#a virtual reality even
lestatlioncunt · 3 months
i wish ai art could all explode in a snap of the fingers and every company dealing with it crumble to the ground
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astrovagrant · 8 months
yay yippee can't wait to go to class in 15 minutes [hard cut to me listening to this cannot-be-out-of-her-30's professor gushing about tech companies and smart homes and what alexa can do for you and virtual reality (dergatory) for an hour and a half]
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kuroshirosb · 7 months
Had a horrid thought
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waitingforminjae · 10 months
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artidoesthings · 11 months
this show is officially making me lose my mind
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chromatic-corrosion · 6 months
#NEW ESCAPING VIRTUALITY CHAPTER YEAGH!!!!#this chapter is amazing. absolutely worth the wait!#every chapter is better than the last. im not joking.#well. i think its time to discuss the chapter.#Able Desdemona exists! considering Caine's name- he and Abel are definitely brothers.#i hope nothing bad happened between Abel and Caine like their namesakes. but parting regrets are such fun to imagine.#also: what the hell happened in what used to be Abel's office? and why was he terminated?#wouldnt it be nice if Caine kept the 'Abel Desdemona' nametag?#so... Caine is human and has always been human.#and he had his memories removed.#hes really living up to meaning of 'Desdemona.'#i for some reason feel like the removal of his memories was agonizingly painful.#maybe because i have enough burn scars to know that fire is agonizing.#i wouldnt even blame him if he is terrified by fire#considering the past chapters. the other humans all think that Caine is just a AI that got a human body when brought into reality.#i wonder how the others will react when they find out Caine has always been human.#but how will they find out he is human? ...what about Jax? he has found the 'Caine Desdemona' file.#nobody except Jax has seen that file yet. that file would shock and confuse everyone-#-considering that nobody knows Caine has always been human.#the fact Caine thinks that the outside world only consists of the office is rather sad.#i wonder howd he feel about the real sun and moon.#for some reason i feel like caine is the type of person to have nightmares extremely frequently. i dont know where this idea came from.#overall. this story is great and i want the fanfic injected into my bloodstream. if thats not allowed- then i will offer my heart to it.#cant wait for the next chapter! please dont rush yourself! and have a good day/evening/noon/night!#seasalt speaks#EscapingVirtuality
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bluesunsdusk · 1 year
Thread By Thread
An omium lay desolate and isolated, sectioned off by security detail. Helix Security had mad a lot of effort to make sure no one could enter any of the still-standing omniums after the incident that destroyed a portion of the Australian outback. Most people never entered the complex, leaving it susceptible to damage from neglect and pests. Some omniums that had managed to evade detection before the end of the crisis became dusty and overgrown, causing a hazard for the fusion cores a few still had. So, perhaps, this fate where it was guarded was preferable. They always made sure at least the core was stable. They had learned their lesson, after all. They knew it wasn't something to be messed with.
A skittering sound bounced from the walls and through the sharp geometric architecture deep within the omnium, past swathes of security personnel. It stopped and was followed by a series of high-pitched clicks. Another set of clicks and mechanical squeaks came from a small distance away of it. As if in response, a lower series of clicks and thrumming echoed after it. It was soft, like a whisper, compared to the others. As soon as it was done, the other also weakened their tones.
Two small slicers vacated the room with a few quadrupedal units with a single arm attachment in tow.
It went quiet again, only for the silence to be cut through with a buzzing. Light flickered from the entrance. It continued, sometimes interrupted, sometimes accompanied by small clicks or creaks.
Eventually, the tapping of metal on metal announced the return on the small omnic units. Their pitter-patter triggered a brief pause in activity within the room. After a small low machine hum, it continued. The quadrupeds carried thick metal cords and tubes in their clamps. A segmented metal tendril reached out to the units and rapped into the loop of cord one of them held. It let go and allowed the tendril to carry the bundle away.
The tendril traveled all the way to the other end of the room, where Setesh lay half on their back. Their long neck twisted and they poked their head out from under a set of metal tubes, large optics scanning over the wires, examining them. Setesh looked to the small unit that brought it in and spoke to it in the low clicks that went through the halls previously. "Good," they had said, in their own strange machine language. The quadrupedal unit wiggled briefly from side-to-side as a mimicry of an excited pup once addressed.
Setesh returned to their work, moving the coil of wires and their head under the large structure they were working on. Several wires hung over their face, sparking slightly, hanging loosely. Chewed through by rodents, perhaps. Many rat nests had to be eradicated when they arrived, after all. It wasn't like Helix Security cared to look after this marvel of technology. To them, it was merely a machine, a monster, a harbinger of destruction. The omnium had done nothing but protect itself and the omnics were no more than its only form of defense. Human soldiers never bothered to consider why a machine instructed to do something would do anything in its power to continue what it was constructed to do. It was a basic discussion in AI for decades and yet... Now it sat there, dormant, stuck in a virtual environment where it could enact its purpose for quarantine.
Uncoiling the cords, Setesh began to measure how much of these they'd need to replace parts of the thick wires above them. They spoke to a unit again and it trotted off to an end of the room. After some work, the sparks of the wires Set was under ceased. They moved one hand to hold the wires in place and the other to cut it. They took out a section and placed it to the side. Two more arms folded out from the underside of their chest plate. They took a section of the metal cord they'd been brought and held it in the additional hands, allowing them to carefully cut and shape the cord. Strings of superheated hard light flowed out of their palms and moved with the motion of their fingers. It pulled at the metal, bending and twisting it until it was the same length and shape as the piece of wire Setesh had removed.
