#Y/N is so alike to my main character of the book im writing
p-taryn-dactyl · 2 years
Chaos is a Friend of Mine (1)
a/n: so quick storytime: i am obsessed with ancient egypt. i love the history and the culture and the mythology - it's all so beautiful and interesting to me. it actually started after i read the Kane Chronicles so thanks rick so when Moon Knight was announced then released, I think I had a stroke from how excited I was. And the show surpassed all expectations I had like....it was amazing. (i think my parents had a grudge against Moon Knight bc it reignited my passion and i talked nonstop about literally anything to do with ancient egypt.) okay sorry for that, the fic will start now (this the first part of a new series)
prompt/plot: you were once the avatar to the god of chaos - living your best life as you exacted torment upon your enemies. but when he was encased in stone, you lived your life in hiding from the Ennead. When the pyramid crumbled, Marc, Steven, and Layla didn't think about the consequences. After all the statues were broken, the formerly trapped gods went back to their former avatars (if still alive). now, you're back as a threat to the world and to kill the new avatar of khonshu. word count: 1.8k taglist: @nyx-aira (thank you for the title! i hope you like the fic!) pairing(s): (all platonic/enemies - for now) steven grant x fem!reader; marc spector x fem!reader; layla el faouly x fem!reader warning(s): gif not mine and not really relevant to the fic but it's cool; reader is a bit crazy - you're a villain, congrats; changing perspectives/POV; use of Y/N
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The chaos came on Tuesday, like it always did. It started with all your plates falling out of the cabinets, hitting the ground with muffled bangs. After the fifth time, you had traded out all your plates to plastic. Then came the bookshelf. Books pushed themselves off the shelves, opening on the floor, the pages ruffling as your AC came on. But the most annoying was when your blanket was ripped from you, exposing you to the cool air of your apartment. 
“Uugghh, what ghost did I piss off?” You mumbled to yourself, getting up from your chair, setting your coffee down on the end table. As you bent down to pick up the plates, waiting for the blinds to start opening - the pattern of chaos ingrained in your mind, you heard a shattering noise followed by liquid spilling. You stood up straight. 
“Oh hell no-” You stormed over to where you set down your coffee, sighing angrily as you saw your mug in pieces and the coffee all over your floor. You flared your arms upward, frustration in your voice as you yelled at your ceiling. 
“Okay, what the shit did I do to you? Did you live here centuries ago or something? Did-” You were cut off by the feeling of steaming coffee steeping into your sock. As you hopped on one foot, hissing in pain, you noticed the coffee forming strange puddles. You crouched down, cocking your head to the side as you tried to make sense of what was happening. Maybe your floorboards were uneven. But as the steaming brown liquid continued to swirl, you recognized what they were forming. 
“Hieroglyphs?” You whispered in disbelief, hand reaching out to trace the symbols. Just as your fingers touched the coffee, the hieroglyphs seemingly translated in your mind. You scrambled back at what it said, chest heaving in shock. After you calmed down, you stood up calmly, aware of the presence behind you. You rolled your shoulder before raising an eyebrow. 
“So..you’re back?” You shook your head, laughing as excitement weld up inside of you. You turned around, a smile itching to form on your face. 
“Hello Set.”
Marc was vibing. He was free of Khonshu’s burden, free to live his life with Layla and Steven, without any possibility of danger ahead. He leaned back in his patio chair, sunglasses sliding down his nose as he basked in the sun. Layla sat in front of him, her hair creating a halo around her head, glowing in the sun. Even though she was no longer the avatar for Taweret, she was still a goddess. The streets bustled around them, families out shopping, vendors calling out their goods, music playing faintly in the distance. 
“Why are you smiling so big?” Layla asked as she took a drink of her sugar cane juice, a happy look on her face. Marc spread his arms out wide, gesturing to the energy around them. 
“This! We can finally have a moment like this without having to look over our shoulders! We can finally take a breath!” Marc looked down at the mirror he now carried around, seeing Steven smiling as well. 
“I can’t believe it’s actually over.” Steven gushed out, as he fronted. Layla’s eyes widened in excitement when she heard Steven’s voice. 
“And how are you doing? Do you plan on going back to your museum job?” Before Steven could answer, Marc’s reflection yelled a “No!”. Steven laughed, shaking his head. 
“I think I’m going to have to talk to the voice in my head about that.” Layla chuckled, shaking her head. Marc put on a faux offended look. 
