blris96 · 1 year
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You're still in the headspace where everyone is either a friendly or an enemy combatant. It's my job to help you change that mind-set. These people are all your neighbors. Now, some are neighbors with problems who do stupid things, crazy things, selfish things, but they're just people. I want you to take a look around.
When you're in country, everything's hostile. You never turn it off, you only turn it down. Cops who are fearful, they use officer safety as a way of treating everyone like the enemy. In fact, you're doing the job wrong if you are. I don't know how to live like that anymore. You'll remember. Just give it time. Be in the moment. That's it? It's harder than you think. At least it was for me. But it's only way I could leave the war behind.
The Rookie (2018) S03E11 "New Blood" S05E20 "STR"
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blris96 · 1 year
reblog if your name isn't Amanda.
2,121,566 people are not Amanda and counting!
We’ll find you Amanda.
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blris96 · 1 year
I also HATE that they’re copying DoD for Laura.
On a Lucy centric week?
DoD is LUCY’S STORYLINE. No one else’s.
More people would watch Feds if they weren’t constantly copying OG. The books thing from last night? Rosalind did that on OG and Feds copied the EXACT SAME detail.
They need new material for Feds.
Guarantee next week every OG fan may be pissed off.
And stop the “crossovers”. THEY ARE NOT TRUE CROSSOVERS. It just pisses off OG fans.
Feds hasn’t been renewed yet, and there are shows performing better on ABC, so who knows what will happen.
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blris96 · 1 year
Chenford - Lucy Chen / Tim Bradford - The Rookie - Season 5 - Ep 20
"S.T.R." AKA "Breakin' My Heart"
After a three week break, we were treated to a Season 6 renewal, the spoiling of Family Feud. And, to my great excitement, some bloody hi-res Chenford photos for the press!
All in all.. yesterday was a good day. But, was tonight a good night?
SPOILER ALERT: I'm the girl who literally wandered through every site on a Star Trek webring to find the Michael Jonas page full of Star Trek: Voyager spoilers. So, if you're wondering if I like spoilers, the answer is yes. I will spoil everything, so reader beware.
All clear on how this works? Golden. Because, I'm ready to dive in.
"This is ready." "That looks good." "Mm, thank you." "Mmhmm." "Hey!
Domesticity is just so cute on them. We've all been holding our breaths about the return of Isabel and what wrench it might throw in Chenford's way (or highlight, like Lucy's UC work), but golly this first scene of seeing them savoring the sweet simplicity of early love? Hell, yeah!
I'm also a huge fan of Tim cooking for Lucy. We've seen him cook for Kojo, of course, but I love that Lucy and Tim split the duties when it comes to cooking.
When Matthew and I first married, I asked what he could cook. He said, "eggs". Spoiler Alert: He could not cook eggs. At all.
So, there's a special place in my heart for men who cook for their women. And, yes, Matthew has learned to cook a lot since we wed.
Getting back to the main event—these two have been intertwined all night. You can't convince me otherwise! Neither of them is in a rush. Tim has taken some time off, and Lucy has been there for him the best she can.
And he. is. hungry. for. more. They both are! They wear the aura of, "I just saw you naked and I need to do it, again".
And insert the roommate who physically separates Chenford in a move that reminds me of the "Make Room for Jesus" moms who walk the floor at the Mormon dances. Yes, I attended one as a teenager. It was an experience.
Tim snaps into "well, that's annoying" mode, complete with the trademark raise of his hand. Lucy dutifully stays on her side of the kitchen until Tamara is cleared, and then that Lucy magnet kicks in, and it's right back to Tim's side.
"There are other rooms in the apartment for that."
Sugar, you weren't here for their first time, but you were here for their first kiss. Do you really believe they can keep their hands off of each other in any room of this apartment?
"I thought you were sleeping in today. No classes."
Okay, in that case, Lucy, maybe no hanky panky on top of the yummy yummy pancakes if Tamara is one wall away. Like, Tim pushing Lucy up against Tamara's door while she is in the room is not sexy. Right? Right.
