#above all the skating excellence there is also THIS
tutuandscoot · 1 year
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I know this moment has been gifed before but since I want to kinda have a different discussion about it I felt it best to do my own post on it)
As you all know by now I don’t see anything wrong or questionable with anything they have ever done- moments that spurred conversation.. for me and more importantly them (the only ones that matter in this) there is a completely justifiable reason for all of it. It only concerned them, their business is their business and literally everything we have ever seen is confirmation of how truly special they are to each other. So let’s dive into some of that and think about a moment like this a bit differently, because it’s actually, I think a glimpse into their very intimate, finely tuned sensitivity towards each other’s beings which is kinda magical in a way.
Firstly, there’s no need to be so precious over this tushie tap. He’s amped up, he’s ready to go, wants to get on the ice, full of testosterone, he needs to channel that energy somewhere. There’s been other times where he’s smacked the boards, he does those knee bounces as well- and with Patch he could have a little guy on guy moment (you know what I mean- that reassurance from his male role model). But, in every instance- in the form of them actually skating, then moments like this as well, that energy and fire goes into Tessa.. they are a team and they feed directly off each other’s energy. He’s not hurting her, he’s not violating her, he is channeling he’s energy and anticipation into her because he knows she is feeling the exact same way. He’s amping her up. This is not some random girl he is tapping on the butt, this is the person he’s more close with than anyone else in the world. He is constantly touching her. He has been for for 2 decades. You can even see in the fact that she doesn’t register it at all how normal this is and how accepting she is of it. It’s him channeling his energy, testosterone, anticipation into her- she is his team mate, his best friend, the person she trusts with her life both physically and emotionally, this is nothing but teammates interacting, getting ready for the skate of their lives, and with some positive reinforcement. Another moment of connection for them.
The second moment though is what I find super fascinating.
There’s been other moments caught on camera and therefore surely moments before every skate, several we’ll never see- so thousands probably over their whole career, is this a really subtle interaction of their needing to connect with each other.
Having thought about this lots (and not being any kind of expert in any of these fields of study) it’s gotten me thinking about the way the nervous system reacts/interacts and how it seeks out that comfort and reassurance- in their case each other, being each other’s person. It’s kind of an impulse, then when it’s met with another system it knows so intimately, can inadvertently respond and communicate without.. permission from its.. host or brain of the body it’s in.. (fuck me I sound like I’m writing a sci-fi script.. anyway let me continue)
She reaches out for his leg and begins to pat him, in a similar area to where she last received that physical communication from him, which was also a patting motion- that was the last thing she felt and the rhythm of movement most present to her feeling, it’s the most recently recognised/understood. That physically then becomes an invitation for him to respond, reach out to connect with her. At this immediate moment you can see in their eyes they have become completely closed off to everything around them. It’s as if the aux chord is pulled and there is just static, or that dull humming you hear when it is more silent than silent. A void of any noise but their two synchronised heartbeats.
Also at this exact moment that he makes contact with her, instead of energetic patting, a gentle soothing caress. At this exact moment, her physical motion immediately becomes in line, in synchronicity and harmony with his. THIS is their nervous systems talking to each other! Without any instruction, outside/third party impetus, this is her response to his touch and her tuning to the same frequency/ speaking the same language/ whatever analogy you want to give it. They are moving with each other in the exact same rhythm.
The moment from Sochi where their TE FD warm up ‘kiss’ is caught on camera, the commentator in the background mentions that ‘sometimes they can get so caught up in the dance, and each other…’
This is seeing them get caught up with each other. They are so in tune to each other on a level that doesn’t require any decision making/outside impetus, just on an internal, fibre optic level pulsing signal to connect to that person standing next to them that they become shut into their bubble and the whole world fades away. This sometimes I guess has happened when they perform- the times T has talked about falling into a flow state (coincidentally this SD performance to follow she said was one of those). But that, for people watching is harder to tell how and where that exactly happens, and while admittedly in this instance it has taken me more minutes than i’d like to admit staring at to realise this is maybe what’s happening.. it’s incredible to witness even for a few seconds, them making themselves totally isolated from everything around them- wordlessly, just through their touch on each other they can tune into being completely on their own frequency.
This lasts a second or two, them caressing each other to the same rhythm, their eyes locked on each other’s communicating wordlessly (he may be saying something it’s hard to tell but if he was it feels like that’s not what’s controlling all this physical stuff). Then, what probably to them feels from a distance, but in reality about a metre away from them, that faint interruption that they have to line up ready to step on the ice. Even as that happens, they don’t suddenly fall out of their bubble; oh no because time for them has seemingly slowed down as they pulled each other into that formidable place of security, that place that has been their home for 20+years, that nervous impulse even brings them out of it. They give each other a final reassurance ‘up & down’ rub- so in sync I’m quite literally not sure which of them initiated it, and they turn their heads away at the exact same time, only fractionally out of sync.
It’s the same thing I’m assuming happens in the hug- that nerve impulse though is their breathing. They almost get to a point where neither one of them is initiating it. They can turn their minds off and connect on a much more pure, instinctual, human level. They kinda exit the world around them for a few moments where it is just those subtle human impulses and hold on each other keeping them present in the moment.
They don’t just know each other as friends or work partners.. they literally know how to respond to each other’s innate humanity- the systems keeping their bodies alive know how to find and connect and synchronise with each other’s. And not only can they do that.. they wanted their bodies to be able to do that.
When people ask me why I love them so much and what makes them so good and special.. it’s shit like this… because where in the ISU manual does it say pairs or ice dance teams have to be in sync down to their vital human organs??? It doesn’t say that and it’s never gonna say that and medals will be handed out with this never being on anyones mind.. which is why I just can’t see TS anymore in relation to the environment in which they competed (I can on technical aspects but not a human/artist level).
Everyone left dumbfounded by these two not being “”together””, well here I am sobbing into a pillow over the fact these two managed to train and actively wanted their nervous systems to (seemingly) communicate with each other and simultaneously shut the entire world out.. they wanted their freaking hearts to beat at the same time.. she wanted to only connect with him because that’s where she felt safest, he only wanted to go through all these rollercoasters of emotions with her, they wanted to be so inextricably connected… oh yeh and then go and dance as beautifully as they did and act as well as they did with blades on their feet and win a shit tonne of medals for it.. Ok whatever……
(Still sobbing)..
