#Y/N x Jey Uso
ucetheones · 10 months
Worked Up | Jey Uso x Single Mother!Reader
tw: mentions of an abusive ex, not detailed. My other fics are still in the works, I just can't let go of an idea once I get it. It's a curse.
(Also writing in second person is weird and I feel like I suck at it!! But whatever, enjoy!! <3)
When you and Jey first started talking, you were hesitant to tell him about your son, your pride and joy.
Your son, Joshia, was the driving force in you finally leaving your abusive ex, Tyler. 
Finding out you were pregnant was one of the scariest days of your life, you no longer had just yourself to worry about. Now there was a life growing inside of you, meaning you couldn't afford to risk your body dealing with Tyler. 
He was too dangerous to outright confront, so you did what you thought was best, and left him a few days after finding out.
That was over three years ago. Thanks to your estranged sister, Samantha, you found a steady job, and a place to stay.
Working with your older sister was strange at first, but you two easily fell into a rhythm like no other. It helped that you were doing your dream job. It might not seem like a huge deal to anyone else, but doing the hair, makeup and wardrobe for WWE Superstars was truly an amazing job. It required skill that most did not have, it made you valuable. Needed.
It was at work where you met Jey. You two hit it off almost instantly, and soon found yourselves flirting. That flirting evolved into talking pretty quickly.
It was Sam that brought up introducing Jey to Joshia, though not without commenting on how similar Jey's real name was to his.
With a roll of your eyes, you sipped your coffee and sighed.
"What if he freaks on me and bails? Work would be so awkward."
Sam squinted at you, lightly scoffing. "You know Jey loves kids, right? I think he'd like Joshia. You're thinkin' way too hard, Jey isn't that deep.
Plus, I love my nephew, but girl…if I have to watch another season of Miraculous Ladybug, I may die!"
You couldn't think of any rebuttal, so you just flicked a piece of your pastry at her. "Shut up, I ain't even ask for your opinion. And that show is good, admit it."
"You did, but whatever!" You can tell she agrees about the show being interesting, but won't give you the satisfaction. 
That conversation was almost a month ago, and the entire time you were going back and forth with yourself on how to bring it up to him.
Sam wouldn't be willing to babysit while you went on dates with Jey forever, and hiring a nanny to work longer hours than you currently do felt like a terrible move; so you knew you'd have to tell him sooner or later.
You just didn't anticipate sooner being so soon. 
You had a week off from work, as you weren't needed for hair and makeup or costume design, you decided to use some of your remaining vacation days.
Your original plan was to tell Jey about Joshia and hope that the week away from one another would be enough time for him to decide whether things were worth continuing. 
You hadn't counted on Joshia getting sick, or Jey showing up at your door on the first day of your vacation. 
Your hair was all over the place, your clothes were a mess, and Joshia was perched on your hip, wailing loudly into your ear, despite all attempts at soothing him.
When you answered the door, Jey's expression was visibly confused. You wanted to slam the door. 
You wanted to pretend you still had a say in whether you told him about your son, but instead remained frozen in place.
"You babysitting or something?"
Before you could answer, your son was whining. "Mama, hurts…" 
The very evident discomfort in his voice had you turning away from the man in your doorway, your hand rubbing up and down Joshia's back in an effort to calm him.
"I know, baby, I know. The medicine will help, we just have to give it time." 
His crying dies down considerably at your words, but you can tell he doesn't feel any better and for a moment you consider taking him to the hospital. If for no other reason than to have an excuse to get Jey out if things turned south. Not that you thought they would, but you could never be too safe.
Jey clears his throat softly, and your head whips back to look at him.
"He's cute, Uce. What's his name?"
His tone is softer than it was previously, there's a warm smile on his lips. You can tell he has other questions, but is saving them for the moment.
"His name is Joshia."
At your response, Jey raises a brow. 
"Yeah, yeah, I know; your names are similar. Sam won't let me hear the end of it."
It's when Jey laughs that you realize he's still outside, so you step aside and watch as he slips into the house. 
It's the first time he's ever gotten to come inside, you usually meet him at the front steps or at whatever hotel you were staying at for work, whilst Joshia was usually with the hired nanny. The nanny, Riah, spent most of the week with him, before dropping Joshia off to your father until you were done for the week.
From there, Sam helped you.
It was never easy, and sometimes you considered quitting, if only to spend more time with your son; but when those doubts came up, Sam would quickly shut them down. The first few times she thought it was financially challenging to pay an overnight babysitter, and had offered repeatedly to help you pay, but you reassured her that wasn't the case. It was just difficult doing this without a partner. You never wanted Sam to think you were ungrateful for her sacrifices, because you were anything but, so it wasn't often you brought up your worries.
Maybe if Tyler was a better man, you could've trusted him to know you were pregnant, and ultimately know his son, but you'd given up on that pipe dream shortly after Joshia was born. He would never be allowed to see him, if you had any say, but you knew one day he'd start asking about his father, and you weren't sure if you could lie to him when the time came.
Right now though, none of that mattered. Because the man you were slowly falling for, was in your home. He was seeing your son for the first time, without any clue he existed to begin with.
Toys littered the floor in some places, there were blankets all over the couch and your coffee table was covered in various sippy cups, from throughout the day.
It should've embarrassed you, but Jey seemed completely unfazed by it all.
He seemed to almost welcome it.
From then on, the bulk of your vacation was spent with Jey, the two of you taking care of Joshia together. It was weird at first, Jey hadn't really interacted with Joshia at all, instead opting to do things like preparing meals, bottles and whatever else needed to be done so that you could focus on Joshia.
On Wednesday, you'd fallen asleep on the couch after putting Joshia to bed, Jey was in the kitchen cleaning up. 
At least he had been. But when you woke up from your impromptu nap, he was nowhere to be seen.
You were afraid he left at first, but instead of worrying about it, you went to check on Joshia. He was your number one priority, even when he was starting to feel better.
When you entered your son's room, you quickly stopped in your tracks.
Jey was sitting in the rocking chair in the corner of Joshia's room, cradling the small boy in his arms as the chair swayed softly. When you stepped closer, you saw that they were both asleep, so you grabbed a blanket and draped it over them; deciding you'd wake them up to transition to beds after a quick shower. 
Leaning down, you press a kiss to Joshia's head and then Jey's before turning to step out the room. Jey's sleepy rumble pausing your movements.
"You ain't gettin' rid of me now, Y/N. You know that law, he fell asleep on my chest, I'm stuck here forever." When you look over at him, he's smiling at you. You smile back, shaking your head.
"I'm pretty sure that 'law' is about cats, Josh."
Jey playfully glares at you, "nah, it's about cute two year olds that drool on your shirt, too Mamas. It's what life is all about."
 You raise your eyebrow, humming. "I'll take your word for it then. And a shower, I'm gonna go take a shower."
You watch as he shifts in the chair, readjusting himself and Joshia so they're more comfortable, before nodding. "I ain't tryna' rush you, but…hurry up. I wanna cuddle, and my back starting to hurt."
You detect the slight whine in his voice, a small chuckle leaving you. "You got it, Chief." 
He sucks his teeth, "man, go wash ya' ass." Just to annoy him a little, you stand there unmoving. 
He waits a beat before huffing. "Babyyyy, my ass is gonna go numb."
"I'll massage it, don't worry."
He laughs a bit too loud at that, if the way Joshia wiggles in his sleep and huffs is anything to go by. His tiny cheeks filled with air before he settled down again.
"See, even little man is on my side."
You decide not to mention that he'd almost woken Joshia up, instead you raise your hand defensively. 
"I'm goin', I'm goin' no need for you two to get all worked up, jeez!"
You playfully flip your hair before scurrying out the room, laughing to yourself at the sound of Jey's distant chuckle of disbelief. 
You were worried to tell Jey about Joshia for nothing it seems. They would get along just fine, Jey hadn't run for the hills and had actually stuck around to help you take care of your unwell son. He had no obligation to you, yet he chose to put himself in this position. 
He wanted this, he wanted you. 
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visionarymode · 2 months
✧ warnings: smut, language, 18+
✧ pairing: jey uso x female reader
✧ word count: 1,327
thank you for the request! @trc-punzel 💓
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“Everything good?” he asked looking up at you sighing and plopping down on the couch next to him. 
“Yes,” you unclipped your hair down and fluffed it up before stretching your arms above your head. Your daughter stayed with the nanny for the night so you two could get a break but you made sure to call almost every half an hour to check in. Your eyes landed on the TV screen illuminating the darkened living room before you sighed again. 
“You good baby?” he asked. 
“It’s hot,” you whined in a little whisper before taking off your oversized black zipped sweater and throwing it across the other side of the couch. You’ve been tired, exhausted, and just trying your best to adjust. You felt a sense of calmness and reassurance every time you were with him and you were so grateful for it. 
You pecked his lips before turning back to the screen to give your attention to the movie playing but his attention didn’t seem to leave yours. You felt his eyes on you, making you turn your head with a curious smile. 
“What?” you giggled at his brows raised, his gaze dropping down to your little outfit. 
“When did you get this?” he smirked, eyeing you up and down again. You were wearing a white laced cotton crop top and a short shorts pajama set you ordered a while back. 
“I got it a while ago. I never wore it because I was just too self-conscious about my body,” you muttered the last part. 
“Man, what? You know you sexy as hell,” he deeply praised as his hand reached for your right thigh, subtly bringing it across his waist.  
“Shut up,” you blushed with another giggle as his hand snaked higher to playfully spank you. It made your pussy flutter because man it’s been so long since you both got intimate. It’s been a little over a month but going from a daily, consistent, crazy, wild, and passionate sex life to none at all is a transition you both didn’t like. Especially him. You saw it in his eyes, he wanted you so bad. But he respected the time frame and you adjusting to mom life. 
“I love you,” he confessed as you smiled, running your hand up and down his chest. 
“I love you,” you whispered back. 
Your leg rested around his waist as he squeezed your right ass cheek a little harder. You caressed the side of his beard before pulling him in by the nape of his neck and your tongues reunited like they never lost a beat. It was nice, slow, loving…but the hotter it got between your thighs, the more your cravings heightened. You moaned as you sucked on his tongue, pulling on his chain, causing a groan to slip out of him. 
“Damn…baby chill,” he cupped your jaw with his right hand as his left swooped you off the couch and onto his lap. 
“Why?” you breathed in between kisses. He pulled back, licking his lips as he caressed your cheek. 
“You sure?” he softly asked and you almost quickly nodded, grabbing his hand to enlace his fingers with yours. 
“Mhm…” you reassured, smoothing your hands down his chest before he cheekily grinned and abruptly switched positions so you were lying on the couch. You felt flushed as he stood between your spread-open legs, running his big hands down your thighs and up your waist as his chain fell over your chest. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he complimented as your pussy skipped a beat. His soft lips leaving trails of his saliva down your neck as he cupped your breasts. He slipped off your top and cursed under his breath in admiration before his tongue reunited with your skin. 
“Mmm…” you moaned as you shut your eyes, enjoying the feel of his warm and wet tongue flick and lick across your breasts. 
“I missed my girl…” he deeply whispered,  squeezing your breasts in his hands as his tongue slid up your neck and back on your lips. You moaned on his tongue as his bulge poked your belly. Your hand reached for it, massaging it through his boxers as your foot pushed him onto your body. 
“Whatchu’ want?” he asked, knowing exactly what you wanted as he tilted your jaw to meet his eyes. 
“I want you in me,” you whispered as you pulled him back onto your lips, moaning against each other’s tongues. He slipped off his boxers and your stomach did a flip as the tip of his dick brushed against your lower lips. 
“You always so wet for me,” he licked his lips, easing his length inside of you as you both groaned from the reunion. You gasped as he slipped all of him in you, taking his time filling up your soft, sensitive walls. 
“I gotchu’…I gotchu’,” he purred up against your dropped open mouth that let out pants. He slowly dipped his dick in and out of your wet and gushy already audible mess. 
“Mmmm…fuuuuuck,” you moaned. He stopped your loud cries as he passionately kissed you, his hand caressing your thigh ever so delicately pushing it in your direction allowing more space for him to deepen himself in you. 
“I missed this…I missed this pussy. My pussy,” he groaned as you both panted against each other’s mouths. 
“I missed you,” you whispered as your eyes shut from his deep, elongated strokes. 
“Like that baby? Huh?” he purred in your ear and your arms hooked under his shoulders as he embraced you. You whisperingly whined again as his thrusts picked up the pace, the audible, wet contact of his length slipping in and out of you growing louder. 
“Yes daddy…” you moaned as your fingers found his hair to lightly pull on. 
“Not too rough?” he panted as he moved strands of your hair out of your face. 
“No…just like that,” you panted back with a moan as you caressed his bearded face, pulling on his chain. 
“Fuck…baby don’t make me get your sexy ass pregnant again,” he deeply whispered in your ear making your orgasm suddenly creep up on you.
“Why? You wanna cum in me?” you teased with an aroused giggle that turned into another breathless moan as he scooped up both of your legs so your knees were now touching your shoulders. 
“Cum for me first,” he smirked with the lick of his lips as he watched your eyes roll to the back of your head as his steady, slow strokes got slower making sure to hit every inch deep in you. 
“Yeah…yeah baby. Let me see your pretty ass cum for me,” he moaned, his thumb shaking as it grazed your bottom lip. It felt so fucking good you started seeing stars. It felt like you were melting into the couch cushion with every deep, elongated dive of his dick in the pit of your stomach. 
“Yesyesyes baby,” you gasped in staggered breaths as you scratched his back, clutching your legs around his torso as his kisses on your neck paused to let out moans of his own as he felt you coat his dick with your nectar. 
“Mm-mm…” you grabbed his face to focus on you as you felt him about to pull out. “Cum inside me,” you whispered against his lips. He sexily nodded with one last moan, gently gripping your throat as he came inside of you with one last thrust. You must have accidentally turned off the tv with wherever the remote was underneath you both because it was pitch black, nothing was heard except your pants on each other’s mouths, your sweaty bodies stuck on one another. 
“Damn,” he playfully remarked as you giggled at his dramatics. 
“I know right,” you teased back as you caressed his beard, sharing one last sloppy kiss as he caressed your leg. 
“We still got it,” he smirked as you playfully smacked him, covering your mouth from the giggles. 
thank you so much for reading! <3 if you want to be added to my tag list let me know :)
you can read more of my fics here ❤️‍🔥
tag list ♡ @harmshake @cyberdejos2 @hangermads-s @foreverlyjay @sassginaswanmills @theninthwonder @jeyusos-girl @bebesobrielo @2-muchsauce @southerngirl41 @walkintheprk @venusesworld @alyyaanna @gomussy @jstarr86 @nayys-world @mainthingdoja @empressdede @skyesthebomb @geekinstilettos @zzedah @justazzi @mzv11 @msbigredmachine @smile1318 @pixieduststyles94 @pinkpantheris @wrestlingprincess80 
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damiansgoodgirll · 3 months
 hi, can you please make a story where reader is young like 19 or 20 and everyone loves her and she’s a pretty close friend with basically everyone in the wwe and one day she has a match with like Nia or someone else and she gets injured so bad that everyone around her is worried sick.? maybe she has a closer feeling with the judgement day or Jey but like if you can mention more wrestlers it would be amazing. Thank you so much. I love your writing 
i love this type of requests cause it makes me travel back in time when i was 13 and i used to play wrestling with my best friend (don’t do this at home) and i remember everyone loving me…anyway
sorry for making nia the bad one!
the judgment day x reader (platonic) / jey uso x reader (platonic)
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home is where you belong
you never thought you would find it but you did. the place where you felt safe and loved, the place that you called home.
you’ve been wrestling since you were fifteen and once you got eighteen wwe signed you in. two years later now you were living your dream;
travelling from city to city, having sleepovers with your wrestling friends, gossiping about what people you shipped together, talking nonsense with seth rollins and having becky teasing him, watching and learning new techniques from jey uso, training with the judgment day.
everything was a dream for you.
the fans loved you. even if they weren’t fans about your character, they still liked your persona and your positive energy. you had no enemies, you pretended of course, but you had no enemies at all.
many elders took you under their protective wing and you couldn’t be more grateful.
you we are currently training with rhea as you had a big match against nia and you wanted to be ready. you both already knew that the judgement they were gonna help you win this match because, according to the script they had to ruin this moment for you and for nia, but you didn’t care because you knew how fun it was going to be.
so you were ready to kick her ass.
nia, otherwise, wasn’t as happy as you thought. the idea of losing against some teenager like you made her blood boil. she was more experienced than you so why would you had to win? plus, by getting helped by the judgment day?
she didn’t like the idea but she didn’t tell you.
she had something else in mind.
so you were getting ready, your make up flawless, your hair perfectly posing over your shoulders and a smile that could make happy anyone who met you.
you were so ready.
you heard the “boos” when nia entered the ring and you heard everyone cheering for you when you entered. that’s how it was supposed to be so why did she have an envious look in her eyes?
you pretended it was nothing and you started the match as it was supposed to go.
ten minutes later, the judgment day music echoing through the arena, just like the script said.
rhea distracting nia.
following exactly what the script said.
so what did go wrong?
nia attacked rhea. it wasn’t in the script but rhea knew how to handle situations like that.
you could tell by damian’s look that this wasn’t supposed to happen but you took it as an opportunity to distract nia and make your final move, move that made you win that match.
earlier on the schedule but still, you had your win.
“someone beat your ass…” rhea screamed into the microphone, unleashing mixed reactions through the crowd. everyone cheering for you because of your win, not everyone was happy with the way you won but still, you better than nia.
that set her off.
she didn’t like the idea of a teenager beating her but she hated even more the way the crowd laughed at her face, making her seem weak, not strong enough.
the judgment day were leaving the arena, just like the script told them to do after your victory, so what didn’t go as planned?
you were still in the ring, fans clapping for you, the referee still held your hand high and as you were about the leave, nia hit you behind your back.
this wasn’t prepared.
you fell to your knees and before you could do something she dragged you through your hair into the middle of the ring.
“nia?” you said almost too terrified.
the referee tried to get into the two of you but nia pushed her away, hurting her.
“who do you think you are?” she said hoovering you with her body.
“nia what?” you weren’t understanding. why was she doing that? she was your friend, she wasn’t supposed to hurt you.
“don’t act so dumb…” she whispered before attacking you.
for real this time.
nothing prepared.
she was really hurting you. your face first, then your stomach, she kept hurting you, punching you over and over until you couldn’t feel your body anymore.
your head and nose were bleeding.
referees weren’t able to stop her either.
rhea and damian were the first one to intervene when they saw that the referee couldn’t stop her.
rhea attacking her, the referees, trying to get between the two of them, so damian so that as an opportunity to shield you with his body. he could handle nia attacking him.
“damian?” you almost cried.
“hey…shh it’s okay, i got you” he said, slowly moving your hair out of your face and it was in that moment that he saw your bleeding face.
“dam…it hurts” you said clenching your stomach. he felt his heart breaking. the way you were clenching your chest, the way your hands trembled a little, your bleeding face and your eyes full of tears.
he was mad. furious.
“i know…ssshhh…we will take care of you i promise” he whispered.
the crowd was cheering, assuming everything was scripted, but there was an uncomfortable silence going behind the scenes.
everyone watching what was happening in horror.
becky had tears in her eyes and seth was trying to keep her and himself calm because he was mad. cody was speechless. jey ran out of his locker room just to be stopped by the security. dom and finn paralysed in their steps as they were watching everything happening right before their eyes.
that’s what it went wrong.
thankfully, rhea and referees were able to drag nia away from the ring. she knew she went too far but her pride was something she wasn’t willing to give up.
damian was still in the ring with you as medical staff came and assisted you.
you already fell unconscious when damian lifted you up in his arms and dragged you down onto the stretcher waiting for you backstage.
you were rushed to the hospital and honestly no one felt like continuing the show but they had to. jey was next but all he wanted to do was rush to the hospital and stay by your side.
you didn’t even realised that when you woke up you weren’t in some hotel room but you were in a hospital bed. your head still pounding when you remembered what happened.
the doctor told you that you had a few broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder,a broken wrist, a sprained ankle and a heavy concussion. not to count all the bruising and red spots forming all over your body.
then what you didn’t want to hear : no wrestling for at least four months.
your body needed to rest and heal first.
you were trying to hold in all the tears but eventually let them out when the doctor left your room. you were supposed to have your first main event at wrestlemania and now that dream was gone.
while still crying a soft knock echoed through the room.
damian first, then rhea with the rest of the judgment day.
“hey…” she whispered but her heart broke when she saw the tears in your eyes “why are you crying pretty girl?” she asked sitting on the chair next to your bed, followed by the boys who sat on the small couch right beside the window.
“bye bye wrestlemania…” you said with a broken voice.
everyone knew how much you’ve been waiting and wanting that moment.
“i’m so sorry y/n…” she said softly.
“its just it’s not fair…” you whispered “why did she do that? i thought she was my friend…i would have never done that to her rhea…never”
“i know love…because you know your value, you’re kind and sweet and loving and unfortunately you’ve met someone who thought about her ego and her ego only…” she said smiling sadly at you.
“what matters now is that you rest and take your time to heal” damian joined the conversation “you scared everyone back there…” he said making you smile a little.
“i didn’t mean to…”
“we know…or you could tell them that yourself” finn joked.
“what?” you whispered.
“everyone’s here…jey almost punched the doctor when they wouldn’t let him see you” dom laughed “becky is here with seth, cody and shayna are here too…girl you even scared gunther”
“i don’t believe it…” you laughed.
“we can make you believe that” jey said entering the room with a beautiful bouquet of red roses. everyone followed him too.
you were relieved in seeing so many people caring for you in a way not even your friends cared about. you felt loved and appreciated.
you’ve spent the next hour talking nonsense with them all and you almost forgot about the wrestling problem thing.
when everyone left for your check up with the doctor, the only one who stayed was jey.
he was the only one who noticed the shift in your mood and he knew what was like staying away from what you love do the most, so if you needed a shoulder to cry on, he was willing to do that, if you needed a friendly advice, he was willing to do that too.
“care to tell me what’s on your mind sweetheart?” he asked when the doctor left.
“i’m going to miss all of these…four months of not seeing you all days, no wrestling, no wrestlemania and probably no summerslam too…it’s just, i feel useless and empty not doing what i love jey” you confessed.
“you’re not useless at all, and it’s normal to feel nostalgic right now but it’ll pass and i promise you that you’ll be on your feet for when summerslam comes! i promise you” he said sitting next to you and wrapping his arm around your shoulder - the healthy one - “i wish i could have done something to stop her but i was the useless one…i hated seeing you in so much pain…she lost her mind and finally she lost her job too”
“what?” you whispered.
“yup! got fired…you know you could sue her right?” jey asked.
“i would never do that…”
“i know…you’re too kind for that…what she did was wrong and completely unacceptable but i’m glad you’re here…” he said softly kissing your head.
“ill be here for a long long time…this is my home after all” you smiled, making jey laugh too.
and it was in that moment that you truly realised how important those weird people were for you, and how important you were for them.
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 3 months
All Falls Down - Chapter 11
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
All OC Characters belong to me
taglist: @christinabae @southerngirl41 @reci1996 @jeyusos-girl @melaninsugababy @baconeggndcheez @bemybabiibish @purplehairgawdess @jstarr86 @nbanenefrmdao @arination99 @alyyaanna @harmshake @empressdede @m3llowww @theninthwonder @jeysbae @badbitchcentralinc @raya-hunter01 @kawaiisadoglu @msbigredmachine @dietothemusic @2-muchsauce @tian-monique @leaderofthebadbitchbrigade @woahthatshitfat @allmyn1ghts @courtninacole @mindairy @amandairene88 @reignsboy19 @wrestlingprincess80 @abadbitchblogs @cyberdejos2 @saintaquarius @bebesobrielo @vensusword @meannaim
Present Day
“Joe imma need to you to get the fuck away from me… real talk.” Josh snarled, “You always wanna bring up some old shit. We graduated twenty-something years ago.” Joe rolled his eyes. 
“Does it really matter how long ago it was Joshua? Y’all were dating. You had her give up her dream school to go to Alabama with you, then left her in Alabama by herself when you couldn’t keep your grades up. You always fuck up when it comes to Kiyana.” 
Kofi Xavier and Sami shared a look, whatever was going on between Josh and Joe went back years and they weren’t sure if they wanted to get involved. 
“Yo” Josh laughed “You deadass obsessed with my wife.” Josh stood up from his chair, pushing Xavier’s hand out of his way when he went to stop him and walked up into Joe’s face. “She’ll always be mine, Uce, my wife, the mother of my kids. So whatever plan you got cooking, you minds well put a end to it. She ain’t leaving me” Josh glared before shouldering Joe out of his way and walking out of catering to find Kiyana. 
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Kiyana had wound up back outside by the docks. She knew she should’ve stayed her ass in Florida. ‘You had planned to divorce KiKi and get with Shanté.’ Hearing Joe say that and then Josh not even attempting to deny it actually broke Kiyana to pieces. The affair was one thing that they maybe could have recovered from but this… there was no coming back, there was no fixing this marriage. It was over.  Tears were pouring down her face at the thought of not being married to Josh anymore. 
“I’m sorry.” She heard someone whisper from behind her. Kiyana wiped her tears and turned around, rolling her eyes at who was standing there. “Look, lets just go home aight and forget about all of this, aight?” Kiyana scoffed 
“Forget? Josh, you want me to forget that you told some bitch that you wanted to divorce me for her? You really got me fucked up Joshua.” 
“Kiyana, I never said that.” He tried to walk towards her but she held up her hand to stop him. “Come-on Key, I love you, you know that.” 
“No, I thought I did.” She let out a sarcastic laugh and wiped her tears. “I thought that you loved me but it’s so obvious that you don’t. If you loved me you would’ve told me what happened between you and that woman the first time but you didn’t.You continued your affair for four months.” 
“And I’m sorry for that Key. I’m gon fix this Kiyana. I have to fx this. You want me to quit? I’ll do it. It’s so many other wrestling promotions out there.” She shook her head. 
“It’s too late Joshua,” She whispered, her heart feeling heavy in her chest. “This can’t be fixed.” 
“What? No.” He said walking towards her, ignoring her warning of ‘stay away’ “I fuck up, that’s what I do and then I fix it. I always fix it.” 
“Not this time.” She grabbed her bag and walked off without giving Josh a second glance. It was nearing midnight and all she wanted to do was lay in bed and cry her eyes out. 
Josh blinked back tears as he watched his wife walk away from him. How could he fuck up this bad? He shoulda stopped the affair as soon as it happened but with Key in the hospital and worrying if she and Kairo were going to make it, Josh needed an outlet. He needed a way to vent and Shanté was there for him, no it should have never led to them having sex for four months, but he was a man with needs.
Ever since her father had died, Kiyana had pushed Josh away. Even him trying to rub her stomach to feel his son had her bitching and complaining and maybe that was the reason why he didn’t stop the affair. He just wished he could go back in time and walk away from Shanté when she asked him out for that drink. 
Joe walked out of the arena just as Kiyana walked away from Josh and he had to hide his smirk. ‘Not leaving you my ass’ Joe thought as he walked past Josh and in the direction Kiyana went. 
“KiKi!” Joe called out after her, breaking out into a light jog to catch up to her. “Hey, come on. I’ll take you back to my bus.” She shook her head, eyes still glued to her phone as she looked up flights to Pensacola. 
“No Joseph. I just wanna go home okay.” She said almost tempted to throw her phone as she only saw flight that left tomorrow afternoon. “I should have stayed home. Coming here was a bad idea and you were no help! Like why did you have to blurt that out!” 
“So what,  he’s the only one that gets to cheat? That’s not right Kiyana!” He sighed and took a deep breath trying to calm himself down. “You don’t deserve what he did to you Kiyana and he should feel all of the pain that he made you feel.” Kiyana rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest.
“I just want to go home.” She sighed, shoulders sagging in defeat. “Can you take me to a hotel?” 
“No, you can stay on my bus, I’ll stay out in the living room and you can stay in my room.” When she opened her mouth to decline, Joe shook his head and raised his voice, talking over her. “I’m not taking no for an answer Kiki.” 
“Fine,” She muttered. “Where’s your bus?"
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Joe was jolted away when his driver hit a pothole. He sat up on the couch and stretched, frowning when he heard Kiyana sniffling in his room. Josh should pay for what he’s done to her. She didn’t deserve any of this. He stood up from the couch and stretched the muscles in his back before walking over to the closed door and knocking on it. 
“You alright in there Kiyana?” He asked softly, feeling his heart ache at the sound of her choked sobs. 
“Yeah, sorry if I woke you up.” She said softly, Joe having to strain his ears to hear her over the sound of the bus’s engine. 
“It’s all good Kiki.” He said and then after a moment of silence asked, “can I come in.” Kiyana didn’t say anything but he heard her feet pad across the floor then heard the lock clicking. “You wanna talk about it?” Joe asked once he walked into the room, sitting on the edge of the bed, his body half-way turned towards her. 
“Not really,” She said softly, shrugging and wiping her nose with some tissue. Joe nodded and laid back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. “How could he do this to me Joey? After everything we've been through.” she whimpered, picking at stray strings in his blanket. 
“He’s a moron Kiyana.” Joe whispered back, turning his head to the side to look at her. Even with her puffy eyes and slightly snotty nose, she was the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen. 
“What am I going to tell my kids?” She asked, looking up at him. Joe moved up the bed, resting his back against the headboard and pulled Kiyana into his arms.
“Don’t worry about that right now KiKi.” He muttered, stroking his hand up and down her arm. “You’re a good ass mom, you gon figure everything out for you and your kids.”
“Thank you,” Kiyana broke the silence after a while. “You’ve been a really great friend through all of this.” She whispered, looking up at him and he smiled down at her. 
“You know I'm always gon be here for you KiKi.” He whispered back, eyes jumping back and forth from the lips back up to her eyes. Fuck it. Joe and Kiyana thought simultaneously, both of their heads moving towards each other, their lips meeting in an passionate kiss. 
Kiyana moaned into his mouth as he pulled up on top of him. “Wait-Wait.” Joe said as he broke the kiss, throwing his head back and moaning when she started to place kisses up and down his neck. “You sure you wanna do this.” he moaned again when she started to suck on her earlobe. 
Kiyana moved away from his neck and cupped his jaw in her hands, staring deep into his eyes. “I want to do this Joe.” she affirmed, before reaching down and pulling her oversized shirt off of her, leaving her in her emerald green top and matching green and black lace panties.
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“Goddamn baby girl” He said as she also took off her top, her nipple perking up from the coldness of the room. Josh is a fucking idiot. Joe thought as he slid his hands up from her wait to cup her breast.  She moaned and grinded her hips down on his lap as he swirled his tongue around her nipple, sucking on it before moving over to the other one.
Kiyana let out a loud laugh when Joe flipped them over so she was on her back looking up at him. She reached up and released his hair from the bun it was in. “One last chance to back out Kiki.”
Instead of answering him, she reached up and threaded her fingers through his hair, tugging him down so they were chest to chest and bit his bottom lip, sucking it into her mouth. “I want you Joe” Joe nodded and stood from the bed, eagerly taking his shirt off and pushing his shorts and briefs down his legs.
She hummed appreciatively as she eyed his growing erection. Joe smirked down at her and stroked his dick. Her eyes fluttered closed and she let out a moan as he leaned down and  placed open mouth kisses on her stomach leading to her sex. 
He let out a deep moan as he pushed her legs apart and draped them over his shoulders “Fuck, I made you this wet baby?” 
“Joe” She moaned as he took his thumb and ran it up and down her slit before circling her clit. “Fuck yes” She whispered as her back arched off the bed when his tongue replaced his thumb. He circled her clit with his tongue before closing his lips around it. One of her hands flew to his head,  gripping his hair and he moaned when she tugged on it. 
“You taste so fuckin’ good” Your husband is a dumbass he wanted to add but figured it would ruin the mood. “Hold them legs up for me.” He said ,then watched in awe as her toes damn near touched the bed by her ears. “Uh huh, just like that” he whispered before bringing his mouth back down to her pussy. 
She bit her bottom lip, soft moan escaping as she watched him basically devour her pussy. Her moans ,getting louder and louder when Joe circled his middle finger around her entrance  before pushing it inside of her. He let out a deep moan as her pussy clenched around his finger. 
“Mmmm.” She moaned, eyes rolling into the back of her head. “I’m boutta cum Joe.” 
“Go head baby, cum in my mouth.” He winked before wrapping his lips around her clit again and pumping his fingers in and out of her faster, moaning when her juices flooded his mouth. He placed a soft kiss on the inside of each thigh before scooting back up the bed, settling his lower body between her open legs. 
Both of them letting out moans once their lips met. Joe gripped his dick in his hands, sliding it up and down her slit before he pushed only the tip in. He pulled out, smearing her essence up and down her slit again, tapping her clit before, slowly pushing his length inside of her. 
“Mmm fuck” Kiyana gasped out against Joe’s lips and he started moving his length in and out of her. 
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Josh woke up to his phone ringing, a special ringtone that he had set for Kiyana. He immediately answered it. 
“Jesus Key,you got me out here worried and shit , where are you?”  
“Oh, fuck Joe right there!” Josh blinked, still holding the phone to his ear as his wife’s moans and his cousin's groans came through his cell phone’s speaker. 
“Kiyana?” Josh whispered, bottom lip wobbling as his heart was literally being torn from his cheat. 
“Shit, Mmhm you grippin’ the fuck out my dick KiKi.” Josh dropped the phone like he had been burned by it, staring down at it in horror. 
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Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
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strxwberry-milku · 4 months
𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞 𝐅𝐮𝐧
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐲 @codyswhitebelt ✰ part2 of the Gif euphoria series
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: You and Roman stumble across a lingerie shop,but he can’t seem to contain himself
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Daddy!Roman x Sub!Reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆: Bent over, Sir k*nk , THIS IS NOT PROOF READ !!( so sorry for any mistakes )
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You always love going on shopping trips with your man Roman, mostly because he spoils your ass and gets you anything your little heart desires. Holding hands you both stroll around the mall . “ Where do wanna go now baby ?” he asks while he briefly checks the time on his phone. Looking up at him you smile “ I don’t knowwwww , how about you choose this time ?” looking up from his phone he gives you a smirk “whatever you say princess”.Picking up his pace , you both walk futher down until you stop at a shop called “𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄 𝐅𝐔𝐍”. Gasping you walk up to the glass window and peer inside , looking at all the beautiful sets that were put on display. Letting out a laugh he wraps his arms around your waist “ I know you would’ve liked this ” turning your head slightly you said “Of course , i would like this baby!”.
Grabbing his hand you pull him inside the “ Victoria secret” like shop , ready to see all the beautiful sets waiting to be tried on. “So which ones you wanna try on baby ?” he asks as he also browses through the lingerie , taking notes of the pink ones , since he knows it’s your favourite colour ( Totally not protecting my interests in the character LOL.) “Hmmmm how bout this?” you questioned and grabbed a random set from the rack , displaying the parts on your body so Roman could have a basic layout on how it would look like on you. Licking his lips slowly he looks you up and down ; eyes hooded and low “Ooooo I say,me and you go into the changing room so I can really go into detail bout my opinion” giggling in excitement you make your way to the nearest changing room with roman prowling behind you.
As soon as the “ Click” sound echoed the compacted stall, Roman began to attack your lips like it was his last feast. Moaning in between the kiss he pulls away and turns you over so that you’re facing the wall “ You dirty girl , look at you…your panties are already soaking wet”he mockingly says as he flips up your skirt and you examines the damp spot between your legs. Moaning in desperation you began hastily taking of your panties yourself, chuckling at your neediness he pulls down his boxers and watches as his dick springs up , slapping against his abdomen. Lining up his tip against your folds he slowly pushes in groaning at how your pussy invites him so comfortingly and snug.
“ That’s it baby , take this dick ”. You moan out loudly ,your hands quickly fly to your mouth to muffle your pathetic voice. He quickens his pace,his hips clashing into your ass repeatedly going deeper with each stroke “Nahhh don’t cover your mouth baby, I want them to hear how much of a slut you are, fucking inna public store? you should be ashamed of yourself” he whispered in your ear to taunt you. Eyes rolling at you back of your head,you clench around him signifying that you were about to cum, noticing this he takes one of his hands and begin to run your swollen clit. Breathless and fucked out you bounce your ass back on him faster, ready to get you high” Daddy i’m gonna-”
* BANG * * BANG* Roman halted his movements. You both stare at the door….
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𝐘𝐮𝐩𝐩 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐟 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 🤷🏾‍♀️
@trc-punzel 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐮𝐩 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 💋
𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐘𝐄𝐒 𝐢𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐮𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐢 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐨 , 𝐬𝐨 𝐢 𝐟𝐫 𝐟𝐫 𝐚𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐬𝐞 ( 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐠𝐮𝐲𝐬𝐬𝐬 🤧)
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raya-hunter01 · 6 days
Not My Sister's Keeper Pt. 5
Roman X OC(Kara)
Jey Uso X OC (Tia)
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut; sex, fluff, couple arguing, Jealousy, infidelity, pregnancy
Roamn’s wife recently left medical school and returned home to save her marriage. Upon her return, she finds out things are not what they seem. Her sister is pregnant by her best friend Jey Uso, who is also Roman’s cousin, and her husband is acting suspicious.
What happens when a conversation overhead on a baby monitor blows her world apart?
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A Month Later
Roman’s House
“Mama, you saw it for yourself, she slept with Jey,” I said trying to escape her wrath.
“Son, your actions caused that chain reaction, and Tia living here isn’t helping your case to get your wife back either,” my mom said washing the dishes as I fed Logan her bottle.
“Mama, Logan needs her.”
“Logan needs her like I need an enema. She doesn’t even want that baby; she barely interacts with her. How could you let this happen?” she asked as I wished the earth to open up and swallow me whole.
“Mama, I stopped it, I knew I was wrong.”
“But, it took six times sleepin’ with this girl for you to realize that, and then you lied to me. Roman, I didn’t raise you this way,” my mother scolded as I sighed taking my tongue lashing from her.
“Mama, I was gon’ tell you, I just didn’t know how,” I said as she sat down beside me.
“You start by telling the truth….I said some mean things to Kara going off how you were acting. Like when was you going to tell me that you had a child with Kara’s sister.”
“I…I was going to fix it all. I wanted her to be Logan’s stepmom.. I was going to make it right, then I saw red. She let him have her mama, my wife did that,” I said still in shock that Kara took it that far and slept with Jey.
“Roman, you can’t take a child away from her mother and give it to another woman, thinking it will fix the issue. Kara is hurt…Her husband and sister betrayed her, that’s a hard pill to swallow.”
“But look at what she did, like really out of all people it just had to be him. Why would she do that?” I asked, truly wanting to know why.
“To make sure she hurt you deeper than you hurt her, and it worked. Tore you up so bad you ordered a new bus. Got you walkin’ round here like you on life support,” my mom said, my jaw twitched just thinking about them together.
“Then you got that girl sleepin’ here, trying to get her hooks in you.”
“Mama, I ain’t-”
“I don’t care, if you want to try to work on your marriage, Tia gotta go. Her being here is showing Kara you didn’t take your marriage seriously and its disrespectful.”
“Mama, she has nobody-”
“That’s a lie, she got a mama, and a daddy. Tia’s mother was going stay with her for a month to help out with the baby. Rebecca told me, but Tia turned her down. I’m telling you Roman, get her outta here before something bad happens, son”.
“Mama, I tried to talk to Kara, but she’s been ignoring me. She just sits in mediation staring a hole through me,”  I said trying to get her to understand.
“Try harder, tell her what happened so there is no more secrets and hopefully ya’ll can get back on track. Whatever the outcome you owe her, and you know you do.”
“Mama, her sleepin’ wit Jey hurt me bad.” I said pleading my case as she threw her hands up in the air as I frowned at her. Kinda pissed she ain’t more on my side…I am her son.
“Roman, you’re not thinking about what you’ve done to Kara. I swear you are just like your daddy, can dish it out but can’t take it. Go to mediation today and be truthful with her,” she said leaving me alone with my thoughts.
Over the last month Tia being here has been hell. She won’t help with Logan, it’s almost like it’s no bond between them and that is insane to me.
 It’s been all me and mama, so I know I’m in this alone.
