#WHYYYYY do I get sick so easily
autogeneity · 3 months
kind of ridiculous that even after all this time the only thing really you can do for colds and flu is "suffer"
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lazzarella · 13 days
Okay, I wanted to note down basically every single moment because there was just SO MUCH goodness, ahhhhh. Anyway, here's some rambling from me:
- Noooooo, technical issues?? Whyyyyy? My life is meaningless D:
- ...oh, here we go! Yes!
- Oh no! :( Poor Yak! (I figured his mum was dead but oof)
- Wandee hugging Yoryak! And taking his hand! Ahhhh, opening strong with Dee looking after Yak <3
- Is Ter jealous because he like likes Dee? (A question I kept asking throughout this ep—I think he’s mostly just put out to no longer be the centre of attention)
- "You should know he moves on fast" then Ter said something about "too fast this time" ??? Curious about this??? Maybe just about his dating history?
- Lol @ Yak and Dee dropping each other's hands when they spot Kwan and Ter!!!
- "They have really good chemistry" You're so right, Doctor Kwan
- TER LIVES IN 666!!! Lmaooooooooo. Nice work, set folk!
- that whole conversation over breakfast about Yak being jealous and then already having someone he likes was soooo delicious to me
- TEACHING HIM TO FLIRT!!!!! Oh dee, what have you done, you silly boy? XD he really played himself
- THEY WERE GONNA KISS! God, I want them to kiss already but I also loooove the almost kiss moments so much. Just... the LONGING ugh
- "Did you like that?" Oh, he very much did, Yak
- The whole talk between Yak and Cher... Aside from the content, I love their interactions because it's just nice seeing them established as family I guess?? Like, that Cher isn't just his brother's boyfriend
- Yak saying he's not someone who changes his mind easily is interesting to me! Not just because he obviously does for Dee, but I wonder if that's partly why he's clinging to liking Taem? I mean, I'm not saying he doesn't still have feelings. Just spitballing
- The training scene killed me! Yak getting horny and flustered watching Dee do situps! Dee immediately jumping to Yak being sick and wanting to make sure he's okay! Yak calling Dee cute and *Dee* getting flustered! Taem coming in and seeing them horse around!! Dee getting jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!
- (speaking of horses, I don't understand all the sound effects yet, so I'm not sure what the horse neighing is meant to signify??)
- Have some thoughts about how I love how much of this ep is circling their developing feelings for each other via their feelings for others' (or Yak's anyway)
- the music changes between soft and romantic when the camera is on Yak and Dee vs fighty and upbeat when it's on Dee watching them is too funny lmao
- this situation is getting very 'you love her, but she loves him, and he loves somebody eeeeeelse' (Dee and Yak and Taem and Ter and Kwan and Ohm!!! That's a love hexagon???)
- Taem clocked the necklace 😏
- "Why do you complicate the thing that's already complicated?" Ouch. Kao doesn't know it but he totally called me out there lol
- Isn't their 'fake' dating going to put Taem off though??? I mean, IDT she likes Yak that way at all, but still
- loving the complicated feelings this show is going into! Because Yak does probably still like Taem while he's falling for Dee, and Dee still must feel something for Ter while he's falling for Yak and mmmm. Just delicious!
- and they NEARLY KISSED AGAIN! And then Dee pushed Yak and splashed him lol
- they are SO unconvincing (their reasons for Dee sleeping over)
- love the dinner scene with Dee, Yak, Cher and Yei <3 I love that Cher and Yei are so welcoming to him, even while they let Yak sort out his feelings
- Aww, I had a feeling he was finishing uni for his mum! And I love that he tells Dee that while he wasn't comfortable telling Yei
- Dr Kwan deserves better
- Dee cheering for Yak!!! <3
- Okay, of all the ways they end up tiger/bunny roleplaying, Kao getting them to do it was NOT on my radar lol except Dee is a leopard not a tiger
- Yak sulking! Dee coaxing him with a hug and a cheek sniff kiss!!! Yesssssssss
- ...and now it's a HPV vaccine PSA? Cool! I personally don't really need shows to give me sex ed but, you know what, good on 'em, anyway! I know sex ed, especially on queer sex, is pretty dire…probably most places? So yeah
- Sigh. And the countdown to next week begins again!
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devotedtosadpoetry · 4 months
every now and then i remember friends on the other side from princess and the frog exists and i have to go to listen to it or watch it and appreciate it AND LET ME TELL YOU WHYYYYY
the instruments perfectly match every vibe they got going on— Dr. Facilier is a slippery eel and the horns slide up and down with him, and when he leads them into his parlor the horns start hopping with him, bouncing and giddy for what’s about to come. when he talks about voodoo you got some funky instrument that almost sounds like it’s going “ooooohh!!” when he’s talking to the prince and his life you hear another horn that sounds like the trumpet you hear to announce the royal is coming and you should bow. the music sounds so hopeful yet mysterious when he holds out his hands to them, then is immediately interrupted by the BUMBUMBUMBUMBUMS WHICH IS THE MOST DELICIOUS VIBE SWITCH IN EXISTENCE and the whole time it sounds like a sweet Louisiana song
the lyrics DONT GET ME STARTED ON THE LYRICS okay okay okay Dr. Facilier got that sweet charm, the lyrics must match his speech patterns which is why he says “you need to marry a lil’ honey whose daddy got dough” AND DID YOU HEAR THAT SOUND????? “marry a lil’ honey” that sweet eeee sound from the y’s and then the d’s in “daddy got dough” IS DELICIOUS that’s such a good line
BUT THE BEST LINE THEY SAVE AT THE END like this entire time he’s talking about his friends on the other side, which you know aren’t his actual friends as soon as he says “i hope you’re satisfied, but if you ain’t don’t blame me, you can blame my friends on the other side” is such a sick end BUT THEN THEY GO EVEN FURTHER WITH THE BACKUP SINGERS just belting “you got what you wanted but you lost what you had” ARE YOU KIDDING MEEEEE SCREEEEEEEEE ending the song with a “hush” is such a sweet notion like he’s saying to not tell anyone what happened in here.
