#actual diety Nico Robin
gildedmuse · 2 years
It's kind of nice just to see the Strawhats hanging out, listening to popular music, just like any young adults on a sunny summer's day. Just being a normal group of friends.
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Yep, just your typical group of friends, chilling in the sun while they listen to the radio.
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Both of you are amazing at being normal. No notes.
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gildedmuse · 4 years
SWORD: A Kenshi To English Phrasebook
Take Two.
Again, understanding the language of swordsman is all about context. Let's take this situation.
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Summation: You remember how you were in hiding from the government for like over a decade? Yeah, hope you retained all those skills. You gonna be needing them.
The premise here is that people are going to come after Robin for her ability to read the Poneglyphs and not just to hang out with Actual Deity Nico Robin, which I think is pretty absurd. Like, of all the reasons to kidnap Robin - and I'm not saying there are none! - the Poneglyph thing is not in my top ten.
I've never kidnapped anyone.
ANYWAY, being told that you're about to be the target of some of the richest, most powerful people in the world must be fairly upsetting. Let's see how Robin takes that news.
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Oh, that's right. She got that Robin Chill™.
"Excuse me, giant Cat Monster King, I think you'll find these idiots were willing to declare war against the World Government. That's the Government of almost the entire World. I mean, if anything it's going to be amusing to see them try and kidnap me. I wish them luck."
And now we get to compare those reactions.
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I love you, but you would kick anyone's butt for almost any reason. You would kick anyone's butt for lunch. If you told Luffy that Zoro was keeping meat from him, Luffy would immediately slingshot himself across this cave and kick Zoro's ass. And like, they are besties. Not gonna save Zoro from the impending ass whooping.
But also I love how everyone knows how real the compliment is because it's Robin saying it. Luffy's usual reaction to compliments is "Hmm? Am I?" But if Robin says it, you know it's serious.
Unless it's about cannibal tribes. Do not trust this woman when it comes to cannibals.
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"What? I didn't take that as a compliment. In fact, you shouldn't even trust me to keep you safe. Appro if nothing here are some new karate moves I've been practicing."
Turns out it's really easy to speak Reindeer.
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"They can take Robin-san away over my dead body. Except... I'm already dead."
No, I'm not going to stop.
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I was going to say that I love Franky's energy and commitment here, but then I literally always love Franky's energy and commitment. This man does not do anything where he hasn't packed fireworks just to show his level of energy and commitment.
But seriously, because I'm sort of a FrankyxRobin person, I couldn't help but notice that everyone else is like "Yeah, I'll totally protect you" while Franky is over here legitimately announcing to this whole cavern, "Yo, [City Name], I'm Franky and I am here to do anything for Nico Robin! Just anything! Coupon Does Not Expire."
I feel like if the rest of the crew did not think these two were in a relationship they probably do now.
(I'm also pretty cool with RobinxZoro and RobinxNami, not that it's relevant.)
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[Oh wait it totally is]
Okay, so first, good energy from Usopp although I think we just witnessed why Franky might have an issue with the "no touching" rule. It's just... It's going to make their relationship very difficult.
Sex, Usopp. I'm saying your Team Parents are having sex.
I mean... Damn.
Nami rising from a pit of flames. "Look, Robin, I know these losers have all sworn to protect you, but let me just say, I am the only one here with the goddamn balls to commit willful homicide in your name."
"Love you bestie. xx"
Also, is it weird that I'm more attracted to Nami knowing she is full ready to rob a corpse. I mean, I always figured she'd rob a corpse. Survivor types don't tend to get caught up on those types of details. Her, Jewelry Bonney, and Trafalgar Law; they are all pretty prepared to steal off a dead man. In the first two cases, don't even need that solid a reason. Law is probably saving that one for a rainy day. Some point in the future when he needs it to survive.
Nami and Bonney, they see a corpse and their first instinct is, "Does he still have his wallet? Not anymore. Sucker." And that is what I love about them.
And Now For Our Swordsman
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Be honest. You didn't realize this was a gif, did you? Like if I hadn't said anything you'd be all, "huh, weird that she choose to make gifs for every other character and then just used this still frame photo for Zoro."
Nope. That is fully animated. That is the entirety of Zoro's reaction captured in multiple sequenced frames. That gif is made up of 24 different images.
Yeah, well, the important thing is the smile.
See, with a couple exception (like screaming it out while bleeding to death of the deck of a ship cause someone was stupid enough to go after a goddamn Shichibukai not even a full arc into the journey) Zoro's reaction when someone (ie Luffy, it's mostly Luffy) commits the crew to something - something that could very easily end in death - this is Zoro's go to respond.
In Kenshi, Cocky Smile = This sounds like it might be incredibly dangerous. Good. I've got your back, captain.