Hearing her come downstairs I rolled my eyes. “Morning my logan,” she said kissing logan on the forehead as Logan begins to fuss.
“Roman, I’m glad you’re still here. I thought you had left for the show, she said extra giddy. She really was trying to push something that was never going to be. My mom was right, she needed to go.
“Uh, no I got to go sign for the new bus and I got mediation today,” I said as Tia shot me a look.
“Oh, you’re still trying to beat that dead horse,” she said smartly rolling her eyes as I stood up walking towards her. “Um, what are you doing Roman?” Tia asked worriedly as I placed Logan in her arms. “Letting you bond with your daughter, because she has two parents and not just one,” I said leaving a fussing Logan with her.
“Roman, take her to your mom!” Tia cried as I kept walking, ignoring her.... I had bigger fish to fry.
“Make sure you’re gone by 1:00, my mama is taking Logan to your parents and you to get groceries for your house. I need you gone; Kara is stopping by to get some of her things!” I yelled as I heard her mutter under her breath.
Going upstairs I ran into mom. “Why didn’t you bring the baby to me? I ain’t gon’ listen to Logan cry all day because you left her with the devil,” she said as I snickered.
“Mama, she’s gotta try to bond with her,” I said giving her a hug before I went to get dressed.
Bently Law and Associates
Kara’s POV
“I know you, nor her better be there when I get there,” I whispered as Roman nodded.
“My mom is dropping Logan off at your parents. Ma, can vouch for me,” he said pointing at my mother as she nodded.
“Yeah, Roman called last night and asked us to keep Logan," my mom said as I sighed, not really caring.
“Then my mom is going to take Tia grocery shopping for some things for her house because she’s about to be going home. After this, I gotta go finalize the deal on my new bus.”
“I don’t care where Tia goes, as long as she ain’t there when I’m there,” I said irritated.
 All he had to say was she wasn’t going to be there; I didn’t need an update on his baby mama drama.
 “Nobody will be there sweetheart, I promise,” Roman said as I cringed at his use of his pet name for me.
“Please…Don’t do that,” I said as he threw his hands up and sat back in his seat.
Sitting there in silence, my brain finally caught up to the little information he revealed. He got a new bus…. Smirking I felt a sense of satisfaction knowing he couldn’t shake the image of Jey and I on the other bus.
You could feel the tension as we went to sat with our lawyers. Ten years of marriage, was coming down to being in this office on the 15th floor, sitting around this huge table negotiating assets.
Deven, a mutual friend of ours, who’s also a judge, sat at the end of the table serving as a mediator for us.
“Alright, let’s get started. I wished we were here under different circumstances, but I digress. Mr. Towns what is your client Mrs. Reigns asking for?” Deven asked as I leaned back in my chair trying to relax.
“My client doesn’t want any of her husband’s assets, she only wants a clean break,” my lawyer said as I saw Roman twitching his seat.
“Kara is you crazy? After all he’s done..The devil is a damn lie, she want it all!” my mom said as I tuned her out.
I was too focused on Roman, who had leaned over and was whispering something in his lawyer’s ear.
“Well, my client would like to try therapy before we go this route. It will look good to a judge that you guys tried and could push this along quicker in the end.”
“I want this over,” I said as Roman cleared his throat.
“I want to try to save our marriage,” Roman said as I shook my head.
“I would rather swallow nails and dance barefoot across hot coals,” I said as my mother slapped me on the arm.
“Girl, hush this about getting what you deserve. He owes this to you,” She hissed as I sighed, sitting back and allowing Roman’s lawyer to continue.
“My client wants to also pay for his wife’s medical school expenses.”
“What!” I exclaimed sitting up in my seat looking at my mom who shushed me. “Here him out baby,” she whispered as I took a deep breath.
Bitch, now you want me to go back to medical school, now you want to support my dreams.
 “Like I was saying, we’ve come up with a total of 500,000 that she needs to complete her last two years of education.”
“That’s way too much?” I interrupted as his lawyer looked down at his sheet of paper reading his notes as Roman cracked a small smile.
“Always worried about me spending too much money instead of just letting me take care of you,” he muttered as I shot him a look.
“Kara, look at me.” Deven said as I turned, giving him my full attention feeling Roman’s eyes still on me.
“I talked to Roman and the price he came up with will help you with things you need such as your books, a Condo to stay in, and any necessities you may need.”
“Deven, it’s too much,” I whispered, totally thrown for a loop everything.
“Roman wants you to focus on school and not have to worry about taking up a job. He knew you were going to come in here and wouldn’t want anything from him, but he knows you deserve everything.” Deven said as fought back tears.
“Let him at least do that much, and hear him out,” Deven pleaded as I turned back to Roman and his lawyer, wanting to hear the rest of his offer as Roman sighed in relief before turning to his lawyer.
“Let her know what else we talked about Ryan?” Roman whispered pointing to his notepad as his lawyer looked over, shocked at whatever Roman had written on his paper.
“Are you sure Mr. Reigns? I said we could renegotiate that and bring it to the table later,” His lawyer whispered as Roman shook his head.
“She deserves it and I want her to have it regardless of if we work this out or not,” he whispered as I frowned at him.
“Uh, my client would also like to add an additional three million per year for Mrs. Reigns to do with as she pleases and upon graduation Mr. Reigns will donate ten million towards his wife’s own practice,” his lawyer said as I tried to process what he was offering…
“Jesus, Roman,” my mother said as Roman’s eyes never left mine.
Why was he doing this? Why now?
“My client has also cleared the balance owed from when his wife left school and violated the terms of her scholarship. All her debts are clear, so she can re-apply for school anytime she likes.”
“Why are you doing this? Like why now?” I whispered as Roman leaned his elbows on the table.
“Because I love you, and I miss my wife. I’m trying to make it right, Kara,” Roman said as I felt the room closing in on me.
“Now you want to support my dreams…. Now you want to do right! Now you want to make it right!” I shouted, the look of remorse on his face making it hard for me to breathe.
“I think emotions are high and we should take a break and resume next week. That will give Kara some time to think about things,” Deven said as my mother rolled her eyes.
“Ain’t shit to think about….She gon’ take everything he offering…He owes her that much, all she sacrifices she made for him,” my mom said as I wiped my tears.
“Kara, please take it…Even if you don’t take me back. I want you to have this regardless.” Roman pleaded.
“I need some air,” I whispered storming out of the room.
“Kara! Come back!” I heard him yell hot on my heels.
Picking up pace, I slip inside the elevator, pushing the buttons fast as I could as Roman sprinted towards me, sliding in the elevator  just before the doors closed.
“Why are you doing this? You can't buy me, I'm not for sale."
“Baby, just listen,” he pleaded pulling me in his arms, cradling the back of my neck, holding me close as I finally exploded.
“NO! NO! Let me go!” I screamed, managing to turn my body away from him, but I couldn't escape his powerful embrace.
“Baby, I’m sorry,” Roman pleaded refusing to let me go, wrapping one arm around my waist and the other around my chest.
 His grip never loosened as he lowered us to the floor determined to not let me go as I fought against him.
“Damn you!...... You broke us! You broke ME!..... I LET YOU BREAK ME!!” I cried as he held me tighter.
“Baby, please forgive me,” he whispered, his silent tears falling on my cheek as he buried his head against mine.
He had officially broken me…And now that he had me broken, he wanted to give me all I ever had asked for from him.
“Roman, just let me go,” I whimpered as he released me, allowing me to slide to the opposite side of the elevator, creating some much-needed distance.
“I’m sorry, I just love so much,” he whispered as the elevator jolted to a stop as I looked around in confusion as the lights flickered, then dimed……
No…Not now…We can’t be stuck in here.
“This isn’t happening,” I muttered as Roman rushed to pick up the emergency phone.
“Hello! Hello……Yes, my wife and I are stuck?” he said as I tried to regulate my breathing.
“An hour!” He said I hit the wall in frustration. This day just keeps on getting worse.
An hour in here….. With Roman..Shoot me now.
“Thank you, thirty minutes sounds better than an hour,” he said hanging up and sitting down under the phone as I took off my jacket trying to get comfortable.
“Kara, I-”
“Please don’t talk to me, you’re taking up all the air,” I said checking my phone frowning at the fact I had no service.
“I didn’t mean for any of this to happen, I swear I was going to tell you that night. If you could Just let me explain,” he said as I looked at him.
“Ok, I’ll play along, since you seem like you wanna confess your sins. How did it start?” I asked putting my phone in my pocket, giving him my undivided attention.
Roman seemed shocked at my question, this was not how he wanted the conversation to go.
Roman’s POV
Damn, she didn’t waste any time asking. I knew I had to tell her all of it but I dreaded it.…
“Well, I’m waiting, you wanted to explain,” Kara said as I sighed.
“The first time was on the bus. She had asked for a ride saying her friends had left her. Later that night after you and I talked on the phone, I went to bed. I woke up in the middle of the night and there she was layin’ in bed with me….Naked.”
“Then what?” Kara whispered as I contemplated my next words, but I knew I had to tell the truth.
 ���She climbed on top of me, I asked her to leave but it was almost eerie how she looked like you in the moonlight, so I didn’t stop it,” I said as Kara covered her face with her hands, her leg anxiously tapping against the floor.
I hated to tell her, but I knew I had to tell her all of it.
“When we were having sex, I slipped up and called her your name,” I said as Kara’s head jerked in my direction looking at me in disgust and horror, but she didn’t say anything.
“She told me she didn’t mind pretending to be you for me and I called her by your name as we had sex. Like four out of the six times we slept together I did, the other times, no words were exchanged,” I said feeling the bile rise in my throat, for the first time truly realized how sick it all was.
Kara looked at me with a sad smile. “Tia always has to prove a point that she can take away the things that I love, and I guess you were no exception…..God, I think I’m going to be sick,” Kara whispered, as I dropped my head in shame.
“Kara, If I could take it back I would but I can’t. Just please say we can try-”
“Well as a last-minute replacement for me how did she do?” Kara asked interrupting me, as I groaned.
“Don’t do that, you know nobody can ever compare to you,” I said as Kara chuckled, shaking her head.
“Did you even try to use protection?” she whispered as I felt somewhat offended, she would think I would put her life in danger.
The first time we didn’t but every time after that we did. I got tested before me and you even slept together again. I was clean, and I swear it was only that one time unprotected.”
“That’s all it takes is one time Roman, and now you have a child with her.  You still never answered my question…. How was she?” Kara whispered as I felt like I wanted to vomit.
“Kara don’t do this?”
 “No, you already did this when you slept with her and KEPT sleeping with her. So how was she?”
“Like I said, she wasn’t you and since we are on that subject, I guess I could ask you the same about Jey,” I said as the elevator started back up with a soft hum but was moving slowly.
Standing up Kara grabbed her jacket ignoring me, but I blocked her path standing in front of the doors. She wasn’t leaving here until she told me why she picked Jey.
“Move Roman.. I ain't got time for this," Kara whispered trying to avoid looking at me.
“Why Jey, Kara? It could have been anybody, but you chose him. You let him have you, why Kara,” I said unafraid and not ashamed of the tremble in my voice.
I was hurt that she let him have her, that’s all I see every time I pull into our fucking driveway.
“Just tell me,” I whispered making her look at me, her once loving eyes now void of feeling towards me.
I really did break her…I caused this change in her.
Suddenly, I felt like I couldn’t breathe as I remembered something she told me once when we were dating.
"Can you please move?"
“I have to love and trust someone to share my body with them, I don’t just jump into bed with anybody.” I whispered as she seemed shocked that I remembered but recovered quickly continuing to stare a hole through me.
“I guess there’s your answer as to why I chose, him,” she whispered as we stood in silence waiting for the elevator doors to open.
This couldn’t be it….It just couldn’t….We can come back from this…Jey is a non-issue, I’m her husband…
Gulf Shore, AL
Jey’s POV
“Man, gon’ call Kara, and tell her you missed her and want her to come over,” Trin said as I shot her a look.
“I ain’t trying to smother her, I know she has mediation this morning. It takes a lot out of her,” I said as Trin smiled at me.
“That’s an even better reason to call her and let her know you’re thinking about her, Jimmy said as I  found myself blushin’.
I really had been thinking about Kara nonstop since we left a few weeks ago. The facetime calls and texting was and all cool but I wanted to hold her in my arms.
“You never told us what happened when ya’ll went to Roman’s that night either,” Trin said as I put my glasses on acting like I didn’t hear her.
“Oh, it’s like that huh…Fine, I’ll get the info from Kara,” she said as I chuckled.
“I think they fucked,” Jimmy said as I punched him in the shoulder. “Don’t talk about Kara like that,” I said as he gave Trin a knowing look as she smiled.
“Yep…They had sex, and it was good too. She got ya brother even more sprung than before,” Trin said as I pulled out my phone to call Kara, not even bothering to argue because it was true.
I was sprung and I wasn’t ashamed to admit it…
Roman’s House
Kara’s POV
I finally calmed down enough to make my way out to the house, and it seems like Roman kept his word...Nobody was here.
 As I got out the car my phone rang, smiling I accepted Jey’s facetime request.
“Where you been all my life,” Jey said as soon as I answered making me blush as I heard Trin and Jimmy awing in the background.
“Well, I always been here, and I’m currently at the house of horrors.” I said as Jey frowned.
“Your where?” Jey asked as I sighed. “I’m at the house picking up the last of my thing I wanted to get and granny’s bracelet.”
“Is he there?” Jey asked as I chuckled. “No, he’s not, he had some business to take care of. We did mediation this morning and it was a mess, but I’ll tell you about it later,” I said as Jey studied my face.
“I don’t like that look, it means when you tell me I’mma wanna beat his ass again,” Jey said as I gave him a small smile.
“What time ya’ll gettin' in today?" I asked as he smiled.
“We should be back in town in about an hour, we makin’ good time, tell the fam, hey,” Jey said turning the camera around to Jimmy and Trin as they laughed.
“Hey fam!” I said happy to see their faces, I really missed them all.
“Hey, Booky! I’mma need you to put this man outta his misery when this is all over with Roman and your ass crazy sister. He’s crazy about you,” Trin said as I blushed.
“Man, stop tellin’ all my business, Kara already knows what time it is,” Jey said as I laughed.
 “I miss you guys and I can’t wait to see ya’ll.”
“You be careful, get what you need, and get out. Dinner on us tonight,” Jimmy said as I smiled.
“I got ya’ll it’s gon’ take ten minutes tops. If I haven’t called, ya’ll back, call me,” I said putting their minds at ease.
“A’ight ten minutes,” Jey said as I smiled hanging up putting my phone in my back pocket.
After that night we never spoke about what happened. Jey was a man of his word; we carried on like our usual selves and for that I was grateful.
Running upstairs, I went into the bedroom and grabbed some of the clothes I wanted to keep, putting them in the box Roman had left on the bed for me.
I felt my anger slowly building as I looked around the room.. Had Tia been in here? Had she slept in our bed?  Roman’s confession on how things went down with Tia really had thrown me for a loop.
“Why couldn’t you say, no?” I muttered as I heard footsteps coming upstairs.
“Roman you said you wouldn’t be here,” I said agitated, opening the door and taking a step back in shock seeing Tia standing there in the sundress I wore the day Roman proposed to me.
“Oh, I didn’t know you would be here Kara. I was just trying to put together a little surprise for-” she started but stopped talking, seeing the look on my face…She realized she had taken it too far.
“You got on my dress!” I hissed as she tried to run but I caught her arm, slanging her in the room, and throwing her up against the wall before climbing on top of her.
“You bitch” I yelled punching her in the face as she screamed in pain.
“Get off! Kara!” Tia screamed as I repeatedly banged her head against the floor.
“I’mma kill you.”
“You ok up there Kara?!” I heard Janice yell as I kicked Tia in the stomach, before running to lock the door.
Nobody was breakin’ this up..She had it coming.
“Everybody always tryin’ to save you….You never face the consequences of your actions,” I hissed as she stumbled to her feet.
Before she could even see it coming, I ran at her, grabbing her by the and hair slamming her face against the wall.
“Kara calm down!" She cried as I backhanded her as she fell against me.
“Calm down my ass, I’m sicka you! Get off me bitch! I screamed, throwing her into the dresser as she tumbled across it hitting the floor hard. Her moans of pain bringing me satisfaction.
“What is going on in there, Kara?!” Janice yelled as I trembled with anger as Tia spit blood outta her mouth, crawling toward the wall trying to pull herself up.
“ Janice, I’mma kill her, that’s what’s going on!” I screamed charging towards Tia, spearing her against the wall as we fell to the floor in a heap.
My phone sliding across the floor in the process
“It ain’t worth it Kara, come on out baby,” Janice pleaded as I fought to catch my breath but I couldn’t reign in my anger. She has taken everything from me.
“I won,” Tia gasped with a smile as I snapped pulling her up by her neck dragging her to the wall mirror in the corner.
“Look! Look at us! Bitch, what have you won! The only reason you even had him in the first place is because you look somewhat look little like me the dark hoe,” I hissed as she tried to pry my hands out of her hair.
“Ain’t nobody tryin to be you! He wanted me because he knows I’m better than you!” Tia screaming as I chuckled letting her go.
“But ain’t you tryin’ to be me, Tia?…..Let’s see….You wearin’ my clothes!...You were fucking my husband and had a baby from him but you ain’t trying to be me.. Bitch, please, just own dat shit,” I scoffed.
“He wanted me Kara…He couldn’t resist me,” Tia smiled as I shook my head. This bitch was loony tunes.
“Oh! He wanted you, huh…Wasn’t he fucking you and calling you by my NAME!  Something you didn’t mind him doing by the way, right? As long as you fucked up my life!” I yelled as she jumped back in shock at my knowledge of what happened during her intimate moments with Roman.
“H- H- He told you?” she stammered as I smirked at her uneasiness.
“Yea, he told me all of it, and who does some sick shit like that? I asked. The tension building as we stared a hole through each other.
“Oh…nothing to say now.. Well, I’ll tell you who does that…A desperate bitch who loves to throw her rank ass pussy at anything that moves!”  I screamed as she tried to swing but missed, the momentum causing us to fall against the mirror, causing it to shatter around us.  
Luckily neither one of us landed on the glass but hit the ground hard.
“Damn it,” I muttered rubbing my head as I heard my phone ringing looking around in a panic, I groaned in frustration as it stopped.
I knew it was Jey calling to check on me.
“Miss an important call,” Tia teased trying to sit up as my phone started ringing again.
“J- Jey,” I whispered trying to crawl to my phone as I felt a Tia jump on my back as we tussled to get to my phone.
“What you mean don’t call the cops! You better get her quick then Roman; they are killing each other in there!” Janice said as she continued to bang on the door.
“Just as I reached the phone, Tia bit my hand and elbowed me in the stomach before grabbing and answering it.
“Jey! Jey, she’s gone crazy! Help me!” Tia cried as I pulled her back down to the ground hitting her with a right hook before slamming her head against the floor again.
“Tia! Where is Kara!” I heard Jey yell as I ripped my phone out of her hands.
“Kara! Kara! What’s gon’ on!” I heard Jey yelling in a panic as I put the phone to my ear.
“Jey….I’mma call you back…I got some shit to handle.” I panted
“Ka-” Jey started but I ended the call before he could finish, seeing Tia trying to run for the door.
“Where you goin’?” I asked, charging toward the door pushing her against it.
“Help! Somebody Help me! Your crazy!” Tia yelled as I turned her around to face me.
“What did you expect after all you’ve done! You’ve made me this way!”
I screamed punching her in the face as she fell in a heap at my feet, leaning down I jacked her up by the hair, tossing her again into the wall
“Bitch you ain’t nobody!” I Screamed gripping her hair as she tried to back away, I began punching her,  on top of her head, only stopping to change course landing a few punches to her face as she screamed trying to cover her face with her hands.
 I got a couple more shots before I felt myself being lifted up in the air. “Let me go! let me go!” I screamed, fighting against whoever had pulled me away.
“Kara, that’s enough baby,” Roman’s voice boomed throughout the room as I stilled in his arms, panting in disbelief at how out of control I was.
“Roman,” I whispered somewhat coming out of my tunnel vision.
“Yes…..It’s me baby, I got you,” he whispered holding me tight as I tried to gather myself as Tia got up of the floor wiping her nose.
“You’re really comforting her! She’s crazy and just attacked the mother of your child for no reason Roman,” Tia moaned, as I winced feeling the pain shoot through my knuckles as I looked down seeing the scrapes and patches of raw skin.
“Nah, I ain’t crazy..You just kept pushin’ your luck, like you always do and nobody was here to save yo’ ass…Let me go Roman!” I hissed as Roman released me, finally taking in Tia’s appearance.
“Why you got on Kara’s engagement dress?” Roman asked, his powerful voice overtaking the room as Tia said nothing.
She was too busy trying to check her face in the only mirror left standing in the room, on top of the dresser.
“Don’t worry, It’s an improvement bitch!” I screamed as Roman sighed gently pulling me to him, trying to check me over.
“Stop, I’m fine,” I said stepping away from him. “You got some cuts, Kara” he said worriedly as I shrugged him off again.
“I said I’m good, but you betta get that bitch outta here before I kill her,” I said pointing at Tia as she smirked, Janice shaking her head in the corner at the scene playing out before her.
“I won…I …ruined…Your …Life and I loved every minute of it…I hate you,” she seethed as I chuckled.
“You hate me….. You hate me!  Bitch, I’ve hated yo’ ass since the womb!” I yelled, knowing it would cut her deep because she would always tell me how she would rub Mama’s stomach and talk to me when Mama was pregnant with me.
“You wanna know why I’ve always made a point to fuck up your life?” She asked I tried to get around Roman.
“Because I wished you had never been born!” She screamed. "Move Roman!" I yelled as he refused, turning to look at Tia
“Shut up, Tia!” Roman shouted as she kept talking.
“It’s true, and she should know.”
“Well, Mama shoulda’ just swallowed when it came to you. Your whole fuckin’ existence has just been you being a living, breathing, pile of disappointment and cum! You gutta slut, I hate you!” I screamed as she seemed hurt by my words.
“Timeout!..... Roman take Kara downstairs for her to calm down…They hittin' below the belt now, ya’ll still sisters,” Janice said as I shrugged Roman off.
“I can go on my own accord. I don’t need him,” I said walking out of the room as Roman’s mom followed me.
“I’ll help you get cleaned up,” she said as I looked at her unsure of what her motive was. I was still pissed by her lil outburst and shots she was throwing a couple of weeks ago.
She betta not start talkin’ out her neck or she can get this work too. I’m tired of the bullshit…And everybody…
Roman’s POV
“I told you not to be here!” I yelled as Tia continued to clean herself up.
“She has to get used to seeing us a family, Roman.”
“Uh, no she doesn’t because that isn’t going to happen. We share Logan together and that’s all. I can’t believe you really came back here after I asked you not too…Just trying to hurt Kara,” I said as she rolled her eyes.
“That wasn’t my in-”
“Tia! You up here wearin’ the dress Kara wore when I proposed to her!…You knew what would happen when she saw you in it."
“She always takes shit so personal,” she said wincing as she touched her jaw.
“It is personal, and you had no right! Look, just get outta my house.” I said just over the day. I feel like the more I try the worse everything gets.
“How am I going to get home?” Tia cried as I walked around for the first time looking at the disaster area, that was once my bedroom with Kara.
“The same way you snuck back here after my mom dropped you off at your house…Hell, walk for all I care and leave Logan at your moms, I’ll pick her up later,” I said leaving no room for argument.
“You can’t just dismiss me like I’m nothing Roman,” she whispered as I turned to look at her.
“My lawyers will be in touch, now get out.”  I said as she sighed limping out of the room.
“This is a fuckin’ mess.”
Jey’s POV
“Man, where we at? This ain’t the way!” I yelled as Jimmy sped up.
“We almost there, I took a shortcut,” he said as Trin tried to call Kara back.
“Come on Kara, pick up the phone,” Trin pleaded as I felt myself losing it.
“I just need to get there man,” I sighed as Trin rubbed my shoulder. “Kara can take care of herself,” she said as I sighed.
 “I know that…I just know Kara, she gon’ hurt dat girl.” I said honestly scared about what we were about to walk into.
“Tia been pushin’ and she finally got what she asked for. It’s been coming, and it was no way to avoid it,” Trin said as I took a deep breath.
I was so on edge as we hit the exit to Roman’s house, I probably could have run faster than Jimmy was driving.
Pulling up, we didn’t see the cops or anything but saw Tia coming out with a duffle bag slung over her shoulder.
She avoided our gaze and starting to walk up the road with a slight limp.
“Damn she limpin’ and did you see her face…Man, Kara ate her ass up,” Jimmy said as Trin snickered. “Told you Kara could handle it,” she whispered as I slammed the car door, rushing inside.
As soon as I got to the foyer, I heard Kara’s voice coming from the kitchen.
“Aye, gon’ in there, we’ll look around,” Jimmy said as I went towards the kitchen.
“Roman did tell her not to be here sweetie. I dropped her off and everything,” my aunt said as I hung back giving them space to talk.
 I was just thankful Kara was ok, and I could lay eyes on her.
I watched my aunt clean up Kara’s knuckles as she hissed at the pain. She had a small cut on her lip and a couple scratches on her arms.
“Tell me how you feeling sweetie?  You can’t keep holding this in.” My aunt said as a strangled sob escaped Kara’s lips.
“Do you know how long we tried to have a baby, and that WHORE just gave him our dream without even trying.” Kara cried as my aunt reached over and gave her a hug.
“I know it baby,” my aunt whispered rubbing Kara’s back.
“Wh- What am I supposed to do with that?.…This is all wrong, it’s not fair,” Kara sobbed, my heart breaking for her.
Pulling away, my aunt took Kara’s hands in hers. “I’ll tell you what you do…..Leave him, Kara……Leave this town and allow yourself to heal,” My aunt said as I looked at her in shock.  
She actually told Kara to leave Roman and start her life over.
“How do I do that?” Kara asked as my aunt smiled at her.
“Take it one day at a time,” she whispered as Kara nodded wiping her tears.
“You right, I need to leave…..Cause’ if I don’t leave, somebody gon’ get hurt,” Kara whispered, as I felt a chill run down my spine at the coldness of her voice.
“I know it, baby… I can feel it coming, and I don’t want that,” my aunt said as Kara nodded in agreement as they sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes until my aunt cleared her throat.
“So, do you have any places in mind?” she asked as Kara cracked a smile.
“I guess it’s time to give Boston another try,” she whispered with determination as I smiled.
I knew what that meant...She was finally going to put herself first and go back to medical school.
And she didn’t know it yet, well, maybe she did but I’m going to be with her every step of the way.
There was no way I was losing her now…
When the divorce is final and Kara’s ready….She will become Mrs. Fatu….
Why do I say that?...... Because you can’t run from destiny and Kara was my destiny.
@reci24 @southerngirl41 @vebner37 @jeyusos-girl
@melaninsugababy @romanreignkisser @bebesobrielo
@arination99 @2-muchsauce @bakugoumarianawrites
@empressdede @alyyaanna @christinabae @anonandwannakeepitthatway @venusesworld @jeyusosgirl  @theninthwonder @mya2real  @justazzi @whatdoeseverybodywant @reignsboy19 wooahmiri alichesmi pytbgeezy @ superpietom  @harmshake
@truefant4sy @yana3sworld amandairene88 unapologeticqueen94 empressdede xbriexx
tshepisho thatgirlest98 zdotspinalot mainthingdoja jimingotthajams rose-bliss mrswolffs-blog maeb99 jstarr86 sayyestoheav3nn digidestned  heathetherlamont30 trashbin-nie rebelrel0987
kriissy4gov brokenglassslippers headoftheetable
pittieprincess22 mindairy jaded-human mainthingdoja
165 notes · View notes
kyleoreillylover · 2 months
Monster- Part II
Summary: Roman thought you would get over what he did to you, and stand by his side like you always did, but he was sorely mistaken. He learned he needed to face his demons in the form of you when you threatened to wreck everything the two of you have built, and he realizes you're just as much of a monster as he is, and doesn't understand why you are hurting him, why you want to take away the empire he built. But he wouldn't be Roman if he didn't use your demons against you, in the form of Jey
Trigger Warnings: Manipulation, cursing, wrestling related violence, allusions to smut but no actual smut written, Roman Reigns being toxic but you’re just as toxic, etc.
word count: 19K
tagged: @southerngirl41 @venusesworld @jeysbae @reci1996 @tbonesteakwithasideofmashngrav @hope4more @selena-tyler-564 @saintaquarius @whatdoeseverybodywant @raya-hunter01 @empressdede @judgementdaysunshine
a/n: not my best work, but I decided to try and get rid of my writers block, and a lot of people liked this one-shot, so I decided to turn it into a series!! hope ya'll enjoy!
dividers by @firefly-graphics
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“You know you can’t keep avoiding him, right?”
 “Yes, I can.”
You sighed at feeling Jey’s stare burning a whole through you, waiting for you to look up at him. You avoided his gaze, focusing on putting on your outfit for tonight’s Smackdown. You were wearing Jey's merch with one of his jackets to cover up the bruises that were blooming on your skin.
Jey approached you slowly, his footsteps echoing in the quiet locker room. His hand reached out, gently lifting your chin so that your eyes met. "Baby, you can't keep running forever."  he said softly, his voice tinged with concern. "He's not going to leave you alone until you confront him."
You swallowed hard, knowing Jey was right but not wanting to admit it.
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Ever since your loss in the  HIAC match last week against Roman, you had been avoiding your former best friend. He thought you would run to him with open arms and get over the loss, but instead you were playing mind games by avoiding him, knowing it would hurt him, and tried  to distance yourself from the pain and the memories that haunted you. 
"I can't face him, Jey," you finally confessed, your voice barely above a whisper. "I thought I could handle it, but every time I see him, all I can think about is that match. How I let him embarrass me in front of you, how I let you down..."
"Hey, you didn't let me down." Jey's hand moved from your chin to gently cup your cheek, his touch warm and reassuring. "You had all the odds stacked against you, and you still scared the hell out of Roman. You fought with everything you had, and that's all I could ever ask for." 
Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked at Jey, feeling a mix of gratitude and guilt. "But I lost, Jey. I lost for us, for our family, for everything we stand for. I can't face him because I let him hurt you, I let him hurt the man I ove." You choked on the last words, the weight of your emotions heavy in the air.
Jey's expression softened, his thumb wiping away a stray tear from your cheek.  He felt the same embarrassment, knowing he couldn't stop Roman from humiliating you in the match. humiliating you in the match. But his love for you overshadowed any feelings of resentment towards Roman.
Having to watch you take blow after blow from the outside of the cell, watching the two people he loved the most beat each other to hell, seeing you push yourself to your limits despite the odds stacked against you, it tore him apart inside. But he also knew that holding onto that pain wouldn't solve anything.
"Babe," Jey whispered, his voice filled with tenderness, "Roman didn't hurt me. He didn't hurt us. He just... he pushed us. The only thing he hurt was your pride, but you didn't let him break you. You stood tall in that ring, faced him head-on, and pushed him to his limits, and you think I could ever be ashamed of that?" He gently wiped away another  tear, his eyes filled with love and admiration as he looked down at you, making you feel as though you were the only person in the world.
He pressed a kiss to your forehead, his lips warm against your skin. He wanted you to feel the love from him and know that he loves you no matter what. "Please...baby, I know this is hard for you, and I understand," Jey murmured, his voice barely audible over the hum of your racing heartbeat. "But he's family, and-"
"I dont care if he's family!" you interrupted, your voice rising with frustration and hurt. "Family is supposed to have your back, not tear you down in front of the whole world! He's not family to me anymore, Jey. He's just... just someone I used to know."
Jey sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly as he processed your words. He knew deep down that you were right, that Roman's actions had fractured the bond that once held you all together. But he couldn't shake the feeling of loyalty, the sense of duty he felt towards his cousin, even in the midst of the chaos he had caused.
"I hear you, baby," Jey said finally, his voice tinged with sadness. "But for me, please try to at least talk to him. For the sake of our family, for the sake of us. Yell at him, scream at him, do whatever you need to do to get closure, but don't let this eat you up inside. We'll get through this together, okay?"
What you didnt know was that Roman was forcing Jey to choose sides, and Jey felt torn between his loyalty to his cousin and his love for you. So to stop the escalating tension between you and Roman, Jey felt compelled to intervene, hoping to find a resolution that would appease both parties without causing further rifts in their family.
You took a deep breath, steel your resolve, knowing that Jey was right. You couldn't keep avoiding Roman forever, and as much as you resented him for what he had done, you also knew that letting this fester would only cause more pain in the long run. With a nod, you squeezed Jey's hand, silently promising to face Roman head-on, for the sake of your relationship and your sanity.
"Okay, Jey," you whispered, your voice wavering slightly but filled with determination. "I'll talk to him. But only because you asked me to." Oh, talk to him you would. You never said you would forgive him or forget what he did, but you knew it was time to confront the demons that had been haunting you since that fateful match.
Jey's eyes softened with relief, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Thank you, baby," he murmured, pulling you into a tight embrace. He was surprised that you agreed to talk to Roman, knowing you hated him right now with every fiber of your being. But he also knew that you were doing it for him, for your relationship, and for your own peace of mind.
He held you close, his arms wrapped protectively around you, silently promising to be there for you every step of the way.  You felt anger course through your veins at the mere thought of facing Roman again, and you knew it would go in a way Jey wouldn't like. But you didn't care. You were done running, done hiding. It was time to confront the man who had shattered your pride and nearly torn apart everything you held dear.
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Roman was angry as he made his way to the ring, Paul Heyman flanking him with a concerned look etched on his face. He thought you would understand why he did what he did during the match.
He thought you would see it as tough love, as a way to push you to your limits and make you stronger. He thought you out of all people would know that he did it for your own good.
But instead, he was met with silence, with avoidance, with betrayal. He couldn't understand why you were shutting him out, why you were pushing him away when all he wanted was to help you become the best version of yourself.
He thought you'd get over the loss , of him using Jey against you, but you were proving him wrong with every passing day. As he stepped into the ring, the crowd erupted into a chorus of boos, but Roman barely registered their disapproval. His thoughts were consumed by you, by the way you had been avoiding him, by the hurt and anger simmering just beneath the surface.
The moment he picked up a microphone, the arena fell into a tense silence, every pair of eyes fixated on him, waiting for his next move. "Y/N," he began, his voice low and controlled, "I know you're out there somewhere, hiding in the shadows like a wounded animal. But you can't hide from me forever."
He paused, letting his words sink in, letting the weight of his presence hang heavy in the air. "I did what I did because I care about you, because I wanted to push you to your limits and make you stronger. But instead of seeing it for what it was, you've chosen to see me as the enemy, as the one who tore you down instead of building you up."
He took a breath, his chest rising and falling with the weight of his emotions. "But I'm not your enemy, Y/N. I'm your family. I'm your best friend. And no matter how much you try to push me away, I'll always be here for you. You can't ignore your  feelings forever, Y/N. Sooner or later, you're going to have to face them, and when you do, I'll be waiting. Because no matter what happens, no matter how much you hate me right now, I'll always love you."
The crowd murmured amongst themselves, unsure of how to react to Roman's unexpected vulnerability. But Roman paid them no mind, his focus solely on you, on getting through to you, on making you understand his perspective. He lowered the microphone, his gaze scanning the crowd as if searching for a sign, a clue as to your whereabouts.
"So come out, Y/N."  Roman continued, his voice softening slightly. "Or are you too scared to face me?" Roman's voice echoed through the arena, cutting through the tension like a knife. He could feel the eyes of the audience on him, the weight of their anticipation heavy in the air.
But his eyes were focused on the ramp, knowing your music would begin playing now,  knowing you couldn't resist protecting your ego.
Sure enough, the familiar strains of your entrance music filled the arena, eliciting cheers from the crowd. You paid them no mind as you stepped out of the back, your expression guarded but determined.
Jey was standing beside you, his hand resting reassuringly on your shoulder as you made your way to the ring. He was your rock, your anchor, the one who gave you the strength to face Roman head-on, even when every fiber of your being screamed at you to run. 
Roman smirked to himself at the sight. He knew threatening the person you love most was a low blow, but he didn't care. He was tired of playing nice, tired of pretending everything was okay when it clearly wasn't. He wanted answers, and he wasn't going to stop until he got them.
You climbed into the ring,  your gaze locked with Roman's, neither of you backing down from the intense stare. You could feel the tension crackling between you, the weight of unresolved emotions hanging heavy in the air. But you refused to let Roman see how much he had affected you, how deeply his actions had cut you.
Jey lightly tugged on your arm, silently urging you to speak up, to get this over with. You took a deep breath, steeling yourself for what was to come.
"Roman," you began, your voice steady despite the tumult of emotions swirling inside you, "You are standing there, all smug and self-righteous, as if I wasn't this close to becoming champion and taking everything you worked so hard to get. I was 3 seconds away from winning, so don't act like you are some untouchable god."
Roman cackled at your words, the sound echoing through the arena like a gunshot. "Oh, Y/N," he chuckled, shaking his head in mock disappointment. "Don't act so surprised. You knew what you were getting into when you stepped into that ring with me. You knew the stakes, you knew the consequences. And yet, you still couldn't handle the pressure." 
He took a step closer to you, his gaze unwavering. "You talk about being three seconds away from victory, but you forget that those three seconds were the most crucial of your career. Those three seconds were the difference between success and failure, between glory and defeat. And that's the difference between you and me. I don't crack under pressure, Y/N. I thrive on it. I thrive on the challenge, on the competition, on pushing myself to be better, to be stronger, to be the best.
But you? You crumbled. You let the pressure get to you, and you lost. And now you're standing here, trying to shift the blame onto me, trying to make excuses for your failure. But the truth is, Y/N, you have no one to blame but yourself."
Your jaw clenched at Roman's words, the anger bubbling up inside you threatening to spill over. How dare he stand there and lecture you about failure when he was the one who orchestrated your downfall? How dare he act like he was above reproach, like he was untouchable, like  was not at fault when he was the one who manipulated the situation to his advantage? 
Jey stood next to you, sharing a worried look with Paul and cautiously watching the tense exchange between you and Roman unfold. He could see the fire burning in your eyes, the rage simmering just beneath the surface, and he knew that if he didn't intervene soon, things would escalate beyond repair.
But before he could step in, you took a step forward, your fists clenched at your sides as you met Roman's gaze head-on. 
"You want to talk about pressure, Roman?" you spat, your voice dripping with venom. "You want to talk about what it means to thrive on competition? Fine. Let's talk about pressure. I used our friendship in that match to gain an advantage, and like the idiot you are, you took the bait. It only took you some tears to distract you, to make you lose focus, to show the world that you're not as untouchable as you think you are." 
You were now the one cackling at Roman's angry expression, relishing in the satisfaction of finally getting the upper hand. "'Oh Roman, I give up! Please, don't hurt me anymore!'
You mocked your words during the match, your voice dripping with sarcasm. "You really thought you could manipulate me into submission, didn't you? You thought you could use our history against me, use Jey against me, and I would just roll over and take it like a good little puppy. Well, guess what, Roman? I'm not your pawn. I'm not your puppet. And I sure as hell am not your friend."
Roman's expression darkened at your words, his fists clenched at his sides as he struggled to maintain his composure. He hadn't expected you to turn the tables on him, to use his own tactics against him. But as much as he hated to admit it, he couldn't deny the truth in your words. He had let his emotions cloud his judgment, had let his anger towards Jey blind him to the consequences of his actions. And now, he was paying the price for his arrogance.
"Guys, maybe we should just calm down and talk this out," Jey interjected, stepping between you and Roman, his hands raised in a placating gesture. He could feel the tension in the air, the anger radiating off both you and Roman like a palpable force, and he knew that if they didn't find a way to resolve this peacefully, things would only escalate further.
But neither you nor Roman seemed inclined to listen to reason, both of you still seething with anger and resentment towards each other. You glared at Roman, your fists clenched at your sides as you fought to control your rising temper. 
"Don't you dare tell me to calm down, Jey," you snapped, your voice laced with venom. "He's the one who started this, who used you against me. He doesn't get to play the peacemaker now."
Roman scoffed at your words, his eyes narrowing in disdain. "You lost, you tapped out, you humiliated yourself in front of your family, and now you want to play the victim?" he sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "You made your bed, Y/N. Now lie in it."
