#Yata's like I don't even call you that
ciaossu-imagines · 3 months
Now finally, the question that I should’ve asked a while go but needed to be sure about, give me all the ideas / headcanons you have of HOMRA as a vampire nest. Because I’m really curious.
Ohhh, thank you so much for giving me the chance to really write about this! I had had a lot of thoughts for this at the time the ask was sent in and getting to revisit the idea and the previous thoughts, along with getting to think of new ones, really made me so happy! I hope you'll enjoy reading these as much as I enjoyed writing them!
Okay, so as mentioned, this came about because of the Yata as a vampire headcanon request I did. I kind of looped around to wondering what HOMRA would be like as an entire vampire nest and while one was inspired by the other, the two don't exist within the same universe but should be treated differently. Just clearing that out of the way.
This AU really starts with Mikoto and Kusanagi. Both are vampires sired by the same master around the same time. While they hadn't known each other in life, I really do see them kind of growing up from fledging, newly turned vampires into being able to deal with and make use of their vampiric natures beside and with each other. Needless to say, they've formed a strong bond and friendship with each other and they're really the start of what becomes the nest.
I do see their master being killed, dusted by a vampire hunter, and the two are left alone really in the world. And I think that's something that really continues for quite a while until they stumble across and meet Totsuka. Totsuka travelled with one of the many travelling circuses/freak shows that were popular in the mid to late 1800's, one of the 'Gypsy' fortune-tellers. Something about that chance meeting was magical. Totsuka seemed to see something in Mikoto that Mikoto had long stopped seeing in himself. Mikoto and Kusanagi followed the travelling show and a friendship grew between all three of them…So much so, actually, that they slipped and let Totsuka see them for what they were. And maybe it was Totsuka's complete faith in them and his complete lack of judgment based on their vampiric natures (in fact, he often called them 'angels with fangs' and insisted there had to be good they could do for the world) that led to what happened next.
Of course, it wasn't too hard at all for these men to really see that the life Totsuka had with the travelling show was not the happiest or safest, by any means. And in the darkest part of night, Mikoto left the choice up to Totsuka - die in service to the show or live forever in a different kind of hell, alongside Mikoto and Kusanagi. Totsuka didn't even have to think because honestly, he'd probably been dropping some hints. He was taken and turned that night.
Of course, Kusanagi and Mikoto had never really dealt with a new, fledging vampire and Mikoto had never sired anyone before. Totsuka woke hungry and really forgetting his past self and it took a lot of accidents, hard work, and learning for all three of them before Totsuka was able to not only control his vampiric urges but was able to hunt and feed while keeping common sense in his mind, and he grew to learn how to balance who he was, and in some ways truly still is, as a human and in his soul with who he has now become as a vampire.
The three of them settle into life as a nest and it really does remain just the three of them for many decades. Totsuka won't allow them to really draw away from the human world as they had before, and it's really, in some ways, for the best. All three of them are constantly reminded of their humanity and while they are usually nomadic, never really settling into one place for too long for vampires because you really can't risk people noticing you never age or all the other weird little things, Totsuka is the one to really get out and make friends with humans. Maybe it's Totsuka's real love of humanity and connection with that world that allows him to convince Mikoto to use Mikoto's very strong vampiric powers to sire more people. To help others as Mikoto helped Totsuka.
And so Mikoto does and the nest does grow. Mikoto does have demands on who joins though…they must come willingly and they must want the change. Mikoto refuses to change anyone who is scared of the nature of vampires, even in their heart of hearts, and they must really and truly understand what they are getting into. They must want this, for whatever their reasons, and they must pledge loyalty to the nest.
Anna is the next to join the nest, sometime in the 1900's. She seems to have developed some sort of bond with Mikoto in particular, being a special child in some ways (part of what drew the interest of the men who kept her) and said to be clairvoyant. I see her as being a child slave of a sort, kept as a 'pet' in a cult, in very real danger in her life when they discover her. All three of the men are yes, vampires, but they all do have moral compasses and I believe they feed off the people who have her kept as a 'pet' for their sadistic pleasures, brutally so. Anna witnesses this, knows they did it to save her. They do offer to find her a safe home, a safe life as a mortal, but she honestly wants to stay with them and refuses that offer. Instead, she asks that they take her with them, that they give her the chance to stay with them forever. Mikoto sires her and she rounds out their nest for the next little bit.
The next to join their nest was Kamamoto, during the first World War. A soldier who had never wanted to be in the war, who had never even really wanted to leave his small little town and settled life there, they encountered Kamamoto first while out at night hunting. He's a friendly guy, talked to them as if it was no big deal for these weird people to be out so late at night. He kept the other soldiers from hassling them, gave them suggestions of where they could go to find a nice hot meal and at least a bed, and not knowing what they really were, just trying to be kind to a seemingly very young girl, I see Kamamoto as sneaking Anna his piece of governmentally provided chocolate as a little treat for a child in war times. They don't hurt anyone on his base for the kindness he's shown them and they all liked and respected him. However, it was never initially going to go beyond that. Until they stumble across him again, left in a trench bleeding out, abandoned by his own troop as unsaveable. Though pressed for time, they reveal themselves to him and do give him at least the minutes needed to understand what they can offer him. Kamamoto is terrified, scared…he doesn't want to die. He hadn't even really gotten to live. He takes their offer and becomes a nest member.
Chitose and Dewa are living the transient life during the Great Depression. Childhood friends, they're doing everything they can to survive. Homeless, trying to find work wherever they can, not sure where their next meal will come from…their life is hard. The offer of a life that is not only much easier, but the power to keep that situation from ever happening again? They take the offer after the nest takes interest in them and become HOMRA's next two members.
We're making a brief change to Yata's nationality here, just because the idea kept being so strong and so great to me, but because I had always seen him as a World War II soldier in this AU, I like the idea of them finding him shortly after his troop showed up to really help liberate the concentration camps. He's always been a good soldier, he hasn't let the war break him, not completely…but to see that absolute depth of depravity and pure horror and revulsion that these were human beings who did these things to others. They weren't monsters in the closet, they weren't the boogeyman under the bed. These were human beings who tortured and killed and did all this to other human beings. I think the nest encountered Yata a lot throughout the war, just by the fact that they were kind of keeping an eye on the front lines (it is, after all, a wonderful way to ensure there's always people to feed upon without really having to worry about their deaths raising suspicions). They might even, in some cases, have borrowed military uniforms to blend in, with the exception of Anna. And when they encounter him again, just kind of broken from all the true horrors and shocks of the war sinking in and weighing on him, they make him the offer all of the nest gets. He sees this as a way to abandon humanity, the same humanity who disappointed him so much, and a way to gain power enough that he is sure he will stop such horrors from ever happening in the world again, and he not only accepts, but begs for the change.
I think after Yata, Fujishima's the next to be brought into the gang. I see him as part of the '70's punk scene. Then there's Bandou brought into the nest during the '80's. I don't have any actual solid ideas in how those two came into the nest, just roundabouts when they did.
Shouhei is a teen, maybe 20 at most. A runaway who gets big into the 90's rave scene, he knows a lot of the other homeless youths and becomes a person who helps the homeless band together, create little tent cities, take care of each other. I think he unwittingly stumbles across one of the nest feeding and that's how he learns their secret. He freaks out, tries to help the person they were feeding on, but over the next couple days, thinking about it and really reconciling the fact that vampires exist in his mind, he comes to a realization. A realization that being a vampire would likely mean he'd be stronger, more powerful, more capable to protect the others in the tent city. He tracks down and approaches the nest, begs to be given the power. Mikoto bloods him into the nest and though Shouhei never really returns to the tent city, they remain in the area for at least five to six more years so he can look after the residents there, find ways to keep them all safe and the nest doesn't move on until the last of Shouhei's friends either get back to happy, safe lives again or unfortunately pass on.
Eric's another one I see being a runaway, trying to escape a really abusive foster home. The bruises and evidence of the full extent of the beatings are still so evident with Eric, along with the malnutrition and exhaustion, when the HOMRA nest finds him and though I don't have all the details straight on how he joins, I do think they do it as a way to help him and protect him and while he's the most hesitant of all the boys to join, he does agree and becomes the latest and last in HOMRA's nest, sometime in the early to mid 2000's.
Anyway, going into some of the just fun little headcanons I had for this. Obviously, we don't really get to see Mikoto and Kusanagi as fledging vampires, those newly blooded. The newly blooded vampires can often lack any self-control. Their hunger is insatiable, they tend to get drunk on their new vampiric powers, and they can be mighty dangerous. Totsuka wasn't actually really bad as far as fledging vampires go. He did have an issue with extreme thirst, but the lack of self-control never seemed to apply to him and Kusanagi and Mikoto were really able to easily keep him in line, bring him to a place where he could coexist as both human soul with vampire powers and life, where they could teach him the safest ways to feed and how best to use and control his powers. Like Totsuka, Fujishima, Bandou, and Dewa were all pretty good as far as new vampires went and were all largely able to be kept in line and taught by only one of the three. Anna, Kamamoto, and Chitose were all a bit more difficult and needed more supervision from at least two of the older vampires and all of them had at least one situation where the older vampires really had to step in and the nest needed to move ASAP to avoid vampire hunting becoming a really solid sport again. Of course, as most of you can probably figure out, Yata, Shouhei and Eric have the most trouble with the change. They all either have issues with their hunger or they get really drunk with all the new power they have. In the case of those three, all three of the older vampires had to be on constant watch for the first year of those boy's vampiric lives, just to be safe, and there's been times when all three of them had to be shackled with iron, just to keep things from becoming an absolute bloodbath outside.
Izumo, Bandou, and Dewa are all the most level-headed in terms of practicality within the nest. They're the ones who oversee the financial matters, buy the houses, figure out ways to keep the nest safe during daylight hours, focus on the security of the nest and how to avoid detection, and really are the ones who keep the day to day of the nest's survival and happiness. I do think everyone contributes to the savings over the years, and the Nest as a whole is quite comfortable, to say the least.
Shouhei, Totsuka, and Fujishima are the ones who miss the sun the most and I love the idea of, when virtual reality becomes a thing, them getting really into it just so they can pretend to be walking in the daylight.
Totsuka, Kamamoto, Yata, Shouhei, and Eric all get into the vampire craze when vampire movies and novels get popular. They find them amusing and funny. Chitose doesn't mind them either and probably gets into the vampire club culture for a bit, just because it makes finding willing food easier.
On the subject of food, Chitose feeds mostly through sex and always from a willing victim. He's good about taking only what he needs and because his real strong power as a vampire is charisma and producing lust in others, those he feeds off never really have any complaints.
Yata, Totsuka, Anna, and Fujishima all prefer non-live feeding, surviving mostly off of packed cells or bagged blood they steal and accepting that it will weaken each of their enhanced vampiric gifts. (For those wondering, Yata's the one capable of shifting form into a big, black crow and flying, Totsuka's real strong with hypnotic suggestions, Anna's natural clairvoyance was greatly enhanced, and Fujishima has many animal familiars he can communicate with and who will obey his commands).
The rest of the boys all prefer live-feeding, and it's only Kamamoto and Eric who have problems sometimes holding back and who might kill every now and then through feeding. Both guys tend to feed off sleazy or outright criminal people though, scummy types, so nobody's looking too hard into the deaths. And Eric especially has a berserk button for abusers and they're often the ones he preys on.
Now, as far as enhanced vampiric powers, Shouhei is another one I see having enhanced charisma and hypnotic suggestion abilities as his real strong vampiric power. Mikoto and Izumo, as the oldest vampires, have the most balanced and the strongest abilities out of everyone. Eric, despite his wiry statue, and Kamamoto both have enhanced strength as their real defining power. For Bandou and Dewa, I'll admit I really did not have ideas for what theirs would be, sorry!
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ridiasfangirlings · 10 months
Ana gets a crush on a "tsundere" guy who teases her. Yata is baffled when he finds out and starts ranting about "how could anyone like a guy who is mean to them?!" All while the rest of homra are giving him a side eye
Aw, Yata should be proud that Anna is taking after him in the love department XD Maybe the guy who tried to attack her in her One Year Later story ends up having a crush on her because she was able to kick his ass but now he's all tsundere about it, claiming it's not like he likes her or anything as he holds her coat and brings her flowers and shares desserts with her. He also continues to tease her too, like not enough that she'd have to beat him up again but he's still basically in the 'pulling her pigtails' stage of the relationship. Anna doesn't understand it because she's aware that his true feelings aren't really like that and she's actually a little amused, like this person has a lot of contradicting feelings and it makes her want to be kind to him.
She's talking to Yata about it and he's immediately defensive of her, like wait do you mean that guy is still teasing you I'll kill him. Anna says Misaki doesn't need to do that, she thinks that person isn't so bad after all. Yata's proud that Anna's such a good person she can even forgive a guy like that but he can't agree with her liking him when he makes fun of her, like you know when a guy likes you he should be nice and treat you like the most important person. He shouldn't be constantly teasing you or calling you names just to get your attention, he should be gentle and not mocking, like it's not good for you to get a crush on someone who keeps being a total jerk to you all the time. It's right at this moment that Fushimi walks in and goes over to Yata like come on you stupid idiot you promised me a date, Yata grins like sure just a sec Saruhiko let me finish talking to Anna. Anna looks between Yata and Fushimi all 'I see,' the rest of Homra just sigh and facepalm like Anna why don't you ask advice from someone else instead.
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lisutarid-a · 7 months
[Gakuen K] Totsuka Tatara Route Translation
Even after graduation
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[Translation under the cut]
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Kamamoto: Yata-san, I'm glad you somehow managed to move up…
Yata: Don't say "somehow"! I just took it seriously, that's why.
Saya: I wonder if we'll be able to see Yata-kun's seriousness in the third year?
Yata: That is…
Kamamoto: We will see it, right?
Yata: Y-Yeah, I'll show you! Don't be scared, you two!
Saya: Fufu, he ran away.
Kamamoto: Waaah. I am so glad that I was able to celebrate the closing ceremony with Yata-san.
Saya: Kamamoto-kun really has a soft spot for Yata-kun, doesn't he?
Kamamoto: Because, you know. If he became my kohai, I wouldn't know how to address him, right?
Kamamoto: I still respect him and would like to continue to call him "Yata-san". But it would look strange from the outside.
Saya: It sure would… Uhm, I'm glad we were all able to move up.
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Totsuka: Oi-i. Come here, everyone!
Saya: Totsuka-senpai.
Totsuka: It's long awaited closing ceremony of the school year, right? So come on, everyone, smile. I'll capture it on camera.
Yata: Totsuka-san, that kind of thing should be done at the graduation ceremony.
Totsuka: Well-well, it doesn't matter. You see, I couldn't graduate for some reasons.
Totsuka: Okay, Yata. A few words about the joy of moving on!
Yata: A- A few words!? Let's see…If it were in my hands, there'd be no such thing as a test-
Totsuka: Wow, that's going to be a long comment. Can you please keep it to two seconds? I'm running out of time.
Yata: Ha!? It was…"Easy win"!
Totsuka: Thank you. Next one is Kamamoto!
