#actually multiple bcs i was traumatized THAT bad? nah
heliuwm · 3 years
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trashbinbackyard · 3 years
background, relationships and fun facts for zoe and yecal
Remote learning is Bad
Where were they born? What was their childhood like?
She is citadel born and raised for a hispanic family, doesn’t know spanish however. She was a rowdy kid and did average in school so she opted for a more physical field of work first in the navy and then as a bounty hunter
In his homeworld, a larger city, he had a decent childhood, nothing traumatic but his family was lower middle class so it wasnt dancing on rose petal either. He absolutely tanked his school tho
What’s their family like?
They’re good people, she was pretty hard on them due to her temperament (teen zoe was a nightmare), her dad is earth born and mom from citadel
Well mannered and very polite, the neighborhood nice parents with rowdy kid
What factions or organizations are they a part of? What ranks and titles do they hold?
In the Navy she reached the rank of lieutenant, in the bounty hunters she holds the rank of commander and title of milf
He’s not officially part of anything, though he is a recognized vigilante/man for hire on the outer rim
How do they fit into their “story”?
She’s there to support the younger generation of bounty hunters and to entertain the office with reno with their no limits old friends acting like a married couple shenanigans
He was put into this earth to love his wife and to keep nasty people on their toes, run into shyn and trias for endless entertainment possibilities
Where do they currently live? What’s their place like?
In citadel, she has a decent flat, three rooms, office, bedroom and guest room if her son visits
On outer rim, on the outskirts where the rent is cheap but it comes with the cost of having sketchy neighbors. His flat is pretty run down where every time you turn on the lights you could consider standing on a rubber mat, and where hot water comes out 50% of the time you want it
How do they eventually die?
Old age or some health complications, she isn’t in active duty anymore so going out in a blaze wont happen
Anywhere ranging getting killed, accident or even a happy old age honestly at this point
Do they have any friends? Would they consider anyone to be their best friend?
She does have friends, considers her ex Nina as one as well. Reno is her best friend for like two decades
He has like two or three, Neja is his best friend bc you gotta be best friends with yo wife
What’s their friend group like? What role do they play in it?
None of her friends are friends with each other, they keep separate. She’s the loud one for sure, the one that always has an opinion and just goes head first into anything
He’s more restrained, pretty observant, doesn’t have much to say tbh when hanging out
What’s their love life like? (See also: ship question meme.) Do they have any kids?
Had a wife and son, divorced now and is running pretty dry
Has an amazing wife who he would die for
Who do they look up to? Who do they trust?
Even if she’s equals with Reno I’m pretty sure they both look up to each other, also trust each other with their lives (but not necessarily their kids). She also very much trusts her underlings
He looks up to his parents a lot, they gave him a good life and taught him that kids and women should be respected. He trusts them, Neja and Shyn at least
Who do they hate? Do they have any enemies?
The police, she takes care of handling the communication between them and the hunters but boy does it get on her nerves. I dont think it’s enemy level just yet
People who abuse those less powerful than them. I’m pretty sure there are people he’s beat up want revenge on him
Do they have any pets?
Are they good with kids? Animals?
Decent, like she’s not actively killing them nor are they not getting their needs met but there’s a reason she lost custody. She’s not the warmest person lets say that
He’s good with kids and animals, part of his job is comforting kids who have experienced trauma
Which tropes do they fit? Which archetypes?
Action girl, badass older woman, leader or mentor
dumb man loves his wife, looks hard on the outside but is actually a softie, a hunk maybe?
Do they play any instruments? Sports?
No instrument, will kick your ass in multiple sports
Nah, not many hobbies really
What are some items they always carry?
Handgun, lip balm, dog tags, hair ties, wallet, keys
wallet and keys, hair ties for neja
What position do they sleep in?
Dearly departed
starfish, or aggressively cuddling neja
What’s their favorite candle scent?
Something earthy and little sweet like woods and sugar
 Anything fruity
Which animal would you say represents them?
Peregrine falcon
What stereotypical high school clique would they fit into?
Jock, no question
The guy who gets into a lot of fights
Do they believe in aliens? Ghosts? Reincarnation or something else?
Has met some, doesn’t explicitly deny ghosts.
Is married to one, ghosts yes
Which Deadly Sin do they most correspond to? Which Heavenly Virtue?
Pride, Diligence
Wrath, Charity
If you had to choose one tarot card to represent them, which would it be?
The chariot, Upright: direction, control, willpower, Reversed: lack of control, lack of direction, aggression
The magician, Upright: willpower, desire, creation, manifestation, Reversed: trickery, illusions, out of touch
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babygirlgiles · 6 years
personal life rant below the cut, I guess. tw: abuse, trauma
Wow, I just??? Have so many??? Things??? Going on???
Like I’m actually sitting in bed with Chopin nocturnes on the bluetooth speaker on the brink of tears because my life has been the perfect shitstorm of everything all at once. And it would be fine?? If it wasn’t??? For my mother???
For context, in the next ten days I have four papers and three job applications due. Normally, that would be stressful and I’d be beyond burnt out by the end but yeah, it’d be manageable, I did basically the same thing earlier in the semester so I’m not too concerned. I cut my family out of my life completely about a month ago but let’s be real I probably hadn’t talked to anyone in my family for about a month before that. It’s been hard but tbh at the same time it’s bizarrely easy to bury my guilt prob because the joy and relief at not having to interact with people who abused me throughout my whole childhood, who actually had no business raising not just me but multiple children (not just bc shitty abusive people but??? poverty??? like abject poverty that).
