#William Afton is a mid father
mitch-the-silly · 5 months
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“A Terrible Man” Pt.1
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A William Afton introspective narrative inspired by (the narrative accuracy of) the song “TERRIBLE THINGS” (also slightly by “Stuck Inside” they’re the best 2 FNAF songs lore-wise imo).
This does include an OC and is based on my ao3 fic “The Tragedy of The Afton Family”.
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The rubble on the floor of the abandoned Freddy’s was of no consolation to her. The search for Mr. Afton had her exhausted and honestly, Catherine had no idea why she was even looking for him here. Or rather, she had a vague idea as to why. A stupid personality trait as a lead.
She’d known Mr. Afton for almost two decades. If there was anything she’d picked up about him was that he was a man of loyalties to himself. The few times she’d seen him severely affected by something, whatever it may be, he always returned to his firstborn.
Not his ACTUAL first born. If there was anyone he’d rather not return to, it was Michael. He disposed the boy. He simply put up with him because he was kin of his own. He tolerated him at best.
So if not Michael, then what was she referring to? The creation that he loved the most. His ever-so-empowering Spring Bonnie suit. If it was here, it meant he would be back soon. But if it wasn’t it meant she was in for a world of troubles. Best case scenario: they were both here and Catherine could beg him to return to the Afton Robotics facility. She was convinced she wouldn’t be able to take care of it on her own anymore. They were starting to turn against her.
She stepped through the pieces of metal. They all felt a bit too familiar to her. She leaned down to touch it. Its texture felt far from foreign. Not far from the scraps of metal, she found a piece of red fabric. This she recognized immediately, and how couldn’t she? She’d tended to them with her bare hands.
“Foxy…?” She mumbled, traces of pain in her voice. They were similar to that of an anguished mother. She looked a bit above it to find the mangled shell of Foxy’s head. She gasped in slight shock, picking it up as if it were made of porcelain. She ran her petite fingers down the wanton dents on the material.
“Who would do such a thing to you… oh my poor baby…” She felt foolish when she spoke to these animatronics as if they were her own children, but truth is that she built them, rebuilt them, and repaired them for years. She knew them better than some of her family members. Foxy was her favorite, not just because the little guy (ironic since they all towered over her by almost two feet) was always broken, but also because it was Michael’s favorite. To her, spending time in the workshop fixing Foxy, was like spending time patching Michael’s bruises and patches from when they were kids.
She took Foxy’s head in her arms and continued forward. She decided to not look down. The pain of seeing another one of her friends destroyed on the floor would send her into tears. She was in no stable mood and she couldn’t afford to cry break down and cry at the moment.
She flashed her flashlight at arbitrary corridors. She knew exactly where everything was because how couldn’t she? She practically raised herself at Freddy’s. But she almost didn’t recognize it. It was as if she was peering into the casket of a once cheerful, now dead family member. Its organs hallowed out and blood drained and replaced by preserving chemicals. It was a horrific sight to see from the inside. Freddy’s, that is…
She rounded the corner, flashing her light at the one door she’d yet to check: the employee safe-room. She placed Foxy’s head down on the floor leaning it against the wall, facing it away from the door’s direction. Her hand trembled as she reached for the handle. A feeling of overwhelming doom filled her body as she even considered entering that room.
She ignored it and opened the door. After which she begun coughing. She covered her mouth and nose with the collar of her shirt; the stench of death emanated from that room. She flashed her light directly at the back of the safe-room, her eyes widened in surprise at the sight before her.
Why was Spring Bonnie in this condition? She thought she’d left him in a better position than this. One that would preserve him better. To her, Spring Bonnie was Mr. Afton. Plain and clear. At times she didn’t mean it metaphorically. So seeing him in this condition was like seeing Mr. Afton in the same place.
She got closer, inspecting and poking at it with an arbitrary piece of metal she’d found in the room. Only then did she notice the stain on the floor. A black, putrid stain that revolted her from the very depths of her stomach.
“Goodness!” She jumped slightly. “Ugh! What happened here?” She sighed, upset as she flashed the light right into the suit’s face.
The suit suddenly twitched in response, groaning as its mechanical parts ticked causing her to fall back in fear. A realization dawned upon her, one that made her chest heavy.
There was someone in that suit. Someone long gone, body tattered by a spring lock failure. But the twitch means that there was a spark of life left in there, but it was way too late for them. The floor was already stained with their blood and their (seemingly living) body was rotting.
She reached to touch it out of morbid curiosity. She was absolutely afraid of it, but something didn’t allow her to stop. She tried to touch the face of it. Her plan was to lift the head and identify the victim, but before she could, it grabbed her arm.
She screamed at the top of her lungs, trying to get away, but its grip was too strong.
She looked at it dead in its eyes. Eyes she expected to be blue, as they’ve always been. But these eyes were silver, and they reminded her of the man she was searching for. A friend, a teacher, a coworker.
“Save….me….Star….” The old voice box of the animatronic groaned. Its glitched out, deep voice was not its original. It was someone else’s entirely, and that’s when it clicked.
She knew exactly who was in that suit. Tears streamed down her eyes, her body flailing in an attempt to escape his grip. She tried her best to process everything that she’s just realized, scared down to her marrow. However, he wasn’t going to let go of her arm until he got his blessing.
Out of the suit emerged a spirit of darkness. A shadow-like being that resembled a man. Upon its head were rabbit ears, and its eyes were that damned silver color that made her tremble in fear. It was dressed with a bow tie and its finger resembled claws.
Catherine stood still, freezing like a deer staring at the headlights of a car. The shadowy figure reached for her like one would expect a damned soul to reach for its savior. Perhaps because that’s what it believed was the situation.
“I’ve committed unbearable sins… Sins against you and humanity… Please… I’ve prayed you return to me, my Star, my pupil.” It pleaded desperately. Anguish pouring out from its words.
“M-Mr. Afton… what… what are the extra tracking systems in the Funtimes for…?” She mumbled. She refused to have this question unanswered. It was her priority. Mr. Afton was dead, there was nothing she could to about his situation. She had to know, she had to know if it was really true. If she’d been wrong all her life.
The figure immediately changed its stance and demeanor. Standing straight with a shocked glare. “How much have you seen?”
Now there was the Mr. Afton she knew. Stern and sure of himself, calculating and cold.
“Enough to want to know more.” She responded as she always did. With patience and giving him the benefit of the doubt. He was a misunderstood man. She had to appeal to him in order to get the truth out of him.
“I’d have to, explain, dear.”
“Then explain it, please. It IS what I’m asking of you.”
