#Zolaw I can take or leave
chromatic-lamina · 9 months
So things we learn in polls if we take them as representative:
SanUso is more popular than SanLu (very surprising to me, although I like either ship), [That poll is ongoing, btw]. (Had UsoLu before.Oops!).
SanLaw is 0.6% more popular than ZoLaw (the percentages count!). Again, I like either ship, but had thought ZoLaw was more popular.
And, that the number of fan works is not an indicator of ship popularity. That’s logical, but as a creator, and as an enjoyer of fan works, I guess I thought they were a bigger indicator of a ship’s popularity than they are, although there are a lot of factors at play of course.
The number iof LawSan fics, from different writers, has really increased over the last year, btw, and I’m assuming SanUso fics are on the rise against SanLu 🤷‍♂️
But yeah, as said, fan content doesn’t necessarily indicate fan faves (more creator faves, perhaps?). The other really close poll is Noland/Kalgara vs Saboala. Not much fan work (in comparison) exists of the former, but the voter’s heart wants what the voter’s heart wants. (That poll is still open too).
Also, sometimes it’s very hard for creative content to get a look-see on this site, and possibly the results of the polls kinda tie into that? Like possibly the majority of folks who want op fanart or fanfic etc. populate other sites. I find that a screencap of an episode can do a 1000 times better than a reblog of fanart. Meta too (although not always). [I leave out fanfiction, cos we all know how that goes!]
Just musing.
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kozuki-hiyori · 4 months
The One About Traflagar D. Water Law
(what a name, by god)
Okay, so I was thinking about ZoLaw... (hush, don't think about it) Anyway! Then I was thinking about those two as individuals, and, well, this is the Law part of that
(I picked apart a lot with Zoro, and it's so, so much, so I'm going to try and keep it shorter by focusing on one specific thing here)
And that is Law's spite and his trust.
I'd say a huge part of Law is spite (not all that surprising I'm sure). It is was drove him as a child to seek out Doflamingo, and what drove him in the following years to try and kill Doflamingo. Just about his entire life is driven by spite. All of it. I find that so interesting. That what he needs it to prove people wrong (and often times hurt them). It's this need to tear people down, to destroy them, but it's driven by the memory of those he loves who were hurt.
Bloody revenge driven by love bled out.
Law who will go to all sorts of lengths to ensure the protection of the people he trusts and loves.
Also, though, that leaves the question: if he has no one to spite, then what drives him?
I think, otherwise, what drives him is knowledge.
It seems to be what propels him forward in his studies as a child. And later, after defeating Doflamingo, he goes after the poneglyphs because he wants to learn more about the world.
What is in comparison such a personal and passive goal for life is so interesting as the relief of his other main motivator. (I say that, but academy can get rather... heated, so, uh, maybe not so calm, but still, generally, it is not the death his spite aims for).
Anyway, great, spite out of the way, what about his trust, cause I think this is another interesting thing to puzzle over when it comes to him.
So, let's go over three instances of trust (or not) pertaining to Law: his trust in the Straw Hat's, his trust in his crew, and his trust in himself.
First there is Law's trust in the Straw Hats. He obviously doesn't trust them when it comes to his true plans. Those, he doesn't share, not when asking them to aid him in taking down Doflamingo at least. It can't even be said that he trusts their strength, as he still assumes he will not being leaving Dressrosa alive. They aren't brought in to take down Doflamingo even, they are a distraction that he can use, a group guaranteed to cause chaos enough to give him a chance at Doflamingo.
(Actually, interestingly, he didn't really need Doflamingo dead, just exposed for what he truly was. Dressrosa doesn't end with Doflamingo killed off, but instead torn from his post as a Warlord and sent off to Impel Down. And Law is content with that. He sees that as having accomplished his goal. (Which is fascinating really, that there isn't some exact 1-to-1 in his desire for tearing another down.))
So Law trusts the Straw Hats to do what he needs them to, but not to the point of telling him any truth. Either he doesn't think they'd help if they knew that truth, or he assumes they'd stop him if they did.
When it comes to his crew, he obviously loves them and they love him (this isn't up for debate, have you seen that loser and his crew together). He obviously knows they stop himself from martyring himself, and he doesn't want them getting hurt either. Now, something important is whether Law was certain he would die. If he was, that implies he simply didn't want to cause the death of his crew as well (so he either didn't care for the Straw Hat's lives, or he assumed Luffy's crew is stronger than his and thought they could escape). If he wasn't certain he'd die, then I'd say his lack of trust is shifts slightly to his crew and their strength than the Straw Hats.
I doubt it's the second one, if One Piece Party has taught us anything, isn't that he doesn't have enough self-confidence for that. I still thought I'd point that out though.
Anyway, finally, we have Law's trust in himself. It's there to the extent that he believes he will be able to take down Doflamingo (or manipulate a situation that will result in that), just not that he will be able to do so and remain alive after the fact. He trusts in his own intelligence and planning most of all. What he doesn't trust is that he can survive. At least, I assume.
He has all these people. He doesn't want to bring them down with him, but doesn't believe that he won't. So he pushes them away to protect them.
I just can't quite figure out exactly what angle has him pushing them away: resignation in his fate, or a desire to not be stopped.
In the end, I think Law is also quite protective. That spite is the desire to protect those who he's lost, retroactively, to expose the fact that people are wrong about why they died, to expose their killers. And for the living, he'll push them away to ensure that they continue to live.
What he doesn't protect is his own well being.
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medicus-mortem · 2 years
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@bleuwalk​ asked: ship meme: kidlaw? lawhawkins? aaaand zorolaw?
send me a ship and i’ll reply with
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vomit / don’t ship / good potential / okay / cute / adorable / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
There is only one way I can see this ever happening, as a hate ship. There is too much animosity here for me to see any sort of healthy relationship developing. Plus, both Law and Kid are way too aggressive. If KidLaw happens it’s because they are so pumped up by bloodlust that things take a turn into a different type of violence. And I can tell you Law would rather dice Kid’s face than kiss it.
Lawkins (Law x Hawkins)
vomit / don’t ship / good potential / okay / cute / adorable / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
Before Wano I can tell you Law’s reaction to Hawkins would have been a shrug and a, ‘Sure, I’d fuck the voodoo dude.’ But after what Hawkins did to his best friends the only thing Law wants to do to our spooky straw boy is turn him inside out. I do concede there is drama potential there. With Law there always is, given his tendency for one night stands, or to bed them a couple times and then leave them. So maybe a situation where something happens and Hawkins catches feelings but Law is being his usual asshole self so the feelings are never reciprocated. Which leads Hawkins to do what he did to Law’s crew.
So yeah, potential but definitely not a healthy, loving situation.
vomit / don’t ship / good potential / okay / cute / adorable / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
I really like ZoLaw. I haven’t really had a chance to explore it deeply but there is potential for the sword bros to be something interesting. Of course, Zoro isn’t exactly the kind of intelligent that really piques Law’s often hard to impress interest but there is enough other things about him that would catch Law’s eye. He’s a medical anomaly and Law being the creepy doctor he is would be intrigued by that. He and Law are about as bloodthirsty as each other, both likely to lose themselves in the thrill of a good fight. Both are observant and understand the way of the sword, even if Law has never claimed to be a swordsman.
And from Zoro’s perspective, he has another swordsman to talk to who also owns a cursed sword. You cannot tell me Zoro hasn’t badgered Law to get a look at Kikoku. Plus, we do have a scene where Zoro happily drinks with Law in canon so we can be certain Zoro likes him well enough. Definitely another ship with good potential and on I’d like to explore more.
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gildedmuse · 4 years
Sometimes, when I pause in the middle of an episode, Crunchyroll will take it upon myself to say I finished it and start me on the next one. Usually, I catch this and go back. Usually I'm not in this much pain. This particular time I was, and so I didn't realize I had missed anything until I was going back to collect a screenshot that came out wrong.
And do you know what I missed?
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I... Like.... I boys and smile hug face eys hey you I....
It's okay. Give me a second. I do know how words work.
I just can't handle them right now, that's all.
I mean look at them! Look at my two sword boys! Just look how cute!
No, I mean, really look at them. Study the moment, take it all in. Because I'm going to need someone here to explain to me what is SUPPOSEDLY happening here. I mean, without a doubt, I know what is actually happening, but for the life of me I can't think of how to describe this moment that doesn't boil down to, "obviously cause they want to bang" and somehow I doubt that is what they were going for.
Here, let me lead you through this:
As we have discussed, there is a party happening. Everyone is enjoying themselves in their own little ways: Franky is behaving like a mech to entertain the fairies, Zoro is drinking, Bartolomeo is following Zoro around with more drinks, Luffy is just a bouncing ball of food, Law is standing alone off to the side glaring out into the middle distant. So everyone is having their own fun.
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Zoro, apropos of nothing, walks over to Law to talk to him.
This isn't Luffy or Franky or even Robin. Zoro doesn't just go talk to people. So far we have seen every other Strawhat at this gathering dancing or talking or laughing with someone. The only people Zoro has interacted with are people with bottles of alcohol they want to share with him.
You guys, Law does not have a bottle of alcohol.
So why has the least social member of the Strawhats purposefully sought him out? By the way, "come here?" Oh you sweet innocent sunflower. Why not just open with, "Torao! Hey Torao! Laaaw, come here! I want to hang off you out!"
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[Oh you bet your ass we will be going through this scene shot by shot.]
At which point Zoro squats down, and even though it's not his "fly into the sky and cut him up!!!" smile, there is definitely more than a small hint of "danger approaching" to that grin, like he's trying to decide what to do with his prey.
Law doesn't look overly happy about any of this and has clearly decided the best policy is just to ignore Zoro. Let's see how that goes for him.
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Every single thing about these pictures is perfect. From Law completely losing his mask of dark seriousness, to Zoro's smile going from over the top, clearly laughing his ass off at Law's reaction, to a slightly more dangerous but still brilliant 'got you now' once Law falls into his lap.
You know that moment in the second from the top. That moment where LAW FALLS INTO ZORO'S LAP?
And finally, my boy's just honestly smiling, having apparently achieved his goal of getting Law in his lap having Law on top of him forcing Law to join in, I guess.
I mean, look at his face! That's not a maniacal grin, isn't leering at him the way he does when he sees something he really wants to cut into pieces. He's not beaming in that way that shows all his teeth and means he's reallying messing with/laughing at you, nor is it his smug victory smirk, the one that means he's already won but still looks preditory for some reason. That is just an honest, happy smile.
For Law.
If Drum island suddenly experienced months of 90° weather it still couldn't represent how much I'm melting inside from that.
Not too mentioned Law's look of total shock. I don't think he's even actually struggling, you guys. I mean, Zoro's strong but not so strong his mere presence prevents the Op-Op fruit from working. I honestly think Law is just freaked out because he's forgotten what physical contact with other humans is like unless he is either actively fighting them. Look at his eyes. They have gone completely BSoD. He has no fucking clue what is happening or why it has to be happening to him.
No wait you guys it somehow keeps getting better!
Because Zoro just sitting there, holding onto Law for like two minutes, smiling and laughing and, okay, sure clearly a little drunk but absolutely having a great time. The only thing that manages to pull his attention off Law for even a second is when he's offered more alcohol and you guys?
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Guys, he doesn't even react to the offer of free alcohol immediately!
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[Law's face says he either knows he's in trouble if Zoro keeps drinking or he knows he's in trouble that Zoro didn't immediately give him up for more alcohol.]
And of course Law is still completely frazzled. "Why is Zoro-ya touching me where not in a fight right now and he's acting all friendly is he planning some kind of sneak attack? No this is Zoro-ya he thrown himself off a mountain to fight another mountain but he's still holding me and acting friendly and arg I cannot handle this what is happening!?"
