#aaa i would love to see more Pete content
thevolleyballboyos · 3 years
let me love you
let me love you
so you may or may not have caught a little cold. kinda sucks. your head hurts, you feel nauseous, and you got a pretty dang high fever. well sucks to be you because you have an important exam today, and it affects half your grade. fun. so you just gotta tough it out, right? nah. kita disagrees. to home you go. but don't worry. you won’t be sitting at home feeling sick and sorry for yourself. a certain someone will be there the whole time to take care of you.
kita shinsuke x reader
warnings: none, just fluff!
⟡ my page ⟡
a/n: i didn’t proofread. there are bound to be some spelling/grammar/story mistakes.
you crammed the rest of your toast into your mouth and booked it. you had an important exam today and you were about to miss it. your legs flew as you ran as fast as you could to inarizaki. you needed to get their fast. your head was pounding. and no, not because of the stress of almost being late- it was literally pounding in pain.
you had woken up this morning with nausea and a horrible headache. but you couldn’t miss the exam, so you had grabbed some pills and dashed out the door. that may have been a bad choice, but oh well.
you felt like you were about to throw up. running this fast while feeling this nauseous also probably wasn't such a great idea. but hey, you might as well continue this trend of great ideas.
you burst through the doors just as the bell rang. phew. stopping to catch your breath, you could feel a wave of nausea hit you. your head pounded and your vision was blurry. you saw flashing lights as you staggered to your first class. 
somehow, you miraculously made it through the period without fainting. as you walked out of the classroom, you could feel it getting worse. you had your exam in a couple of periods and you had to focus for it. it was almost half your grade, for pete’s sake! you sighed and rubbed your head. the pills were most definitely not working. your vision blurry, you stumbled down the hallway, eyes spinning, head pounding, you could barely see or hear anything. suddenly, you bumped into someone. trying your best to see their face, you looked up. you recognized it. kita shinsuke. your boyfriend.
“hello, y/n.” he said, in his usual monotonous voice.
“hi, kita!” you replied, trying to cover up your sickness. if kita knew you were sick, he would probably have you head home. and you couldn’t afford for that to happen.
“you look unwell.” he stated. “are you feeling alright?”
what the- is he a flipping mind reader? he legit almost instantly knew what-
this man is a sorcerer i swear-
“huh? no, i’m completely fine. don’t worry!” you answered, trying your best to sound chirpy and well.
“your physical appearance states otherwise. your face is pale, you’ve been staggering, you look like you’re in pain, and i can tell by your tone that you’re hiding something from me.” he responded, his facial expression not changing. “not to mention, you didn't even see me and ran into me.” he added. “also...” kita placed the back of his hand on your forehead. “you have a fever.”
you sighed. there was no getting around this. you just had to try and convince him. “look, babe. i’m sorry. i know that i’m sick, but i have an important exam and i need to take it. pleaseeeee?” you pleaded, looking up at kita with your best puppy eyes.
“no. go home.”
“huh? wait, no, please-”
“go home.”
“please, babe, i need to take my exa-” you were cut off by kita lifting you up in the air bridal style and walking you to the front entrance. he set you down carefully at the door.
“go home.”
you sighed. there was no getting around it. you began your walk home. it was a good thing you lived so close. you sighed as you unlocked the door and flopped down on your bed. you didn't even bother changing out of your uniform. you just closed your eyes and uncomfortably began to drift off.
you awoke once again around four hours later to the smell of delicious okayu, as well as the gentle, fragrant scent of hot shoga-yu.
you weakly try your best to sit up, and the second you do, your head pounds loudly. however, you somehow miraculously manage to hobble down the stairs to the kitchen.
your eyes teared up at the sight. there he was, kita shinsuke. he was cooking that wonderful okayu and was seeping the shoga-yu. at the sound of your footsteps, he turned around to see that you had awoken. he rushed to you quickly.
“y/n. you shouldn’t be standing like that. sit down.” and with that, he swept you off your feet and placed you down at the couch. he quickly grabbed a blanket and gently laid it over your figure.
