#you know with the tick tok and short attention spands these days 😅
tutuandscoot · 2 years
I love your analysis of their technique - i was obsessed with a post you did a while back on their 2018 Olympic SD, the way Scott holds Tessa and his all round excellence as a dancing partner - there were so many things to get into, it opened my eyes in a whole new way to their brilliance. Also your breakdown of their choreography, why it works, what’s amazing about it (for non dancers, it can be a revelation!) so anything along those lines I would soak up.
Thank yoouuuuu
I’m so happy that post did well and seemed to make sense 😅.
Yeh like I say a lot I’m not a skater at all so I don’t want to seem like I know what I don’t know so I do try to speak about stuff from my pov and what I’ve learned about skating recently. So I’ll fully admit my analysis(s) are certainly not all encompassing…
I do 100% consider them to be dancers so it’s why I feel l/we can talk about them from in respect. I’ve watched a tonne of ID in the last year and things like choreography, musicality, upper body carriage, lines, emotional expression, ease of movement, partnering, physical harmony and communication with each other are all things from a dancers POV are what make TS true dancers removed from all others in their sport who I view more as skaters who don’t jump as all or some of the things I mentioned above I don’t feel that they dance in the way TS do- they (at least I can tell) they have a deeper understanding of the language of dance and they just happen to be doing it on ice. This isn’t against other teams but the sport is called ‘Ice Dance’ and from the little of the sport that I still follow these days it is moving further and further away from that with the removal of compulsory foundations and now even patters.
So yeh I love to talk about chore and lifts and overall dancing even though my skating knowledge is weak but because they are dancing that part of it is so important and idk maybe a topic that hasn’t been discussed before coz like I ‘be said before dancers are pretty critical of skaters (I use to be one of them) and still am but not with VM because they are just so good. (and I just freaking wish I could give the ISU a lecture on it so they would actually start judging properly 😅🥲🤬)
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