the genius of the vibes make me drool. neon lighting for villains always makes me kick my legs like a little girl it brings SO MUCH JOY. his parlor is full of so much detail, and LET ME TELL YOU THISSSS: often in villain songs they have their minions sing back at them (think be prepared or in the dark of the night or savages) but it’s just dr facilier out here by himself. so what do you do? have the voodoo chilling with him join in on it, then go ham when the lighting changes to bright neon.
it’s like another world inside that parlor, and it’s a genius song for a genius villain: dr. facilier has a sick design, being tall and lanky he TOWERS over everyone, not only that, but he has a shadow that moves on its own and is at his service. his walking stick makes an excellent prop for him to flip around and make dramatic motions.
they do him justice by giving him a SICK DEATH literally those friends on the other side betraying him and sliding him down to hell by HIS SHADOW WAAHHHHHH
and pulling it all together is the divine voice of Keith David. his voice was made for this role. so charming, easily draws you into that parlor then turns dark and slippery and slimy and harsh ready to take your soul for his own to feed to his friends like WAHHHHHHHH so so so so good and forever my favorite disney villain.
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I pulled this from an article on that off duty female firefighters account of George Floyd’s murder and alarms went off immediately - so many things are made clear in how the cops responded to her here, a woman who’s more their peer and team mate than ANY ONE:
-They don’t believe her when she says she’s a firefighter [because she’s a woman, and someone will certainly jump in and posit that a white guy saying the same thing would get the same response from the cops but .....I really don’t think so, I think we’re kidding ourselves when we pretend that equality is our cultures norm and not segregation and actual genocide and systemic racism and obvious sexism, seen in our disregarding/discrediting/cheapening everything that is feminine, like fucking feelings😤. Those cops would have recognized themselves in another guy claiming his skill set and even if they wouldn’t have let him check George’s pulse while he was dying, they would have for SURE treated him with more respect and with the assumption that he’s telling the truth if he exhibits enough “friendly qualities” aka be white, be male, not be dressed in clothes that look ‘urban’ or homeless (because a homeless white guy is just a failure which is unamerican 🙄) qualities which are literally a result of *luck* [white, man] and superficiality+privilege [money to buy clothes that make others more comfortable]
-‘you would know better’ is a totally infantilizing tone to take with this professional woman, and ultimately she DID KNOW BETTER THAN THEM and had they let her do what she knew was right to do a person would still be alive [like, piece of shit Derek Whatever should be fucking WISHING he had listened to her in that fucking moment every day for the rest of his life, it should haunt him that he let his surrounding fucked up culture of white supremacy and male-coddling move him to murder a man over a $20 bill instead of listen to a woman, or listen to a child, or listen to someone crying, or listen to someone with no money - he should be the poster child of “yo, we white men NEED everyone else around us and we should start acting like it, NOW” that’s literally what “make space” means, because too many men need to move out of the fucking way, like “let the grown ups talk” “let them work”, “let them save lives” I am so sick of LETTING cops play action hero with real guns and imagined ‘enemies’ in their real neighbors bodies - they shouldn’t ever be working with a defense mindset, it should be “support the community”, their intentions and goals should be *sooooo feminine* and rooted in love and care and family projected onto their country at large, their home🏠=their home🌎
- If/then statements become instantly threatening when someone’s life is immediately at stake, it’s an aggressor and his buddies telling you to get out of their way, to shut the fuck up
-....”you’d know not to get involved” WHAT THE FUCK she is part of the team of emergency responders in our country and she SHOULD get involved when she sees something that she can take care of - like a man with a swollen face smashed into the ground and a blocked air pipe and weakened heart rate - that is exactly her fucking job and how she knows to do it [all stories of off-duty cops running around discharging their weapons and making arrests without wearing their uniforms - we’re supposed to be fine with that, but not when the other emergency peeps try to apply their experience?? In this case where there was no threat to anyone as George was HANDCUFFED AND LOSING CONSCIOUSNESS surrounded by three cops and a crowd upset to be watching them kill him. cops constantly demand all this respect in response to their abuse and demand that citizens suspend their logic and their fucking freedom to exist so cops can “do their jobs” and we can’t complain, we can’t protest their bad job, we can’t give them *any* attitude at any time while they harass us even if they aren’t dressed as such..... but none of these special rules apply to anyone else.... like, cops fail the golden rule from the outset 🤨
The fact that a murderer who used to make money as a cop [because to be clear, being a cop isn’t a personality trait, it signifies no goodness, no heroism, nothing more than a job, a job people do to get money, it’s not heroic to get a chunk of cash after “triaging a childs gun shot wounded leg” especially considering the violence that cause that child’s injury was propagated by the violent and militant policing of their community...so cops have literally set the stage perfectly for all their “acts of heroism”and bonus! They get bonuses/pay increases when the crimes rates are “really🤑bad” like HELLO!!!]
