#You can't tell me Jake wouldn't have a dog
phantasoba · 1 year
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Doodles from art class today
We were drawing animals (which I can't draw for shit) and I, being bmc trash, drew these
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junnieverse · 8 months
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➙ enhypen's reaction to you not recognising them whilst you were drunk
pairing: enhypen x gn!reader
genre: crack, very little fluff
request: " so yk the series u did with the drunk enha not recognizing their partner… u should write about the roles being reversed and their partner is the one that can’t recognize them "
warnings: lowercase intended, mentions of alcohol/drinking, not proofread, jake swears once in his drabble
a/n: thank you for the request anon, here it is! this was a cool idea too so I hope you liked it :)
a/n (2): I also wasn't sure on whether or not to add riki into this one as well but I decided to go for it but riki is not drinking and the reader is legal to drink in the drabble
a/n (3): you can also find my post on enha not recognising their s/o whilst drunk [ here ]
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🖇️ — 양정원 ; JUNGWON !
you had been out celebrating with some friends and jungwon had been their too to make sure you didn't go overboard
what he wasn't expecting was for you to claim to not know who he was when it was time to leave
he wasn't suprised by your drunken behavior but he was taken aback when you asked him to prove he actually was your boyfriend
"If you're really my boyfriend, tell me something only he would know about me?" you interrogate him raising an eyebrow
"You once farted in front of my friends and blamed my dog." he says shaking his head
immediately covering his mouth you shush him feeling embarrassed at the revelation
"I can't believe Jungwon told you, he swore never to say anything." you whisper pouting as he gently removed your hands
"That's because I am Jungwon, now let's get you sobered up."
despite having already known this little secret you still couldn't seem to look Jungwon in the eye until you ran away into your room to go sleep to avoid him
🖇️ — 이희승 ; HEESEUNG !
you had a night out with some friends and your boyfriend was always the go-to person to call when you got hammered
tonight was unexpectedly different when you saw riki and pushed him away
even your friends would try telling you to sober up so heeseung could take you home but you argued that you didn't know him
"I DON'T KNOW THAT MAN! DON'T FEED ME TO THE WOLVES YOU PUNKS!" you yell out to your friends
he was shocked to say the least because you've never acted this way around him
soon your boyfriend had to step in and he carried you over his shoulder whilst you hit his back
despite your pretty weak defence, he oddly found this entertaining
he makes sure to help you sober up and feeds you until you fall asleep
🖇️ — 박종성 ; JAY !
you were a mess
jay got a call from your friends that you were crying saying you missed him and so he came over to get you
turns out you were just incredibly drunk and rambling over how perfect your boyfriend was and you 'didn't deserve him'
"I'm right here darling, wanna leave?" jay says rubbing your back as you look at him dazed
"Who are you sir?" you ask sniffling softly as you wipe a tear
he was left too stunned to speak
thought it was just you messing around with him but after he laughed and he say how stoic you were, he realised you were serious
"What, I'm literally your boyfriend, it's me Jay." he says pointing to himself as you shake your head
"No, my boyfriend is way cuter, no offense sir." you tell him taking another sip of your drink
he wasn't sure whether to take your words as an offense or a compliment but he still couldn't believe it
🖇️ — 심재윤 ; JAKE !
jake got a little pouty seeing as you couldn't recognise him
all he wanted was your affection but you wouldn't even touch him, CUDDLE THE MAN BEFORE HE DIES STARVED OF TOUCH
to make matters worse was you tried everything in your power to avoid him thinking you were in danger
poor guy had to chase after you trying to calm you down but to no avail
you'd tried hiding, screaming and even running away but he always came back
"Baby please stop, it's me, Jake. Layla's dad." he tells you making you go into shock
"HOW DO YOU KNOW MY BOYFRIEND'S DOG YOU STALKER?!" you yell at him as you hiccup slightly still drunk
you still didn't believe his words so you decided to call jake for yourself and somehow the phone in the stranger's pocket rang
"YOU ATE JAKE!!" you accuse him pointing at him in horror
"Oh for fucks sakes." he says done with your drunk self
🖇️ — 박성훈 ; SUNGHOON !
he was offended to say the least
"But (y/n) it's me, you're handsome and funny boyfriend. Snap out of it." he says shaking you lightly with his hands on your shoulders
you on the other hand was ready to fight because you couldn't believe this 'stranger' just laid his hands on you
"One more word buddy and I'll throw my shoe at you!" you warn your boyfriend slapping his hands off as you turn to leave
sunghoon was very adamant to get you to recognise him because he was your designated ride home anyway
"Sweetheart it's me, I'm Sunghoon!" he says again getting aggravated
true to your prior warning, you indeed took off your shoe and threw it at him
hoon woke up the next morning with a huge bump on his forehead and you couldn't remember a thing
"Where did you get that bump from baby?" you ask handing him an ice packing having no idea
he still wonders how someone so incredibly drunk had such great aim
🖇️ — 김선우 ; SUNOO !
"CAUSE IIIIII KNOW YA LIKE BOY!" you sing (more like scream) at the top of your lungs as sunoo directed you into the house
you had a few glasses of wine earlier on after working and sunoo was left in your care having picked you up after a karaoke night with friends
"Thank you for the ride mister taxi man." you tell your boyfriend getting out of the car
he was left very confused because he'd thought it was a joke at first when you got into the backseat and told him your address but he didn't pay much mind to it
"Sir why are you coming into my house." you ask trying to stand up straight to only lose your balance but sunoo was quick to catch you
"I live with you silly, I'm your boyfriend." he explains realising you didn't recognise him
"I already have one, his name is Sunoo, see." you tell him showing him your lockscreen of you and sunoo together
"Okay how about you go to sleep and your boyfriend will be right next to you once you wake up." he tells you gently brushing your hair
true to his words, you woke up to your sweet boyfriend right next to you still not realising he was with you the entire night
🖇️ — 西村 力 ; NI-KI !
as hurt as he was seeing you fail to recognise him, part of him also found it adorable
he knew he should've tried to help you sober up but watching you was like watching a patient who'd just gotten their wisdom tooth out and the gas had taken over
"Did you know I'm actually a secret spy, it's a secret but I'm telling you even though I've never met you before." you whisper looking around as if not wanting anyone to hear you
he would simply play along because he found this extremely entertaining
and this would be great content as birthday exposure
"And I have this super tall boyfriend, he's nine feet tall now." you say proudly not realising how ridiculous you actually sound
"You kinda remind me of him, only difference is you're much shorter... and he's way more handsome." you tell him mumbling the last part but riki caught on
it stopped being funny after you had made fun and complimented him at the same time and he realised you needed to stop with the drinks
he couldn't believe you were complimenting another man right in front of him... it was him but that's not the point-
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scented-morker · 11 months
Enha when their actress partner films with a hot actor
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jealous boyfriend enha! established relationship, actress reader, 1164 words, requested!!
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He pretends he's not phased at all
He knows you love him obviously, you spend like four hours a week crying and telling him how pretty he is and how much he means to you
But that was before he knew it was THE Song Kang
"Baby, he's literally the prettiest person ever!"
"You think he's prettier than me?" You pout
"Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to"
Homeboy is SWEATING watching you guys film
Literally saying a hallelujah when there's no romance between your characters
But when you come back and tell him he was right that it was the prettiest person ever he gets mad about it
But he wants to be the only boy you think is pretty 😔
Won't let you escape his grasp for the next week
Listen he likes to act all confident, but deep down he is a little bit insecure about his looks
So when you tell him you're filming with one of the actors who made "worlds most beautiful" list
😐 he is not impressed
On the outside he's all "oh that's cool"
But on the inside he's screaming crying throwing up
Wears the outfits he knows make you weak the whole week leading up to it
I'm talking turtle necks, rolled sleeves, rings, all of it 😵‍💫
His masterplan is working, and you get so affectionate you don't even want to leave him to film
He lowkey feels so silly about being jealous when on a film break you bring your costar over and introduce him to "the love of my life Jay"
Literally SO POUTY
"Noooo, baby do you haveee to??"
Acts like it's the worst thing to ever happen
"What if you just quit your job as an actress?? I can take care of you!! I'll pay for everything!! You'll never have to work again!"
"Jake, I like my job"
"But I thought you LOVED me!"
Insists on going with you to set (also leaves a hickey on you that your makeup artist is very mad about 😭)
You have to ignore him the whole time you're filming because you know he's making those injured puppy dog eyes and you just can't handle it
He literally is hanging out with the actor during one of his breaks tho so ???
He's all "yeah bro you're awesome" so you think it's all good now
But then you go over to them and he gives you the most mind melting, earth shattering, blush inducing kiss ever right in front of your coworker
You will never recover
Tells you he's more attractive than the other guy 🤪
You tell him because you want to be open and warn him
But he's all "okay and? He's not better than me, why should I be worried?"
You're like wow my boyfriend is so mature and cool
But you realize very quickly that he is, indeed, worried
"Hey y/n, be honest. Do you prefer blondes or brunettes?"
"Hey y/n, do you think idols or actors would make better husbands?"
"Hey y/n, do you think onscreen chemistry ever transfers off screen?"
"I prefer whatever color is currently on your head, you over anyone of any profession, and I wouldn't know because I don't need to worry about that seeing as how I'm in a very happy relationship."
He grumbles at your answers, mad you caught on
He's not one for pda but he does bring you a bouquet and your favorite drink to the film sight <3
The guy was one of his favorite actors!!
He was so so excited for you to work with him, until he found out he was your love interest 😐
"Sun, he's married." 😒
He boycotts the actors other shows 😭 whenever you guys hang out and watch dramas together he'll turn it off if the guy comes on screen
Eventually gives up on drama nights and makes you watch a bunch of enhypen performance videos instead
"Wahhh he's so handsome! Even more handsome then that actor, don't you think?"
"Yes Sun, you're way more handsome."
He's fishing for compliments but you don't care, willing to give him all the reassurances you have
You think he's gotten over it by the time filming comes up
But lo and behold... he's sent you an entire coffee truck with pictures of the two of you and messages about your relationship 😭
He wants SO BADLY to be okay with it 🥹
He was so supportive, celebrating with you when you first got the role and now coming to every filming that you have
Except he's noticed the slowly developing love story between you and the hottest guy on the show
So when you get the script for episode ten and read it to him he knows it's coming
"Oh, so you're like... gonna kiss someone else?"
You literally want to burst into tears, he's so precious and he looks like a little sad cat and just- 😭😭😭
"Yeah, but we've both been very open that we have partners! His girlfriend is on set all the time too! And you can totally be there when we film it!"
He shudders, "I'm not sure I want to"
But he goes anyway, and you introduce him to your costars partner
So now they're standing together, making small talk and looking away every time they say action
"I'm gonna need a drink," she mumbled after her boyfriend has to get his makeup fixed because of your lipstick on him
"Yeah, me too"
Listen, he is your number one fan
He’s seen every episode and won’t let you read him the script because he wants to find out with everyone else
He checks Twitter about it all the time too
So when soompi reports that there’s a new, very attractive guy on set— he sees it immediately
“Hey ynie~ can I come to filming with you?”
You’re so suprised, because he never wants to come with you
“Really? You’re not freaking out about it being spoiled for you?”
“I just want to be with you 🤷🏻‍♀️” he says it so nonchalantly like you’re not literally turning into mush because of it
So fast forward, your hair and makeup is done, costume on, and you’re finally getting ready to film
You’re on set while the scene before you is shooting, and your boyfriend lets out a gasp
“Who is that shirtless man over there?”
You look over and shrug, explaining the new character
“Why is he shirtless??” Man is so fixated on this
“He’s always like that.”
There’s been a shirtless actor walking around you all days of the week and you hadn’t said anything
Steps up the pda immediately, holding your hand during off times and loudly cheering for you during shooting
By the end EVERYONE knew you were dating
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The Orange Peel Test
This is the result of scrolling through tiktok and coming across a few "orange peel test" videos. Which then made me begin to wonder how some of the characters would react in these situations. Would they pass the test or fail miserably?
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If you're with Donald it's because he chose to have you in his life. He has no room or time for anything that's not to be taken seriously, and he obviously does his homework on any venture that he invests himself into. Which, in this case, would result in already knowing the kind of person that you are and what you like and don't like. So much so, that you wouldn't have to request such small favors as peeling an orange from him. Most days, he would have a tray set on the tabletop with an already peeled orange, split nicely into slices, ready for you when you get home. It will be the same concept with him filling up items you are low on, such as your favorite granola or shampoo, to the point that you can't even remember the last time you actually bought more yourself. Now he probably won't ever leave you little notes in the way that his mom did to him as a child, because he would hold that memory too close to his soul to share or give out with anyone else, including you, but he would 100% leave encouraging and love filled notes to his own children if you both ever decide to have any.
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Jimmy would give an immediate little sneer if you asked him to peel your orange. Which would be quickly followed up with him just snatching it out of your hand, and complaining a bit about having to do it, while still actually doing it for you. He would also eat half of it himself as he splits the orange apart slice by slice. His reasoning of course would be that he did the "hard" work, so why shouldn't he have some of the reward? The other half of the orange he would stuff into your mouth mindlessly and not too gently, in a very one slice for him- one slice for you, two slices for him- one for you, etc. Once the orange is all done, he will get up to grab another one, and repeat the process all over again. This will continue until you finally tell him that you're full and don't need any more orange slices.
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You can't force Wolf to do anything that he doesn't want to do.(Unless you're Donald haha). So really it's a 50/50 chance for it to go your way if you were to ask him. But luckily for you, the one thing about Wolf that is very much in your favor, is that when he's in one of his more giving moods he doesn't hold himself back from treating those close to him. Such as when he takes out his crew for a whole "order whatever you want" type of feast. So the chances of him peeling your orange is pretty high, even with his volatile nature. Just don't ask him in a cutesy voice or by giving him some sad puppy dog eyes. That shit will end up annoying the hell out of him, and you'll end up watching him as he walks away from you, with nothing to keep you company but that sad unpeeled orange you're still holding in your hand.
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Now you know damn well that Jake would 100% peel that orange for you. Heck, he would even do it with a big smile on his face. He is one of the most openly family and friend oriented person within the Yeongdeungpo union. So he would not only peel an orange for you, but he would also be the kind of guy who would wake up early in the mornings to warm up the car for you. Just to make sure that the windows aren't frosted over and to have the inside of the car nice and toasty. Making it easier for you to just take off in the mornings to wherever you need to go. AND he would do this unprompted and solely because he wants to and because he's able to.