Your blood boiled at Roman's words, the anger and hurt coursing through your veins like wildfire.
"How dare you!" You shouted,  your voice echoing through the arena, your chest heaving with anger and frustration. You pushed Roman away from you, taking a step back to compose yourself. 
"How dare I?!" Roman pushed back, his voice rising with fury. "How dare you come out here and try to blame me for your own failures? How dare you try to make me the villain in this story when all I've ever done is try to help you? You're the one who tapped out, who gave up, who let your pride get in the way of victory. And now you have the audacity to stand there and act like I'm the one who's wrong? You're delusional, Y/N. You're a disgrace to this family, to our legacy."
A resounding slap echoed through the arena as your hand connected with Roman's cheek, the sound reverberating like thunder in the tense silence that followed. Roman staggered back, his hand instinctively rising to his stinging cheek as he stared at you in shock, his expression a mixture of anger and disbelief.
Jey quickly stepped between you and Roman, his hands outstretched to keep you both apart. "That's enough!" he exclaimed, his voice firm and commanding. "Both of you, calm down!" He tried to push the both of you away from each other, Paul rushing in to assist Jey in diffusing the escalating tension.
But the damage had been done. The tension in the air was thick enough to cut with a knife, and neither you nor Roman seemed inclined to back down. You glared at Roman, your chest heaving with anger and frustration, while Roman's expression was a mask of rage and indignation.
"You said you were gonna settle this, baby!" Jey grabbed your waist, pulling you away from Roman, his grip firm but gentle as he tried to calm you down. "You need to calm down, please, We can't go on like this. You're both tearing each other apart, and for what? A match? A championship? Is it really worth sacrificing your relationship over?" Jey's words cut through the tension like a knife, his voice pleading for reason, for peace, for a resolution that didn't involve further bloodshed.
Roman gripped the ropes of the ring, his knuckles turning white with the force of his grip. He glared at you, his eyes burning with anger and hurt, but underneath it all, there was a glimmer of something else. Something softer, more vulnerable, hidden beneath the layers of resentment and pride.
"You're still part of the Boodline, Y/N," Roman growled, his voice low and threatening. "You may not want to admit it, but you're still one of us. And no matter how much you try to push me away, I'll always be here for you. I may not agree with your decisions, with your actions, but I'll always love you. And I'll always be willing to fight for you, even when you won't fight for yourself."
You took a deep breath, steeling yourself for the storm of emotions raging inside you. "I'm leaving the Bloodline, Roman." You declared, your voice steady despite the turmoil in your heart.
It was like a pin dropped in the arena, the crowd falling silent as they processed your words. Jey let go of your waist, his eyes widening in shock at your declaration. Roman's expression turned icy, his features hardening with anger, hurt, and betrayal.
"You're what?" Roman's voice was barely above a whisper, but the intensity behind it sent shivers down your spine. 
"Yeah, you're what?" Jey's voice was sad, and filled with disbelief, his eyes searching yours for any sign of doubt, any indication that you were joking.
"You pushed me too far this time, Roman." Your eyes were filled with tears as you took a step back, your voice trembling with emotion. "I don't care if you hurt me, but you hurt the man I love in front of me, and you made me watch the life slip from his eyes. I can't forgive you for that. I won't forgive you for that."
You bit your lip, fighting back the tears threatening to spill over. "I'm done, Roman. I'm done being your pawn, your punching bag. I'm done sacrificing my happiness for your ego. I'm done pretending like everything is okay when it clearly isn't. I'm leaving the Bloodline, and I'm never coming back."
Roman's expression darkened, his eyes blazing with fury as he took a step towards you. You were his best friend, his family, his everything, and the thought of you leaving was like a knife twisting n his heart. "You... you can't leave, Y/N," he growled, his voice laced with desperation. "You're a part of this family, a part of this legacy. You can't just walk away from that."
But you stood your ground, your resolve unwavering despite the fear and uncertainty swirling inside you. "Watch me," you shot back, your voice firm and resolute.
You turned around, but you were stopped by Jey standing in front of you, stopping you in your tracks. His hand automatically went to your shoulder, and his eyes were filled with sadness and regret as he looked at you, his grip tightening slightly as if trying to anchor you to him, to the life you had built together.
"Y/N, please," he pleaded, his voice barely above a whisper. 
"Jey..." You started, but Jey nterrupted you, his voice filled with desperation. "Don't do this, baby. Please. We can work through this together. We can find a way to make things right, to rebuild what's been broken... we can start over, start fresh. You don't have to leave the Bloodline, leave me. We can make it work, I know we can."
"Yeah, we can make it work. Not me and Roman." You said softly, tears glistening in your eyes. 
"You leaving is leaving us." Jey 's voice cracked as he spoke, his own tears threatening to spill over. "I can't lose you, Y/N. I can't lose what we have. Please, don't do this. Please, don't leave me."
It was like deja vu, watching him cry was bringing you back to when you forced Roman to sign the contract and thought you left Jey for good, and you knew you couldn't live without him in your life. So this time, you were gonna make the right choice.
"Then come with me," you whispered, reaching out to cup Jey's cheek, your thumb wiping away a stray tear. "Come with me, Jey. Leave the Bloodline behind, leave Roman behind. We can start over, start fresh. Just you and me, against the world."
Jey's eyes widened in disbelief, his heart pounding in his chest as he processed your words. The thought of leaving the Bloodline, leaving his family, wasn't something he could do easily.
Roman's laughter interrupted  the tense moment, his voice dripping with scorn and amusement.
"Oh, this is rich," he sneered, his gaze flickering between you and Jey. "This happy couple thing the both of you have going on disgusts me. You two think you can just walk away from the Bloodline, from everything we've built together? You think you can just turn your backs on your family, on your legacy, and expect to live happily ever after? You're delusional, both of you. You'll always be part of the Bloodline, whether you like it or not. And if you think you can just walk away without consequences, you're sorely mistaken."
Roman's gaze went to Jey, and the angry expression on his face made Jey's heart grow with fear, scared of what Roman might do to him, to you, to their relationship. "Jey, I know I might be hard on you, but I love you. I did what I did to protect her, and I'm sorry for any pain I may have caused you."
You gaped as Roman was... outwardly apologizing to Jey. Roman NEVER apologized to anyone, let alone someone he considered family. 
Jey's expression softened at Roman's unexpected apology, his gaze flickering between you and Roman as he processed the words. He could see the sincerity in Roman's eyes, the genuine remorse behind his tough exterior, and it gave him a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, they could find a way to move forward from this mess.
"But you have to understand, she's making a mistake. She's letting her emotions cloud her judgment, and if you go with her, you'll regret it for the rest of your life. You'll regret leaving the Bloodline, leaving me. You'll regret choosing her over your own family."
"Roman..." Jey's voice was barely a whisper, his throat tight with emotion. 
"Don't you dare make him choose between us, Roman." You glared at Roman, stepping in front of Jey to shield him from Roman's manipulative words.
"You're the one that said something about making a choice, Y/N," Roman shot back, his voice dripping with contempt. "You're the one that's forcing him to choose between his loyalty to his family and his love for you. So don't act like I'm the bad guy here."
"Miss Y/N, he's right, y'know?" Paul interjected, his voice calm but firm as he stepped forward, his gaze flickering between you, Jey, and Roman. "You're putting Jey in an impossible position, asking him to choose between his loyalty to his family and his love for you. And as much as you hate to admit it, Roman has a point. You are making Jey get hurt either way, and if you truly love him you would sacrifice your own desires for the sake of his well-being."
You clenched your fists, your jaw tightening with frustration at Paul's words. He was right, of course, but that didn't make it any easier to accept. You couldn't bear the thought of losing Jey, of watching him choose between you and his family, between his loyalty and his love.
But you also couldn't bear the thought of staying in the Bloodline, of subjecting yourself to Roman's manipulation and control any longer.
"You're the one that's choosing to walk away, to abandon your family, your legacy, your bloodline. And for what? For a relationship that's built on lies and deception? You think Jey is going to choose you over his own flesh and blood? You think he's going to turn his back on everything he's ever known, everything he's ever fought for, everything he's ever believed in, just to be with you?"
You turned to Roman, tears filling your eyes as  you struggled to find the words to express the turmoil raging inside you. “Just shut up.”
“No, I’m not going to. And you know why?” Roman 's voice rose with anger, his fists clenched at his sides as he took a step towards you.
"Because I'm not going to stand here and watch you destroy everything we've built, everything we've fought for, everything we've sacrificed for, just because you can't handle a little pressure. You're selfish, Y/N. You're selfish for putting Jey in this position, for forcing him to choose between you and his family. And you're selfish for thinking that you can just walk away from the Bloodline without facing any consequences. I wont let you leave me, I wont let your stuborness destroy what we have, and  I wont let you take Jey away from me."
Roman's voice was low and menacing, his eyes flashing with anger and determination. “You will thank me for stopping you from making the biggest mistake of your life. You will thank me for saving you from yourself.”
You shook your head, tears streaming down your cheeks as you took a step back, the weight of Roman's words bearing down on you like a ton of bricks. “I... you can’t force me to stay, Roman," you choked out, your voice breaking with emotion. 
"Like hell I can't," Roman growled, his voice laced with venom as he took another step towards you. "You're not leaving, Y/N. Not now, not ever. You're practically my family, and I'll be damned if I let you walk out that door and never look back. You're staying, whether you like it or not."
You scoffed at the utter insanity coming out of Roman's mouth, unable to comprehend how someone could be so controlling, so manipulative. "Are you actually this insane Roman?! You can't control my life!" 
"I can do whatever I want, Y/N," Roman snapped, his voice filled with rage and frustration. "I'm the head of the Bloodline, the Tribal Chief, and I make the rules around here. And the rule is, you're not leaving. Not without my permission."
Jey gently grabbed your hand, softly squeezing it in a silent gesture of support. "Baby, Roman doesn't mean any of that," he murmured, his voice filled with reassurance. "He's just... he's just scared of losing you, of losing his family."
You pulled away from Jey at his words. "What?" You stared at him in disbelief. You knew Roman had him in a chokehold, but you didn't think it was this bad. You were so gonna beat some sense into Roman. 
"Jey, please tell me you realize how crazy that sounds. He literally tricked you last week and put you in a chokehold to make me tap out. You think family acts like this? That they hurt and manipulate each other like this?" Your voice cracked with emotion, tears streaming down your cheeks as you struggled to make sense of the chaos unfolding around you.
Jey's expression softened, his eyes filled with regret as he reached out to cup your cheek. "I know, baby, I know," he whispered, his voice barely audible over the hum of the crowd.
"But he's family, and... and I can't just turn my back on him, on everything we've built together. I can't just walk away from the Bloodline, from our legacy. I can't... I can't choose between you and him, Y/N. I can't lose you, but I can't lose him either."
In Jey's mind, he stood up to Roman by not letting him take you from him and by being with you, so the two of you just needed to work your shit out and get on the same page. 
You sighed, hurt, but knowing where he was coming from. You knew that Jey was torn between his loyalty to Roman and his love for you, and you couldn't fault him for it. But at the same time, you couldn't stand by and watch as Roman continued to manipulate and control both of you. You had to make a choice, and you had to make it now.
"I told you that he would never choose you over me." Roman's voice turned somber, and a sense of triumph rang in his words as he looked at you, his gaze piercing through the veil of uncertainty that shrouded your heart.
"So please... stop this insanity. Stop trying to tear apart the only family you've ever known, the only family you've ever had. You belong with us, Y/N. You belong with me. So please... come home."
You stood there, caught between the two men you loved most in the world, their words swirling around you like a whirlwind of emotions. Roman actually looked remorseful, regretful, and... lonely. For the first time, you saw the vulnerability in his eyes, the pain hidden behind the facade of anger and control.
And for a moment, you couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for him, a flicker of understanding for the struggles he had faced, the burdens he had carried.
"Okay...I'll stay. Under one condition," you said finally, your voice firm and resolute. "I get another shot at your title. If I lose, I stay in the Bloodline for good, no strings attached. But if I win... you let me walk away, no questions asked... and I bring Jey with me."
You could feel Jey's gaze burning through you from across the ring, his eyes wide with shock and disbelief at your ultimatum. Roman's laugh echoed through the arena, but you could hear the hurt and resentment beneath the surface.
"You think I'm going to let you get another shot at my title, Y/N? You think I'm just going to hand it over to you on a silver platter, like some kind of consolation prize?" Roman sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. 
"You had your chance, Y/N. You had your shot at glory, and you blew it. You tapped out, you gave up, you proved that you're not worthy of holding this title. And now you have the audacity to stand there and demand another shot? You're delusional, Y/N. You're living in a fantasy world if you think I'm going to give you another chance to humiliate yourself, to embarrass yourself, to hurt you, because believe it or not, I actually care about you, Y/N. I care about you more than you'll ever know, and I don't want to see you get hurt again."
You bristled at Roman's words, the anger rising inside you like a tidal wave threatening to consume everything in its path. "You care about me?" you scoffed, your voice dripping with sarcasm. 
"If you cared about me, you wouldn't have manipulated me, you wouldn't have used me, you wouldn't have hurt me. You say you care about me, Roman, but your actions speak louder than words. And right now, your actions are telling me that you don't give a damn about me, about my feelings, about my well-being. You only care about yourself, about your precious title, about your precious legacy. Well, guess what, Roman? I don't give a damn about your title, about your legacy, about your precious Bloodline.
All I care about is getting justice for what you did to me, to Jey, to us. So you can either give me another shot at your title, or you can watch as I tear down everything you've ever worked for, piece by piece, until there's nothing left but ash and dust. The choice is yours, Roman. But know this... I won't stop until I get what I want. And if that means destroying everything you hold dear, then so be it."
"No, you not gonna do this." Jey interrupted, his voice filled with desperation as he stepped forward, his hand outstretched towards you.
"You think those bruises on your body magically appeared? No, they were caused by Roman. He manipulated you into signing the contract, he hurt you, he humiliated you, he made you feel like you were worthless. And now you want to give him another chance to do it all over again? You want to risk getting hurt again, just for the chance to prove that you're better than him? You want to get hurt by him just to prove a point? Just to hurt him?! Are you fucking crazy, Y/N?! Do you want to end up like me, forced to watch as you get hurt over and over again, unable to do anything to stop it? Is that really what you want?"
You flinched at Jey's words, the pain in his voice cutting through you like a knife. He was right, of course. You had seen the bruises on your body, felt the pain in your bones, and you knew deep down that Roman was capable of inflicting even more damage if given the chance. But you also couldn't bear the thought of letting him win, of letting him continue to manipulate and control you, to dictate your life and your choices.
Damn your stubbornness that led you to this point. "Jey... I''m doing this, for you." Your admission hung heavy in the air, the weight of your words settling over the ring like a shroud of uncertainty.
"You never got to choose how things went down with Roman last time. You never got to stand up for yourself, to fight back against the injustice he inflicted upon us. And I can't just stand by and let him get away with it. I have to do something, Jey. I have to fight back, for both of us. Even if it means risking everything, even if it means putting myself in harm's way. I have to try, Jey. I have to try."
"I'm not letting myself hurt you again." Roman interrupted,  his voice softening as he stepped forward, his gaze locked on yours with a mixture of regret and determination. "Listen to your boyfriend, Y/N. You really want to be battered and bruised again? You really want to do that? You can't beat me.
And even if you did somehow manage to win, it wouldn't change anything. I'd. never let you leave this faction, you'd still be part of the Bloodline, you'd still be my family, you'd still be trapped in this never-ending cycle of violence and betrayal. Is that really what you want, Y/N? Is that really worth risking everything for?"
You hesitated, the weight of Roman's words bearing down on you like a ton of bricks. He was right, of course. Even if you did somehow manage to defeat him, it wouldn't change the fact that he would never let you  leave the Bloodline. You would still be trapped in a toxic environment, forced to endure his manipulation and control for the rest of your life. And as much as you hated to admit it, you knew that Roman was right. You couldn't beat him, not without sacrificing everything you held dear. 
But as you turned to Jey, all that anger and hurt came back in a rush, the memories of everything you had endured together flooding your mind like a tidal wave. You remembered the nights spent comforting each other, the whispered promises of love and loyalty, the moments of pure bliss amidst the chaos of the world around you. And in that moment, you knew what you had to do.
"Yes." You whispered, your voice barely above a whisper as you looked into Jey's eyes, your heart heavy with regret and determination. "I have to do this, Jey. I have to try. For us." You turned back to Roman, a defiant look in your eye that he loved and hated at the same time. "Please, Ro." At your nickname for him, he paused, his expression softening slightly at the familiar term of endearment.
"Please, Roman," you continued, your voice pleading now, "let me do this. Let me have one more chance to prove myself, to prove that I'm not just some pawn in your game. Let me show you that I'm stronger than you think, that I'm capable of standing on my own two feet, that I'm not afraid to fight for what I believe in. Just... let me try."
Roman stared at you for a long moment, his gaze searching yours for any sign of doubt, any indication that you weren't serious about this. But all he saw was unwavering determination, a fierce determination that mirrored his own, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride swell in his chest. 
"If you can beat Auksa, and get back your Smackdown Women's Championship, then I accept  your request," Roman finally conceded, his voice low and measured. "But know this, Y/N... if you fail, if you lose to Auksa again, then that's it. No more chances, no more second opportunities. You'll stay in the Bloodline, and you'll never leave again. Do you understand?"
You nodded, the weight of Roman's words settling over you like a heavy burden. "I understand," you murmured, your voice barely audible over the hum of the crowd. "I'll do whatever it takes to win, Roman. I promise."
Roman's gaze softened at your words, a flicker of something akin to pride flashing in his eyes. "Good," he said simply, his voice firm but not unkind. "You'll need that title for when you lose to me for the 2nd time."
The tension in the arena was palpable as Roman's words hung in the air, a challenge issued and accepted. You knew that defeating Auksa and reclaiming your championship would be no easy task, especially with Roman looming over you like a shadow, ready to pounce at the first sign of weakness. But you knew you could do it.
With a nod of determination, you turned away from Roman, but when you turned back to Jey and saw the look in his eyes, you knew he was anything but okay with your decision. His expression was one of heartbreak and disappointment, his shoulders slumped in defeat as he realized that you were going to go through with this risky plan. You reached out to him, your heart aching at the thought of hurting him even more, but he pulled away, his gaze dropping to the floor as he struggled to compose himself.
But if you could finally beat Roman, then he would see that this was the right choice. You would prove to him that you were strong enough to stand on your own, that you were capable of making your own decisions, and that you were willing to fight for your freedom, for your happiness, for your love.
And that's all you ever wanted to do.
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"Baby." You were now the one trying to talk to Jey, but he ignored you in favor of taking out  your luggagge in your rental car. You felt a pang of sadness as you watched him, knowing that you had hurt him deeply with your decision to go through with Roman's challenge. But you also knew that you couldn't let his pain stop you from doing what you believed was right.
"Jey, please," you pleaded, reaching out to touch his arm, but he flinched away from your touch, his expression closed off and unreadable. "I know you're upset, and I understand why. But please, try to see things from my perspective. I have to do this, Jey. I have to try to beat Roman, to prove to him that I'm not just some pawn in his game. I have to try to reclaim my title, to show him that I'm stronger than he thinks. And if I don't... if I fail... then at least I'll know that I tried. At least I'll know that I didn't give up without a fight."
Jey sighed, his shoulders sagging with resignation as he turned to face you, his gaze softening with regret and understanding. "I know, baby, I know," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "And I'm not saying that I don't understand why you're doing this. I do. I understand completely. But... but that doesn't mean I have to like it."
You felt a lump form in your throat at his words, the weight of his disappointment settling over you like a heavy blanket. "I'm sorry, Jey," you whispered, tears stinging your eyes as you reached out to cup his cheek, but he pulled away from your touch, his expression guarded and closed off. "I'm sorry for hurting you, for putting you in this position. I never wanted to hurt you, Jey. You have to believe me."
Jey sighed, his gaze softening slightly as he reached out to take your hand in his, his touch gentle and reassuring. "I know you didn't, baby," he murmured, his voice filled with sadness and regret. "And I believe you. I do. But..I know you ain't gonna stop till you get what you want, and I respect that about you. I just... wish you weren't so stubborn, that it wouldn't kill you to listen to me. Do you not see that I'm just trying to protect you, to keep you safe from Roman's manipulation and control? I love you, Y/N. I love you more than anything in this world, and I would do anything to keep you safe, to keep you from getting hurt. 
But I also know that I can't stop you from doing what you believe is right, from fighting for what you believe in. And as much as it hurts me to see you put yourself in harm's way, I also know that I can't stand in your way, that I have to let you fight your own battles, make your own choices, and live with the consequences.
So... so please, just promise me one thing, Y/N. Promise me that you'll be careful, that you won't do anything reckless, that you'll come back to me in one piece. Can you do that for me, baby? Can you promise me that? That if you lose to Auska, then that's it. You'll stop trying to fight Roman and accept that you'll have to stay in the Bloodline, for better or for worse?"
You looked into Jey's eyes, seeing the love and concern shining through despite the pain and uncertainty clouding his gaze. You knew that he was asking you to make a difficult decision, to choose between your desire for revenge and your love for him.
And as much as it pained you to admit it, you knew that he was right. You couldn't keep putting yourself in harm's way, risking your safety and well-being for the sake of a vendetta against Roman. You had to put your love for Jey above all else, even if it meant sacrificing your own desires and ambitions.
With a heavy heart, you nodded, tears streaming down your cheeks as you reached out to cup Jey's cheek, your thumb wiping away a stray tear.
"I promise, Jey," you whispered, your voice trembling with emotion. "I promise that if I lose to Auska, then that's that. I won't keep trying to fight Roman, to prove myself, to reclaim my title. I'll accept that I'll have to stay in the Bloodline, for better or for worse. I promise that I'll be careful, that I won't do anything reckless, that I'll come back to you in one piece. I promise, Jey. I promise."
Jey's eyes softened at your words, his gaze searching yours for any sign of doubt, any indication that you weren't being sincere. But all he saw was unwavering determination, a fierce determination that mirrored his own, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride swell in his chest.
"Thank you, baby," he murmured, cupping your face and kissing you on the lips, his tongue slipping into your mouth in a desperate attempt to convey all the love and longing he felt for you in that moment.
You melted into his embrace, the weight of his love and support enveloping you like a warm blanket, soothing the ache in your heart and easing the doubts swirling in your mind.
When you pulled away reluctantly, you clung to his comforting cologne and the feel of his arms around you, cherishing the warmth and security he provided.
"I love you, Jey," you whispered, your voice barely above a whisper as you rested your forehead against his, your breath mingling with his in a silent exchange of love and affection.
"I love you too, baby," Jey murmured, his voice filled with emotion as he pressed his lips against yours once more, savoring the taste and feel of you against him. "More than anything in this world. And I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe, to keep you happy, to keep you by my side. I promise."
You smiled through your tears, feeling a sense of peace settle over you as you clung to Jey, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you would face them together, as a team, as partners, as lovers. "You really promise?"
Jey smiled at you, guilt and regret lingering in his eyes as he nodded. "I promise, baby. I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe, to keep you happy, to keep you by my side. I won't let anything or anyone come between us, not even Roman."
You leaned into his embrace, feeling a sense of relief wash over you at his words. "Thank you, Jey," you whispered, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. "I don't know what I'd do without you."
Jey smiled, his arms tightening around you. "You ain't gotta know. I'll always protect you." Even from yourself.
He felt that same guilt when he was pacing in the locker room right before your match. He was so deep in his anxious thoughts he didn’t notice the door open until his twin's voice interrupted his thoughts. "Hey, Uce. You alright?"
Jey looked up, meeting Jimmy's concerned gaze with a forced smile. He was glad his twin was finally cleared for in-ring action after his injury, but he couldn't help but feel guilty for dragging him into this mess with Roman and you. "Yeah, I'm fine, Uce," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper as he tried to push aside his doubts and fears. "Just... nervous, I guess."
Jimmy frowned, his expression filled with concern as he stepped forward, his hand resting on Jey's shoulder in a silent gesture of support. "Hey, it's gonna be okay, Uce," he murmured, his voice soft and reassuring.
"No, it ain't. You ain't been here, you don't know what been going on. Roman and Y/N been going at it, and I'm stuck in the middle. I just... I don't know what to do, Uce," Jey confessed, his voice filled with frustration and uncertainty.
"Did you talk to big uce?" Jimmy loved you and viewed you as a little sister, and he wanted nothing but the best for you and Jey. He knew that you both were going through a tough time, torn between loyalty to Roman and your love for each other. But he also knew that Jey needed to make a decision for himself, to choose what was best for him and his future.
Jey glared at the wall at the reminder of his conversation with Roman. It went about as well as you'd expected. Roman wasn't willing to let him go, to let either of you go, without a fight. And Jey didn't know if he had the strength to stand up to his cousin, to defy him and choose his own path. 
"Yeah, everything's good. He said he'd let her fight Auska on her own, but you know him. He gon' do something to interfere. He always does," Jey muttered, his voice filled with frustration and resignation. "I just... I don't know what to do, Uce. I want to be there for her, to support her, but I also don't want to go against Roman. He's family, Uce. And I can't just turn my back on him, on everything we've built together."
Jimmy sighed, his gaze softening with understanding as he squeezed Jey's shoulder in a comforting gesture. "I know, Uce. But just let them work their shit out. If Roman wants to do some shit, then you let him. And if he tells you to stay out of it, then you stay out of it. You gotta do what's best for you, Uce. And if that means staying loyal to Roman, then so be it. But if it means standing by Y/N's side and supporting her, then you do that too. You gotta figure out what you want, Uce. What's gonna make you happy in the long run."
But Jey didn't know what would make him happy anymore. All he knew was that he couldn't bear to see you get hurt again, to watch as you put yourself in harm's way for the sake of revenge against Roman. He couldn't stand by and do nothing while you risked your safety and well-being for the chance to reclaim your title. But he also couldn't bring himself to betray Roman, to go against his family and everything they had built together.
A knock on the door made both men look up, and they saw you standing there, dressed in your wrestling gear and looking determined as ever, Naomi in tow.
Jey's heart clenched at the sight of you, knowing that you were about to step into the ring and face off against Auska, the current Smackdown Women's Champion, in a high-stakes match that could determine the course of your future.
"Can we come in?" You softly  asked, your voice wavering slightly with nerves as you glanced between Jey and Jimmy. You could see the worry etched on their faces, and it only served to heighten your own anxiety about the upcoming match.
"Of course, baby," Jey replied, his voice soft and reassuring as he stepped forward to open the door wider, allowing you to enter the locker room. He could see the determination shining in your eyes, the fire burning bright despite the uncertainty swirling around you, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of pride swell in his chest.
"You ready for this?" Jimmy asked after giving Naomi a kiss, his voice filled with concern as he studied you closely, taking in your appearance and demeanor with a critical eye. He knew that you were facing a tough opponent in Auska, and he wanted to make sure that you were mentally and physically prepared.
"As ready as she'll ever be." Naomi chimed in, her voice filled with confidence as she wrapped an arm around your shoulder, offering you a reassuring squeeze.
She narrowed her eyes at the worried looks on Jey and Jimmy's faces, knowing that you needed their support now more than ever. "You gonna show them what you're made of, right, sis?"
You nodded, a determined glint in your eye as you squared your shoulders and took a deep breath, steeling yourself for the challenge ahead. "Yeah, I'm ready," you replied, your voice steady and resolute despite the nerves fluttering in your stomach.
"We just wanted to say goodbye, before the match. Just in case." You forced a smile, trying to reassure Jey and Jimmy that you would be okay, even though deep down, you were terrified of what lay ahead.
Jey stepped forward, enveloping you in a tight embrace, his arms wrapping around you like a shield, protecting you from the doubts and fears swirling in your mind. "You got this, baby," he murmured, his voice filled with confidence and reassurance. "You're the strongest person I know, and I know you can beat Auska. Just stay focused, stay determined, and remember that I'll always be here for you, no matter what happens."
You nodded, burying your face in Jey's chest as you allowed yourself to soak in his warmth and strength, drawing comfort from his his presence as you clung to him for support.
"Thank you, Jey," you whispered, your voice muffled by his shirt as you breathed in his familiar scent, feeling a sense of peace settle over you. You pulled away and let him give you a good luck kiss, melting into him.
"Okay, okay, that's enough! I don't need to see that!" Jimmy exclaimed, pretending to shield his eyes from the affectionate display. You giggled at antics, kissing Jey exxageratingly, making him yell louder and Jey blush and chuckle in response. "Sorry, Uce," you teased, playfully ruffling his hair as you stepped back, feeling a surge of confidence wash over you at the sight of his smile. "We'll see you guys after the match, okay?"
Jimmy nodded, his expression softening with pride as he dapped you up. "Good luck out there, sis," he said, his voice filled with genuine warmth and encouragement. "I know you're gonna kill it."
You smiled at his words, feeling a sense of gratitude wash over you as you did your handshake with him, drawing strength from his unwavering support. "Thanks, Jimmy," you replied, your voice filled with determination and resolve. "I won't let you down."
With one last glance at Jey, you turned and followed Naomi out of the locker room, steeling yourself for the challenge that lay ahead.
"You see, she's fine." Jimmy concluded, his voice filled with pride as he watched you leave the locker room, knowing that you were about to face one of the toughest challenges of your career. He turned to Jey, his expression softening with concern as he placed a hand on his shoulder. "You gonna be okay, Uce?"
Jey nodded, a determined glint in his eye as he straightened his posture, steeling himself for the emotional rollercoaster that was about to unfold. "Yeah, I'll be okay."
He just wished those words would become true.
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"You motherfucker!" Roman screamed at you as you made your way out of your new private locker room, courtesy of the new championship that rested on your shoulder, fury blazing in his eyes. "You tricked me!"
Let's go back to a hour prior, where you were beating the hell out of Auska. The match was violent, fast paced, and brutal, and for good reason: a title was on the line, and a rule was in place. If the ref caught anyone interfering, the other wrestle would automatically win. No one else knew this stipulation but you and Auska.
As you threw punch after punch, the adrenaline coursing through your veins, you could feel the crowd's energy pulsating around you. Every strike, every kick, every move was fueled by a burning desire to prove yourself, to show Roman that you were not to be underestimated, that you were a force to be reckoned with.
But just as victory seemed within your grasp, just as you were about to deliver the finishing blow to Auska, everything came crashing down in an instant. Roman's music hit, interrupting the flow of the match. You scoffed, knowing the mind games he plays, and turned back to ignore the distraction.
Naomi was standing at ringside, her expression filled with concern as she watched the chaos unfold, but you couldn't focus on her right now. Your attention was solely on Auska, on the task at hand, on proving to yourself and to everyone watching that you were the rightful champion and that you were not going to let anyone or anything stand in your way.
It turned out to be a false alarm, and the distraction only lasted a few seconds. But those few seconds were all Auska needed to try and capitalize on your momentary lapse in concentration and mist you, just as she did before to take the title from you.
But Naomi yelled at you to watch out, and you managed to dodge just in time, narrowly avoiding the green mist, but it ended up hitting the ref instead, making him collapse to the mat in agony, clutching at his eyes. Auska stopped what she was doing as she realized the chaos that had ensued.
With the referee incapacitated, the match was thrown into disarray, leaving you and Auska in a standstill as you slowly looked back to her, and the hairs on her arms stood up as she saw the look on your face. It was a mix of fury, frustration, and determination.
Anger surged through you as you realized what Auska had tried to do, and you knew that you couldn't let her get away with it. Not again.
"Are you kidding me?!" You shouted at Auska, your voice echoing with fury as you advanced towards her, your fists clenched at your sides. "I'll fucking kill you!" You lunged at Auska, your rage propelling you forward as you unleashed a flurry of punches, each one fueled by the burning desire for revenge.
Your brain was on autopilot, your body moving on instinct as you unleashed all of your pent-up frustration and anger on Auska, each strike landing with precision and force. But even as you rained down blows on your opponent, a small voice in the back of your mind whispered a warning, reminding you of the consequences of your actions, of the potential repercussions of losing control.
But you couldn't stop. Not now. Not when victory was within your grasp, when all you could see was red, when all you could feel was the burning need for retribution. Naomi was hyping you up, encouraging you to keep fighting, her voice a constant stream of support and encouragement as you unleashed your fury on Auska.
But even as you fought, a sense of guilt gnawed at the edges of your consciousness, reminding you of the promises you had made to Jey, of the risks you were taking by giving in to your anger and letting it consume you.
And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the chaos came to an abrupt halt as your leg was pulled from underneath you, causing you to stumble and fall to the mat with a resounding thud. You blinked in surprise, momentarily disoriented as you tried to make sense of what had just happened.
And then you saw Kairi smirking at you, then that smirk getting wiped off as Naomi launched herself at her, taking her down with a fierce tackle, the force of the impact sending both women crashing to the ground in a tangled heap.
Auska joined in the fight, and you quickly scrambled to your feet, adrenaline coursing through your veins as you launched yourself at Auska, the four of you engaging in a chaotic brawl as the arena erupted into a frenzy of cheers and boos.
The match had devolved into utter pandemonium, with bodies flying and fists swinging in every direction. The ref was still down, so there was no one to call for order or to declare a winner. It was just chaos, pure and simple.
You all eventually ended up backstage, still beating the hell out of each other, the chaos continuing unabated as the brawl spilled into the backstage area.
"You thought you could beat me, Auska?!" You growled as you slammed her against the nearest wall, your fists raining down on her with relentless fury. "You thought you could take my title from me?!" You punctuated each word with a punishing blow, the sound of your knuckles connecting with her flesh echoing through the hallway as you unleashed all of your pent-up anger and frustration.
Naomi grabbed Kairi by the hair, pulling her away from the fray and slamming her against a nearby equipment crate. "Y/N, finish her off!" Naomi yelled, her voice filled with urgency as she grappled with Kairi, trying to subdue her long enough for you to finish the job. She knew that you were on the brink of victory, that you had Auska right where you wanted her, and she wasn't about to let this opportunity slip through your fingers.
You nodded at Naomi's words, your heart pounding with adrenaline as you focused all of your energy on defeating Auska once and for all. You grabbed her by the head, and started dragging her to the ring, your hands gripping her hair tightly as you pulled her along, determination burning bright in your eyes, going faster as you could taste the victory and feel it on your fingertips.
But just as you reached the entrance ramp, ready to deliver the finishing blow and claim victory, a push from behind sent you tumbling down the ramp, Auska's limp body collapsing on top of you as you both crashed to the ground in a tangled heap.
You groaned in pain, the impact knocking the wind out of you as you struggled to catch your breath, your head spinning from the sudden fall.
As you lay on the ground, trying to shake off the dizziness and regain your bearings, you felt a surge of anger rise up within you at the cowardly attack. You glanced up, expecting to see Auska standing over you, a smug grin on her face, but instead, you were met with the sight of Roman, his expression twisted with rage as he glared down at you, his fists clenched at his sides.
"I told you, I won't let anyone come between us." Roman's voice was low, filled with barely-contained fury as he stared down at you, his gaze burning with intensity. "Not even you, Y/N."
Instead of reacting angrily like he expected you to, too, you surprised Roman by laughing, a smile on your lips despite the pain coursing through your body.
He furrowed his brow in confusion, taken aback by your unexpected reaction. "What's so funny?" he demanded, his voice tinged with irritation as he glared down at you. The ref was down after being misted, and he was about to cost you the match.
You grinned up at him, your eyes sparkling with mischief as you shook your head. "That you only have yourself to blame for me winning." You replied, your voice laced with amusement as you pointed to the ref, who saw everything that happened and was signaling for the bell to ring.
"And due to disqualification, the winner and the new Smackdown Women's Champion, is Y/N!" The announcer boomed over the arena speakers, and you smiled even wider as Roman's eyes widened in shock, his expression morphing into one of disbelief as he realized the implications of your words.
You could see the anger bubbling beneath the surface, the frustration at having been outsmarted, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction wash over you at the sight of his defeat.
You got up with a smirk and made you way to the ring, grabbing YOUR title belt and holding it high above your head, your smirk turning into a smile as you saw Jey making his wy down to the ring, turning the other way and propping yourself up on the turnbuckle.
What you didn't see was Roman and Jey staring each other down, the tension between them palpable as they stood across from each other on the ramp, their eyes speaking more than words ever could.
Romans told Jey to go fix this or else, and Jey's eyes were telling Roman that he might choose his own path, to finally break free from Roman's control and to stand up for what he believed in.
But as much as Jey wanted to defy his cousin, to choose his own destiny and to fight for his own happiness, he couldn't bring himself to abandon his family, to turn his back on everything they had built together.
But then he thought of you, of the promise he had made to protect you, to keep you safe and happy, and he knew the only way to do that was to keep you in the Bloodline and make you and Roman patch things up. He could live with you being mad at him, but not with you being hurt because of Roman.
You dropped down from the turnbuckle to jump into Jey's arms, arms, wrapping your arms around his neck as he caught you, spinning you around in a joyous embrace as the crowd erupted into cheers, the sound echoing throughout the arena. You couldn't stop smiling as you clung to Jey, feeling a sense of relief wash over you at the sight of his familiar face, knowing that he was there to support you, to celebrate your victory, to stand by your side no matter what.
"I did it, Jey," you exclaimed, your voice filled with excitement as you looked into his eyes, seeing the pride and adoration shining in his gaze. "I actually did it!"
Jey grinned at you, his heart swelling with pride as he hugged you tightly, his arms wrapped around you like a protective shield. "I knew you could do it, baby," he murmured, his voice filled with genuine warmth and affection.
"I'm so proud of you." The guilt lingered in the back of his mind, a constant reminder of the difficult choices he had to make, of the sacrifices he had to endure for the sake of his family.
But when you kissed him passionately, all thoughts of guilt and regret melted away, replaced by a sense of overwhelming love and happiness as you basked in the glow of your victory.
"Huh, answer me?! Roman's outburst brought you back into the present time, and you looked up at him, a defiant glint in your eye as you slowly rose to your feet, clutching the title belt tightly in your hands.
"It's not my fault you decided to interfere." You snarked at him, a defiant glint in your eye as you moved towards him, clutching the title belt tightly in your hands. "I played the game fair and square, Roman. And I won. So deal with it."
You noticed the mist marks on his face and started laughing. "Oh, I guess Auska wasn't too happy that you ruined her plan, huh?" You taunted, a smirk playing on your lips as you took a step forward, closing the distance between you and Roman. "Looks like karma's a bitch."
You tried to move past Roman, but he stepped into your path, blocking your way with his imposing presence. His eyes burned with fury as he glared down at you, his jaw clenched tight with anger.
"Why are you acting like this?!" Roman growled at you, his voice laced with frustration and disbelief. "After everything I've done for you, after all the opportunities I've given you, you choose to betray me like this?!"
You scoffed, shaking your head in disbelief at Roman's words. "Betray you? Are you serious right now?" You shot back, your voice dripping with sarcasm as you stared him down, unflinching in the face of his anger.
"Yes, I'm serious." Roman replied, iconically sounding exasperated and defiant at the same time. "I've done everything for you, Y/N. I've given you opportunities, I've supported you, I've protected you. How many years have we been family, Y/N? How many times have I had your back, had your best interests at heart? And this is how you repay me? By going behind my back, by defying me, by siding with them?!"
"Siding with them? Are you hearing yourself right now? You sound insane!" You retorted, incredulous at Roman's accusations. "You're the one who started this whole mess, Roman. I'm the one trying to get my best friend back, to fix what you ruined!"
You took a step forward, your voice rising with each word as you stared Roman down, refusing to back down in the face of his anger. "I'm tired of being your puppet, Roman. I'm tired of living in your shadow, of doing your bidding without question. I have sacrificed too much for you to make you happy, let you push and push , but this time you pushed too far. And weren't you the one that said sometimes you need to show the ones you love the truth so they can understand the pain they cause?"
You paused, your chest heaving with emotion as you locked eyes with Roman, daring him to deny the truth of your words. "Well, consider this me showing you the truth, Roman. If I have to take the very title you hold dear to make you see that, then so be it."
Roman's expression was a mixture of shock and anger as he listened to your words, his fists clenched at his sides as he struggled to process the magnitude of what you were saying. He had never expected you to turn against him like this, to defy him so openly and without remorse.