that these spineless men can actually rest on the defense of “it was the black mans fault that he was killed, it was the counterfeit bills callers fault, it was the crowds fault for making us nervous and being threatening to us and angry at the sight of a man being slowly murdered in front of them” - the crowd was mostly people of color, young kids, and this firefighter who made a point of staying behind because she was concerned for the safety of her black neighbors *while police were around*
😑I need fucking Queen amidala in the center of the senate saying “the people have spoken and we vote no confidence” fire all cops, tell them “we set up this new protective agency, you can apply but we cannot promise you’ll get this job, you’ll have to PROVE IT that you can even do it” because I’ve never seen men spoken to like that,
I constantly hear how women and bipoc “just need to find another job” when they are in a tough spot with bad treatment, harassment, low pay, hours, etc, (these are almost always service jobs that entertain/benefit wealthy people, like waiters, like strippers, like masseuses, like fast food workers, like cheerleaders, like maids, like nannies, the rich seem to be in this cycle of consuming without resistance for as long as they possibly can, then if/when anyone brings up how it’s kind of dangerous and there should be a better way they say “well fucking fine! Just shut it down, we didn’t even NEED it, this was a pointless job anyways so now it doesn’t exist” it’s a shitty breakup - it’s the other person responding to your valid criticism and willingness to work together to improve the relationship “well I didn’t even like you and you’re ugly so” 🙄Cool!
~Whyyyyy don’t wealthy/privileged people get called out for all their daily bridge burning??? [the answer is unfortunately because they were burning bridges with people no one cared about - like the workers of a Taco Bell, or the child of a black man murdered by cops, or a teenage girl raped by an executive who invited her to his office for “an interview” - no one tells all the many people involved in letting abuse continue not to burn bridges with their victims, with all of THOSE people, because our culture doesn’t respect them. hence #blm #metoo #transrights etc, the real theme is “we’re not white straight men” white supremacy needs to die a horrible painful, ugly, honorless, despicable death~
So the wealthy creates the job, labels it from the get go “not worthy of respect”, enjoys without consequences, abuses, pretends that it’s the fault of the worker for their pay and that they receive no respect [✨gaslighting✨]...... and when that worker decides that their dignity isn’t worth 8.25 an hour, the wealthy response is to either fire the easily replacable body whose Heath is clearly of no importance to them [if it was we’d have universal heathcare] or just erase that job entirely that serves as someone’s lifeline, their survival, because abusing vulnerable people bears no weight on their own wealthy existence, with all their options. bill gates doesn’t give a shit when a subway closes, but that subway was not only the job/livelihoods of a whole team of people who *hopefully* live nearby with their families [and not three different bus rides away in a more “diverse” neighborhood 🙄], that subway also fed the community when they wanted lunch/dinner or wanted a sandwich snack or something warm, and didn’t have the time or the ingredients or the know how or *bodily ability* to do it themselves. To so many nameless/non celebrity people, that closing is catastrophic and in some cases threatening to their life.
We dismiss little lives and simple lives so ruthlessly, a man could be perfectly happy heading a subway for 35 years if he was paid respectfully by his employer and treated respectfully by everyone [if We had a subway guy like that, we’d love him! We’d know his name and he’d know ours and our faves and our goals and we could ask how his three kids are without hanging our heads in shame knowing he makes no more than $30,000 a year as a manager which is NOT AT ALL ENOUGH for either him alone or his lovely family that he loves so much - and this hypothetical is annoying already because we shouldn’t pay people a certain amount *because they are good*, people should be paid an amount that allows them to access the things that help them and enrich them, make them happier, healthier, make *choices* that lead to goodness for sure - but we can’t fucking expect people living in poverty now to prove to us that they’ll use their money “appropriately” - it starts with us helping them up
We couldn’t let restaurants/grocery stores close during the pandemic, that alone proved that we need these people who just flip burgers and stack cans - and we need them to be well paid, and healthy and happy
it is always those vulnerable individuals responsibility to find a new employer, not for structures of power to end discriminatory practices and mistreatment [uwu, too hard, thanks for making this laziness in our leaders possible white supremacy! It’s going so great😒] I’d like for white male cops to feel that vulnerability FOR ONCE [even just in conversation, even in a hypothetical] and have to consider winning a new job, and winning it based on actual merit and skill, not the fact that their fellow white dude bosses feel most comfortable with them in the locker room 🙄
if the larger portion of the community that doesn’t subscribe to white supremacy has no confidence in the men and women whose jobs it is to protect them and ‘serve justice’ then we need to adjust, not throw more money at the privileged, brainwashed fuck ups and say “here’s more money to be less monstrous” I really don’t get why anyone is surprised these tiny, insignificant, performative measures don’t result in any positive change - because we’re not tackling the actual issues and unfortunately for dipshits, *racism/sexism/classism* is the entire issue that needs to be handled - the issue is simply that some humans don’t think another group of humans deserve their respect [and I don’t want to hear that that’s how the animal kingdom works because fuck that, we’re thinking and *feeling* humans and that places us on a higher plane of existence and potential - to not know that we’re better than *this* is so fucking offensive, and we can’t keep moving as slowly as white straight ass holes, everything is on fire]
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let-it-show · 4 years
All The Love I Found In You 9/?
Ahh, I’m sorry for the wait everyone. I still see activity on this story so thank you so much for reading it ;; You can find part 8 here! Poor Anna isn’t feeling super well and having some issues. But what else is wrong? Elsa is full of confusion and guilt, she’s not sure what to do. Ah, the troubles that come with love... Click HERE for part 10! tag for @hellodemoiselle !!
