#YEAH i JUST CHECKED HE'S 10!!!! 10!!!
yuseirra · 4 months
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you can't do this to me game I was feeling sad and then I just burst out laughing
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electoons · 3 months
I love the college of winterhold. everyone there is casually deranged and there's like an alarming number of students and staff who threaten you immediately when they meet you. it's always one of the first questlines I do. which makes it even funnier when you get made the arch-mage of the college. I'm level 12 and got through this questline knowing exactly 3 spells. what do you mean you want me to lead the college. this school CANNOT be an accredited institution
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romance-rambles · 1 month
godheim clarence | because it's you
On a seemingly normal day, as he's braiding your hair in the morning, your husband asks you if he should cut his hair. You try to be brave about it.
1.6k, post-clarence epilogue, misunderstandings + fluff, reader is mc, series: none
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"SHALL I CUT MY HAIR short too?"
You register your husband's words as a joke at first. Why would you not? It flows so seamlessly from your own, after all—about how he might actually thank you for freeing up his time in the mornings if you chop off your long hair.
You know full well Clarence will not.
It is not enough to prevent you from chasing after your favorite kind of high. The one where he huffs exasperatedly and tells you as much, as a lovely but faint scarlet hue spreads across his cheek. The one that leaves you with the singleminded desire to kiss him, which you waste no time in doing—because you can.
So, expecting to see a hint of mirth in his blue eyes, you roll your eyes and watch him through the vanity's mirror with an unfaltering grin.
There is none.
Instead, the mirror reflects only the almost clumsy seriousness you've come to expect in his endeavors to prove himself worthy of being your husband. It is both flattering and worrying.
And sometimes, it makes you wonder if you were too harsh on him in the early days of your time together in the void, when you demanded apology after apology from him. Then, you remember that he's the same man who catches fishes only to free them in the end—and that this is simply sort of endearing idiot he is.
It helps immensely.
"Would you like to?" you ask carefully, concealing your silent insults with a half-awkward smile.
You would not like him to.
But it is rare for Clarence to express an interest in his appearance outside of what you make of it. His most frequently worn coat is the one you once complimented him, under a brightly-lit street lamp as he wrapped his scarf around you instead. He always buys the same fragrance, and only when it runs out, with a polite explanation of My wife likes this one the most that drives most merchants mad.
The only response he's ever offered when shopping for clothes is: If you like it, I'm fine with wearing it.
Biting back a scowl, you add, "I think you'd look good with short hair."
Of course he would. Even putting aside his hairstyle when he was younger, your husband is handsome enough to pull anything off.
You are, of course, very biased—it's an accusation you've never tried to deny.
"I see." With a pleased hum, Clarence ties off your braid. "Then I'll pick out a date. Would you like to come along?"
He's careful to adjust the hair tie first, concealing any stubborn tufts hair poking through between the gaps before he reaches for your usual red ribbon. Then, with a practiced ease that comes only with years' worth of repetition, he loops it through the hair tie and twists into a proper bow.
Today, you cannot find it in yourself to admire his careful movements through the mirror.
"I'm never going to hear the end of it if I do that," you answer, shuddering a little at the thought. The people at this village are mostly kind, but a few of the louder ones tend to comment on Clarence's tendencies a bit too frequently for your liking. "You remember what happened last time, don't you?"
Your fingers traverse down the full length of your neatly-braided hair to pull it over your shoulder. Their grasp on the end of it lasts for only a second before your hand falls to the edge of your stool. Gulping, you swivel around and soon find yourself properly face to face with your husband.
He smiles faintly. "In a sense, they weren't wrong."
To properly hold onto his face, you have to scoot closer to the edge. Clarence bends down slightly, further easing the burden on your arms. Your eyes narrow fondly at him before you ruin the moment by smushing his cheeks.
"They were insulting you," you correct him, indignation fueling your flat tone. "I'd say they were very wrong."
His expression grows helpless and fond. Wrapping his hands around your own, he settles down onto the hardwood floor. In doing so, he ignores your chiding entirely; instead, he looks at you with a hint of reverence in his gaze.
"Perhaps," Clarence agrees softly. "I've heard worse."
Inhaling sharply, you press your foreheads together. When you next speak up, your tone is softer. "Do you have a cut in mind?"
"The same as it was when I was younger, I suppose," he says, sounding a bit uncertain.
You do your best approximation of a nod. You're not entirely certain what brought this on, but that won't stop you from being the most supportive wife to ever be supportive. As you squeeze his hands gently, you hope he can sense your resolve.
