#a light pole fell down the road and the guy went outta their car to move it outta the way and got electrocuted
birdyverdie · 27 days
Damn. A tornado hit my area and I still don't have power.
I'm good tho! But outside is a whole mess
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fcklifeex · 6 years
Badlands - Jon Moxley/Dean Ambrose - 02
Part One: Here
While it wasn’t a big enough of a promotion to be on the main Vegas strip, our show was in the city next to it. After two days driving, Sami and I got there the day before. Even though the motels down here were dirt cheap, we still didn’t have enough to waste on a room so like usual, we’d crash in the car.
Cleaning off at a gas station shower, we changed and decided to hit up a concert at a nearby dive bar with a few of the other guys. The place was packed. Chicks dressed like sluts. Everyone was drunk. The music was loud and the only light came from the strobe lights on stage. It was exactly why I loved Vegas.
We pushed our way through the crowd to the bar in the back grabbing a round of beers while watching the band.
“How are you up against tomorrow?”
“Gage and Egotistico. Title match.” I yelled over the noise of the crowd.
“Three way? Sickk!” Sami yelled, downing his beer.
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Two girls were dancing on the pole on top of the counter, dressed in fishnets and boots, headbanging along to the music. The song ended and the band screamed something to hype up the ground. We heard the girls cheer behind us with the rest of the bar. I looked up at them, barely getting a glimpse of their faces but one of them looked familiar. She laughed and lost her footing but rather than busting her ass, she almost gracefully fell into the arms of some guy.
Where the fuck did I know her from?
“Shit!” The blonde girl still dancing yelled. “You okay?”
The girl didn’t answer, opting to make out with the lucky bastard while he held her up against the bar.
“Jessie! More shots!” The brunette yelled and it hit me instantly.
That voice.
I focused my eyes, trying to see through the smoke and lights. Her green eyes opened and locked on mine, a smirk place on her lips as she caught the guys bottom lip between her teeth tugging it as he groaned.
It was her.
The girl from the bar.
No fucking way. She wasn’t getting away from me this time.
I grabbed the guy by the collar of his shirt, throwing him to the ground off of her. I knew my boys would have my back so there was no need to pay him any mind. Instead, I placed my hands on the bar top on either side of her. Like a cornered animal, I had her.
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“My name is Jon Moxley. Hi.” I said, closer to her face so she could hear me.
Unphased by the display, she rested her elbows against the bar, leaning back as she licked her lips.
“Hi Jon Moxley.” She replied, looking me up and down as hunger danced behind her eyes.
Unlike I’d imagined this going, she wasn’t a cornered animal, this is exactly where she wanted to be.
“You remember me? Last time we met – you told me if our destiny brought us together again – you’d tell me your name.”
She laughed as her eyes wandered over me. “You’re the wrestling kid with the fucked up back.”
“I ain’t no kid, babe. All man here.” I replied, running a hand over my chest. “Is that really how you remember me?”
With a nonchalant shrug, she took my beer from my hand, taking a long pull. “It was a sexy back if that makes you feel any better.”
“Kinda does.” I laughed, taking my beer back out of her hands. “I went back to the bar the next day – they said you’d be gone for weeks.”
“Nah” She shook her head. “I go where the wind blows me.”
“Oh yeah? The wind blew you to Vegas? Guess it really is destiny.” I laughed, placing a hand on her hip to pull her against me. “Now what’s your name?”
She looked down at our bodies, licking her bottom lip before returning her eyes to mine. “Name’s Levi.”
“Yeah! Pops was a big fan of Don McLean.” She replied but continued when she saw the confusion in my face. “Y’know – the song that goes ‘Bye Bye Miss American Pie, took my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry.’ I’m just lucky he didn’t go with Chevy.”
I laughed, finishing off my beer. “Gotcha – still weird as fuck but it fits you. When you write it down do people call you Levi like the jeans?”
“More often than I’d like to admit.” She laughed, grabbing two shot glasses from the bar and handing me one. “Cheers to destiny Jon Moxley.”
“Cheers to destiny, Levi.”
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She clinked her glass against mine before downing another shot.
“You feel like getting outta here?”
“Fuck yeah -” I nodded.
“Here finish these.” She said as she handed me another shot glass.
We downed those and she reached back behind the bar, grabbing a couple of 20 dollar bills the bartender had left on the counter.
“Little something for the road.” She laughed, grabbing me by the hand, pulling me out towards the back hallway of the club, leaving through the back exit.
