#Wopez family
karihighman · 29 days
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The Rookie 6x09 promo photos ©️DGE / ABC.
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dylanconrique · 1 year
i seriously can't wait to find out what angela and wesley named their daughter. 🥺💗
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sisterofficerlucychen · 3 months
sos pls! visual moments that friends and family have been 👀 @ chenford to one another or directly to tim/lucy?? are there any more other than these:
jackson and nolan during their last shift as rookies when lucy talks about what she has planned for her last shift with tim
jackson and tamara with lucy's reaction to tim having a new rookie
grey and nyla sharing a look when lucy spots tim at wopez wedding
nolan and harper when lucy says she has to text tim that they're gonna beat him in the treasure hunt
angela staring at lucy when she jokes that tim wasn't going to be the only one getting married
angela asking tim if he has feelings for lucy
tamara teasing lucy about kissing tim
angela looking at bailey when tim asks lucy if she's okay during the blackout at nolan's
genny saying that they make such a great team during little league
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that-fandom-writer · 1 year
chenford march madness
OK so I do not have the ability to make this into a cute little format of any sort lol however if any one wants to do that feel free lol this is just a list of prompts that @my-shields-are-down  and I came up with (along with a few that we sent to her)
This is for Chenford March Madness since we are going the entire month of March with no new episodes, this is a list of prompts for writing, making gif sets or videos, please use the # Chenford March Madness if you create anything from this list please! Trying to keep the fun in our fandom while we don’t get new episodes lol.
1-    I love you
2-    Lucky (for march 17th)
3-    T.O. / Rookie time
4-    Proposal
5-    Hike with Kojo
6-    Pregnancy announcement
7-    Wedding
8-    Smut
9-    Double date with Wopez
10-  Metro dude flirting with Lucy
11-  New female rookie flirting with Tim
12-  Lucy tells Tim about Noah (the meaning of hot pants and that Bradford)
13-  One of them goes missing and the other is worried
14-  Lucy tells Tim “you said you are a show me guy, show me how much you love me”
15-  Another baseball practice
16-   Anniversary Celebration
17-  Family Vacation outside of LA
18-  Chaperoning kids’ field trip to aquariam/ museum/ historical site (with all the correct details)
19-  New pet after Kojo dies
20-  Kid has a temper tantrum
21-  Tim catches his daughter making out with a boy in her room- how is she punished (she tries to manipulate him in response to get her way)
22-  Lucy asks X to walk her down the aisle
23-  Tim meets his first grandbaby
24-  Vampire/werewolves or witches au
25-  Tim taking his son for his first haircut
26-  Tim’s motorcycle (Tim in leather pants must be included)
27-  Magician Tim and Lucy
28-  Tim and Lucy visit your favorite place
29-  Getting hotdogs at Pinks
30-  Date night at the LA Forever Cemetery for a classic movie
31-  Accidently eloping in Vegas/ Reno/ Atlantic city
32-  White elephant Christmas party
33-  Tim needs Glasses
34-  Genny gets married
35-  Prom stories
36-  Tim in basic training
37-  Couples Halloween
38-  4th of July picnic
39-  Tim tells their grandkids about the first and second date
40-  Morning after their first time
41-  Talking about the fake proposal to Ashley
42-  Discussing why they dated Ashley and Chris
43-  “I’ve never been in love”
44-  I’m not your type Tim
45-   Birthdays
46- kids pranking Tim and Lucy
   Ok so i know this is a long ass list lol, I am just trying to give all of the writers in the fandom some inspiration since we are gonna be stuck without new episodes for a month lol.
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wafflesinthe504 · 1 year
New Year’s Eve Headcanons (The Rookie Edition)
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With New Year’s Eve only being a few days after Christmas the house still has toys strewn everywhere no matter how much they and the nanny attempt to clean up toys seemed to continue to pop up out of nowhere. Wesley and Angela had thought about traveling to DisneyLand to celebrate but decided that they should wait until Jack was a little bit older and could handle the loud sounds of the fireworks. So they decided to do the next best thing that they could think of. They bought a light projector that projected stars and moons onto the ceiling for Jack and placed it in the living room where they watched New Year’s Rockin’ Eve enjoying the multiple performances. Over the course of the night they danced and sang along to the performances with Jack joining in sometimes, joined Jack in playing with his toys, and ate some quesadillas. When Jack passed out on the chair at around 9 pm Wesley and Angela put their to bed making sure he was tucked in. Once they were sure he was fast asleep they brought one of the baby monitors to the living room and continued their celebrations late into the night with plenty of wine.