"You want some? One or two?" "Uh, three please."
First off, love that Tim immediately jumps in to feeding his daughter. I'm Ukrainian Jew on one side and Spanish Catholic on the other. We feed people. It's what we do.
So, I love that Tim is right there for her. I also love that we've gone from, "How is that gonna work? You, me, and Tim?" to seeing it working. Yeah, she's got the typical daughter, "ewwww, don't kiss in front of me!" thing going on, but it's working. It's fitting.
And that's making my stomach hurt.
Because when things are really working in television, that's when they pull the rug out from under you. Drama, angst, instability, and misunderstandings litter our television experience.
So, I'm waiting for the bottom to drop out, as it were.
"No wait, um, shoot. Totally forgot. Uh, Isabel texted me. She's in town and needed to talk. So I just told her to come here. I hope that's okay."
Tim. This is Lucy's home and you invited your ex to her home and forgot to tell her!? Look, I think Lucy would have said yes if he'd asked, and I love that he's confident and comfortable enough to want to do this visit in front of Lucy.
But, Dude, we gotta work on your communication skills. Sex doesn't solve every problem.
"I'm sorry. I meant to tell you after you got out of the shower but, you know, I got in the shower."
I stand corrected. One mention of Shower Sex and Lucy's a little less thrown by the sudden arrival of her husband's ex and reliving that glorious ten... no... it's Tim we're talking about... twenty minutes.
Tamara, on the other hand, is rolling her eyes. But, look, girly, you're the one who encouraged your mom and dad to start shagging. So, really, if you think about it, this is on you.
"It's nice to see you again, Lucy. Thanks for letting me crash your breakfast." "No. Not at all. Um... Can I get you something?" "I wouldn't say no to some coffee."
So, Isabel's quick to read the situation, and she's actually being affable, so that's good. And Lucy's playing good host by offering her something.
And I know we're all a little peeved at Tim for parading the ex in front of his new-ish girlfriend, but I think it says a lot that they all snapped into their roles immediately.
This is Lucy's turf, and Isabel clearly understands she is a guest and not a part of this dynamic. Lucy is the wife. Tim is the husband. Isabel is the ex who we don't hate. (Ashley... now Ashley I hated)
"Tim invited her here. That's weird, right?" "No, I mean, it's totally fine. It's... It's a little weird."
Lucy can let her guard down with her daughter, and Tamara is clued into Lucy in a way Tim isn't quite yet.
Or maybe he just doesn't understand social niceties. I mean, did we ever see him host people at his house besides offering Lucy a place to crash when her best friend died?
Also, we know that he was Military before he was a Rookie, and we know he came up in the Training Academy with Isabel. So, maybe he never had a serious girlfriend before her?
Am I giving him too much leeway because I like him? Or does he need to get his ass in gear and stop flaunting the ex in front of his wifey? Maybe both.
"They're big time in Sylmar."
The power dynamic is interesting, because Tim is cluing Lucy in on this, and clearly taking that to her so she's an equal in the information.
Isabel holds the phone toward Lucy, too. So, she understands the power dynamic. And, damnit, that makes me respect her even more.
"We'll find her."
I love the immediate inclusive language. Sure, it could have been, "We, the Force, will find her", which is reading a little Star Wars coded for my liking, but you understand where I'm going, right?
I tend to think he means, "Lucy and I" because we all know he's going to pull her in.
Now, I'm still wondering how Mr. Metro got pulled into this from an assignments point-of-view (who is running Metro-Patrol liaison while he's chasing a missing girl with his ex?). Is it essential to this Meta? No. But it does give me pause, even as I've got 15 minutes left in the episode.
"Welcome back? Were you on vacation?" "I was on leave for a shooting. "I just got cleared." "You okay?" "Yeah, mostly. Lucy thinks I should start meditating... I know, right?"
First off, after three weeks I legitimately forgot that there was any shooting. Because the phrasing of this line is completely vague. If I didn't know, was he shot? Did he do the shooting? Both? Who knows!?