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scrollingfan · 1 year
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He's here
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I’m gonna write this down now so I can look like an absolute genius later (or look like a clown, but at least I said it with my full chest!)
❌ Spoilers for the FNAF Movie below! ❌
Ok, I might be huffing hopium here, but in my heart of hearts I STILL think Mike Schmidt is Mike Afton. If (or when) they make a sequel, there’s a way they can reveal this
So the most obvious thing from this movie is when Mike is in “Steve’s” office, and when “Steve” is reading Mike’s name out loud from his résumé, he stops mid-sentence. He looks at Mike for a weird amount of time, almost studying him, before completely changing the subject. There’s no way in hell “Steve” recognizes Mike from when he saw him as a kid when he kidnapped his brother Garrett 10+ ago, no chance. Also why would he go to Nebraska (unclear where the movie takes place, but let’s assume Utah because of the books) to kidnap a random kid and just drive off? Here’s what I think is going on…(also I’m gonna call him William from now on cuz we all know lol)
William fingered out that Mike is his son during that interview. My theory is that at some point, William was married and him and his wife have a son named Mike. And for one reason or another, they got divorced. This is when Mike was too young to really remember which is why he doesn’t recognize William during their meeting. Mike’s mom gains custody of Mike and remarries, she marries Mr. Schmidt. They have a child together, Garrett. Sometime after the divorce, William adopts a child, trying to cope after losing his only son. He adopts Vanessa.
William finds out about his ex-wife having another kid. He wants to cause her pain and suffering for leaving him. He follows the Schmidt’s and takes Garrett during the camping trip. Unable to handle the pain, Mike’s mom takes her own life, leaving Mike and his stepdad. Mr. Schmidt marries a little later to another woman, and she has a daughter named Abby. Sometime after this, both Mr. Schmidt and his new wife die, leaving Mike to care for Abby.
Vanessa owed William so much, he had adopted her while she had suffered in an orphanage for years. She would do anything he told her, even if it meant covering up his crimes. Years later, realizing what she was doing was wrong, she left her father and became a police officer, hoping to stop people like her father as she had failed to stop him.
Here’s another thing. Scott Cawthon knows that the fans are obsessed with the lore of FNAF. I think he knew he could make more movies, this isn’t going to be a one and done deal. Plus, he had his hand on this project every step of the way, he wouldn’t agree to anything that he didn’t want to happen in the story. Mike being William’s some is CRUCIAL to the story of FNAF (at least in the games). I think he’s trying to fake us out, you know how he loves to troll the fans!
Again, this is just a theory (A GAME THEORY lol), but I don’t think the idea of Mike being an Afton is dead just yet. Hoping and praying so I can look incredibly smart if or when the sequel drops 🙏🏻
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oftenwantedafton · 2 months
Confession - Priest Steve Raglan/William Afton x Female Reader
Chapter 1
Word Count - 1.8k
Rating - Explicit
CW - CAUTION - religious themes
Also available on AO3
taglist @charlottecutepie @robin-munson @ahsxual
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William Afton thinks this is, perhaps, his best alias yet.
A man of the cloth, as they say, and though he subscribes to no religion, professes no faith himself, the diocese doesn’t need to know that. Just like they don’t need to know his real name, or anything about his past.
So he is now Father Steve Raglan, a pitifully easy role to adopt. He’s had years of practice forging documents and smooth talking his way through sticky situations. This was a piece of cake compared to the challenges he’d faced in the past. Guiding a small congregation in a dusty town still within close reach of his restaurant—he was hardly going to surrender that—naturally suited his needs. The words for his sermons spilled from his fingers easily. Lies interspersed with quoted scripture to placate the devout attendees each Sunday.
He’s lost none of his charisma as he’s aged; has even seemed to gain some, in fact. The old ladies constantly plied him with baked goods and crocheted items. The middle aged crowd donated heartily when the collection plate was passed around. There were endless invites to gatherings around dinner tables. The troubled sought his wisdom behind the slats of the confessional. Depending on his mood he’d add or subtract more than the standard amounts of prayers on the rosary. There were whispers among some of the women—and surely some of the men too, though he wasn’t specifically aware of this—of how handsome he was. He hardly needed his ego inflated any further, but they were only too happy to oblige. So here he was. A man of God who did not believe in a higher power, because he felt he himself was that absolute deity. Answering to no one.
He’d been enjoying his newfound success for a couple of months when a new member of the flock comes into the fold.
The bearded man’s used to letting his eyes wander during the delivery of his sermons, while pacing in front of the altar, or standing before the pulpit preaching the Gospel, never fixing on any particular parishioner or pew or stained glass window, yet he does a double take when he sees you for the first time.
Steve cannot say exactly what it is that draws you to him so suddenly. Something in your eyes, perhaps. Not glassy with boredom like the teenage youth in the fourth row who’s clearly daydreaming; not shining with hope like the mother with the sick daughter in the hospital; not evasive like the man Raglan knows for a fact is having an extramarital affair with the woman in the row in front of him. No, your look was something quite different. You did not just see his physical appearance: the graying dark brown hair and neatly trimmed beard; the crows feet and laugh lines on otherwise smooth skin, belying his actual age; the easy smile which never quite touched his pale steel eyes, set just a touch farther apart than the standard—no, it felt, when your gazes linked, as if you could see directly into him. Past the facade of a holy man. Into his very soul.
He nearly stumbles mid sentence but manages to recover, the years of deception once again rushing to his aid, and no one in his audience seems the wiser.
Except perhaps you.
When it’s time for the gathering to make their way up to the altar to take communion, he’s forced to confront you directly. So many people lowered their eyes in respect, or bowed their heads once receiving the Eucharist. But you do neither of these things. You meet his stare unfalteringly and part your lips and he seats the wafer on your tongue. An inexplicable heat floods through him, the tips of his fingers just lightly brushing that moist carpet at the base of your mouth. Your lips close so rapidly he doesn’t yet have time to move his hand—or perhaps he himself is at fault, lingering too long—and you close your mouth, capturing a taste of manicured nails and calloused pads before he snatches his hand back as if burned. No reaction from you. You turn and make your way back to your seat.
The rest of the mass seems to drag on. At last it is time for the final song. He cringes inwardly. The keyboardist is an aging, half-deaf woman who hits more wrong notes than correct ones, the melody jarring along. He himself has a decent enough singing voice, or so he’s been told. Even with the harsh tune in the background, the voices he leads do a decent job.
At last the hymn is finished and the mass draws to a close. Now Father Raglan assumes his customary position by the entrance of the church, bidding farewell to his visitors, making vague noncommittal promises to attend the many occasions he’s invited to attend. You are the last to leave. The false priest is determined to regain some of his authority, starting here and now.