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Most people know Forrest as someone who's a complete asshole. Always trying to prove that he deserves the spot he inherited from Myles as Hyeongshin's school head. And truthfully he has the fist to back it up against most adversaries, so most people just try to stay out of his way. But you're one of the lucky few who has gotten to see a different side of him. Where he has been incredibly thoughtful to those close to him, and how he's even taken into consideration his subordinate's discomfort when making his moves within the Unions dealings. So it should come as no surprise to you that Forrest would have no issues with peeling you an orange. Chances are you wouldn't even need to verbally ask the question. All you would have to do is hold out an orange to him with a pleading look on your face. That alone will have him taking the orange from your outstretched hand, followed by him patiently peeling the rind away from it. Then handing it wordlessly back to you once it's peeled, and leaving to throw away all the discarded peels before you even have the chance to say thank you.
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Now you all know Colton would be a complete and total simp for whoever he's in a relationship with. And he would be SO ready to peel any oranges for you. And not just oranges either. He'll peel you some bananas or some apples. This guy will even go as far as peeling/cracking your pistachios for you! And in my opinion that's even better than peeling an orange.
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horseshoegirl · 1 year
Damn Those Dog Tags: Part 12 - Blue Healer
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📜... so... about Sadie... 🫣👀
I just want to thank you again for all the support on this story. It's so strange to believe we are halfway to the end! Thank you to each and everyone one of you who take the time to read, comment and reblog!
Also, It's my b-day tomorrow! 🥳So this one is a little longer!
❗+18, strong language, godmother reader/original female character, original child, shitty family dynamics, hospital settings, hurt child, Angst, conversations about grief, this is a sad one!
#7k Words
Part 11 | Masterlist | Part 13
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Jake had been standing in his kitchen, counting down the minutes before he could pick you up for your second date, when he had the sudden urge to call Janet.
She answered on the fourth ring. 
"What's wrong? You never call me."
"Well, hello to you too, Janet.
He could hardly blame his sister for the greeting. Whenever he called, it was usually only to tell her he was still alive or if he was being stationed. The last time they spoke, Janet had called to chew him out for not letting her know he had returned home.
"Who did you murder, or where are they sending you off next?"
Jake smirked into the phone. "Can't I ask my pregnant sister how she is doing?"
"Fine," she replied shortly. "Pregnant. Putting up with our shitty family."
She sighed loudly, continuing, "What's happening in your world, Little Brother? Still kicking ass up there?"
"Damn straight," he remarked. "How's the Bean?"
"Due any day now, Thank god. My bladder has shrunk to the size of a pea.
Jake shook his head fondly. "You still don't want to know?"
"Nope, absolutely not," her voice was firm. "Ma keeps coming up with baby names, and the hell-bringer thinks we are naming it after him because he brought me into this world," she made a gagging sound. "This way, they can't convince the hospital of whatever name they want."
"I wouldn't put it past them," Jake said aloud, leaning against the wall beside his fridge.
It was an unspoken rule between himself and Janet that they wouldn't refer to their father as anything other than 'the Hell-Bringer." Janet had started calling him that one day out of the blue, and it had stuck ever since.
"When is Bean going to have an aunt to go with their new uncle?" she whined. "Janet," he sighed.
"What?" she cried out. "You're my last hope. George can't even hold a relationship, and Melaine will have no interest once this thing is born."
Jake grimaced. "He and Stacy didn't make it past the three-month mark?"
There was a pause on the other end of the line. "Stacey? He was with Sarah."
"Oh," Jake replied, sensing he knew precisely what happened in that regard, Janet catching on with a disappointing sigh. "Dammit, George."
There was silence on the other end, and Jake decided it was time to admit the reason behind his call.  "Actually, I might be seeing someone."
Janet drew in a sharp breath. "Seeing someone? As properly dating seeing someone? Not the bed them and ditch them the type of dating?"
"Oh my god, you know I joke about it, but I cannot believe someone actually decided to date and put up your annoying ass," she remarked.
"I could say the same about you and Ian. He practically had to force the ring on your finger."
"We aren't talking about my love life here, Jacob," she challenged. "Now, tell me. Who is she? Is it Elizabeth?"
Jake remained silent, his hand coming up to stroke the back of his neck. "Shit," she gasped. "You finally made your move. God help her."
"I can't believe you did it."
"What makes you say it's Liz?"
She scoffed. Jake could picture her standing in the farmhouse kitchen, leaning against the door frame with her arms crossed. "I'm not an idiot. I know my brother. You've never spoken about anyone the way you do about Elizabeth. And her niece."
He would be lying to himself if he didn't admit it each time Janet called. He almost always spoke about you and Sadie. And Janet would press and ask her questions. Looking back on it now, she probably knew something long before he did.
"It's early days, Janet."
"I'm happy for you, Jake," he could hear her smile through the phone. "I really am."
"Can you not.." he started to say before Janet interrupted him, calling out, " Do I want to see you killed? Absolutely not. Who do you think I am?"
Before Jake could reply, another voice on Janet's end startled him."What's this I hear about little Jakey getting himself a girlfriend?"
Jake thumped his head against the wall. "Fuck, is that George?"
"When I leave the front porch to take a phone call, it clearly means I want to be alone, George."
George's voice was muffled through his phone speaker as Jake caught his reply, "How long do you think it will be before she dumps him? I give it a week."
"Not your circus, not your monkey, asshole!" Janet called out.
"Come on, Janet. The black sheep of the family doesn't date. I might have to fly out to California and see this mystery woman with my own eyes. Or has Jakey's imaginary little friend from middle school come back?"
There was a scuffle on the other end of the line, and Jake thought he heard George yell out pain before he suddenly shouted, "Fuck Janet, let me go!"
Jake knew what she was doing to him. He had been on the receiving end of it countless times enough to know George would be bent over, Janet with a tight grip on his ear and tugging down hard. He couldn't help the grin on his face.
"You say anything about this to Ma or the hell bringer or even think about flying down to California, I will personally make sure you'll get a pitchfork up your ass," he heard her seethe at him. "You ruin this for him, pregnant or not, I will do it."
There was no way in hell Jake would ever entertain the idea of George visiting him here, let alone meet you or Sadie. It wasn't that he didn't trust you, you clearly could handle yourself, and Sadie was no different.
But George had a way of tainting everything good in his life. He had been compared to his brother for things he should have done better for most of his life.
Despite his words, Jake couldn't help but tease his brother, knowing he could hear him. "I'd listen to her, Georgie. Janet and pregnancy hormones ... not a good mix."
"I'm just teasing him, Janet."
"I dare you to say that one more time."
"You know as well as I, Ma and Dad won't be thrilled about him dating some girl they've never met."
"So shut your trap, never speak about this, and get your ass to the barn. Ian needs help with the haybales," she fumed.
There was a scuffle, and then Jake thought he heard the ranch back door close shut before Janet sighed into the phone. "Some days, I wonder if he really is our brother."
"Jan, if he tells them..."
"Forget about what's happening back home. I'll take care of it," she said, trying to calm Jake down. "When are you seeing her again?"
"Tonight. I've got something planned, but I don't know how Liz will take it." If he timed everything perfectly, as he had discussed with Maverick, the two of you should make it just before sunset.
"Don't tell me my fearsome navy pilot brother is nervous?" she teased him. When Jake didn't reply, Janet took pity on him. "It's cause you like her, you idiot. It's a good thing."
Jake let out a soft chuckle.
"Let me know how it goes, okay?"
After saying their goodbyes, Jake picked up the keys Maverick loaned him and decided he might as well arrive early and wait with you.
Little did he know it then, it was a good thing he did.
This small hospital waiting room had clearly never seen the likes of an entire squad from Top Gun gracing its mismatched seats. They were used to this, sitting in uncomfortable chairs, the long-standing hours of hearing no news, the apprehension of slight dread hanging over their heads.
This was different from those situations, though. Not the 'No New, is Good News' kind of thing. Some of the Squad's faces were etched in worry, others stoic as they tapped nervously on the armrests of their chairs.
Jake didn't pay them much mind, wanting to punch something or pace the room. You hadn't said a word to him when he placed Sadie into your arms, kneeling next to you, still mindful of putting pressure on her head. Or when the paramedics arrived, and you forced yourself to hand her over, when he pulled you back into his arms as they worked. Or when you climbed into the back of the ambulance.
"Please tell me you at least got one punch in," Rooster asked, head in his hands as he sat across from Jake.
Jake didn't bother looking up, hunched over in his chair, knowing Bradley was referring to the state of his face. The bruises had set in, the cut on his lip still undressed, and even the nurses at the front desk were urging him to be admitted.
"One," he admitted after a second before sighing. "But not with Sadie watching."
Bradley nodded absentmindedly. While he was pleased with the answer, deep down he wished he hadn't let Tyler go. Jake sat back in his chair, his mind pondering what you told him.
"Tyler ran her sister off the road during that storm."
Sitting next to Jake, Nat sharply turned her head at the mention of Ridley. "What?! He killed her?!"
Jake nodded. "Liz wasn't specific, but putting the pieces together, Tyler's father is running for some electoral bid."
Bob pipped up from his seat beside Nat, filling in the gaps. "So the attempt to kidnap Sadie was some PR save?"
Nobody replied to him. It was obvious his question was rhetorical. And nobody wanted to say out loud what had transpired. Knowing Sadie was somewhere in this hospital fighting for her life was enough. 
Mav came and sat next to Bradley, sitting in the empty chair next to him. "I called Cyclone. He's calling in a few favours."
"Favours?" Bradley asked. Pete nodded, pocketing his phone. Penny placed a hand on his shoulder from her spot next to him. "He knows an admiral where Tyler's father is running for office."
"God. Cyclone is getting involved," Fanboy remarked from behind Pete. Coyote leaned forward, inquiring, "Why?
Maverick shook his head, not bothering to offer an explanation other than, "When I asked, he said it's Sadie."
Everyone agreed. It was Sadie. And if anyone could have won Cyclone over, Sadie would have been the one to do it. But Jake didn't join in on the conversation, too caught up in the realization even as he fought hard on that beach, he had failed the second Sadie fell. 
Unknown to Jake, he was currently the focal point for Rooster's stare, watching every move he made, every facial expression as each thought and emotion crossed his face. Bradley opened his mouth, ready to ask the question that had been burning in the back of his mind since they had arrived until a voice interrupted him. 
"I'm assuming you're all here for Ms. Beck?" 
 Everyone in the room turned to face an older nurse holding a clipboard. Penny was the first to launch herself out of her chair and step forward to ask, "Is she okay?"
The nurse looked at everyone in the room before glancing back at Penny, "Are all of you family?"
There was no hesitation in the way everyone in the room nodded. The nurse paused before announcing, "Sadie's still asleep but stable."
Everyone collectively sighed at the nurse's words. Then she added, "Elizabeth asked for Sadie's uncle to join her."
Nobody protested when Rooster started to stand. But then the nurse asked, "If I could have Mr. Seresin follow me, she's just back here."
Jake's headshot to the nurse, eyes wide. There was no way you'd want him there, not after she got hurt.
He had been too late.
"Are you sure you got the right person, mam?" he said, looking pointedly at Bradley, who had sat back down in shock and anger. She peered down at Jake from over the top rim of her glasses, a slight smirk on her face. "She said the blonde one."
Jake didn't bother looking back at the group when he stood. He could hear Rooster sputtering when he walked through the back doors and under flickering fluorescent lights. She led him through countless archways and winding halls till she stopped at the door, a police officer stationed just outside in a chair. He gave a tense nod to Jake before returning to his paperwork.
"Stay as long as you'd like," the nurse told him softly. "Your niece is one lucky girl."
He didn't hear her, too focused on your back through the crack in the door. He pushed it open, forcing himself to face you finally.
There was a sombre stillness in the room, Jake hesitating as he stood behind you. Sadie's small figure was engulfed in stark white sheets, multiple different wires snaking around her body. She was pale, and her head had been wrapped in a thick white bandage.
And you, not even turning your head as he came into the room, too focused on counting her breaths and watching the steady beep of her heart rate monitor. Jake couldn't see your face but could tell you were trying to hold in your tears.
He slowly gripped the back of a nearby chair to pull it closer to you, sitting down and placing his hand on top of yours that was squeezing Sadie's hand lightly.
"She has a concussion," you said, still not looking up. "And she lost a lot of blood."
He didn't say anything, deciding to stroke the back of your hand with his thumb.
"They say it could have been worse," you sniffed, wiping at your nose. "Had you not gotten there in time, it probably would have."
You tilted your head back, eyes closed, finally allowing yourself to take your eyes off Sadie for a moment before turning your chair towards Jake without looking up. The thread hanging from a rip in his jeans seemed more interesting than facing him.
But Jake carefully reached up to gently press lightly at the bruise on your cheek. You tilted your head into his touch, the action releasing the pent-up anxiety and emotions you had kept at bay for Sadie since you saw her in Jake's arms. He reached for your waist, pulling you close to the edge of your seat as the first sob crawled up your throat.
"He hasn't been around since Ridley found out she was pregnant. We made sure he couldn't get to Sadie," you sobbed, burying your face in the fabric of his shirt. Jake held you tightly as you cried, "Did I fail her? Did I fail them both?!"
"Don't go there, Liz. You couldn't have stopped him. This is all his doing, not yours."
You opened your eyes to a stain of dried blood near his shoulder, Jake standing on the beach in your peripheral vision coming to mind.
Sitting up sharply, you took in his face, small gasps escaping your lips as you trailed your fingers lightly over his lip, then the darkening bruises. He caught your hand, bringing your fingers to his mouth, "I've had worse."
Lowering your hand, he kissed your swollen wrist delicately. You sniffed, stroking the buzz-cut strains of hair behind his ear. "That doesn't mean you should."
With one glance back at Sadie, you urged him to stay as you stood, quickly going to the bathroom. Her nurse had tried to convince you to let them look at your face. You had vehemently refused, not for one second leaving Sadie alone if you could help it.
