#Wisteria Philomela
namekian-maoh · 2 years
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 6 months
Symbols I would be making sure were present (or adding) if I were producing the Six of Crows TV show
(Btw I’ve been writing my own script for a bit of fun since the cancellation news so if anyone wants to see that I’ll tag you, and the save S&B petition is also on my page if anyone wants the link)
EDIT: Sorry I should’ve put this I forgot; SA reference warning for the second point, nothing explicit but in talking about Inej’s experiences and the experiences of women in Greek mythology 🖤
FLOWERS. I want geraniums on the Exchange balcony from chapter 2 and I want reference to the geraniums at 19 Burstradt, I want Matthias the big brooding yellow tulip contrasted with the red tulips laid on his chest and in the water after his death, I want crocuses at the Hoede manor, I want jurda blossoms in Jesper’s flashbacks and maybe Kaz’s too (and probably crocuses in his), I want geraniums hidden all over the caravan and circus tent in Inej’s flashbacks, I want wild flowers in Wylan’s hands on the way to St Hilde’s that get discarded in the lobby, I want wisteria growing outside St Hilde’s, I want blue tulips painted on the floor tiles at St Hilde’s, I want white roses all over Nina’s room in Ketterdam and I want to hear the comment about how all the flowers at the White Rose are perfumed by hand, I want a cascade of geraniums falling all over Kaz and Inej as they tumble of Goedmed Bridge, I want lavish flower arrangements at the Menagerie accented by peacock feathers, I COULD TALK ABOUT THE FLOWER SYMBOLISM IN THESE BOOKS FOR YEARS I WANT IT NOTICED LET’S GO
BIRDS. I want crows, I want pigeons, I want nightingales (that one’s my personal addition but oh boy do I have reasons; Nightingales are a symbol of immortality in literature and could be painted on the tiles at St Hilde behind the wisteria for all the same symbolic reasons the wisteria’s there; in Greek mythology Philomela prayed to the gods to escape her Tereus, who had raped her and intended to kill her, and they turned her into a nightingale, representing freedom and imprisonment at the same time because she’d lost who she was so this wasn’t true freedom DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW BADLY I NEED A NIGHTINGALE TO CROSS THE SCREEN WHILST INEJ CONTEMPLATES HAVING COMMITTED MURDER AND HER PERSONAL MORAL AND RELIGIOUS IMPLICATIONS OF THAT!!?? I’m going crazy), I want more emphasis on the bird cage in Heleen’s office because in its three seconds of screen time in season one I was SOLD on how genius it was, I want peacocks EVERYWHERE, I want to be so committed to the birds vibe that we can start throwing in a whole load of new birds for other symbolism!! Let’s have owl symbolism around Wylan and Jesper, let’s have heavy emphasis on Nina as the little red bird, let’s talk about the nightingale again because I’m obsessed
KOMEDIE BRUTE. I have talked before about how I think the costumes each character wears are symbolic and directly linked to their arc but it was a long time ago and I updated it a few times based on replies so if anyone wants a full updated version of my thoughts on that lemme know, I also wrote a thing about how I think Mr Crimson could possibly be an omen of death so again if anyone’s interested let me know - I’ll either tag you or write a post fully involving all my Komedie Brute thoughts. I want Nina as the lost bride, Wylan and Inej in matching grey imp costumes, Kaz in the madman’s mask, Jesper and Matthias as Mr Crimson, all of them as Mr Crimson with a black tear in their masks, silver coins thrown all over the staves, costume shops on Ketterdam streets. I want Jackal masks and Drüskelle “costumes” in plain view on market stalls and in shop windows, and as an add on to that I want references to Nina’s fake Kefta being Kerch-made and uncomfortable to wear.
PURPLE. I want purple stadwatch uniforms, I want purple kruge notes, I want purple decor in the Geldrenner, I want purple silks in Inej’s flashbacks.