But deep down, he knew that he had brought this upon himself, that his actions had driven you to this point, and he couldn't help but feel hurt at the thought of losing the person that meant more to him than anything else in the world. He thought of what he was doing wrong, of what he needed to do to make you loyal to him.
The only other time he had this issue was with Jey, and he made sure to make sure Jey knew his place in the Bloodline. But with you, it was different. You were family, but you were also his equal, his partner, his confidant.
Wait… Jey. Jey was the key in bringing you back into the fold, Roman realized. He pushed Jey to make put him in his place when he was acting out, and he knew he could do the same with you. He had to make Jey see reason, to make him understand that you both belonged with him, in the Bloodline, where you could thrive and succeed together. And he knew just the way to do it.
"Then I guess that applies to you too." Roman paused, his voice low and dangerous as he took a step closer to you, his eyes narrowing with determination. "If you want to show me the truth, Y/N, then let me show you mine." With that, he left the hallway, leaving you to contemplate the weight of his words and the implications of his actions.
You stood there in the hallway, feeling a sense of unease settle over you as you pondered Roman's warning. Part of you wanted to dismiss his words, to brush off his threats as nothing more than empty promises meant to intimidate you into submission.
But another part of you couldn't shake the feeling that there was truth to what he said, that he had the power and influence to make your life a living hell if you dared to defy him.
But you had Jey, Jimmy, and Naomi by your side. They would be by your side… right? Roman couldn't possibly turn them against you, could he?
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"Baby?" At your voice, Jey perked up from where he laid in bed, turning to face you with concern etched in his features. "What's wrong?" he asked, his voice filled with worry as he reached out to gently brush a strand of hair away from your face.
"I feel like I should be asking you that." You murmured, your voice barely above a whisper as you snuggled closer to Jey, seeking comfort and solace in his embrace. "You've been quiet for the past few days. I know I leave you breathless with my beauty, but you have been unusually silent even for you," you teased, trying to lighten the mood with a playful jab.
Jey chuckled softly, the sound like music to your ears as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close against his chest. "I've just been thinking," he admitted, his voice low and reflective as he pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head.
"That's not a good sign." You finished his sentence with a playful smile, reaching up to caress his cheek gently. "What's been on your mind, Jey? You know you can talk to me about anything."
Jey sighed, his expression turning serious as he met your gaze, his eyes filled with uncertainty and doubt. "I just feel like… I promised to protect you, to keep you safe and happy, but I don't know if I'm doing a good job of that." He confessed, his voice tinged with guilt as he struggled to put his feelings into words.
"I'm supposed to be the man and take care of you, but I'm failing at that." His voice was sad and filled with self-doubt, and you felt your heart ache at the sight of his pain. You reached out and gently cupped his face in your hands, forcing him to meet your gaze as you searched his eyes for any sign of reassurance.
"Jey, look at me," you whispered, your voice soft and soothing as you tried to convey your love and support through your voice, but he pulled away, avoiding your gaze as he shook his head.
"No, Y/N, I know what you're gonna say, that I'm doing my best and that's all that matters, but I'm not, and that's the fucking truth." His voice cracked under the weight of his emotions, his words filled with self-doubt and frustration. You could see the turmoil swirling in his eyes, the pain etched into his features, and it broke your heart to see him struggling like this.
"Jey, just because you feel like you're not doing enough doesn't mean you're failing," you interrupted gently, your voice firm but filled with compassion as you reached out to gently cup his face in your hands, forcing him to meet your gaze. "I'm doing this for you, I'm choosing to do this-"
"That's the problem, you're choosing to do this," Jey interjected, his voice tinged with bitterness as he pulled away from your touch, his eyes filled with a mixture of pain and frustration. "You shouldn't have to sacrifice yourself for me, Y/N. You shouldn't have to put yourself in harm's way just to prove a point or to protect me. I should be the one protecting you, not the other way around."
"You are doing everything you can to protect me, Jey," you insisted, your voice filled with conviction as you reached out to gently touch his arm, hoping to reassure him of your love and support.
"How? By watching you put yourself in danger? By standing by while you risk your life for me?" Jey retorted, his voice laced with frustration as he turned away from you, unable to bear the weight of his guilt any longer. "That should be me taking the hits, taking the risks, not you. I can't stand seeing you hurt, Y/N."
"And you think I should just sit back and watch you get hurt instead?" You shot back, your voice tinged with frustration as you struggled to make him see reason.
"Yeah, I do." Jey snarked at you, his tone defiant as he turned back to face you, his eyes blazing with intensity. "Because that's what I signed up for, Y/N. I signed up to be the one to take the hits, to take the risks, to protect you at all costs. That's my job, my duty, and I won't let anyone else take that away from me. Not even you."
You blinked at Jey's words, stunned into silence by the raw intensity of his emotions. "What's that supposed to mean, Jey?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper as you searched his eyes for any sign of reassurance.
"It means that I love you, baby." Jey replied, his voice soft and filled with emotion as he reached out to gently cup your face in his hands, forcing you to meet his gaze. "It means that I would do anything to protect you, to keep you safe and happy, and I can't let you sacrifice yourself for me. I can't."
"But don't you get that I'm doing this because he hurt you! " You exclaimed, your voice trembling with emotion as you struggled to make Jey understand the depth of your feelings.
"I forgave him, Y/N." Jey's voice was quiet, but filled with conviction as he looked into your eyes, his gaze unwavering as he spoke. "And I think you should too."
His words hung heavy in the air, the weight of their meaning sinking in as you processed his confession. "What did you say?" Your voice was barely a whisper, disbelief and shock coloring your words as you stared at Jey, unable to comprehend what you had just heard.
"I said I forgave him." " Jey repeated, his eyes firm and resolved as he met your gaze, his expression serious and determined. "Roman may not have always made the right choices, but he's still family, Y/N. And family sticks together, no matter what."
You shook your head in disbelief, unable to comprehend Jey's words. "What did he say to you?" You murmured, your voice barely above a whisper as you searched Jey's eyes for any sign of hesitation or doubt.
"What?" Jey tried to act nonchalant, but you could see the uncertainty flickering in his eyes, the hesitation in his voice as he struggled to find the right words.
"Last week you were telling me that you have to let me fight my own battles, that you can't keep protecting me from everything. And now you're telling me that you forgave Roman? What. Did. He. Say. To. You?"
Jey's eyes were filled with fear and uncertainty as he met your gaze, his lips pressed into a thin line as he struggled to find the right words to say. "Nothing. Let it go, Y/N," he replied evasively, his voice tinged with guilt as he averted his gaze, unable to meet your eyes.
"Jey, please." You pleaded, your voice soft and filled with emotion as you reached out to gently touch his arm, hoping to reassure him of your love and support, and he flinched away from your touch, his eyes filled with sadness and regret as he turned away from you, unable to bear the weight of his guilt any longer.
"I can't, Y/N," he whispered, his voice barely above a whisper as he struggled to contain his emotions. "I can't let you keep sacrificing yourself for me. I can't keep watching you put yourself in harm's way just to prove a point or to protect me. I have to do this, for both of us."
You felt a lump form in your throat at Jey's words, a sense of sadness washing over you as you realized the depth of his sacrifice, the lengths he was willing to go to in order to protect you and keep you safe. "Jey, please," you pleaded, your voice trembling with emotion as you reached out to him, desperate to make him understand. "I can't lose you too."
Jey's eyes turned glassy, but he refused to shed a tear, his expression a mix of pain and determination as he met your gaze, and the longer your heart writhed in pain. "How do you think I feel, Y/N?" he whispered, his voice filled with anguish as he took a step back, his eyes clouded with tears as he struggled to contain his emotions. "How do you think it feels to watch you put yourself in danger, to see you risk your life for me? I can't bear the thought of losing you, Y/N. I can't."
You felt your heart break at Jey's words, the weight of his pain and guilt crashing down on you like a tidal wave. "Jey… I'm sorry that I put you in this position," you whispered, your voice choked with emotion as you reached out to gently touch his arm, hoping to offer him some small measure of comfort. "I never meant to hurt you, or put you in the middle, Jey. I never meant for any of this to happen."
"Then stop, Y/N. Stop putting yourself in danger for me. Stop sacrificing yourself for my sake. I can't bear to see you hurt, Y/N. I can't." Jey's voice was soft, filled with pain and confusion as he pleaded with you, his eyes pleading for you to understand, to see reason, to stop endangering yourself for his sake.
"You already got a championship, do you really need to risk your life anymore? Can't you just let it go? "
'I can't let you get hurt, otherwise Roman will do to you what he did to me' Jey thought, his heart aching with the weight of his guilt and regret. "Please, Y/N. Please."
You blinked back tears at Jey's words, the depth of his pain and anguish cutting through you like a knife.
" I'm sorry, Jey," you whispered, your voice filled with remorse as you reached out to gently touch his cheek, hoping to convey the depth of your love and regret through your touch. "But I can't stop when I'm so close to getting justice for what Roman did to you. I can't just let it go, Jey. Not when he's still out there, still causing harm to people I care about. I have to do this, Jey. For you, for me, for everyone he's hurt."
Jey's eyes softened at your words, a flicker of understanding crossing his features, and he looked like he wanted to get something off his chest that had been locked in his heart for far too long, but instead he remained silent, his emotions roiling beneath the surface.
"I need my best friend back, Jey." You pleaded, your voice filled with longing and sadness as you gazed into Jey's eyes, hoping to convey the depth of your emotions through your words. "This Tribal Chief bullshit is getting to Romans head, and he's not the same person he used to be. He's lost sight of who he is, of what's really important, and I can't stand by and watch him self-destruct like this. I have to make him see reason, Jey. I have to make him understand the consequences of his actions, of the pain and suffering he's causing to everyone around him. I can't just let him get away with it, Jey. I can't."
Jey's eyes turned icy, his expression unreadable as he listened to your words, his mind swirling with conflicting emotions. "You can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped, Y/N," he replied, his voice low and filled with resignation as he met your gaze, his eyes filled with sadness and regret. "Roman's made his choices, and he's not gonna change just because you ask him to. You can't save him, Y/N. You can't fix him. And you can't sacrifice yourself trying to."
You felt a pang of guilt at Jey's words, the weight of his pain and sadness pressing down on you like a heavy burden. At the sight of your teary eyes, Jey sighed and inched closer to you, wrapping his arms around you in a gentle embrace. "Shh, I know baby. Please don't cry."
You wrapped your arms tightly around Jey, clinging to him for support as you buried your face in his chest, the tears streaming down your cheeks as you let out a choked sob. "I just want things to go back to the way they used to be, Jey," you whispered, your voice muffled by his shirt as you allowed yourself to release all of the pent-up emotions that had been weighing on your heart. "I want my best friend back. I want Roman to see reason. I want us to be happy again."
Jey held you close, his arms wrapped around you like a protective shield as he gently stroked your hair, murmuring soothing words of comfort and reassurance as he tried to calm your racing heart. "I know, baby. I know," he whispered, his voice filled with empathy and understanding as he pressed a tender kiss to the top of your head. "I got you. Always."
He maneuvered you to sit on top of him as he leaned back against the headboard of the bed, cradling you in his arms as he held you close, his heart aching with the weight of your pain and longing. He whispered sweet nothings to you as your tears slowly subsided and your eyes turned heavy with the need for sleep.
Jey's arms tightened around you, his touch a comforting presence as you drifted off into a troubled sleep, your dreams filled with visions of the past, of happier times, of a future filled with uncertainty and hope.
As you slept, Jey stayed by your side, his gaze never leaving your face as he watched over you with a mixture of love and concern. His mind went back to his meeting with Roman, and the weight of their conversation weighed heavily on his mind.
"Jey, we both know she won't stop until she tears us apart." Roman had told Jey during their meeting, his face filled with a mixture of anger and concern. "She's stubborn, Jey. She's determined. And she's not going to give up until she gets what she wants.So I need to stop her from beating Auska, and you're not gonna stop me making sure that happens."
"Hold up." Jey interrupted, his expression filled with confusion and disbelief as he turned to Roman. "You want me to know you boutta sabotage her match? You want me to go against my own girlfriend, my own family, just to keep her from getting another shot at your title? Are you out of your damn mind, Roman?"
Roman's expression hardened at Jey's defiance, his gaze narrowing as he took a step towards him. "I'm not asking you to go against her, Jey," he replied, his voice low and measured. "I'm asking you to do what's best for both of you, for the Bloodline. And if that means stopping her from getting another shot at my title, then so be it. You know she can't beat me, Jey. She's not ready, she's not prepared, and she's not strong enough to take me on. So why would you want to put her in harm's way, to risk her safety and well-being for the sake of a foolish vendetta against me?"
Jey clenched his fists, his jaw tightening with frustration at Roman's manipulative words. He knew that Roman was trying to play on his fears and insecurities, to make him doubt his own judgment and loyalties. But deep down, Jey knew that he couldn't betray you, not after everything you had been through together. You were his rock, his anchor, his everything, and he couldn't bear the thought of turning his back on you, of betraying your trust and love.
"This is between the two of you." Jey finally spoke, his voice firm and resolute as he met Roman's gaze head-on. "I can't choose sides, Roman. I won't. Y/N is my girlfriend, my partner, my family. And I'll do whatever it takes to support her, to stand by her, to protect her. Even if it means going against you."
Roman's face hardened, and he took a step closer to Jey, the tension in the air palpable as the two cousins faced off against each other. "I heard Jimmy's coming back tonight." At the mention of his twin, Roman took a step closer to Jey, the tension in the air palpable as the two cousins faced off against each other.
"Yeah, he is." Jey replied, his voice tinged with caution, excitement and anticipation.
"Would be a shame if Jimmy got caught up in all of this, wouldn't it?" Roman's voice was calm, but there was a dangerous edge to it, a silent threat lurking beneath the surface.
Jey's eyes narrowed, his muscles tensing as he stared back at Roman. "You wouldn't dare," he growled, his voice low and menacing.
Roman's lips curled into a cold smile. "Try me," he replied, his voice dripping with confidence. "We both know that if I hurt poor Jimmy, that would only add fuel to the fire. Naomi would be distraught , Y/N would blame herself, and their relationship would be irreparably damaged. Are you willing to risk all that, Jey? Think about what's truly important to you. Is it your loyalty to your family, or is it protecting the ones you love?"
Jey's heart clenched as he gritted his teeth, his fists clenched tightly at his sides. If he continued to defy Roman, he risked not only his own safety but also the safety and well-being of his loved ones. But if he betrayed you, he would lose the trust and respect of the person who meant everything to him.
"That's what I thought." Roman's voice was smug as he turned away from Jey, confident that he had gotten his message across. "You know what you have to do, Jey. Make the right choice."
His phone dinging brought Jey out of his thoughts, and he gently reached over to check the notification, his heart sinking at the sight of the message from Roman. "Did you convince her to drop the title match?"
That was their ultamatium. Make Y/N drop the match, or else Jimmy would pay the price. Jey's heart raced with fear and uncertainty as he read Roman's message, his mind swirling with conflicting emotions. Either you get hurt or Jimmy gets hurt. It was an impossible choice, a decision that tore at Jey's heart as he struggled to find a way to protect both you and his family. but he would rather hurt you emotionally then see his brother pay the price for his defiance.
"She's on the fence about dropping the match," Jey replied, his fingers trembling as he typed out the words, his heart heavy with guilt and regret. "But I'll try to talk her out of it."
A sense of unease settled over Jey as he hit send, knowing that he was betraying your trust and love in order to protect his family. But deep down, he knew that he couldn't risk Jimmy's safety, couldn't bear the thought of his brother getting caught in the crossfire of his feud with Roman.
A ding interrupted his thoughts, and Jey's heart sank as he read Roman's response. "If that doesn't convince her, then you know who pays the price." Jey's hands shook as he stared at the message, the weight of Roman's threat pressing down on him like a heavy burden. He knew that he had to do something, had to find a way to protect both you and Jimmy from Roman's wrath.
"I'm sorry, Y/N," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion as he gently brushed a strand of hair away from your face, his heart breaking at the thought of what he had to do next. "I can't let anything happen to you, to Jimmy. I have to find a way to protect you both, no matter what it takes."
Jey knew that he couldn't let Roman's threats become a reality, and even if he had to betray your trust and love to make sure they don't come true, he was willing to do whatever it took to keep you safe.
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incoming text from Naomi<3: girl, somethings up with our men.
outgoing text to Naomi<3: what do you mean?
incoming text from Naomi<3: Jimmy just left the house without saying anything, and Jey's been acting all weird and distant lately. I'm worried, Y/N. Something's not right.
outgoing text to Naomi<3: was jimmy acting normal before he left?
incoming text from Naomi<3: No, he seemed tense and on edge. And when I asked him where he was going, he just brushed me off and said he had some business to take care of.
outgoing text to Naomi<3: That's strange. Jey's been acting the same way lately. I think Roman is involved somehow. I think I know what's up. Talk to you after my interview. Love you.
incoming text from Naomi<3: kay boo, love you too <3
You turned off your phone as you shifted in your chair nervously, a tech telling you your interview segment with Roman would start in a few minutes. Your mind raced with thoughts of what could be happening. Jey had been acting strangely, and now Jimmy was mysteriously leaving the house without explanation. It all seemed too coincidental to ignore, and you couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong, and you seemed to know what it was.
"I'm Michael Cole, and welcome back to Friday Night Smackdown! I'm here with the Tribal Chief himself, Roman Reigns, and the Smackdown Women's Champion, Y/N, for an exclusive interview. Roman, Y/N, thank you for joining us tonight."
"Thank you for having us, Michael," Roman replied, his expression cool and composed as he settled into his seat, his eyes locked on yours with an intensity that sent a shiver down your spine.
"You're welcome, Michael," you echoed, your voice steady despite the turmoil swirling inside you as you met Roman's gaze head-on, determined not to show any signs of weakness or fear.
"Now, let's get straight to the point. The 2 of you used to be best friends, the unstoppable duo of the WWE, now it seems like all of that is just a distant memory. Fights, clashes, and tension have been brewing between you two for weeks now. Roman, can you shed some light on what caused this rift between you and Y/N?"
Roman's gaze remained steady as he spoke, his words measured and deliberate. "This 'rift' was caused when I reminded Y/N of her place, and I did that at Hell in a Cell when I tapped her out. She just can't accept that while I see her as an equal, she is not on my level. She can't handle that I have the power that she has always yelieded, and she can't handle that I have the power now. You lost your title, and I had to punish you for your disobedience, and that's when you started to turn against me."
You clenched your jaw at Roman's words, fighting to keep your emotions in check as you listened to his manipulative rhetoric. "You know what Roman? You are right. I was foolish in thinking that I was exempt from your tyranny. I was foolish in thinking that you were still the same person I used to call my friend. But you're not, Roman. You've changed. You've let the power go to your head, and now you're just a shadow of the person you used to be.
You leaned forward in your seat, your eyes blazing with determination as you faced off against Roman, refusing to back down in the face of his intimidation tactics "But don't you dare forget that I was the person that helped create the Roman Reigns that everyone fears today. I was the one who stood by your side, who fought alongside you, who believed in you when no one else did. I was the one that built this monster that you've become, and now it's time for me to tear it down."
Roman tried to remain impassive, but you could see the hurt that your words inflicted, the flicker of doubt and insecurity that crossed his features before he quickly masked it with a facade of arrogance and superiority. "And don't you dare forget that you, Y/N, are the monster that helped me become the Tribal Chief," he retorted, his voice dripping with venom as he leaned forward, his eyes flashing with anger.
"You were the one who egged me on, who pushed me to embrace my destiny, who encouraged me to seize power at any cost. So don't try to play the victim now, Y/N. You knew what you were getting yourself into when you chose to align yourself with me, when you chose to stand by my side as my equal. You are a manipulative, calculating, and selfish person who will do anything to get what she wants, even if it means sacrificing the ones she claims to care about."
"That's rich coming from the person who's willing to manipulate and threaten his own family just to maintain control," you shot back, your voice dripping with contempt as you stared down Roman, refusing to be intimidated by his attempts to gaslight you.
"Oh really?" Roman leaned back in his chair, his expression filled with smug satisfaction as he met your gaze head-on. "And how many women in that locker room have you thrown under the bus to get to the top? How many friendships have you betrayed, how many promises have you broken, how many lives have you ruined just to satisfy your own selfish desires? Why do you think no one trusts you, Y/N? Why do you think you're all alone in this world, with no one to stand by your side? It's because you've burned every bridge, alienated every ally, and betrayed every friend you've ever had."
Your eyes turned steely as Roman continued his tirade, his words cutting through you like a knife as he struck at the heart of your insecurities and fears. The worst part was that he was right. You had made mistakes, you had hurt people, you had let your ambition and thirst for power cloud your judgment and lead you down a dark path. You were a monster that had created your own downfall, and now you were paying the price for your sins.
"And now here you are, acting like you haven't done anything wrong, like you're the victim in all of this," Roman continued, his voice filled with disdain as he stared you down, his gaze piercing through your defenses with a brutal honesty that left you feeling exposed and vulnerable.
"Well, let me tell you something, Y/N. You're not the victim here. You're the villain. You're the one who's been pulling the strings, manipulating everyone around you to get what you want. And now you're paying the price for your actions, for your betrayal, for your selfishness.
And you know what? You deserve it. You deserve to suffer, to feel the pain and anguish that you've inflicted on others. You deserve to be alone, to be abandoned, to be hated by everyone you've ever cared about. Because that's what happens when you cross the Tribal Chief. That's what happens when you dare to defy me. But you can end this cycle of pain and destruction, Y/N. You can stop fighting against me and embrace your destiny as my right hand women, and come back to your best friend!"
Roman concluded, his voice softening slightly, his eyes filled with a mixture of concern and pity. "All you have to do is drop the title match, and everything will go back to the way it used to be. You'll be safe, you'll be protected, and you'll have everything you've ever wanted. So what do you say, Y/N? Are you ready to stop fighting against me and start fighting alongside me? Are you ready to accept your rightful place by my side as my equal, my partner, my family?"
As you listened to Roman's words, a whirlwind of emotions swept through you. His accusations stung, hitting painfully close to home, but a part of you couldn't help but wonder if there was a grain of truth to them. Had you really become the villain in this story?
Had your thirst for revenge blinded you to the consequences of your actions? And was it worth sacrificing everything, including your relationships with those you loved, just to satisfy your own desires for justice?
"Y/N," Michael Cole's voice interrupted your thoughts, bringing you back to reality as he turned to you expectantly, his gaze filled with curiosity and anticipation. "What's your response to Roman's offer? Will you drop the title match and reconcile with him and bring your title to the Bloodline, or will you continue to fight against him and risk losing everything?"
You took a deep breath, steeling yourself for what was to come as you met Roman's gaze head-on, your eyes blazing with determination. "You call me a monster, but I'm not the one threatening Jimmy to get Jey to betray me."
At your words, Roman's facade of confidence faltered, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his features before he quickly regained his composure, his expression turning cold and impassive once again.
"Jey, you can come to me right now, I know you're watching, I won't be mad, I just want you to come to me." You looked straight into the camera, your voice breaking slightly with emotion as you addressed your boyfriend, hoping that he would hear your plea and make the right choice.
Roman's face turned from uncertain to smug as he realized he still held the upper hand. "I almost forgot how smart you are, Y/N. That's why you are my best friend and my partner, and I know you'll make the right choice." He said, his voice dripping with confidence as he leaned back in his chair.
"Jey, you can come out now." Roman instructed, and you scoffed as the camera panned on Roman's face, his smirk widening as Jey made his way from the corner of the room, stepping into view with a conflicted expression on his face.
Your heart sank as you watched Jey approach, his eyes filled with guilt and shame as he avoided your gaze, unable to meet your eyes. "Why are you putting him in the middle of this, Roman?" you demanded, your voice trembling with anger and betrayal as you turned to face Roman, your eyes flashing with fury. "He has nothing to do with our feud, nothing to do with our rivalry!"
Roman's smirk only widened at your outburst, his eyes gleaming with triumph as he leaned back in his chair, his hands clasped together in front of him. "Because, Y/N, Jey is family," he replied, his voice dripping with satisfaction. "And you said if you beat me, you would take Jey away from the bloodline, and you are not going to do that. So I had to remind him of where his loyalties lie, of what's truly important. And it seems like he's made the right choice, hasn't he, Jey?"
You felt a knot form in your stomach at Roman's words, the weight of his manipulation and coercion pressing down on you like a suffocating blanket. You had hoped that Jey would stand by your side, that he would refuse to be swayed by Roman's threats and intimidation tactics. But now, as you watched him approach with a heavy heart, you couldn't help but feel a sense of betrayal and disappointment wash over you.
Jey's jaw clenched as he stood before you, torn between his loyalty to you and his fear of Roman's retribution. "I'm sorry, Y/N," he murmured, his voice barely audible as he met your gaze, his eyes filled with guilt and shame. "I can't let anything happen to Jimmy. I have to protect him, no matter what it takes."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you watched Jey turn away from you, his shoulders slumped with defeat as he joined Roman's side, his betrayal cutting you to the core. "Jey, don't do this." you whispered, your voice choked with emotion as you struggled to come to terms with the harsh reality of his choice.
"If you hurt Jimmy, I'll never forgive you," you whispered, your voice barely above a whisper as you turned away Jey, and your eyes were pleading with him to see reason, to stand up against Roman and protect his brother.
"No, Naomi will never forgive you if you continue to defy the Tribal Chief," Roman interjected, his voice cold and menacing as he fixed you with a steely gaze. "And I'll make sure she knows exactly who to blame if anything happens to poor Jimmy."
You clenched your title belt tightly, your knuckles turning white as you fought to hold back tears of frustration and despair. You had never felt so powerless, so alone, so utterly defeated in your entire life.
"You just proved my point. You are the most manipulative and selfish person I have ever known, Roman," you spat, your voice filled with contempt as you glared at him, refusing to let him see the tears that threatened to spill from your eyes. "And if you think that using the person I love against me will make me give in to your demands, then you don't know me at all."
Roman leaned back in his chair, his expression unreadable as he watched you with a mixture of curiosity and amusement. "Is that so, Y/N?" he replied, his voice calm and composed despite the tension crackling in the air between you. "Well, I guess we'll just have to see how long you can hold out against me, won't we? Because I'm not going to stop until you drop that title match and come back to the Bloodline where you belong."
He turned to Jey, who was standing by his side, his expression conflicted as he avoided your gaze. "Jey, what do you think? Do you think Y/N will come to her senses and do what's best for the Bloodline, or is she too stubborn and selfish to see reason?"
Jey hesitated for a moment, his eyes darting between you and Roman as he wrestled with his conflicting loyalties. "I don't know, Roman," he replied, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "But I hope she does. For her own sake."
'Please don't make the same mistake I made, I'm begging you.' Jey thought.
Roman's lips curled into a cold smile as he turned back to you, his gaze filled with a predatory gleam. "Well, Y/N, the choice is yours," he said, his voice dripping with malice as he leaned forward, his eyes boring into yours with an intensity that sent a shiver down your spine. "You can either drop the title match and come back to the Bloodline, or you can continue to defy me and suffer the consequences. The clock is ticking, Y/N. Next week there will be a Tribal Meeting, and you make your decision there. Choose wisely."
With those ominous words hanging in the air, Roman stood up from his chair, a smug smirk playing on his lips as he turned away from you, confident in his control over the situation. You watched helplessly as he left the interview area, leaving you alone with your thoughts and the weight of his ultimatum pressing down on you like a suffocating blanket.
You thought Jey would be by your side, that he would stand up against Roman's manipulation and coercion. But as you watched him walk away with Roman, a sense of betrayal and abandonment washed over you, leaving you feeling more alone and vulnerable than ever before.
You'd be lying to yourself if you said there wasn't a part of you that knew that eventually Roman's manipulation would wear down Jey's resistance, but you had hoped that he would have the strength to resist Roman's influence, to stand by your side no matter what. Now, as you watched him walk away with Roman, you couldn't help but feel a sense of betrayal and heartbreak wash over you.
But amidst the pain and despair, a spark of defiance ignited within you, a stubborn refusal to bow down to Roman's tyranny, to sacrifice your principles and integrity for the sake of power and control. You knew that dropping the title match would only be the beginning, that Roman would continue to manipulate and coerce you into submission, until you were nothing more than the shell of the person you used to be. And you refused to let that happen.
Jimmy… you had to find jimmy.
You wiped the tears coming from your face as you stood up and walked through the hallway, your steps heavy with determination as you made your way to find Jimmy. You had to find what made Roman tick, and you had to make sure Jimmy was safe, to protect him from whatever danger Roman had threatened him with.
Finally, you found Jimmy about to leave the building, his expression tense and worried as he glanced around nervously. "Jimmy!" you called out, relief flooding through you as you rushed towards him, your heart pounding in your chest. "Where are you going? What's going on?"
Jimmy turned to face you, his eyes widening in surprise as he took in your disheveled appearance, your eyes red and puffy from crying. "Y/N, I can't be seen with you right now," he replied, his voice hushed and urgent as he glanced around nervously. "It's not safe for either of us."
"What do you mean it's not safe?" you demanded, your voice rising with concern as you reached out to grab Jimmy's arm, stopping him from leaving. "What did Roman do? What did he threaten you with?"
Jimmy hesitated for a moment, his gaze flickering with uncertainty as he struggled to find the right words. "It's… it's complicated, Y/N," he finally replied, his voice tinged with regret as he met your gaze. "But you need to trust me when I say that you're in danger. Roman's not playing around, and if you don't do what he wants, then…"
His words trailed off, but you didn't need him to finish the sentence. The threat was clear, hanging in the air between you like a dark cloud. Roman would stop at nothing to get what he wanted, to maintain his control over the Bloodline, even if it meant resorting to violence and coercion.
"Naomi's worried sick about me," Jimmy continued, his voice heavy with guilt as he avoided your gaze, unable to meet your eyes. "She's afraid that something's happened to me, that I've gotten caught up in all of this mess between you and Roman. And I can't bear to see her hurting like this, Y/N. I can't bear to see her worrying about me, wondering if I'm safe, if I'm okay."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you listened to Jimmy's words, the weight of his love and concern for Naomi pressing down on you like a heavy burden. You knew that you couldn't let Roman's threats tear apart the people you cared about, couldn't let his manipulation and coercion destroy everything you had fought so hard to build.
"I'm sorry, Jimmy," you whispered, your voice choked with emotion as you reached out to hug him tightly, holding onto him as if your life depended on it. ""I'm sorry that you got caught up in all of this, that you have to suffer because of my feud with Roman. But I promise you, I won't let anything happen to you or Naomi, or to Jey. I'll do whatever it takes to protect everyone, no matter the cost."
At the mention of his twin, Jimmy pulled back from the embrace, his eyes searching yours with a mixture of gratitude and concern. "Y/N, I'm sorry bout Jey," he said, his voice tinged with regret as he met your gaze. "He doesn't mean anything that he's doing, he's just trying to protect us, to keep us safe from whatever Roman has planned. But I know that deep down, he still loves you, still cares about you, still wants what's best for you. Roman said…" Jimmy trailed off, his words catching in his throat as he hesitated, unsure of whether he should reveal Roman's ultimatum to you. But seeing the determination and resolve in your eyes, he knew that he couldn't keep it a secret any longer.
"Roman said that if Jey didn't convince you to drop the title match, then he would hurt me," Jimmy admitted, his voice trembling with fear and uncertainty as he met your gaze, his eyes filled with guilt and shame. "He said that if you didn't comply with his demands, then he would make me pay the price, that he would hurt me to punish Jey for his defiance. That Naomi would get hurt in the process, that I would be the one to blame for everything that happened. And I couldn't let that happen, Y/N. I couldn't let Roman hurt you or Naomi or anyone else because of me."
Your heart clenched at Jimmy's words, the weight of Roman's threats pressing down on you like a suffocating blanket. You couldn't believe that Roman would stoop so low, would resort to using violence and coercion to get what he wanted. But deep down, you knew that there was nothing he wouldn't do to maintain his control over the Bloodline, to keep you under his thumb.
"Jimmy, listen to me." your voice firm and resolute as you met his gaze, your eyes blazing with determination. "This isn't your fault. I won't let any of you get hurt because of me. Go home to Naomi, and tell her that everything will be okay, because everything will be okay. I'll find a way to handle Roman, to protect you both from whatever he has planned. But for now, I need you to trust me, to believe that I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe. Can you do that for me?"
Jimmys face was conflicted as he listened to your words, torn between his love and concern for you and his fear of Roman's retribution. "I trust you, Y/N," he replied, his voice tinged with uncertainty as he reached out to squeeze your hand tightly, his eyes filled with gratitude and relief. "I trust that you'll find a way to handle Roman, to protect us from whatever he has planned. But please, be careful. I don't want anything to happen to you because of me."
You nodded, a sense of determination settling over you as you met Jimmy's gaze, your eyes filled with resolve. "I'll be careful, Jimmy," you promised, your voice steady despite the fear and uncertainty swirling inside you.
A loud clank interrupted your conversation, making Jimmy nervously glance around and realize that at any moment , someone might discover the two of you talking. "I gotta go, Y/N," he said hurriedly, his expression tense with worry as he pulled away from you, his eyes scanning the hallway for any signs of danger. "But please understand that Jey cares about you, that' shy he's doing this, to protect you. He just doesn't know how to handle the situation right now. But I know he'll come around eventually, he just needs time to figure things out."
You nodded, a small smile playing on your lips as you reached out to squeeze Jimmy's hand one last time. "Thank you, Jimmy," you said softly, your voice filled with gratitude and affection. "You're a good man, Jimmy Uso, and don't you ever forget that."
With those final words, you watched as Jimmy disappeared into the crowd, his figure fading into the distance as he made his way towards the exit. And as you stood there alone in the hallway, a sense of determination settled over you, a stubborn refusal to let Roman's threats and manipulation tear apart the people you cared about.
You just wished that Jey could see through Roman's lies and manipulation, that he could find the strength to stand up against him and protect you and his family. But for now, all you could do was wait and hope that he would come to his senses, that he would realize the true cost of betraying you for the sake of Roman's control.
And you knew just what move you needed to play.
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"Yo uce, you need to chill out." At Jimmy's words, Jey whipped his head to him and glared at his brother, his frustration and anger bubbling to the surface.
"Chill out? You expect me to chill out when Roman is threatening to hurt you if I don't do what he wants?" Jey exclaimed, his voice laced with disbelief and desperation. "When my girl hates me because she thinks I'm betraying her for the sake of Roman's control?"
Loud music thumped in the background at the party both twins were attending, the bass vibrating through the air as people danced and laughed around them, oblivious to the turmoil brewing between the two brothers. Roman had organized a party that served as a facade, a way to keep up appearances and distract everyone from the tension and conflict within the Bloodline.
Lavish decorations adorned the room, extravagant drinks flowed freely, and the atmosphere was filled with laughter and revelry. Wrestlers and celebrities that the Tribal Chief had invited mingled with the guests, creating a facade of camaraderie and unity that belied the underlying tensions simmering beneath the surface.
"She doesn't hate you, Jey," Jimmy replied, his voice calm and steady as he placed a reassuring hand on his brother's shoulder. "She's just confused and hurt right now. She doesn't understand why you're doing this, why you're letting Roman manipulate you like this. But deep down, she knows that you love her, that you would never intentionally betray her trust."
Jey shook his head, his jaw clenched with frustration as he turned away from his brother, unable to meet his gaze. "It doesn't matter what she knows or doesn't know," he muttered, his voice tinged with bitterness.
He snatched a drink from the nearby table and took a long swig, the alcohol burning his throat as he tried to drown out his feelings of guilt and shame. "What matters is that I'm a fucking pussy that can't stand up to Roman, and she probably thinks I'm spineless for going along with his bullshit."
Jimmy sighed, his expression filled with sympathy as he watched his brother struggle with his inner turmoil. "You're not a pussy, Jey," he said firmly, his voice tinged with frustration. "You're just caught in a difficult situation, one that none of us saw coming. Roman has a way of twisting things, of manipulating people into doing what he wants, and you're just trying to protect us from whatever he has planned."
Jey scoffed, his bitterness and self-loathing bubbling to the surface as he slammed his drink down on the table. "Yeah, well, look how well that's working out for me," he muttered, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
"I talked to her, and she doesn't hate you," Jimmy continued, ignoring Jey's bitter remark as he pressed on, his voice firm and determined. He watched as Jey downed another drink, his expression clouded with anger and frustration, and he knew that he had to find a way to break through his brother's defenses, to make him see reason before it was too late.
"She's just scared and confused right now, Jey. She doesn't understand why you're letting Roman manipulate you, why you're putting yourself and your relationship with her at risk for the sake of his control. But she still loves you."
Jey's eyes widened at Jimmy's words, a flicker of hope stirring within him as he processed what his brother was saying. "You think she still loves me?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper as he turned to face Jimmy, his eyes filled with a mixture of hope and desperation.
Jimmy nodded, his expression filled with reassurance as he met Jey's gaze head-on. "Of course she still loves you, Jey," he replied, his voice soft and gentle as he placed a comforting hand on his brother's shoulder. "You know, she was crying when she thought you were betraying her. That's not the reaction of someone who doesn't care. And you need to try to secretly talk to her, explain everything, and make things right before it's too late."
Jey's heart clenched at Jimmy's words, the weight of his brother's advice pressing down on him like a heavy burden. He knew that he had to find a way to reach out to you, to explain everything and make things right before Roman's manipulation tore you both apart.
"But how am I supposed to do that, Jimmy?" Jey asked, his voice tinged with frustration and uncertainty. "Roman's watching us like a hawk, and if he finds out that I'm trying to secretly talk to Y/N, he'll make good on his threats to hurt you and Naomi."
Something in the corner caught Jimmy's eye, and he gestured subtly to something behind Jey, taking the cup out of his hand. "Looks like we've got company," he said casually, his voice low as he glanced over Jey's shoulder.
Jey turned around to see Roman approaching them, his expression unreadable as he made his way through the crowd towards them.
"Jey, Jimmy," Roman greeted them, his voice cool and composed as he came to a stop in front of them, his eyes flickering with a dangerous gleam. "Having a good time at the party?"
Jey clenched his jaw, his muscles tensing with frustration as he met Roman's gaze head-on. "What do you want, Roman?" he demanded, his voice laced with hostility. He didn't have the patience for Roman's games, not when his relationship with you hung in the balance.
Roman's lips curled into a cold smile, his eyes glinting with amusement as he leaned in closer to Jey, his voice dropping to a low whisper. "I just wanted to make sure that you're still on board with our little arrangement, Jey," he replied, his tone dripping with malice. "Because if you're having second thoughts, then I'm sure Jimmy here wouldn't mind taking your place."
Jey's blood ran cold at Roman's words, his heart pounding in his chest as he realized the true extent of Roman's manipulation and coercion. He glanced at Jimmy, who was watching them with a mixture of apprehension and fear, and he knew that he couldn't let his brother suffer because of his own weakness.
"I'm still in, Roman," Jey replied, his voice firm and resolute despite the fear and uncertainty rippling through him. He couldn't let Roman hurt Jimmy, Naomi, or you, couldn't let his own selfish desires put his family at risk,
Roman's smile widened at Jey's response, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction as he clapped a hand on Jey's shoulder, his grip firm and commanding. "Good," he said, his voice low and menacing. "I knew I could count on you, Jey. I need you to stick to the plan tonight."
"Tonight?" Jimmy echoed, his brow furrowing with confusion as he glanced between Roman and Jey. "What plan?"
Roman's smirk only widened at Jimmy's question, his eyes gleaming with mischief as he turned to face him, his expression cold and calculating. "Oh, I just invited-"
"Y/N?" Your name fell from Jey's lips like a prayer, his heart sinking as he watched you enter the house, and god did you look beautiful. If you thought Roman was lavish, you were the epitome of elegance and grace, your presence commanding attention as you made your way through the crowd with confidence and poise.
Makeup on point, your dress clinging to your curves in all the right places, your hair styled to perfection. You were a vision, a sight to behold, and Jey couldn't help but feel a surge of longing and desire wash over him as he watched you approach, his heart pounding in his chest with anticipation.
"Y/N," Roman greeted you, his voice smooth and suave as he stepped forward to greet you, his eyes flickering with a dangerous gleam. "So glad you could make it to the party. You look stunning as always."
