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Micah and Ilyas
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Kenna:. Why does Micah call you babygirl
Ilyas: I think we need to stop talking for a while
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Micah, after meeting Ilyas: You are the worst person I met in the world.
Ilyas: You are deaf to the sins of this world.
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Ilyas after taking Micah as a hostage:
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Ilyas: You know what would be sexy
Micah: What
Ilyas: Eating food off each other
Micah: You didn't do the dishes
Ilyas: I did not
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I'm kinda glad this account is off the radar. I have no followers. I have not gotten a single note on any of my posts. I'm in my own little world here. I like it because I get embarrassed when I talk about my ocs because I have little to no story plot for them. Having this account really helps me post random bullshit that helps me put their personalities and relationships into reality. That I can ground them better because my thoughts are everywhere and I have no time or energy to sit down staring at a blank page so I can make outlines or whatever writers do.
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Fraye whenever he sees Lovell:
He is juste a litel man who lives yn my hous
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Ilyas whenever he sees Micah: I'm sorry I'm just really gay...well, bi but gay
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Micah: Sorry babe...you're too tiny. I can't be afraid of you when you're mad it's impossible
Ilyas: I'm gonna stab you one day
Micah: I'm gonna be laughing too hard. It's not even gonna hurt
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Micah: How come you've been abnormally nice to me lately?
Ilyas: What do you mean
Micah: You just seem nicer than usual
Ilyas: I'll punch you in the face if you want
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Ilyas, lightly touching Mr. Kittybones with the side of his foot: Mr. Kittybones move out of the way please so I don't trip on you.
Mr. Kittybones, his tail flopping angrily: You KICK Mr. Kittybones? You kick his body like the football? Oh! Oh! Jail for Captain! Jail for Captain for One Thousand Years!!!!
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Ilyas drunk texting Micah at 1 AM:
Ok listen
you're vibes were off at apples bees
. . .
Micah: ✅ Read 6:24 AM
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Ilyas: Apart from kidnapping and holding him for ransom, I have been so kind to Micah
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Micah: You should be addicted to shutting the fuck up
Ilyas: You wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid
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Ilyas when someone shows any kind of affection to Mr. Kittybones
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Fraye: We all have our emotional support mass murderer
Fraye (points to Lovell): This is mine. Yeah he killed people, he would hug me when I'm sad.
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Lovell: What if I was evil and ran towards you at fast speeds.
Fraye: My arms are strong, I would catch you and hug you.
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