“We haven’t had a chance to be introduced yet. I’m Father Raglan. Welcome to the congregation.”
You say your name. Steve is forced to raise a hand as a makeshift visor. He should have stood on the opposite side of the walkway. The sun is beating down fiercely and he can barely make out your features.
“Are you new in town? Or just new to our church?”
“And what do you do for work? Or are you in school, perhaps?” It’s difficult to determine your age.
“I’m a seamstress.”
“Ah. Well, that’s a useful skill.” Steve’s stomach is growling. He typically eats a light breakfast before mass, preferring to indulge in a generous meal afterwards.
“You’re hungry,” you observe.
“Heard that, did you?” He grins ruefully.
“Starving.” The smile slips from his features. He does not think you are speaking about nourishment in the traditional sense of food and drink. He has that uncomfortable sensation of being exposed again.
“Right. Well, it was nice to meet you. I’ve got things to attend to. I’ll see you next Sunday.”
He hurries back up the stairs, eager to be away from your intrusive stare. The oak doors slide shut and he’s forced to blink for a few moments, trying to dash away the lingering sun spots. He can feel his heart racing; something he has not experienced in some time.
Who are you?
Confession day.
The amount of visitors seeking to serve penance varies. Certainly higher volumes preceding holidays, when they are reminded of their religious obligations. Lately it has been fairly quiet.
Steve does not mind the narrow confines of the confession booth. It reminds him of being sheltered within his favorite animatronic suit. Close and comforting, albeit that residence came with the added danger of the springlocks, which he knew only too well, having fallen victim to them years ago, narrowly escaping with his life.
Here though, there was nothing to die of save sheer boredom, perhaps. He can smell the polish recently applied to the wood. The bench creaks slightly when he shifts positions. He does wish it allowed for a little more room height-wise; his six foot four frame was forced to fold and crouch a little more than he’d like.
He hears footsteps on the flooring outside. A woman’s walk. Lighter tred. The click of the sharp point of a high heel. Clearing his throat, he readies his hand to draw back the wooden clapboard on his side of the booth. The figure enters, the seat on the opposite creaking similarly as his had. He exposes the privacy screen dividing your faces and sucks in his breath sharply. It’s you.
You make the sign of the cross. “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It’s been six weeks since my last confession.” You pause. “I’m not the one who should be asking for forgiveness, though, am I, Father?” You say this honorific with a note of mockery.
“My child, I am afraid I don’t understand your meaning.”
“I am not your child. Not one of those poor unfortunates you’ve tortured.”
Steve’s fingers curl into a fist. “Who are you?” It’s impossible for you to recognize him. To know what he’s done. He has always been so careful. Deceiving the authorities. Concealing his crimes. You couldn’t possibly know.
“That’s not important. The name that should be revealed is your own: William Afton.”
His blood runs cold. The first fear he’s known in a long time. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. My name is Steve Raglan.”
“Your name isn’t Steve Raglan, nor are you an ordained priest. So stop pretending. We both know better.”
“What do you want?” His mind is racing, trying to figure out the best way to dispose of you. Best to do it now, while the rest of the chapel was still unoccupied. He’s wracking his brain trying to think of what he can use as a weapon. Something from the altar, maybe.
“I want you to acknowledge your sins.”
He scoffs, some of his standard cockiness returning. “That won’t be happening.”
He sees you exit the booth and he drags the velvet curtain back, joining you outside the confessional.
“You should go lock the front doors. Wouldn’t want to be disturbed, would we?”
Afton frowns. He does want to lock the doors. The question is, why do you want them locked?
“I’ll wait here for you.”
Turning his back on you seems a bad idea. But he has no choice. He strides briskly to the entrance to the chapel, withdrawing the ring of keys from his pants pocket and hastily slotting the metal into the lock. When he turns back, he finds you standing exactly where he’d left you.
For a moment, your shadow cast against the white chapel walls changes shape. Arches stretch out from your shoulders, like the crests of an angel’s wings. Gone again so suddenly he’s convinced he imagined it. Just his nerves. He needs to regain control of the situation.
“Name your price. Whatever you want, I’ll get it for you. I have numerous resources available to me.” He walks towards you slowly. A wolf cautiously approaching its prey.
“My price?”
“For your silence.” William has no intention of letting you go, of course. He’s merely stalling. Trying to decide what item within reach will dispatch you the fastest and most neatly. He doesn’t relish the thought of cleaning blood off these pristine floors.
“I have no interest in revealing your secrets to anyone. I’m here to hear them from your own lips.”
“Not happening,” he snaps.
“I could taste your sin the other day. Heavy, so strong it drowned out the flavor of Christ’s body.”
The man jerks to a halt when he’s a foot away. “Who are you?”
“What am I is a better question. I can be your salvation and guide you to the path of redemption. Or I can lead you straight to hell. A route I think you’ve danced near on more than one occasion. Make your choice, William.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“Why not? That’s who you really are. I know what you really are,” you whisper, closing the final distance separating you from the false priest.
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No but like, i'm still so confused by Vanessa being Afton's daughter. At it is, it's a great plot twist and it adds a lot of substance to the story.
Yet, i'm so confused because it really looks like Mike is in fact, William's son. There was a lot of things set for it. Like for example:
• William reading Mike's name and stopping mid sentence and realizing something. You could say that what he realized was that this kid was the brother of one of his victims. Yet, in the next second he starts to set him up to work in the pizzeria. Like, why? He wants him near. Plus, why does he want to kill Abby too? He just decided to fuck this man life *twice* without a reason?
• Why he keeps calling him "Michael", like. Yeah, it's his name as it was stated before in the interview. But, no one else calls him by "Michael", just "Mike". If i'm not mistaking, even Aunt Jane calls him by it. Why is he insisting in calling him Michael.
• In the dream sequence, when Cassidy (¿) makes him give up Abby, his mother and Garrett are the only one speaking. But his father is silence, he doesn't even say anything, react to it. In fact, the "My mother died and my father couldn't deal with it" feels so weird. His father just walked away? Why is his father so minus in this movie.
• Mike having a younger sister and brother just like Michael Afton has Elizabeth and Evan. (And Abby being a nickname for Elizabeth, like, c'mon, that's so obvious, what the fuck.)
I think that there is something more, a lot more. Maybe in the novels based in the movie, or maybe in a new movie it would be explained, because it feels like there was a whole hole dug up ready to be filled for later. So, i have two theories.