“I really thought we had gotten closer Steven, I really di-” when he didn’t finish, Steven raised the mirror up, concern written on his face. 
“Marc, what is it?” Marc fronted, looking around, a bad feeling growing in his gut. Layla set down her juice, also looking around. 
“Marc what-” people started screaming, their eyes glossing over. Marc stood up quickly, knocking his chair over as he, Layla, and Steven watched the chaos around them. People were running around, clawing at each other, their words garbled together like they were speaking under water. Layla squinted, looking at the ground, taking a cautious step towards Marc as she watched sand seep through the streets, rising and falling like an ocean caught in a storm. Soon, Marc and Layla were back to back as they watched the chaos unfold. The sand rose up, swirling around them like a tornado, crashing to the ground, crushing the table they were once sitting at. Steven fronted, rubbing his forehead. 
“What the bloody hell.” He mumbled as the crowd started to become more violent with each other, some people’s eyes dripping sand. Everytime Layla or Steven tried to move, they realized their legs had gotten trapped in a pool of quicksand. They heard a woman scream as her friend threw a knife at her, scrapping her side, their heads snapping in that direction. 
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” A new voice spoke, a woman’s voice with overlapping echoes. The quicksand rotated, causing them to turn around, letting them see the owner of the voice. A woman sat on the edge of the roof of the building across the street, leaning back on her arms, a pleased yet nostalgic look on her face. 
“You’re doing this?” Layla asked, her voice filled with disbelief. The woman shrugged, her eyes still focused on the crazed people. 
“Maybe. But don’t worry, darling, it won’t last long. It will stop when I get what I want.” 
Steven and Layla looked at each other before Steven asked. 
“And what do you want?” His voice was hesitant, but without fear. The woman laughed to herself, looking down at her hands as she fiddled with her rings. When she looked up, her eyes were pits of fire, burning into Layla and Steven. 
“I want the avatar of Khonshu. Dead.” She turned her gaze to only Steven who swallowed, letting Marc front. Marc chuckled, scratching his head. 
“Look lady, I guess you haven’t heard yet. I’m no longer Khonshu’s avatar!” The woman with eyes of fire faked looking disappointed before bursting into a giant smile, laughing loudly. She stood up. 
“Oh honey, it’s cute that you actually believe that.” She placed her hands on her hips, smirking. “You know, when my friend was released from his prison of stone, I thought: Finally. You know why? Because I’ve waited years, decades, to kill Khonshu once and for all. Killing his avatar is just the first step. But then,” she laughed, raising her hands in the air - causing the sand to rise up Layla and Marc’s neck to their chins, “I find out the avatar of Khonshu that I knew had gone crazy, started a cult, worshiped the alligator lady, became her avatar, then got shot in the head. By Khonshu’s new avatar.” She watched with glee as Marc seemed to put it all together. His chest fell, shaking his head as he looked towards the sky. 
“I’m still Moon Knight.” 
“Well, not exactly. Your third identity is, you and Steven are just along for the ride.” Steven fronted, much to Marc’s annoyance. The egyptologist frantically traced his mind, desperate to figure out what she meant by her friend trapped in stone. 
“You’re an avatar.” The woman raised her eyebrow, looking to the side then back at Steven. 
“Well duh. And I thought you were the smart one.” Steven shook his head, confusion etched into his face. 
“But who’s your-”
“Set.” Layla spoke, her face hardening as she named the god of chaos, deserts, and disorder. The woman pointed at Layla, making a finger gun motion. 
“Bingo. But don’t worry, you haven’t met him yet. This,” she waved her hands towards the street, “is all me.” She said proudly. Just as Steven was about to respond, the woman’s eyes lost all of their humor, shining with hate as she looked behind them. Layla and Steven turned their heads to see Khonshu behind them, holding his scepter in a menacing way.  
“Y/N. I thought you were dead.” She shrugged. 
“You thought wrong, pigeon head.” The moon god growled, preparing to attack. Y/N cocked her head to the side, as if listening to someone speak. An evil smirk grew across her face. She flicked her wrist, the sand surrounding Layla and Steven collapsing, sending them to the ground. Y/N smiled at Khonshu, no warmth present. She adjusted her cuffed sleeves and collar, waving as she dissolved into sand, disappearing into the wind. In a flash, the sand in the street was gone, and people carried on as they were before, no trace of the madness from a few seconds prior. Marc fronted, turning towards Khonshu, anger written in his eyes. 
