miryel89 · 7 months
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Day 14 - Castle
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humnooshop · 2 months
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Location: Wendimoor
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purple-alligator · 1 year
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geoz-n · 14 days
It took me over 10 rewatches but I just realized an electrical event starts both of the mysteries in each season of dghda.
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bagel-of-masyaf · 1 year
the moment in dghda when they're all on wendimoor molly and tina says she wants to fuck everyone there? same queen
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clockworkcheetah · 5 months
cause suzie is so heavily framed as not being apart of this (and bart was supposed to kill her) i wonder who the apprentice was actually gonna be
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farahblack · 2 years
no wait im still stuck on todd giving out the mexican funeral shirt as an established flirting ritual. that is crazy. imagine dirk goes to amanda like im sooo crazy for your brother but im just not getting any response from him, like romantically, i keep trying to flirt with him but he never flirts back i dont think he even gets im hitting on him, amanda how do i make him realize i want to date him, can you help me out? :( :( :( and amanda looks down at dirks mexican funeral shirt. looks back up at dirks huge eyes expression. looks at the shirt again. and goes oh idk dirk. are u sure abt that
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lilnasxvevo · 1 year
You CANNOT just smush together SVSSS and MDZS worldbuilding in your fics willy-nilly!! There are many aspects in which they contradict each other!! Not least the fact that “demonic cultivation” means two incredibly different things depending on which book you’re talking about!!
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ok fine the second half of s2 does have its moments and those moments are the Execution Breakout Scene.
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holisticpippin · 6 months
this took a good couple of hours and I tried to do this in order; buckle up!!
the posters on the windows as todd is walking by the convenience store place has a silhouette of a falling whale, what I assume is a reference to the infinite improbability drive whale, and an ad that says "zaphod," a reference to zaphod beeblebrox (s1e01 'horizons')
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(also todd's stance here is so funny to me)
the rowdy 3, consisting of four (and later five) members, could be a reference to how the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy is called a trilogy that happens to consist of 5 books ("there are four of them!" "I'm wildly aware")
one of the screens in the death maze has the number 42 on it (s1e04 'watkin')
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there are 42 blackwing subjects
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farah's awesome jacket with "D Adams" on it and the number 42 (multiple episodes)
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the boretons' dog is named agrajag, which is the entity that arthur dent accidentally kills in every incarnation. unfortunately he dies here too (multiple episodes)
in the tree car, farah remarks that "the odometer's only on 42 miles" (s2e02 'fans of wet circles')
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the book francis cardenas has by him as he's having the nightmare that says "PANIC!" on the cover (in what can only be large, unfriendly letters), with the subtitle "attack devil dolphins." (s2e07 'that is not miami')
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the executioner guy in wendimoor calling dirk a "hoopy frood" as he helps him unload the scissor blade things (s2e08 'little guy, black hair')
the blackwing phone number on the business card, "555-424-2424" with a wild amount of 42s (s2e09 'trouble is bad')
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dirk telling himself "don't panic" before jumping into the portal (s2e09 'trouble is bad')
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frenchfriedgiraffe · 3 months
dghda season 2 and childhood
this is adding on to this post i made a while ago. basically, i fully believe that the writers of this show set up the perfect opportunity to have the theme of s2 be about childhood, specifically exploring the effects of trauma (and escapism/maladaptive daydreaming). its already something that is featured or referenced to, however i think that there was a lot of potential for the show if they fully embraced the theme.
the biggest and most prominent example of the theme of childhood being present is in the character of francis (The Boy), who experiences severe childhood trauma and as a result creates a fantasy world that he can escape to. this world is full of stereotypes of a conventional children’s fantasy, with knights, a magic train, and even a crazy evil wizard guy. yet despite this, the world he created also contains elements from real life, specifically things that he found traumatic. francis witnesses his father get killed with a pair of scissors, and the main weapon used by the characters in wendimoor are a pair of giant scissors. also, in the house within the house, theres a copy of his kitchen, featuring the scissors and smashed flowerpot.
this is probably the most obvious display of the lasting effects of childhood trauma in a character, although there are a LOT more, though they are quite subtle.