Despite your stand-offish attitude, she was kind enough to leave a makeshift first-aid kit, not really knowing the extent of your injuries, in some blind hope, you would take care of yourself. Damping a cloth, you picked up the plastic bag and returning to Jake.
He protested when you reached up with the cloth to dab at his lip. You shot him a look that instantly shut him up. Pressing it lightly against his skin, you urged, "If I don't do something, I will lose it, Jake. Let me take care of you."
Whether it had been bar fights or something else, Jake wasn't used to somebody else taking care of him, flitching as you tried to wipe at his lip, shushing him each time gently. He let you clean up the cut in silence, knowing his eyes were fixed on you as you worked.
And it bothered you, thinking his stare was pity or judgement. But the thing about Jake was you never felt like you had to hide around him. That you never had to put the mask up. But with everything that had happened, with Sadie lying hurt on the bed next to the two of you, with learning Ridley was murdered and Tyler was still out there, you were on the verge of caving hard. 
"Thank you will never be enough, Jake."
His shoulders sagged. "Don't. Not yet," he spoke, turning his head towards Sadie. Your fingers trembled as you worked to peel back the wrapper of a Steri-Strip. 
"I thought you would hate me. Me leaving you like that and Sadie..."
Biting your lip, you carefully placed the strip over his lip before flexing your fingers to take his face into your hands. "How could I hate you, Jake?" you whispered concerningly. "You put her first."
"She still got hurt, trying to stop him." 
It didn't surprise you; Sadie was more courageous than anyone you had ever met. 
"It's not your fault, Jake. It's mine," you stated, nodding your head. "I should have done more. I should have realized sooner it was Tyler. I should have gone to the police and fought harder. Realized that white fucking car was more than paranoia." 
Jake shushed you, placing his forehead onto yours. "You couldn't have prepared for any of this, Liz. Tyler, Ridley... Sadie here and now. You couldn't have known." 
You let out a sob as Jake said, "It's nobody's fault but that asshole's." 
Then you heard it.
"Uncle Jake?"
The both of you shot up from your seats, coming to sit on either side of her bed as she tried to force her eyes open. You shushed her, cupping her cheek as you said, "Sadie? Sweetheart?"
And just like that, she opened her eyes.
You wanted to sob.
"Where am I?" She said to the ceiling before looking at you and closing them again. You tried to hide the tears from your voice as you told her, "You're in the hospital, Bug. You hit your head."
She wiggled on the bed, a groan escaping her lips as she weakly reached up to touch the bandage on her head. "I did?"
Sadie pinched her brow as everything came back to her. The glass breaking, her running, and then the panic she felt at seeing her uncle pinned to the sand.
She cried out in a panic, her eyes opening and shooting towards you, "Uncle Jake! Where is Uncle Jake?!"
"I'm right here, Bug."
She turned to glance at him, her mouth dropping open in shock as she saw the patches of blue and purple covering his face. Then she looked back at you, taking in the darkness of the skin around your eye, making her bottom lip quiver.
"I'm sorry," she whimpered, her body starting to shake as she began to cry. "I'm so sorry!"
"Sadie, what are you sorry for? It's not your fault."
But she shook her head, her face riddled in pain as she exclaimed, "He hurt you. The both of you. Because of me."
"No bug, please don't think that," you whined. "It's mine. I should have protected you better. It's never, never your fault. "
You felt Jake place a hand on your back. "Don't play the blame game, Liz. It's not your fault either." 
Sadie's face softened as she absorbed Jake's words. She gasped, trying to control her breathing. "Then it's his fault then. The one who hurt all of us." 
She said it so simply, so child-like, you were scared you couldn't own up to the answer- to an unspoken promise. Yet, you swallowed, nodding with a tense smile. 
"Are we going to be okay?" 
"Yes," Jake answered Sadie's question for you. "I'm going to make sure of it." 
"I'll go get the nurse," you said softly, stroking her cheek one last time before getting up to walk out the door. Jake watched you leave before sliding himself forward to hold Sadie's hand. She smiled at him, squeezing his hand before weakly murmuring, "I heard you."
"When you picked me up, I heard you."
" I don't care what you're going to say," she croaked. "I'd do it again."
"I can take care of myself, Bug. I'm the adult who needs to look out for you. You don't need to look out for me."
"This is why you have trouble making friends," she pointed out. Jake smiled softly at her before saying, "You're my friend."
"I'm your wingman. We made a promise."
"I don't think we were facing Ursula this time, Bug."
Sadie yawned, turning her head into her pillow as she faintly murmured, "This time, it was the loch ness monster."
"Really?" Jake chuckled lowly, still holding her hand. "Another Sea Monster?"
"You're the one that flies over the ocean. I'm just sticking with the theme."
Once Sadie had been given the all-clear, Jake asked if he could bring her anything from home. You handed him your key, too worn out to protest, asking if he could grab the Navy Teddy bear from the fair off Sadie's bed and her overnight bag from Penny.
Each Dagger made the trek to her room, one by one, seeing for themselves that she was alright. Sadie tried to stay awake for each one, fighting off the threat of sleep, till Bradley decided to stay with you in Jake's absence.
Like you, he couldn't stop staring at her as she breathed, only occasionally glancing at the door. Even with the police officer stationed outside, Bradley was acting like a guard dog, always standing between you and the door at all times.
She passed out the minute she was able to, and you couldn't help but worry about what tomorrow would look like when you'd get to bring her home.
"Why was Jake there?" Bradley asked suddenly, breaking the silence.
You regarded him momentarily, wanting to tell him the real reason. But you weren't prepared nor ready for the emotional blowout. And it wasn't the right time or right the place. So you shrugged. "It's the Hard Deck, Bradley. Why do people go to a bar on a Friday afternoon?"
He didn't say anything, his face hard like he was lost in concentration, watching the rise and fall of Sadie's chest. And why you had the urge to suddenly ask him the following question, especially now, of all moments, you had no idea.
Maybe you knew Bradley would be honest with you here and now and wouldn't try to pass you off or find a way to escape it. Or perhaps it was your way of forgetting the weight of all the information you learned today. So in a moment of bravery, you asked, "Why do you hate him so much, Bradley?"
He went to say something, lurching forward with effort, but you interrupted him, "And don't tell me it has to do with some Navy rivalry about who is the better pilot. I know that's not true."
"I am the better pilot," he mumbled under his breath, falling back into his seat.
"You are both equally as good as each other. You just have different means of doing it. But that's beside the point."
He stared at the floor, his eyes wide, as he thought about his answer. Not that you were feeling any better, but Sadie waking up had eased the burden and allowed you to ask somewhat playfully, "Please tell me you don't have a crush on me?"
Bradley's eyes shot up to yours before he made a gagging sound. "Oh, good lord, no. You're like my little sister." His shoulders shook as if a chill had shot down his spine. "Please don't ever put that image in my head again."
You stuck your tongue out at him before looking down at Sadie, a small smile gracing your lips. He shared your smile, not that you noticed, before admitting quietly, "It's Sadie."
You raised your eyebrows at him. "Sadie?"
"Remember the mission we keep talking about? The one that brought us all together?"
You nodded.
"He said something about my dad."
"He told me he did," you admitted, taking in Bradley's pensive stare. "He regrets it, not that it means much after the fact."
His father had always been a sore subject. Sure, he talked about him from what he could remember. Their shared love of music, playing the piano, and the same taste in vacation dad t-shirts. But he always clammed up regarding the accident, his reason for joining the Navy and wanting to fly.
"Jake does not regret anything he's done," Bradley snorted. "You don't know him like we do, Liz. Sooner or later, he's going to do what he does best and leave the two of you out to dry, and I don't want to see you or Bug hurt." 
"Roo," you said softly. He's just proven he won't do that to Sadie." Or me, you wanted to add.
"You have so much faith in him."
You paused, sliding your hand over the blanket on Sadie's bed before replying, "I have faith in all of you. But Hangman, it's different with him."
You didn't want to bring it up, especially now. But something in your gut was telling you it was the only thing that would get Bradley to ease up.
"Did I ever tell you why Ridley wanted to become a nurse?"
Rooster shook his head, resting his elbows on the edge of Sadie's bed.
"She believed everyone deserved a chance. That people cared," you said quietly. "Who would I be? What type of guardian would I be for Sadie if I didn't continue that? If I didn't give Jake the same curiosity?"
"I'm just worried you're going to put your faith in someone who will let you down."
"I don't know Jake as you know him. I don't have that history. But Bradley, he just went to bat for Sadie. His face is a walking mosaic. Don't tell me he will leave her, or me, out to dry after that?"
You reached out across her bed, fingers stretching out. Bradley lifted his hand from his lap to hold yours.
"Can you live with the idea that if that happens, it's my mistake to make?" you squeezed his hand once, trying to hide the quiver from your voice as you added, "The world is not perfect, Bradley."
He gave you a sad smile. "Do you want to talk about it? About Ridley?"
You swallowed hard, recoiling your hand back from his touch. "I can't. Not now."
"Liz, you need..." But he was interrupted by a knock at the door. Jake appeared, Sadie's bag in hand and her Teddy bear in the other.
"How is she?" he asked, coming around to your side of the bed and dropping the bag next to your chair.
"Sleeping," you replied softly, watching as he placed the teddy bear in her arms, Sadie curling around the stuffed animal.
A furrow formed between Bradley's brow as he watched the look on Jake's face as he glanced at you. Everyone loved Sadie, there was nothing wrong with the way he had approached her. But you, there was something in Jake's eyes that told him there was something else. 
Jake's eyes met Roosters, a flicker of apprehension flashing across his face, fearing his suspicions had been laid bare. But Jake didn't notice, instead nodding at him, a drawl of "Bradshaw" escaping his lips. 
Bradley stood, ignoring Jake, his eyes lingering on you as he asked, "Can I have your key? I'll run a few errands to make sure your set when you bring her home."
Jake dropped your key into the palm of your hand as you replied, "Bradley, you don't have to do that."
"Liz, just let us help you." 
You placed your house key into Bradley's hand, a reserved look on your face. He looked at you briefly before nodding, walking to the door, pausing, and turning to Jake.
Jake's eyes followed Bradley out the door before looking back at you. 
"Jake, you don't have to.." You started to say before you caught the stern look on his face, instantly shutting you up. Honestly, the last thing you wanted was to be alone in his hospital room.
"I'm not going anywhere. Not when he can still get to you both."
Every hour a nurse would come by to wake Sadie up. For the first two, you didn't want to do anything but stare at her, unmoving from your chair. Jake was beginning to worry, watching you fight off sleep, swaying forward occasionally only to catch yourself.
The nurse had kindly brought a 'father' bed from the nearby maternity ward and placed it in the corner of the room with a pillow. You hadn't looked in its direction once or even thought about sleeping.
"Liz," he said softly, trying to arouse your attention. When you said nothing, Jake stood, touching your shoulder. You jolted awake, slightly shocked, until you realized it was him. "You need to get some rest."
"She's perfectly safe, and nothing will happen to her."  You shook your head, barely managing to gather the energy to speak. But Jake persisted, trailing his hand down your arm to grasp at your hand. You let him pull you up.
"I can't..."
"You can. She's not going anywhere. Don't worry. I have my eye on her." Jake led you to the corner of the room, making you stand in front of the pullout. He let your hand go to sit down. 
"Come here," He laid back against the backrest, holding out his arm as an invitation for you to join him. You might have fought him more, but you needed comfort with everything that had happened.
But once you settled into his arms, Jake asked you softly, "You want to talk about it?"
You shook your head against his chest, hiding your face. Jake had read you like a book.   "Elizabeth, you can't keep burying your grief."
Your reply was muffled against his chest, "It's not that easy."
"I never said it was easy, but dwelling in your sorrows won't change anything."
Something in the way he said that hit you in your chest, sitting down with no intent to move. The smell of antiseptic making your stomach turn. The longer he sat there with you, the shock of everything reached its boiling point. 
It was too much. 
"What's wrong with me?!" you wailed. "She's been gone almost a year, and I can't even..."
You drew in a shuttering breath at the end of your unfinished sentence. You didn't need to continue, Jake had seen it repeatedly - in the way you would shelter yourself from any conversation to do with her to gripping your arm. Or to how Sadie remarked you hadn't been happy since her mom had passed away.
"I made a promise," you sniffed through your tears. "That the both of us would be strong for each other while we dealt with everything. That we wouldn't cave. But she struggled when I brought her home, and I had to be strong for her. She needed me to be strong for her. She wanted to be strong, and I needed to do the same."
"Sadie isn't going to love you any less because you can't be strong around her. None of us will."
You whimpered at his word. Suddenly, the dam burst open. "I tried. I tried to read the book, I tried talking about her with everyone, with you. Believing I'm fine when I'm not. Saturday nights with everyone, only to run into the kitchen the first chance I get because she's not there." 
You sobbed into his chest. "It's so hard, Jake. Knowing she's not here. That he took her away from us." 
"I know," he spoke into your hair, gripping the back of it. "Healing isn't linear, Darlin'. It's messy, and it takes time."
Something was validating in hearing his words. Something that no longer made you feel like a self-pity dealer. That it was okay for you to feel like this. That there was no mask needed in any given situation. 
Jake, whether he knew it or not, was giving you the permission you so desperately needed to know it was okay to be sad. 
And he let you. He let you cry it out, rocking you back and forth in this hold until you sniff, wiping at your eyes. "When did you get so wise, Jake Seresin?"
“Wise?” He scoffed. “No, darlin', I'm experienced. There's a difference."
Even with your tears, you rolled your eyes. "Why did that sound more sexualized than it should have been?"
"You're the one that went there. I'm just stating facts," Jake grinned. You huffed, pulling yourself closer to his side as a yawn coincided with your quiet laughter.
"Enough with the heavy. You need to sleep." He adjusted his hold on you, fingers threading themselves through the hair at the back of your neck, pulling you deeper into his chest. "I'm watching her."
You snuggled into his side, your hand making a fist gripping his shirt and the ball chain of his dog tags through the fabric. But you were still tense despite your exhaustion, causing Jake to shake you a little in encouragement.
"Relax, I'm not going to bite," He said before softly pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "Not unless you ask me to."
You groaned sleepily into his chest, "Jake."
You fell asleep listening to him chuckle.