TREES. I want so many reminders that trees are sacred to Fjerdans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This has already been done really well in the show but I would want to maintain it; I want to see Matthias praying when Wylan fells the tree before the Ice Court heist, I want his indignation over the relevance of the sacred ash tree, I want to see the look on Nina’s face when she realises Brum has walked her all the way around the sacred ash instead of crossing underneath it (at the time she thinks it’s because she’s pretending to be a prostitute but later we understand it’s because she’s Grisha and I know we couldn’t have had Nina’s internal thoughts in this scene even though I wish we could have but we can still have hints!!!)
SEALS AND STAMPS. I want to see a blue wax seal with a peacock feather pattern, a black seal with a crow, a pale green stamp for the bank, a purple stamp for government correspondence, I want a stack of letters with unbroken red seals with a laurel wreath crest hidden under Wylan’s mattress.
RELIGIOUS SYMBOLS. Ok there’s loads we could say here but specifically I want “rich as saints in crowns of gold” contrasted with “if it was worth anything Heleen would have taken it. But this is just a simple token of faith that my mother stitched”, I want the imagery of Ghezen contrasting the imagery of the Saints contrasting the imagery of Djel, and I so so badly want “Djel is the god of life, not death”
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namekian-maoh · 2 years
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namekian-maoh · 2 years
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Tyrian has a mini birthday party surrounded by family ~
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namekian-maoh · 2 years
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Wisteria gave birth to a lovely baby girl whom she named Clementine ~
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namekian-maoh · 3 years
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Wisteria quickly makes a birthday cake for her youngest brother Cassius in her brand new kitchen ~
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He grew up with a baby face! How adorable.
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namekian-maoh · 3 years
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                                  Wisteria began dating Tristan Carter!
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namekian-maoh · 3 years
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Wisteria slowly moves up the health care ranks and ends up doctoring her step mother who came down with a case of llama flu.
I am kind of sad that her work uniform doesn’t match her color theme but I suppose it can’t be helped.
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namekian-maoh · 3 years
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I honestly have no clue what she’s planting or how/why she’s doing so! I just randomly panned the camera over to her in order to make sure she was working on her homework but nope she’s outside digging random holes in the yard. Then she just tries to walk off like she didn’t do a thing so I made her go back and water the mystery plants.
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namekian-maoh · 3 years
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The children enjoy the night out at the spice festival. For once, Indigo Phoenix and his little sister Wisteria are actually getting along and hugging all on their own! Too bad their father didn’t see it...
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Even little Lavender has made a friend!
Though the main reason for coming to the festival...
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Was so that little Indigo Phoenix could have an amazing birthday!!
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namekian-maoh · 3 years
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Terra went into labor early in the morning and ended up giving birth to a beautiful baby girl named Lavender Philomela ~
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That evening, whilst Sterling was away at work, Wisteria had a mini birthday party with Terra and her big brother. Indigo couldn’t wait on her to blow out the candles and quickly grabbed a salad to eat out of the fridge. Rude.
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namekian-maoh · 3 years
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Wisteria blows out her candles and leaves her teen years behind, welcoming her new life as a young adult!
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namekian-maoh · 3 years
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Cassius aged up into a toddler. Unlike his siblings, he got stuck with his father’s blue skin   :/
           And speaking of siblings,
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The four of them are finally using the ‘Don’t Wake the Llama’ game set!
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namekian-maoh · 3 years
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Wisteria aged up into a teenager! She looks a fair mix between both of her parents to be honest. It’s the first time I’ve seen that happen within my games.
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namekian-maoh · 3 years
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                                           ~ Little Wisteria aged up ~
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namekian-maoh · 3 years
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Indigo Phoenix Philomela had a very simple birthday; only his father, his father’s girlfriend Candy and his auntie Ashleigh in attendance. It was small but he enjoyed it and he aged up lovely!
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Candy went into labor shortly after Indigo blew out the candles and Sterling had to rush her to the hospital.
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She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Wisteria.
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