• The delulu one: Mike is in fact, an Afton. His mother just divorced William and got custody of him, went away and she married Garret and Abby's dad. In this way, that's why William is so focused on killing his son's step-siblings due to rage and revenge. This too, would somehow explain Vanessa. She is either Afton biological daughter too, or instead, she was kidnapped and raised by him to fill a void left by the divorce, and thus, unable to actually fill that feeling, he blames her and decided to start killing kids.
• The most probably one: Mike isn't an Afton, but he's Emily. He's Henry son and, in that way, William is so focused on making him suffer, just out of pure hate for his father.
• Vanessa is not an Afton. She was kidnapped and/or raised by William from a young age but she's actually an Emily.
Either way, i feel there is something, something because i still can't figure it out, for the life of me, why William reacted that way when he read Mike's full name. It doesn't make sense if he was like "oh, the brother of that one kid". It was more like "oh, *oh*"
Hear me out, maybe i actually figure it out, or maybe i'm in such state of denial that i refuse vehemently to think that Mike Schmidt isn't Michael Afton.
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idsfantasy · 7 months
What are your opinions on the FNaF movie?
Some say it's good, some say it's bad. For me it was somewhere in between. Sure there are flaws and unclear story elements that get forgotten mid watch as well as some moment not being so scary, but the setting was fantastic, the acting was good, and there were a lot of comedic moments. Sure, regular viewers won't understand it, but it's specifically made for the fans.
Man, the movie was so cool (and to be honest even with the flaws and unclear elements still an easier entry point to the lore than the games lol)
This movie was pretty much exactly what I wanted from a FNAF movie. The characters were amazing, the humor was fun, the plot was interesting. It wasn't majorly scary but I didn't really want it to be and the scary moments were done really well. The Freddy head turn to listen for Mike was great.
My one big complaint is that we didn't get enough William/that he should have been teased earlier by name (potentially having tutorial lady say his name when talking about the founder so that the name means something to the new viewers).
Speaking of William, Matthew Lillard was an excellent choice for the role. The way he flipped through the persona of Steve Raglan the career counselor, Steve after realizing who Mike was, William Afton the showboating serial killer, and William the narcissistic and abusive father was impeccable.
The other actors also did a great job. I don't think there was any point I had to suspend my disbelief on that front. Doug was great. He was such a mood and is also now my favorite movie character.
Anyway, the movie wasn't perfect but it was pretty much everything I wanted and expected if not more. I have some fun ideas about where the movie continuity could go from here and I'm really looking forward to seeing where Scott and the crew take it (and who knows, maybe the channel will get big enough for me to cameo in 2 or 3. That would be wild and also like, the one circumstance I would face reveal).
Fun movie, especially for fans! 8.5/10
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sotogalmo · 2 months
I'm not certain if this is the exact timeline but here's how I think the exact order of events went down between the Emily and Afton families.
1982: Elizabeth Afton goes missing in Circus Baby's and Henry finds the blueprints of Circus Baby and Funtime Freddy, growing suspicious that these animatronics need storage tanks.
June, 1983: the Bite of 83 happens. Because of William's frightening change in behavior, Mrs. Afton takes her two remaining children (12-year-old Michael Afton and 7/8 year old Vanessa Afton) and divorces William (I believe that William's change in behavior caused Michael Afton to develop his bullying behavior---he's acting out because his father's neglecting him and his mother is in a depression because of Elizabeth's disappearance).
November, 1983: after losing two children to his creations and due to his wife divorcing him, William Afton has a psychotic break and goes after Charlotte Emily one late raining night when she's locked outside of Freddy's.
January, 1984: having become frightened of William's behavior, Henry Emily takes his wife and their two sons and goes under witness protection, officially becoming the Schmidt family.
1987: after only three years of searching, William kidnaps 4-year-old Garrett Schmidt. A few weeks after, the Missing Children incident happens and Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria is shut down.
Mid-1990: Abigail "Abby" Schmidt is born to Henry and his wife.
Early 1993: Mrs. Schmidt passes away due to severe depression from Garrett's kidnapping and basically just fading away. Shortly after, an anonymous yet threatening letter from William has Henry leaving in the dead of night in an attempt to protect eighteen-year-old Mike and a nearly three-year-old Abby from whatever William has planned.
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scarisd3ad · 8 months
Promptober day 27 - “I hate Halloween”
Pairing - mike afton x reader
Warnings - mentions of death and a parent leaving
Promptober ‘23 masterlist
Main masterlist
A/N - happy fnaf movie release day! And 1989 tv release day!!!
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Micheal and I were sitting on his bed quietly chatting as crickets chirped outside his window. The house was empty, just Mike and me alone. His father was out doing work things, there were points in time when he was gone for weeks. Mike didn’t like being alone. That house haunted him. All the empty bedrooms reminded him of his family, who were all gone now. His father was gone most of the time. He wasn’t the same man after Evan died, and his mother got up and left the moment Lizzie died. It was just Mike, the only Afton child left standing. “What are you doing for Halloween?” I ask my voice hushed even though there was no one in the house to wake.
“Nothing. I hate Halloween,” he mutters. It was mid-October, and I didn’t think there was one person on this earth who despised Halloween, but I guess Mike did. “Why?” I whisper, my brows curling together into a furrow. “Reminds me of my dad” his father was a weird man. He had a lanky build, like Mike, and always wore a strange, sinister smirk. He owned a pizza parlor a few years back that got shut down after Evans, and his business partner’s daughter, deaths and 5 kids going missing in the joint. He was accused of murdering the 5 kids and his business partner’s daughter at first, but then after not being able to find the 5 kids’ bodies or any evidence, the charges were dropped. “Reminds me of my family,” he mutters again. His family all left or died in sinister ways Lizzie was mangled by one of their father’s animatronics, Evan was shoved into the mouth of an animatronic and his head busted, his mother left because of deaths, and his father and he were to blame for both of them. I guess it didn’t help that most of these events happened in or around October.
His family reminded me of something out of a scary movie. 2 kids dying by the creations of their father, 5 kids going missing in a pizzeria, a stench so foul coming from the robots causing the place to be shut down. If this was a movie, William Afton would be an obvious suspect. Both his kids die and then his partner, Henry’s daughter, dies. That has to be a coincidence, right? Maybe he wanted Henry to feel how he felt losing 2 of his kids 1 because of a feature that Henry designed. hell, William made creepy-ass robots in his free time. He was a stereotypical horror villain.
“You want me to stay the night?” I ask he shakes his head. “No, I-um I’m fine. My dad should be back tonight” he was supposed to be back 2 weeks ago, but he’s been gone for at least a month. Normally he was gone for a while doing the shit, he does, but never this long. I could tell Mike was worried, despite how his father treated him. “Are you sure?” I ask “I’m sure he should be here tonight...he called” his voice fades out as he gets to the end of his sentence, which tells me he’s lying. “Are you sure? I can stay one more night.”