"Alright," you say, a bit forcefully, as you press a kiss to his forehead. "—now get off the floor. It's my turn to do your hair."
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IT'S WHEN YOU'RE CAREFULLY UNTANGLING your braid at night that you remember the conversation from that morning.
"Did you decide on a date?" you ask curiously.
Clarence hums. "I didn't get the chance to quite yet."
He's watching you from his side of the bed, both hands occupied by a book he stopped reading the moment you walked in after your nighttime routine. When you shake your hair back to normal and settle under the blankets, he wordlessly turns the lamps off, with only a flick of his hand.
Accepting his answer, you snuggle up against his chest, fully intent on going to sleep—
Except you can't.
Curiosity nags at you, offering you the same question over and over again in the hopes that you'll break. And break you do as you call out your husband's name.
You can't quite make out what his expression is, but you know he isn't asleep. It's only been a few years—just a little over a decade, to be precise—since they've reunited. Adjusting to a life within the bounds of time, you know, takes some time, especially for someone like Clarence who had seemingly outgrown the need to sleep even before he entered the nothingness.
"Clarence," you whisper, "what made you want to cut your hair?"
For a moment, he remains silent. You can hear his beating heart, and that is enough to let you know that he's flustered.
"You said I looked very handsome," he says finally. "The other day."
Upon hearing those words, your mind offers you nothing noteworthy. To you, calling your husband handsome is no different making sure your heart's intact. You think you might actually die if you don't tell him, but you haven't tested it before.
Your heart, however, is filled to the brim with affection for this man, the one you've searched nearly your entire life for.
Even if you do want to throttle him a little bit.
"You'll have to be more specific, dear," you tell him, gently touching his cheek. He's warm, you think. You're tempted to turn the lights back on. "I'm sure I say that every day. And why would that make you want to cut your hair?"
Clearing his throat, he adds, "To be more specific, you didn't say it to me necessarily. You were—" Clarence pauses, a hint of uncertainty to his next words. "—talking about my younger self."
The gears in your head start to turn. Now, you can faintly recall the memory of you waxing poetically about the man whose image remains in use on one of the most popular and frequently sold-out stamps even now, centuries later. Mostly, you remember smiling through a comment about how carefully you must've chosen your husband—as if she hadn't pressured into picking a man other than your husband to gush about.
You would've chosen the Archmage who seemingly had no relation to your husband regardless, but it would've been nice to know ahead of time.
Because you do have eyes, Eliza. That's how you know there isn't a man alive that's more attractive than Clarence.
Still, there hadn't been any deeper meaning when you chose his younger self specifically. There'd been a stamp nearby and you'd used it as a reference, in the hopes that it would help the other ladies downplay your incredible knowledge of his features.
You're almost certain they think you're deranged.
"Clarence." You giggle, suddenly amused. "Clarence. You look very handsome today."
Clumsily, you press a loving kiss to his forehead. Then, to the mole under his eye, to the tip of his nose, to his other cheek, until finally, you kiss him on the lips. At some point, while you're busy being productive, he goes from laying on his side to laying on his back.
"What brought this on?"
He sounds bewildered. You think it's cute.
After taking a moment to compose yourself, you begin to explain. Throughout, he's mostly silent, save for the occasional acknowledgement. Still, you don't have to worry about whether he's listening or not.
Until the very end, his hands—still wrapped around you—give him away.
"I like your long hair just as much, because—" You give him another peck on the lips. "—I love you. No matter what, you're always the best-looking man in the room."
Clarence wastes no time in answering you, though he very nearly chokes on his words. "And I...you."
"Good." Feeling satisfied, you rest your head against his chest. "Do you still want to cut your hair? ...Clarence?"
"I think," he says, clearing his throat. "It's fine the way it is."
You don't try to point out why.
