fortemps so that he could continue his work before turning in for the night. There was already so much to be done, with the paperwork he had offered to do for the count in return for his hospitality, as well as looking into the disappearances of the Scions, and then there was the news of a primal apparently floating around Abalathia’s Spine…
Just as he had reached his door however, he stopped, his attention caught by what sounded like music further down the hall. A light tinkling of piano keys he deduced. Curiosity took hold, as Alphinaud was certain he hadn’t heard a piano within the manor before that night. Yet in his moment of distraction, his papers almost slipped from his hands, reminding him of his evening work. Caught between leaving the curious sound for the night or trying to source it, it wasn’t until one of the maids of the house passed by carrying linens, humming away with a smile on her face that he finally relented and set off deeper into the manor.
Down the corridor, and round a corner, passing yet another humming maid, the music grew louder, until he finally came to a partly opened door. Barely wide enough to allow any light out, yet the music flowed out into the hallway. Yet while he had found the source, one finally question itched, just one more answer, who...
Peeking through the crack in the door, he saw Fufu, the Warrior of Light sitting at the piano, tapping away at the keys. Her tail swished happily behind her, and her pigtails swung side to side as she swayed along to the melody of her own making. He almost wanted to assume he could hear her humming along as well. An occasional fumble of fingers would send an off key note, yet her deft hands could follow up and keep on track, and it was like it hadn’t even happened. The atmosphere within the room seemed so jovial for only having one person inside. But then she did seem to have the talent to bring cheer with her wherever she went. Was it a Bardic skill or something naturally inherent to the miqo’te?
Alphinaud had often dismissed her musical moments in times past, considering it time that could’ve been better spent on other tasks, yet now there he stood, drawn in by her whimsical little tune. In fact, before he could argue with himself to simply leave and go back to his room, having solved the mystery that had briefly snatched him, he stepped forth and pushed the door open fully, the groan of the hinges catching the occupant’s attention and bringing her merry tune to a halt. 
Fufu spun round on the piano stool, giving her companion a broad smile and saying, “Oh, welcome back! I didn’t realise you’d gotten in.” He returned her greeting with a light nod of his own and said, “It’s no worry, I can see you were quite busy.” 
Her ears flicked and she hummed, “I might’ve been a bit too into that one, I’m not even certain what time it is now.” As she turned to try and catch the chronometer in the room, Alphinaud stepped forward and asked, “Actually, could you play it again? If it’s alright.” This earned him another broad grin and an enthusiastic nod.
“Of course! I’ll try my best.” She turned back to the piano, however rather than start playing again, she shuffled over on the seat and patted the empty space, looking expectantly at the elezen. Though somewhat surprised at the gesture - after all, there was a perfectly good couch within the room he would’ve gladly taken instead - he stepped forward and joined the miqo’te on the seat, placing his papers on the side table.
As the warrior’s fingers continued to dance along the keys, picking up the melody once more, he couldn’t help but watch, mesmerised at how they moved now that he had a closer view. Hands long calloused from her work with the bow now tapped away and created a bubbly little tune, so fitting for her character.
“How long have you known how to play?” he asked, the question coming to mind as he recalled seeing her more often with a harp for her minstreling, as well as the single time he had seen her strumming away at a small lute.
“Only a few weeks, really. Started a few days after we first got here,” she answered, never stopping her merry tune. Alphinaud blinked, surprised.
“Truly?” She nodded, then leaned closer to him like she was sharing a secret and added, “If you were to ask how long I’ve been playing well, the maids stopped giving me dirty looks last week I think.” Then she laughed, and the song seemed to jump up in rhythm with her. He wasn’t quite deterred however, as another question nagged at him.
“But...how? Did you learn, I mean.” At this, Fufu took one hand off the piano, the other continuing to play, picked up a book from the table next to her side of the piano and handed it to the younger boy, saying, “I taught myself. I found this book in the library while I was looking for something else. Apparently Lord Edmont tried to have Artoirel learn when he was a boy, but it didn’t really work.”
Alphinaud flipped through the pages, noting how easily presented most of the information was - ‘most’, as he could only assume the book was meant as a companion piece for an actual instructor. Yet all the same, it seemed understandable, and if one had the drive enough to learn…
“I’ll confess, I’m impressed,” he admitted. This earned him one of her wide grins, her sharpened teeth catching the light. Curiosity mostly sated now, he turned his attention to the music sheet on the stand, only to realise something else.
“Have you been improvising this whole time?” Indeed, while the tune was similar to the one that had initially drawn him to the room, there was a noted difference in how it was played; a higher key perhaps, and what seemed initially like the repeated chorus was instead rather different. Fufu nodded vigorously, saying, “Yup! The sheets were good to learn, but this is more fun.” Now completely at a loss for words at his companion’s skill, the boy could only sit, listening with a much keener ear as the miqo’te tapped out her free flowing music.
Even when she eventually drew one song to a close - with an over exaggerated flourish that Alphinaud couldn’t help but smile at - she started another afterward, this time a slower piece, more fitting over a wind down for the night. The lower notes of the tune seemed to thrum in the air, and he could feel the low buzz in his chest. Logically he could say it was just the close proximity to the piano, but at this point he wouldn’t quite be surprised if it were Fufu’s doing…
“Did you ever learn an instrument?” He was snapped from his unexpected reverie, seeing the woman staring at him intently after her question, the music itself even slower now as her attention had shifted.
“I mean,” she continued, turning back and picking up her pace again, “to my knowledge, it just seems like something fancy families try to do with their kids, like Lord Edmont and Artoirel.” At the reference, her ear flicked toward the book resting on Alphinaud’s lap, however his attention had been caught elsewhere.
“Fancy?” he echoed, looking mildly offended at the remark. The music finally came to a complete stop as she turned to face him, an amused smirk on her face. She repeated, “Yes, fancy. You got to receive a high class education at a renowned school—“
“The Studium is open to all, even some few outside of Sharlayan,” he countered.
“Well, you’d walk around using your family name in so many places like it’d just open all the doors, and actually I think it did a lot of the time.”
He flinched, recalling how that arrogance had saw them flee to Ishgard in the first place for safety, yet he argued back anyway, “That was far more to do with the impact my grandfather had in Eorzea as opposed to—“
“Your family has manservants,” she interrupted, with a degree of finality in her voice that made him stop, and despite a light stammer as he tried to respond, he ultimately hung his head and said, “Fine. I suppose that isn’t a common thing for most families.”
“Nope, only fancy ones,” she replied, still wearing that amused smile. Then she leaned in close, as though waiting. Recalling her initial question, a small smile crossed his lips as a memory came to him.
“I’ve never learned, nor has my sister, but mother did suggest it once. She always said it would allow us to appreciate the arts or something similar.” He then chuckled, “Alisaie almost threw a fit at the idea, saying that she didn’t want to end up being dolled up and forced to perform for others entertainment, much to mother’s disappointment. I told her I wasn’t much interested either, and she didn’t bring it up again.” 
The miqo’te hummed. “I see.” Then leaned back into the boy and asked, “Do you want to learn how to play?”
He blinked, curious. “Are you offering to teach?” Fufu shrugged, looking sheepish as she said, “I don’t know if I’d be that great of a teacher, but I could try. And if I’m not, then I could maybe see if Jehantel wouldn’t mind helping.” 
Although tempted, Alphinaud shook his head, saying, “I appreciate the offer, however I think I’ll decline. At least for now. We both have far too much happening right now to dedicate any real attention to any lessons.” He had his own duties after all, and as well as helping the Fortemps in her own way, he knew that Fufu had also picked up some extra errands amongst the local Ishgardians. In hindsight, her having self-taught herself the piano on top of her many duties was all the more astounding.
“That’s fair,” she nodded, fortunately not looking too upset at the rejection, “But the offer’s always available for the future, if you change your mind!” He nodded, smiling back at her, “Of course.” Satisfied, the woman adjusted herself on the seat and lifted her hands to the keys once more. 
She beamed, “One more song before bed then?” She didn’t wait for an answer, not that the boy would refuse, and started playing. It started a bit slowly, a muddle of low notes as though she were still deciding on what to play, before the tune seemed to collect itself. It was another slow song, and Alphinaud could definitely feel himself starting to relax with it.
“I have to admit, you do have a way with music,” he sighed, trying to resist the urge to lean against the miqo’te and disrupt her playing, even if the soothing melody seemed to be making him feel rather sleepy. “That you can teach yourself how to play something like this while also keeping up with so much else, and then the ability to improvise besides.”
Fufu shrugged, “I wouldn’t say it's that special. The improvising I mean. I just kinda play away until it sounds right then keep playing that.”
“Tis a talent nonetheless. A valued one for any field. Even in battle, should the need arise, being able to adapt freely is a useful skill.” Fufu nodded at his words, though she still looked unsure.
“Maybe… I’ll be honest, improvising is fun with music, but in a combat situation, I still prefer working from a plan. If I have to start thinking on my feet when the plan isn’t working then fine, but having an idea of what to do feels a lot more secure. I’ve gotten a lot more done with others to tell me what to do than I have just doing stuff on my own.” At this point, the music had stopped. The miqo’te simply stared ahead, over the piano and straight out the window at the drifting snows outside.
Concern for his friend at her very sudden mood change shook the drowsiness from Alphinaud’s mind. “Come now, you act as if you’re no better than a common soldier following orders.”
“I’m not saying that’s what I want,” she sighed, shrugging her shoulders. “I’m just saying there’s...comfort, I think, in having someone else step up and know what to do. It’s reassuring when I’m lost.” Then a small smile came upon her face, as her eyes shone in remembrance.
“Actually, that reminds me… I didn’t really want to share this, just because I thought it’d seem overly sentimental and silly--”
“Really? I suppose that would be out of character,” the boy interrupted, with what he hoped sounded like a tone of levity. To his relief, Fufu smirked, clearly amused as she gave him a light nudge with her arm, then said, “Please, I’m trying to be serious. And I do know when to stop before something is too much.”
She leaned back, staring at the ceiling, hands holding onto the edge of the stool, and after a long pause, she started, “It was after the attack on the Waking Sands. I was just supposed to go back and see Minfilia and find out what was happening next. Maybe it would’ve been dealing with Garuda anyway, maybe it’d be something else, another ascian trail hunt, I don’t know. And I never really will because of everything that happened.” The mood had turned sombre again.
“I didn’t know what to do. The only thing I could do was go to the church near Drybone, ‘cos that’s what Minfilia said...it was the last thing Noraxia told me. And even then, while I was there, I just did what others asked or suggested, trying to help where I could to feel useful, but I didn’t really know what to do. Y’shtola and Yda were missing and I didn’t know if I could get in touch with them, and the Garleans were looking for Echo users so I didn’t want to go back to Gridania in case they attacked there. And when it looked like they were near the church anyway targeting Cid, I thought I’d have to run off just in case to keep people safe, but then…”
She stopped, straightening up in the seat, and after another pause that almost had Alphinaud consider jumping in himself, she said, “Well I guess the most honest thing I can say is that you showing up was a big help to me.”
He blinked, rather taken aback at her statement. “Me?”
She nodded. “Yup. Like I said, I already had no clue what to do at that point, so when you showed up saying we were going to find Cid’s airship and deal with Garuda - well, of course we got caught up in all the Ishgardian bureaucracy which made it take longer, but the point is, it was more of a plan than I had. And after Operation Archon, you were the one that suggested the move to Revenant’s Toll for the Scions so we could work on more neutral ground-”
“I fear you’re giving me far too much praise here. So often I’ve worked in tandem with others, to claim sole credit would be rather arrogant.” And Twelve knows he was aware of his follies as it was.
However Fufu shook her head. “I know you didn’t do everything alone, of course not. But I’m talking about the things you did do. There’s nothing wrong with acknowledging that. Hells, we wouldn’t be here in Ishgard if you hadn’t put in the work to champion on their behalf during the dravanian attacks.”
At this, Alphinaud shot to his feet and snapped, “We’re here in Ishgard precisely because of me! Twas mine own fault that we have lost our comrades and been forced from the Stones-”
“No,” she countered forcefully, getting to her feet to stand beside him, even if she was yet taller than him, “That was not your own fault, that was the Braves-”
“And they were my responsibility, I share the blame for not realising that they were never truly under my command. I led them into the city states and proclaimed them protectors of the people. I was the fool and I don’t deserve the admiration you seem to have for me.” He stepped out from the piano stool and made for the door to the room, ready to make for somewhere else, anywhere else, when Fufu grabbed his arm and stopped him with a pleading, “Wait, please.”
When he didn’t move any further or try to shake her grip, she gently pulled him toward the couch in the room, sitting them both down. He initially looked away, the guilt dredged up from his outburst preying upon his mind and making him think back and replay that night’s events again, until he felt the woman take his hand. Looking back, he was surprised to see her eyes shining with their own guilt, her ears flat against her head.
“I’m sorry,” she said, “I didn’t mean to make it sound like I had some blind hero worship for you. I only meant that I was grateful. Like I said, when I was left at that church with nothing to do except take on other people’s favours, I was just lost. You just put me back on the path to actually doing something.” She then squeezed his hand tighter as she looked down, somehow even more downtrodden as she continued, “Thinking about it, maybe I was blind actually. I could’ve said something about the Braves since I helped to set it up, and I was there for nearly every step of the way, but I never saw anything. I just knew that every other idea had worked out fine, so perhaps this would as well.”
Finally giving him a rueful smile, she said, “Maybe I deserve the blame for the Braves as well.” 
“No,” Alphinaud said firmly, taking his hand from her and readying to argue, until Fufu grabbed his shoulders and said with her own adamant certainty, “Then stop. What’s done is done, and we can only move on. Isn’t that what we’re trying to do? Remembering our mistakes is fine, if we only use that to improve. And you’ve been good about that, just every now and then you get really down about it like you’re still the only one at fault for it.” Alphinaud nodded, feeling a touch sheepish at her impassioned words.
“You’re right. My apologies, I shouldn’t have gotten quite so pathetic there,” he sighed, giving her a grateful smile in return. Fufu smiled back, clearly relieved.
“Good. We don’t have any time for that sort of pity party after all,” she chuckled, ruffling the boy’s hair and giggling harder at his indignant, “Hey”.
“And for what it’s worth, the Braves were a good idea in theory. You did have a point when you said that we Scions would need our own personal force to help all of the city states. We just didn’t account for...well, everything else.”
He nodded. “I suppose so, but I doubt we could make a second attempt at such a thing. People would be less trusting of the idea, not to mention so long as monetarists like Teledji or Lolorito exist, they would still try to gain advantage of the group.”
“Or make it harder for them to do their jobs,” Fufu added, recalling the pompous statue of Lolorito that stood in Vesper Bay; his answer to the Scions refusing his advances.
“Well, we’ll just have to work twice as hard to make up for,” she stated, sitting up straight and punching her fist into the air. The miqo’te then turned to face the boy again, giving him a broad grin as she said, “And I want you there with me.”
“You’re quite certain?”
She nodded. “You’re still better at making plans and strategizing than I am. Just because you worked more with others before, or a few of those ideas didn’t work out like you hoped doesn’t change that. So I want you to keep doing what you do best. And in return, I’ll try and do my part to make sure they’ll work out, or even stepping up to tell you if it won’t work. I won’t leave you to take the worst of it.” She held her hand out, and after only a moment’s thought, Alphinaud nodded and took it, the two shaking firmly.
“I would like that a lot,” he said. Just then, a loud chime broke out in the room, making them both jump. The chronometer on the wall read 10 o’clock.
“Gods, has it gotten so late?” He sighed, mumbling, “I won’t be able to do much of that paperwork now.” He stood and collected the papers from beside the piano, bowing politely to his companion and saying, “Thank you for tonight. The music and the discussion. I feel like we stand on more even ground now.”
“We didn’t before?” Fufu asked, albeit with a smile.
“Maybe we did...but this was nice to confirm all the same. Now if you’ll excuse me, I should head to bed.” He turned for the door, however the miqo’te’s call of “Wait!” stopped him. Turning back, he watched her stumbled quickly back to the piano and, to his amusement, pat the stool seat beside her.
“I didn’t get to finish playing properly before. So,” she turned, eyes glowing, “one more song before bed?”
He joined her once more. “Feel free, my friend.”
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zoeygreensimblr · 5 years
Mine (Episode 12)
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Monday morning, 9am and Mrs Caliente decided would be a great time to call an "Emergency" year 12 assembly
"Today officially marks 4 months of your time left in year 12" She reminds us, as if none of us are counting down the days until we are free of this place. "For some of you it will be time well spent studying for your upcoming exams but there are others who will waste this opportunity and will crash and burn so close to the finish line"
"Such a motivating speech" Cassie whispers to me and I can't help but laugh. I swear the teachers at this school spend their weekends thinking up inspirational speeches that do nothing to inspire any of us to try harder, it's just time in which we could be doing what they keep harping on at us about, studying.
"From today there will be no more new modules taught in any subject" She continues and we all cheer, "But this time will now be devoted solely studying and revision. Extra tudor time will be offered before and after school as well as a lunch times, use the tools we have on hand wisely students and you will go far."
"She realises Winter break is next week right" Cassie asks me, "Im not spending my whole time in Del Sol Valley with my nose in a book, I'm coming back with a tan, even if I have to fake it, then Sam might look my way". We both look at Sam, sitting a few rows back from us, his nose in a book and we giggle
"We have a special announcement from your school captains, Teresa and Declan, the floor is yours" Mrs Caliente says, handing the microphone to Tess.
"What is up Year 12", My sister, always the professional captain, I swear she just does the role for the attention it brings her and the roaring crowd proves my point, "We are 4 months away from Formal and tickets will go on sale at lunch time today and will be available for the the next 3 weeks only so get in quick because we need to pay our deposit to Myshuno Meddows and there is no refunds on tickets. Partners are welcome too but alcohol is not" This last part is met with booing from the crowd.
"Is Angus taking you to the formal?" Cassie asks excitedly
"I haven't asked him, I'd love for him to take me but he's 22, I doubt he wants to spend the night with the whole year of 18 year olds" I confess
"We could bring it up today at training if you want to, like in a subtle way?" Cassie suggests and I like that plan, that's Cassie for you, she's great at finding stuff out without asking directly
"That sounds great. Are you going to ask Sam to formal?" I ask her
"No, I'd rather just go stag than embarrass myself getting rejected by Sam" She laughs, "How was your weekend with Angus? Did you do anything fun?"
"If I tell you a secret can you not tell Tess?" I ask her
"YES!!! Must be pretty big for you to keep it from Tess though, you two share everything" She's excited to know something Tess doesn't but I know I can trust Cassie to keep a secret.
"I slept with Angus" I tell her, her eyes go wide
"You had sex?" she asks
"Yes, Saturday Night" I fill her in on all the details, what it was like what he said, what I said, our bath and the sheets.
"Why haven't told Tess though?" curiosity gets the better of her
"She will tell me it's too soon" I tell her
"But she has been on board with You and Angus from the beginning, she even jokes about you sleeping together" She reminds me
"She made a big deal about waiting a year to sleep with Declan, she may joke about Angus and I but I know how she would react and I don't want to subject Angus to Hurricane Teresa coming after him" I explain
"You wanted to do it though right? He didn't pressure you?" She says sounding concerned
"It was always my choice, the whole way through, he gave me opportunities to stop, many times and I didn't want to" I assure her
"He's so dreamy" she says
I'd never kept a secret from Tess before but I felt like I had to, to protect my relationship.
We caught the train to San Myshuro in the afternoon, Angus was out the front of the gym when we arrived, phone to his ear, deep in conversation, he looks angry and I can hear him getting frustrated with whoever is on the other end, he looks up and sees us walking towards him.
"I'm at work, I'll talk to you later in the week" He tells the caller, his tone is so angry, it scares me a little but the anger fades once we are in front of him, the others wave at him and walk inside to check in but I hang back, I need to know that he's alright. He pulls me in for a sneaky hug and I look into his eyes.
"bad day?" I ask him
"Little bit" he says, kissing my forehead
"Wanna talk about it?" I offer
"It's OK, you've got enough on your plate. How was school?" He's changing the subject.
"We have reached the 'study and revision' part of the speeches they want to drum into us" I complain
"They're not wrong though, it's important" He reminds me
"Not you too, I just want to feel less pressure" Now I'm getting frustrated
"Sorry baby" He apologises and kisses me, "Does that help?"
"Yes, thank you" I hug him tightly and then walk inside and notice the absence of Annabelle, when I question Angus he just tells me she's off sick.
"We should go shopping for Formal Dresses on Saturday girls, I know we have 4 months but still can't hurt to start looking" Cassie throws into casual conversation mid training
"Zoey and I will probably need that 4 months to pay dress off so yeah, I agree we go on Saturday. That ok with you Zo?" Tess asks me as if I really have an option to say no
"As long as it's not too early" I request
"Why? Do you have a hot date the night before? Did you know Zoey has a boyfriend Angus? And she spends all weekend with him and now I'm all alone" Tess says playfully
"Ah, I'm right here Tess" Declan reminds her
"I haven't heard a thing about Zoey's boyfriend" Angus plays along, "Did he ask if he can take you to the formal yet?"
"I don't think that would be his thing, hanging around a bunch of kids" I say shyly, hoping he will sense still how much I want him to accompany me but I feel like I can't ask him
"I think he might surprise you Zoey but only if you want him there" He says
"I want him there" I tell him and he smiles that cheeky smile.
"Ugh get a room" Tess laughs at us
"Declan is Sam going to the formal" I ask for Cassie
"No idea Zo, we're guys, we don't really talk about anything other than how the Llama's played on the weekend" Declan explains, "Oh by the way Angus, thanks for Sunday, seeing a game played on a screen that big was unbelievable"
"They're playing a home game this Saturday, we should go, I've got a box. Ladies, you're welcome to join us after shopping" Angus suggests, Declan is fully on board for seeing a live soccer game but the rest of us couldn't imagine anything worse
"Zoey, Declan was very impressed my car" He tells me, flashing that cheeky smile, "I even let him drive it"
"How does it not do it for you Zo?" Declan joins in on teasing me
"Maybe I'd be more impressed by it if Angus would let me to drive it" I tell them
"Can you drive Zoey?" Angus asks surprised
"I can but.."I'm too embarrassed to tell him, luckily Tess is not so shy about throwing me under bus
"She failed the test 3 times before passing, can't drive outside of Brindleton Bay because traffic scares her and can only drive auto" Thanks Tess, always there to show off my flaws, "Whereas I passed first go in a manual" She talks herself up
"An over confident driver doesn't make you the best Teresa" I tease her, knowing she hates when I use her actual name but she just laughs at me
"You can drive my car" Angus tells me before adding in "We'll go to suburbs though, not in the City"
"You're a brave man Angus" Tess teases him
"I'm an insured man Teresa Green" He fires back and Cassie shoots Tess a look of shock
"Wait, your surname is Green, as in Trees are Green?" She laughs loudly
"No, My surname is Lothario thank you very much" She corrects Angus, "I had the common sense to change that a few years ago"
"Why is yours still Green then Zoey?" Cassie asks me, "You hate your father for what he did, why still carry his name?"
"Because I don't want to wait 8 hours at City Hall, spend hundreds of dollars and have to fill out a stack of paperwork just to become Zoey Lothario, Don knows I love him and consider him our father, he's ok with it" I explain, adding "Anyway I only want to change my surname once in my lifetime" I put my head down, feeling silly for my own admission in front of Angus.
"Run Angus, run" Tess teases, adding to my insecurity but Angus saves me by telling the others
"Why would I ever run from this girl? She's gorgeous" and I blush, he's being my hero and I love him for it.
Our session is done for the day and we get ready to hit the showers.
"Can I borrow you for a moment before you go tonight?" He asks and of course my answer is yes.
I let the others know I won't be long and Angus walks me to his small office, he closes the door behind us and steals a kiss from me.
"I got you something" He tells me
"You didn't have to do that Angus" I explain to him as he hands me a small box, I open the box and inside there is a beautiful gold necklace with a diamond encrusted 'Z' charm, "I love it, thank you but I feel bad that I have nothing to give you". He takes the chain from the box and places it around my neck, clasps it and kisses my neck softly
"You gave me you're ultimate gift on Saturday night so I wanted to get you something to show you that you are special to me and I appreciate what you gave me, I love you Zoey" He explains
"I never thought of my virginity as a gift that I was giving, for a long time I'd viewed it as a burden, it showcased my inexperience" I tell him
"I like your inexperience, It's like I'm the captain of a ship and I get to help you discover yourself" He says and I know exactly what he means, this is all new territory to me but he's always there to guide me.
"I love you Captain Angus" Tell him, kissing him and he spanks me lightly. I love how sweet and cheeky he can be.
