#acronix is too iconic
get-acronixed-meme · 20 days
Listening to s7 Hands of time OST (music) be like:
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h1ghs34s--h1-j1nx · 1 year
Mod Acronix Intro [vine boom]
Howdy gamers, I’m Acronix! I mainly use they/them pronouns, though I also have a bunch of neos. I have a carrd, which can be seen here!
here are the types of edits I can do:
stimboards(both in tumblr format and in video format)
video edits
I edit for pretty much any fandom that I’m apart of(see: carrd) and I’m too lazy to list ‘em atm. i’ll do that later
Main: @multi-fand0m-trash​
My tag is: 🕐🎧 // mod acronix
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evesbeve · 5 years
Hellion, im a Ninja go can but I can't find those character and number things Like that other guy asked for Cole? I was wondering if you could do all the numbers but for Kai? I hope You have an awesome day!!
Send me a character + a number and I’ll tell you my headcanons for:
“Hellion, im a Ninja go can” is the biggest power move of a sentence you could have started this ask with. Also a power move? The fact that people are finding this ask challenge from a year ago.
1. Their physical weak spots
His sides, and Nya uses it against him so much. She pokes him to get what she wants and Kai JUMPS on furniture to avoid her.
2. Their emotional/moral weak spots
His pride. Kai hates to be proven wrong, and always wants to be in the right. He blames himself for many things already, and that’s why he hates making mistakes. He doesn’t easily get over them.
3. Scars or painful spots
His most iconic scar is above across his left eye (I will always stan the OG Lego sets for that detail), but god. Kai has so many scars from when he used to be a blacksmith AND from battles. His hands are just filled with scars.
4. Best places to kiss on their body
hIS HAND. He always kisses other people’s hands because he thinks it’s the most romantic thing ever, and he is so offended when no one picks up on the fact that he wants hand kisses too, dammit!
5. Guilty pleasures
Done this one already here, but I’d like to add up on it since it’s been a year: You know how when you make popcorn (especially microwave popcorn) it leaves some butter around the bag/bowl? Kai eats that for breakfast he finds it so tasty. He and Nya used to make popcorn a lot when they were little, and he’d take a spoon and SCOOP THE THING OUT AND EAT IT.
No, I will neither confirm nor deny whether I did this as a kid or not. Next question.
6. Their vices (physical or emotional)
Kai Ninjago is a hot-head. He snaps when he is mad without thinking, and oh boy, he regrets the things he says so much afterwards, ‘cause people Get Hurt™.
7. Their tickle spots
As said before, he has VERY sensitive sides. Also his armpits.
8. Bad memories/experiences
When Nya was kidnapped in the pilots? The ANXIETY that grew inside of him can’t be explained with words.
His parents disappeared when he was little, and the thought of losing his sister too? Nope, nope, nope. Save him.
9. Humiliating memories
When he tried to fight Garmadon to prove he is the green ninja in season one, NO ONE EVER LIVES IT DOWN, OKAY. HE WAS SO INTO THE MOMENT SCREAMING ABOUT HIS POWER AND HE IS SO ASHAMED OF IT.
No one really blames him but,,, they never leave him alone about it.
10. Fears/phobias
We all know that boo is afraid of water, and he’s valid for it. Also gingerbread men and elves. I STILL need context to that.
11. Bad or petty habits
(I don’t know how much worse it can get after the popcorn one but) he tends to play with his hand scars? Like he’ll pick on them and “Wait is that blood, crap”. He doesn’t realise he’s doing it, most of the time.
12. Grudges and vendettas
A grudge he’s not quite over yet is definitely on Chen. Also Krux and Acronix, for obvious reasons.
13. What gets them flustered
Any throwback to his childhood. He has walked in on Nya telling the others stories too many times to count, and he HATES it.
14. Ingrained habits/forces of habit
The thing I had written about guilty pleasures a year ago fits here perfectly to be honest. He LOVES playing with other people’s hair, so he just… does. He makes tiny braids with his own hair when Wu is teaching them something, he twirls it, runs his fingers through it…
And he knows how to do the BEST hairstyles, okay? He learned for Nya when they were little, and now the entire team gets a makeover.