Jake had driven you both home once the doctor had given Sadie the all-clear later in the evening the next day. Sadie made a beeline to the couch, a long-standing ritual with her whenever she felt poorly, the second she walked through the door. 
 This left you and Jake standing in your kitchen, the moment making you think back to that first Saturday night when Jake had followed you inside with the dishes. The night before the Daggers were deployed.
You could never have thought this would be your future, holding yourself tight, leaning up against your counter, Jake filling your kettle with water, rummaging around in your tea cupboard. You pressed your forehead to his shoulder as he placed it back on its stand, turning to hold you and pressing a kiss to your forehead, not saying anything. He let you take what you needed from him.
The both of you eventually joined Sadie on the couch, watching as she held the remote to the TV, staring at the black screen. For a second, you were scared she would ask to watch Pride and Prejudice. Instead, she asked, "Can we put on The Princess Bride? I know I can't watch, but I'd like to listen."
To any onlooker, the group of you would have been a sight - Sadie with her stitches across the back of her head. Jake with his bruised face, split lip and marked-up knuckles. And you, with your black eye.
Yet, you couldn't have felt safer than huddled on your couch here with them. 
Halfway through the movie, you found yourself with your head lying against Jake's leg. Sadie had migrated from the other end of the couch to in front of you, head buried in your shoulder as she used your arm as a pillow. Even with the knowledge Tyler was still out there, waiting for the next chance to strike again, you passed out knowing there wasn't anywhere else you wanted to be.
It was around 3 in the morning when Jake woke you up, silently urging you to go to bed. You tried to figure out the best way to move without disturbing Sadie until he stood, kneeling next to the two of you and carefully hooked his arms under her body. In her sleep, Sadie snuggled into Jake's chest once he stood.
"Go get ready," he murmured softly. "I'll get her to bed."
You stayed on the couch for a second, watching as he carried her off to her room before sighing and getting up. You forced yourself not to look out your window as you passed it by. 
The bruise around your eye was an unwelcome sight in your mirror as you washed your face and got ready. You found yourself sitting on the edge of your bed, staring at the book on your nightstand, wondering if Jake was going to seek you out.
And then he appeared in your doorway, watching you dangle your legs back and forth. 
"Jake," you said quietly, shame in your tone. "I don't want to be alone."
He pushed himself off your doorframe, kneeling in front of you, between your legs and hands resting on either side. He slid his whole hand up the outside of your thigh, stroking back and forth, attempting to comfort you.
"What do you need, darlin'?" he hushed. "What can I do?"
"Don't leave me?" it was a quiet plea.
Jake reached for your hips, sitting up to press his forehead to yours. You took it one step further, sliding off the edge of your bed and down to the ground in front of him, arms wrapping tightly around his neck. He hugged you tight, head pressing into your collarbone before grabbing the back of your thighs to stand. You clung to him, legs tightly clinging around his waist.
He was next to your bed in two steps, one arm still clutching you while the other swept your covers down. You weren't sure how he could sit down with you hanging on to him, how he turned while holding the covers up and siding underneath them. You never let go as he settled you on top of him, hand stroking up and down your back. 
Then you found yourself seeking out his lips, lightly grazing yours against his. There was nothing overly sexual in how you lightly pressed into him and grazed your nose along his, how you sought him out, lazily kissing him.
You were mindful of his injured lip each time, content to simply be here and now with Jake in your bedroom, his warmth and smell willing you to calm down. There was no objective, no end goal in your actions - after everything that had happened, you needed the assurance, the comfort, him.
From Tyler. From you feeling like a failure as Sadie's guardian because you couldn't prevent outside forces from coming after her. From the burdening grief of losing Ridley, the one you kept shoving aside only for Jake to crack wide open.
And yet, all you could think about was that it might be time to take that first step - even if it is just turning that one page on Pride and Prejudice on your nightstand.
Jake woke in the early morning to a rattle from your bedside table. He had let you sleep, doing Sadie's two-hour checks, used to the lack of sleep. 
The both of you had moved, your back pressed tightly against his front. His arm was wrapped securely around your waist, and his nose was buried in your hair. Rolling over, he reached for his phone and spied the unknown caller ID, bringing it up to his ear as he answered.
"It's about time you answered the phone."
Jake quickly shot you a look over his shoulder before getting up and walking into your hallway, shutting the door gently behind him.
"Wouldn't have answered had I known you were on the other end," he spat, continuing to your kitchen so you wouldn't hear his conversation.
"I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Always taking the easy way out, just like when you joined the Navy. Flying around, pretending to be important while accomplishing nothing of substance."
"I'm assuming you didn't call to put down my choice in career, though that would have been preferable for someone like you." Jake said sarcastically. 
"No, it's not," Jake's father replied snarkily. "I've heard you've been playing house with some girl."
Jake's grip tightened on his phone, anger bubbling beneath the surface. "And how would you know, seeing as you've never taken the time of day to call before now."
Of course, Melaine would be the one to spill, Jake thought. Always telling other people's secrets and stories so she could watch the chaos afterwards.
"Didn't know my love life was the only source of entertainment down there," he remarked, leaning up against your island.
"Spare me the sentimental crap. A man like you shouldn't be saddled with someone else's burden."
Jaked laughed lowly. "Don't expect me to apologize for my life not fitting into your narrow-minded definition of what a man should be."
There was a monetary pause on the line. Jake's father let out a bitter chuckle. "Oh, so you're a saint now, huh?" he replied mockingly. "Trying to play the hero? Just like your grandfather, right?"
Jake didn't say anything, staring down at your floor. 
"You think you can be that kid's uncle? You're wasting your time on a woman who can't give you anything real."
Jake saw his opportunity, smirking into the end of his phone, as he answered, "I'd rather be a fool for choosing a noble idea than be somebody who settled for mediocrity. Tell me, Dad, how's the ranch life working for you?"
"Don't test me, boy!" he seethed. "I'm not the one showboating in some plane over the fucking ocean."
"Better than shovelling shit every day."
His father growled, clearly agitated. "You've always been a rebellious one. Thinking you can defy me, defy tradition. No man wants to be raising her sister's kid, son. She's nothing but trouble and damaged goods. I won't have her ruining the Seresin name."
Rather than react to the dig towards you, Jake scoffed. "Yeah, sure, Keep talking like your opinion matters that much anyway."
"End it. Or I'm sending George up to California to end it for you. At least he knows how to take orders like a good son."
And then the line went dead.
Jake gripped his phone, tossing it harshly to your kitchen island. The conversation stung, leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. Even in California, miles between him and his home state, his father still tried to influence his life.
Needing to seek you out for comfort he returned to your room, pausing after he opened the door. You had turned in your sleep without him there, a hand stretched out to where he once was. The morning sunlight casting a beam through your drapes to the spot next to your head on your pillow. Sliding back beside you, Jake carefully lifted your arm as he placed it on his chest. You pulled yourself to him, head content to lay on his shoulder as a sigh escaped your lips.
"Jake," you murmured sleepily. "Is everything okay?"
"Go back to sleep," he replied, kissing your forehead hard. "It was just a wrong number."
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Sadie's fine!!! 🥰 I'm not THAT heartless...
@blue-aconite @tinytotontheoversizedpony @djs8891 @caitsymichelle13 @startrekfangirl2233
@mayhemmanaged @ereardon @dempy @shanimallina87 @teacupsandtopgun @daggerspare-standingby
@phantomxoxo @formulapierre @eli2447 @fulla02 @blckgrl-sunflower @mizzzpink @ohgodnotagainn
@bubblegumbeautyqueen @sarahsmi13s @desert-fern @lynnestra44 @memoriesat30 @penwieldingdreamer @mxlanciia
@bradleybeachbabe @bobby-r2d2-floyd @lavenderbradshaw @roosters-girl @lovinglyeternal @genius2050 @gigisimsonmars @dakotakazansky
Part 13 - Sons and Daughters coming soon
Wickett ;)
191 notes · View notes
soobiri · 3 months
Jealousy with enhypen Hyung line ★
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Summary– how the Hyung line acts when they see another guy with you
Warnings–not proof read, Hyung line not in order, cussing.
💌- my head is legit Dry rn, also I'm back at school, and idk how to right ffs. BUT PLZ SEND REQUESTS YALLLL!!!!!!
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Heeseung would probably have the smallest things that set him off,like you would be in the mall, and as you two sit at one of the random benches this guy walks passed and smiles at you, immediately, heeseung would just be automatically protective over you... Like if his arm wasn't already around your waist, it would be squeezing your side, he knows you wouldn't do anything, but he Hayes it when guys look at you, so when this guy walks passed again and asks for your name n number, heeseung flips... "The fuck do you think you are huh dude? Can't you tell she's not interested!?" He immediately stands up, letting go of you, as his tall figure towers over the man. Practically with his chest pressing into the guys chin."now fuck off or I'll make you". Bro is out of there in no time :/.
Jay would be a bit more calm yet still firm,like if it was one of your guy friends, he already didn't like him to begin with, but when you guys go out for a lunch one afternoon, and he's a lil too touchy, Jay notices. "You look so pretty with your hair like that, you should do it more Y/Nie!!" Jay immediately stares into the side of this guys head, if possible, burning holes into his skull with his eyes. He wants to say something, but doesn't want to upset you or make a scene (yet). "Uh Y/N, can I talk to you, privately?" You know exactly why, Jay wasn't really the jealous type, but if anyone ever tried to flirt with his girl, INFRONT OF HIM... He would not have it. "Oh Uhm sure,what's up babe?" As the two of you walk out the café, Jay rambles. "Who does he think he is 'y/nie', it's like hes trying to make me angry, touching your hair, looking into your eyes,he's clearly in love with you!!" Standing there completely sceptical of the whole ordeal, you gave him a kiss to the cheek, "everything is perfectly fine baby, and I'm your okay, only yours" he lets out a sigh of relief when he sees your pretty smile, the two of you walk back into the café with Jay stuck to your waist.
Jake would be so sulky omg... Like you guys would be taking Layla for a walk to a dog park, and he'd stop to answer a phone call "oh, uh babe you can continue without me, Lemme just answer this call, hello-?" You threw a thumbs up at him, and continued walking Layla to the park, as you entered a guy walked passed with his beagle. She immediately ran up to Layla "woah- easy girly!!" The tall stranger said to his little mutt. Her and Layla began sniffing each other and all the things dogs do when first meeting. The other dogs owner looked up at you " they seem to rlly like each other huh?" "Oh Uhm yes, nice to see shes making friends" you replied, with your words coming out in a rush, as you waited for Jake to arrive. As you saw him approach in the distance, he was able to hear the rest of the conversation " hey, so I'm looking for a mom for my lil girl, do you think you could do the job??" As soon as Jake heard that he immediately darted towards you . Before you could say anything he interrupted "oh I actually hav- hey baby, oh who's this?" He says as he snakes his hand around your waist, kissing the top of your crown. The stranger just scoffs and him and his dog leave. "Maybe you should have waited with me huh love?" "Maybe you should have answered your phone another time huh, love??"
Sunghoon would have taken you on an ice skating date, trying to teach you how to ice skate, but when he leaves you to practice on the ice alone while he grabs a coffee, something he wanted least, had happened . You were finally able to balance yourself on the ice, and able to glide around the ring with ease. Until well, you couldn't. You practically went crashing down, and of it wasn't for the guy on the opposite side of the ring, you could have bonked your head pretty bad ( not that you would have minded, cuz we know hoonie would take care of youu). You saw this guy eyeing you when the 2 of you first arrived, winking at you, smirking, and even waved once or twice. "Woah, princess you could have gotten seriously hurt?" He says, struggling to hold his balance himself. "Oh thanks, I'm so sorry, you can let me go now" "not even a proper thank you, your prince in shining Armor is here!" You gave him a confused look, trying to get out of his grip " now where do you think your tryna go princess" out of nowhere the guy practically falls over and you fall back into the familiar embrace of your loving hoonie(Elsa) . "The fuck? Don't you listen dude, she told you to let her go! Touch my girl one more time and you'll do more than fall over you little fuck" you basically had to hold sunghoon back from murdering this guy... Oh the things he would do for his ice princess<3
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Foxtrot Alpha Alpha - Chapter 30
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Pairing: Hangman x Female OC
Word Count: 1559
Warnings: Talk of death
Summary: Hangman learned his lesson a long time ago to never show his true feelings when someone's words or actions hurt him. To do so showed weakness that could be exploited, and Seresin men couldn't show weakness. Of course, there was an exception to every rule, and Jake's always came in the form of women, three in particular: his mom, Juliette Kazansky, and the girl whose name he could no longer bring himself to speak. She was the girl that got away; she was his biggest 'what if' and his biggest regret; she would forever be the ghost that haunted his dreams. Jake believed that's where she'd stay, for he would surely never see her again after what he did.
Or so he thought.
Notes: This is the sequel to India Lima Yankee; I'm using the same callsign for the Female OC as in Ghost Story because I just really like it, but they are different characters; chapters in italics are flashbacks.
Chapter Songs: Different For Girls Red
The door flung open, and Juliette Kazansky said in relief, "Oh, thank God you're here."
Ghost raised an eyebrow as her friend practically dragged her inside. "What's wrong?"
"My husband is about to drive me insane-"
"Because someone needs to go to the doctor but won't!" Rooster shouted from another room, his tone more snappish than Ghost had ever heard directed at Juliette.
Jules stared up at the ceiling in exasperation, as if she could see through the plaster and wood all the way up to God. "The Lord is testing me today."
"I heard you had a bad night," Ghost said casually, kneeling down to pet the dogs, who had already flopped onto their backs for belly rubs. 
"That's putting it mildly. The lack of sleep is making both of us a little testy." Juliette rubbed her temple and rested a hand on her belly. "The babies are having a wrestling match right now, too, naturally only when the nausea's finally abated, so now, I can't sleep because of that."
"Are you sure you want me over right now?" Ghost inquired, standing up and looking her friend up and down, concerned about Juliette's paleness. "Because I mean this in the nicest way possible, but you look awful."
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Jules snorted. "Thanks. But yeah, I'm fine. Just running on no sleep. Enough about me, though. Firstly-" she stepped forward and embraced Ghost in a hug so tight, the aviator could barely breathe- "I'm so sorry about your dad. Whatever you need, I'm here for you."