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seagullcharmer · 7 months
also thinking abt the one post that's like 'how come when people talk abt time blindness they're only ever late? hurr durr why don't time blind people show up EARLY??' i hate it. i AM the sort of time blind adhd person who shows up early
#libra.txt#like yeah some of it's the anxiety#but i WILL be ready for stuff way in advance#if you've ever scheduled a voice chat with me please know that i start getting my computer ready at least twenty minutes early#like if you say 'yeah let's call at 6! :-)' at five i'll tell everyone in the house that i have a voice call please don't bother me#and have my mic ready by 5.30 and then just Wait.#unless something has come up and/or i am Inconvenienced#i'm the time blind person that assumes everything takes way longer than it actually does#(except cooking. i'm really bad at estimating cooking times)#it takes 20-30 minutes to get to most of my appts. most of my appts tell me to arrive 10-20 minutes before my actual appt time#if left to my own volition i would arrive to almost all of my appts half an hour in advance#(which works out well for my surgical oncologist bc for whatever reason he always seems to be running ahead of schedule)#(i'll have an appt for 10.30 and get there at 9.55 [check-in downstairs takes FOREVER] and he'll call me back at 10.05)#unfortunately the rad onc is the opposite. it doesn't matter what time i show up. an hour early. half hour early.#ten minutes before the scheduled time. she is only ever late.#i have waited half an hour in the waiting room and then an hour IN the appt room before seeing her. i know she's very busy but. um. please#anyway. yeah a lot of us with adhd run late (my irl friends are almost always late)#but some of us DO show up early to things#i have shown up to appts two hours early on accident#i can be ready to go in ten minutes flat#(which gets frustrating bc my parents will tell me to get up early and then i sit around for half an hour waiting for them to get ready.#that's a half hour i could have been asleep)#perhaps this makes me sound selfish and lazy. alas. i have chronic insomnia and chronic fatigue. i love to sleep.#would love to wake up well rested one day#libra's oversharing again#< should probably be a main tag at this point
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unreality-monster · 10 days
You know, it started as suspicion and hypochondria but now i'm like convinced i'm actually autistic and constantly masking and experiencing burnout and severe social anxiety as a result of it and now i kind of want to see a psychologist
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purpleisnotacolor · 1 year
Ever since season 4 I've been asking "okay, but what if Sensei G was still alive?" every season and it mostly wouldn't affect the plot too much... until seasons 8-10, which would just be awful for him.
5? He'd be decimated about Lloyd's possession, but would either just join the roster of Lloyd's rescue party, or trust Kai to take care of Lloyd while he stays back at his dojo (because the dojo would still exist) so the plot wouldn't change. Awfulness? 9/10 his baby boy is in danger
6? Never happened.
7? I think he'd mostly just help his absolute idiot of a brother Wu, make sure he doesn't die, and give the Ninja someone other than Lloyd to lean on while Wu's unavailable. 6/10 awfulness, not as bad as it could be.
8? ...he'd have to condemn a terrorist organization in like the first 1 to 2 episodes, avoid getting assassinated, and make sure his family and his students don't get targeted by said terrorists. Not to mention all the crap that'd go down once he finds out what Harumi really thinks of/wants from him. Or how Harumi would struggle with her goals because he's inconveniently still alive. 9/10, one problem would be fine, but there's too many.
9? Wouldn't it be funny... Wouldn't it be funny if Harumi botched the oni-resurrection so now he's stuck in an awkward in-between of cursed and uncursed? and he got stuck in the first realm? The realm where humans have a passionate hatred for anything resembling an oni? Wouldn't that be just FINE and DANDY for him? Wouldn't that be GREAT? 8/10 awfulness, he never asked for this.
10? Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. Garmadon still trying to be good while learning what oni are like would SUUUUUUCK. I like to imagine Mistaké helping him accept himself and whatnot, but that's very hard when we have to fight an invading army of oni, and every time he meets more of them, he sees why his father hated them, and why his father treated him the way he did, oh and also the world might be ending. 10/10 awfulness, maximum oof.