Kamamoto: I can't think of anything. I'm hungry, so let's have lunch.
Totsuka: Uhm, a bit later. Last but not least…you!
Saya: Me!?
Totsuka: That's right. Since you're the last performer, make it straightforward.
Saya: It's, em…
Saya: I will do my best next year!
Totsuka: Ahaha. That's ordinary. It's so like you.
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Saya: …I'm really glad that senpai is back.
Totsuka: Fufu. How many times I've heard that, I wonder.
Saya: I'll say it over and over again. Because I'm really happy.
Saya: I was a little prepared for that. I thought I would never see you again. Because I hadn't heard from you at all.
Totsuka: …Uhm.
Saya: That's why I'm so happy. I absolutely hated the thought of that being left behind.
Totsuka: That?
Saya: These are senpai's belongings that were left in the classroom. Anna-sensei asked me to take care of them.
Totsuka: Oh, is that so. I see, no wonder I can't find them.
Totsuka: By the way. Do you know where my diploma is?
Saya: Yeah, I have it too.
Totsuka: What a reli-ief. I heard that a diploma is a very important thing.
Totsuka: Worst case scenario, I won't be able to enter the university. That's strange, even though it's just a piece of paper.
Saya: University…You'll enter the university without any problems.
Totsuka: Thanks to you. I wonder if I can somehow manage to get the money I need for tuition.
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Totsuka: I have to study hard for that, so I don't think I would be able to visit the club room as often as Kusanagi-san.
Totsuka: I want to spend time with you, but there will be days when I won't be able to do it. I might make you feel lonely.
Saya: …It's all right, nothing to worry about.
Saya: As long as you don't lose contact with me suddenly or disappear for a long time, I'm fine with that.
Totsuka: I'm really sorry about that…But it's nice to hear you say so.
Totsuka: I'm like this, but I look forward to being around you even after graduation.
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[Prev: Extra][Next: Normal ending]
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morporkian-cryptid · 1 year
✨Lupin III Discworld AU✨
Miscellaneous headcanons
Aka stuff that didn't fit in the other posts
If you have ideas, headcanons, or even just vague vibes, please do reblog or send me an ask!
Rincewind is terrified of Zenigata. He once got arrested because he was startled by Zeni yelling LUPAAAAAAAAAN! and started running for the hills, making Zenigata believe he was Lupin in disguise.
Detective Yata befriended Head Secretary Drumknott after his and Zenigata's first visit to the Palace. They competitively compare their respective bosses, share filing tips, and commiserate about pencil theft (a quirk that Lupin has unfortunately copied from Lipwig). Drumknott accidentally called Vetinari "Sempai" once.
Zenigata tried to arrest the Luggage once, before the Watch explained to him why he shouldn't (apparently the Luggage eating his hat wasn't enough to deter him).
Lupin made Jigen one of those wristwatches that tell the phases of the moon (like the one Carrot made for Angua).
Lupin had a phase where he obsessively stole famous dwarf breads, prompting Carrot to ask to be assigned to the Lupin case with Zenigata.
The Gang adapting to the moon cycles and Jigen's transformations. Yeah. (I have a lot of feelings about werewolf!Jigen if you couldn't tell already)
The Thieves’ Guild and the Watch are competing to catch the Gang, but secretly Vimes is rooting for the Gang, because he dislikes Lupin only slightly less than he dislikes the Guild. Lupin knows at least a dozen different ways to escape from the Tanty (and has a hefty stock of Hope Spoons as a result). Vetinari probably planned to reassign him into public service, but has long since given up on the idea, and now only tolerates him as Enrichment for Lipwig.
For Jigen's birthday, every year Lupin steals a public figure's hat. Jigen returned Mustrum's hat (a custom wizard hat with drawers, a crossbow and an alcohol flask in it) the next day. The theft of Lipwig's golden winged postman cap lead to Adora-Belle claiming she didn't recognize him. Lupin's next target is Srgt. Detritus' ventilated helmet. (He hasn't tried to steal Vetinari's skullcap yet, probably because he retains a smidge of survival instinct.)
For Goemon's birthday Lupin raids the Assassin's Guild's museum of historical weapons, and pilfers anything that has a blade.
Jigen's greatest dream is to shoot Detritus' Piecemaker.
The Gang visits Lancre in an expedition to steal... I don't know what. There isn't much to steal in Lancre. They meet the local coven and Nanny Ogg starts hitting on Lupin. (I'm still unsure whether Lupin reciprocates, that would honestly be hilarious).
Zenigata regularly enlists Angua's help to track down the Gang. He's one of the rare outsiders to the Watch who's allowed to know that she's a werewolf. Angua has a personal rivalry with Jigen, who's constantly teasing her when they meet in human form.
Jigen and Bengo Macarona are exes. (Actually, would it be funnier is Bengo is Jigen's or Lupin's ex? He's Quirmian so it would make sense that he's met Lupin, but also he's a soccer player and he is JACKED.)
Goemon's Zantetsuken is a talking sword (like Kr!ng in The Color of Magic). Its personality is the living embodiment of Bushido, and it is extremely annoying. Fujiko stole it and ran from Agatea thinking she could make a fortune from it, but it kept insulting all her potential buyers. She was about to throw it in the Ankh when Goemon finally caught up with her. The Gang have threatened to throw it out the window countless times during long carriage rides. It's part of the reason why Goemon typically sits on the roof, and why Fujiko only rides on her horse golem and not in the carriage.
Again, if you have ideas, headcanons, or even just vague vibes for this AU, please do reblog or send me an ask!
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itsuki-minamy · 2 years
* List of Chapters
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
A year has passed since then.
The next morning, after messing around with Yata overnight, Fushimi returned to his room in the dorm, changed into his uniform, and headed straight to Awashima's office.
She was not very proactive about getting a private room, saying that she was just acting as the head of the department.
"Isn't there something you don't want other people to hear? Isn't that what it means to be on top?"
After being persuaded by Fushimi, she started using the room that had been used as a reception room as her own room.
The only furniture is a desk and a document management rack, which is rational and calm, but the only thing that stands out is the flowers arranged in a vase by the window (several office workers who admired Awashima took turns choosing them) that create a glamorous atmosphere.
When he entered the room...
"...Fushimi. Are you tired?"
Awashima turned to Fushimi and asked that. Fushimi put his finger on his neck, while he looked sideways.
"Well, yes."
He gave her a careless reply.
"I have no problem with my job."
Awashima smiled.
After that, she quickly checked various items on the tablet without further comment. Fushimi was impressed with the speed with which Awashima worked.
With the exception of Reisi Munakata, who is the head of the office, Scepter 4's administrative processing ability is by far the highest.
(Well, that's just my second point.)
Neither pushy nor cocky, Fushimi picked up on his own abilities.
"By the way, Fushimi. What's going on with that Strain's case?"
Awashima's voice lowered slightly.
Fushimi narrowed his eyes.
"You mean the Black Iron King, right?"
Awashima nodded.
"Excuse me. Akiyama, can I temporarily mobilize Benzai?"
When Fushimi said that...
"...Domyoji and others are already working exclusively, but isn't that enough?"
Awashima's words were mixed with slight surprise.
Fushimi laughed bitterly.
"I thought he was just an idiot. But he is quite a troublesome idiot."
Fushimi Saruhiko is like the incarnation of a powerful officer. He has continued to deal with the crimes caused by the Strains very efficiently and effectively.
It was extremely rare for Fushimi to use the expression "troublesome".
Awashima's face showed something close to tension.
A Strain, the self-proclaimed Black Iron King, Kamimori Katsuya's prominent activities coincided with Reisi Munakata's temporary departure from Scepter 4.
At first, he wasn't even thought of as a threat.
The contents of the crime include destroying the door of a candy factory and stealing a large amount of products, as well as writing on the wall of the building: "The Black Iron King was here!". There was a strong tendency to be messy and obnoxious, such as writing in large letters.
"A boy, huh?"
After receiving the report, Fushimi muttered under his breath.
Hidaka was initially the only person in charge, and after several days of investigation, he immediately identified the culprit.
Katsuya Kamimori, 26 years old.
A former long-distance truck driver who lived in an apartment in Shizume City.
However, after activating his ability as a Strain, he was fired from his employer's transportation company and, on top of that, he got in trouble with a nearby resident and had to move out of his apartment.
Hidaka identified his whereabouts without much difficulty and headed off with Enomoto as backup to contain him.
What was miscalculated was that Kamimori had a non-standard strength that was far from a normal Strain.
As the self-proclaimed Black Iron King, his unique ability was to harden his body to the extreme. Hidaka and Enomoto's attacks did not succeed at all, and instead they were swayed by his strong arms, and after being injured, they ran away to call for help.
The capture took place in a certain internet cafe, but after it was over, the inside of the store was in chaos, as if a big storm had broken out.
Hidaka's voice was very weak when he reported this incident. Thankfully, in the midst of the mishap, no civilians were hurt, but it should have been close to an apologetic mistake.
However, Fushimi did not particularly reprimand him.
This is because he didn't think there was anything wrong with Hidaka's answer. He hardly ever lost in a one on one fight with a normal Strain.
Even if Enomoto joined them, he would have been defeated.
Fushimi immediately put together a team to deal with Katsuya Kamimori, centered around Domyoji, who boasts one of the best abilities in Scepter 4.
(Based on Hidaka's report, he's probably stronger than me, huh? Depending on the situation, it's probably safer to think of him as an extra-large irregular on par with Yatogami Kuro of the Silver Clan.)
Fushimi never underestimated his opponent and carefully crafted countermeasures.
However, the situation affected by the Black Iron King far exceeded Fushimi's imagination in a few months.
After he got Awashima's approval, Fushimi summoned the members of Scepter 4 to a room.
Akiyama Himori, Benzai Yujiro, Kamo Ryuho, Domyoji Andy, Enomoto Tatsuya, Fuse Daiki, Goto Ren, and Hidaka Akira.
And Fushimi Saruhiko.
Seri Awashima sat a short distance away, entrusting him with the role of organizer.
This may be the first time since the turmoil caused by the "Green King" Hisui Nagare, that all of Scepter 4's elites have come together for a single incident.
The expressions of Akiyama and the others, who had not participated in the investigation until now, showed some bewilderment.
They wondered if a single Strain could pose such a threat.
"Well, a picture is worth a thousand words. Check this out."
Fushimi said as he operated the remote control, and the image was displayed on the projector behind him.
"Four days ago. A commercial facility in a certain region. It is midnight. This is the image from the surveillance camera installed outdoors."
A wide camera with a fairly wide angle showed a large parking lot that is typical of a local city.
Everyone kept their eyes open for a while. Nothing suspicious. After...
Goto, who has keen senses in strange places, first leaked out a small voice. Everyone soon found out.
Beyond the parking lot was another large paddy field, but suddenly a black mist-like thing began to cover it.
Then, one by one, vehicles such as sedans, light cars, caravans, and wagons came out of the black mist one after another.
And finally, an extraordinarily large truck slowly and quietly appeared.
Kamo frowned in confusion.
"Here's another angle on that track."
When Fushimi operated the remote in his hand, the screen changed.
"I'll expand on that a bit."
The track was up.
"Oh, God."
Benzai unintentionally smiled wryly.
It was a type of truck called Dekotora. The jet-black body was equipped with countless red, blue, and yellow colored lights, which cast dazzling lights against the backdrop of the countryside night. It had a strange presence, like a UFO landing in the wrong place.
And next to it...
"No need for opinions. The invincible Black Iron King."
...it was written in big letters.
"This is a big truck that Kamimori, the idiot pretending to be the Black Iron King, stole from the trucking company he used to work for. It looks like he restored it to his liking... well, he doesn't have good taste, but his handwriting is pretty good."
Fushimi said that matter-of-factly and emotionlessly. In contrast, Fushimi's anger could be felt from his flat words, and everyone fell silent.
"Ok, next picture."
Fushimi operated the controller in his hand again.
"This time it's a surveillance camera in a commercial facility. Look carefully."
The screen showed an automatic door that was probably the main entrance. Suddenly it flew, breaking the glass around it. And then, through the automatic door with only the frame left, a man calmly walked past.
He was quite tall and had short hair. He was dressed in what looked like a manual laborer's uniform, but he was open from the top and only wore a white tank top.
His strong muscles bulged from his upper arms, neck, and shoulders. The face that he smiled like a child with his mouth open was impressive.
"He is Kamimori. He probably just hit the door with his hardened fist, but as you can see, he has destructive power. You might think he has the energy of a small bomb."
Hidaka, who had an encounter with Kamimori, clenched his fist in frustration, while Enomoto looked down with a solemn expression.
They were both beaten by Kamimori, and as a Strain, his exceptional strength is embedded in his bones.
"The problem is after this."
As they watched, more people entered through the broken automatic door.
"Hey~, he has a lot of companions."
Domyoji whistled rather happily.
"Come on. Some people must know something."
Fuse's eyes turned stern. Fushimi nodded.
"That's right. Currently, there are several Strains on the wanted list. Currently, probably more than 20 antisocial Strains have joined this idiot and are committing criminal acts."
Fushimi poked at the screen with the tip of his finger.
"By the way, even in this commercial facility, after stopping rushing guards, these guys stole around 10 million in money and goods and fled. This is the second such incident this month."
Everyone finally understood the seriousness of the situation.
There have never been many examples of such an organized Strain coalition.
"In summary..."
Akiyama asked Fushimi for confirmation a bit bluntly.
"Some kind of, uh, criminal group, well, they're forming a faction of Strains, right?"
Fushimi spoke frankly in the "terms" that Akiyama originally meant.
"I think it's good to see that the Black Iron King Clan is nearing completion."
They all had a complicated look on their faces.
Awashima, who was sitting a short distance away, put her hand to her forehead and thought.
The meeting ended after Fushimi communicated the future policy.
It was a large-scale instruction that basically all members should be given priority in dealing with Kamimori and his group, while the distribution of work to other projects would be done at their own discretion.
"But you surprised me."
After everyone left, Awashima said something a little funny.
"I can't believe what the Captain predicted is happening like this."
Fushimi, who was reconfirming the information on the tablet, looked a bit displeased.
Awashima continued without a response from Fushimi.
"One. An unprecedented type of Strain could cause an incident. Two. A guiding Strain will occur that unites them. When one or two conditions are met, a group of Strains not seen in the past is formed. That is..."
Awashima was looking at Fushimi.
"It will be something that mimics the "King" and his clan for as long as possible. It's all the Captain told us before he left."
Fushimi looked up from the tablet and replied curtly.
"If that's the case, I expected it too. Among the people who became Strains after destroying the Slate, there were many that weren't applicable to conventional qualitative. It's obvious if you have an idea."
"Yes. But I didn't understand the flow at all. Fushimi, I think you have something similar to the Captain's "eyes that see the future."
Instead of making fun of him, Awashima praised Fushimi with sincerity and kindness.
Fushimi looked away to the side, he didn't say a word.
(In that case, what the lieutenant has is "general's ship", right?)
Without Munakata, the fact that Scepter 4 is running smoothly is largely due to Awashima's control.
After a short silence, Awashima started asking questions about Kamimori and his group again.
