#Who would’ve guessed?
t1meslayer · 5 months
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The whole Scarlet/Violet DLC epilogue rules, but one of my favorite bits of characterization is Penny puffing out her chest and pretending to be above all those horror movies she definitely hasn’t watched, only to immediately start freaking out when things get spooky.
Look at how offended she is at Arven outing her.
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goldensunset · 9 months
did you know? if you do your laundry you can get your clothes back
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yaoiboypussy · 3 months
I’m thinking about that person who asked me “ugh why would your parents want you to be attracted to men? Wouldn’t that make you gay? You men try to make everything about yourself” when I made a post about how I feel pressured to be a women who likes men because I grew up being told I’d be a woman who would marry a man and I asked if that counted as comphet. And people just couldn’t wrap their head around the fact that trans guys experience the misogynistic and heteronormative pressure to be women who likes men.
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madscientistreaction · 2 months
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saturnsconstellation · 2 months
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Charlie Oldman as Sirius Black every other face claim can go home guys.
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malsorie · 1 month
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hi minthara nation i got a WIP for u
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kenshimybeloved · 7 months
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Part 3 of rambling !
The next time we see Johnny record something it’s Raiden using the amulet given to him by Liu Kang, and he’s finally excited to film. As things start to get significantly more interesting (considering they’re about to enter another realm through a fiery portal), we’ll see him pull his phone out more. But even with all of this going on around him, you’ll notice his facial expressions still aren’t exactly ecstatic. Impressed? Absolutely. Mesmerized? Not quite yet. However, we see him look over towards Kenshi while still recording the fiery portal, implying he didn’t have the conscious thought ‘I should get Kenshis reaction to this’- rather, he knows he should be paying attention to what’s happening in front of him, but he can’t help but look at the sexy swordsman. It’s then that he smiles and makes the decision to record him, maybe wanting to have a permanent reminder of what he looked like in this moment (who could blame him?). I also wanna point out real quick that Johnnys smile isn’t smug- it’s genuine. He’s not shoving the phone in Kenshis face to be purposely obnoxious, he just really likes him- even if he knows the feeling isn’t mutual (allegedly). It’s confirmed at the end of the game that Johnnys already decided Kenshi would be a main character of one or more of his films (he offers Kenshi to play himself at the end of the campaign, and in Johnnys tower ending as he’s saying he’s going to tell a bunch of mini stories we see Kenshi as one of the protags on his slideshow), so we can safely assume he’s recording Kenshi for the sake of his films, right? WRONG! That’s too easy. We also know he’s written Kung Lao and Raiden into his films, and he doesn’t make a point to shove his phone in their faces in this scene. There’s something special about Kenshi. Something intriguing. He’s so much more stoic and mysterious than the other two earth realmers he’s with, and quite the opposite of himself. When Kenshi notices Johnnys phone, he immediately pushes his hand away, clearly upset. Outside of their initial fight, this is the first time we see the two physically interact.
Edit: I forgot to add that while Kenshis reaction is definitely partly due to the fact that he finds Johnny to be annoying and disrespectful, I also think he’s uncomfortable with the idea of being seen. Throughout the story you’ll see Kenshi being his usual quiet self and nobody else really bats an eye- and I think he prefers it this way, it’s what he’s used to. When nobody’s looking at you there aren’t any expectations. But here comes Johnny, eager to make him more open. If I were Kenshi, this would definitely add to my apprehensions about Johnny. Why does he care so much? Why can’t he just let Kenshi be Kenshi? Not only do I think he’s uncomfortable being seen, I think it’s upsetting to him when Johnny pokes at him in front of others. It’s one thing to slowly open up to someone one-on-one, but in front of a bunch of strangers who’s opinions you highly value? What would they think if he started openly associating with Johnny? Would they lose respect for him? But again, I don’t even think Johnny was doing this intentionally this time. But Kenshi doesn’t know that, and I don’t think he even cares. It’s almost like Kenshi is also equally interested in Johnny, but because their personalities are so different they express it in different ways. Johnnys used to being in the spotlight and having zero privacy, trying to hide his feelings is just a waste of time. Kenshi is used to be reserved and unseen, the thought of openly liking someone is scary, especially someone like Johnny who draws a lot of attention. I also can’t really imagine it’s easy to form connections with people when you’ve been in a gang for such a long time. Anyways y’all know that song Golden by Harry Styles?
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cynderrfall · 1 year
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Ready to run 🐎
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skneees · 3 months
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no matter the cost. no matter the price.
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corrodedparadox · 1 month
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Getting back into the swing of things, here’s a wip I’ve been sitting on
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 6 months
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If this is really my boy, I’m gonna be insufferable and I already know it.
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is-the-owl-video-cute · 6 months
Continuation of this https://www.tumblr.com/is-the-owl-video-cute/735545463943643137/do-you-care-to-hear-any-updates-on-major-discourse, toonimal who you got into fights with about their 'sfw content' got blown up on twitter for owning a pro (and contact) pedophilia website with children on it and talking about irl zoophilia there. People are pursuing police investigation
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Whaaat you mean the guy who said stuff like this constantly is an actual predator? Whaaaat? Who could’ve guessed!
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allthingsobrien · 1 year
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enzo + calling caroline gorgeous
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websurfshark · 6 months
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this is my secret santa for @xandromedovna !!! i hope you enjooooyy!!!!:333
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theshadowrealmitself · 7 months
I think it’d be funny if Aaron met Peter and his friends (like MJ and Harry) after he starts mentoring Miles, and realizes that somehow he’s the most well-adjusted out of all them
Especially funnier if he’s the Prowler in that situation
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twistedappletree · 7 months
Actually obsessed with the idea of Jin Ling trying to teach Lan Sizhui archery and getting smug as hell because he finally found something Lan Sizhui isn’t an instant prodigy at but at the same time, he sees how determined Lan Sizhui is to learn it and can’t help but love teaching him and wanting to see him succeed so they can hunt together
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