#a'kini khotan
claihn · 4 years
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“How can I help you?” 
It’s my pastel gal, Kini again! This time done by the lovely Sasucchi!
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claihn · 5 years
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My pretty pastel girlie, Kini, done by one of my favorite artists, @elizastarkart !! I LOVE IT.
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claihn · 4 years
Colorless Decisions
“You're going to kill him.”
You're the fawn fumbling in the forest, A'kini. It is by the clever weaves of your troublesome mother and the merciful greed of your brother's heart that you survive in our home. A home of predators who believe you should die. That you should be dead. You'll never grow fangs or claws, but you've been given your role. A mercy. A path. So grow, little fawn. Grow knowing that you're destined to nourish those around you. There is no fear when one accepts the truth.
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“But A'kha-”
“Forget it! All of it!” He snapped. A’khato rose to stand upon the opposite side of the campfire with his starlit gaze glowering just over the hungry flames. Shadows danced over his form and his tail lashed at the air, but those hungry eyes locked onto Kini with unwavering resolve. His graveled voice chewed at the air when he spoke again with a hot undercurrent of tested patience.  
“I've taught you more than they ever did for us. They’d rather us be obedient puppets to dance to whatever pointless, numbing purposes they conspired on that rock. You've no doubt seen glimpses of the truth ever since we left, haven't you?! You're a tool but you're not stupid Kini. I wouldn't accept anything useless or idiotic at my side.”
Kini's blue eyes wavered and she hugged her knees tighter until her chest was all but pressing against her legs. Even as she stared into the hungry flames that illuminated their camp in a wash of orange, she knew he was still watching with an edge of patience.
“My magic isn't... I can't do th-that kind of magic. Last time I l-lost focus, you said...”
“I'm saying that you are going to kill him. Do you understand, Kini? Should I draw you a picture? I will be handling everyone else so surely you could deign to harm a single person on my behalf. You've recovered and will do so again. It's a worthy price and pain is the cost we always pay for unknowns. Don't tell me now this world has taught you to be fearful.”
“No! I...” Kini's voice faltered and she cringed, digging her nails into the leggings that hugged at her legs. Her eyes didn't water even if her chest felt tight and heat rose to her face. She never thought to cry or maybe she'd forgotten it long ago. It was hard to remember. “E-everyone I've ever met wants me to forget o-or to be different, but I can't! I can’t fix myself! I really do try e-especially for you, but i-it's like the mended bones. The scars. The reminders!”  
She bit her lower lip before blurting out once more, “I'm not meant to hurt anyone!”
The silence was worse than any vitriol or motion that A'khato could have chosen throw her way. Instead he remained standing with an unshakable, locked gaze through the flames. It was only until after she'd dared to look back up into those disappointed, hungry eyes that he rumbled just barely above the noise of the crackling fire.
“A tool not meant to kill, but forged to serve others. To serve me.”  His nose wrinkled and he shook his head before turning away with the crunch of dirt announcing his departure from the camp. It was as if her very presence disgusted him enough to drive him away for fresh air.  
“You need to make a choice, A'kini.”
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claihn · 4 years
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Traumas, they surround me I wish you’d just love me back
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claihn · 4 years
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“I’m so happy that I could be useful for you! Please call on me again, okay?” 
[ Wonderful art of Kini was done by Katzyrine! ] 
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claihn · 4 years
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Happy Starlight and Merry Christmas from all of my characters! 
It was a little difficult roping them all into taking a picture together (let alone getting’m to sign it.)   However, my characters and I wanted to express how thankful we are for all the kindness, support, roleplays, stories, inspirations and shenanigans we’ve received this year! All our love! 
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claihn · 4 years
Colorless Dreams
What truly is a beautiful dream? 
Perhaps long ago they were a gentle sweetness fading away to morning’s light like a melting cube of sugar upon the tongue. They had watercolor splashes of fancy- bold strokes of teeming teals, creeping corals and bountiful blues. Or was it simply the wind’s whispers as enchanted eyes beheld an endless melting sky of sunfires challenging the violet horizon?  