“I thought we had a deal.” Khonshu nodded solemnly. 
“We did. But now we see that Moon Knight is still needed. Set has been released and his avatar, that Y/N, is arguably more dangerous than he is. She won’t stop till I’m dead, killing whoever is in her way.” Layla shook her head, frustration seeping in as she ran her hand through her hair. 
“And why is that our problem?” Khonshu sighed, pointing to her wrist. 
“Because of that.”
On her wrist, or seemingly under her skin, was a shifting symbol. A Was-scepter. Marc groaned when he saw the same thing on his wrist. 
“She can track you with that mark. She’s able to see wherever you are, hear what you hear, hunting you like a predator,” Khonshu looked towards the horizon as Marc and Layla looked at each other with devastated looks,
“No matter where you go, she’ll find you.”
You reformed in your hotel room, shaking excess sand onto the floor. You cracked your neck and knuckles, rolling your head to the side. Set appeared on the bed, lounging with his arms behind his head. You rolled your eyes, taking off your rings as you went to change for bed. 
“I’m not sharing the bed nor am I sleeping on the floor.” You called out from the bathroom, pulling pajamas on. When you walked out, you saw the mule headed god playing with a TV remote, jumping when he accidentally turned the television on. You shook your head, muting the sound when you took the remote from Set. 
“Can you see them?” He asked, his voice like cries of war. You closed your eyes, smiling as Marc Spector and Layla el Faouly came into view - furiously packing their stuff, looking around cautiously. Marc was scratching as his brand, the was-scepter seemingly burning him. When you opened your eyes, you nodded. A smirk grew on Set’s face, the fire in his eyes burning brighter. He got off the bed, raising his arms like a champion in battle. Your hotel room walls shifted and reformed, creating itself into a palace on the inside. You laughed. 
“You’re so dramatic.” Set shrugged, nodding acceptantly. You sat criss cross on the bed, looking at Set intensely, your own eyes burning with flames.
“So, what’s next?” Set laughed.
“Well, my child, we get your revenge.”
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har-rison-s · 3 years
hot chocolate
anonymous asked: hi! i was wondering if you wrote stuff for ron weasley or if you only wrote for the twins? if you do write for ron could you do a fluff piece? it could be abt anything honestly
a/n: thanks for this lovely request. i’ve never really wrote for ron, he was sort of a side character in one of my abandoned stories, but i’d love to explore him, this is wonderful for that. he’s my favourite out of the trio (though i can never really choose, ofc), we both hate spiders and love chicken and eating in general hahahah i feel like we’re so alike. ANYWAY, here is something fluffy with ron:) i chose quite the cliché setting, but i think it’s nice. nothing much romantic, bcs ron is a brother to me and i’d be uncomfortable with that, i’m sorry. it’s still fluff:) stay safe, enjoy. happy reading!
fyi: not proof-read, definitely gonna edit later :) (also it's short, sorry)
main masterlist
warnings: none!
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The fireplace, which seemed always ablaze, was warming the remaining Gryffindor students’s feet with its fire. The students weren’t great in number, they were five in total because most were done studying late and had gone to bed already. Ron was keeping Y/N company while she studied for a test tomorrow that she shared with Hermione. But the Granger girl had already, of course, studied for it, so she had no problem on the night before.
It wasn’t like Y/N was stressed out of her mind, she was quite calm about the test, she just needed to revision a few topics. There were books and notebooks and random pieces of parchment scattered across their table’s surface. Ron was leaned back in his chair, rereading a book on Quidditch History for (Y/N was sure) the thousandth time already. Y/N’s forehead was on her hand as she continued to make her conspect on the farthest planets known to wizards.
“How’s it gooooing?” Ron asked from his chair. Y/N lifts her head up momentarily as a smile tugs at her lips, and she sighs to herself.
“Just fine.” She said and then looked at Ron properly, locking her hands together before her on the pile of books. He looked at her through his forehead, sort of, but never menacingly, only curiously. “How many times did the Cannons win the League again?”
Ron chuckled and glanced back down to his book, though he knew the fact so well that he’d tell it to you without struggle if you woke him in the middle of the night. “Twenty-one, but only in 1892.” He said. “Which is the farthest planet from ours?”