You nodded politely in response, your gaze flickering over Roman's shoulder to meet Jey's eyes, and the tension crackling in the air between you was palpable.
There was so much left unsaid between you, so many unresolved feelings and emotions swirling beneath the surface, and Jey couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt and regret as he met your gaze, his heart aching with the knowledge that he was the reason for the pain on your face.
"I'm glad you invited me. I almost thought you had forgotten about me," you replied, your voice cool and composed despite the turmoil swirling inside you. You forced a smile onto your lips, refusing to let Roman see how much his presence affected you, how much his manipulation and coercion had torn you apart. "But it seems like I'm just in time for the party."
Roman smiled at you, his teeth glinting in the dim light as he gestured towards the crowd of guests milling around them. "Of course not, Y/N," he replied smoothly, his voice dripping with charm and charisma. "I figured tonight I could show you what true family looks like, how we celebrate our victories together, as one cohesive unit. And what better way to do that than with a party, right?"
You raised an eyebrow at Roman's words, the sarcasm evident in your tone as you glanced around the room, taking in the extravagant decorations and lavish spread of food and drinks. "Ah yes, because nothing says 'family' like a room full of people you've threatened and manipulated into doing your bidding," you remarked dryly, your voice laced with contempt.
Roman's smile faltered slightly at your words, a flicker of annoyance crossing his features before he quickly masked it with a facade of indifference. "Come on, Y/N," he said, his tone light and casual as he tried to lead you to a quieter corner of the room, away from prying eyes and listening ears. "Let's not ruin the party with talk of business and politics. Tonight is about celebration, about unity, about family."
But you didn't let him pull you away from the main gathering, keeping your feet planted firmly in place as you met Roman's gaze head-on, your eyes blazing with defiance.
"You're right, let's not ruin this party. I brought a plus one, by the way," you interrupted, your voice firm and resolute as you gestured towards Jey, who was watching the exchange with a mixture of apprehension and concern, the tension between the two of you thick enough to cut with a knife. "I hope you don't mind, but I thought it would be nice for him to see what true family looks like, to experience the unity and celebration that you speak of."
You turned back to Roman with a look in your eye that meant you were planning something he couldn't anticipate, a sense of determination burning brightly within you as you stood your ground against him.
Roman's smile faltered at your words. "Of course not, Y/N," he replied smoothly, his voice tinged with annoyance as he turned back to face you, his expression carefully neutral. "Everyone is welcome at the party, especially family."
"Good." You nodded in response, a satisfied smirk playing on your lips as you watched Roman struggle to maintain his composure in the face of your defiance. You turned towards the door, and when you saw him, a smile lit up on your face. "Cause he's here right now."
"He?!" Jey whispered under his breath at the mention of another guy, his curiosity piqued as he glanced around the room, trying to spot the person you were referring to. His heart skipped a beat when he saw who it was, his eyes widening in surprise and disbelief as he took in their presence, standing at the entrance of the room with a confident smirk on their face.
"Seth!" You exclaimed, your voice filled with excitement and surprise as you rushed over to greet him, your steps quickening with anticipation. Jey's heart sank at the sight of Seth Rollins, his worst nightmare come to life as he watched you approach the man with a smile on your face, completely unaware of the turmoil raging inside him.
"Seth!" you called out again, your voice echoing through the room as you reached his side, your eyes bright with excitement as you wrapped your arms around him in a tight embrace. "I can't believe you made it to the party! It's been too long since we last saw each other."
Roman's expression turned angry at the sight of one of his biggest enemies, the man who stabbed him in the back and betrayed him numerous times in the past. "What is he doing here?" he growled, his voice low and menacing as he watched you and Seth interact with a mixture of anger and disbelief. "I thought I made it clear that he's not welcome in our family."
But you ignored Roman's question, too caught up in the excitement of seeing Seth after so long. "I missed you, Seth," you said, your voice filled with genuine affection as you pulled back from the embrace, a wide smile on your lips. "I'm glad you could make it to the party. You have no idea how much I needed a familiar face tonight."
Seth returned your smile, his eyes sparkling with amusement as he glanced around the room, taking in the extravagant decorations and lively atmosphere. "Well, I couldn't pass up the chance to see my favorite person," he replied, his voice smooth and charming as he flashed you a playful grin. "Plus, I heard there was going to be free drinks and good company, so how could I resist?"
"You could resist because you weren't invited." Roman's voice cut through the conversation like a knife, his tone cold and menacing as he stepped forward to confront Seth, his eyes flashing with anger and hostility. "So you could leave right now and take your ugly outfit with you"
Seth's smirk widened at Roman's words, his expression unbothered as he met Roman's gaze head-on. "Ah, but where's the fun in that, Roman?" he replied casually, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "I thought we were past all the animosity and hostility, that we could bury the hatchet and move on from our past grievances. After all, isn't that what brothers do, right? They forgive and forget, right?"
Roman's jaw clenched with anger at Seth's words, his fists tightening at his sides as he struggled to maintain his composure in the face of Seth's provocation, but before he could advance, you stepped forward, placing yourself between Roman and Seth, your eyes blazing with determination as you met Roman's gaze head-on.
"Let's not ruin the party with talk of business and politics. Tonight is about celebration, about unity, about family." You threw Roman's words back in his face, your voice firm and resolute as you stared him down, a manipulative smirk on your lips.
"Everyone is looking at you, Roman. Everyone is watching to see how you handle this situation, how you react to Seth's presence. And if you make a scene, if you let your anger and hostility get the best of you, then what does that say about you as a leader, as a Tribal Chief? What does that say about your control over the Bloodline, your ability to keep your family in line?"
Roman's expression hardened at your words, his gaze narrowing as he took a step closer to you, his anger simmering just beneath the surface. "Fine. Make yourself at home, traitor."
Seth's smirk only widened at Roman's threat, his eyes gleaming with mischief as he met Roman's gaze head-on, unafraid of the Tribal Chief's anger and hostility. "You know, Roman, for someone who claims to be all about family and unity, you sure do have a funny way of showing it," he replied casually, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "But hey, who am I to judge? After all, I'm just a guest at your little party."
With that, Seth turned away from Roman, his attention shifting back to you as he flashed you a charming grin, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "So, Y/N, how about we grab a drink and catch up? I'm sure there's a lot we have to talk about."
You returned Seth's grin with a smile of your own, your heart pounding in your chest with excitement and anticipation. "I'd love that, Seth," you replied, your voice filled with genuine affection as you linked your arm with his, allowing him to lead you away from the tense confrontation with Roman. "Let's go find a quiet corner and chat."
You passed by Jey, your eyes locking with his for a moment, and you could see the turmoil and conflict raging inside him, and wished that he was the one you were walking away with, that he was the one you were sharing this moment of reunion and companionship with.
But you knew that right now, he was still caught up in Roman's web of manipulation and coercion, unable to break free from the hold that his cousin had over him. And until he found the strength to stand up against Roman and choose you over his loyalty to the Bloodline, you had to focus on your plan and bringing him to you yourself instead of allowing Roman to continue controlling him.
"You're a really good actress." Seth commented as he led you away from the tense confrontation with Roman, his voice low and conspiratorial as he glanced over his shoulder to make sure that Roman wasn't following you. "I almost believed that you were glad to see me."
You chuckled softly at Seth's words, the tension slowly melting away as you allowed yourself to relax in his presence, grateful for the distraction from the chaos and conflict swirling around you. How did you and Seth get aquatinted, you might ask? Becky Lynch is the answer to that.
When Roman said you had no allies, something inside of you snapped, and you realized that instead of being a bitch and pushing away any allies in the women's locker room in favor of opportunities, you could actually start forming connections and alliances that could help you in the long run so you could forge your own path to success.
"I know you don't like me." You bluntly told her as you walked into the locker room, your tone firm and resolute as you met Becky's gaze head-on. "And honestly, I don't blame you. I've been a real bitch in the past, but if you want to get a head start in the line for my title, I would start listening to me right now."
Becky raised an eyebrow at your boldness, her expression unreadable as she studied you for a moment before responding. "You're right, I don't like you," she admitted bluntly, her voice tinged with skepticism. "But I can respect someone who knows what they want and isn't afraid to go after it. So, what's the catch? Why are you suddenly willing to play nice?"
You shrugged nonchalantly, a coy smile playing on your lips as you leaned against the locker next to hers, your eyes gleaming with mischief. "I'll give you a title shot."
Becky's eyebrows shot up in surprise at your offer, her skepticism giving way to curiosity as she considered your proposition. "A title shot, huh?" she echoed, her voice laced with intrigue. "And what's in it for you? Why would you be willing to give me a title shot out of the blue?"
You smirked at Becky's question, your mind already spinning with possibilities as you considered the potential benefits of forming an alliance with her.
"Because I need to get into Roman's head, and considering Seth is your husband, I figured you could help me with that." You replied casually, your voice filled with confidence as you met Becky's gaze head-on. "I need him to hang out with me when my plan starts, and I want your permission since he's your man, and I know how I'd feel if a random women started spending time with my husband without my knowledge or consent."
Becky regarded you with a mixture of skepticism and amusement, her lips curling into a wry smile as she crossed her arms over her chest. "You're not as dumb as you look," she remarked, her tone teasing as she gave you a once-over. "But why should I trust you? What's to stop you from double-crossing me and using Seth against me?"
You held Becky's gaze steadily, your expression serious as you made your intentions clear. "Because I'm not interested in playing games, Becky," you replied firmly, your voice tinged with sincerity. "I need your help, and I'm willing to offer you something in return. If you agree to work with me, to help me get inside Roman's head and figure out his plans, then I'll give you a fair shot at my title. No strings attached, no hidden agendas. Just a mutually beneficial arrangement between two women who have a common enemy."
Becky studied you for a moment, her gaze searching yours for any sign of deception or ulterior motives. Finally, she nodded in agreement, a small smile playing on her lips as she extended her hand towards you. "Alright, you've got yourself a deal," she said, her voice filled with determination.
And that is what brought you to where you were now, Seth's arm around your shoulder (platonically, but Jey didn't know that) as e led you away from the tense confrontation with Roman, his voice low and conspiratorial as you chuckled softly at his comment.
"Thanks, Seth," you replied, your voice filled with genuine appreciation as you leaned into his side, allowing yourself to relax in his presence. "You aren't too bad yourself."
Seth chuckled softly at your response, his arm tightening around your shoulder as he led you to get drinks, the lights of the party casting a soft glow over the room as the music thumped in the background.
"Well, I aim to please," he replied, his tone playful as he glanced down at you with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "Becky told me that she made a deal with you to get a title shot in exchange for helping you with Roman. That's some pretty impressive maneuvering, Y/N. Looks like you're not as helpless as Roman thinks you are."
You smirked at Seth's words, a sense of satisfaction swelling within you as you realized just how far you had come since you first entered the wrestling world. "Your wife is pretty smart herself," you replied, your voice tinged with amusement. "And she knows a good opportunity when she sees one. You picked a good one, Seth. You're lucky to have her."
Seth chuckled softly at your words, his gaze warm and affectionate as he met your eyes. "Yeah, I know," he replied, his voice tinged with pride. "I'm a lucky guy. But enough about us. Let's focus on you and Roman. What's your plan?"
You glanced around the room, making sure that no one was eavesdropping on your conversation before leaning in closer to Seth, your voice low and conspiratorial as you filled him in on your plan to take down Roman. When you finished outlining your strategy, Seth nodded in approval, a confident smile on his lips as he squeezed your shoulder reassuringly.
"That's a solid plan, Y/N," Seth remarked, his voice filled with admiration. "You've really thought this through. I'm impressed."
"I know." You quipped, grabbing a fruity drink from a passing waiter's tray and taking a sip, the sweet taste of the cocktail washing away the lingering tension from your confrontation with Roman. Seth giggled at your confident response, his laughter mingling with the music as he took a drink of his own. "Well, I'm glad I could be of assistance," he said, his tone light and playful as he gestured towards the dance floor. "But enough about business. Let's have some fun and enjoy the party. What do you say?"
You grinned at Seth's suggestion, feeling a sense of relief wash over you as you allowed yourself to let go of the stress and tension of the evening. "I say let's dance," you replied, your voice filled with excitement as you linked arms with Seth, allowing him to lead you onto the dance floor.
You wrapped your arms around Seth's neck, moving in sync with the music as you danced together, the rhythm of the music pulsing through your veins as you lost yourself in the moment. The tension and conflict of the evening faded into the background as you allowed yourself to simply enjoy the company of your friend, the music drowning out the noise of the party as you moved together in perfect harmony.
3, 2, 1- You counted down, knowing what would happen when Seth's hands wrapped around your waist.
"I'll be gone, remember the plan." You whispered to Seth right as a hand grabbed your arm and started pulling you away from Seth, interrupting your dance mid-motion. You turned to see Jey struggling to maintain his composure, his expression a mixture of anger and frustration as he pulled you away from Seth, his grip tight on your arm, dragging you upstairs.
"What do you think you're doing?!" Jey growled out as he brought you upstairs and slammed open a door, dragging you inside before slamming it shut behind him, his chest heaving with anger and frustration.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were given permission to talk to me." You retorted sarcastically, pulling your arm out of Jey's grasp and trying to get to the door, but Jey blocking your path with his body, his eyes blazing with intensity as he glared at you. Damn, he looked good in his fitted suit, his muscles tense with pent-up aggression as he loomed over you, his presence dominating the small room.
"Don't play games with me, Y/N," Jey snapped, his voice low and dangerous as he took a step closer to you, his eyes flashing with anger. "I saw you out there with Seth, flirting and laughing like you didn't have a care in the world. Do you have any idea how that made me feel, seeing you with another guy?"
You rolled your eyes at Jey's accusation, your frustration boiling over as you met his gaze head-on, refusing to back down in the face of his anger. "I was not flirting with him. And now you know how I felt when you betrayed me for Roman," you shot back, your voice laced with bitterness as you pushed past Jey, making another attempt to leave the room.
But Jey was quicker this time, his hand shooting out to grab your wrist and pull you back towards him, his grip tight and unyielding as he glared down at you with intensity.
"Don't you dare try to turn this around on me, Y/N," Jey growled, his voice low and menacing as he forced you to look up at him, his eyes burning with anger and frustration. "I did what I had to do to protect you and Naomi, to keep us safe from Roman's threats. I didn't have a choice."
You scoffed at Jey's words, your frustration boiling over. "I know, and that's what makes it worse."
Jey stopped in his tracks, his grip on your wrist loosening slightly as he stared at you in disbelief, his expression softening with confusion and uncertainty. "What?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper as he searched your face for any sign of deception or manipulation.
You sighed, your anger and frustration giving way to a sense of sadness and resignation as you met Jey's gaze head-on, your eyes filled with vulnerability. "I mean that I understand why you did what you did, Jey," you replied softly, your voice tinged with sadness. "I understand that you were trying to protect your family, that you were put in an impossible situation with Roman's threats hanging over your head. But that doesn't change the fact that you chose to betray me, to side with Roman over our relationship. And seeing you with Roman, seeing you go along with his manipulation and coercion, it hurt. It hurt more than you'll ever know."
You willed yourself not to cry, biting your lip to hold back the tears that threatened to spill over as you laid bare your heartache and disappointment, your words hanging heavy in the air between you as you waited for Jey's response. "And maybe I used Seth to make you jealous cause I knew there was no way you would talk to me without some kind of push."
Jey stared at you in stunned silence, his heart sinking at the pain and sadness evident in your eyes, his own guilt and regret weighing heavily on his shoulders. He had known that his decision to side with Roman would hurt you, but he hadn't realized just how deeply his actions had affected you, how much he had damaged your trust and faith in him.
"Baby, I…" Jey paused, his voice choked with emotion as he struggled to find the right words to express his remorse and regret.
"Do you know how I feel seeing you with another guy?" he finally continued, his voice raw with emotion as he reached out to gently cup your face in his hands, his thumbs brushing away the tears that had escaped down your cheeks. "It tears me apart, Y/N. It makes me feel like the biggest piece of shit in the world, knowing that I'm the reason you're hurting, that I'm the reason you're crying. I never wanted to hurt you, baby. I never wanted any of this to happen."
Against your better judgement, you leaned into Jey's touch, the warmth of his hands comforting as you allowed yourself to be vulnerable with him, to let him see the pain and sadness that had been weighing on your heart. "I know you didn't, Jey," you whispered, your voice barely above a whisper as you gazed up at him with tear-filled eyes. "But that doesn't change the fact that it did happen. It doesn't change the fact you hurt me, Jey. And I don't know if I can just forget about it and move on like nothing happened."
Jey's heart clenched at your words, his own tears threatening to spill over as he realized the extent of the damage he had caused, the irreparable rift he had created between you. "I ain't have a choice, Y/N," he whispered, his voice hoarse with emotion as he searched your eyes for any sign of forgiveness or understanding. "I had to protect my family, had to keep you safe from Roman's threats. I couldn't risk losing you, losing Naomi. I know I fucked up, baby, but please… please don't give up on us. I'll do whatever it takes to make things right, to earn back your trust. Just give me a chance."
You sighed, torn between the love you still felt for Jey and the pain of his betrayal, the conflict raging inside you as you struggled to make sense of your feelings. He leaned his forehead against yours, his cologne deliciously scenting the air around you as the tension between you turned into sexual tension. Your heart raced as you felt the heat of his body so close to yours, his breath mingling with yours as you gazed into his eyes, seeing the raw vulnerability and desperation reflected in their depths.
"Jey…" you whispered, your voice barely audible above the pounding of your heart as you reached up to brush your fingers against his cheek, feeling the rough stubble beneath your touch. "You hurt me."
"Then let me make it up to you." He pleaded, his voice husky with desire as he leaned in closer, his lips hovering just inches from yours, the tension between you crackling with electricity. "Let me show you how much I love you, how much I regret hurting you. Give me a chance to prove myself to you, to earn back your trust and your love."
You hesitated for a moment, the conflicting emotions swirling inside you as you struggled to make sense of your feelings. But in the end, your love for Jey won out, the bond between you too strong to ignore. With a soft sigh, you closed the gap between you, your lips meeting his in a passionate kiss that spoke volumes of the love and longing you still felt for him.
Jey's arms wrapped around you, pulling you close as he deepened the kiss, his lips moving against yours with a desperate intensity that left you breathless. It felt like coming home, like all the pain and heartache of the past few weeks melted away, and in that moment, there was only you and Jey, lost in each other's embrace, trying to mend the shattered pieces of your relationship.
You slip your tongue into his mouth and brought your hand to his hair, pulling him closer as the kiss grew more passionate, the heat between you igniting a fire that burned brighter with each passing moment.
Jey responded eagerly, his hands roaming over your body as he grabbed you by the waist and hoisted you onto the nearby bed, the kiss deepening as he hovered over you, his body pressed against yours in a heated embrace. The air crackled with electricity as your hands roamed over each other's bodies, exploring every inch with a desperate hunger born from weeks of longing and pent-up desire.
"Take off your suit." You whispered, your voice husky with desire as you reached up to unbutton Jey's shirt, your fingers trembling with anticipation.
Jey complied eagerly, his hands fumbling with the buttons as he stripped off his shirt, revealing the sculpted muscles beneath, his chest rising and falling with each ragged breath. You ran your hands over his bare skin, feeling the heat of his body beneath your touch as you trailed kisses along his jawline, savoring the taste of him on your lips.
"I missed you," you murmured against his skin, your voice soft and filled with longing as you pressed your body closer to his, reveling in the sensation of his warmth enveloping you. "I missed this."
Jey's hands roamed over your body, his touch igniting a fire within you as he trailed kisses along your neck, his lips moving with a fervent intensity that sent shivers down your spine. "I missed you too, baby," he whispered, his voice husky with desire as he trailed kisses down your chest, his hands deftly unzipping the back of your dress and sliding it off your shoulders, revealing the lingerie underneath.
You watched him with hungry eyes, the desire burning brightly within you as he worshipped your body with his hands and lips, each touch sending waves of pleasure coursing through you.
You tried to focus on his body, on his soft lips against yours, on how good his hands felt as they explored every inch of your skin, but a thump in the background grew louder and more persistent, but you tried to ignore it until you heard a loud crash outside the room, followed by raised voices and the sound of scuffling. You and Jey froze, the passion of the moment shattered as you exchanged worried glances.
"What the hell was that?" Jey muttered, his voice tense with apprehension as he pulled away from you, his eyes scanning the room for any sign of danger.
"It was Seth." You looked up at Jey, your eyes widening with concern. The plan was going well, but you knew Jey wouldn't like the idea of Seth being involved in your scheme against Roman. "He got into a fight with Roman downstairs. It was my plan." You quickly zipped up your dress as Jey helped you with your dress before you helped him with his suit.
"Go the fuck to hell!" You heard Roman's booming voice from downstairs, followed by the sound of a scuffle and a loud crash. Jey's eyes widened in shock and concern as he processed your words, his mind racing with a mixture of fear and adrenaline.
"Let's go." Jey said urgently, his voice tense with apprehension as he grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the door, his muscles tense with pent-up aggression as he prepared to confront whatever chaos awaited them downstairs.
You nodded in agreement, your heart pounding in your chest as you followed Jey out of the room and down the stairs, the sounds of the commotion growing louder with each step. When you reached the main hall, you saw Roman and Seth locked in a fierce struggle, their fists flying as they traded blows with ferocious intensity. The room was in chaos, guests scattering in all directions as they tried to avoid getting caught in the crossfire.
"You're the weakest link in your own group, and that's why Y/N is smart enough to bring me here." Seth taunted Roman as he dodged a punch and delivered one of his own, his voice filled with confidence and defiance as he faced off against the Tribal Chief. "You think you can control everyone around you, but you're just a puppet master pulling the strings of your own downfall."
Roman growled in frustration, lunging at Seth and punching him square in the jaw, sending him stumbling backwards. "I'm the Tribal Chief!" Roman roared, and Jey and Jimmy grabbed his shoulders, pulling him back before he could do any more damage to Seth. "And I'll be damned if I let some backstabbing snake like you undermine my authority."
"You wanna talk about backstabbing?" Seth cackled at Roman's words, wiping the blood from his split lip as he regained his footing, his eyes flashing with defiance. "You are nothing but a traitor, Roman. You turned your back on your own family, on your own blood, all for the sake of power and control. You think you're untouchable, that you can manipulate and coerce everyone around you into doing your bidding. But you're wrong. You're not as powerful as you think you are, Roman. And sooner or later, your reign of terror will come to an end."
Roman's eyes blazed with anger and hurt at Seth's words, but security intervened before the situation could escalate any further, separating Roman and Seth and ushering Seth out of the house.
"You." Roman turned to you, his eyes narrowing with fury as he advanced towards you, his fists clenched at his sides. "You set me up, didn't you? You brought Seth here to provoke me, to try and undermine my authority. You know what he did to me, and you still brought him here to hurt me."
"Just like you hurt me by using Jey against me?" You shot back, your voice cold and composed despite the turmoil swirling inside you. "How does that sinking feeling you get in your stomach feel, Roman? How does it feel to know that the people you thought you could control are starting to see you for the manipulative, power-hungry tyrant that you really are?"
"Jey hates your guts, Roman. He's only here because he wants to protect me from you." You continued, your voice dripping with contempt as you stood your ground against Roman, refusing to let him intimidate you.
"Oh please, what are you talking about…" Roman trailed off when he noticed that your hair was tangled, your dress was wrinkled, and when he turned to Jey, his hair disheveled and that guilty look in his eyes, the pieces of the puzzle clicking into place as he realized what had transpired while he was preoccupied with Seth.
"You two…" Roman's voice trailed off, the anger and hurt evident in his eyes as he looked between you and Jey, his fists clenching and unclenching at his sides. "You distracted Jey so that Seth could provoke me and make me look like a fool." Roman's voice was low and dangerous, his gaze flickering with anger and betrayal as he turned his attention back to you, his expression cold and unforgiving.
"I did no such thing," you replied calmly, meeting Roman's gaze with steely resolve. "But if you want to believe that, go ahead. It doesn't change the fact that your grip on the Bloodline is slipping, Roman. You can't control everything and everyone around you forever. Sooner or later, your reign will come to an end."
You felt everyones eyes on you as the party came to an abrupt end, guests murmuring amongst themselves as they filed out, leaving you, Jey, and Jimmy alone in the empty hall. "You should clean yourself up, Roman," you continued, your voice dripping with disdain as you turned on your heel and started to walk away, Jey following closely behind you. "You have a lot of work to do if you want to salvage what's left of your reputation."
You wanted to hurt Roman like he hurt you, and you knew that the best way to do that was to hit him where it hurt the most - his pride and his reputation. You had planted the seeds of doubt in his mind, sowing discord and chaos within the Bloodline, and now it was only a matter of time before those seeds grew into something much bigger and more destructive.
"Oh, and you don't have to wait till next week to know my decision about our match, I'm not dropping out. And if you hurt Jimmy, you'll face Seth instead of me, and we both know you don't want to face him." With that final warning, you turned to Jey and blew him a kiss before heading out of the door, leaving Roman seething with anger and frustration in your wake.
Your plan worked out perfectly.
1- You made Roman look like a fool in front of his guests, undermining his authority and sowing discord within the Bloodline.
2- You showed Jey that he couldn't ignore his feelings for you any longer, pushing him to confront the truth about his loyalty to Roman and his own desires.
3- Roman couldn't use Jimmy against Jey anymore, knowing you are willing to bring Seth into the mix if he tries to hurt his cousin, and now Roman couldn't guilt you into staying with him by threatening Jimmy.
Maybe you were a monster. But you didn't care, because sometimes you had to become a deamon to stop the monsters around you.
Cause Jey was worth losing yourself for.
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msbigredmachine · 9 months
The Return (Jey Uso/OC)
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You have your own reasons for wishing he just stayed his ass on Smackdown. Jey Uso/OC one-shot.
Warnings: SMUT
Word count: 3.6k
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His baby girl is a stunning sight to behold, so much so that he stops in his tracks to drink you in from his vantage point next to the equipment crates lined up along the hallway backstage. The long locks of your honey-blond wig frame your beautiful face. Your world title belt gleams on your shoulder, shining as bright as the star that you are. Your eyes twinkle and your smile is wide and warm as you chat animatedly with Raquel Rodriguez. That smile used to be preserved for him and him alone, once upon a time. 
He may have come over to Raw to break away from the Bloodline, but it’s not the only reason he’s made the jump. Cody brought it up during their rather bizarre phone call, the American Nightmare weaponizing this information in that annoyingly eloquent manner he has perfected…
“I know you’re looking for a fresh start…but not just in the ring…I’m pretty sure there's a certain new Women’s champion you’d like to reunite with…”
Jey has been separated from you for a long time, admittedly by his own doing. It’s been torture. The hours have felt like days and the days like weeks. He’s yearned for your touch, your scent, the warmth of your smooth, soft skin, the taste of your lips. He’s stumbled through the rougher days by thinking about you and what you mean to him. He’s fantasized, and even pleasured himself, to mental snapshots of his past sexual adventures with you, paying tribute to the most incredible orgasms he’s ever experienced. He misses it all; the shudders of your voluptuous body, the pull of your wet, tight pussy around his dick, your fingers dragging across his hair and skin as you come apart for him, as he comes apart for you. The pillow talk and sweet words and soft kisses as you bask in the afterglow together.
The memories are beautiful, but he doesn’t want just ‘memories’ anymore. He’s made mistakes and he wants to fix them, and he only hopes you will let him. Five months is way too long to be without his favorite girl. He has to tread lightly, because even the nasty glare of Drew McIntyre and the conflicted countenance of Matt Riddle are tame compared to the wrath of a woman scorned.
A chill zips down your spine out of nowhere. The hairs on the back of your neck stand up. A familiar men’s cologne invades your nasal ducts. The knowing look on Raquel’s face right before she slips away confirms the reason your body is reacting so strongly. Only one person does this to you, and he just debuted on Raw as a solo act.
Against your better judgment, you turn around. For what feels like an eternity, you remain frozen as his gorgeous, expressive eyes lock you in, bleeding out your surroundings and everything else until it’s just him, and you, and the pain and hurt he caused all those months ago. 
"Sup, champ," he greets, his hands in his jacket pockets, leveling you with his breathtaking smile. 
Clearing your throat, you break the trance and present him with your most platonic smile. “Welcome back. Cody must really like you to do what he did, considering y’all’s past.” 
Jey shrugs. “He surprised me, too. But whatever I gotta pay back to him, it’ll be worth it.” His eyes travel down the length of your body, appreciating the up-close view. You have on a cropped black tank top and a tight zip-up denim skirt that stops mid-thigh. Your legs are ensconced in knee high boots that have him biting his lip. However, the oversized biker jacket hanging halfway down your arms looks like it belongs to someone else, specifically a certain Señor Money in the Bank. Jey has heard the rumors. Apparently, you’ve moved on. He plans on testing that theory. 
“You look amazing, Y/N,” he compliments, his tongue darting out over his lips reflexively.
So does he. Your gaze wanders for a little longer than you’d like. The added bulk to his frame makes him look more intimidating and sexier. His abs are on full display behind his black hooded jacket. Then the dimples and the cheekbones and the full, kissable lips...He’s more mouthwatering than ever, calling out to you to take a bite.
When he moves in for a hug, you flinch and back away, maintaining your cold expression when he pulls back with disappointment. “Come on girl, don’t do me like that,” he sighs.
“Like what? Just cuz I said hi don’t mean I forgot about how you did me,” you answer coolly, “I’m being the bigger person here.” 
“Aw, babe, you breakin’ my heart right now.”
“Like you did mine?” you snap, “I ain’t your baby no more. You made sure of that.” He’s lucky you’re even addressing him after everything he’s put you through. Just this April after the Draft, Jey made the decision to leave you all alone on Raw and stay exclusively on Smackdown with his family. The same family who ultimately stabbed him in the back, something you would have never ever done to him in a million years. It was the straw that broke the camel’s back after two years of the most intense, deliciously chaotic entanglement in which you were a source of…comfort…for him, during his tumultuous time with the Bloodline. But, as you soon discovered, so was Kayla, and Liv, and Jakara from NXT, and some other chick named Rashida that he claimed was his childhood ‘bestie’. Somehow, you were roped into his weird harem of revolving women. But you stayed because he needed you…he told you so. He cared for you, he said, and like a fool, you believed him, because you wanted so badly for him to feel the way you felt about him.
Feel about him.
Shaking your head, you resolve to stand your ground. Nope. You will never be used again. You will not give into whatever game he’s trying to play, not this time. You don’t know why he’s come to Raw and you don’t care. You’re the Women’s World champion now. You no longer have room for fuckbois in your life and you need to let him know so.
Jey huffs, looking away for a second before turning back to you. “We need to talk,” he says.
“About what?”
“About us,” he whispers, licking his lips. “I miss you.”
His words cling to you, embracing you. But you shake them off. “Right. Miss me, or my pussy? Them other lame bitches ain’t tight or wet enough?”
Exhaling heavily, Jey meets your death glare head on. “Baby, I fucked up. I admit it. I been fuckin’ up when it comes to you. It’s on me, and I’m sorry. I wanna make things right between us, especially if we’re gonna be on the same show together.”
Scoffing at the words you’ve heard before, you toss your hair back haughtily. “Might be a little too late for that,” you inform him smugly.
“Really? Why? Cuz of your new man? Where his big ass at, anyway?” he taunts, looking over your shoulder for an unseen entity. 
“What are you talking about?” you retort, brushing off the guilt lurking for not being honest with him about Damian. Why feel guilty about someone who wasn't honest with you?
“I know about you and Priest. I know that’s his jacket you wearin’.”
You glare at him, incredulous. Is he seriously doing this? “You got no right to be jealous, Jey. Who I am or am not fucking is none of your business. And it’s not like he and I are official yet, so calm your tits.” You pause, wondering why you’re giving an explanation when you owe him nothing.
His lips pull into a smirk. “Huh. So you sayin’ I got a chance...”
“No, I did not say that!” You thought you could get through this unscathed. That a quick ‘Hello’ would suffice and you’d both move along. You didn’t expect him to lay it on you this thick and this quickly. He knows exactly what he’s doing, making you vulnerable with his sugary sweet words and his penetrating stare that sends a shiver of longing down your spine. 
"Stop looking at me like that," you hiss at him in that husky voice of yours that raises goosebumps all over his arms. 
“Can’t help it, baby. You beautiful as fuck,” he counters smoothly, stepping closer to you. 
“There you go again with the sweet talk. So am I supposed to just forgive you? Forgive and forget and fall right back into your arms? You got me fucked up, boy.”
It’s clear that you have no plans to make it easy for him. He doesn’t blame you. He’s done some unscrupulous things at your expense, none of which you deserved. But he can't stop his body from thrumming at the way your eyes speak volumes to him without using any words. He loves how your long lashes try to hide the real emotions swirling inside you, the hurt peeking through the bravado. You clutch your title to your chest, as though protecting yourself, hiding your body, forgetting that he’s since mastered every inch of it, every inch of you. He’s studied you long enough to detect your defense mechanisms. That’s how intimately he understands you. He has come to the realization that the connection he and you have is a lot more than just sex. His feelings for you run deep, far more than any other woman he’s messed around with.
He just needs to convince you that this is the case.
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Taking your hand in his, Jey pulls you close, relieved when you don't shy away this time. He smiles down at you and has to stop himself from kissing your full lips. "Come kick it with ya boy later. Let's grab some dinner after the show. I got a lot of apologizing to do and I want to earn your trust back," he implores.
Just as you feared, your entire resolve starts to crumble at his plea. This is a bad idea. You’ve managed to recover from him once, and you risk relapsing if you allow this to happen. But god, he looks so good and smells even better. You can feel his chest rising and falling in rhythm with yours. Your gaze flickers to his lips, remembering how soft they feel against yours, his tongue dancing sensually with your own…
Jey sees through your hesitation and cranks up the pressure. "I promise I'll be good, I'ma keep my hands to myself if that's what you worried about." He releases your hand for emphasis.
As always, when it comes to this motherfucker, your emotions prevail. “Fine,” you concede with a roll of your eyes. “I got a backstage segment with Rhea in twenty minutes and then I’m done for the night. I’ll meet you right here afterwards.”
The smile that lights up his face thaws your heart a little. “A’ight. I’ll be here,” he says.
“Dinner, Jey. Nothing else,” you remind him sternly.
“Scout’s honor. I gotchu,” he says, as you turn away. He looks on with a smirk as you walk down the hallway, sensing your reluctance to part from him. “Let your man know you’ll be home before midnight!” he calls out.
“Whatever, Uso,” you shout back. “And stop staring at my ass!”
Jey snickers at that. He likes that you know him so well.
"Mmmm, fuck!"
Your groans trigger his own, the deep, guttural sound filling your ears, thick with need and exertion. Your fingers thread through his blond mullet, pleasure surging through you like potent aftershocks as he pounds into you with breakneck speed, the movements rocking the Chevrolet Equinox marooned in a secluded corner of the empty parking lot. 
"God, I've missed this good pussy," Jey pants heavily against your neck, inhaling your intoxicating scent, “Fuck, you so wet. Missed you so much, babe.”
Damn it, you should have known…Known it was all a big set up from the jump. You should have smelled trouble coming when he let you order your favorite meal from the obscure little diner you frequented whenever you came to town; that it was a trap when he opted to invade your space by cornering you in the booth and not sitting across from you; You should have known better than to let him rub on your thigh all through dinner, should have steered the conversations back to less intimate, sexual topics. You should have pushed him away when he leaned in for the kiss he’d been seeking all night, knowing damn well that once your lips touched, you’d become so desperate for him that waiting to get to the hotel would no longer be an option. You should have known he rented this big ass SUV because the backseat would be more comfortable and private than any dark alley you could sneak into. You should have known better than to think tonight would turn out any other way; He’s learned a few tricks from his Tribal Chief cousin and carefully and deviously orchestrated this outcome knowing that you could never resist the charms of the man you are, deep down, still hopelessly in love with.
Jey pushes your legs back further towards your head, taking advantage of your famed flexibility, and plows his thick, meaty cock in and out of your pussy, creating the sexiest, filthiest wet noises. Each thrust is deeper and more demanding than the last as he bears down on you, his big body hunched over yours, making you take every inch of him. His grunts and your moans are the only things spoken, the only language understood right now. The smell of sex permeates the thinning air inside the car, the heat of passion scorching, suffocating you both in the most sensuous of ways.
Jey looks down between your bodies and smirks at what he sees. "Damn, look at that, look how wet your pussy is. You definitely missed Daddy," he groans, parting your legs wider for a better view. "This dick feel good, right baby?
“Aw, yes Daddy, you feel so good, fuck me,” your words trail away with a whimper, and you sink your nails into his newly tatted back as he obliges your request. Your eyes roll in the back of your head, lost to the sensation of his big dick plunging deeper inside your wet heat.
Truth be told, you have never had a lover like Jey Uso. Rough. Tender. Chaotic. Gentle. Primal. Passionate. He is all-consuming, a Samoan whirlwind of sexual energy and skill and stamina. He makes you feel like nothing else matters but you and him and the orgasmic moments you share. One look into his darkly luminous eyes and you’re gone every time, a puddle of ruined panties and pussy juice. He never fails to turn you upside down and inside out, expertly coaxing endless orgasms from you. You’re his marionette and he’s the puppet master, the true owner of your body and your soul and your entire being. 
And this is a stark reminder of that.
“Damian fuck you like this? Huh?” Jey asks, his sweaty brow furrowed with lust and a hint of curiosity as he scouts out his competition.
Definitely not. Damian is not bad in bed - quite the opposite, in fact. But his efforts can never compare to this. Too wrapped up in ecstasy to speak, you manage to shake your head no at the question, but it's not enough for Jey. His palm slips from your breast to swat your inner thigh, causing a stinging pain that reverberates through your heated skin and surges straight to the pressure point of your clit. 
“Use your words, baby,” he orders. He wants to hear you say it, to confirm what you’ve both known all along.
“No, Daddy…” you answer, your mouth falling open in a silent moan as he angles his hips, grinding himself right up against your g-spot the way you like it, his long, determined strokes hitting just right... 
“I know he don’t, cuz he don’t know this pussy like I do. This my pussy, baby girl. I can tell you missed this dick too, you grippin’ the shit outta me…”
As much as you hate to admit it, he’s spot on. You haven’t been fucked like this in so long and your kitty is singing for joy. This animalistic side of him as he drives into you is making you delirious. Waves of pleasure wash over you as he reverts to hard, steady, pounding thrusts, lodging his dick in your stomach. You glide your dainty hands all over his chest and abs, letting your fingernails scrape his sweat-slick skin. The slight shudders of his body and his whimpering groans as he reacts to your touch leave you all giddy inside. You dare to cradle his bearded face in your hands and hold his gaze. What stares back at you is so deep and intense and full of emotion, reflecting everything you’ve felt for each other in the past two years. 
“Jey…” you whisper after a long, charged moment.
“My baby girl,” Jey breathes back, “I lo-”
You don’t let him finish, tugging him down for a sloppy, unhurried kiss, winding your hips to match his thrusts and ride that edge with him as he moans into your mouth. This spurs him to nudge your thighs even further back with your toes touching the roof of the SUV, opening you up to more pummeling thrusts until your legs tremble in the air and you have to break the kiss from how breathless he's leaving you.
“Uh huh, you comin’ for me, baby?” he asks, brushing your lips together again as his own release creeps ever closer. “I know you 'bout to nut. Lemme have it, come for Daddy.”
With one hand, he grips the seat above your head, his hips snapping into you, drilling you faster, harder. You're soaring higher and higher, and then, you crash, contracting around his throbbing shaft as you come so hard you start to convulse. Stars explode behind your eyelids as your arms tighten around his neck, holding on for dear life as you tumble headfirst into the sweet cavern of euphoria.
“Ahhh shit, goddamn, Y/N…” Jey moans along with you as his dick twitches inside your warm depths. You’re still coming all over him, your pussy squeezing and suckling every inch of him to the point that his body tenses on top of yours, and he grunts out, "Gah, finna come!"
Ripping himself out of you, he scrambles upright and pumps his slippery dick in his hand, releasing himself on your lower belly. Both of you moan at the sight of his warm, milky cum gushing all over your brown skin. His groans of pleasure are music to your ears. He keeps massaging his cock, ensuring he’s all emptied out, while his other hand runs up and down the back of your upturned thigh in a sensual, soothing touch.