"You said they might be living in a bunch of cars that came out of that black fog."
Awashima raised her well-shaped eyebrows.
"I wonder...what is his purpose?"
Fushimi analyzed the information he obtained and concluded that Kamimori was hiding and moving repeatedly, randomly attacking commercial facilities and warehouses.
Like the highwaymen of the Middle Ages, or the horse tribes of the plains, they have a form of wandering behavior that does not take root.
"I find the action to be quite momentary."
Awashima expressed the impressions of him. Fushimi was forceful.
"Or you could say they're like children. Well, in any case, they might not be thinking of lasting too long themselves."
Awashima nodded. After...
"However, I also agree with your prediction that there is an intelligent brain in this group."
"Yes. Otherwise, there is no way such an orderly organization could have been formed in such a short period of time. A fool who cannot be called by Kamimori would not budge."
"Is that brain and the Strain that generates the black mist the same person?"
Fushimi agreed.
"Almost certainly. The organizational change and the concealment using black fog happened at the same time. I won't know until I catch this guy, but that black fog seems to have the effect of making perception difficult."
"That's why even with such a large group, I can't figure out where they're hiding."
Fushimi nodded again.
"Then, as our policy, we will capture that staff officer with the highest priority first."
"Isn't Kamimori the General?"
At Awashima's question, Fushimi lied with a straight face.
"Because Kamimori makes an excellent personnel officer in any organization."
Awashima let out a small laugh.
Two weeks after Fushimi shared his opinion with Awashima, Kamimori and his companions showed up at a ski resort quite far from the metropolitan area.
It was already dark and completely out of season, so not at all popular.
Supports lined up at regular intervals and a stretched lift. In addition, the grassy slopes along the route barely showed the characteristics of a ski resort.
Just as the hands of the clock struck midnight.
Suddenly, a black mist with a shade darker than the darkness of night slowly spread over the parking lot of the hostel at the foot of the mountain. A black mist unfurled as if filling the uninhabited space. And from there various types of cars emerged as if they were filtering.
Kamimori's proud Dekotora came next.
The cars were parked neatly at a distance from each other.
"Ok! Good atmosphere! As expected of a ski resort!"
Kamimori jumped from the driver's seat to the ground and raised his arms to the night sky as hard as he could and roared.
With blond hair buzzed short, he took off only the top half of his overalls and slipped on a tank top, revealing his strong shoulders and upper arms.
His friends gathered around him.
"Ok! Guys. Let's be flashy again today! For now, we'll smash the hostel and burn it down!"
They all nodded strongly at Kamimori's comment.
At that moment...
"Ah, guys. Stop being idiots. Give up."
They heard a very unmotivated voice through the loudspeaker. Little did they know, it was the voice of Saruhiko Fushimi, an intelligent young man from Scepter 4. At the same time, the surrounding lights turned on.
The light sources needed for nightly business during the season were all turned on at full power at once, filling the area with blinding light.
"No! The Blues!"
One of his friends yelled.
Kamimori stared at the area around the hut.
Certainly, there was a row of Scepter 4 members in blue uniforms.
"Let's do it."
The aggressive Kamimori clenched his fists and tried to move forward. Another hastily stopped him.
"You can't do that, boss! "That person" told you, right? In the unlikely event that you get ambushed, return to the mist and run away!"
"We're not just thieves and thugs. Boss, didn't you say that we would fix the world properly?!"
Kamimori gritted his teeth at that comment. But there he showed his magnanimity as a boss.
He raised his fist and then lowered it.
"Hey, guys!"
He acted quickly.
"Let's run away!"
Then he took the initiative to run back to the driver's seat of the Dekotora. The members' reactions were quick, probably because they had made the arrangements in advance.
They hurriedly jumped into each car, started the engine, reversed the cars, and plunged one after another into the black mist that was still developing.
Kamimori was the bravest.
After making sure everyone could escape, he backed up the huge truck and calmly walked back into the mist. From the driver's seat to the end, he was the force of the rebellion looking down on the members of Scepter 4 and threatening them.
And the members of Scepter 4 strangely didn't even try to move, let alone chase after them.
A few seconds after Kamimori escaped into the black mist, the black mist gradually thinned as if it had been lost in the wind, and in about five minutes it completely dissipated into the night air.
Naturally, Kamimori's carriages were completely annihilated like a magnificent magic trick.
There was a shadow watching him, about halfway down the slope of the base.
The shadow that had crouched among the trees slowly rose and began to move away without a sound.
At that moment...
The searchlight suddenly activated, capturing the figure in a ring of pure white light.
"Tamaki Genjo. You are completely surrounded. Surrender quietly."
Fushimi Saruhiko stepped forward and spoke in a low, high-pitched voice. Behind him, the members of Scepter 4 were on standby.
That person.
The Black Iron King's chief of staff, Tamaki Genjo, raised his hands playfully.
"I know you, Fushimi Saruhiko-kun, the ace of Scepter 4. Excellent work. I will not resist. I will follow you silently. In exchange..."
He finally smiled.
"How did you figure out we would attack here tonight? How did you know I was here? How did you get my background on me in the first place?"
Fushimi snorted softly.
As Tamaki Genjo stated, he did not resist at all.
He was handcuffed, transported in a Scepter 4 vehicle, and until he moved into camp, he didn't say a word, just a faint smile on his lips.
On the other hand, Fushimi, who accompanied him in the back seat of the car, had a dull look, rested his chin on his hands, and stared out the window the entire time without saying a word.
It wasn't until they were alone in the Scepter 4 interrogation room that they opened their mouths.
"Now then, Fushimi-kun, it's finally time for the interrogation. What the hell should we talk about?"
Placing his cuffed hands on the table, Genjo Tamaki smiled.
Fushimi crossed his legs, crossed his arms and sat on a chair, looking at him with a somewhat arrogant posture.
Tamaki is in his forties. His shoulder-length hair has a bit of white mixed in, but he has a lot of hair for his age. He wore round glasses on his slender face and a crimson scarf around his neck.
His general fashion sense is like that of a hippie that was popular in the 60's.
(He's like a failed John Lennon. If the times were right, he'd smoke pot and play popular songs.)
That was Fushimi's first impression.
Tamaki's most distinctive feature was the large black eyes that shone behind his glasses.
His pupils were more dilated than normal people and glowed brightly like a child.
He seems to have an intelligent face, and also the face of a dreamer.
Or maybe they are both.
"So what do you want to ask me?"
Fushimi fell silent, so Tamaki urged him on again. Fushimi let out a small sigh.
Then, in a cold tone, he said...
"Well, it sounds like you're dying to talk, so I'll just ask you one thing. How sooner than you expected did you get caught this time? For you, getting caught was probably part of your plan."
Behind his lens, Tamaki's eyes turned perfectly round. After...
He put his hand on his forehead.
He laughed out loud. Fushimi frowned in annoyance. Tamaki writhed in a fit of laughter for a while. Finally...
"Hahaha. Ha, no, that's great. By asking that question, does that mean you already have an idea of our purpose?"
Fushimi nodded silently. Tamaki took a deep breath.
"Then let me answer. It was quite early. Like you said, getting caught was part of my plan, but honestly, I didn't think it would be so soon. Actually, I was preparing to announce the statement from this point on and to make a crime notice starting next time. I never expected to be caught while the organization was idle."
Tamaki narrowed his eyes curiously.
"May I ask? Why did you discover the characteristics of my ability? In other words, why were you able to identify where I was hiding so quickly?"
Fushimi shrugged.
"It's a video analysis. As a result of the fluid analysis of your mist like a sprayed drug, and a simulation based on the weather conditions of the day, I was able to roughly identify the place where you were hiding. From the characteristics of your ability, I was able to roughly estimate that you couldn't leave the scene until everyone had escaped."
"Please wait."
Tamaki raised his cuffed hands in disapproval.
"Doesn't make sense. There's not that much data right now. Security camera footage at most, right?"
Fushimi said quietly.
"This isn't the first time we've faced a mist-generating supernatural ability."
"Ah.", Tamaki opened his mouth. Fushimi continued.
"At the Mihashira Tower, I was forced to drink boiling water. Fortunately, there were many surveillance cameras there... well, I was operating them at the time and they were able to record the footage. Regarding the mist's supernatural ability, we had already taken measures to some extent a long time ago."
Tamaki sighed and said...
"Seigo Otori, huh? I see, that's right."
He spoke the old name of the "Grey King" in a nostalgic and somewhat sad tone.
Fushimi did not dare touch that point.
"Well, actually, your abilities are quite troublesome. We might have been in more trouble if you had fully used that supernatural power just for your own good."
Tamaki looked at Fushimi. After...
"Fushimi-kun, let me ask you another question. Since it's you, I think it's only natural that you understood our criminal motives and narrowed down the target of the attack to a certain extent, but even so, I think it was a great gamble to have staff at the ski resort in the off-season."
Fushimi didn't answer anything and started to write something on the tablet. Tamaki asked more questions.
"One more thing. How did you find out my identity? I found out about Strain's ability a year ago when the Slate was destroyed. I've been careful up until now, so I don't have a criminal record. I can't believe my information was in your records."
Fushimi did not stop working on the tablet and asked in a curt tone.
"Why do you think that? What is the most likely reason?"
"Hmm.", Tamaki moaned.
"Actually, I have some answers... You sent a spy in, didn't you?"
Fushimi finally raised his head and smiled.
"Correct answer."
Tamaki smiled wryly.
"I didn't want to imagine it too much, but I don't know much about it either. I've also completed investigative measures some time in advance for the organization you belong to, Scepter 4. I know the faces and careers of the core members. I think it's absolutely impossible for them to join our group?"
"Well, I have no obligation to answer."
Fushimi said that in front of that introduction.
"Currently, Scepter 4 not only has Clan members who have been through the "King" facility, but also Strain members. Luckily, one of them is a guy with great insight who snuck into your house and gave me some information beforehand."
"I see."
Tamaki raised his hands as if he was completely defeated.
"I was surprised though. From your organization's point of view, Strains are subject to crackdowns. How dare you use that?"
Fushimi shrugged.
"It's a top policy."
Tamaki was deeply moved.
"Reisi Munakata, the "Blue King", huh? I'm sure he's an amazing man."
"I guess."
Fushimi placed the tablet on the table and took a formal attitude.
"There's a point where your expression isn't accurate. We know next to nothing about your identity. At best, it's just what you're called within the organization. Who are you?"
His eyes sharpened.
"Why do you use the same mist power as the now-deceased "Grey King"? Do you have some kind of connection or special affection?"
Tamaki stared at Fushimi's gaze, and he nodded loudly.
"I'm not hiding anything. It's not about hiding it. Most of all, I want you to know. It's just some long internal talk. Do you mind?"
After waiting for Fushimi to give his consent, Tamaki began to speak.
"Seigo and I... Seigo Otori was a friend from school. We met in high school. We went to college together. Although our careers were completely different, as were our personalities. Oddly enough, there was a bond."
Tamaki said that with a nostalgic expression.
"I did stupid things. I traveled. Is a relationship like writing each other's initials on an important page in the book called youth?"
"You use many literary expressions."
Tamaki smiled at Fushimi's somewhat mocking way of saying it.
"Despite my appearance, I once self-published a collection of poems when I was a student. However, my major was criminal psychology, with a focus on profiling. After graduating from graduate school, I remained in university as a professor. Still, did I meet with Seigo at least once a month? Yes. Speaking of what Seigo and I had in common, it was the unparalleled love for sake. He was a beer fanatic and I am a sake lover, but our tastes were quite similar."
Tamaki corrected himself after receiving Fushimi's cold gaze.
"Oops, I got off topic. Well, anyway, I believed that our friendship with each other would remain strong even after we entered society, and that it would surely continue until we reached an age where we both couldn't stand on our own. I thought so. However, from a certain point, Seigo suddenly started to change."
"About the time Iwafune Tenkei woke up as the "Grey King", right?"
Tamaki's smile was mixed with bittersweet sweetness.
"Honestly, I'm not very familiar with that name, but... in terms of time, it's correct."
He nodded once.
"Imagine it. What if an old friend says that he has awakened to a mysterious ability and starts launching a mysterious religious group?"
This time, Fushimi smiled wryly.
"Good, I understand."
Tamaki was very serious.
"I visited his "Cathedral" many times to admonish him. However, the more I went, the more his ideals fascinated me and convinced me of the legitimacy of the paradise he was creating on earth. Above all, his power was real. I thought his mist power was very "beautiful"."
Fushimi asked back. Tamaki affirmed.
"Yes. To be precise, it was "beautiful" due to "unlimited kindness"."
Fushimi spoke no more words. Tamaki spoke again.
"One day, I said to Seigo, "I want to be by your side and be your strength". Seigo agreed with a smile. And when I dropped out of college, the day before I was about to move into Seigo's house."
At that moment, fear, confusion, and endless anguish appeared in Tamaki's eyes for the first time.
"That sword fell from the sky."
There are wounds that will never heal for many years to come.
Fushimi sensed that and remained silent. The silence continued for a while. Before long, after clearing his throat once, Tamaki, who began to speak regardless of the situation, returned to his calm on the surface.
"The death of an unbelievably large number of people and of my best friend. From that day on, I lost the meaning of life. I didn't even want to go back to college, so I spent my days hiding from the world. There was a time when I was still wandering the streets like a bum because day-to-day manual labor was still good, and there were times when it was worse. Ironically, I used to work as a criminal psychologist. They never caught me."
Fushimi said nonchalantly.
"You, that guy... the "Grey King" was alive."
"Yes, I first found out about it when I woke up to my own supernatural power and researched various things. Seigo didn't die in the middle of the Damocles Down, but in the confusion caused by the "Green King"."
Fushimi stared at Tamaki. Tamaki had an indescribable expression on his face. He seemed angry, sad and laughing.
"Honestly, there were times when I felt resentful, wondering why he didn't at least contact me. But then I changed my mind. He killed himself the day the sword fell from the sky. He had no choice but to kill Otori Seigo and become Iwafune Tenkei. He was the "Grey King", I know."
He murmured in a sorrowful voice.
"He was nicer than anyone and he was clumsy."
Tamaki clenched his fists tightly. Fushimi looked at his trembling hand.
"Oh, so that's what it's all about."
"So you're trying to finish what the "Grey King" left unfinished?"
Tamaki's shoulders shook so hard that he looked pained and he laughed.
"Really. You are very smart, Fushimi-kun."
Then he emphatically affirmed.
"Yes. I'm on the side of all outcasts. In terms of power, it's by no means comparable, but I believed that the reason someone like me could awaken to similar supernatural power as my inspired friend is because there must be a reason for the world. Fushimi-kun. I want to change this modern society where people with supernatural powers are excluded."
Fushimi remained silent even when he told him the point.
"Is it because he was easy to control that you turned Kamimori into a pseudo-king? It would be better if someone had a decoration to move your group around."
After a while, Fushimi started to speak. For the first time that day, Tamaki had a slightly sullen look on his face.
"That's a big misunderstanding. As you can see, Kamimori has charisma. He's sincere. That's why I asked for his cooperation after explaining all the circumstances. It's not that I'm unilaterally deceiving him."
