#about slater and britta
fujobritta · 24 days
weird storytime and an abed analysis (abednalysis ?)
in s1e17, physical education, abed says that he didnt mind changing for other people because hes comfortable with who he is . a season later, in s2e19, critical film studies, he says instead that he doesnt like change . and now i realize what he really meant when he said that he didnt mind changing .
when i was younger, around 11-12, i would pretend to be other people online . more than five different separate identities in one discord server . because i wanted people to like me more . i made these alt accounts and assigned each one a personality, a different typing style, a reason for joining, a region, and a timezone . and for the most part, they were people who were nicer and just generally likeable . because im not someone who is any of those things . i am not a nice person . i dont even think im a good person . and god i am not likeable . at all .
so i played these characters . most of them only being active for short periods . i would have full back and forth conversations with these alt accounts to sell it . i had these weird insane elaborate plans . a 16 year old former drug user, lives in manitoba, somewhat parental . 13, california, liked minecraft and drawing -- completely different artstyle (and different software) too . etc .
i would let these accounts bake (make them and then not use them) so that it didnt seem suspicious with a brand new account joining the server . then i would spend a week making the account and forming a character to go with it, sometimes asking people to help me out . it was so fucking crazy . i was insane . might still be .
…yeah i probably still am .
i was such a better person on those different accounts . because i didnt know how to change on the inside, i just started over and over again . different account, new me . like i was experimenting with who i really wanted to be like . formulating the perfect person to act like when i finally decided that i wanted to become a better person .
i gave up eventually obviously . im not a tween anymore . i was a really weird tween . obviously . but i think about it a lot .
honestly i only went back to being myself because it was comfortable . i felt better being a fucking douche . and i still am a douche . im not a good person . i dont think ill ever be a "good person" . what the hell is a good person, anyways . all i know is that im fine with myself like this . even as much as i not-so-secretly hate myself, and deny it out of fear of seeming like an "edgy attention seeking loser" .
its not that abed doesnt mind change, he just doesnt mind changing the persona . he doesnt mind changing the person showing on the outside . a separate identity . but ultimately, he wouldnt ever fundamentally change as a person . because hes fine with who he is, even if other people might not like him for that . and i want to be like him . i want to be someone who is fine with who they are, even if that someone is a socially inept ass who learned tenth grade math at age ten but cant figure out when their own face is making a smile or not .
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conanssummerchild · 3 months
im bored as shit so im going to asign a community person/ship to every conan gray song bcs i really just use this site as a stream of my conciousness, if anyone has a better one for any of them feel free to tell me, also fair warning abed is my fav character, i'll try not to make everything abt him and troy but no promises
grow: the whole final episode really but im thinking mostly jeff tbh or also abed leaving for LA, or even maybe troy leaving on his voyage ☹️
idle town: the 'town' being greendale i feel like this applies to jeff also 😭 like its abt all of them but its jeffs pov
generation why: im thinking my girl britta hehe idk how to explain it but the vibes are so there
crush culture: im thinking annie, but also maybe jeff, aro king 👑
greek god: im thinking maybe abed in high school? i would say annie but she seemed to care more about fitting in while abed had accepted he couldnt, also hes like insightful and observant yk
lookalike: oh my god, brittas pov and its about jeff and slater oof
the other side: troy and abed, specifically in geothermal escapism 😭</3 im killing myself why would i do this
the king: okay fuck this is so trobed coded, abeds pov
comfort crowd: the whole study group tbh <33 in more specifics i was thinking jeff + the study group and honestly abed and annie
wish you were sober: i mean this one has to be either jeff and britta or britta and troy, though troy and britta could be taken either as britta wanting to go party and smoke weed or wtv and troy not rlly doing that stuff or britta feeling rejected bcs of troy giving all his attention to abed 😭 (like as in wish u were sober being wish u werent a raging homosexual)
maniac: probably i'd have to say jeffbritta from either pov
(online love): i... dont know tbh. the vibes are giving annie and troy for some reason, maybe once troys already left?
checkmate: the fond eyeroll i had to give, jeff and britta again. maybe annie being pissed at jeff over their kiss but i dont ship them romantically
the cut that always bleeds: idk, maybe jeff and annies weird ass relationship that keeps fucking happening is the closest, from annies pov
fight or flight: idk tbh, maybe trobed and britta if i had to go with smth, this one is mostly EXTREMELY byler coded (from stranger things) and im never fucking letting that go
affluenza: ok i mean ive gotta give this one to jeff dont i
(can we be friends?): troy abed and annie <3 im so soft for them
heather: ok fuck i HAVE to say trobed and britta and its abeds pov and if we're being specific them in virtual systems analysis becuase i'll never get over this episode ("ive run the simulations, i dont get married :/") bcs i fucking love abed being jealous of britta while she was with troy in the cool way but also in the sad if troy cant love me no one will way
little league: this is troy and abed when troy leaves :(((( and this is canon bcs my beloved wife and i are so troy and abed coded and she loves little league sooo
the story: ok so the boy and the girl are hmm annie and abed, the boy and the boy are troy and abed duh doy, him and his friend are maybe idk britta and troy, i dont wanna say jeff or abed bcs their dad/mum abandoned them and that bit's abt wanting to get away from ur parents yk
fake: (😭) maybe jeff (alan's pov 😔😔💔💔) nah but fr i see people joking abt his song but its lowkey fire
telepath: jeff 😔 and 😔 britta 😔
movies: ok i literally cant say anyone other than abed, the king of movies. im not really feeling troy tho, maybe rachel, like maybe when abed kept trying to super speed run their relationship and he was anxious abt not passing the relationship tests
people watching: the MOST annie coded song ever holy fuck she is so people watching coded i love her so much
disaster: abed. or britta. my abandonment/commitment issues babies <33
astronomy: would it be absolutely too painful if i said troy and abed. honestly i actually think im feeling more jeff and abed but not like at eachother just both of them together in their sadness, from their pov to someone else (britta and troy probably seeing as these r their main romantic interests)
yours: AHH THIS SONG DEAR GOD </3 can i say abed jesus fuck im killing myself this one for abed hurts so much, not really directed at anyone in specific, or more like just directed at everyone, just his abandonment issues :( ("i dont always see it coming" PUT ME DOWN)
jigsaw: oo britta, my queen she just wants to be loved so bad </3 but also a bit abed ("if being less insane would make you stay" oof)
family line: okay. jeff.he actually invented having daddy issues
summer child: ok its abed bcs i kin him idc, im conans summer child™ and i said so /lh
footnote: not quite sure, very annie coded imo. maybe trobed? either pov ig but im feeling troy
memories: hm, trobed after troy leaves? abed trying to get over him but he keeps imagining troys still there with him like as in one of the hallucinations he has bcs i read a fic like this yesterday and it was sooooo good, idk maybe this is a little far fetched
the exit: im not rlly sure actually, either jeffbritta after the whole i love you in front of anyone fiasco or trobed when troys dating britta 🤷‍♂️
never ending song: ok, jeffbritta.