I love how Law is angling his body as if he's scared of leaning back and actually Ohmigod touching Zoro, but at the same time, making non real effort to escape. Honestly, watch the gif. The boy doesn't even push, really
He's basically sitting there, not trying to get away, but feelings horribly nervous and desperately trying not to lean against Zoro.
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[Give in, Law. I'll bet Zoro is all warm and fabulous to cuddle with.]
Basically, this is what my gay brain sees: You know when you like a girl (or guy) but you're both pretty quiet and shy (or silent and badass serious) plus, you know, you're both dealing with a lot what with almost being murdered and taking down an evil regimen. So there is no way you'd ever ask them out or anything.
But then, miracle of miracles, you both live! Everyone lives! And there's a huge celebration with food and drinks and even more drinks and you are a goddamn sword heddghog who defeat a mountain so people keep filling your cup and the you notice the cute emo boy sitting all alone looking so grim even though you guys won! And you're just tipsy enough to think yourself, fuck it, no one that hot should be alone all night so you go over and without thinking about it, grab him and pull him over to your lap.
And you know when you're really not good with people and ha e this reputation for being dark and broody and even in the middle of a party it doesn't feel normal to relax after years of constantly thinking about revenage. Then suddenly a bit guy has you in your arms and it's super embarrassing because you have no idea what to do and know your going to humiliate yourself and just want to get out there but he just keeps his (really musclar, warm) arm curled around you feel you have to protest the manhandling even thought you aren't sure why?
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I mean if I had to take a random stab at what these guys were thinking.
I mean, I assume that the official explanation probably has some perfectly innocent heterosexual justification as to why the less sociable Strawhat absolutely had to pull Law in for an impromptu snuggles session but fuck if I can see it through all the gay.
Quick, someone with a straight brain, please explain to me what is happening in this scene!
Because otherwise every time I see the two of them interact after this, I'm gonna be forced to assume that canonically speaking, Zoro struck out with Law.
This is the single greatest moment ever.
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mathemayjicks · 7 years
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“He made me promise not to tell anyone. I wanted to tell you Zoro, I really wanted to, but he refused, he didn’t want to stay in one place and he, he didn’t let me treat him! I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” They are still doing something with your hand but their hooves shake enough it’s not hard to break their hold. You hug them tightly, pull their little furry body into your arms and pet their head.
“You didn’t do anything wrong”, you say. Your voice is hoarse. “You obeyed his orders, and that can’t have been easy. You were very brave.”
The first bits of an old unfinished (and really sloppy and indulgent) fic can be found under the cut. It has. well. it has zolawlu, focusing on zolu and zolaw. It has lots of drinking, and brief mentions of (not very successful) sex but Luffy is explicitly asexual. And detailed major character death, the working title is “deathfic take two”. It seems to fit the theme “pain” for the sixth day of zolu week. love that sweet zoro angst
The second king of pirates doesn’t die the way he lived. He dies quietly on a cold, calm night on the Thousand Sunny, from what you are later told was probably some kind of heart failure. He is thirty, almost thirty one. You had noticed for a while that he took more of his meds, the ones to do with all the shit that was wrong with his blood, the ones to do with his liver and how it not quite worked, the painkillers. Lots of those, towards the end. But you didn’t think, you never thought, as he got quieter and calmer and slept for too long, that you would wake up one early morning with a bad feeling and find him not breathing. His smell had changed, not to corpse smell yet but that weird plastic-y smell he always had was gone and replaced with the subtle smell of human skin.
It rattles you, of course. It shakes you to your very core. You mourn him both as his friend, his first mate and, well, part of whatever you had with him and Law. Inofficial not-quite-husband. Something like that.
His funeral is held a week later, on a quiet island close to Shabondy. When you find out that he left instructions for what to do with his body, left a goddamn last will and everything, but didn’t tell you he was dying you give Sanji a concussion and Nami a black eye for trying to calm you down. As Chopper is setting your broken nose and bandaging your split knuckles (what did you punch to split them?) they are crying, and you force yourself not to zone out as they speak.
“He made me promise not to tell anyone. I wanted to tell you Zoro, I really wanted to, but he refused, he didn’t want to stay in one place and he, he didn’t let me treat him! I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” They are still doing something with your hand but their hooves shake enough it’s not hard to break their hold. You hug them tightly, pull their little furry body into your arms and pet their head.
“You didn’t do anything wrong”, you say. Your voice is hoarse. “You obeyed his orders, and that can’t have been easy. You were very brave.”
Law arrives one day early. He is alone, travelling on a small fast boat with no sail. With his black coat, black suit and Kikoku over his shoulder he looks like death incarnate, and with his dry, dull skin, shaky hands and bloodshot eyes he looks like death warmed over. He has an entire armful of big red flowers with him.
“Are you going to be alright?” you ask him, hands on his shoulders.
“No”, he says and narrows his eyes at you. “Will you?”
You sigh.
“With time, I think so.”
He takes your hand and squeezes it.
“I’m glad you have hope”, he says, intonating it like an insult.
On the day of the funeral you wear your regular coat, pants and boots, with stains on your sleeves and mud on your shoes. Law wears his coat on his shoulders like a huge black cape, and a felt hat with sheer lace fabric around the brim that hangs down to cover his face. He lines up with dozens of friends and allies and nakama to put his red flowers on the pyre next to Luffy's corpse, together with mementos, food and other flowers. You didn’t think of a gift, you were always bad at them, and you just stand next to Law and look at your captain where he lies wrapped in sailcloth and wearing the same old red shirt he wore the day he died.
The pyre is lit. You don’t look at it, you don’t look at Law and you don’t really talk. You wonder why Law didn’t bring any of his crew when most of his high ranking crewmembers were good friends of both you and Luffy, but then again, you don’t need to wonder. There is some drinking going on, some talking. Chopper and Franky are crying. You don’t really have it in you to do any of that.
The fire dies down a little after sundown, and you join your nakama in shoveling the ash into the water of the Grand Line. Right into Paradise. Law is next to you still, he is getting dust on his black clothes and his weird hat doesn’t do shit to hide how much hes crying. Nami is sitting on the grass, Jinbei is talking to her. You feel like the ash will stick in your nose and suffocate you, like the smell of fire will never leave you, but you shut your eyes and breathe through it.
The party afterwards is grand and generous, truly fitting Luffy. There is food and drink and music, plenty of space for all the uninvited guests, and there are speeches. You half expect Law to hold one, but you guess he knew he wouldn’t be able to keep a steady voice. Jinbei does hold one, he is all long words and all well planned, and he speaks of Marineford. Robin speaks slowly and solemnly about what it means to live, Nami and Vivi speak together and all these words just blur together. Needless to say you don’t hold a speech, everyone at this party knows what he meant to you, but you shake lots of hands and receive lots of hugs. You don’t know what you think of that, but it’s probably ok.
You drink to him, with all the crew and with Vivi and Sabo and allies and rivals and strangers, you drink to him with Nami again and then a third time for good measure. You drink to your captain with just yourself, for loyalty and love and your shitty broken heart. Over everything, the people and the noise, you feel his spirit floating with a bittersweet smile and a wish that none of you feel sad for his sake.
Law drinks too, to what he doesn’t tell you, until he can’t quite walk straight. Sometimes you know where he is, but sometimes not. When you find him sitting on his own with the weird hat in his hands and an empty bottle next to him you sit down and take his hand and don't let go.
“Want to go to bed?” he asks, when the sky is just starting to grow lighter in the east. His voice is steadier and clearer than you expected.
“Yeah”, you say, half asleep already.
He leans on you all the way to the house where you have been sleeping, and when you get to the room you share with him he strokes one hand down your back and nuzzles his nose against your ear.
“Want to fuck?”
You are drunk and tired and distant, and so is he. And yet, it would be nice. Luffy never wanted anything to do with sex, and you would love to take your mind off things. Next to you Law is warm and real and alive. You turn to wrap your arms around him, stroke his back and pull him in for the first kiss since three months ago.
And so you have him in your arms, have him against you and you want this to work, both of you do, but it just doesn't. You love him and you want him but you’re too fucked up. In the end he bites your shoulder too hard and you ask if he wants to stop, and he freezes for a moment before flopping down against you and kissing your throat.
“Yeah”, he whispers. “Sorry.” You hug him and comb your hands through his hair.
“Don’t apologize. Hey, I feel gross. You want to take a shower?”
“It’s like 6 am”, he says, and rolls off you, covers his eyes.
“I'm going to shower”, you say and sit up. “I think you should join. I don’t want to fall asleep like this.” You don’t want to fall asleep and know he's probably awake and anguishing about some bullshit, but you want to shower too.
“Ok. Whatever. Sure.”
He agrees to wash your back, and you wash his. There is still ash on your trousers, and fuck if that doesn't creep you out.
“Sorry for biting you”, he says as you rub soap on his tattooed back.
“It’s ok.”
“And sorry for- I probably drank too much, fuck, I just-”
“No one cares if you did.”
He doesn’t argue but as you’re done rinsing the soap off him you feel as much as you hear how he chokes back a sob. You kiss the nape of his neck, and he is gritting his teeth but damn if you don’t understand that. You don’t want to cry either.
Neither of you says much as you dry off and get dressed enough to get back to your room. Franky stumbles past you and stops to trap both of you in a bear hug that you don’t know if Law finds comforting or terrifying. There is light creeping into the room as you lock the door. Law sits on the edge of the bed for a moment while you lie down, looks away from you.
“There’s going to be a war”, he says. Then he sighs, lies down next to you and lets you wrap him in your arms.
That ends up being the last thing he says to you in six months, and it turns out he is right.
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cyriusli · 7 years
“I found this animal in the dumpster and it reminded me of you, so I took them home.” Zolaw
This got a little longer than I wanted. Oh well
Law looked at the text from Zoro one last time as he stood on the front step. I got a surprise for you when you get home. Closing his eyes, he shoved his phone in his pocket and took a deep breath, reminding himself that for whatever reason, he loved that man and was willingly walking into what was probably going to be a huge shit show.
“Zoro,” he called, closing the front door behind himself. Zoro’s boots were sitting in the middle of the floor, one tipped over on it’s side and Law slid them against the wall with his foot as he waited for an answer.
“Bathroom!” Zoro’s voice called back to him and Law could hear the slosh of water as well. He couldn’t help it, arousal flushed through him as the thought that maybe, for once in his life, Zoro was going to completely throw him off and do something romantic.
Law shook his head; there was no way. “What are you doing?” He answered, making his way through the house to the room, frowning at the closed door as he drew closer. He rapped his knuckles off the door. “Zoro?”
“It’s open, come in here,” Zoro voice was muffled from the other side. “Just be quick about it. I don’t want this bugger escaping and running through the house all wet.”
“What did you do?” Law opened the door quickly, slipping in through the crack and stopping in his tracks. He knew his jaw hit the floor at the sight before him.
Zoro was on his knees next to the tub, shirt nowhere to be found and wearing his swimming trunks. He was soaked, water trailing from his hair down the side of his face as he scrubbed a hand through the short spiky hairs of the large puppy in the tub, panting happily as it sat in several inches of water. “Close the door, Law, come on.” Zoro looked up to him and wordlessly Law did as he was asked.
Turning his let the toilet lid fall with a bang and sat on it, lacing his fingers together as he rested his forearms on his knees. “Zoro,” he started, trying to keep his voice calm. Having the other man bring home a dog wasn’t at all what he was expecting and really, he didn’t know how to react to it. “Explain yourself.”
“Well, I was walking down in town today, just minding my own siht, ya know.”
“Were you with Luffy?” Law kept his voice flat. Those two always caused trouble.
Zoro turned to grin at him, raising an eyebrow. “Maybe.” Turning back to the dog, he picked up a bucket, scooping up some water from the tub and pouring it over the dog’s head. “Anyway, as we were passing an alley, we heard this sound, so of course we had to go investigate.”