It dawned on Ghost that Jules had recently lost her own dad, less than a year ago, so the feelings were still relatively fresh for her too. She would understand more than anyone. "Thank you. Right now, I think I just need to be around friends. I can feel myself moving towards isolation, and I can't do that."
"If you need to be alone, that's okay. As long as you know you have people waiting for you when you're ready to come back."
Ghost smiled gratefully at her friend. "I appreciate it."
"So, do you want to talk about it or no?"
"There are multiple things I could talk about. Which one are you referring to?"
Ghost sighed heavily. "Not much to tell. I was planning on staying at his when we got back, we started drinking, started kissing-"
"You two kissed?!" Juliette exclaimed, eyes lighting up.
"Briefly before I cut it off and laid into him. I tried to get him to finally tell me why he never came to visit me after the accident, why he only tried to talk to me after the trial, but he froze. And then I walked out." Ghost walked into the living room with Juliette on her heels. The girls plopped onto the couch, and the dogs joined them. Lightning practically crawled into Ghost's lap as she asked, "What did Hangman text you?"
"He just said: I fucked up. Ghost needs you. I tried to get him to elaborate, but he wouldn't respond. The only other response I got from him was when I asked if he was okay, to which he replied,' I'm fine,' the universal sign that someone is the opposite of fine."
"Thank you for having Coyote check on him. I should've done that first thing, but I was selfish and-"
"Hurting," Juliette added gently. "You've been through a lot lately, Ghost."
"So has he, but he still sent you to check on me. I waited twelve hours before it even dawned on me. I don't even understand why it bothers me so much that I didn't do that for him, but I am, and-"
"Because you love him," Juliette said simply. "Believe me, I understand that infuriating conundrum."
"God, it makes me want to rip my hair out."
"What do you say we sit back, ignore our problems, I have Rooster bring you wine and me some apple juice so I can at least have the air that I'm drinking an adult drink, we put on The Proposal, and both forget about our current problems? We can deal with them later."
Ghost wholeheartedly agreed to the plan. Juliette shouted for Rooster, who shuffled tiredly into the room. He smiled at Ghost, but it didn't reach across his face like it normally did. She'd have to corner him about that later, although she suspected it had to do with Juliette's health. Ghost would keep her own concerns to herself for now, but her friend's wan pallor worried her, too.
Juliette politely requested the girls' drinks and added gently, "And then get some sleep; Ghost is here to watch me, okay?"
Rooster obeyed, grabbing their beverages from the kitchen and handing them to the girls. He kissed Juliette on top of the head before padding to their bedroom. 
"He would not have done that without argument had it been anyone but you," Jules said quietly once she assured herself her fiancé was out of earshot. 
"Oh, I'm sure if it were Maverick, Penny, or Phoenix, he would've."
"Yeah, because he's slightly scared of Phoenix, although he'd never admit it, and Penny and Maverick are adults in his eyes."
"But he's an adult?"
"They're adultier adults."
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Ghost laughed but said nothing else, settling into the cushions and proud of the fact Rooster trusted her with his future wife so implicitly when he hardly trusted the qualified professionals.
Watching the movie turned out to be just the distraction Ghost needed, and when the girls hit 'play' on another one, she and Juliette fell into such deep sleeps that they had to be roused by Rooster for dinner. Neither had heard him enter the kitchen, clang pots and pans around (which he claimed was accidental), or when the timer went off on the oven. He'd made a delicious chicken dish, prompting Ghost to ask, "When did you learn how to cook?"
"I started taking some classes, but if that-" Rooster motioned at the three of them with his fork- "ever leaves this table-"
"Your dirty little secret is safe with us," Ghost promised, "especially since those classes seem to be paying off. This is delicious."
Rooster beamed at the compliment, and when their plates were scraped clean, he took them to the sink. The girls chatted while Rooster cleaned the dishes. He jumped into the conversation when he felt the need to put in his two cents. 
During that meal, Ghost realized what Godsends the Bradshaws had been, allowing her to hang out with them to distract her from her woes. Between finding out Maverick might be her dad and the silence from Hangman when she asked him the question that had eaten away at her for years, Ghost considered the success of the Bradshaws' distracting abilities no small feat.
Around nine, they migrated to the living room. Juliette gently lowered herself onto the couch, and while she smiled, Ghost could tell her friend was having a bad day with the pregnancy. They talked for a couple more hours, and when Rooster left to use the restroom, Ghost asked, "Do you want me to go? You look like you're struggling right now."
"No, no, I'm fine," Juliette insisted, waving her hand dismissively. "Just a little nausea. Besides, I'm enjoying our conversation."
A ringing cellphone interrupted the conversation. The girls shared a confused glance, wondering who on earth would be calling that time of night. Juliette grabbed her phone and answered, "Hello?"
A deep man's voice spoke on the other end. Juliette's brow furrowed in confusion when she replied, "Uh, no, this isn't Ghost. May I ask who's calling?"
"What's going on?" Rooster queried upon returning to the room and noticing the girls' expressions. Juliette held up a finger to silence him.
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"Hang on, let me get her for you," Juliette said. She handed the phone to the female aviator, stating, "It's a bartender?"
Ghost frowned. "Hello?"
"Is this Ghost?" The man responded gruffly, sounding slightly exasperated.
"Yes. Who's this?"
"My name's Mickey Whitley; I'm a bartender at The Riptide. I have a customer here, a Jake Seresin, who needs a ride home because he's smashed and- no, you're not playing darts! You can't even stand!" The man exclaimed suddenly. He groaned and returned to the conversation. "Sorry, your friend wants to play darts, and if he throws one, it's more likely to turn into a freestyle acupuncture session than a darts game. Can you come get him? I can help get him to your car, but I'm cutting him off because he's gonna kill himself if he drinks anymore."
"Yeah, yeah, I'll head over now," Ghost said, standing up and hurrying to the front door. Rooster and Juliette followed. "I'll be there in ten." 
Hanging up the phone, she returned it to Juliette and explained the situation, adding, "Rooster, I hate to ask this of you, but could you help me pick him up? If Hangman's as drunk as the guy said he is, I won't be able to get him home, let alone keep him stable on my bike."
"Of course," Rooster said, reaching for his keys. Juliette swiped them before he could. "What are you-"
"Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I'm useless. I'm coming with you to help. He gave the bartender my number after all," Juliette argued. "Come on. I'm driving."
Tags: @lgg5989 @shanimallina87 @polikszena @summ3rlotus @icemansgirl1999 @supernaturaldawning @thedarkinmansfield @lyannaforpresident @lapilark @getmyprettynameoutofyourmouth @simpofthecentury @shadeops21 @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @double-j @bradshawsandbridgetons @catsandgeekyandnerd @peachiicherries @multifandomcnova @fandomsstolemylife00 @bookloverhorses @mak-32 @midnightmagpiemama @luckyladycreator2 @ellamae021 @kmc1989
Chapters: Chp 1 Chp 2 Chp 3 Chp 4 Chp 5 Chp 6 Chp 7 Chp 8 Chp 9 Chp 10 Chp 11 Chp 12 Chp 13 Chp 14 Chp 15 Chp 16 Chp 17 Chp 18 Chp 19 Chp 20 Chp 21 Chp 22 Chp 23 Chp 24 Chp 25 Chp 26 Chp 27 Chp 28 Chp 29 Chp 30
If you're not on the tag list and want to be, just let me know :)
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georgiapeach30513 · 11 months
Headcanon for your top 5 chris characters:
1 honeymoon per character - what country do you travel to and where do your naughty activities take place?
Oh!! I love this...my top 5, and in order
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here's the thing with Andy, I believe you're going to be pregnant before you get married. So you're not going out of the country. He's a Newton, MA man, so he's going to take you out, but it'll be in driving distance, because you are pregnant. He'd drive the two of you to a remote Air BNB. Talk about the snuggles, and sweet love. Andy is going to PAMPER you. You're pregnant after all. Not to say that Andy is vanilla, but you are limited. But I just think his favorite thing is spoiling you, and talking to the belly.
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My sweet pretty baby boy!! Ransom worships you! He has looked for love, and you were the first one to give it to him, and he is so thankful. He is going to spoil you. Where do you want to go? He's taking you. I also think he would be in love with a destination wedding, and forget to tell his family, minus Harlan. He's allowed to go. Ransom does not strike me as a tropical kind of guy. I can see a little tromp through Europe. Paris? England? Ireland? You name it. He'll take you.
Uhh...Ransom has some special needs when it comes to the bedroom. I think he can be dominate, yes, but I also feel he has this tendency to need his own pampering. I think that he may need to be babied. Reminded how special and amazing he is. Hold him and rock him. Baby that man. And because you do that for him, he is going to treat you like his little slut. He's rough and demanding.
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Are you the bread winner? Frank seems to struggle with cash flow. So...you're staying local. He lives in St. Petersburg, so that's fine. Most the money is going for a bigger house. Mary needs an actual room instead of a cubby hole.
I think Frank would actually talk to one of his customers for the use of a boat. He has this potential to be the sweetest and most romantic, but he's simple. I also think that he is eventually going to go back to teaching. Especially with some support from you. But just floating the ocean with Frank is enough. Gazing at the stars late at night. Now Frank...I do think he's a bit vanilla. But I think after marriage that breeding kink goes WAY up. Wouldn't be surprised if you get a wittle Frankie.
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LAVISH AND EXTRAVAGANT! You think Ransom is going to spoil you? Nay, Lloyd is going to have you dripping in diamonds. He is going to take you around the world. Flying private jets. You may have to take a break for him to work, but don't worry. He'll come back to destroy you later.
Lloyd likes pretty things, and he likes his pet. You will be used. It doesn't matter what you want. It's what Lloyd wants. He is going to have your face mashed into the mattress, and have you begging and sobbing that you can't take anymore. He's going to prove that you can. And he's going to make sure that his bodyguards hear just how weak he makes you.
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Look at this complete ANGEL! Okay this one is taking you somewhere with lots of snow, and cold, and no sweat, heat, or humidity. He's done the tropical thing for too long. He won't be doing it with you. He also likes to have fun. Except a dog sledding excursion, sledding, skiing, snowboarding, whatever. Cute little nose kisses in the snow, building a snowman...ugh, he's cute!!
Jake is a switch. So don't expect everything to be one sided. He's going to need you to overpower him. And he is going to BEG for it. He'll be your sweet little puppy.
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Never Do Anything Right
Summary: After feeling like you couldn't do anything right all day, your husband is there to cheer you up.
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x female! Reader
Warnings: Misogynistic talk, cursing
A/n: I needed to cure myself today. After being treated like I don't do anything right, I wanted to heal. Thank you Hangman.
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You slammed the front door, not knowing your husband was home. You thought he was still with his group of aviators. "Fuck!" You yelled as a picture fell off the wall and onto the floor, the glass shattering. Tears slipped down your cheeks as knelt down, carefully picking up the photo.
In your hands was crappy photo of you and Jake, ice cream cake on both your faces after your friends shoved your faces in it. It had been for your "wedding reception" since you guys didn't get to have one. It was more like a barbeque though with only close family and friends. You both were laughing, the biggest smiles on your faces as you looked at each other, Maverick had taken the photo.
Jake came around the corner, "Baby, what's the matter?" He asked then saw the glass. What you didn't realize was your hands were trembling and tears were rolling down your face. "I'm sorry," you said, being to hiccup "I can't do anything right today" you told him, trying to clean it up but he stopped you, kneeling next to you. "Let me help" he told you softly. He helped you clean up the glass while you told him about your day.
It was a normal day until the new head of the office ran into you, spilling his coffee all over you and blamed you for it. From there, he gave you difficult tasks to make your life miserable, ones you would completely fail at. The only thing that went right was you managed to close a case by catching the killer on a case that had been running you all down.
You managed to get tossed around a bit from the killer and one of the male detectives ran in after and laughed at you. You could still hear his voice snearing at you in your head.
"What's the matter Detective Seresin? Can't handle a man? Why don't you run back home and be a trophy wife for that husband of yours. I'm sure you can pop a kid out still"
He had later told all your male coworkers and they had all laughed their asses off about it. It infuriated you and you reminded them you had been a Navy SEAL before retiring to become a detective.
Later you found out from a female rookie cop that they had just made fun of that and said you probably slept with whoever you needed to do you could get that spot.
You then went to the gym near your house to blow off steam and men wouldn't keep their eyes off you despite wearing a wedding band. The only time it came off was when using equipment. The whole time you ran, it was on your dog tags you still wore. You had your music blasting on the treadmill and two men went on either side. They got your attention, "Y'know, taking off that band makes you unfaithful right? So you're free?" One asked cockily. You gave him a nasty look, "By the tan line on your finger tells me you're married and you're being unfaithful. My husband knows I normally wear a flex bang but I forgot it today. He trusts me. Now, I would appreciate it if I can get back to my workout" you said. He rolled his eyes as you put your headphones back in and called you something you couldn't here.
Then on your way home your dad called you and when you told him about your day, he lectured you on everything you did wrong. He made it clear you did nothing right in his eyes, down to marrying Jake. You hung up on him which lead you back to now.
Jake pulled you into his arms, "Sweetheart, I am so sorry." He told you, kissing the top of your head as you began to cry. "I'm not going to offer any advice today, but we'll talk about that tomorrow okay?" He said, cupping your cheek and his green eyes met yours. "I love you. You acted better then I would've. You would have had me in handcuffs" he winked playfully to get a laugh out of you.
You could feel your chest lighten from your husband already made you feel better. "Now, get that sexy ass upstairs and shower. I'll order takeout and we're going to watch movies and listen to your favorite music. All out fun night" he grinned. "Would be more fun to have my husband in the shower but oh well," you sighed playfully, a joking pout on your face.
He just tapped your hip, "Go Detective Seresin," he told you, kissing you deeply. You felt yourself reaching for more when he pulled away, whining as you enjoyed the pure affection you felt. "There will be more later. Take a nice, long, and relaxing shower. I expect at least ten minutes." He said sternly. "Yes Captain" you grinned, seeing his lips twitch at the use of his new title.
You grabbed his boxers, a sports bra, a tank top, and fluffy socks before going to shower. You put on your music and showered while singing along as he ordered you take out. It was from two different places and you didn't know he was moving furniture to give you both more space.