winner: THE MOST SONG EVER. ok this one is abed. it will always be abed. family line i feel like is more about a hostile home enviroment and jeff implies that his was, while winner is more pain of neglect or disconnect so i feel like its more appliable to abed because of how hes shown to not be understood by his parents and feels responsible for his mother leaving and this makes me think of the line "you dont really wanna hear the truth, do you?" because like his mum loving him on paper but not actually loving who he is or be willing to accept hes different and has different needs FUCK abeds mother all my homies hate abeds mother (what im not projecting at all my parents definitely love me and accept that im autistic /s)
killing me: im not quite sure actually. conan did write this song about someone who gave him tonsilitis and abed cannonically had tonsilitis though so 🤯
lonely dancers: hmm i feel like this song is upbeat enough to be trobed being silly tgth but maybe its more jeffbritta coded, or jeff and abed abt britta and troy, or vice versa, not sure
sorry i never mentioned shirley i do love her
feel free to take any of these as platonic or romantic idrk, a lot of them i couldve meant either way anyway
if u even made it this far u can have a gold star ⭐️ there u go
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amputatedhearts · 1 month
something i just noticed about the episode about brittas dance class- she talks about how shes not jealous of slater and says "do you think shes getting flowers right now?" because she beleives its casual.
then, during the recital she chokes seeing jeff with slater. troy helps her out of her loop and annie is upset about it. its kind of setting up this love square scenario.
the part i noticed in particular is how jeff brings britta FLOWERS after the recital, the specific gift that she mentioned earlier that he DIDNT get for slater. in a way it shows that jeff values britta more than slater.
at the end of the show none of these relationships really work in favor of them all being really close and supportive friends. because thats what the show is about at the end of the day, friendship. annie realizes troy is a great friend and doesnt suit her romantically, jeff and britta are afraid of relationships so they dont get together aside from having sex sometimes, and troy supports and helps britta like he did when she was dancing. they all had moments when theyve felt like romance has gotten in the way of their friendship and have overcome it.
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lo-calistro · 2 months
Why Duncan is always horny
When browsing the Community Reddit page to read about Duncan, I came across a DVD Commentary Observation post on the S1E05 'Advanced Criminal Law'. Source of the Reddit post is at the end. To cite Dan Harmon:
"Andrew [Guest] and I wrote a lot of this episode on the set. It went through a lot of changes. Originally, Duncan had just published a paper called “Born to Leave” about how women always left men."
It's implied that the break-up he suffered left a lasting negative emotional impact on his view of relationships and love in general. He holds bitter feelings enough to write a paper on it. This could translate to a fear of commitment stemming from the heartbreak of a relationship failure. This is also aided knowing his turbulent upbringing under an abusive and absent father.
Thus, Duncan's fear of commitment is what drives his desperation for sexual attention without emotional attachment. This is said in relation to how he is often normally portrayed as only being interested in hooking up with women he finds sexually attractive or appealing, notably Britta and Slater.
It becomes a way for him to avoid deeper emotional involvement whilst also seeking temporary relief from the pain of navigating post-break up loneliness. In other words, he chases sexual attention as a means to cope with his crippling loneliness and low-self esteem, which is demonstrated by his tendency to use self-depreciating humour in his interactions with Jeff.
It explains why he focuses on the superficial aspects of women rather than being interested in forming a meaningful relationship and emotional connection with one. He may feel inadequate, and seeks external validation in the form of casual sexual relationships to compensate for it. Subsequently, his abuse of alcohol may in turn be a method of numbing the pain he feels of a life devoid of love.
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another community note:
in interpretive dance when jeff introduces professor slater and abed tells her that’s “it’s kind of like finding out you’re our new mom”, and then asks her if she knows how to make macaroni, when the group erupts into chatter you can hear shirley talking about pepper jack and i think she was telling abed how to make macaroni
also, when troy is having a heart to heart with britta later on in the episode he says “you’re not shirley- and shirley’s not my mom”
just shirley being a mom in the group makes me so happy because in later seasons she kind of devolves into this stereotype where she’s either a very sweet christian or a heartless mob boss
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confused-much · 4 months
Do you like Jeff and britta together? I honestly find them so cute together. They're such a terrible couple in the best way possible. Also, I think britta ACTUALLY wanted to heal Jeff, while annie wanted to "fix" him
Thanks for the ask! And as for Jeff and Britta, I adore them!
Yes, they bring out the worst in each other but they also support each other and truly understand each other. I feel like Britta doesn't want to change Jeff, she just wants to help him with his issues. They both have their not so nice moments (Jeff making fun of her dance in season 4, Britta trying to stop Jeff from taking anti anxiety pills) but overall I love then together and when I first watched the series I kept hoping they would end up together.
Now, I'm anti jeffannie and while I may understand appeal, it still feels icky and weird to me. Putting aside the glaring age difference and the fact that it started when Annie was still 18, I feel like throughout the show, Annie has this fantasy of Jeff. She wants him but she constantly tries to make him care about something. I feel like they don't really have connection with each other apart from their escapades like with ACB or when the yam was killed.
It reminds me of season one when Jeff tells Annie that he doesn't know how he can choose between Britta and Slater. Because Britta makes him comfortable they way he is and Slater makes him the best version of himself. And I guess that's what they wanted to do with Annie – so that she could make Jeff his best self.
But it falls flat because all their interactions are like: Annie wants something to do/cares about something that Jeff doesn't. Jeff relents and does something that Annie wants/cares about. It's never really about Jeff, it's always about Annie.
Britta is there for Jeff during his most important moments. She's there when he resolves issues with his father. She's there when Jeff lives with Abed because he doesn't have his condo anymore. She's there when he needs support. And yeah, she doesn't help him that much sometimes, but she's there. She cares about him, not about some fantasy of him.
Also, while Jeffannie is treated as the "true" ship and Annie as the woman Jeff ultimately loves, I love the fact that whatever happens, Jeff and Britta are always together and ready to get married (in episode when Shirley and Andre have the marriage rehearsal, in episode when the whole gang is trapped in that secret lab).
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echoeyee · 3 months
jeff's general dismissal of romance in the earlier seasons is fun to watch as an alloaro person, it's a nice foundation to initially build an alloaro headcanon off of even if there are definitely other, more likely explanations. but the thing that really gets me as the show goes on is how, even as he grows to be more earnest about his feelings and his love for his friends, he's never any more interested in romance than he was before. it's not just something that makes him uncomfortable or scares him, he actively, consistently does not care.
in the first few seasons he talks about going on dates, he actively pursues britta, he dates slater, but that sorta tapers of after a while. i have many, many problems with the way jeff is characterized in season 6, but i still think it's worth pointing out that romance is basically not a thing to him in the last couple seasons. that is, of course, except for the finales of seasons 5 and 6, when he proposes to britta and imagines being married to annie, and both of these are explicitly him misplacing his fear of abandonment and change. he wants security, and he doesn't want to be left behind. he doesn't actually want a romantic relationship.
and this is something that was so gut-wrenchingly relatable to me as an aro person. it took me a long time to come to terms with my aromanticism because i was clinging to the abstract idea of marriage as the one way to keep myself from being lonely in the end. jeff only considers either of his 'love interests' in a romantic light when he's afraid of losing them as friends, because romance is otherwise completely undesirable to him, because he's aromantic.
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meraarts · 1 year
A little Jeff and JeffAnnie analysis because I can’t stop thinking about this show
In the season 1 finale (the episode Community randomly becomes a dramedy for second, I have complicated feelings about s1) there’s the infamous JeffAnnie scene. Before they kiss, Jeff explains how he feels about Britta and Slater; Slater makes him feel like the guy he could be, the guy he wants to be. In contrast, Britta makes him feel like guy he is.
But he’s about to kiss Annie. Jeff has three love interests in this episode, which would be obscene (and it kind of is still) if it didn’t mean something. So if Slater represents the future, and Britta the present, what does Annie represent? It’s simple, she’s the past.
Annie makes Jeff feel like the guy he was, the dashing twenty-something who charmed every babe he came across. As Slater symbolises potential, Annie symbolises youth.