With the major holidays finally past them Nyla and James are happy to finally get some alone time with each other and baby Leah. Don’t get them wrong they loved seeing family and friends but travelling and hosting family especially with a newborn baby is exhausting. They were ready to salvage whatever sleep they could and go back to their normal routine. So, for New Year’s Eve they take as much of the day to themselves as possible and enjoy catching up on some tv shows before eventually putting on relaxing music and take a nap whenever Leah takes a nap. One of Leah’s longer naps end up around 11pm. They all end up sleeping through midnight and the start of the new year but they really wouldn’t have it any other way.
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Lucy and Tim end up getting pulled to work the night shift and help to monitor the fireworks show at Marina Del Rey. It’s not exactly how they thought they would end up spending their first New Year’s Eve together but its not the worst assignment they could get. Most of their time is spent at Burton Chance Park helping  to guide the food trucks to their designated spots and helping to setup before the park officially started with the New Year’s Eve festivities. Once the festivities began they helped visitors find their way to the park and making sure no one snuck in anything illegal or dangerous. As the night went on they ended up bringing a few extreme cases of drunken disorderly people into custody and putting them in the drunk take to sober up. Thankfully, other than the drunken disorderly people and breaking a verbal sparring match the night went on without any issues.
The first time the fireworks went off at 9 pm Tim and Lucy were focused on helping with crowd management meaning they couldn’t really enjoy the fireworks or each other’s company since they ended up getting separated so they could prevent the crowd from swelling too much as the people gathered to watch the first set of fireworks. The second time they went off, right at 11:59 pm, they had managed to find their way back together and didn’t have to worry as much about the crowd since many families had left after the first firework show. Since they were still on duty, they couldn’t kiss like they wanted to, but they held hands and held each other close for a few moments before returning to duty. Once the firework show was over and the park was closing, they helped to make sure everyone safely left. By the time they were done at the park it was already 3am meaning they had three more hours left on shift. For the last three hours they went to the station and finished up any leftover paperwork before clocking out. Tim and Lucy decided to go to Lucy’s apartment for the night so they could check in on Tamara and relax for the rest of the day. As soon as they entered Lucy’s apartment Tim kissed her gently and passionately up against the door both melting into the kiss.
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kat-rose-griffith · 2 years
Wopez continuing to naturally serve married couple excellence even through being on opposite sides of her family’s drama
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Can someone write a fanfiction where Chenford's and Wopez's kids growing up together, from childhood friends to lovers.
Unknowingly to their parents, Jack begins a secret relationship with Tim and Lucy's daughter. They try to keep it a secret, but as time went on, it got harder and harder since their whole family was in the line of cops.
So, how will their parents react when they all find out? Will their parents approve of their newfound relationship?
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AAH little wopez moments 🥰🥰🥰
But also y'all the group scenes at Nolan's house XDD I'm a sucker for found family so whenever these guys are all together I just <333 Those scenes just killed me 😭❤️
Bonus it was hilarious lol
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morganupstead · 1 year
I do have plans, but feel free to send me more 🤗
I should make a list..... but honestly, the idea I keep coming back to is the team having families. Little kids 5 and under and then 10-15 years down the line the grown-up kids doing shit and having the parents navigating life as cops and parents.
Everything from Chenford's daughter dating when she's a teen to family dinner's together. Wopez with Jack as a big brother, Tamara growing up and having her own job, and how she fits into the mix. Grey is 100% a grandpa to all the gaggle of children no question. Kojo with children is just a no-brainer. In my own head I think Wopez gets at least a cat (a cat screams Wes to me) but also maybe a dog because Angela wants a dog to protect the house ( after Elijah she will do whatever to keep her kids safe for many years to come). Lyla and Silas have potential too.