On my way out of the room I spot the photo of us from Sulmi, in it he's kissing me on the cheek, we look good together I must admit
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badlydrawnstuff · 5 years
Fate Goes (and has a bad evening)
*OKAY ITS BEEN LIKE SEVERAL MONTHS SINCE THIS DRAFT HAS BEEN OPENED SO WE'RE JUST GONNA.. MOVE ON* Sheepy: Bedi: *he's preparing the outside of the house for Halloween. it's important to be festive!* Sheepy: Bedi: I didn't think we should present our home as scary, so I went with this cute ornament I found in the store instead. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Cute, yeah. If you cover up the entire face, I could agree it's cute! Sheepy: Bedi: What do you mean? Sheepy: Bedi: I thought its face was cute... Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, do you have a costume yet? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Of course not! Sheepy: Bedi: I don't either. I forgot about it. Sheepy: Bedi: Do you have any ideas? Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... Oh, I've got one! Sheepy: Bedi: What is it? Arsé-kun: Merlin: You be me, I'll be you! Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, good idea! Arsé-kun: Merlin: It can't be that hard, can it?? Sheepy: Bedi: It shouldn't be too difficult. Sheepy: Bedi: It doesn't have to be perfect, after all! Arsé-kun: Merlin: And that just makes it easier on us! Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, and we could make it easier by swapping clothing. Arsé-kun: Merlin: That's what I was thinking! Sheepy: Bedi: Perfect. Arsé-kun: Merlin: And we can wait until the last minute to prepare. So lets get back to this. *he picks up and plants a scarecrow with decent force.* Sheepy: Bedi: *he turns his attention to the last thing he put up and begins straightening it* Sheepy: *Lobo is watching them from the window* Sheepy: Bedi:... *he looks up at the window* Oh, that reminds me. We'll need to get Lobo not to tear it up. Sheepy: Bedi: And we'll need to get Rider not to decapitate anything...huh. They're already kind of Halloween themed. Dr. Griffin, too. Arsé-kun: Merlin: They really are, huh? Lucky them. Sheepy: Bedi: But during Christmas...or Easter... Arsé-kun: Merlin: That's when it sucks to be them! Sheepy: Bedi: Or during Updog day. Lucan told me about it, but not details. Sheepy: Bedi: However, I'm sure it's incredibly important. Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... ... What's updog? Sheepy: Bedi: I don't know, unfortunately. Sheepy: Bedi: So you haven't heard of it, either? Arsé-kun: Merlin: *he sighs and stops adjusting a fake tombstone* It's bait to get someone to ask what Updog is! Sheepy: Bedi:...But why? Arsé-kun: Merlin: "What's up, dog", followed by "Not much dog, what's up with you!" Sheepy: Bedi: *he looks completely lost, but his smile is still present* Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, so you're meant to say it to a dog? Arsé-kun: Merlin: "Dog" can be slang for "dude" or "bro". *his airquotes are spot on* Sheepy: Bedi: I see. Arsé-kun: Merlin: It's.. It's a kid friendly variation on sugma. Sheepy: Bedi: Ah... Sheepy: Bedi:.... Sheepy: Bedi: Like the fire slug in the game Kintoki was playing. Arsé-kun: Merlin: ...? Arsé-kun: Merlin: I guess?? Sheepy: Bedi: That's its name. Arsé-kun: Merlin: We'll just have to ask, huh? Sheepy: Bedi: Ask whom? Kintoki? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Yeah. Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, I suppose. Arsé-kun: Angra: *he strolls outside, his goal being to ruin the nice pile of leaves* Just google it, you old tart! Sheepy: Bedi:....? Sheepy: Bedi: *he tilts his head* "Google"... Arsé-kun: Merlin: *he promptly pulls his phone out to google it* Oh, it's Slugma. Was close, though. Sheepy: Bedi: I'm afraid I can't "google" anything. I'm not aware of such a verb. Sheepy: Bedi: I apologize. Arsé-kun: Angra: *he stops and squints so hard his eyes are slivers* You not use the internet or something? You an old retired man? Sheepy: Bedi: Once again, I'm not familiar with such things. Arsé-kun: Angra: Your fuckbuddy does streams and you don't know shit? Sheepy: Bedi: Ah! That's magic! *he's beaming* Isn't he amazing!? Arsé-kun: Angra: Sweet merciful zoroastrian feast of fucks. *he puts his hands on his face. his face is gone. incredible void boy tricks* It's all wires and signals. Edison n' Tesla would shit themselves over it. Sheepy: Bedi: I'm afraid...I do not follow your explanation. Arsé-kun: Angra: Wizrad, I am stealing your idiot! I'm teaching him how to use the internet! Arsé-kun: Merlin: Have fun! Sheepy: Bedi: I don't understand. Arsé-kun: Angra: You're about to! *he grabs onto the Airgetlam and very, very quickly regrets his decisions. But he sticks to it!* Sheepy: *Airgetlam glows upon being touched.* Sheepy: Bedi: I...I see. *he doesn't appear to notice it at all.* Arsé-kun: Angra: C'mon, we're goin' in! Gonna show you how to look up shit and cool swords, or whatever you knights like! Arsé-kun: *Angra goes to drag Bedi inside. Airgetlam is in no danger of being torn off on accident- Angra's not strong enough to do that, even if he wanted to.* Sheepy: *bedi follows, confused still* Sheepy: Bedi: Why? Arsé-kun: *Angra grabs a nearby laptop and opens it up. It ain't his.* Arsé-kun: Angra: Because the world runs on this shit, kid. Sheepy: Bedi:....! Sheepy: Bedi: Internet is sunlight. Arsé-kun: Angra: It's closer to lightning, I think! Arsé-kun: Angra: Chaldea? Internet. Phones? Some net. Streams? Net. Electricity is wild. Sheepy: Bedi: Net? Sheepy: Bedi: Like fishing net. Arsé-kun: Angra: Internet. I ain't sayin' it every single time. Sheepy: Bedi: So Chaldea is internet. Arsé-kun: Angra: It sure has a lot of it! Okay, here. *he pulls up the equivalent of google that's used these days.* What do ya wanna look up? Anythin'. Sheepy: Bedi: *he looks up* Arsé-kun: Angra: ... ... On the internet, you literal turd. Sheepy: Bedi: Like in tomes. Arsé-kun: Angra: Yes! Sheepy: Bedi: I don't know. Sheepy: Bedi: Perhaps on wolves to figure out how to prevent them from tearing up your decorations... Arsé-kun: Angra: *he looks up "Stopping dogs from ruining decorations", and in a second tab looks up "How to google on the internet", before passing the laptop off to Bedi* Go fucking nuts, go feral, go play. Sheepy: Bedi: What? Arsé-kun: Angra: Oh, man. *he very slowly opens the first link for the first search, so Bedi can watch* Like that. Arsé-kun: Angra: You can read, yeah? You're not dumb? Sheepy: Bedi: I can read. Arsé-kun: Angra: Then get readin'! Searching stuff is just a book on a screen. Sheepy: Bedi:...I, um.. Sheepy: Bedi: I still don't understand why. Arsé-kun: Angra: Because the net's got everythin'! It's got all the books! All of 'em! Shit's wild. Arsé-kun: Angra: And everybody these days relies on it more than their legs half the time! Not literally! Sheepy: Bedi: Really? So it's a library? Arsé-kun: Angra: A big wired library! Sheepy: Bedi: I see! Sheepy: Bedi: I'd like to visit this library one day!! Arsé-kun: *Angra leans over to bring up a third search. "What is the internet and how do I use it?" It has video results! Bedi (probably) knows what videos are! I hope??* Arsé-kun: *Bedi will now be inconvenienced by The World's Evil, for at least an hour. Or that's what Angra's gonna say about it. He's just as interested in how it actually works.* Sheepy: *Bedi seems to be getting more and more anxious as time passes.* Arsé-kun: *Sucks to be you, Angra thinks!* Sheepy: Bedi: Well, it's just... Arsé-kun: Angra: A gigantic waste of time? Sheepy: Bedi: I left in the middle of helping Merlin. Sheepy: Bedi: Y...no. Arsé-kun: Angra: Yes? Great! I've taught a thing and ruined your afternoon! *yesssss!* Sheepy: Bedi: I do appreciate what you've told me... Sheepy: Tristan: How sad, how sad. Arsé-kun: Angra: What's depressin' you this week, sad man? Sheepy: Tristan: The day of Halloween is on the horizon, and yet, I have not even begun to set sail. Sheepy: Tristan: *he strums his harp* It occurred to me that it wouldn't matter, because even if I were to dress up as something else, it would never change how despicable a man I am. Sheepy: Tristan: How sad, how sad. Arsé-kun: Angra: Aww, cute! If the sum of evil can do it, what's stoppin' you, pumpkin? *he is absolutely teasing Tristan. At least he's not being snappy about it* Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, to be a Knight of the Round Table, filled wih confidence of tomorrow. Ah, to be the evil of the world, fearless, uncaring of how others may judge him. Arsé-kun: Angra: Here's this villain's advice! Just put on cat ears and you're done. Sheepy: Tristan: And yet, I quiver before this decision of mine, incapable of escaping from the standstill I have put myself in. Arsé-kun: Angra: ... *he googles "Lazy halloween costumes"* Sheepy: Tristan: I wouldn't be a very beautiful cat in my current state. Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, I can only be a thing of beauty, for I am a thing of beauty. Sheepy: Tristan: So a cat would be out of the picture, since I'm lacking in four legs and a tail. Sheepy: Tristan: Those, and their ears, are what make them beautiful. So, you see, I could never capture that. Sheepy: Tristan: How sad, how sad. Sheepy: Tristan: Sometimes I'm so beautiful it troubles even myself. Arsé-kun: Angra: *he's run out of responses. completely out.* Sheepy: Bedi: I... Sheepy: Bedi: Y...yes. Sheepy: Tristan: Do you ever feel this way? Arsé-kun: Angra: What, sad? Sure. Sheepy: Tristan: No, no. Sheepy: Tristan: Troubled by your own beauty. Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, I feel a need to always live up to it. Arsé-kun: Angra: As you can see, I'm a black hole! Can't relate! I'm not pretty! Sheepy: Tristan: Perhaps you are but you haven't discovered it yet. Arsé-kun: Angra: I'd say "Hell yeah internal beauty" but man I am one, UGLY, motherfucker. Sheepy: Tristan: Internal beauty is something you're capable of fixing. Sheepy: Tristan: It just requires bravery I do not have. Sheepy: Bedi: I'd recommend a varied and healthy diet. Arsé-kun: Angra: Have you tried eating scorpion yet? Sheepy: Bedi: Oh! I have. Arsé-kun: Angra: Good shit. Sheepy: Bedi: Yes. Sheepy: Bedi: I wouldn't word it that way myself, but... Sheepy: Bedi: I agree with the feelings behind that. Arsé-kun: Angra: Don't eat shit, either, kids, you WILL die. Sheepy: Bedi: I didn't brave such things... Sheepy: Tristan: Hmm? Sheepy: Tristan: But you eat honey. Arsé-kun: Angra: You tellin' me that's bee shit? Sheepy: Bedi:...I don't think honey is bee poop. Arsé-kun: Angra: *New search! What is Honey, actually?* ... ... Honey is bee vomit. I hate this information! You can have it! Sheepy: Bedi:.. Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, that doesn't surprise me. Arsé-kun: Angra: That's not the reply I was looking for! I love it. Sheepy: Bedi: I suspected bees had a deep, dark secret. Sheepy: Bedi: It's a lot less dark than I expected. Arsé-kun: Angra: Like how the Queen can't fly and get her fat little body off the ground because she's terminally fucking bees? Sheepy: Bedi: Or how all female bees are capable of producing eggs, but the queen will eat their eggs. Arsé-kun: Angra: Nice. Sheepy: Bedi: If the queen doesn't respond in time, the female bees will kill her and lay more eggs, but... Arsé-kun: Merlin: ._. Sheepy: Bedi: They don't hatch into anything from what I recall, so the hive ends up...ah, Merlin. I apologize. ...I got distracted and didn't help you. Arsé-kun: Merlin: It's cool, Bedi, got Lance to take over. Sheepy: Bedi: I'm happy to hear that. Sheepy: Tristan: Merlin. Arsé-kun: Merlin: What's up, Tristan? Sheepy: Tristan: I've come across a standstill. How sad. Sheepy: Tristan: I'm too beautiful for any costumes, so I fear diminishing my appearance with them. Sheepy: Tristan:...But I want to join in on the festivities. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Be yourself but hotter. Sheepy: Tristan:....! Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, I knew I could count on you. Sheepy: Tristan: I'll be myself, but with an open jacket. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Wait, I've got more. Dress up as a different class, but you're still fantastic you. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Yes, you understand! Sheepy: Tristan: Hmm? Sheepy: Tristan: Another class.. Sheepy: Tristan:...Yes, I'll be... Sheepy: Tristan: *he poses* Studmuffin class. Arsé-kun: Merlin: New exclusive class! One member only! Sheepy: Bedi:...I don't remember hearing about that class before. Arsé-kun: *angra makes a sound akin to a verbal keysmash* Arsé-kun: Merlin: It exists now because we've said so. Sheepy: Tristan: You can join too, Merlin. I'm sure you qualify for it. Ah, Sir Bedivere, too. Sheepy: Tristan: We'll be the Three Studkateers. Arsé-kun: *mozart breaks into uncontrollable laughter several rooms away. i wonder why* Sheepy: Bedi: I feel like I've been dragged into something that I'll quickly come to regret. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Love to join you, but I'm being Bedi this year. Sheepy: Tristan: The Three Studkateers disband before they even can make group jackets... Sheepy: Tristan: How sad, how sad! Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, I truly am alone on this mission! Arsé-kun: Angra: I'll volunteer with my inner beauty to keep you company! Sheepy: Tristan: We'll be Beauty and the Beast. Sheepy: Tristan: Of course, I take the first role. Arsé-kun: Angra: Better than what I had planned! I'll take Beast! Sheepy: Bedi: I...I'm glad it all worked out in the end. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Yeah, me too. Sheepy: Bedi: But how did things go with Lobo? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Haven't seen him yet, but I get the feeling he's up to something. Sheepy: Bedi: Oh dear... Sheepy: Bedi: *he raises his voice* Lobo! Sheepy: *Lobo walks in with a pumpkin in his mouth* Arsé-kun: Angra: You got it! You've got a pumpkin! Sheepy: Lobo: *He's wagging his tail* Sheepy: Bedi: Lobo, don't eat the ornaments, okay? Sheepy: Lobo: *he glares viciously at Bedi* Arsé-kun: Merlin: I don't think that needs a translation! Sheepy: Bedi: I'll give you any other food you want if you don't eat the ornaments. Sheepy: Lobo:......! Sheepy: Lobo: *he snorts* (Chocolate.) Arsé-kun: Angra: Why, so you eat grass all day tomorrow? Sheepy: Lobo:? Arsé-kun: Angra: Eh, okay! *he hops up to get Lobo some sweets. there is a 50% chance Minako will destroy him during the journey.* Sheepy: Bedi: Where are you going? Arsé-kun: Angra: Gettin' Lobo what he wants. I like keeping my limbs intact! Sheepy: Lobo: *he follows Angra, the pumpkin still in his mouth* Sheepy: Bedi: I...see. Sheepy: Bedi: Is he really that mad...? He seems happy with the pumpkin. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I'm surprised he isn't risking it to tease Lobo. Sheepy: Bedi: Me too. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Even the world's evil is capable of improving.. Arsé-kun: Merlin: That's something to think about. Arsé-kun: *Other current events include! Mephisto, Jekyll, and Jack turning Mink's living room into an impromptu lab (mostly by Mephisto's Terr. Creation), uhhhh, Lance slowly setting up the outside (He's very unsure, and has invited Herc to help), Proto going on some sort of spy mission, and uhhhhhh whatever else we can think of.* Sheepy: Tristan: How sad, how sad! Sheepy: Tristan: Even the world's evil is capable of improvement, and yet I... Sheepy: *Rider is watching Lancelot and Herc, Holmes has joined in on the science club* Sheepy: Tristan: Ah...if only I were capable of it. But instead...my inability to improve... Sheepy: Tristan: Stems from the coldest depths of my soul. Sheepy: Tristan: How sad, how sad! Sheepy: Bedi: I know how to improve at anything, Sir Tristan. If you recognize your flaws and address them, you'll improve. Sheepy: Tristan: Ah...My friend is such a genius! Truly, I'm lucky to have such fri....-!!! Sheepy: Tristan: Th...that's it! Sheepy: Tristan: What a lucky man I am! How joyful! Arsé-kun: Merlin: You do have friends. You seem to doubt that often. Sheepy: Tristan: Ah...but my realization... Sheepy: Tristan: Friends can help me improve as a person. Arsé-kun: Merlin: They absolutely can! Arsé-kun: Jekyll, distantly: Please don't imbibe the chemicals!!! Sheepy: Izou: I'm dumb and don't know what those words mean! Sheepy: Izou: It ticks me off! Sheepy: Izou: It makes me want to drink this weird lookin' alcohol even more! Arsé-kun: Jekyll: Please do not drink the chemicals. It is not alcohol. You won't get drunk. Sheepy: Izou: Then what's the point!? Sheepy: Izou: You smart people are all bland! Arsé-kun: Jekyll: ... *he holds his phone up to his ear for a moment or so* .. I've been corrected. I'm told to inform you that drinking this will make you dead and stupid. In that order. Sheepy: Izou: I'm already both! Sheepy: Izou: Err....wait! Sheepy: Izou: I'm not that - Sheepy: Izou: ...... Sheepy: Izou: Is it...........first...or second...--I don't care! I ain't dead, you smart person! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: You will be once I bomb you to smithereens! *:D* Or the invisible guy can get you, whichever comes first! *he gestures to Jack holding up a visible t-shirt. floating t-shirt. scary.* Sheepy: Izou: stop making up big words! I don't understand them! Are you doing it to make fun of me!? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: You, bomb, explode, die! *this is amusing him far more than it should* Sheepy: Izou: *he huffs* I won't let you if you try! *he puts down the chemical* Sheepy: Izou: Why are you smiling like that!? Are you laughing at me!? Ahhh, you make me so mad! I hate that face of yours! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Thanks! Sheepy: Izou: ? Sheepy: Izou: Thanks? Sheepy: Izou: What did I do? Nothing for you! Why are you thanking me!? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Because! *he puts his own chemicals down and caps them. safety first* You're not supposed to like this demon! You can try to punch me after we wrap this up, okay? Arsé-kun rolled a die with 20 sides. The die showed: 2 Arsé-kun: *The t-shirt is put down. Someone's approaching you, Izou, but you don't see shiiiit. Sure hear it though.* Sheepy: Izou: .......Who's there!? Arsé-kun: Jack: The Invisible Man. You look like you were hit by a damn dump truck and smell like it too. Was that your intention? Sheepy: Izou: Oi! I don't look like- whatever you just said! Sheepy: Izou: I'm not lookin' to impress anyone! One minute I was eatin' out of that little kid's trash, and then the next I ended up in here! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: That explains a lot! Sheepy: Izou: I was gonna try to abduct him for ransom money, but I didn't understand what that meant for what I had to do, so I left it up to the kid. Arsé-kun: Jack: Had you harmed him, you'd have ceased to live. *he goes to pat Izou, and leaves a very clear handprint. Jack's hand is now stained with filth. dis gus tang* Sheepy: Izou: 's that a threat? Is abductin' him harm? Sheepy: Izou: I've only seen it on TV. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: This was a better outcome. *he watches as Jack tries to wipe off the filth and just spreads it across himself. Well, now theres some floating dirt smears* Sheepy: Izou: What? Sheepy: Izou: Oi, th' best outcome would've been getting gambling money. Sheepy: Izou: I'm dumb and never won, not even once! Sheepy: Izou: But it's so much fun! Arsé-kun: Jekyll: There are people to gamble with here. You might even win once or twice. Sheepy: Izou: Oh, I want to gamble! And get drunk! Arsé-kun: Jekyll: I can confirm the presence of booze. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: ... Hyde adds that it is "the good shit". Sheepy: Izou: ! Sheepy: Izou: Gimme, gimme! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Lab adjourned! We'll resume after the holiday! *he picks up Jack's t-shirt and the lab just vanishes. Normal living room resumes it's existence.* Go raid a kitchen, but don't say we sent you~ Sheepy: Izou: Great! Sheepy: Lobo: *he’s sniffing at Jack* Arsé-kun: Jack: *he pats Lobo's nose with his less dirty hand* Do I smell like Shinjuku yet, Lobo? Sheepy: Lobo: *he tilts his head before licking Jack* Sheepy: Izou: !! It’s big! ‘nd fluffy! Arsé-kun: Jekyll: This is Lobo. He might decide you're a toy, so be careful. Arsé-kun: Hyde: Or dinner! Arsé-kun: *Jekyll quickly pats his hair back down. Down, Hyde. Bad. Bad alter-ego.* Sheepy: Lobo: *he looks over at Jekyll before sniffing at Izou* Sheepy: Izou: I'm no toy, nor am I dinner! Sheepy: Lobo: *he bites down on a loose piece of Izou's clothing and starts chewing on it, but Izou is too busy looking smug at Jekyll to notice.* Sheepy: Izou: Fuhahahaha! I'm a scary manslayer! I won't let anyone laugh at me, or I'll cut them down! Especially smart people! Sheepy: Izou: And so that means I'm no one's toy nor dinner! Sheepy: Lobo: *chew, chew* Arsé-kun: Jack: Your scarf sure is. I'm going to clean this grime off. Excuse me, shitheads. *the walking dirt exits scene* Sheepy: Izou:...! Sheepy: Izou: Heyhey, that's not food. I've already tried eating it. Arsé-kun: Angra: Whatt're we doin', pup? *he goes to write "KICK ME" on Izou's scarf* Sheepy: Lobo: *he tilts his head* Arsé-kun: Angra: Daaaaaamn, you're so dirty it's staining pure evil! *his hand is also now stained with gray grime. it doesn't look black on him* Impressive! Sheepy: Izou: Eh? Arsé-kun: Angra: Hi, I'm the villain of the house! Can I inconvenience you? Great! Sheepy: Izou: What? Arsé-kun: Angra: I'm stealing you! I'd hold you for ransom but I'd get a dirty sock and ten qp~ Sheepy: Izou: Where are we goin' Sheepy: Lobo: *he has his mouth open, ready to chew on Izou more* Arsé-kun: Angra: We're goin' up! If we look half decent, we can steal as much as we want from the kitch' and no one can stop us! Sheepy: Izou:...! Sheepy: Izou: Where're we goin'!? Arsé-kun: Angra: Up a floor! Not far! Sheepy: Lobo: *chew chew chew* Arsé-kun: *Mephisto has opted out of this encounter. Goodbye Moose* Sheepy: Izou: Right, I'll follow you. Arsé-kun: *Vlad is currently at the kitchen table, keeping Satoru company. He watches as Angra and Izou pass by, dragging Lobo along behind them. Bc he's still chewing on the scarf. Vlad is unfazed by all this. The only thing he IS fazed by is the smell. Yuck.* Sheepy: Satoru: That's him. Sheepy: Satoru: He seems nice enough. Arsé-kun: Vlad: I see... Did you need yet another dog? Sheepy: Satoru: Dog? Where? Arsé-kun: Vlad: Something about his appearance reminds me of a scruffy street terrier. Sheepy: Satoru: Oh. He reminds me of a rat. Arsé-kun: Vlad: I see that as well, but I quite like rats. Sheepy: Satoru: He asked me to help him kidnap me for ransom money but I said I had to ask you first. Arsé-kun: Vlad: He would have instead gotten my fist as payment, and his blood on the floor as interest. Sheepy: Satoru: That's a weird form of payment. Sheepy: Satoru: What can be bought with it? Arsé-kun: Vlad: Dying by my hand for such crimes. Sheepy: Satoru: Oh. Sheepy: Satoru: Huh. Sheepy: Satoru:.....But, since he lives here now...who...summoned him? Arsé-kun: Vlad: You will have to ask. I may just impale him on the spot. Sheepy: Satoru: Huh? But... Sheepy: Satoru: He's my Servant now. Arsé-kun: Vlad: So he is. Sheepy: Satoru: So killing him, um... Arsé-kun: Vlad: Would be a bad idea. Yes, I understand. Sheepy: Satoru: That's good. Sheepy: Satoru: For now he can just be the weird man who came for dinner and stayed all winter. Sheepy: Satoru: He's unexpected so I won't expect anyone to immediately warm up to him. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Yet, it does sound like some already have. Sheepy: Satoru: That's good. Sheepy: Satoru: Or else...well. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Or well what? What is it, Lassie? Did little Timmy shit in the well? *he continues to think he's funny. Saku stops and stares at him.* Sheepy: Satoru: Mom won't let him sit down. Sheepy: Satoru: Guin probably would chase him down, too. Sheepy: Satoru: And he'd probably smell stinky while everyone tries to eat. Like garbage. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Yes, exactly. Sheepy: Satoru: And I doubt anyone would like that. Arsé-kun: Saku: We would not. Sheepy: Satoru: ...I didn't really think that far before inviting him in. Arsé-kun: Vlad: You didn't. At least you can understand your mistakes. Sheepy: Satoru: If he is a threat in some way, what do w do? Arsé-kun: Vlad: I call first chance at impaling him through the chest with several lances and d- *he has an oven mitt thrown at him. it lands on him and he only stops to glance at Sakura* Yes, yes, I am stopping. Sheepy: Satoru: He already has been stabbed. Arsé-kun: Vlad: There was more, but I seem to not be permitted to continue. Sheepy: Satoru: Oh, okay. Arsé-kun: Mozart: I do hear the shower running upstairs. Maybe someone convinced him to clean up? Sheepy: Satoru: That's good. Arsé-kun: *a bit later on!* Sheepy: Izou: *He's come downstairs and....... did he always have purple hair like that, or...* Arsé-kun: Minako: Oh, you're right. He is fluffy! Sheepy: Satoru: He looks much better now. Arsé-kun rolled a die with 20 sides. The die showed: 7 Arsé-kun: Minako: ... Assassin class, I think? He's hard to pin down. Sheepy: Izou: What? Sheepy: Izou: No. Sheepy: Izou: My class is "Hitokiri". Arsé-kun: Minako: ...? Sheepy: Izou: It's different. Arsé-kun: *Mori is quietly observing from the side, meanwhile* Sheepy: Izou: Why's everyone lookin' at me? Arsé-kun: Mori: You're far stronger than initially calculated. Sheepy: Izou: Hah! Yeah! Sheepy: Izou: I'm a sword prodigy! Fuhahahahaha! Arsé-kun: Mori: Your strength is very impressive. May I ask how you got strong as a servant? Sheepy: Izou: By being a prodigy! Sheepy: Izou: Also, I found this place! Sheepy: Izou: It had these hands. They dropped this tasty food. Sheepy: Izou: Eventually I got thrown out. Sheepy: Izou: I felt weirdly stronger after that. Sheepy: Izou: Oh, yeah. Sheepy: Izou: This weird guy, too. Sheepy: Izou: He looked rich. Sheepy: Izou: His trash tasted like rich people's trash, too. Arsé-kun: Mori: ... ... Can you describe his appearance at all? Sheepy: Izou: Like...a smart guy. Kinda stiff. Uh.... Sheepy: Izou: Very dark hair. Sheepy: Izou: He kinda reminds me of a butler. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Oh, did he speak like.. *ahem* Very properly, yes, but was still able to convey being a pile of- excuse my French- Shit? Sheepy: Izou: Yeah. Sheepy: Izou: I hated how he used big words! It confused me. Arsé-kun: Mori: .... I do hope one of us has reached the same conclusion I have. Sheepy: Holmes: Ah, so his actual Master is... Sheepy: Holmes: Masanori, huh. Arsé-kun: Angra: Butler McBitch! We did it, we solved the mystery. Sheepy: Izou: What? Arsé-kun: Angra: Don't worry about it! If we see him again, we've got free reign to slay the man! Sheepy: Izou: Do I really? Arsé-kun: Angra: *he looks to Satoru* Do we? Sheepy: Satoru: Um, that doesn't sound like a good idea. Arsé-kun: Angra: Maim? Curse for the rest of his horrible life? Hit him with a car! Sheepy: Satoru: Oh, okay. Arsé-kun: Angra: Hooray! *he is Excited!* Izou-san! Lets get drunk! Sheepy: Izou: What's goin' on, anyway? ...Well, I want alcohol! Sheepy: Izou: Yeah, let's get absolutely smashed! Arsé-kun: Angra: Hell yeah! Arsé-kun: Mori: .... Holmes, if I may? How did you reach your conclusion? Sheepy: Holmes: What? I just listened to the explanation. Sheepy: Holmes: But I had suspicions. Arsé-kun: Mori: It's good to know we were on the same page this time. Sheepy: Holmes: For example... Sheepy: Holmes: He wasn't allowed at Chaldea's ember fields, meaning that his Master wasn't related to Chaldea. Arsé-kun: Mori: And if his Master had perished a more regular way, he would know about it. Sheepy: Holmes: He's dirty and eating out of the trash, meaning that his Master doesn't care about his well being. Arsé-kun: Mori: And this matches much of Masanori's behavior. Sheepy: Holmes: Exactly. Sheepy: Satoru: So is he still Masanori's servant? Or my own...? Sheepy: Izou: I don't care about that guy. You have free booze. Arsé-kun: Mori: I would be inclined to say yours. Sheepy: Satoru: Oh, that's good. Sheepy: Izou: Just don't betray me. Sheepy: Izou: Or I might want to, uh...is the phrase, "bite the hand that feeds me"? Arsé-kun: Mori: That's it, and very understandable. But you will not be betrayed to that level. Sheepy: Izou: Good. And don't give me smelly veggies either. Sheepy: Izou: I hate smelly veggies. Arsé-kun: Mori: That I cannot guarantee. Sheepy: Izou: If you follow all that, I'll be loyal. Sheepy: Satoru: But what if the stinky veggies are good? Sheepy: Izou:....... Sheepy: Izou: *he crosses his arms and tilts his head* ..... Sheepy: Izou: But they're stinky. Arsé-kun: Angra: So were you, what's ya point? Sheepy: Izou:...Okay, fine, I GUESS it's fine, but I won't like it! Sheepy: Holmes: You probably know my name. Sheepy: Izou: I don't. Sheepy: Holmes: Sherlock Holmes. Sheepy: Izou: I don't. Arsé-kun: Mori: *hes just smirking at Sherlock* Sheepy: Holmes: How... Sheepy: Izou: Okay, old man, you next. Arsé-kun: Mori: You are permitted to call me Moriarty. Sheepy: Izou: Alright. Sheepy: Izou: I'm Okada Izou. Arsé-kun: *Minako's hand dives into her pocket for a phone or her compact- Whichever comes first. Who is this guy? Let's find out* Sheepy: Izou: What is that? Arsé-kun: Minako: My phone? You can't eat it. It isn't food, no matter how much we wish it was! Sheepy: Izou: Nah, I was thinking it could be a weapon. Wouldn't be the first time. Sheepy: Izou: I'm that scary! Sheepy: Izou: You see that, right? How scary I am? Sheepy: Satoru: You look like a pomeranian. Arsé-kun: Minako: Oh, you're right.. Sheepy: Izou: Yeah, that sounds real intimidating! Arsé-kun: Angra: .... ....... *he says nothing.