eagleyedz · 9 months
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it only takes a second (albeit, a very delayed second) for her to register val's voice. swiveling on the foot of a chunky heel is no easy feat in her drunken haze, but she manages enough to fully face him; her hair whips behind her from the swiftness of the motion. a clipped gasp sounds and a smile unfurls at the mere sight of them. "val!" it comes out like a high-pitched squeal, one she'd likely be more embarrassed had she not suddenly found herself flooded with warmth and love and everything nice. "it's zelda," she exclaims, her timbre saccharine sweet as she relinquishes a hand from her glass to grasp at his, her feet taking a step closer to him in tandem. between the music and the chatter emerging from the sea of bodies around them, she didn't quite catch what he initially said. hence, her effort to close the distance between them, and the next sentence that leaves her mouth: "what'd ya say, babe? i can't hear shit."
Location: Gravity Nightclub Status: Open
It's not the first time Val's been lost - and it won't be the last. Even with the red-tipped cane, even with knowing the nightclub by now like the back of their hand... there's always something to distract. And suddenly he's feeling a wall and groaning. "Am I walkin' towards the bathrooms again? Shit." His Irish lilt is heavy on his tongue, a drink in one ringed hand and long curls tied back into a messy bun. Most noticeable, however, are light and listless eyes that don't seem to focus on any one thing. The music is loud which doesn't help matters. But they hear some kind of voice, which indicates a person who can help. "Ey, ey, love, I'll buy you ye're next round if y'tell me where the fuck I am. Please? Is it that weird bathroom hallway? I always end up there for some reason."
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eagleyedz · 9 months
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a quick glance at the pianist on the far side of the room turns into a few seconds of placid observation before an all-too-familiar voice sounds, tearing zelda out of her daze as quickly as she slipped into it. the moment she meets katya's gaze, she's silently cursing herself for letting her attention stray for even a moment. now there she was, made subject to a surveillance of quiet intensity - thrust under the spotlight one of the few times she’s made the decision to be the observer. "i'm sorry," she mutters with a faint laugh that she cuts short (lest the nerves that inspire it surface). "'s just been so long since i heard mozart performed on a grand piano," offers she as a kind of explanation. her eyes flit down to the chessboard, studying the pieces for a moment before nimble fingers make quick work of moving a piece. every thought, feeling, movement of zelda's is uncharacteristically soft - no, calculated - in the presence of one katya rozanova. suddenly, the girl who's as light as a feather (and twice as buoyant) has cement in her shoes and sludge for blood. everything's slower, and the lag is enough to make her breath catch in her throat. it's out of a certain kind of reverence - or was it fear? aren't they the same thing, anyway? she'd come to recognize them as the same thing. she feared being the cause of disappointment, of coming up short in front of a bastion of expertise. "remind me again," eyes will find katya's once more, "why we're playing this."
CLOSED, * ◟ :  @eagleyedz
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Like watching a child walk among open graves.       Eventually,   she knows Griselda will fall into one.      Eventually,     she knows Griselda will become just as distant as any dead woman is.     If she isn’t already.    If she isn’t that empty shell of a woman that Red Eye encourages.    The design of indifference,     the promise of silence.     Katya supposes this should be expected:     the wickedness of repetition is not something to be underestimated.          How little the risk of the abyss looks when one is youthful and vibrant.      How small that chance of death looks before one begins to fire-walk.      She bites down on her tongue,    ignores the lack of warmth,    ignores the lack of blood,    ignores that hollow beat of a pulse inside her own mind.      There will always be something missing.         “Your move,     Принцесса.”      The term of endearment is lost among her stoic demeanor,    the calmness of rationality thickened by the focus on the chessboard in front of her.        There is a faint sound coming from the next room in the form of a melody of a piano,      Mozart.       Even her bones rattle to the lingering grief in his compositions   —     how the depth of despair seems to justify each note.     A murmur of a question,     eyes gaze across the game table at the younger girl.    She watches,   discontent at her apparent wholeness.    Not yet completely broken.      “Are you paying attention,    little one?”
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eagleyedz · 9 months
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Madelyn Cline as Sarah Cameron in 1x06 “Parcel 9″
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eagleyedz · 9 months
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eagleyedz · 9 months
okay i ruined your life but did you not have fun? exactly relax
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eagleyedz · 9 months
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eagleyedz · 9 months
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#about me
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eagleyedz · 9 months
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Unbelievable (2019)
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eagleyedz · 9 months
:) (threateningly)
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eagleyedz · 9 months
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think you worked me out, but you're wrong!
introducing griselda renee scott
nickname(s): zelda, z, griz
gender + pronouns: cis woman + she/her
sexual orientation: pansexual
dob + age: 20 february 2003 + twenty - seven
birthplace: somewhere in manitoba, canada
known family: mother, older half - sister (beverly), younger brother (gideon)
zodiac big three: pisces sun, sagittarius moon, gemini rising
character alignment: chaotic neutral
traits: plucky, erratic, finicky, loquacious, blunt, theatrical, a lil madcap, affable, waggish, reticent
anthem: detonate by charli xcx (hurt me, know you wont hurt me / i'm about to detonate / pull you close and then, i'll be gone)
label: the fool. refers to the tarot card! both upright and reversed meanings apply to griz. that is spontaneity & leaps of faith and chaos & poor judgement, respectively
aesthetic: cherry red heart - shaped sunglasses, unhinged laughter, a bone crushing hug, dark corners and sharp objects, a quiet prayer mouthed against a stranger's neck, a cheshire cat grin, and dreams you jolt awake from
influence(s): harley quinn (birds of prey), malia tate (teen wolf), love quinn (you), misty quigley (yellowjackets), rapunzel (tangled), izzy (total drama island (don't judge me)), jj maybank (outer banks)
occupation + role: bartender at olive branch + active assassin for the red eye
2003 - 2030
[ 20 FEB. 2003 ] : zelda's born!