And Jeff is obsessed with youth and beauty. He worries about his age and the effects of it constantly and has a very precocious body image (does this egg make me look fat? I would rather look at myself naked than the women I sleep with). Annie loving him proves he is still young and beautiful and thus still worth something. A similar thing happened with that girl from the STD fair.
Now of course in the canon there is certainly actual attraction between the two of them (personally I’m a lesbiannie and aroace Jeff truther but officially the characters are attracted to each other’s genders) but I think it’s clear the base of their potential romantic relationship is impurely motivated from both sides.
All this to say that the way the second half of the show implies they’re actually into each other and always have been is strange and OOC in my opinion. Especially for Annie who has herself explicitly stated she doesn’t love Jeff, but from my perspective for Jeff as well. The writers clearly didn’t know what to do with them and of course Dan Harmon shipped them, so they use the ACB as an excuse to work together and Annie decorates Jeff’s apartment in an attempt to play house with him. It’s all very strange, like they didn’t watch their own show.
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jeffannieftw · 1 year
JeffAnnie timeline (as I see it)
Season 1: she becomes attracted to him at the Halloween dance. He becomes attracted to her during debate 109. obviously attracted to each other, but neither willing to act on it because of the age gap and the fact they are friends. Until Annie kisses him in the finale (to see if she could win something that slater and Britta could not, to prove she was an adult), he reacts without thinking (men are monsters who crave young flesh). over the summer, he sits her down and explains that it can never happen again, the age gap is too weird, and if anything happened between them, he would be a social pariah. She is too infatuated and stubborn to listen.
Season 2: After the Irish singer wedding fiasco where she punches him in the nose, her infatuation is gone, and he is relieved. But the attraction to each other is still there, and they are still friends, so they start to slide back into a weird tension. This is the era of him tackling her. But he’s also sleeping with Britta. It does not bring out the best in him, and he doesn’t want to admit what’s going on, not even to himself. Annie meanwhile correctly sees they have a flirtation and calls him out for trying to chase off other guys she likes. But, since Jeff is an asshole, and feels severe guilt about their age gap, as well as fear at how much he likes her when he prefers more casual relationships, is all “ I can’t give you a clear answer” and “ I think you’re looking into some things”. Annie can’t resist a challenge and wants to win his love.
Season 3: Both of them know and accept there is attraction. He tries to force a father-daughter role so they can stay close without him having to deal with this being weird. But also, he’d screw her if she asked. Annie is frustrated with herself that she can’t shake him from her system, even though he’s gross and older and occasionally says the same things as her dad. Annie admits as well that sure, Jeff is hot, but what she really wants is to win him - get him, the narcissist who won’t settle down, to love her so that she’s lovable.
Here’s the pivot, where we get to the crux of the matter - they’ve both reached a weird point. Jeff knows that she’s in his heart (it terrifies him so he gets drunk at Shirley’s wedding), he knows that she’s an adult now, he knows the age gap will never not be weird. He knows he wants her and likes her. Annie knows that her desire for Jeff isn’t pure - it’s competitive, it’s cold blooded, but it’s still there. They aren’t willing to stop being friends. So where does that leave them? (I would’ve loved to see what would have happened here if Dan Harmon had stayed in charge, but he didn’t. So moving on.)
Season 4: Jeff and Annie are BFF with attraction. They are that girl/guy best friend couple that you are pretty sure will end up together one day. He attempts to get her to dress sexy (and honestly, a different season Annie would’ve jumped at the chance for male validation). He beams when she suggests threatening professors for a grade. She daydreams they are married. He pretends to protest when she redecorates his apartment. They make plans together. If there’s ever a season in which they are having secret sex, it’s this one.
Season 5: Peak JeffAnnie, honestly! They’ve been apart for a bit and now that they’re together again there’s no denying they are two adults who like each other. They don’t want to admit it though. If Jeff likes her, he has to be in a serious relationship, and that’s terrifying. Annie has an easier time admitting the truth. They team up without a second thought this season - ass crack bandit, floor is lava. They work well together. She suffers when he couples up with Britta. And finally, at the 11th hour, he looks at her with that weird emotion machine and realizes - it’s not a heavy like. He’s in love with her. He’s in love with Annie Edison. She looks at him, and he can’t face it. He looks away.
Season 6: Jeff drinks more and avoids cutesy capers to avoid the truth of his love for Annie. He’s a bit of a dick this season. Besides, he figures he has plenty of time. They’re still friends, they still hang out together all the time! In wedding videography, we see that they still fall into the old patterns - helping makes her feel good. Being near her makes him feel young. But then at the end, she can’t wait forever for him to confess. She’s moving on, moving out, moving up to better things. Jeff is confident that she’ll be president someday (how could she not? She’s beautiful, and smart, and vicious). But he has to tell her that he loves her. That he wishes he was young and could go into the world with her and he can’t, so he’s going to let her go. She wishes she could settle down with him, but she can’t. They kiss.
The movie: who knows???
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morelikecommunitydick · 5 months
Talk to us about slater/britta
I really like ships between two polar opposite romantic rivals. I guess this would also include brittannie but for whatever reason, I just didn't feel much chemistry between them. It might be the age gap, or it might just be that I need a little conflict between characters for me to root for them to be together (I'm a child of divorce 😎)
To my sapphic, caveman brain, every interaction between Britta and Slater was nothing but unspoken sexual tension. Slater was clearly fixated with Britta. She brings her up to Jeff multiple times unprovoked just to make digs at her. Obviously, this was meant to be jealousy or cattiness or whatever, but if you allow yourself to live in delusion, you'll actually see that it was because she was in love with her and couldn't stop thinking about her!! :)
And Britta definitely wanted Slater. Look at how shawty was acting at the transfer dance?? Don't get me wrong, I ship jeffbritta, but it seemed a little out of character for her to do that much JUST to win him back at that point in their relationship. It seems to me like Britta gets off on competition and winning arguments (anthropology 101 and Mixology certification for example) and what she was doing with Slater at the transfer dance just honestly seemed like that to me.
But anyway this is just my insane interpretation based on nothing even remotely canon. Until explicitly confirmed otherwise, I choose to believe that Britta and Slater made up after the transfer dance and went on to have a whirlwind, off-screen summer romance.
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leseigneurdufeu · 6 months
OK so.
Abed had a breakdown in which he saw everything in claymation. Went catatonic at this occasion. He is apparently capable of making other people experience hallucinations (Annie in the dreamatorium, and let's not forget Jeff imagined the dark counterparts exactly like Abed did). He created a mafia family just to get more chicken (and because it was cool). Only one not affected by the craziness beam of the glee club teacher or the dean in Documentary: Redux, and is capable of sitting 26h without reacting and make other people have breakdowns just watching/listening to him (Britta, Duncan, that one teacher studying who's the boss, Duncan again...), unwillingly manipulated Jeff into revealing his biggest insecurities...
and he is the SANEST person in the group. Though no. He's the one with the least homicidal tendencies, not necessarily the sanest.
and you know what? it checks out!
Jeff is a sociopath who was ready to falsely accuse a man of human trafficking (20-to-life sentence) just so he would stop crashing on his couch, (kinda) manipulated Chang into thinking he could stay in his baby's life after the birth if he stopped crashing on his couch, assaulted other members of the group (Pierce at the hospital, the Dean at the karaoke bar, among other occasions, I'm sure I'm forgetting a few), attacked them with a fire axe yelling that the table was magic, admitted to "shielding rich people from justice" when he was a lawyer, thinks he's God, committed crimes outlawed by the Geneva convention while in a hallucination.