They took it between their fingers after allowing it to harden and examined it once again before placing it in the space they had made in the wiring. The fingers of one hand folded out and back, making room for the element in their palm to be more visible. They held the wire still and a small buzzing sound came from the bit in their palm as they nearly touched it to the wire and a bright blue light shined from it. They did the same on the other end.
Now it just needed a protective covering...
Setesh glances at the palms of their hands, the hard light generator bits still visible. It shouldn't be too complex of a shape to perform. They looked at the newly placed wire and contemplated for a few moments. Eventually, fine strings of hard light formed from their palms again and they latched the ends of each on what still remained of the original wire covering. One-ove-another, they wove the threads together, in a lattice structure until tightened together like a reinforced sheet of fabric with a transparent blue sheen.
Staring at the results, Setesh couldn't help but be somehow surprised. They had heard of the exploits of the Vishkar's hard light technology, Maximilien had done a wonderful job of selling it to them when he attempted to convince them to join him, but they hadn't yet taken quite this approach to it. This tool was meant for construction and yet they had adapted it to destroy. They only used it in construction for minor matters or temporary repairs. This was more permanent, slightly more grand in scale, more complex. And yet, it was extremely familiar.
It was quick. It was...easy.
It was almost like that which they had already been made to do.
They looked at their hands again. One of the slicers squeezed its way next to Setesh's head and gently poked their plates. It shuffled back out and waited for Setesh to follow. The slid back and sat up, looking down at the little mechanical creature.
It emitted a croak in a rough and unwelcoming tone and hopped, spinning into another direction and walking off.
Damage detected. What more did this omnium need fixed? Maybe, their creator would appreciate more than mere repairs. Perhaps, it could use a little upgrade. It won't be the shimmering jewel of Oasis, but it would be an improvement, it could be a step towards it.
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spectrearia-archive · 10 months
me: *shares my art of an original story concept that my friend and I are really happy with*
the only comments i got on dA: "this makes me think of -insert story i've never heard of-" and "is this inspired by -show i've never watched-?"
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onestepfcrward · 1 year
what if phantom ruby ! shadow 🤔
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shiftperception · 1 year
philosophy teacher says “the AI future won’t be like the matrix” then describes his prediction of AI becoming a “hyper intelligent oracle,” in relation to the idea of algorithms getting more and more effective at reading us and predicting our desires/actions before we even realize them- even branching into the illusion of true total free will. my brother in christ you just described a character from it!!
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glambytes · 2 years
Tag Dump: Jeremy Fitzgerald!
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{ well; just get through one more night! || jeremy } { 🔦 v; stay calm; stay calm || f.n.a.f 2 🔦 } { 🔦 v; saveher || post bite 🔦 } { 🔦 v; jeremy’s quest || fright guard 🔦 } { 🔦 v; almighty janitor || plex au 🔦 } { 🔦 v; youcant || ghost 🔦 } { 🔦 v; virtual reality || help wanted 🔦 } { 🔦 v; jerry and the holograms || plex au 2.0 🔦 } { 🔦 v; the golden years 🔦 } { make sure they don’t hurt anyone; okay? || jeremy musings/aes } { jeremy visage } { and to share both his grief and his joy || jeremy hc }
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godmindedgaming · 2 years
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homunculus-argument · 8 months
If you know anyone who seems really chill to the point of being virtually indestructible, like nothing could ever bother them in any way, could get hit by a train and just shake it off and be totally fine, laughing it off as soon as they've dusted themselves off and stopped bleeding, but who occasionally just randomly falls apart to complete fucking smithereens with seemingly no cause nor warning, only to get back up again a few minutes/hours/days later like "ok yeah I'm fine again that was weird lmao", and you've ever wondered what the fuck is up with that:
They are actually not ok and most likely are not ok at any point. The whole "hardiest person you know who just collapses randomly sometimes" thing isn't a deliberately constructed façade, as a matter of fact it might be something that they actually personally believe themselves to be. But in reality this is somebody who's either unintentionally learned or has been deliberately trained to hide negative emotions and mask symptoms at all costs, as the #1 priority that goes over any other survival needs.
So even though it may look like they go from 1 to 100 completely at random and unpredictably, and then swing right back again to being totally fine, you have no way of knowing how long they've been at 95% before the last line of defense broke down and the system collapsed. And once they flip back up, odds are that they just managed to scrape their shit back together again just enough to get their backup masking systems running. The "check engine" light never turned on because the wire was clipped years ago.
If this is you, this is your callout to seek some sort of help. I'm telling on everyone in this room including myself.
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wuwubean · 7 months
man im looking at the new quest 3 and i just… i hate that facebook is the one leading vr right now. because this thing looks fucking awesome. i know they’re lying about how good the passthrough is for marketing but just the whole concept is so undeniably cool. but of course the people leading the charge is the cartoonishly evil company that’s going to sell all the tracking data for profit, because we don’t get nice things.
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aurosoulart · 2 months
someone on twitter linked me this chandelier and I NEEDED to see if I could create my own..... I want to make it floaty and bap it around my room at night
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poputepi · 9 months
so wild... my broke self is getting a VR headset?? my friend sent me their old, barely used one over the mail and it's already on the way 🥹 any moots play VRchat?
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