“stay there. i’ll be with you in a second.” kita told you as he rushed back to the kitchen.
just a moment later, kita walked in with a tray. on top sat a piping hot bowl of okayu and a steaming cup of shoga-yu. it looked and smelled delicious.
“okayu and shoga-yu are good for colds. eat up.” he told you, spooning up some of the porridge and holding it up to your face. “come on. open up.” he said.
you smiled. “aaa~” you said, opening up your mouth.
he gently moved the porridge into your mouth and carefully took it out once you closed your mouth.
you sighed. the okayu tasted heavenly. warm, comforting, and savory, due to the salmon that had been cooked to perfection, as well as the nori. you gingerly picked up the cup of shoga-yu and placed it on your lips and took a sip. the taste of the fragrant, slightly sweet ginger was amazing. you sighed in content. kita merely just sat beside you and continued to feed you the food.
“you need to eat. it’s good for you." kita told you, spooning some more into your mouth.
“yep. thanks, kita.” you replied, taking the hot okayu off of the spoon.
“you know, you need to take better care of yourself, y/n.” kita told you.
“yea, yea. i know. i’m sorry.” you answered.
“i won’t have time to take care of you all the time.” kita scolded.
you looked up at him. you could tell 100% that he was lying.
“yep.” you answered. but you smiled. you knew that no matter what happened, kita would always be by your side. and he knew it too.
“look, kita. it’s ok. i can take care of myself. just because you’re my prince charming doesn’t mean that you have to force your love onto me when i can do it myself.” you teased.
kita just looked away and blushed.
“no. let me love you.”
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davidmann95 · 5 years
This week’s comics?
*Deep breath*
Batman/Superman #1: The surprise of the week for me! I was getting this almost grudgingly in the hope Williamson would transcend what I’ve seen as his limitations as a C+ writer inexplicably granted a position far beyond what his work’s merited, given how much I love the characters and because Marquez is AAA+. As it turns out, he did! Nothing spectacular, but this was a really solidly entertaining little start to an adventure, with a vibe as though Loeb’s own Superman/Batman was rocketed into the future and made to interact with Snyder’s current DCU superstructure. As that descriptor might imply your mileage may vary, but I quite dug it.
Justice League #30: Great stuff, the kick-off to I assume the final arc before an event book to close this epic out, but when do the Justice Legion show up that is all I care about in the entire world
Superman #14: I enjoyed it, but I’m definitely more than ready to see what’s next.
Action Comics #1014: An unprecedented Bendis super-two-for-one week! While Superman’s largely been my favorite of the two, today this came out on top.
Justice League Dark #14: This continues to just manage to hold my attention with some delightful flourishes, even though this sort of thing isn’t usually my cup of tea.
Martian Manhunter #8: Something of a return to form - I’d been getting somewhat disappointed with this book (though I’m sure it’ll read better in trade), but this grabbed me again.
Dial H For Hero #6: Good goddamn, just about any other week and this would have taken home the gold. Easily one of DC’s best, and leaving me considering going back through Humphries’ whole career given the possibility that while I’ve discounted him in the past I, in an extremely rare but I suppose not entirely unprecedented case, may have been wrong.
Ice Cream Man #14: I suppose you could call this something of a return to basics here, which is the opposite of a problem because the basics here are horrifying and spectacular.
Marvel Team-Up #5: Losing me quick, though I guess there’s only one issue left.
Captain America #13: This one’s tough to unpack. In terms of keeping my attention and keeping things moving this felt better than the last several issues, and I get what it’s going for, but its characterization of Cap...like I said, I get what it’s going for in reinforcing him as the stiff and trying to break him out of that. I’m the guy who considers MCU Cap one of the only times ever where I distinctly prefer the adaptation to the original, specifically because he feels so much looser and warmer. But there’s stiff in the way he’s traditionally been, and the way this issue portrays him, and I’m not sure I can bridge that gap with how he’s been portrayed over the years. In isolation though, still liked this one.
Absolute Carnage #2: Keeps up the pace! I remain shocked by how much I’m liking this one.