Despite being exhausted from the day, Elsa could not fall asleep.
It wasn't an isolated event. When her mind was overtaken with her worries she would stay up and just think, usually watching the sky when she stayed away from everyone. It was always better in the winter when she could watch the snow. In Ahtohallan she watched certain memories throughout the night - often they involved Anna. Between her years of isolation and leaving Arendelle, she spent time with Anna if her mind would not let her sleep. Even if she didn't tell Anna exactly what was on her mind all the time, her presence helped.
Elsa found herself gazing down on her sister's sleeping form, lying on her side by then with Anna on her back. Her shoulder had become a dull aache but still unpleasant. She was looking at her own form but it was Anna's soul in there, every movement was hers. The smile on her face, that was Anna's, and so was the hand Elsa held in her own.
"What could it be, Anna?" she whispered into the silence of the night. She had a small wish that Anna would manifest her dreams and that she could learn something from those. However, Anna's dreams could be off the wall. Elsa supposed she didn't need Anna to create scenes of reindeers in slippers racing each other in the bedroom.
Anna offered no answer, just a sleepy little sigh.
"I'm not going to leave you." Elsa had waves of strong regret flooding through her off and on as the hours went by.
If only in the past she had at least tried to connect with Anna, tried to sneak out to see her sometimes or at the very least, offered words through the door when her parents died. Her parents, who she listened to and thought the world of even as they did irreparable amounts of damage to both women. They had tried hard. What options did they even have? What they did made sense.
No. No, that was wrong. They didn't have to do exactly what the trolls said. They didn't have to keep them apart so many years. When they were a few years older than when the accident happened, why couldn't they have figured out a way for the sisters to connect? Why? It was her fault-no, she had been a little kid when she hurt Anna! She hurt Anna...
"Stop!" she growled to herself and then froze. She'd done that louder than she meant to. "Stop," she whispered again.
How to silence her mind from the thoughts that plagued her? She didn't know that they would ever quite go away. Even if they came far less often than they used to, they still happened.
Part of her wanted to walk, maybe go to the library and try to seek out an answer - both for her thoughts, and get ideas for Anna. However, she had been all over the library for the former and found no magic cure. And if she got up and left, waking up alone would surely hit Anna's panic button like a giant's rock.
She didn't want to leave her anyway, especially as Anna snuggled in closer. Elsa squeezed her hand and lowered herself back down in the bed so her face snuggled against Anna. Maybe another hour passed and Elsa finally fell asleep.
"Ooooh no, oh no..."
Elsa's eyes shot open to the sounds of moaning and groaning next to her on the bed. She sat up in alarm and looked to Anna, who had rolled on her side with her back to Elsa. The first bits of morning light fell in through the window with curtains they had forgotten to close and for a moment Elsa thought the complaint was due to being woken up..
When she heard another painful groan, she knew otherwise. "Anna...?" Her fingers gently brushed her shoulder.
"Ooooh Elsa, oh Elsa it's baaaad..."
"What's bad?" Elsa asked, her entire being nearly in panic mode at any slight bit of discomfort from her sister. She had an idea, just a little inkling...
"Oh Elsa I had some strong stuff last night and so much cheese, I'm going to be sick! My head hurts too, whyyyyy why did I do that," Anna moaned out and started inching toward the edge of the bed. "I gotta throw up."
"Woah let's get you to the washroom, throw up there and-"
"Noooope." As soon as the word was out, Anna propped herself up and leaned over to throw up. "Ohgaw!" she made a strangled noise of surprise as she did so. Elsa cringed and tried to pet her back and arm in what she hoped was a soothing gesture.
She felt a spike of cold in the air, and wasn't terribly surprised. When she was sick she made snowmen with a sneeze and one time when she was terribly nauseous she made a blizzard in the washroom. With Anna she guessed she shot some snowballs out her nose.
Her hand continued to rub Anna's arm as she felt her body shake from exertion. It took a few minutes for the poor girl to recover. Even when she seemed she had she laid her head on the pillow again and groaned.
Elsa steeled herself for the sight on the floor; she was going to take care of it right away from Anna and she started to get up. "No, please," Anna begged weakly when Elsa began to peel away from her. "Can you stay a little longer? It's still early."
"It's very early, but I need to clean up and get you some water and a bucket," Elsa told her. Then I'll lay back down with you for a little while," she told her.
Surprisingly, Anna giggled. "Oh there's nothing to worry about for cleaning." Anna turned her head a little. "I turned it into snow on the way out."
"You..." Elsa blinked. She couldn't remember ever doing that herself.
"I didn't want to be gross and I didn't want to taste it so...I sort of froze it but not entirely and anyway I puked snow." She giggled again and then groaned. "Ow..."
"I'm impressed," Elsa admitted. "You got a handle on those powers quick to turn vomit into snow in the process of, uh, yea."
"It was kinda easy for me," Anna admitted in a small voice. "But control with emotions is...it works for me I guess, when I'm happy mostly."    
"Your love has always been there, always been a powerful part of you and you flourish with it," Elsa said, lowering herself to kiss Anna's cheek. "I should have expected it." She wondered if, even with Anna being in her body only a couple of days, if she already handled her powers better...
If so, she was proud. She couldn't be jealous. She had concealed too long and too hard and Anna hadn't.
"I'm going to get you water." Elsa still had to take care of her.
"Nonono, please please," Anna begged weakly. "Can you stay, I don't feel good so can you stay?"
"Anna," Elsa sighed in frustration. "I'm going to come right back! You need to drink something and if you cuddle up to me I'll fall right back asleep before getting you anything."