Fushimi seemed a little surprised by those words.
"But he's just an idiot, right?"
He couldn't help but say that directly. Tamaki snorted.
"Idiots are idiots, but they are good and honest idiots."
Fushimi looked at the tablet again. He had one more thing to check.
"The places you guys attacked were all places where people with supernatural powers were unfairly persecuted for some reason, right?"
Tamaki laughed and nodded.
"For example, at that ski resort, one of our classmates got beat up by a gang. He could read people's minds a bit, and they found it creepy. Most Strains don't have flashy powers like mine or Kamimori. So we speak out of that anger."
"So you were planning to post the motive for the crime later on the Internet and repeat similar things? Until public opinion changes."
Tamaki agreed again. Fushimi cut him off coldly.
"A type of terrorism that draws public attention by committing acts of destruction, criminal acts and making their own demands. I think the sensitivity is just disgusting."
Tamaki was calm. He told his theory as he hammered the handcuffs on the noisy table.
"But if we don't do that, the general public won't care about us, the Strains, right? Will the discrimination be resolved in good faith? Hasn't history more than proven that the absolute majority is not oriented towards the absolute minority? Relief works only when it is incorporated into the social system. That is what we demand."
Fushimi remained silent, looking a bit fed up. Tamaki calmly stated his conclusion.
"In short, I want you to create a place for us, in this society."
Fushimi was still silent. Tamaki insisted.
"I have written 14 articles on the Internet about the appearance of the Strains and their social consequences. After I am caught, I will clarify these things in the course of the trial and at the same time I will go to society."
"Wait, wait."
Fushimi interrupted Tamaki with his hand as he began to speak widely.
"That kind of problem... If you're talking about lofty things, please talk to my boss."
Tamaki's face went blank. Fushimi sighed and said...
"I certainly don't like your way of doing things, but I don't think it's completely unreasonable either. Also, if you put the organization together one by one, there was a sense of giving purpose to the members who were in danger of losing control and controlling them, wasn't there?"
Tamaki's eyes widened.
“Besides, there was also a warning to the administrative part, right? It is said that if the legislation is not implemented as soon as possible, similar, more egregious and lawless Strain groups will emerge."
Tamaki's voice was a little hoarse from surprise.
"So you've read this far... In that case, moreover, I want to talk to you about various things."
"No. Those kinds of problems... no, legal development and lobbying are not part of my duties."
"Why? You have a sharp mind that understands the big picture and eyes that see the future."
Fushimi laughed a little when he was told the same thing as Awashima. He then told Tamaki under the premise that they will never understand.
"I do what I have to do. That's all."
As expected, Tamaki was blank.
Fushimi was laughing out loud, albeit quietly.
In the end, they couldn't come to a complete mutual understanding, but Tamaki believed Fushimi's words, "I'll let you meet Reisi Munakata.".
"I entrust everything to you."
That's what he promised.
Fushimi, who left the interrogation room and walked down the corridor, immediately found several other cases and considered the order of priority in his mind.
After all, the chaos of the Black Iron King and his party was just one of the countless tasks that Fushimi Saruhiko had to face. Hidaka called out to Fushimi, who was moving at a very fast pace.
"Fushimi-san, do you have a moment?"
When Fushimi stopped and nodded, Hidaka showed him the tablet.
"This is a video from a surveillance camera in the city. When I was looking at it because I needed to review it for another matter, I saw something like this."
Fushimi narrowed his eyes. The camera captured the crowd of people coming and going in the business district from a low angle. And what happened from right to left in about 10 seconds was...
"Gojo Sukuna, huh?"
Hidaka asked Fushimi with a confused expression.
"What should we do? I don't think he's been there anymore, but just in case, would you like to search the area?"
"Leave me alone."
Fushimi responded with an annoyed look.
“Honestly, I have a mountain of things to do. I don't have the luxury of assigning staff to look for that guy right now."
Hidaka immediately agreed.
"I understand!"
He paid his respects and left. Fushimi let out a sigh. What he told Hidaka was not an exaggeration, Scepter 4 was always understaffed.
"I made a promise to that imitation John Lennon, and I'm sorry, I have to get that person back."
The calculations have already been done to some extent.
However, Fushimi thinks it's a lot of work.
It seems that if you become "King", with the loss of the Slate, there seems to be a part of him that has to search for various things.
At that moment, his PDA received a message and when he looked at it, it was from Misaki Yata.
"Hey. It's also a weird way of saying new retro games, but I bought them and let's play."
He got that message. Before that, there was an incoming call from Seri Awashima.
He had to go report on Tamaki Genjo. There were countless things to do.
It was necessary and he had been responding all along.
So there was no need to meet anywhere else.
(My place is here.)
Then Fushimi started walking forward again.
Will continue in the ninth episode, "See You Again".
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xviruserrorx · 10 months
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[Image Description: A black banner outlined in a red blood splatter with the text, Whumpmas In July 2023 in red text. Underneath is two separate strings of Christmas light with alternating yellow, red, and green bulbs]
-> Day 4 - "Share Whump Media"
Last year for @whumpmasinjuly-archive , I remember, this was one of the harder ones to do and I even started making a mental list a few days back so I had one for this... And now I can't remember it 😅. So to the best of my abilities, here is some good Whump Media I can think of right now! (Spoiler free!) (Also Here's Last Year's List)
Tv shows:
Dominion (Tv Show) - This show has so much good Whump! I mean every episode has something new happening and it makes twist that you don't even expect! Season 2 is when it really kicks up so I highly recommend it!
The Almighty Johnson's - This show is not whumpy at all really, it's a very funny show actually but like many of the other media's on this list, it has that angsty family dynamic as well as that one scene in Season 3 Episode 2 with Anders (if you know you know) but let's just say it really opened my mind of Whump with Anders.
White Collar - Not a whumpy show per say but Neal Caffrey (who is played by Matt Bomer might I add) tends to get himself into some crazy situations some of which are, being captured, shot in the leg, drugged (multiple times actually), deprived of oxygen, and a multitude of other things. It's a miracle he's still alive... Well... 😉 Anyways good show!
Thirteen - Not necessarily Whump also (I know, I know) but this show really opened my eyes to the concept of Stockholm Syndrome and it's really honestly fascinating. The actors are all amazing and the music is amazing as well and the story line is beautiful. It's quick watch and I really really recommend it.
My heart Can't Beat Unless You Tell It Too - Let me be honest here these movies are all about cannibalism and children to some degree. This movie is so good and makes for a good Erie horror movie. As far as horror goes I can't really say if it's scary or anything because I was raised on horror movies and honestly I've become so numb to them so, proceed with caution on these.
The Dark - Girl meets boy, boy—yeah no. The boy was kidnapped and tortured before a girl comes along and eats the guy who did that to him. She then takes the boy along with her where they both support each other and become friend. It's actually quite an adorable movie that left me very sad at the end but such a good movie.
Let The Right One In - A swedish film based off of the book by the same name. This kinda has the same concept as the movie above and I love the ending of this one.
Let Me In - This is the American version of the movie above and while I recommend watching the original first, I still recommend this version too, because they are both really good.
I've re-read Call Me By Your Name about 4 or 5 times in the last year... So I can not give recs as I have not consumed any other books 😅
I haven't done much watching/reading as of late (since 2020 I mean) and so this is based purely off of memory
Durarara - I might have listed this one last year, but teenaged me was obsessed with Izaya's character and at the end of the anime & light novel & manga, he ends up badly injured and it leaves you wondering about what happens to him, but then it picked up in another light novel called "A Sunset With Izaya Orihara" and my gosh I highly recommend it.
K project: Lost Small World - Aside from me sobbing when I read this (and again when I watched it) the character Saruhiko Fushimi does not have a good upbringing and it really touches on child neglect, child abuse (verbally, mentally, and I can't exactly remember but maybe physically) as well as how that affected him as he transitioned into adulthood. There is also a part where he is sick and Misaki Yata, his friend, takes care of him but at the same time it touches on how neglectful his parents truly are.
Mirai Nikki - I think I said this one last year but I remember watching this when it first aired and gosh it was so good and if memory serves me correctly Episode 25 was a good Whump episode (take my word with the tiniest grain of salt).
Fruits Basket (2001 [no not the new one] & Manga) - Odd addition to the list? Yes, but for 6 year old me when I read & watched this it was an awakening. Me being into Whump is probably because of this manga/anime. One, Yuki has bad asthma and they often bring that up in the series which makes for some really good worried/comfort scenes. And later on in the manga there is so much messed up stuff and I can't remember it well because it's been like 12+ years since I've read it but the manga is simply beautiful and holds a dear place in my heart.
Princess TuTu - Okay okay give me a second to explain! This anime takes the story of swan lake, the ugly duckling etc and gives them something more and Ah! These early 2000's/late 1990's anime's/manga's had a similar theme sometimes and it was a protagonist that is made to be the antagonist against their will and pretty much you didn't know who was who and they do that beautifully with Mytho, Rue, Fakir, and Ahiru. Also I always loved Mytho's and Fakir's relationship. This was one of the first animes I watched and like fruba, it holds a special place in my heart.
Sugar Sugar Rune - remember I was saying these lat 90's/early 2000's anime's had a theme? Well this is also in that theme and Pierre certainly fits that theme but in a different way than Mytho does. This anime and manga is very plot based so I won't say much but it's a good watch and read and constantly has you cheering on the characters but then something happens and yeah, highly recommend.
I feel like I gave a bunch of very fluffy media with little grains of Whump in them 😅. Nevertheless, all of these are good and do have some form of Whump in them and I really love all of these things!
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trashcan3001 · 2 years
Of Purple and Being in Denial
A K-Project one-shot by me! (don't take it too seriously, I have no idea what I am doing)
Summary: 5 times Bandou and Doumyouji made purple and that one time they didn’t realise a king saw
#1: The ‘purple incident’
It was supposed to be a simple mission. 
But then again, isn’t that what Kusanagi-san always tells them before everything goes to shit? Seriously, why does it always have to be him? Bandou can’t help but brood as he chases the now known strain, Susuki Haruto through the alleyways of Homra territory. 
No, seriously, why him?!
He rounds a corner ready to attack, only to slam straight into a moving wall…that is to say, another person. Another person wearing blue… and has a sword- aw shit, really?
"Get the hell out of my way!"
"Eh?!- no, this is Scepter 4 business, you need to leave!!!" The blue lackey's shrill voice cut through Bandou's ear drums like needles, ouch. God, why does it have to be him that runs into a Scepter 4 dumbass?
"You can tell your king to go fuck himself, this is Homra territory; you should know by now that you don't butt into another clan’s territory!" Bandou shoots back.
"Excuse me-"
A cough from the forgotten third person stopped the two clansmen from escalating their fight. Bandou flipped his head around to find the source of the voice, coming face to face with one Suzuki Haruto. 
He stood, hands glowing an almost black colour as a sadistic smirk graced his face. 
Uh oh.
Bandou takes a quick look at the blue clansmen with him, seeing that his expression is the same as his. They make eye contact briefly, nodding in what Bandou hopes is a truce to fight this strain together before looking back at their target.
The black glowing power pulses to greater heights in Haruto's palms, it surges. Bandou tackles the blue clad boy to the ground, narrowly dodging the attack. They roll together, standing at the ready, auras blazing to life in a blend of red and blue.
It's a stand still until Haruto hurls his power at them once more. Bandou blocks with his red flames as the blue clansmen beside him slashes his sword through the attack. For a moment, their auras connect, blending into a split second of purple. In that second Bandou feels the world come to a stop; what the fu-
The calls of his comrades had Bandou tripping, reeling in shock and embarrassment. Luckily he’s not alone as the blue clansmen- Domyo- whatever the other blue bastards called him, tripped up as well, falling straight into him and bringing them both to the ground. 
Bando quickly rolled him off of him, standing up and dusting himself off; ugh, seriously?! He could just feel the laughter of the people around him, furthering his embarrassment at his visit to the dirty alleyway ground. 
Looking up, the scene around him revealed that the blues had arrested Suzuki Haruto who was, unfortunately, staring directly at him, a creepy smirk in place as though he knows something he isn’t supposed to. 
Did he see that whole ‘purple’ business? Does that even mean anything? Oh, whatever, it doesn’t matter anymore, the job is done. Fixing his sunglasses, hat and hood, Bandou stands tall and readies himself for the humiliation that his comrades would inadvertently give for his job not so gracefully completed.
With another hit to his pride, Bandou forgets all about that ‘purple’ incident as the knee jerking loud cackles of Chitose and the harsh back pats of Yata-san follow him all the way back to Homra. 
— — — — — — 
#2: The horse; yes, that one
Here Bandou finds himself again, chasing after a strain, or well, 2 strains now. 
With his comrades scattered and chasing from different directions, Bandou had the sneaking suspicion that his pride would be bruised both figuratively and physically by the end of the chase. Another corner rounded and his fate was sealed.
He found the blues with the 2 strains and some of his comrades attempting to get the prince guy to hand himself over. In the distance Bandou sees that same blue idiot from his last pride kicking moment. What was his name again? Dom, dam, Domo- Doumyouji! Yes, that one! The loud and annoying one that he somehow keeps crossing paths with.
Yeah, that's going to get old real soon. 
He found the prince strain and the horse trying to run with Anna in their grasp and he knew what he had to do. Running in front of their path, Bandou realised he wasn’t alone in his futile attempt. The Doumyouji guy was right there beside him and a sense of deja vu rolled over Bandou like a curse. 
Time had stopped again, for just a millisecond, as he and Doumyouji readied their powers, purple flickered into existence. Now, Bandou would have freaked out a bit more and recalled the first time this happened if it weren’t for the hoove that appeared to be getting closer by the second-
Pain, oh man the pain. 
Bandou can feel his face throb from the direct kick given to him by Basashi. From the corner of his vision as he listens to Yata-san reassure him that he isn’t pathetic, Bandou sees ginger hair and assumes Doumyouji is in a similar state. Well, he guesses that not being alone in being the butmunch of his clan is better than nothing. 
He finds himself passed on to Shohei as the chase for that stupid asshole strain starts up again. Oh, and the one for the prince dude too. He is brought back to reality by a flashlight hitting his eyes like a laser. 
“Bandou, can you hear me?” Two Kamamoto’s asked. 
Let’s just say that with his concussion and a more obviously bruised ego, Bandou forgot all about that flicker of purple once again.
— — — — — — 
#3: That time the buttmunch duo were bested by a cat
You know how he said running into Doumyouji would get old real quick?
Well, it happened. Bandou was out and about trying to make his way back to Homra after patrol when he ran into the elusive moving wall (the person) once again. 
“Oi, what the hell are you doing in Homra territory, again?!” He points his index finger right into Doumyouji’s chest, forcing him to take a step back. 
“I was just leaving, why do you have blackout sunglasses on in the middle of the night?!” Well excuse him for having an aesthetic based on his paranoia!
He watches Doumyouji flail and as he was about to open his mouth to reprimand him again, a crash startled them both. Looking into eachothers eyes, Bandou found the same dread filling the blue clad boy in front of him.