Y/N smiled wide. “D’you want the muggle truth or our truth?” She asked, resting her chin in her hand. Ron grinned wide. “Saturn, for the muggles.” She said, then. “But Alastar for us.” Ron’s eyebrows furrowed.
“I think I knew a bloke called Alastar…” He admitted, scratching the back of his neck, he really looked like he was trying to remember. Y/N couldn’t figure out whether he was serious or not, and she chuckled. “D’you think the star’s named after ‘im?” She chuckled again.
“People are usually named after stars, not vice versa.” She pointed out. Ron leaned forward, his elbows on their table. He raised his eyebrows.
“But what if he discovered the planet?” He suggested and raised his index finger in the air. “Then it would be named after ‘im.”
Y/N smiled wide. “Wow, you’re better than my astronomy and history books.” She said, shaking her head and smiling wider with every second. Ron blushed and laughed and hung his big ginger head lower, not wanting her to see his blush. But she did, alright, and she had nothing to say about it other than that the blush was cute, to her, at least. But she didn’t care about anyone else. “That could be on the quiz.”
“What exactly? The question whether a star is named after a person or vice versa?” Ron precised and made her laugh again. He smiled. Y/N glanced down at her empty pink cup once her laughter had sort of died down, and she turned the cup around between her hands. “I think that needs refilling.”
She nodded at his empty orange cup with raised eyebrows, it was sitting next to hers. “Yours does, too.” She stated, and they both laughed again. They’re probably too tired, that’s why they’re laughing so frequently.
“Mine’s not empty, actually.” Ron said, lifting it up to his mouth. Y/N held her tongue with something to say right on the tip of it, and watched as Ron drank in the remaining of his hot chocolate. They both had got one for each from the kitchen before they came to their common room and started to study, and no wonder her cup was empty and his was—“Ah, it’s cold!” Ron retracted the cup and cringed expressively at what he’d drank. Cold hot chocolate was never pleasant, especially when you live somewhere with stone walls and floors, it gave you more chills. And especially when you’re tired and everything’s bound to get on your nerves. Y/N chuckled at his facial expression and took her pink cup between her hands. “Sure, laugh at my misery!” Ron complained, but she saw a smile tugging at his lips.
“Shall we go and get a refill?” She asked then, looking suggestively at Ron.
“What, now?”
“Yes, now, when else?”
Ron was hesitant. His voice quieted down to a whisper when he spoke, “I don’t think we should. Isn’t there a curfew or somethin’?”
Y/N shook her head. “There’s no curfew. And we’ll be quick, come on, everyone’s almost asleep, anyway.” She already rose to her feet, but Ron still sat in his chair. But she gave him her hand to motivate him to get up, and he did eventually.
“McGonagall’s gonna have our heads on sticks if she catches us.” Ron said as they walk through the common room’s entrance door. Y/N laughed quietly to herself, knowing how good the echo is in the Hogwarts castle, as she waited for Ron, her cup in hand.
“She won’t, trust me.” She assured him and took his hand again. Ron tried to match the speed of her feet that treaded so lightly on the stone steps of the moving stairs, and he started giggling after he’d almost fallen over. She hushed him and they continued their journey down to the kitchen.
Permanent tag-list:  @gabiatthedisco​​​​​​​ @v0idbella​​​​​​​ @works-of-fanfiction​​​​​​​ @destiel-stucky4ever-loki-queen​​​​​​​ @stfxlou​​​​​​​ @ur-gunna-h8-ths​​​​​​​ @betweenloveandfire​​​​​​​ @but-legendsneverdie​​​​​​​ @deardeacy​​​​​​​ @thewinchesterchronicles​​​​​​​ @mavieesttriste16​​​​​​​ @intrrverted​​​​​​​ @the-freak-cassie-131​​​​​​​ @beverlyparkerr​​​​​​​​ @gasbomb69​
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Kaminari || Cruel one
SUMMARY: Kaminari forgets he hasn’t actually asked you to the dance and asks about matching outfits first. Cue him completely panicking and you, knowing exactly what’s going on, making him suffer even more because where would be the fun in doing otherwise?
GENRE: writing, kaminari x reader, she/her pronouns, crack?, prompt-ish based
WARNINGS: swearing
TEXTS from pikachu
hey for the dance
what r u wearing??
TEXTS to pikachu
what do u mean
TEXTS from pikachu
what do u mean what do u mean
what r u wearing??