* Sheepy: Izou: Yeah, yeah, I look like a pomeranian! Fuhahahaha! I don't even know what that is! I love the sound of it! Sheepy: Izou: You really get it! Sheepy: Satoru: You're fluffy and easily excited like one. Sheepy: Izou:...Wait, what IS a pomeranian!? Arsé-kun: Angra: *he snorts into his booze* Sheepy: Holmes: *he is on google* Okada Izou...huh. Arsé-kun: *Nobody answers the question. But by all the smirks and suppressed laughs, probably not a good thing.* Sheepy: Holmes: *he reads off the brief description on google* Arsé-kun: Mori: Thank you, ace detective, for using your detective skills to open wikipedia. Sheepy: Holmes: Yes, you're welcome. Sheepy: Izou: Once again, I'm not an assassin. Sheepy: Izou: I'm a manslayer. Sheepy: Yan: *he's got his feet up on the table while drinking booze* Arsé-kun: Minako: Who let you in? Sheepy: Yan: Myself? Arsé-kun: Minako: Again? Sheepy: Yan: Yeah. Arsé-kun: Minako: You don't have, like, Chaldea things to do? Sheepy: Yan: Like what? *he takes a sip of the alcohol* Arsé-kun: Minako: Do you just bum around with the doctor's money? Sheepy: Yan: No. Arsé-kun: Minako: That's a surprise. Sheepy: Yan: I don't use her money. Arsé-kun: Minako: Then where do you get any from? Sheepy: Yan: I work? Sheepy: Yan: Old man has paid me before. I won't disclose any other employers of mine. Sheepy: Yan: I WILL say the detective is paying me for something, though. Arsé-kun: Mink: If it's drugs, can you tell me so I can punch him? :) Sheepy: Yan: No, no. Sheepy: Yan: I don't have that sort of stuff anyway. Arsé-kun: Minako: Good! Sheepy: Yan: No, instead- oh, actually, it's important Old Man hears this anyway. Sheepy: Yan: He's paying me not to turn into him. Arsé-kun: Mori: Oh, I can understand that. You would give away his mystery far too quickly. *he seems amused* But what if I pay you more? Sheepy: Yan: Hmmm....... Sheepy: Yan: Oh, that'd work. Arsé-kun: Mori: But did he ever say why? Sheepy: Yan: Something along the lines of... Sheepy: Yan: "The thing inside of me could kill each and every person in this household in the blink of an eye if it so pleased. I don't trust you with that." Arsé-kun: Mori: You know what? That's fair. Sheepy: Yan: But I'm pretty trustworthy. Sheepy: Yan: Anyway, that's a hint, isn't it? That means it's not human. Arsé-kun: Mori: It absolutely is not. I can confirm that much myself. Sheepy: Yan: What do you mean? Arsé-kun: Mori: I spoke to him about it myself. Sheepy: Yan: Huh. Arsé-kun: Mori: Well, let's just agree to try that out nowhere near civilization. But not now. Sheepy: Yan: Yeah, okay. Arsé-kun: Angra: *he looks up. he's cleaned up at least half the booze by himself. the void can take a lot of it, but he seems absolutely hammered based on being unable to stand up for a solid 20 seconds. Yan's leg is used for the assist.* Hey. Hey, bruh, you ever realize how fucked up we really are? Sheepy: Yan: What do you mean? Arsé-kun: Angra: We're all dead already n' shit! And, and then people, like.. *vague hand gestures* the dead people? Does this shit count as necrophilia? And no matter what we do, we're still dead, that's depressing as hell. Sheepy: Yan:....*he takes a rather large sip of his alcohol* Arsé-kun: Angra: I think I jus' gave myself depression. Sheepy: Yan: Good job. Arsé-kun: Angra: You've got like fifteen second opinions, how do I deal with this shit? Sheepy: Yan: What's that supposed to mean?? Sheepy: *Lobo has his snout in Yan's chip bag. Yan is too focused on Angra to notice* Arsé-kun: Angra: How do you, like, stop being depressed so the throne doesn't decide "Ooh that's canon now!" and force it on you every time you start to sort of exist? Sheepy: Yan: I dunno. Sheepy: *Yan absentmindedly goes to put his hand in the chip bag, only to touch Lobo instead* Sheepy: Yan: My chips are weirdly hairy. Arsé-kun: Angra: That's a dog. Sheepy: Yan: ...! Puppy, no, that's human food. Sheepy: Lobo: *he looks up at them, the chip bag on his snout. elegant* Arsé-kun: Angra: th' king of currenpaw, errybody. Sheepy: Yan: I don't really want it anymore. Arsé-kun: Angra: but dammit, I was hopin' for any sorta reply so I could complain at you. All like, "What, you have an answer? Who's you, where's the real Yan at?" Or somethin'. *he thinks he is funny. funny enough to laugh at. angra.* Sheepy: Yan:.... Arsé-kun: Angra: ... What? Sheepy: Yan: Who am I...? Arsé-kun: Mori: All right, that's quite enough of this. *he interrupts and blocks Angra, who may or may not have gotten smacked with a coffin* You're Yan Qing, and that isn't changing. Sheepy: Yan: I...I don't know...! Sheepy: Yan: If that's who I am...then why are they always here!? Why do they keep talking to me!? They're all me, aren't they? What even am I? Arsé-kun: Mori: A gigantic mess vaguely shaped like a human being, with an appreciation for women. Sheepy: Yan:....!? Sheepy: Lobo: *boof* Sheepy: Yan: Does that mean I'm human...or do I just look it...? Arsé-kun: Mori: You're more human than any present Avengers. Sheepy: Yan:....Ah....you're right. Arsé-kun: Mori: *he covers his mouth with one hand, slightly muffling his own voice* Earth to Assassin, are you still in there? Hello, hello? *he reaches up with his free hand to... ruffle Yan's hair. aw.* We are departing planet Meltdown for a return trip to Earth. Can you read, over? Sheepy: Yan:...? Sheepy: Yan: Wh...what...? Arsé-kun: Mori: Welcome back to Earth, Assassin. *he makes a radio static sound. krshhh* You were going straight for an endless loop of existential crisis. Sheepy: Yan: I...I'm sorry, I'm feeling better. Sheepy: Lobo: *he tilts his head. where did that noise come from* Arsé-kun: Mori: Don't apologize. *krshh* What outlaw apologizes for a minor inconvenience? *he finally uncovers his mouth. he does not, however, take his coffin off of Angra, who tried to move it at some point and it is now on top of him. He deserved it.* Sheepy: Lobo: *he tilts his head the other way* Sheepy: Yan: Thank you. Arsé-kun: Mori: Of course. Just don't make a deal of it. Reputation, you understand. Sheepy: Yan: Yes, I do. Arsé-kun: Mori: Then consider this moment of weakness ignored and discarded in exchange. Sheepy: Yan: Thank you. Sheepy: Yan: Puppy, you won't tell anyone, right? Arsé-kun: Mori: *he cups his hands over his mouth again to Krshh at Lobo. extreme teasing* Sheepy: Lobo: ????? Sheepy: Lobo: *he slowly lifts up a paw before ... slapping it over Yan's mouth* Sheepy: Yan: Puppy, why?! Sheepy: Lobo: ?!?!?! Arsé-kun rolled a die. The die showed: 6 Arsé-kun: Mori: *try not to laugh. succeed. Krshh at Lobo again with eye contact* Sheepy: Lobo: *he sniffs at Mori's hand. how is he doing this* Arsé-kun: *Mori holds his hands out for Lobo* Sheepy: Lobo: *he sniffs at both. why do they smell like chips* Arsé-kun: Mori: *he swats the chips off of Lobo's nose* Sheepy: Lobo:....! *what fell, what was that* Sheepy: Yan: *he's petting Lobo. big. fluffy* Arsé-kun: *Mink has opted to give this episode some space and started messaging Haku. Now she gets an update AND has to stop working for ten seconds. Tepes approves already. Two birds, one Gandr* Sheepy: Haku: [Text: to Mink] What is it? Arsé-kun: Mink: [text: to Haku] Issss it normal for ur Assass to just sorta uh, existential break for a minute? Sheepy: Haku: [Text: to Mink] Yes. Arsé-kun: Mink: [text: to Haku] oh. I thought that was a bad thing. I mean Mori.san dealt with it really fast,? But uh Arsé-kun: Mink: [text: to Haku] I remember the rules! Should I bring him back to you so that doesnt, again? Sheepy: Haku: [Text: to Mink] Yes, it's a bad thing, and... Sheepy: Haku: [Text: to Mink] Yes, please bring him. Arsé-kun: Mink: [text: to Haku] Ok!! 👌👌👌 I'll pull him off Lobo and we'll be there! Sheepy: Haku: [Text: to Mink] Thank You Arsé-kun: Mink: [text: to Haku] You're welcome, Haku, Miss! Be there soon!! Sheepy: Lobo: *he gently nudges Mori with his snout. he'll find the source of the noise eventually* Arsé-kun: Mori: Yes? Yes, what is it? Sheepy: Haku: [Text: to Mink] Ok Sheepy: Lobo: *he tilts his head* Arsé-kun: Minako: *she thinks about how she's going to go about this. What would Mephisto do? ... This is a very bad course of thinking and takes a few bad plans to reach a good one that does not require explosives.* Arsé-kun: Mori: *he grins at Lobo and... KRRSSHH!* Sheepy: Lobo:!!! Sheepy: *Lobo sniffs at Mori's face. where is it coming from* Arsé-kun: *the sound is coming from the Moriarty!* Sheepy: Lobo:...! *he looks excited! How is he doing that!?* Arsé-kun: Minako: Not to interrupt or anything, but hey, Assassin. If I pay, can I borrow you to help me get pizzas? :D c Sheepy: Yan: Mm? Oh, okay. Sheepy: Yan: Okay, Puppy, be good while I'm gone. Don't eat too much out of the garbage. Sheepy: Lobo: *he yawns in Yan's face* Arsé-kun: Minako: Cool, thanks! Here's the, uh, 'thanks for helping' start payment! *she hands Yan some cash and a few embers. mmm good shit* Sheepy: Yan: *he pockets them and gets up* Great, let's go! Arsé-kun: *Mori finally "notices" his coffin is on Angra and frees the poor bastard right before they Head Outtie. Chaldea, hoooo* Sheepy: Yan: So, what pizza are we getting? Arsé-kun: *Minako promptly goes OFF about pizza. Girl likes her pizza, and knows how everybody in her crew (except Sherlock) likes it! She will learn his order eventually and he'll damn like it* Sheepy: Yan: Huh. Arsé-kun: Minako: So anyway, you're helping, so I'll buy you some too. Sheepy: Yan: Oh, that's great! Sheepy: Yan: I like...actually, I don't really care what's on it. Sheepy: Yan: I like experimenting. Sheepy: Yan: There's no food I really hate so I'll accept anything. Arsé-kun: Minako: So we figure it out when we get there, gotcha! Sheepy: Yan: Yeah, just mess me up. Arsé-kun: Tepes: I'm just as capable of that. *he strolls in, grabs Yan, and goes to exit scene. oh.* Sheepy: Yan: OH? Arsé-kun: *But the most important part of any plan is improvising on the fly!!* Sheepy: Yan: But my pizza! Arsé-kun: Minako: Oh, no, my pizza buddy! *and she "chases" after Tepes, at the speed of a brisk walk, maybe even, if she's daring, a jog.* Arsé-kun: Tepes: I found him, dear. It was far less trying than I expected. Sheepy: Haku: Thank you. Sheepy: Yan: I've been tricked, betrayed! Arsé-kun: Tepes: ..? Sheepy: Yan: That's why I was dragged out, out of the comfort of Puppy's fur! Arsé-kun: Minako: My evil plot's been foiled! *she catches up* I was really going to give you pizza, too! Sheepy: Yan: Pizza... Sheepy: Yan: Why did you want me, Tepes? Sheepy: Yan: Oh, oh! My dashing good looks and charming smile havs finally gotten to you! Hehe! Arsé-kun: Tepes: I was only informed of the 'Bringing you here' portion of this so called "evil plot". ... And I'm still straight. Sheepy: Yan: Oh!? So it's not that after all? Arsé-kun: Tepes: If it's ever that, assume I am completely broken and most likely need to be put down. Sheepy: Yan: You're so cruel... Sheepy: Yan: What about you, Haku?! Sheepy: Haku: No. Sheepy: Yan: Oh...such a quick response... Sheepy: Yan: But, like, I'm attractive, aren't I? Arsé-kun: Caligula: roma Arsé-kun: *thank you for your input, caligula. it is very useful.* Sheepy: Yan: See, Caligula agrees. Sheepy: Haku: Hmm. Arsé-kun: Minako: I already paid him to help with my pizza run..! Can we get that out of the way at least? Sheepy: Haku: Go ahead. Sheepy: Gawain: I want pizza, too. Sheepy: Yan: Oh! Great! You can buy it! Arsé-kun: Cali: *pizza run? run? running? olympic running? greeks? romans? roma? roma!* *with this incredible stretch of logic and wisdom, Caligula decides to grab Yan and exit the scene at a high speed. Goodbye. it is pizza run time.* Sheepy: Gawain: And there they go. Sheepy: Haku: Oh, that frightens me. Arsé-kun: Minako: ... Uh, okay. I'm glad I told him the order at least? Sheepy: Haku: That's fortunate. Arsé-kun: Minako: I hope he remembers it? Sheepy: Gawain: But he didn't get mine. Sheepy: Yan: [text: to Mink] Like 15 cheeses huh Arsé-kun: Mink: ..... ..... He did not. Sheepy: Gawain: But my order. Arsé-kun: *mink carefully types out the entire thing, clearly, in list format, edited for clarity and spelling, and then pauses* Arsé-kun: Minako: I'll add it in, what'cha want, Sir? Sheepy: Gawain: I like pineapple pizza. Arsé-kun: Minako: Okay! *she adds that in and sends it off. no judgement, surprisingly* Sheepy: Gawain: I can give you the equivalent in flowers. *he laughs* I do have money, though, so I'll pay you for mine. Sheepy: Gawain: *he takes out his wallet* But you should visit my flower shop. I'll give you a discount. Arsé-kun: Minako: Oooh! I'll have to stop by later then! :Dc Sheepy: Gawain: Yeah! Arsé-kun: Minako: But uh... Yeah, Probably should have stopped that whole thing from happening. Sorry about that! Sheepy: Haku: I understand. Arsé-kun: Minako: Am... I allowed to ask about all that, or is that a patient confidence thing? Arsé-kun: Minako: Cuz, uhm.. Moriarty-san dealt with it really fast, like it's a thing we should know about? Sheepy: Haku: Oh. Sheepy: Haku: He's not a full servant. Sheepy: Haku: He's mixed with a phantom, Doppelganger Arsé-kun: Minako: So like... A second of himself? Sheepy: Haku: Of everyone he's killed. Arsé-kun: Minako: And that's... A lot? Sheepy: Haku: It allows him to transform into anyone, but the voices of his victims remain. Sheepy: Haku: Yes. Arsé-kun: Minako: Yikes. Good thing he's with you then, I guess? Sheepy: Gawain: He's always eyeing the same women I am, so if your plan is to let him stay with them... Sheepy: Gawain: Oh, I should ask him for the phone number he got. Arsé-kun: Tepes: That is your priority? Sheepy: Gawain: What should my priority be? Arsé-kun: Tepes: Not phone numbers of randoms you haven't met yourself. Sheepy: Gawain: Well, do you have any better ideas? Arsé-kun: Tepes: Meet people yourself? Sheepy: Gawain: I do, but usually only for one night. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Go directly to church, do not pass go. Do not collect 200 dollars. Sheepy: Gawain: Oh, it's not as though I don't still love my wife. Sheepy: Gawain: However, now that I'm a servant, I can have fun, maybe find a new wife in the process. Arsé-kun: Tepes: .... Fair enough. Sheepy: Gawain: You're no different. Sheepy: Gawain: I just choose different tactics. More bold tactics. Arsé-kun: Minako: ... Hey, I just caught something. What'd you mean 'Let him stay with them'?? Sheepy: Gawain: Well, if Moriarty helps him a lot, wouldn't it be better if he stayed with Moriarty? Arsé-kun: Minako: Makes sense, but he isn't mine? Sheepy: Gawain: He could be. Arsé-kun: Minako: Moriarty isn't mine, I mean! I've got objections about Yan but.. Wait, he doesn't live here? Sheepy: Haku: He bums off of everyone here, but especially us. Arsé-kun: Minako: So he does! He said he didn't! Sheepy: Haku: He's not my Servant, but he likes Tepes, Caligula, and me. He also likes both our and Gawain's food. Sheepy: Haku: That's usually why he's seen with me. Sheepy: Gawain:...Hey, hold on... Sheepy: Gawain: You forgot me in that first list. Sheepy: Haku: But anyway, who is Moriarty's master? How close do they live to you? Arsé-kun: Minako: My neighbor, and my neighbor. Sheepy: Haku: I don't know. You or your neighbor might be best with taking him, but he'd probably end up staying here just as often as he already does. Sheepy: Haku: He's a part of different clubs and has close friends who live here. Arsé-kun: Minako: I don't think that'd be a problem. I mean, some of mine come here two or three times a week already. Sheepy: Haku: That's good. Sheepy: Haku: Are you fine with this? We'll need to ask him when he gets back. Arsé-kun: Minako: I'm fine with it! Sheepy: Haku: Good. Sheepy: Gawain: I get more chances at women this way. Thanks for that. Arsé-kun: *Tepes pinches the bridge of his nose. Jesus Christ.* Sheepy: Gawain: You need to learn how to have more fun in life. Arsé-kun: Tepes: I can have fun without shamelessly flirting with every woman I spot, thank you. Sheepy: Gawain: I have an idea! Sheepy: Gawain: You can go out with me next time. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Why not take Caligula? You'll look far better next to him. Sheepy: Gawain: I'd look far better next to you, too. Arsé-kun: Tepes: I'm detecting an insult. Sheepy: Gawain: I'd never. Arsé-kun: Tepes: And if you have realized, what you have said also translates to "Hey, vampire, come out at night surrounded by a lot of people." Please spot the problem. Sheepy: Gawain: Oh, I forgot you were a vampire. Arsé-kun: Tepes: For now, I'll respectfully decline your offer, unless you come across a daytime event. Then I may consider it. Sheepy: Gawain: I can arrange for it to be a daytime event. Arsé-kun: Tepes: No, no. Sheepy: Gawain: Why? Arsé-kun: Tepes: Don't force others' to plan around me. Sheepy: Gawain: Well, alright. Arsé-kun: Cali: PIZZA! *thank you for your announcement, Caligula. He is carrying... Two boxes. Out of how much?* Sheepy: Gawain: I hope one is pineapple! Sheepy: Yan: Tepes! Gawain! I'm dying! Arsé-kun: Tepes: It's just a few boxes. Are you a Heroic Spirit, or some kind of mouse? Sheepy: Yan: It's HOT!! Sheepy: Yan: ...But not as hot as me- AaaaAAAA DON'T FALL!! Sheepy: Gawain: He stole my line...he has to go. Arsé-kun: Tepes: *he moves in for the Assist. he's help* Arsé-kun: Cali: pizza Sheepy: Yan: You could've helped, Caligula. Arsé-kun: Cali: Rgh? *he puts down his boxes* ?? Sheepy: Yan: You left me with everything else.. Arsé-kun: Cali: *he takes the stack from Yan and puts it down. He has now helped. Confused thumbs up.* Sheepy: Yan: Owowow...it was so hot! Sheepy: Gawain: Like- Sheepy: Yan: Like me. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Stop. Sheepy: Yan: But who else will say it if not me? Arsé-kun: Tepes: Anyone else with an ego over ten. Sheepy: Yan: But comic relief is one of my defining character traits. Arsé-kun: *Tepes opts out of giving this a response.* Arsé-kun: Minako: Anyway! You've made it this far! A bit more and we're home! With pizza! Arsé-kun: *she is eyeing the pizza boxes already. mm. pizz.* Sheepy: Yan: You're right. Arsé-kun: Minako: You can stay too, if you want! Sheepy: Yan: Huh? Arsé-kun: Minako: I mean, you're over enough! Sheepy: Yan: ....! Arsé-kun: Minako: I'm pretty sure nobody hates you on my end, and considering who I've got, that's impressive! Sheepy: Yan: Thank you...! Arsé-kun: Minako: You're welcome!!! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: What're you doin', Master? Dating a boy? *how long has he been there, in the doorway?* Without me, even?? *he's kidding, I hope.* Sheepy: Yan: What? Arsé-kun: Minako: Please, no. *she is unfazed by 100% of that. She knew he was there.* I won't stop you though! Go forth and be gay, and merry, and help us bring home pizza. Arsé-kun: *Mephisto considers this, and promptly fucks off. Oh.* Arsé-kun: Minako: ... So I'm still paying you in full I guess, Assassin! Sheepy: Yan: Oh, for what? Arsé-kun: Minako: For... Carrying pizza?? Sheepy: Yan:...Great! Arsé-kun: *OK enough dicking around, they're gonna get home eventually, with the pizza, and Yan gets paid right before that. cash fuckin' money* Sheepy: Holmes: Oh, it's pizza. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Yeah, it is! Did you think I was making it up? Sheepy: Holmes: No, I didn't. Sheepy: Holmes: I hope you enjoy it. I'll be passing, of course. Arsé-kun: Minako: Eh? Sheepy: Holmes: I'm not hungry currently. Arsé-kun: Proto: It's pizza time, hurry! Dibs, I call first dibs! *and he zips in, nearly faceplanting into the table. gg idiot* Sheepy: Holmes: That's the benefit of being a Servant. Arsé-kun: Minako: Fair enough, but if you want some later, there might not be any! Sheepy: Holmes: I don't have an interest in it, and Watson would kill me if he found me eating it. Arsé-kun: Minako: What's he gonna do to you? Hit you for resisted damage? Sheepy: Holmes: Nag me. Arsé-kun: Minako: Is nagging strong against Rulers? Sheepy: Holmes: Perhaps. Arsé-kun: Minako: I'll have to try that later! Sheepy: Holmes: For what reason? Arsé-kun: Minako: For science? Sheepy: Holmes: I'd rather you didn't. Sheepy: Gil: *he huffs* Mongrel food again? Arsé-kun: Minako: You're gonna eat it anyway. Sheepy: Kogil: I like pep- Sheepy: Gil: Pepperoni is garbage, pup. Sheepy: Gil: Cheese is better. Arsé-kun: Minako: Thank you for your opinions, kings! I didn't ask! Sheepy: Gil: Hah, if he wants to be a king, he needs to know how a king thinks. Arsé-kun: Lance: ... A king thinks "Is this edible?" and then eats it. Immediately, without comment. Sheepy: Gil: That's how a peasant thinks. Arsé-kun: Lance: ... No, you. *he's got no witty comebacks, and glances towards Yan* ..? Sheepy: Yan: Hi hi! I'm living here now. Sheepy: Yan: I don't know why but that's what's been decided. Arsé-kun: Lance: Aaah? That is.. It's something. Unexpected? Sheepy: Yan: Actually, Gawain was cheering in his own way. Arsé-kun: Lance: Git. Sheepy: Yan: Huh? Sheepy: Yan: He's burly and looks like a football player so he's not really attractive. He asks me for phone numbers often. Sheepy: Yan: So he probably thinks he got rid of competition. Arsé-kun: Lance: He still..? ... GorrRRrrilla morrron. Sheepy: Yan: I don't get why. Sheepy: Yan: I just like talking to pretty people, and I like it even more when they compliment me. Sheepy: Yan: But Gawain sees me as competition... Arsé-kun: Lance: Everrryone is competition... Don't worry about ittt.. Sheepy: Yan: Even you? Arsé-kun: Lance: I hope nooot. Sheepy: Yan: Are men in armor hot nowadays? Sheepy: Holmes: Depending on the temperature, yes. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: You've made Hyde very happy with that answer. I don't have to say it now, thank you. Sheepy: Holmes: You're welcome. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: And thank you for dinner, Master. You too, Assassin. Sheepy: Yan: No problem. Arsé-kun: Minako: Of course! Sheepy: Lobo: *he struts in and flops over dramatically onto Lance* Arsé-kun: Lance: Nooooooooonnn! *he tries to get out from under Lobo* Sheepy: Lobo: *whine* Sheepy: Yan: Puppy! Sheepy: *...Despite his whining, Lobo's tail is wagging. He's very aware of his manipulation and is happy about it.* Arsé-kun: *Lance does not escape. He accepts his fate to starve.* Sheepy: Yan: Puppy, you can have my pizza if you get off of him. Sheepy: Lobo: *he gives Yan a suspicious look* Sheepy: *Lobo hesitantly gets off of Lance* Arsé-kun: *Lancelot is dead. Not really. But he's already committed.* Sheepy: Gil: A king doesn't beg. He demands. Sheepy: Lobo: *he turns to Gil before...eating his slice of pizza.* Arsé-kun: Medusa: I don't know what you expected. Sheepy: Gil: Not that! How dare him! Arsé-kun: Andersen: Just take another, your highness. And while you're up there, pass me a plate. Sheepy: Gil: *he huffs, but surprisingly does so* Arsé-kun: Andersen: Thank you. You're spared. Sheepy: Gil: Be grateful, mongrel! Arsé-kun: Andersen: I am. Sheepy: Gil: Fuhahaha! Excellent! Arsé-kun: Andersen: So what? Is this uncertain jeste- Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Hey, wait. Sheepy: Yan: Huh? Arsé-kun: Andersen: You're a piece of shit, not a jester. Anyway, is this uncertain tall drink of water and booze staying with us now? Sheepy: Yan: Me? Arsé-kun: Andersen: Yes, you. Sheepy: Yan: Yeah, that's apparently the case. Arsé-kun: Andersen: Finally, an assassin that keeps their class. It's about time. Sheepy: Yan: Yeah! Sorta. Arsé-kun: Andersen: More than Twit and Twat over here. Good enough. Sheepy: Yan: Great! Sheepy: Holmes: You're only missing Avenger, R..ider, you do have a rider... Arsé-kun: Medusa: Do you have eyes? Sheepy: Holmes: Exactly two, no more. Arsé-kun: Medusa: Do they both work? Do you need a hint from the peanut gallery? Arsé-kun: *she's genuinely asking, that's not sarcasm* Sheepy: Holmes: I'm aware you're a rider. Arsé-kun: Medusa: Then what is missing? Avenger and what? Sheepy: Holmes: Hmmm? Sheepy: Holmes: Did I say there were two missing? Sheepy: Holmes: I only meant Avenger. Sheepy: Holmes: Ah, of course ... Sheepy: Holmes: We're also missing, of the special classes, Shielder, Alter Ego, Moon Cancer...yes, that's it. Arsé-kun: Minako: And let's maybe not get that last one. Sheepy: Holmes: Right. Sheepy: Emiya: ....*he raises his eyebrows* Arsé-kun: Andersen: Skip Alter Ego. They're all extremely difficult in different ways. Sheepy: Holmes: That's understandable. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: And the single Shielder belongs to Chaldea. We'd have to pass. Sheepy: Emiya: What about Foreigner? Arsé-kun: Minako: ...?? *she's got her mouth full* ???? Sheepy: Holmes: *he forces a smile* I don't know of it. Arsé-kun: Andersen: .... ..... Arsé-kun: Minako: What's foreigner? That new? Sheepy: Emiya: Ah, Master. Based on what I've heard, the Foreigner class is a recently discovered class. Arsé-kun: Minako: That's kinda exciting! What do they do? Sheepy: Emiya: As the name implies, it consists of hosts of otherworldly beings. Sheepy: Emiya: Berserkers do very little to them. Arsé-kun: Minako: Berserkers... I don't like that very much. Sheepy: Emiya: They, meanwhile, easily slaughter Berserkers. Be careful. Sheepy: Holmes:.... Arsé-kun: Minako: Noted. Thanks, Emiya-san. Sheepy: Holmes: (What do we do?) Arsé-kun: Holmes?: (...? We're doing something? Why?) Sheepy: Holmes: (It's clear Andersen suspects us.) Arsé-kun: Holmes?: (Who?) Sheepy: Holmes: (The one with blue hair and glasses.) Arsé-kun: Holmes?: (... Why are you asking me..? My answer is always 'flatten it') Sheepy: Holmes: (...Right, thanks.) Arsé-kun: Holmes?: (You're... Welcome?) Sheepy: Holmes: You might want to try to find one to deal with Berserkers, then. Arsé-kun: Minako: But we can hit Berserkers with anything. Sheepy: Holmes: But they do extra damage in turn. Arsé-kun: Minako: Ehhh.. *she shrugs* Bomb 'em and run like hell, I guess. Sheepy: Holmes: I see. Arsé-kun: Holmes?: (I don't!) Sheepy: Holmes: (I know) Sheepy: Holmes: (But you have my eyes.) Arsé-kun: Holmes?: (It helps a lot!) Sheepy: Holmes: (I'm glad.) Arsé-kun: *Hans continues to be suspicious. Nothing has changed. But thankfully, he's the only one. Maybe?* Sheepy: Holmes:..... Arsé-kun: Andersen: ...... Sheepy: Holmes: Did you have something you wanted to ask me? Arsé-kun: Andersen: I did. Sheepy: Holmes: What is it? Arsé-kun: Andersen: *he scribbles something down on a napkin, folds it, and passes it over.* That. Sheepy: Holmes: *he reads it* Arsé-kun: *All it says is "I won't say anything, Sir." There's a bad thumbs up emoji next to it. "Why do you look more introspective than Henry when Hyde's being a bitch?"* Sheepy: Holmes: *he writes something down and passes it back* Arsé-kun: Andersen: *he takes it and opens it* Sheepy: *"I have a companion of my own, who happens to be relevant currently."* Arsé-kun: Andersen: ... *he nods to Sherlock and pockets the napkin* Sheepy: Gil: What am I missing? Sheepy: Gil: I don't care but I don't appreciate secrets being hid from me. Arsé-kun: Andersen: We're talking shit about Mr. Twat. Sheepy: Gil: Oh, I really don't care then. Arsé-kun: Andersen: I knew you had it in you. Sheepy: Gil: What? Arsé-kun: Andersen: Doesn't a great king not care what the peasants say? Sheepy: Kogil: He cares because it's his job to serve his people. Arsé-kun: Andersen: So I can't call him a nosy bitch and move on with my life? What a shame. Sheepy: Kogil: Huh? Oh, no, he is. Sheepy: Gil: Oh...you... Sheepy: Gil: You...! Arsé-kun: Andersen: .... ... You weren't supposed to agree with me. I enjoy living. Sheepy: Kogil: Curiosity is what makes us human. Sheepy: Kogil: Unfortunately, being nosy is being a little too curious. Arsé-kun: Medusa: So what's that make the floating cupcake? *he points up to Mephisto, who looks more amused than insulted* A moron? Sheepy: Kogil: Humanity isn't something you're born with. Sheepy: Kogil: It's something you achieve. Sheepy: Kogil: Anyone can become human. They just have to want to try. Sheepy: Gil: Why would they want to? Arsé-kun: Medusa: It's better than being a beast. Sheepy: Gil: Hah. It's true. Arsé-kun: Medusa: Most things are better than that, though. It's kind of a low bar. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: *he shifts a bit closer to Yan, getting out of Lance's way* ... It's nice to have another Assassin on board. We get pressured beyond belief against Riders, haha.. Sheepy: Yan: That really sounds like a problem. Sheepy: Yan: But worry not! I have experience with Riders. Sheepy: Yan: Like Puppy used to be a Rider. Weren't you, Puppy? Sheepy: Lobo: *he lifts his head up from sniffing at Lance and blinks at Yan* Arsé-kun: Jekyll: Was he? I would understand if his, well, rider was, but he himself? Sheepy: Yan: They act as one unit. Sheepy: Yan: But he isn't three phantoms combined into one. Sheepy: Yan: Those are just the three who survived. Sheepy: Yan: Lobo ate the rest to gain their powers, which is how he ended up an Avenger. Sheepy: Yan: But before that, they were just the Rider class. Sheepy: Yan: Kind of like Kintoki's motorcycle. He is the rider, but without his motorcycle, can he really be called one? It's the motorcycle that defines him as a Rider, and therefore, it's a part of his identity as a Rider. Simply, it too could be considered part of the Rider class. Sheepy: Yan: However, it couldn't be summoned without Kintoki, because its identity isn't well known. Likewise, Kintoki couldn't be summoned within the Rider class without his motorcycle. Similarly, Lobo couldn't be summoned without his rider nor Jack, which could be said for the other two. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: I understand entirely. Sheepy: Yan: That's the situation Old Man and I have as well. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: Let me see if I got this straight. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: It's like trying to summon me without Hyde, or Hyde without me. Without the other, neither of us are worth much. Sheepy: Yan: Mostly. Sheepy: Yan: We couldn't survive without our partner. Sheepy: Yan: Our presence isn't strong enough. We're just phantoms. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: I'd believe it still applies, honestly. At least to me. Sheepy: Yan: But even little droplets of rain add up to a flood. Sheepy: Yan: So when enough phantoms come together... Sheepy: Yan: Our power is such of a Heroic Spirit's. Sheepy: Yan: So very similar to your situation. Sheepy: Yan: But while you two come from the same source, we get merged with strangers. Sheepy: Yan: Really, the one who intimidates me in that respect is Old Man. The whole thing about his partner phantom's story is hurting the one you love unintentionally. Sheepy: Yan: Lobo's just many hateful spirits in one, and I'm not of much interest in that respect. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: *he thinks about this.* I... "I" want to know now, but I think if you've got no interest in talking about it, then lets pass it by. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: But could that be why he and Sherlock haven't knocked the walls down yet? Arsé-kun: Jekyll: Because if he comes to care for Sherlock, the bullets might target him? Sheepy: Yan: I don't think so. Sheepy: Yan: I think they're mutually using each other to some extent, and... Arsé-kun: Jekyll: ... And? Sheepy: Yan: Look at it this way. Let's say they fought, and that cursed bullet was accidentally shot. Sheepy: Yan: Who do you think it would hit? Arsé-kun: Jekyll: ... Ah, I see what you were saying. Mutual avoidance. Sheepy: Yan: It's too dangerous for someone in that situation to fight unnecessarily. Sheepy: Yan: I'm sure Holmes recognizes that too. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: Oh, certainly. Arsé-kun: Medusa: You two can just ask him. He's right here. Or is this normal Assassin business? Sheepy: Yan: Yeah, it's normal Assassin business. Sheepy: Yan: It's an exclusive club. Sheepy: Yan: But yeah, that's all I've got. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: I suppose I'll keep it in mind. And try to keep it in "his" too. Sheepy: Yan: Great! Arsé-kun: Minako: Oh, and thanks for behaving this time, everybody! *she lifts up her hand. two command seals have Returned* I'm glad we didn't need to enact violence! Sheepy: Gil: Hah, I could take them if I so pleased. Arsé-kun: Minako: I can take your controllers if I pleased, so what? Sheepy: Gil: I could buy new ones. Arsé-kun: Minako: And while you're gone, hide everything else. Sheepy: Gil:.....My POINT is that you have no control over me. Arsé-kun: Minako: Ok. Sheepy: Gil: Kuhahahaha! You see now, how powerless you are against me, mongrel! Sheepy: Gil: Be grateful! Sheepy: Gil: I have decided to allow you to put on this charade still! Arsé-kun: Minako: Thank you so much for your opinions! They're worth money I think. Sheepy: Gil: Kuhahahaha! Of course! Sheepy: Gil: And you're getting it for free! Sheepy: Gil: Be grateful, mongrel! Arsé-kun: Minako: I'm a bit more grateful for not living on the street, but thanks anyway! Sheepy: Gil: You're welcome. Sheepy: *later, at night!*      Sheepy: --- Drip.  Drip.  Drip. The rain was falling harshly upon Bedivere and Lucan as they carried their king to safety.  They barely recognized its uncomfortable sogginess as they slowly persevered.  Bedivere was barely conscious of his surroundings until he heard his brother let out a soft, pained groan. “...Lucan, you should rest.  I can carry him on my own.” “Don’t worry, I’m fine... it’s just a bit more, isn’t it?”  Lucan smiled, but Bedivere couldn’t focus on that. Bright red droplets caught his eye - a sight he had seen regularly that day. Drip.  Drip.  Drip. Blood was pooling from Lucan’s body. but his smile didn’t fade.  He couldn’t let it fade.  No, his king needed him.  His brother needed him.  Once he loses his smile, he loses everything. “Lucan... you’re bleeding.” “I’ve had worse,” Lucan laughed, cut off midway by a sharp pain within him that shook him to his core.  But he has to keep smiling.  He needs to. Drip.  Drip.  Drip. Thud. ”LUCAN!” Lucan couldn’t summon the strength to respond.  It felt as though his insides had just exploded.  His brother’s screams were just background noises as things grew dark, leaving Bedivere alone with his king. “LUCAN...!” Bedivere shot up from his bed, still crying out his brother’s name.  The only response he received was the light rain outside. Drip.  Drip.  Drip. Bedivere used to love the rain.  Now all it reminds him of is his failure as a knight. --- Arsé-kun: *Good morning, Bedivere! It is, in fact, lightly raining. According to Merlin's pink digital clock, it is approximately 4:30 AM.* Arsé-kun: *Also of note is Merlin's apparent absence, which is a mystery easily solved. Idiot fell off the bed. The Grand Caster, everybody.* Sheepy: *Bedi looks over at Merlin and contemplates waking him to get him off of the floor* Arsé-kun: *Merlin certainly isn't taking any action to deal with this.* Sheepy: *Bedi gets out of bed and gently shakes Merlin* Sheepy: Bedi: Ummm... Arsé-kun: Merlin: ..... Aye..? Sheepy: Bedi: You're sleeping on the floor. Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... So I was... *He slowly sits up and blinks himself into at least some alertness.* ... Why AM I on the floor..? Sheepy: Bedi: I probably shoved you off, but maybe you rolled off. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I don't feel sore, so probably did it myself. Oopsies!~ :P c Sheepy: Bedi: I'd recommend not sleeping on the floor. Arsé-kun: Merlin: You're right. But why are you down here with me? Sheepy: Bedi: I, uh, I woke up from a nightmare. Arsé-kun: Merlin: *he immediately looks concerned* Are you okay? Sheepy: Bedi: It's no problem! I'm fine. Arsé-kun: Merlin: If you say so.. Are you coming back to bed? Sheepy: Bedi: I think I'm up for the night. Sheepy: Bedi: It's difficult to sleep through the rain. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Aww. Well, hopefully it'll stop soon, for your sake. Sheepy: Bedi: Thank you. I'll be fine. This is normal. Arsé-kun: Merlin: That's what worries me. *he pats Bedi's shoulder, then drags himself up and back onto the bed. Ugh. MOVING. What a CHORE.* Sheepy: Bedi: There's no need to worry. It's normal, so I'm used to it. Arsé-kun: Merlin: That's why I'm worried!! You're going to go Stockholm on your own nightmares.. Sheepy: Bedi:....? Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... I'll tell you in the morning. Sheepy: Bedi: *he forces a smile* Thank you. I'll try to remember in case you forget. Arsé-kun: Merlin: 'Welcome. *he rolls over and pulls the blanket back up.* Sheepy: Bedi: Good night. Arsé-kun: Merlin: 'Ight. Sheepy: Bedi: *he waits for a bit before heading out of the room to find something to do* Arsé-kun: *It's quiet. But not too quiet. This is not a horror film.* Sheepy: Bedi: *is anyone up?* Arsé-kun: *Well, the vampires and Rider, playing a silent game of cards. Vlad looks #done* Sheepy: Lobo: *he is looking at the cards blankly* Sheepy: Lobo: *he looks up and begins snarling* Arsé-kun: Vlad: ...? Sheepy: Bedi: I'm sorry for interrupting. Sheepy: Bedi: I was just looking for something to do. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Ah, that is fine. Do you wish to join us? Sheepy: Bedi: I'm not very good at cards, but... Arsé-kun: Vlad: You do not have to be. Sheepy: Bedi: Then I'd like to join. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Pull up a seat. We're only playing go fish. Sheepy: Bedi: *he pulls up a seat and sits at the table* Arsé-kun: *Vlad deals him a hand and the game continues* Sheepy: Lobo: *he flops over on the ground partway through the game* Arsé-kun: *His cards are distributed accordingly* Sheepy: Bedi: This reminds me of the games I used to play with my fellow knights. Sheepy: Bedi: Some of us were more competitive than others, such as... Sheepy: Bedi:...Sir Lancelot and Sir Gawain. Sheepy: Bedi: Meanwhile, Sir Tristan would fall asleep, on the opposite side of the spectrum. Arsé-kun: Vlad: I'm rather glad this Lancelot does not join us, then. This is not meant to be competitive. Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, I agree. Although...I doubt the Berserker would act that way Sheepy: Bedi: However, Saber... Arsé-kun: Vlad: ... I would fear for our quiet evenings. Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, our games would get intense very quickly. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Amadeus would have our heads. Sheepy: Bedi: ...However, I would be lying if I said I didn't miss those days. ... Ah, Mozart.... Sheepy: Bedi:...He probably already wants my head. Sheepy: Bedi: I'm sorry if my shouting bothered you. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Not at all. Sheepy: Bedi: I'm happy to hear that. Sheepy: Lobo: *he has turned his attention to chewing on a squeaky toy* Arsé-kun: Vlad: ... This is why. Sheepy: Bedi: Poor Mozart... Arsé-kun: *Suddenly flying down the stairs and whizzing past the table is what looks like a football. Lobo! Get the football!* Sheepy: Lobo: *he launches at the football and grabs it with his teeth* Arsé-kun: *No more squeaky noises!* Sheepy: Lobo: *he plops down on the ground next to Vlad and continues chewing on the football* Arsé-kun: Mozart: How utterly awful that was! *he has arrived downstairs* Sheepy: Bedi: I apologize for my shouting. Arsé-kun: Mozart: That's quite fine. It isn't something you can help. Squeaky toys at 3 am, however... *he shoots Lobo a dirty glare* Sheepy: Lobo: *he ignores Mozart in favor of focusing on the football* Arsé-kun: Mozart: *he snatches up the squeaky toy, and goes to exit after a quick little wave. goodbye mozart* Sheepy: Lobo: *he looks up and blinks. where did his squeaky toy go* Arsé-kun: *it vanished! (thank god)* Sheepy: Lobo: *he stands up and starts sniffing around. does Vlad have it?* Arsé-kun: *Vlad holds his hands up. He does not have it!* Sheepy: Lobo: *he sniffs at Vlad's hands* Arsé-kun: *no toy! Vlad pats his nose though* Sheepy: Lobo: *he nuzzles Vlad in response* Arsé-kun: *good shit op* Sheepy: Bedi: I feel like I should be doing something of importance, being up this late. Arsé-kun: Vlad: It does often feel that way, doesn't it? But perhaps there is. Sheepy: Bedi: There's something I should be doing... Arsé-kun: Vlad: Perhaps, perhaps not. Sheepy: Bedi: What do you think it could be? Arsé-kun: Vlad: I would have no idea. Why don't you take a walk around the halls? It's unlikely you'll be interrupted. Sheepy: Bedi: Oh! Good idea. Arsé-kun: Vlad: And while you do that.. Carmilla? Shall we go out and get lunch? Sheepy: Carmilla: Yeah, sure. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Great, because I was going to go no matter the answer. Sheepy: Carmilla: Wow. Arsé-kun: Vlad: We'd better get going, then, before it gets light out. Sheepy: Carmilla: Yeah. Arsé-kun: *spoop patrol exits scene.* Sheepy: *Bedi, meanwhile, is walking through the halls* Arsé-kun: *It's dark. It's quiet. It's kinda nice, but also a little bit spooky.* Sheepy: *Bedi doesn't mind it.* Arsé-kun: *Thankfully his eyes have adjusted to the darkness, so he can see where he is going. Only the furthest parts of the hall are hard to see, and for some reason a nearby doorway. Maybe it's just the angle he's on.* Sheepy: Bedi:....? Sheepy: *Bedi goes to investigate* Arsé-kun: *It's very dark, even up close. Like, super dark. This isn't normal darkness. This is ADVANCED DARKNESS!* Sheepy: Bedi: *he slowly puts out Airgetlam to touch it* Arsé-kun: *It, strangely enough, shrinks back from his hand. Scared darkness? That's weird.* Sheepy: Bedi:...Hello? Arsé-kun: *The darkness doesn't answer back. This is.. Probably a good thing?* Sheepy: Bedi: Huh. Sheepy: Bedi: I was expecting more of a response...what is this? Sheepy: *Bedi begins poking at it with Airgetlam* Arsé-kun: *It continues retreating, and shrinking. Bedi can now see some of the room. It's nothing special.* Sheepy: Bedi: If only I had a flashlight. Sheepy: Bedi:.... Sheepy: Bedi:.....*he looks to Airgetlam* Sheepy: Bedi: Airgetlam, switch on! *Airgetlam shines brightly!* Arsé-kun: *Some of the room is instantly lit up! The rest is.. Still pitch black. As I said before, this is ADVANCED DARKNESS* Sheepy: Bedi:...! Sheepy: Bedi: *he pokes at it again* Arsé-kun: *The shadows retreat a bit more than they had prior, with a bit of a... Whine? It was something.* Sheepy: Bedi: Oh! It's alive! Sheepy: Bedi: Hello? Arsé-kun: *It eventually stops shrinking, leaving a ball of shadow on the sofa. But no answer.* Sheepy: Bedi: *he gently shakes it* Arsé-kun: *There's a very quiet but distressed "Go awayyy..!" from the shadows, which shift away before becoming a tighter ball.* Sheepy: Bedi: ....? Sheepy: Bedi: I apologize, it's just... Sheepy: Bedi: You...were kind of...um.. Sheepy: Bedi:...well. You piqued my curiosity. Arsé-kun: ?: Dooon't...! *They recoil away from Bedi, despite him not touching them this time.* Jus' kill me and get it over with...! Sheepy: Bedi: Huh? I won't hurt you! Sheepy: Bedi: It's okay. Everything is fine. I'll stand back until you feel comfortable with me approaching, okay? Arsé-kun: ?: ... always do, it's... fault, it's my fault, it's my fault, it's my f*They hiccup really quietly* why why why why why why why whyyyyy*hic*yyyyy..? Sheepy: Bedi: ...? Sheepy: Bedi: What is? Arsé-kun: ?: ... ... .nnn... Arsé-kun: ?: ...... not the carving tools againnnnn... ... anything but... Arsé-kun: *His voice slowly gets louder as he pleads with an unseen enemy, begging them not to hurt him again. It culminates in screaming and violently thrashing up off the sofa- most likely hitting Bedivere (but doing little to no actual damage)- before coming to a stop hanging off of the sofa and panting heavily. Despite all of this, he hasn't actually woken himself up entirely.* Arsé-kun: *As well, now that he has stopped being curled up into a ball, he's now recognizable as Angra (if he wasn't before.)* Sheepy: Bedi: It's okay, it's okay. No one will hurt you here. Arsé-kun: Angra: ... ...? *he slightly looks up at Bedi* ... Sheepy: Bedi: I'm sorry for waking you. However... Arsé-kun: Angra: ... *he blinks, and pauses before jumping up onto the back of the sofa. A very delayed reaction.* H-how long have you been here?? Sheepy: Bedi: Not for too long. Arsé-kun: Angra: *he groans and flops back down* Great, cool! Now my traumatic backstory is out in the wild! Grrrrreat! *he is not pleased.* Sheepy: Bedi: You were having a nightmare, although I didn't realize that at first. *he smiles* Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Sheepy: Bedi: I was just worried about you, so I stayed with you. Sheepy: Bedi: If I encounter you in such a state in the future, I could get you a blanket and leave you be instead if you would so prefer. Arsé-kun: Angra: ... ... *he looks more confused than anything* Uhm.. Thanks..? Sheepy: Bedi: I apologize if I'm making you uncomfortable. Arsé-kun: Angra: It's not, um. *he huffs and sits up* I did mean thanks, that's real, but.. *he seems conflicted, before just giving up on being subtle* Nobody's ever that nice to me. You know what I am, yeah? Sheepy: Bedi: I do. Sheepy: Bedi: However... Sheepy: Bedi: I would never dislike you. Sheepy: Bedi: It doesn’t matter to me who you are. I won’t treat you poorly because of it. Arsé-kun: Angra: ... ... *he tilts his head to the side* Thank you? A terrible decision, really, but thanks anyway. Sheepy: Bedi: Huh? Sheepy: Bedi: I don’t believe so. Sheepy: Bedi: I don’t dislike anyone. Arsé-kun: Angra: Anyone? Not even the dark shady butler guy? Sheepy: Bedi: No, I don’t dislike even him. Arsé-kun: Angra: Huh. Sheepy: Bedi: I see him as a problem to solve, but once he’s no longer attempting to hurt us, I wish him the best. Sheepy: Bedi: Perhaps one might find that odd, but... Sheepy: Bedi: I suppose I’m just an odd individual: Arsé-kun: Angra: *he thinks about this* You really are some sorta screwball, but hey, you're not bad. Sheepy: Bedi: I’m happy to hear that. Sheepy: Bedi: However... Sheepy: Bedi: It saddens me to hear people don’t treat you very nicely. Sheepy: Bedi: Is there anything I could do for you? Sheepy: Bedi: I’m fairly good at cooking simple things and I can make coffee well, so maybe I could make something for you? Arsé-kun: Angra: ... That'd be nice... Sheepy: Bedi: What would you like? Arsé-kun: Angra: Yer asking me? Hm.. Hmmmm! Something edible! Sheepy: Bedi: ... Sheepy: Bedi: Do you have no preference...? Sheepy: Bedi: Ah...then I’ll share my favorite meal with you! Sheepy: Bedi: Do you mind vegetables? Arsé-kun: Angra: Great question! Lets find out. Sheepy: *Bedi goes to the kitchen and begins cooking steamed veggies!* Arsé-kun: *Angra follows him and plops into a chair. Obseeeerve* Sheepy: Bedi: What hobbies do you have? Arsé-kun: Angra: Does people watching count? Caaause if not, I got nothin'. Sheepy: Bedi: I think it does. Sheepy: Bedi: I found watching mankind evolve around me absolutely fascinating. Sheepy: Bedi:...Of course...my wanderings were my punishment, but even still, I enjoyed them to some extent. Sheepy: Bedi: Of course... Sheepy: Bedi: My favorite dish is what it is due to what it reminds me of. Sheepy: Bedi: Of course... Sheepy: Bedi: My favorite dish is what it is due to what it reminds me of. Sheepy: Bedi: The happy times of the Knights of the Round Table. I had it often back then because I loved it even then. Sheepy: Bedi: But now, it's more of a symbol of...oh, I apologize for rambling. It's a bad habit of mine. Arsé-kun: Angra: Nah, go ahead, dude. I ain't got much to say. Sheepy: Bedi: So it doesn't bore you? Arsé-kun: Angra: Not yet at least! Sheepy: Bedi: It's more of a symbol of those happy times because I was completely incapable of making it on my travels. Arsé-kun: Angra: But you can now? Sheepy: Bedi: I'm capable of making it now, but it's the only thing that truly remains from those times. Sheepy: Bedi: Do you ever wish things were just a bit different? Almost as though you could erase memories of the past that changed you? Arsé-kun: Angra: Fuck, man. I'd be some random schmuck otherwise. And some third schmuck would be stuck with what I had.. Feels bad. Sheepy: Bedi: I suppose. Sheepy: Bedi: I understand those memories are important, yet...I... Arsé-kun: Angra: Eh! Shit happens, it makes the world turn. That and black magic, but anyway. And then you die. Sheepy: Bedi:..I recognize we'll never return to those happy times, so we just have to make new ones. But with Sir Lancelot a berserker due to what happened between himself and our King, Sir Gawain completely unrestrained by any moral compass in some respects due to our King not watching over him, and Sir Tristan in...ah, he hasn't changed a bit. Sheepy: Bedi: But it feels like it's impossible. Even if we're happy together, something is missing. Something is wrong. Sheepy: Bedi: And it just weighs on the back of my mind. Arsé-kun: Angra: Get over it, that's my advice. You're not gettin' it back. Never will. Why bother? Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, that's true. Sheepy: Bedi: But... Sheepy: Bedi: I suppose why I bother is because I dearly love my friends. I'd like to see them smile again without seeing that guilt behind their eyes. ...Other than Sir Tristan. Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, it's ready. Arsé-kun: Angra: Well, tell them to stop bein' pussies. Except the Berserker, I guess, he'll kill me. Sheepy: *Bedi dishes out the steamed veggies and gives them to Angra* Sheepy: Bedi:...Hmm... Tell them to... Sheepy: Bedi:..would that work... Sheepy: Bedi: ...Thank you... Sheepy: Bedi: You've actually helped me a lot. Arsé-kun: Angra: Yeah, sure, any time. And you helped more. Sheepy: Bedi: I'm happy to hear that. Arsé-kun: *Angra considers the veggies. He considers the coconuts, and it's trees. It's still hot. He likes his tongue not burning to a cinder.* Sheepy: Bedi: If you like it, I'll make it for you in the future. If not, I'll try to come up with something else. Sheepy: Bedi: My brother is a much better cook than me. Sheepy: Bedi: However...I'll do my best! Arsé-kun: Angra: It's not pitch black, yer already better than half the shit I've seen. Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, that sounds accurate. Arsé-kun: *Angra goes to nom. !!! It is immediately Angra-Approved.* Sheepy: Bedi: Oh...! I'll keep in mind that you like it! Arsé-kun: *Angra proceeds to more or less inhale the edibles. is gud* Sheepy: *Bedi finishes cleaning* Arsé-kun: *Until Angra comes over with his plate and utensils. You are not done.* Sheepy: *Bedi begins cleaning those, too* Arsé-kun: *Good man Bedivere LastName* Arsé-kun: Angra: So, uh... Now what? Arsé-kun: Angra: I'd love to fuck with somebody, but I'll die instantly. Sheepy: Bedi: Hmm.. Sheepy: Bedi: Do you want to try going back to sleep? Arsé-kun: Angra: Should, but I'm not feeling it. Sheepy: Bedi: Hmm... Sheepy: Bedi: I was considering it myself because...what if Merlin gets lonely? Arsé-kun: Angra: Then sucks to be him. Arsé-kun: Angra: Oh, oh, I know. I can be a creepy weirdo and you can see if everyone's doing okay. It's Halloween, after all! Nobody is safe! Sheepy: Bedi: Oh...! Sheepy: Bedi: But wouldn't that wake them up? Arsé-kun: Angra: What are you gonna do, jump on their bed until it breaks? Why would it? Sheepy: Bedi: Jump on their bed...? Arsé-kun: Angra: You're not, right? So why would you wake anyone up? It's bitch o clock am. Sheepy: Bedi: I've only heard of such activities in rumors...! Sheepy: Bedi: That children jump on their beds and get punished. Arsé-kun: Angra: Well, yeah. They would go flyin' out windows, or hit the floor, or do somethin' stupid. We're adults, we can do what we goddamn want. Sheepy: Bedi: ....However, when I asked if Satoru partakes in such activities....he replied, "Why? What does it accomplish?" Arsé-kun: Angra: The same as other time wasters! It's fun! Sheepy: Bedi: They meant not actual children, but manchildren! Sheepy: Bedi: You're very knowledgeable! Arsé-kun: Angra: Real kids? Shouldn't do it. They'll gottdam die. And are you calling me a manchildren?? Sheepy: Bedi: Huh? Sheepy: Bedi: *he tilts his head* Huh? Arsé-kun: Angra: *he tilts his in response* Huh? Do we think better when we tilt? Sheepy: Bedi: Well, I thought you were like Andersen. Sheepy: Bedi: You gave me "old man in a child's body" vibes, but not the way Satoru does. Arsé-kun: Angra: I mean, I was pretty old when I finally died! Does that count? Sheepy: Bedi: Oh! So was... Sheepy: Bedi:....I? Sheepy: Bedi:...... Sheepy: Bedi:.....??? Arsé-kun: Angra: Should I be calling you old man, then?? Sheepy: Bedi: I didn't actually die....I kind of was just ...sent to the void? Arsé-kun: Angra: I'd say lucky you, but can't share the feeling! Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, it's quite unnatural. Sheepy: Bedi: I wouldn't expect anyone to relate. Arsé-kun: Angra: That's why yer lucky, but whatever. Sheepy: Bedi: Oh. Sheepy: Bedi: I suppose I might be lucky in some people's eyes in that respect. Arsé-kun: Angra: *he sorta shrugs* Sheepy: Bedi: Anyway...um... Sheepy: Bedi: What now? Arsé-kun: Angra: I dunno. What do you fancy pantsy knights do, anyway? Sheepy: Bedi: Whatever my king asks of me. Sheepy: Bedi: Other than that... Sheepy: Bedi: We spend time together, train ourselves, spar, or do what we need in order to live. Sheepy: Bedi: A bond between your fellow knights is incredibly important. Sheepy: Bedi: It'll be what saves you. Sheepy: Bedi: We also sightsee...but if you mean now... Sheepy: Bedi:...Unfortunately, I think Sir Lancelot and Sir Tristan mope all the time with very few breaks, Sir Gawain is a skirt chaser, and I spend most of my time by Merlin's side. Arsé-kun: Angra: Yeah, I noticed. It's a good source of food for me. Sheepy: Bedi: Lucan hasn't changed a bit other than the massive hole in his chest, Sir Kay hasn't changed, and Griflet apparently enjoys children's shows. Sheepy: Bedi: I would be overjoyed if all of us could come together for a party of some sort. Arsé-kun: Angra: Then have a party! Go nuts, go feral, get smashed and get "smashed"! Arsé-kun: Angra: You wanna do a thing? Do the thing! Sheepy: Bedi: *he eagerly holds his fists up in front of his chest, smiling brightly* I'll "go feral"! Arsé-kun: Angra: Wait wait wait hold on wait *this is not the reply he expected At All* Sheepy: Bedi: Huh? Arsé-kun: *And poor Angra now has to explain EXACTLY what "Going feral" means. He throws Sicko Mode in for a bonus* Sheepy: Bedi:....I don't really understand, so I'll just ask Merlin Arsé-kun: Angra: Oh my gggghh.. It means you act like a nutcase wild animal! Go nuts! Go crazy! Same thing! Please don't actually use it, I might be murdered for it! Sheepy: Bedi: Oh... Sheepy: Bedi: I'll avoid it. Arsé-kun: Angra: Lobo going on a murder spree is going feral. Me drinking a keg of beer and committing a crime is going feral. You're a goodie two shoes, you avoid that. Sheepy: Bedi: I see. Sheepy: Bedi: But... Sheepy: Bedi: Isn't it "Goodie two snooze"? Sheepy: Bedi: Lucan says that a goodie two snooze is someone who's good at droning on to the point that you get in two naps before they're done. Sheepy: Bedi: And that any similar phrases are wrong and I should question them. Arsé-kun: Angra: Eh? A liar? Lemme beat him up and die for my transgressions. Sheepy: Bedi: Huh? Arsé-kun: Angra: Never mind! *he decides to do it himself later this week.* Sheepy: Bedi: My brother's very smart. Arsé-kun: Angra: Yeah, in the bad ideas and puns department. Sheepy: Bedi: For example.. Sheepy: Bedi: Did you know that alcohol was invented by someone named Alfred Kay Hole? But his friends would call him Al for short. Sheepy: Bedi: He told me that. Arsé-kun: Angra: Did he? Hmm! Sheepy: Bedi: I hadn't heard it before. He's very knowledgeable! Arsé-kun: Angra: He must be, to know such weird stuff. Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, exactly Sheepy: Bedi: He loves teaching me these things, too. Sheepy: Bedi: And spreading the word. He tells me to share my newfound knowledge whenever I can. Arsé-kun: Angra: Maaan.. *does he tell Bedi? Does he not? Which is the more evil of the two? And which keeps him fed?* ... Arsé-kun: Angra: You know he's fuckin' with you, right? Sheepy: Bedi: Huh? Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, people tell me this often. Arsé-kun: Angra: Al Kay Hole? Alcohol? He's messing with you. Sheepy: Bedi: But Lucan doesn't lie. Arsé-kun: Angra: Also, it's goodie two-shoes. But I might steal the other one! Sheepy: Bedi: He says that he knows a lot of facts about make up, not that they're lies. Sheepy: Bedi:...Or is it a lot of facts that he makes up? Sheepy: Bedi: Either way, he knows a lot of facts! Arsé-kun: Angra: Both? But these sound like bullshit to me, and I know bullshit! I speak it fluently! He's makin' shit up and watchin' you embarrass yourself! What a dickkk! Sheepy: Bedi: Huh? Sheepy: Bedi: Hmmmm...but... Sheepy: Bedi: *he tilts his head* ... Arsé-kun: Angra: Whaaaat an asshollle! A whole douché de pas! Arsé-kun: Angra: And the entire asshole ballet! Sheepy: Bedi: So then... Sheepy: Bedi: Eggnog isn't an alcoholic beverage for chickens? Arsé-kun: Angra: Nope! Sheepy: Bedi: And Santa doesn't put people down on his naughty list permanently if they forget to bake cookies for him? Arsé-kun: Angra: Nooope! The Krampus might consider it though! Sheepy: Bedi: Lucan said he was giving his gifts to me because he felt bad for me and was taking the coal... Sheepy: Bedi: He even put my name on in advance... Arsé-kun: Angra: ... IS regifting a sin? *thinking emoji* Sheepy: Bedi: Huh? Arsé-kun: Angra: The answer issss! Ittttttt's not! Sheepy: Bedi:....!? Sheepy: Bedi: And the Easter bunny doesn't eat people whose hair makes people think of bunnies!? Arsé-kun: Angra: It's a rabbit! Why would he eat people? He's not the beast! Sheepy: Bedi:...Because he's hungry after laying eggs. Sheepy: Bedi: But he eats other rabbits for fuel. Sheepy: Bedi: His vision isn't very good so he mistakes people with hairstyles like mine for rabbits. Arsé-kun: Angra: That's the dumbest thing I've heard tonight! I love it. I'm going to scare children with it next year. Sheepy: Bedi: Huh? Arsé-kun: Angra: That's dumb. Hi, I'm your villain for the evening and you're kinda naive, ain'tcha? Arsé-kun: Angra: A bit dumb in the upstairs? A little too trusting of man? Like okay, Spenta, we get it, you're the nicest guy in the world, but yer kind of an idiot? Arsé-kun: Angra: You a doormat or a man? Ch-ch-check yaself 'fore ya wreck yaself! Arsé-kun: *Angra attempts an airhorn noise, but not too loudly. bewww bewbewbewbewwww* Arsé-kun: Angra: Anyway if you hold him down, I'll kick him in the taint for ya. Sheepy: Bedi: Huh? Sheepy: Bedi: Isn't it better to be trusting than to constantly question whether something is a lie? Sheepy: Bedi: My brother wouldn't have any reason to lie to me, would he? Sheepy: Bedi: And....a doormat, hm. Sheepy: Bedi: I wonder if I am one....I wonder... I'll ask Merlin about what you're saying. Arsé-kun: Angra: Easy answer. For his own amusement! People can be diiiiicks! Sheepy: Bedi:?! Sheepy: Bedi: Wh...what!? Arsé-kun: Angra: Surprise! Sheepy: Bedi: But...! Sheepy: Bedi: I can't believe this... Sheepy: Bedi:....I need to ask Merlin about this... Arsé-kun: Angra: Yeaaah, probs a good idea. Believin' the shit I say might not always be good! Sheepy: Bedi: I suppose so. Sheepy: Bedi: I have a lot to think about... (CONTINUED IN 15.5)
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orodrethsgeek · 7 years
I am (apparently) using the B2MeM as the impetus to get myself back into writing and posting fic. Amazing.
This piece draws heavily from @dawnfelagund‘s Another Man’s Cage (and other Dawn-canon), which is always and forever at the top of my rec list.