You sang at the top of your lungs, you didn't know he was standing downstairs listen to you pour your heart out. You only did that when you were completely comfortable. He remembered how long it took for you both to get comfortable enough like that with each other. While you were no longer in the military when you both had met, it was still engrained in your brain.
You continued to sing even after you got out as you used your skin care products. You both taught each other about different self-care. Despite your dad not liking Jake, it was obvious you both made each other better for the other.
You came downstairs still dancing and singing, he laughed and took you into his arms, dancing with you. You barely noticed the open space of the living room as you both did weird dance moves together. You jumped up and down as you sang, laughing as you picked you up and spun you around. He kissed you deeply, "Pretty girl, I don't even think I need the liquor to make you giddy tonight" he laughed. You shook your head with a smile, "Nope just need you and your lips. You're intoxicating Captain Seresin" you told him, your voice breathless.
You pulled away as the doorbell rang, he pulled away and got the food. Both of the delivery people showed up at the same time. You were putting on movie as he got it before running past him and to the closet. You pulled out the spare blankets and set them all up on the floor with throw pillows.
You both sat there and ate your food while watching the movie. "Jake, you're telling me that this" you said motioning to a marine on the screen doing some trick "Is realistic? We've worked with them before! There is NO WAY that is real!" You laughed. "SEALs are better" you joked later as the guy tried to act cocky on the screen. He rolled his eyes before saying "Yeah they are. But not better then aviators. We're cooler" he said before getting up and taking off running through that house. "You take that back!" You yelled, chasing after him.
You eventually caught up and tackled him to the spare bed, tickling him. He laughed, "I give! SEALs are equally as cool!" He laughed. You stood up triumphantly but got tickled for pay back.
You laid there breathless with your husband and put your hand to his cheek. "Thank you. You're the best thing to ever happen to me Jake. I love you" you told him. "I love you too" he said, kissing you gently.
That night he held you from behind, stroking your hair and whispering how much he loved you and everything you've changed in his life.
You know you did one thing right, you married Jake Hangman Seresin, and he never left you hanging.
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cherrycola27 · 1 year
I have a Jake x Jaycee or Bradley x Wise-woman request…
Can we get some Library of Congress action? 😏 Whichever couple you think it’s most fitting for!
Jake and Jaycee it is!
PSA: This drabble is rater 18+, Smut below the cut
Archives of Our Own:
"Jake, if you don't stop tapping that pencil, I'm going to snap it in half and shove it down your throat." Jaycee warns as she combs through a file folder. She was currently digging through the speech archives at the Library of Congress, trying to locate the transcript of one of Bradley's old speeches for an article she was working on.
Jake sighs before putting the pencil he'd found down. "How much longer is this going to take?" He complains. "It would be going a lot faster if you helped me instead of sitting there." Jaycee huffed as she bent over to check another box.
"But the view from where I'm sitting is so nice." Jake said as he oogled her rear. Jaycee sighed and rolled her eyes.
Jake was growing antsy, and the view of his girlfriend was doing things to him, so he decided to be helpful in his own way. He got up from his chair and stood behind Jaycee. He grabbed her hips and pulled her back against him.
"Jake!" She yelped in surprise as she shot up. Jake chuckled against her neck as he brushed her hair out of the way to kiss her. "Jake," Jaycee groaned. "We can't do this here." She said as she spun around in his arms.
"Why not? Wouldn't be this first time we've done it somewhere we shouldn't have." He purrs out as his hands trail up under her skirt to brush her clit through her underwear.
"Ja—" the protest dies on her lips as his fingers dip under the lace and into her rapidly dampening folds.
"We have to be quick." She sighs. A cocky smirk spread across his face as he picked her up and deposited her on the table in the archive room. Jake bunched her skirt up around her waist and undid his pants just enough to free himself.
Normally he would take his time and make Jaycee cum at least once before he fucked her, but she was right time wasn't on their side. It was no telling how long it would be until someone came to look for them.
He quickly bent down and pushed her underwear to the side before leaving a generous drop of spit on her opening. He ran the head of his cock through her slick and his saliva a few times before pushing into her.
"Fuck Jake!" Jayce cried out. Jake's hand immediately went to her throat. His thumb and index finger applied the slightest bit of pressure. "You've got to be quiet, Darlin, or someone will come looking." He tells her as he pistons his hips against her.
Jaycee grabs onto the lip of the table for support as Jake drives into her over and over again. His thrusts are so powerful that it causes the table to scrape across the tile floor.
Typically, they would take their time, but right now, they both wanted a quick and dirty fuck.
"I'm close, Jake." Jaycee ground out. He unwrapped his hand from her neck and licked the pad of his thumb before dropping it to her clit. Jake stroked fast circles against the taught bundle of nerves.
Jaycee tried her best to be quiet, but she couldn't help the high-pitched whines that left her. Jake used his free hand to shove two fingers in her mouth to keep her quiet. Jaycee greedily sucked on his digits as her oragsm crashed over her. Jake followed closely behind, spilling inside her.
After a few moments, he withdrew himself and fixed her panties before any of his cum could leak out and run down her thighs. Jake helped Jaycee of the table and back onto her feet.
"Want me to help you find that speech now?" He asked like he didn't just fuck her like a common whore. Jaycee didn't respond. She went back over to the stack of files and picked up something from the top.
"I found it right before you turned into a horn-dog" She chuckles. "Now, let's get this back to the White House before we have a proper round two."
tagging some of the Bradshaw-Seresin cabinet: @roosterscock @thedroneranger @gretagerwigsmuse @desert-fern @teacupsandtopgun @mayhemmanaged @lovinglyeternal @lovingbradshawafterdark @wkndwlff @shanimallina87 @roosterforme @daggerspare-standingby
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midnightdevotion · 2 years
Pairing: natasha x reader
Part 3 of prey
Warnings: Reader gets drunk, and things start developing?? Platonic jake x reader cause we all need a friend like that.
A/n: Sorry this took so long loves, but i hope you like it!
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It had been two days since the dog fight football and you had been avoiding Phoenix like she had the plague. You could tell that people had noticed, and were definitely curious.
It's not like you had an answer to give them anyway, you were just as confused. Curious as to why your heart sped up every time you saw her walking toward you and your hands got sweaty. So instead of confronting it, you'd just turn and walk away anytime you saw her.
Unfortunately for you, Hangman, who had become your partner in crime, was incredibly perceptive. He noticed your behavior, and he was good at understanding behavior. Damn him and his psychology degree.
The first day he figured maybe you were just tired, off your game and not looking to bicker, but when that trend continued into today. Well let's just say he was putting pieces together.
"why are you avoiding phoenix?" well, he never was one for subtlety.
"I-what?" you look up at him shocked
"You heard me" his eyes are locked on you with focus and it makes you nervous.
"I'm not avoiding her.. you're being ridiculous" but you wouldn't meet his eyes.
"If I'm being ridiculous then go talk to her" His face has a challenging glint to it. The same kind when you see him in the skies, ready to fight. His eyes sparkle with determination, to find out what is really going on with you.
"I've never liked Phoenix so why is it surprising that I don't want to see her?" It's almost believable, except Jake knows you too well.
"If that is the story you want to stick with then fine, but just know I don't believe you" and with that he saunters off to go irritate someone else. You grumble to yourself irritated that you didn't know what you were feeling and that someone picked up on that.
It's six hours later that you head to the bar, ready to drown whatever you are feeling out. You're about six shots in when you realize this was probably not the best way to sort out what you are thinking. In fact, the alcohol has made it worse.
Now you can't stop thinking about the pretty brunette with sparkling eyes. The way her shoulders tense when she's around you, like she's waiting for the next blow. You've never felt so absurdly sick that she has to prepare herself to see you. What is happening.
You're about 8 shots deep when the rest of the dagger team arrives at the bar. So you sit there, drunk out of your mind confused about these new flutters in your stomach everytime you see Phoenix. You sit and you watch as they all have a good time, how she laughs, and jeers back at the rest of the pilots. You don't know what you are feeling but it's not good. The violent bitter taste it leaves in your mouth to see her being friends with everyone but you.
You're 8 shots and one beer down when Hangman comes over to get you.
"jakey!!" and if you were sober you would've noticed his worried face and how his eyes widen when you sway.
"Oh my god how drunk are you?"
"I'm good how are you?"
"Not what I asked but I'm good"
You go to order another drink but Jake cuts you off and tells the bartender that you want water.
"But I don't want water..."
"what are you doing?"
"I'm having fun jacob"
"No you're clearly avoiding something. what is going on with you?"
"I don't know" and you look up at him with watery eyes and he cracks. You're his closest friend here, and let's be honest he hasn't tried much to make friends in the navy but you two just click. So yeah maybe it's only been a week but you two are thick as thieves and he hates seeing you so sad.
The water comes and interrupts his train of thought, so he shakes his head and guides the water to your mouth. He puts his arm around your back to help you as you two walk outside to get some fresh air.
What you don't know though is the entire dagger squad is watching you, and Phoenix gets a surge of jealousy at watching you rest your head on bagman's shoulder. She's never seen you like this before, not even at the bar after you got the news of being stationed somewhere else.
She doesn't understand why she has the urge to go and comfort you with whatever you are dealing with, and she definitely doesn't understand or like the feeling of red hot rage when she see's you crying and hangman hugging you.
Why do you hate her and not Bagman? Obviously he is way more hate-able than she is.
"you're making it obvious" she turns her head to see bob her new back seater observing her.
"making what obvious"
"that you might say you hate her but you actually care about her in more than a friendly capacity." She raises her eyebrow at bob but the way her stomach feels like its been filled with lead. The realization hitting her like a train.
She thinks back to the first time she saw you, sitting under your jet wing with another pilot and your head was thrown back laughing. The way she thought you were so pretty with your hair blowing in the wind, flight suit tied around your waist.
She even thought at first she might have a chance with you, but then you got stationed somewhere else and the blame fell on her, so to protect her own heart she pretended to hate you as much as you hated her. She wishes you didn't hate her though. That she was the one comforting you and making you laugh.
Phoenix has never been afraid of confrontation, and she certainly can't go on not clearing the air anymore. So she pats bobs shoulder in thanks and walks out to where you and Hangman are.
"--C'mon let me take you back home"
"No you have- have the tournament with rooster tonight" She watches as Jake sighs.
"I can take her back Hangman" and he turns and raises his eyebrows.
"You're not going to draw on her face are you?" She laughs and shakes her head.
"I'm not that cruel" Jake hesitates but he ultimately agrees.
"If anything happens to her." he points at phoenix and she rolls her eyes.
"Yeah yeah. see you tomorrow bagman" He walks inside, not without looking back. Your eyes are glazed over and you were too focused on watching the waves to notice the conversation that was had about who was taking you home.
"C'mon Tiger lets get you home." and she puts your arm over her shoulder and holds you up, making her way to her car. She gets you seated into her car and buckles you in, not without struggling. When she shuts the door to her passenger side she heaves a sigh and shakes her head before making her way to the drivers side. You roll down the window and rest your head on the frame, letting the wind blow in your hair.
"I'm sorry"
"For what?" the brunette looks over at you with confusion.
"For everything. I know it's not your fault."
"I-Um its okay"
"It's not" before she can think of a reply to that though she hears your soft snores from her right.
She takes the time to be confused on what this means for you two. Will you finally stop hating her? She sure hopes so. Will you even remember this conversation. The thought of you waking up and not remembering has her feeling sick. She just wants you to stop hating her, it's all she has ever wanted.
Safe masterlist: 
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romanarose · 1 year
a 🦶 for your foot thoughts
Fuck it. Why not. For context I read why to much questionable degradation stories and I watch too much porn XD
For those of you who don't know, us Moon Knight writers are being terrorized by an anon request foot fetish thots, so I have given in and used this as an excuse for the uuuhhhhh foot fetish I absolutely don't have. Well, let's put it this way.
Me: Is it a foot fetish? Or is it an Oscar Isaac fetish?
My best friend El: That's between you and god
for more foot thoughts and context, visit @melodygatesauthor
Jake Lockley x Fem!reader
Warnings: foot fetish, boot fetish, leather fetish oh my. Pet play? Idk but theres a collar and lease and he calls her perra. begging, degredation.
Mi Amor: *Sent image*
Mi Amor: *Sent image*
Jakey <3: Carino, what are you doing?
Mi Amor: *Sent video*
Jakey <3: I don't remember telling you that you could use that toy while I was gone.
Mi Amor: But I miss you :(
Mi Amor: *Sent Video*
Jakey <3: Last fucking chance.
Mi Amor: *Sent video*
Jakey <3: I'll be home in ten minutes, be ready how I like you, or I swear to god I'm going to make this way worse for you, you fucking brat.
Mi Amir: Yes Daddy <3
You smile, knowing your little game worked. You wanted Jake home, and now he was coming, and he was going to punish you just the way you like. You strip naked, putting on your favorite collar and leash and kneel on the rug Jake bought specifically for this: nice and soft for you.
When Jake came through the door, however, you think you make have miscalculated a tad. He was borderline disheveled, hat and gloves still on, but the sports coat he wore had been discarded in the living room, tie loosened and hanging off his neck, buttons on his shirt undone as he flung the door open, glaring at you.
"Can't leave you a lone for a few fucking hours without you misbehaving, can I?"
"I missed you" You pout, and see the slightest flicker of a smile on his face; no matter the games you two played, he adored you, and loved knowing you missed him.
"You think I don't miss you? Doesn't mean you can break the rules, perra." He snaps his fingers, and like an obedient dog you get on your hands and knees, taking the leash handle in your mouth, and crawl over to where he knelt on one knee, before slapping you and grabbing your chin tightly. "So it seems you can follow orders, you just choose not too."
The anticipation and heat that had been building inside you was culminating into slick between your thighs. "I'm sorry, sir."
Jake slipped a leather-gloved hand up in you, and despite the clothes, he could tell how wet you were by how easily his hand glided along your skin. "So fucking wet, you think I'm going to fuck you? Is that what you want?"
"Yes sir"
"Then it wouldn't be much a punishment, would it?" Jake spoke with an evil smile on his face.
Your eyes widen, he wouldn't actually not fuck you... would he? "Jake, please..." You whine, crawling up closer to him, your slicked-up core rubbing against the leather of his boot. "Jake please? I'll be good, I promise!" You sound pathetic, so cock-starved and desperate. "I won't do it again, please? I'm sorry."