There's this fic from SarcasticBella on AO3 that I read a little while back that I loved. Some of my favorite fics in the fandoms I watch are future family fics. But I've always teased out these fics in my other fandoms but I'm not coming up with all that many Chenford/The Rookie ones.
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shelbbswrites · 1 year
With Elijah and Abril forming a terrifying evil axis alliance, do you think it’s possible The Rookie would kill off part of Wopez? Or put her in danger of losing her baby?
I think Wopez has miscalculated the “temporary” pause in their war and doing so could have life altering ramifications for Wopez and everyone around them.
Who do you think - of the Rookie family- is in the most danger and why?
I don't want to believe that The Rookie will kill off Wesley or Angela, but I could see it becoming a major stressor during her pregnancy. It's already odd that both of Angela's pregnancies are unplanned during intense interactions with intense characters.
And thinking back to Nyla and James discussing what would happen to Leah if anything happened to them makes me believe that could be a misdirect in that something could happen to Angela and/or Wesley, and Nyla and James may take in Jack.
But again, I have high (maybe naively wishful) hopes that Wesley and Angela will make it through.
The story wants us to doubt the fleeting security Welsey and Angela have in that pause. Their final scene in "The Con" is very ominous. It wants us to ask these questions and be on end, so it's working.
If you mean who I think is the most in danger during all this with Elijah and Abril, it's most certainly Wesley, Angela, Jack, and their unborn child. I'd also say Monica is in danger with Elijah.
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karihighman · 2 months
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1&2: Wopez & 3: Jayla, The Rookie
4: Burzek & 5: Manstead, Chicago PD & Med
6&7: Javery, Nashville
8: Kenna(?), Degrassi: The Next Generation
May update w/more, but here’s some couples I’ve watched on my favorite shows over the years who end up having/raising kids together
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dylanconrique · 1 year
on a happy note i’m so glad angela’s finally getting her baby girl. 🥹💕
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Chenford hopes for the rest of S5 ❤️
omg, a lot!! haha. this was such a fun question, thanks! in the words of ms. sharpay evans: i want it all. given how we still have at least 8 episodes left before the season ends, i feel like there’s so much content that we’ve still have yet to see and given the trajectory the writers are putting them on, i am so excited to see it all. s5 has been all hits in my opinion especially 5b and i’m loving everything we’re getting with chenford. however, i would love to see some of the following:
in terms of conversation —
tim and lucy talking about how they fell for each other - i agree with the theory that lucy fell first but tim fell harder and their pining era was like Angst hour and i loved it so much and i hope they talk about it. like the moment tim thought that there was something there, he was more upfront about it. this is so nuanced though that it’d be beautiful to see how they address it because not only would it be cool to hear about how they fell for each other and when but also different moments like the s1 finale when tim might have been infected and lucy stayed with him but also threw herself over him in the ambulance; DAY OF DEATH!!!!!!! they’ve talked about it but did they ever talk about it? like aside from the scene where tim gives her the moonstone ring back and the garage scene where she tells him that she knows he’ll be there if she needs support re: rosalind; the freaking pranks???? her fake confession, his fake proposal; just all of the little moments
kids because you can’t have grandkids without them - the way that they so openly talked about kids was something that lives rent free in my head because i would have not expected that from either of them. anyway, i’d love to have a little parallel to that of them just casually talking about their future kids? like a very fluff moment of them painting out their future together. especially since they both want kids and they’re both aware that this is it, they’re the one
their backstory before the other came into their life - so we’ve learned a bit about both of their childhoods, about lucy’s journey to becoming a cop, about the rise and fall of tim’s marriage, but i’d love to see them talk more about their lives before the other was in it. something that i’ve found really interesting is how closed off lucy is despite wearing her heart on her sleeve. tim is definitely more upfront and open and it’d be interesting to hear them talk about this
general couple conversations - i am still REELING from yesterday’s episode and i thought how they handled the issue of being a couple while working together was beautiful. it was so mature and so stable in the sense that the angst was there but it wasn’t there because breaking up was an option, it was there because they were both willing to give something up that they care about for the other. it was so mature and so honest and i’m so excited for them to continue having these talks and just hearing how they navigate life as a couple
in terms of action —
tim and lucy babysitting jack (or leah). i have read so many fanfics and they’re always the cutest thing ever, this needs to be canon
tim, lucy, tamara, and kojo family outing!!!! i am HERE for chenford domestic time and i want them to spend time with their puppies
more naked time preferably with some more spice~~~ like tim acknowledging lucy’s dod tattoo
a proposal - i know this might be a hot take but hear me out, chenford proposal for the season finale? because here’s the thing, they’re not dating to date. they know each other at their core, they’ve spent the last five years riding together for twelve hours a day. they’re past the ‘getting to know you stage’ like sure, they’ll keep learning things about each other but the fundamentals are there. also when i say this, i mean like s5 finale proposal to s6 finale wedding.