Summary: Macalaurë often has trouble sleeping. After the birth of the new baby, he finds he’s not the only one.
If I were Maitimo or Tyelcormo, I might have just climbed out the window, nestling my feet and hands amongst the ivy on the trellis and so finding my way down. As I am, I dare not; the ivy is a rare and delicate albino breed, and both Father and Mother have expressly forbidden us from treating it like a ladder. Tyelcormo has been caught at it often enough for me to know that I never want to be. Maitimo, of course, and even Findecáno when he is here, manage the infraction well enough to get away with it. (I do not mind being bested by Nelyo, but it rankles in ways I cannot put into words to be beaten by our half-cousin.)
Having ruled the window out, I am still left with my original problem: getting downstairs where I can escape with my harp to the field and pick out the melody keeping me from sleep. All that stands between me and relief is the nursery, whose half-closed door tells me that Mother is in there with the new baby. While I am old enough to come and go as I please, she will want to know where I think I am off to this late into Telperion’s glory, and I would rather not—cannot, truthfully—explain. Any reticence on my part would make her worry, and likely add to what I know is her growing suspicion that we, her sons, trust Father more than her. And Father says—has been saying, for months now, as though we are all blind and cannot see for ourselves that this birth has been particularly hard for her—that Mother has enough to worry about.
So I stand, poised between the hall leading back to my room and the stairs, unable to go back for restlessness and unable to move forward for fear. The paralysis reminds me unpleasantly of Findecáno, who, for all that he is only ever a guest in our house, teases me about my tendency to think my actions through as though I were the visitor and he were Nelyo’s brother, not just a child so clearly star-struck that Maitimo cannot but tolerate him. The days when I had taught him to play the harp seem very far away now.
(Nelyo insists that Findecáno does not mean to imply that I do not belong in my father’s house when he remarks on the oddity of being reminded that not all of Fëanáro’s sons are as reckless as each other. But Nelyo has been acting as peacekeeper for so long that I sometimes find myself wondering what is true and what he only wants to be true.)
I can be reckless too, I think to the shadow of Findecáno in my mind, and stride resolutely past the half-open door—
“Macalaurë, where are you going?’
—and freeze. The flat tone is exhausted, but the voice is not Mother’s. I turn, slowly, to face my father.
After experiencing the birth of two siblings, and knowing that before them there was Nelyo’s birth and mine, I sometimes forget that this baby is different. Father and Mother used to take turns sitting up with us at night, as much as they were able (sometimes a baby just needs its mother). But Father will not let Mother sit up with this baby, insisting that she needs her rest and that he is more than capable of caring for his newest son when he wakes in the night. (Moryo says this is far from the only reason, but I try not to listen to Moryo and his theories.) I doubt Mother would have stood for this sort of coddling, save that Father seems to have the uncanny ability to know when the baby will grow tetchy before he starts to fuss and carries him off to the nursery before he has a chance to wake Mother up.
And so I am standing in front of my father, clutching my harp and feeling guilty, though I know my nighttime wanderings are not the cause of the spreading bruises beneath his eyes. I offer up the first defense I can think of.
“I didn’t climb out the window.”
Father raises an eyebrow at this redundant non sequitur, and glances to the window in question as he pushes the nursery door fully open.
“So you didn’t,” he agrees, running a hand down the baby’s back. “It is nice to know at least one of my sons respects the rules of this house. It’s bad manners to treat windows like doors.”
I wince and know where he intends to lead the conversation—it is equally bad manners to tramp around the house at night with a newborn in residence, and to dance my way around answering a direct question. But he does not immediately follow up, so I take the brief opportunity to attempt to explain.
“I was going for a walk. There’s a melody,” I add; Father is no stranger to inconveniently timed inspiration.
“There’s always a melody, filit,” Father sighs, not half as understanding as I had hoped, or perhaps too tired to sympathize, and I scowl down at my bare feet.
I jump when his hand gently lifts my chin; however tired he is, Father always moves with grace to shame the proudest cat. He smoothes my hair behind my ears, trailing one knuckle down my cheek.
“I don’t know why you insist on hiding such a beautiful face, yonya,” he murmurs. Even knowing it is far from the truth—my mouth and forehead are too wide and my brows too thick to be more than comely—I stand straighter at the compliment. As one of his sons, I enjoy the rare honor of being one of the few people Father judges to be beautiful; otherwise, it is a term he uses for things and ideas.
Father smiles at my smile, and shifts the baby to his other arm, gesturing for me to continue downstairs. He follows me, whispering to my littlest little brother all the while. He has never been one for nonsensical baby talk, but, as far as I remember, this is the first of us with whom he has tried to converse so early.
I stop once I clear the lower landing, not sure I have his blessing to go off in to the night. He turns toward the kitchen, so—with one last longing glance at the door—I trail after him.
He lights one of his lanterns, for the room is dim even with Telperion’s glow, and begins putting together the mixture he prepares for the baby when Mother is sleeping. I hover at the table, resting my harp on the worn wood gently, and watch him tend to the infant Mother named Atarinkë and whose essë Father has not yet declared.
Atarinkë does not much live up to his amilessë as far as I can tell. There is very little about the tiny, helpless person to remind me of Father. Perhaps he will grow into it, but I find myself hoping, selfishly, that he will not. I want to believe it is my imagination, but Father already seems to care more for this son than those who came before. If Atarinkë does become more like Father as he ages, what hope is there for the rest of us? How could we compete for a father’s love against another Fëanáro?
Father looks up as he sets the bottle’s nipple to the baby’s lips, and then immediately back down as Atarinkë turns his scrunched up face away, whimpering mutinously.
“I know, yonya; it’s not as good as Mother’s. Let her sleep now and she’ll feed you properly in the morning.” Atarinkë turns back to the bottle and I wonder uneasily whether he actually does understand everything that is said to him. Father slides into the chair across from me, crossing an ankle over a knee and rocking gently.
“So? Play your melody.” He winces almost as soon as the words leave his mouth, and he amends, “If you would,” but I am too caught between joy at his interest and deeply ingrained habit.
“Play now? In the house? At night?” Father rolls his eyes, and I wish I had let those words become one cohesive question before blurting them out.
“If anyone is disturbed, they can lodge their complaints with me,” he says wryly. I grin. Very few people in Arda would fault anyone for following Father’s lead. And Nolofinwë does not live with us.
Still I hesitate, not sure if I can—or want to—do as he asked. I have never composed to an audience before, and I half worry that allowing someone else to hear it in its unfinished state will prevent it from reaching its final form, or ruin the magic I am told is in my music. I avoid Father’s eyes, watching Atarinkë worry the bottle—more mouthing than suckling, I see. Whatever my misgivings about this littlest of my brothers, his show of infantile disobedience brings another grin to my lips.
The first note falls into place, then the next, and I begin to pick out the melody that has kept me awake for hours. It is slower than I imagine it will be when done, for I am considering the way each note fits together with its fellows as I go, and softer, as I do not want the sound to carry beyond the kitchen, but I recognize in it the beginning of something wonderful.
Atarinkë cranes his little head in my direction, eyes wide and wholly captivated, and I realize, with something a bit like joy—if joy were full of unending terror and sharp pain—that this is the first music he has heard since leaving Mother’s womb. The melody trembles, grows sweeter, and Atarinkë smiles at me. He reaches out one pudgy arm, flexing his hand as though to catch the music as it falls off my harp strings. Father chuckles, setting the bottle aside, and I glance up at him, but he is staring down at the baby in his arms.
“Have you decided his essë yet?” I ask cautiously. Nelyo goes tense whenever he catches Moryo and Turko bickering over what it will be, so I have grown wary of the topic, but I am no less curious than anyone else. Father half-hums a tune that fits nicely into the crescendo I am building, and I weave it into the song.
“Perhaps,” he murmurs. “Though your mother takes exception to it.” I smile weakly, and do not voice my sympathy with Mother’s exasperation with his –finwë theme. “But she has already named him, so I do not see why I—“ he stops, and I can tell by the way he rubs a hand over his eyes that he did not intend to say that out loud. My fingers find the melody’s beginning and I start over, incorporating Father’s accompaniment from there this time.
Atarinkë’s eyes, the only part of his that remind me of Father, blink slowly, more frequently as I grow more certain of the song’s composition, more sure of my mastery over it. His small hand goes still and Father tucks it back into his blanket. Then he shifts his hold on the baby, laying Atarinkë up against his chest, one arm crooked to support him there. Atarinkë curls a fist around a lock of Father’s hair, and then moves no more. The melody turns melancholy as I wonder whether Father ever sat with me in that chair, if his face had ever been that serene when he looked upon me. Still, there is a strength to my song that gives me the courage to voice what has troubled me since I heard it.
“Moryo says he will be your favorite.”
I look up after a moment, when no answer comes.
Father has fallen asleep, Atarinkë in his arms.
Silence reigns in the ruined halls of Menegroth as I make my way to the throne room. The Oath still calls, a thrum I can feel aching in my bones, but already it is growing fainter, becoming once more something bearable, and I can again spare a thought for other concerns.
The Silmaril is gone, leaving only death and destruction in its wake. Someone will have to help restrain Carnistir and Tyelcormo from their more violent impulses when they realize we have failed. Someone will have to steady Russandol in the wake of this second Kinslaying. (A second Kinslaying, when there should have never been a first. A second Kinslaying, and this one far more calculated, far more deliberate. My stomach turns, my thoughts wanting to skitter away from that horrific truth, but I have had more than enough time to accept it. We planned this one, after all.)
There is no one standing guard in the cavernous throne room when I arrive, an oddity—Tyelcormo and Atarinkë had been holding it with their men when I had last come this way. I expected there to at least be some men left behind, guarding it, even if my brothers themselves have moved on—and it seems unlikely to me that they would have moved on. Seizing King Dior’s throne is just the sort of metaphorical victory Atarinkë savors, and Tyelcormo has been his creature now for centuries. They will not have gone far. I round the shattered doors into the cavernous expanse, expecting at the least to see my brothers.
I do.
Tyelcormo lies on his side, the center of a ring of corpses, his fair hair fanned across the floor and slowly turning red. His armor is rent and punctured, the broken haft of a spear jutting from his armpit, and his throat is a gaping ruin. He is furious and snarling even in death, his lips drawn back from his teeth.
Atarinkë is positively peaceful by contrast, propped up against the throne, eyes closed, one hand clasped around the knife in his gut.
I stumble as an odd, animal noise echoes through the empty hall—me, I realize, my voice, a wretched, ugly croak of disbelief and pain. The sight of them crumpled, the smell of blood and decay—I can feel my knees trembling. Two of my brothers are lying dead, and all I feel is a horrible, dreadful relief that it is not Russandol or Pitya lying there—
Atarinkë—Atarinkë the schemer, Atarinkë the monster—stirs at the sound of my voice. His head lolls to the side, his eyelids shivering faintly, and I am at his side faster than blinking.
His eyes will not open all the way, but even half-closed I can see relief in them as I kneel, my hands hovering uselessly over him. He sucks in a weak, wet breath, not enough for speech, and I know—if I had even doubted—that I cannot save him. I ease him gingerly into my lap and pull the dagger out of him. His hand is slick with his wasted blood, but I imagine I can feel him squeeze mine as I lace our fingers together. As I sit there, cradling him, a new sound echoes in the too-still air—a soft tune, and sweet: an infant’s lullaby, composed long ago in Aman. My throat is raw from the battle, from grief, but I hum the tune all the same.
His lips curl, his fingers twitch. Atarinkë sighs softly against my throat and dies in my arms.
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bad-draft-stuff · 5 years
Fate Goes (and has a bad evening)
*OKAY ITS BEEN LIKE SEVERAL MONTHS SINCE THIS DRAFT HAS BEEN OPENED SO WE’RE JUST GONNA.. MOVE ON* Sheepy: Bedi: *he’s preparing the outside of the house for Halloween. it’s important to be festive!* Sheepy: Bedi: I didn’t think we should present our home as scary, so I went with this cute ornament I found in the store instead. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Cute, yeah. If you cover up the entire face, I could agree it’s cute! Sheepy: Bedi: What do you mean? Sheepy: Bedi: I thought its face was cute… Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, do you have a costume yet? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Of course not! Sheepy: Bedi: I don’t either. I forgot about it. Sheepy: Bedi: Do you have any ideas? Arsé-kun: Merlin: … Oh, I’ve got one! Sheepy: Bedi: What is it? Arsé-kun: Merlin: You be me, I’ll be you! Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, good idea! Arsé-kun: Merlin: It can’t be that hard, can it?? Sheepy: Bedi: It shouldn’t be too difficult. Sheepy: Bedi: It doesn’t have to be perfect, after all! Arsé-kun: Merlin: And that just makes it easier on us! Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, and we could make it easier by swapping clothing. Arsé-kun: Merlin: That’s what I was thinking! Sheepy: Bedi: Perfect. Arsé-kun: Merlin: And we can wait until the last minute to prepare. So lets get back to this. *he picks up and plants a scarecrow with decent force.* Sheepy: Bedi: *he turns his attention to the last thing he put up and begins straightening it* Sheepy: *Lobo is watching them from the window* Sheepy: Bedi:… *he looks up at the window* Oh, that reminds me. We’ll need to get Lobo not to tear it up. Sheepy: Bedi: And we’ll need to get Rider not to decapitate anything…huh. They’re already kind of Halloween themed. Dr. Griffin, too. Arsé-kun: Merlin: They really are, huh? Lucky them. Sheepy: Bedi: But during Christmas…or Easter… Arsé-kun: Merlin: That’s when it sucks to be them! Sheepy: Bedi: Or during Updog day. Lucan told me about it, but not details. Sheepy: Bedi: However, I’m sure it’s incredibly important. Arsé-kun: Merlin: … … What’s updog? Sheepy: Bedi: I don’t know, unfortunately. Sheepy: Bedi: So you haven’t heard of it, either? Arsé-kun: Merlin: *he sighs and stops adjusting a fake tombstone* It’s bait to get someone to ask what Updog is! Sheepy: Bedi:…But why? Arsé-kun: Merlin: “What’s up, dog”, followed by “Not much dog, what’s up with you!” Sheepy: Bedi: *he looks completely lost, but his smile is still present* Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, so you’re meant to say it to a dog? Arsé-kun: Merlin: “Dog” can be slang for “dude” or “bro”. *his airquotes are spot on* Sheepy: Bedi: I see. Arsé-kun: Merlin: It’s.. It’s a kid friendly variation on sugma. Sheepy: Bedi: Ah… Sheepy: Bedi:…. Sheepy: Bedi: Like the fire slug in the game Kintoki was playing. Arsé-kun: Merlin: …? Arsé-kun: Merlin: I guess?? Sheepy: Bedi: That’s its name. Arsé-kun: Merlin: We’ll just have to ask, huh? Sheepy: Bedi: Ask whom? Kintoki? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Yeah. Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, I suppose. Arsé-kun: Angra: *he strolls outside, his goal being to ruin the nice pile of leaves* Just google it, you old tart! Sheepy: Bedi:….? Sheepy: Bedi: *he tilts his head* “Google”… Arsé-kun: Merlin: *he promptly pulls his phone out to google it* Oh, it’s Slugma. Was close, though. Sheepy: Bedi: I’m afraid I can’t “google” anything. I’m not aware of such a verb. Sheepy: Bedi: I apologize. Arsé-kun: Angra: *he stops and squints so hard his eyes are slivers* You not use the internet or something? You an old retired man? Sheepy: Bedi: Once again, I’m not familiar with such things. Arsé-kun: Angra: Your fuckbuddy does streams and you don’t know shit? Sheepy: Bedi: Ah! That’s magic! *he’s beaming* Isn’t he amazing!? Arsé-kun: Angra: Sweet merciful zoroastrian feast of fucks. *he puts his hands on his face. his face is gone. incredible void boy tricks* It’s all wires and signals. Edison n’ Tesla would shit themselves over it. Sheepy: Bedi: I’m afraid…I do not follow your explanation. Arsé-kun: Angra: Wizrad, I am stealing your idiot! I’m teaching him how to use the internet! Arsé-kun: Merlin: Have fun! Sheepy: Bedi: I don’t understand. Arsé-kun: Angra: You’re about to! *he grabs onto the Airgetlam and very, very quickly regrets his decisions. But he sticks to it!* Sheepy: *Airgetlam glows upon being touched.* Sheepy: Bedi: I…I see. *he doesn’t appear to notice it at all.* Arsé-kun: Angra: C'mon, we’re goin’ in! Gonna show you how to look up shit and cool swords, or whatever you knights like! Arsé-kun: *Angra goes to drag Bedi inside. Airgetlam is in no danger of being torn off on accident- Angra’s not strong enough to do that, even if he wanted to.* Sheepy: *bedi follows, confused still* Sheepy: Bedi: Why? Arsé-kun: *Angra grabs a nearby laptop and opens it up. It ain’t his.* Arsé-kun: Angra: Because the world runs on this shit, kid. Sheepy: Bedi:….! Sheepy: Bedi: Internet is sunlight. Arsé-kun: Angra: It’s closer to lightning, I think! Arsé-kun: Angra: Chaldea? Internet. Phones? Some net. Streams? Net. Electricity is wild. Sheepy: Bedi: Net? Sheepy: Bedi: Like fishing net. Arsé-kun: Angra: Internet. I ain’t sayin’ it every single time. Sheepy: Bedi: So Chaldea is internet. Arsé-kun: Angra: It sure has a lot of it! Okay, here. *he pulls up the equivalent of google that’s used these days.* What do ya wanna look up? Anythin’. Sheepy: Bedi: *he looks up* Arsé-kun: Angra: … … On the internet, you literal turd. Sheepy: Bedi: Like in tomes. Arsé-kun: Angra: Yes! Sheepy: Bedi: I don’t know. Sheepy: Bedi: Perhaps on wolves to figure out how to prevent them from tearing up your decorations… Arsé-kun: Angra: *he looks up “Stopping dogs from ruining decorations”, and in a second tab looks up “How to google on the internet”, before passing the laptop off to Bedi* Go fucking nuts, go feral, go play. Sheepy: Bedi: What? Arsé-kun: Angra: Oh, man. *he very slowly opens the first link for the first search, so Bedi can watch* Like that. Arsé-kun: Angra: You can read, yeah? You’re not dumb? Sheepy: Bedi: I can read. Arsé-kun: Angra: Then get readin’! Searching stuff is just a book on a screen. Sheepy: Bedi:…I, um.. Sheepy: Bedi: I still don’t understand why. Arsé-kun: Angra: Because the net’s got everythin’! It’s got all the books! All of ‘em! Shit’s wild. Arsé-kun: Angra: And everybody these days relies on it more than their legs half the time! Not literally! Sheepy: Bedi: Really? So it’s a library? Arsé-kun: Angra: A big wired library! Sheepy: Bedi: I see! Sheepy: Bedi: I’d like to visit this library one day!! Arsé-kun: *Angra leans over to bring up a third search. “What is the internet and how do I use it?” It has video results! Bedi (probably) knows what videos are! I hope??* Arsé-kun: *Bedi will now be inconvenienced by The World’s Evil, for at least an hour. Or that’s what Angra’s gonna say about it. He’s just as interested in how it actually works.* Sheepy: *Bedi seems to be getting more and more anxious as time passes.* Arsé-kun: *Sucks to be you, Angra thinks!* Sheepy: Bedi: Well, it’s just… Arsé-kun: Angra: A gigantic waste of time? Sheepy: Bedi: I left in the middle of helping Merlin. Sheepy: Bedi: Y…no. Arsé-kun: Angra: Yes? Great! I’ve taught a thing and ruined your afternoon! *yesssss!* Sheepy: Bedi: I do appreciate what you’ve told me… Sheepy: Tristan: How sad, how sad. Arsé-kun: Angra: What’s depressin’ you this week, sad man? Sheepy: Tristan: The day of Halloween is on the horizon, and yet, I have not even begun to set sail. Sheepy: Tristan: *he strums his harp* It occurred to me that it wouldn’t matter, because even if I were to dress up as something else, it would never change how despicable a man I am. Sheepy: Tristan: How sad, how sad. Arsé-kun: Angra: Aww, cute! If the sum of evil can do it, what’s stoppin’ you, pumpkin? *he is absolutely teasing Tristan. At least he’s not being snappy about it* Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, to be a Knight of the Round Table, filled wih confidence of tomorrow. Ah, to be the evil of the world, fearless, uncaring of how others may judge him. Arsé-kun: Angra: Here’s this villain’s advice! Just put on cat ears and you’re done. Sheepy: Tristan: And yet, I quiver before this decision of mine, incapable of escaping from the standstill I have put myself in. Arsé-kun: Angra: … *he googles “Lazy halloween costumes”* Sheepy: Tristan: I wouldn’t be a very beautiful cat in my current state. Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, I can only be a thing of beauty, for I am a thing of beauty. Sheepy: Tristan: So a cat would be out of the picture, since I’m lacking in four legs and a tail. Sheepy: Tristan: Those, and their ears, are what make them beautiful. So, you see, I could never capture that. Sheepy: Tristan: How sad, how sad. Sheepy: Tristan: Sometimes I’m so beautiful it troubles even myself. Arsé-kun: Angra: *he’s run out of responses. completely out.* Sheepy: Bedi: I… Sheepy: Bedi: Y…yes. Sheepy: Tristan: Do you ever feel this way? Arsé-kun: Angra: What, sad? Sure. Sheepy: Tristan: No, no. Sheepy: Tristan: Troubled by your own beauty. Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, I feel a need to always live up to it. Arsé-kun: Angra: As you can see, I’m a black hole! Can’t relate! I’m not pretty! Sheepy: Tristan: Perhaps you are but you haven’t discovered it yet. Arsé-kun: Angra: I’d say “Hell yeah internal beauty” but man I am one, UGLY, motherfucker. Sheepy: Tristan: Internal beauty is something you’re capable of fixing. Sheepy: Tristan: It just requires bravery I do not have. Sheepy: Bedi: I’d recommend a varied and healthy diet. Arsé-kun: Angra: Have you tried eating scorpion yet? Sheepy: Bedi: Oh! I have. Arsé-kun: Angra: Good shit. Sheepy: Bedi: Yes. Sheepy: Bedi: I wouldn’t word it that way myself, but… Sheepy: Bedi: I agree with the feelings behind that. Arsé-kun: Angra: Don’t eat shit, either, kids, you WILL die. Sheepy: Bedi: I didn’t brave such things… Sheepy: Tristan: Hmm? Sheepy: Tristan: But you eat honey. Arsé-kun: Angra: You tellin’ me that’s bee shit? Sheepy: Bedi:…I don’t think honey is bee poop. Arsé-kun: Angra: *New search! What is Honey, actually?* … … Honey is bee vomit. I hate this information! You can have it! Sheepy: Bedi:.. Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, that doesn’t surprise me. Arsé-kun: Angra: That’s not the reply I was looking for! I love it. Sheepy: Bedi: I suspected bees had a deep, dark secret. Sheepy: Bedi: It’s a lot less dark than I expected. Arsé-kun: Angra: Like how the Queen can’t fly and get her fat little body off the ground because she’s terminally fucking bees? Sheepy: Bedi: Or how all female bees are capable of producing eggs, but the queen will eat their eggs. Arsé-kun: Angra: Nice. Sheepy: Bedi: If the queen doesn’t respond in time, the female bees will kill her and lay more eggs, but… Arsé-kun: Merlin: ._. Sheepy: Bedi: They don’t hatch into anything from what I recall, so the hive ends up…ah, Merlin. I apologize. …I got distracted and didn’t help you. Arsé-kun: Merlin: It’s cool, Bedi, got Lance to take over. Sheepy: Bedi: I’m happy to hear that. Sheepy: Tristan: Merlin. Arsé-kun: Merlin: What’s up, Tristan? Sheepy: Tristan: I’ve come across a standstill. How sad. Sheepy: Tristan: I’m too beautiful for any costumes, so I fear diminishing my appearance with them. Sheepy: Tristan:…But I want to join in on the festivities. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Be yourself but hotter. Sheepy: Tristan:….! Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, I knew I could count on you. Sheepy: Tristan: I’ll be myself, but with an open jacket. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Wait, I’ve got more. Dress up as a different class, but you’re still fantastic you. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Yes, you understand! Sheepy: Tristan: Hmm? Sheepy: Tristan: Another class.. Sheepy: Tristan:…Yes, I’ll be… Sheepy: Tristan: *he poses* Studmuffin class. Arsé-kun: Merlin: New exclusive class! One member only! Sheepy: Bedi:…I don’t remember hearing about that class before. Arsé-kun: *angra makes a sound akin to a verbal keysmash* Arsé-kun: Merlin: It exists now because we’ve said so. Sheepy: Tristan: You can join too, Merlin. I’m sure you qualify for it. Ah, Sir Bedivere, too. Sheepy: Tristan: We’ll be the Three Studkateers. Arsé-kun: *mozart breaks into uncontrollable laughter several rooms away. i wonder why* Sheepy: Bedi: I feel like I’ve been dragged into something that I’ll quickly come to regret. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Love to join you, but I’m being Bedi this year. Sheepy: Tristan: The Three Studkateers disband before they even can make group jackets… Sheepy: Tristan: How sad, how sad! Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, I truly am alone on this mission! Arsé-kun: Angra: I’ll volunteer with my inner beauty to keep you company! Sheepy: Tristan: We’ll be Beauty and the Beast. Sheepy: Tristan: Of course, I take the first role. Arsé-kun: Angra: Better than what I had planned! I’ll take Beast! Sheepy: Bedi: I…I’m glad it all worked out in the end. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Yeah, me too. Sheepy: Bedi: But how did things go with Lobo? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Haven’t seen him yet, but I get the feeling he’s up to something. Sheepy: Bedi: Oh dear… Sheepy: Bedi: *he raises his voice* Lobo! Sheepy: *Lobo walks in with a pumpkin in his mouth* Arsé-kun: Angra: You got it! You’ve got a pumpkin! Sheepy: Lobo: *He’s wagging his tail* Sheepy: Bedi: Lobo, don’t eat the ornaments, okay? Sheepy: Lobo: *he glares viciously at Bedi* Arsé-kun: Merlin: I don’t think that needs a translation! Sheepy: Bedi: I’ll give you any other food you want if you don’t eat the ornaments. Sheepy: Lobo:……! Sheepy: Lobo: *he snorts* (Chocolate.) Arsé-kun: Angra: Why, so you eat grass all day tomorrow? Sheepy: Lobo:? Arsé-kun: Angra: Eh, okay! *he hops up to get Lobo some sweets. there is a 50% chance Minako will destroy him during the journey.* Sheepy: Bedi: Where are you going? Arsé-kun: Angra: Gettin’ Lobo what he wants. I like keeping my limbs intact! Sheepy: Lobo: *he follows Angra, the pumpkin still in his mouth* Sheepy: Bedi: I…see. Sheepy: Bedi: Is he really that mad…? He seems happy with the pumpkin. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I’m surprised he isn’t risking it to tease Lobo. Sheepy: Bedi: Me too. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Even the world’s evil is capable of improving.. Arsé-kun: Merlin: That’s something to think about. Arsé-kun: *Other current events include! Mephisto, Jekyll, and Jack turning Mink’s living room into an impromptu lab (mostly by Mephisto’s Terr. Creation), uhhhh, Lance slowly setting up the outside (He’s very unsure, and has invited Herc to help), Proto going on some sort of spy mission, and uhhhhhh whatever else we can think of.* Sheepy: Tristan: How sad, how sad! Sheepy: Tristan: Even the world’s evil is capable of improvement, and yet I… Sheepy: *Rider is watching Lancelot and Herc, Holmes has joined in on the science club* Sheepy: Tristan: Ah…if only I were capable of it. But instead…my inability to improve… Sheepy: Tristan: Stems from the coldest depths of my soul. Sheepy: Tristan: How sad, how sad! Sheepy: Bedi: I know how to improve at anything, Sir Tristan. If you recognize your flaws and address them, you’ll improve. Sheepy: Tristan: Ah…My friend is such a genius! Truly, I’m lucky to have such fri….