TEXTS to pikachu
w h a t
TEXTS from pikachu
DONT w h a t me Y/N
for the dance????? next week???? what. r. u. wearing??
pls hurry before i spend my allowance on this cool skateboard i saw
suits are expensiveeeeeeeeeeee
but i need one suit to match u
TEXTS to pikachu
whoa hooold up 
im going to the dance?? UR going to the dance??
why do i need to match with u in the first place??
kaminariiiiiiiiii answer meeeeee
“Stop swearing, goddamn, you’re swearing the roof off.”
Kaminari swiveled to gape at Bakugou, who was currently lifting weights absently as he scrolled through his phone. “You do not get to say that.”
“You’ve sworn ten times more than I have in my life, dunce face.”
Bakugou sighed harshly, dropping the weight on his bed before looking at Kaminari. “So you forgot to ask her. Yeah, dumb fucking move, but you can do that now.” He added, under his breath, “And get the fuck out of my room, too.”
Kaminari shook his head, letting out sounds that vaguely resembled wails but were more alike the bleats of goats than anything else. “Noooo, I can never face her again. Do you have ANY idea of the absolute mortification I am facing? I am DOOMED! I screwed up, I fucked up, I’ll never be a hero, I’ll never get married--”
Bakugou chucked one of his notebooks at the wailing child, grumbling about him being a “fucking annoyance” and that “if you don’t get out of my room right now I’m going to blow you up in our next lesson”. Yet, in Kaminari’s state, he surprisingly didn’t even care, merely grabbing the book and clutching it to his chest, as if it were a teddy bear.
A knock sounded at the door and the two glanced at it, Kaminari’s face paling because somehow, in his broken, embarrassed heart, he knew who was behind it.
“Bakugou? Is that Kaminari in there? Can we-can I talk to him?” Your voice called out.
Kaminari squeaked, literally diving onto Bakugou and clutching the other boy’s torso. “No no no,” He hissed, “I’m not in here, I’m not don’t you dare tell--”
Though really, he had been doomed the moment he chose Bakugou to vent to. What could he have possibly been thinking?
“Get off me!” Bakugou growled, violently wriggling around to throw him off. “Yeah, he’s in here. Just open the door and go get your fucking feelings sorted somewhere else. Or else.”
The door opened to reveal Y/N, a smile on your face that Kaminari interpreted as pitying and mocking and teasing even though it was the exact same smile you always gave to him--the smile you reserved just for him. Even if he was too much of an oblivious ass to notice.
Kaminari waved awkwardly, face uncomfortably warm, one arm still wrapped around Bakugou.
“Oh, am I interrupting something?” You asked, an eyebrow raised. Bakugou grunted, shoving Kaminari off hard enough that he tumbled forward.
“Hurry up and tell her you want to go to the dance--”
“Okaaay! Lalalala, there’s nothing to see here! Yup! Nothing at all!” Kaminari shrieked, bouncing up and rushing out of the room, Y/N leaning out of the way as he practically zoomed past. “I’m going out so I’ll see you later, yeah? Bye!”
“Kaminari!” You cried out after him as he speed walked away. You turned to Bakugou in exasperation. “Is he really going to ask me?” The boy nodded. “Are you sure?”
“Well, he’s been bugging us for weeks about it. I’d say go and find out yourself but it’s been fucking annoying so just hurry up and say yes already.” 
You grinned, thanking Bakugou before running after Kaminari, wherever he’d gone. He wasn’t hard to find though; he was still limping along the common room as he scrambled to put a jacket and shoes on so you caught up quite easily. “Hey,” You said simply, startling the boy. “So, got something to tell me?”
Kaminari swallowed, laughing nervously. “Mm, do I?” You nudged him, giving a pointed look. “I don’t know, it was pretty stupid. You don’t need to hear it.”
You sighed, hands on hips as you swerved around him to stand in front, effectively stopping him from advancing to the front door any longer. “I don’t think it’s going to be stupid, Kami. In fact, I don’t even know the question but my answer’s yes.”
“Is it, though?” He asked, looking unconvinced.
“Oh for goodness sake Kami!” You groaned. “How dense can you be? I’ve already said yes!”
Kaminari blushed, trying to save his dignity before it was destroyed completely. “But you don’t even know what I’m going to say!”
“I think I do.”
“Nuh-uh, for all you know I could be asking you to-to...” He dragged on the word to buy him time. “To lick the floor! Yeah!”