“No, I’m fine. You can leave.” 
@leonkennedylefthand @maexyn @truecobblepot @mfnqueen1 @zoey5252 @nezukos-number1fan @bxbyyyjocelyn @dr3amyk1ng
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poindexters-labratory · 6 months
Can you tell us about Mikey??
So... I started writing all of Michael's information and then I got 2,000 words in and realized that this was practically a perfect outline of everything that happens in this AU because Michael is the protagonist
Mind you, 2,000 words was just the introduction for the second installment of the AU, 'Blood, Sweat, and Tears', and that's a lot of spoilers for what happens if I was to continue writing for the rest of the installments (there's about six of them by the way, until Michael dies, 'Wild Cat', 'Before the Storm', 'Blood, Sweat, and Tears', 'Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria', 'Fazbear Emporium', and 'Reunion')
So, I can briefly go through Michael's history up until we start getting into the games:
CW: brief mentions of neglect, verbal abuse, physical abuse, psychological abuse, homophobia, substance abuse, and death (because it's not FNAF without it /hj)
Michael was born June 15, 1965
His full name is Michael John Edward Afton, he has two middle names
He is the one that made the Foxy character, his father begged for Henry to help build it
Mike was bullied in elementary school because of his family
He knew Jeremy Fitzgerald when they were in school together, they were friends
Evan was born when he was five
Lizzie born when he was eight, almost nine
Since mid-elementary, he hasn't liked his dad because his dad is really girly and not 'normal'.
Liked Henry a lot better
Jeremy left Hurricane
Had a distant mother and she left when he was about twelve with his sister
Before his mom left, he was a very polite and kind little boy
After his mom left and in the height of being a teenager, he became very aggressive, very confrontational, and this would decrease and increase depending on the stability of the relationships he had with the other people around him.
Would get in verbal altercations with his father very often, he's hit his dad once when he was sixteen, he's never gotten along with him very well but loves him because that's his dad
His father's springlock accident in early 1982 made him have a sort of epiphany that he really does care about his dad and he would be really sad if he was never able to see his dad ever again and feel guilty about not appreciating him and all of his oddities
Michael's behavior fell on the decline again after he broke up with a girlfriend, would scare Evan who was scarred by their dad's accident, witnessing it happen
Jeremy came back and Mike fell in love with him, and was a little concerned over this crush, which he found he could confide in his dad about since his dad is gay and understands that feeling of fear
Jeremy and Michael got together (in secret)
Broke up when Jeremy told a lot of people that Mike's dad was gay, and Michael beat the shit out of him
His behavior went on the decline again which resulted in the accident that happened in April of 1983
Michael moved out to live in California after he graduated to escape his spiraling father and his own guilt
He visited Hurricane a few times, his father's behavior getting stranger and stranger
Mike attended Charlotte Emily's funeral with his dad, both of them drunk and they decided to go home and drink some more
Not long after, in 1984, he got a call from the police department explaining that his sister and father were missing and Henry was dead
He came down to take a statement and look around the Afton house to see if anything was displaced, taken, or shouldn't be there and ending up finding the instructions from his dad to go to the Circus Baby rental place to "find his sister" whatever that means.
Mike is not a good person, he's done shitty things, he is a very flawed character which is why I love him as a protagonist. We actively get to watch him want to fix everything that he feels like he caused, even when it's not his fault. William is a direct foil to him because they're being proactive about their situation in completely opposite ways.
Michael wants to heal, heal the town's suffering from his father's actions, bring closure to the spirits, heal himself (accept what happened to his brother), and try to mend what's left of his family, i.e, him and his dad, and soothe his dad's pain. That's the responsibility he's decided he owes to his brother, Elizabeth, his dad, Charlie, and Henry. To stop and let it go.
William, however, wants nothing more than to be angry and hurt. He's not going to listen because he feels the universe owes it to him to inflict pain because of the terrible life he's lived, and the terrible things that happened to him. He wants to fester and he's decided that this is the only thing he can do, nothing will satisfy him. William is the angriest, most restless spirit and he won't let go of that anger.
Michael and William Afton's bond is the heart of the Hurricane AU and it's a big ol' analogy for unconditional love because I'm corny and love those kinds of stories, except this one doesn't have a happy ending because plot twist, Henry isn't dead and is just like William in terms of being very angry and not letting shit go. His method of setting shit on fire doesn't work very well and just made everything worse.
Anyway, I'm very tired, writing this at 3 in the morning
Michael Fun Facts!!
He's bisexual
He has ADHD and a Cluster B personality disorder of some kind, I have to diagnose him later
Very short, thanks to his mom
An animal guy and professional artist
Thanks to his dad, can play guitar extremely well
He's a dad, didn't know until the kid was seventeen though
Mike is, like, sixty, in the FNAF 3 location
Nicknames include: Mike, Mikey, call him Mickey, he'll make you explode, Sweets, Elizabeth-given name: Foxy Locks
Favorite animatronic: still Foxy
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loki1387 · 1 year
Recently played a ton of Rimworld so started a new colony with the Aftons (minus the wife), and bless Rimworld for allowing incest because that allowed me to make William both Michaels father and his lover.
William was made to be in his mid 40s, Michael was early 20s, Liz was 12 (I think), and Evan was 8 (I think).
Liz grew up into a teenager and then Evan followed suit not long after.
All was going well with the 4 of them, but I had failed to realise that the game allowing incest meant that Elizabeth could also flirt with her father, and she did just that which resulted in William breaking it off with Michael and starting a relationship with his then 15 year old daughter.
They ended up getting married and having a child together (it's funny looking at the kids social tab and him having William listed as both father and grandfather lmao).
It got even funnier when Evan kept trying to flirt with his sister but she is completely uninterested, so William and Liz are happily married, Michael is depressed that his dad wanted Liz more than him, and Evan is doubly depressed that his sister keeps rejecting him.
I love this game.
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the-true-boomer · 5 months
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Name: William Afton Jr.
Age: 47
Sex/Gender: Male
Country of Origin: The United Kingdom
Occupation: Foundation Scientist at Site 46
Physical Appearance
Eye color: Blue
Skin color: White, slightly pale
Hair color: Black with occasional neon purple highlights
Height: 5’ 9
Weight: 134 pounds
Body type: Underweight
Fitness level: Low
Tattoos: Scars/Birthmarks: 
Disabilities: Small scar above the left eyebrow, small scar on the right forearm
Clothing: White lab coat, black dress shirt, purple tie, black jeans, black boots, white arm wraps.