"I don't see the problem," Anna whined.
"I do." Elsa finally managed to slip away from Anna and the blankets, shivering in the cool air. It may have been cold anyway, but the chill born from Anna's sickness only piled onto it all. She wished she had slippers near the bed or something, but last night she hadn't exactly been thinking about a wake-up routine. "I'm going to get the fireplace going again, too."
"But I can keep you warm," Anna told her as Elsa sought out a robe by the door to throw over herself.
"I know. But you need not focus on my well being, and if you get too warm or your head hurts too much-"
"I can do it. I can do whatever you need me to, Elsa."
Elsa's hand had been on the doorknob when Anna's words made her hesitate. She noticed her voice seemed small, too. "Anna?" She peered at her and Anna was sitting halfway up in the bed peering at her with wide, begging eyes.
"Don't go, I can um, I can take care of you so stay."
"..." Elsa studied her. Surely Anna wasn't drunk, still, though a mean hangover could be messing with her mind. As a result it was bringing yet more to the surface. Elsa needed to learn it and hear it, but she didn't like it coming forth as she was trying to help her. "I know you can take care of me, but you shouldn't have to do that right now. Let me take care of you. Please? I'll be right back."
Her words seemed to do the trick, for the time being. "Oh...okay..."
Elsa smiled at her and then hurried out the door, the cool floor making her feet feel like, well, ice. It was uncomfortable at best and she hurried toward the kitchen for a fresh pitcher of water. They still had glasses in the bedroom. The cooks might be starting breakfast preparation. Elsa hoped she could easily duck in and out.
Luck was on her side. A couple of the servers were in and cleaning the counters down while the head cook had his head in the pantry. The servers saw her and opened their mouths to say hello, but Elsa just gave them a tiny wave, trying to signal she didn't have time to stop and chat. They appeared a little thrown off but that seemed about right. Anna usually chatted and was a beaming ray of sunshine to all the staff. Elsa didn't have the time or the energy to do so.
It was upon leaving the kitchen with the pitcher that she was vaguely aware she had Anna's bedhead going on for her and she never let staff see her like that. Oops.
She was making her way for the stairs when she heard a greeting called her way. "Queen Anna! My, I didn't expect to catch you this morning!"
Menander. Of course it was Menander, so early catching her leaving the kitchen when she was in a hurry. And yet, she couldn't pretend she didn't hear him so she stopped and turned. "Hello Menander!" she said with a smile. "You're...you're up early."
"As are you!" Menander was dressed in an excessively large robe. It was a deep red with lines embroidered around the bottom to resemble lighter red flames. On the chest of his rob was the runic letter Wyn in black. It looked brand new, and Elsa couldn't shake the feeling he had chosen that morning to show it off for some reason.
That man was very odd. "Sort of. I woke up thirsty and I won't be able to get the rest of the sleep I need if I don't take care of that," she said lamely.
"Ah, I think a portion of your staff and people could stand to do the same," he said with a chuckle. "I've hardly seen anyone else awake, which means the party was enjoyed."
"Something like that." She didn't want everyone out of it for the day when the world kept going and there were still discussions to be had and papers to be signed. But perhaps it could buy her and Anna more time to get going. Elsa felt fine, but...
"Are you taking water to your sister?"
"Huh? Oh.." she had started to space out. Maybe she was a little hungover.
He motioned to the pitcher. "Lots of water for one person."
"Yes." Elsa nodded. Would it matter much if she mentioned they shared the bed? They had many times before, so...
"I will let you get back to her as I ask the kitchen about a special breakfast," Menander said, bowing his head. "Please tell Elsa I said hello."
Elsa had been worked up to defend Anna passing out in her room, but Menander didn't even question it. As a result she remembered his words from the night before and suddenly felt the need to ask him a question. She called out as he started to turn. "Wait, Menander! Can I ask you something?"
He whirled right back around to regard her with a wide grin. "Of course, fair queen! What would you ask of me?"
Why was he so dramatic? "Well, it's a little strange but you see I...Olaf found this book and I couldn't quite answer him, and all your talk of twin flames yesterday morning..." She took a deep breath as she rambled much like Anna. "True love is the most powerful force in the world, right?"
"Powerful doesn't do it justice!" Menander expressively waved his hand. "It is the most beautiful force, the most awe-inspiring, sometimes the most painful and the most terrifying! It is a limitless power!"
"Okay...but what if...what if true love doesn't break a spell? What if love is definitely the key, but somehow it isn't working?"
"The answer still lies in true love, dear queen!"
Elsa tried to hide her irritation at that response. "But the true love, it's there, it's expressed, but it isn't working. The power of the spell still remains. The love is strong, but could it possibly not be strong enough?" Her heart ached at those last few words.
"Nonsense." Menander shook his head. "It is plenty strong, it just begs for a secret to come forth, or for a hurt to be understood. It calls for a balance."
At those words her mind was already working. When Anna learned of her powers and Elsa ran away, love still persisted as Anna reached out to find her pain, to try and soothe it, and to eventually save her. Elsa loved her then strongly too, but it was Anna who settled it all with her persistance and actions.
Was she as capable as her loving Anna?
"Huh. So something needs to be...learned, and done, or..."
"Perhaps simply understood, since some things cannot be changed." Menander shrugged. "Ah but that is merely what I have come to learn. Maybe this book that you - ah, Olaf - has an answer hidden deep in it. You just need to take your time reading."
"Hmm." Elsa stared at him, and then sighed. "Thank you, Menander. I-I better get back up with this pitcher," she said.