“Naturally,” Law rolled his eyes.
“We found this guy in a dumpster and he reminded me of you, so I had to bring him home.” Zoro shifted on his knees, pouring more water over the dog as he spoke. “Luffy and I went to the pet store and bought all the things we needed, so then I came home to give him a bath.”
Law took another look at the puppy. It appeared to be a black and white Great Dane.... all spotted and lanky. The puppy stood, wagging a water logged whip-like tail and spraying water around the entire bathroom. Crossing his arms, Law snorted back a laugh. “He’s a knobby kneed motherfucker.”
Zoro laughed as he nodded in agreement. “I thought we could name him Holstein, ya know, like the cow.”
“He’s going to be as big as one.”
“Yeah, I have some information the petstore got for me on the breed. He’s going to be huge! Maybe as tall as you from nose to tail tip. Isn’t that great!” Zoro pulled the plug in the tub drain. “Hand me a towel, would you?”
Law did so, twisting to pull one from the shelf above where he sat. “Who just lets a puppy like this run the city? Are you sure it’s not lost?”
“The pet store called the pound. No one has reported a missing puppy. He’s underweight, too. Already made an appointment with Vivi at the vet’s office.” Standing Zoro bent over, wrapping the dog in the fluffy towel and picked him up, cradling him in his arms as he turned to Law. “Say ‘hi’ to Daddy, Holstein.”
“Do not call me that. It’s a dog, not a child.”
“Don’t listen to him, Daddy’s just grumpy from work all day.” Opening the door, Zoro walked out of the bathroom talking to the dog and pointedly ignoring Law’s glare. “Come on, Law,” Zoro’s voice called back to him. “Let’s get Holstein all settled in.”
“Are you really going to name him that?” Law stood, following Zoro into the livingroom. “I can’t believe I am even considering letting you keep this thing.”
“Like you have a choice, Law.” Zoro gave him a pointed look. “I couldn’t just leave him. I mean look at him!” Zoro flopped onto the couch with the dog in his arms, scrubbing him dry with the towel. Huffing, Law sat next to him and raised a hand for the puppy to sniff, but the animal had other plans and made his way into Law’s lap, licking at his face as Zoro laughed. “Can’t get rid of him now, he likes you.”
“I’m going to regret this,” Law mumbled, pushing the dog away from his face, struggling to hold Holstein still as Zoro went back to trying to dry him off. “He’s not sleeping on the bed.”
“Ah, come on. He won’t take up that much room.”
“Not right now he won’t.” Law looked over to Zoro before he leaned over for a quick kiss. “We can get him his own bed tomorrow, okay?” Zoro simply nodded, closing the small gap between them before grinning again and going back to drying off their new family member.
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kozuki-hiyori · 4 months
The One About Roronoa Zoro
Okay, wow. So this was originally meant to be a post about ZoLaw, but it just kept getting longer and longer... so I decided to split it up into multiple parts. One for Zoro, one for Law, and one that will take about the two of them
(Because the reason it kept getting so long was that I started going on a rants about each character and what defines them, and it was really just getting out of hand) (And damn, this is LONG, I'm sorry, I was avoiding homework (this is your warning))
So let's first start with the Straw Hat's swordsman, someone lovingly referred to by most fans as the crew's First Mate (although it's not canon per say, it may as well be), Zoro!
First, I'd like to look at his background, because that (very obviously) informs the characters in One Piece to a great extent. Now Zoro's isn't the most fleshed out of the group. Honestly speaking, that is the case for most of the East Blue crew. The reason Luffy and Sanji actually have so much to their pasts is because we went back and fleshed them out more (see later introductions of Ace and Sabo, heck even Garp, and the fact that Sanji wasn't anything more than a kid shipwrecked on an island until WCI happened). Before these reveals, questions such as "How the hell did Sanji end up parentless on a transoceanic tourist boat?" or "Why the heck is Luffy just hanging around with pirates and seemingly no guardians??" were unanswered. The same sort of questions exist for Nami "Why did she end up abandoned and in Bellemere's care in the first place?" or Zoro (I will be bringing those up as we progress). Usopp is generally pretty fleshed out, actually, as in I can't personally think of any questions I have in specific about his background, maybe "When did his dad leave??"
On that point, with Usopp, I know generally Sanji is the poster child for character development in the Straw Hats what with his whole Germa background, but Usopp has an absolutely wonderful character arc (at least in my opinion, which, my blog, but also feel free to disagree, I'd love to here other's thoughts) and one that is still going!! Like his goal is one that literally requires his growth as a character. He can't be a great warrior of the sea if he doesn't believe in himself and-- I'm sorry, I'm getting carried away, I just really like Usopp, sorry.
Anyway, the point of all that was meant to be to demonstrate the fact that we don't know everything about these characters, and if we do, it's because it has been brought up again. And that doesn't even mean we know everything about them (Luffy's primary goal, for example). So that, and the fact that these aspects are still being developed in some cases!!
Anyway, back to Zoro!! And his backstory.
Here we reach the first thing that drive me absolutely up the wall: why in the ever-loving heck does he want to be the World's Greatest Swordsman?? He comes to Kuina with that goal, and their promise strengthens it, but, why, oh why, is that a goal of his in the first place??
(And sorry, another side note, but the differences between the representations of Zoro's backstory drive me up the goddamned wall, the vibe is completely different between the manga, anime, and live action. I originally had only read the manga, and was so, so confused why people would think that Kuina's father hated her and maybe killed her. Then I watched the anime and like, I get now it a lot more, but the fact that they are so variant is still insane to me)
Anyway, what do we know? Zoro's mom died from sickness; Zoro's father died at the hands of pirates. Presumably before he left for sea, and probably before joining the dojo and meeting Kuina.
(Even before Kuina, he wanted to become the World's Greatest Swordsman. And why is that? What is it that makes this man tick? It drives me insane! (Just, we can answer so many questions about so many motivations across so many characters, and the fact that I can be so completely lost when it comes to two of the main characters (Zoro and Luffy) drives me up the wall))
Right, so did he get his need to be strong from one of his parents or their deaths? Someone else he knew? Did he hear stories from Kozaburo or something and that inspired him? Or does he feel like he needs to protect himself? Like, he is obsessed with strength, and although his promise to Kuina strengthened (haha) that need, it just can't be the sole factor, because his need for strength is behind his entire character.
Now that's a fairly large claim, but, what drives Zoro as a character? What sticks out most about him?
Generally, it wouldn't seem like it's strength. Like yeah the weights he lifts are ridiculous and a recurring joke (semi-joke?) when it comes to him, but I'd bet it's not the thing that you'd think first about Zoro.
Another idea could be competition? Maybe? His goal is inherently competitive, and he'll stop at nothing to achieve it. And some people are just driven to be the best. That's it, and that's fair. That being said, he also doesn't need to be the strongest, just the strongest swordsman. He's fine with following Luffy, not leading.
Honestly, I'm one person basing all this off of my own thoughts (not the best sort of evidence for an experiment), but if you think of Zoro, I'm willing to bet that there's one specific character trait that comes to mind.
And that is his loyalty.
It is loyalty that drives most of his action (his loyalty to Kuina and their promise in large part driving him forward to complete his goal, and his loyalty to Luffy and the crew determining many of his other actions, ie. Thriller Bark, bowing to Mihawk), but what drives him outside of that? If we stripped away that goal, what would be left of him as a character??
Let's look at some patterns in the major point of his character in order to break this issue of loyalty.
First, let's look at those tied in some aspect to his dream, or more accurately the risk of it. Those are: fighting Mihawk, Thriller Bark, bowing to Mihawk. All of these are instances in which his loyalty to Luffy and dedication to not breaking a promise has caused him to act in ways that go directly against the completion of his dream. So his dream can't be the only driving for being the strongest (if speaking in terms of parameters, we can say that it is dominated by something else). Looking at these, are they tied to strength? Yes, in a sense, these are moments in which Zoro wasn't strong enough. And these are major character moments for him. They had insane impact on him. And they all have to do with him being confronted with the fact, full on and unavoidably, that he isn't strong enough.
We also have instances of him being much more serious than the others, such as: Whiskey Peak, not immediately trusting Robin, the "stop goofing around" on Punk Hazard, how hard he is on himself after every fight. For as goofy as Zoro is, he is exceedingly cautious. If there's a danger, he is wary of it and is prepared/will prepare to ensure he can fight it. He is careful of the strangeness of Whiskey Peak and Robin. And he is aware of the treat of the world, takes it seriously, and acknowledges that he needs to be strong enough to overcome it. If he struggled, he pushes himself even harder, even if he's still recovering.
And finally, another huge part of Zoro's character is his reaction to perceived betrayal (perceived as in what he identifies as a betrayal): Nami, Usopp, Robin, Sanji. The second he feels betrayed, he will but someone out and move on. "Zoro's so loyal!!" Okay, yeah, but what's this?? For most Straw Hats, they are loyal to the end, and it would seem like Zoro is too (Thriller Bark, again), but this is completely antithetical to that. So why?
It's about Zoro and the intersection between his loyalty, his trust, and his strength. Whoever he is loyal to must have absolute trust in him. Literally any time someone on the Straw Hat's leaves. Zoro completely shuts down when they do. He acts as though he doesn't care. Because, to him, they didn't trust him enough to rely on him, and Zoro needs people to rely on him. It's just how he works. He needs to be able to protect people and needs those people to know that he can protect them. And this is all driven by strength. If they don't trust him, if they don't think he can help, that says something about how strong they think he is. It's an insult to his strength that they don't think to ask him for help, implying that he is not enough. (It also protects himself emotionally to move on a fast a possible.) He needs transparency, requires it, because anything else implies he can't be trusted.
The issue of strength runs rampant through this character. He has this unavoidable need to protect himself. And although he will do his best to protect those he cares about, to is not an unending grace. It's as though all he does is work to defend himself from any sort of emotion hurt or rejection. (It's as though he is waiting to be thrown away. Like the parallel I could draw with Usopp... I won't, not now...)
At the same time though, if he doesn't succeed, then he reasons he wasn't strong enough and that's the end of it.
God! Just why??!? What?!! What is going on with him?? I'd really like to know.
(And god, fuck, I want to talk about the death pact now and what that implies, but this is so long already,,, I'm just... I'll dissect that later or something)
Damn, I've talked forever and I feel as though all I've done is determine that this man is a strength obsessed gremlin with issues. I may need to come back to this later, but for now, this is all I'll say...
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chromatic-lamina · 8 months
Hoho! I'm getting there with the ppt, btw. Had to pop out for dinner. Those icons look positively buggytastic in big size!
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
Oh, man. I've got quite a few.
1. I don't want to give away the punchline, but Chopper and Bepo are striking for higher bounties, and the recurring raccoon joke comes in to play in Overlooked and Underpaid (with a twist!). I forgot I wrote that joke, and when I reread it, it made me laugh, so I think it's okay! 2. I have a long fic. MarLaw is the main couple, but Frobin are a side pairing. Law and Robin are also besties. There's a recurring joke in that fic where folks think Robin and Law are getting too close, and someone (EG: Shachi) asks, "What would Franky say?" and Law, or Franky, (or eventually an outsider) answers: "It's okay, Franky and I are in an open relationship." It's a dark fic, so it lightens it up a bit. 3. Aokiji, Law and Bleat the goat cycling along on Aokiji's bicycle (Bleat in the basket), along a river the ex-admiral freezes, Law pleading for him to do loop-de-loops! 4. Kid and Law hooking up while Law is simultaneously attending an online conference, and guess whose ass unmutes the audio and camera? 5. Bepo's Beptober. 6. That one time that Marco turned into a blue flying elephant.