Britta threw a corpse through a window on accident, threw a brick on purpose through an office window, does drugs, is almost exclusively attracted to weird guys (an antique smuggler, a junkie who defenestrated himself, Vaughn, Blade, the pizza guy, Lukas...), came up with plans ranging from "weaponize a friend's absence of social filter to harass a bunch of girls" to "pimp another friend to a woman in order to ruin her son's life". She goes hysterical during the Lava episode. She arguably sleeps with Jeff so she could beat him at paintball. She tries to gaslight a friend into thinking he didn't walk in on Jeff and her. She forced everyone to tell horror stories to know which one of them was a psychopath and only realized she might be the one when they told her she had turned in her test too.
Troy is usually a sweet guy but he did a few things that could qualify as harassment (naming the monkey Annie's Boobs, or creating that twitter account to make fun of Pierce, for example) and also he challenged a guy to a death match! (but he did spare the guy's life).
Pierce invited all the group on two separate occasions just so he could mess with them (the hospital, and the halloween). He dressed as Patrick Bateman without even meaning to for a business meeting. He set up a friend to "die" (well, be shot at paintball) out of jealousy. He broke his word multiple times ("lemme bounce or i tell everyone about the trampoline" - bounces and tells everyone anyway). SUED a friend. The eulogy he gave at his dad's funeral ended by "but you're dead, and i'm alive, which means i win. suck it!". Assaulted who he thought was his father (but was a colonel sanders atari cartouche on a screen).
Shirley was onboard with getting Chang incarcerated for life (before he became even crazier, that was the time he was trying to be useful and nice). She assaulted multiple people. She has a past as a bully. She took her issues with Andre on Slater's car. She recognized she used guilt as a manipulation tactic, also used a few other tactics on some of her friends. Still, she's trying to be better.
Annie was completely down with faking her own murder to multiple people, and with torturing people mentally (Duncan experiment). She did other stuff but I'm pretty sure that's good enough for this list.
Chang is Chang, Pelton is a stalker and a blackmailer.
Abed is actually the less physically violent of the group.
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ieatadoptmepets · 1 year
I may or may not have written my first fanfic and it may or may not be good, but I like it. I think I executed my vision almost perfectly. I hope y'all like it :3
"If we were to move our meetings to 4:30-" Annie explains to the group.
"No!" Both Troy and Britta shout.
"I have a regular class at that time. It's like math or other regular classes," Troy says to us, visibly nervous, but no one else is better than reading Troy than I am. They don't notice.
"Yeah, I have something unimportant that can't ever move," Britta agrees. I notice Troy starts breathing harder and is sweating a bit. I know what class he's talking about, he dances. Britta is quick to agree and shuts Annie down too. She must be dancing too. I became aware of Troy's dancing weeks ago when he left his schedule laying around and once forgot to change out of his clothes and tried to convince me they were for football. I let him believe I accepted his lie but I felt bad for him. I suspect it's more than just dancing, but it's not my place to pry, and I don't want to make him feel uncomfortable. The group almost figuring out he dances, though, seems to have put him on the verge of a panic attack. I don't want him to feel like that.
Since we can't move the group's meeting time, we decide to vote on Pierce letting us in at the door. The mention of his name makes everyone grow concerned, he hasn't arrived yet. We all start mourning him until he walks in the door.
Pierce whines about us pretending to be concerned for him but really hoping he's dead and Jeff once again reveals another woman he's sleeping with, and the group disperses.
I take note of Britta dancing too and how scared Troy was, so I ask Britta to stay behind while the group goes.
"Sure, Abed. What's up?" She asks.
"I know Troy takes a dancing class and based on how you both reacted, I know you do too," I tell her.
"What? Psh, no, I don't dance. I DEFINITELY do not tap dance, where'd you hear that from? Wait, is this about Troy? Abed, he's your best friend you can't be homophobic to him, not cool man," She says and rambles on.
"I've known about Troy dancing for a while and it doesn't bother me. He seems really scared about the group finding out and now that I know you dance too, can you help him out? Just try to convince him that it's okay and we all support him," I tell her.
"Aw, Abed, that is so sweet. I'm glad you care about him. I didn't know he was scared about coming out. I'll help you, Abed. Oo, maybe I can accidentally run into him after class and convince him to come out with me to the group."
"Thank you, and don't make it obvious I sent you to do this. I don't want him to feel trapped or forced," I say.
"Don't worry Abed, I got this."
I haven't had the chance to see Britta or Troy since I spoke to her. I hope Britta didn't Britta her talk with Troy and that he's doing alright. It's our study time again, but the door is locked. Who could've guessed? We're all here waiting, except for Jeff. He's inside, making out with Professor Slater.
"Hey! Could you open the back door?" Pierce shouts. They look at us in shock.
They let us inside, and Jeff introduces us to Michelle. She likes macaroni and cheese like I do so I guess she's nice. Once she leaves, Britta takes the opportunity to tell everyone about her and Troy dancing.
She grabs his hand and says "Hey, everyone, speaking of secrets, Troy and I have something we'd like to announce." Annie gasps in shock.
"No, no," Britta continues. I suspect that Annie has much less of a chance with Troy than she thinks, for reasons I won't say.
"There is a dance recital on Friday, and I would be honored if you guys would attend. Because since last semester, I have been taking a tap class." She gives Troy a reassuring look. The group points out the irony of an emotionally closed off person like her taking dance classes. Shirley asks Troy about his secret and he looks even more scared than before.
"My secret is that I knew Britta's secret," Troy says. He doubles down on the lie and makes fun of Britta dancing, and then the Dean comes in, having seen Pierce's tweet about Jeff and Slater's relationship. The group leaves and normally I would hang back and walk with Troy, but I let Britta stay with him to talk about what happened. I haven't talked with him much lately. I hope he doesn't think it's related to him dancing, although it is.
Later, Britta finds me sitting outside and updates me on the Troy situation.
"He dropped out of the dance! I don't know how I'm gonna do this, Abed. He's really scared, and I don't know how to help him without revealing our plan. Maybe you should talk to him," She says to me.
"No, I don't know how to help either. If he knows this was a plan he'll lose all trust in me. This needs to be a decision he makes on his own. Let him be, and we'll all he there cheering you on at your show, Britta."
Britta's show has started, and it's an endless match between Pierce's complaints and Shirley's shushing. Britta's performance is very underwhelming and she starts to clam up. I follow her gaze and notice Jeff and Slater holding hands. She claims to not be in love with him but she's so bad at hiding her feelings that even I can read them.
Just as I had partially expected, Troy comes on stage to assit Britta. I expected it because it'd be the exact thing to happen on TV, the very masculine man coming on stage last minute to redeem himself and save the damsel in distress. But I didn't expect it because from what Britta said, he was really adamant about not dancing. I'm glad he came.
The performance is over, and Britta and Troy nailed it. Especially Troy. I tell them both they were great and wait for Troy to be alone. I want to come clean with him now that he completed his performance.
"Hey, Troy, can we talk?" I ask him
"Yeah man, what's up?"
"Come talk with me in my dorm."
Troy says his goodbyes to the group and receives congratulations from them, except for Pierce, who tells him it was a creative way to come out. Troy panicks and stutters over his words, trying to say he isn't gay. I ignore it and continue walking with him.
We reach my dorm and Troy, still nervous from Pierce, asks why I want to talk to him in private.
"Troy, I've known you've been dancing for a while. I kept your secret because you're my friend, and because I thought it was about more than just dancing. But when I noticed how scared you were at the thought of the group finding out, I asked Britta to help you out. Now that it's over, I thought it's time to come clean," I tell him.
