Robin Hood of Bohemia ~ Interview with film director Leoš Kastner with reporter Kasia Ogrodnik-Fujcik
The adventures of Robin Hood have fired the imagination of filmmakers since time immemorial. Or, to be precise, since 1938 when they made the first famous film with Errol Flynn. There have been numerous versions of the story retold over the years. Little wonder it has also (and inevitably) made its way into foreign lands. In the Kingdom of Bohemia, upon the death of Přemysl  Otakar II on 26…
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thedsgnblog · 1 year
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World Design Rankings: Best Design Worldwide
The WDR – World Design Rankings aims to provide additional data and insights to economists and journalists regarding the state-of-art in design industry. The ultimate aim of the world design rankings is to contribute to global design culture through advocating and highlighting good design. The rankings aim to provide a snapshot of the state-of-art and design potentials of countries worldwide by highlighting their creative strengths, design weaknesses and available opportunities.
Design Business Insights
Furthermore, for each country, three additional tables for strengths, weaknesses and opportunities are listed. The table of “Design Strengths” displays dominant design fields, in which a country is highly competitive and successful; i.e. for example you could learn whether Italy is better in Fashion Design, Furniture Design or Graphic Design. 
A’ Design Award and Competition
A' Design Award and Competition, the sponsor of World Design Rankings, is an international juried award for good design that is organized in over hundred creative disciplines and industrial sectors, reaching designers, artists, architects, makers, brands and businesses in almost all countries, with over billion logo impressions in internet, television, social media and traditional publications. A' Design Award aims to promote good design practices and principles worldwide by highlighting exceptional design work in all countries and in all disciplines.
Register Your Designs today to The A’ Design Competition: Enroll Your Best Design Project.
Check the Previous Winners:
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Fluid Space Sales Center by Kris Lin
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Sakura Shimizu Packaging by Nobuya Hayasaka
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Ecofriendly Electric Diy Bicycle by Asbjoerk Stanly Mogensen
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Eth Country Villa by Alexandru Zingaliuc
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Have a Nice Can Food Packaging by Kaoru Mizuno - Mother Inc.
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Joaquim Folding Screen by Pedro Galaso
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The Treasure of Zbojniks Label by Sasha Sharavarau
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No48 Fragrance Diffuser by Nicolas Boon and Tatiana Garcia
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Realm of Tranquility Residence by Jung Chieh Cheng
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Divergence Game Kit by eMotionLAB
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Cat Wonderland Residential House by JTS Interior Design
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Yin Flower Tea Packaging by Zhen Yang, Chunwang Yang
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artereniac · 4 years
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Zbojník Akira / #neohaluskypunk / Zbojník Jurko - Viktor Kubal vs Akira - Katsuhiro Otomo
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everyanimatedmovie · 6 years
264. Brigand Jurko (1976)
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The first Slovakian animated movie, sort of – the Czech Republic and Slovakia were one country until 1993, but the film's credits specifically designate it as Slovakian. The art was too primitive for me to be very interested, although what they are trying to portray is not. The frame rate is very low, and the design is studiously simple.
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dasha-aibo · 4 years
I'm still playing that crazy Civ IV mod, just now got into the Renaissance after God knows how many hours, the mod has what's known as "bandit" units that can go into rival territory and attack their units and pillage their shit without declaring war.
So now I have 15 Slovak Zbojniks in HEUG hats harassing China and Persia for shits and giggles and they keep capturing the same trader and immediately gifting it back, which only improves my relationship with Persia and it's just so surreal.
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weijcke · 3 years
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The treasure of Zbojniks http://www.packagingoftheworld.com/2021/02/the-treasure-of-zbojniks.html
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praveslovenske · 6 years
Zbíjal zhruba poldruha roka. S Uhorčíkom začal a s ním aj skončil. http://ift.tt/2n4h7Dm
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skinniettastripper · 7 years
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Always gonna steal your thunder watch me like a dark cloud 🐱‍👤
 Dear friend, or stranger, lets be friends?
That is me contemplating life and whether i should start writing this post or not. 
 It’s really a LONG story. It is crazy how fast life is moving for me at the moment and how much I have changed. I guess I am feeling more good than bad recently. But everything is so different. 
 So, I cannot remember how far updated my blog is, but currently I am still working at Infosys Brno, -for some unknown reason from the gods-. I cannot say I’m unhappy with the job. It is nothing I ever imagined I would be doing, but I know that it could be way worse. I am actually enjoying it and most of the time I don’t feel the time passing because the atmosphere is nice and I enjoy the company of people. 