Venom #17: An extension of the above, and again, I like it.
Absolute Carnage: Miles Morales #1: Surprisingly disposable, tbh.
Spider-Man: Life Story #6: ...is one I’ll discuss when going into the series as a whole sometime soon. But yes, it really is that good, and the best of the week in a walk.
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #11: A perfectly enjoyable one-off - good to know that while Amazing’s passing me by, Pete’s in good hands even as Zdarsky moves on.
Avengers #23: Man, this book has gotten so much better since that wet thud of a first arc. Not up to snuff against its cousin in Snyder and company’s Justice League, but cut from a similar cloth and if you’re enjoying that absolutely give this run a whirl.
House of X #3: We’re definitely in the part where I think it’s gonna lose a lot of the new converts as the Earth-shaking reveals die down for now while remaining a resolutely Full Hickman take on the X-Men, and I for one am content to wave them goodbye as I ride this glorious train into the sunset.
Thor #16: A delightful ‘end’ - the true upcoming finale in King Thor notwithstanding - to one of the great runs of this decade. All-Father willing whoever follows up on this one plays with the toys Aaron and Del Mundo leave behind here.
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Marvel Comics #1000: The big’un. And better, for that matter, than Action or Detective #1000. Not perfect by any means; there’s still a small handful of stinkers here (though the relative hit-to-miss ratio for this sort of project is unbelievably good here, hence the previous comparison), plus the much-publicized issues regarding the altered Captain America essay and the horribly skewed gender representation, PLUS that...THAT character of all characters gets a (second!) page for 2013 rather than Ms. Marvel. But for what this is, that it comes together as coherently as enjoyably as it does is honestly little short of a miracle. The advertised Ewing spine of the thing is of course great, and such a Ewing as HELL take on the concept on every level; that plenty of these don’t even nominally tie into it doesn’t bother me, since that throughline is exploring the background of a world the rest of this puts on display.
To set the record straight (going by years rather than characters/creative teams, since I feel like remaining spoiler-adverse here and it saves space): for me the actively bad ones are 1966,* 1995,** 1996, and 1999, and the notably good ones not by Ewing are 1943, 1944,*** 1949, 1952, 1959, 1961, 1962, 1965, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1973, 1977, 1979, 1982, 1984, 1992, 1993, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2011, 2012, 2014,**** 2015, 2016, and 2018.
So that’s about 5% bad, and counting Ewing’s contributions (aside from his oddly lackluster single page that isn’t part of his larger story), over half I’d call especially good! And pretty much all the rest of it ranges from decent to quite good, so again, by the standard of these sorts of anniversary anthologies this is basically a minor miracle. Very much looking forward to Ewing continuing his story next month and presumably the incoming 2020 event (a Ewing event comic! So rad!), and also hoping #1001 will correct the grievous Fantastic Four deficiency here.
(Minor SPOILERS for the final notes below)
* This, uh, felt like some real grouchy old man respectability politics business. Would have thought twice before, but given Priest’s recent Vampirella interview, I’m feeling a little more willing to jump straight to ‘this was bad.’
** Oh, Hickman. My boy. How could you? Even given you visibly didn’t give a shit, that was really all you had in the tank? And for the year I was born, no less! Johnny, you wound me.
*** Yeah, I know, believe me I know. But it’s still a good Cap speech - even at this late, largely lamentable stage of Waid’s career, he can crank those out in his sleep.
**** For what it is, i.e. a couple scenes from Apocrypha slapped together and redrawn with a couple DC names swapped out for Marvel names. Shamelessly, admirably lazy on Gaiman’s part.