Accessories: Silver wristwatch on his left wrist.
Birth date: March 13, 1976
Place of birth: London, England
Key family members: 
Mother: Margaret Afton
Son: Michael Afton
Affiliations: SCP Foundation, Afton Robotics
Psychological Traits
Personality type: INTJ
Personality traits: Analytical, Reserved, Slightly Sadistic, Quite Psychopathic
Temperament: Melancholic
Introvert/Extrovert: Introvert
Mannerisms: Folds arms when thinking, pauses before responding, 
Educational background: PhD in Robotics
Intelligence: Exceptional
Self-esteem: Mid
Hobbies: Chess, Tinkering, Reading Classic Literature
Skills/Talents: Programming, Theoretical Physics
Morals/Virtues: Questionable
Phobias/Fears: Claustrophobia, Thanatophobia
Flaws: Prioritizes Himself, Selfish, Manipulative
Languages known: English, Proficient In Spanish and French.
Accent: British
Pitch: A Little Deep, Raspy
Laughter: Echoy, Often Turns Into A Cough
Smile: Wide, Eerie, Scares Many
Strengths, Weaknesses, and Abilities
Physical strengths: Dexterous Hands
Physical weaknesses: Prone to Fatigue, Underweight
Intellectual strengths: Calm, Innovative, High Emotional Understanding
Intellectual weaknesses: Generally Uncharismatic, Awkward in Large Crowds
Interpersonal Strengths: Manipulative, Efficient Leader, 
Interpersonal weaknesses: Tends to Isolate Himself, Always Seems a Bit Off
Magical abilities: N/a, may change if his experiments progress as planned.
Clara Afton (wife)
Margaret Afton (mother)[deceased]
William Afton Sr. (father)[deceased]
Michael Afton (son)
Elizabeth Afton (daughter)
Evan Afton (son)[deceased]
Evelyn Thompson Afton (grandmother)[deceased]
Harold Afton (grandfather)[deceased]
Grandchildren: N/a
Pets: N/a
Friends: Nelson Syphus
Enemies: Many he works with do not like him very much.
Mentors/Teachers: Henry Emily (though their relationship was mutual mentors)
Character Growth
Inspiration: Non Applicable
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Character archetype: Psycho Manipulator
Goals: Wishes to discover immortality.
Motivations: To overcome death.
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and-stir-the-stars · 9 months
Hey, how older is mike in the saffron pawn au? Im pretty sure it has been referenced but I can’t recall
Also, how old were the aftons when the bite happened in the au
And finally, is there any particular reason saffron William wants mike to be his successor? Im pretty intrigued by it specially with the new post talking about mike learning how to “make friends”, since it seems those expectations were placed very early on
ahh,, the thing about their ages is, in my head, saffron mike and evan are like 7-8 years apart. But I don't want the Bite to happen when Evan is any younger than 8 (but would prefer that it happened on his 9th birthday), or when Mike is any older than 14, which would put their max age difference at 5-6 years apart. So technically they're 5-6 years apart but i kinda think of them as being a bit further than that, if that makes sense. Idk, it's weird.
During the Bite, Will would be mid 40s, and Liz would be... well, I've never thought about it bc she's just not a part of the au. Maybe she'd be around 11 at the time of the Bite if she were still alive?
Saffron Will wants Mike to be his successor because, like all my Mike-Will dynamics, Mike is William's favorite child and William is obsessed with Michael. Partly just because Michael is the eldest son, and american/european tendency is to place a lot of importance on the oldest son in a family (ie eldest sons inherit family companies and royal thrones, they pass on their father's legacy etc etc). But William is also a very conceited and self-absorbed person; he LOVES that Michael looks just like him (and William also hates it, because Wiliam is self-absorbed yet also has self-loathing from his own abusive father figure). And then, when Mike starts acting out due to trauma from his mother's death, little sister's disappearance, Charlie's death, and William's abuse, part of William sees Mike lashing out and hurting others and is pleased because it reminds Will of himself. His eldest son being just like him and passing on his legacy not just in an "inheriting the family business way" but by ACTUALLY BEING a William 2.0 in appearance and personality is perfect in Will's eyes, and he's obsessed with making it happen.
Because William has his hopes set on Mike being just like him, William has higher standards for how Mike is meant to act, exist, and present himself than he does for Ev and Liz. These "high standards" are ofc impossible to live up to, so Mike ends up facing more abuse than his younger siblings.
This abuse, combined with the factors listed above, cause Mike to lash out and hurt others, as seen in fnaf 4 in his treatment of Evan. William is pleased that Mike is like him in his enjoyment of taking out his feelings on others, but it also bothers William that, unlike him, Michael has not learned how to control himself and only hurt others when there will be no chance of being caught. To William, being able to act Normal in public (being the loving, caring co-founder of Fazbear Ent who can DEFINITELY be trusted around children; William Afton is a family man!) so you can get away with acting on your worst desires is very important. It bothers William that Mike hasn't learned how to do this. Especially because Mike acting so uncivilized and problematic in public spoils William's family-man image and makes it seem like he can't control Mike. So William never really punishes Mike for lashing out and hurting others; he only does it when Mike acts out in public, or when Mike is distracting William from his work at home. Will doesn't want to deter Mike from lashing out at people, just make him control himself and look presentable in public like William does.
Then the Bite happens. Part of William is annoyed about what happened. He views Evan as his property more than his child, and he is annoyed at the idea of someone else taking/damaging his property without his consent. Will is also worried about his reputation: he looks like he can't control Mike, and god knows this is gonna have a bad impact on his company's reputation, too. But this annoyance is overshadowed by William's sudden desperate hope that maybe Mike is even MORE like him than he thought! And it's overshadowed by the realization that he doesn't just want Mike to be "like him" (child murderer), but that William doesn't want to be ALONE in this anymore. William has felt broken and alone and isolated for so long, and Mike almost killing Evan makes Will realize that he doesn't just want Mike to be like him for kicks or to continue on his legacy, but because William wants proof that he's not broken or alone, because Mike is just like him, too.
So Will starts watching Mike closely, and when Will realizes that Mike didn't ENJOY almost killing Evan like Will enjoys hurting kids... Will feels betrayed, like there was a life raft right there and Mike kicked it away and left William to drown. Will is angry and lost and he punishes Mike for not enjoying it, for not being more like William.