“What was that?” Doumyouji whispered.
“How the hell am I supposed to know?” he whisper-yelled in answer. 
In hindsight, when this whole ordeal was over with, Bandou realised that looking for the danger first and then arguing about it would be the smarter thing to do in the future. For now though, he turned around like those idiots in horror movies waiting to die only to find a very plump cat. It froze as both he and Doumyouji continued to stare at it in disbelief.
“Is that a cat?” Bandou finds himself asking. 
“Yes, I hope.” Huh?
“You hope? What is that supposed to mean, what else could it be?” 
Another thing to add to the ‘To do better in the future list’ is to never assume anything is as it looks at first glance. Why? Well, you see, as they were talking the cat set out a vicious attack! It was a terrifying ordeal; who would have thought something so round could jump so high? 
In the midst of this brawl, both Doumyouji and Bandou unconsciously let out their respective auras. Somehow, they merged and a zap of purple is the only thing that allowed them to escape the horrifying creature. When they had gotten out of the alleyway together something changed. With one uncomfortably long staring contest, an agreement was met. 
‘We didn’t see a thing, and nothing happened’. Well, except for the cat of course, nothing could hide the dishevelled hair or the copious scratched all over their faces. 
Kusanagi-san was not impressed by his story to say the least. 
“How did you get so ruffed up by a cat?!” 
— — — — — — 
#4: The purple wielding strain (how convenient) 
It took three sleepless nights and being extra quiet for his comrades to ask him what was wrong.
The problem for Bandou was that he didn’t think he could tell them that he’s been thinking too hard about a blue clansman and their aura compatibility. Is it fate? Can he do it with others? Is it only them? Is it only him? Yeah, he really couldn’t risk telling his clansmen about this, at least, not yet. 
So here he is, slowly making his way home after falling asleep standing in the middle of Kusanagi-san and Totsuka-san’s lecture about taking care of yourself. Oh, and Shohei is here too. Well, not for long though as soon a strain led yakuza group would show themselves on Homra’s territory and it became all able hands on deck. 
Turns out, Bandou was not a part of the ‘able hands’ on deck. 
That didn’t stop him from cutting through the alleyways to get to the group before anyone else. It also didn’t stop his sleep deprived brain from noticing one panting Doumyouji of the blue clan running his way as well. It was just them and the yakuza group. He couldn’t remember much other than the leader emitting a surprisingly purple aura and then taking it as a challenge. 
Here he grabbed Doumyouji’s arm beside him and merged their aura’s to emit an even brighter purple aura. He didn’t notice the absolute shock on the blue clansman beside him, or the interest in the yakuza leader’s expression. To be fair though, he really didn’t notice anything at all. 
Next thing they both know, the yakuza strain group hybrid was incompasitated and knocked out all around them. Bandou to this day still doesn’t know how it happened and Doumyouji is really bad at making reports. His crayon drawings aren’t even legible! 
“Watch out!” 
Okay, so not everyone was knocked out, and the leader blasted them both with his purple flame. Lucky for both Bandou and Doumyouji though, since the strain had purple flames, the one around them wasn’t questioned at all! 
They collapsed, or at least, Bandou collapsed and brought Doumyouji down with him. With his sleep deprivation and mushy thoughts, it didn’t take more than 5 seconds for him to lose consciousness as the sounds of frantic voices filled his ears.
— — — — — — 
#5: Testing
He woke up to a massive headache and confusion.
Forcing his eyelids up and open revealed a surprisingly dim room, the window showing the sun setting into the night.
He wasn’t in Homra, that he knew. Where he was, however, remained a mystery until the door to the room he was in opened and revealed Doumyouji. He walked in, closing the door behind him and sat in the chair Bandou hadn’t noticed was beside his bed. 
“So… you’re in Scepter 4’s infirmary if you didn’t realise.” Huh, well that’s good to know. 
“Why am I here?” He asks instead. 
“Well, you passed out after being hit by the strain’s power and nothing anyone did could wake you up. We thought you got hurt somewhere or that the strain power did something so we took you in to keep watch.�� 
“Oh, well I feel fine so can I leave?” 
Bandou sat up fully, throwing the blanket away from him and turned to stand up. Well, he would have stood up if an arm didn’t grab him and push him down onto the bed again.
They stare at each other for a moment, Bandou in indignation and Doumyouji in what looked like awkward fear. 
“What?” Bandou finally asked.
“Um, well, you remember the fight right?” 
“Yes, what about-” 
Purple, oh god they merged and created purple! They fought with the purple! It wasn’t a split second or flash of it, it was a whole take down of a yakuza group with the purple! Oh fuck-
“You just remembered our aura’s merging didn’t you!” Right, Doumyouji i still there.
Right, he needed to find a way to get out of this. He will need to gaslight, gate-keep and insult! There was no merging, why would he ever merge with a blue bastard? Besides, that’s ridiculous-
“Yes.” Shit.
“Can we try it again?” Wait, what?
“Can we try to merge our aura’s again?” 
“Why would you want to do that?” 
“Because, we controlled it like it was our own when fighting and I want to see if it’s dangerous or not!” He gave Doumyouji a look.
“Okay so maybe I think it’s cool! I think you do too!” No he doesn’t.
He thinks it’s scary. He thinks that although he wishes he wasn’t insignificant this was not the way for that to go. 
“If I test it out with you, will you let me go?” He finally asks.
And so he grabbed his hand, both aura’s coming to life, only for nothing to happen. They tried three more times before giving up and concluding that it was all the strain’s fault. As he walked back to Homra with the name ‘Andy’ in his PDA, Bandou wondered if perhaps he was just dreaming of the purple. 
Maybe he was going crazy and in reality he was still just an insignificant, normal (for a clansman that is) dude. 
What he didn’t hear was life laughing at him in the distance.
— — — — — — 
+1: I’m Not crazy? Damn it!
Running into Andy really was getting old. 
Seriously, how are they both faster than their comrades at getting to strains wreaking havoc? They looked at each other with a new understanding that perhaps they aren’t as useless as their teammates always say they are. No, seriously, how are they always the first ones there? 
“Why is it that whenever there's a strain both of our clans are chasing we are always the only ones to catch up?” That’s a question they won’t ever get an answer to.
“I wish I knew man, I wish I knew.” 
Before long, the strain of the day took their attention, sharp blades swinging for their jugulars. Dodging and blocking, Bandou found himself on the opposite side of Andy, making a crude gesture to try and communicate his idea hoping it worked. 
It did.
He jumped onto the back of the strain, forcing him to turn around and try to throw him off. Andy burst forward in a blaze of blue and cut the strain down as Bandou hopped off at the last second. Now beside one another, Bandou nodded towards Andy, a silent thanks for a good job at following his plan. Not that he ever had any doubts of course, he’s Bando of Homra, only the smartest of-
The strain threw himself at them and Bandou didn’t know how, but he grabbed Andy’s sword hand and swung it down on the strain’s coming blades. It was a moment of purple, merging from red and blue. Aw shit, are you kidding me?! Is it real? He’s not nuts? Come on-
He and Andy make eye contact and nod in another agreement.
“This never happened”
“Nothing weird happened at all”
“I don’t even know what you’re talking about”
They parted ways as their clans finally made it to the scene, not noticing the sharp glint of glasses on a king known for his sadistic curiosity. 
Sorry Bandou, life thinks, I didn’t realise the blue king would just sit back and watch. 
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redloveashes · 1 year
I don't care if I get sick; give me a kiss ~ Prompt with Mikoto/Totsuka.
For @nagare-and-itsuki-are-my-life10
'And I don't care if you sick,
I don't care if you're contagious, 
I would kiss you even if you were dead,'
"Kusanagi's going to be mad if he knew you were here, King." 
It was late a night when someone knocked on Totsuka's apartment door, with the rest of Homra already check-in in with their animal tamer throughout the day. Dewa began forcing Chitose to her door on his knees, begging for forgiveness after sharing a cup with Totsuka knowing he was a carrier of mono, the kissing disease. 
A thousand excuses Mikoto could use for dropping by, yet none came from the Red King as he brushed past Totsuka, making his way inside the tiny place holding up a bag from her favorite tea shop, remembering how she told him once about how ginger tea made everything better. 
"Wow! It's not every day I see King making a cup of tea for himself. I'm truly honored to witness such an event."  It's rare to see Mikoto using the stove to heat the tea kettle. "Bad dream again?" 
"Yeah," There were only two people Mikoto could trust enough to admit that out loud. One was lingering close by, soaking up the warmth from his aura, and the other wasn't afraid to call Mikoto an idiot straight to his face. 
"Need the nightmare stick or Leo?" 
The nightmare stick was a piece of bamboo Fushimi stole from the national park to torment his girlfriend by gluing feathers and small gemstones onto it, calling it a cursed voodoo staff, as he continued to touch Yata with it until the feisty vanguard got annoyed and snap the staff in half, dooming herself for a thousand years by connecting her soul to Fushimi, which is how the title 'Nightmare stick' was born by Eric. 
Leo was Totsuka's oldest sleeping companion. A stuffed animal was crafted from old socks to look like a lion. He was a powerful and wise lion whose extraordinary power was to eat every nightmare of those who held him. 
"I take that annoying glare as a no. Don't worry; you can't hurt Leo's feelings. I'll squeeze him extra tight tonight." Trying to behave like her usual self in the hope of not worrying her King, being her carefree self with endless energy until her fever spiked again, making Totsukae feel woozy. 
"Go back to bed." His tamer only shook her head, wanting to witness this site before her. That's when it happens, something that will condemn them both. His rough lips placed a single kiss on hers, knowing entirely well she was highly contagious. 
Mono, be damn. Mikoto doesn't care if his tamer is contagious. He would kiss her even if she were dead for one last kiss goodbye. 
Two days later, Kusanagi was sitting in the waiting room at the walk-in clinic, shaking his head at the two idiots sitting across from him holding holds, acting like nothing was wrong. 
"You two are both idiots. You know that!?" 
"We could share a cigarette if you don't want to be left out." Even if this was a no-smoking area, Mikoto kept an unlit cigarette between his teeth before tucking it behind his ear once the nurse called their name.  
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threadmonster · 2 months
Kamamoto, 2, 5, and 8, if you could please?
Oh oh thank you @dustystarlite !
2. So my favorite thing is probably how he steps up to lead in the school/island battle and takes care of Anna after s1 events. Even though homra dispersed and they mostly moved on he's there for her. Like he's so responsible and strong that Kusanagi trusts him with her care.
5. Ooooh songs are tough for me. I don't know about him specifically but way back when I was into a band called eyeshine and their song Paper Hearts triggers a homra focused AMV in my head?
8. The underappreciation of this man. He is not Yata's sidekick and he isn't clueless. He's not better in his summer/skinny pretty boy version. I don't know how much of that is still persisting but 😤 that never should have been a thing to begin with dammit.
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tigre-edi-rawr · 6 months
The Indecipherable-Enigmatic Faith of this Love Story
I will share a 2013-2023 story... should I say in the making?
This is about my ex boyfriend in high school, let's just call him 'Anj'. The post above is about him. It's not really all the context, so I think this is the right time to update this because it is fucking strange to me. Up until now, it's fucking confusing.
He was the best man I never had in the end. He was the standard, entirely what I want in a man.
He made my high school days special and unforgettable. Puppy love story ng mga high schoolers. I was contented. I do not remember why we broke up before going to college but we did. I remember taking Psychology for my first year in college, and I never wanted anyone but him in a room full of interesting men. Kahit sobrang daming umaaligid, nagpaparamdam, nagpapaalam na gusto ako, I don't care. So I stayed single for a year, bukambibig ko parin siya sa mga kaibigan ko. Palagi akong may kwento tungkol sakaniya kaya parang hindi rin siya nawala sakin, kasi baon ko parin lahat. We're not talking much nitong mga panahon na 'to. Siguro from time to time lang, once every couple of months.
After one year of taking BS Psychology, I was able to shift to my dream course, BS Electronics and Communication Engineering. Bestie, sobrang daming pogi! Ang daming very attractive kasi ang talino talaga. But at the same time, it was a lot of pressure because it's not just my dream to finish this course but as well as my father's. I was able to move on during this time, busy ako sa acads and finally I got to accept things pero I am still thinking of him from time to time. I was certain I'm okay. Until hindi ko na siya nasagi sa isip ko.
One time, my friend invited me to join them, pupunta daw sa MCL (he was enrolled in this university at the time) kasi may banda na tutugtog. Up Dharma Down! Ito yata yung time na maingay mga musika nila, kaya tuwang-tuwa ako at excited pumunta. Di ko naisip kahit isang beses na mangyayari yung hindi ko inaasahan...
I was standing at an enormous football field at MCL. I was facing the court area where the band will perform. Until suddenly, people walk past me and my friends.
I looked at them, it was him.
I am certain it was him. Nanginginig ako nito, hindi ko alam yung sasabihin ko, I remember just making noise of excitement until I became shocked and quiet. My friends are asking me what it is, words seems having trouble getting out of my mouth. My eyes are fixated in their way. He was with 2 girls and a boy who is a high-school friend of ours. They looked like a group of couples who will watch UDD to perform that night, it crushed me. I won't forget about this memory because this became the waking up call that I still love him and I don't want to lose him for good. I think I reached out to him, we talked, I convinced him to take me back and make us work. And though at first he didn't want to, we ended up getting back together. I was living the dream.
He was always at my place. We had a lot of fun, conversation, understanding, love and memories. Every puzzle perfectly fits. He would always help me with my papers, he would usually stay past midnight. Even if we can't talk or bond, he would just stay beside me while I finish all the things I needed for school the next day. After that, we would make out all night, and I don't know why but we didn't get tired of kissing for hours.
But things were a lot for me that time. I was having a hard time to keep up with my future, academics, and having to maintain the relationship as well. Napagod ako. Narindi ako. Nahirapan ako kasi sobrang hirap maging panganay. I remember failing a subject and had to choose if I should focus on my acads or have him still. I chose to let him go and focus on my future.
That was the very last time he was really mine.
But he never left.
Technically, he never did. I met someone, the 4-year toxic relationship? He saved me multiple times in that relationship. When I felt like I want everything to stop and be loved the right way, I will break up with 4-year toxic relationship then he will be there to comfort me every time. He became my knight and shining armor. He never questioned anything, accepted me open arms and loved me like how I deserve and wanted to be loved. Pero yung gagong ako, babalik kay 4-years na toxic dahil "mahal ko". This cycle happened many times, yeah, I know. Manggagamit ako, gago, mapagsamantala, malandi, name it. But that was never my intention.
Every time I will go back to Anj, it felt like it was the right thing or it was all I ever wanted. I always thought it was the right decision until I miss my ex and can't forget about my 4-year ex then it will be a miserable situation for me again.
Anj became the standard. He was the living representation of the kind of man I wanted in life, that is true hanggang ngayon. Until now, no one have lived up to that or past that. But the timing was never right, time was never kind to us. By the time we are able to go back together, I was not in love with him anymore. It was the most cruel realization I had to experience. He was just an idea, the standard, a memory, someone who I know will take good care of me and love me no matter what. In short, wala na akong mahihiling pa. Pero hindi na siya yung mahal ko.