"Of course," he said, nodding his head to her again. "I hope to see you later this morning as we prepare to travel home!" he told her, turning away slowly, smiling at her as he did. "But if you so desire to spend every moment with your true love, I more than understand." And with that, he walked away.
Elsa turned his words over in her head, wishing she could get a firm grasp on them. There was something yet to be understood and balanced, but she had no clue what. Elsa was smart enough to know there was pain of the past to overcome. But as she recognized that and would be stepping up to the issues, why did the swap persist?
Her mind was working hard even as she entered the bedroom. Anna was laying down on her back, her eyes half closed. "Anna?" Elsa asked quietly as she approached the bed.
"Mmm I started falling back asleep...but head is throbbing..." Anna said weakly.
"I bet it is." Elsa rounded the bed to the nightstand, watching her step around Anna's snowpuke. It had some discoloration near the bottom and she had to look away quickly. "Sit up and have some water," she said as she poured a glass. She held it to Anna who groaned as she sat up.
"How long were you gone? It felt like a long time!"
Elsa laughed. "Not long at all. I happened across Menander and didn't want to be rude so I greeted him."
"Oh." Anna gulped down half her glass at once. "Did he look as bad as me?"
"You look fine."
"You have to say that, it's your face," Anna said with a little grin, followed by a cringe. "Ow, head."
"You always look beautiful to me, Anna, you know this," Elsa told her as she studied her own hungover features. That didn't even look like her! Surely she didn't look that dopey. "He looked fine."
Anna blushed. "Oh...I guess he didn't drink much."
"Maybe." Elsa had poured her own glass, drinking it slowly. "Anna if you're not well when I have to get up, please stay here. I know you want to stick next to me but I don't want you feeling even sicker."
Anna stopped in the middle of gulping more water and looked at her with wide eyes. "But..but Elsa!"
Elsa stepped closer to stroke her head. "I won't be going anywhere. I'll just be doing your queenly duties, you know that. And I'll check on you." She didn't want Anna to end up taking herself out harder by forcing herself to tag along.
"..." Anna looked at her glass instead. "As soon as I feel better I'm tagging along!" she declared.
"Of course." Elsa watched Anna finish her water and set her own glass down too, nearly done with it. She crawled onto the bed and over Anna very carefully. The bruise on her hip had begun to hurt. She lowered herself to the bed she could already feel Anna's hands on her arm and side, bringing her closer. It was adorable. Elsa smiled at Anna, letting her sister roll on her side and pull her closer. She draped herself over her and Elsa looked at her face. It was maybe an inch away. "You feel okay laying like that?"
"It helps, actually," Anna said as she wiggled closer. She closed her eyes and let out a happy sigh.  If it worked, it worked, and Elsa wasn't going to stop her.
While Anna fell asleep, Elsa still didn't. She was so troubled! How was she supposed to figure anything out...Anna had been pretty honest with her the night before but that was under the influence of alcohol and she wasn't into getting her drunk just to talk to her. That didn't seem right.
She laid there for a while before the light poured in generously and she knew it was time to wake for her duties. Anna was still out. "Anna..." Elsa said her name quietly and gently shook her shoulder. "Anna I need to get up."
"None for me, thanks, just the flowers" Anna muttered in her sleep and didn't budge.
Elsa quieted a chuckle and stroked her face. "Anna, I'm going to move, okay?"
When there was nothing but a little sound, Elsa carefully moved herself away. The loss of Anna's touch was rough and her bruises throbbed, but she got herself going. Anna settled into the bed with a light groan and a frown but she didn't wake up.
She was adorable.
Elsa smiled at her and brought the blankets back up over her before she quietly moved on to select a dress. She chose a light and gorgeous dress similar to what Anna had worn when they had searched for a tradition on that holiday a couple years prior. The dress she chose had splashes of a nice pink along the sleeves and on the torso, narrowly escaping being an eyesore. Elsa combed out her hair and tied it back in a braid again. She wanted to leave it down but thought better of it.
When she was ready for the day, she crept up to Anna and leaned down. She kissed her on the cheek and nuzzled her. "I will see you later, my darling," she whispered in her ear.
Then the day started. It was miserable.
Elsa could not focus one bit.
The whole day and night before was a whirlwind for her and she found herself going over all of it, from the happy parts to the worried parts. She'd decided to stay, and on that she wasn't wavering. How would the other spirits react? Would the Northuldra see it as an insult? In her heart she did feel everyone would understand. It was time for her to depart from Ahtohallan as her home. However the anxious part of her buzzed loudly in her skull.
If only Anna were right there with her, as she signed papers. If only Anna were with her as she went over a trade route with her council. If only Anna were there as she finally sat down to a late breakfast by herself and poked idly at the waffles served to her.
All she had to do was look into her eyes and she knew her decision was solid and true.
But Anna wasn't there, so Elsa sipped her hot tea while hoping her beloved would wake up soon to join her.
Just then she heard the door to the dining room and looked up hopefully. In about half a second she realized the footsteps didn't match at all and she spied Olaf running in to join her. "Oh, good morning Olaf!" she greeted him.
"Hi!" He waved a stick hand and kept going to the table. He pulled himself into a chair right across from Elsa so he could face her. "Where's Anna?" he asked her.
"In bed. She was not feeling too well," Elsa told him, wondering how she felt now.
"Oh! ...Oooh." Olaf frowned. "Sorry. I should have stopped bringing her drinks, but she was having fun," he said, giving Elsa a guilty look.