(Let’s not all forget my therapist said last session that she was able to get in contact with the three different trauma therapy programs that rejected me and they all said it was because I was actually too traumatized. Like that shit is embedded too deep for any kind of short term program, no matter how intensive. Literally what kinda fuckin PTSD have you gotta give someone to where a program run by some place called The Victims of Crime Association is like nah)
ANYWAY. My mom used my school email (my whole ass school email that she probably had from years ago but whatever) to email me and be like “Why are you cutting me out of your life? Can you at least give me an explanation? Don’t you at least owe me that?” And like??? No. I don’t owe you anything. And I moved on.
But that night (Sunday) I had fucking rough nightmares and I mean I woke up screaming and then cried for a while and just decided to stay up until my alarm. Just reliving the actual physical pain of being beat up constantly, plus the constant fear and instability like... even writing this right now my breath got short and I feel anxious. And my dream brother said that things had only gotten worse since I’d left and that my father had broken his jaw-- which, like, I am guilt-ridden now.
Also I thought I was going to die at work today like I thought my heart was going to give out from the sheer horribleness of it all. Okay, so I’m in a one-on-one with my boss (I hate this person with an actual fiery passion, btw, and have for a while so that’s nothing new).They don’t know details but they know that I’m involved in some kind of situation that involves me being under school and police protection. For example, any information about me is on lock down. Like, a fellow student or even a professor can’t look up my school email and if they were to, for example, call the Registrar and ask, I’m immediately alerted.
Because of the actual literal protection I am under from the actual, literal government, my case manager here suggested “hey, maybe having a Facebook isn’t the best idea?” and it makes sense bc even though I never use it, even if I like accidentally check-in somewhere yeah that’s fuel to the fire. So I did what the school administration did and deleted my Facebook. So flash forward actual, literal WEEKS and I ask my boss a question. “Check the Facebook,” they say, with Facebook clearly open on their desktop (mind you this is the same boss who was two hours late to a meeting yesterday that was ultimately rescheduled to today that they were 45 minutes late to AGAIN). I say I no longer have Facebook. This does not come up again for actual WEEKS.
Flash forward weeks AGAIN. Today in my one-on-one this boss tells me I should really make a new Facebook so I can do work with it. I explain (for the 100000th time) that I cannot bc LITERAL POLICE PROTECTION. They tell me to use a fake name and use the work logo for the profile picture and like, yeah, sure, guess I could. I tell this boss that it would actually make me so uncomfortable though because, even though I know it’s safe, it would really fuck with my paranoia.
But this self proclaimed radical queer tells me that it’s an unfair distribution of labor if I don’t spend the 3 minutes making my own Facebook events and that I should then give it a try. Because fuck my peace of mind I guess. Anyway, later in the meeting they say that we should come together as a staff to help me the event I just created and organized (not with any of the space reservations or people coordinating mind you, but with the DECORATING) because it would be a fair way to distribute the labor. But it’s too much to ask for someone to make two Facebook events for me so I can keep the small thread of my sanity? I have never understood true anger until that moment. But whatever, I guess.
So yeah, I’ve felt on edge basically since. Here are a multitude of examples:
Had more nightmares last night and this morning when I was walking down the hall to the bathroom I was so scared I actually had to remind myself that I was safe over and over.
Bad OCD habits cropping back up (oh my fucking god if only I could tell you how dirty my hands have felt for absolutely 0 reason the past few days). 
Been snippy and irritable to people around me. I got drunk for the first time in... months the other night.
When a girl said something stupid in class today (and it was actually asinine, she said that white flight was “a return to community values” like okay, sweaty) I couldn’t stop myself from actively grimacing and I don’t normally have this much of an issue not being an ass.
When someone said “have a good day to me this morning”, I wanted to snap back for no good reason (when I looked a little further into this thought I turned up “I don’t deserve happiness” as the reason which is wild like classic 2011 Elliot bullshit.
But let’s be real. Okay, sure, maybe these are some small examples of little fuck ups triggered by weird circumstances but normally this shit doesn’t affect me at all. I go days without thinking about it lately, especially not having contact with these people. It’s just been the perfect shit storm of shitty papers plus shitty job plus shitty mother.
I think on the whole though I’m really happy. Like, I’ve been able to recover from a lot and create a full and meaningful life for myself. I take care of myself in a multitude of ways. I’m just gonna list some here so I can like finish this 20 page venting essay no one will read and then feel better.
I go to the gym and then exercise in healthy ways
And then after exercising in non-maladaptive ways, I eat meals to replenish
I go to sleep at a reasonable hour every night so I can go to the gym and then have a good day
I light all the candles in my room so it smells good. I also keep my room tidy because it makes me feel good
I listen to soothing music
I am studying a subject that I love and having thoughtful conversations with my professors and fellow students on the material and honestly it’s the best
I work with two researchers and not only do I #makemoney, I get to look into super interesting stuff
Also I’m loved by my friends and adults in my life so that’s pretty lit
Top surgery is basically right around the corner
So it my name/gender marker change
T is going great!!
I shower everyday which may seem like a small thing but that’s some #NewYearNewElliot shit
I take my meds (what a concept)
I don’t drink myself into a coma four nights a week anymore like wow??? Sobriety???
I’m going to finish with a degree I want, surrounded by people who love me, very soon and that’s 10/10
Anyway, this will pass and it’ll be fine so yeah.
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