(and I uuuh... haven't seen the rest :3)
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aprilias · 19 days
Guys I’m cackling because of a man again (I just found out Jorge likes his own instagram posts)
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kingdomoftyto · 1 month
#Tyto reads WoF#i know it's not the most pressing issue what with the vengeful ex-Queen and the murderous sister and all#but I still want to point out how alarming it is that the new crew are all going to be wearing seemingly radioactive rocks as jewelry now#Turtle please don't pick up strange rocks that give off their own heat for the love of all that's good#ANYWAY yeah what the actual frick is going on with Darkstalker huh. I genuinely do NOT know whether he's trustworthy or not#desperately lonely and unfairly demonized? absolutely. truly cares about Moon as a friend? I think so.#capable of integrating peacefully into modern dragon society without letting his own ego turn him into the monster he denies ever being?#....... 😬 remains to be seen#god and there's Scarlet's mysterious new accomplice(?) with the maddeningly vague physical description and also THE SCROLL(!!!!)#and i just realized we failed to get resolutions in this book for EITHER the vision of Turtle attacking Anemone OR#Flame's unique and frightening ability to sense and/or attack mindreaders????#where the HECK are we going with Flame I am going lowkey INSANE over him#ugh frick and Umber and Sora are both on the run too...!! this book is nearly as cliffhangery as Dark Secret#(though thankfully i prepared for this by checking the next book out ahead of time so i wouldn't have to wait LOL)#uhh buhh final thoughts before i force myself to go to sleep:#I love Moon and everything going on with her but I do feel like on some level it's even more of a slap in the face for poor Starflight#that the only tribe to get multiple POV characters in this first. like. extended arc(?) appears to be the NightWings#and Starflight himself doesn't get any of the tribe's unique defining features or abilities#i mean i guess the same is sort of true of Sunny and yes i know it was the POINT of book 4 that the tribe had no powers#but still idk it just feels like kicking the poor boy when he's already down. in addition to him literally getting beaten up again#(... now watch me be a total fool and the arc actually extends past book 8 or something making this point moot lol)#(I'm only assuming it ends at 8 bc that's where the previews in the back of the previous books have stopped)#EDIT: LOL yep turns out this arc does extend out to book 10 and the other POVs are Turtle and Qibli so I stand corrected.#that's what I get for nightblogging
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sysig · 1 year
Getting the Speedrun achievement in The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe is a very stable and completely glitchless experience
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Okay so this is how Stanley’s door is supposed to look (don’t mind the boxes)
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And here’s how it looked while I was attempting this achievo. What was I doing to cause this glitch? ‘Cause believe you me, it is repeatable - I was hitting Forward/W during the loading page so I’d start walking as soon as it dropped me in. It really hated that lol
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As you can see from this one, it tried to load the Whiteboard Ending but I was faster, which ended up locking me outside the “closed” door 427
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I’m also not sure what those little guys are down there, as I couldn’t look at them directly - it actually looked like two rooms that were clipping through each other, but I didn’t see any particularly recognizable features
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This was the short hallway right to the Two Doors room - I stepped through it too quickly so it only half-loaded the short hallway, but this time it didn’t lock me out so I was able to step back into the glitch!
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And then I fell through the floor again
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But hey, I did get it!
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chadsuke · 5 months
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Comics Read in 2023:
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Vol. 7 by Koyoharu Gotouge (2017)
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Vol. 8 by Koyoharu Gotouge (2017)
So I'm a Spider, So What? Vol. 4 by Asahiro Kakashi & Okina Baba (2018)
I Was Reincarnated, and Now I'm a Maid! Vol. 1 by Natumse Tamayura & Tetete Tanaka (2019)
Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina Vol. 1 by Jougi Shiraishi & Itsuki Nanao (2019)
Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina Vol. 2 by Jougi Shiraishi & Itsuki Nanao (2020)
Witch Hat Atelier Vol. 1 by Kamome Shirahama (2018)
Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts Vol. 4 by Yu Tomofuji (2017)
Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts Vol. 5 by Yu Tomofuji (2017)
[ID: Covers of the aforementioned books. End ID.]
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arolesbianism · 6 months
Ok did some fact checking and yeah unless I missed smth outside of Wendy, Walter is the character who refers to Abigail by name the most! Which is absolutely delightful news for me, the number one Abigail Walter besties believer
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Things I am a big fan of: my apartment
Things I am not a fan of: fruit flies 😞✌️ also apparently some dude takes a walk behind my apartment building by all the bedroom windows every night with a giant black dog
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
given that LAD brought back three characters thought to be dead (two by fans and one in-universe), and the ever important lack of a body, I hold out hope. If so, I really hope his new identity is basically his emo self but now in his 40s.
it'd be SO soon after he was killed it'd just feel like a kick to the dick honestly, but it would be hilarious at the same time ☠
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Tsumugi refers to herself as a perfect Junko copy but I don’t think that’s correct. Tsumugi isn’t a perfect copy of Junko, because she uses her(Junkos) plan, her idea and ‘mind’ as a failsafe but I don’t think junko would use failsafes, shed like the excitement of her plan falling to bits without a net underneath her, cause if there was one it wouldn’t be fun.
Original Enoshima didn’t try to escape nor stop her execution once the decision to vote hope and kill her, -trial wise- had been put in motion, and in the anime, in her purgatory/ little cinema hell that she watches with miss chisa after she dies, the following conversation goes as:
Junko: aww! The story’s already over?
Yukizome: No.
Enoshima: Hm?
Chisa: Bizarre as it sounds, our Hope is just getting warmed up.
Enoshima: Lame.
Enoshima: Huh. As if I even care.