Second, we can see the chemistry these two had back in the day. I don't know that I'd have this kind of flirty banter with my exes, but I never dated a guy longer than a year and a half before Matthew.
"The famous Isabel."
Nyla clues in on what's going on right away. She really has this amazing ability to zero in on what's going on with Lucy, and it reminds me of her chat with Lucy when she caught her sneaking into the UC Conference.
She sort of talks Lucy through figuring things out for herself. And, yes, we've seen her do that before, too.
"You okay with that?" "Why wouldn't I be? ... It's not a big deal. I mean, he's... he's over her." "I know that. I just making sure you do." "Totally. Stop it!"
First off, girlfriends!! I remember a time when Lucy wanted so badly to be friends with Nyla and Angela. They took her out to a speed dating situation that scared the shit out of her.
Second, it's interesting seeing Lucy's insecurity manifest in a new way... that feeling that something about her is inherently wrong.
It's the programming of a lifetime of being unable to live up to her parents' expectations, and it's one of those things you spend the rest of your life working through. Over and over, again. I should know.
"He did say she looked good." "Why then would she agree to meet at his new girlfriend's apartment?"
Boom! There's my girl's confidence returning. Home base, right? Home turf advantage, right?
Also, how is Tamara allowed in here right now? I don't see her Visitor badge, she's not here on a case, and Lucy didn't walk her in. Does the Front Desk just let her in as "Roommate Privilege"?
"Chen! Let's move."
Now, we all know that Tim is more professional with Lucy inside the Station. But in light of the previous conversation, it did grate a little to hear him address her as "Chen". As though we'd lost some of that home-field advantage.
"So, how long you been dating Lucy?" "A few months. Are you seeing anyone?" ... "They were nice, but you set the bar really high."
Girl, STEP OFF my bestie's man. He is taken. You missed your chance, and now you can wallow in it away from him.
Also, I'm glad you're clean. I'm glad you can finally see that you had a good man. Perfect? Hell, no. Tim's got his issues. But he did love you and care about you.
"I get it, 'cause I held my breath every time you left on a long term assignment. Then you'd come home, and-" "And I'd still be gone in my head, no matter how much I wanted to be with you."
Ouch. So, clearly there were some communication issues, here. I get that there's a lot she couldn't discuss with Tim. But I also feel like there were some choices for her to close him off as a way to protect herself.
"You're gonna need back-up ... So Lucy's on her way here." "I can't believe after everything I put you through you're dating another UC." "I know. But Lucy's different." "She's not another junkie-in-waiting." "You know that is not what I meant." "I know, I just... seeing you again brings it all back up, you know? " "I do."
First off, I love that Tim called Lucy in. He trusts her, he knows she can get the job done, and we're a long way from him trying to shield her from UC work because of his hangups.
Now, I think he might be overcompensating a bit on that, but I'll get to that later.
I also am saddened to see Isabel's insecurities on full display, but I think it shows how far she has come. She was in full denial about being a "junkie" before, but now she's come to terms with her addiction, to a point.
It's something she'll have to live with the rest of her life, as every addict knows. And I'm grateful Tim is being so lovely with her, here. It says a lot about him and how supportive he can be, when allowed.
I think the one problem with Tim being attracted to such independent, strong women is that he doesn't want to get in their way. And that diminishing of himself is going to catch up to him, at some point.
To be clear, I'm not saying these amazing, strong women should hold back in any fashion. But, I do think that Tim needs to be upfront and honest about how he feels to help him process not only his trauma, but help him (and his partner) navigate their future.
"Be careful out there. It's been a minute since you've done this." "You wired?"
I wanted to call the juxtaposition of how Tim addresses both women as they prepare to go into this situation.
I think in some ways, Tim's still seeing the broken, frail version of Isabel he knew at the end of their relationship. But in Lucy, instead of warning her as he might have when she was a Rookie, he has full confidence in her.
For goodness sake, he called her in for this op. Tim knows that Lucy is capable, and so long as he's serving as backup, he knows he has a connection to the case and can be there for her if needed.