"Oh. I'm sorry Abed, you didn't have to do all that. You don't have to do all that for me. I know you care, but I'm fine. I didn't want people to know because you know how they'd respond, especially Pierce." I think that Troy's dancing represents more than dancing and actually represents his sexuality, but I don't want to pressure him. I also don't understand anything that isn't crystal clear, so I'm not sure how to go about this.
"You know, when I was a teenager, I started dancing. At first, my dad hated it. He didn't approve and yelled at me for weeks to stop dancing. Then, when I had my first recital, I was surprised he showed up. I was even more surprised when he clapped for me at the end. We got a standing ovation, started by my dad. When he saw me after, he told me he saw how happy I was whole dancing and he couldn't deny that to me. He apologized for being angry and supported my passion for dance ever since," I say to him. It's not entirely true, but he doesn't have to know that. I hope he believes it.
He gives me a look that I can't read.
"Abed, this isn't about dancing, is it?"
"No," I tell him. "I'm bisexual. I figured it out when I was sixteen. My dad was livid, but when he saw me happy on a date with my first boyfriend, he started to loosen up and support me. He fully supports me now. I've really started to think that you're queer too and that dancing has something to do with it, but I didn't want to assume. I think you're afraid of the group rejecting you, but you know that won't happen. We're all here for you, Troy."
"Wait, if you think the group would be supportive, why haven't you come out?"
"Because it was never relevant. If I had a serious boyfriend, I would come out, but I don't. There's no need. It's not like I tell them every time I hook up with someone."
"Ha, nice, you get laid," he laughs. We do our handshake.
"Thank you, Abed. And I am gay. It feels nice to finally say that. But there's more to it. Abed, with you going all these lengths for me, I can't deny it. I have feelings for you. I think I've had then for a long time, I think since we became partners for the Spanish project. But I realized it when I accidentally let Fievel out of his cage. You are an amazing person and I love everything about you. I love the way you care, I love the way you think, I love you for just the way you are. It's perfect. You're perfect, Abed," he confesses.
"I have feelings for you too, Troy. I don't know how to express it like you do, but believe me, I feel the same way." I pull him into a hug and we stand there, in the middle of my dorm, in silence. The sound of us breathing is calming.
After a few minutes, Troy breaks the silence.
"Does this mean we're dating now?"
"Well, do you want to be my boyfriend?" I ask him.
"Yes. Yes, I do, Abed," he says.
"Then the answer is yes."
"Hey Abed?"
"Yes, Troy?"
"I don't want to come out to the group. Not about being gay or us dating. Not yet, at least. I don't want to do it."
"Take all the time you need, Troy," I tell him. And for the first time in my life, I feel complete.
!!!!!!!! I finished my first fanfic and I'm happy!! unbelievably tired too but it was worth it. I'm definitely gonna make a chapter 2, but I'm not sure after that. if I make more chapters, they'll likely be more as one shots. I also have a list of other stand alone trobed fics to write, majority about them coming together so there'll be more. and maybe considering an abed x reader or oc cause I love abed and can't really project onto troy?? but don't take my word on that. I also am in need of a title for this so im not sure how that'll go. also I might repost this to wattpad and link it so if I do I'll edit it to add. definitely won't be on ao3 though, I refuse to make an account there. anything fanfic wise that I do will definitely be on tumblr, maybe on wattpad
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ladysophiebeckett · 2 years
the recent knowledge of a scene in new!persuasion of anne elliot relieving herself in the woods and then falling in it (yes, that’s a thing ive read about), reminded me of other instances of female characters relieving themselves in sitcoms. 
i remember listening to the dvd commentaries of community, specifically one off of a s1 episode where YNB reveals that the writers wanted shirley to defecate in slater’s desk and that she was opposed to it and pleaded for them to change it. they did. however, many seasons later (s6) they have britta drink too much coffee and while running around she loses control and its implied that she defecates in her pants. and everybody knows about it and then another character says he’ll help her by lending her some pants. end scene. 
in 30 rock, i dont remember which season or episode, but jack asks liz about a wedding dress she bought years prior and she goes on a tangent about a hurricane and how she ate old bean dip and how she didnt have toilet paper--implying to the audience that the dress was used as said toilet paper. 
and most recently on a binge watch of girls5eva (also produced by fey btw) they have busy phillips’ character be a spokesperson for a spanx type of product that’s also absorbent enough for accidents. later in the episode, she loses control and relieves herself and she states that they are as absorbent as she had advertised them to be. all for the sake of comedy. 
there’s another two examples i know of that use bathroom comedy on women (’two weeks notice’ and ‘french kiss’ but they at least make it to the toilet). 
so, i ask, why? is it funny? i dont think it is. im not ashamed about needing to use the bathroom. we all have the same bodily functions. some of us have had to go in the bushes and its not fun but its fine. and yet, comedy focusing on it serves only to humiliate the woman in question. it puts them in an embarrassing situation that makes them the butt (sorry) of the joke. how does this ever serve the plot? if you take it out does it change the story or leave it the same? almost certain that the plot stays as is if you remove the joke. 
doing this to anne elliot when she’s already living in a quiet regret--it serves no purpose to the plot (aside fm the fact that it doesnt happen in the book). and i wonder for who is this type of comedy for? bc honestly, i dont think it’s for the audience. 
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brothersonahotelbed · 2 years
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vampvelvet · 1 year
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I posted 12,921 times in 2022
That's 7,439 more posts than 2021!
608 posts created (5%)
12,313 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 975 of my posts in 2022
#community nbc - 41 posts
#save - 37 posts
#nonbinary - 33 posts
#mlp - 22 posts
#dont rb - 22 posts
#arfid - 21 posts
#lgbt - 20 posts
#art - 19 posts
#nephs art - 19 posts
#nephs ocs - 18 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#this is so presumptuous about the reader like yeah i am working towards a better life and a better self. establish that this isnt universal
My Top Posts in 2022:
PSA on second hand shopping
more people need to shop at thrift stores, rummage sales, estate sales, consignment, flea markets, and the like. I don't care if you can afford new stuff, if you think it's dirty, if you don't feel like spending the time sifting through things you don't want. fast fashion and other quick moving industries are killing us.
so many thrift shops are begging people to buy more, and they have to stop taking donations for a while. a lot of rummage sale sellers will throw out what they don't sell by the end of the weekend, and they can negotiate and give you deals..
even if you don't want clothes, chances are you will find something you needed anyways, or find something you didn't know you needed. I promise you can find time in your hurried schedule to make a weekend out of rummage saling, and it's so much more fun then taking a minute to add a new shirt to your cart on amazon.
and while you're at it, set up a rummage sale of your own if you can, even in favor of listing it online. there's people in your community who will take a weekend to check it out, and those people are often in need of cheaper options for things like clothes, shoes, kitchenware, etc.
and please for the love of god if am item is still in working condition, use it as long as possible, or give it/sell it away if you must. do not throw away perfectly good items.
buying second hand saves the earth
134 notes - Posted May 2, 2022
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See the full post
135 notes - Posted April 4, 2022
the greendale 7 deadly sins
I did these based on the characters' weak points if u know what I mean?
britta- pride
- she is confident in herself without reason. at the beginning of the show, she seems confident and smart. Later, we find out about her failed activism, her inability to back up her statements, and her shaky relationship with her parents. Not to mention the whole therapist situation.
troy- envy
- it's discussed in the show that troy and abed spend too much time together. they've mentioned how much his identity was tied to abed. he wanted to be like abed, spend a lot of time with him, live with him. he wanted abed to know he was out there somewhere and look for him! he had envy knowing that if he met abed, he would have been so much different in his high school years.