15. What it takes to make them cry
“Kai, you’ll be teaming up with Jay.”
16. Dark secrets/’skeletons in the closet’
Sometimes when he is angry, he takes part in boxing matches, just like in season four after Zane’s “death”. It’s tied to bad memories, so he doesn’t want the others to know.
17. Regrets
Too many to count. He always regrets getting into fights with the others though. It hurts him to fight with his family :c
18. Things they’ll never admit
I still stand by the thing I wrote a year ago. You can see it here!
19. People they’ve hurt or indirectly killed, and how it affected them
It’s scary for him every time they take another bad guy down. Yes, they were bad people, but what if. He’s okay with putting their enemies in Kryptarium, but when it comes to banishing or even killing, it never leaves his mind. (He still feels guilty for what happened to Garmadon after the tournament, even if it wasn’t directly his fault.)
20. What-ifs/Alternate Timelines
Hairstylist, FIGHT ME. If he’d never become a ninja, he and Nya would move in Ninjago City, eventually, and he’d have his own hair salon and he’d ROCK it. I love him.
21. Turning points in their life
Realising he wasn’t meant to be the green ninja but to protect him? I mean, that really changed the way he saw things, and not just with Lloyd. It opened up his horizons and he expanded his state of mind, letting him see more points of views in missions and his everyday life.
22. People who’ve influenced them greatly
It’s pretty safe to say that the entire team changed his life. He considers everyone his family, and he loves them so so so much. Kai can’t see himself without them by his side
Thank you so much for the ask!! Honestly I loved writing these, even if my blog isn’t exclusively for Ninjago anymore. I love this show and all its dumb children ;w;
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ice-nindroid · 6 years
Ninjago God Tiers
This is a repost of something I posted yesterday, as it did not appear in the tags. 
With the help of @fire-bitchhh, I have articulated together a list of several Ninjago characters’ classes and aspects along with analyzations of each character correlating to our choices of their God Tiers.
Kai, the Thief of Heart:
While being a Page of Time is also sufficiently fitting for Kai, the Thief class overpowers that of the Page’s; same to Heart over Time. In the show, Kai has been shown again and again to try and forge some form of importance for himself by taking a role that should be rightfully fulfilled by others (ex. him believing he is/trying to be the Green Ninja, Kai taking over as a leader when everyone knows he lacks any form of leadership skills, etc.) to compensate for his insecurities and his belief that he is not important or has an actual “self”, thus leading him to steal Heart from others and using Heart for himself, as a Thief would do. In short, not only does he steal Heart from others as what can come off as an ego boost, but to make up for his self-perceived lack of importance and self. In reference to Homestuck canon, thieves seldom learn the full extent of their deserved lessons, though they are able to learn bits and pieces of it. Kai learns that sometimes he must give up Heart (seen when saving Lloyd and admitting to his role as a protector of him, rather than actually having the Green Ninja role himself) for the betterment of others. As most heroes with active classes, Kai is quick to act on the whims and wishes for himself without complete consideration. I feel as though a Thief of Heart would be especially quick to act on their own whims in an attempt to form a Heart for themself.
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Jay, the Rogue of Blood:
Rogues, like thieves, often are lacking their aspect at first in some way, shape, or form. On this side, though, rogues are often people who will give up their aspect too easily or believe they are not able to fully handle it. Jay is incredibly insecure, something I feel that a Rogue of Blood would especially be. Whenever he hits depressive states (such as after Zane died), he expends himself outwards, displacing his own Blood to others. When Acronix had first arrived and the Ninja went to battle him, Jay was the first to jump down and extend himself outward, which is also shown as him extending his Blood, albeit extending it in a way that lead to him becoming the “first” enemy of Acronix. With Nya, things do get rather complicated though there is one constant between him and her; Jay constantly was extending himself outwards to help her, extending his Blood to her. Jay is always the first to think about his Blood as well, whether it be familial or not. I feel as though a Rogue of Blood would especially worry and think about this, considering a Rogue of Blood would be one who extends themself outwards to make bonds- even if they think themself unworthy of their friendships, I can still see them worry relentlessly about those they care about.  Blood players alone are known for being charismatic, which Jay can be if you squint. He's generally seen as a comic relief and a bit of a mess, contradicting this, though to those he cares about, especially Nya, I can see this factor show through as he would actually be comfortable and have grown into a more "complete" Rogue of Blood.