-!!! Sheepy: Tristan: Th…that’s it! Sheepy: Tristan: What a lucky man I am! How joyful! Arsé-kun: Merlin: You do have friends. You seem to doubt that often. Sheepy: Tristan: Ah…but my realization… Sheepy: Tristan: Friends can help me improve as a person. Arsé-kun: Merlin: They absolutely can! Arsé-kun: Jekyll, distantly: Please don’t imbibe the chemicals!!! Sheepy: Izou: I’m dumb and don’t know what those words mean! Sheepy: Izou: It ticks me off! Sheepy: Izou: It makes me want to drink this weird lookin’ alcohol even more! Arsé-kun: Jekyll: Please do not drink the chemicals. It is not alcohol. You won’t get drunk. Sheepy: Izou: Then what’s the point!? Sheepy: Izou: You smart people are all bland! Arsé-kun: Jekyll: … *he holds his phone up to his ear for a moment or so* .. I’ve been corrected. I’m told to inform you that drinking this will make you dead and stupid. In that order. Sheepy: Izou: I’m already both! Sheepy: Izou: Err….wait! Sheepy: Izou: I’m not that - Sheepy: Izou: …… Sheepy: Izou: Is it………..first…or second…–I don’t care! I ain’t dead, you smart person! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: You will be once I bomb you to smithereens! *:D* Or the invisible guy can get you, whichever comes first! *he gestures to Jack holding up a visible t-shirt. floating t-shirt. scary.* Sheepy: Izou: stop making up big words! I don’t understand them! Are you doing it to make fun of me!? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: You, bomb, explode, die! *this is amusing him far more than it should* Sheepy: Izou: *he huffs* I won’t let you if you try! *he puts down the chemical* Sheepy: Izou: Why are you smiling like that!? Are you laughing at me!? Ahhh, you make me so mad! I hate that face of yours! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Thanks! Sheepy: Izou: ? Sheepy: Izou: Thanks? Sheepy: Izou: What did I do? Nothing for you! Why are you thanking me!? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Because! *he puts his own chemicals down and caps them. safety first* You’re not supposed to like this demon! You can try to punch me after we wrap this up, okay? Arsé-kun rolled a die with 20 sides. The die showed: 2 Arsé-kun: *The t-shirt is put down. Someone’s approaching you, Izou, but you don’t see shiiiit. Sure hear it though.* Sheepy: Izou: …….Who’s there!? Arsé-kun: Jack: The Invisible Man. You look like you were hit by a damn dump truck and smell like it too. Was that your intention? Sheepy: Izou: Oi! I don’t look like- whatever you just said! Sheepy: Izou: I’m not lookin’ to impress anyone! One minute I was eatin’ out of that little kid’s trash, and then the next I ended up in here! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: That explains a lot! Sheepy: Izou: I was gonna try to abduct him for ransom money, but I didn’t understand what that meant for what I had to do, so I left it up to the kid. Arsé-kun: Jack: Had you harmed him, you’d have ceased to live. *he goes to pat Izou, and leaves a very clear handprint. Jack’s hand is now stained with filth. dis gus tang* Sheepy: Izou: ’s that a threat? Is abductin’ him harm? Sheepy: Izou: I’ve only seen it on TV. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: This was a better outcome. *he watches as Jack tries to wipe off the filth and just spreads it across himself. Well, now theres some floating dirt smears* Sheepy: Izou: What? Sheepy: Izou: Oi, th’ best outcome would’ve been getting gambling money. Sheepy: Izou: I’m dumb and never won, not even once! Sheepy: Izou: But it’s so much fun! Arsé-kun: Jekyll: There are people to gamble with here. You might even win once or twice. Sheepy: Izou: Oh, I want to gamble! And get drunk! Arsé-kun: Jekyll: I can confirm the presence of booze. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: … Hyde adds that it is “the good shit”. Sheepy: Izou: ! Sheepy: Izou: Gimme, gimme! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Lab adjourned! We’ll resume after the holiday! *he picks up Jack’s t-shirt and the lab just vanishes. Normal living room resumes it’s existence.* Go raid a kitchen, but don’t say we sent you~ Sheepy: Izou: Great! Sheepy: Lobo: *he’s sniffing at Jack* Arsé-kun: Jack: *he pats Lobo’s nose with his less dirty hand* Do I smell like Shinjuku yet, Lobo? Sheepy: Lobo: *he tilts his head before licking Jack* Sheepy: Izou: !! It’s big! ‘nd fluffy! Arsé-kun: Jekyll: This is Lobo. He might decide you’re a toy, so be careful. Arsé-kun: Hyde: Or dinner! Arsé-kun: *Jekyll quickly pats his hair back down. Down, Hyde. Bad. Bad alter-ego.* Sheepy: Lobo: *he looks over at Jekyll before sniffing at Izou* Sheepy: Izou: I’m no toy, nor am I dinner! Sheepy: Lobo: *he bites down on a loose piece of Izou’s clothing and starts chewing on it, but Izou is too busy looking smug at Jekyll to notice.* Sheepy: Izou: Fuhahahaha! I’m a scary manslayer! I won’t let anyone laugh at me, or I’ll cut them down! Especially smart people! Sheepy: Izou: And so that means I’m no one’s toy nor dinner! Sheepy: Lobo: *chew, chew* Arsé-kun: Jack: Your scarf sure is. I’m going to clean this grime off. Excuse me, shitheads. *the walking dirt exits scene* Sheepy: Izou:…! Sheepy: Izou: Heyhey, that’s not food. I’ve already tried eating it. Arsé-kun: Angra: Whatt’re we doin’, pup? *he goes to write “KICK ME” on Izou’s scarf* Sheepy: Lobo: *he tilts his head* Arsé-kun: Angra: Daaaaaamn, you’re so dirty it’s staining pure evil! *his hand is also now stained with gray grime. it doesn’t look black on him* Impressive! Sheepy: Izou: Eh? Arsé-kun: Angra: Hi, I’m the villain of the house! Can I inconvenience you? Great! Sheepy: Izou: What? Arsé-kun: Angra: I’m stealing you! I’d hold you for ransom but I’d get a dirty sock and ten qp~ Sheepy: Izou: Where are we goin’ Sheepy: Lobo: *he has his mouth open, ready to chew on Izou more* Arsé-kun: Angra: We’re goin’ up! If we look half decent, we can steal as much as we want from the kitch’ and no one can stop us! Sheepy: Izou:…! Sheepy: Izou: Where’re we goin’!? Arsé-kun: Angra: Up a floor! Not far! Sheepy: Lobo: *chew chew chew* Arsé-kun: *Mephisto has opted out of this encounter. Goodbye Moose* Sheepy: Izou: Right, I’ll follow you. Arsé-kun: *Vlad is currently at the kitchen table, keeping Satoru company. He watches as Angra and Izou pass by, dragging Lobo along behind them. Bc he’s still chewing on the scarf. Vlad is unfazed by all this. The only thing he IS fazed by is the smell. Yuck.* Sheepy: Satoru: That’s him. Sheepy: Satoru: He seems nice enough. Arsé-kun: Vlad: I see… Did you need yet another dog? Sheepy: Satoru: Dog? Where? Arsé-kun: Vlad: Something about his appearance reminds me of a scruffy street terrier. Sheepy: Satoru: Oh. He reminds me of a rat. Arsé-kun: Vlad: I see that as well, but I quite like rats. Sheepy: Satoru: He asked me to help him kidnap me for ransom money but I said I had to ask you first. Arsé-kun: Vlad: He would have instead gotten my fist as payment, and his blood on the floor as interest. Sheepy: Satoru: That’s a weird form of payment. Sheepy: Satoru: What can be bought with it? Arsé-kun: Vlad: Dying by my hand for such crimes. Sheepy: Satoru: Oh. Sheepy: Satoru: Huh. Sheepy: Satoru:…..But, since he lives here now…who…summoned him? Arsé-kun: Vlad: You will have to ask. I may just impale him on the spot. Sheepy: Satoru: Huh? But… Sheepy: Satoru: He’s my Servant now. Arsé-kun: Vlad: So he is. Sheepy: Satoru: So killing him, um… Arsé-kun: Vlad: Would be a bad idea. Yes, I understand. Sheepy: Satoru: That’s good. Sheepy: Satoru: For now he can just be the weird man who came for dinner and stayed all winter. Sheepy: Satoru: He’s unexpected so I won’t expect anyone to immediately warm up to him. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Yet, it does sound like some already have. Sheepy: Satoru: That’s good. Sheepy: Satoru: Or else…well. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Or well what? What is it, Lassie? Did little Timmy shit in the well? *he continues to think he’s funny. Saku stops and stares at him.* Sheepy: Satoru: Mom won’t let him sit down. Sheepy: Satoru: Guin probably would chase him down, too. Sheepy: Satoru: And he’d probably smell stinky while everyone tries to eat. Like garbage. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Yes, exactly. Sheepy: Satoru: And I doubt anyone would like that. Arsé-kun: Saku: We would not. Sheepy: Satoru: …I didn’t really think that far before inviting him in. Arsé-kun: Vlad: You didn’t. At least you can understand your mistakes. Sheepy: Satoru: If he is a threat in some way, what do w do? Arsé-kun: Vlad: I call first chance at impaling him through the chest with several lances and d- *he has an oven mitt thrown at him. it lands on him and he only stops to glance at Sakura* Yes, yes, I am stopping. Sheepy: Satoru: He already has been stabbed. Arsé-kun: Vlad: There was more, but I seem to not be permitted to continue. Sheepy: Satoru: Oh, okay. Arsé-kun: Mozart: I do hear the shower running upstairs. Maybe someone convinced him to clean up? Sheepy: Satoru: That’s good. Arsé-kun: *a bit later on!* Sheepy: Izou: *He’s come downstairs and……. did he always have purple hair like that, or…* Arsé-kun: Minako: Oh, you’re right. He is fluffy! Sheepy: Satoru: He looks much better now. Arsé-kun rolled a die with 20 sides. The die showed: 7 Arsé-kun: Minako: … Assassin class, I think? He’s hard to pin down. Sheepy: Izou: What? Sheepy: Izou: No. Sheepy: Izou: My class is “Hitokiri”. Arsé-kun: Minako: …? Sheepy: Izou: It’s different. Arsé-kun: *Mori is quietly observing from the side, meanwhile* Sheepy: Izou: Why’s everyone lookin’ at me? Arsé-kun: Mori: You’re far stronger than initially calculated. Sheepy: Izou: Hah! Yeah! Sheepy: Izou: I’m a sword prodigy! Fuhahahahaha! Arsé-kun: Mori: Your strength is very impressive. May I ask how you got strong as a servant? Sheepy: Izou: By being a prodigy! Sheepy: Izou: Also, I found this place! Sheepy: Izou: It had these hands. They dropped this tasty food. Sheepy: Izou: Eventually I got thrown out. Sheepy: Izou: I felt weirdly stronger after that. Sheepy: Izou: Oh, yeah. Sheepy: Izou: This weird guy, too. Sheepy: Izou: He looked rich. Sheepy: Izou: His trash tasted like rich people’s trash, too. Arsé-kun: Mori: … … Can you describe his appearance at all? Sheepy: Izou: Like…a smart guy. Kinda stiff. Uh…. Sheepy: Izou: Very dark hair. Sheepy: Izou: He kinda reminds me of a butler. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Oh, did he speak like.. *ahem* Very properly, yes, but was still able to convey being a pile of- excuse my French- Shit? Sheepy: Izou: Yeah. Sheepy: Izou: I hated how he used big words! It confused me. Arsé-kun: Mori: …. I do hope one of us has reached the same conclusion I have. Sheepy: Holmes: Ah, so his actual Master is… Sheepy: Holmes: Masanori, huh. Arsé-kun: Angra: Butler McBitch! We did it, we solved the mystery. Sheepy: Izou: What? Arsé-kun: Angra: Don’t worry about it! If we see him again, we’ve got free reign to slay the man! Sheepy: Izou: Do I really? Arsé-kun: Angra: *he looks to Satoru* Do we? Sheepy: Satoru: Um, that doesn’t sound like a good idea. Arsé-kun: Angra: Maim? Curse for the rest of his horrible life? Hit him with a car! Sheepy: Satoru: Oh, okay. Arsé-kun: Angra: Hooray! *he is Excited!* Izou-san! Lets get drunk! Sheepy: Izou: What’s goin’ on, anyway? …Well, I want alcohol! Sheepy: Izou: Yeah, let’s get absolutely smashed! Arsé-kun: Angra: Hell yeah! Arsé-kun: Mori: …. Holmes, if I may? How did you reach your conclusion? Sheepy: Holmes: What? I just listened to the explanation. Sheepy: Holmes: But I had suspicions. Arsé-kun: Mori: It’s good to know we were on the same page this time. Sheepy: Holmes: For example… Sheepy: Holmes: He wasn’t allowed at Chaldea’s ember fields, meaning that his Master wasn’t related to Chaldea. Arsé-kun: Mori: And if his Master had perished a more regular way, he would know about it. Sheepy: Holmes: He’s dirty and eating out of the trash, meaning that his Master doesn’t care about his well being. Arsé-kun: Mori: And this matches much of Masanori’s behavior. Sheepy: Holmes: Exactly. Sheepy: Satoru: So is he still Masanori’s servant? Or my own…? Sheepy: Izou: I don’t care about that guy. You have free booze. Arsé-kun: Mori: I would be inclined to say yours. Sheepy: Satoru: Oh, that’s good. Sheepy: Izou: Just don’t betray me. Sheepy: Izou: Or I might want to, uh…is the phrase, “bite the hand that feeds me”? Arsé-kun: Mori: That’s it, and very understandable. But you will not be betrayed to that level. Sheepy: Izou: Good. And don’t give me smelly veggies either. Sheepy: Izou: I hate smelly veggies. Arsé-kun: Mori: That I cannot guarantee. Sheepy: Izou: If you follow all that, I’ll be loyal. Sheepy: Satoru: But what if the stinky veggies are good? Sheepy: Izou:……. Sheepy: Izou: *he crosses his arms and tilts his head* ….. Sheepy: Izou: But they’re stinky. Arsé-kun: Angra: So were you, what’s ya point? Sheepy: Izou:…Okay, fine, I GUESS it’s fine, but I won’t like it! Sheepy: Holmes: You probably know my name. Sheepy: Izou: I don’t. Sheepy: Holmes: Sherlock Holmes. Sheepy: Izou: I don’t. Arsé-kun: Mori: *hes just smirking at Sherlock* Sheepy: Holmes: How… Sheepy: Izou: Okay, old man, you next. Arsé-kun: Mori: You are permitted to call me Moriarty. Sheepy: Izou: Alright. Sheepy: Izou: I’m Okada Izou. Arsé-kun: *Minako’s hand dives into her pocket for a phone or her compact- Whichever comes first. Who is this guy? Let’s find out* Sheepy: Izou: What is that? Arsé-kun: Minako: My phone? You can��t eat it. It isn’t food, no matter how much we wish it was! Sheepy: Izou: Nah, I was thinking it could be a weapon. Wouldn’t be the first time. Sheepy: Izou: I’m that scary! Sheepy: Izou: You see that, right? How scary I am? Sheepy: Satoru: You look like a pomeranian. Arsé-kun: Minako: Oh, you’re right.. Sheepy: Izou: Yeah, that sounds real intimidating! Arsé-kun: Angra: …. ……. *he says nothing.* Sheepy: Izou: Yeah, yeah, I look like a pomeranian! Fuhahahaha! I don’t even know what that is! I love the sound of it! Sheepy: Izou: You really get it! Sheepy: Satoru: You’re fluffy and easily excited like one. Sheepy: Izou:…Wait, what IS a pomeranian!? Arsé-kun: Angra: *he snorts into his booze* Sheepy: Holmes: *he is on google* Okada Izou…huh. Arsé-kun: *Nobody answers the question. But by all the smirks and suppressed laughs, probably not a good thing.* Sheepy: Holmes: *he reads off the brief description on google* Arsé-kun: Mori: Thank you, ace detective, for using your detective skills to open wikipedia. Sheepy: Holmes: Yes, you’re welcome. Sheepy: Izou: Once again, I’m not an assassin. Sheepy: Izou: I’m a manslayer. Sheepy: Yan: *he’s got his feet up on the table while drinking booze* Arsé-kun: Minako: Who let you in? Sheepy: Yan: Myself? Arsé-kun: Minako: Again? Sheepy: Yan: Yeah. Arsé-kun: Minako: You don’t have, like, Chaldea things to do? Sheepy: Yan: Like what? *he takes a sip of the alcohol* Arsé-kun: Minako: Do you just bum around with the doctor’s money? Sheepy: Yan: No. Arsé-kun: Minako: That’s a surprise. Sheepy: Yan: I don’t use her money. Arsé-kun: Minako: Then where do you get any from? Sheepy: Yan: I work? Sheepy: Yan: Old man has paid me before. I won’t disclose any other employers of mine. Sheepy: Yan: I WILL say the detective is paying me for something, though. Arsé-kun: Mink: If it’s drugs, can you tell me so I can punch him? :) Sheepy: Yan: No, no. Sheepy: Yan: I don’t have that sort of stuff anyway. Arsé-kun: Minako: Good! Sheepy: Yan: No, instead- oh, actually, it’s important Old Man hears this anyway. Sheepy: Yan: He’s paying me not to turn into him. Arsé-kun: Mori: Oh, I can understand that. You would give away his mystery far too quickly. *he seems amused* But what if I pay you more? Sheepy: Yan: Hmmm……. Sheepy: Yan: Oh, that’d work. Arsé-kun: Mori: But did he ever say why? Sheepy: Yan: Something along the lines of… Sheepy: Yan: “The thing inside of me could kill each and every person in this household in the blink of an eye if it so pleased. I don’t trust you with that.” Arsé-kun: Mori: You know what? That’s fair. Sheepy: Yan: But I’m pretty trustworthy. Sheepy: Yan: Anyway, that’s a hint, isn’t it? That means it’s not human. Arsé-kun: Mori: It absolutely is not. I can confirm that much myself. Sheepy: Yan: What do you mean? Arsé-kun: Mori: I spoke to him about it myself. Sheepy: Yan: Huh. Arsé-kun: Mori: Well, let’s just agree to try that out nowhere near civilization. But not now. Sheepy: Yan: Yeah, okay. Arsé-kun: Angra: *he looks up. he’s cleaned up at least half the booze by himself. the void can take a lot of it, but he seems absolutely hammered based on being unable to stand up for a solid 20 seconds. Yan’s leg is used for the assist.* Hey. Hey, bruh, you ever realize how fucked up we really are? Sheepy: Yan: What do you mean? Arsé-kun: Angra: We’re all dead already n’ shit! And, and then people, like.. *vague hand gestures* the dead people? Does this shit count as necrophilia? And no matter what we do, we’re still dead, that’s depressing as hell. Sheepy: Yan:….*he takes a rather large sip of his alcohol* Arsé-kun: Angra: I think I jus’ gave myself depression. Sheepy: Yan: Good job. Arsé-kun: Angra: You’ve got like fifteen second opinions, how do I deal with this shit? Sheepy: Yan: What’s that supposed to mean?? Sheepy: *Lobo has his snout in Yan’s chip bag. Yan is too focused on Angra to notice* Arsé-kun: Angra: How do you, like, stop being depressed so the throne doesn’t decide “Ooh that’s canon now!” and force it on you every time you start to sort of exist? Sheepy: Yan: I dunno. Sheepy: *Yan absentmindedly goes to put his hand in the chip bag, only to touch Lobo instead* Sheepy: Yan: My chips are weirdly hairy. Arsé-kun: Angra: That’s a dog. Sheepy: Yan: …! Puppy, no, that’s human food. Sheepy: Lobo: *he looks up at them, the chip bag on his snout. elegant* Arsé-kun: Angra: th’ king of currenpaw, errybody. Sheepy: Yan: I don’t really want it anymore. Arsé-kun: Angra: but dammit, I was hopin’ for any sorta reply so I could complain at you. All like, “What, you have an answer? Who’s you, where’s the real Yan at?” Or somethin’. *he thinks he is funny. funny enough to laugh at. angra.* Sheepy: Yan:…. Arsé-kun: Angra: … What? Sheepy: Yan: Who am I…? Arsé-kun: Mori: All right, that’s quite enough of this. *he interrupts and blocks Angra, who may or may not have gotten smacked with a coffin* You’re Yan Qing, and that isn’t changing. Sheepy: Yan: I…I don’t know…! Sheepy: Yan: If that’s who I am…then why are they always here!? Why do they keep talking to me!? They’re all me, aren’t they? What even am I? Arsé-kun: Mori: A gigantic mess vaguely shaped like a human being, with an appreciation for women. Sheepy: Yan:….!? Sheepy: Lobo: *boof* Sheepy: Yan: Does that mean I’m human…or do I just look it…? Arsé-kun: Mori: You’re more human than any present Avengers. Sheepy: Yan:….Ah….you’re right. Arsé-kun: Mori: *he covers his mouth with one hand, slightly muffling his own voice* Earth to Assassin, are you still in there? Hello, hello? *he reaches up with his free hand to… ruffle Yan’s hair. aw.* We are departing planet Meltdown for a return trip to Earth. Can you read, over? Sheepy: Yan:…? Sheepy: Yan: Wh…what…? Arsé-kun: Mori: Welcome back to Earth, Assassin. *he makes a radio static sound. krshhh* You were going straight for an endless loop of existential crisis. Sheepy: Yan: I…I’m sorry, I’m feeling better. Sheepy: Lobo: *he tilts his head. where did that noise come from* Arsé-kun: Mori: Don’t apologize. *krshh* What outlaw apologizes for a minor inconvenience? *he finally uncovers his mouth. he does not, however, take his coffin off of Angra, who tried to move it at some point and it is now on top of him. He deserved it.* Sheepy: Lobo: *he tilts his head the other way* Sheepy: Yan: Thank you. Arsé-kun: Mori: Of course. Just don’t make a deal of it. Reputation, you understand. Sheepy: Yan: Yes, I do. Arsé-kun: Mori: Then consider this moment of weakness ignored and discarded in exchange. Sheepy: Yan: Thank you. Sheepy: Yan: Puppy, you won’t tell anyone, right? Arsé-kun: Mori: *he cups his hands over his mouth again to Krshh at Lobo. extreme teasing* Sheepy: Lobo: ????? Sheepy: Lobo: *he slowly lifts up a paw before … slapping it over Yan’s mouth* Sheepy: Yan: Puppy, why?! Sheepy: Lobo: ?!?!?! Arsé-kun rolled a die. The die showed: 6 Arsé-kun: Mori: *try not to laugh. succeed. Krshh at Lobo again with eye contact* Sheepy: Lobo: *he sniffs at Mori’s hand. how is he doing this* Arsé-kun: *Mori holds his hands out for Lobo* Sheepy: Lobo: *he sniffs at both. why do they smell like chips* Arsé-kun: Mori: *he swats the chips off of Lobo’s nose* Sheepy: Lobo:….! *what fell, what was that* Sheepy: Yan: *he’s petting Lobo. big. fluffy* Arsé-kun: *Mink has opted to give this episode some space and started messaging Haku. Now she gets an update AND has to stop working for ten seconds. Tepes approves already. Two birds, one Gandr* Sheepy: Haku: [Text: to Mink] What is it? Arsé-kun: Mink: [text: to Haku] Issss it normal for ur Assass to just sorta uh, existential break for a minute? Sheepy: Haku: [Text: to Mink] Yes. Arsé-kun: Mink: [text: to Haku] oh. I thought that was a bad thing. I mean Mori.san dealt with it really fast,? But uh Arsé-kun: Mink: [text: to Haku] I remember the rules! Should I bring him back to you so that doesnt, again? Sheepy: Haku: [Text: to Mink] Yes, it’s a bad thing, and… Sheepy: Haku: [Text: to Mink] Yes, please bring him. Arsé-kun: Mink: [text: to Haku] Ok!! 👌👌👌 I’ll pull him off Lobo and we’ll be there! Sheepy: Haku: [Text: to Mink] Thank You Arsé-kun: Mink: [text: to Haku] You’re welcome, Haku, Miss! Be there soon!! Sheepy: Lobo: *he gently nudges Mori with his snout. he’ll find the source of the noise eventually* Arsé-kun: Mori: Yes? Yes, what is it? Sheepy: Haku: [Text: to Mink] Ok Sheepy: Lobo: *he tilts his head* Arsé-kun: Minako: *she thinks about how she’s going to go about this. What would Mephisto do? … This is a very bad course of thinking and takes a few bad plans to reach a good one that does not require explosives.* Arsé-kun: Mori: *he grins at Lobo and… KRRSSHH!* Sheepy: Lobo:!!! Sheepy: *Lobo sniffs at Mori’s face. where is it coming from* Arsé-kun: *the sound is coming from the Moriarty!* Sheepy: Lobo:…! *he looks excited! How is he doing that!?* Arsé-kun: Minako: Not to interrupt or anything, but hey, Assassin. If I pay, can I borrow you to help me get pizzas? :D c Sheepy: Yan: Mm? Oh, okay. Sheepy: Yan: Okay, Puppy, be good while I’m gone. Don’t eat too much out of the garbage. Sheepy: Lobo: *he yawns in Yan’s face* Arsé-kun: Minako: Cool, thanks! Here’s the, uh, 'thanks for helping’ start payment! *she hands Yan some cash and a few embers. mmm good shit* Sheepy: Yan: *he pockets them and gets up* Great, let’s go! Arsé-kun: *Mori finally “notices” his coffin is on Angra and frees the poor bastard right before they Head Outtie. Chaldea, hoooo* Sheepy: Yan: So, what pizza are we getting? Arsé-kun: *Minako promptly goes OFF about pizza. Girl likes her pizza, and knows how everybody in her crew (except Sherlock) likes it! She will learn his order eventually and he’ll damn like it* Sheepy: Yan: Huh. Arsé-kun: Minako: So anyway, you’re helping, so I’ll buy you some too. Sheepy: Yan: Oh, that’s great! Sheepy: Yan: I like…actually, I don’t really care what’s on it. Sheepy: Yan: I like experimenting. Sheepy: Yan: There’s no food I really hate so I’ll accept anything. Arsé-kun: Minako: So we figure it out when we get there, gotcha! Sheepy: Yan: Yeah, just mess me up. Arsé-kun: Tepes: I’m just as capable of that. *he strolls in, grabs Yan, and goes to exit scene. oh.* Sheepy: Yan: OH? Arsé-kun: *But the most important part of any plan is improvising on the fly!!* Sheepy: Yan: But my pizza! Arsé-kun: Minako: Oh, no, my pizza buddy! *and she “chases” after Tepes, at the speed of a brisk walk, maybe even, if she’s daring, a jog.* Arsé-kun: Tepes: I found him, dear. It was far less trying than I expected. Sheepy: Haku: Thank you. Sheepy: Yan: I’ve been tricked, betrayed! Arsé-kun: Tepes: ..? Sheepy: Yan: That’s why I was dragged out, out of the comfort of Puppy’s fur! Arsé-kun: Minako: My evil plot’s been foiled! *she catches up* I was really going to give you pizza, too! Sheepy: Yan: Pizza… Sheepy: Yan: Why did you want me, Tepes? Sheepy: Yan: Oh, oh! My dashing good looks and charming smile havs finally gotten to you! Hehe! Arsé-kun: Tepes: I was only informed of the 'Bringing you here’ portion of this so called “evil plot”. … And I’m still straight. Sheepy: Yan: Oh!? So it’s not that after all? Arsé-kun: Tepes: If it’s ever that, assume I am completely broken and most likely need to be put down. Sheepy: Yan: You’re so cruel… Sheepy: Yan: What about you, Haku?! Sheepy: Haku: No. Sheepy: Yan: Oh…such a quick response… Sheepy: Yan: But, like, I’m attractive, aren’t I? Arsé-kun: Caligula: roma Arsé-kun: *thank you for your input, caligula. it is very useful.* Sheepy: Yan: See, Caligula agrees. Sheepy: Haku: Hmm. Arsé-kun: Minako: I already paid him to help with my pizza run..! Can we get that out of the way at least? Sheepy: Haku: Go ahead. Sheepy: Gawain: I want pizza, too. Sheepy: Yan: Oh! Great! You can buy it! Arsé-kun: Cali: *pizza run? run? running? olympic running? greeks? romans? roma? roma!* *with this incredible stretch of logic and wisdom, Caligula decides to grab Yan and exit the scene at a high speed. Goodbye. it is pizza run time.* Sheepy: Gawain: And there they go. Sheepy: Haku: Oh, that frightens me. Arsé-kun: Minako: … Uh, okay. I’m glad I told him the order at least? Sheepy: Haku: That’s fortunate. Arsé-kun: Minako: I hope he remembers it? Sheepy: Gawain: But he didn’t get mine. Sheepy: Yan: [text: to Mink] Like 15 cheeses huh Arsé-kun: Mink: ….. ….. He did not. Sheepy: Gawain: But my order. Arsé-kun: *mink carefully types out the entire thing, clearly, in list format, edited for clarity and spelling, and then pauses* Arsé-kun: Minako: I’ll add it in, what'cha want, Sir? Sheepy: Gawain: I like pineapple pizza. Arsé-kun: Minako: Okay! *she adds that in and sends it off. no judgement, surprisingly* Sheepy: Gawain: I can give you the equivalent in flowers. *he laughs* I do have money, though, so I’ll pay you for mine. Sheepy: Gawain: *he takes out his wallet* But you should visit my flower shop. I’ll give you a discount. Arsé-kun: Minako: Oooh! I’ll have to stop by later then! :Dc Sheepy: Gawain: Yeah! Arsé-kun: Minako: But uh… Yeah, Probably should have stopped that whole thing from happening. Sorry about that! Sheepy: Haku: I understand. Arsé-kun: Minako: Am… I allowed to ask about all that, or is that a patient confidence thing? Arsé-kun: Minako: Cuz, uhm.. Moriarty-san dealt with it really fast, like it’s a thing we should know about? Sheepy: Haku: Oh. Sheepy: Haku: He’s not a full servant. Sheepy: Haku: He’s mixed with a phantom, Doppelganger Arsé-kun: Minako: So like… A second of himself? Sheepy: Haku: Of everyone he’s killed. Arsé-kun: Minako: And that’s… A lot? Sheepy: Haku: It allows him to transform into anyone, but the voices of his victims remain. Sheepy: Haku: Yes. Arsé-kun: Minako: Yikes. Good thing he’s with you then, I guess? Sheepy: Gawain: He’s always eyeing the same women I am, so if your plan is to let him stay with them… Sheepy: Gawain: Oh, I should ask him for the phone number he got. Arsé-kun: Tepes: That is your priority? Sheepy: Gawain: What should my priority be? Arsé-kun: Tepes: Not phone numbers of randoms you haven’t met yourself. Sheepy: Gawain: Well, do you have any better ideas? Arsé-kun: Tepes: Meet people yourself? Sheepy: Gawain: I do, but usually only for one night. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Go directly to church, do not pass go. Do not collect 200 dollars. Sheepy: Gawain: Oh, it’s not as though I don’t still love my wife. Sheepy: Gawain: However, now that I’m a servant, I can have fun, maybe find a new wife in the process. Arsé-kun: Tepes: …. Fair enough. Sheepy: Gawain: You’re no different. Sheepy: Gawain: I just choose different tactics. More bold tactics. Arsé-kun: Minako: … Hey, I just caught something. What’d you mean 'Let him stay with them’?? Sheepy: Gawain: Well, if Moriarty helps him a lot, wouldn’t it be better if he stayed with Moriarty? Arsé-kun: Minako: Makes sense, but he isn’t mine? Sheepy: Gawain: He could be. Arsé-kun: Minako: Moriarty isn’t mine, I mean! I’ve got objections about Yan but.. Wait, he doesn’t live here? Sheepy: Haku: He bums off of everyone here, but especially us. Arsé-kun: Minako: So he does! He said he didn’t! Sheepy: Haku: He’s not my Servant, but he likes Tepes, Caligula, and me. He also likes both our and Gawain’s food. Sheepy: Haku: That’s usually why he’s seen with me. Sheepy: Gawain:…Hey, hold on… Sheepy: Gawain: You forgot me in that first list. Sheepy: Haku: But anyway, who is Moriarty’s master? How close do they live to you? Arsé-kun: Minako: My neighbor, and my neighbor. Sheepy: Haku: I don’t know. You or your neighbor might be best with taking him, but he’d probably end up staying here just as often as he already does. Sheepy: Haku: He’s a part of different clubs and has close friends who live here. Arsé-kun: Minako: I don’t think that’d be a problem. I mean, some of mine come here two or three times a week already. Sheepy: Haku: That’s good. Sheepy: Haku: Are you fine with this? We’ll need to ask him when he gets back. Arsé-kun: Minako: I’m fine with it! Sheepy: Haku: Good. Sheepy: Gawain: I get more chances at women this way. Thanks for that. Arsé-kun: *Tepes pinches the bridge of his nose. Jesus Christ.