abed- gluttony
- not in the sense that most media portrays gluttony, but it's also depicted as lack of self restraint. Abed often has to learn when he's going too far such as hiring celebrity lookalikes. Frankie ends up teaching him to rely on things other than TV, like he did in the past.
jeff- sloth
- this one is self explanatory I think. Jeff does everything he can to do less work both as a student and as a teacher, even as a friend. he would only break into a light jog!
annie- lust
- as much as I hate to say it, annie did spend a lot of the time wanting a relationship with Jeff. though even even admitted it wasn't even jeff that she wanted, I was just the idea of love. but even at times when she isn't going after Jeff, she's thinking about romance in the future, like her missing lover tapes. she's very anxious about her future in this sense.
shirley- wrath
- shirley has an entire backstorys worth of anger issues. she started as stabbing kids with Foosball sticks, to trashing slaters office in the name of Jeff. now, she takes out her anger on more organized matters such as any of the schoolwide games, or various heists the group does. she definelty expresses her wrath healthier than she did in the past, but it's still very intense compared to her usual self
pierce- greed
- he wants everything. he wanted the handshake, he wanted Shirley's sandwiches, and most of all he wanted constant inclusion. But none of it was things he deserved, given how he treated his friends. And if he didn't get it, he forced his way into it (with money usually)
feel free to add on your opinions :)
159 notes - Posted March 31, 2022
active member of the adhd symptom fandom
227 notes - Posted February 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
hc that every human character matt berry has played is just lazlo pretending to be human. the grifting professor in community? that's just lazlo having a grand old time!
974 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
Down The Rabbit Hole, Chapter 7
Word Count:  4.3k
Warnings:  slight angst
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"As you guys know extra credit is given to students who organize academically related events during what would otherwise be known as our 'free time,'" Chang began in an annoyed tone, "no student in any department has ever exercised this option until now."
Annie began to giggle like a madwoman, and she stood from her seat, "Tonight in the library I will be hosting a dia de los Muertos party. Dia de los Muertos, or day of the dead, is sometimes referred to as Mexican Halloween."
"Which is actually quite offensive," Chang interjected, "Some people may be familiar with Mexican Halloween as a sexual position. At any rate. If you do show up, you will get extra credit. Me, I don't even get paid. See you tonight. Hasta Noche."
"Now most of you have responded to my e-vite," Annie said as people were collecting their things, "but some of you have been e-vasive."
"Count me in," Shirley giggled excitedly, "This is my first college party. I got some tequila and I just rented Van Wilder 2: The rise of Taj, and look!"
Shirley held out her hand, which was devoid of the ring she normally wore.
"Oh, Shirley," Britta sighed, “it-“
"Yeah," Shirley said, not entirely happy, "My husband Andre has been gone for 6 months so I think it's time for me to embrace being single."
"Message received!” Pierce smirked.  She shot Pierce a dirty look.
"Pierce, Tawney, Jeff," Annie said, looking at the three of us, "I'm still waiting to hear from you."
"I don't know," I sighed, "Parties, hooking up with people...that's not really my thing, Annie. I'm sorry.  And anyways, I think Professor Duncan told me I have to go to a function in his stead that night."
"I thought I shot you a response from this pocket phone," Pierce said annoyed.  He squinted at the screen and tried to access the voice commands, "access email."
Jeff looked at me, his brow raised, "you really don't want to go to a party or hook up with people? Do you know fun?"
"Are you going to the party?" Britta asked, taking some of the attention from me. I sighed out of relief. I didn't know what to say.
"Oh, no," Jeff laughed, "it conflicts with the enjoyment of my life."
"I cannot figure out the voice command part of this thing. It's like my mother," Pierce growled out at his phone, “stupid thing.”
'Calling mother,' his phone echoed. Pierces eyes bulged and he tried to tell it to stop.
"Speaking about enjoying life," Jeff said, looking at Britta, "I don't want to beat a dead horse here but are you sure you don't see anything non-platonic ever crystalizing between us?"
Britta laughed, "I'm sure Jeff."
"Okay good," he smiled, "because one of my professors is really hot and I wanted to give you first right of refusal."
"Hello, Pierce?" a voice asked through Pierce's cell phone
'Oh how's school going sweetie? Are you popular?'
His eyes bulged again, and he muttered some lie about him going through a tunnel before pressing a bunch of buttons on his phone.
'Has that boy Jeff stopped teasing you? And how's your Canadian girlfriend? I saw your father's ghost again. He's still angry.'
I looked at Jeff and we both walked out of the Spanish room very quickly, "you need to stop bullying Pierce!" I joked.
"Well, it sounds like you need to stop dating him," he laughed. I cringed and he laughed even more, "oh come on don't you find it hilarious that out of all the girls he said he was dating you?"
"He didn't say that."
"Tawney you are the only one of us that is from Canada,"he laughed, "aww Pierce has a crush on you."
"Gosh you're so gross," I laughed, gently pushing him away from myself. While it was an awkward situation, something about how Jeff was acting with me, wouldn't let me feel socially awkward, “be serious…you have stats next, an-“
'So what's Professor Slater got in store for us today?"
"Did you really not do your assignment again Jeff?" I asked, "That class starts in 15 minutes. You don't have time to get it done."
"I did it," he said confidently, "I just wanted to see if our answers line up."
"I'm sure they don't," I replied, sticking my tongue out at him. He repeated the gesture and I mocked gasped at him. He smirked and I felt his arm snake around my waist as we continued to talk about statistics, “they never do!”
It didn't really bother me, because I knew he didn't see me in a romantic way. That was just his way of protecting me. Sort of how he would call Annie 'milady,' or share a book with Britta, or even when he gossiped with Shirley.
"You know what I think is the best about you?"
"You weren't even listening, were you?"
"Sorry," I admitted, "I was off in my own little world."
"I love how honest you are," he replied, "about everything. You don't care what it is, you are just so fearless in your honesty."
"Wow," I said, taking a step from him, "who are you and what have you done with the real Jeff Winger?"
"I'm serious, Tawney," he said as we neared the door to class, "you are always honest. I can count on your opinion about anything, because you don't care enough to lie."
"Where is this coming from?"
"Do you think that me going after Professor Slater is a bad idea?"
He looked taken aback, "you do?"
"I do," I admitted, "I think it's a terrible idea."
"Why's that?" he asked rather amused.
"Because you don't really want a relationship," I said with a shrug, "the chase gets you going, but the idea of commitment. You want nothing to do with that."
"I really like Professor Slater," he said slowly, “what if she’s different?”
"And you really liked Britta."
"Fine," he said simply, "you think it's a bad idea. Help me turn it into a good idea. Help me overcome my need to run away from commitment."
"I don't think that's a good idea."
"And why not?"
"Because you're my friend," I started, "and she's technically my boss."
"What if I could help you?"
"Excuse me?"
"What if I could help you out?
"With what?" I scoffed, "I've got a great GPA!"
"Guys," he said quickly. I sucked in my breath. He smiled, realizing he'd found a chink in my armor, "I can help you get guys."
"I have a boyfriend," I said, trying to recover, “I don’t need your help!”
"Oh yeah," He laughed, "I'm sure you do."
"I do," I said, feeling hurt. He looked at me for a second before realizing I wasn't joking and that he'd hurt my feelings.
"I'm sorry, Tawney," he sighed, "I didn't mean to upset you. I'm just...like I said I'm really into Professor Slater."
He stared at me for a second and I gave him the best stony face I could. He looked like he was trying to think of something to say but came up with nothing. After another moment he walked into class.