Cole, the Prince of Void:
No matter how much I think about it, there is no way Cole can be anything other than an active class. Based upon vibes alone, Cole has always felt like a Prince, and quite frankly I cannot see him as being fit to be anything better than being a person who destroys Void, or essentially nothingness. Cole’s element, Earth, essentially does that itself. Earth is the ground, the soil beneath our feet. Its existence has lead to the destruction of nothing, as what does the Earth do if not create? On Cole himself, I believe him being turned into a ghost is an exemplary example of how he destroys Void. We can see his state of nothingness drive him to try and be something, we see him so desperately grasp at trying to keep himself “alive” whilst he is quietly destroying himself, falling into the Void despite trying to destroy it. Using “incredibly prominent” would be much too weak of a word to even express how clearly Cole’s status as a Prince of Void shows through within the Day of the Departed. He’s being dragged into the Void, dragged into nothingness, so he attempts to fight it by doing something in order to make himself something. Overall, Cole’s fight with Yang is him successfully destroying his nothingness; Cole “defeats” Yang before becoming something, becoming himself once again, after jumping through the Rift. He was completely terrified of becoming Void during this point, which would lead to a good reason behind him destroying it. Princes in general are also known for being incredibly powerful, whether physically or not, and Cole is no exception to this, seeing as his main power is super strength. His given element, Earth, is once again an incredibly powerful force, especially towards battles themselves and creation. To quote Rei, “so much voidy shit has happened to cole that he cant not be a prince.”
Zane, the Heir of Light:
I’ve found that Zane could almost pass as a Maid of Mind, though I cannot for the life of me envision him as an active class. Instead, under my partner and I’s thoughts, we decided that he fits most as an Heir of Light. On multiple occasions, Zane has subconsciously attracted different sources which all have enlightened him with some form of knowledge or another. First, the Hawk had found Zane and brought him to the Serpentine camp where Lloyd was, then shortly after the Hawk lead him to Doctor Julien’s old lab, and by extension his first home, where Zane learned of his true origins and life. The Hawk still continues to prove its use again and again, going out and “bringing” Zane knowledge of whatever he needs it to in that moment. Zane later bumps into P.I.X.A.L, and within the first few moments of seeing each other they automatically connect in relation to both of them being robots. This connection leads to Pixal eventually being ported into Zane’s hard drive, which, once again, acts as a subconscious attraction of knowledge considering how Pixal became an assistant to him who could tell him any and everything he needs. Both the Hawk and Pixal combine can also be seen as attracting fortune, another subject that heavily ties into Light. They both greatly benefited him and his friends, helping out at nearly every angle. Zane’s titanium body follows the same pattern of attracting Light, as it allows him to scan and analyze situations and settings at an incredible speeds. Shifting to a heavy focus on the idea of Zane being an Heir, they are known to overexert themselves, which Zane has very prominently done on one occasion: when he fought the Overlord at the end of season 3.  He used himself, the essence of Light, to destroy the darkness, Light’s opposite. In this process he overexerted his own body, completely destroying it.