Enoshima: Get over yourself, slut. We're dead!
 (English dub) (future arc episode 12)
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I don’t think she cared for continuing her story after she died either. She said something about it being new and not expected,(in a good way) in the future arc season when the next mastermind was revealed.(this is also cinema) She didn’t appear to want to keep her title as a sort of weekly mastermind.
‘but her alter ego carries on her wrath in sdr2!’ I hear you cry. Well even if she claimed she made that by herself, she wasn’t chihiro fujisaki, a programmer, and had to get some sort of help to do so. So there can definitely be some very small differences when she built another her. She could have changed her ideology after her death, but not be able to update her alter ego. also, she’s completely unpredictable and does things by random, (let me remind you that she killed her sister on the bases of boredom) so she could probably have separate ideas to her AI. This means she can plausibly disagree with her alter ego self and this can still sort of make sense
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Back to my first point- Tsumugi kept fighting in trial 6/ chapter 6 because it would end danganronpa, and in turn, popularity. (i don’t believe junko would care to make a legacy so long and dragged out all for 53+ seasons, she wanted to die asap and it would be ‘boring’ if there was season after season after season. Please remember she got bored with herself easily)(<-) Also, Junko DID want to bring despair onto its viewers/ survivors of The Tragedy which is the whole reason trigger happy havoc’s game aired. And, in its most roundabout and basic form, that was what kiibo was for, so kudos to tsumugi I guess but it did kind of backfire into hope because she decided to give the walking Twitch-Chat-Plays-Danganronpa sentience so her plan backfired horrifically so no dice. (so ^this WAS my original statement but on further thought I actually think junko does/ would be ok with this, but she would be incredibly bored with her playing mastermind every time. She also wouldn’t like Tsumugis narrative with her playing Junko or the ‘enoshima pops up from the dead afton style in a despairing fashion’ with zero context.[I add this at the bottom instead of the top instead of where it originally was because it got too long.)
ALSO!!! Tsumugi copied the secret entrance idea. Also also she uses timers/deadlines (ha) to fall back on if things fail. Yes, while Junko raised her hand over Sakura to kill someone if things didn’t pan out, she would not directly murder like Tsumugi did. this does raise a concern: does Tsumugi and Junko the 53rd count as the same person? Does Tsumugis actions mean Junko did it too? Or are they separate if they aren’t in cosplay? I’d assume no because it’s just her cosplay and all, but if it is in costume? What happens??
Think about it this way: Tsumugi could only kill and slip up as a junko copycat because she knew about the hidden door, therefore she’s the mastermind, and junko is the mastermind, so she’s junko, but OG Junko cannot kill in the circumstances that were posed, So they aren’t the same person? So there’s two masterminds? That doesn’t make sense, their the same person. And now we’re back at square one. However she’s the same person because as far as I know, tsumugi doesn’t canonly have D.I.D so technically, every cosplay personality is already in her mind from her will. But theres still very clear differences between them. Even so, I still think I have something here
To simplify it, I’ve made four routes I can go down to explain this fuckery:
Tsumugi and Junko are different and it’s a multiple personality situation (if we assume this based off of the little evidence, there would be a whole other seperate kerfuffle but also junko remembers everything tsumugi does so memories are linked, and the outfit changes, and that’s not a very common thing to make people change a character. Oh yeah alSO EVERY OTHER CHARACTER THAT IS CHANGED INTO , YEP THAT WOULD ALSO MAYBE BE A CHARACTER So let’s not go here. There are easier ways to lose your mind)
It’s entirely Junko. Tsumugi is Junkos fake identity. (Does not match up with what has been previously stated.)
It’s entirely Shirogane. Tsumugi and Junko53 are the same people. There isn’t a seperate Junko entity, it’s just Tsumugis will. (The most sense, maybe this was what ‘copycat criminal’ meant?)
Tsumugi and Junko are different people. But not in D.I.D . They’re just two separate entities. (No.)
Conclusion? I lost my damn mind going down this rabbit hole.