“I like the way you think.” I laughed, following her as she ran towards a black SUV.
She threw me a wink and we got in the car, peeling off the parking lot with the music blasting.
“The hell you doing all the way out here?” She asked, above the music, fixing her lipstick in the rearview mirror. “Last time I saw you I think I was in North Carolina? Something like that.”
I laughed, nodding my head to the music. “I got a show tomorrow. You’re going to come.”
“That so?” She asked, turning her head to face me.
Before I could reply, she turned the wheel sharply pulling into the parking lot of an liquor store.
“Come on, drinks on me.” She said, already getting out of the car to head inside.
I followed behind her and she grabbed my hand pulling me through the aisles, handing me two six packs of beer before grabbing a handful of nips.
Everything was moving so fast but I didn’t care. Something about her had me following everything she did. She seemed like she had a plan and I wasn’t going to question it. Instead, I watched as she wandered the rest of the store before we paid for everything with the stolen $60 and we were right back on the road jamming to whatever song was playing. She had me mesmerized.
“Where are we going?”
My head pounded when tapping on a window woke me up. I groaned as I opened my eyes suddenly becoming aware of my surroundings.
I was in the car from last night. The seats in the back had been laid to make one big bed. I was in boxers.
God who was knocking? Why did my head hurt so bad? How fucked up did I get last night?
“What!” I yelled, rubbing my eyes only to open them and see a cop. “Shit.”
He looked stern and I opened the door.
“Rough night?” The man asked.
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I nodded, opening my mouth to speak and noticing how dry it was.
“You been drinking and driving son?” He asked, motioning towards the bottles of liquor that littered the back.
“Uh,” I looked back and shook my head. “Not driving.” I offered.
“Fuckin’ kids.” He murmured under his breath and nodded his head, “Get on outta here. It’s a no park zone.”
“Yes, sir.” I nodded, shutting the door and looking for my pants only to remember that I wasn’t alone last night. That chick – Levi – where the hell was Levi? Wasn’t this her car?
I pulled on my jeans, throwing on my boots and t-shirt only wondering why everything felt so stiff.
I moved towards the glove box to find the registration. Marleen Davids. Who the fuck was Marleen Davids?
God, this car was fucking stolen wasn’t it?
The keys left on the dash just confirmed that the car wasn’t Levi’s but at least she’d left a note.
“Till the wind blows you my way again Jon Moxley. <3 L”
What the fuck did that mean?
Again I was left with millions of unanswered questions. What did we even do last night? Why was I practically naked? Did we fuck? I think i’d remember that much. How much shit would I get into for being in a stolen car?
Why couldn’t I wait until I saw her again?
* Gifs Not Mine!
Again Sorry I took so long with this. Let me know how you like it. 
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btsinwonderland · 7 years
Love Me Better - Ch. 21
A Monsta X Story...
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The car engine revved as Hyungwon shifted gears. The sun had already set and black clouds sat in the sky. It looked like it might rain as they drove down the busy streets of downtown. It was a Saturday night and they caught the tail end of rush hour. Vy took deep breaths to calm herself.
“Nervous?” Hyungwon said staring at the road.
“A little bit…”
“Don’t be, just trust yourself. Trust your gut. All we have to do tonight is watch him and bring him home. Easy peasy.” He winked at her.
She smiled. “You’re not as bad as I thought.”
“Ooh be careful jagiya, you don’t want me after you, I might just steal your heart.”
Vy laughed and silently thanked him for relieving the tension she felt. Though as soon as they parked behind the club it returned. A bouncer greeted them when they reached the doors.
They entered through the back and Vy could hear the music echo through the walls. They passed a couple hallways that were bustling with people, some were topless women, cleaners, and kitchen staff.
[recommended listening]
The man branched to the left and led Vy to a bright red door. “You go here,” he said.
She looked at Hyungwon suddenly feeling like a child being taken to the bus stop for the first time. He smiled at her encouragingly and whispered ‘good luck’. She nodded and took a deep breath.
The door opened to a large room filled with racks of clothes. There were rows of vanity stations with bright lights circling oval shaped mirrors. It was very expensive looking and she barely wanted to touch anything. There were many women running around naked, some were putting on makeup, while others stood there talking on the phone. A woman rushed passed her and bumped her arm, she glared at Vy who tried to move but instead she bumped into someone else.