Lloyd, the Knight of Space:
Lloyd, despite being generally portrayed as needing to be independent, has always, always, worked best when he is part of a team evident in... really everything he has done so far. Yes, Lloyd can work alone, but it’s obvious he is at his best when with others. As much as he wants to assume the position as leader, which he does quite well! He cannot function as a leader and as a leader alone; Lloyd must be apart of and function in tune with his own team as one of them, not as someone who is “separate” like a leader is. This is especially true to the Knight class, where they are best fit to assist others through their aspect. I feel as though Lloyd’s usage of his elemental powers tie in closely with Space, they’re the classical elements and they tie in very heavily creation- hell, even the Golden Weapons combined create something specifically focused on this creation. Lloyd is able to exploit his powers through training, but then he shifts to assisting others with his powers by straight up giving them away; arguably that is more of a Rogue-ish action, though I can see a Knight of Space still doing something like this. Despite that, he’s still able to exploit the core of his power the most; his energy. This in itself can be seen linked to Space, as Space has very heavy ties to the colour green itself and, even more specifically, powerful, unique green energy that is significant to a legendary source. As the Space description itself states, Lloyd at his best is always steady and careful, though at his worst he has been shown to be apathetic, impulsive, and detached from others. Like Jade Harley, another Hero of Space, Lloyd is not allowed to be who he wants to be, yet who he must be. They are both trapped within the cages of their roles as important icons- whether being a crucial player to form a successful session, required to hold a specific role and dragged into an unrelenting fate, or being a fabled hero whispered of through time, unwillingly being granted a prophesied green power and having predetermined fate and the need to comply with it act as chains to hold him down.
Nya, the Knight of Light:
Nya is a Knight for many of the same reasons that Lloyd is a Knight; she may wish to lead but ultimately she is best assisting her others through her own aspect. She utilizes her own knowledge to assist others whenever she can (see: Nya building literally anything, Nya attempting to fix Zane, etc), but also to assist herself (Nya building Samurai X of all things... Pixal going on to use the suit could also be seen as an accidental use of Nya exploiting through her own knowledge for others as well). She is incapable of fully “sitting still” whenever the ninja are either out or there is nothing to do; she’s shown to constantly busy herself and exploit through her knowledge of machinery or the such to create and/or improve things. Knights are known to hide themselves behind masks and to only reveal their “true” selves to those whom they are most comfortable with. If anything about a Knight is true to Nya, it would be this. She hides herself behind Samurai X for a fair amount of time, desperate to battle and assist others without being called “incapable” of it simply because she is a girl. Not only this, but Nya herself has stated that the only one she has ever revealed her true emotions to is Jay, someone who she truly trusts. I feel as though Nya’s struggles with her elemental powers tie heavily into how a Knight of Light may react in that situation; if a Knight of Light is supposed to be so good at using their knowledge to their own advantage for one reason or another, then why can they not use it then? I could see this sort of mindset leading to much frustration and doubt, just like Nya experienced when she could not control her water powers, until she manages to push past it, like, again, I feel as though a Knight of Light would be able to do.
Garmadon, the Mage of Doom:
Mages themselves are most known for having a unique understanding of their aspect, and if Garmadon does not have a unique understanding of the concept of Doom, I would not ever know who does (besides Sollux himself, of course). Overall, Garmadon has experienced his own Doom, his darkest hours, and lived through them, which is something that no one else has. He has felt true Doom from the Overlord possessing him and by extension, fighting Lloyd, he felt and accidentally created the Doom that befell Ninjago for a short period of time. Garmadon having been one of Chen’s students also contributes to his specific understanding of Doom itself, as he knows what it was like to have been with someone who would eventually turn to become his enemy, yet moreover it lead him to creating the Doom of a potential relationship (between Wu and Misako). That relationship, which became his relationship with Misako, came right back to him in more ways than one. Furthermore, his own relationship to Chen came back to bite him yet again when he was turned into an artificial Anacondrai, again, a specific experience that lead to him further understanding his own Doom. Doom players are said to be the universe’s sufferers overall, and out of everyone from Ninjago itself, he’s clearly been shown to be the one who has suffered and messed up the most.
P.I.X.A.L, the Seer of Life:
P.I.X.A.L begins by acting as nothing more than an assistant robot, behaving blindly to the Life that surrounds her. Before we understand much of Pixal’s inner personality, she falls under the control of another force as Rose Lalonde, the canon Seer of Light, had (while this does not denote to much, it is still an interesting comparison). As she begins to develop her own personality, Pixal shows clear signs of being a Life player and a Seer especially when she becomes a part of Zane; she uses her own knowledge of Life to attempt to protect Zane despite the fact that he seldom listens, and becomes frustrated when he does not- Life players often act like they know best, and Pixal especially does, and become frustrated when others don’t listen to them. This paired with her Seer-like nature would make it all the more frustrating as Seers know their aspect and can impart their own knowledge of it better than anyone else can. When bringing Zane back, that can be seen as Pixal once again using her knowledge of Life to recreate him.