I tried my best to stop talking to him, okay man ako o hindi. Ayoko nang sagipin, manggamit ng tao at manamantala ng kahinaan. Kahit pa hindi ganon yung intensyon ko, ayoko na manakit ng tao dahil hindi ako sigurado o dahil magulo akong tao. And I did.
The indecipherable-enigmatic faith of this love story starts here...
From time to time, maalala ko parin siya. Maraming beses na iniisip ko sana siya nalang, kami nalang ulit. Kapag naalala ko siya, iniisip ko kung kami talaga, kami talaga. Gaya noon, gagawa ng paraan ang pagkakataon para pagtagpuin kami ulit. Sobrang lakas ng kutob ko na mangyayari yon sa tamang panahon. Naghihintay lang ako ng tamang panahon, kung mangyayari man.
Why do I think that? You might ask. Here's why:
I still dream about him sometimes, and wake up feeling confused and heavy the entire day. I was not even thinking of him, but he will visit my dream out of nowhere.
I will remember him sometimes because of a thing, a place or anything that holds any memory of us or him.
When I am hurting, I always think of him and say to myself "kung si Anj to, he knows too well kung paano ako mahalin at kung paano ako i-handle." Or "kung si Anj to hindi niya ako sasaktan ng ganito"
Minsan bigla ko nalang siyang maalala, tapos mag-iisip ako na ano nanaman bang ibigsabihin ng lahat ng to! Ang gulo-gulo. Tapos biglang may matatanggap ako na chat or mail from him. Para bang hindi na co-incidence eh, kasi napakaimpossible naman na mabasa niya yung nasa utak ko tapos bigla siyang magpaparamdam out of nowhere.
Kapag single ako, hindi ko alam kung paanong palaging yung timing niya sobrang sakto. Bigla siyang mangangamusta or magpaparamdam lang pero mawawala siya ulit.
Napakaraming signs which are confusing me right now. Especially I wanted to enjoy being single for a long time and focus on myself. This doesn't help at all. My hopeless romantic ass are enjoying it too much.
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 months
Just saw the children ask and had an idea. Imagine Mikorei adopt a child and they usually have Mikoto look after the child while Munakata works. Say one day someone suggests they both go on a date because they don't get to spend much time together so Homra says they'll look after him (because S4 are working). For some reason Kusanagi has to leave and the rest have to look after the baby and they think about taking it to the park but end up losing it and there's a whole baby's day out thing where they try to catch the baby but it escapes life threatening situations while laughing. S4 finds them chasing a baby and helps out so that their date is not ruined and it turns into a city wide chase. Later when Mikorei return everyone acts normal but don't realise Munakata has access to Yuishiki system which he used to keep track of his child
Everybody Lives AU, just imagine both alphabet squads desperately trying to keep an eye on the Mikorei child who somehow has inherited the Luck of Kings from their dads and keeps magically getting out of dangerous situations (all while the alphabet boys get comically smashed by whatever the danger was). In practice I imagine Kusanagi is a pretty regular babysitter anyway, Munakata will leave the kid with Mikoto and Mikoto takes the kid to the bar so Kusanagi can watch them. This normally works well enough but then say one day Mikoto drops the kid off because Munakata’s been bugging him about going on a date together. He’s acting all annoyed about it but the Homra guys are aware that Mikoto’s actually sorta almost….missing Munakata because they don’t get to spend as much time together due to work. Kusanagi doesn’t mind watching the kid, say Totsuka’s taken Anna out for the day too so the bar is a little quieter.
Yata, Kamamoto and the Homra alphabet are hanging out with him watching the kid when Kusanagi gets a call, there’s some emergency at one of his other restaurants. Kusanagi has to go and imagine him looking at the Homra guys like can I trust you guys to watch the kid, Yata’s immediately trying to be helpful like we can definitely do this. Kusanagi is not entirely convinced but he has no choice so he leaves. Once he’s gone Yata tries to take charge, he has little siblings so he knows how to handle kids. The other Homra guys object, it’s not like they want to watch a brat or anything but this is their King’s kid so of course everyone wants to make a good impression. Yata insists that he’s the most responsible with a kid, everyone gives him a dubious look and even Kamamoto is like ‘um, Yata-san…’. Yata insists that he can handle this as Eric lightly tugs his sleeve, Yata’s like stop that it’s annoying. Eric shrugs and it’s not until like five minutes later when Yata’s like ‘so it’s decided I’m in charge’ that Eric decides to pipe up with “‘leader,’ the kid just walked out the door.”
Yata’s like wait what and they all hurry to the open door, where they can see the little kid just happily toddling down the street. Yata’s like shit come on, he thinks he’ll catch up easily on his skateboard but imagine the kid happens to be walking by where some workers are pouring concrete. The kid almost falls in and Yata swoops by to save them, but in the process his skateboard gets stuck in the wet concrete. Yata’s standing there wondering why he’s not moving as the Homra guys run past him to try and catch up to the kid, Yata yelling after them to wait for him.
Hijinks ensue as the kid just wanders through Shizume, constantly narrowly avoiding danger as well as the pursuing alphabet boys. Bandou ends up getting hit by two cars (he’s fine, just a scratch) while Dewa almost loses his hat to an angry hawk defending its nest from the curious child. Eventually they chase the kid to a park and that’s when a strict voice tells them this area is quarantined for dangerous Strains. The S4 alphabet are blocking it off and they don’t look kindly on Homra until Kamamoto explains that Mikoto and Munakata’s child wandered this way. Benzai is scoffing at Homra for losing at the child when Doumyouji in the distance yells ‘hey, wait, isn’t that the Captain’s kid?’, followed by a loud splash. They all come running to find Doumyouji sopping wet in the middle of a pond and the kid chasing ducks a few feet away.
Both clans decide to declare a temporary truce to try and catch the kid, who continues to elude them as everyone gets more and more disheveled. Eventually I imagine the kid gets caught by either Fushimi or Awashima, Awashima managing to stop the child’s playing with a strict order that would freeze even a small child or Fushimi who just has the kid run obediently right to him (it’s Mikoto and Munakata’s child after all, of course they would go straight to Fushimi). The Homra guys exhaustedly return to the bar with the kid, Yata has finally freed himself from concrete and is super relieved that they found the kid. Some time later Mikoto and Munakata return from their date to pick up the kid, Munakata goes right to the child noting they had quite a day. The Homra guys are in the middle of lying about how the kid never left the bar and they all stop and stare. Mikoto shrugs as Munakata says of course he has surveillance on the child at all times via S4’s systems, he didn’t step in though “as it seems everything was under control.”
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lisutarid-a · 8 months
[Gakuen K] Totsuka Tatara Route Translation
Hotpot boss
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[Translation under the cut]
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Kusanagi: Yaaah, only a few hours left in this year, huh? Yata-chan, last spurt of cleaning. I'm counting on you.
Yata: Yup! Kamamoto, how are you doing?
Kamamoto: Everything is going well! Oh, Totsuka-san and the others are walking towards us from the other side of the street.
Yata: Ah, what's he carrying? Oi, no way!
Saya: Hello, everyone.
Totsuka: Yaaah, looks like you're busy cleaning up.
Kusanagi: The two of you are shopping together, huh? I'm glad you guys get along so well.
Totsuka: Right? I've got "that stuff". The rehersal was also perfect, so stay tuned.
Kusanagi: As for me, I'd like to ask you to go easy on me…. Well, sit wherever you don't get in the way of the cleaning.
Saya: What do you mean by "that stuff"?
Totsuka: It's a hot-pot set. Didn't we buy the ingredients earlier?
Saya: …But Kusanagi-san looked displeased about it.
Totsuka: Is that so? It looked like a big smile to me.
Totsuka: He told to sit, but there's still time before night. Maybe I'll also help with cleaning.
Saya: Me too then. I'll go sweep the entrance.
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Saya: Ah, Yata-kun and Kamamoto-kun.
Kamamoto: Yata-san, tonight we're gonna have hotpot, hotpot! I'm looking forward to it.
Yata: Is that so? I'm not really.
Kamamoto: Eh, you don't like hotpot?
Yata: That's not the case, I eat it just fine. …But, it's New year's Eve hotpot, right?
Kamamoto: It is?
Yata: That's why it's complicated. Aaah-uuh…
Saya: (Complicated. What does it mean…?)
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Totsuka: Attention! The 52nd National High School HotPot Championship is going to be held now!
Saya: Hotpot Championship…?
Kusanagi: It's finally started…
Totsuka: New year's Eve Hotpot…This is the perfect meal to end the year. The heart, culture and art of Japan…
Totsuka: This pot is filled with all kinds of blessings. It is no exaggeration to call it a microcosm!
Kusanagi: That's a huge exaggeration. If you're going to praise it that much, the pot would feel uncomfortable too.
Mikoto: Let's eat.
Totsuka: We can't, King. It's not boiled yet.
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Totsuka: I'll manage this microcosm myself even though I'm not very good at it. I'll bring you the best taste, so just follow my instructions properly.
Yata: Here it comes, The Hotpot Boss….!
Saya: Hotpot boss…you mean, Totsuka-senpai?
Kamamoto: That's right. Totsuka-san has a terrible obsession with pots.
Kusanagi: I'm not going anywhere near it…Oh, Mikoto was about to attack.
Totsuka: King, it's not ready yet.
Mikoto: I'm hungry.
Totsuka: If you're starving, eat a salad.
Mikoto: …I think it's ready to eat now.
Totsuka: One minute left. I'm not giving up on this one.
Mikoto: …
Saya: (He talked down Suoh-senpai…!)
Yata: The Invincible Hotpot Boss…
Kusanagi: I think it's about time, Totsuka.
Totsuka: I guess so. Everyone, give me the plates.
Mikoto: What a pain.
Totsuka: King! I'll get it for you, wait!
Mikoto: If I leave it to you, idiot, it'll be full of vegetables.
Totsuka: If I let King do what he wants, he just gonna take only the meat.
Totsuka: Meat is a public property. Since it's required by antitrust law, I have to divide it fairly.
Totsuka: So just wait quietly, King.
Mikoto: …Tsk. I can't helped it.
Saya: (So the reason why everyone seemed to hate it, was because of this…)
Totsuka: Okay, this is for Yata.
Yata: What the hell if this! There is only chinese cabbage here!
Totsuka: It's not true. There is also a little peace of meat too.
Yata: Oh, for real! It's so small! Smaller than an eraser!
Totsuka: First, warm up your stomach with vegetables. The main course will be afterwards.
Totsuka: Fufu. Enjoy your last dinner of the year, everyone!
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leavemythoughtsalone · 8 months
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Siguro hindi significant yung araw sayo, I think 6 months ago we connected sa bumble.
honestly, wala naman talaga akong ineexpect from anyone that time.
harmless connection lang, to somehow make myself feel alive. to regain confidence.
di ko naman inexpect na aabot tayo sa ganto. I always assume na ikaw yung unang bibitaw. or atleast mang-ghost. actually okay lang naman sakin if ginawa mo yun. I secretly wish/hope that you do it now. I promise I wont get mad. baka magpasalamat pa nga ako.
I like you so much, "like" isn't even the word but i cannot say it. I don't want to say it. i always compromised myself just yo accommodate your wants/needs. I always try to adjust my mental state so you wont have to. I always tell that it's okay even if it disappoints me.
wala e, ginusto ko naman, paulit ulit mo rin naman sinabi.
lagi ko sinasabi sa sarili ko na at the end of the day i'll come out stronger. parang hindi na yata. feeling ko the more i stay, mas lalo akong napapagod.
Ngayon, hindi ko alam kung naghihintayan na lang ba tayong bumitaw.
kasi alam ko naman na this is probably the best that this relationship can be. nothing more. hidden to other people. pleasuring each other at the back of the car. going out in secret. no one knows about you nor about me.
You always refer this as "landi", but if its me saying words slightly different from your understanding, wala na, you take it as if an insult.
i get jealous when people tries to pursue you. hindi ko rin naman sila masisisi if they like you. I guess people like you the same reason why I like you. but the thing is you always call it insecurities. that im insecure. youre probably right. Im insecure to people whose always with you. geography-wise, they are accessible, they share the same interest with you same field that you want to pursue. so yes, im insecure to these people who doesnt even know i exist. that there is me.
but i dont want to be the person that forces you to make decision that you dont want. like give label or launching a relationship. this words/things put pressure on your shoulder. yet i dont think you realize that.
im not giving up. I dont think there's a fight that I need to win.
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itsuki-minamy · 2 years
* List of Chapters
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
Fushimi Saruhiko threw himself on the couch by the window.
The night view of Las Vegas extends outside the window. The myriad of flickering neon lights of the casinos, the night shows of the luxurious first class hotels and the bright twinkling stars woven by them were truly a sight worth a million dollars.
However, the beautiful scenery did not heal Fushimi's stagnant eyes.
"Thank you for your hard work, Fushimi-san."
As he rubbed his eyes, Tanaka brought him a cup of coffee. Did he want him to work more? Looking at Tanaka's masked smile, Fushimi took the coffee and started to sip it.
"What is your progress?"
"Thanks to Fushimi-san, things are going well. We have completed the installation of W Vessensors at 17 emergency entrances and exits of the hotel. With this, if a person with supernatural powers or a supernatural weapon breaks into the hotel, we will be able to catch it quickly."
Fushimi snorted. Extraordinary weapon. It sounded ridiculous, but as someone who was actually attacked, he could never make a fool of himself. Considering that those ostrich-shaped robotic weapons could attack en masse, it couldn't be helped to make some preparations.
Fushimi looked around the room over his shoulder.
The interior of the room had been remodeled over the last few days, and it was finished in such a way that the briefing room of "Scepter 4" looked like this. More than 10 monitors are installed on the wall of the room, showing (illegally, of course) images from surveillance cameras located throughout the hotel. While stepping over wires that are so thick that there is no room to step on, the "Tokijikuin" agents wearing the same suits as Tanaka are busy going back and forth, contacting here and there, like a command room in the field of battle.
After taking a sip of coffee, Fushimi asked Tanaka next to him.
"Do you think they found us?"
"It's best to think so. It's been a while since then. Since they're based in Las Vegas, they know what we're doing."
Fushimi narrowed his eyes and began to analyze the force.
The enemy is the US Intelligence Department, the CIA, or the NSA's 100-person non-regular force, plus ridiculous robots. On the other hand, there are more than a dozen supernatural beings centered around the "Red King". Their personal impressions aside, Kusanagi and Yata have top-notch psychic abilities. Even against a fully armed soldier, it would do nothing.
"The problem is the amount of extraordinary weapons."
Tanaka immediately nodded at Fushimi's murmur.
"[Ostrich]: It's troublesome that we don't know the total number of those bipedal walking weapons. It would be safer to assume there are 10 of them, even if it's a low estimate."
Fushimi frowned.
At that moment, when the "Ostrich" attacked, almost everyone inside the van was deploying their supernatural fields.