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adoptedmadrigal2 · 1 month
Modern au headcannons for upcoming stories
These head cannons are for my modern au that is set in the early 90's and extends through to present day. Ocs will come later for right now Isa and Dolores are only smol
Pepa owns a small business where she makes custom jewelry with crystals she tumbles herself. She also makes photo frames and nerdy home decor to sell.
Julieta runs a catering business out of the home. She has plenty of room and is excellent at time management. Her clients always leave astonishingly large tips for her because the quality of her work is so high.
Agustin is a carpenter, he works from 6am to 8 pm on weekdays and has weekends off unless there is an important deadline. He usually brings home the biggest weekly pay unless it's the holidays, then Pepa brings in big bucks for her commissions.
Felix works with his brothers at their pool and outdoor refurbishment company, depending on the day he could install a pool, mow lawns, pressure wash sidewalks, etc. He goes in at 7am after dropping the kids at school and is often home either by or before 6 the next evening. Rare occasions have him working later especially if complications arise with a pool
Isa and Dolores are extremely crafty and responsible. There's always some type of craft or project in progress between them. In their spare time they like to do all sorts of things as far as sports or creativity goes.
Luisa is often roped into the eldest two's shenanigans and she loves it because sometimes she feels left out because she's two years younger than them.
Mirabel and Camilo love to run and play while Pepa and Julieta keep watch. When they're playing their favorite game to play is pretend, Camilo has such a big imagination and Mirabel feeds off of him. They can come up with some wild stories
Dolores and mariano are high school sweethearts
Casita keeps magically growing and each kid has a subdued gift (ex Pepa only controls the weather of the room she's in or has a small cloud above her head only, Isabela can only make flowers bloom or form flowers in her hands)
Bruno is a truck driver and is seldom home, he comes home only for holidays or if he's in the area.
The house is on a half acre property and is completely fenced in.
All kids have bicycles and roller skates. The five of them like to take the evening and go around the block. The eldest can go by themselves to most places in town. Luisa is usually accompanied but can go on her own if she pleases, Mir and Milo must be accompanied if they leave the property.
There is a large backyard swing set and play house for the children to play on.
The eldest girls have flip phones. Though they hardly ever use them unless it's an emergency. They all love playing games on the family Nintendo (GameCube, then Wii after Christmas 2003)
To prevent arguments each family member has their own Gamecube and Wii remote to use.
Hope you enjoy ❤️
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magicaleggplant · 1 month
extremely belated montreal worlds impressions, part 1
i've been meaning to write this for weeks now, but never found the time for it. finally putting some thoughts down in words before i forget everything.
this post covers the pairs and women's events. part 2 will be ice dance and men (if i ever get around to writing it...) warning for extremely unfocused writing; i have been so stupidly busy lately.
ETA: here is part 2
pleasantly surprised by how much i enjoyed pairs at worlds! the short program was remarkably clean, and while the free was messy, there were still a few bright moments. the level of pairs did decrease after the last olympics, but i think many teams have been gradually building up their technical content and skills, and it's good to see teams coming from many small feds. i have to admit that i did not watch many pairs events this season (it's the first discipline i cut when i don't have time to watch everything), but pairs live is much more fun than pairs on screen. i can appreciate their elements much better. in general, my favorite thing about watching live skating is the sense of speed and scale.
miura/kihara: i was nervous as hell for them but they pulled through! i really didn't know what to expect after all of their injury struggles this season. it wouldn't have surprised me if they didn't make the podium, so i'm thrilled for their silver medal. this was my second time seeing them live and it was clear that they weren't at the top of their game - there were a bunch of little mistakes scattered throughout their programs. the free went much better than i hoped. i'm glad they went back to an old program, but i really wish they had started the season with better programs to begin with... (hear me out: have you considered lori nichol for choreo?) but i think at their best, m/k are still the class of the field. their speed and skating skills really, really stand out when you see them live. i cannot stress enough how fast they are; no other team comes close to their speed. their lifts are also very steady (when ryuichi isn't injured, anyway). i was happy that the audience cheered loudly for them even though they were clearly rooting for deanna and max to win. it was a tough season for them but they are such strong skaters, and i really hope the next season goes better. i'm also really glad they were able to get a medal ceremony do-over after the men's ceremony. they looked happy there.
stellato-dudek/deschamps: the crowd was HYPED for them, i couldn't believe how many people came to watch pairs for them, considering it always gets scheduled in the middle of the week! i'm happy for their win, though there was a little bit of home cooking to help out lol. they have great programs this season. it's a bit of the opposite situation with m/k where i really liked sd/d's programs, but their actual skating, not as much. their lack of speed is really obvious compared to m/k. many of their elements feel like a fight instead of effortless. but i was really impressed with how they held up under the pressure of a home worlds. deanna's determination is amazing.
hase/volodin: ok, count me impressed by this new team. they still have a ways to go in connecting with each other, but their elements are really solid and their skating skills aren't bad, either. technically speaking, i'd put them behind m/k but above sd/d in quality. i enjoyed their short program a lot; the free was a bit of a snooze, imo. minerva is a wonderful pairs skater. i'm looking forward to seeing them improve. that one lift entry they do is SO cool.
other notes:
really enjoyed both of hocke/kunkel's programs. they're fun, i'm a fan now.
also enjoyed golubeva/giotopoulos-moore quite a bit
still can't believe cats won euros
peng/wang's throws were too big for this rink. i was very sad at their placement, but cheng is such a wonderful skater and their choreo was excellent, i especially love their free.
a very up and down worlds after a very inconsistent season. so, more or less as expected.
kaori: her fs was a MOMENT. i think the first time i saw kaori live was...2017 skate america? it was her first senior season, and i remember being so impressed by the lightness of her jumps then. the same is true this time, but her growth has been astounding. kaori was not one of my favorite skaters when she was younger; she absolutely is now. while her free skate this season is not my favorite of hers, i love how her range of expression has expanded. her skating is lush, luxurious, she's learned to take her time with the music. and god, her speed. she makes everything look so easy. i'm so happy i got to see this confident, mature kaori win her third world title. the crowd was losing their shit for her, as they should. also love how she was the team mom at the medal ceremony with the two younger medalists. she's such a great role model.