Someone once said that dreams were floating pieces of a soul’s reflection. They could sometimes change, travel, fade, break, birth or even grow. It’s no wonder then why so many covet and cherish their beautiful dreams. 
Melancholy. That’s what I feel whenever I think of beautiful dreams. The memories have faded just like the pictures themselves, but I can’t help but wrack mind in questions. Was it when I earned my jewelry? When I was scarred first? Last? Were there never any blazing hues and some empty space inside of me believed a lie? Did I pretend once upon a time I was just like everyone else? 
Please tell me. 
When did my dreams bleed their colors dry? 
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claihn · 4 years
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          Keep it in your heart,           It’s buried deep within your bones,          Don’t you come home,           Or I will never let you go✬ 
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claihn · 4 years
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Am I going to drown?
It had been an eerie cool drop of thought among the bubbling panic that had her body thrashing against a weight. Even as her lungs burned and she swallowed water, the idea of such a death was a gentle caress against the back of her mind, while instinct yowled and raked at it. That was the strange thing about pain and punishment- they all followed a similar vein yet had such unique flavors that it was difficult to encompass them all.  She couldn't arrange them from scariest to least scary. She couldn't sort them in her mind from worst to best.  
When she broke the surface of the water, instinct completely wrapped itself around her fragile frame. She sucked in tight, fiery breaths and clung to the nearest source of life as if letting go would cause her to sink endlessly once more. It hurt as it should, but she'd been reminded that any sliver of arrogance was a fool's mindset. Kini said she understood pain, but that was like claiming to understand the ocean, the air or the earth.  
Despite all of this, she still preferred the visceral sensation compared to what had been before. That hadn't hurt at all. In some ways it was an echo of what she'd experienced many times with an eager expression and a bounce in her step. At least the line hadn't been crossed. It was never crossed. Not yet.  Maybe that made it more terrifying. 
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“G-good afternoon!” Kini skidded to a stop in front of the familiar Auri man. She hastily bent over in a shallow, practiced bow with enough vigor that her long, wavy hair slipped around her shoulders. She was trying to catch her breath after running through Ul'dah's streets to meet with the familiar mercenary. It felt important to send the box right away though, so she'd dared to take the risk.
“Should I pretend this eagerness was to see me?” The Xaela smirked as his large tail swung around to gently slap against Kini's exposed thigh. She'd decided to wear her wrapped sandals to go with her usual worn, but well-kept ivory dress. The garment had seen many years, but her meticulous care for it had it still being acceptable to wear, even if the hem had to be touched upon once and awhile.
“It's not pretend!” Kini lifted her chin and clasped her hands in front of her chest. “I did rush so that I wouldn't be late. I'm v-very excited to help you today!”
It wasn't a lie. She was always happy to help, especially when it was a familiar face. Yet even as he lifted a heavy hand to pat her head and scratch behind her left ear, she couldn't help but inwardly wince. The weight was still on her chest, except this time there wasn't any water to explain it. Kini could still remember the paper beneath her fingertips and how she'd stayed up staring at the piece of parchment for hours. In the end, she'd barely written anything of value and had to simply accept what had been scrawled on the surface.  He said to try this idea. That maybe this would help. Maybe this will make the feeling go away. But why do I keep having this feeling?
Would it?
Would it unravel just as easily as the farce?
The wild, frenzied beating of her sore heart that threatened to deafen her working ear. The clammy chill that dripped from her nervous palms. The swollen, clawed grip on her throat that denied her words. The weak, uncontrolled tremble of her aching legs. The screaming panic of her warring mind. The reminder of failure and terror at the misstep that sent her crashing down the stairs she thought she'd built. The mistake of her own creation. Her own fault. 
That rough, calloused weight pinning her down beneath the water.
Would it all get fixed?
Am I going to drown?