Conventional weapons are ineffective against fields deployed by supernatural beings. The so-called probabilistic deflection field, a force acting on the probabilities of phenomena, deflects bullets from conventional weapons. No matter how much you fire, those bullets just fly in another direction and never hit the psyker's body.
However, the bullets from the "Ostrich" did hit them.
The one who bore witness to that was none other than Tanaka.
"What I was implementing at that time wasn't the probability deviation field. It was my unique ability, the "Coordinate Fixing Zero Point". Fixing the coordinates of a specific object and moving it freely. If I hadn't used that ability, the bullet would have hit me."
That testimony had great meaning.
In other words, the "enemy" possesses weapons that can be used by psychics. He is equipped with a "probability correction bullet" that penetrates the probability deviation field.
"In that case, the logic of the numbers speaks for itself. If all "enemies" were equipped with "probability-modifying bullets" and fired them, even a psyker would quickly turn into a corpse."
Fushimi's eyebrows deepened at a dangerous angle.
If a single member of "Homura" dies, everything will be over. Suoh Mikoto will never allow it. Even if Las Vegas burns to the ground, even if all US forces turn against him, he will hunt down those who killed his comrades and take revenge.
At that point, Fushimi's mission to "protect world peace" will fail.
"In the end, I guess I have to protect everyone."
When Fushimi said that, Tanaka smiled and nodded.
"It's hard, but that's the way it is. I owe you, Fushimi-san."
Fushimi wanted to throw the coffee at Tanaka. It was originally this guy who brought him to this place. When he opened his mouth trying to say a sarcasm, an alert echoed in the room.
Everyone in the room focused their eyes on the wall monitor.
Sensor W, a device that measures the Weissmann deviation value, reacted to the device that notified when someone passed by. The location is the seventh exit, the northeast exit on the first floor of the casino. Fushimi stared at the monitor, wondering if the enemy had invaded from there, and inadvertently let out a roar of anger.
"What are you doing, Misaki?!"
Anna's energy was fading with each passing day.
It is possible that the Las Vegas tour that she had done was a trap to attract "Homura". The unanimous opinion was that "that sort of thing has nothing to do with us", and Anna probably understood that too. But often understanding and feeling are different creatures.
Another reason for her lack of energy could be that she was physically isolated from Suoh. Currently, the enemy's target is presumed to be "Suoh Mikoto's assassination", and the area around him is said to be the most dangerous place in Las Vegas. Clansmen with combat power aside, Anna and Totsuka were forbidden to get close to Suoh and had to sleep on another floor with an escort.
It seemed that Anna could take it. She was allowed to move freely within the hotel, but she rarely left her room, and she continued to stare dejectedly out the window.
Yata, of course, was the one who displayed his chivalrous spirit.
"Hi, Anna! Since you're here, why don't you take a walk?"
Anna looked at Yata, who said that with wide eyes. Looking out the window, then looking at Yata again, she murmured.
"But that's it."
"Okay! We're here for sightseeing, right? I don't know if it's Mizuchi or Kizuchi, but it's ridiculous to be worried about someone like that!"
Saying that he would blow him up, Yata lifted the book in his hand. It was an information magazine about Las Vegas that she brought from Japan, and there were sticky notes here and there. Anna's face turned bright red.
"That's mine."
"Anna, you wanted to see a lot of different places, didn't you? You put sticky notes on it and wrote various things. So why don't you go where you want to go?"
Anna frowned with concern. She blinked and looked at the information magazine. "I want to go" and "Is it okay to go?" they floated alternately in her mind.
Yata looked around the room and beckoned to everyone who met his eyes. Kamamoto, Bando, Chitose, and Eric, oddly enough, these are the members who traveled to Las Vegas together with Yata.
Yata rested the handle of the mop that he stole the other day on his shoulder and grinned.
"If you're worried, we'll be your escorts! No matter how many hundreds of robots like that come, we'll turn them all to scrap!"
A faint smile finally appeared on Anna's lips when she saw Yata, who reassured her by patting his chest.
Anna reached out and took Yata's information magazine. She must have memorized it by heart, and when she flip through the pages to show it to everyone, there was an article about a gorgeous hotel and fountain show.
"Every day from 18:00 there is a fountain show at Hotel Varangia. I've always wanted to see that."
Yata looked at his watch. 4:47 p.m. The Varangia Hotel was not far away. If they left now, they would be in time for the show.
Yata smiled sheepishly and gave Anna a thumbs up.
"Alright! Then let's go right now!"
Anna held the information magazine close to her chest and nodded slightly but clearly.
Las Vegas and Mikoto Suoh are a very incompatible combination.
Suoh had no interest in money or in casinos. It seemed that he had missed most of the meaning of being in Las Vegas, but on top of that, he paid no attention to the attractions and shows. After visiting Las Vegas, it was just to accompany Anna that he looked around him, not of his own volition.
Therefore, although paradoxical, staying at the "Pyramid" hotel was strangely suitable for Suoh. If he asked for alcohol or cigarettes, they would bring them to him. He would take as many naps as he wanted. Suoh probably didn't pay attention to Tanaka's request not to go out, and Kusanagi and Totsuka painfully realized that he was just staying there because he didn't have to.
If Suoh wanted, he would quickly leave the hotel and spend his time however he wanted.
And if an enemy attacked him, he would easily retaliate.
That was becoming the common opinion of everyone, probably including Tanaka and Fushimi. No one can stop the action of the "Red King". When the time comes, he will go quickly.
And that moment came without warning.
The room where Suoh and the others sleep is a VIP room rented by "Tokijikuin". Luxurious furniture forms a line and of course there is also a bar counter with equipment in the room.
Suoh drank at the rooftop bar only on the first day, other than that, he mainly drank at the bar in his room. Suoh, who was enjoying sake and cigarettes with Kusanagi as the bartender, suddenly looked away from the window, maybe because he was familiar with the taste of HOMRA, or maybe because he got tired of going all the way to the top floor.
"Do you want to hang out?"
He said it in a low voice.
Before Kusanagi could say anything, Suoh grabbed a box of cigarettes and a lighter and stood up. He quickly emptied half of the whiskey that was left in his glass and walked out of the room. Kusanagi panicked and called out to him.
"Wait, Mikoto! Where are you going?"
"A walk."
Suoh's words were short and to the point. Kusanagi exhaled silently, at which point his thoughts had already formed. He shrugged lightly and followed Suoh.
When he came out into the hotel corridor, Fushimi was about to come running.
As soon as he saw Suoh, he flinched and stopped walking. Kusanagi suppressed his laughter at the danger. Did he feel a bit sorry for the change from "Homura" to "Scepter 4"? Suoh didn't mind at all, but his gaze seemed to linger on Fushimi.
Kusanagi gently called out to the tense Fushimi.
"What's wrong, Fushimi? Did something happen?"
"That guy... Yata came out by himself. I'm going to stop him."
"Ah, I don't know what to say, but let's go for a walk too. It's okay."
"Huh?! What are you talking about, Kusanagi-san?"
He ignored Suoh and walk towards the elevator hall. Kusanagi waved his hand lightly on his back and followed him. It wasn't that he didn't feel sorry for Fushimi, but it wasn't something Kusanagi should care about.
After going down to the first floor, the two crossed the lobby with the casino floor on their sides and walked out. The indigo color was beginning to blend into the twilight sky and it would be completely dark in another hour. Suoh and Kusanagi walked through the crowd of tourists with different skin tones.
Suoh's footsteps were in no hurry, and the expression that he was just strolling was perfect. He entered the park and walk while stepping on the shade of the green trees. He stopped at a hot dog cart on the way and bought one with sauce. Kusanagi also bought one.
Before long, Suoh sat down on a bench in the shade of a tree and started eating his hot dog.
Kusanagi did not ask where he was going. He just kept pace with Suoh. If it was just a ride, it was fine. If he had another purpose, he would stick with it. That was it.
As the two of them ate their hot dogs, the darkness of night began to fall.
Suoh, who was licking the sauce off his fingers, suddenly looked up.
At that moment, Kusanagi finally realized it.
There was something there.
After dark, the park was sparsely populated. A jogger passing while listening to music, a family walking home from a casino, a street performer running downtown, but they weren't. There was no one in sight to pay attention to two Asian men lounging on a park bench.
That's what it looked like.
Suoh stood up as people stopped coming and going.
He took a few steps forward with one hand in his pocket. He put his other hand on his neck and punched.
An explosive aura was emitted from Suoh's body.
A storm-like aura that appeared locally blew around Suoh in a radius of about 5 meters. Leaves flew from the trees, trash cans tipped over, and some crashed to the ground with a shorting sound.
Due to the aura that had been displayed in advance, Kusanagi passed through Suoh's "bullying" and left the bench to approach the fallen object.
"What is this?"
He raised his eyebrows and crouched down beside it.
It looked like a disk. It was a shiny silver machine, about 50 cm wide, top mounted.
Judging by the attached propeller, it was probably something like a drone, but...
The strange thing was that the "disk" sometimes became transparent.
Repeatedly turning transparent and non-transparent like a flickering light bulb. Because it broke down due to "Intimidation", it was probably originally floating around them while it was transparent.
Kusanagi stood up and looked at Suoh.
"Is this the guy you were wondering about?"
"Yes. I've been looking at it since yesterday. It's just an eyesore."
Kusanagi was amazed, but at the same time convinced. Even before becoming "King", Suoh possessed the feeling of a wild beast. It would not be strange if he was sensitive to the gaze of an invisible "something".
But other than that,
"You know. Say that beforehand and then move on."
"Even if you say so, it can't be helped. The quickest way is to destroy it."
"Are you a barbarian?"
When he picked up the broken "disc", it was much lighter than it appeared. It was probably a companion to the "supernatural weapon" that Totsuka and others were talking about. They said they were attacked by an ostrich-like bipedal robot, but because this "disc" has a camera in its eye, it could be a reconnaissance weapon equipped with stealth capabilities.
The "disk" stopped becoming transparent.
At the same time, the eye chamber lit up red. Chi-chi-chi-chi--, while blinking at short intervals, it gradually became faster, like when a creature's heartbeat speeds up when it dies.
A bad feeling ran down his spine.
At this time, Suoh's toes were already lifting the "disc".
The "disc" jumped almost at a right angle to the ground, spinning in the air, it spread flashy flames and exploded grandly.
Kusanagi quickly covered his face with his arms to block the blast. Burnt electronics and screws rained down over their heads, falling into the fountains and creating small columns of water.
After letting it go, Kusanagi cursed.
"It even has a self-destruct function! What a dangerous thing...!"
"You are too careless."
He glared at Suoh who said that rudely, but there was no room for objection. The enemy was trying to kill them. Even if it was a reconnaissance weapon, it should have been expected to be loaded with weapons.
That said, Kusanagi also had something to say.
"No way, I thought of giving it to the "Tokijikuin" people. I thought if those people could analyze it, it would be a bit more advantageous."
Since it self-destructed, there was nothing that could be done to give it to them. Kusanagi sighed, Suoh smiled only at the corner of his mouth.
"Then don't be busy from now on."
Right after Kusanagi asked again...
Three pieces of iron fell from the sky.
With an earth-shattering roar, the hunk of iron landed and aimed its red-eyed camera at Suoh and Kusanagi. It was a special weapon with the same shape as the one that chased Totsuka and the others, with bipods and a machine gun: "Ostrich".
They formed a triangle centered on Suoh and Kusanagi, stepping at exactly the same time with their feet of steel.
The machine gun began to rotate slowly. While all three guns were pointed at him, Suoh muttered in his usual tone.
"There's no shortage of things to do with analysis, right?"
Suoh's smile turned into a fierce one, like a lion facing prey from him.
The restaurant "Fontaine" was full of people.
The Varangia Hotel's fountain show has become one of the specialties of Las Vegas for its magnificent and beautiful performance. The show itself is free, but if you want to take your time and enjoy the food, you'll have to go to a restaurant affiliated with the hotel, like Fontaine, and order incredibly expensive dishes.
Right now, Yata and the others are in danger. Even if you ignore the fact that it's tourist area pricing, the amount of money Yata can live on for three days is tiered on the menu. Kamamoto, Chitose, Bando, and Eric craned their necks and looked at the menu, frowning.
Anna, who was sitting in front of them, said anxiously.
"Misaki? I'm not hungry..."
At the same time, Yata and the others turned their faces away from the menu and smiled widely.
"No, what are you talking about Anna? Order whatever you want, I'm sure everything is delicious!"
Receiving the menu in confusion, Anna began to read it. Meanwhile, Yata and the others put their foreheads together.
"Hey. How much do you have now?"
"About $50. I didn't expect it to be this expensive..."
"Ok. Let's go ask Anna what she likes and we'll stick with the cheapest soup."
"Hey! Does the ribeye here look that good?!"
"Kamamoto, you are noisy. There is no money to buy something like that. Drink water from the fountain and bear it."
Fortunately, Anna did not find out about the unfortunate conversation they exchanged in secret. She lowered the menu and pointed to a large photo with glowing eyes.
"Can I order this Las Vegas Raspberry Night Parfait?"
The majestic parfait, like an imposing tower, has an incredible price of $45.
If this was a tourist spot in Japan, and if Anna wasn't in front of them, he would have called the store clerk, he would have grabbed him by the lapels, cursed at him, and left the store. Yata desperately resisted the urge and smiled.
"Oh! Is that enough? Don't stop!"
Anna gently shook her head.
"Maybe I can't eat it alone. Shall we eat together?"
Kamamoto was the only one who was touched by her kindness, and Yata and the others looked down embarrassed that the girl had seen through their financial situation, well apart from that the fountain show started as soon as they brought all dishes.
Even Yata, who had been complaining in his heart about it, couldn't help but look at it with wide eyes.
Water and light emerged from the center of a large fountain that looked like a small baseball field. The start was smooth, and with the magnificent classical music, the thread-thin water began to spin in a spiral.
Under the indigo sky, the lights buried under the surface of the water gracefully illuminated the splendidly dancing column of water. White, blue, and red, the lights that shone in various colors were like water fairies dancing in lustrous dresses.
Anna, who was watching the show, muttered.
"Beautiful red."
Yata looked at Anna for a moment, then smiled and nodded. Anna wasn't looking at him, but seeing her reassuring profile made him very happy to be there.
Classical music gradually rose. At the same time, the water column was thick and large, changing the atmosphere from elegant to majestic. A mist of water rose up for a moment, and as if blowing on it, a gigantic column of water came out of the water. A water fairy that danced gracefully and sweetly suddenly turned into a majestic and spectacular water giant, that was the impression he got.
The surrounding tourists also let out sighs and cheers as they admired the magnificent view.
Among them, Yata noticed a man approaching.
Dark skin and deeply chiseled features. A black biker jacket worn directly on bare skin and black gloves. Seeing that cheerful smile on his lips, Yata involuntarily raised his voice.
"You are Ed! What a coincidence, to find yourself in a place like this!"
"Oh, Misaki! Long time no see! Looks like you've been doing well!"
Anna, Kamamoto and the others seemed to have noticed Ed's presence, smiling and opening their arms. Seeing the tall Latin American man, Kamamoto and the others bowed their heads, and Anna's face suddenly stiffened.