i think it’s all but confirmed that dim is coming back so like more dim and juicy chenford undercover scenes
another wedding dance AS AN OFFICIAL COUPLE if bailan’s wedding occurs this season
pranks and bets are like their love language, i would love to see them engage in more, especially because of how competitive they are and given how we’ve seen their dynamic change, i feel like it could lead to some really cute, soft moments
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that-fandom-writer · 1 year
Chenford Fanfiction Prompts
I will be re posting this a lot between now and the time season 6 comes out. are there some already out there with these? yes. 
did I make this list on my own? not entirely 
I will also be adding as I repost 
1- I love you
2- Kids pranking them
3- T.O. / Rookie time
4- Proposal
5- Hike with Kojo
6- Pregnancy announcement
7- Wedding
8- Smut
9- Double date with Wopez
10- Metro dude flirting with Lucy
11- New female rookie flirting with Tim
12- Lucy tells Tim about Noah (the meaning of hot pants and that Bradford)
13- One of them goes missing and the other is worried
14- Lucy tells Tim “you said you are a show me guy, show me how much you love me”
15- Another baseball practice
16- Anniversary Celebration
17- Family Vacation outside of LA
18- Chaperoning kids’ field trip to aquariam/ museum/ historical site (with all the correct details)
19- New pet after Kojo dies
20- Kid has a temper tantrum
21- Tim catches his daughter making out with a boy in her room- how is she punished (she tries to manipulate him in response to get her way)
22- Lucy asks X to walk her down the aisle
23- Tim meets his first grandbaby
24- Vampire/werewolves or witches au
25- Tim taking his son for his first haircut
26- Tim’s motorcycle (Tim in leather pants must be included)
27- Magician Tim and Lucy
28- Tim and Lucy visit your favorite place
29- Getting hotdogs at Pinks
30- Date night at the LA Forever Cemetery for a classic movie
31- Accidently eloping in Vegas/ Reno/ Atlantic city
32- White elephant Christmas party
33- Tim needs Glasses
34- Genny gets married
35- Prom stories
36- Tim in basic training
37- Couples Halloween
38- 4th of July picnic
39- Tim tells their grandkids about the first and second date
40- Morning after their first time
41- Talking about the fake proposal to Ashley
42- Discussing why they dated Ashley and Chris
43- “I’ve never been in love”
44- I’m not your type Tim
45- Birthdays
46- season 6 speculation 
47- all the missing moments 
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wafflesinthe504 · 1 year
Christmas Headcanons (The Rookie Edition)
Happy Holidays everyone!