Or, you know, in this case "They could be sending some really dangerous guys. Good. I've got your back, you strange, morbid woman."
Like I said, it's context.
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[Look at my girl smile. She's so happy to have these idiots. These idiots are hers. She has adopted these idiots and she loves them and all their idiocy.]
In case your curious about our other swordsman, he's not pictured. Presumedly because his reaction hasn't actual changed from the last scene ie frowny face. Probably because he's thinking about all the possible added dangers Mugiwara-ya is taking on by keeping this woman on his ship and how that might effect his plans for their alliance. Also, he'd definitely would have kidnap Nico Robin should he have acquired all four shiny Poneglyphs and found out she could read them. So, yeah, best to skip showing his reaction in this otherwise really sweet moment.
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gildedmuse · 4 years
Is Robin forming a Ancient Greek like cult aboard the Polar Tang with the sole purpose of using Zoro to sexually frustrate Law not a coherent plot?
Damn I've been doing fics super wrong.
- Me In A Conversation With @dragonprincess18
Context does not help.
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gildedmuse · 4 years
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I mean, it's nice of Robin to ask I guess but look at this geeky bitch. The second she set eyes on that thing she was halfway through the first chapter. She is literally leaning in, reading this shit over his shoulder before he's even turned to ask.
Robin just found not only a poneglyphs but a brand new kind of poneglyph. SHE FOUND A FUCKING SHINY PONEGLYPH OUT IN HERE.
She already had the master ball out son. There's no sense in asking at this point. She is on that.
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gildedmuse · 4 years
If you've been wondering why Usopp is the one forced to be the adult in while the Strawhats hang out with some Minks Of The Night....
Well, someone has to do something. Nami just got promised treasure and Chopper's going through puberty when he should be doctoring and Luffy is trying to pick fights with yonkos plus planning to go ruin tea parties and Zoro is threatening to kill the already gravely injured leader of a sovereign nation and The Heart Pirates are practicing their cheers and Law is getting pissed at yet another Strawhat like he's somehow surprised (also just really all into ninjas).
Also, shame on you. Good Bro Usopp maybe a bit young and not always the bravest, but he's totally allowed to babysit.
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Without adult supervision, even!
Which is great because the adults.....
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They have fucked right off.
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I mean, when was the last time we saw them? They barely even got to go and meet master Cat Viper! It's like they had this planned.
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Where's Usopp? We need to make sure that someone is watching the children (you know we can't leave them alone).
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But hurry! We have Adulting to do!
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I mean, I already knew Franky took his role as Team Dad seriously, but it's nice to see Robin rolling with her Team Mom title. Even if it's only so we can dress up Chopper, call Luffy her lil Prince of the Pirates, and refer to Zoro as a growing boy (one day he'll grow that extra 2 3/4 inches, she's sure!)
And we all know Brook is really the Fun Drunk Aunt but, hey, that technically counts. It's just good to know even when the others are off partying these three are being responsible adults we can-
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Oh goddamnit, Brook!
And come on Franky!
You're perfect Robin. You do you.
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gildedmuse · 4 years
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Two Points Here:
Kin'emon's a total Usopp. You're like, "Nah I'll pass," then he takes off his shirt and you're all, "You know, I've judged this man too quickly. I should be more open minded and he should be more shirtless."
Feels like Robin is on the same page considering how she has perfect recall of that moment. Like Robin remembers the high def version of that moment. Though I assume her thoughts were more along the lines of, "What's that? An ancient symbol! Also, check yes for that chest baby."
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gildedmuse · 4 years
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This post is just for Robin who recently lost a drawing very dear to her.
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Ryunosake - Never Forget
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gildedmuse · 4 years
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Look, Robin knows damn well how Devil Fruit Abilities work.
It's like she can't help but come up with the most horrifying possible answer in the most casual tone. It's why she's an actual real life deity.
Points to Team Dad Franky who both calls her out on it and uses his catch phrase. They really make the best parental units for these dorks.
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gildedmuse · 4 years
@aspergerhero asked:
How about a Nico Robin x Photographer! Reader where the two of them are searching Poneglyphs and the reader has a camera that he will use to take pictures of the Poneglyphs and mostly Nico Robin
I just wanted to assure you I'm not ignoring this. I had a tough health month with a week spent in the hospital and real life stuff sucks, but I am going to write this.
I want I've never actually had anyone request a fic on Tumblr before and never in my life have I written a x Reader fic, but damnit, I'm a people pleased and not so secretly overjoyed whenever people request for me to write anything (wait you guys don't think I suck? Oh my God, yes, of course. I will literally do anything for you!)
Plus Robin is an actual deity as far as I'm concerned so I'm willing to do just about anything for her. Even try my hand at a genre of fanfic I have absolutely no experience with.
So trust me, it is coming. Results may vary but damnit, it's coming.
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