isabeau: i feel like every time someone talks about her, they have to add the caveat that they hate her jump technique. which, yes, i do agree with that. but from now on i'm just going to talk about the positive aspects of her skating, because i think she deserves more of that. it was my first time seeing her live and i liked her! she's musical, her arm movements are beautiful, and she's not slow at all, except on jump entries. her spins are great when she hits them. i appreciate her a lot more after seeing her live. her reaction after her fs was really cute.
chaeyeon: unexpected medalist but i'm happy for her! she is not my favorite among the top korean women but i'm impressed with her improvement this season. her sp is one of my favorites. that kind of quirky program suits her really well. the fs is a bit muted, but i think she does a good job with it as well. her musicality is the less obvious kind, but it's there. she's gradually growing into her own style.
loena: her sp was a lot of fun, the audience really got into it. she can sell a program, alright. loads of charisma and she skates BIG. the fs...well, to be fair, even without the jump mistakes, i never liked it. i appreciate what loena brings to the women's field, but i hope her programs are better next season. maybe a change in choreographer would be interesting?
haein: sirens is a masterpiece. i'm so glad she could skate it cleanly like that at least once. she has my favorite step sequences in the women's field by far. we'll just ignore everything else in the fs except for the step sequence. i love her so much and i want her to win another world medal someday.
mone: her skating skills are a dream, her overall quality is chef's kiss. but when she's nervous, you can really feel it. she skated like she was terrified in the sp and it showed. it detracted from the performance. i'm glad her fs went better. i hope her confidence improves and that this worlds was a good learning experience for her. i randomly ran into her on the concourse and she signed my japanese flag! she’s so tiny and adorable.
hana: on the other hand, hana does not skate scared. she just goes out and does her thing! but to me her skating still feels a bit "small" at the moment. her lutz-toe technique is terrifying... she can also work on her dance skills a bit more, her overall polish. but i love her programs. i still can't believe she made koo koo fun work. i love that she never does conventional "pretty" programs.
other notes:
amber: love her, but it is what it is. her 3a was excellent.
katia kurakova's fs reaction was a great moment. i like that she's trying different styles of music now, but i think she went a bit too far in the "serious" direction. her natural spark feels too muted.
young you: my darling. we all wanted so badly for her to do well... her sp was wonderful, though.
olga mikutina is becoming a new fave of mine. her skating is powerful and she's a good performer!
also love niina petrokina's powerful skating
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pyraelia · 1 year
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May 21 - Day 1  Forgiveness/Shadowflame
Keep it together, keep it together, keep it together.
Pyraelia’s mantra repeated steadily in her thoughts as her skates carried her across the ice lake in the Upper Frostlands. Any other time this would have been idyllic, but she had been given a task. 
Choking ash covered her goggles and hair, blotting out her vision as she sped along —  not that it mattered too much, she trusted the aerial mages that drifted behind her on discs, covering her from Zaqali and Tarasek interference. She heard, and felt, the crack before it became visible to anyone else. The echo of the schism creaked and pealed loudly, announcing its presence. 
Keep it together. 
The resonant vibration of the fracture was stronger in her left skate, so she skidded, kicking up a superficial puff of frost and turned to run a couple of steps before sliding back into the effortless, speedier glide that the magic blades on her boots gave her. 
Keep it together. 
As much as she had always excelled at arcane magic, the finer delicacies of cryomancy, frost magic, had always been her first love. She dragged her glove across the glass of her goggles to clear them of the fine ash so she could see the jagged thrust fault that had formed in the weakening surface of the great lake. It was small, for now, but only because Team Floe had it under control. 
It was their job to keep it together. 
She gathered her magic around her, tapping into the threads of the rich ley pockets that had formed in the Span, and channeled through her staff to bind the surface layer of ice back together and further fuse the meters below that she couldn’t see. 
There were dozens of them weaving their way through the errant combatants, maintaining the surface of the sudden battlefield that was constantly being stressed and pocked by a constant barrage of shadowflame. Sure, it made occasional sense to let it thin out enough for one of the flame giants to fall through, but Khadghar had stressed that too much damage risked the full integrity of the river and if it all gave way, everything to the west and south — Camp Antonidas, Camp Nowhere, and the Iskaaran hunting settlements that had been there for a long time — risked a terrible flood. 
A scream of terror from behind her being cut off by a sickening crunch made her whirl around just in time to see one of her aerial support members, Hannele, a human woman she’d only met earlier in the day, being snapped up by the jaws of one of the primal nightflames that were a constant threat in the skies. Even as her heart dropped into the pit of her stomach at the brutality of the other woman’s death, she didn’t have time to stop. With no rider, the flying disk’s magic sputtered out in midair and the forward momentum now meant it was careening quickly toward the ground in her direction. 
Keep it together. 
Pyraelia reached out with her prosthetic arm and flung a slow-fall spell out to catch it. Pollux had made the internal structure and surface plates of the custom piece with a metal that was strong enough to withstand most damage, light enough to not be a bother, but also with innate qualities that enhanced arcane spells. 
It was a relief that the flying disk wouldn’t harm anyone, but this was a battle, and she had a task. She almost heard the shouted “Look out!” from above her too late, and on instinct she raised her prosthetic hand up to catch the Zaqali club swinging down at her. 
She felt the immediate crush of contact all the way up into the integrated joint housing that had been built into her shoulder to allow the prosthetic to attach on and down into her knees and ankles as the magic skate blades buckled into the ice below her. The arm, though heavily damaged, had held and protected her from what would’ve otherwise been a devastating injury. 
Pyraelia howled, angry for her dead colleague and at the audacity of the giant who had attacked her and called the ice and frost to her. Jagged, razor sharp spikes burst forth from the lake’s surface and pushed her back, ass over teakettle into a nearby snow drift. 
Adrenaline sung in her pounding heart as she shoved herself back up. Another audible, eerie ring of thick ice rang out nearby. 
Keep it together. 
Her prosthetic fingers stuttered as she tried to flex them, and the elbow joint refused to respond. 
Keep it together. 
She took a calming breath and re-cast her magic skates. Pollux would forgive her for the damage eventually — even if she was going to be without the arm for a very long time. Her eyes found the giant’s, glassy and dead, impaled on glittering, glacial blue spires before she took off in a run again, blades digging into the frozen ground. 
She had to help keep it all together.