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Wopez Fam
Christmas in the Wopez household is a much more relaxed affair than Thanksgiving. Where Thanksgiving brings both Wesley’s and Angela’s sides of the family together and the chaos that follows that, Christmas is generally a much relaxing holiday generally only spent with the three of them with Jack’s grandmas popping in on Christmas Eve or Christmas. Every time December rolls around they get some Christmas family photos taken and they send it out to family and friends. Their house is decorated head to toe in Christmas decorations. There’s lights and garland all around the house with a large decorated tree taking center stage. Jack’s toys are littered through the house practically making the house one large obstacle course. The only places untouched by the madness of toys are the kitchen and Wesley and Angela’s room. The week leading up to Christmas is filled with movies and frantic Christmas gift wrapping (mostly by Angela, Wesley is a bit more organized and had his gifts ready at the start of the month). Wesley and Angela decide to take Jack out to see a Christmas lights show. It was a great experience with Jack oohing and awing at all of the lights. Angela is the one to wake up early on Christmas to open gifts (well to see Jack open his gifts). The day of Christmas is generally spent with them playing movies in the background while they play with Jack and all of his new toys along with eating all types of cookies and drinking even more hot chocolate.
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Nyla and James
(Do they have a ship name? If not I recommend Hurray or NyJa. This is sort of a joke but if y’all want to use it please do.)
Christmas this year for them is a bit more interesting with the two of them taking care of newborn Leah and Lila and Donovan coming over to visit for Christmas week. Lila ends up staying with them while Donovan decides that’s its best for him to stay at a hotel. Lila is excited to get to spend some time with her baby sister. James mainly handles buying the gifts while Nyla mainly handles decorating the house. The decorations are simple yet beautiful. Their Christmas tree is decorated with ornaments that Lila made throughout the years along with some that were brought over the years. This year Nyla had brought a Lego advent calendar for Lila who decided to add each one to the tree as an ornament. They all make ridiculously intricate hot chocolate and eat candy canes. Donovan joins them in the afternoons each day whether its to watch movies, make smores, or Christmas arts and crafts. Lila convinces everyone to open a present on Christmas Eve. The day of Christmas Nyla and James are woken up by a crying Leah. James takes care of Leah while Nyla takes care of Christmas breakfast which consists of chocolate chip pancakes, eggs, bacon, and a fruit salad. Soon after breakfast Leah is calm again and everyone gathers around the living room and opens presents enjoying a relaxing day together.
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December in general is a pretty hard month for them both for a multitude of reasons. As a result they both decided to do their best to make better memories. For this year Lucy convinced Tim to do a 12 day countdown to Christmas that included a variety of activities that they would both enjoy. Some things included going to the Marina Del Rey Boat Parade, paintball, visiting the zoo, and spending a night out in town going to get Korean BBQ before going to get donut and hot chocolate. Lucy convinces Tim to put up some decorations. They end up with a Christmas tree with silver and blue garland wrapped around it along with warm white lights and a few baubles. There’s a Ram’s colored Christmas wreath hanging on Tim’s door. Lucy manages to sneak in a goofy dancing Santa Claus along with a penguin and polar bear plushie. She records Tim’s reaction to the dancing Santa Claus and sends the video off to their friends. By Christmas Eve tree has an impressive amount of gifts under it; most of them are for Genny and the kids. On Christmas day Lucy and Tim spend the morning in bed before getting up to fix a few dishes for Christmas dinner for them and Genny and the kids. Tim handles the meats while Lucy handles the vegetables and Genny is supposed to bringing the dessert. Genny and the kids arrive a few minutes before the Rams game comes on. Tim is wearing a Rams Christmas sweater that Lucy had gotten him as a stocking stuffer and had opened on Christmas eve. Lucy is wearing a blue Christmas sweater but hers is decorated with random snowmen and reindeers everywhere. Her sweater had been by Jackson a couple of years ago. Even Kojo is dressed with a Christmas bandana and a light up antler headband. Lucy, Tim, Genny and the boys spend Christmas watching football, opening presents, listening to Christmas music, and playing with Kojo.    
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blris96 · 2 years
Ask game ok .... obviously The Rookie 🥰
Hi lovely anon!
favorite male character: Tim
favorite female character: Lucy
least favorite character: tie between Ashley and Nolan
prettiest character: Lucy
funniest character: Jackson
favorite season: 2
favorite episode: 1x19 (probably a controversial opinion 😂)
favorite romantic ship: Chenford
favorite family ship: Wopez
favorite friend ship: Jackson and Lucy
worst ship: tie between Nucy and TimAshley (I despise both)
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