You blinked at that, both surprised and not. “Really?” You said flatly.
“Really.” Kaminari nodded.
“Okaaay then,” You drawled, eying him. “Well, in other news, I guess I’ll just go to the dance with someone else. Maybe Tokage and I can go together.”
This time it was Kaminari’s turn to blink as you stepped aside to walk away. What? What did you mean Tokage? The super cool recommended student in the other class? “Wai-wai-wait! Who? You’re going? Since when?!” He blurted, shock and disbelief in his tone. 
You smiled at him over his shoulder. “Since now. We both agreed that if someone didn’t ask us--certain someones--we’d just go together. Nice plan, right?” 
No. No it was not a nice plan who even planned something like that?! Going with-with some second choice?! That’s the height of desperation! And with Tokage?! Was that his competition? How was he supposed to compete with her?!
You felt this sickly satisfaction grow inside you as you watched his face go through all possible emotions. To add fuel to the fire, you continued, “Oh, wait, I need to go to her dorm. We’ll need to match--”
You were a cruel one, really, you were.
“Wait!” Kaminari cried out, spinning on the spot. “Are you-can you still wait? For...” This was it. Whatever higher power there was up there, please don’t let him screw up. Please show him the signs--the way. “For that certain someone? Is it not too late?”
You hmmed, swaying from side to side. “Mayyyyybe. It’ll be too late in about...” You checked your watch. “Five minutes. So that certain someone better hurry,” You sang, smiling fiendishly.
Kaminari swallowed nervously. Why was he shaking so much? Somewhere, in the rational part of his mind, he knew you were going to say yes, knew that it was him you were talking about, knew you’d go with him. You’d already said it! But...
He’d never been quite good at this sort of thing anyway. It was always just something for him to fantasize about. When would one of his crushes actually like him back after all? That only happened in romance movies. Not that he watched them. Either way, he wasn’t like any of the male main characters--he was just Kaminari, ‘dunce-face’ and class clown. Not even class clown, he was just one of the class clowns. He wasn’t so special that he’d really catch your attention. Or was he?
You cleared your throat.
“Uh, Y/N, so will you, if you want, I guess. Will you go out with--wait, no, I mean, will you go to the dance with me? If you want to! But like, I think you do.” He blanched. “You do, right?” Fuuu-- “Did I do it right? Oh wait, crap, I didn’t--”
Distantly, he heard a few snickers--Jirou? Ashido?--behind him. “This is too painful to watch ohmygod.”
You simply laughed, but kindly, stepping forward before giving him a short kiss to the cheek, smiling and wow did you always look so bright and gorgeous and-- “Yes, Kami, I’ll go to the dance with you. Even go out with you. Thanks for finally asking.”
And all at once it felt like the weight of a thousand worlds had lifted from his shoulders. You’d accepted. Holy crap you’d accepted-- “YES!” He cheered, pumping a fist in the air. Maybe it didn’t only happen in movies after all!
“Damn, excited much?” Someone else laughed.
You nudged him, but it felt more comforting now, better than before. “We need to match, right? Let’s go now, you’re already half-dressed.”
Kaminari nodded, maybe nodded one too many times but could anyone blame him? He’d finally asked and you’d actually said yes--yes!
He grinned, feeling his electricity pumping just under his skin from his excitement. 
So maybe he was that special.
TEXTS to lizard girl 🦎
he finally did it
i actually had to pull the move
TEXTS from lizard girl 🦎
lmaoooooooo he finally grew balls????
he mustve been jealous
go get him Y/N
coz hes not gonna get u obvs
TEXTS to lizard girl 🦎
stooop hes just shy!!
more than shy,,,,,
TEXTS from lizard girl 🦎
hes not shy hes just scared shitless
TEXTS to lizard girl 🦎
hes not scaredddd just,,,,,,,,,,
i mean asking someone to the dance is a bit scary
TEXTS from lizard girl 🦎
youve already got it bad
welp have fun ;) ;) ;)))))))
hes finally got some balls u can.... ;;;;;))))))))))))))))))))))))
TEXTS to lizard girl 🦎
annnnd this conversation is over
A/N: this was based on this post because a good portion of class 1a would probs do this just saying - 
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(is that thing about posts with links not showing up in search bars still happening???) also this was written like weeks ago but i never got around to posting so im unsure if i got kami’s character right so like i dont mind constructive criticism!! hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading!!
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