@daily-writing-challenge / @polluxhale
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ainti-pretty · 1 year
hockey au: first chapter
posting the first chapter of the hockey au here as well
title of fic: its a crooked game
genre: silly right now. hockey/figure skating au
ship: ralbert
warnings: none
word count: 1462
fic below the cut!
Race considered himself a professional hater. It was one of his favorite hobbies besides hockey and dance, and much like those two activities, it was something he excelled in. While Race considered himself a jack-of-all trades- he could bake and cook but only Italian food, or he could dance, but only ballet, and he could play hockey, but sucked at any sort of defense work- his ability to hate on people was perfect. When someone’s vibes were off, he could tell, and would do his absolute best to prove he was right. And he was never wrong. And his vibe checker was immaculate and never failed him. Except now.  
Albert Dasilva was the only real exception to his rule, because Race couldn’t fucking tell what he wanted from him. One day he’d insult him, the next he’d compliment Race’s ass. It was fucking confusing! Race wasn’t sure if he was gay, but there was something in Albert’s gaze that made him think that maybe Albert was, whenever he would watch Race skate. It didn’t even matter though, because Albert was fucking annoying. But Race could not, for the life of him, stop watching him when he skated.
Because Albert was beautiful when he skated.
He would soar above the ice in twists and turns that confounded Race. When he landed, there was a ferocity and determination in his eyes that Race had never seen before. It was the single hottest thing he’d ever seen because Albert looked right at him when he did it. It made something in Race bristle. It was a challenge. Race hated challenges. So he decided he hated Albert.
Albert was a dick anyway.
Albert was always at the rink.
So was Race, to be fair, but as a hockey player who had pucks shot at him frequently, he needed to be good at skating. He also needed to be strong, and it was thanks to the rink’s gym that he even worked out beyond off ice training. Sure, he was a dancer as well, but he knew his arm muscles were still somewhat weak compared to what they should be. Especially since he played as a right wing on his team, Pulitzer’s Poodles. It was named after some big donor to the team, who was kind of an asshole, but who was also rich as hell. Why Pulitizer donated confused Race, because the Poodles were a generally mediocre team.
Sure, Race was a fantastic offensemen, but as mentioned before, he sucked at defense. Like embarrassingly so. He was fast, but unfortunately being trans made him unable to get the same muscle mass as some of the other players on the team. He also just sucked at skating backwards. Unlike their right defensemen, Spot, who was 5’3, and still the scariest person Race had ever met. When Spot was on the ice, it was like the ‘call an ambulance, but not for me’ meme. As a right wing, Race was glad his main job was to get the puck into the goal (and avoid getting his shit rocked in the process). His speed was what carried him, and sure, his shot was good, but not great. Not like Jack, who was their center. Jack was a painter in his free time, and made a helluva center. As a painter, his attention to detail was always spot on. This translated to being on the ice, and Jack somehow always was able to tell what the other players were planning on doing. He was smart, and not afraid to hit someone if they got in his way. While Race was no stranger to the penalty box, Jack’s impulsivity got to him too much sometimes, and he was very good at starting fights.
Their left wing, Elmer, was not as fast as Race, but his slapshot was incredible. He had actually broken someone’s ankle with it before. Sucked for the other guy, but Race found it hard to feel sympathy since the dude saw that Elmer was shooting, and got in his way anyway. Elmer may have cried after it. He was a nice guy like that. Their left defensemen was Finch, and he earned his nickname by making pucks, sticks, and other players fly (like birds!) Then, there was Mush, their goalie. He was the most genuine and kind guy Race had ever met. He was also hell with a stick, and was afraid of nothing. So that was their starters for the team. While they occasionally shifted positions, they usually stayed in their general areas.The second shift had Romeo, Blink and Davey (the forwards), and Sarah and Katherine (defense). Their alternate goalie was Specs, who also played defense. Off ice, was Charlie, who was the scorekeeper and zamboni driver, and Denton, the manager of the team. They worked together like a well greased machine. There was a sense of family within the team, and Race loved them all dearly.
So, he spent as much time as he could there, while getting his masters degree in mechanical engineering. Including the gym, as mentioned before. Unfortunately for Race, there was someone who also worked out frequently.
Fucking Albert.
Now, Race was not entirely sure of his own sexuality, but Albert’s biceps were insane, especially since he was a figure skater. His arms were nothing compared to his ass though. And Albert worked out in fucking bike shorts. It was seriously unfair. But it didn’t matter how hot Albert was, because again, Albert was an asshole, and a massive fucking dick.
It was a Tuesday, and Race had just gotten out of his physics class. He had about an hour till practice, so he decided to hit the gym for a bit of a warm up, and to get back into moving again. He loved engineering, but his classes were long as hell, and half of them were lectures, which meant a lot of sitting. Race did not like sitting, and whether that was because of his ADHD or just who he was, he wasn’t sure, all he knew was that after classes like that he needed to move.
He walked into the gym, and was immediately greeted with Albert on one of the treadmills. Race pointedly tried to ignore him and his (fantastic) ass. When Albert noticed him, he continued his set, but greeted him loudly. It was almost like he was trying to be annoying and call unnecessary attention to Race. It was a good thing Race was an attention whore, or he’d be pissed. Race didn’t respond, and began warming up.
“Hey Race, what’s up?” Albert tried again, this time coming over to him. “I was just getting ready to get on the ice!”
“Cool.” Race responded, and continued stretching. He was so glad he was flexible from dancing, or it’d be embarrassing to stretch in front of a figure skater. He prayed Albert didn’t comment on it anyway.
Naturally, he did.
“Damn, I didn’t know you could stretch like that. That’s fucking crazy, bro.” If Race didn’t know better, Albert looked impressed. He desperately hoped he wasn’t doing something stupid like blushing.
“Thanks. I dance.”
“Shit, really? That’s so cool. What type? You look like you’d be a ballerina, or ballerino? What’s the name for dude ballet dancers?”
If Albert kept praising him, Race was going to be forced to act unwise. He wasn’t sure if the ballet dancer comment was meant to be insulting, but it didn’t seem outwardly malicious, so Race took the bait and sighed. He changed legs and continued flexing.
“Danseur. But yes, I stick mostly to ballet. I suck at everything else.”
“I knew it. It’s cuz you’re hot. Every dude dancer I’ve met is a ballet dancer, it's crazy. Do you do those sick ass jumps? Or the turns?”