There's more, but I don't want to bore you 😊
🍆 Do you write the spicy stuffs? If so, what's your most popular nsfw fic?
Yeah, but it's usually pretty dark. However, in the non-dark stuff, and fairly tame smut, probably ZoLaw, The tibia, the fibula, the regions in between is the most popular by hits.
In dark fic, and it's extremely dark, Interdisciplinary. It's my most popular fic off-anon (by hits) [heed the tags if you seek that one out. Strictly 18+].
I don't write smut so much any more, but sometimes the lizard brain takes over. I can write sweet and funny smut too, but seem to have been cruising along in a mostly G-T zone lately.
Thank you so much for the ask! ! ✅ 🍦😈🤭 🎉 🤡🍆 answered. And 🧐❌🥰 about to be answered.
I better leave it there. The night is drawing to a close and tomorrow is...very soon.
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gildedmuse · 3 years
I started this as a series of ZoLaw AUs Nobody Asked For prompts based on All Hearts and somehow it just got hella long. Here are the first two. I have no real excuse for these. I thought they would be fun?
More to follow.
(credit to @jhaernyl for talking with me through all this)
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Move a few things up three years and Luffy isn't there to find Zoro tied to a post because of honor (but also drama ). Instead, Zoro is "rescued" by Ace, if you can call it a rescue (sure, Ace warned him about the planned execution and took it upon himself to retrieve Zoro's swords, but the sixteen year old is adamant that it doesn't count seeing as he had to save Ace's ass from all the marines he pissed off rampaging through their base, not to mention taking down that axe-handed piece of shit who apparently has been terrorizing Shells Town since he got here a couple months back; Zoro may still be a "naive little kid" according to Ace, but he knows enough to know that if a captain has to have his crew cowering in fear than he isn't really a captain) and is subsequently informed that he's lucky enough to become the second official crew member of the notorious Spade Pirates.
His new captain is a queer fish. Sometimes the other pirate is warm and outgoing, and Zoro thinks he'd probably make a really good Uchidachi or sworn brother type, that is until the idiot goes and does something brazenfaced and reckless, leaving Zoro to save his dumb ass. This only gets worse when they end up shipwrecked on some island with a masked no-one and one oversized bird that spits a treasure chest at them before flying off before Zoro can turn it into dinner.
The chest has one rotten looking apple in it which Ace says they should share, but what kind of first mate would insist on eating while his captain starved? It's just a stupid piece of fruit, so Zoro refuses his piece, letting Ace and the masked man split it between the two of them while he glares into the distance, searching for any trace of a ship or island he could swim out to.
Until right then, Zoro had never heard of a devil's fruit before - he prefers meat, fish, and rice, anyway - yet somehow it's not all that surprising when Ace can suddenly ignite, turning from flesh to fire and back again like it's as natural as the sea itself. Zoro has no use for fate and fortune. Those who go on about how shit is meant to happen are just trying to justify failing when it's really down to their own indolence; if a person really wants something they won't let something as weak as destiny stand in their way. But Ace getting this particular weird ability doesn't come as a shock to him. Seeing actual flames dancing around him isn't that different from his usual aura. Zoro doesn't think it was preordained or anything, but it feels natural and right.
Once they build a boat that Ace can "fire sail", and Zoro is sure his captain won't burn it down in the process, they set out plus one new, nameless cremate. That one turns into eighteen (Zoro is there for most of the recruitments and he still isn't sure how Ace talks these idiots into following him), the Striker becomes the Piece of Spadille, and the calm, tropic waters of the East Blue turn into the wild, unpredictable seaway called the Grand Line where there is a barrage of bounty hunters, annoying marines, eerily inviting villages and damned devil fruit users all of whom seem to take one look at Zoro's captain and decided they want him dead.
Zoro's having the time of his life.
The Grand Line isn't just obsessed marines and Islands that all seem to be under the thumb of some asshole. There's also plenty of other pirates, although most of them aren't worth dulling Zoro's blare on. Most of them act all tough at first, then they see what the Spade Pirates can do. After that, they tend to give Zoro and his crew a wide berth. Then there is Trafalgar Law.
Kimel and Ganryu call him an Ice Trawler, but Mask Deuce makes it clear Zoro isn't to say that, which is stupid, Zoro can say whatever he likes - the crew sometimes treats him like a child when he's only a few years younger than most of them - and anyway, he isn't going to bother calling the other pirate by some silly nickname.
He just called him Torao, same as his captain.
The northern has an obnoxiously attractive arrogant smirk and stormy eyes that flash like lightning when he spots trouble. He might act exasperated and sniping that their captain is a, "hotheaded, impetuous green-hide" - which only the other Spade Pirates are allowed to say no matter how much of an idiot he's been - but Torao can't hide his the devilish glee he gets in anticipation of a good fight. Zoro's sure that's why, despite all the bickering they do, he and Ace are such keen rivals.
In Zoro's opinion, a worthy rival is the second most important relationship you can have; even the best sensei in all the Blues is no replacement for a half decent rival. A rival helps hone your skills, they force you to become better, they drive you forward even after your feet are numb and your hands and cheeks full of splinters from hours spent handling half worn bokken. Sometimes, when the two crews clash over a useless treasure or who can claim victory in some spontaneous competition, Ace and Torao will have a sort of face off. Not a real fight, but certainly real enough for any unlucky soul who got caught in the crossfire. Zoro isn't jealous, not exactly, he certainly doesn't begrudge Ace a good tussle…. But it seems to him that it doesn't make sense that the older boy should always get first shot at taking on Torao. After all, Ace doesn't use a sword (which, having once had to witness him swinging a priceless meito around like a kid playing with a stick, Zoro is incredibly grateful for) but Torao is a fellow kenshi. It's not just a tool in his hands, either, though it's already impressive the weight he can give his strikes with a sword meant to be carried by horseback. Torao commands the sword, with that sort of effortless style and a confidence that is born from a mutual respect between the roguishly cunning swordsman and the cursed, hungry blade in his hands. Zoro likes Bear-po. He's surprisingly agile even if he does apologize way too much (it's Zoro's own fault he got electrocuted, he should have had his eyes on his opponent instead of the two power users). Still, it feels like he should get to cross swords with Torao at least once, just to see if he'd make as good a rival in kendo as he does at pirating.
But Torao is Ace's rival first and foremost, and Ace is Zoro's captain. And the only bond more important than respect between rivals is loyalty between nakama.
Which makes it kind of hard to take when Ace decides they5re no longer a crew. At least, not the same one.
"We're still nakama," Ace argues, and most of the crew seems to believe him. It's only Zoro and Deuce who are the hold outs, arms crossed over their chests as they stare down Ace. Zoro knows he looks skeptical. He can't actually tell what emotions Deuce might bebe feelling behind his mask. "What's it matter what jolly roger we sail under?"
Zoro gets off at the next port.
He spends time jumping from island to island and fight to fight, but everything feels strangely quiet. Zoro should like it, but he doesn't.
He sees Torao in some bar just this side of the red line. He has the nerve to look amused when Zoro tells him about Ace.
"It's a very cute prank," Law chuckles, while Zoro doesn't find any of this in the least bit funny. "Fire Fist-ya didn't device it himself, that's obvious. It's not very subtle, but them sending just Zoro-ya, and having him claim he's so unattached and alone, is exactly what makes it so likely to be it does take a small bit of thought." Zoro frowns, no idea what the other pirate is taking about. Torao takes another sip of his sake. Zoro has the feeling this isn't his first. Zoro doesn't see Bear-po or his funny hat wearing crew anywhere. "Sending you in to act as bait. I wouldn't have thought your crew capable of such a level of observation."
Whatever. Like it matters to him of Torao believes him or not. Zoro turns to go when suddenly there's a cold grip at his wrist. Long, inked up fingers hold him back with surprising strength. Zoro can't help but raise an eyebrow. It doesn't hurt, not even close, but he wonders if Torao knows how much force he's using. "Let's say," Torao starts, voice much quieter now, less amused. "I believed you, Zoro-ya. That you left your crew and happened to stumble into this bar on this island. There's still no reason to take the seat next to me."
"Unless…" Torao still hasn't dropped Zoro's wrist. He cocks his head, his false smile entirely gone. Instead he's taken to staring at Zoro like he's something Torao can take apart, the way he does with marines and lesser pirates and, that one time, Ace. "You wanted something from me."
Zoro tilts his head, though he doesn't really have to give it any thought. "I've always want to challenge you," he admits.
Torao gives a mirthless chuckle. "You already do that plenty."
Zoro barely has time to brace his hold on his sword when Torao let's go of his wrist, spreading his fingers wide. "Room!"
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Mihawk finds a young Zoro and sees the potential in the child, but it's one thing to appreciate someone's talent and spirit, another to, you know, raise a child. Shanks, on the other hand, is more than willing to take on the young orphan Mihawk found! (Poor Benn does not get a say).
So continuing Roger and Rayleigh's tradition of making astonishingly poor parental choices, Zoro is raised by the Red-Hair Pirates. This somehow results in him being more laid back/chill while also more chaotic and self assured. He's also given a lot of freedom to go roaming off on his own, even before he hits thirteen. (Hey, Shanks will come save his ass if anything too terrible happens. He'll be fine. Come on, Beckmen, let the boy have some fun!)
So when Law meets this highly skilled, ridiculously powerful kenshi who appears to be on his own, unflappable, and possibly insane based on how eager he'd been to face down a vice admiral he immediately sees it as an opportunity. On the one hand, the green haired kenshi is unpredictable, sure, but if Law can harness the boy's raw power then he could be a huge asset (his other assets certainly don't hurt Law's opinion of him, either). After they take down the vice admiral and his crew, Law asks the lone pirate if he'd be interested in an alliance. Before he can even get to the incentive (if the swordsman is looking for a challenge, how about going after a warlord and a pirate emperor?) the boy shrugs his broad shoulders, drops to the wrecked, blood stained deck of the former navy vessel, makes an offhand sound of agreement, and then apparently settles in for a nap despite the fact that they're still drifting at sea and he's on a half destroyed ship with a total stranger who could easily kill him while he sleeps. Not that he is about to murder the only person in all the blues possibly crazy enough for Law's plan, it's the principal of the thing.
The more time he spends with Zoro-ya, the more he suspects some kind of strange devil's fruit is at play. The boy follows him around without question, doesn't inherently distrust everyone they meet, never second guesses himself, sleeps in the middle of everything from hurricanes to naval battles, and yet comes out of the most precarious situations without a scratch. It's almost as amazing as how he isn't put off by Law's coldness or his casual mockery of Zoro-ya's occasional naivities. The other pirate stays at Law's side, brushing off any of Law's suspicions with a simple, "We're allies, aren't we?"
(Law isn't sure where Zoro-ya picked up his definition of a pirate alliance, but they don't usually involve such loyalty and support, not to mention other, less innocent activities. Law certainly isn't about to correct his misconceptions on the matter.)
With his crew having already set off towards Zou, that leaves Law with only Zoro-ya for nearly two months. Which allows him to get strangely familiar with the younger kenshi. In a way he hasn't been with anyone but some of his crew in a long time. He's learned Zoro-ya's habits, his favorite foods, his training regime. He knows all sorts of small, intimate details about this boy.
Law: A vivre card?
Zoro: Mm? Oh, I thought I'd lost that back with that porcupine idiot.
Law: It's gotten highly active all the sudden.
Zoro: The captain mlust be nearby. Guess you'll get to meet my crew.
Law: Your captain...
Law: Wait. What?
That's right, it's two months into this alliance and Zoro-ya only now mentioned that he isn't, as Law had presumed, a lone pirate wandering from island to island. He agreed to enter an alliance and never thought to mention there were others!?