Yata did not notice that. Laughing, he introduced Ed.
"This boy is Ed! He picked me up in the desert. He saved my life!"
"Hahahaha! Misaki, you're exaggerating! When you're in trouble, you can ask for help even in Japan, right? I just did the obvious!"
"Well, I don't really know, but… well, sit down."
"Oh, thank you! Then don't hesitate!"
Ed sat down in a chair and crossed his legs. Yata noticed that Anna had subtly distanced herself from him.
"By the way, what's up, Ed? Are you a tourist too?"
"Hmm, no, you're wrong. I'm not saying it's a job, but, I'm looking for someone. I thought Misaki would know."
"Huh? Why me?"
Ed said with a smile on his face.
"Mikoto Suoh. Where is he?"
Everyone was speechless as they looked at Ed.
Ed put his arms on the table and poked his face out. With an innocent tone like a child begging for something.
"The same hotel as Misaki and the others? So can you tell me where you're staying? In exchange, I'll let Misaki and the others go."
The show reached its climax. The column of water erupted with even greater magnificence, and the light shone in various ways to color it. Catching the kaleidoscope of water and light out of the corner of his eye, however, what came out of Yata's mouth was a dry voice.
"A servant of Mizuchi?"
He could feel Kamamoto, Bando, Chitose and Eric getting nervous. Ed made a rather surprised face and waved his hands exaggeratedly.
"No, no! I don't care about that guy! The only person I want to see is Mikoto Suoh!"
"What are you going to do when you meet Mikoto-san?"
Ed gave a short answer with a fierce smile that was probably his true nature.
"I will kill him."
Anna's body trembled. As he looked at her with rather affectionate eyes, Ed said:
"There is only one "Red King". I can't do anything more than that. So I will kill him. Get rid of this world. If I don't do that, I won't be able to fight everyone either."
They had no idea what he was talking about.
But there was no need to understand. There was only one thing to understand.
In other words, this guy is an enemy.
"I have nothing to teach you."
Ed showed no disappointment at his hostile words. "Hmm," he murmured, leaning his long back against the seatback and looking up at the ceiling.
"So if I kill them, will Mikoto Suoh show up too?"
(Try it!)
Just as he was about to say that, an angry voice resounded.
"Misaki! What are you doing?!"
Confused, he inadvertently looked away from Ed.
Fushimi was standing at the entrance of the store. With an angry expression on his face, he approached them with long strides while several "Tokijikuin" agents followed him. Ed looked at that too.
His blue eyes widened.
Fushimi didn't care about that, he walked over to the table and slapped him. He muttered under his breath while throwing an angry look at Yata.
"Don't leave the hotel, I've told you over and over again...! Has your brain degenerated to the point where you can't protect yourself? When idiots get along with each other, isn't it just that idiots move and become more and more idiotic?"
"...Saru. Now..."
"Hurry up and get out. Let's go back to the hotel. Even if it's Miko-..., Suoh Mikoto went and ruined it. I don't have time to take care of you."
Yata started and looked back at Fushimi. Just as he was about to ask him what it was that had messed up...
Suddenly, such a voice resounded.
It was Ed.
Leaning down, holding his stomach, he laughed as if he couldn't stand it. He slammed the table with his black-gloved right hand, and the parfait fell on impact and spilled onto the floor.
The surrounding tourists shifted their gaze from the show to Ed, wondering what was going on. But he didn't care about those things, and he was spreading laughter.
"Hahahahahahahahahahaha! What is this? Why do the blue and red clans get along so well? Huh?! What kind of joke is this?!"
Yata did not understand the cries in English. But there was something he could understand.
This man was not laughing, only his unbearable hatred and anger burst into laughter.
Dazzling eyes with murderous intent pierced Yata head-on.
"How stupid! These bastards are from the Red Clan?! What else? Taking a girl and eating a parfait, there's no way I can accept the bastards who are good friends with the blue clothes!"
Flames erupted from Ed's right hand.
An oddly long arm-shaped flame that rose high enough to lick the ceiling shattered the table with its force, scattering shards and sparks throughout the restaurant.
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kyemeruth · 1 year
"Uy, wala na sa kalendaryo yung edad mo!"
Common joke among young adults. Literal translation yata yung title. Anyway, people stop counting at either 25 or 30/31, depending on the level of acceptance.
Then comes the more ~difficult/ annoying comments. Get married, have kids, settle down. In my case, puro ka aral, nakaka-intimidate ka na siguro kaya ganyan. Oof.
My birthday month marks the end of the 1st quarter and the designated time to celebrate women and our contribution to society. For a patriarchal society such as ours, we celebrate women in lip service - go, be empowered, but not so much as to bruise the ego of men. So much for Fire Prevention (and on this month too).
Should women be defined by marriage and their capability to bear children? I don't think so. I mean, sure, it's a God-given commandment, but it is equally a duty. A big responsibility. So, we should not leave offhanded remarks such as these.
Enough with the political commentary. We should know the drill by now.
It's a big blessing my birthday fell on a Friday, a perfect segue to a long weekend. Hehe. I did most of my favorite things -- get some pampering and relax, read a book somewhere quiet, eat dinner with our family. Ticked all the boxes, a well-deserved gift. Thank you, Lord!
I enjoyed a bit of solitude today. It shields me from a lot of noise. I was initially planning not to open my phone too much, but since we have a big event on Monday, I thought I should still be on call just to be sure. Anyway, our team did not bother me much with concerns, so it was a peaceful day.
Finally found the courage to dye my hair. Still on the safe side, but who cares really. I liked it.
Could have spent some more time reading, but since it's near payday, people flocked to the mall and there's not much sitting areas. Should probably do this on Sunday or whenever before the second semester rush kicks in.
Blessing I'm thankful for: no back pain, I can still stretch my body. Hahaha! I enjoy the job I do. There are times when I feel overwhelmed and stressed out, but God always gives me breathing room. Pay's not to high, but enough to meet our daily needs. A win, still.
We're getting recognition as expert in economics. Need to sharpen further my analysis of issues, so we can move to the next level. But even then, the regular quotes from BWorld is already a good start.
I'm also grateful that I get to cook for my siblings, prepare baon and stuff. I enjoy it. Cleaning has also been a fun thing to do. Marie Kondo's spirit probably took over. Also, I have finally learned how to cold brew coffee, make my own Spanish latte and mocha. Hihi.
Stuff I'm praying for: recently wrote down (finally) my prayer for a partner in life. Lord, please naman. I guess I'm at a stage where I'd also want to spend time with someone, invest in a relationship. Inasmuch as I find our society a difficult place to raise kids, I still want one. Twins pala. Wuw.
Also, praying for a big win in scholarship for PHD and some more preparatory workshops and conferences. I'm asking God for more time to write and really pin down my research direction.
Time to (literally) plant. Patience really to take care of my pananim. Ilang beses na silang nategi. Hahaha. Also, to really make it a habit to exercise hahaha! Enjoying our weekly Zumba at the uni, also morning stretches. Recently, I was unable to do it regularly. Mejo lethargic. Trying, trying.
On hiatus ang aking podcast, mostly because I had to check assignments and essays, then upload grades. Preparing for the second season hahaha! Kala mo naman.
Eto na muna. I just typed randomly my thoughts here. Good birthday this year, no drama. :)
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pashminalamb · 3 years
Mikey, Draken and Baji
Tags : crude language and mentions of blood
Pairings : Mikey x reader, Draken x reader and Baji x reader (Baji's is fem!reader indicated)
They are in their third year
Here's part 2!
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Mikey :
"Ne (Y/N) chan... let me ride that" mikey said as he pointed at your skateboard. "Do you know how to skate?" you asked as you looked from his pointed finger towards his face. "No" he responded as his eyes didn't look away from the skateboard beneath your feet. "Mikey... you could get hurt since you don't know how to use the board" you said in a calm and assuring tone. "But I still wanna try it" he half yelled in a childish manner as he turned his face away from you in an angry pout.
Thinking about it while placing your chin in your hand, what was the worse that could happen? You knew if he broke your board he would buy you a new one, but he was careful with your things to make sure that they remained in an intact condition.
After giving it some thought, you decided to let him ride your skateboard.
“Alright, but before we start” you said as you grabbed his hands, “we need to get you a helmet, kneepads, elbow pads and maybe gloves?”
“You’re so cute (Y/N) chan. But I don’t think I would be needing any of those… I know what it feels like to be hurt. I am a part of a gang after all” he said as he let go of your hands and pick up the skateboard. Using his foot, he kicked the ground and pushed the skateboard. You were mesmerized watching him skate. He didn’t seem to be a novice. Perfect balance, position and he also seemed to be having a decent speed. As he approached the rail, he was able to grind on it with the board. Sure, it wasn’t perfect… but it still surprised you to see how he was able to pull it off. You had seen a fair share of people failing at their sixth and seventh attempts or more while trying to pull off the grind rail.
“Leave your mouth open and you might catch flies in them (Y/N) chan” you heard a teasing remark come near you ear.
“How did you learn to do that” you said as you turned around to face Mikey.
“A leader never shares his secrets” he said as he placed a finger on his lips and smiled at you.
Bonus : Mikey likes sitting on the skateboard while moving it back and forth on the wheels. He also tells you or Draken to push it from behind. He has fallen asleep on/with your board several times when you both laid against the grass and stared into the sky, hearing the revving up of bike engines at a distance.
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Draken :
“Oi. Why did you call me?” Draken asked in a loud voice as you flipped the skateboard with your foot. “Kenchin!” you said in surprise as you turned around to see the tall man behind you. “Don’t call me that!” he said as he titled his head in anger “Why’d you call me out here (Y/N)?”
“I thought we could skate? but if you don’t want to… we could do something else…” you mumbled as you pushed your skateboard back and forth with one foot. Draken noticed your softened eyes as you stared at the skateboard deep in thought. ‘Maybe I shouldn’t have called him. He runs a gang for fucks sake. He doesn’t have time to put with your antics’. Your thoughts came to a halt as you saw a hand pick up the head of your skateboard.
“Yaruze” he said in a monotonous tone as he placed the skateboard under his foot. Grabbing the extra helmet, you brought with you, you shoved it into his hands.
“Hai hai. But before that we need to make sure that you’re secured and don’t have any injuries. Have you skated before?” you asked as you reached high to place the helmet on his head. He held you by your forearms and smirked down at you.
“I work in a gang woman. I know what it is like to get hurt” he said. He got on top of the skateboard and stood still, looking at you for further instruction.
“Okay… so… uh” you said shakily as you pointed towards the ground “put one foot on the ground and keep the other one on the board”
Draken put his left foot on the ground and kept his right foot on the board. “Now… use the foot on the ground to push the board”
Draken did as you told and pushed himself using his left foot while making sure to steady his weight on the board.
“Okay… now place your foot back on the board and relax your shoulders” you said as you jogged alongside him. He had wide strides as he skated. He had also picked up a fair speed which wasn’t bad for a beginner. “Yata!” Draken said with a smile as he continued to do as you told. You smiled and laughed beside him as you continued to run.
“Alright. I’m gonna do the hop” he said as he got ready to jump with the skateboard.
“Kenchin dame!”
Bonus :
You glared at Draken as you picked up your broken skateboard. He looked away in embarrassment as his cheeks turned pink.
The next day, you found a (f/c) skateboard wrapped in (f/c) ribbon on your seat.
“Evening 6:30. Don’t you dare be late” the note said in a scribbled handwriting. Chuckling you placed it folded into your pocket.
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“Why the hell are we here?” Baji said as he looked at you with half lidded eyes.
“To skate Kei” you said with a laugh as you held your skateboard close to your ribs.
“I got that but why?” he said as he said as he titled his head and gave your skateboard a questioning look.
“Cause it’s fun?” you said in an inquisitive tone.
“Not for me. A skateboard can’t give me the adrenaline a bike gives. Neither can it give me the thrill of being hit back” he said in a monotonous tone.
“Not everything violent has to give you satisfaction Keisuke. Riding a bike needs fuel and an engine. The only thing you’re in control of is the handle, speed and balance. Skateboarding is different. You just have your feet and your body to do the math” you said as you held out your skateboard. “Why don’t you try it and see for yourself?” you asked with a small smile. He looked down at the skateboard in your hands before taking it into his, using his index finger to toy with the wheel. He looked at you with a bored expression.
“If you want it to be that thrilling, then don’t wear a helmet. I’m sure the ground can hit you as hard as any other opponent” you challenged him with a smirk.
“I’ll make sure you eat those damn words (Y/N)” he said as he tied his silky black hair into a ponytail and put the skateboard on the ground. Keisuke was not new to the concept of skating. He had seen them in playgrounds, may have grabbed one of them and used it as a weapon… it was complicated. He didn’t have a particular fascination with them as he merely viewed them as a child’s toy.
“Okay keisuke. Have you skated before?” you asked as you were ready to give him a set of instructions.
“Nah” he said as he kicked the skateboard, dragging it back with his foot.
“Alright. Keep one foot on the ground and the other on the board” you said while pointing at his feet and the ground, “whichever foot you’re comfortable with pushing goes on the ground”.
He did as you told.
“Now push” you said as he lifted his left leg and began to push.
“Okay… uh. Rest your shoulders and place one foot at the back of the board” you said as you ran by side. Unknowingly, Keisuke put the skate to stop by leaning too much of his weight towards the end of the skateboard and fell on his palms facing forward. You rushed towards him to make sure he was okay. Squatting beside him on the ground, you took one of his hands into yours and winced at the sight of broken skin and blood.
“Kuso” he smirked as he stared down at his palm.
“Told ya. You didn’t have the best start at this, but you did try" you said as he glared at you from the corner of his eye.
"Tell you what, meet me tomorrow at 9:00pm here” you said as you got up from the ground.
“For what?” Keisuke sneered as he looked up at you.
“You’ll see” you said as you gave him a peck on the cheek and got on your skateboard, heading towards your home.
“What in the world was she talking about…” he said as he walked off.
Keisuke waited for you at the designated spot.
“What the fuck is taking her so long” he said as he stared into the dark sky. “Kei!” he heard at a distance as you waved under the streetlight. You didn’t have your skateboard with you. You had a black one and it seemed to be old… but refurbished.
“(Y/N). You kept me waiting for 20 minutes. Now quit screwing around and show me what you got” he said as he glowered down at you.
“Calm down Kei” you said with a chuckle at his impatience as you set the skateboard down on the ground.
“Stand back” you said as stood a good amount of feet away from the rail. Keisuke gave you space by moving behind.
His eyes widened as you railed your skateboard and created sparks on the concrete brick.
“Wha-” he said as he stared you held the head of the skateboard and walked towards him.
“Had this customized and before you ask, yes. I can create fires too” you said as you smirked.
“Get better at skateboarding and maybe I’ll be willing to give you this” you said as you raised the skateboard.
Bonus :
“Can you-”
“No keisuke. You can’t use knives to customize your skateboard” you said as you took a sip of juice.
“How about-”
Notes :
Yaruze : Let's do it
Dame : Means Don't, no
kuso : Fuck/ shit (it's varying to be honest)
koiyo : Bring it on!
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