I watched him from my place at the door. The class was starting to fill up, and Professor Slater was getting her notes ready. I watched Jeff for a second. He was prepared for class, pulling out the assignment, and a notebook. He looked at her in a way and I believed what he said.
He didn't want to just be hooking up with her.
I walked into the room and sat down beside him, "I'll help you...but you've gotta help me out too."
He smiled, "deal."
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"So, Jeff Winger, huh?" she asked me. I nodded, "why is he into me all of a sudden."
"I don't know," I admitted, "I mean honestly, I kind of thought he was still into Britta, but I guess he's over her."
She nodded thoughtfully and looked at her reflection. She was dressed as Robin Hood, "thank you for letting me use your dorm to get changed by the way."
"It's no problem," I admitted. I stared at my own Halloween costume, extremely unsure of my choices...but this was gonna be the way to get him to notice me again, “thanks for getting me out of going to the teacher’s party for Duncan!”
"So, you're going as catwoman?"
I nodded, "Yeah. I uhm, my boyfriend Abed Is going as Batman, and we decided on kind of like a couple costume. "
"well, that seems very outside of your comfort zone," she said, noticing how little the costume actually covered, “is that okay with you?”
"yeah,"I admitted, "I was gonna go with a more original version of her, but I really wanted my boyfriend to just lose his mind."
"I'm sure that'll do it," she laughed, "so...do you think I should give him a chance?"
"Who?" I asked, "Jeff?"
She nodded, "who else, Garrity? Chang?"
I couldn't help but laugh as she was listing people off. I took a second and thought about my deal with Jeff. If I helped him out, he'd show me how to keep a guy interested. I mean he'd already given me advice on the costume...So I guess for the time being I kind of owed him.
"He's a good guy," I admitted, "and a really good friend. I mean sure, he's kind of like a dad to the group, but that's just because he really takes care of everyone. Heck one time he just showed up here at 2 AM because he was thanking me for not telling the others I was tutoring him."
"Yeah," I laughed, "he's kind of odd."
"You're tutoring him?" she asked pointedly. It took me a minute, but I gathered what she was saying.
"Oh god no," I said quickly, "nothing like that. He just showed up because he was...well I don't know why he showed up at 2. But he left after he said thank you and that was that."
"And does he say thank you at 2 AM to you very often?"
"No," I replied even quicker, "It was just that one time."
"Mhmm..." she nodded. She turned back to the mirror and finished up on her costume, then grabbed her clutch, "Thanks again for letting me get changed here. Is it okay if I pick up my regular clothes tomorrow?"
"Of course." I replied. She gave me a wave and left. I felt a wave of relief rush over me as she closed the door. I don't know why I'd gotten so nervous about talking about Jeff.  I looked at my costume one more time.
I really shouldn't have listened to his 'the skimpier the better' rule, but I didn't have much of a choice. It was either this cat woman, or a poison ivy who literally was lingerie and netting. I threw it on quickly and looked at the clock. It was almost 9.
"Damn it," I growled out at myself, "I'm late."
I hurried up and started towards the library. My heels clicked against the concrete. Soon I found myself in a rhythm. The clicking matched my breathing, quick but steady. I made it to the library as everyone began to file back in.  I found the kid who had the sign in sheet and told him my name.
I turned to see Annie looking like a skeleton in a well-fitted onesie.
"Oh my god," she said, covering her mouth, “you look amazing!”
"Wowww," a voice said from behind me. I turned to see Troy, "Tawney is that you?"
I nodded, too afraid to remove my mask. Troy came up to me and circled around like a vulture, "This is for real a really good costume. You came as Cat Woman."
"Yeah," I said, taking a breath, "The Halle Berry one."
He held his hand out for a high five, and I smiled. He admired the costume, “this is so cool.  And it’s authentic…is this a real cosplay?”
“Sure does feel like it!”
"Wow," a voice said quickly. I turned around to see Jeff in what looked like a cowboy get-up behind me, "you really took my advice to heart."
I nodded, "I don't look bad do i?"
"Not at all," he said, stressing every syllable. I smiled even more and pulled the play whip off my back, “you look phenomenal.”
"Oh my god," I said excitedly, showing him all the parts of my costume, "it even came with this. How cool, right? It's almost an authentic cosplay."
"That sounds so nerdy," he laughed, taking a sip from a beer, "but I can't even be upset about it."
I grinned even more, "really?"
Jeff leaned in towards me, and I shivered as his breath hit my neck. His body was so close, I could feel his body heat, "I will never say this again, because you are my friend, but you look so hot right now. If I didn't now you, I'd be all over you."
I took a shaky breath, and even shakier step away from him.
"Thanks," I said, unable to look at him, "so...when's lesson 2?"
Britta came up, looking like a squirrel, "Tawney? Is that you?"
I nodded and she looked around the room, "so many people are staring at you. You don't even look like yourself."
"Thank you?" I questioned, "hey. I uh, gotta go find someone. I'll catch you later."
"Okay," she said quickly, "bye."
I walked out of the room and looked around on the mostly empty floor. I couldn't find Abed. That is, until I looked out the window, and saw him on the ledge over the entrance. I crawled through the open window and stood on the platform.
He didn't turn to me. But I knew he knew I was there.
"What?" I asked, playing it cool. I took few steps towards him, "cat got your tongue?"
"Cat woman," he said in a gruff voice, finally turning towards me. He had a large smile on his face, and he slid his chapstick into his pocket, "it was only a matter of time until you showed up."
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"From now on, we will refer to each other by our Spanish nombres," Senor Chang said loudly, "there will be, what's this? "
He stopped his speech to see Pierce throwing paper balls into Jeff's mouth. Chang smiled, and urged him to go on, "I'll allow it. It's okay. Do it."
Pierce giddly threw another ball but it missed Jeff's open mouth. Senor Chang started speaking lightly so that he kept the flow of the class going.
"Oh he's gonna get it," Troy whispered to me. I couldn't help but laugh a little bit. Chang made his way to Jeff and ducked to his height, “oh here he comes!”
He jumped awake and Chang began to laugh.
"Alright, that's good. Everyone out. Class dismissed."
The class gathered their things and started towards the door. Jeff angrily made his way out of the classroom. Troy wrapped himself around Annie, "Hey, Shirley. Tawney, look. I'm Annie's backpack!"
"Stop it, Troy," she giggled. I shook my head, and followed out of the classroom, holding hands with Abed, “Troy!”
Ever since Halloween, he'd really started to notice me. Little, subtle things that Jeff was teaching me was making Abed more receptive.  The only downside is that we were both exhausted.
The only time we could really get together is after 11, so he'd usually come by my dorm, and I'd give him tips and tricks on how to get Professor Slater, while he would talk to me about guys and what they liked.
I thought to the notebook I had in my desk at my dorm.
Rule #1. If you are interested in a guy, put yourself out there. Nothing is sexier to a guy, then a girl who wants to be his.
"Hey, do you want me to walk with you from class?"
"Yeah," I smiled, finding my voice, "I can meet you outside of your film class."
"I can come to you," he smiled, "then we can go to the cafeteria and get some coffee? You look more tired than normal!"
I tried to ignore the last part of his comment, which sounded way too much like an insult. I'd been up most nights because Jeff was tutoring me. I cringed just thinking about it.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah," I replied, "Why?"
"You just got this look on your face," he stated, matter of fact, "like something unpleasant happened."
"I was just thinking."
"Was it about how the lights in here are eerily like a horror film?" he asked, "I was thinking about that a moment ago."