"She also could have stopped herself from drinking them at any time. Besides, it wasn't just the drinks, it was-"
"-the cheese?" Olaf finished and laughed when Elsa nodded. "Kristoff had to start reminding her not to have wine and cheese because it didn't combine well for her."
"I didn't know that." She really didn't! It alarmed Elsa and puzzled her to realize she didn't know something about her sister. She thought she knew everything. Then again, before she left for the forest, she could imagine Anna didn't really want to be seen when sick off alcohol and cheese.
"It...oh I did it again! Too late now. It embarrassed her so she hid it from everyone until Kai caught her throwing up one morning. Wait." Olaf squinted. "She's in your body, do you get sick from it?"
"Sometimes...if I eat a lot of one and drink a lot of the other," Elsa said and sighed. Either body was going to have trouble with all that she guessed but not knowing still bothered her. "I hope she feels better soon."
Olaf was still studying her. "Are you okay?"
"Yes...?" she lied.
"No you're not. I can tell because you aren't eating at all! What's wrong?" he prodded.
"Uh, well..." Elsa hesitated, but she knew she could trust Olaf. He said a lot of strange things, sometimes too much, but he still didn't share her secrets. "I'm very worried about her. Olaf, something is keeping us from changing back, and I think it's Anna's sadness, but I don't...I don't know how to get to the bottom of that. You felt yesterdays happiness."
Olaf laughed and closed his eyes for a long second. "Yes, I did," he finally answered as he reopened them. "It was wonderful!"
Elsa smiled back at him, glancing down at the tabletop before she continued. "That in mind, I don't understand what's going on. Anna was so happy you could feel it in you. I could feel it. We talked last night and-and stuff." Olaf didn't need to hear the details of their kissing. "I've never felt quite this happy, even when I've ridden Nokk across a quiet frozen ocean. Anna is my world and why I was able to-to grow." Anna was her key to everything.
"I think this is the happiest Anna has ever been, too. I mean I only knew her after you freaked out and made me, but she's even happier than she was for those three years!"
"Those three years..." A small portion of both their lives. "And...after that? Kristoff has already told me some, and Anna did herself last night. I thought she got out what she needed to."
"Did she talk about the cave?" Olaf asked abruptly.
"Huh? Oh, you mean when...well, we did talk about it at one point months ago. I apologized. I felt awful, I still feel awful." Her heart ached for the time Anna had spent in the cave she spoke of. It sounded cold, wet, and terrible. She felt like a monster for what she had put her through...
"But how much did she say?" Olaf tilted his head a little. "Anna was destroyed...I mean I was, um, well I wasn't there. But I still know that."
Elsa nodded slowly. Her stomach hurt and she couldn't even touch her tea. "Yes..."
Olaf just looked at her for a minute. He seemed to be internalizing, trying to make his thoughts into words. "Anna told me a few weeks ago. She wanted to give up in the cave. She still wanted to give up after the forest was free, before she saw you again."
"Give up..." Elsa's blood suddenly felt ice cold.
"I don't know exactly what she meant," Olaf told her with concerned eyes. "Maybe she didn't mean what you think she did. But if you hadn't returned alive, she would never be okay again. I know that."
"But Anna is so strong. She doesn't need me to be able to continue forward with her life." Even as she said it, she knew it wasn't true. Anna was indeed strong, she persevered and she pushed on every day! At the same time, Anna's energy was wrapped forever in her own. With their souls brutally ripped apart Anna would have no hope. No future. Though Elsa came back that day she damaged Anna forever.
She wanted to throw up.
"Without you she's been so sad."
"I know," Elsa said as her head spun. She would never leave Anna, but she could never repair what she had done. What if she did hurt her again? She felt like a copy of herself. Elsa was unable to focus on anything, almost unable to breath when a stick hand touched her own.
Olaf waited until she looked up at him. "Hey. You can't change what happened. The past is in the past."
"But it still hurts. It still hurts Anna...I hurt Anna."
"Not anymore?" It was a question and a hopeful one, but so naive it made her even more anxious.
Elsa could only shrug. "I hope not. I don't want to. I want to make sure the rest of her life is beautiful and that she we always feel loved." She wanted to spend all her time giving Anna the dedication she deserved, make up for everything. "I want to beg her forgiveness for all I've put her through..."
"You know she'll give you that." Olaf stated it simply as he gave her a bright look.
"I know." She didn't deserve it. But she would do what she could to earn it. Starting with...oh no! "The fire!"
Olaf jumped and his eye widened. "Fire!? Where? What fire? I'll get the guards!"
"No, no Olaf." Elsa got to her feet quickly. "I meant to start a fire for her in the room and forgot. I know she doesn't feel the cold but it's still peaceful, it's...I forgot! How could I do that," she was annoyed at herself. All that talk of making Anna feel good, and she had forgotten to do that. While she knew Anna would not be bothered about it, she didn't like how she felt about forgetting.
"Oh, oooh go do that!" Olaf said, waving her off. "I'll take care of the dishes!"
"Okay!" Elsa said, smoothing her dress down. "I'm going to- I'm going to do that. And Olaf, thank you," she said honestly. She owed him. "Thank you so much..."
"The fire!"
"Right!" Elsa smiled and rushed off, not even thinking about whatever she had to do next. Take care to put out royal documents she needed delivered, maybe? She'd get to it. For the time being she needed to take care of Anna and see if she could get her talking, see what more she could dig into.
When she arrived at the room she got an unfortunate sight. All of her energy dropped out of her and she sagged in the doorway.