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claihn · 4 years
[[ Warning: Bugs. Violence. Language. ]] 
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“So... you're not mad?”   Two shadows flickered against the wooden wall opposite from twin flickering candles. The lights rested upon a table nestled against a window frame and a blanket of stars twinkled behind the glass. The familiar scent of the ocean, leather and spice blanketed Kini like an old shawl that threatened to tempt her into relaxation. This was a quiet place that was absent of confusion, muddling ideas and loud voices. “No,” A'khato rumbled. His large, calloused hands navigated a roll of bandages with meticulous precision around his sister's fingers. Her other arm was already fully wrapped with snug support that covered the entirety of her hands all the way up to her elbows. She winced when he brought a cloth, saturated in pungent minty mix, and wiped at some of the blistered lacerations. The area was then patted dry before he went to work again, little by little bandaging up her injuries. “Why?”  Kini couldn't help but whisper, biting her lower lip. Her watery blue eyes surveyed his stern features, noting how there was an edge to his expression, but it was distant. Almost satisfied. His medium-length, wild cut locks of ebony hair were tousled in various directions and the charcoal paint on his cheek was smudged to the side. His motions paused and his lips pursed at her question, until he dragged his gaze up at her with a flicker of annoyance.  Kini winced an apologetic smile and ducked her head with ears flattening sideways. Oops. “You've always been impulsive. Do better next time. This mistake could've made you useless, and don't let it slow down your work.” He reprimanded her, although his words were flat and bored sounding. He went back to navigating the bandages. The silence between them grew palpable, as was the knowledge that both siblings knew the question was unanswered. He'd given a response, of course. Yet just as A'khato could read Kini with little trouble, so could she pick up on his tells. He was calm, but he was too focused on simple motions. His tail was actively twitching back and forth.   What aren't you telling me? She knew better than to prod an agitated King. At least this time.
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She had her back pressed against the warm, stoned wall of the hallway. He smelled like ale and herbs, especially as he crowded his body against hers. Pudgy, greedy hands wandered over her frame and Kini could feel his breath against her right ear. It made her flinch and she'd asked him politely to leave that side alone, but for some reason people always mistook her. Clearly she trembled because she enjoyed it. She flinched because it was sensitive. She was just playing coy.  I hate it. Her eyes were glancing past him though, and instead she absently nodded at the words he was mumbling. Something about smells and fancy clothes. It was hard to hear when he was mouth breathing against her right side instead of her left. She found herself focusing on the light beneath the crack of the doorway that led into the living room. Kini could faintly hear the deep, baritone voice of her brother along with a higher, barked voice of the woman he was meeting with. This was a job that her brother had asked her to come along as a temptation. Almost like old times, except now he thought she should be better as a “professional” distraction. Kini didn't mind. It gave her a flutter of happiness to be of use on one of his missions, even if it was a boring one without any fighting. Those were always her favorite. She enjoyed using her magic to assist him, while he killed anything that stood in his way. He was a force of nature. A force of nature that sometimes she was lucky enough to protec-no. Assist. Behold. Adore. “Fucking distracted?!” The man hissed as he gripped the top of her shoulder and gave her a shake. Kini's eyes snapped back to attention to flash him a delicate, apologetic wince. “S-sorry! I just thought I heard something. You seem very nice.” She bumbled out the words, although the stuffy man sneered in response. His fingers dug a little more into her skin, while the other scrunched up the airy, cotton fabric of her skirt and began to roughly yank at it. Once, twice and then the sound of tearing along with the painful stretch of the opposite side cutting into her skin announced the gaining success of his goal.   “Even dressed up all fancy, guess you're still just a novice whore, huh? That's fine. You're gonna be here a loooong time. Plenty of suns, moons to train you to be a real slut.”  His eyes glittered darkly and Kini felt a lump rise in her throat, even more than his pressing weight.   “N-no. I'm j-just here as my brother's assistant. When he's done, I have to leave too. I already have a jo-” Her words were cut off by a barking laugh from the man. His greasy fingers on her shoulders instead moved to her neck and he leaned into the motion. Kini acted on instinct and drew in a quick, squelched gasp before a pressured strain began to build in her face from the lack of air. “Stupid kitten. Your brother is going to die here tonight. All this is just a wasted effort and he just brought a little prize for our game. So jus-” 