“I can jump, but I don't like to. I fucking suck at it. I stick to turns, mostly.” Mostly pirouettes, to be honest, but Race didn’t think it was necessary to point it out. He loved jumping, but he hadn’t actually trained as a male dancer for very long, and he found turns far easier than trying to do the men’s jumps.
“Damn! I cannot turn. I’m actually supposed to be working on that..” Albert checked his watch, “now, actually. If you aren’t too busy here, you’re always welcome to watch.”
It almost sounded like Albert was flirting with him. Race wasn’t even sure if he was into men, and even if he was, he was certainly leagues above Albert. Whatever.
“Okay.” Race responded, and went back to his stretching as Albert left. He watched him go, and after a moment of deliberation, he packed up his stuff and headed in to watch Albert practice.
Watching Albert one time couldn’t hurt.
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cairoscene · 1 year
G, A, Y, S, E, X,
G. Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it
i'm pretty sure i answer this and/or questions about my first fandom differently every time bc i can never really remember or isolate things before a certain point. really i wasn't ever In Fandom before like 2019 but i had obsessions long before that. in reality i think it was probably damen/laurent from captive prince, which i read when it was a web serial way back in the day
A. Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
i'm going to answer this more broadly than DC and say vashwood (trigun), garashir (ds9), thanzag (hades), lamen (see above), and hualian (tgcf)
Y. What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)
oh excellent questions. my fandoms-in-law atm are word of honor/tian ya ke, yuwu, hades, some cdramas, figure skating, better call saul lol, you and judy, and the locked tomb—tho i consider myself "in" some of these fandoms even tho i'm not actively posting about them or making content for them
S. Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
i don't really know what this question means lol but i've done a few headcanon posts already so i'll let those stand on their own as a representation of the sick places my brain goes
E. Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what
oh yes lol. my crack is what i'm best known for in DC i think, with my email fic where all of the batfam have to sign a form regarding poison ivy's sex pollen. and also my social media au about what gotham twitter would look like, born entirely out of my lovehate relationship with twitter. fandom could use more crack tbh
laurent of vere
xie lian
vash the stampede
jason todd
keith. v*ltr*n.
this list is baring my ass so much rn. christ.
send me ABC fandom asks
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saucylittlesmile · 2 years
I agree with you — I felt like Tessa handled the Morgan questions well and she spoke more about him than she ever has. But she was also kind of cornered, so I can’t say whether it was willing per se.
I thought it was interesting that she talked about how she had coaching about her people pleasing tendencies early on in her skating career. Often it felt like the company line from VM was that Tessa “had” to help moderate Scott’s emotions, but I found it interesting that coaches were trying to break that cycle of her internalizing stuff from others early on, and that it’s something she still works on.
Also, she’s become a lot more open about not taking money from her family from the age of 15. I would have loved to know more about that — how did she pay for skating then? They didn’t make any real money until they medaled at worlds! It’s fascinating to me.
(Sorry, this is late)
I mean, if she wanted to talk less about him, she has lots of practice in deflecting or keeping her answers short, so though I’d say that Jann was a very persistent interviewer and cornered her, Tessa had escape routes and chose to speak anyway.
I also found the ‘assertiveness training’ discussion interesting. Have we heard about that before? But meanwhile, if I’m remembering this interview right, it was someone in Skate Canada who wanted her to take the course? So not their coaches, I don’t believe. (Please correct me if I’m wrong because I am definitely not going back to listen right now lol.) But as long as it helped her learn her own boundaries and create a better communication then it’s good someone encouraged it.
I’m going to paste another anon here:
Anonymous asked:
How much money was VM earning early in their career? Tessa mentioned in her interview that she stopped taking money from her parents at age 15. Was she already earning enough by that time to pay for all her skating expenses? Apartment, coaches, off-ice, food, transportation, all those dresses, etc? Or maybe she already had control of an inheritance at that age?
I obviously have no actual knowledge of any part of their finances.
I did wonder if she meant, for general expenses, when she said she wasn’t taking money from her parents at 15; she was living away from home from the age of thirteen (with a billet family) and in another country at 15 in a more independent way, so it would make sense to me if these life changes coincided with financial independence. That said, Tessa comes from a comfortable family, and it is conceivable that she had some money from her family, which she then used to manage her choices.
But like you both*, I can’t imagine that she was paying entirely for her own skating at 15, unless she really did have an excellent familial investment; while there are stories of some skaters who take on coaching and other jobs, we have never had that impression from either Tessa or Scott, and even as successful junior skaters, they wouldn’t have been earning enough from skating itself to pay for their expenses.
As I was writing the above, I realized that we’ve had this conversation before in this fandom; it took a lot if poking around (because pandemic time messed bigtime with my brain) but I finally found the interview I was looking for. It doesn’t actually clarify anything lol, but it again sounds like she was dealing with her own skating expenses, which is why we all talked about it at the time. Here is the interview if you want to re-watch it, from a year ago.
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shiv100 · 7 months
Ats pristine noida sector 150
ATS Pristine in Sector 150 Noida can be the ideal housing association to move into right away, offering villas and apartments at different price points that combine style with comfort to meet all of your needs. There are 3 BHK, 4 BHK and 5 BHK Apartments and 4BHK and 5 BHK villas available in this project. After families began moving into the housing society, it has quickly transformed into their new homes.
ATS Pristine in Sector 150 Noida
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Apart from offering a delightful lifestyle, the ATS Pristine Phase 2 property offers an advantage of services like 24-hour water and electricity supply, CCTV cameras for secure security systems and structural design. Also, there is a provision to enjoy excellent amenities such as gymnasium, swimming pool, and play area for kids. Moreover, this project is also planned keeping in mind the needs of senior citizens who can take pleasure in some leisurely time with their family members at the senior citizen park within the premises. Therefore ATS Pristine Sector 150 Noida presents you with all that makes it worth investing your hard earned money.
The project is also close to the proposed metro station, which makes it an ideal housing option. It has ample open space for recreational activities and sports like jogging track, badminton court, cricket pitch along with other amenities like swimming pool, gym and a grand clubhouse.
ATS Pristine Sector 150 has 3 BHK units ranging from 1490 sq ft to 2265 sq ft in size. The prices of these units are quite attractive compared to similar projects located nearby. 
In addition to this ATS Pristine offers power backup facility and round the clock security services so as to make life comfortable for its residents. Moreover there are shopping malls and restaurants in the vicinity adding more convenience factor for those living here.