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trashpandaorigins · 7 years
Sweet Child of Mine Ch 6
Rocket watched Peter stare into his glass perturbed, with an amused smile. Between his furry arms Groot also studied Quill. The human rubbed his face, covering his eyes before continuing. It’s hard to admit you are wrong when your entire life and reputation depended on being right. If being raised by ravagers had taught him anything it was that you always pretended that you were right even if you weren’t. Being wrong showed weakness, being wrong planted doubts in the minds of your crew and your clients. Quill sipped more of his contraxian tibot, cool and pleasantly stinging on his tongue. He closed his eyes, swallowing the yellow liquid, allowing it’s flavor to run down his throat. Not refreshing but liberating, allowing him to speak more freely. He opened his eyes, Groot stared at him as his eyes slid towards his black splintered shoulder and missing space where his arm should have been. Peter looked back at the little twigs face, so full and trusting. His heart thrummed in his chest, I’ve been the one giving that look….images of his mother, of Yondu flashed through his mind. He rubbed his temples, trying to drown out the background noise of the semi-crowded bar. Taking a breath he looked at Groot once more.
“Groot, I…I shouldn’t have…” He swallowed, Rocket’s smirk was not unnoticed.
“You’re loving this aren’t you?” the raccoon like creature only grinned, one claw tapping the rim of his own glass.
“I was willing to put you in harm’s way for a handful of units,” the very notion of what he’d done hadn’t pricked his conscious as potently until just now when he said it aloud. Tentatively Peter took his glove off, reached out to Groot and touched the top of his head. “Nothing should be worth that,” he finished. “I’m sorry.” Groot closed his eyes in pleasure as Peter continued patting him. “Oh that reminds me!” He realized, digging into his satchel, “I got something for each of you.” Rocket, took a another slug of the drink he’d just ordered before turning to Peter. “It’s for the Milano’s thrusters,” he explained, holding out a large black box with several wires coming out.
“Pete!” Rocket’s eyes widened, “that’s a top grade Blazman Connector!” Peter grinned, relief breaking over him.
“Figured we might as well invest in some quality parts instead of just replacing junk piece after junk piece.” Rocket laughed, taking the thing in his hands.
“Maybe you’re not so much of a dumbass after all!”
“And for Groot, I hope it’s okay…” he took out two things: an orange and blue glass ball and a package of Graaton Grow. Groot reached out to the glass ball, touching it in wonder and drew back in surprise as it lit up with a yellow lights inside.
“The lady I talked to said those are real Groot spores….she must’ve ordered them before….” He halted, well aware of what had become of the rest of the Groots several years back. Rocket didn’t even flinch as two burly aliens beside them rushed passed, clearly about to break into a fight. “She also said the Graaton Grow was good, they use it on other Flora species.” He looked at Groot, who now cocked his head looking at the ball. “I’m really sorry Groot. It won’t happen again, I promise. You’ve sacrificed enough.” Peter smiled, his own memory of that day was obscured by holding the Infinity Stone, the battle with Ronnan, but he too remembered Groot’s protective embrace.
“Aaa….I….” Peter watched Baby Groot’s mouth open and close in confusion, trying to get something out. “I…..a…aaa..mm…” Looking up at Peter the little plant reached out his own wooden hand, “I….a…ammm..g…Grooo.” Peter broke into a grin, even though he couldn’t understand them they caused the sun to rise over his tired heart. He took Groot’s hand in his and squeezed it with joy. Looking at Rocket’s own amazed expression Peter laughed. Adding those tears to the list of proof that “Rocket actually DOES have a heart.”
“He says it’s okay,” Rocket translated. “He forgives you.” The raccoon grumbled reluctantly. At the sound of his voice Groot turn to Rocket, “I…I am Groot!” Rocket breathed out shakily, his eyes blinking back more tears while his face smiled. He opened his arms to the small plant and Groot reached out his vines, wrapping around the raccoon’s torso. One of the vines gently touched his furry face. Peter looked away, taking another contented sip of his beverage.
“Hey! You Star-Lord?” Finally, Quill put on his best grin and turned. He did not get enough time to see who it was before something hard slammed into his face and he fell in a dizzying spin of pain. “You stole my ship!” ….Great….wiping his bloodied lip.
“Adry, I’be been looking all over the galaxy for you!” Peter said straightening up to face the orange skinned woman. “Let me explain,” he began, looking at her two goons.
“I don’t want you to explain! You crashed my ship!” He put his hands up as the three of them encroached.
“I didn’t crash it exactly,” he clarified, “I had a rough, unexpected landing.” She hissed, long tongue flicking out between green lips.