The man was still talking, but the rest of his words drizzled away. Perhaps it was the frantic pounding of her heart or the pressure in her ears. Your brother is going to die. Why was it always her brother? A furrowed brow from a stranger. A clatter of knives. A bite to the neck. Desperation. Panic. A murmur of disapproval. Warm, questioning words between sips of honey-mead. Isolation. A threatened hand. I need him. My savior. My King. Don't take him away from me. Don't take him away from me. Don'ttakehimawayfromme! DON'T FUCKING TOUCH HIM. Kini's eyes widened as they locked onto the man, but there was no flicker of fear. There was a heavy pause of staring into the eyes like an unhinged doll before silvery blue light spilled from her pupils to engulf her vision. She grabbed the man's arms, nails digging like a vice with a false sense of strength. The warm, pleasant air of the room plummeted like a stone and the man felt an annoying, tiny bite upon his wrist. Then another upon his elbow. Two near his hands. Two became four, four became twenty, twenty became a hundred and the biting pinpricks rapidly dominated his body. Kini stared blankly at him, ignoring the growing chill of his body as rime formed upon her own arms, harmlessly blossoming here or there upon the man's own bulbous form. He, however, stared in horror as skittering, chittering bugs of all shapes and sizes burrowed their way out of his skin. They tore through muscle, wriggling and bulging just underneath flesh. Thousands of legs tickled at every inch of him, both inside and out. They filled his lungs. They consumed his tongue. They crawled over his eyes and churned in his stomach. The man screamed, threw Kini to the side and fled to the door. He battered against it once, twice and three times before he broke his nose but managed to get it open.   A'khato and the woman inside both started from where they sat across from each other at a dining table. The man barely made through the entrance before he collapsed on the floor, spasming and spittling at the mouth. His scream was silent, skin sickly but otherwise alive even if he looked blankly to the side from his new slobbering spot upon the floor. No bugs. No blood. Only flecks of inconsequential ice. 
Kini's eyes had returned to normal and she staggered through the doorway, leaning against the frame. Her face was blanched, breath heavy and her partially rimed arms hung loosely at her sides with spidery, dark bruises along their lengths to compliment the smattering of bleeding blisters.  Yet her expression was cold and unflinching. The collapsed piece of garbage went completely ignored in favor of looking to her brother, voice deadpan. “A'khato, they're trash.”
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“Do you want me to be mad at you?”  A'khato's voice broke the silence when he finished bandaging her arms. He peered up at her, searching. Kini quickly shook her head. She noticed the yellow, gold and black bracelet that he wore around his wrist. The ribbons had been carefully braided until they were thickly corded with a flat, obsidian gem nestled in the center.  She closed her eyes, drew in a deep breath and made a show of wiggling her fingers with a wince. “G-good as new!” He rolled his eyes and rose from his seat, gesturing to the bed. “Rest here. When you leave tomorrow, don't be stupid and bother with your bag. You can get it another time.” A'khato sighed, rubbed the back of his neck and stretched languidly a moment after. His footsteps carried him to the doorway where he paused and glanced over his shoulder back at his sister. Golden eyes narrowed into slits and a sinuous growl formed into words. “Don't do that ever again.” He left. A muffled clatter of plates announced his location in the kitchen a few minutes later. She ducked her head and found toes wiggling to jingle the bell attached to her thin anklet. He hadn't waited for the answer, but she was grateful for the mercy.  They both knew it was an empty promise to make, but even so- Kini couldn't help but capture a sliver of happiness from it. 
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claihn · 4 years
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“You must like the attention they give to you. You've always liked attention. Give me your hand.”
Maybe it was a game of pretend. Kini lifted her head up, still kneeling partially in the closet as she flickered her gaze to the wide, open room. It was one of the vacant abodes ready to be claimed by another, yet still furnished for guests. She'd nearly contemplated asking one of the staff if perhaps she could borrow their closet, but that would have been rude. Miss Aurina had spoken about how such rooms were provided, (She didn’t understand. Why would Miss Tanshi extend a hand to so many, let alone a worthless object?) but Kini couldn't manage it. Even if she could own furniture or found herself able to purchase any, it would gnaw at her like an anxious wound. Bedrooms had too much space. They were too vulnerable. Open. Lavish. A'kini needed to have the sensation of something solid against her body and to be curled away when she was alone.