ATS Pristine Features
Experience luxury living at ATS Pristine Golf Villas in Sector 150, Noida. With exquisite marble and vitrified tiles flooring in the living, dining, and lobby areas, this is where elegance meets comfort. The bedrooms feature wooden or vitrified tiles flooring for a cozy ambiance. The kitchen, utility room, and servant room boast of durable vitrified tiles while the toilets showcase stylish ceramic tiles.
The staircase and landings are adorned with Kota/ terrazzo flooring that adds a touch of sophistication to your home. Step out onto the balconies with confidence as they are equipped with anti-skid ceramic flooring for safety.
Not only does ATS Pristine Golf Villas offer impeccable flooring options but also boasts glazed tiles in the toilets up to required height ensuring easy maintenance and cleanliness. Additionally, enjoy a pop of color in your kitchen with glazed tiles that extend 600 mm above the counter slab.
Indulge yourself in luxurious surroundings at ATS Pristine Golf Villas - an epitome of opulence!
ATS Pristine Amenities
Discover the epitome of luxury living at ATS Pristine in Sector 150, Noida. Immerse yourself in a world of opulence with our exclusive range of amenities and facilities that cater to your every need. Dive into our inviting swimming pool, unwind in our tranquil reflexology park, or challenge your friends to a game in the card room – the choice is yours. As an esteemed resident of ATS Pristine, you'll also have access to a private skating rink unlike any other. With its perfect blend of comfort and convenience, ATS Pristine is poised to exceed all your expectations. Don't waste this incredible opportunity - take it with both hands.
Swimming Pool 
Reflexology Park 
Card Room 
Skating Rink 
Squash Court 
Pool Table 
Shopping Centre 
Cricket Pitch
ATS Pristine Location Features
Noida, Sector 150 is one of the best locations to own a home. It has a promising social infrastructure and an emerging neighborhood.
Shaheed Bhagat Singh Park 2.4 Km
Auto Expo 4.1 Km
Cambridge School 4.5 Km
Sector 146 Metro Station 4.8 Km
Pari Chowk 4.9 Km
Skyline College of Engineering 5.7 Km
Radisson Blu Hotel Greater Noida 7 Km
More Info. :- ATS Pristine in Sector 150 Noida
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ali-mohamed11 · 8 months
indoor activities in bahrain
Bahrain, a small island nation nestled in the heart of the Arabian Gulf, is known for its vibrant culture, rich history, and warm hospitality. While its stunning beaches and outdoor attractions are a major draw for tourists, Bahrain also offers a wide array of indoor activities that cater to diverse interests. Whether you are looking for family-friendly fun, cultural experiences, or simply a place to relax and unwind, Bahrain has something to offer everyone. Here are just a few of the many indoor activities in Bahrain you can enjoy:
Bahrain's Museums
Bahrain has many museums and art galleries that can give you an insight into the country’s history and culture.
The Bahrain National Museum is the largest and most comprehensive museum in the country, showcasing artifacts from Bahrain's ancient past to the present day.
The Pearl Museum tells the story of Bahrain's pearling industry, which was once one of the most important economic activities in the region.
The Arabian Gulf House offers a glimpse into traditional Bahraini life, with exhibits on everything from food and clothing to architecture and customs.
The Albareh Art Gallery showcases the work of Bahraini and international artists, with a focus on contemporary art.
Get Lost in the World of Shopping
Bahrain is home to a number of world-class shopping malls, offering a wide range of retail options, from high-end designer boutiques to affordable chain stores.
Some of the most popular shopping malls include:
City Centre Bahrain: This is the largest shopping mall in Bahrain, and it offers a wide variety of shops, restaurants, and entertainment options, including a cinema, a bowling alley, and an indoor water park.
Seef Mall: This is another large shopping mall in Bahrain, and it offers a similar variety of shops, restaurants, and entertainment options.
Al A'ali Shopping Complex: This upscale shopping complex features a variety of luxury brands, as well as a number of restaurants and cafes.
Bahrain Souq: This traditional market is a great place to find souvenirs, spices, and other traditional Bahraini goods.
Entertainment Centers
Bahrain offers a variety of entertainment centers, catering to all ages and interests.
Magic Planet: is a popular indoor amusement park with a variety of rides and games for all ages.
Wahooo: Waterpark is an indoor waterpark with slides, pools, and other water attractions.
Gravity Indoor Skydiving: is a unique indoor skydiving facility that allows visitors to experience the thrill of skydiving without having to jump out of an airplane.
Ice Rink Bahrain: is an indoor ice rink where visitors can go ice skating, play hockey, or simply enjoy a leisurely skate.
Thrill-seeking Adventures at the Bahrain International Circuit
For adrenaline junkies, the Bahrain International Circuit is the ultimate indoor destination. Known for hosting the Formula 1 Grand Prix, this world-class racing track offers visitors a chance to experience high-speed thrills firsthand. The circuit offers various driving experiences, from go-karting to driving a racecar under professional guidance. Whether you're a seasoned driver or a novice, this indoor attraction guarantees an unforgettable experience.
In addition to the activities listed above, there are a number of other indoor activities to enjoy in Bahrain, including
Visiting a spa: Bahrain has a number of excellent spas, that offer a variety of treatments, including massages, facials, and body wraps.
Swimming pools: Many hotels and resorts in Bahrain have indoor swimming pools, perfect for escaping the heat.
the theater: There are a number of theaters in Bahrain that host a variety of performances, including plays, concerts, and dance recitals.
Tennis courts: There are a number of tennis courts in Bahrain, both indoor and outdoor.
Bahrain has a variety of great indoor activities to choose from, so there's something for everyone to enjoy. Whether you're interested in learning about Bahrain's history and culture, shopping for souvenirs, or simply looking for a fun way to spend a hot day, you're sure to find something to your liking.
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tutuandscoot · 2 years
I love your analysis of their technique - i was obsessed with a post you did a while back on their 2018 Olympic SD, the way Scott holds Tessa and his all round excellence as a dancing partner - there were so many things to get into, it opened my eyes in a whole new way to their brilliance. Also your breakdown of their choreography, why it works, what’s amazing about it (for non dancers, it can be a revelation!) so anything along those lines I would soak up.
Thank yoouuuuu
I’m so happy that post did well and seemed to make sense 😅.