“Fuck, I almost nutted in you. This pussy too damn good, babe," he pants, resting the semi-hard length on your pussy lips. Feeling it pulse temptingly between your folds, you close your thighs together before the thought of going another round can creep in. You squirm into a seated position and slowly start to clean yourself up, adjusting your clothes as Jey does the same with himself. When you’re both done, his arms come around you as he sweeps his lips, soft and inviting, over the crook of your neck, your cheek, and finally landing on your lips. Inevitably, you melt into his embrace, enjoying the warmth and affection that you’ve needed from him for months.
“You wanna know the real reason I switched brands?” he speaks up after a few moments, waiting for you to look at him. “It wasn’t just to get away from my family. I did it for you.”
The notion has lingered in your mind ever since you saw him return two nights ago at Payback, but to hear it uttered out loud ignites a reaction neither of you expect. 
“Don’t. Don’t do that,” you warn, shaking your head.
“Do what?”
Tears inexplicably fill your eyes as you speak. “That. You do it all the time. Say shit that sounds sweet and amazing only for you to do the opposite. I’m over that shit, okay?” 
A look of hurt clouds his handsome face. “Baby, I know I made a lot of mistakes that I regret. I own that shit. I also know I’d be a fool to fuck this up again. Real talk.” His beautiful eyes are sad and hopeful and pierce your soul. “I really miss us, baby girl. Truth is, I don’t feel right with no one else but you. I miss you. Don't you miss me?”
At this juncture, lying is pointless. “I do,” you admit, a tear slipping from the corner of your eye. “But I can’t handle you hurting me again, Jey. I won’t let you.”
Jey reaches up to catch the tear with a brush of his thumb, letting his hand linger on your soft cheek. “I know. That’s why I’m here. For you. I’m sorry about everything and I want us to start over. Can we start over?” He gazes intently at you, wanting to say more, but he holds back, shelving it for a more appropriate time. “Take me back. Give me another chance, baby. I’ll be better than I’ve ever been, I swear to you,” he continues softly. 
This man always makes you question how strong you really are. Each time you think you've escaped, he finds you and reels you back in, like steel to a magnet. Your brain wants to reject him, but your heart is desperate for him, craving to fall back into him and his empty promises. He has a hold on you that you probably will never be able to break free from, and maybe it’s time you accept this fate.
“I’ll think about it,” you conclude.
“I can grovel if you want. That's fine with me, baby. I’ma grovel as long as you want me to. I know you like the things I do when I’m on my knees.” He winks cheekily as you gasp, blushing profusely.
“Matter of fact, you comin’ back to my suite with me. I’ma show you just how good I can grovel,” he adds. His straight white teeth sink into his bottom lip, and the heat that simmers in his eyes leaves you weak-kneed.
“Oh my god. What am I gonna do about you?” you lament.
His chuckle is joyous and relieved as he holds you tighter in his strong arms and repeatedly, playfully kisses your cheek. “Whatever you want, my baby girl. Whatever you want.”
You roll your eyes in response, but you fail at masking your grin as the thrill of reuniting with your man warms you all over. You figure that a couple extra hours in his company won't hurt. One night only.
Just tonight.
That's it.
Thoughts? Should she believe him?
Please leave feedback/comments. I appreciate them as they help me improve my writing.
Thank you all so much for reading!
Banner made by me. Jey gifs by @jeygif and @jeysuso respectively.
TAGGING: @thesamoanqueen @harmshake @jxtina-86 @romanreignseater @herwickedlittlesins @harlem11680 @fame-ass-ers @southerngirl41 @alyyaanna @squishyguishy @jstarr86 @murrylove @reci24 @thewarlordsworld @mzv11 @cozyaliensuperstar7 @jeysuso @nayys-world @hunnidmilly @cyberdejos2 @papireigns-05 @niknakbucks92 @captainwithoutmakingitlove @sovereigngoth @aisharmi @kennedi0818 @alichesmi @questionable-behaviour @tribalchiefreigns @2-muchsauce @thatbxtchsblog @raya-hunter01 @marchi36753 @lovelysuccess @christinabae @wooahmiri @thatonecarebear @tabletheofhead @rheaanddamianfan @vebner37 @hanley1577 @princessesareforsuckers @-naturally @joannasteez @bbygirlky18
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visionarymode · 7 months
Double Trouble
✧ warnings: smut, language, 18+
✧ pairing: jimmy uso & jey uso x female reader
✧ word count: 7,698
this is the second chapter of this little series with the twins, you can catch up & read part one Seeing Double here <3 this chapter was a lot longer than I expected it to be but I hope y'all enjoy! and yes... there will be one more for the finale 👀
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Meet him upstairs in five? Five minutes? Why? What the hell did Jey say to him? Or maybe he didn’t mention anything, he just wanted to see you. You guys did have a hot and heavy make-out session in the bedroom before you got interrupted, by his brother. The same brother that just ate you out in the upstairs bathroom. While Jimmy was standing outside of that bathroom, not a single clue as to what was happening on the other side. Your thumbs hovered over the keyboard to type back, but they couldn’t. You were so confused, drunk, and still racing from that orgasm upstairs. You couldn’t think straight. You felt your heart starting to pound inside your chest and realized you were literally on the verge of an anxiety attack. You pinched Jasmine’s arm twice. It was both of your guys’ secret way of calling for help when the both of you needed the other in situations like this one. She turned to you mid-laugh from the conversation she was indulged in, realizing you needed her, and grabbed your wrist to head out the door. The chilly breeze flew back your hair as she shut the door and walked with you halfway down the pavement. 
“What’s wrong babe? You need the inhaler?” she asked, messily rummaging through her purse before she clumsily dropped it to the floor. 
“No, no I don’t know. I just need air. I don’t know,” you rambled pacing back and forth hugging yourself to keep warm as the wind made you shiver. 
“What happened? Did something happen? Did that bitch do something? I’ll beat his ass!” 
“No Jaz, they didn’t do anything.”
“They?” she asked with furrowed brows. 
You realized what you said and stopped pacing, looking back at her with a “yeah, I fucked up” look. 
“Oh shit. They!” her jaw dropped at the realization. 
“Shut up,” you warned her with a finger feeling her comments about to spring up. 
“I didn’t even say anything!” she laughed taking a mini shot glass out of her purse.
“Girl what the hell is that?” you tried to hide your giggle.
“It’s my customized shot glass what do you mean?” You both busted out laughing, still clearly drunk and easily distracted. 
“So they, huh? Plural? As in both of them?” 
“Yes and no.” 
“Girl how does that work?” she asked with a high-pitched tone. 
“I didn’t fuck either of them,” you whined back at her, impatience adding its way in your already swirling emotions from her questions. 
“So what happened then?!” she semi yelled, still giggly. 
“Made out with Jimmy in the guest room and Jey ate me out in the bathroom,” you quickly splurged out as you covered your mouth acting like you heard that information for the first time yourself. She loudly gasped at your confession and started laughing.
“Girl, I didn’t know you got down like that period!” she shook her head, holding up her hand in the air so you could high-five her.
“What are you- put your hand down this is not a flex!” you hissed, pushing her hand back down. 
“You living every girl’s dream babe, you fucking around with both twins! And they’re fine as hell!” she playfully snapped back. You covered your face at her hard-hitting comments and sighed. 
“So what now? Was it a one time thing? Do you like one better?” she gasped in between questions. 
“Jasmine! I don’t know. I-I like them both. They both make me fucking swoon-”
“Swoon’s a funny ass word,” she laughed. You kissed your teeth about to remark her statement before you heard the sound of the door opening a few feet away. 
“Y’all okay?” Your head snapped to the front door to see Jimmy stepping out, walking towards the both of you. “You leaving already?” 
“No- I just-” you stuttered, your phone slipping out of your hand and falling onto the cement. “Fuck!” you cursed under your breath, picking it up to check for any cracks, and sighed with relief to see that it was okay. 
“Y/N just needed some air. She wasn’t feeling too good, she’s just drunk,” she quickly covered for you and you were so grateful for her saving your ass at that moment. 
“Anyways I’ll see y’all back inside I’m freezing,” she started shimmying back to the door before turning around to shoot you a thumbs up with a wink. 
“You okay? Yo anxiety actin’ up again?” he softly asked, reaching to run his hands up and down your shivering shoulders. The same way his twin brother did literally twenty minutes ago. 
“No I thought I was, but I’m okay,” you hesitantly smiled, still attempting to read his indecipherable face. 
“Come here,” he waved his hand over but stepped towards you instead to wrap his arms around you, his tall figure securely embracing your five-foot body. You sighed, hugging him back tightly, feeling a little bit of relief but that guilt still crept up in your mind.
“You get my text?” he mumbled in your hair. You opened your eyes as that same anxiety that withdrew from your body from his touch started sprinkling back in your blood. 
“What text?” you asked, dumbfounded. 
“I wanted you to come upstairs…” his hand stopped rubbing down your back and you felt your breathing start to escalate again. 
“Jimmy-“ you began to say before he cut you off. 
“Just come upstairs,” he sternly whispered in your ear before letting go of you and walking back towards the door to head inside. You stood there shocked and confused before he turned back around to look at you with a raised brow.
“Whatchu’ doin’? It’s cold out here get inside,” he playfully remarked extending his hand for you to grab. You sighed of relief and grabbed his hand as you both went back inside and up the stairs to the same bedroom you shared an intimate moment earlier. He shut the door behind him and your smile faded away as he almost coldly looked at you, searching your eyes for information as if he knew you did something to fuck up. 
“Just sit,” he vocalized, nodding his head over to the bed. You slowly walked over and sat on the edge of the bed as he locked the door behind him, taking his sweet time stepping to stand in front of you. 
“Jimmy I can exp-”
“Stop,” he sternly yet so quietly interrupted, still eyeing you below him. You got lost in his intimidating brown eyes for a split second and before you knew it, the alcohol decided to take a leap and you started word vomiting. 
“I’m so sorry. It didn’t mean anything, we were both just drunk and it happened so fast. I didn’t know Jey was gonna come in like that-“ 
“Hol’ up. Hol’ up. Jey?“
You froze at his question, feeling your throat choke up. He had no fucking idea what you were talking about. 
“W-What?” you asked back stupidly. 
“Whatchu’ mean Jey?” 
“I didn’t- Why did you call me back up here?” you switched topics, thinking back to his text to meet you up here. 
“Because I wanted to chill with you? Pick up where we left off…what the fuck happened with Jey?” he spat. Your mouth opened to speak but nothing came out. You felt your heart racing and hands shaking as you nervously fumbled with them in your lap. 
“Nothing I ju-”
“Did y’all fuck?” he blurted with furrowed brows. 
“No! No, we didn’t.” You clarified, standing up to face him but that didn’t calm him any less. 
“Then what happened?” he pressured you, sensing your bullshit answer. 
“I-” you sighed looking down knowing you had to just get it out and there was no going back. 
“I-I was in the bathroom. He came in…everything happened so fast, one thing led to another and he…gave me head,” you mumbled the last part looking back up to see his face filled with anger, then confusion, then hurt. 
“Gave you head?! Was that before or after we were up here together?” 
“After…” your voice broke from his harsh and offended tone. He kissed his teeth and turned his back on you to pace a couple of steps away from you, stressfully running his hand over his beard. 
“Jimmy I-” Before you could finish your sentence he lowly mumbled something under his breath that you couldn’t make out and rushed to the door, snatching the doorknob open. You followed in pursuit but he was way faster than your short ass as he practically jogged down the stairs. 
“Oh fuck-” you quickly realized this wasn’t going to end well and started running down the stairs but it was too late. Jey was in the middle of the room deep in conversation as he laughed, having a great time. That pretty smile was quickly taken away once he turned his head at his brother’s presence, and Jimmy threw a punch at his face. You gasped loudly and so did everybody else as all the men in the room surrounded them, trying to break them up as they started brawling in the middle of the room. 
“What the fuck are y’all doing?!” Solo ran up from the kitchen trying to pull Jimmy off his brother and luckily was successful as he shoved him away from his other brother. Your eyes widened and you covered your mouth in shock looking down at Jey on the floor holding his face, glaring at Jimmy as two of his cousins started helping him up. 
“Bitch,” he mumbled under his breath. He noticed you to the side and his face softened at your presence and worried look, his eyes moving back and forth between you and his brother quickly understanding what happened. He helped himself up and moved his way through the crowd, exiting the front door. You searched for Jimmy and saw him walking up the stairs. 
“What the fuck just happened?!” Jasmine alarmingly reached for your arm, her voice barely heard from the crowd still rambling about what they just witnessed. 
“Fuck,” you huffed making your way through everybody to head up the stairs. You peeked through the open cracks of the doors and then reached the second to last one on the right that was shut. The same bedroom you and Jimmy were in earlier. You lightly knocked twice and there was no answer. You knocked again, no answer. You turned the doorknob to check if it was locked and it wasn’t. You slowly opened it, peeking your head in to see Jimmy sitting on the edge of the bed chugging his beer bottle. You gulped as your anxiety started to rise in your body again, carefully stepping in hoping he wouldn’t kick you out. 
“Can we talk?” you asked with a low whisper. He looked up at you and pointed to the empty space next to him with his bottle in response. You carefully sat down, as if you’d cause more harm just by denting the sheets with your sitting. 
“I’m so sorry. I- I don’t know what I was doing I told you it happened so fast. I didn’t expect to share that moment with you up here and I sure as hell didn’t expect to do…that with your own brother. I’m sorry. I-I’m so drunk,” you sighed, giving up on explaining as your hands flew to your lap. He chuckled at your rambling and you turned your head to the sound in confusion at his reaction. 
“What?” you asked.
“You stay talking too damn much when you’re drunk,” he laughed taking another sip of his beer. A smile slowly crept up on your lips, feeling relief and comfort from his sweet-tempered words.
“I can’t help it,” you mumbled looking down to fumble with your fingers. He noticed and grabbed your hand as they naturally enlaced together. He stared a little too long at your intertwined fingers and pulled his hand away, hunching down to look at the floored space between his legs as he ran his hand over his beard in deep thought. That smile on your face faded again, knowing he couldn’t just easily get over this. He had feelings for you, and you went ahead and fucked around with his twin brother. 
“It’s fine,” he interrupted you, looking back up to shrug his shoulders as if he was unbothered. You wanted to believe him, but you sensed that he didn’t even believe himself. Your mouth opened to speak but he took another swing of his beer bottle, drinking a little extra this time. 
“S-So you’re not mad?” you asked as he shook his head and wiped some dribbles of his beer off his bearded chin. You watched him set his bottle down on the floor as you spoke up again, not understanding how he didn’t seem to care. 
“Are you su-“ you were cut off as he abruptly grabbed your face and shut you up, his lips smashing against yours. You hesitated at first because it was a strong, forceful, hungered kiss…almost as if he was trying to take his anger out on you. But once he pulled you closer by the nape of your neck, sliding his delectable tongue in your mouth, you wasted no time sucking on it, helping him relieve the stress. 
“Stop talkin’ and take these fuckin’ jeans off,” he mumbled followed by a bite on your lower lip as he unbuttoned your pants and zipped them down with lightening speed. You were so turned on you couldn’t even think straight, so you did whatever the hell he told you to do. You desperately panted against his parted mouth, slipping them off before he got up and stood between your legs.
“Get up on this bed and put your ass up for me…” he softly demanded, grabbing you by the throat as he looked behind you to show you where he wanted you. Your eyes didn’t leave his as you scooted back and turned around to get on all fours. Your breath shook as he ran his fingers up and down your drenched panties, his other hand palming your ass cheek before he groped you. He slid off your thong as you lifted each knee to help him. You felt his breath on your inner thighs as he spread open your folds, humming in hunger. 
“This pussy is mine…” he muttered before spitting between your folds. You moaned as you felt his saliva drip down along your entrance before he scooped it back up with his tongue, making your knees buckle. 
“Oh my god…” you gasped as he started lapping his tongue frantically, the loud sounds of it slurping over your wetness ringing in your ears as you quickly fell into a euphoric state. He squeezed your ass with both hands as he groaned, practically motor boating your pussy lips, dipping his tongue back in to lick you up. 
“Shiiiiiit,” you whined as your face fell onto the sheets, your upper body collapsing as your ass was still in his grasp. He spanked you, surely leaving a red print making you clutch on the sheets beneath you tighter. He spat inside your lower lips again, this time more forcefully as you felt his saliva shoot against your hole before he came back to lap his tongue over the same saliva-stained spot. He repeated it over..and over…and over… until you shuddered and almost choked on your breath from how deep his face was buried in your ass, his lips never leaving your mess unless it was to heighten your pleasure with his spit. 
“Jimmy…I-I’m gonna cum,” you first whispered until it turned into a high-pitched whine, making you move back on your hands to grind against his face. He lowly moaned, continuing to make out with your pussy as he spanked you again, jiggling your ass cheeks in his hands. 
“Cum baby…cum…” he mumbled between licks and your orgasm came crashing down, your cries matching the frequency of his slurps as you squirted in his mouth. 
“Good girl…” he moaned in satisfaction  as he dedicatedly swallowed every shooting drop of your nectar. 
“Fuck…” you breathed out as rocked your body away from his face, your head falling back down to your chest from blissful exhaustion. He chuckled at your reaction before you heard rustles behind you as he took off his joggers and boxers. You looked back at the sight, his long, thick, pretty brown dick springing out making you bite your lip and rocking your ass back in his direction. He smirked back at you before he spat on his dick to lubricate it some more. You watched it swirl down onto his tip that mixed with his pre cum, his big hand sliding it up and down his shaft as he leaned over you.  
“If this is whatchu’ wanted you shoulda just told me…” he growled in your ear, as he hovered on top of your heated back, sliding his sloppy tip between your ass cheeks before gliding it further down to your wet entrance, sloshing it up and down your drenched mess. You couldn’t speak as he held your jaw in his hands, your mouth parted open with short, raspy moans rolling off your tongue. 
“Pl-Please…” you begged as he teasingly brought his tip to your hole. 
“Please what? Huh?” he pressured you, his lips grazing your earlobe as he started slipping his thick head inside your hole.
“I need you inside o-ooooh my gooooood,” you loudly moaned as he didn’t let you finish, instead slowly pushing half of himself inside you. He thrusted again, this time shoving his entire length in you. You felt your elbows slip on the bed, your head dropping down from how fucking good he felt. He brought himself back up, smoothing his hand down your back to push your face back into the sheets. His thrusts slowly escalated, and you felt him in the pit of your stomach each time he pumped his big dick in you. Faster, deeper, harder…
The bed started squeaking and the headboard was hitting the wall, surely if people were outside that door they would know damn well what was going on inside. 
“You like that? You like this dick baby?” he groaned in deep pleasure, gripping your hips in place. 
“Yesyesyes…” you moaned before you loudly gasped as he spanked you again, slowing down his elongated strokes. 
“Where you goin’?” he hummed watching you trying to crawl away and grip the sheets above your head as they pulled off the mattress from your tight grip. He grabbed a handful of your hair to pull you back up on your hands. He picked up the steady, rough pace as his dick sloppily slid in and out of you, making your mind swirl with dizziness. 
“Nah, get up you gonna feel every…inch…of…this…dick…” the sounds of his balls slapping against your skin filling the pauses between each word as he continued to pile drive his dick deep in your guts. You started seeing stars as your breath got caught in your throat, feeling your climax climbing up on you. 
“I-I’m-“ you shakily whimpered. 
“Yeah…he can’t fuck you like this, can he?” he lowly chuckled with a deep, sadistic tone that quickly turned into a moan as he felt your walls fluttering around his dick. 
“Mmmm you gonna cum?” he shakily whispered back as he leaned into your ear. All you could do was nod, your eyes were low, mouth dropped open with ongoing cries as he cupped on of your breasts to then slither it down your stomach and over your sensitive clit to rub circles over it. 
“Cum on my dick baby…” he moaned feeling you pulsate around his thick length that didn’t stop pounding in you. His sensual coaching in your ear was the last straw for you and your soaking pussy, your orgasm crashing down as you didn’t control your moan, after moan, after moan…after…
“Oh my-my gooooooood,” you cried as you felt a tear drop fall from your left eye. He fucked you so hard and so good that your eyes stung with tears, failing to keep up with his heavy rocks that practically sent you into a different realm. 
“Fuck…” he moaned as he kissed your cheek, tasting your tear drop. You could feel your messy juices dripping onto the sheets in spurts, as he continued to pump you with his coated dick. 
“I wanna taste you…” you whispered, faintly turning back to look him in the eyes as he held you by the cheeks with his right hand squeezing them open as his thumb shakily grazed your lips. 
“Yeah?” he moaned as he slowly pulled out, jerking himself off as he grabbed you by the jaw again, making you spin around as you sat on your ankles, your legs spread open, playing with your clit as his tip fell on your tongue. He bit his lip watching you look up at him with innocent yet devilish eyes, his hand sloshing up and down his creamy and coated dick. You grabbed his wrist and took over, using both of your hands to stroke him until he let out a low, sexy grunt as his head fell back. 
“Cum daddy…” you whisperingly pleaded, feeling his dick twitch in your palms, shooting white ropes into your mouth and across your cheeks as you moaned swallowing every drop. 
“You’re so fucking sexy…” he groaned, as his hand slowly stopped jerking himself off, watching you taste every ounce of his cum. You wiped the corners of your mouth with your thumb, sucking off the rest as you smiled at him. 
“Why you do this to me, huh?” he smirked grabbing your cheeks to kiss you, your juices blending with the swirls of your tongues.
“Sorry, I can’t help it,” you giggled against his lips as he grinned back, scooping you up his arms to throw you back on the bed. 
You both cleaned up and decided to stay in the room until everybody cleared out to avoid any awkward and tense conversations about what happened earlier. You texted Jasmine that you’d be sleeping over since Jimmy was staying over at Solo’s because they travel together for the upcoming live events. But he wasn’t the only one apart of their little carpool. Jey was also staying over. You hadn’t seen him since he was on the ground from Jimmy swinging on him. 
You were showered and ready to go to bed. Ready to go to bed yet couldn’t. You kissed Jimmy goodnight as he spooned you in his changed and cozy sheets. He knocked out immediately. You don’t know how much time went by as you delicately caressed your fingertips up and down his sleeved arm that was wrapped around your waist. He was sound asleep but you were wide awake, staring at the darkened space in front of you. You couldn’t sleep. All you could think about was him. The image of Jimmy’s fist hitting his face kept replaying in your mind. You couldn’t toss and turn because you didn’t want to wake Jimmy up. You couldn’t just lay here like this. It was driving you insane. Maybe some water will help. You were thirsty after all, the only drinks you’d been having all night were alcohol. You slowly lifted his arm off of you and placed it at his side as you quietly stepped out of the bed, looking back to make sure he was still asleep. He was clearly exhausted. After the day he’s had, you didn’t blame him. You sighed and checked your phone on the nightstand. 4:10 am. You ran your fingers through your hair and out your face, quietly walking over to the door. You scrunched up your face as if it would silence the sound of the doorknob twisting as you opened it, shutting it behind you. You turned on the flashlight from your phone to head down the stairs. You remembered how Solo let you all know if you needed anything at all, you could just help yourself to his fully stocked fridge. You turned the corner to the kitchen when a silhouette appeared, the fridge light revealing his figure. 
“Oh shit-” you quietly gasped, your hand flying to your chest. Jey turned around, wearing nothing but his boxers, closing the fridge door as he held a water bottle in his hand. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t know-”
“You thirsty too?” he whispered, opening the fridge again to grab you a bottled water. 
“Thanks,” you smiled, grabbing it to open it up. Your fingers stopped twisting the cap as your eyes landed on his very noticeable black and purple eye. You felt that guilt bombard your senses once again as your face dropped at the sight. Worry fell over you as you hesitantly stepped closer to cup his jaw and turn his head to get a better look. 
“Oh my god…I’m so sorry,” you sighed feeling tears sting your eyes. 
“Don’t. It’s not your fault stop that,” he kissed his teeth before gently grabbing your wrist, dropping it back down. 
“Yes it is,” you whispered still looking at him nervously. 
“No it’s not baby,” he furrowed his brows at your statement. You felt your skin tingle at the name. Your fingers were still entangled but you couldn’t let go. He stepped closer to gently wipe the tear falling from your face and pulled you to his chest to embrace you. You hugged him tightly, his warm bare skin comforting you as you listened to his heartbeat. He cradled your head in his hand, running it over your hair. Your fingers gently lifted on his back, running them up and down his soft skin making him sharply inhale. 
“Get some sleep,” he mumbled against your hair, his hands dropping down your back to gently grip your waist to pull you away. Your arms only moved halfway off of him, still looking up at him. You both just gazed in each others eyes, his hand finding its way to cup your cheek. It was so quiet. Yet it was so loud. You could hear a pin drop. But you could also hear the sound of your heart beating inside your chest. The heart that kept beating for him when it wasn’t supposed to. His thumb softly caressed your cheek, as he peered down to your lips that you just licked. You tried to send the message with your eyes. You wanted him to read how desperate and loving they were. You speedily looked from his left eye to the right, trying to see if he received it. And he did. He pulled you in by the nape of your neck as your lips crashed together. You softly moaned at the return of his long, savory tongue in your mouth. The corners of your mouths quickly covered in saliva from the sloppy, needy, and yearning need for one another. You wrapped your arms around his neck as your breathing grew heavier. His panting just as rapid at the millisecond breaks your mouths took to turn your heads in the other direction in your make-out session. His hands dropped to the bottom of your oversized shirt to yank it up to your waist, grabbing a handful of your ass as it peeked out of your cotton pink cheeksters. You moaned in his mouth from his touch and he took that opportunity to scoop you up in his arms, your legs wrapping around his waist. He groaned at the feel of your drenched panties rubbed up against his stomach, hurriedly placing you on the kitchen counter. Your legs stayed wrapped around his torso as you almost fell back from your faces avidly crashing. 
“Jey…” you whisperingly moaned as he grabbed you by the throat with one hand and cupped your breast with the other as he snaked his way up your shirt. 
“Whatchu’ want baby…” he shakily asked between kisses as you continued to grind against his bare upper body, the pressure helping alleviate your need just a tiny bit. 
“Fuck me please…” you panted as he dragged his tongue down your jaw making your back arch. 
“Let’s go to my room,” he mumbled against your neck as he sucked your soft spot. 
“No…I can’t wait,” you whispered as you pulled the hem of his boxers, slipping your hand inside the fabric to feel his hard, throbbing dick. He whimpered at your touch and your fingers lightly brushed the tip seeping with pre cum, making you breathe out another low-pitched moan.
“Mmmm please I’ll be quiet…” you begged in his ear as your thumb circled around his dripping tip. 
“Nah…” he softly moaned as you dropped your hand along his shaft to softly stroke it. 
“I’m gonna fuck this pussy up the way I want-“ he growled before scooping you back up in his arms as he quickly tip-toed up the stairs. You covered your mouth at his quick reaction as you bobbled in his arms as he went up every step. You shut your eyes refusing to look at his door, hoping no one caught you both sneaking off to Jey’s room that was the last door down the long hall. Before you knew it silence in his darkened room took over as he quietly locked his door and pinned you against it as he left sloppy sucks down your neck. You were out of breath as your eyes fluttered, heavily panting in the silence as he covered your neck with his saliva. Your fingers found their way in his hair, lightly pulling on it before a gasp popped out your mouth as he scooted you further up along the door to swirl his tongue along your collarbone and chest. You used your foot to push onto the door and get yourselves moving to the bed as he walked over not daring to remove his tongue off of you. He threw you onto the bed and you let out a giggle louder than you meant to, quickly covering your mouth as you realized.
“Thought you said you were gonna be quiet?” he playfully teased with a grin, as he towered over you, making you lean further back on the bed. 
“Thought you said you were gonna fuck this pussy up?” you teased back against his lips as he slithered his hands under your shirt to cup your breasts. 
“And I will…” he whispered, dipping his head back down to snatch the bottom of your shirt with his teeth, leaning back in your flushed face. 
“Take this shit off,” he muttered with the fabric between his grillz, his eyes hyper-focused on your lips as his forefingers and thumbs twiddling with your hard nipples. A moan rolled off your tongue at his touch, as you crossed your arms grabbing the side hems to take off…Jimmy’s oversized shirt. But he didn’t even cross your mind. You suddenly forget Jey had a brother at all because he had your full undivided, horny, and yearning attention. You threw it across the room, watching his pretty enticing eyes peer from your left breast to the right, licking his lips ready to feast on you. 
“Mmmm, you’re so fuckin beautiful…” he moaned, rubbing his big, smooth hands up and down your thighs. Slowly sliding them over your stomach as it sank in from the tingles, flattening his tongue on your right nipple as he delicately flicked it up and down while massaging your left breast. 
“Oh my god…” your head fell back at the feel of his wet and warm tongue gliding around your nipple as he sucked on it. Your right shin fondled with the bulge in his boxers. The contact made him slide his tongue back up your neck and on your lips as he drove his tongue in your mouth, grabbing you by the waist to push you further back on the bed. 
You cheekily grinned as you bit your lip, watching his long fingers grab his hard-on that was prominently peeking out of his boxers, his bracelet shining right at you as he rubbed up on his bulge. 
“This whatchu’ want baby?” he whispered as he stared into your soul, his hand slipping inside to grab his length as he hovered on top of you, his chain tickling your chest. 
“Yes daddy…” you naturally breathed out, the same name you called his brother just a few hours ago. 
“Slip ��em off for me baby,” he mumbled against your lips as he hooked his other finger inside the band of your panties to  tug on them. Without a hesitant fiber in your being, you obliged, bucking your hips up to slide them off your legs and toss them across the room. You reached for his boxers to pull them down as he let you. His long, thick dick sprang out as the tip brushed against your tummy, the droplets of his warm pre cum sliding against your skin. 
“This pretty pussy stay dripping for me huh?” he asked as his long, thick fingers found your slick folds, opening them up to roam up and down your mess, the same way he did earlier in the night. 
“Fuck…” you whined as he sped up the vertical strokes suddenly replacing them with his creamy, dribbling tip continuing his up-and-down slides along your entrance. You gasped a little louder this time, the head of his dick inching its way into your hole. 
“Shhhh…” he grabbed your jaw to make you look in his eyes as he slipped his entire length inside of you making you moan once again, louder than you expected. He pressed his lips against yours mid-moan in an attempt to shut you up, but the way his tongue slithered in your mouth only made your noises lose more control. 
“Feel good baby?” he seductively mumbled as he slowly stroked his dick in and out of your doused pussy, his lips swiping on your parted ones with each thrust. 
“Yessss so good…” you whispered as he picked up the pace, creating pleasureful flutters in your tummy with every push inside of you. The legs of the bed were so quiet yet soundable as they rocked against the hardwood floors. He frantically buried himself within you, your arms hooked under his shoulders, your nails digging into his upper back as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. Your walls were already so sensitive from how hard Jimmy fucked you earlier. It felt so so good but you winced a tiny bit at Jey’s similar  aggressive thrusts that it made you croak out a cry.
“You okay baby? Too rough?” he breathlessly asked, his eyes lowly glazing over yours for any confirmation. You couldn’t speak as his dick quite frankly knocked the wind out your throat from your whispered cries, a tear falling down your cheek before he kissed it away. 
“I gotchu’…I gotchu’ bae,” he reassuringly whispered, his hard and quick thrusts slowing down to gentle, deep, elongated strokes that made you shakily moan from this new, different,   out-of-world pleasure that erupted sparks in your body that melted into the sheets. 
“Oh my…gooood,” you moaned, your mind swirling with a euphoric, foggy sensation with how fucking good his slower strokes felt, dragging out the way his length nicely slipped between your walls that contracted around it, not wanting it to slip away. 
“This feel good, hm? Nice and slow baby?” he deeply asked as he nuzzled his face in your neck, a small grunt falling from his lips.  
“Yesyesyes,” your high-pitched, whispered gasp erupted as he hit your g spot ever so slowly with each delicate thrust. He left sloppy kisses down your neck, his grillz leaving little love bites that made you pull on the ends of his blue-tipped mullet. He grabbed your right thigh to scoop his arm behind your knee, giving himself more space to fill you up with every inch of his dick. 
“Mmmmm…Jey,” you moaned, tugging a little harder on his hair as he hovered over you again, his breath hitching watching you in deep arousal. 
“I…I…” you heavily panted as he hummed, almost agreeing with your unsaid sentence. Your right hand rested on the nape of his neck, as your left grazed over his bearded jaw. 
“I love you,” he professed softly, fastening his strokes just by a little knowing that’s all you needed before your climax exploded throughout your entire body, making your legs uncontrollably fondle with his lower back. You felt his dick spasm between your sensitive walls as his forehead fell on yours, his moans a little louder than yours before you decided to shut him up this time as your lips weaved together. Your chests heaved against one another, a faint smile forming on your lips as your eyes barely stayed open. You stayed in the same position for a little while, just admiring each other’s eyes before he softly kissed you again, making your cheeks flush as your fingers grazed his sweaty, glistening back. 
“Don’t tell me this dick knocked you out, wake up baby,” he jokingly whispered, tilting your chin up and forcing you to gaze up at him. 
“I’m awake,” you mumbled with a grin. 
“Man…you’re so perfect,” he complimented, still slightly panting. 
“Shut up,” you giggled, feeling overwhelmed with his loving presence. There was silence before you noticed the sunrise starting to peek out from the curtains as it accentuated his face. The black eye was nothing compared to his vibrant and pretty features. Your thumbs caressed over his lower jaw, his beard hairs smoothly prickling against your skin. 
“I have to go back…” you lowly whispered, feeling a tug on your heartstrings watching his smile fade away as he nodded in agreement. 
“Let me get you a towel first,” he whispered, pecking you before getting up and walking towards the bathroom. You sighed, resting your palm on your forehead feeling a mixture of emotions. You really fucked both of them. You really fucked both Usos. You weren’t gloating, just extremely confused about your feelings. Sleeping with Jimmy for the first time after so many years of light-hearted flirtatious moments was great. The sex was appetizingly filthy, rough, and electrifyingly steamy. But with Jey…it was more passionate, comforting, more so making love to one another. And the three words that fell from Jey’s mouth…made you melt. The twins have always told you they loved you and you’ve always said it back. But this was most definitely different. 
“Psst.” You snapped out of it and turned to see Jey walking out with a towel around his waist, another in his hand as he pretended to shoot his shot at you, literally. You caught it with ease and shook your head at his goofy ass. You cleaned up and slipped your oversized shirt back on, almost feeling dirty, in a guilty way, fucking one brother then putting the other one’s shirt over your head. You tied your hair in a messy bun and tip-toed to the door, the sun’s golden light more luminous in the room as it highlighted his face. 
“You gonna sleep?” you whispered, wrapping your arms around his waist. 
“Nah. Gon’ hop in the shower…you could join me if you want,” he softly expressed, grabbing a handful beneath your shirt. 
“Tempting, but I can’t,” you giggled as he lightly spanked you and scoffed at to answer. You stared into each other’s eyes for what felt like forever before you shared one last flavorsome, soft, and passionate kiss. 
“Yeet,” you whispered turning back around one last time as your hand grabbed the doorknob. He chuckled, holding on to his towel. 
“Yeet,” he threw back with a wink and you departed as you looked left and right in the hallway before stepping out. You reached Jimmy’s room, the door slightly squeaking as you turned the knob, making you curse under your breath. You peeked in, seeing him still asleep. You blew a little air out of your mouth, relieved that he was clueless. You climbed back in, making him stir in the sheets as he grabbed you by the waist to pull you closer. You dozed off, your brain playing hopscotch with the two brothers.
The following morning the boys had to leave for the airport for their live events. You ended up heading back home after having brunch with his Solo’s wife. The next following weeks were…chaotically indulging. If you weren’t with Jimmy, you were with Jey. If you weren’t with Jey, you were with Jimmy. You spent Sunday and Monday nights in Jey’s hotel room for Raw. You spent Thursday and Friday night traveling to Smackdown with Jimmy. Your weeks consisted of one twin pulling on your hair while you got pounded from behind in his locker room while the other fucked you against the steamy shower walls, both drenched from the hot water. They didn’t know about your rendezvous with the other twin…or so you thought. You picked up on the feeling that they secretly knew, because Jimmy didn’t call you on Sunday or Monday nights. Jey didn’t call you on Thursday and Friday nights. They just knew you were the other. And to think it wouldn’t get even more chaotic, you were at backstage at Fastlane where they both had matches. You were watching on the monitor set up in Jimmy’s locker room as Jey and Cody won the tag team titles, the biggest smile spreading on your lips knowing he was now a 2x undisputed tag team champion. You wanted to so badly find him and congratulate him right after, but you were with Jimmy up until his match. The match were him and Solo lost. Jimmy was crankier than usual, and you knew it wasn’t just because of the feeling of losing that match. That loss hit differently because he felt like he was falling behind his twin brother, not only in the ring but with you. You hated that he was in a mood the night before your birthday. You were throwing a big party, where everybody was invited. And to unintentionally make the situation a little harder for Jimmy, he didn’t expect Jey and Cody to show up with their tag titles gloating through the crowd. 
“They what?” you asked, your jaw dropping at Jasmine telling you what was going on downstairs as the guests started picking up. 
“Yeah girl, Jimmy still sitting in that corner drinking his beer. You gon’ come down or what we waiting on you!” she exclaimed watching you add a touch more of highlight on your nose. You heard her sniff and you looked at her through the mirror, dramatically holding her hand up to her mouth. 
“Are you crying?” you turned around with a little laugh. 
“You look so hot and you’re getting older, do you blame me?” she patted her tear away to avoid ruining her makeup. You giggled getting up from your stool to hug her as you felt tears sting your eyes.
“Fuck now I’m gonna cry,” you choked out before she broke the hug.
“No no no. You worked too hard on this makeup. I’m not crying anymore. Go put that sexy ass dress on so you can come down!” 
You changed in your purple sequined lace-up tube body con dress, fluffed up your hair, and put on your necklace and diamond earrings.
“You can open your eyes now,” you giggled before you gave her a little twirl and she started loudly clapping. 
“Oh my god, bitch you look stunning!” she hyped up. “Now let’s go down everyone’s wondering where you are.” 
“Wait,” you grabbed the shot glass from your dresser and poured yourself some tequila. You couldn’t go down there sober. Not when they were both here. You’re winced from the sizzling burn in your throat. You walked out with Jasmine down the stairs, the music blasting, and everyone was happily conversing and drinking. 
“Heyyyyy there she is!”
You giggled at everyone’s dramatic reactions continuing to walk down the stairs, giving hugs to everyone around as they wished you a happy birthday. You clanked your way to the kitchen to grab more drinks from the fridge, your heels already annoying you. 
“God…damn,” you hear a deep and sensual voice slightly startle you as you peeked above the fridge door still bent down with beers in your hand. Jey stood there with the sexiest smirk on his face, goofily dropping his eyes back down to your ass in the air as it peeked out of your tiny dress. 
“Shut up,” you giggled, closing the fridge with your heel, two bottles in each hand. 
“Let me get those for you,” he walked closer to grab them out of your hand and placed them on the counter before he gripped you by the waist, your lips inches away. Your breath hitched in your throat from his sweet cologne, his wet pink lips that he just licked as he caressed your cheek with his thumb, admiring your beauty. 
“Happy birthday beautiful,” he whispered before planting a nice, soft, and slow kiss on your lips. You moaned as your tongues naturally slipped into each other’s mouths, his hand sliding its way from your waist to your ass to grope you. 
“Thank you…” you breathed out, grinning against his lips. 
“Trus’ me this dress is…mmmmm…but I wanna rip this shit off and bend you over this counter right now,” he mumbled, biting your lower lip causing another moan to escape your lips as his grillz sank down on your glossy lips. 
“Later…” you whispered with a giggle trying to remove yourself from his grasp to get back to the drinks when the kitchen door opened, making you both turn your heads at the interruption. Luckily your bodies weren’t in touch anymore because with the way he raised his brows at the both of you, you figured he knew what was going on. 
“Well well well, what’s goin’ on?” Jimmy asked, clearly drunk as he crossed his arms. Jey kissed his teeth, turning his back on his brother as you let out an annoyed sigh. 