She did enjoy the Lantern immensely. A thought about the beautiful building situated in the Beds brought a shy smile to her face. There was always a flickering spark of joy whenever she greeted a face both familiar and new. Even if she didn't understand so many aspects of what seemed to be normal, it still often brought a touch of warmth. It felt like a rare treat, almost like when she got her hands on a fresh flaky pastry or discovered a new pattern of ribbon. Yet she didn't dare call it home. She couldn't. There was a reason A'kini was now just Kini, even if one day she prayed that it would change. She just had to work harder.
“I expected better from you and I was disappointed. It's nothing new; we should both be used to it... ...You can't be trusted with difficult decisions. You're lucky you didn't ruin this opportunity altogether.”
That meant not faltering or making mistakes. Ever since they'd left, the wider world had tested her and thrown all sorts of confusions her way. More importantly, she'd been messing up a lot recently and it had to stop. The idea of it not stopping terrified her. A'khato had always given her reminders, even if having to do so was a nuisance. Yet then she'd screwed that up too. Please. Why?! Why did she ask for the repercussion when it only drew attention to what they both knew?! The cunning flecks of jeweled gold had surveyed her after that blunder and she keenly remembered how her stomach twisted into knots.  He’d been calculating. Looming. An inevitable wall. He was going to change things up. Creativity from her brother was the most terrifying result in the world.
“You think you can tell me what I want and don't want? ”
He'd found it too. Easily. A new weakness. A slow, sinuous pressure that was foreign and deceptively gentle. A poison that required no careful measures or ingestion.  And Kini had cracked. The tool was supposed to be unwavering. Reliable. How many years had it been reforged, tested and used?  I don't like this. Wrong. Stupid. Move. Stupid.
And if she messed up, it would happen again.
Please don't be trash. Please don't forget!
Kini's eyes washed over the contents of the closet, noting the corner where she'd carefully arranged her precious objects. A few folded pieces of soft, new clothes- truly new – along with a pair of unworn shoes, lingerie and even a coin purse for her trinkets. There was a flicker of pride in her chest for having bought something on her own with coin that she'd been allowed to keep. Kini had even purchased a gift for the exchange the Lantern had held and hadn't needed to steal anything out of discarded piles. Although, realization was settling on her shoulders like a weighted blanket that she had no inclination towards the lasting power of gil. The amount he'd let her keep felt like it surely had to last for years, and yet already the pile had dwindled enough to fit in her coveted purse. She had to force concern from her mind. Eventually there would be a next time. She'd do better. That was how she learned, wasn't it?
“Sometimes tools need maintenance. Oiling. Screws tightened.”
Her watery blue eyes noted the other objects delicately placed against the clothes. The sight alone had her teeth grazing against her lower lip and lifting her hand to rub her thumb against her fingers. They'd healed now, but that had been weeks ago. She kept getting distracted by a more distressing sight. The gifts. Gifts- what did that even mean? Why did she deserve them? Why were they so nice? The beautiful splash of colors of the rainbow fan. The velvet box that held the ribbon and bell within. (It wasn't jewelry. It was made from a ribbon. It wasn’t!) She’d make it all right again.
“It's just a test. I'll adapt- I'm good at that. I'll remember too. I won't forget.”  Kini's voice trembled as her eyes continued to hone in on the delicate items before she ducked her head forward closed her eyes.  Her fingers dug into the fabric of her dress, while her right ear attempted to disappear into the faint waves of her blonde hair. The spool of golden ribbon. The wondrously decorated hat box with lavish ribbons. The former a favor and the latter an exchange. That was fine. Those had to be alright there. The tool was just being useful.
It took a few more quiet moments. A deep breath later. The memory of a song to hum on lips. A practiced smile. At least it was okay to play pretend.