The conclusion you are actually interested in: I think Tsumugi is infact not a perfect junko copy, but she’s a danganronpa employee and a fairly convincing copycat with unlimited funding and a spaceship
#sorry for spelling errors! i accidentally replaced my sleep for suicidal thoughts so while you’d think I’d have so much raw energy from the#*murder thoughts. but I’m actually gonna need a lot more to make me energy#you see I made this great; executive choice to put my blankets and pillow covers into the wash while I was watching a movie at 6:30 am and#while I did think about the dryer time I didn’t take into account the washer failing 7 times in a row#it’s 9:16 am#danganronpa#danganronpa v3#spoilers#ndrv3#drv3 killing harmony#new danganronpa killing harmony#tsumugi shirogane#heavy spoilers#junko enoshima#MY BLANKETS DID NOT GET HAND WRINGED AND THROWN INTO THE DRYER FOR THIS#yeah no uh my washing machine failed atleast 10 times and I had enough and just took em out and hoped#they are still in the dryer I should check on them actually. if anyone asks I’ll update but I doubt so woop woop#side note if you forgot: k1b0 was made to give a first person view for the viewers to try and spread despair onto the real world. he’s also#he’s also a ‘live poll’ which is just fancy words for a twitch chat and the streamer trying to pilot a Roomba with a dick taped on#‘and a spaceship’ is crossed out because I don’t believe she has a spaceship I think it’s with the brainwashing materials#but that’s only if you believe the ‘everyone is alive and will wake up like sdr2’ theory. which I do. shh#they’re just sleeping.. and will not be dead.#it’s actually the next night as I’m finishing this and I’m gonna check the blankets now#no I didn’t before. I had to sleep with a blanket that is not for sleep and I had no pillow covers ;-; still surprisingly comfy but still#I want my blankets
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dan-crimes · 2 years
Sonic Frontiers ad on my Sonic Frontiers stream VOD like LMAO yes I am aware thanks for reminding me on what I was just watching my good sir
#that being said I am NOT buying the game it is new and costs 60 fkin dollars lmao#I have like maybe 60 dollars of funds to use on games and I'm waiting for... Splatoon DLC sadly sadly I know I know#big surprise but I enjoy Splatoon and am willing to pay money for that#plus I am not a Sonic fan* as in I have never played nor got into the games#I've just consumed it via passing conversations and people telling me random stuff abt the games#I like Sonic tho he's a cool lil guy I just don't actually know the games#tho I also grew up knowing abt Sonic for like as long as I can remember I just settled on getting my knowledge second hand#plus my types of games I played when I was younger was strictly fighting games and like Halo and the occasional racing game#it wasn't til I was like 10 when I learned abt other games besides that#my cousin had Nintendo systems and games and I saw LoZ on the DSi and had to get it 2#thus my crush on Link was born#oh man when did I even actually get that I know as soon as I got my first phone @ 12 I was looking shit up and I'd save#random ass pictures of media I liked#like MLP and Gravity Falls and like random shitty memes lmao#screenshots of YT videos oh CREEPYPASTAS tho that was @ 13#OHHH INVADER ZIM YEAH it was like one of the first new shows I watched thanks to having newly found YT access#I still have my first phone so I could totally just go check the type of shit I saved lmao#it was the most random shit but I know I saved cute Link pics bcuz I had a crush on him specifically WW Link#anyway thank u DSi for exposing me to all new types of games 😌😌😌
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devil-changmin · 2 years
#I’m actually so done with being exhausted every single day#in college I was pulling so many all nighters and sleeping like 3-5 hours a night#and everyone was like if you just sleep more and sleep consistently it’ll get better#and now I go to bed at the same time every day and get around 7 hours of sleep ever single night and I’m more exhausted than I’ve ever been#i start to fall asleep every single day when I sit on the floor at work#and my eyes get all blurry and I have to keep like looking around to make them focus#and it’s been getting worse I feel like cuz for a while if I drank my coffee on the way to work#i wouldn’t get as tired#but now I’m still falling asleep all morning AND I’ve been falling asleep when I get home from work#and I’m a little sick rn so it doesn’t count but I’ve been feeling like I’m gonna pass out at the end of the day#like for real#and I just want to be done I want it to be gone#the prescriber said it wasn’t because of my depression and now I’m getting checked for sleep apnea#which I just#i just want an answer because I’ve had so many health conditions that they either just tell me I should lose weight or drink more water or#they’re like we don’t know sorry#like I couldn’t get help for my joints when I was a kid cuz they said i probably just needed exercise#and then I went back to them like 10 years later and was like yeah I’m still having huge amounts of joint pain#and he was like I can’t find anything wrong with you so I guess it’s fibromyalgia but also you don’t have any trauma#and then I was just like okay and just left like no suggestions no treatment not really any answers#i just feel so helpless I feel like I’m always just told to figure it out myself or like it’s just not important enough but it’s so hard#i used to cry because my knees hurt so bad and just lay down for hours#and now I can barely get through a day and I just want to sob on the floor#please let me stop being tired
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