“You ssstole it and crashed it!” Braced against the bar he splayed his hands outward.
“I was gonna give it back Adry! I was in a bind! Some Gravian guys were after me and Nova Corps still had the Milano. I thought we had an understanding!”
“I sssaved your life!” Her tail rattled, “and that is how you repay me?” Peter glanced at the burly alien to her right. Three throwing knives and a Tormak Blaster. Hope Rocket’s got my back. “You freak!” She yelled, “you half-bred, ingrate! I should’ve let you die!”
“Hey!” Rocket snapped, turning to position himself between Groot and the others. “The only freak I see here is you chumps.” Adry glanced at Rocket briefly before she nodded to the alien on her right. It nodded and leapt forward, grabbing Quill. He reeled, trying to turn away but was too slow. The punch hit his side like a hammer and he cursed, lashing out and kicking. His boot hit the alien in it’s back. It grunted and made to go for his face. There was a snarling sound and he watched Rocket leap on the second alien, scratching and biting. It spun, blindly trying to pry the creature from his head. Quill narrowly missed a throwing punch and stretched for his glass, throwing it in the face of the alien. Taking advantage of the momentary distraction Peter ducked, wrapping his arms around the alien’s torso and tackling him the ground. The bar dissolved into chaos. Peter wriggled his way out from under the alien, only to be hit in the neck by Adry’s own powerful tail, he grabbed around it and pulled himself up, inches away from her face. She hissed and twisted wrapping around his leg.
“Aaaah!” Going down once more Peter rolled trying to get her under him but she easily wriggled her way out of his grasp. His vision blurred momentarily as something hard connected with his temple.
“You flarking piece of shit!” Rocket’s graveling voice cursed and Peter felt the vibration of the floor as something heavy was brought down. He came to his senses, shook his head and kicked out with both feet before Adry could throw herself on him. She sailed across the dimly lit bar, knocking over two tables, and several other patrons. He got up, but didn’t have time to feel relieved as one of the aliens yelled, he turned and punched just in time, ignoring the pain in his wrist. Then he ran grabbing the alien from the back of his neck and meant to bang his head into the bar stool but it turned out of his grasp. Peter watched it reach for its blaster,
“Son of a…!” Something shattered, the alien blinked, then wobbled, then fell at Peter’s feet. Behind it Groot smiled mischievously in his pot, shards of glass littered the floor.
“I am Groooot!”
“Ey! Where did you hear that word?!” Rocket, still perched atop the second alien’s head shouted over the chaos. His rival made to grab at him but the raccoon was too quick, one clawed hand stabbed at the goon’s eye while he still looked half proud, half shocked in Groot’s direction. Adry’s feathered captain’s hat flashed in the corner of Peter’s vision and he dove, grabbing a chair and ran at her. She tried to backtrack but he brought down the chair on her side and she faltered,
“I really didn’t mean to steal your ship Adry! I just…” he was knocked back by her punch, falling against another creature, amid the many who had now begun to fight each other. Peter elbowed it in the face as it tried to grab him and ran back to intercede Adry who was reigning blows down on Rocket in an attempt to get him off her bodyguard. The raccoon hissed, using all fours he jumped from the whimpering alien, one hand over its eye, and on to the snake like woman. Peter took advantage and ran at her again, shoving down a heavy boot on the tip of her tail. She shrieked, turning on him and Rocket went back to the wounded guard. Trying to reach for its own gun with the hand that wasn’t on its eye, Rocket grinned.
“Nice try!” In a dash he ran under the alien’s legs, up its back, down across his chest and bit his hand, hard. Blood sprang from between Rocket’s fangs as the alien tried to wave him off. Peter parried in just enough time before another alien, this one a bat like creature, swept past him on its way to fight an odd bug like creature. “I am Groot!” The little plant’s ecstatic cry came over the maylay.
“Groot! Language!” Rocket scolded, through clenched teeth. He held on tight despite his contender trying to shake him off, banging him down on the bar counter. Peter advanced on Adry again,
“Listen I really don’t want to fight I just…” her long, snake like form coiled around him, even though she was cornered. Peter squirmed, breath being expelled out his lungs as she constricted.