Jake seemed to be considering his next course of action, so you try your best to look as innocent as possible in hopes he shows a bit of mercy. He can fuck you however he wants, as long as he fucks you. Standing up, he holds the leash taught, the collar tight around your throat, but you knew better than to stand unless he told you or tugged twice. He had you trained.
"Here's what you're going to do, you're going to get yourself off riding my boot." You must've looked confused, because he reiterated. "You're going to spread your legs over my boot, and hump it like the dirty bitch in heat you are, and if you can get yourself off, then the real punishment begins" Jakes leans in to whisper "The kind that you like."
You are hesitant, but confident in knowing you can always use the safe word if the play is too much (or if you just really, really need to get dicked down) and knowing Jake will always take care of you and your needs, you do as he asks, a light shutter as you feel your pussy lips settle over the cool leather. "Jake?" You ask, unsure if you're doing it right.
"Just like that, Preciosa." Jake encourages, pulling the leash so that your body was flush against his leg.
You begin riding, the stimulation on your clit and knowing how fucking dirty this was worked you up quickly, grinding and humping away as you briefly wondered if cum ruined leather. Jake didn't seem to care right now. You wrap your arms around his leg, and keep begging as you do as he asked, voice growing breathless under him. "Please Jake, please fuck me, I'll be a good girl for you, I'll be everything you need, I just want you inside me. Please, daddy, please?"
Jake shoved two gloved fingers in your mouth, allowing you to suck to satisfy your oral fixation, your head bobbing along with your lowers bodies actions and christ, he could feel you moaning around him.
"You like this, don't you? You like being treated like a dirty whore who had to beg just to get a dick in her? Rutting against me because she can't control herself, she'll take what she can get, even if it's just my boot?"
You a cry, Jake feels you bite down on his gloves as you come, soating his boots in your juices, desperately clinging to him. He pulls out his fingers, and weakly, you continue begging. "Please, sir, I'll be good."
Taking mercy, Jake leaned down kissed you, taking off his gloves to feel your soft skin. "Good girl, doing as I asked. You think you can keep behaving?"
You look up at him, eyes soft and pleading. "Yes, I'll be good for you daddy, wanna be your good girl."
He smiled, but it was not soft, it was the smile he gave when he was toying with you. "Let's put that to the test, shall we?"
Now foot anon! This must end, or I STG we're all gonna turn ff our anon! Come back next month or something XD
tagging the others who have been on the run.
@my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @welcometostayingawake @melodygatesauthor @campingwiththecharmings @jake-g-lockley
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sebsxphia · 2 years
Hi, I'm the anon who sent the drabble of Jake with a WSO wife that dies. I am so glad you liked it!!!! xxx
I have another thought relating to that one... I hope you'll like this too, and I'm so interested to read your thoughts!
After the funeral, time has gone on and Jake has adapted to the one-seater. Still carrying his grief, his loss still clinging to his heart, he is not making any attempts to bond with his fellow aviators (save for Javy, but even he doesn't know about Jake's wife). If anything, he puts effort into not getting attached to anyone. He is completely focused on constant improvement, to become the best of the best, so that he would never get into that situation ever again (even though none of the circumstances are the same as when he flew with his wife, it doesn't matter, he must be better, he tells himself). To ward off getting quizzed about the longing looks he sometimes catches himself giving some happy couples, he claims he's only looking for the next girl to snatch. It is easier to be seen as an asshole than to bear the looks of pity. Over time, he becomes Hangman. And not just Hangman, but Hangman (I can't really put the difference into words, but I'll try... Hope it makes some sense! 😂😅) - the one that seemingly has no regard, nor loyalty to anyone. The one that will leave his wingmen, just so they know he "doesn't care". The one that can and will find your sore points and twist the knife in it. All this just so the others may hate him for it. So that if he doesn't make it out of a mission, they wouldn't really feel sorry for him, because he doesn't deserve to be mourned (or so he thinks - guilt is a wondrous thing). He doesn't let on any of his true feelings, and he is able to hide them well on base for years.
Until Phoenix and Bob has to eject because of the bird strike. Hearing it happen takes him right back to that fateful day. He is frozen in place until he hears that a rescue team is on their way to the pair. It takes all his restraint, but he manages to calmly walk out of sight of the others. Then he runs. He finds himself in a currently abandoned hangar, sinking to the floor by the wall. Legs pulled to his chest, head on his knees, he lets his tears free. After a few moments he reaches for the chain around his neck and pulls it from under his clothes. There is a locket next to his dog tags. He opens it and comes face to face with the smiling face of his wife. The photo was taken on their wedding day. "I'm so sorry sweets" he whispers "I'm so sorry..."
Whooopsss... got carried away... 😅
nah nah nah nah
you did NOT just write the most incredible and beautiful piece for hangman’s origin story!!!!!!!!
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this is the hc for hangman now and i cannot believe you sent this to me!!! for free!!!!!! i absolutely adore this my dear anon, oh my goodness!!
it makes so much sense for the way hangman is and why he’s so closed off to everyone else and making jokes at their expense, because he feels terribly guilty.
it’s why he so desperately wants to go on the mission with mav and it’s why he would fuck up the training just slightly. he wants to know the risk involved. he wants to do one last good thing to clear his conscious and if he doesn’t make it back, that’s fine by him. at least he tried.
dear anon, thank you so so so much for sending this to me!! 💌💖💘
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mushyshroomz1 · 2 years
Ever thought about the level 974 in the backrooms? Imagine you're with 2 of your friends. Let's call them Jake and Diamond. Somehow you three made it that far together. The rooms have pink and Hello kitty everywhere around you. There's a kitchen with plenty of safe food and water to eat and drink. There's a bathroom where you can shower and do your business. And a bedroom with a stable bed. Being that this level seemed so normal your friend pull out their phone thinking maybe, just maybe they could get a signal.
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Instantly they see theres wifi they can connect to. You look around and find the wifi box and put the password in when you see a shadow entity named Mr kitty. He observed you as you did him. For a second you felt your voice caught in your throat. Before you could react the entity scurry away but would follow you and your team around. Mr kitty wasn't a threat but when your team declared to stay for the night he became angry.
You noticed the entity had a thing for cute stuff so you pulled out a Hello kitty watch your little cousin gave you. The entity seemed to like that. It approached you with interest and bent down to your level and reached for the adorable item. You pulled it back with hesitation. You didn't want to give it away it was the only item you had to remind you of your little cousin. Your friends noticed and shouted at you to just give the damn demonic being the watch.
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The entity cracked its neck to look at the friends that jumped back in fear. "Fine...here." You said catching Mr kitties attention again. His unsettling stare seemed to become more exciting as you held out the pink watch with your eyes closed. "Just take good care of it." You said.
Mr kitty gently swooped the watch from your hands and disappeared. Your friends let out a sigh of relief knowing they were safe for now. You on the other hand wanted to curl up in a ball and cry. But it would be worth it when you leave. Spoiler alert you don't. When you woke up your friends where nowhere to be found but Mr kitty? Dude was standing by the foot of the bed staring down at you. He seemed to be holding himself back from something. His hands shook but when he noticed you awake he quickly appeared beside your head and picked you up in his arms in a affectionate way. You wanted to scream but wasn't sure what he would do if so.
"Hey um..where are my friends?" You asked. Mr kitty tilted his head and placed you down on the bed once more and ran off. When he came back he held a light pink piece of paper with poorly writing.
"Hey Y/n. So me and Jake decided to leave to the next level. You seemed to be sleeping so peacefully and the weird shadow dude was getting agitated with just us being here. So we needed food and wanted one more shower. The only way to calm him down yesterday was to exchanged your sisters Hello kitty watch. Hope you don't mind but Jake and I made the decision to leave you there with him. Have a nice life we'll tell your parents you got kidnapped. Bye."
After reading that God forsaken letter you destroyed it and held your hands on your face. You found yourself crying. Why wouldn't you? Your fucking friends traded you for food. You can't see your family. Your dog nacho would probably whine for hours, probably die from a heartache. Or maybe..they forgotten about you? You aren't sure how long it's been since you first appeared in this damn world. Has it been days? Months? Certainly not years. Right?
As you were breaking down Mr kitty freaked out and picked you up. You were in his possession which mean you are his responsibility. He sat down on the bed and patted your head. Trying to calm you down.
(Want a part 2? Lemme know down in the comments.)
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semi-sketchy · 4 months
PAW Patrol Episode Thoughts - Season 2
Another cross-post from my DA, although this is the last one since it's been like a year and I still can't bring myself to finish season 3.
Anyways, as a reminder, here's my scoring system that goes from 1-10 based on my initial reaction:
1/10 - The episode you'd force your worst enemy to watch on repeat
2/10 - Just awful
3/10 - Pretty terrible
4/10 - Didn't hate, but wouldn't wanna watch again
5/10 - Just okay
6/10 - Decent, wouldn't mind watching it again
7/10 - The average good
8/10 - Really liked it!
9/10 - This is a must-watch
10/10 - Probably my favorite episode ever like maybe two are going to get this rating
To keep things simple, I'm not getting into point values, so just because two episodes have the same rating doesn't mean they're equal to me. And yes I love my OCs and will be bringing them up whenever I want because this is my post.
Without further adieu, here's how my rewatch of season 2 went.
Episode 1: Pups Save the Penguins/Pups Save a Dolphin Pup
A: Already the animation is a downgrade. Something about Marshall sitting on a swing like a human is very disturbing, although with the debut episode of a new season comes the first showing of Super Spy Chase. But seriously, Adventure Bay gets SNOW, are you now trying to tell me it's a tropical area and an iceberg would last going to and fro southern South America? Weak for a new season's first episode. 5/10
B: Marshall being knocked out of the elevator and his uniform put on a toy dolphin, leaving him to scramble up the pole has to be one of the funniest jokes they've done. Still, it feels lacking. 6/10
Episode 2: Pups Save a Space Alien/Pups Save a Flying Frog
A: Rocky learned how to fly alien tech in a matter of minutes, amazing. Still, this one wasn't as bad as I was thinking it would be. 6/10
B: Didn't notice it before, but the top floor of the lookout got a redesign for this season. It went from beige to blue. More of Chase's crush on Skye is shown, Chase is actually overall very cute and clingy in this episode and Marshall is also great. 7/10
Episode 3: Pups Save Jake/Pups Save the Parade
A: A cave episode, immediately Tara would be perfect here. Here's the debut of Marshall's EMT gear, I actually like Marshall doubling as an EMT since real fire fighters often times do both jobs. 7/10
B: At first I thought this was cute and then we got inflated Marshall. Please no I've unwillingly seen too much inflation fetish-- Overall okay though, Chase was once again very cute. 6/10
Episode 4: Pups Save the Diving Bell/Pups Save the Beavers
A: Francois stop being mean, as long as something old still works, it's better to use it rather than have it in a landfill. But Turbot...you knew you lost the steering fin so why did you think you could just drive? Although, first episode with Zuma's sub and it was pretty good! Rocky diving and Marshall traumatizing that poor woman on the beach was great. 8/10
B: Yumi, you don't put hay in the coop, you put straw. Hay is for eating, straw is for bedding. This is an episode where Nami's animal skills would really come in handy, though I am just so happy to see them communicating with animals in a way that isn't words for once. 8/10
Episode 5: Pups Save a Ghost/Pups Save a Show
A: They're baiting a trap for a dog...with a chocolate chip cookie. I get they don't know it's Marshall, but...dude. Oh wait, Rubble eats it at the end and calls it a liver chip cookie. Um...ew. 7/10
B: Oh look, Rescue Knights 6 seasons early. But did they just have Marshall try to do a Tim Allen "Uwha" grunt reference?