Then Evan wakes up from the Bite and gets put back into the Afton household. By this point, the combined brain damage and PTSD has really messed Evan up. Evan is terrified of Michael. When Mike gets near, Evan loses control of himself; he kicks, screams, bites, scratches, throwing anything nearby (and i mean anything-- pillows, books, remotes, scissors, lamps, glass cups, anything) at Mike because he's scared Mike is going to hurt or try to kill him again.
William is intrigued because he's naturally fascinated by fear, and he has NEVER seen Ev act like this before. It's completely unlike him. So Will starts experimenting, seeing how far he can push Evan. He tries taking Ev's involuntary PTSD response and turning it into a conscious hatred of Mike and the conscious desire to see Mike hurt.
Through it, part of him hopes that if he pushes Evan enough, then Ev will lash out so badly at Mike that Mike will snap and hurt/kill Evan, thus proving once and for all that Mike really is just like Will. But Mike doesn't. Sometimes Mike will get in places where he's so hopeless and sick of Ev hurting him that Mike will yell or try to hit Evan, like slapping Evan's hand when Ev tries to scratch or throw something, but for the most part, Mike is so haunted by guilt and self-hatred and the fear of hurting Ev again that he becomes passive. He lets Ev hurt him sometimes, but mostly Mike just tries staying away to stop from stressing Ev out so much.
Eventually, William decides to manipulate Evan into being a killer like his father. William doesn't actually care about or want Evan, but Will wants to use Evan to prove to himself that he CAN turn Mike like him, too, and to experiment on Ev to find the best way to force Mike into being like him. Mike just ends up running away before William can do so.
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iggyfing · 7 months
fnaf sl can't be pre-2
@celestial-citrus here's the rant
it all starts in 1983 with the prank that killed mike's brother. mike appears to be in his mid-teens at this point. he then applies to fnaf2 location in 1987 under the alias fritz smith. EVEN IF i am so, so generous as to say mike is 17 (and not 14-15, as i genuinely believe) in 1983, 4 years is still simply NOT ENOUGH TIME for him to: -age up into the workforce -get his own place (as he appears to have in the sl custom night pixel cutscenes) -serve as a skinsuit for ennard for an unspecified amount of time -regrow all his bones + internal organs and start to even LOOK like a human being again -get his life back together enough to FORGE AN ALIAS to apply for a job
it is HEAVILY IMPLIED that the security guard at fnaf2 the week before jeremy is good old billy afton. he is still around from '87-'93-ish (fnaf3 interstitials have him at the fnaf1 location, presumably after second closure due to dilapidated state of building), and we KNOW he sent mike to circus baby's rental service PERSONALLY yet he is TOTALLY ABSENT from ANYTHING in sl post-main-events of that game. he would have a VESTED INTEREST in the ultimate end of mike's venture therein! BUT
he doesn't learn about the amalgam that is/was ennard OR about circus baby's fate UNTIL PIZZA SIM, as evidenced by the line, "fascinating, what they have become…."
mike's monologue ends saying he's going to come find william, but if sl happens before fnaf2 in '87, there's NO GOOD REASON why it took him til the opening of fazbear's frights in 2015 to find his father. far more likely, mike's work at both fnaf2 and fnaf1 locations were ALSO at his father's behest, like his assignment to sl.
IN CONCLUSION: i think mike got scooped and william got springlocked around the same time, if not exactly on the same night bc that parallel/contrast is juicy and the text doesn't discount it.
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bandcampfun2021 · 10 months
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So, after a month and a half of the official trailer for the Five Nights at Freddy's movie has been released, and with the strike happening, these are my own thoughts and I have come up with my own theory of how the movie might go down.
After the bite of 83, Mrs. Afton divorced William and sent Michael to live with her relatives, the Schmidts. Mary Stuart Matterson has been confirmed to be playing Aunt Jane, who's been described as "icy." Maybe this is Mrs. Afton's sister?
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My belief is that due to the media coverage of the Bite of 83 and the fact that police still suspected her husband in the missing children's incident, Mrs. Afton secretly and legally had Michael's surname changed to Schmidt (therefore making him Mike Schmidt) in order to protect him. Not long after changing his name, I do believe Mrs. Afton divorced William and moved to be with her son.
Speaking of Michael, since Wyatt M. Parker plays a younger Mike, possibly in a flashback, this adds more credence to the idea of Michael Afton being Mike Schmidt in this film.
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Also, another thing to note is in a behind-the-scenes photo, the way the Foxy mask is aligned with the actor's head is very similar to how the older brother would wear the Foxy mask in Fnaf 4. This can't be just a coincidence.
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Back to the movie, I do believe that given the trauma and guilt from the Bite of 83, Michael repressed most, if not all of his memories of the entire ordeal so that by his mid-teens, he's completely forgotten about his two siblings (if Elizabeth Afton does exist in the film's universe), his father, and Fredbear's Family Diner.
There is actual proof that even though a child may repressed his or her memories, it can still affect them in their adulthood. https://www.verywellhealth.com/signs-of-repressed-childhood-trauma-in-adults-5211845
I do believe that it's around Michael's mid-teen years that Mrs. Afton has Abby Schmidt (played by Piper Rubio) with the intention to never tell either of them about William or anything else. If Abby is indeed Mike's younger half-sister, this would make her the younger half-sister of the three main Afton children (Michael, Garrett, and Elizabeth), which would make for a real tearjerker if this is true.
Due to Mike being described as someone with "a few prospects" and "low on options," I'm assuming that before taking on the job of night guard at Freddy's, Mike went through several part-time jobs every few months to try to make ends meet and take care of his sister.
Now, I do believe that Abby seeing the ghosts of the five missing children is possible. If you notice one of her drawings, it shows her, Mike, Vanessa, and the animatronics. It is worth noting that her drawing of Mike depicts him in the same outfit he wears when he is confronted by the ghosts of the deceased children in the forest, which is peculiar as Abby is clearly shown to not be present in those scenes.
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I do believe that Vanessa was misguided or lying somewhat in the trailer when she says, "They (the animatronics) want to make her like them." If you rewatch the trailer, you'd notice that in no shot does it show the main four animatronics going after Abby in a threatening way. The closest we get is Foxy looking away from Abby to look at Mike, and even though it's a bit blurry to see, Abby doesn't look the least bit frightened of him. Even more is that Foxy was probably neutral looking at Abby and only got angry when he saw Mike.
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So, what do you think of my theories of the upcoming Fnaf movie? As much as I'd like to see more in trailers, it looks like a second official trailer just won't be happening and we'd have to wait until October 27th. Please let me know your thoughts below! 🙏
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Chapter 9: Loyal Like a Dog
Word Count: 947
TWs: Obsessive behaviour, manipulation, brief suggestiveness
/) /) ( • ༝•)
The first thing Vanita did on Sunday night was show Sawyer her creation; a patchwork fursuit with a plastic face.