“The penalty for stealing from me is death Star-Lord!” She roared. Damn it….I really expected my end would be a bit more exciting than a bar brawl…Peter kicked, arched his neck trying to see where Rocket was, to get his attention but the crowded loud establishment had since become a fray of uncoordinated violent revelry. Peter’s lungs burned, he fought against it but every time he did the coils around him tightened with unforeseen strength.
“Adry!” He sqeaked, voice cracking. “Please! We can…!” Her grip tightened, the colors in the room became fuzzy.
“Goodbye Star…” Wooosh, a hissing screech and what had been Adry’s leering face was now replaced by Gamora and her blade. Black sludge exploded as the coils around him went limp. In a rush of air Peter gapped, trying to suck in as much air as possible.
“What the hell were you thinking?” Gamora asked, picking him up before he even got the chance to steady himself. “You nearly got yourself killed!”
“I…d..didn’t mean to!” He choked out.
“Come on Rocket, we’re going back to the ship. Get your stuff.” Peter watched the fight slowly come to a cautious end. Patrons of the bar stepped, or crawled or limped away from them on either side, making an easy pass for Gamora and the three of them. Adry’s form still bled and Peter swallowed his stomach. Shit Gamora there was no need for decapitation…. The body guard Groot had knocked out groaned face down as the passed, the second one slumped against an over turned table, still covering its eye.
“The two of you are insufferable!” Gamora chided once they emerged from the bar. Peter held his head in his hands, still gulping for air. “What if you had been knocked out? What would have happened to Groot?”
“He was fine!” Rocket whined, hoisting the pot on his hip. “He held his own!” The green woman arched her brown skeptically.
“I can clearly see that, he’s not the one who almost got choked to death, or is licking his wounds.” At this Rocket ceased licking his left arm and avoided their gazes.
“We had it under control.” Peter wheezed, shuffling through the streets. She rolled her eyes.
Back on the ship, Drax received them with a congratulations, patting Peter on the back roughly.
“You fought well I can see!”
“Yeah thanks man, look did you make dinner? I’m straving.” He settled down in the common area, Drax frowned.
“No. I did not prepare a meal. Was I supposed to?” With an exasperated sigh Peter shrugged,
“Dude look at the chore wheel! It’s your turn!” The destroyer grimaced.
“I still do not understand this chore wheel. How can chores be on a wheel?” Peter sat, resting his elbows on the table where Rocket had set Groot down. The little plant happily played with his glass ball.
“I’d say we should leave this planet after the mess Quill and Rocket just got into,” Gamora stated, hands on her hips. “But on Nowhere such things seem to be common place. We don’t have another job at the moment yet, what do you suggest Peter?”
“I don’t know, but hey here’s something cool, Groot said his first words!” Drax’s eyes widened with pride,
“He did?! What were they?!” Peter sighed, leaning back against the bench. It’s safe now, we’re done. We’re on the Milano, he reminded himself.
“Take a wild guess,” he chuckled.
“I am Groot?”
“Bingo,” he gave the destroyer the thumbs up as Groot, on cue turned to Drax.
“I am Groot!” Peter watched Gamora break into a grin against her will and Drax happily take Groot’s pot into his hands. He touched his large forehead to the tree’s small one.
“I have longed to hear those words for many days my friend. I am sorry if I ever grew tired at them.” He slowly pulled back from Groot and set him down once more. Peter watched in awe, wishing he could remember a time when Yondu had spoken so affectionately.
“We should stay here the night,” he decided. “Everyone get some rest. We deserve it.” Gamora nodded, as did Drax. With relief Peter got up, aiming for the kitchen but paused looking at Groot who now began to blink with heavy lidded eyes. I’m still sorry buddy. I’m gonna help take care of you more. With a goofy grin, he pushed the pot under Gamora’s moonlit lamp. Rocket may be your trash panda father, but I get to be your goofy irresponsible man-child uncle.
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