* Sheepy: Gawain: You need to learn how to have more fun in life. Arsé-kun: Tepes: I can have fun without shamelessly flirting with every woman I spot, thank you. Sheepy: Gawain: I have an idea! Sheepy: Gawain: You can go out with me next time. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Why not take Caligula? You’ll look far better next to him. Sheepy: Gawain: I’d look far better next to you, too. Arsé-kun: Tepes: I’m detecting an insult. Sheepy: Gawain: I’d never. Arsé-kun: Tepes: And if you have realized, what you have said also translates to “Hey, vampire, come out at night surrounded by a lot of people.” Please spot the problem. Sheepy: Gawain: Oh, I forgot you were a vampire. Arsé-kun: Tepes: For now, I’ll respectfully decline your offer, unless you come across a daytime event. Then I may consider it. Sheepy: Gawain: I can arrange for it to be a daytime event. Arsé-kun: Tepes: No, no. Sheepy: Gawain: Why? Arsé-kun: Tepes: Don’t force others’ to plan around me. Sheepy: Gawain: Well, alright. Arsé-kun: Cali: PIZZA! *thank you for your announcement, Caligula. He is carrying… Two boxes. Out of how much?* Sheepy: Gawain: I hope one is pineapple! Sheepy: Yan: Tepes! Gawain! I’m dying! Arsé-kun: Tepes: It’s just a few boxes. Are you a Heroic Spirit, or some kind of mouse? Sheepy: Yan: It’s HOT!! Sheepy: Yan: …But not as hot as me- AaaaAAAA DON’T FALL!! Sheepy: Gawain: He stole my line…he has to go. Arsé-kun: Tepes: *he moves in for the Assist. he’s help* Arsé-kun: Cali: pizza Sheepy: Yan: You could’ve helped, Caligula. Arsé-kun: Cali: Rgh? *he puts down his boxes* ?? Sheepy: Yan: You left me with everything else.. Arsé-kun: Cali: *he takes the stack from Yan and puts it down. He has now helped. Confused thumbs up.* Sheepy: Yan: Owowow…it was so hot! Sheepy: Gawain: Like- Sheepy: Yan: Like me. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Stop. Sheepy: Yan: But who else will say it if not me? Arsé-kun: Tepes: Anyone else with an ego over ten. Sheepy: Yan: But comic relief is one of my defining character traits. Arsé-kun: *Tepes opts out of giving this a response.* Arsé-kun: Minako: Anyway! You’ve made it this far! A bit more and we’re home! With pizza! Arsé-kun: *she is eyeing the pizza boxes already. mm. pizz.* Sheepy: Yan: You’re right. Arsé-kun: Minako: You can stay too, if you want! Sheepy: Yan: Huh? Arsé-kun: Minako: I mean, you’re over enough! Sheepy: Yan: ….! Arsé-kun: Minako: I’m pretty sure nobody hates you on my end, and considering who I’ve got, that’s impressive! Sheepy: Yan: Thank you…! Arsé-kun: Minako: You’re welcome!!! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: What’re you doin’, Master? Dating a boy? *how long has he been there, in the doorway?* Without me, even?? *he’s kidding, I hope.* Sheepy: Yan: What? Arsé-kun: Minako: Please, no. *she is unfazed by 100% of that. She knew he was there.* I won’t stop you though! Go forth and be gay, and merry, and help us bring home pizza. Arsé-kun: *Mephisto considers this, and promptly fucks off. Oh.* Arsé-kun: Minako: … So I’m still paying you in full I guess, Assassin! Sheepy: Yan: Oh, for what? Arsé-kun: Minako: For… Carrying pizza?? Sheepy: Yan:…Great! Arsé-kun: *OK enough dicking around, they’re gonna get home eventually, with the pizza, and Yan gets paid right before that. cash fuckin’ money* Sheepy: Holmes: Oh, it’s pizza. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Yeah, it is! Did you think I was making it up? Sheepy: Holmes: No, I didn’t. Sheepy: Holmes: I hope you enjoy it. I’ll be passing, of course. Arsé-kun: Minako: Eh? Sheepy: Holmes: I’m not hungry currently. Arsé-kun: Proto: It’s pizza time, hurry! Dibs, I call first dibs! *and he zips in, nearly faceplanting into the table. gg idiot* Sheepy: Holmes: That’s the benefit of being a Servant. Arsé-kun: Minako: Fair enough, but if you want some later, there might not be any! Sheepy: Holmes: I don’t have an interest in it, and Watson would kill me if he found me eating it. Arsé-kun: Minako: What’s he gonna do to you? Hit you for resisted damage? Sheepy: Holmes: Nag me. Arsé-kun: Minako: Is nagging strong against Rulers? Sheepy: Holmes: Perhaps. Arsé-kun: Minako: I’ll have to try that later! Sheepy: Holmes: For what reason? Arsé-kun: Minako: For science? Sheepy: Holmes: I’d rather you didn’t. Sheepy: Gil: *he huffs* Mongrel food again? Arsé-kun: Minako: You’re gonna eat it anyway. Sheepy: Kogil: I like pep- Sheepy: Gil: Pepperoni is garbage, pup. Sheepy: Gil: Cheese is better. Arsé-kun: Minako: Thank you for your opinions, kings! I didn’t ask! Sheepy: Gil: Hah, if he wants to be a king, he needs to know how a king thinks. Arsé-kun: Lance: … A king thinks “Is this edible?” and then eats it. Immediately, without comment. Sheepy: Gil: That’s how a peasant thinks. Arsé-kun: Lance: … No, you. *he’s got no witty comebacks, and glances towards Yan* ..? Sheepy: Yan: Hi hi! I’m living here now. Sheepy: Yan: I don’t know why but that’s what’s been decided. Arsé-kun: Lance: Aaah? That is.. It’s something. Unexpected? Sheepy: Yan: Actually, Gawain was cheering in his own way. Arsé-kun: Lance: Git. Sheepy: Yan: Huh? Sheepy: Yan: He’s burly and looks like a football player so he’s not really attractive. He asks me for phone numbers often. Sheepy: Yan: So he probably thinks he got rid of competition. Arsé-kun: Lance: He still..? … GorrRRrrilla morrron. Sheepy: Yan: I don’t get why. Sheepy: Yan: I just like talking to pretty people, and I like it even more when they compliment me. Sheepy: Yan: But Gawain sees me as competition… Arsé-kun: Lance: Everrryone is competition… Don’t worry about ittt.. Sheepy: Yan: Even you? Arsé-kun: Lance: I hope nooot. Sheepy: Yan: Are men in armor hot nowadays? Sheepy: Holmes: Depending on the temperature, yes. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: You’ve made Hyde very happy with that answer. I don’t have to say it now, thank you. Sheepy: Holmes: You’re welcome. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: And thank you for dinner, Master. You too, Assassin. Sheepy: Yan: No problem. Arsé-kun: Minako: Of course! Sheepy: Lobo: *he struts in and flops over dramatically onto Lance* Arsé-kun: Lance: Nooooooooonnn! *he tries to get out from under Lobo* Sheepy: Lobo: *whine* Sheepy: Yan: Puppy! Sheepy: *…Despite his whining, Lobo’s tail is wagging. He’s very aware of his manipulation and is happy about it.* Arsé-kun: *Lance does not escape. He accepts his fate to starve.* Sheepy: Yan: Puppy, you can have my pizza if you get off of him. Sheepy: Lobo: *he gives Yan a suspicious look* Sheepy: *Lobo hesitantly gets off of Lance* Arsé-kun: *Lancelot is dead. Not really. But he’s already committed.* Sheepy: Gil: A king doesn’t beg. He demands. Sheepy: Lobo: *he turns to Gil before…eating his slice of pizza.* Arsé-kun: Medusa: I don’t know what you expected. Sheepy: Gil: Not that! How dare him! Arsé-kun: Andersen: Just take another, your highness. And while you’re up there, pass me a plate. Sheepy: Gil: *he huffs, but surprisingly does so* Arsé-kun: Andersen: Thank you. You’re spared. Sheepy: Gil: Be grateful, mongrel! Arsé-kun: Andersen: I am. Sheepy: Gil: Fuhahaha! Excellent! Arsé-kun: Andersen: So what? Is this uncertain jeste- Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Hey, wait. Sheepy: Yan: Huh? Arsé-kun: Andersen: You’re a piece of shit, not a jester. Anyway, is this uncertain tall drink of water and booze staying with us now? Sheepy: Yan: Me? Arsé-kun: Andersen: Yes, you. Sheepy: Yan: Yeah, that’s apparently the case. Arsé-kun: Andersen: Finally, an assassin that keeps their class. It’s about time. Sheepy: Yan: Yeah! Sorta. Arsé-kun: Andersen: More than Twit and Twat over here. Good enough. Sheepy: Yan: Great! Sheepy: Holmes: You’re only missing Avenger, R..ider, you do have a rider… Arsé-kun: Medusa: Do you have eyes? Sheepy: Holmes: Exactly two, no more. Arsé-kun: Medusa: Do they both work? Do you need a hint from the peanut gallery? Arsé-kun: *she’s genuinely asking, that’s not sarcasm* Sheepy: Holmes: I’m aware you’re a rider. Arsé-kun: Medusa: Then what is missing? Avenger and what? Sheepy: Holmes: Hmmm? Sheepy: Holmes: Did I say there were two missing? Sheepy: Holmes: I only meant Avenger. Sheepy: Holmes: Ah, of course … Sheepy: Holmes: We’re also missing, of the special classes, Shielder, Alter Ego, Moon Cancer…yes, that’s it. Arsé-kun: Minako: And let’s maybe not get that last one. Sheepy: Holmes: Right. Sheepy: Emiya: ….*he raises his eyebrows* Arsé-kun: Andersen: Skip Alter Ego. They’re all extremely difficult in different ways. Sheepy: Holmes: That’s understandable. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: And the single Shielder belongs to Chaldea. We’d have to pass. Sheepy: Emiya: What about Foreigner? Arsé-kun: Minako: …?? *she’s got her mouth full* ???? Sheepy: Holmes: *he forces a smile* I don’t know of it. Arsé-kun: Andersen: …. ….. Arsé-kun: Minako: What’s foreigner? That new? Sheepy: Emiya: Ah, Master. Based on what I’ve heard, the Foreigner class is a recently discovered class. Arsé-kun: Minako: That’s kinda exciting! What do they do? Sheepy: Emiya: As the name implies, it consists of hosts of otherworldly beings. Sheepy: Emiya: Berserkers do very little to them. Arsé-kun: Minako: Berserkers… I don’t like that very much. Sheepy: Emiya: They, meanwhile, easily slaughter Berserkers. Be careful. Sheepy: Holmes:…. Arsé-kun: Minako: Noted. Thanks, Emiya-san. Sheepy: Holmes: (What do we do?) Arsé-kun: Holmes?: (…? We’re doing something? Why?) Sheepy: Holmes: (It’s clear Andersen suspects us.) Arsé-kun: Holmes?: (Who?) Sheepy: Holmes: (The one with blue hair and glasses.) Arsé-kun: Holmes?: (… Why are you asking me..? My answer is always 'flatten it’) Sheepy: Holmes: (…Right, thanks.) Arsé-kun: Holmes?: (You’re… Welcome?) Sheepy: Holmes: You might want to try to find one to deal with Berserkers, then. Arsé-kun: Minako: But we can hit Berserkers with anything. Sheepy: Holmes: But they do extra damage in turn. Arsé-kun: Minako: Ehhh.. *she shrugs* Bomb 'em and run like hell, I guess. Sheepy: Holmes: I see. Arsé-kun: Holmes?: (I don’t!) Sheepy: Holmes: (I know) Sheepy: Holmes: (But you have my eyes.) Arsé-kun: Holmes?: (It helps a lot!) Sheepy: Holmes: (I’m glad.) Arsé-kun: *Hans continues to be suspicious. Nothing has changed. But thankfully, he’s the only one. Maybe?* Sheepy: Holmes:….. Arsé-kun: Andersen: …… Sheepy: Holmes: Did you have something you wanted to ask me? Arsé-kun: Andersen: I did. Sheepy: Holmes: What is it? Arsé-kun: Andersen: *he scribbles something down on a napkin, folds it, and passes it over.* That. Sheepy: Holmes: *he reads it* Arsé-kun: *All it says is “I won’t say anything, Sir.” There’s a bad thumbs up emoji next to it. “Why do you look more introspective than Henry when Hyde’s being a bitch?”* Sheepy: Holmes: *he writes something down and passes it back* Arsé-kun: Andersen: *he takes it and opens it* Sheepy: *“I have a companion of my own, who happens to be relevant currently.”* Arsé-kun: Andersen: … *he nods to Sherlock and pockets the napkin* Sheepy: Gil: What am I missing? Sheepy: Gil: I don’t care but I don’t appreciate secrets being hid from me. Arsé-kun: Andersen: We’re talking shit about Mr. Twat. Sheepy: Gil: Oh, I really don’t care then. Arsé-kun: Andersen: I knew you had it in you. Sheepy: Gil: What? Arsé-kun: Andersen: Doesn’t a great king not care what the peasants say? Sheepy: Kogil: He cares because it’s his job to serve his people. Arsé-kun: Andersen: So I can’t call him a nosy bitch and move on with my life? What a shame. Sheepy: Kogil: Huh? Oh, no, he is. Sheepy: Gil: Oh…you… Sheepy: Gil: You…! Arsé-kun: Andersen: …. … You weren’t supposed to agree with me. I enjoy living. Sheepy: Kogil: Curiosity is what makes us human. Sheepy: Kogil: Unfortunately, being nosy is being a little too curious. Arsé-kun: Medusa: So what’s that make the floating cupcake? *he points up to Mephisto, who looks more amused than insulted* A moron? Sheepy: Kogil: Humanity isn’t something you’re born with. Sheepy: Kogil: It’s something you achieve. Sheepy: Kogil: Anyone can become human. They just have to want to try. Sheepy: Gil: Why would they want to? Arsé-kun: Medusa: It’s better than being a beast. Sheepy: Gil: Hah. It’s true. Arsé-kun: Medusa: Most things are better than that, though. It’s kind of a low bar. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: *he shifts a bit closer to Yan, getting out of Lance’s way* … It’s nice to have another Assassin on board. We get pressured beyond belief against Riders, haha.. Sheepy: Yan: That really sounds like a problem. Sheepy: Yan: But worry not! I have experience with Riders. Sheepy: Yan: Like Puppy used to be a Rider. Weren’t you, Puppy? Sheepy: Lobo: *he lifts his head up from sniffing at Lance and blinks at Yan* Arsé-kun: Jekyll: Was he? I would understand if his, well, rider was, but he himself? Sheepy: Yan: They act as one unit. Sheepy: Yan: But he isn’t three phantoms combined into one. Sheepy: Yan: Those are just the three who survived. Sheepy: Yan: Lobo ate the rest to gain their powers, which is how he ended up an Avenger. Sheepy: Yan: But before that, they were just the Rider class. Sheepy: Yan: Kind of like Kintoki’s motorcycle. He is the rider, but without his motorcycle, can he really be called one? It’s the motorcycle that defines him as a Rider, and therefore, it’s a part of his identity as a Rider. Simply, it too could be considered part of the Rider class. Sheepy: Yan: However, it couldn’t be summoned without Kintoki, because its identity isn’t well known. Likewise, Kintoki couldn’t be summoned within the Rider class without his motorcycle. Similarly, Lobo couldn’t be summoned without his rider nor Jack, which could be said for the other two. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: I understand entirely. Sheepy: Yan: That’s the situation Old Man and I have as well. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: Let me see if I got this straight. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: It’s like trying to summon me without Hyde, or Hyde without me. Without the other, neither of us are worth much. Sheepy: Yan: Mostly. Sheepy: Yan: We couldn’t survive without our partner. Sheepy: Yan: Our presence isn’t strong enough. We’re just phantoms. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: I’d believe it still applies, honestly. At least to me. Sheepy: Yan: But even little droplets of rain add up to a flood. Sheepy: Yan: So when enough phantoms come together… Sheepy: Yan: Our power is such of a Heroic Spirit’s. Sheepy: Yan: So very similar to your situation. Sheepy: Yan: But while you two come from the same source, we get merged with strangers. Sheepy: Yan: Really, the one who intimidates me in that respect is Old Man. The whole thing about his partner phantom’s story is hurting the one you love unintentionally. Sheepy: Yan: Lobo’s just many hateful spirits in one, and I’m not of much interest in that respect. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: *he thinks about this.* I… “I” want to know now, but I think if you’ve got no interest in talking about it, then lets pass it by. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: But could that be why he and Sherlock haven’t knocked the walls down yet? Arsé-kun: Jekyll: Because if he comes to care for Sherlock, the bullets might target him? Sheepy: Yan: I don’t think so. Sheepy: Yan: I think they’re mutually using each other to some extent, and… Arsé-kun: Jekyll: … And? Sheepy: Yan: Look at it this way. Let’s say they fought, and that cursed bullet was accidentally shot. Sheepy: Yan: Who do you think it would hit? Arsé-kun: Jekyll: … Ah, I see what you were saying. Mutual avoidance. Sheepy: Yan: It’s too dangerous for someone in that situation to fight unnecessarily. Sheepy: Yan: I’m sure Holmes recognizes that too. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: Oh, certainly. Arsé-kun: Medusa: You two can just ask him. He’s right here. Or is this normal Assassin business? Sheepy: Yan: Yeah, it’s normal Assassin business. Sheepy: Yan: It’s an exclusive club. Sheepy: Yan: But yeah, that’s all I’ve got. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: I suppose I’ll keep it in mind. And try to keep it in “his” too. Sheepy: Yan: Great! Arsé-kun: Minako: Oh, and thanks for behaving this time, everybody! *she lifts up her hand. two command seals have Returned* I’m glad we didn’t need to enact violence! Sheepy: Gil: Hah, I could take them if I so pleased. Arsé-kun: Minako: I can take your controllers if I pleased, so what? Sheepy: Gil: I could buy new ones. Arsé-kun: Minako: And while you’re gone, hide everything else. Sheepy: Gil:…..My POINT is that you have no control over me. Arsé-kun: Minako: Ok. Sheepy: Gil: Kuhahahaha! You see now, how powerless you are against me, mongrel! Sheepy: Gil: Be grateful! Sheepy: Gil: I have decided to allow you to put on this charade still! Arsé-kun: Minako: Thank you so much for your opinions! They’re worth money I think. Sheepy: Gil: Kuhahahaha! Of course! Sheepy: Gil: And you’re getting it for free! Sheepy: Gil: Be grateful, mongrel! Arsé-kun: Minako: I’m a bit more grateful for not living on the street, but thanks anyway! Sheepy: Gil: You’re welcome. Sheepy: *later, at night!*     Sheepy: — Drip.  Drip.  Drip. The rain was falling harshly upon Bedivere and Lucan as they carried their king to safety.  They barely recognized its uncomfortable sogginess as they slowly persevered.  Bedivere was barely conscious of his surroundings until he heard his brother let out a soft, pained groan. “…Lucan, you should rest.  I can carry him on my own.” “Don’t worry, I’m fine… it’s just a bit more, isn’t it?”  Lucan smiled, but Bedivere couldn’t focus on that. Bright red droplets caught his eye - a sight he had seen regularly that day. Drip.  Drip.  Drip. Blood was pooling from Lucan’s body. but his smile didn’t fade.  He couldn’t let it fade.  No, his king needed him.  His brother needed him.  Once he loses his smile, he loses everything. “Lucan… you’re bleeding.” “I’ve had worse,” Lucan laughed, cut off midway by a sharp pain within him that shook him to his core.  But he has to keep smiling.  He needs to. Drip.  Drip.  Drip. Thud. ”LUCAN!” Lucan couldn’t summon the strength to respond.  It felt as though his insides had just exploded.  His brother’s screams were just background noises as things grew dark, leaving Bedivere alone with his king. “LUCAN…!” Bedivere shot up from his bed, still crying out his brother’s name.  The only response he received was the light rain outside. Drip.  Drip.  Drip. Bedivere used to love the rain.  Now all it reminds him of is his failure as a knight. — Arsé-kun: *Good morning, Bedivere! It is, in fact, lightly raining. According to Merlin’s pink digital clock, it is approximately 4:30 AM.* Arsé-kun: *Also of note is Merlin’s apparent absence, which is a mystery easily solved. Idiot fell off the bed. The Grand Caster, everybody.* Sheepy: *Bedi looks over at Merlin and contemplates waking him to get him off of the floor* Arsé-kun: *Merlin certainly isn’t taking any action to deal with this.* Sheepy: *Bedi gets out of bed and gently shakes Merlin* Sheepy: Bedi: Ummm… Arsé-kun: Merlin: ….. Aye..? Sheepy: Bedi: You’re sleeping on the floor. Arsé-kun: Merlin: … So I was… *He slowly sits up and blinks himself into at least some alertness.* … Why AM I on the floor..? Sheepy: Bedi: I probably shoved you off, but maybe you rolled off. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I don’t feel sore, so probably did it myself. Oopsies!~ :P c Sheepy: Bedi: I’d recommend not sleeping on the floor. Arsé-kun: Merlin: You’re right. But why are you down here with me? Sheepy: Bedi: I, uh, I woke up from a nightmare. Arsé-kun: Merlin: *he immediately looks concerned* Are you okay? Sheepy: Bedi: It’s no problem! I’m fine. Arsé-kun: Merlin: If you say so.. Are you coming back to bed? Sheepy: Bedi: I think I’m up for the night. Sheepy: Bedi: It’s difficult to sleep through the rain. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Aww. Well, hopefully it’ll stop soon, for your sake. Sheepy: Bedi: Thank you. I’ll be fine. This is normal. Arsé-kun: Merlin: That’s what worries me. *he pats Bedi’s shoulder, then drags himself up and back onto the bed. Ugh. MOVING. What a CHORE.* Sheepy: Bedi: There’s no need to worry. It’s normal, so I’m used to it. Arsé-kun: Merlin: That’s why I’m worried!! You’re going to go Stockholm on your own nightmares.. Sheepy: Bedi:….? Arsé-kun: Merlin: … I’ll tell you in the morning. Sheepy: Bedi: *he forces a smile* Thank you. I’ll try to remember in case you forget. Arsé-kun: Merlin: 'Welcome. *he rolls over and pulls the blanket back up.* Sheepy: Bedi: Good night. Arsé-kun: Merlin: 'Ight. Sheepy: Bedi: *he waits for a bit before heading out of the room to find something to do* Arsé-kun: *It’s quiet. But not too quiet. This is not a horror film.* Sheepy: Bedi: *is anyone up?* Arsé-kun: *Well, the vampires and Rider, playing a silent game of cards. Vlad looks #done* Sheepy: Lobo: *he is looking at the cards blankly* Sheepy: Lobo: *he looks up and begins snarling* Arsé-kun: Vlad: …? Sheepy: Bedi: I’m sorry for interrupting. Sheepy: Bedi: I was just looking for something to do. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Ah, that is fine. Do you wish to join us? Sheepy: Bedi: I’m not very good at cards, but… Arsé-kun: Vlad: You do not have to be. Sheepy: Bedi: Then I’d like to join. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Pull up a seat. We’re only playing go fish. Sheepy: Bedi: *he pulls up a seat and sits at the table* Arsé-kun: *Vlad deals him a hand and the game continues* Sheepy: Lobo: *he flops over on the ground partway through the game* Arsé-kun: *His cards are distributed accordingly* Sheepy: Bedi: This reminds me of the games I used to play with my fellow knights. Sheepy: Bedi: Some of us were more competitive than others, such as… Sheepy: Bedi:…Sir Lancelot and Sir Gawain. Sheepy: Bedi: Meanwhile, Sir Tristan would fall asleep, on the opposite side of the spectrum. Arsé-kun: Vlad: I’m rather glad this Lancelot does not join us, then. This is not meant to be competitive. Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, I agree. Although…I doubt the Berserker would act that way Sheepy: Bedi: However, Saber… Arsé-kun: Vlad: … I would fear for our quiet evenings. Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, our games would get intense very quickly. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Amadeus would have our heads. Sheepy: Bedi: …However, I would be lying if I said I didn’t miss those days. … Ah, Mozart…. Sheepy: Bedi:…He probably already wants my head. Sheepy: Bedi: I’m sorry if my shouting bothered you. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Not at all. Sheepy: Bedi: I’m happy to hear that. Sheepy: Lobo: *he has turned his attention to chewing on a squeaky toy* Arsé-kun: Vlad: … This is why. Sheepy: Bedi: Poor Mozart… Arsé-kun: *Suddenly flying down the stairs and whizzing past the table is what looks like a football. Lobo! Get the football!* Sheepy: Lobo: *he launches at the football and grabs it with his teeth* Arsé-kun: *No more squeaky noises!* Sheepy: Lobo: *he plops down on the ground next to Vlad and continues chewing on the football* Arsé-kun: Mozart: How utterly awful that was! *he has arrived downstairs* Sheepy: Bedi: I apologize for my shouting. Arsé-kun: Mozart: That’s quite fine. It isn’t something you can help. Squeaky toys at 3 am, however… *he shoots Lobo a dirty glare* Sheepy: Lobo: *he ignores Mozart in favor of focusing on the football* Arsé-kun: Mozart: *he snatches up the squeaky toy, and goes to exit after a quick little wave. goodbye mozart* Sheepy: Lobo: *he looks up and blinks. where did his squeaky toy go* Arsé-kun: *it vanished! (thank god)* Sheepy: Lobo: *he stands up and starts sniffing around. does Vlad have it?* Arsé-kun: *Vlad holds his hands up. He does not have it!* Sheepy: Lobo: *he sniffs at Vlad’s hands* Arsé-kun: *no toy! Vlad pats his nose though* Sheepy: Lobo: *he nuzzles Vlad in response* Arsé-kun: *good shit op* Sheepy: Bedi: I feel like I should be doing something of importance, being up this late. Arsé-kun: Vlad: It does often feel that way, doesn’t it? But perhaps there is. Sheepy: Bedi: There’s something I should be doing… Arsé-kun: Vlad: Perhaps, perhaps not. Sheepy: Bedi: What do you think it could be? Arsé-kun: Vlad: I would have no idea. Why don’t you take a walk around the halls? It’s unlikely you’ll be interrupted. Sheepy: Bedi: Oh! Good idea. Arsé-kun: Vlad: And while you do that.. Carmilla? Shall we go out and get lunch? Sheepy: Carmilla: Yeah, sure. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Great, because I was going to go no matter the answer. Sheepy: Carmilla: Wow. Arsé-kun: Vlad: We’d better get going, then, before it gets light out. Sheepy: Carmilla: Yeah. Arsé-kun: *spoop patrol exits scene.* Sheepy: *Bedi, meanwhile, is walking through the halls* Arsé-kun: *It’s dark. It’s quiet. It’s kinda nice, but also a little bit spooky.* Sheepy: *Bedi doesn’t mind it.* Arsé-kun: *Thankfully his eyes have adjusted to the darkness, so he can see where he is going. Only the furthest parts of the hall are hard to see, and for some reason a nearby doorway. Maybe it’s just the angle he’s on.* Sheepy: Bedi:….? Sheepy: *Bedi goes to investigate* Arsé-kun: *It’s very dark, even up close. Like, super dark. This isn’t normal darkness. This is ADVANCED DARKNESS!* Sheepy: Bedi: *he slowly puts out Airgetlam to touch it* Arsé-kun: *It, strangely enough, shrinks back from his hand. Scared darkness? That’s weird.* Sheepy: Bedi:…Hello? Arsé-kun: *The darkness doesn’t answer back. This is.. Probably a good thing?* Sheepy: Bedi: Huh. Sheepy: Bedi: I was expecting more of a response…what is this? Sheepy: *Bedi begins poking at it with Airgetlam* Arsé-kun: *It continues retreating, and shrinking. Bedi can now see some of the room. It’s nothing special.* Sheepy: Bedi: If only I had a flashlight. Sheepy: Bedi:…. Sheepy: Bedi:…..*he looks to Airgetlam* Sheepy: Bedi: Airgetlam, switch on! *Airgetlam shines brightly!* Arsé-kun: *Some of the room is instantly lit up! The rest is.. Still pitch black. As I said before, this is ADVANCED DARKNESS* Sheepy: Bedi:…! Sheepy: Bedi: *he pokes at it again* Arsé-kun: *The shadows retreat a bit more than they had prior, with a bit of a… Whine? It was something.* Sheepy: Bedi: Oh! It’s alive! Sheepy: Bedi: Hello? Arsé-kun: *It eventually stops shrinking, leaving a ball of shadow on the sofa. But no answer.* Sheepy: Bedi: *he gently shakes it* Arsé-kun: *There’s a very quiet but distressed “Go awayyy..!” from the shadows, which shift away before becoming a tighter ball.* Sheepy: Bedi: ….? Sheepy: Bedi: I apologize, it’s just… Sheepy: Bedi: You…were kind of…um.. Sheepy: Bedi:…well. You piqued my curiosity. Arsé-kun: ?: Dooon’t…! *They recoil away from Bedi, despite him not touching them this time.* Jus’ kill me and get it over with…! Sheepy: Bedi: Huh? I won’t hurt you! Sheepy: Bedi: It’s okay. Everything is fine. I’ll stand back until you feel comfortable with me approaching, okay? Arsé-kun: ?: … always do, it’s… fault, it’s my fault, it’s my fault, it’s my f*They hiccup really quietly* why why why why why why why whyyyyy*hic*yyyyy..? Sheepy: Bedi: …? Sheepy: Bedi: What is? Arsé-kun: ?: … … .nnn… Arsé-kun: ?: …… not the carving tools againnnnn… … anything but… Arsé-kun: *His voice slowly gets louder as he pleads with an unseen enemy, begging them not to hurt him again. It culminates in screaming and violently thrashing up off the sofa- most likely hitting Bedivere (but doing little to no actual damage)- before coming to a stop hanging off of the sofa and panting heavily. Despite all of this, he hasn’t actually woken himself up entirely.* Arsé-kun: *As well, now that he has stopped being curled up into a ball, he’s now recognizable as Angra (if he wasn’t before.)* Sheepy: Bedi: It’s okay, it’s okay. No one will hurt you here. Arsé-kun: Angra: … …? *he slightly looks up at Bedi* … Sheepy: Bedi: I’m sorry for waking you. However… Arsé-kun: Angra: … *he blinks, and pauses before jumping up onto the back of the sofa. A very delayed reaction.* H-how long have you been here?? Sheepy: Bedi: Not for too long. Arsé-kun: Angra: *he groans and flops back down* Great, cool! Now my traumatic backstory is out in the wild! Grrrrreat! *he is not pleased.