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claihn · 5 years
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“Levels of trust... I think I understand that now. Although as long as I’m useful, I don’t mind.”
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claihn · 5 years
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Inktober Day 4 | Freeze
Kini & A’khato symbolism! Was excited to do this idea when I first glanced over the prompts and I’m pretty satisfied with it. Also I realized today I need a scanner because of shiny ink, but oh well! Phone pictures it is!
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claihn · 4 years
Character Tendencies: A’kini Khotan
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 Bold - a constant truth || Italics - a sometime truth
smoking: the action or habit of inhaling and exhaling the smoke of tobacco or a drug.
binge drinking: the consumption of an excessive amount of alcohol in a short period of time.
drug abuse: the habitual taking of illegal drugs.
nail biting: a common body language sign of anxiety/tension.
lip biting: a common body language sign of anxiety/tension.
night owl: a person who is habitually active or wakeful at night.
early bird: a person who rises, arrives, or acts before the usual or expected time.
negative attitudes: a philosophy of approaching life with criticism & pessimism.
positive attitudes: a philosophy of approaching life with optimism & confidence.
swearing: the use of offensive language.
superstitious: an irrational belief that an object, action, or circumstance not logically related to a course of events influences its outcome.
inspecting fingernails: a common body language sign of boredom.
scratching rubbing your neck: a common body language sign of uncertainty.
foot and finger tapping: a common body language sign of stress/impatience.
nose touch: a subtle body language sign of deceit.
flipping hair: a common body language sign of craving attention.
twirling hair: a common body language sign of flirtation.
cracking knuckles: a common body language sign of readiness.
hands behind back: a common body language sign of confidence.
finger pointing: a common body language sign of authority.
hands on hips: a common body language sign of readiness.
hands in pockets: a common body language sign of mistrust/reluctance.
frequent touch: a common body language sign of warmth/familiarity.
throat - clearing: a common body language sign of rejection/doubt.
jaw - clenching: a common body language sign of hostility.
eye - rolling: a common body language sign of irritation.
head - tilt: a common body language sign of interest.
whistling: to emit high - pitched sound by forcing breakthrough a small hole between one’s lips or teeth; usually to a tune.
humming: make a low, steady continuous sound like that of a bee; usually to a tune.
perfectionism: refusal to accept any standard short of perfection.
photographic memory: the ability to remember information or visual images in great detail.
paranoia: a mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self - importance, typically worked into an organized system.
exaggeration: a statement that represents something as better or worse than it really is.
intuitive: using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning; instinctive.
quick - witted: showing or characterized by an ability to think or respond quickly & effectively.
interrupting: breaking the continuity of a conversation with one’s own statements.
doodling: to scribble or make rough drawings, absentmindedly. (Except ribbon crafts.)
irritable: having or showing a tendency to be easily annoyed.
gambling: to play games of chance for money; bet.
travel sick: suffering from nausea caused by the motion of a moving vehicle, boat, or aircraft.
sensitive: having or displaying a quick & delicate appreciation of others’ feelings.
melancholy: a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause.
chewing gum: the exercise of chewing flavored gum which is not intended for swallowing.
fidgeting: to make small movements, especially of the hands & feet, through nervousness or impatience.
skeptical: not easily convinced; having doubts or reservations.
neat - freak: compulsively obsessed with cleanliness.
gossiping: divulging personal information about others.
prim: feeling or showing disapproval of anything regarded as improper; stiffly correct.
abbreviating: giving others nicknames/shortening names/giving pet names.  
having a catchphrase: having a sentence or phrase typically associated with a specific person.
Tagged by: @esme-selah​ (Thank you kindly! This was fun to do!) 