But next time she goes deep, again, like she did in Season 3, I have a feeling it's going to be bad for Tim.
Tim will be completely removed from the situation, back to holding his breath, as he did for Isabel. And all the old anxiety and pain is going to resurface because we all know that avoidance is Tim's method for processing trauma.
Also, Isabel's "Always the protector" rubbed me wrong for a while and I couldn't ascertain why. Something about that word, "Protector".
Someone on Twitter pointed out that Rosalind was the one to call Tim Lucy's "fierce protector" and that squared it away for me. I knew it was pinging something in my brain, but it's been a really tough evening, and I just couldn't connect the dots.
So, thank you, Twitter person, whose name I couldn't catch because the bloody feed refreshed too quickly!
"I was hoping to pick your brain a bit." "You wanna know my cheat codes for dating Tim?" "No. I've got him all figured out..."
She has for a very long time. Like, she had his number the moment she stole his wallet and made him wash dishes for dinner.
And I have to remember that Isabel doesn't know their history, here. She was absent or zoned-out on drugs for the entirety of the build up that the rest of us have witnessed.
So, it's borderline adorable in a "Bless her heart" way that she thinks Lucy needs tips, but it also shows that though she's hinted at missing Tim, she knows that's not her place, anymore.
"No, I wanted to ask you about your time under cover. You were a legend." ... "You want to know if it was worth it?"
Yes, I'm about to write all this out. We can see it as a potential preview of Tim and Lucy, as a cautionary tale of the worst way it could go, or simply a bit of wisdom for Lucy to carry with her to reflect on as she moves forward.
"Honestly, I can't answer that. Being undercover derailed my entire life. I lost my husband, my job, my self respect, almost lost my life. But I can't put all that on being a UC. Plenty of people make it out without becoming a full blown addict.... from what Tim tells me you have much healthier coping mechanisms."
So the joking about meditation comes back around to a compliment. Again, I never hated Isabel. I don't think she's the one for Tim, obviously, but she's not an inherently evil person (*cough* Ashley *cough*).
"You're always in fight or flight. that wears on your relationsh9ps no matter what.. but if you go in with your eyes open and you're prepared to make those sacrifices your experience might be different with mine. I hope it is."
That. That right there is why I don't hate this woman. Yes, she misses Tim and that possibility they had once upon a time. But, she knows that Lucy is here to stay, and the knowledge she imparts is filled with wisdom.
"Hey, you get the issue with the wire sorted out? "Yeah, we're good. it got disconnected somehow." ... "Babe, we gotta go."
Don't. Like. Her. Lying. To. Him. I'm sorry, but I keep going back to the "We don't keep secrets from one another", and that just burns me. Lucy, if you're going to do UC, you've gotta keelop some secrets. I get it. But this was a choice to lie to him when you know you're deep in UC with his UC Ex.
Maybe you both need communication lessons.
Hell, we all do, right? That's why we love these characters. They're as flawed as we are, and if they were perfect at everything every time, there'd be nowhere for their stories to grow.
But, that said, I feel like we're just building up for lies to bite Lucy in the ass when it comes to Tim. And my trust of TPTB with ships is hanging by a thread, so I'm choking down the anxiety with coke minis and edamame.
"Who's Tim?"
Love of Lucy's Life. Best Sex She's Ever Had. Hard Ass with a Tight Ass Winner Mid-Wilshire 2010-2023.
"That's not bad. Lucy?"
There it is. Him calling his girl by name.
"It's not like you'd come home and talk to me about it. This girl was clearly important to you and I'd never heard of her until this morning."
Again, we see the utter lack of communication. And we can sit here and assign blame and point fingers. That gets us nowhere. But we're seeing a blueprint for how not to do this.
If one of y'all is gonna be UC, you've got to have your communication down. Not just on favorite surfaces and positions, but on what matters to you as a unit so you can survive the stress and strain as a couple.