“Bitch get the fuck outta here, go clean somewhere else!” One woman said in passing.
Vy panicked and was about walk out when someone grabbed her arm. It was a young looking woman with long black hair, she wore blue lingerie and had a small feather tucked behind her ear.
“Are you…Vy?” Her almond shaped eyes were wide with questions.
The woman smiled brightly and grabbed Vy by the shoulder and dragged her to a vanity. “Great! My name is Lana, I was told to assist you tonight as it’s your first day! That’s so exciting, I remember my first day I was so nervous,” she lowered her voice, “and some of these girls are as scary as they are beautiful…” She continued to talk about how the girls were at the club while she casually started taking off Vy’s clothing.
When Lana lifted the seams of her tank top, Vy reflexively pushed Lana’s hand away.
“Are you nervous about the clothes? I promise I won’t get you anything too extreme for your first night, that's always a bit scary. But don’t worry, just think of it like…you’re shooting a movie!” Lana smiled at Vy with such a sincere expression that Vy had to smile back.
Lana signalled her to wait there and in a flash she returned with an outfit. It looked like a children's size the way it hung from the hanger. When Lana saw Vy’s expression she laughed and shook her head.
“It's okay! It stretches, and it's a one piece so you won’t feel too naked. We’ll build up to that,” Lana winked at her. “Oh here, and take these fishnets, a classic!"
She took Vy’s arm once again and led her to a corner of the room that was less busy and pushed her behind the clothing racks.
“You can change here, I’ll keep watch for you.”
Vy took the hanger from her. “Thank you…Lana.”
The item felt foreign and tight as she had never worn anything like it before. Though the fabric was somewhat soft and not irritating. Even though this was apparently one of the more conservative pieces she felt absolutely naked. The black lace was cut dangerously thin around her rear and she felt completely exposed. The front of it was shaped like a corset but cut extremely low. The fishnets ran up to her thighs and hooked onto the garter she put on. She stepped out slowly and when Lana saw her she practically yelled.
“You look gorgeous! Who knew what you were hiding underneath all that, damn girl!” She grabbed Vy’s hand and threw her into a chair. “Okay time for makeup, I’m thinking sexy smoky eye to go with the black concept. Yeah…oh yeah…”
She smiled wickedly grabbing a brush with one hand and Vy’s face with another.
The lights were bright when she entered the downstairs club area, the change rooms had a hallway, but that led to the stage so Lana took her through the regular entry. Before she got there a delicately firm hand stopped her. She turned to see Soo, in a fiery red two piece that dripped with sensual energy.
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She was taken aback by Soo’s beauty. Her body was model worthy and she wore long stiletto heels making her lean calf muscles stand out. Soo towered over her and smiled.
“You look lovely Vy, I’m glad you took this so well,” Soo said. “I understand that Wonho and Minhyuk just arrived, they’re sitting two booths away from David adjacent to the bar. You’re to bring drinks to tables and try not to catch anyone’s eye, they might want a dance…” She smirked and went out the door.
Vy’s heart pounded loudly as she stepped out into the club. There were a lot of people there. She saw several people getting dances, there was so much touching and drinking. The stage had a few topless dancers that did complicated formations on the poles. She exhaled as the bass of the music went right through her body. A part of her would prefer a gang war to walking into the room dressed the way she was. She shook it off and Lana slapped her back gently. Vy maintained balance in her black high heels and moved forward.
She saw Hyungwon at the bar and walked over to him with a tray that Lana gave her. Her breaths were small and fast but she tried to relax. She thought about all the obstacles she endured up until this point and tried to give herself a mental pep talk. Hyungwon was about to place a shot glass on her tray when he took a look at her.
The small glass fell from his hand and the liquid spilled all over the counter.
“…Vy? Holy shit.”
“Please…I know it’s ridiculous, just don’t say anything.”
“No…it’s not that…” He blinked a few times and shook his head. “Um, here’s your ear piece, the four of us are connected now. Make it look like you’re picking up your earring then put it in your ear.”
She did as she was told and heard light static in her right ear. Then she heard Minhyuk whisper her name. His voice gave her a bit of peace.
She spoke low, “can everyone hear me?”
“Don’t say unnecessary things,” it was Wonho’s voice.
Hyungwon laughed and passed her two shots, “Take these to their table.”