Yeh like I say a lot I’m not a skater at all so I don’t want to seem like I know what I don’t know so I do try to speak about stuff from my pov and what I’ve learned about skating recently. So I’ll fully admit my analysis(s) are certainly not all encompassing…
I do 100% consider them to be dancers so it’s why I feel l/we can talk about them from in respect. I’ve watched a tonne of ID in the last year and things like choreography, musicality, upper body carriage, lines, emotional expression, ease of movement, partnering, physical harmony and communication with each other are all things from a dancers POV are what make TS true dancers removed from all others in their sport who I view more as skaters who don’t jump as all or some of the things I mentioned above I don’t feel that they dance in the way TS do- they (at least I can tell) they have a deeper understanding of the language of dance and they just happen to be doing it on ice. This isn’t against other teams but the sport is called ‘Ice Dance’ and from the little of the sport that I still follow these days it is moving further and further away from that with the removal of compulsory foundations and now even patters.
So yeh I love to talk about chore and lifts and overall dancing even though my skating knowledge is weak but because they are dancing that part of it is so important and idk maybe a topic that hasn’t been discussed before coz like I ‘be said before dancers are pretty critical of skaters (I use to be one of them) and still am but not with VM because they are just so good. (and I just freaking wish I could give the ISU a lecture on it so they would actually start judging properly 😅🥲🤬)
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swimmingpolicekid · 8 months
Poolscape Design – The Needs connected with Swimming Pool Landscape Planning
A properly thought-out skating pool landscape program can easily turn a fun, leisurely region into one of which forever boosts the aesthetic plus (quite possibly) economic benefit of your home. You will discover few points more decadent than acquiring a individual palmeral in your yard. That said, it is astonishing how frequently would-be users of such luxury, inground pools often spare very little thought for the details of poolscape design. Presently there are manifold factors as soon as that comes to pool landscape design, considerations that include safety, convenience, level of privacy together with, of course, splendor.
Unfortunately, there are only two methods in which this info will be going to be joined in to. Either you must give very close interest to the design and construction with the pool, ensuring that everything is conducted according to the taste and specifications, as well as else you will need to know most likely with a good construction organization you can trust rapid one suggested to an individual simply by loved ones, friends together with so on. The latter choice is by far the particular better, because poorly been able companies can drag jobs out for eight instances as long as could possibly be worth, saddling you with unneeded debt and trouble.
Possibly the best remedy for a children’s pool landscaping look that will turn out to be beautiful while also being repellent to prying eyes is usually to surround the idea using greenery – plants tall in height and lush enough to contact form a screen throughout the border. Of course, unless an individual plan to spend the various other half of your current 100 % free time dishing leaves from the pool, you need to be able to make your pick out properly. Large deciduous timber or maybe even needle-bearing evergreens may be more trouble than could possibly be worth, and fruit plus flower trees, aside through like a source of apparent mess, catch the attention of flies, bees and wasps. Also, big trees making use of their correspondingly huge root techniques can result in damage to the inground swimming pool over this course of a new couple of years.
Try alternatively for broadleaf evergreens like holly. One particular save space while still getting all the natural you want is to grow vines upward trellises, or maybe even to purchase a great espalier tree. Espalier woods have their branches trained to develop out to help either side, so that they basically form a good toned hurdle of branches.
These are generally the best landscaping ideas to get comfort, the alternative being the fencing or walls, which will require often the gentle arboreal and even normal feel of plant life, nonetheless supply the safety and protection you might prize above those traits if you have young children. Another serious consideration if that’s the case will be getting hold of some sort of tough pool cover the fact that will assist the pounds of your child whenever they happen to fall on it.
Stahlwandpool is . a good excellent idea to encompass your own personal pool with outdoor tiling, ensuring you of any risk-free, non-slip surface whenever you acquire out of the swimming pool area. Lazing outside is a single of the most high-class parts of having a pool, so think about the social space most likely building and how many people you’d like to be capable to entertain.
Lastly, think of style. You’d ideally the swimming pool landscape design and style in order to echo the system attributes of your home. Often people remodel their residences without presenting any thought to the outmoded style of the pool inside the backyard. Look from a number of custom designs, remembering always that your dream swimming pool would be the one the fact that fits seamlessly inside your fantasy home.
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allaboutglamour · 8 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vans Off The Wall Mens Kyle Walker Pro 2 Black Skate Shoes Sneakers 721454.
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theotakufiles · 10 months
Dazzle Manga
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"Dazzle" is an electrifying drama series that takes us into the dazzling and cutthroat world of professional figure skating. Set against the backdrop of glamorous ice rinks, sequined costumes, and intense competition, this gripping show follows the lives of a diverse group of skaters as they strive for excellence in their sport while facing personal challenges and sacrificing everything to make it to the top.
Led by the charismatic Grace Andrews, a former Olympic champion turned coach with a mysterious past, "Dazzle" delves deep into the intricate web of relationships among skaters, coaches, parents, and judges. As secrets are unveiled and rivalries ignite within their tight-knit community, viewers will witness intense training sessions, breathtaking performances on ice, and betrayals that shatter dreams.
From auditions for prestigious competitions to intense practices behind closed doors, "Dazzle" offers an authentic glimpse into the demanding world of figure skating: its physical demands, ruthless politics, and relentless pursuit of perfection. Through exhilarating routines blending athleticism and artistry with each episode's routine being more captivating than before – audiences will be on edge wondering who will rise above adversity or succumb to pressure.
But beyond just showcasing technical excellence on ice, "Dazzle" delves into deeper themes like identity struggles faced by young athletes trying to balance their personal lives with sporting ambitions. LGBTQ+ representation also forms a crucial part of the narrative as we follow Skye Johnson - a fearless trailblazer striving to break barriers in both her career and love life.
As tempers flare amid fierce rivalries between rising stars Emma Hartley and Stefano Rossi Velasquez - each driven by their own motivations - "Dazzle" explores jealousy fueled sabotage leading up to nail-biting championships where only one can claim victory. Meanwhile during all this chaos Julian Palmer tries his hardest not let angst define his passion towards making it big time on international stage leaving his private life entirely at stake.
Intriguing, heart-pounding, and visually stunning, "Dazzle" pushes boundaries both on and off the ice as it unravels the personal triumphs and tragedies of these captivating characters. From tackling themes of love, ambition, sacrifice, and redemption to showcasing awe-inspiring performances that capture the spirit of figure skating – this series promises an addictive journey that will leave audiences breathless with anticipation for each twist and turn on their way to center stage!