"I saw how alone you were at a moment I felt alone myself. So I looked out for you and took care of myself in the process."
From everything we've heard, tonight, I get the impression that Isabel self-isolates. And I get that. A lot of us do that.
And, yes, we can argue that she was undercover at this moment, but I think it's more than that. I think that something she mentioned in her past leads her to internalize rather than share.
But Tim would never draw it out of her. He's not the type. And so she squirreled deeper and deeper into herself while he spiraled, looking for what he was doing wrong.
Remember, he initially thought she was having an affair. Because he wasn't enough. Because he was doing something wrong. Because he had failed her, somehow.
There is the potential for the past to repeat itself if Tim and Lucy aren't careful.
"Do you want a beer?" "Yeah. Sounds great."
Tim and Lucy walk in, both beat from the day. He places his backpack in its usual place—beside the liquor. Lucy immediately goes for the fridge. They have a rhythm.
"She seems good. Happy." "Isabel?" "Mm." "Yeah. Yeah she deserves it." "Hmmm."
There's a little unease, there. I don't think Lucy feels threatened by Isabel anymore, but she's building up to something. Tim, on the other hand, knows there's something she's holding back.
They really do have each other's numbers. But they don't quite have the connection nailed, yet.
And we are back with these two on the couch. But this time we're not looking at the beer hand off from a birds-eye view, as though we're sneaking a peek into a potentially intimate moment.
No, this time the camera is in on the intimacy in a two-shot, and we're not voyeurs so much as a fern on the windowsill—belonging if not interacting.
"It was nice to get to know the actual person behind all your stories." "Is that what you were doing when you turned your mic off?" "No. We were talking trash about you, of course." "Funny"
I am very proud of him for calling her on it. It reminds me of the hotel scene where he was the one to bring up the blossoming attraction between them.
It's consistent that every now and then Tim will be the one to initiate the uncomfortable conversation, especially where Lucy is concerned.
"Can I share something vulnerable with you?" "Yeah, of course." I love working undercover. I love it, but I've never gone as deep as Isabel did." ... "You're worried you won't be able to handle it."
Okay, Tim is not trying to discourage her, here. On the contrary, he is prepared to build her up and tell her how wonderful she is.
We all know that Tim didn't want Lucy to go anywhere near UC. But we've also proven many times that he is fully aware of her capabilities, and even willing to help her study to reach her goals.
So, he wasn't planning on enforcing her doubts, here. He was ready to build her up, encourage her, and help her reach her goal.
Because Tim doesn't want to ever stand between someone he loves and what they truly want—because he never believes it will be him.
Tim has major issues with inadequacy and not feeling deserving of the good in his life. He had his weakness beaten into his head from a young age, and he still defaults back to it—I'm not good enough.
So, he is not going to deter Lucy from what she wants... but he should be honest. And I worry that in his quest to be most supportive boyfriend ever he is skipping honesty.
And those little lies these two have been planting will only grow and multiply, like the vines choking my carport.
"No. I'm worried that you won't."
Lucy places her hand on his shoulder, a natural place I notice that hand goes now that they're dating. He places his hand over hers, and I'm having Episode 1 of Season 5 flashbacks, except this time his hair isn't greased back and she's not wearing a nose ring.
"Pretend" my ass. These two were clearly already a thing. Right? Right.
"I'll be fine. Okay? I will."
He's trying to convince both of them, but she's unsure.
"Come here."
Lucy snuggles up against him easily, the two adopting a pose that previously was only seen by them. He wraps an arm around her, the other finding her knee as she drapes her leg over top of him. Her head rests on the crook of his arm as her hand hovers above his heart.
Tim does this little closed-eyed head shake, the same one he did when Lucy got him to admit he couldn't be objective where she was concerned.
This is not fine.
Because Lucy is terrified he'll bail as much as he's frightened he'll fail.
Think about it. Lucy has had everyone bail on her. Heck, Chris might've been the first guy she straight up broke up with. Nolan easily walked away from her, the firefighter texted his regards, and the guy before all them married her best friend who he was banging while Lucy lived with him.