I have made some good friends like Kamilia, the most unique Arab woman I ever met. She has the sweetest heart, I wish she were my sister and I never felt like I could make a friend so fast like it was with her. And just hanging out with her made me more social and outgoing. And I never met anyone who made me laugh as much as her. I really love her and care about her. 
And all in all, social life is going pretty well. Almost too well, I am always going out and having a good time which is pretty cool and I’m proud of my transformation. 
On the other hand, family life, not so well. I really miss my family. I was missing them so much the other day I started crying at work. I just miss the comfort and coziness of being at home. I miss listening to their silly chatter and to have the after lunch tea with sara nada and sawsan. I miss abood so much I want to pinch his little squishy cheeks!! I was just talking to mum and I am trying so hard to open up and to make them feel better because I want to see them, I really do. I don’t know if I wrote this before but back in september I went for vacation in Jordan and I did not see them at all, it was so weird to see nada at indoor cafe, YES I ran into her we were there at the same time on the same day, what are the chances?!!! I really just wanted to hug her. I am really hoping that maybe if I open up to them they will accept me and like me again. Tomorrow I will call dad and slowly I will make my way back to the family. I will do my best, because I know that anything in life can be mended except for losing family that loves you and cares about you.
 And then, the most significant thing going on right now…..romantic life and dating!!! agghhh! I know right? like who are you and what did you do to Rana?!! 
I really don’t know what’s happening but ever since I became S active, it’s like I’m a magnet to every guy. It is like so easy to get any guy I want and DONT want. I know I sound so narcissistic but seriously, it’s not fun. I mean yes, who doesn’t enjoy some attention? But still if you getting this attention means you are hurting people you care about just because you’re not adult and mature enough to make some choices then it is not good!
I want to write all about this, maybe it will help me figure out. Where to start? 
Well first, it started with this Croatian guy I met at karaoke night, it was a good night. He was singing super well. Next day, I lost my virginity to him and gained much more. Absolutely no regrets. And it is still going with this guy, we are meeting to fuck almost every week. It is fun to see him, it is amazing how we manage to talk for few hours without really knowing much about each other. When I am with him, it’s relaxing and perfect to blow off steam. Because I know, I will not hurt this guy no matter what and he will not. We rock each other’s worlds in bed and then I’m ready to go for the rest of the week. No strings attached whatsoever. So I would like to keep that going a bit longer. 
And then second there was Simone, the Italian guy at work who likes me. And, for the record, whom I like back A LOT, just not in the same way. This guy is amazing, he’s smart, sweet, funny and we really get a long and can talk for hours and hours and enjoy it. However, from the start I knew he liked and I made it as clear as possible to him that I am not interested in him that way. Which I thought he would take well, he is 36 years old after all and should be 15 years more adult than I am. But, first time he sees me kissing a guy drunk, he stops talking to me for a month. It really hurt me. It felt like he only wanted one thing from me, and if I don’t give it to him he doesn’t care anymore. It is a bit nicer now we are slowly starting to talk again, I really hope we can stay friends! But I also don’t like him so much now because him and kamilia, only the best woman on earth are going out and he doesn’t treat her the way she should be treated. She deserves much better. But well, let’s not be meddlers. I am sure they can take care of themselves. 
 Then comes, the craziest night of my life. Friday night sometime in sep 2017, when I went to kamilia’s place for some drinks before karaoke at trojka. I go there and there is kamilia ira gabby the flatmate and gabby’s friend whom i knew kamilia had crush on, and I was cheering for her to get him. I finished my bottle of wine, we go to trojka, i sing, i drink, i flirt with the dj who has a girlfriend, somehow I end up kissing gabby the flatmate /i would love to forget this ever happened/ gabby thing goes on longer after we move to a club, we make out outside on the stairs and do other super inappropriate shit in PUBLIC. Guys downstairs see us, we go down they offer me weed, I take it, gabby says I’m his girlfriend I get defensive and start kissing t he stranger who offered me weed. Gabby gets mad I’m kissing a black guy and starts screaming. I go back inside, black guy follows me, tells me some shit about how i should be treated better because i’m beautiful, like seriously guy what kind of bullshit is that?! 