Dive into the captivating world of 'Dazzle Manga' and unleash your imagination with its beautifully crafted illustrations and compelling storyline. Join me in supporting the incredibly talented manga author by purchasing this extraordinary work at gekimanga.com today. Let's show our appreciation for their creativity and dedication while immersing ourselves in a truly remarkable manga experience!
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new-mountain-view-ca · 10 months
Enjoy The Scenery
Some of the select apartments at The Village Residences feature expansive, floor-to-ceiling windows, allowing natural light to flood the living spaces and providing beautiful views of the surroundings. Roller shades are included, allowing residents to control the light and privacy they desire. Additionally, some units have a balcony, patio, or terrace, providing an outdoor space where residents can relax and enjoy the fresh air. These features contribute to a bright, open living environment, seamlessly blending indoor and outdoor spaces. If you're looking for two-bedroom apartments for rent in Mountain View, make sure you check out The Village Residences. You can call them at 6502719258 to schedule a visit.
Cost Of Living In Mountain View, California
Mountain View, California, is known for its high cost of living. The city's proximity to Silicon Valley and its thriving tech industry contribute to the elevated expenses. Housing costs in Mountain View are particularly steep, with home prices and rents significantly higher than the national average. Other factors driving the cost of living include transportation, healthcare, and groceries, which are also above average. However, it is important to note that wages in the technology sector tend to be higher, helping to offset some of the expenses. Additionally, the city offers a high quality of life with excellent amenities, parks, and cultural attractions. While Mountain View's cost of living may be challenging for some, it is balanced by the opportunities and amenities available in the area.
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Stevens Creek Trail
The Stevens Creek Trail is a popular multi-use trail in the San Francisco Bay Area, specifically in the Silicon Valley region of California. It runs along Stevens Creek, which is a tributary of the San Francisco Bay. The trail stretches for approximately 5 miles, starting in Mountain View and ending in Cupertino. The Stevens Creek Trail is primarily used for walking, jogging, cycling, and inline skating. It provides a scenic route for outdoor enthusiasts and connects to various parks and open spaces. The trail is well-maintained, and features paved surfaces, making it accessible to people of all ages and abilities. There are plenty of benches along the route for resting or watching the scenery go by.
Best Beaches Near Mountain View, California
People love going to the beach for a multitude of reasons. Firstly, the beach offers a refreshing escape from the daily routine and provides a serene and calming environment. The sound of crashing waves, the warmth of the sun, and the feel of sand beneath one's feet create a soothing atmosphere. The beach is also a place of recreation and enjoyment. It offers various activities like swimming, sunbathing, beach volleyball, and building sandcastles, which appeal to individuals of all ages. It provides relaxation and leisure, allowing people to unwind and rejuvenate. Furthermore, the beach offers breathtaking natural beauty, with expansive views of the ocean, stunning sunrises or sunsets, and diverse marine life. It provides a sense of awe and connection to nature, which can be refreshing and therapeutic.
Link to maps
Stevens Creek Trail California, USA Take Moffett Blvd and Central Expy to Fayette Dr 9 min (3.2 mi) Follow Fayette Dr to your destination 1 min (351 ft) The Village Residences 555 San Antonio Rd, Mountain View, CA 94040, United States
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jawhip5 · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Converse Chuck Taylor All Star Lo Sneakers Black & White Sz 7.
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bewise-in · 1 year
Top 10 Skating Classes in Chennai
Skating is a fantastic sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages, especially children. It not only provides a fun way to spend time with friends and family but also offers several health benefits. Skating can improve balance and coordination, increase cardiovascular fitness, and strengthen muscles. It is a sport that requires perseverance and discipline, which can teach kids valuable life skills. This article will provide you with a list of the top 10 Skating classes in Chennai.
List Of 10 Best Skating Classes In Chennai 
Sathya Speed Skating Academy: This skating academy is located in Ambattur, Chennai, and offers professional training in speed skating. They have certified coaches who can provide customised training based on each student's skill level.
Independent Speed Skating Academy : This academy offers speed skating training for both children and adults. They have well-trained coaches who can teach beginners as well as advanced skaters. Their classes are held in various locations in Chennai.
Shenoy Nagar Roller Skating Club: This club provides training in both roller and inline skating. They have classes for kids as young as four years old and offer advanced training for competitive skaters. They have been in operation for over 20 years and have a dedicated team of coaches.
Futurechampz Skating Academy: This academy focuses on teaching children how to skate for fun and fitness. They offer both group and individual classes and have programs for children as young as two years old. They also have a summer camp program that combines skating with other activities.
Mars Skating Academy: This academy offers training in both roller and inline skating. They have experienced coaches who can teach kids of all ages and skill levels. They also organise skating competitions and events to give their students an opportunity to showcase their skills.
Conqueror Speed Skating Academy: This academy specialises in speed skating and has a team of qualified coaches who can provide training in this discipline. They have a variety of programs for beginners and advanced skaters.
Good Luck Speed Skating Academy : This academy provides training in both roller and inline skating. They offer classes for children and adults and have a team of experienced coaches who can teach different skating styles.
Falcons Speed Skating Academy  :This academy has a synthetic skating rink that offers a safe and controlled environment for skaters. They have coaches who can teach various skating styles and offer classes for both beginners and advanced skaters.
Youngster Roller Skate :This skating academy focuses on teaching roller skating and has classes for kids as young as three years old. They have a team of experienced coaches who can provide customized training based on each student's skill level.
Master Academy Of Speed Skating :This academy specializes in speed skating and has coaches who have represented India in international competitions. They offer training for beginners as well as advanced skaters and have a variety of programs to choose from.
In conclusion, skating is a fun and healthy activity that can provide children with several benefits. If you are looking for the best skating classes in Chennai for your child, there are several excellent options to choose from. The above list includes the top ten skating academies in Chennai that offer professional training, experienced coaches, and a safe environment for kids to learn and enjoy this sport. If you are looking for the top skating classes in Chennai, the BeWise list of the best skating classes near me page can help you choose the most appropriate tuition center and instructor for your child's needs. So, go ahead and enroll your child in a skating class today, and watch them develop new skills, build confidence, and have fun!  
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