Not to mention her parents. They were willing to love her as long as she stayed within the lines of her expectations. But once she pursued life as a cop, they turned their backs on her.
Her one supportive friend—her best friend—left her unwillingly. But he's still gone.
And here's Tim. She loves him. She loves them. But she also loves UnderCover. And she's terrified that if she chooses it, he's eventually going to bail because he can't handle it.
And that's really fucking unfair of her, but I also totally get it with her history.
And how she perceives his. From the outside point-of-view, she sees that Isabel was this total rock star at her job and things degraded with her and Tim to the point that she got addicted.
But there's so much more to the story than that. And Lucy's not asking Tim for that because she "knows Tim" and knows he doesn't like to talk things out. But, damnit, they need to talk things out if this is going to work.
Because Tim wanted to be a supportive husband to Isabel. Yes, he was terrified for her, but I think he thought she'd talk to him when she was ready. She never did. She never opened up.
And, again, not putting the blame for what happened in Tim's last marriage on his ex. They both bear blame for it, truly.
Lucy is different from Isabel in that she has a psych degree and understands that working through things and talking through them is essential to relationships.
However, in practice, she's one of those people who can diagnose others but not herself. We saw it when she was trying to convince herself her trauma was behind her when she returned to the Force after her abduction.
Lucy is missing a major component, here, and while she was trying to reach out to Tim, she actually pushed him away. Because he feels like he's holding her back, in some way... that he's in the way of her dreams.
And now his insecurities are on full blast. He's been doing his best to shove them down and enjoy the ride, as it were. But Isabel's presence didn't just bring up the marriage that failed, but also his feelings of inadequacy as a husband.
He likes to sit there and talk about all the things he should have done, how he failed her, how he got it wrong. Because it's so easy for him to see himself as the issue.
But he has no idea how to process because he refuses to communicate. And not communicating with Lucy is going to hurt them. It just is. Because relationships are nothing without communication.
Gosh, this reads like a major downer on an episode that had multiple kisses and lots of meaty Chenford domesticity. But, the hammer has to drop. And we, my friends, are often the nails. Yeah, my head hurts after that final scene.
Thank you so much for reading. I hope you had some fun! And I hope we end the season on a positive note for these two. They have a lot of learning to do. But if they learn to start communicating, I have high hopes for these lovebirds.
And, do me a favor and give the people you love a hug tonight. A friend of mine who's been battling terminal cancer on and off for years just got the news tonight that there's nothing more than can be done.
She is 38 and has had unfair thing after unfair thing in this life, and it bloody breaks my heart. In a few weeks, one of my few constant friends since childhood may be gone.
And I'm trying desperately to get back to Wilmington to see her before then, because sickness and treatments on both sides have kept us apart the last year.
So, hug the ones you love. Cherish them. Give someone a call. And take photos. So. Many. Photos. It's good to remember the good times when times are tough.
Goodnight, my lovelies.
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blris96 · 1 year
You don’t forget to tell your SO that your ex-wife is dropping by. Shower sex IS NOT a valid excuse to forget to tell Lucy that. Lucy didn’t look remotely okay after Tim told her that.
Like Tim literally invited Isabel to Lucy’s home WITHOUT telling her??
THAT IS A FLAT NO. Do better Tim.
Then the Tim and Isabel laughing at Lucy’s meditation idea also didn’t sit right. It’s perception, but would you want to be in earshot of your boyfriend and their ex mocking you? No, you would not.
Then Isabel saying “you’ve set the bar so high” flipping to “being back here brings it all back up”. Which is it? It can’t be both.
That set the bar too high comment bothered me to no end. It literally implied that Isabel can’t find happiness with other guys. The flirty attitude too, like yikes. Tim is taken, and Isabel lost her chance when she left in the middle of the night and cheated with her dealer.
I had so many issues with this storyline it’s not funny. It’s bad writing.
The only saving grace to that storyline was Lucy’s conversation with Isabel about UC work. That was literally the only good part.