Tagging: @sylvistral​ @norahffxiv​ @quirkycoterie​ @verkoh​ @primrose-morningdew​ @thegoldenlark​ @forthepursuitofknowledge​ @yutikyis​ @crystal-high-jinks​ @miqojak​ @kailani-ffxiv​  & anyone else who would like to do it! Fudge am I bad at remembering who all to tag.  x_x If you’ve done it before then nothing to see! -thesearen’tthedroidsyou’relookingfor- 
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claihn · 4 years
Single Gif for My Character  [The Gals]
A’kini Khotan
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Mana Mizu
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Sixty Six
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claihn · 5 years
[Bal/Crys] LFRP: A’kini Khotan
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Name: Kini   [Full Name: A’kini Khotan; Nickname: Little Bur] Gender: Female Age: 20 Race: Miqo’te, Seeker of the Sun Birthplace: Near the Rothlyt Sound, east of the Black Shroud Current Residence: Homeless.  Relationship Status: Single Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Occupation: None currently, but will try doing most anything if it means gil, goods, etc.
Hair: A light blonde that shifts to a slight strawberry hue towards the ends. Eyes: Light blue Height: 4′8″ Distinguishing Marks: A thin grazed scar that passes over her right eye (marking the brow and just the top of her cheek) and a short, claw-like scar near the right side of her jawline.  Common Accessories: A solid rose gold bangle around her left ankle with a tiny jingle bell attached to it. Otherwise due to her lack of funds, Kini will once and awhile try to collect ribbons to help her appearance. It isn’t uncommon for her to have them tied into her hair or somewhere upon her person for a splash of color. 
Kini was groomed to support her sibling and due to such an upbringing, she finds herself lost and indecisive without another’s direction. Despite her codependency issues, she is a vibrant individual who feels her best when she’s proven useful. Curious, energetic, meticulous and a bit resilient in her own way, A’kini Khotan is a wandering soul unsure of her own purpose. 
Talents: Supportive magic (Minus healing), sensing magic, observant Weakness: Lacks physical strengths, gullible, deafness in her right ear, pushover Religion: The Twelve Alignment: Neutral, but unsettled and shifts depending on who she is with. Morally confused!
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Only looking for LT connections please, but of any kind! 
✩ Easy Target - Kini is relatively new to the lands beyond her tribe and is a bit out of her element. This in combination with her personality could make her a target for those looking to prey on others. Perhaps your character decides to use her as a distraction, talk her into helping with an “odd” job or any number of other things!  ♠ A Pick-me-up - Perhaps your character appeared down on their luck or like they could use a boost? While she doesn’t haphazardly throw support magic about, if she feels like someone truly could use it (or she’s asked) then Kini wouldn’t blink at providing assistance. It could be as simple as assisting someone struggling to lift a large crate or a more complex scenario! ✩ The Little Bur - Kini accepts hand outs or good will, but she usually feels very compelled to return them. A little bit of food might find your character being tailed by A’kini as she looks for a way to repay what was offered to her. A splash of kind attention will have her keeping a look out for the same familiar face. She is also very easy to hire if someone extends a job or a task to her. Kini is always eager to be useful to someone however she can! ♠ Insert Brainstorm Here - Bad guys? Good guys? Friends? Not-so-friends? There are plenty more ideas to brainstorm up and Kini is open and friendly enough to bumble into plenty of scenarios, establishments and individuals! Definitely antagonist friendly. ✩ Always open to more ideas! General or specific, hit me up with anything.
Genres: Dark, Mature, Adventure, Action & Drama tend to be my favorite genres! I favor serious themes and conflict, gore, adult themes, etc are okay so long as it fits the characters. Length: 1-3ish paragraphs in-game, but honestly it’ll depend on the situation! If RP happens on Discord, it can be longer depending on the scenario and my mood. Quality over quantity though! Server: Balmung Timezone: EST Availability: In-game: anytime after 6/8 PM. Discord: I check Discord throughout the day! Contact Information: @claihn via Tumblr, Lain#0004 on Discord Other: I consider myself a pretty friendly, understanding and flexible individual. All I ask is for good communication so we’re on the same page when it comes to schedules or plot ideas! Also I am most interested in in-game RP at the moment, but can make exceptions for Discord. I just find Discord RP tends to go slowly if it’s posted at leisure, which can make plots fizzle out.
Thank you for your time! If A’kini doesn’t catch your interest- Kincaid & Mana are also active!
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