[ 2004 ] : her younger brother, gideon, is born.
[ 2009 ] : her older sister / maternal figure, beverly, leaves and goes no contact with her family.
[ 2011 ] : her mother leaves zelda & gideon at an orphanage.
[ LATE 2015 ] : zelda & gideon are taken by the red eye and begin training.
[ 2022 ] : zelda completes her training!
[ 2022 - PRESENT ] : zelda works as an active assassin for the red eye.
tw mentions of abuse, alcoholism, brainwashing, & violence.
zelda's bio family is kind of a shit show. she's the middle scott child, sandwiched between her older half-sister beverly (her senior by ten years) & her younger brother gideon (only a year younger than her). her mother was an alcoholic who searched for love among men who could never give it to her & z learned very quickly that she wasn't a reliable person. she & gideon found that maternal love in their older sister instead! it takes quite the toll on beverly - taking care of her two younger siblings. gideon's easy, real bright too, and quiet. zelda, however, has always been a force. the poorly behaved kid in class, the one who could never quite comprehend the lesson, the kid who gets moved for talking too much to her friend, only to talk even more to whatever new kid she's sat next to. she required an attention beverly couldn't readily give.
that much became apparent when zelda's six and beverly sets off and goes no contact. in beverly's absence, things get from bad to worse. zelda's eight when her mom turns her & gideon to an orphanage on the outskirts of manitoba, canada. she promises she'll come back for them in due time, but beverly taught zelda that that was unlikely. from there, she takes the role of protector rather fast. her & gideon become very close! gideon's a more subdued spirit & any kid who dared to even look at him the wrong way earned themselves a broken nose by her hands.
she's twelve when she & gideon are taken from the orphanage to train under the red eye. obviously she's quite averse to the whole ordeal at first but the brainwashing treatments work almost too well on her. following them, she has a lot of fake memories of her childhood, mainly where her mother & beverly's roles are switched. zelda remembers beverly to be the neglectful and abusive one, just as much as her mother was - if not, more. she specifically remembers just how much it hurt when beverly left.
it turns out that zelda EXCELSSS with a weapon. she relishes in the feeling of being naturally good at something, a feeling that's foreign to her until her time under the red eye. this, along with the discrepancies in her memories drives a wedge between her & gideon. he remains averse to the red eye's efforts well into his teenage years. zelda grows resentful of this, especially when his attempts to sway her are relentless. she couldn't believe how desperate he was to leave, how he yearned to go back to beverly & their life from before. to zelda, it seemed he was a little jealous now that she was the one who stood out. so she turns on him, puts all of her effort into her training, & finishes a year earlier than expected. she receives her first assignment (of many to come) at twenty.
since then, she's been at work as an assassin for a solid seven years & she's damn good at it. i imagine she's been in new york for maybe a year - ish? (+ her bartending job) but that's subject to change.
personality + extra
plucky, theatrical, waggish, loquacious, erratic, blunt
plucky. craves adventure and novelty. incredibly brave, almost to a concerning degree. that is, she tends to get herself into a lot of sticky situations because of a chronic overconfidence in herself. but then she gets herself out of it and that only adds to said confidence, so it's like a fucked up cycle. a lot of it comes from her blind optimism. she's relentless when she wants something and failure is simply not an option <3
theatrical. everything about zelda and her mannerisms are big and dramatic for no reason. she talks with her hands, has a voice and a laugh that carries throughout a room, etc etc.
waggish. very witty, sarcastic. loves a good bit. can see the humor in every situation, but it gets to be a problem because sometimes she fails to see the gravity in approaching a situation with some semblance of seriousness.
loquacious. very sociable n flirtyyyyy! she can approach just about anyone and make friends with them. she knows how to turn on the charm, but to the right eye it probably comes off as very ? salesmen - esque. she's nice but mainly for her own gain.
erratic. she doesn't even know what the word 'pragmatic' means. realism? she is not familiar with them!!! she is fun but a lot to handle, and incredibly unpredictable. can come off as a little unhinged because well, she is.
blunt. has absolutely no filter. will tell you like it is. she's only reticent when it comes to her own feelings and spilling them for someone else to observe and prod at; she has a big problem letting people in.
i think i have painted her to be a certain way but make no mistake!! while she can be a little ditzy, she is very devoted to the work she does for the red eye & actively does all that she can to bolster her name under the organization. it's the only facet of her life where she's no-nonsense. she is every bit as vicious and violent as she is giddy and sweet.
wanted connections
here's a link to my wanted plots tag!
i'm actually braindead after writing all of this but give me: red eye buddies (for lack of a better term JDKMSMKS), ex romantic connections, enemies / people she's rubbed the wrong way, maybe someone she knows from childhood, friends, regulars at her bartending job, coworkers at her bartending job, pseduo-sibling friends, maternal figure, ummmmmm i'll take anything you throw at me tbh so pls <;3
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eagleyedz · 9 months
#EAGLEYEDZ [ ... ] dependent writing blog for lawlessfm. non - mutuals dni. adult themes ahead. written by maggie, twenty - one, she/her. muses + links under the cut.
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GRISELDA "ZELDA" SCOTT * bartender at the olive branch, active assassin for the red eye, madelyn cline fc.
links: introduction. tags
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eagleyedz · 9 months
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eagleyedz · 9 months
will you just let me be silly for a sec. there's this dread so ancient in me
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eagleyedz · 9 months
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Margaret Atwood, from “He shifts from east to west”, Power Politics
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eagleyedz · 9 months
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eagleyedz · 9 months
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eagleyedz · 9 months
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Ocean Vuong
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