“That explains why you were going for the bargain fabrics… so, uhm, you’re a furry?? That’s cool,” Sawyer observed as she laid it out on her bed.
“I guess you could say that. I was inspired by this,” she showed him a photo of SpringBonnie on her phone.
“Woah, what is that?? It looks… ancient.”
She giggled. “It was William’s first animatronic… well, first public animatronic, I assume he made others beforehand. I wouldn’t say ancient, but it is old. SpringBonnie was made in the mid-to-late 70s. Did you know there was a restaurant before Freddy’s? The original Freddy’s, I mean.”
She nodded. “Fredbear’s Family Diner. That’s where SpringBonnie made its first, and last, appearance.”
“And William is…?”
“Oh, right. William Afton is the founder of the Fazbear Corporation and the co-founder of Fredbear’s Family Diner and Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria. The other founder was Henry Emily. The two were fairly close up until the murders that took place in the 80s, and William stepped down as FazCo’s CEO a long time ago… he also founded Afton Robotics, who to this day supply FazCo’s animatronics, though they’ve gotten pretty discreet about that nowadays.”
“Huh. So he stepped away from Fazbear’s, and I assume nobody’s heard from him in years considering how I didn’t even know who he was, but he’s still in close quarters with them?”
“Exactly. Which is why I want to track him down, but I need Vanessa to do that.”
Sawyer’s brow furrowed. “What does she have to do with this?”
Vanita’s grin widened eerily as she took an excited breath. “Vanessa is William’s daughter. His only living relative.”
Sawyer’s eyes widened. “Really? Her??”
“Oh, yes, and that’s not all. I told you FazCo was shady, right?” She chuckled darkly. “She confessed that William is, without a doubt, the man behind the slaughter. Ahh, I’ve never been so satisfied with a confirmation in my life.” She contently clasped her hands together and slowly spun around before sliding into her desk chair. Sawyer looked less pleased, inching toward the door.
“How do you know she was telling the truth?? Maybe she was just--”
“What, messing with me? Who breaks down crying that their dad is a murderer just to mess with someone?” Vanita snapped before standing again. There was a portion of her wall that she kept hidden behind a large banner displaying a scene of grossly realistic zombies, and now she moved to take it down, revealing beneath it a corkboard smattered with photographs, newspaper clippings, magazine pages… anything that contributed to her research, it was there. Sawyer paled.
“Is that a bag of hair?!”
“Vanessa’s hair. How do you think I got the colour so accurate?”
“Vanita, don’t you think this is a bit obsessive???”
“Of course I’m obsessed! She’s perfect… or, I thought she was,” Vanita began to pace. “I should’ve known that her relationship with William was severed, considering how much distance she’s put between them, even taking her mother’s last name over his. But that’s why I’d be a better her. A better daughter.”
“What are you talking about??”
“Sawyer, I lost my dad to the fucking military four years ago, and learning about William has been the first time I’ve felt a shred of fatherly affection since then. If you really have to know,” she grabbed his wrist and pulled him closer, her nails digging into his skin, “I intend on taking over Vanessa’s life and reconnecting with him, because we need each other. A daughter left behind, a father discarded, we’re kindred spirits!”
“Ow, Vanita--”
“Vannie, you’re hurting me! And frankly, I think you’re hurting yourself!” He yanked his arm away, then tried the doorknob, only to find it locked. Panic crept into his features.
“Did you really think I was going to give you a choice in helping me or not?”
“You’re crazy!”
“Crazy?? Sure, if that’s how I get what I want. What I deserve.” She calmly sat back at her desk. “Now, I’ve been researching poisons. I don’t want to kill her, if I can avoid it, but I do need an excuse for her to be out of work long enough for me to take her place. After all, I already look like her with the hair…” She picked up a hair tie and bunched her hair into a short ponytail. “All I’d need to do is dress like her and wear less makeup.”
“I’m not helping you poison Vanessa!”
“Oh? Well, then, you aren’t leaving until you change your mind. So, what’s it going to be?” She bat her eyelashes. “I thought you liked me.”
“I do like you, but this,” he gestured to the corkboard, “is fucking nuts! I didn’t sign up for this!”
“But you did! When you agreed to come over.”
“I-I thought we were going on a date! Maybe watch a movie, make out a little…”
“We can still do that if you want.~”
Conflict rose in Sawyer. Vanita was truly gorgeous in his eyes… he couldn’t deny his attraction, even with the insanity she had just revealed. She giggled and his mind went hazy as she stood once more and approached.
“Stupid boy…” She whispered, taking his face in her hands and kissing him deeply. His hand slackened on the door handle as his eyelids fluttered shut. She had him hypnotised. After a few seconds, Vanita removed her fursuit from the bed, putting it back in her closet before laying down suggestively and patting the space beside her. “Come here, puppy.”
Against his better judgment, he obeyed.
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soniccrazygal · 1 year
Was pretty bored, so I decided to make a character sheet for Michael
What do you think?
●Name: Michael Afton
●Alias: Mike, Mike Schmidt, Eggs Benedict, Foxybro *insert various other aliases*
●Pronouns: he/him
●Clothing during UCN: wearing a standard night guard uniform (purple shirt, black pants, black shoes), which is dirty and ruined due to the situation and animatronics
●Clothing after UCN: Michael prefers comfortable and soft clothes like sweatshirts, sweatpants, and sweaters
●Physical appearance at the beginning of UCN: looks like a younger version of William. Short brown hair, silvery eyes, slender physique
●Physical appearance during UCN: hair matted and dirty long up to half back, heavy dark circles, scars everywhere, extremely thin
● Physical appearance after UCN: dark brown hair up to mid-back (often are collected, so it is much more difficult to grasp), bright purple eyes, fairly tanned skin, the numerous scars on his body have a strange purple tinge that is unfortunately unshakeable
●Character: meek, gentle, very calm, frightens quite easily, quiet, lonely
●Fears: animatronics (all except Helpy, he is literally the only one who does not fear), fail the people he cares about, that his current situation is all a dream, become like his father
●Favourite food: almost everything. After 40+ years without being able to eat, he's not the picky at all
●Hated food: almost all English cuisine (William was obsessed with it) and most types of pizza
●Favourite drink: none in particular
●Hated drink: tea (specifically the English kinds, William was obsessed), alcohol of all kinds (again because of William, who had become an alcoholic after Evan’s death)
●Favourite colours: blue, red, and purple
●Hobbies: reading, drawing and painting, taking care of others, baking, spending time in OMC's "space"
Looks good to me!
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