I generally don’t like Randy, but I LOVED him in this episode and I loved Aaron being Angela’s assistant. Now those were well done storylines.
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blris96 · 1 year
Rewatching last nights episode, Tim & Isabel laughing at Lucy’s expense isn’t cool. Neither is the look Tim gave Lucy at the end right after he said “Isabel deserves it” ......
Wut is going on.
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blris96 · 1 year
i think part of the reason of why i'm so excited for isabel's reaction to tim and lucy is because i do really think it'll be positive. like she saw how much lucy tried to help tim. at first while she was still struggling when lucy placed herself between the two to stop tim from getting even more hurt by going to her apartment to give her the narcan. then once she was clean when she reached out to isabel to learn more about what type of learner tim was. like it could have gone sideways for lucy to reach out to isabel and you saw in his reaction for a brief moment, he wanted to be upset and ultimately he was touched. isabel would have known that lucy must have cared a lot for tim to do that.
and the thing about isabel is she never struck me as the messy type (addiction aside). granted we never quite did learn a lot about her but we did get snippets ... and tim married her. we know a lot about tim and due to that, i think that it's fair to assume he'd fall in love with someone who at heart was a good person? which ngl, i do feel like at their core, lucy and isabel are similar. which is why i think isabel's going to be happy for them. sure, she may tease them but at the end of the day, there's also peace from knowing tim found happiness again.
like she looks so good and so healthy. girl moved on, she got her life back on track and she probably hoped tim did the same and now she sees he did. i think it'll be actual closure for both of them because the last time they saw each other they said goodbye but both of them were still hurting, they hadn't healed yet.
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blris96 · 1 year
Watch it be Smitty that makes Primm back off 🤣🤣
Smitty running interference for Chen on the Detective who doesn’t like her 😂
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blris96 · 1 year
I do not write I’m afraid 😅.
Tossing to any of my followers
WIP last line game.
Tagged by @changethetides-blog
Copy the last sentence that you wrote in your latest WIP.
“His first attempt had ended with him quietly crying, surrounded by open photo albums full of pictures showing the abundance of happiness, joy, laughter and love- so much love he almost couldn’t stand it - of his family covering the past 17 years.”
From one of the older one word = one shot prompts on my very long list of them. No title yet, could be a combo of multiple prompts. Still too soon to tell.
Tagging @blris96 and @that-fandom-writer (and anyone else who wants to play along)
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blris96 · 1 year
Hi B!
What's your thoughts and predictions for the next ep? I've never been a fan of the true crime eps but I am this time 😁😁
Hi lovely anon!
Jake gets murdered for one.
A lot of Chenford.
But, I’m expecting they also throw a lot of Nolan since they can never let it be 🙃. Hopefully I’m not right on that point.
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blris96 · 1 year
I think one of the issues with the rookie is too many writers. This might be because I'm British but over here we don't have dramas with that many writers or directors. It's really strange to me. I think it's possibly normal in America but if Alexi isn't properly communicating his vision etc you're gonna get discrepancies and jumbled rushed episodes. As for a writers strike that's a bad time to hit the rookie shows struggled to survive last time
Hi lovely anon!
Yeah, I’ve been thinking there’s been too many cooks in the kitchen for a long while now. Since Season 3-4 ish I’ve thought that.
It’s normal in America to have a bunch of writers for a show.
The writers strike isn’t good. Hopefully it doesn’t happen.
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blris96 · 1 year
What is wrong with this fandom atm? If they're not moaning about lack of romance they're speculating one of them will be killed off or leave. It's very odd. I know people sometimes leave around the 5/6 year mark but you tend to hear things or the show hints at it it's not a random surprise
Hi lovely anon!
Yeah, the fandom has been a bit too insane for a while.
No clue what is wrong, but between the people always complaining, the teenagers starting drama, people speculating one will be killed off or leave, and the unnecessary drama, it’s too whack right now.