Morro, the Thief of Mind:
I find that Morro, while he could be seen as a Heart player, has a much stronger connection to Mind (they’re both green, after all). I also think this creates an interesting parallel to Kai, considering he holds Heart- Mind’s opposite, as well as to two actual Homestuck characters, Dirk and Hal. Dirk is the Prince of Heart whilst Hal is theorized to be a Prince of Mind, something I heavily agree with. The two are both the same yet opposites, much like Kai and Morro are (if anything, I would joke about Morro simply being “Grimdark!Kai”). Morro is quite clearly a Thief of Mind to me, as he obviously was blind to all of the paths and options that he potentially could have followed. This makes him deficient in Mind, considering the aspect’s connection to all of the possible options or outcomes of situations (see: Terezi around [S] Flip). Instead, he had focused on one strict path which be could not obtain, emphasizing his own blindness and his role as a Thief. This lead him to stealing the pathway, the possibility and option, of another: Lloyd. Morro impeded upon Lloyd’s chosen pathway and broke his own, thus “stealing” it in a sense. Of course, Morro quite literally stole Lloyd’s mind as well, if you count being possessed as a form of theft. To compare Morro being a Mind player to Kai’s Heart, Kai sole the Hearts of others within the moment to make them apart of himself in order to make up for the absence of a self, whilst Morro plotted and stole the pathway of another to create a Mind- a pathway- for himself because he had none. Kai was deficient in self, Morro was deficient purpose.
Ronin, the Witch of Light:
With a simple glance, it is so painfully obvious that Ronin is a Light player, and even more so that he is a Witch. Ronin is a clear manipulator of luck; he makes deals and plans his actions carefully so that they are always in his own favour above all else. Ronin is ambitious, changing or using the circumstances for his own wants and wishes; when Nadahkan framed the ninja and Ronin used that chance to his advantage to gain money and clear his name. He uses this both to his own fortune as well as he bends the knowledge of the situation; Ronin would have known fully well that the ninja had not committed any of the crimes they were framed to have, but he kept it a secret. Touching upon the concept of familiars, R.E.X. can almost be considered as one, seeing as it has both a name that can be seen as a pet name as well as its functionality. This may be a slight stretch, but I could almost see R.E.X. functioning as another way Ronin turns the tables to be the most fortuitous in his own favour, using his ship to stump whomever he is currently fighting, leading to his own eventual victory over them (and of course Ronin has done similar things with other forms of technology; ex. his eye patch's thermal sensor). Like the three canon Witches, Ronin has suffered an unfortunate fate which can be seen at least partially related to his aspect, which is to refer to his deal with the Soul Archer. While it is unknown what the deal actually entails, I would say it is at least safe to assume that it is somehow directly correlated to something involving Ronin manipulating the Light of the Soul Archer. From this he suffered because of the Light, or lack thereof.
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get-acronixed-meme · 16 days
MEME HOUR: Hands of time pt. 7
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get-acronixed-meme · 27 days
MEME HOUR: Hands of time pt. 2
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get-acronixed-meme · 25 days
MEME HOUR: Hands of time pt. 3
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get-acronixed-meme · 21 days
MEME HOUR: Hands of time pt. 5
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get-acronixed-meme · 26 days
MEME HOUR: Dragons rising s2 pt. 1
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get-acronixed-meme · 27 days
Imagine these two having a fight 💀
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get-acronixed-meme · 28 days
MEME HOUR: Hands of time pt. 1
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get-acronixed-meme · 12 days
MEME HOUR: Hands of time pt. 8
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get-acronixed-meme · 9 days
MEME HOUR: Hands of time pt. 9
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get-acronixed-meme · 18 days
MEME HOUR: Hands of time pt. 6
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get-acronixed-meme · 5 days
MEME HOUR: Hands of time pt. 10
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get-acronixed-meme · 23 days
MEME HOUR: Hands of time pt. 4
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