(In Zoro's mind, that whole deal is between him and Law and doesn't involve the crew, but it HAS been a few months since he's seen the guys, and he'd like to drop in and catch up. He figures he might as well bring Law along, and introduce his captain to his new ally.)
Zoro: Don't let them intimidate you. They can sense weakness
Law: I'm not easily intimidated. If you're part of their crew, why don't you sail with them?
Zoro: They've never had a problem with me going off on my own for a while. I've been doing it since I was a kid. I always find my way back.
On his own? On purpose? Law highly doubts that.
This clears up some of his suspicions, since Law hadn't missed the small hints that Zoro-ya had been raised at sea, likely by pirates. It appears as if this is less a threat to their current agreement, more an introduction. A "meet the folks" scenario.
Only the folks turn out to be Akagami Shanks and Benn fucking Beckmen! How did you fail to mention your captain was a goddamn YONKO, Zoro-ya?
Law, beforehand: *All cocky* If you want me to meet this crew so bad Zoro-ya, I'll be happy to go with you. (And meet these old "swashbuckler" types, ha probably just merchants dealing in illegal fruits or something.)
Law, actually in front of Shanks and Benn: Hello, sirs. I, uh, ai'm allied with your son. But we're very safe about it!
Zoro: He is also my lover and we are very safe about that too
Because he was raised by Shanks.
Law is seriously contemplating just throwing himself over the side of the ship. Of all the situations to find himself face to face with one of the four emperors. Not that he's afraid. Law will gladly stand up to any shichibukai or yonko and dare to take them on. This isn't exactly an all out battle for victory, though Law definitely feels his life is on the lines. Something in Benn's eyes says that he's definitely dispatched of guys Zoro has slept with before, at least that's what Law is seeing. He's not fooled by Akagami-ya 's faking being all merry and drunk, either.
Zoro: What? It's just Shanks. If you're scared of anyone it ought to be Benn.
That. Does. Not. Help.
Benn pleasantly asking questions to Law while Shanks parties and catches up with Zoro. Just getting to know Zoro's new "ally".
Law's fear/nervousness lasting just until Shanks let's slip that it's good that Zoro found someone closer to his own age. Not that he doesn't love Miha, but the way his friend looks at Zoro is definitely not child friendly.
At which point Law's attention swerves immediately to their conversation. "Excuse me, but who is "Miha"?"
And Law getting to hear all about Hawkeye Mihawk's apparent obsession with Zoro-ya (at least, that's the way Shanks tells it, but keep in mind, Shanks is still pretty upset about the scar - come on, Miha! He promised Beckman he wouldn't let the kid get seriously hurt!). Law is bristling the entire time.
Shanks snickering and nudging Benn in the stomach at how obviously possessive Law immediately gets, suddenly having no qualms about touching Zoro in front of them, or constantly making sure Zoro is focused on him.
(Ahh, look how much their little kiddo enjoys all the attention, Benn!)
Zoro doesn't know what's gotten into Law but it is both utterly distracting and absolutely enjoyable. Usually, Law is all about keeping things quiet and no one can know they are lovers, they have to behave like allies. But right now Law is the one with the arm around his shoulders, fingers playing with Zoro's earrings. Asking all those strangely pointed questions about his scar and the training he did with Hawkeye. Which Zoro would rather answer than let Shanks because his captain has a way of making it all sound so dirty when, honestly, he just spent two years training with Mihawk on his abandoned island.
But it's hard to articulate the details when Law keeps rolling his earrings between his fingers, giving light tugs as they pass from one digit to the next and then back again. (Zoro's mouth is so dry and there's no amount of sake that can wet it up again. )
Shanks makes it sound as if Hawkeye was walking around shirtless - which, sure, but that's just Hawkeye - making Zoro work up a sweat while watching his every move. Which is true but only because of training. He tries to correct the whole idea that Hawkeye looks at him like - to quote his captain - a tall glass of wine - but everything Shanks says just gets a frown and a, "Oh, really?" from Law who then pulls ever so slightly harder at his earrings. Scattering any thoughts Zoro managed to gather.
(Mihawk definitely has less than pure thoughts about Zoro, but Shanks might be purposefully making his friend out to be more of a pervert than necessary. Well, Miha, next time maybe don't return Zoro nearly cut in half and missing an eye!)
So meeting Shanks and Benn Beckmen, terrifying. But then he looks just about ready to fight Mihawk at first sight right about now. (Which isn't going to happen. Zoro has claimed that fight. He has dibs on beating Hawkeye.)
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gildedmuse · 3 years
Hey, everyone.
So recently I've (predictably) very not well. Actually, whenever I don't post for long periods, just assume my body is trying to kill me. But I've gotten messages from three people asking if I. Okay, which is super sweet. I am actually trying to work on the next All Hearts, a really long ZoLaw post and two request fics, but mixing chronic kidney pain and capitalist society's mandate to work 40+ hours is not recommended.
But to prove I'm okay and still me, here is some Shanks antics with him being a total slut while Mihawk and Beckman just roll their eyes and go along with it. [Shout out to @jhaernyl who not only listens to me ramble about this stuff, but actively encourages it]. I also have many thoughts on the latest episodes and so many screenshots it's embarrassing. Hopefully, when I'm in less pain, I'll get around to actually posting those. Otherwise I just look like an insane person who literally takes by the second frame shots every time Zoro is on screen.
.... What is that? I look like that anyway? Fair.
Shanks Is A Bad Influence
It feels like Buggy and Shanks split up after Roger's death (the crew was told to, and they are the only ones who went to his execution) and I find it impossible to think Shanks didn't immediately set out and find a crew; like, pirating is the only thing this kid knows in life. This means two things:
He set out from East Blue. Also, he seemed at ease and familiar with the East so it's possible he spent like a year there getting everything together. Maybe he even played around in the other blues for a while before heading back to the Grand Line. I say this because his crew is from all over so either he found and recruited them in the Grand Line or visited various blues. Either way, I'm gonna say it took him about two years before getting a 'proper' start. In that case, he would have started out properly at the age of 17 and we know One Piece likes it's parallels.
That still puts Shanks at 17 to Benn Beckmen's 28. How the fuck did Shanks manage that? I'd call it grave robbing, but let's face it, the little tyke probably got up to some actual robbing of graves as well.
My point being everytime Shanks teases Mihawk about keeping this 19 year old kid on his personal island, mostly shirtless, Benn Beckmen just lifts an eyebrow.
Excuse me, captain, who had prefected the 'opps still don't have my sea legs' trip-and-fall into their first mates lap by the age of 17?
Shanks: Beckmen, you caught me! *Shamelessly nuzzles up* Thank goodness! I could be a devil's fruit user after all and - Ahh!
Benn: *Drops Shanks straight over the side of the ship into the water*
Shanks: *Sputtering* What what that!?
Benn: Checking to see if you had eaten a devil's fruit on us, Capatin.
Benn: You didn't.
Smart ass. But he can't resist Shanks forever. Shanks will wear him down eventually.
Next time Mihawk tracks him down for another match - because you know he gets bored way quicker than he'll ever admit and Shanks is at least amusing a challenge - Shanks makes a big deal out of how Mihawk follows him around, "accidentally" revealing they slept together, sighing about how it's so hard to resist him.
Benn Beckmen is just leaning against the side of the ship, sipping his booze.
Shanks: -and I can't stay for hours like last time!!
Mihawk: Are you quite done?
Shanks: *whispering* Does Benn look jealous?
Mihawk: He looks bored. Much like I am. Is this some strange attempt to get out of my challenge, Akagami?
Shanks: What? No, come on I told you I was game. But, hey, could you do me a favor? Maybe like try and kiss me or something? Like take a swing like your going to hit me but then stop shot and grab me by the waist instead.
Mihawk: .... Trickery is beneath you. Besides, you're absolute rubbish at it.
Shanks: Oh, come on, I would totally help you get laid if you asked!
Mihawk: .... *Sigh* I want a proper match afterwards.
Mihawk: *In a forced, monotone voice* After this I will take you to my lair and have my way with you, Akagami.
Mihawk: ... My lair? Really?
Shanks: *Holding up cue card with quickly scribbled line* What? That is how you talk.
Mihawk: I can't believe I wasted precious hours of light tracking you to this atrociously rural port.
Shanks: See? Now, read the next one.
Benn: Captain? If this is going to take all night, I am going to go join the rest of the men in the tavern.
Shanks: Huh? Wait! Benn! What if Miha really stabs me this time!?
Benn: *Salutes Shanks with his bottle* Sounds like that is his plan captain. Have a good 'challenge'.
Shanks: What? No... *Reaching out hand, like he might die if Benn leaves, looking completely devastated* Not even a little jealous...
Mihawk: You couldn't have thought that pantomime would actually work.
Shanks: Benny, don't leave me.... *Turns to Mihawk, immediately brightening* Oh, well, there's always tomorrow. Hey, Miha, guess whose free all night and horny as a pirate in the calm belt?
Mihawk: .... *Sigh* Very well.
Mihawk might as well get something for the trip he made. Although, he's reconsidering if the sex was actually worth the trouble after he ends up listening to Shanks worry half the night that Benn is shacking up with someone else (after a couple hours of rough and raw fucking, admittedly).
Is it the hat? He likes his captain's hat. Miha, you think his captain's hat is sexy, don't you?
Mihawk: It's utterly ridiculous.
Shanks: ....
Shanks: ....
Shanks: *Smile* Ahh, Miha, I knew you liked the hat!
Shanks: What do you old Northerns find sexy?
Mihawk: I am only four years older than you.
Mihawk: And silence.
Trying to convince Mihawk to go spy on Beckman for him. Shanks doesn't actually care if he does sleep with someone else, it's more that Beckman didn't immediately turn angry and jealous like Buggy would have that has him paranoid.
Mihawk is going to fuck this annoying red head again just to shut him up.
Mihawk: Maybe he doesn't like red haired boys who don't know when to be quiet?
The next morning Shanks is pacing among his poor crew that's gotten stuck listening to Shanks obsess about Beckman again. IS IT REALLY THE HAIR!?
It's not even a matter of Shanks's age (or obvious immaturity). I mean, Beckman got on board and stayed, didn't he? Beckman just enjoys watching Shanks try so hard to get his attention. Like Benn's attention isn't constantly on Shanks. He had to when his captain is always one step away from disaster.
He only left him with Mihawk because it was clear Dracule is not a real danger to Beckman's captain.
Except maybe insulting him to death. But Beckman is pretty sure Shanks can handle it. He's met Buggy. He's suspects Shanks LIKES it if anything.
It gets to the point where when they dock somewhere and see Mihawk waiting, or come back to the ship and spot his familiar silhouette, most of the crew goes off somewhere for another drink (sometimes the newer kids will stay to watch such an awesome fight, everyone else is like... Look, you'll have plenty of opportunities later. This is not a one off.)
Benn just takes a look around, nods to Mihawk (a silent signal for, "he's all yours, do with him as you please, if anything happens to him I will track you down and make sure your last few hours on this blue world are as painful as humanly possible") and heads off.
Oh, it's just the Hawk boy.
That's fine then.
Benn use to be a sailor on a trade ship between the North, East, West and Grand Line. He's seen it all.
They called him The Gun Slinger BEFORE he joined Shanks's crew and became a pirate.
So this young, broke ass kid from the streets of some near artic northern island trying to pass himself off as a Lower North rich type has a thing for his captain? Not really enough to keep Beckman up at night, no matter how good at swords he's supposed to be
Besides, he's pretty sure for the kid to keep tracking down Shanks, he must be bored out of his skull. He's not going to do anything to endanger their captain.
Not if Shanks is the only thing he can find to keep him entertained.