Anyhowwww, then I go back inside away from all the guy drama and start dancing with kamilia and petra and then comes kamilia’s crush and asks me if he can kiss me now in a super cute way and of course, when I’m drunk I could make out with a wall. After the kiss, I feel bad, I tell kamilia let’s leave. We leave, gabby is still screaming because i kissed black guy, kamilia shuts him up, seriously, this woman is my hero.
 I say goodbye to kami, gabby, and the crush and start to walk home. Few minutes later, I hear someone following me, I look back and it’s the crush. “why did you follow me” -I say, “I don’t know” - he said. “Do you wanna go to a gay club?”- I said, “sure” he replied. We went to a gay club next to my place, we make out for few minutes and do weird shit. Then I tell him to come with me and take him back to my bed. We have fun. Next morning, he doesn’t remember shit. 
I was worried about kamilia finding out. I told him please don’t tell her anything. She calls me, he picks up the phone. She is super pissed. anyway because she is so amazing she accepts it later on.
 I thought, when I woke up next to this guy that I will send him home and it will be over. But somehow, we started talking and talking and talking and watching weird don’t cry and don’t laugh challenges and eating pizza and watching harry potter and having such a perfect peaceful day. And after that day, I felt like I wanted to spend more time with this guy, his name is zbojnik by the way, or as I call him Kofi. 
Kofi lives in Prague, since that night I have seen him few times, I went to see him three days in prague, he came the following weekend and he is coming next weekend again. We are texting constantly and calling each other. And I actually like him. Not crazy about him, but it’s been a while since I felt like that about anyone. However, he wants me to break up with my other guys which I’m not sure I’m ready to do..so I am taking some more time to contemplate it because I am not really sure if I want to be in a committed relationship right now. I never had a boyfriend, like normal people having normal relationship and it scares me, because what if I get bored, what if they get bored and I get hurt, what if I get too attached? What if it’s too distracting? What if I should focus on other things as my priorities..I don’t know.. anyway for some reason, he didn’t talk to me or text me at all today, I’m not sure why but oh well. 
 For the grand finale…Adam, I believe I have wrote about this guy before as the guy whom I had a major crush on. So, I was obsessed with this guy since I started work, he was this cool cocky smart guy and I really liked how he’s like even though other people think he’s weird. I like how he is and I LOVE hanging out with him, we went out a couple of times and it’s insane how we can talk for hours and hours and have such intense nice conversations. Last night I was out with him, we talked about my family, he knew that I basically escaped from Jordan without me telling him, which is creepy if you think about it, because like how could anyone find out something like that? He basically described everything about me without me needing to say it. And I was thinking about how nice and comforting it is to see that there is someone there, sitting on the other side of the table who understands me maybe even more than I understand myself. He looks like such a tough guy but with me he is so sweet, he packs a blanket, a bottle of wine and candle in his backpack and plays Jane the Virgin for me, and brings me chocolate with cats on the packaging each time we go out. 
 The problem about Adam is that I care about him THE MOST. I know this guy and I can have an intense connection, a connection that I cannot easily have with anyone. And I really really really do not want to hurt him or lose him. But I don’t know what he wants, he never said anything yet, I love how he is taking it so slow. I really like him and I have no idea what I want or how I would react if he expressed any feelings to me..it’s the hardest thing for me to figure out. Should I tell him I want to be friends? would he accept it? I know I want him and I’m attracted to him. But I don’t know if he would be ok with us having something that is not serious. Anyway, I guess we will see what’ll happen..but last night we also talked about family, and the things he told me, I used today, I talked to my mum and I actually talked, and it’s because of him and I felt better. I know for sure I want this guy in my life, I just don’t know in what way…
 I have to go pee and sleep now! That was a long post, but I know you will enjoy it some time later and cringe at how high-schooly dramatic your life is at the moment. 
 Remember always that I love you and that even thought you can be silly and dumb and reckless and superficial. You are more or less an OK person. So you should like yourself and believe that everything will be ok at the end, if it’s not ok it’s not the end hhhhhh.
