#a past not forgotten.
wardingshout · 6 months
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Travelling for Day 4 of SpeSilverWeek! going to Mt. Silver to visit "the extended family"...
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spicebowl · 2 years
while i respect everyone over on twitter wanting to "tumblr" elon musk, and they may even be able to do something similar, the only true way to pull off what tumblr did to verizon is to straight face post cringe and awful shit on twitter so severely it actively tanks investments. tumblr did this without trying and borderline on accident. you have to scare away every advertiser except ball shaving ads. you have to become hated by every corner of the internet. you have to bring apple to its knees and force it to remove twitter from the app store. quite literally good fucking luck, god speed warriors, i cant wait to see what actually happens but it is so bold to think what tumblr did wasnt just a perfect storm of degeneracy, drama, staff incompetence, and straight up criminal content.
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ineed-to-sleep · 5 months
W. Wait. Hold on a second
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Lemme just
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Oh no
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mercifullymad · 11 months
i feel passionately about the need to enfold people experiencing (or diagnosed) with "just" depression or anxiety into the mad pride project. the more people who view themselves as mad, the better. much as the rhetorical move from "neurotypical" to "neuroconforming" emphasizes the artifice & social construction of "neurotypicality," so too will expanding identification as "mad" expose the sane/mad dichotomy as a false one.
it's true that (some) people with "just" depression and/or anxiety have an easier time navigating the psych system than people who have more stigmatized diagnoses. but this is not to say that they necessarily have an easy time — the carceral psych system is hostile to everyone subsumed by it, even the most "privileged" patients. we should of course critique & examine how our experiences are shaped by various intersections of privilege, but we cannot forget or ignore how someone with "just" a depression/anxiety diagnosis can still experience the full force of the carceral psych system brought down upon them (including but not limited to involuntary institutionalization, police intervention, & forced medication or other forced treatment).
we must encourage, if not insist, that those with the least-stigmatized diagnoses view their difficult experiences navigating the psych system as bound up with the liberation of people who have more stigmatized diagnoses &, often, a more violent experience of the psych system. we need more people to drop the "i have anxiety/depression but i'm not crazy" line and say loudly, "i have anxiety/depression & i am crazy. my access to just treatment is linked to the conditions of all other crazy people, who are my allies, peers, & friends. we are united in our cause & we all deserve a more liberating system of care."
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hualianschild · 5 months
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just a glimpse of street entertainer xie lian and I already love him
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liauditore · 14 days
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how many belts and buckles does she need someone save me.
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jojo-schmo · 1 month
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For eons, an ancient voice toiled alone in the illusory realm of its own making. Until one day, a desperate soul seeking salvation for her pack had a fated encounter with its remnants in the waking world. The ancient voice’s cries for freedom and vengeance engulfed her.
From then on, the Queen of Beasts began to dream with her eyes wide open- tirelessly carrying out the will of these dreams.
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thirdeyeblue · 3 months
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Doctor Who | S3E4 | Daleks in Manhattan
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rassicas · 2 months
hi guys! im back. i went tokyo for a few days. got back at 7 this morning after taking an overnight 7 hour bus ride.... that i did not sleep on bc i cant sleep in moving vehicles. this will be something closer to a proper blog post i guess. splatoon related convention? experience below
i've kept my mouth shut about my plans to go because its not as well known on the english side of the fanbase and i didnt wanna make people too jealous sorry LOL , but i went to splaket 22! it's an unofficial, splatoon-only doujinshi market/artists alley. this was my first convention-sort-of event ive been to since i was... in high school. i also dont really get to meet many other hardcore splatoon fans irl. i was nervous about it because i don't know a whole lot of people on the JP side nor do i have a lot of confidence in my japanese speaking/listening, but in the end it was SUPER fun. i wish i couldve talked a bit more to the artists i did encounter to comment on what i liked about their works but. Skill Issue very few non-japanese people at this event of course but one of the only english speakers i saw i called out to bc they were wearing a shirt with this exact image printed on it no video and no photos outside of designated areas were allowed so i got like. zero pics of my own. but there was a lot of cosplayers i saw! oh and here's the Loot Haul. a few doujin, a clear file, stickers, microfiber cloth and a keychain. im surprised at how little i got, i think i shouldve gone a bit crazier with it
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the one with Tao Blu and oonie in the top left (by sachikazerick) I came across by chance and bought because it was cute, featured splatband characters, and also because it all in some familiar inkling language (the last point of which i told the artist as i was buying) when i finally got home and saw the back credits...
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SMALL FUCKIN WORLD LOL (i tweeted at the artist afterwards to let him know i came by the table and to thank him for using me and my friend's inkling language fonts!) though truly, i think ardnin deserved the credit more rather than me since he made most of those fonts! ah well, still cool to see more and more fan works using deciphered inkling language. top middle book is a story with some salmonid characters that i havent read yet but im looking forward to it, the art is lovely. top right one was the first thing i bought. the artist is rk_splaworks, whose art i love, and we've been mutuals for a few years and have talked a bit here and there! i was so fucking nervous to meet them in person since my japanese sucks LMAO but they were happy to meet me too and we got a selfie together yippy <3 also havent read their doujin Yet since ill have to rub all my brain cells together and huddle over the dictionary, but i want their oc lore
ok that's all i'll say, next splaket is...june 22. very soon....im already thinking ill. go again. yknow. while im still in japan and all that. i guess ill have to study harder on my jp in the meantime teehee ...i doubt it, but in the off chance anyone following me is going to the next splaket in june lemme know!
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hychlorions · 6 months
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they match :')
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fellsoleander · 3 months
oh nothing just thinking about that period between xvii and xviii where flint wakes up alone in a cell, his partner’s blood drying on his face, and realizes with a terrible clarity that nothing will be the same ever again
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notsocharmy · 4 months
similar flavours of shows/movies (i'm eating them all up)
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lemonadeslice · 1 year
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accidentally got invested in final space last week. my favorites are the wunderkind kitty cat and the space war-criminal his dad! 💙🧡
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spielzeugkaiser · 1 year
Hi! So.... How is Zombie!Aiden doing nowadays? (As you can tell, I've found your necromancer au, and I'm hooked)
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A continuation of this from my necromancer!au. With the skeleton guys in the beginning (something that this Jaskier doesn't remember) it was more lighthearted. And it isn't the first time that corpses start to get reanimated it Jaskiers proximity too, but this time he pulled Aiden out of the afterlife and well- this is more of a warm bodies scenario and he is under Jaskiers thrall, if Jaskier likes it or not. lambert is so not going to be amused
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shardsofswords · 9 months
Was scrolling the hellsite and saw this gem of a trashfire
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be right back guys, I gotta make a malevolently bad map
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jojo-schmo · 3 months
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[The Forgotten Land Roleswap: Chapter Two, 44]
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