Episode 6: The New Pup
IT'S EVEREST TIME, BABY!!!! Aight but the first 5 minutes is just an ad for the PAW Patroller, like Ryder I don't think self-driving vehicles are legal and pretty sure having a robot that sits in the seat to do the driving doesn't change this rule, he's clearly not even very good at it yet. But we meet Everest and poor baby is so lonely. BUT JAKE GIVES HER A GRANOLA BAR THAT HAS RAISINS IN IT LIKE BRO YOU WANNA GIVE HER KIDNEY FAILURE? Anyways, Everest steals the show here, but aside from her there's not a whole lot going for this? Kinda sad considering I used to love this episode and I'm probably rating it higher than I should because I just love Everest so much. 6/10
Episode 7: Pups Jungle Trouble/Pups Save a Herd
A: First time in the jungle, huh, and Marshall really just jumped on a snake and then nearly got eaten by a carnivorous flower. I must admit, the dialogue with Mandy just stealing Ryder's Pup Pad is pretty funny, although they really just wanted an Indiana Jones moment, huh. 7/10
B: Ah, the episode that features 3 seconds of a Chase recolor which the whole fandom wanted to return as an actual character. Do love how Chase's bully here is a sheep. 7/10
Episode 8: Pups and the Big Freeze/Pups Save a Basket Ball Game
A: Does the town not have snowplow/salt trucks? At all? Goodway, you should know better than to drive faster than you can control your car, and really they called Rubble to clear the roads and not Everest? She was an afterthought? In a snow episode? Okay but Zuma and Skye skating at the end was cute. 7/10
B: They really are facing off against Boomers, huh. I know this isn't the first time the rivalry between Goodway and Humdinger has been shown, but this is the first full on "yeah Foggy Bottom cheats" moment. Still, Marshall having no confidence in himself and everyone helping to build him up is cute. 7/10
Episode 9: Pups Save an Ace/Pups Save a Wedding
A: This is the opposite of Sonic Lost World where the motor somehow causes damage to the wing, also Marshall just randomly exposing people to radiation with his x-ray screen for no reason. 8/10
B: Do they only invite the PAW Patrol so they get free decorating? Of course though, they censor the kissing because that's...a no, I guess? But Skye was really desperate to catch the bouquet. 7/10
Episode 10: Pups Save a Talent Show/Pups Save the Corn Roast
A: I know they're dogs and them playing music is great, but...ROCKY THAT'S NOT HOW YOU PLAY CHORDS. Why is Al acting as if he's never met the PAW Patrol before like...heck they helped him IN THE LAST EPISODE. I don't normally care for the singing, but here it was okay, just 2 Marshall-has-no-confidence episodes so close together. 8/10
B: Popcorn and roasting corn are two different types of corn, they aren't interchangeable. Regular old yellow corn will not pop. Also they're serving and eating food THAT'S BEEN ON THE DIRT. Pretty sure that's a health code violation. 6/10
Episode 11: Pups Leave Marshall Home Alone/Pups Save the Deer
A: Rubble was the writer's pet of season 1, but honestly I'm enjoying Marshall getting a big spotlight here, I can't believe I didn't like him for a long time. Katie this is why you don't have automatic doors to your grooming parlor, but it means we see Marshall and Katie with a bunch of adorable kittens so I'm actually okay with this. Marshall was funny and cute. I'm glad to say this was even better than I remembered it being. 10/10
B: EVEREST, MY BELOVED! I guess when Ryder made Everest part of the PAW Patrol, that included Jake, too. I don't wanna think how cold it has to be for the bay, which is most likely salt water, to freeze that solid. Also if Nami was a member at this point in time, her animal skills would once again come in very handy. 7/10
Episode 12: Pups Save the Parrot/Pups Save the Queen Bee
A: Are Ryder's dogs not color blind? Cause they can see red and green pretty well. Something that is accurate though is birds being incredibly hard to tell their gender. 6/10
B: This exists. Lots of the stuff in it is accurate to bees though, which is nice. Dogs do love honey, too. 6/10
Episode 13: Pups Save a Mer-Pup
Ah, the fantasy in the show starts. Gotta love Chase being the biggest skeptic around, like don't you know when you're fed this exposition, the myth is gonna come true? Still his reaction was so priceless. You know Zuma and Skye also get along really well in this episode, it's cute. 8/10
Episode 14: Pups Save an Elephant Family/Pups and the Mischievous Kittens
A: Turbot really sleeping in the jungle without a mosquito net, huh. I mean...that was an episode, I guess. 5/10
B: Ah, the debut of the Catastrophe Crew. Did they always have names though? The Rocky kitten was called Tabby. Don't know why Ryder didn't call all the pups to help clean up, but Nami's gear was made for picking up after storms, so she would've been great here. 6/10
Episode 15: Pups Save a Friend/Pups Save a Stowaway
A: Another Marshall episode, but this one is sad. One of those cliché "I heard someone saying bad things and assumed it was about me." That said, it was still an alright episode. 6/10
B: Cats are curious but I can tell you they hate car rides. Surprised she didn't scream the whole way there. 7/10
Episode 16: Pups Adventures in Babysitting/Pups Save the Fireworks
A: Did Ryder get a VA change mid-season? He sounds so different here. Although the theme song playing 3 times was a bit much... 6/10
B: Surprise, show, but mailing most animals isn't allowed and I can assure you, piglets aren't. They do not go through the same mail as apples and shampoo. Also no fireworks either since those are a big safety risk. Chase really just stole a buggy though, huh. 7/10
Episode 17: Pups Save a Sniffle/Pups and the Ghost Cabin
A: I'd question how the virus spread so quickly to all the pups but after the past few years I don't think I need to. I will question why each of them has their very own branded box of tissues, though. 6/10
B: Yes, Chase, the mice will be sad, but that covering Rocky did will not keep them out. You need to stuff the hole with steel wool and CERTAINLY DON'T FEED THE MICE. THOSE ARE NOT PETS. 6/10
Episode 18: Pups Save an Adventure/Pups Save a Surprise
A: Poor Mr. Porter, he just wants a break but he's with a toddler. Also...don't give dogs chili. It's too spicy for them. This episode was more of a fire safety information dump than anything, although learning these types of things as a kid didn't stop me playing with matches. 6/10
B: Contrary to popular belief, tomato juice does in fact, not remove skunk spray. How did this myth even get started. Also he was wearing white clothes and they were still white, like...tomato stains, man. 6/10
Episode 19: Pup-Fu!
I feel like this came out just because it was the height of popularity for Kung-fu Panda, but after playing Xenoblade X and having to listen to Bozé, I can't hear "Sensei" without cringing. This was...something. 4/10
Episode 20: Pups Save the Mayor's Race/Pups Save an Outlaw's Loot
A: I am very quickly getting tired of the amount of problems being caused by the Catastrophe Crew. Do cats always have to be the enemy to dogs? 5/10
B: Annnd another Humdinger episode, you know I don't blame the pups for basically spying on him every time he steps foot in the city. Geez though is he RIPPED he just pulled a huge log! That has to be at the bare minimum 300 pounds! Not as strong as Ryder though, freaking 10-year-old just lifted an entire chest full of gold out of the ground. 6/10
Episode 21: Pups Save Walinda/Pups Save a Big Bone
A: Wally gets ass, confirmed. 6/10
B: Ah, excavation, something Tara would be great for, but that's it. 6/10
Episode 22: Pups Save a Floundering Francois/Pups Save the Pop-Up Penguins
A: Chase, were the cones really necessary when Rubble was just planting a bonsai tree...? But man does Francois cause so many problems, seeing this as a double-rescue though is cool. 7/10
B: Someone tell me how penguins get in a train freezer car in the first place, please. 6/10
Episode 23: Pups Save a Snowboard Competition/Pups Save a Chicken of the Sea
A: If Everest could clear the driveway with her snowcat the entire time, why did she sit there letting Jake shovel tons of it by hand? Also Humdinger is back but he's so minor in this episode that it's tolerable. 7/10
B: Okay, Cali underwater was pretty funny. 7/10
Episode 24: Pups Save a Pizza/Pups Save Skye
A: Marshall, sitting in a bunch of food people are going to eat is just gross. Also are they really using dough that fell rather than just making a new batch? Like pizza dough is 5 ingredients, it's not hard to make. Good they differentiated actual pepperoni from the dog kind, though. 8/10
B: Gotta love Skye, something bad happens and she takes it in strides. Everyone being so concerned about her is also very cute. Although don't give dogs ENTIRE BOWLS OF MILK, JAKE. 8/10
Episode 25: Pups Save the Woof and Roll Show/Pups Save an Eagle
A: Cleaning up after a storm? NAMI? But a celebrity is driving themself and that is because this is a work of fiction. Chase's smug grin after being able to tell off his mayor is great and surprisingly, the singing isn't annoying for once. 7/10
B: Ryder you need Byte to help you tinker with the Lookout electronics. ALSO WHY ARE YOU WORKING ON A CIRCUIT WITH ACTIVE POWER TO IT DO YOU WANT TO DIE??? I must say, it is sweet how Ryder's not making Skye deal with an eagle, well, at least right away... 7/10
Episode 26: Pups Bark with Dinosaurs
Remember when episodes like these were just dreams? But these dinos should have feathers and I have to admit, the sound effects they have for them are hilarious. Also dino on dino VIOLENCE. For a dream episode, it was pretty solid. 7/10
Season 2 overall:
While this season was still pretty good and I have a lot of nostalgia for it, I can see the heart starting to go. Some of the characters are losing personality and more than a few episodes feel so lifeless. Humdinger shifted from a rival to an actual villain and Marshall was the big writer's pet this time around, so it evened out somewhat. Just the sheer repetitiveness is really sinking in and I'm afraid even someone as amazing as Everest can't save that.
Will say this half makes me ship ZumaXSkye because they have so many good moments in this season.
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cosmolog · 1 year
Duskwood Detectives
(Jake Love Story)
Part 6
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"A witness? Who?" Alan asked.
"Me. I was on a video call with Richy before he...well, before he faked his death" She told him. "He told me he was The Man Without a Face and that he was the one who attacked Jessy. But after that he told me Phil had threatened to kill him if he didn't do it"
"So you're saying he was blackmailed?" Alan asked.
"Yes. I know he wouldn't have hurt Jessy if he had the choice" she said.
Alan was silent for a minute before he said. "Alright, fine. But you need to come down to the station so we can discuss this further, okay?"
"Of course, as soon as I'm finished with what I have to do in Forest-Edge I'll get back to Duskwood and we'll talk then" Y/n said, before hanging up and getting out of the bed.
She sighed before getting dressed, then walking to the the kitchen where Jake, now also fully dressed was making coffee. "I'm really sorry I intruded on your call. I completely forgot you were here. I'm so used to living alone-"
"Don't worry about it. It's fine, Jake" Y/n shook her head, dismissing his apology. "Besides, I was gonna tell you who called me anyway."
Jake looked up at her, handing her a coffee. "Who?"
"Alan Bloomgate." Y/n told him, sitting down.
"Bloomgate? He's still looking for me" Jake sighed. "What did he say?"
"He said he wants me to go down to the station and have a chat with him about Richy and you"
"And you said you would go?" Jake asked in disbelief.
"He threatened to add me to his criminal watchlist if I didn't, he's got a spot saved for my name right under yours" Y/n said.
Jake put his cup down on the table before starting to slowly pace around the room. "Did you tell him where you were?"
"He already knew. He tracked my phone" Y/n replied.
"Well then we'll have to get you a new phone" Jake said. "A safer one"
Y/n looked down at her phone then back up at Jake. "Fine by me"
"And we'll have to move state again" Jake said.
"Okay, not really fine by me" Y/n shook her head. "We can't spend the rest of our lives on the run, Jake. That just raises suspicions that we might have done something we shouldn't have"
"You may not have done anything against the law but I have, Y/n. Hacking into people's phones to listen in on their conversations and hacking into criminal databases is illegal" Jake said.
Y/n looked at him, confused. "Why were you hacking into criminal databases?" She asked.
"I...Uh" Jake stuttered out, breaking eye contact with her. "I was looking into Phil's criminal files"
"Why?" She asked, standing up and walking closer to him.
"To see how long I had to make you safe before he gets out of jail" Jake said.
"And?" Y/n waited.
"He'll be out later next year because of his good behaviour. They're thinking of letting him go free again" Jake said.
"What?" Y/n exclaimed. "He should be doing five more years, this is wrong!"
"I know. But as long as he stays the hell away from us, we'll be fine." Jake reasurred.
"He's dangerous, Jake. You can't just say he'll leave us alone, after what happened. He's a dog. He'll be looking for us the minute they let him loose" Y/n warned.
"Well then I'll be waiting for him with a gun in my hand, don't worry" Jake replied, his voice grown as stern as Y/n's.
Y/n sighed. "Fine, let's run. I'll pack my stuff and we can go far away" She said sarcastically.
"I want you to be safe" Jake said, defeatedly.
"And I want the same for you. But Jake, I really don't think I'll be able to run for the rest of my life away from that asshole" Y/n shook her head.
"You won't be, I promise" Jake said, his voice now soft. "Now can we please stop the arguing and make some breakfast, please?"
"We're not arguing" Y/n said quietly, making Jake sigh.
"We're not, you're right. Wrong choice of words, sorry" Jake brought her into a hug. "I never want to argue with you"
"I'm sorry too, Jake. These types of situations seem to always find their way into our lives, don't they?" She smiled, sadly. She looked up at him as he gave a small smile back.
"Well, hopefully this is the last time" He whispered back, reaching his hand up to cup her cheek, slowly running his thumb under her eye before his gaze dropped to her lips. "I really care about you, Y/n. Ever since I met you, you have struck my interest."
"I find you quite fascinating, too" Y/n repeated his words to her from many years ago.
Jake let out a small chuckle as she smirked. Jake lent forward, placing a soft kiss to her cheek before pulling away slowly. "You missed" Y/n joked. "Let me show you how it's done" She wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her lips to his. Jake was shocked, he didn't know how to react at first but eventually started to kiss back.
The kiss felt as perfect as perfect can be, it felt touch-starved, like when a beginning and an end finally make a story come together. They were longing for each other, missing one another. And now they were finally together after so long being so far apart.
When they finally pulled away, Jake remembered something. "I forgot to buy food for breakfast..." He whispered.
Y/n chuckled. "It's okay, we'll eat out. Let's go" She took his hand and walked out of the house. "Where's your car?"
"Car? I don't drive cars" Jake said. After a few seconds of silence, he added, not sure how she'd react. "But I do ride motorbikes"
"You have a motorbike?" Y/n smiled excitedly.
"Ever been on one?" He asked, now guiding her to his garage and pressing the button to open it. The garage door slowly revealed a all black, sports-type motorbike. "Good thing I bought an extra helmet" Jake smiled, grabbing the helmets and putting his on before helping Y/n with her's.
"How do I look?" Y/n asked jokingly turning around in a circle.
"Like an angel" Jake smiled, making Y/n jokingly roll her eyes and put his visor down making him chuckle again.
"Alright, you're gonna put your feet here and sit up here. You can hold onto me because when we go around corners, the closer you are the more in sync you will be with me when we lean with the bike, okay?" Jake explained, getting on the bike after he put some gloves and safety equipment on himself and Y/n.
"Smooth choice getting a bike" Y/n laughed, before getting onto the bike, sitting behind him and wrapping her arms around his middle, closing the gap between them. "That close enough?" She asked as heat suddenly rose in Jake's face.
He cleared his throat then put his visor down. "Yeah, are you- are you comfortable?" He stuttered a bit.
Y/n put her own visor down and snuggled into him. "Very. You?"
"Very" Jake repeated back, before starting up the bike and revving the engine a bit before slowly rolling out of the drive and onto the road where he picked up a steady speed. "I'll let you know when I'm gonna turn or go faster, okay?" He yelled back to her.
"Okay!" She replied, smiling so hard her face was starting to hurt.
He got out to an open road. It was very early so the roads were pretty empty, so it was the perfect time to test out the accelerator.
"Do you mind if I speed up?" Jake asked.
"Not at all!" Y/n replied. "Put her through her paces!"
Jake accelerated, the roar of the engine mixed with the wind blowing loudly filled their ears. Y/n cheered, hugging Jake tighter making him laugh.
The sun was making an appearance just over the horizon, mixing night and day in a beautiful hour of thrills and excitement.
When they got back from getting breakfast at a local cafe, Jake helped Y/n removed her gear. When he took off her helmet, she immediately kissed him. This time he kissed back straight away, hesitantly resting his hand on her waist to hold her closer.
"Thank you for today" Y/n smiled once they pulled away.
"It's only the morning. We're just getting started" Jake laughed.
"I'm gonna need an afternoon motorbike ride later on, then" Y/n laughed with him.
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