One day, Mihawk is going to be waiting on the dock when a bunch of Red Haired pirates are stumbling home, laughing and chattering amongst themselves (Shanks's crew always seems to be in a good mood). One of them will catch sight if Mihawk and walk by with a smile, patting him on the shoulder.
The captain's occupied. Seems likely he'll be 'occupied' for a good while, too.
Mihawk won't smile, but he will think "So you finally warmed him up to you, Akagami?" and snort lightly.
Poor Benn, though. Mihawk could never imagine being with someone so much younger than him. Shanks is only four years his junior and already it strains Mihawk to put up with his occasional moments of "youthful whimsy" (aka being an annoying, immature child)
"A young, cocky pirate with strangely colored bright hair"
Mihawk just putting that on his Not To Do List.
That lasted until Roronoa.
(Mihawk just looking at Zoro knowing this is bad news.)
Mihawk: *Takes list from Benn*
*Cross out, scribbles*
*Hands back to Benn*
Do Not Do:
- A young, cocky pirate with strangely colored bright hair a silly hat, who is overly dramatic and in any way, shape or form related to Gol D Rogers.
Ace: Hey what's up?
Mihawk: *Takes list from Benn*
Go ahead, Benn, laugh it up. Mihawk is aware he has a type. Young, pretty, and utterly insane.
After that night where Shanks was otherwise 'occupied', it's over six months before Mihawk sees his friend his rival again. He is, as expected, far too smug and proud looking.
Shanks: Oh, Miha, so sorry you came all this way, I'm-
Benn: Well, I'm off, captain.
Shanks: What!? But we, you, I... Benn, hessoeexyarentyouworriedforyourcaptain?
Benn: *patting Mihawk on the shoulder* Have fun with him. Don't forget to return him by noon tomorrow, we have a schedule. Oh, but if you can babysit him for at least four hours? That would be great.
Shanks: BABYSIT!?
Mihawk: I suppose I can be troubled to do so.
Shanks: TROUBLED!?
Benn: Thanks, Hawkeyes. I owe you.
Shanks: *Fake tears clinging to his lashes* You two are so mean!
No, don't feel bad for him. Shanks is just trying to guilt the two of them into bed at the same time, and they both know it.
Thanks no thanks, they're not into that. But Shanks can be pretty cute when he's trying so hard (Benn) and at least he's not as boring as everything else in this world (Mihawk) so they allow him to keep up the act
Shanks: *looking at Zoro's wanted poster over Mihawk's shoulder* But I feel like you'd gladly go to bed with him and his captain if he asked. That doesn't seem fair to me. You'd never go that far with me and Benn.
Mihawk: *Eyes Benn*
Mihawk: *DEAD. ONLY.*
Mihawk: I have my reasons.
They can and do agree on plenty of things, including reciprocally not being that attracted to each other.
Shanks: Sounds fake to me
Shanks: But guys!
Shanks: This isn't about you
He's gonna need you guys to drop the egos and focus on what HE wants. I.E., being in the middle of two sexy Northern men.
Honestly, so mean to poor Shanks!
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gildedmuse · 4 years
So... I have this bad habit where sometimes, when attempting to summarize the idea for a fic, I go into waaay too much detail.
Like, I don't go as far as to actually wrote the damn thing because, you know, effort and laziness, but... Well, it's a close call. It gets to the point where it's less a summary and more what my friends use to call a Quick Fic. All that's .kissing is the actual dialogue and descriptive narration.
Having said that....
Here is a "summary" of an ZoLaw AU where Law works for Doflamingo...
What happened was, basically, Law got caught by Doflamingo after eating the devil's fruit which eventually allowed him to cure his dieses, thus why he's still alive. Or, at least, isn't dead from lead poisoning. Because let's face it, Doflamingo could have just killed the boy then and there. Sure, he'd have to find the fruit all over again, but better that the deal with this little traitor
Except really it was his brother who had been the traitor. Law is still just a child, and children can be so suspectable to any number of ideas so long as an adult gives them a pat on the head and a treat after.
Which is when Doflamingo realizes that he can just manipulate Law into being another loyal follower. Then eventually - when he's no longer useful - Doffy will have him sacrifice his life for his own immortality. By that point Law will be family, and family never lets Doffy down. Not anymore.
So it's under Doffy's personal tutorage that Law grows up, and as much as he might resit the man who imprisoned Corazon, it's hard not to eventually fall to all Doflamingo's sweet praise and promised. And Law gets what he had wanted all along: a way to get back at the world that willingly watched his home wiped off the official world map and would be happy to see the entire town dead to the very last one. This Law truly earns his title Surgeon of Death, acting as the top officer of Hearts in the Doflamingo crime family. And yet despite his cruelty, he isn't even on the government's wanted list; protected under the Shichibukai's jolly roger.
In the meantime, the Strawhats are still doing their thing right on through Punk Hazard (which they somehow manage to not only live through but actually do more damage and cause twice as much chaos. The biggest difference is that Ceaser and Monet escape and Sanji can't perv out over being in Nami's body). So this time when they roll into Dressrosa it's less "backing up the plan of an ally" and much more "on complete and total accident" and "without a damn clue".
Yeah, basically they're the Grand Line's easiest prey.
But, hey, it works out! Well, no, not really. But Sanji does meet Violet, Luffy meet Sabo and help recover Ace's devil's fruit, and Zoro does get lost and require a magic fairy guide. Plus, hey, since they're not really there for any purpose other than that they happened to be passing by, it's not like they can't pull a dine and dash. They may be unprepared, but The Monster Trio can still keep up the fight until everyone is back on the Sunny.
A perfect escape!
Except no.
Because Luffy isn't totally ready to leave, not when he wants to know more about what Sabo is doing and help his new friend Rebecca. Not that they have time to debate the merits of staying or pulling a tactical retreat since at that poing Big Momma is on their ass. And that scary dude in the long black coat is still somehow following them, teleporting himself through the fucking air like wtf why is this happening now!? Nami is forced to make an executive decision: they're can't stay. Also, oh God oh God they're trapped and they're going to be killed and oh God.
It's moments like these you're almost thankful one of your crew members is a total maniac. Because in the middle of all this mess, Zoro just smirks, tells Nami to just concentrate on getting away from that annoying ass ship, he's got their other attacker covered. Which only makes everyone freaks out MORE because what is Zoro thinking: he'll be killed! ("Not immediately, of course. First they'll likely torture him for information, perhaps even kill him as slowly as possible." / "What? Why would you say that? That is not SUPER helpful to hear right then!") The Sunny goes into an all out panic attack. Everyone is yelling or crying or both.
Except Luffy.
Luffy who looks at Zoro, at the singing ship, at the dark power user trying to slash their ship apart, at the shore line of this island and the way it radiates a fake happiness covering Rebecca's very real pain. Luffy who just lowers his hat over his eyes and gives the nod.
Zoro smiles, and is immediately almost clobbered by a giant Chopper. What is Luffy saying? Don't they realize that is the same guy who almost took down Sanji, Zoro AND Luffy only moments ago? Zoro can't fight him alone! Sanji, more calm than the rest, lights a cigarette while explaining that he's not trying to stop Zoro from getting himself killed or anything, but Chopper is right. That guy was incredibly tough, and there's no way Zoro can do it alone ("Shut up dartbrow! You don't know what the hell you're talking about! I could take him down with just the two swords! With one hand behind my back!" / "He already kicked your ass once, Marimo! Or have you forgotten because of all the head trauma!?" / "The only reason he kicked OUR asses is because YOU kept getting in my way you damn weak-ass cook!" / "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME, IDIOT MARIMO!?") Franky tries to regulate the fight but he's busy blocking those deadly aimed slashes from hitting his poor ship while Brook and Kin'emon work on stopping the incoming cannon balls. Either way they're going to have to do something SUPER fast if they want to get out of here. Yeah, Luffy, we need an actual plan. We can't just send Zoro out to-
"Zoro", Luffy says and despite everything going on around them the deck of the Sunny goes really quiet. They all know that tone. "Zoro, I need you to take care of this until we can get back. I still need to kick Mingo's ass for a friend."
At the sound of his captain's no nonsense voice, Zoro is suddenly easily able to stand, shrugging off the pile of people trying to stop him from jumping to his death (and by pile of people I do mean the coward trio and Sanji, who is mostly just trying to get in a few kicks). He draws Wado, clutching the katana in his teeth and yet still somehow manages what you know is a smirk. It's a promise.
And like that, Zoro is launching himself right into the blue sphere of the battle.
A battle against one of Doflamingo's top officers. A devil's fruit user with a twisted heart and home field advantage. Needless to say, it does not end well for our hero.
Although, Law has to give his rival swordsman some credit. He has his share of fun toying with the boy, and despite never standing any real chance of victory Law can admit the strawhat pirate puts up a better fight than most. Far better than Law had been expecting from some one so new to the New World (supposedly he got Mihawk to agree to train him, but Law has met the Hawk Eye and finds the idea utterly absurd). Then there is the way his smile had just an edge of what Law could only call manical delight, even when it became clear he'd long lost. This greenhaired kid really is stupid enough to believe his captain will come back for him. As though he would come charging back into Doflamingo's territory a second time just to retrieve a single crew member. One who was not only crazy enough to sacrifice himself but couldn't even win the fight. At the same time the swordman's loyalty and faith - as misplaced as it is - is kind of... Adorable. Who knew someone could come so far on the Grand Line and still be so innocent?
Law immediately wants to corrupt it.
Thes other family members will whine tell you, Doffy has always had... Let's say... A "soft spot" for Law. He's spoiled that brat for years, is what they mean but don't dare to say. Sure enough, Law barely has to work to talk Doffy around to letting him personally see to the prisoner's arrangements. Doflamingo is a little suspecious at first (he can never truly trust Law, not after the Corazon incident), but he quickly dismisses it. He's had the Heart Officer's loyalty for years now.
Of course, when he sees the spark of interest light in his apprentice as they eye their newest spoils of war, he can't help but tease Law. After all, Zoro is quite an enticing young man and Law isn't the only one there who likes pretty things. They're so fun to destroy which - judging from the way Law shivers when Doffy runs a hand through thick green hair before yanking the boys head back against the wall hard enough to leave the young captive panting and dizzy - is precisely his protege's plan.
(Doflamingo also happens to know Zoro almost definitely had trained under Mihawk, and he would love to see his fellow warlord's eyes flash with barely contained anger when he learns how Doflamingo has broken his favorite toy. It's not his fault - Mihawk is always so uptight and repressed, it makes agonizing him too much fun for Doflamingo to resist.)
In the end, though, he knows when Law's determination is set. And for whatever reason the boy has decided he absolutely has to be the one to keep their guest "comfortable" while his captain makes up his mind on what he'll do. So Doflamingo only teases for a bit - touches a little, plays with the barely conscious boy kneeling at his feet, enjoys the way Zoro still has enough spirit left to try taking bite when Doffy's fingers trail to close to his bloody lips (oh, and, what a joy! Law nearly growls at the prospect of not being the one to ruin the boy!) - but eventually he stops his little game. He gives in, telling Law to have fun with his treasure. He is the one who took him down after all. It is only fair he keeps him.
Just try not to completely break the poor thing, not until Strawhat returns for him.
Law snorts at the very idea. This is hardly the first time they'd done this. He's never seen a single captain try and retrieve their stolen property (he has of course, but he doesn't remember them). He doesn't see why Strawhat-ya would be particularly special.
Before Doflamingo can come up with a clever, vague answer about Law trusting him, Zoro suddenly gives a bark of laughter that would have scared lesser men senseless. It only serves to draw the two men's interest back to their little pet.