 Love you!! Night night 
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Brother Marijan, the Knight of the Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem  ~Interview with Marijan Krumlovský with reporter Kasia Ogrodnik-Fujcik
Fully clad in armour he measures 6’7’’ (2 m) and weighs 330.69 Ib (150 kg). This bear of a man proudly wears the green cross on his chest. Brother Marijan, the knight of the Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem, medievalist, reenactor, founder of SHŠ Ordo Military, historical consultant of a new project Zbojník (The Robber). Today he tells Katarzyna Ogrodnik-Fujcik about his love of history,…
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thedsgnblog · 1 year
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Call for Entries to A’ Design Award & Competition
A’ Design Award & Competition is the world’s leading international annual juried competition for design. The A’ Design Accolades are organized in a wide range of creative fields to highlight the very best designers from all countries in all disciplines. The ultimate aim of the A’ Design Awards is to push designers, companies and brands worldwide to create superior products and projects that benefit the society. The A’ Design Competition aims to create incentives that ignite and reward creativity, original ideas and concept generation in all industrial sectors.
Every year, projects that focus on innovation, technology, design and creativity are awarded with the A’ Design Award. Deadline for submission is February 28 and results will be announced on May 1st. Designers worldwide are called to take part in the accolades by entering their best works, projects and products designed in the last 10 years.
A'Design Award is a great opportunity for designers to have a jump in their careers as the A' Design Award offers winners extensive marketing services to make use of the success of winning the award. The winning designs are also exhibited in Italy through the temporary MOOD: Museum of Design. Winners of the Award will have extensive press appearances, press release preparation and distribution.
There are over hundred design award participation categories such as Good Industrial Design Award,  Good Architecture Design Award, Good Product Design Award, Good Communication Design Award, Good Service Design Award, and Good Fashion Design Award.
Entries will be judged by an international jury panel of scholars, professionals and media members. Further design award categories are available on this link.
Enter Your Designs today to The A’ Design Competition: Enroll Your Best Design Project.
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Memory Growth Lounge Chair by Yunyun Chen
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Popsitable Table by Daniel Huang, Eric Chang and Johnny Hu
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Revolving Especie Armchair by Zanini de ZanineHome 
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The Treasure of Zbojniks Label by Sasha Sharavarau
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Shengming Shijia Tea Gift Box by Hangzhou Xianlin Tea Co., Ltd.
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Tokaj Gin Label Packaging Design by Dora Haller
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Lamay Island's Souvenir Series Brand Packaging Design by Chia-Hui Lien and Jen-Wei Huang
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Treasure Box Chocolate Snack Combo Packaging by Mutian Yu
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Fly Modular System by Linda Martins
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Yin Flower Tea Packaging by Zhen Yang, Chunwang Yang and Jialu Yang
Learn more about the competition and apply today!
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artereniac · 4 years
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100 years after the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and the former Czechoslovakia. Zbojník Jurko vs Akira.
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thedsgnblog · 2 years
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Award Winning Packaging Designs 
The A' Packaging Design Competition is a freestyle design competition open to both concept stage and realized works designed by professional and young designers, packaging design companies and other business in the package manufacturing industry worldwide.
The A' Design Award for Packaging is not just an award, it is the indicator of quality and perfection in design, the award is recognized worldwide and takes the attention of design oriented companies, professionals and interest groups. 
Deadline for entries to A' Packaging Design Awards is on February 28, 2023. Results of the A' Packaging Design Awards will be announced on April 15, 2023. Laureates of the A' Packaging Design Awards will be granted the highly coveted A’ Design Prize which contains a series of PR, marketing and publicity tools to celebrate the status of winning the Packaging Awards.
About A’ Design Awards:
A’ Design Award & Competition is the world’s leading international annual juried competition for design. The A’ Design Accolades are organized in a wide range of creative fields to highlight the very best designers from all countries in all disciplines.
Previous Packaging Award Winners:
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Have a Nice Can Food Packaging by Kaoru Mizuno - Mother Inc.
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The Treasure of Zbojniks Label by Sasha Sharavarau
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No48 Fragrance Diffuser by Nicolas Boon and Tatiana Garcia
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Artbird Packaging by Zhangyong Hou
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Buenandanza Packaging by Antonio Cuenca
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Freeze Dried Coffee Packaging by Shanghai Yuanshang Culture Communication Co., Ltd.
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Tokaj Gin Label Packaging Design by Dora Haller
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BeeHacchee Tarts Packaging by Shingo Furusho
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Yin Flower Tea Packaging by Zhen Yang, Chunwang Yang and Jialu Yang
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Pindao Tiancheng Liquor Packaging by Jun Li
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artereniac · 5 years
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Batman 66 vs Zbojník Jurko (original by maestro Viktor Kubal) #23 Blank Sketch Variant DC Comics
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