* Sheepy: Bedi: You were having a nightmare, although I didn’t realize that at first. *he smiles* Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone. Sheepy: Bedi: I was just worried about you, so I stayed with you. Sheepy: Bedi: If I encounter you in such a state in the future, I could get you a blanket and leave you be instead if you would so prefer. Arsé-kun: Angra: … … *he looks more confused than anything* Uhm.. Thanks..? Sheepy: Bedi: I apologize if I’m making you uncomfortable. Arsé-kun: Angra: It’s not, um. *he huffs and sits up* I did mean thanks, that’s real, but.. *he seems conflicted, before just giving up on being subtle* Nobody’s ever that nice to me. You know what I am, yeah? Sheepy: Bedi: I do. Sheepy: Bedi: However… Sheepy: Bedi: I would never dislike you. Sheepy: Bedi: It doesn’t matter to me who you are. I won’t treat you poorly because of it. Arsé-kun: Angra: … … *he tilts his head to the side* Thank you? A terrible decision, really, but thanks anyway. Sheepy: Bedi: Huh? Sheepy: Bedi: I don’t believe so. Sheepy: Bedi: I don’t dislike anyone. Arsé-kun: Angra: Anyone? Not even the dark shady butler guy? Sheepy: Bedi: No, I don’t dislike even him. Arsé-kun: Angra: Huh. Sheepy: Bedi: I see him as a problem to solve, but once he’s no longer attempting to hurt us, I wish him the best. Sheepy: Bedi: Perhaps one might find that odd, but… Sheepy: Bedi: I suppose I’m just an odd individual: Arsé-kun: Angra: *he thinks about this* You really are some sorta screwball, but hey, you’re not bad. Sheepy: Bedi: I’m happy to hear that. Sheepy: Bedi: However… Sheepy: Bedi: It saddens me to hear people don’t treat you very nicely. Sheepy: Bedi: Is there anything I could do for you? Sheepy: Bedi: I’m fairly good at cooking simple things and I can make coffee well, so maybe I could make something for you? Arsé-kun: Angra: … That’d be nice… Sheepy: Bedi: What would you like? Arsé-kun: Angra: Yer asking me? Hm.. Hmmmm! Something edible! Sheepy: Bedi: … Sheepy: Bedi: Do you have no preference…? Sheepy: Bedi: Ah…then I’ll share my favorite meal with you! Sheepy: Bedi: Do you mind vegetables? Arsé-kun: Angra: Great question! Lets find out. Sheepy: *Bedi goes to the kitchen and begins cooking steamed veggies!* Arsé-kun: *Angra follows him and plops into a chair. Obseeeerve* Sheepy: Bedi: What hobbies do you have? Arsé-kun: Angra: Does people watching count? Caaause if not, I got nothin’. Sheepy: Bedi: I think it does. Sheepy: Bedi: I found watching mankind evolve around me absolutely fascinating. Sheepy: Bedi:…Of course…my wanderings were my punishment, but even still, I enjoyed them to some extent. Sheepy: Bedi: Of course… Sheepy: Bedi: My favorite dish is what it is due to what it reminds me of. Sheepy: Bedi: Of course… Sheepy: Bedi: My favorite dish is what it is due to what it reminds me of. Sheepy: Bedi: The happy times of the Knights of the Round Table. I had it often back then because I loved it even then. Sheepy: Bedi: But now, it’s more of a symbol of…oh, I apologize for rambling. It’s a bad habit of mine. Arsé-kun: Angra: Nah, go ahead, dude. I ain’t got much to say. Sheepy: Bedi: So it doesn’t bore you? Arsé-kun: Angra: Not yet at least! Sheepy: Bedi: It’s more of a symbol of those happy times because I was completely incapable of making it on my travels. Arsé-kun: Angra: But you can now? Sheepy: Bedi: I’m capable of making it now, but it’s the only thing that truly remains from those times. Sheepy: Bedi: Do you ever wish things were just a bit different? Almost as though you could erase memories of the past that changed you? Arsé-kun: Angra: Fuck, man. I’d be some random schmuck otherwise. And some third schmuck would be stuck with what I had.. Feels bad. Sheepy: Bedi: I suppose. Sheepy: Bedi: I understand those memories are important, yet…I… Arsé-kun: Angra: Eh! Shit happens, it makes the world turn. That and black magic, but anyway. And then you die. Sheepy: Bedi:..I recognize we’ll never return to those happy times, so we just have to make new ones. But with Sir Lancelot a berserker due to what happened between himself and our King, Sir Gawain completely unrestrained by any moral compass in some respects due to our King not watching over him, and Sir Tristan in…ah, he hasn’t changed a bit. Sheepy: Bedi: But it feels like it’s impossible. Even if we’re happy together, something is missing. Something is wrong. Sheepy: Bedi: And it just weighs on the back of my mind. Arsé-kun: Angra: Get over it, that’s my advice. You’re not gettin’ it back. Never will. Why bother? Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, that’s true. Sheepy: Bedi: But… Sheepy: Bedi: I suppose why I bother is because I dearly love my friends. I’d like to see them smile again without seeing that guilt behind their eyes. …Other than Sir Tristan. Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, it’s ready. Arsé-kun: Angra: Well, tell them to stop bein’ pussies. Except the Berserker, I guess, he’ll kill me. Sheepy: *Bedi dishes out the steamed veggies and gives them to Angra* Sheepy: Bedi:…Hmm… Tell them to… Sheepy: Bedi:..would that work… Sheepy: Bedi: …Thank you… Sheepy: Bedi: You’ve actually helped me a lot. Arsé-kun: Angra: Yeah, sure, any time. And you helped more. Sheepy: Bedi: I’m happy to hear that. Arsé-kun: *Angra considers the veggies. He considers the coconuts, and it’s trees. It’s still hot. He likes his tongue not burning to a cinder.* Sheepy: Bedi: If you like it, I’ll make it for you in the future. If not, I’ll try to come up with something else. Sheepy: Bedi: My brother is a much better cook than me. Sheepy: Bedi: However…I’ll do my best! Arsé-kun: Angra: It’s not pitch black, yer already better than half the shit I’ve seen. Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, that sounds accurate. Arsé-kun: *Angra goes to nom. !!! It is immediately Angra-Approved.* Sheepy: Bedi: Oh…! I’ll keep in mind that you like it! Arsé-kun: *Angra proceeds to more or less inhale the edibles. is gud* Sheepy: *Bedi finishes cleaning* Arsé-kun: *Until Angra comes over with his plate and utensils. You are not done.* Sheepy: *Bedi begins cleaning those, too* Arsé-kun: *Good man Bedivere LastName* Arsé-kun: Angra: So, uh… Now what? Arsé-kun: Angra: I’d love to fuck with somebody, but I’ll die instantly. Sheepy: Bedi: Hmm.. Sheepy: Bedi: Do you want to try going back to sleep? Arsé-kun: Angra: Should, but I’m not feeling it. Sheepy: Bedi: Hmm… Sheepy: Bedi: I was considering it myself because…what if Merlin gets lonely? Arsé-kun: Angra: Then sucks to be him. Arsé-kun: Angra: Oh, oh, I know. I can be a creepy weirdo and you can see if everyone’s doing okay. It’s Halloween, after all! Nobody is safe! Sheepy: Bedi: Oh…! Sheepy: Bedi: But wouldn’t that wake them up? Arsé-kun: Angra: What are you gonna do, jump on their bed until it breaks? Why would it? Sheepy: Bedi: Jump on their bed…? Arsé-kun: Angra: You’re not, right? So why would you wake anyone up? It’s bitch o clock am. Sheepy: Bedi: I’ve only heard of such activities in rumors…! Sheepy: Bedi: That children jump on their beds and get punished. Arsé-kun: Angra: Well, yeah. They would go flyin’ out windows, or hit the floor, or do somethin’ stupid. We’re adults, we can do what we goddamn want. Sheepy: Bedi: ….However, when I asked if Satoru partakes in such activities….he replied, “Why? What does it accomplish?” Arsé-kun: Angra: The same as other time wasters! It’s fun! Sheepy: Bedi: They meant not actual children, but manchildren! Sheepy: Bedi: You’re very knowledgeable! Arsé-kun: Angra: Real kids? Shouldn’t do it. They’ll gottdam die. And are you calling me a manchildren?? Sheepy: Bedi: Huh? Sheepy: Bedi: *he tilts his head* Huh? Arsé-kun: Angra: *he tilts his in response* Huh? Do we think better when we tilt? Sheepy: Bedi: Well, I thought you were like Andersen. Sheepy: Bedi: You gave me “old man in a child’s body” vibes, but not the way Satoru does. Arsé-kun: Angra: I mean, I was pretty old when I finally died! Does that count? Sheepy: Bedi: Oh! So was… Sheepy: Bedi:….I? Sheepy: Bedi:…… Sheepy: Bedi:…..??? Arsé-kun: Angra: Should I be calling you old man, then?? Sheepy: Bedi: I didn’t actually die….I kind of was just …sent to the void? Arsé-kun: Angra: I’d say lucky you, but can’t share the feeling! Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, it’s quite unnatural. Sheepy: Bedi: I wouldn’t expect anyone to relate. Arsé-kun: Angra: That’s why yer lucky, but whatever. Sheepy: Bedi: Oh. Sheepy: Bedi: I suppose I might be lucky in some people’s eyes in that respect. Arsé-kun: Angra: *he sorta shrugs* Sheepy: Bedi: Anyway…um… Sheepy: Bedi: What now? Arsé-kun: Angra: I dunno. What do you fancy pantsy knights do, anyway? Sheepy: Bedi: Whatever my king asks of me. Sheepy: Bedi: Other than that… Sheepy: Bedi: We spend time together, train ourselves, spar, or do what we need in order to live. Sheepy: Bedi: A bond between your fellow knights is incredibly important. Sheepy: Bedi: It’ll be what saves you. Sheepy: Bedi: We also sightsee…but if you mean now… Sheepy: Bedi:…Unfortunately, I think Sir Lancelot and Sir Tristan mope all the time with very few breaks, Sir Gawain is a skirt chaser, and I spend most of my time by Merlin’s side. Arsé-kun: Angra: Yeah, I noticed. It’s a good source of food for me. Sheepy: Bedi: Lucan hasn’t changed a bit other than the massive hole in his chest, Sir Kay hasn’t changed, and Griflet apparently enjoys children’s shows. Sheepy: Bedi: I would be overjoyed if all of us could come together for a party of some sort. Arsé-kun: Angra: Then have a party! Go nuts, go feral, get smashed and get “smashed”! Arsé-kun: Angra: You wanna do a thing? Do the thing! Sheepy: Bedi: *he eagerly holds his fists up in front of his chest, smiling brightly* I’ll “go feral”! Arsé-kun: Angra: Wait wait wait hold on wait *this is not the reply he expected At All* Sheepy: Bedi: Huh? Arsé-kun: *And poor Angra now has to explain EXACTLY what “Going feral” means. He throws Sicko Mode in for a bonus* Sheepy: Bedi:….I don’t really understand, so I’ll just ask Merlin Arsé-kun: Angra: Oh my gggghh.. It means you act like a nutcase wild animal! Go nuts! Go crazy! Same thing! Please don’t actually use it, I might be murdered for it! Sheepy: Bedi: Oh… Sheepy: Bedi: I’ll avoid it. Arsé-kun: Angra: Lobo going on a murder spree is going feral. Me drinking a keg of beer and committing a crime is going feral. You’re a goodie two shoes, you avoid that. Sheepy: Bedi: I see. Sheepy: Bedi: But… Sheepy: Bedi: Isn’t it “Goodie two snooze”? Sheepy: Bedi: Lucan says that a goodie two snooze is someone who’s good at droning on to the point that you get in two naps before they’re done. Sheepy: Bedi: And that any similar phrases are wrong and I should question them. Arsé-kun: Angra: Eh? A liar? Lemme beat him up and die for my transgressions. Sheepy: Bedi: Huh? Arsé-kun: Angra: Never mind! *he decides to do it himself later this week.* Sheepy: Bedi: My brother’s very smart. Arsé-kun: Angra: Yeah, in the bad ideas and puns department. Sheepy: Bedi: For example.. Sheepy: Bedi: Did you know that alcohol was invented by someone named Alfred Kay Hole? But his friends would call him Al for short. Sheepy: Bedi: He told me that. Arsé-kun: Angra: Did he? Hmm! Sheepy: Bedi: I hadn’t heard it before. He’s very knowledgeable! Arsé-kun: Angra: He must be, to know such weird stuff. Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, exactly Sheepy: Bedi: He loves teaching me these things, too. Sheepy: Bedi: And spreading the word. He tells me to share my newfound knowledge whenever I can. Arsé-kun: Angra: Maaan.. *does he tell Bedi? Does he not? Which is the more evil of the two? And which keeps him fed?* … Arsé-kun: Angra: You know he’s fuckin’ with you, right? Sheepy: Bedi: Huh? Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, people tell me this often. Arsé-kun: Angra: Al Kay Hole? Alcohol? He’s messing with you. Sheepy: Bedi: But Lucan doesn’t lie. Arsé-kun: Angra: Also, it’s goodie two-shoes. But I might steal the other one! Sheepy: Bedi: He says that he knows a lot of facts about make up, not that they’re lies. Sheepy: Bedi:…Or is it a lot of facts that he makes up? Sheepy: Bedi: Either way, he knows a lot of facts! Arsé-kun: Angra: Both? But these sound like bullshit to me, and I know bullshit! I speak it fluently! He’s makin’ shit up and watchin’ you embarrass yourself! What a dickkk! Sheepy: Bedi: Huh? Sheepy: Bedi: Hmmmm…but… Sheepy: Bedi: *he tilts his head* … Arsé-kun: Angra: Whaaaat an asshollle! A whole douché de pas! Arsé-kun: Angra: And the entire asshole ballet! Sheepy: Bedi: So then… Sheepy: Bedi: Eggnog isn’t an alcoholic beverage for chickens? Arsé-kun: Angra: Nope! Sheepy: Bedi: And Santa doesn’t put people down on his naughty list permanently if they forget to bake cookies for him? Arsé-kun: Angra: Nooope! The Krampus might consider it though! Sheepy: Bedi: Lucan said he was giving his gifts to me because he felt bad for me and was taking the coal… Sheepy: Bedi: He even put my name on in advance… Arsé-kun: Angra: … IS regifting a sin? *thinking emoji* Sheepy: Bedi: Huh? Arsé-kun: Angra: The answer issss! Ittttttt’s not! Sheepy: Bedi:….!? Sheepy: Bedi: And the Easter bunny doesn’t eat people whose hair makes people think of bunnies!? Arsé-kun: Angra: It’s a rabbit! Why would he eat people? He’s not the beast! Sheepy: Bedi:…Because he’s hungry after laying eggs. Sheepy: Bedi: But he eats other rabbits for fuel. Sheepy: Bedi: His vision isn’t very good so he mistakes people with hairstyles like mine for rabbits. Arsé-kun: Angra: That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard tonight! I love it. I’m going to scare children with it next year. Sheepy: Bedi: Huh? Arsé-kun: Angra: That’s dumb. Hi, I’m your villain for the evening and you’re kinda naive, ain'tcha? Arsé-kun: Angra: A bit dumb in the upstairs? A little too trusting of man? Like okay, Spenta, we get it, you’re the nicest guy in the world, but yer kind of an idiot? Arsé-kun: Angra: You a doormat or a man? Ch-ch-check yaself 'fore ya wreck yaself! Arsé-kun: *Angra attempts an airhorn noise, but not too loudly. bewww bewbewbewbewwww* Arsé-kun: Angra: Anyway if you hold him down, I’ll kick him in the taint for ya. Sheepy: Bedi: Huh? Sheepy: Bedi: Isn’t it better to be trusting than to constantly question whether something is a lie? Sheepy: Bedi: My brother wouldn’t have any reason to lie to me, would he? Sheepy: Bedi: And….a doormat, hm. Sheepy: Bedi: I wonder if I am one….I wonder… I’ll ask Merlin about what you’re saying. Arsé-kun: Angra: Easy answer. For his own amusement! People can be diiiiicks! Sheepy: Bedi:?! Sheepy: Bedi: Wh…what!? Arsé-kun: Angra: Surprise! Sheepy: Bedi: But…! Sheepy: Bedi: I can’t believe this… Sheepy: Bedi:….I need to ask Merlin about this… Arsé-kun: Angra: Yeaaah, probs a good idea. Believin’ the shit I say might not always be good! Sheepy: Bedi: I suppose so. Sheepy: Bedi: I have a lot to think about… (CONTINUED IN 14.5)
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readbookywooks · 7 years
IT was so sudden, and so horribly unlike anything that had ever happened to Digory even in a nightmare, that he let out a scream. Instantly Uncle Andrew's hand was over his mouth. "None of that!" he hissed in Digory's ear. "If you start making a noise your Mother'll hear it. And you know what a fright might do to her." As Digory said afterwards, the horrible meanness of getting at a chap in that way, almost made him sick. But of course he didn't scream again. "That's better," said Uncle Andrew. "Perhaps you couldn't help it. It is a shock when you first see someone vanish. Why, it gave even me a turn when the guinea-pig did it the other night." "Was that when you yelled?" asked Digory. "Oh, you heard that, did you? I hope you haven't been spying on me?" "No, I haven't," said Digory indignantly. "But what's happened to Polly?" "Congratulate me, my dear boy," said Uncle Andrew, rubbing his hands. "My experiment has succeeded. The little girl's gone - vanished - right out of the world." "What have you done to her?" "Sent her to - well - to another place." "What do you mean?" asked Digory. Uncle Andrew sat down and said, "Well, I'll tell you all about it. Have you ever heard of old Mrs Lefay?" "Wasn't she a great-aunt or something?" said Digory. "Not exactly," said Uncle Andrew. "She was my godmother. That's her, there, on the wall." Digory looked and saw a faded photograph: it showed the face of an old woman in a bonnet. And he could now remember that he had once seen a photo of the same face in an old drawer, at home, in the country. He had asked his Mother who it was and Mother had not seemed to want to talk about the subject much. It was not at all a nice face, Digory thought, though of course with those early photographs one could never really tell. "Was there - wasn't there - something wrong about her, Uncle Andrew?" he asked. "Well," said Uncle Andrew with a chuckle, "it depends what you call wrong. People are so narrow-minded. She certainly got very queer in later life. Did very unwise things. That was why they shut her up." "In an asylum, do you mean?" "Oh no, no, no," said Uncle Andrew in a shocked voice. "Nothing of that sort. Only in prison." "I say!" said Digory. "What had she done?" "Ah, poor woman," said Uncle Andrew. "She had been very unwise. There were a good many different things. We needn't go into all that. She was always very kind to me." "But look here, what has all this got to do with Polly? I do wish you'd - " "All in good time, my boy," said Uncle Andrew. "They let old Mrs Lefay out before she died and I was one of the very few people whom she would allow to see her in her last illness. She had got to dislike ordinary, ignorant people, you understand. I do myself. But she and I were interested in the same sort of things. It was only a few days before her death that she told me to go to an old bureau in her house and open a secret drawer and bring her a little box that I would find there. The moment I picked up that box I could tell by the pricking in my fingers that I held some great secret in my hands. She gave it me and made me promise that as soon as she was dead I would burn it, unopened, with certain ceremonies. That promise I did not keep." "Well, then, it was jolly rotten of you," said Digory. "Rotten?" said Uncle Andrew with a puzzled look. "Oh, I see. You mean that little boys ought to keep their promises. Very true: most right and proper, I'm sure, and I'm very glad you have been taught to do it. But of course you must understand that rules of that sort, however excellent they may be for little boys - and servants - and women - and even people in general, can't possibly be expected to apply to profound students and great thinkers and sages. No, Digory. Men like me, who possess hidden wisdom, are freed from common rules just as we are cut off from common pleasures. Ours, my boy, is a high and lonely destiny." As he said this he sighed and looked so grave and noble and mysterious that for a second Digory really thought he was saying something rather fine. But then he remembered the ugly look he had seen on his Uncle's face the moment before Polly had vanished: and all at once he saw through Uncle Andrew's grand words. "All it means," he said to himself, "Is that he thinks he can do anything he likes to get anything he wants." "Of course," said Uncle Andrew, "I didn't dare to open the box for a long time, for I knew it might contain something highly dangerous. For my godmother was a very remarkable woman. The truth is, she was one of the last mortals in this country who had fairy blood in her. (She said there had been two others in her time. One was a duchess and the other was a charwoman.) In fact, Digory, you are now talking to the last man (possibly) who really had a fairy godmother. There! That'll be something for you to remember when you are an old man yourself." "I bet she was a bad fairy," thought Digory; and added out loud. "But what about Polly?" "How you do harp on that!" said Uncle Andrew. "As if that was what mattered! My first task was of course to study the box itself. It was very ancient. And I knew enough even then to know that it wasn't Greek, or Old Egyptian, or Babylonian, or Hittite, or Chinese. It was older than any of those nations. Ah - that was a great day when I at last found out the truth. The box was Atlantean; it came from the lost island of Atlantis. That meant it was centuries older than any of the stone-age things they dig up in Europe. And it wasn't a rough, crude thing like them either. For in the very dawn of time Atlantis was already a great city with palaces and temples and learned men." He paused for a moment as if he expected Digory to say something. But Digory was disliking his Uncle more every minute, so he said nothing. "Meanwhile," continued Uncle Andrew, "I was learning a good deal in other ways (it wouldn't be proper to explain them to a child) about Magic in general. That meant that I came to have a fair idea what sort of things might be in the box. By various tests I narrowed down the possibilities. I had to get to know some - well, some devilish queer people, and go through some very disagreeable experiences. That was what turned my head grey. One doesn't become a magician for nothing. My health broke down in the end. But I got better. And at last I actually knew." Although there was not really the least chance of anyone overhearing them, he leaned forward and almost whispered as he said: "The Atlantean box contained something that had been brought from another world when our world was only just beginning." "What?" asked Digory, who was now interested in spite of himself. "Only dust," said Uncle Andrew. "Fine, dry dust. Nothing much to look at. Not much to show for a lifetime of toil, you might say. Ah, but when I looked at that dust (I took jolly good care not to touch it) and thought that every grain had once been in another world - I don't mean another planet, you know; they're part of our world and you could get to them if you went far enough - but a really Other World - another Nature another universe - somewhere you would never reach even if you travelled through the space of this universe for ever and ever - a world that could be reached only by Magic - well!" Here Uncle Andrew rubbed his hands till his knuckles cracked like fireworks. "I knew," he went on, "that if only you could get it into the right form, that dust would draw you back to the place it had come from. But the difficulty was to get it into the right form. My earlier experiments were all failures. I tried them on guinea-pigs. Some of them only died. Some exploded like little bombs - " "It was a jolly cruel thing to do," said Digory who had once had a guinea-pig of his own. "How you do keep getting off the point!" said Uncle Andrew. "That's what the creatures were for. I'd bought them myself. Let me see - where was I? Ah yes. At last I succeeded in making the rings: the yellow rings. But now a new difficulty arose. I was pretty sure, now, that a yellow ring would send any creature that touched it into the Other Pace. But what would be the good of that if I couldn't get them back to tell me what they had found there?" "And what about them?" said Digory. "A nice mess they'd be in if they couldn't get back!" "You will keep on looking at everything from the wrong point of view," said Uncle Andrew with a look of impatience. "Can't you understand that the thing is a great experiment? The whole point of sending anyone into the Other Place is that I want to find out what it's like." "Well why didn't you go yourself then?" Digory had hardly ever seen anyone so surprised and offended as his Uncle did at this simple question. "Me? Me?" he exclaimed. "The boy must be mad! A man at my time of life, and in my state of health, to risk the shock and the dangers of being flung suddenly into a different universe? I never heard anything so preposterous in my life! Do you realize what you're saying? Think what Another World means - you might meet anything anything." "And I suppose you've sent Polly into it then," said Digory. His cheeks were flaming with anger now. "And all I can say," he added, "even if you are my Uncle - is that you've behaved like a coward, sending a girl to a place you're afraid to go to yourself." "Silence, sir!" said Uncle Andrew, bringing his hand down on the table. "I will not be talked to like that by a little, dirty, schoolboy. You don't understand. I am the great scholar, the magician, the adept, who is doing the experiment. Of course I need subjects to do it on. Bless my soul, you'll be telling me next that I ought to have asked the guinea-pigs' permission before I used them! No great wisdom can be reached without sacrifice. But the idea of my going myself is ridiculous. It's like asking a general to fight as a common soldier. Supposing I got killed, what would become of my life's work?" "Oh, do stop jawing," said Digory. "Are you going to bring Polly back?" "I was going to tell you, when you so rudely interrupted me," said Uncle Andrew, "that I did at last find out a way of doing the return journey. The green rings draw you back." "But Polly hasn't got a green ring." "No " said Uncle Andrew with a cruel smile. "Then she can't get back," shouted Digory. "And it's exactly the same as if you'd murdered her. "She can get back," said Uncle Andrew, "if someone else will go after her, wearing a yellow ring himself and taking two green rings, one to bring himself back and one to bring her back." And now of course Digory saw the trap in which he was caught: and he stared at Uncle Andrew, saying nothing, with his mouth wide open. His cheeks had gone very pale. "I hope," said Uncle Andrew presently in a very high and mighty voice, just as if he were a perfect Uncle who had given one a handsome tip and some good advice, "I hope, Digory, you are not given to showing the white feather. I should be very sorry to think that anyone of our family had not enough honour and chivalry to go to the aid of - er - a lady in distress." "Oh shut up!" said Digory. "If you had any honour and all that, you'd be going yourself. But I know you won't. Alright. I see I've got to go. But you are a beast. I suppose you planned the whole thing, so that she'd go without knowing it and then I'd have to go after her." "Of course," said Uncle Andrew with his hateful smile. "Very well. I'll go. But there's one thing I jolly well mean to say first. I didn't believe in Magic till today. I see now it's real. Well if it is, I suppose all the old fairy tales are more or less true. And you're simply a wicked, cruel magician like the ones in the stories. Well, I've never read a story in which people of that sort weren't paid out in the end, and I bet you will be. And serve you right." Of all the things Digory had said this was the first that really went home. Uncle Andrew started and there came over his face a look of such horror that, beast though he was, you could almost feel sorry for him. But a second later he smoothed it all away and said with a rather forced laugh, "Well, well, I suppose that is a natural thing for a child to think - brought up among women, as you have been. Old wives' tales, eh? I don't think you need worry about my danger, Digory. Wouldn't it be better to worry about the danger of your little friend? She's been gone some time. If there are any dangers Over There - well, it would be a pity to arrive a moment too late." "A lot you care," said Digory fiercely. "But I'm sick of this jaw. What have I got to do?" "You really must learn to control that temper of yours, my boy," said Uncle Andrew coolly. "Otherwise you'll grow up like your Aunt Letty. Now. Attend to me." He got up, put on a pair of gloves, and walked over to the tray that contained the rings. "They only work," he said, "if they're actually touching your skin. Wearing gloves, I can pick them up - like this - and nothing happens. If you carried one in your pocket nothing would happen: but of course you'd have to be careful not to put your hand in your pocket and touch it by accident. The moment you touch a yellow ring, you vanish out of this world. When you are in the Other Place I expect - of course this hasn't been tested yet, but I expect - that the moment you touch a green ring you vanish out of that world and - I expect - reappear in this. Now. I take these two greens and drop them into your right-hand pocket. Remember very carefully which pocket the greens are in. G for green and R for right. G.R. you see: which are the first two letters of green. One for you and one for the little girl. And now you pick up a yellow one for yourself. I should put it on on your finger - if I were you. There'll be less chance of dropping it." Digory had almost picked up the yellow ring when he suddenly checked himself. "Look here," he said. "What about Mother? Supposing she asks where I am?" "The sooner you go, the sooner you'll be back," said Uncle Andrew cheerfully. "But you don't really know whether I can get back." Uncle Andrew shrugged his shoulders, walked across to the door, unlocked it, threw it open, and said: "Oh very' well then. Just as you please. Go down and have your dinner. Leave the little girl to be eaten by wild animals or drowned or starved in Otherworld or lost there for good, if that's what you prefer. It's all one to me. Perhaps before tea time you'd better drop in on Mrs Plummer and explain that she'll never see her daughter again; because you were afraid to put on a ring." "By gum," said Digory, "don't I just wish I was big enough to punch your head!" Then he buttoned up his coat, took a deep breath, and picked up the ring. And he thought then, as he always thought afterwards too, that he could not decently have done anything else.
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