Luffy won't come back for him, Zoro confirms, much to Law's surprise (he personally never thought Strawhat-ya would, but then why would the swordsman sacrifice himself so willingly for a man he has so little faith in?) and has Doflamingo raising an eyebrow in.... Interest. Zoro looks at both of them with no fear, like he hadn't taken a humiliating defeat and is even now bloody and chained up, helplessly listening in on these two infamous pirates talk about him like he is a mere object. Actually, if anything, he appears to be wearing a smirk under all that blood. Because he knows something they don't.
Luffy won't come back for him, because his captain knows Zoro doesn't need to be rescued.
To Law, this makes Zoro look like an even sweeter treat. Doflamingo is simply amused, remarking that perhaps their little pup has yet to realize the leash around his neck is shaped like a noose.
Zoro meets his gaze, steady yet daring. He promised Luffy that he'd take care of it, and so that is what he will do. He'll never go back on his word, especially when it comes to his captain. Something Doflamingo with his distrusting and fear-toed crew couldn't understand. So see, their plan to use Zoro as bait will never work, because Zoro swore to Luffy that he'd be take care of it. So he will. Luffy has enough faith in Zoro that he'd never believe anything less and would never turn around out of doing to try and mount a rescue.
No, when Luffy comes back it will be for the sole purpose of kicking Doflamingo's ass.
The mood darkens. In a flash, Doflamingo is in back in front of him, yanking Zoro forward by the chin. He squeezes hard enough to bruise. You can hear the cracking of bone as he explains to Zoro exactly how precarious his current position is only to grow second by second more frustrate by Zoro's completely lack of fear. So he squeezes harder. He slams the boys head back into the wall and starts smiling when he gets a since from the stoic swordsman.
Before he can do any real damage Law steps in, reminding Doffy that he promised him he could have the boy. And just like that, Doflamingo's whole mood appears to shift back to calm. He puts on his fake smile and let's Zoro go, even pets the boy's hair. Of course, he had promised. And he, too, is a man of his word. Something Zoro will surely learn in time now that he is one of them.
Zoro, now with blurred vision and the taste of fresh blood on his tongue, is smart enough not to answer. But not smart enough to lower his head or try and appear humbled. Lucky for him, Doflamingo decides the boy isn't worth it. When he turns around he notes the hungry way Law is eyeing the kneeling prisoner behind him. Which brings a crueller, yet more genuine, smile to Doffy's featurss. The Strawhats vice captain may act invincible now, but he's never faced Doflamingo's own Surgeon Of Death. As disinterested and put off as Law might usually act, the boy can be dangerously twisted. He's sure his top officer will break the young pirate down bit by bit - both literally and figuratively - long before his captain can come running back in to try and find him (and Doflamingo is sure Strawhat will, no matter what Zoro might think).
He leaves with one last reminder to Law not to completely shatter the infamous Pirate Hunter. No, Doffy would hate to see their newest family member treated so poorly, especially seeing as he has much bigger plans in store for the young Mr. Roronoa. Specifically, he wants to see the face of Monkey D Luffy when he watches as the last bit of his first mate's spirit broken.
And because Doffy practically raised the boy and knows exactly the right buttons to push, he decides to give Law a little extra motivation to bring Zoro to that point. Just in case that interest turns into something dangerous like longing or - laughable as it is - actual fondness. It's so simple, too: as he walks by he simply whispers how there is nothing like crushing the heart of unrequited love.
It will be such a treat, tearing Zoro from his captain, and watching Luffy realize he's lost his chance to love the other man, wouldn't it Law? What a truly tragic romance. It almost makes you hope the two of them at least had some time together. Law didn't happen to give them a moment along before forcing Zoro to throw himself into the fight, hmm? Just a small, precious second or so for the two to share a final kiss. After all, not even Doffy is so cruel as to deny the poor boys such a tender moment.
Sure enough, Law's eyes immediately narrow and Doflamingo can feel the jealousy rolling off him. Not because Law gives a damn for their prisoner's feelings - Doflamingo raised him better than that - but he always has had a possessive streak. Having taken an interest in the swordsman, he will hate the thought that the boy might even think of another or that Law won't be the first to possess him in ever possible way.
Doffy leaves with a cruel, deep laugh. He can't wait until dinner, when he may just happen to remember the rumours about his "friend" Mihawk and his taking a young green-haired boy under this wing and in to his bed. By tomorrow he suspects every part of Zoro's body will bare at least some mark that he now firmly belongs to no one but Trafalgar Law.
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gildedmuse · 4 years
So I seem to remember promising more Sora: Warrior Of The Sea Beach Episode. And by "seem to remember" I mean, it's in writing and thus hard to ignore. So despite the fact that none of you care, guess what? You're getting more of this ZoLaw AU.
First off, every member of the cast and crew understands the purpose of a beach episode: to waste time at the beach. Which means that everyone pulls up with swim trunks, blankets, grills and umbrellas. They are basically there to have a beach vacation.
I say everyone. Not Law. Law does not come prepared to party, he comes prepared to be pissy. But like everyone else (Yes, even Mihawk. Though technically only due to Shank's influence. Shanks forces him is what I'm saying. "Hey, even Beckmen is joining in the fun!" / "Benn always joins in these ridiculous games." / "What? My Beckmen? No! He's usually so mature and serious." / "He only seems that way compared to you. Because you are a child.")
The resulting shoot is pretty much pure chaos. Perona and Hancock are more interested in sunbathing than acting. Killer is kicking everyone's ass at volleyball. Franky and Ace are having a grill off to see who makes the better hamburgers and hot dogs (Sanji would totally win except that Pudding-Chan is right there and in a bikini and look, at some point it's difficult to care about things that aren't that.) Zoro and Luffy, meanwhile, are pretty much exactly the children you expect them to be, much to Robin's amusement. Look, she wrote a scene where Sora and Daichi "play wrestle" in the sea, but it has nothing on the actual thing. Because Zoro can often be oblivious and because, you know, Luffy she is sure they don't mean for it to look so homoerotic. It's just a shame Nami isn't here to capitalize on this. She could definitely sell Zoro pinning Luffy to the sand or Luffy wrapping around Zoro like he's made of rubber for more than a few quid.
Law is not enjoy this shoot.
Even when Benn finally gains enough control to start getting actual work done (you'd be surprised how authoritative Mihawk can be even in purple swim trunks) it soon becomes clear that this is going to be a longer than normal shoot. Not because the logistics, just people are not even trying. Ace will just start smiling in the middle of a scene where he shouldn't be smiling, and because Zoro really takes his cues on acting from Ace he'll immediately start smiling regardless of the line. Then Sanji will get angry with them both, which Pudding will think is adorable, thus leading to Sanji forgetting the script entirely to pay attention to her. Perona will tell Zoro off and get too close in his face, which will make Luffy jump in to "protect his virtue" (on order from Nami) which will make Boa jealous because how dare another woman be so close to her Luffy. Which will make Ace and Zoro annoyed which will make Robin giggle, which will distract Franky which will ultimately lead to the effects not working like they should, which will cause Shachi, Penguin, and Ikkaku to huddle up (definitely not them just laying on the sand and enjoying the day out) which of course gets Shanks and Mihawk's attention. Shanks tries to separate Perona and Luffy while Mihawk gives Zoro and Ace The Look which, despite his still authoritative aura is SLIGHTLY less effective when he's standing there in just swim trunks. Curse Shanks. So in the end, with a heavy sigh, he has to go train instruct Zoro in what he should actually be doing in the scene which somehow ends up with his hands at Zoro's bare waist as he goes through it all yet again.
Law HATES this. Fucking. Shoot.
Which is why he is so close to just leaving, as per Robin's suggestion. They don't need him there. Clearly. They can all get along quite well without him. It's obvious now that Law's real job is babysitting and at this particular location all attempts to be an adult are fruitless.
So Law is all set to leave but then Zoro gets out of the ocean, dripping wet, and heads towards his drink which Law happens to be standing beside. Not watching. Definitely. If anything, glaring. And he tries to keep glaring out at Luffy and Ace messing around as Zoro takes a nice long drink, eyes clearly focused on Law.
Which isn't distracting.
Zoro: Aren't you hot?
Law: *Takes a second to process what that actually means, covering by his continued glare* These are work appropriate clothes, Zoro-ya. Not all of us have forgotten why we're here.
Zoro: *Snorts* RIght. You can't be seen having fun, isn't that so Torao?
Law: *Turning his glare towards Zoro which is maybe a mistake because skin and water and mouth and eyes* I'm only being practical.
Zoro: That sounds boring *Reaching out to grab the end of Law's shirt* You should come have fun with us, Torao. You might even enjoy it. *Sideways smirk that is far too dangerous in nature, anyone with self preservation instincts would run*
Law: *Doesn't run* I… *Is older than Zoro and more experienced than Zoro and always the one to make suggestive comments to Zoro so how is it Zoro has currently got his hands wrapped in Law's shirt while Law seems unable to speak?* I didn't even bring-
Zoro: *Stepping closer, raising Law's shirt up a few inches to show his intent* It's just the crew, it's not like anyone will care.
Law: It wouldn't be very appropriate, Zoro-ya…. *Come on! He's half stripping you down! Be flirty or clever or mysterious or hell just step back and make him stop if you can't come off as at least competent. What the hell is wrong with you? Fuck, he's so close. And there's this trail of water falling from his hair to his lips. Fuck.*
Zoro: Look around. No one here is trying to be "appropriate" Torao. *Steps closer, feeling safe. Feeling cocky. Today has been all sword fights with Killer and sea fights with Luffy and Ace. Can you blame him for being in a good mood? And Law needs to join in, obviously. He's standing up here on the beach looking so miserable and serious. What he needs is to be dragged into the water and force to actually have some fun.* Unless…. *Cocks his head, looking Law over* You can swim, can't you?
Law: I - *It'd be nice if he could swallow right now because it definitely feels like he's going to start drooling. That damn water is curving up on the underside of Zoro's lower lip and he's so close. Law could lap that up for him. Could pin Zoro down and just….*
Zoro: *Beaming* It's alright. Luffy can barely swim, either. *Nods out to the water where currently Luffy is splashing around, riding on Ace's shoulders*
Law: *Eyes go to Luffy and Ace for once second and when he looks back Zoro seems so much closer.*
Zoro: *Still smiling even as he starts to peel off Law's shirt* Come on. *Tugging him by the arm, despite the fact he's still in his jeans and no wait he didn't agree to this!* We'll go together.
Law: *Manages to get Zoro to stop long enough to peel off his jeans so he's down to his boxers, which Zoro flushes at and isn't that what he meant? He can't be so inexperienced. Fuck, Law just wants to ruin this boy, he really does. But then Zoro is back to shoving him towards the sea, happily announcing to Ace and Luffy that he has a fourth and what does that even mean? What has Law gotten himself into?*
It turns out to be an overly competitive game of chicken (both Ace and Zoro really take it far too seriously while Luffy is clearly there for fun but also will break Law's nose if it comes down to it). Which means Law has his legs wrapped around Zoro, whose hands are curled up around his thighs and this could not get any worse.
He thinks.
Totally unaware that Robin has her phone out and is capturing this entire magical moment. And when Franky sits beside her asking why she's filming them fighting she just gets this smile that makes him want to unask because he knows Robin.
Mihawk has to eventually call the boys out to shoot a scene. He stands at the edge of the water with his typically displeased look. Law would feel so much more ashamed if Zoro hadn't chosen to just drop him slightly so Law's legs are wrapped around his waist, and carried him out of the water like that. Law tries to give his boss an apologetic look but it's difficult when he's so wrapped around Zoro, and Zoro's hands keep finding new places on his legs to hold him up. (And maybe Mihawk shouldn't look at actors who work for him that way. And maybe Mihawk should spend less time instructing Zoro. And maybe Mihawk can go to hell because Law has called dibs on this one. This one is his.)