This was gonna be a long fucking night. 
thank you so much for reading! I appreciate it if you read through the entirety 💖✨
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damiansgoodgirll · 6 months
Can you please write reader x Jey Uso where she flinches or gets scared when something happens like she breaks something and he comforts her please? Cause he didn’t know she was in an abusive relationship
jey uso x reader
‼️past abusive relationship
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who did this?
you didn’t mean to break the glass. it just slipped from your hand while you were taking it from the shelf and instead of catching it on time, it just landed on the floor, going in thousand of pieces.
“what was that?” you heard your boyfriend jey screaming from the living room.
“uhm…nothing don’t worry about it” you said quickly but jey wasn’t having any of it as you found him in front of you right in the kitchen.
“oh jeez…be careful with that…” he said when he saw the broken pieces of the glass all over the floor.
“i promise i’ll clean it up right now…you can go back lay down, i’ll take care of it” you started talking fast and jey immediately knew something was wrong.
“it’s okay babe, it’s just a glass” he said, not understanding while you were worrying this much over a simple glass.
“i know but…i’ll take of it i promise…i just - why don’t you go back on the couch, i’ll clean everything in just a few seconds…” you felt anxiety rising. you didn’t know why you were reacting that way, you didn’t need to react that way with jey but old memories came to your mind. the times you used to break something or do or say something inappropriate, you always ended up with some bruises and you didn’t want it to happen with jey too.
“is everything okay love?” he asked taking a step toward you.
you immediately closed your eyes, preparing yourself for a slap or a push but it never came. you felt his warm hand over your cheek, gently wiping your tear away. you didn’t mean to but when you felt his hand on your face, you immediately flinched, alerting jey that something was more than wrong.
he didn’t know about your past, no one knew. it was something you just wanted to hide and keep it hidden. it was something that you were ashamed of, something you wanted to erase from your memory but couldn’t.
“who did this?” he asked. you knew what he was taking about but pretended you didn’t know.
“i don’t know what you’re talking about” you said.
“babe…i’m not stupid, who did this?” of course he wasn’t. he wasn’t stupid. he was worried about you. about how you flinched before, about how you cried when he walked towards you. about how scared you looked and the last thing he wanted was to have the girl he loved scared of him “was it your ex?” he asked but you flinched just at the memory of him in your head.
that was the answer he needed.
“i’m sorry…i didn’t mean to break the glass…” you kept apologising.
“fuck the glass baby…can you please open your eyes? it’s just me and i’m not going to hurt you…” he spoke softly, seeing how terrified you were.
you slowly opened your eyes and saw that there was just jey standing in front of you. not your ex, but jey.
“i’m sorry…” you apologised again.
“stop apologising baby, come here” he engulfed you in his big arms and let you cry all your tears.
when you calmed down he helped you sitting on the couch and gave you a glass of water.
“do you wanna talk about it baby?” he asked. he wanted to know more about your past since he knew nothing but at the same time he was scared of what you may say because he loved you too much and he couldn’t handle the idea of you being hurt and scared by someone you thought you loved.
“not really…” you whispered.
there was a reason why you never told jey. you didn’t want your past to define you. you just wanted be free.
“it’s okay…you can talk to me anytime you want…” he took a deep breath because inside of him he was fuming, he was really mad and he swore he wanted to punch your ex in the face “…did it happen often? over something silly like a broken glass?” he asked curiously. he didn’t want to overstep. he just wanted to know if there was something in particular that maybe was going to trigger you.
“over a broken glass…over a bad day at work…anything would made him go mad…if i spoke to much, if i spoke too less, if i laughed too hard, if i wasn’t nice with his friends, if i just wanted to hang out with my friends…if dinner wasn’t ready on time, little things made him crazy and he - he just acted like a fool…i handled it till i couldn’t anymore…” you looked at him in the eyes and felt a few tears coming out from yours.
“i’m so sorry you had to go through that baby…i’m really sorry, it shouldn’t have happened to you, but i can promise you that no one will hurt you now, you’re safe here with me…” he hugged you once again and helped you sat on his lap.
“jey what about the broken glass? it’s still on the floor…i should go clean it up”
“don’t care right now…it’s just glass and it won’t move from the floor…i’ll take care of it, you don’t have to worry about it” he whispered kissing your forehead. he knew you two had a lot of work to do together, he wanted to help you heal and he promised himself that he was going to be there for you in any moment of your life.
for the first time in your life you felt safe in someone’s arms. for the first time you felt like they were meant to protect you and not hurt you. for the first time in your life you felt safe.
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Jey (Part 1)
Jey. You sat across from your angry husband as he drove you both to a family event. The tension in the car was so thick you could cut it with a knife. All because you made one stupid mistake.
"Honey, can you just calm down? We're trying to have a fun family day and your acting like this." You groan folding your arms. He says nothing, only his grip on the steering wheel tightening and his jaw clenching and yet he said nothing.
"Jey? Baby I'm talking to y-"
"Y/n get out of my face. Like for real." He said, voice deep and clearly aggravated. You threw your hands up frustrated with him. He's been giving you the cold shoulder since Saturday, it's now Wednesday and you're sick of it.
"You're being unreasonable right now. Like-"
"I'm being unreasonable? I'm being unreasonable? But you're the one that sat up here and lost your damn wedding ring in a fucking night club playing around with your stupid ass friends."
To make a long story short, it was your cousins birthday and she really wanted you to come out to the club with her and her girls. Now you were never a clubber, hearing too many horror stories to give it a chance. On top of that, you as a married woman have no business in the club so you originally turned her down. Then after giving it some thought hours later, you agreed.
That night when Jey asked where you were going, you lied and said to you were going to your sisters house for awhile. He didn't question it, just kissed you goodbye and left it at that. You hated lying to him but you knew if he knew where you were actually headed, he'd try his best to convince you not to go. When you got to the club, you slipped your wedding ring off and put it in your pocket since according to your cousin, single ladies got in free that night, plus a free drink.
The night started off okay with you just lightly sipping on your tequila. Then as the night went on, it got worse. Men wouldn't stop grabbing you inappropriately, you were having to babysit your cousin and her friends. Somewhere along the way, you lost your ring and didn't notice until you got home.
The next day when you couldn't find it anywhere, you admitted everything to Jey. There was no need in hiding it from him cause he's very observant and kisses your hand constantly so he would've noticed eventually. Boy was he pissed! He went off as respectfully as he could, but even still it made you emotional. Now he's just giving you his silence, which is just about as worse as him arguing.
"Joshua....how many times do I have to apologize? That's why I went to the jeweler to replace it. I need something on my hand." He looks at you with a glare.
"You wouldn't have to do that if you would just wear your ring. I wear mine. I actually want people to know I'm married."
"Don't say that Jey. You know that I love you and that you mean the world to me. I just slipped up and lost-"
"If you love me, wear your damn ring. It's not just a simple fix where you can go into a jewelry store and buy another ring. That ring has sentiment to it y/m/n." He says hitting his hand against the steering wheel with each word as he called you by your middle name.
"I know baby and I'm sorry okay? Just tell me how I can fix this." You say sincerely as you reach over and rub his neck. You hated arguing with him, especially when you two began to spew hurtful things. Knowing that his words means the most to you.
"Let me ask you something." He says as he pulls to a stoplight. He looks over at you as you continue to rub his neck.
"What do you as a married woman get out of being in the club? Tell me." You roll your eyes as you rub a hand down your face.
"Jey, nothing okay. Nothing. I was just going out with my cousin to celebrate her birthday. For what it's worth, it wasn't worth it."
"Exactly! Because clubs are for single people looking for a good time. You think any of those asshole give a damn that you're married? They're out looking for a good time and apparently you still think you single."
"That's not true Jey! What more can I say?"
"Nothing. Ain't nothing you can say to clear this up. You're not as committed as I am and that's just the facts."
"Shut the hell up with that Jey. You know damn well I'm in this 100%. I would never love another man the way I love you. We've been through too much to get to where we're at. Look, the owner of the club said if he or one of his workers finds it, they'll call. I gave them my number and yours. So please calm down." It's a long while before he begins talking again. He laughs sarcastically as he rubs his beard.
"Oh yeah he called me and I went to pick it up this morning." You felt relief in your chest.
"....Well that's good, where is it so I can put it on?"
"You're not getting it back." Your mouth fell.
"What do you mean I'm not getting it back? You gave it to me Jey."
"Exactly. I gave it to you and you took it off, so clearly you don't want to wear it. You wanna be Miss single."
"Joshua you are being fucking childish."
"Okay y/l/n." He says calling you by your last name that you dropped to add his, Fatu, to yours. You feel tears prick at the corners of your eyes as you turn away from him.
"You're such an asshole." You mumble lowering your voice. Not wanting him to hear the tremble in your voice now.
"Yeah whatever y/l/n, when you're ready to be a wife, then you can get it back."
Shaking your head, you turn your body completely away from him and stare out the window. You lightly dab at the corner of your eye as a tear slipped. His grip on the steering wheel doesn't loosen as he continues on down the road. Both of your minds clouded and emotions through the roof.
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 2 months
Rebuild & Restore - Chapter 3
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
All OC Characters belong to me
Series Masterlist
Melvania furrowed her eyebrows as there was a knock on her front door. She looked at the clock that hung on the wall just above the entryway to her kitchen and set her coffee mug down on the counter as she saw it was just after 7 am. 
“Josh?” She asked her baby brother as she opened the door, shocked to see him at her house so early. “What are you doing here?” 
“We need to talk.” He said gruffly. “Can I come in?” Mel nodded and opened the door wider for him to enter her home. 
“Is everything okay?” She asked as she followed him into the living room and sat down on the couch across from the chair he had sat in. 
“No, not really. It’s about yesterday. With Kiyana.” Mel scoffed and rolled her eyes. 
“I should have known.” She muttered, sitting back and folding her arms. “Lemme guess, princess couldn’t handle hearing the truth so she sent you here to set me straight?” She scoffed again. “She is a whore and I'm not apologizing for saying it Joshua.” 
“That’s the mother of my kids Mel, whether you like it or not, you will not say no shit like that again while my kids are around.Yes, Kiyana fucked Joe.” Josh paused and clenched his fist together, he was still having a hard time dealing with that. “But I had an affair first, aight. I fucked up my marriage not Kiyana.” Mel rolled her eyes at his little speech. 
“To be completely honest baby bro, I could care less. She hurt you and that’s all I care about.” 
“You don’t have to like her, I mean you never did. But what you will do is respect the mother of your nephews.” Josh said as he stood up from her couch and walked out of his sister's house without saying another word to her. 
Next stop, Kiyana’s house..
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“Boys!” Kiyana yelled from the bottom of the steps. “What's taking so long!” She rolled her eyes as all she got back were giggles in response. She playfully glared over at Kairo when he started to giggle in his pack’n’play. “And what so funny?” She teased picking him up just as there was a knock on her front door.  
“Dada!” Kairo squealed, reaching his arms out for Joshua as Kiyana opened the door. 
“What are you doing here?” He handed her the flowers in his hand and took Kairo from here. “Who are these for?” She rolled her eyes at the look he gave her. 
“Who else would they be for? Open it.” She eyed the box warily and opened it, shocked to see it was red roses with the letter K in  white roses. “You like it?” 
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Kiyana nodded, “Yes, thank you.” 
“You welcome ba-” He paused and stopped himself. “You’re welcome Kiyana. I’m sorry for letting Mel run her mouth yesterday and not stopping her.”  Kiyana said nothing and set the flowers down on the console table. 
“What are you doing here?” She asked again and Josh sighed. 
“I wanted to take my family to breakfast.” Kiyana nodded and bit her lip.
“Ok, The boys are already dressed. We were going out with my mom, but I guess they can go with you.” She walked into the living room and Josh followed her, shutting the front door behind him. 
“No, Key. Not just me and the boys, you too.”  Kiyana arched an eyebrow and shook her head. 
“No, that’s not a good idea. We’re div-” 
“Divorced, I know.” He cut her off. “You don’t gotta say that shit every time we see each other.” 
“We’re not family anymore Joshua. You and your family made that perfectly clear yesterday.” Josh set Kairo down in his pack n play and walked closer to Kiyana, who stepped back.  
“I’m sorry Key. I was in my feelings yesterday and I apologize. So please, can we take our sons to breakfast?” 
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 To Samara 👯‍♀️: Need to get this nigga head checked out… From Samara 👯‍♀️: Who? Lol what happened To Samara 👯‍♀️: Joshua, he showed up this morning w/ flowers and apologizing for Mel.  From Samara 👯‍♀️: …. Girl  To Samara 👯‍♀️: And now we’re at breakfast bc he wanted to take his ‘family’ out.  To Samara 👯‍♀️: Oh and he played our song on the way to breakfast and kept looking at me out the corner of his eyes  From Samara 👯‍♀️: not beauty by dru hill, lmao too little to late josh smh
“Who you texting?” Josh asked and Kiyana furrowed her eyebrows. 
“Samara.” He nodded, surprised that she actually answered him. He took a sip of his orange juice and watched as she cut up Kaiden’s waffle for him. 
“Joe’s back in Pensacola.” He blurted out and Kiyana paused her cutting and looked up at him. 
“Okay..” She trailed off with a shrug. “Why are you telling me.?” Why in the hell is he bringing up Joe? She thought and then swallowed hard as she remembered the text message she received last night. 
“Cause we had a deal, Kiyana.” Kiyana tilted her head at Josh. She then looked at he kids and noticed that they were busy on their I-PADS (yes, they’re I-PAD kids… don’t judge her) 
“Josh, we're divorced. I can talk to whoever I want to.”  Josh scoffed and shook his head, 
“I don’t want him around my sons, Kiyana.” She sighed and rubbed her temples, feeling a headache coming on. 
“I do not and will not talk to him. Joshua. Me and Joe have nothing to talk about, okay?” She said, just to get him to shut the hell up. Pleased with her answer, Josh let out a sigh of relief and sent a smile her way. 
“Thank you” Kiyana didn’t say anything back to him, she just sighed and looked out the window, wishing she was anywhere but at that diner. 
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A.N/ Kiyana will forever love Joshua, he was her first everything. She did file for divorce first but no matter what she will always be inlove with him.
🏷️ : @christinabae @southerngirl41 @reci1996 @jeyusos-girl @bemybabiibish
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strxwberry-milku · 6 months
Hello :3 it’s been a while since I requested a fic. How about evil!spoiled!fem!reader x Roman R. - she causes hell around backstage but in front of Roman she’s a saint lol
“ 𝐄𝐯𝐢𝐥 ,𝐖𝐞’𝐯𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐒𝐡𝐞’𝐬 𝐄𝐯𝐢𝐥 ”
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 🎀 : You going around causing chaos wherever you go , but hey whose gonna stop you ? exactly no one cause they know not to mess with THE tribal chiefs woman.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 🎀: Nothing accept a lil kissing
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Backstage was a living hell the workers had to face this demon like women every day , but if they hated it so much then they could leave . You wouldn’t care and certainly Roman wouldn’t care ether cause he knew he would be able to replace them real quick .
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“ But i want it , and i want it now ! ” the short woman screamed at the older panicked looking women “ i know darling but-” the younger girl raised her finger meaning silence and god forbid someone speaks over her . “ I SAID, i want it now . You don’t want me to tell your boss aka my husband that you’re denying his precious princess now do you ? ” you said playing an evil smirk on your face watching the worker start to get even more frightened than before . There’s something so sweet and delightful at the fact that you can get anyone wrapped around your finger just by mentioning your man’s name . Sighing in defeat the older woman named Janice got on her walkie talkie to make an announcement. “ This is Janice speaking, could one of you guys please order wing stop for y/n ” she said while looking elsewhere because she couldn’t look you dead in eyes knowing damn well you were boring holes straight through her head .
“ Ummm… what-t was your-r order aga-a-ain Mrs Reigns-s ? ” the poor lady trembled while speaking because she knew world war three was about the start . Looking offended you grabbed the walkie talkie from her hands and pointed it to your mouth “ listen here , you people have been working her for about a year now so how the fu-” just as you were about to finish your sentence you hear Romans voice come from behind you . Janice was probably thanking god above that she got saved from your tantrums by her boss . “ Is everything going on alright baby ?” he questioned and looked between both you and Janice who still seemed a bit shooken up.
Turning around you got on your tippy toes and kissed him which he happily obliged and wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you closer . Both of you still couldn’t give a fuck if anyone saw you guys making out because as stated before , if they don’t like it they can simply work somewhere else . Departing your lips from his you turned back around facing a shocked Janice , you almost busted out laughing from her expression , but nobody told her ass to stare .
“ Yes baby everything is ok , she was just ordering me my wing stop ” you replied while smiling up at him . Leaning down he kissed your forehead and said “ that’s good my love , however make sure you still have enough room to eat another meal because i’m taking you out for dinner at the new restaurant that just recently opened up down our street ” he then blowed you a kiss and took of round the corner back to his office .
Squealing in delight you shook Janice by her shoulders “ Did you hear that Janice ? my man is bout to take me out to eattttt , can you believe that ? who am i kidding, your man can’t even afford one of those microwave meals to give you ” without giving her a chance to respond you took off running to god knows where.
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝
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𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 : Ik this is a bit short but i did what i could do 🤷🏾‍♀️ i hope you liked it bae 💋
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raya-hunter01 · 10 days
Not My Sister's Keeper Pt. 4
Roman X OC(Kara)
Jey Uso X OC (Tia)
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut; sex, fluff, couple arguing, Jealousy, infidelity, pregnancy
Roamn’s wife recently left medical school and returned home to save her marriage. Upon her return, she finds out things are not what they seem. Her sister is pregnant by her best friend Jey Uso, who is also Roman’s cousin, and her husband is acting suspicious.
What happens when a conversation overhead on a baby monitor blows her world apart?
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Jey’s House
Kara’s POV
“Home sweet home,” Jey said putting my bags in the corner of his spare room as I sat down on the bed in a daze.
“Do you need anything?” Jey asked as I sighed. “I need none of this to have happened, Jey,” I said as Jey sat beside me.
“I know, but this is the card you’re being dealt, and you got to figure it out.”
“All I can think about is all the times we spent on that bus, and they had sex there,” I whispered trying not to cry. “She did it on purpose and he fell for it.”
“What is your sister’s deal?” Jey asked as I shrugged my shoulders. “We never really got along. I kept to myself, and she was the outgoing one,” I said really trying to pinpoint where the hatred came from.
“Did Roman take responsibly for his actions,” Jey asked as I shook my head. “He begged, said he was sorry, but I don’t think he truly knows how bad he hurt me.”
“Well, are you going to forgive him or is this it?” Jey asked as I looked at him like he was crazy.
“Jey, he slept with my sister and had a baby with her. It’s over,” I said as Jey seemed relieved with my answer.
“Just checking to see where your heads at beautiful.”
“I outta fuck somebody’s brains out on the bus and have him find us. That would hit his ass where it hurts,” I rambled as Jey took my hand in his.
“Aye, are you serious?” he asked as I shook my head.
“No, I’m just angry and rambling,” I said, standing up and pacing as Jey stopped me.
“If you were serious, you know I would help you. You know that right,” he said as I nodded.
“I know but I don’t know about crossing that line, I don’t want to hurt our friendship. I would never forgive myself,” I said truthfully.
“When I’m 38 and your 36,” Jey whispered as I smiled at the memory.
“Jey we were kids then,” I said remembering the pack we made when we were 22 and 24. “We didn’t know shit,” I said as he chuckled.
“I knew I wanted you,” Jey said as I blushed. “Yea, but you weren’t ready then. You were trying to find your way in the world, then wrestling came along. You had alot to figure out.”
“If I would have been ready then, could I have, had you?” he asked as I contemplated his question.
“Yea, you could have,” I answered honestly as Jey nodded.
“Well now it’s the opposite, I’m ready and you’re not,” Jey said as I shrugged my shoulders laying back on the bed as Jey lay beside me.
“Guess that is how it happens sometimes,” I whispered as he kissed my hand.
“Lucky for us both I do know what I want, and I’m willing to wait until you’re ready,” Jey said leaning over, wiping my tears.
“You want me to stay wit you?” he asked as I nodded settling into his arms.
I couldn’t sleep but I felt content in his arms, I felt safe.
I didn’t have to pretend to be ok, I could be me and right now I wasn’t ok…
Pensacola General Hospital
Roman’s POV
The stares….The judgmental stares from Kara and Tia’s parents as I held my daughter didn’t bother me. All I carried about was this beautiful little girl in my arms.
“She looks like you, Roman,” Tia said as I nodded entranced with my baby girl.
“Yea, just like my baby pictures,” I said caressing her little face.
“Don’t you want to see that little face every day. Roman we could be a family, nothing is stopping us now,” Tia whispered as her dad got up and walked to the door before turning to look at us.
“Rebecca, I ain’t partaking in this bullshit, If I stay in here a minute longer I’mma kill him,” he said before slamming the door as Tia’s mom just stared at her.
“I wanna say I can’t believe you…But I know you,” she said as Tia sat up in bed avoiding her gaze.
“Mama, we didn’t mean for it to happen, it just did,” she said as I frowned at her remembering the first night she came to me…. How she took control, how she said she didn’t mind being Kara for me.
“Tia, you can fool people some of the time, but you can’t fool your mama none of the time. I gave birth to you, and I know what I raised,” her mother said as Tia frowned.
“What you trying to say mama?”
“You did all this on purpose to hurt your sister, and I just wish I knew why,” Rebecca said getting up grabbing her purse before turning her attention to me.
“Mama, I’m so sorry, I know you must hate me,” I whispered as she sighed.
“Son, I pity you, because you’re gon’ reap what you sow. It may come today or years from now, but you’re gonna reap.”
I couldn’t look at her, I already was reaping. Kara is probably done with me; Jey is trying to take her from me, and I’m stuck raising my daughter with a woman I don’t even love.
“I’m gonna make up to K-”
“What! I just had your baby and you still talking about her!” Tia screamed as Logan shifted in my arms with a small cry.
“Shh, daddy’s got you,” I whispered as Logan instantly calmed down.
“Why are you yelling, and that baby is trying to sleep? You knew that man was married to your sister, loved your sister, and you still chased him.”
“You just have to keep telling me he loves her, and I’m destined for a life of hell since you found out Logan is his. Do you even love me? All I’m hearing about is Kara…Kara-”
“Tia, I love you both…I love all of my children the same. That little manipulation shit may work on your dad sometimes, but not me.  It ain’t never been favoritism ever in this family, we loved all three of you the same.
“Mama, I get it,” Tia said as Rebecca walked over and grasped her chin, making Tia look at her.
“You may not like it, but as your mother it’s my job to tell you when you wrong. Tia you dead wrong for what you did and you’re going to reap most of all,” she said as Tia snatched away from her.
“Just leave mama.”
“I’ll be by in the morning, since you said they are releasing you sometime tomorrow evening,” Rebecca said turning to leave again as Tia wiped her tears, before snatching Logan from my arms as she began to fuss.
“Give me my baby, I don’t need none of ya’ll,” she hissed as Logan became antsy and began to wail.
“You scared her,” I said as Tia tried to comfort her, but it wasn’t working…. “Hell, did Logan even like her mama?
“Tia give Roman the baby back, she’s picking up on your energy and your scaring her,” Rebecca said as Tia tried to rock Logan in her arms but she just kept crying louder.
“Fine… Take her,” Tia sighed in defeat allowing me to take Logan from her. Instantly Logan settled down in my arms.
“Daddy’s got you baby girl. You go back to sleep,” I soothed as Rebecca shook her head.
“See……. Already reaping,” she whispered pointing at Tia before leaving.
I knew Rebecca was right….I had a lot to answer for but I couldn’t think about that now. Logan needed me, I just hope with time Kara could accept Logan as my daughter and be a mom to her.
“You’re going to love your stepmom, Logan” I whispered as Tia rolled her eyes.
“Don’t you mean auntie, because she bout to divorce yo’ ass and jump on Jey’s dick so fast it’s gon’ make your head spin,” she chuckled as I shot her a look…
“Don’t look at me like that, it’s true…My sister is big on honesty and cheating is a deal breaker for her. You did both…Your done,” she said as I frowned.
Deep down I knew I had a long road ahead, but I had to try…They were releasing Tia sometime tomorrow, but Logan was going to have to stay a few more days for observation.
I knew Kara had left with Jey and Jimmy so I told Tia she could crash for a few days.  When we bring the baby home, I will go to her house for awhile to stay and help.
Her mother had offered to stay but Tia turned her down. She wanted me to help her instead.
I knew I was asking for trouble, but I couldn’t leave her alone. She had just given birth to my child and was alone, even though it was her own to isolate her family.
The next Day
Jey’s Condo
Jey’s POV
“I had to help her give birth to his child,” Kara said shaking her head in shock still.
“And then she tried to get you to hold the baby,” Trin asked as Kara nodded. “Yep, telling me Logan needed me and to please hold her.”
“That is a grimy bitch,” Trin hissed as I nodded in agreement.
“I just don’t understand how this even happened but at this point it doesn’t even matter. Logan is here and nothing can change that.” Kara said defeatedly.
“You can’t bottle it up, you gotta let it out, sis,” Jimmy said as Kara played with her food.
After last night, Kara spent the majority of the night in my arms trying to make sense of everything, and I had no answers for her. Finally, today she slept for a couple hours and got a shower.
Trin and Jimmy brought dinner for us, which I was thankful for. Roman had been texting and calling Kara but she had been ignoring him and rightfully so.
“If I let it out I’mma go too far Jimmy, you saw me last night. If ya’ll hadn’t showed up that damn house wouldn’t be standin’ and I’d be catching an arson charge for burning that fuckin bus to the ground.”
“Look, we can talk about all of that later. Right now, I need you to eat,” I said as Kara just pushed her spoon around her plate.
“You gotta eat boo,” Trin said as Kara signaled at Jimmy as he opened a bottle of tequila.
“I just don’t feel like it Trin,” Kara said as Jimmy poured her a shot.
“Well, that ain’t helping anything, you trying to get her drunk,” I said as Kara downed the shot and Jimmy shrugged his shoulders.
“Aye, she asked for one, and I’m happy to oblige. Hell, we all need a drink after all that shit that happened last night.”
“How could he do this? How did he put himself in this position?” Kara asked as I reached up and placed a comforting hand on her leg.
Before I could respond Kara’s phone beeped as she sighed cautiously opened it.
“Who is it?” I asked as I saw the tears fill her eyes, as she read whatever had been sent, her hands shaking.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Trin asked as Kara passed her the phone, wiping her tears.
“Now if I go up to the hospital, and beat her ass, everybody will say I’m in the wrong.”
 “What is it?” I asked as Trin looked disgusted reading whatever had been sent. “It’s an Instagram post from Tia, she tagged Kara, Roman, and WWE in it.” Trin said shaking her head in disbelief.
“I know she didn’t,” Jimmy said as Trin nodded. I looked at Kara and I could see her heart breaking all over again.
“On yesterday, Roman and I welcomed a beautiful baby girl. A special thank you to her auntie for delivering her, I don’t know what I’d do without you, Kara, we all love you.” Trin read as Kara’s took a deep breath trying to calm down.
“Is this a joke?” I asked, taking the phone from Trin reading the post and seeing the picture Tia had posted with it. It was a picture of Roman holding Logan and she had disabled her comments.
“Kara are you ok?” Trins asked as Kara waved off our worry.
“Yea, I just need some air,” she said going outside as Trin sighed.
“Tia keep playin’ with fire, and I’m bout to take a damn charge for getting’ wit dat ass,” Trin said as Jimmy cleared his throat.
“Oh, you ain’t gotta worry bout dat, cause’ as soon as Kara sees her again, it’s on sight,” Jimmy said as I got up to go check on Kara.
Kara’s POV
“That bitch must don’t realize she ain’t pregnant no more,” I muttered pacing as I felt my anger growing at the disrespect.  She was too bold; she thought this shit was cute. She was relishing in my pain and suffering.
“I’m not going to ask if you are good because I know your not. I just wanna know how you want to handle it,” Jey said walking towards me as I shrugged my shoulders.
“Jey, I know what we talked about last night, but let’s just say we do..um-”
“Have sex,” Jey says casually as I rolled my eyes at him.
 “Yes, that….. Doesn't that make us no better than them, and what they did?” I asked as Jey smiled at me.
“We are not those two, you can’t even compare us to them,” Jey said caressing my arms as I sighed.
“I respect our friendship too much, I don’t want to ruin it,” I said as Jey pulled me into his arms.
“I told you I was ok with it…I’m down for whatever you want to do, just say the word,” he said caressing my face as I gave him a small smile.
And just like that a few hours later we were pulling up and parking down the road a little from the house and walking to the bus.
Reaching under the front grill I got the spare key. Roman had already had the bus fixed, it was as if I had never defaced it or had its tires slit.
“We ain’t gotta go in there Kara, we could go in the house,” Jey said as I ignored him and went inside.
“I want to do it on the bus,” I whispered looking at the place once filled with love, it felt cold now and I couldn’t stop imagining Roman and Tia alone in this bus, and all the places they probably had sex at.
“Leave the door open,” I said as I saw Jey about to close it.
Walking back to the bedroom, I opened the door and I felt numb.
“Are you ok? You know we don’t have to do this if you don’t want to,” Jey I said as he pulled me to him.
“I want to feel better,” I whispered as Jey caressed my face.
“I told you that whatever would make you feel better, I would do it,” Jey whispered pulling me closer as I felt guilt seeping into my mind, but what did I have to feel guilty about.
Roman did it first…Did it plenty of times…Had a whole baby, and with my sister no less.
“Can I kiss you?” Jey asked in whisper as I nodded, his soft smile putting me at ease. “Kara, I been waiting for years to kiss you, I want to hear you answer me,” Jey said as I released the breath I was holding.
“Yes, you can kiss me.”
The air was thick with anticipation as Jey claimed my lips in a gentle kiss that shocked me with its passion.  I moaned against his lips, as he gently pushed my sundress off my shoulders as it fell in a pool at my feet.
His fingertips grazing my skin sending shivers down my spine.
I felt shy and exposed under Jey’s powerful gaze as he caressed my body in awe.
“You are so beautiful,” he whispered with a smile undressing himself as I blushed.
I don’t know what came over me but as I watched his tattoos glisten in the moonlight my heart began pounding faster.
“Are we really about to do this,” I whispered as he captured my lips in a searing kiss. So powerful, I felt helpless, melting into his embrace as he carried me to the bed.
“It’s your call,” he whispered as his lips found my kissed my neck, as I moaned in pleasure.
Kara, they deserve it, my mind screamed as I relaxed under Jey’s touch, as he removed my underwear. Glancing at the clock on the wall, I knew Roman would be home soon.
By the time I’m finished, Roman is gonna want to burn this bus to the fuckin’ ground himself.
“We don’t have much time,” I gasped as Jey groaned. “I know, and I hate it,” he panted wrapping my legs around his waist.
“Kara, look at me beautiful,” he whispered, grasping my chin and holding my gaze.
“Tonight, we end this, it’s the first and last time we do this to make someone jealous. The next time we do this, it's gon’ be for us because you gon’ be my lady,” he moaned as I nodded claiming his lips in a passionate kiss.
An inaudible gasp fell from both of our lips as we became one for the first time. Twenty years of friendship changed forever; our souls even more intertwined than they already were.
“Shit, you feel better than I ever dreamed,” Jey moaned against my lips as I trembled against him. Each powerful methodical thrust caused my head to bang slightly against the headboard, and I couldn't care less.
“You feel so good,” I gasped as Jey sank deeper, burying his head in the hollow of my neck, resting one of his arms above my head, stopping me from hitting the headboard as I gasped unable to think.
“Shit, so do you lo'u loto,” he moaned, kissing, and nipping at my neck as I felt the worries of the world float away. He had called me his heart in his native tongue. I always loved it when we would speak Samoan.
Faintly I heard the Roman’s truck creeping into the driveway as I groaned in frustration, not wanting this moment to end just yet. I had a taste of him and I wanted more…Much more….
“Jey, I hear the car,” I rasped as Jey rolled us over. “Jey!” I gasped at how even fuller I felt being on top.
“Mmhmm, I’m deep up in dat pussy now, fuck. Gon’ make dat shit count before he comes in and get you a nut,” He moaned as I nodded bracing one of my hands on his thigh, the other on his chest as I began wining my hips, our moans of pleasure filling the bus.
“Jey..Jey..Mmm,” I purred as he groaned, gripping my hips.
“I’m here Kara… I got you, and I’m right there too,” he moaned meeting my thrusts as a strangled cry escaped my lips.
“Mmm, fuck,” I moaned as Jey sat up holding me tight as we bounced in sync against each other.
“No regrets,” Jey whispered overpowering me with a kiss.
“No regets!” I gasped against his lips as he smiled. “When you ready….I’mma make you mine forever,” he panted as I cried at his beautiful words.
Jey wiped my tears as we heard footsteps coming towards the bus. It was showtime but we both needed release first.
Grasping Jey’s throat, we fell back onto the bed as I began to ride him, hard and deep as he groaned biting his lower lip.
“Fuck, gon’ get yo dick then,” he rasped, his arms spread wide on the bed, his head thrown back in pleasure.
 “Is it mine?” I asked, moaning as I felt my thighs becoming Jello but I wanted this. No, I needed it…We both did.
“Hell yea, it’s always been yours,” Jey confessed, his words making my heart skip a beat.
“Look at me, Jey,” I moaned as our eyes locked, and we both groaned sharing a brief kiss, knowing everything was about to pop off at any second.
Roman’s POV
“I told you to stay outside with my mom,” I hissed at Tia as she followed me closely. I wasn’t in the mood; Kara wasn’t returning my calls and mom picked the wrong time to just to pop up for a visit.
“Listen, I hear something,” Tia muttered cutting the light on up front and closing the door behind us.
“Jey! I’m cummin!” I heard a familiar voice scream as I felt my heart stop.
“Kara,” I whispered as Tia covered her mouth in shock.
 “I know you are, cause this my pussy now, say it,” Jey moaned as Tia ran off the bus.
“It’s your pussy!” I heard Kara exclaim as I felt sick. “Kara,” I muttered again in disbelief as I heard her cum…I knew that sound anywhere.
My feet were stuck, I couldn’t move. The sounds of their bodies being one with each other filling the bus, I could hear Kara wetness as she gave him my pussy as she rode out her high.
My eyes widened in horror because I just knew Kara wouldn’t do this. Slowly, I made my way to the door.
She wouldn’t do that…..Not here….I felt my face twitching as their moans got louder.
“Yeah, that's it...Now, I want you to cum again for me,” Jey moaned as I snapped, kicking the door open.
There was my wife on top of my cousin. They didn’t break away from each other, Kara looked back at me out of breath.
“Can you please leave it’s my time to enjoy the bus. Since you and Tia have had your fair share of time on here. Jey and I gotta catch up,” she moaned still riding Jey as I reached out and tried to grab her.
“Have you lost your fuckin’ mind, Kara!” I Yelled as Jey moved her out of the way. “I’mma kill you dead!” I hissed attacking Jey as he tried to put back on his sweats.
“What’s wrong can’t take what you dish out, Uce?” Jey gloated catching me with an uppercut as I saw Kara grab her dress and run out into the living room area to probably get dressed.
Jey’s POV
“What you mad for, it’s the same shit you did with Tia,” I said punching Roman in the face as he fell against the wall.
“You motherfucker!” He yelled running towards me as we spilled out into the living room area trading blows.
“You stay away from her! I’ll kill you!” Roman shouted as we fought for dominance. I gauged his eyes, before smashing his face into the table as he fell onto the ground checking his nose.
“You stay away from Kara, you don’t deserve her,” I hissed as he chuckled.
“I see you still hit like a bitch,” Roman sneered as I growled pouncing on top of him and punching him as I heard the door opening.
“I heard you fuck like one,” I hissed as we tussled around the tight space. “Boys! Boys! Stop this now!” my aunt yelled as I paused in my actions as Kara looked at her in shock.
When the hell did she fly in?
“What is wrong wit ya’ll?” she cried as I climbed off of Roman trying to calm myself as Kara came to my side.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered as I shook my head. “I’m good,” I said putting my shirt back and shoes back on as my aunt looked at Kara and me with disgust.
“I know ya’ll weren’t doing what I think you were in here?” she asked as I sighed.
“Yes, they were,” Tia instigated turning on the waterworks as Kara rolled her eyes.
“How could you do this to me, Kara,” Roman said getting up as Kara reached over and slapped him as soon as he got on his feet.
“How could I!?...... How could I do that to you?!”
“Yes, that’s a good question. How could you be out here sleepin’ with your husband’s cousin?” Janice said with disdain.
“Auntie, you don’t know the whole story,” I said as she shushed me.
“You’ve done enough Joshua! I can’t believe you did this, and at Roman’s home no less!” she hissed.
“I can’t believe you did this to us, Jey,” Tia said as I saw Kara out the corner of my eye about to leap so I stepped in the way. “Now ain’t the time,” I whispered as she stopped herself.
“I never took you for a slut, Kara…..Tia, I am so sorry this happened,” she said as Kara looked at me with pleading eyes to let her go. Seeing a  few tears escape her eyes, I released her.
Kara’s POV
I know damn well she didn’t just call me out my name. Looking around I saw how Roman was trying to shift blame as well as Tia and I realized she didn’t know.
She probably didn’t even know she had a granddaughter.
“You out here spending my son’s money and sleeping with his cousin. How low is that? I told him you were no good for him,” she said as I looked at her in shock.
I was no good for him…I was tired of crying but damn I had to let this hurt out to move on with my life. Watching her comfort Roman made my skin crawl.
“Yes, how low is that, huh,” I said walking towards her as Roman stepped in front of her.
“Kara,” he pleaded as I pushed him aside.
“How low…. And disgusting is that!” I gasped truly hurt by her words.
“Kara stop,” Roman interrupted again as I scoffed. Yea, she didn’t know but she was about to know now.
“I’ll tell you…You wanna know?….I’ll give you the lowdown on how low all this is,” I said, as she seemed on edge, not knowing what I was going to do or say.
“Your son started screwing my whore of a sister on this bus…. I was faithful, I gave up everything for him, I loved him, and that’s how he did me. Did you know she had his baby yesterday?” my voice cracking with emotion as she looked at roman in shock.
“A baby?” she whispered as Roman hung his head in shame.
“Yea, you’re a grandma,” I said as she looked at Tia who avoided her judgmental gaze.
“I don’t know how the hell it started with Roman and her, but I can tell you how everything started tonight with Jey and me…..It was Deliberate!………We did it on purpose,” I said looking at roman as he looked sick.
“And with every touch, kiss, caress…… Ever gasp as he claimed me, I felt better,” I said invading Roman’s space as he was crumbling before my eyes, as I explained my infidelity to him.
“You can stop now, Kara,” he whispered as I saw his face contorting from disbelief into anger at the thought of me having sex with not just anybody, but his cousin.
 “After every nibble, lick, and thrust, I felt even more better knowing you will never be able to step foot on this bus without picturing Jey and me in that damn bed and you deserve it,” I whispered my tears almost clouding my vision.
“There’s the part of you I knew existed Ms. Perfect,” Tia said as I grabbed her by the throat before anyone could stop me, throwing her up against the wall, choking her.
“I hate you! You’re like a fuckin’ cancer!” I screamed as her eyes widened in shock as she tried to pry my hands from around her throat.
“Kara! She just had a baby!" Roman yelled trying to move towards me but Jey stepped in front of him, wrapping his arms around my waist.
“It’s not the time, she just had a baby, Kara,” he whispered as I let out a scream of frustration, letting her go. I just wanting just five minutes alone with her to beat her ass.
“I always knew you were crazy,” Tia coughed trying to catch her breath as Jey continued to hold me back as Janice shook her head at the scene playing out in front of her.
“I’mma see you again Tia, 'cause’ you gotta answer for what you did. And Roman, you will be hearing from my lawyer,” I said deathly calm, before storming off the bus with Jey behind me.
“Damn, I didn’t expect auntie to show up,” Jey said as we walked back to the car. I paused, turning around to face him.
“I’m sorry, I got you involved,” I said as he cut me off with kiss.
“No regrets,” he said with a smile as I nodded.