I looked around, taking in the lighting. He was right. There were a few lights that were out, and one at the end of the hall that was flickering. It did feel eerie. I shivered.
"Don't worry," he smiled, full of confidence, "I'd protect you."
"You do remember that I know martial arts, right?"
"Yeah," he chuckled, "now that I think of it, that would be really comical. You would probably be saving me from an attacker."
I giggled and we stopped in front of my class. He kissed me on the forehead then walked down the hall. I couldn't help but feel on cloud nine. So much so that I hardly noticed the teacher dismissing us. Class flew by.  I all but skipped down to Abed's film class only to find the classroom empty. I walked in, but the lights were off. It looked like everyone had left much earlier.
I turned around to see Abed with 2 lattes.
"Our professor let us out early," he explained, "so I walked to the café and got your favorite. I hope you don't mind."
"Aww," I cooed. He handed me the latte, and then took my free hand in his, "Abed you are so sweet."
"I just want you to know that I really appreciate you, Tawney," he replied, "you are a really great person, and I wanted you to know that I really value our relationship."
"Our relationship?" I asked, playing coy. I took a sip of my latte and smiled. Vanilla and peppermint.
Jeff Winger's rules to guys.
Rule #2. Forget about what I said with rule 1. Guys love it even more when a girl is kinda ditzy. But in a cute way. Be like a sexy Urkel. Did I do that?
Rule #3. Giggle. Guys love when a girl is flirty and giggles. Makes them feel really manly.
I couldn't help but laugh at the two next rules that Jeff had given me the other day. I looked at Abed and he was positively beaming.
"Yeah," he replied, "Our relationship. I like that you are my girlfriend."
"I like that you're my boyfriend, Abed."
I looked around. We were walking through campus. Hand in hand. Like a regular couple. I felt like I was soaring, and nothing could bring me down. He opened the door for me when we entered the library and again when we got to study room F.
"Hey guys," Annie said as we entered, “how’s it going!”
"Hey," I smiled at Annie, “how are you?”
"I tell you, before aids," Pierce grinned, "sex was like shaking hands."
"Hence aids," Abed said, sitting down. He had one of the paper fortune tellers that he was pulling from his pocket. He began playing with it and looked around the room, "what?"
"Are you playing with a paper fortune teller?" Shirley asked.
"Yeah," he nodded, showing it to her, "Tawney showed me how to make them in Spanish today. They are really interesting."
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"Oh Brittles," Pierce smiled, "I forgot to tell you I went and talked to Vaughn."
I looked at Britta, my eyes wide. Her jaw dropped, "What?"
"Bad news is that I couldn't patch things up between you two," he sighed, "You really did a number on him. The good news is that I'm the new keyboardist in his band. "
"So let me get this straight," she began, "I asked you not to talk to him and you completely ignored me?"
"Hey tiny," he grumbled out, "you're missing the headline. I am in a rock band."
"Oh well I'd like to be there when the band finds out!" Jeff said, coming into the room.
"Oh, hi Jeff," Britta said, changing subject, "We were just talking about how in today's econ-"
"CARRR, You are living in your car," Shirley said, pointing a finger at him, "Boy you are living in your car. Oh, I'm sorry, I'm not good at being coy."
"I'm not living in my car," he replied. His face screwed up and I could see him looking at me out of his peripherals, "I'm just sleeping in it for a couple of days while I work on some problems with my condo. It's a very temporary issue."
"A temporary issue?"
"Yes Tawney," he said like it was the most obvious thing in the world, "I gotta pay some meaningless fees and then they'll put my locks back on the door. And that'll be that."
"How are you gonna get the money?"
"Believe me kitten," Jeff said in a fool-hearty manner, "Winger's got the moves."
"Oh Jeff," Shirley cooed, "do you need a place to stay, sweetie?"
Troy sighed, "I'd offer, but my dad is kind of racist."
"You could stay with me in the dorms," Abed offered, "My room has a bunk bed which is kind of a misnomer, because it's kind of the real deal."
"The next person that mentions charity or pity will be mentioned by name in my suicide note."
"Oh," Shirley groaned, “oh dear.”
Everyone started feeling uncomfortable and they paired off. Britta pulled Abed away, and Pierce bolted, leaving me with Jeff.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
He looked at me and shook his head, "I don't."
"Is that why you've been saying you can only come over super late?"
"I've never slept over at your place."
"No," I muttered, "but you have stayed over until we have to leave for classes."
"We're helping each other, remember?" he asked, "I'm sorry teaching you how to talk to a guy takes forever."
"You don't have to be rude, Jeff."
"Rude?" he asked, "I've been staying in my car, and teaching some pathetic 20-year-old how to talk to guys. And it's clearly never going to work. All you ever do is dress like an old librarian, and you act more innocent than Annie."
"I don't think I want to deal with you like this Jeff," I sighed, standing up. Suddenly I felt really bad about the outfit I'd picked out, "maybe you can conversate with me more when you get over whatever pity party you're throwing yourself."
"Pity party?" he asked when I got to the door. He stood up, "I'm not having a pity party for myself. You are. You're fawning over some imaginary guy. Have you ever even been kissed? I bet you haven't. You look to nervous to look a guy in the eyes, let alone kiss one."
"You don't need to personally attack me you jerk."
"No," he groaned, "I'm telling you the truth. Because someone has to little timid Tawney. You need to become an adult woman. Stop hiding behind your glasses and baggy clothing, and just be a woman. Like when you were dressed up at Halloween. At least you had some substance to you. You were a hot slutty cat, instead of a boring, lame girl."
I felt a heavy rage. My breathing was shallow and ragged, and not for any reason other than I wanted to beat the shit out of the asshole in front of me.  Before I knew what I was doing my hand dragged itself through the air between us and slapped him. His head whipped so fast he probably had whiplash to accompany the dark red handprint that was forming on his face.
"Screw you, Jeff Winger. At least I have a heart."
I all but ran back to my dorm. When I got there, I collapsed on the floor and began to cry.  I know Jeff didn't mean what he said.
But why did he say that? All I ever did was try to help him?
Once I calmed down, I made it to my bed and plugged my phone in. That's when I saw a message from Abed. I clicked it.
'Not sure where you went after study group. Hope you can come to Night Under the Stars...'
I checked the time. It said 6:45. I cleaned myself up and looked in my closet.
I'll show him.
When I slipped into dress, and threw on those heels, not only did I feel sexy, but I felt confident. I pulled my hair down and put in my contacts. I checked myself out in the mirror. I looked different. Almost unrecognizable.
I practically pranced down to the cafeteria. Abed was waiting for me by the snack stand. When he saw me, a piece of popcorn he threw in his mouth fell out.
I felt sure of myself. I walked right up to him and kissed him.
"Hi," I said after he'd pulled away, “thanks for inviting me!”
He was speechless. It looked like he was calculating something in his mind.
"If you want to grab a spot, I can get us a drink."
He nodded and made his way into the crowd. I got us a Coke and went to find him. He was at a table with Jeff and Britta. Britta's eyes sparkled when she saw me, "Tawney you look incredible."
"Thanks," I said, sneaking a glance towards Jeff. I could see that he was practically drooling. I smiled to myself, then went to the other side of the table where Abed stood, "is coke okay?"
"Yeah," he smiled. He nervously placed an arm around me and kissed me on the cheek. I playfully took some of his popcorn, "Hey, did you know when there's a scene about a couple at a rock concert, they usually have a really good time and they kiss?"
"Is this you saying you want to kiss me?"
He chuckled and nodded. I pulled his face to mine as the music started.
Chapter 8
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