(Also, thank you for this opportunity, Mihawk-san)
(Also, did Zoro really need to flash that smile at Mihawk? Did Mihawk's face just soften slightly? Isn't he like twice Zoro's age? He should really-)
Then Zoro drops him on the sand, and he's leaning over Law, practically on top of him. All other thoughts basically stop.
Zoro: *Beaming* See? Wasn't that better than just sitting around?
Law: *Forgets how breathing works for just a moment, and is way too out of breath by the time he recalls the process. So his mind goes into default Defensive Mode. He frowns* You just wanted a chance to beat Mugiwara-ya.
Zoro: Well… *Shrugs, like obviously. That isn't really the point, is it? Since he chose Law?* You did well Torao. For a beginner.
Law: *Crossing his arms across his chest, which is difficult with Zoro right there. Looks to the side, determined not to give a single inch* I don't like being used Zoro-ya.
Zoro: Right. *Frowns, pushing away from Law* It was Luffy's suggestion anyway.
Law: *Carefully glancing back* What was?
Zoro: *No longer looking at Law* To come get you. Tch. Like I would ever want to pair up with you, Torao. *Pushes off the sand, stalking off towards Mihawkk and the shoot*
Law: *Pushes himself up onto his elbows, watching Zoro go. Can't help feeling like he really messed up.*
Robin: Perhaps you should be more careful with our stuntman's feelings.I suggest next time you be more honest with him.
Law: *Doesn't jump at Robin's sudden appearance next to him. Totally.* There won't be a next time. This is a pointless waste of an episode and the studio will see that.
Law: *As an afterthought* And I was honest.
Robin: *Sets a hand on Law's shoulder in a quiet moment of commiseration*
Also Robin: I have it all on tape if you wish to watch it back. *Leaves*
Law: *Hates this fucking episode*
Law: ….. *Maybe wants to examine that tape.*
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gildedmuse · 4 years
I was totally going to post about what makes Raizo awesome, answer a question and fill a request but then my phone got destroyed. While I spend the next day or so fixing that. Here. Enjoy this....
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Poor guys, their dreams were crushed...And it was a simple dream. They just wanted mystical shadow assassins to be real. ...And now I'm imagining a crossover between One Piece and Ninja Turtles.
@gildedmuse replied:
Which one does Luffy inevitably ask to join his crew? Cause I feel like the easy answer: Michelangelo. But actually I think it would be Master Splinter.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
I can see Luffy and Law fighting to get all five on their crew, and being forced to settle on shared custody. 😂
@gildedmuse replied:
I asked my brother and his expert opinion was, "I don’t know, you're probably right. But Donatello and Franky be bros."
Also, we agreed that Raphael is just an angry Zoro. Which I was like, "You don't think Luffy would ask Law to join his crew?" 
His reply, "Well, he hasn't asked yet. Probably jealous of all that sweet time Law got with Zoro on the way to Wano." 
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Clearly! 😂 I think Donny would get along well with Law, too, as would Leo, while Raph and Mikey would prefer Luffy if only because he gets into the craziest adventures.
And Master Splinter would just want to listen to his shows.
@gildedmuse replied:
Leo: We need a plan. 
Luffy: Good point, Lion Turtle! 
Luffy: Huh. I guess never heard you before because you're not a giant turtle ninja guy.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Oh my god, that's exactly what would happen! 🤣 And Zoro teaming up with Raph to pick on Sanji, while Donny joins up with Usopp and Franky to build some crazy stuff while Mikey rolls around the deck with Chopper like a dork.
@gildedmuse replied: 
Raphael's and Zoro's Sole Interaction: 
Raphael: *Nods to Zoro* Nice swords. 
Zoro: *Nod returned* Nice Sais. 
Small But Morally In The Right Group Of Fans: Oh, well, I would ship the FUCK out of these two.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
That sounds about right!
Poor Master Splinter, I think he'd hide on the Polar Tang for some peace and quiet...
@gildedmuse replied:
Leo suggests all the most Law like shit only Luffy actually acknowledges him and takes it into consideration because he’s a goddamn ninja turtle. Law spends the entire time just over Leo's shoulder in various states of sullenness, outrage and indignation. This is exactly the advice he gave yesterday and Strawhat-ya straight up ignored.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
I figure he'd just take advantage of it and work with Leo to get things back on track after a while, still muttering under his breath about how Luffy never listens to him.
@gildedmuse replied: 
For some reason all I see now is Law being like, "Alright, I'm agreeing to leave Leo here because God knows someone should reign in the Strawhat. But goddamnit, Raphael comes with me. You only get one!" 4
Luffy: Okay if we also keep the rat monster! 
Nami: No, Luffy, that doesn't make sense. There are 4 turtles and 2 of you! 
Luffy: Oh, yeah, thank God we have this navigator-
Bepo: That is not what navigation is! 
Luffy: What do you mean we only get one?
Law: -pointing between Zoro and Raphael- You. Only. Get. One.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
I can definitely see Luffy just assuming everything Nami does as a 'navigator' thing. And Law trying to barter for Donny so he doesn't get stuck with Mikey. 😂
Oh my gosh, YES. 🤣
@gildedmuse replied:
You know Zoro tries to just stare down his captain as Luffy looks between the two like he isn't secretly nervous. Like... He believes in Luffy and their connection but also.... It's a goddamn ninja that's also a turtle and has goddamn awesome sai. So... You know, could go either way. He understands. It's a fucking ninja turtle.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
I would definitely be torn! And there's Sanji, egging Luffy on to keep the turtle. 😂
@gildedmuse replied:
Sanji: come on he's exactly like Zoro only useful! 
Zoro: Oi! 
Sanji: What? At least if we're stuck out at sea we can make turtle soup out of him. 
Chopper: Using food to guide Luffy's logic isn't fair! (Turtle soup does sound yummy though)
And Zoro just standing there like come on, Chopper, you too?
@dragonprincess18 replied:
And Mikey asking to go on the Tang because he doesn't want to be made into soup, while Raph grabs him by the mask like, I'm not getting stuck with you!
@gildedmuse replied:
I love that both Raph and Zoro are like well, you know what? I've accepted my date of being forced to go with Law. That is some good sidekick vision. They know who the fucking protagonist is!
Actually, phone, I meant fate but fuck it. I'm sticking with date.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Raph hates it, but he's a natural second-in-command. And he also doesn't want to be stuck with Leo. 😂
There are no accidents.
@gildedmuse replied: 
Raphael: Well, I'm choosing Law. 
Zoro: -At the same time- We'd obviously both like to stay with our actual Captains so- 
Zoro: Wait did you just pick Law? 
Zoro: -Eyeing Leo- 
Zoro: Yeah... I'm gonna go ahead and go with Law as well then.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
And Luffy goes all anaconda on them, like NO! Law only gets one! Zoro's mine!
@gildedmuse replied:
On the sidelines Nami, Chopper and Usopp who do not want to be left without a super strong swordsman are just like WHAT!? 
Zoro can't explain. There's just something about some other dude with blades that he would definitely fight To The Death that he inherently trusts.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
And Sanji is trying to convince him to let Zoro go while Leo just tries to massage away a headache, and Donny raises a hand, like "I...also want to go with Law now."
Though I could also see Zoro taking Leo as a sparring partner.
And Usopp bartering for Donny, while Brooke quietly hides Master Splinter behind him.
@gildedmuse replied:
But that would be like Zoro taking Law as a sparing partner. Like I see it... I get where you're coming from. But there is sparing partners vs people you want to be on a crew with. Said with all the love in her heart. (Also, let's face it, it's Zoro. He can argue about it but whoever Luffy says they're taking... Those are now the people he would die for.)
@dragonprincess18 replied:
True...Zoro would do pretty much anything for Luffy. Except be nice to Sanji. There are lines.
@gildedmuse replied:
Also, for the record, Bepo considers them all minks and try to treat them as such and the turtles just like, "Well, no bro." And Bepo continuously shocked by this. Continuously.
I mean there are lines than there are fucking impassable mountains forever separating two spots.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Yeah, Bepo would be so confused. 
Exactly, there are some things that can't be done.
@gildedmuse replied:
Luffy: Zoro, I need you to die for this crew
Zoro: I have already accepted this sacrifice and moved to make it so. Just as long as you become pirate king and my crew lives.
Luffy: Zoro, legitimately the only way the crew will survive is if you are nice to Sanji for like an hour... At most.
Zoro: Well, Captain, you and the crew can go fuck yourselves cuz that ain't happening.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Yup. That's a canon conversation they've had in their minds. No need to voice it, Luffy knows. It's hard enough when Zoro has to work with Sanji for two straight minutes!
In comparison, Leo and Raph are best friends!
@gildedmuse replied:
For the record, if you were writing some weird NT/OP fanfic that was also ZoLaw friendly that is right there how you would get Zoro on the Polar Tang. 
Law: Actually, we'd have to take the turtle bladesman. Obviously yours is too invested in staying here with you... And black leg-ya who will also be on this ship. 
Law: -I got your swordman. Whatcha gonna do Strawhat? But nonverbal cuz Law-
I mean yeah because Raphael clearly a second. I know this because I have an unfortunate love of seconds. Like just love a main character or at least the fucking leader goddamnit. But still... You always love your captain, even if he has a stick up his ass.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
And Luffy pouting, but letting Zoro go... Because he plans on never letting Law leave, either. 😝 Neighbors!
 It's an unfortunate truth. Especially when you're the second-oldest.
@gildedmuse replied:
Oh well you've broken me. That's too cute. Just Luffy pouting like fine... But NAMI NEVER LET THAT SHIP OUT OF YOUR SIGHT! 
Zoro just like "I'm an adult and also.... Two years."
Luffy: I will never. Let you. Leave me. 
Zoro: I am in no way trying to. 
Luffy: -Dark eyes of Determination- Never.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
And Law standing there like, I'm never getting away from this, this is my life now, what did I do to deserve this? While the turtles are mostly relieved they're all staying together.
@gildedmuse replied:
Law: -Despair- 
Bepo: There there captain. At least you got a Swordsman now. 
Law: I AM A SWORDSMAN! Leo-ya is a swordsman! Why does no one think of us!? 
Penguin: Well no one actually forgot about Leo, we just accepted him as staying with the Strawhats so.... 
Meanwhile, Across The Ship
Zoro: Alright, so Kid and Drake are out. Why not the Bonney Pirates? 
Nami: Again,not physically here. 
The only argument regarding Law being all, "You know what? Fine take him back" is regarding if it's Zoro's destructiveness or Luffy's stubbornness that drives him to the edge.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Zoro: It's me or the shitty cook. 
Sanji: I'm not going anywhere, mosshead! 
Zoro: See? 
Chopper and Usopp: 😭
Or both. Both is possible. And Luffy will still follow him everywhere because "We're allies, Torao! That means we're friends, and friends don't run from friends!" "THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS!"
@gildedmuse replied:
Law: GET OUT! 
Nami: Now would you say it was Zoro or Luffy's behavior that finally broke you? 
Law: Excuse me? 
Nami: Look, there is actual money on the line here, Law, so I will not hesitate to kill you.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Law: ...Luffy. 
Nami: I knew it! Pay up! 
Usopp: Aw man, I swore it'd be Zoro's sense of direction...
@gildedmuse replied: 
Bepo is just like "Usopp is not wrong it's pretty bad you guys " No one pays him any attention. Maybe if he was a fucking ninja turtle....
When a Kung Fu polar bear just isn't enough
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Law is a grumpy panda teddy, and Luffy knows it. There's no denying it now. They've all seen it. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if he and Mikey both read Sora: Warrior of the sea.
Poor Bepo, he's still cute enough for me! *hugs Bepo*
@gildedmuse replied:
I mean you know Raphael reads that shit but doesn't openly tell anyone right? Because I feel that is definitely true.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Raphael has a reputation to uphold. And a baby brother to annoy. 😂
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