 “No regrets,” I whispered as we embraced…
Roman’s POV
“Roman, I’m ready to go in the house,” my mother said her voice full of disappointment.” Here are the keys, I’ll be in,” I said as she nodded leaving Tia and me alone.
“Wow, Kara, was really outta control,” Tia whispered as I turned and looked at her.
“You really have fucked up my life,” I whispered as Tia jumped back as if I had struck her.
“Me! You could have said no.. You ain’t Mr. Innocent,” she screamed as I put my hair back in my manbun looking at the damage to the bus.
“Just tell me how much Tia?” I asked as she frowned at me.
“How much what Roman?” she asked as I sighed.
“You’re really gon’ make me ask you, huh…..Fine, how much will it take for you to leave town and sign over your rights to Logan?” I asked.
“Are you crazy, I’m not signing over my rights. Logan is my daughter Roman, and we are a package deal,” Tia said as it was my turn to frown at her.
“5 million.”
“No, Roman.”
“10 million, and I’ll get you a one-way ticket anywhere you wanna go. And I’ll even get your contract switched to raw if you still want to wrestle.” I said seeing the wheels turning in her head.
“It’s a starting point, but still not quite good enough,” she said with a smile as I growled.
 I was in my own personal hell......
“Tia, just leave me alone,” I said as she smiled getting off the bus, slamming the door behind her.
“You fucked up!” I hissed to myself, memories creeping in of the good times Kara and I shared here on this bus…The bad, where I destroyed my marriage, and tonight where Kara destroyed my soul.
“She’s, my wife!” I shouted picking up the chair beside me throwing it through the window, growling at the thought of Jey, hell, any man being inside her.
“Just had to keep sniffin’ around her!” I ranted knocking over anything I could, even kicking the door off the hinges in the bathroom.
Looking in the bedroom, the realization hit me hard.
“I caused this, I caused it all,” I muttered looking at the bed, the tangled sheets, the image of Kara on top of Jey, her moans as he claimed her invaded my mind.
Kara was right, I’ll never be able to step foot in here again without thinking about her and Jey…
“Welcome to my own personal hell,” I whispered into the night, and I finally realized I had nobody but myself to blame.
@reci24 @southerngirl41 @vebner37 @jeyusos-girl
@melaninsugababy @romanreignkisser @bebesobrielo
@arination99 @2-muchsauce @bakugoumarianawrites
@empressdede @alyyaanna @christinabae @anonandwannakeepitthatway @venusesworld @jeyusosgirl  @theninthwonder @mya2real  @justazzi @whatdoeseverybodywant @reignsboy19 wooahmiri alichesmi pytbgeezy @ superpietom 
@truefant4sy @yana3sworld amandairene88 unapologeticqueen94 empressdede xbriexx @harmshake
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kriissy4gov brokenglassslippers headoftheetable
pittieprincess22 mindairy jaded-human mainthingdoja
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kyleoreillylover · 6 months
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Welcome to my Account! I am a wrestling/true crime blog that has a special love for womens wrestling, Jey Uso, Dominik Mysterio, and many others:) I take requests for WWE and NXT wrestlers. I will not take requests that are homophobic, racist, islamaphobic, anti-semetic, sexist, etc. No hate is welcome here :) My master list is below!
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Loyalty (ft. Jey Uso, Roman Reigns, Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, and Jimmy Uso)
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Jey Uso
Loyalty (ft. Jey Uso, Roman Reigns, Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, and Jimmy Uso)
Attention (ft. Sami Zayn)
Show, Don't Tell 📸 (ft. Sami Zayn)
Protectors(w/Sami Zayn)
Monster (w/Roman Reigns)
𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐲 𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝, 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐡 𝐖𝐞 𝐀𝐢𝐧'𝐭 𝐚 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐥𝐞 ♡
What's it like being the female member of the Bloodline?
Keep My Hands to Myself
Beat Them or Join Them
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Sami Zayn
Loyalty (ft. Jey Uso, Roman Reigns, Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, and Jimmy Uso)
Always Take Care of You (ft. Kevin Owens)
Attention (ft. Jey Uso)
Polaroids And Kisses📸
Anger Management (ft. Kevin Owens)
Show, Don't Tell 📸 (ft. Jey Uso)
You look so Good Under Me
Protectors(w/Jey Uso)
Hotel Room(ft. Kevin Owens)
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Dominik Mysterio
Proud of You
Addicted to You
Three's a Crowd (w/Carmelo Hayes)
Dominik Mysterio Headcanons
The Bloodline!Reader x Dominik Mysterio x Rhea Ripley Part 1
The Bloodline!Reader x Dominik Mysterio x Rhea Ripley Part 2
Instagram AU! Dominik Mysterio x Fem!Black!Reader
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Rhea Ripley
The Bloodline!Reader x Dominik Mysterio x Rhea Ripley Part 1
The Bloodline!Reader x Dominik Mysterio x Rhea Ripley Part 2
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Finn Balor
In Sickness and In Health
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Roman Reigns
Loyalty (ft. Jey Uso, Roman Reigns, Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, and Jimmy Uso)
Monster (w/Jey Uso)
Carmelo Hayes
Relationship Headcanons
Kiss and Make up
Three's a Crowd (w/ Dominik Mysterio)
Besties with Carmelo
Instagram AU! Carmelo Hayes x Fem!Black!Reader
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Tiffany Stratton
A Few More Minutes
What's it Like Dating the Center of the Universe?
Wake Up Call 🩷
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Kevin Owens
Loyalty (ft. Jey Uso, Roman Reigns, Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, and Jimmy Uso)
Always Take Care of You (ft. Sami Zayn)
Hotel Room (ft. Sami Zayn)
Anger Management (ft. Sami Zayn)
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Jimmy Uso
Loyalty (ft. Jey Uso, Roman Reigns, Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, and Jimmy Uso)
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Kyle O'Reilly
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Undisputed Era
Fem!Reader winning the Royal Rumble
Comfort in Losing
162 notes · View notes
msbigredmachine · 6 months
Netflix & [Redacted] - (Jey Uso/OC)
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Is this the most awesomely stressful movie night ever? 😩
PAIRING: Jey Uso x Plus Size!OC
Word Count: 7.3k words
A/N: I'm back to talking too much 😖😂 I've missed writing Jey. Hope it's not too long. Enjoy!
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It's been a quiet Friday night so far, just the two of you, the 52-inch screen TV showing a random movie he picked on Netflix. But as it stands, neither of you are watching it at the moment, or anytime soon for that matter - what you're doing right now is far more...entertaining.
Laid up together on the sunken sectional in his living room, you indulge in each other's mouths. The fluffy blanket meant to be keeping you warm is discarded somewhere; the sensual heat currently radiating between you doing a stellar job already. The sexual tension has been simmering all night, been simmering since you first laid eyes on each other months ago.
You've never dared to get involved with a client...until him. Having started to tire of the male species in general, this insanely attractive man seemingly appeared from the hidden depths of your wildest dreams. It was at an open house viewing for one of the luxury apartments you were selling in midtown Atlanta. A movie cannot do justice to showcase the electricity that sizzled between you two when he walked through the door. He was charming and funny, fun to talk to, and incredibly sexy. You could tell he was a bad boy, and honestly, you've always had a thing for bad boys. Three other potential clients came in but you hardly paid any attention to them, wrapped up in your lengthy conversation with him and discovering how much you had in common. It culminated with his check in your hand and your phone number in his. Now, just a few months later, you're letting him kiss all over you in his newly furnished apartment that you sold to him, 100% sure that you're finally going all the way tonight.
His large hand smooths along your bare thigh and briefly toys with the hem of your lilac boy shorts. He coaxes a breathless gasp from you when his fingers splay over your ass cheek, gathering as much of the expansive flesh as he can, while he keeps your back warm with his other hand tucked inside the Niutat hoodie that you "stole" from him.
"Mmm, you kiss so good, girl," he coos, complimenting his praises with another kiss.
"So do you," you giggle against his mouth and hold his wrist resting on your butt. "I'm still getting used to how handsy you are."
"Don't mind me, baby. Your body is so fuckin' sexy," he replies, shaking off your grip to keep touching on you. "All this extra juicy thickness for me to play with, I know that's right..."
It feels like you've hit the jackpot with Jey Uso. He is 100% your type; big and brown-skinned, strong and drop-dead gorgeous. Yet, so different from the others. He's a fighter and a nomad, literally and figuratively. Boatloads of charisma. Deceptively smart with a way with words and the ability to get people to do whatever he wants. You've seen him work his magic first-hand with his fans and wrestling audiences everywhere, and admittedly you've fallen under his spell too. You're immensely attracted to him, and though you've tried to take things slow, you're all but certain that all of that will change tonight, and you're in equal parts excited and terrified.
Yet, your bold actions take over as you cheekily nibble on his ear and rub your leg back and forth on the crotch of his thin shorts. This drags another growl from him as his eyes darken menacingly.
"You tryna start somethin' huh. Best believe I'ma finish it," he warns, licking his full lips revealing his silver grill peeking between them.
"I ain't startin' nothin'," you contest, your breath hitching when he lightly squeezes your ass and then smacks it.
"Yeah right, you rubbin' up on me like this, kissin' on me...I know you tryna tell Daddy sumn'..."
Fuck. The whole 'Daddy' thing does a lot of unholy things to your loins. Even though sex hasn't happened yet, the makeout sessions are out of this world. All your dates have ended with passionate kissing and touching, with him having to say goodbye and leaving your lips swollen, your clothing rumpled, your heart beating like crazy and your pussy drowning from the salacious foreplay you keep subjecting yourself to. "I just like kissing you, that's all," you murmur shyly with a blush.
"I like kissin' you too, ma. You got the softest." Kiss. "Sexiest." Kiss. "Sweetest lips I've ever tasted." One more kiss. "I'd like to do other things to you, but you frontin'," he adds.
Sucking your teeth, you sit up straight and glance up at the ceiling to avoid the heat of his stare. "Stop, we do stuff..." you retort quietly.
"Like what? This?" His hands sneak back under your hoodie to cup your breasts, rubbing them in circular motions. Your stiff nipples tighten some more from his touch, straining almost uncomfortably through the confines of your bra. "We should be doing more, baby. I know you want to," he says, making his low, deep syrupy voice even sexier.
"You are so dangerous. I should be runnin' far away from you, ya know."
"And yet you're here, with your overnight bag in my room and wearin' them tiny ass booty shorts with no panties. You exactly where you wanna be," he counters smoothly. "By the way, got rid of your booty call yet? What that fool's name again?"
He just has to bring Lawrence up, doesn't he? "Got rid of your hoes yet? What's their names?" you shoot right back.
Honestly, the less said about your failed relationships, the better. It was complicated, for both of you. Lawrence is an ex you've muddied the waters with by sleeping with him occasionally. Jey recently finalized his divorce from a woman he'd been with since college and was now sowing his wild oats, garnering a number of side pieces in the process. You 'met' two of them at his cookout party a couple of weeks back. Apparently they had shown up unannounced, his sister-in-law Trinity informed you. Trin had taken a shine to you and was kind enough to fill you in on your potential boyfriend's dalliances. You don't share your men under any circumstances, but if that apparatus between his legs is half as talented as his mouth and hands, then you're willing to forgo that caveat.
"I know you forgot all about your man when you first laid eyes on me. I saw the way you looked at me," Jey boasts.
"Only cuz you were lookin' right back," you say. "I just couldn't believe a man could have such pretty eyes," you elaborate, knowing that will make him smile and it does; his dimples deepen and make him look cuter. He is so handsome, and you are finding him harder and harder to resist.
"I remember that dress you was wearing. That big ol' booty was cryin' out to me, bruh. Beggin' me to squeeze and manhandle it in all the right ways. I wanted to bend you over that kitchen counter over there, give you da bidness, know what I mean?"
"And I remember I couldn't stop watching your lips move when you were talking to me," you add, inwardly swooning as you reminisce. "It don't help that you got this habit of licking them every five seconds..."
"I know somewhere I can lick," he drawls. He's pinning those hypnotic eyes on you now, again, looking at you all hot and sensual like he wants to devour you. With his fingers, he gently pushes your cheeks together to part your mouth and slide his tongue inside. Thick and warm, it lavishes the insides of your mouth. Before Jey, kissing was never this...intimate...for you. Nothing you experienced before remotely matched the passionate scenes in romantic films that swept the characters off their feet. Jey's kisses do just that. They are the kind that make you forget your name and sweep you off the ground never to come down again.
"How 'bout we finish the movie, hmm?" you suggest breathlessly.
"Later," he dismisses, and pats his thighs. "Sit on my lap and face me, beautiful."
The nerves rush through your body, but you're currently fueled by wine and want, so you oblige him. As you straddle him, you fight back a moan as his erection nudges persistently against your core. His arm winds around your waist to pull you in, kissing you with the same measured, drugging nature with a little bit of aggressiveness mixed in this time. His hands run up your spine and then back down to grasp your cheeks, squeezing them each time. He growls into your mouth as your fingers trail a path from his chest, up his broad shoulders and all the way to his blue-tinged mullet, tugging the back of his hair.
"Mmm, yeah, get rough with me, baby," he moans. He loves it when you yank and pull at him when you kiss, it always proves his point that you want to fuck as much as he does. His thick tongue pokes out, darting beneath the seam of your lips, and you catch it with a long suck that has him moaning his pleasure. In retaliation, both hands make their way inside your shorts to grab your round ass, his fingertips grazing your pussy lips from behind.
"I want you, Y/N. I want that pussy." he murmurs.
His dick is growing harder against you, and it feels so big that you're unable to stop yourself from grinding down on it. His grip is firm and possessive as he rocks you on top of him like you are riding him. You moan needily from the building sensations, your arousal spiraling out of control already. You make an attempt to climb off of him, but he grunts in protest and holds you down on him. Though you're on the heavier side of the weight spectrum, he's still bigger than you and definitely much stronger, and he's not letting you escape at all.
"Fuck," you gasp against his lips, feeling his long fingers dig into the soft, bare flesh of your backside as you dry-hump each other. They breach the crack of your ass before teasing the outer lips of your pussy from the back. Before he can sink one finger inside you, you manage to tear yourself away and distance yourself, your lips parted and panting.
"I'm scared, okay?" you blurt out.
For a long moment, Jey stares at you, his expression unreadable. "Scared of what?" he asks patiently.
You cringe as his hands clench into fists on his lap, sensing his palpable frustration. Shit, why did you have to open your fucking mouth? Shaking your head, you look away. "Never mind," you mumble, feeling stupid already.
"Hey, don't do that," he chides you firmly, though his eyes are kind and curious. "Tell me what's wrong. I won't know how to help if you don't."
A small, nervous sigh escapes your lips. Right now you want to get your stuff and run home never to come back, but you steel your nerves and open up. "I'm scared of the disappointment. Sex-wise, I mean. Me being disappointed or you being disappointed or both. Lawrence also talked all that shit to get me to have sex with him again," you ramble, making a motion with your hands to mimic talking, "Bragged and bragged about what I was missing and all the shit he was gonna do to me. It's been weeks and not once has he made me come...I have to do it myself afterwards every time. He said he was still getting used to fucking a big girl again. Yes, I know he's a punk bitch and I need to get rid of him. But I feel like I've forgotten how to have good sex and I don't want more of the same here."
There, you've said it. You can't bring herself to look at Jey, and your cheeks heat up under his scrutinizing gaze. You know he's assessing your words and he probably thinks you're a weirdo and you won't blame him if he does.
"That fucking dumbass."
Stunned, you look back up at him, intrigued by the way he shakes his head like a disappointed father. "Ay, you gotta send that jabroni packin', uce," he replies, "You can't be wasting premium pussy on that lame ass motherfucker. You need a man that know how to take care of you like you deserve. No real man gets off and leaves their lady hangin'. That's fuckin' wack, bruh."
He reaches up to cup your chin between his fingers, his gaze soft and tender. "Now that you've told me this, I wanna fuck you more than ever," he continues, "I wanna take my good ol' time withchu, so I know what you want and how you like it. I want you to feel so good you won't see that nut coming. I can show you a whole lotta things, pretty girl, but only if you let me."
Wow. You absorb his strong confident words that temporarily make you forget your fears. Is he telling the truth? Will he be able to give you what you truly need?
Before you can respond, a sudden loud moan that doesn't come from either of you startles you. You look to the TV and your jaw drops as you witness the main characters of the movie going at it in a bathroom stall in what looks like a nightclub.
"Damn, they fuckin' fuckin'," Jey comments. And he's right. For fake sex, it looks realistic as hell, with the actress' hands on the wall, her exposed breasts bouncing, her moans throaty and desperate as the guy pounds her aggressively from behind. You squirm in your seat as the scene seems to go on and on. This is surely a sign for you and Jey to finally get it on. You dare to peek at him to catch his reaction. He looks fascinated, a lopsided smirk on his face, his eyes dark and filled with unbridled desire. Your eyes fall to the outline of his crotch, his erection twisted to the side thanks to your earlier shenanigans and what he's watching now.
"Okaaaaay, I think it's time for more wine," you announce loudly, jumping up and grabbing both your empty wine glasses. 
Helping himself to some popcorn, Jey eyes you with a smirk as you scurry across the open plan layout of the room. Seeing you flustered is only making him want you more. With just the kitchen lights turned on he can see you more clearly. Your thick thighs and fat juicy ass are barely hiding that chocolate pussy he wants to feast on and dig out so badly. "Why you runnin', girl?" he calls out.
"I'm not," you lie, doing your best to block out the sultry moans and slapping skin coming from the TV as you pick up a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon. "Which one do you want? White or red?"
"Only one thing I want right now, baby," he answers unabashedly.
You blush profusely and shake your head, "Chill, Uce."
"Call me Uce again and we gon' have problems," he warns.
That surprises you. "Thought you said your friends call you Uce."
"Not friends that I wanna fuck."
Good Lord. In his defense, Jey has made no bones about how much he wants you and you're not sure you can hold out for much longer. This is the man you've been hoping for, the man you've desperately needed to make you feel alive again. Lawrence made you question your confidence when he acted like he was doing you a favor by sleeping with you. But Jey seems different; he seems genuinely interested in making you come and making you feel good. It's just a case of you being brave enough to give in to him completely.
"Earth to Y/N."
You nearly jump out of your skin at the sound of his voice right behind you, which is quickly followed by his hard body pressing against your back. Of course you've spaced out thinking about sex with him. It's not the first time.
"You good?" he asks.
"Yeah, sorry, one glass of red wine coming right up," you stutter, struggling to keep a steady hand to pour some into his glass. His dick is hard against your ass, no thanks to the smut playing on TV, with the couple now having sex inside a car. He's all up on you, making you feel every plane and every ridge on his hard, chiseled body. His muscular arms wrap you in a big hug, at one with the fleshy softness of your body as he kisses your ear.
"You're turned on, huh? Seein' them two fucking like that? That why you ran?" he whispers, his baritone voice laced with mischief. "Want me to fuck you like that?"
The answer on the tip of your tongue evaporates as he reaches down to squeeze the chunk of skin on your inner thigh. His lips find the nape of your neck, and you move almost on autopilot as you sweep your goddess braids to the side to allow him full access to your throat. His wet, open-mouthed kisses, suckling on your pulse like a damn vampire, are driving you crazy. His large body envelopes yours, pressing your stomach into the counter, his legs purposely spread to grind himself against your backside. The throbbing sensation in your nipples and your clit makes you gulp down both your glasses in one go.
Jey's hand goes down the front of your shorts, your body going slack as he rubs the wetness that has pooled between your legs. You can't stop the throaty sounds that he loves so much from escaping. You're a soaked mess and for Jey, it's like a shark smelling blood.
"The movie, remember?" you breathe, your resolve slipping away as you look back at him, his lustful grin making your heart pound.
"Fuck the movie, let's make our own," he says. Your mouths collide again, kissing so deeply and hungrily it's almost impossible to tell who ends where and who starts where. This is nothing like the other comparably tame liplocks from earlier. He's telling you exactly what he wants and he plans to get it now.
Turning you around, he descends slowly to his knees before you and takes his time dragging your shorts down your legs. You look on helplessly, your anxiety battling with your desire as he palms your thigh and props your right leg over his shoulder, licking his lips at the sight of your bare folds glistening for him. He breathes you in, basking in the scent he plans to familiarize himself with. He looks up at you, and what you see in his eyes dries up your throat.
"Pretty ass pussy. Lemme eat it up, babe," he growls.
He pushes his face against your center and penetrates you with his tongue. Crying out in pleasure, you grip the sides of the counter for balance as the pressure from his mouth ramps up immediately, his long fingers molding your ass, his breath warming your core, his tongue finding every crevice you own with devastating strokes as he licks up every drop of your arousal for him.
With trembling hands, you lift the hem of your hoodie up to your chest while weaving your other fingers through the soft waves of his hair, holding him to you. He's doing the most delicious things to you, coaxing your juices out of your pussy. You can feel his tongue inside you, his mouth getting wetter and sloppier with your juices and his saliva running down your thigh. You want to die as he twirls his tongue all over your protruding clit, his pace unhurried as he holds your leg tight, smothering his face between your thighs, and that familiar warmth starts to brew in your stomach.
"Oh my god, Jey..."
The pitch of your moans increases. You keep squirming, trying to pull away, but he clamps his arms around your waist to hold you still. You're not going anywhere. He knows you're close from the way you throb on his tongue and picks up the pace, lapping wildly at your folds then gently biting your clit. "That's it, come in my mouth," he orders huskily.
"Ohhhhhh...." you squeal, throwing your head back as you flood his mouth with your release. This is the hardest you've orgasmed in about a year and your mind is blown. Jey remains glued to you, his dangerous mouth making you quiver again as you already feel another approaching. You were confident he would get the job done, but he has delivered tenfold in just a matter of minutes. You have a feeling you'll be retiring your vibrator real soon.
The sounds coming out of you as you come a second time are otherworldly, making Jey harder than he's been in a long time. You're definitely the sweetest he's ever tasted. It's there and then he decides he can't hold back anymore. He needs to have you, now.
Dragging you away from the counter, he lifts your body, limp and weak from pleasure, into his arms effortlessly, carrying you back to the living room and sitting carefully on the massive couch with you on top of him.
"You ready for me, baby?" he asks with a predatory look in his eyes as he tugs the hem of your hoodie.
"Mm-hmm," you reply, allowing him to drag the garment up and above your head. Your gaze falls on the small square foil packet that's appeared in his right hand. This is really happening.
"Say that shit with your full chest, look me in the eye. You sure you can handle me?" he questions.
"The question is, Mr. Main Event, can you handle all this?" Leaning back a little, you spread your legs far apart and pat your exposed pussy with a raised eyebrow, the wine in your system ramping up your bravery as you taunt him.
Jey rebuttals with a full, open-mouthed kiss that curls your toes as you taste yourself. The embrace intensifies while he unhooks your bra from behind, letting his calloused fingers play with the softness of your breasts. You moan at the urgency in his touch, the feel of his clothed dick bumping against your bare, wet center. He pulls away, not taking his eyes off you as he whips his t-shirt over his head, revealing all those beautiful tribal tattoos he shows off on TV, his taut abs sprinkled with a little hair that trails down south. You move off him to pull his shorts down his hips, and you zero in on the large wet stain on his gray cotton briefs. You almost can't believe it's you that's done that to him. He unwraps the last of it, and you take in the glorious vision of his briefs falling away too, allowing his cock to spring free.
"Shit," you exclaim.
Jey looks down at himself, then back at you. "Good shit or bad shit?" he smirks.
"Both." You can't take your eyes off it. Long, caramel brown and girthy with a curve to it, destined to reach that spot inside you that will make you cry. Fuck. It's going to hurt so good; you can already feel it sliding inside...
"I wanna suck it, Daddy," you tell him sweetly, closing up the space between his sturdy thighs. You pick up his dick at the base; it's as heavy as it looks, thick and veiny and yet smooth at the same time. You like the way it twitches when you stroke it lightly in your hand, and like it even more when he moans in reaction. You wind your tongue around the slit of his head to lick up the precum hanging there, and then wrap your lips around his flesh. He fills your mouth right away, stretching it dangerously. It's a tight fit, but lucky for you...and him...you love a challenge.
As you swallow him up, a deep, contented groan escapes Jey's body, making him toss his head back and sink into the sectional as his dick sinks further into your mouth. Your mouth is so warm, your lips so soft as they glide expertly up and down his length. With another moan, his hand curves around the back of your head, clenching his fingers in your braids when your lips dare to meet his pelvis. Your tongue lashes around the base before you release him, a long string of saliva trailing after you as you pull back to breathe for a second, then dive back in.
He loves the sight of you on your knees before him, torturing him with your dizzying oral prowess. His stomach clenches as your other hand slips over his balls, massaging them lovingly in your palm, making him pulse in your mouth. Catching his glazed-over gaze, you flutter your lashes innocently at him, then flash him a devilish wink as you take every inch of his cock down your throat, savoring the taste of him. His hand tightens in your hair, as do his balls when you start to suck him harder and stroke him faster, and he knows he won't last long if he lets you carry on like this.
"Damn girl, I ain't tryna nut yet." He tugs your hair hard enough to pull you off him, his breath catching at the sight of his dick plopping wetly against his abs with your saliva all over it. He puts the latex on as quickly as possible and meets your famished eyes. "Come up here, babe, come fuck me," he beckons to you with a crook of his finger.
You kiss along his dick, up his abs and chest, and then his neck. He helps you straddle him and covers your mouth with a slew of smoldering kisses. Using his free hand to grasp his dick at the base, he lines it up with your pussy, grunting softly when he feels your wetness against his hard dick. You press your chest into his, your ass lowering to welcome him inside you. Your jaw drops as your pussy stretches around him. His girth and length are invasive in the best way, and you whine softly as he slowly guides your hips down to meet him halfway. "Fuck..." you gasp.
"Too much?" he asks with a shaky voice, just as affected as you are by your joining.
Swallowing hard, you ignore the quivering of your thighs and shake your head. "I can take it," you breathe. At least, you hope you can.
"Good girl," he groans and runs his hands along your sides, "C'mon, ride me."
His hold on your waist is firm as you rise and fall on his erection, lifting up and down, circling your hips with each drop down. Your teeth sink into your bottom lip hard enough to draw blood. He's so deep inside you; it's a miracle you're not screaming down his apartment. He can't resist burying his face in your soft titties, practically motorboarding them while you work him, looking down occasionally at the way your hips roll. He returns your hazy stare with a cocky smirk, flashing his grill between his full lips.
"Yeah, baby? Feel good?" he asks with a breathless kiss. You reply by adjusting into a squat, gripping the backrest behind him as you take the reins from him and ride him harder. Jey meets you thrust for thrust, grunting as your tight little pussy pulls and tugs around him. You tuck your face in his neck, moaning into his skin. His strong arms hold you close, keeping you chest to chest. One large hand scrapes down to your right ass cheek, smacking the skin hard as you bounce up and down on his cock. Both of you groan and grind together, time and space ceasing to exist as you lose yourselves in each other.
"You feel incredible, baby, so damn tight," Jey whispers, his palms running from the back of your neck down your spine, over your hips and resting under your thighs. "Damn, I'm deep in this pussy, girl, make me wanna take this damn rubber off..."
You moan at his dirty words, your palms planted on his hard pecs and moaning even louder as he steers you on his dick, his fingers pressed into your hip bones as he grinds you onto him, stimulating your sweet spot with a delicious precision that unlocks you again.
"Uuuuugh," your voice sounds strangled as another orgasm washes over you. Your body trembles from head to toe from how hard you're coming all over his cock. Jey chuckles against your throat, his lips brushing soft kisses over your thrumming flesh. Your fingers thread through his hair, your face pressed to his to catch your breath as he rolls you onto your back.
As he kneels between your spread legs, your mouth waters as he grabs his dick and massages it, spreading your cum all over the length, his heavy breathing matching yours. The lights emanating from the TV work wonders for his caramel skin and the muscles adorning his frame. His beautiful dark irises sparkle like fireworks as he taps your pussy with his dick, making you jerk from the sudden shock of it. Your legs recoil instinctively, but he pushes your thigh down to your chest and does it again and again, until all you can hear over your moans is the splashing of your pussy from the pressure of his heavy cock. It sounds so good and gushy, just the way he wants it. He hoses you down with that sexy ass smirk of his, causing you to whimper with a desperate need for him to be inside you again.
"Mm-hmm," he murmurs with appreciative eyes, "You look so hot, babe, buck naked, laid out on my couch with this pretty cunt wet and open. I should punish your fine ass for holding out on me, but it's a'ight. We both gettin' what we want, and that's this big dick deep in this fat pussy. You gon' get every inch of Daddy's dick."
He pulls you towards him, draping your legs over his. He grabs his dick again and guides himself slowly into you, one inch at a time. Your hand rests on his hip, your eyes fixated as you watch him sink deeper and deeper. Your legs curl around his waist, your heels digging into his backside as he starts moving. Your head tips backwards with a wanton moan; the angle with which he's fucking you has you feeling like he's in your stomach. The base of his cock grinds sensually against your clit with every deep thrust, whipping your insides into a frenzy of sensations.
"Shit, baby..."
"Yeah, this how I fuck good pussy, I stroke it just like this. Fuuuck," his taunts dissolve in a moan as pleasure licks his spine. With another touch of his mouth to yours, he shoves your thighs against your chest and keeps feeding you the dick, making a hiss escape from the back of your throat. He pulls all the way out to the tip of his dick before sinking back inside, repeating this until your pussy is making squelching sounds surrendering to his strokes. Your arms wind around his shoulders, luring him down to keep him close to you. You stare into his dilated pupils. His salt-and-pepper beard gleams with traces of your first two nuts and the visual is erotic as hell. It's fascinating to watch the storm in his eyes, his pouty lips parted with pleasure, his muscles flexing as the strength of his thrusts intensifies.
"Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck." The smacks of his pelvis grow harder, punching groans out of you. Baby boy is knocking the Sonic rings out of your pussy now, and your eyes roll in the back of your head as he holds your thick thighs down while he pounds into your heat, leaving you gasping like a fish out of water. Jey paws at your breast, flicking your nipple with his fingers, and you can feel your brain short-circuiting as several million nerve endings ignite within you.
"Mmm, am I handlin' it now huh? Am I handlin' it?" he throws your words back at you.
"Yes, Daddy," you moan, your fingers sinking into his back.
"You know this pussy mine, right?" he says, his eyes boring into yours.
"Uh huh," you choke out, gasping as he grinds into you for a few seconds, then resumes pumping into you again. The switch-up is crazy.
"That's my girl. My pretty girl with my pretty pussy." Your mouths clash noisily, his hands massaging and caressing all over your voluptuous body. It's a known fact that Jey loves women of all types. But there's something about a thick, sexy, pillow-soft woman with soft and delicate features that drives him wild. They are his favorite, and he knew the moment he first saw you that he would not rest until he had you. Now that he has, he concludes that Lawrence is never getting you back.
He leans back up and releases your breast to wrap his hand around your throat, another dark chuckle slipping from his lips as your pussy instantly moistens around him. "Ahh, you like that? Like to be choked like a bad girl? Like a naughty lil' slut?"
It's the nasty talk for you. Nothing sounds as sexy as shit-talking done right, and boy, he's doing it so right. He means every word he's saying, and even sexier, he's backing it up with spectacular fucking that you already know you'll never get enough of. Being someone who wrestles for a living, he knows how to make his touch firm and gentle in all the right moments. It's a deadly skill that he's using on you expertly, and you know from this night forward, you're ruined. You just know it.
Letting out a low growl, Jey fucks you faster, harder, watching your face contort with pleasure. He has you making so much noise with both your mouth and your pussy. He barely hears your mewling warning that you're about to come again, deciding to up the ante by hitching your legs over his elbows and fucking you into the couch. The back of your head mashes almost uncomfortably against the bottom of the headrest, but you take no notice because you're feeling too good. Your moans morph into screams which are quickly cut off as his hand tightens around your throat, making you look into his eyes and making you take it. Your nut comes crashing down so hard you're seeing stars. You're a moaning, shivering mess, your hands pressing his abs in a futile attempt to stop your pussy from gushing all over his groin and messing up his brand new sectional. But he doesn't seem to care.
"Nah, baby, take this dick like you said you can," he growls with gritted teeth. He grips you tight, yanking you up closer to his groin and thrusting faster into you. "Unnh, look at that. Look at that wet ass pussy comin'. This dick real good, huh babe?"
What the fuck have you gotten yourself into? You're dealing with a literal demon. You want to throw in the towel, wave the white flag. The orgasms you've already experienced have you feeling paralyzed, unable to move even as your ass rests in a large wet spot on the couch.
"Jey, please, baby, wait," Your pitiful moans fall on deaf ears as he pulls out and flips you over before you can finish your sentence. When he cups your pussy from behind, you arch your ass and automatically spread your thighs, grinding against his fingers. You feel like such a slut. One minute you're begging him to stop, the next you're riding his damn hand. Deep down inside you love it, love the myriad of sensations and emotions you haven't felt since before you met this Samoan specimen.
The fun and games continue as his fingers are replaced by his plum-shaped dickhead pushing back into your wet pussy. Both of you groan hungrily as the friction is nonexistent now thanks to your sopping slickness. Another moan falls from your lips as he smacks your ass while grinding into you, making himself fit all the way in and basking in your little noises as you accommodate him. He eases you flat onto your belly, nudging your thighs wider apart, hunching over you as he works his magic all over again, stroking in that pussy until your eyes are in the back of your head. "Fuck, I'm deeper in that shit baby, holy fuck," he gasps, one hand pressing into your back to hold you down, the other braced beside your head as he rails you hard and deep.
The fullness you feel in your pussy and stomach, the jiggles of your ass from his thighs bumping into it, your creamy cum coating his dick and balls which he feeds back to you...you feel them all at once. There's only one person's sex you want from this day forth, and it's Jey's. You want his big ass dick every damn day. It is a high that you never want to come off of. You're obsessed with the way it makes your body feel, the way it makes your prim and proper self shout and moan and undulate with no inhibitions.
Lawrence who?
"Oooh," you whine over and over into the pillow pressing your face, your vision starting to blur, "oooh, oooh, you feel gooood Daddy..."
Jey moans in your ear, snaking a hand back around your throat and giving it a light squeeze, "How good? I bet you gon' come again," he taunts.
The pressure of his fingers on each side of your neck ensures that every breath you take is shallower than the last as he drives in and out of your pussy, in and out, his long, thick shaft finding your g-spot each time he slides home. It doesn't take long for you to explode, shaking uncontrollably beneath his heavy warmth. His dirty talk has done you in again. His head drops down to suckle your neck, humming his appreciation as his hips wind into you with added vigor.
"Daddy..." your voice is barely above a whisper, and even then, your breath is stolen from you when he squeezes your ass cheeks and then slaps each one hard, repeating the action mid-thrusts. He's ruthless, making your pussy sing filthy, shameless, raunchy noises that cause that familiar burn to heat you up for yet another delicious climax.
"Let Daddy pound out his pussy, baby, let Daddy pound that shit," Jey says, raising himself up, yanking your ass up with him as he kneels behind you, not missing a single stride. Your thick hips are in his grasp, his thumbs pressed in the small of your back to keep your arch steady. He's fucking you so damn good. The amount of pleasure he's gifted your sex-starved body in multiple positions has left you speechless. This is a dicking down for the ages, one you never thought you would experience in your lifetime.
A shiver runs up your back as his fingers slip down to rub your clit, exacerbating all the sensations swimming within your body. Your mouth falls wide open but you have been robbed of all capacity to speak, reduced to loud incoherent groans as his hips snap relentlessly against your ass.
"Look at me, baby girl," Jey commands gruffly when you stuff your face into the pillow to muffle your screams, "Look at me. Let me see that beautiful face as you come."
You do as he says, acutely aware of how fucked out you must look right now. As you twist your upper body towards him, you drink in his own expression, his bottom lip tucked between his teeth, his brows furrowed, his body actually trembling a little as he buries his cock in you. You realize he's losing control too, his impending climax pulling him under. He looks so sexy, it feels so good that it overwhelms you and triggers your orgasm, ecstasy ripping through you with brute force.
"Oh my god, Jey," you lick your dry lips, your strength depleted from the barrage of pleasure. You feel, as well as hear his own husky moan through his mouth pressed to yours as as your pussy tenses around his dick swelling inside you.
"Unhhh, I'm comin', I'm comin' for you, baby," he rasps; this big strong man so weak and helpless for you that you're aroused anew. He grinds desperately against you, stuttered breaths leaving both your throats as your world spirals. You let out a stunned yelp when he slams into you once and then freezes, his cock throbbing as he empties inside you. The guttural moan he lets out as he comes hard is the sexiest thing you've ever heard. It's fascinating to see him fall apart like this, enraptured in total pleasure as he gives himself to you. You miss him the second he pulls out of you. He slumps down next to you, exhaling hard and heavy, and you crawl into his waiting arms for a cuddle. It's then you realize the room is darker than usual; the end credits of that X-rated film are rolling.
"You know you ain't goin' home this weekend, right?" Jey informs you, rubbing your backside with a lick of his lips and hooded hungry eyes. It's an order, not a request, because he's not letting you go anywhere, not after the indescribable high he's just experienced.
"I'm not sure I can even think right now. I'm so damn weak," you half-sigh, half-giggle, leaning into him as he trails soft kisses along your shoulder.
"Whatchu need? Water? Energy drink?" he offers.
"Water, please," you answer meekly, and he is up from the couch and in the kitchen in a flash. Watching him walk away with that back tattoo and that firm, fine ass sends a thrill of lust to your pussy which still quivers between your thighs. You're almost afraid to touch it, you know it's definitely beat up, all sloppy and puffy from his licking and rubbing and fucking.
He returns with two bottles of water and hands one to you. You thank him and twist open the cap to gulp it down, appreciating the cool liquid gliding down your parched throat. Jey reclines beside you and chugs his bottle in one go. You can't help but ogle his caramel steel rod, the condom gone, yet still hard and streaked with your collective cum. You blush when he catches your wandering eye, chuckling to himself as he wraps his arms around your waist and eases you onto his lap. He strokes your hair, presses his lips to your forehead, and then kisses you deeply. You cup his bearded chin, enjoying his little hums mingling with yours as your tongues tangle together. When you pull back, you swoon at the dreamy look in his gorgeous eyes with a dreamy, sated smile of your own.
"You made me come in every position. That's never happened before," you tell him.
His lip curls proudly at your statement. "Well, I got a couple more positions to test out. We just gettin' started."
Your words lodge in your throat at the seriousness in his voice. "Really?" you squeak out.
"Yep. We goin' to the bedroom soon. We doin' this all night, bae," he says.
"Damn. You're threatening me with a good time, but can a bitch breathe first?" you jokingly gripe, but the knowing gleam in his eye tells you he's not joking. At all. Your pussy flutters despite the beating it's already taken.
"Of course." His response is salaciously cryptic, letting the words hang in the air as he leans in for another gentle kiss. "So...were you disappointed?"
"With this? Hell no! Not at all. It was amazing."
Again, that damn smirk. "I agree. And there's a lot more where that came from." He points at the bottle in your hand. "Drink up, baby girl. You gon' need all the energy you can get."
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Thank you all so much for reading!
Banner made by me. Credit to the owner of the gif.
TAGGING: @thesamoanqueen @harmshake @jxtina-86 @romanreignseater @harlem11680 @fame-ass-ers @southerngirl41 @alyyaanna @squishyguishy @jstarr86 @murrylove @reci24 @thewarlordsworld @mzv11 @cozyaliensuperstar7 @jeysuso @nayys-world @hunnidmilly @cyberdejos2 @papireigns-05 @niknakbucks92 @captainwithoutmakingitlove @sovereigngoth @aisharmi @kennedi0818 @alichesmi  @questionable-behaviour @tribalchiefreigns @2-muchsauce @thatbxtchsblog @raya-hunter01 @marchi36753 @lovelysuccess @christinabae @wooahmiri @thatonecarebear @tabletheofhead @rheaanddamianfan @vebner37 @hanley1577 @princessesareforsuckers @-naturally @joannasteez @bbygirlky18 @lilucey @theninthwonder @melaninsugababy @chocovibesonly @msbluehaz3 @scarlettnoir01 @heerah34 @empressdede @tbmotw @darkangelchronicles @visionarymode @marasdeathnote
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