She found where Wonho and Minhyuk sat and approached their table. They were looking around for someone and barely noticed her. Minhyuk’s eyes glazed over her and she saw Wonho staring into space. She bent over and set the shots on their table loudly. They both turned at the same time to see her. For a moment they looked at her like she was someone else.
Once the recognition hit Minhyuk seized up like a statue and Wonho’s jaw dropped. He closed it immediately. Minhyuk remained wide eyed.
“Vy?” Minhyuk said.
Minhyuk and Wonho just stared at her with shocked expressions. She became uncomfortable and started to walk away when Minhyuk gently grabbed her hand.
“Please be careful, you look…too sexy,” Minhyuk almost sounded breathless.
Wonho stared at her unashamedly and only looked away when their eyes met.
“Guys keep your eyes on David will you,” Hyungwon said through the earpiece.
David sat alone two booths away looking purely dismal and anxious. He had a drink in his hand and sipped on it every few seconds.
Hyungwon spoke again through the earpiece, “I see two men approaching his booth, show time.”
Vy took their empty shot glasses and walked back to the bar. Hyungwon instructed her to go to David’s table and ask them if they needed anything. She walked over as the men sat down with David. It alarmed her when they looked around and stopped their gaze at Minhyuk and Wonho’s table.
“You guys need to look less static, they’re starting to stare,” Hyungwon’s voice said.
Vy approached the men with a flirty smile and distracted them for a moment. She overheard a bit of their conversation.
“Long time no see hey buddy? I hope after our long friendship, you wouldn’t fuck with us, you’re not fucking with us are you David?”
“N-no I’m not sir.”
“Good!” He clasped a hand around David’s shoulder and looked over at the other man, “Keep an eye out for unwanted guests."
She walked back to the bar and prayed they stopped noticing Wonho and Minhyuk. Hyungwon handed her a few drinks to pass around and she was about to pick up her tray when she noticed Soo making her way towards Minhyuk and Wonho. Her silky brown hair bounced lightly as she walked.
"What is she doing?" Hyungwon said.
Soo gracefully stepped into their booth and Wonho immediately clenched up. Vy was not sure what was happening.
That was when Soo went over to Minhyuk and placed a long slender leg beside him. She leaned over and stroked his face with a sexy pout and sat on his lap. Vy's stomach dropped to the floor as she saw Soo gyrating her hips against Minhyuk's body and touching him in every way possible. Soo leaned her chest close to Minhyuk's face and Vy heard a liquid cool voice in her ear.
"You're welcome, they won't watch you anymore."
Vy's face heated up as she saw Soo's lips run across Minhyuk's face. He was frozen. Her eyes then met with Soo and she could barely breathe. Hyungwon grew alarmed as he looked between Vy and their booth.
Wonho got up and stormed to the bar. He pretended to order a drink as Vy stood stock still. She felt like crying as every part of her wanted to tear Soo to shreds. When she saw the way Soo moved her body and how Minhyuk uncontrollably reacted, her heart broke into little pieces. Soo took Minhyuk’s hand and placed it on her chest, running it across her stomach.
Vy drank a shot from her tray and served all her tables in a flash. She became engrossed in her job and all she did was go back and forth without a second thought. Hyungwon and Wonho occasionally glanced at her wondering if she was okay but she ignored them.
When she got back for a third round a loud man approached her from behind. He slapped her rear and cupped it with his hand. She reflexively grabbed his wrist and twisted it as she turned to face him.
"What the fuck bitch?" He said rubbing his hand. He was greying and had a small entourage behind him wearing expensive suits.
"You're spending the night with me slut, come on now, give daddy a dance." He grabbed her arm and she refused to go with him.
The man started yelling at her and she noticed people begin to stare. She prayed for something to silence him before they created too much of a scene.
An arm wrapped around her shoulders, it was Wonho. He gave the man a wry grin.
"Sorry man, I paid her for a dance already."
Wonho pulled Vy away and they want to an empty table. The older man was still watching them with a glare. Wonho looked troubled but he ran his hand down her arm and whispered in her ear.
"I'm sorry...I thought this would be better than leaving you with him."
She finally realized what he was apologizing for and felt mortified at the thought. Her heart pulsed wildly and she looked over at Minhyuk who stared at their table. He looked like he was in pain. Soo was still sitting on his lap and played with his hair in an infuriating fashion. She took Minhyuk's face and put it between her breasts.
Vy set her tray down and took three shots. She pushed Wonho down onto the chair ignoring his shocked expression.
"Let's do this."
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