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dirk may be the second most obvious example of the presence of this theme. his very first scene in season 2 is set in blackwing, the organisation that took him and experimented on him as a child. blackwing is hinted to have abused him as a child, although we only see how they treat him as an adult. (there is a deleted scene of him when he was a child talking to the previous head of blackwing, meaning that there was a possibility we could have seen what it was like for him as a child too.)
however it is clear that he suffered trauma from his time at BW as a child, as many of his mannerisms throughout both season 1 and 2 mirror those of someone with c!ptsd. and having that trauma resurface in s2 also causes him to be more distant and get upset more frequently. (theres more but this is long enough already)
despite escaping blackwing early on in the season, dirk is obviously extremely shaken from his brief time back in there, and its pretty safe to say that the experience brought up a lot of bad memories. he is much more subdued throughout s2, and his previous optimism is rarely present, with his attitude towards the case being very different from s1.
like francis, there are a few tiny hints to escapism as a result of dirks trauma from blackwing (although im probably grasping at straws here). while in blackwing, he frequently dreams about being rescued by todd and farah. while being chased near the end of the season, dirk is lethargic and rather unresponsive, which could be some sort of dissociative state that he entered in order to escape from the reality of his situation.
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while these are the most prominent examples where characters are shown to be effected by their childhood experiences, most of the other characters can be interpreted this way too.
farah is another good example, where she mentions the passing of her dad, and talks about how he wasnt a great father figure and caused her to often feel like a failure. she actually gets a resolution to this, with hobbs seeming to step in as her new father figure (yay!)
this was also something that seemed to be half set up for other characters. for example, todd and amanda having to learn to accept the changes in their relationship and amanda having to recontextualize her past. tinas frequent references to her struggles with addiction as well. farson and his whole family… thing. oh, and also like EVERY other blackwing subject. (more examples but again, this is a fucking long post)
essentially, the characters in this season struggle a lot, and a lot of this is because of things that happened (or possibly happened) because of their childhood experiences.
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which leads me onto my next point (oh god, theres more!?) about the missed opportunity with this set up. many people agree that a lot of season 2 felt rather… aimless? while things were loosely connected, they definitely felt a lot less connected than in season 1. events happened and because there were plots happening in different DIMENSIONS, there was often very little overlap. having an underlying theme like this would have made each plot connect much more seamlessly, and it would have been a nice opportunity to further develop and explore some characters.
for example, throughout his journey in season 2, dirk could be seen recognising the parallels between the case and his own internal conflict. as he sees the destruction caused by francis’ powers, he could mirror the events with his own experiences and perhaps realise the effects of what pushing down trauma does. i think it would have been nice to see a conversation between dirk and francis about blackwing, ending with francis telling dirk he needs to learn to face the shit he went through and stop trying to ignore his trauma. this would have been a good way to connect their characters more as well.
it would have been a good opportunity to connect ALL the characters, especially if the show embraced the idea of escapism and pushed it further through wendimoor. as they got closer to solving the case, we could have seen them recognising their own flaws and looking back at their pasts.
and they wouldn’t have really had to make any super drastic changes, because theres already so much material for this theme to be introduced!!
tl;dr: s2 set up a lot of cool themes and the season would have been a lot more well-rounded if they embraced them more.
dont even get me started on the concept of good and bad…
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humnooshop · 10 months
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The dghda mini bang must have done something to my brain because I was hit by sudden inspiration two days ago and accidentaly made the Wendimoor castle. It's defeninitly not an exact replica though as I don't have the time or talent to do that.
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runningfromevil-mp3 · 1 month
On the matter of DGHDA season 2 and childhood as a theme, I think we should analyse the story of The Boy through the lense of Maladaptive Daydreaming more often. And I have thoughts about it. This is a long read, so bear with me.
Bias note: I'm an immersive daydreamer and the ending of Season 2 got to me in a way I couldn't describe. And this is a personal piece on the matter.
As the linked post mentioned, there's a lot of links between childhood and Wendimoor itself; from the fight between the families, to the train in the sky, to how they all fight with scissors. And while The Boy has godlike powers, I want to suggest that this comparison is fairly apt. For some people with this, it can feel like you're in control of everything -- it can also feel like you control nothing in your daydreams. And the show reflects both of these realities. When The Boy is away from the world he created, it starts to fall into chaos. While the script says that good will always win, I think the way they cross into our world holds two functions: firstly, it shows how this is something he can no longer control and, as I personally believe, it draws a comparison to when one is pulled out of a daydream. And the condition can act in an intrusive way. A song, a sound, an idea, anything can be a daydream trigger and pull you into hours of daydreams. And honestly? A traumatic event creating a whole universe feels very close to the experience.
Many people with MaDD will share stories on how it interferes with their daily life (and that is in fact part of the suggested diagnosis criteria), so the reversal of these two roles show the same function, that paracosms essentially always exist in some capacity and interfere with life. Each character has their own ways of dealing with denial, escapism and fantasy in the season. Even The Witch, despite being the antagonist, uses escapism to run away from her life. This shows how running away can have negative outcomes, sure, but I took it as a warning on letting your fantasies lead your life in a way that can be destructive. The type of survival is maladaptive, it causes some kind of harm in a way (socially, through work, whatever have you), which leads to another question.