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blris96 · 1 year
will the rookie make it past s6?
the rookie is imploding at the height of its popularity bc the writers can't agree on three important things:
the number of storylines/plots to feature per episode,
the direction of each couple's arc,
and the vision for the season as a whole.
it's giving bad group project. instead of working collaboratively, it seems like the writers opted to break up the 22 episodes into a million different parts—without staying consistent about which writers get which parts.
as a result, we frequently end up with frankensteinian eps like 5x16, where the writers mean well by calling back fan-favorite scenes in rapid fire succession—but their execution falls short of expectations. i'm not asking for every episode to hit, but i am asking for every episode NOT to fail in the same manner.
striking a balance between appeasing loyal fans and appealing to the general public is tough, i understand. but as this season progresses, it becomes obvious that the show is unfavorable with both demos as they try to go bigger, but not necessarily better, every week.
popularity is very fickle. by this time next year, there could be other shows in the market that have the power to eclipse the rookie's status as ABC's #1 drama. if s6 has to be shortened bc of the looming writers' strike, this dissonance between the writers' intention and their execution could put them back in the cancellation conversation.
i don't want to lose the rookie before it meets its full potential. in our modern tv landscape, shows with less than 30 eps are getting cancelled left and right bc not enough ppl give them attention. so it makes no sense for (most likely) one of the last 100+ ep shows to stubbornly stick with a formula that doesn't work when they're so well patronized.
most of this season is already set in stone, but i hope the feedback from 5x16 made it clear. leaning more chenford-heavy when they need a ratings boost doesn't fix their structural issues. however, intentionality might.
for example, being intentional with...
...their plot/storyline curation could give plot points room to breathe.
...the angst could build deeper trust and intimacy between characters that legitimizes the couple's chemistry/connection.
...the introduction of supporting characters can add to the core's dynamic, not pull focus away from it.
real life is hard, so of course i want to enjoy what i watch. that's why the noise (irl factors/constraints) needs to be less distracting. bc more often than not these days, the rookie stays breaking the suspension of disbelief. realistically, how many times can i watch my team miss a wide open net before i stop watching altogether?
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blris96 · 1 year
Let's see: they woke up in bed together and he was curled up into her, he teased and denied her what she wanted whilst holding her waist after the necklace (I feel they didn't kiss because its a playful punishment she has to wait), lucy kept touching him in the shop and had her arm on the back of his chair touching him. I really don't know what people want. They're at work and it's important they keep it professional people suddenly expecting them to act OOC it would seem
Hi lovely anon!
I truly don’t know what people are looking for either.
They can’t get touchy feely, mushy, and romantic at work either. They have to keep it professional I agree!
It’s exhausting to be honest.
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blris96 · 1 year
Remember in days of yore when we as a fandom yearned for any little teeny tiny Chenford moment? Now it seems we get to see those moments like waking up together, and movie nights, and their casual familiarity whilst talking, but people say the show is suddenly turned to trash because they don’t get to see 48 mins of total Chenford screen time, or see them making out in every episode. Where are my fellow people that are just happy they are together even if we don’t get to see every little detail? Can’t we just bask in the joy of our ship being canon? And have the angry ones not discovered the joys of fanfic?
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blris96 · 1 year
There's so many factors in play that may factor into the shows lack of pda- covid hasn't gone away, the time slot is earlier, whatever people are comfortable with, logistics, how does it fit in the story. If its what we got vs having to wait for all those issues to resolve themselves I'm happy with what we got. I really don't know what people are expecting. If I was an actor I'd be a bit uncomfortable if people were all why they not having sex every week be happy with what you got I say 😂
Hi lovely anon!
I too don’t know what people are expecting. I see people wanting all of the little things, but with all the storylines they cram into an episode, there’s often not enough time.
Personally, I’m happy with what they’ve given us for Chenford!
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blris96 · 1 year
I looked it up on urban dictionary but what's funny was when I mentioned it to my Mom who's in her 70s she clicked the dual meaning straight away 🤦🏼‍♀️
Hi lovely anon!
Oh man 😬.
No worries, when I read it I’m just like “what?”
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