Why is The Boy returning seen as a good thing if the whole ordeal is maladaptive? And I have a few answers to this. The obvious one is its bittersweet and must happen to return balance as the text demands us to believe. After all, this is all fantasy and he is a person with god-like powers that could cause more disturbances. But I offer a reading of hope too: the balance between what you imagine and real life is essential. Consider the fact that Wendimoor is a real place and there are generations of people who live there. Yes, the powers went unchecked and it was The Boy's goal to escape to a new reality, but even Dirk points out that these are real people now. Even if they were made from the mind of another being, they have their own autonomy... to a degree. He's still in charge at the end of the day, and must be to have peace last. But the fact they are real and this world is now real suggests that a balance has been found between reality and escapism. Another reading similar to this could be healing. Spending time there forces his traumas into a more metaphorical space and allows him to explore his feelings and unpack it. The families truce, the Witch is sent away, and he can start processing this. Because, at the end of the day, MaDD seems to be trauma formed, based on a lot of the community's own posts. My final answer is, it isn't a good ending. The Boy still has these powers he cannot control and yet it is treated as a positive. It shows a return to coping that is not healthy but it is the only way to keep these powers contained. I don't believe that is the intended reading, however, because The Witch being sent away needs to act as a foil to this plot point.
Aside from this, we should note that people with MaDD may have multiple paracosms (to simplify, a fancy way of saying a daydream world) but we only see one here. I fall into the group that only has one as well. But people with MaDD make references to their fictparas, primparas (meaning "belongs in a paracosm" and a prefix to show where they are sourced from, such as "OCs" or fictional characters) having their own lives. Sometimes, we just observe them. Sometimes we are active participants like we see here. There's even a term called veritbond which means either a character who is aware of their own selfhood, or is extremely important to the person daydreaming in some way. Individuals like Panto and The Mage strike me as this type of daydream character. And this makes sense! A lot of the characters we create (or steal from fiction) exist to explore difficult topics we may have faced ourselves. It gives us a wrap of fiction to understand what we experienced. These characters-made-real then deciding their own fate outside of the will of The Boy feels similar to how we develop. There is always the safety net that The Boy can undo all of of this, something that is not true for everyone with this, but they still have freedom of choice despite that fact.
At the end of the day, The Boy being returned, to me, seems like a hopeful end that aims towards healing as a conclusion to the plot. It's something he returns to but it's balanced with a new reality. The escapism ends because he has escaped from everything that harmed him. This is his new reality. It feels like he has come to terms with it but this is something that will always exist. It's the perfect balance of healing from trauma and using fantasy to understand it. And that's why the ending meant so much to me. For all the issues the season has with pacing, how connected everything actually feels, this ending feels optimistic. Things feel sporadic because we are dealing with the universe threading reality and fiction together. And that is... oddly relatable? Things are still happening in the background. They will continue to. If I had any notes, I think I would say we should read this as The Boy being more of an omniscient presence that knows more than anybody else does. When you're an immersive daydreamer or a person with MaDD, finding the balance between daydreams and reality is difficult. And that feels more real than anyone could know.
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nightrrizz · 1 year
The fact that wendimoores prophecy called Dirk by the name Dirk gently rather than project Icarus or svlad shows that Francis also called him that since it came from his mind, they were friends and Francis called him by his preferred name even though everyone else called him something else :(
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clockworkcheetah · 11 months
1 and 25 for todd ? 👀
My first impression of them
wow its been a while... i liked him but he was not my fave at the time i think i thought he was a bit of a tryhard and awkward and very intense/emotional i did feel bad for him cause he was framed as being in a shit situation (then of course u get the reveal he did it to himself). now its like nooo hes cute and kinda dumb (but kinda smart) whilst still a tryhard and awkward but wayyy kinder than people give him credit for (but 1x06 is still big oof)
25. When do you think they acted the most ooc
idk i need to rewatch cause there has to be a moment that im forgetting. does him willingly dressing as a cop in 2x03 count? i feel it should- that was so weird he couldve gone down the funky dirk route with dressing maaaaaybe when he reunited with amanda in 2x08 (i think) and he was p dismissive to wendimoor being destroyed/taken over, cause he knew about the prophecy- he was the first to completely believe wendimoor was real and was determine to get there and yeah, amanda was the priority but it still felt odd how much he didnt care for the world at all. hes been shown to give a shit so many times idk why he wasnt there
thanks for the asks!
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