Anna wasn't in bed and the room was empty.
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underroleau · 6 years
chapter 11 the killer view
..Step....step.....step.. An old house ...step... an old basement..... Here we are the bridge before the hall. I raised my eyes just to see a pitiable creature in front of me, don't you run this time? - I watched him carefully, he could stall me for too much time...I need to erase him fast- No answer? You lost your tongue for that dinosaur? -Why he didn't answer?-  Come on, only because I have killed some of your friends   --What an idiot, he's gonna die like the others--  You are scared now? Ahahahaha! - He can't stop me!- "He's talking!" ....Fear...no ..right now I don't feel nothing, only sadness for you...why are you doing this? He said: in a silent bridge, near a cliff, watching a old city. -Sadness for me!!!-  Sadness you say; maybe I can tell you.   You survived twice against me and you saved the fish too, you have my respect for that. Why am I doing this? Power! The power to return where I need to be and this time!... don't make any mistake. "He blew in front of me, watching me with an inexpressive look,this guy just irritate me" So you are doing all of this to save someone? Killing all the monsters? Taking every life to go back? ...Where? What is so important for return there? -the expressionless guys say- -I need an open for killing him quickly- Let me tell you a story: Two friends, one promise and one plan.....the two friends worked hard but one of them betrayed the other.-nothing this time, he is not going to move?-.. and they both died and vanished away... Until today! This corrupted world need to be erased and I have to fix everything! -still nothing-  But you can't understand..... you can't understand what you are!? Human? Monster? Nothing! You are just a incident! Nothing worth to stay alive! Even if you don't know who you are or why you are there, you tried to help your "friend" -Disgusting creature!- You saved them and what they do for you? nothing just experiment right? they use you just for cure that fish " He blinked. He is getting manipulate from my words..." Searching a way to remove that wall, I put my hand on some video. Undyne attacked you -Low your guard! And let me kill you!- she tried to kill you!  And Alphys... she texted your “blood”, Your soul wasn't human...They let you alive only because they could't use you. They used your blood for saving Undyne and your energy for stabilizing her -Just a open- And now? You are there! Ready to die again! For them! "He is crying ,a soft crying. Tears fell slowly on his face" You're right. All you said is true but I had amazing moments with Alphys - Is he smiling? why!!!!-     watching anime, talking with her and don't forget Endogeny....he was my best friend before you killed him. A cold wind moved the dust on the floor- Toriel healed me when I was sick.    -HE STILL TALK !- Sans cheers me with puns when I need them. and Asgore. his hot smile make me feel good inside and in danger  but in the end ,all I see was a tired old monster... he smiled at me so hard when Alphys said: we can't use his soul...  -he blow again what he is doing!-   I want to help you .....but I can't let you kill the last monster . . . . . Right now, the only  thing I have to do is stopping you...-why is he keeping crying!!! whyyyyy??!! I'm going to kill him like the others!!! So I'm sorry but i can't hold back anymore.- ACT>CHECK.... Wave- ATK 30?- DEF 70 ..can't afford to hold back anymore. -No hold back, it's time to have some fun! -  ACT>SAVE I'M READY! -I started running to him and light! i just feel to have moved until- . . . WHAT? Why I'm here!!!!  The CONTINUE and RESET....did he kill me?????? I didn't see !!!! How can this happened!! ....-Calm down...I can try again and again and again- Reset 2  -I still can't see his attack !what change from your first encounter- Reset 15 - I dodged his first attack but something is wrong ! why can he deal so much damage now??!! he is very rapid but he should do so many damage- Reset 20 - 1 HP all time I have 1 HP before I died... What happened???!!! i don’t feel pain until i die, how this work ! i can’t fight if i don’t feel where he land the it!- Reset 25 -i’m doing it wrong, i have to learn his path before attack and wait- Reset 35 -He is too fast I can't land a hit! Damn it!!! if i get it one time i have to use all i have for stop my fly before he rush at me, seem piercing the ground with the knife work for my luck i can have all knife i want- Reset  39 - I dodged his first 3 combo....I can't believe he hide all that for so much time!!! those magic attack are more danger than a deadly one- Reset 42 -His magic can't kill me but his strength isn't human! He can just rush or block the knife bare hand.  he is too fast and can dodge easily, something is wrong!! what is killing me ?- Reset 48 - I hit him but he healed so fast!- Reset 50  - How many times does he kill me now? Something is still wrong!!!! Wrong! He never killed me befor......wait- Reset 55 -I got him  ahahah!  that stupid flower !!! was hide on the side of the bridge all this time! i have no more change if he know  i know , he is going to change place, i have to block him  and the other can’t kill me- Reset 60  ACT>CONTINUE -This time is mine-  heheh  - I can't stop smiling! Finally I can kill him!...I rushed... dodged his first combo -it's too fast for see his attack but I have  memorize all the possibility -  Right, left, jump the kick!, go down for the punch, right, left, strike him,  he dodge on the left and i throw the knife,  he grab it  and the flower is going to attack-..NOW!!*   -got it- Good try flower! - Jump to the left and grab the vine, pull them, dodge the first attack of the flower , jump back for the combo of the other , dodge the bullet from the  flower, push him in front of me, stopping  Wave..KILL HIM!the head of the flower fall on the floor- And one! Now is your turn! Kill him!tsè  Not the hard part... I'll use this for the tea later! *Jump left, right, dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge....a little more,  he is hitting me sometime but i can keep without problem  dodge dodge dodge  dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge  dodge dodge dodge  dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge .... a little more....dodge dodge dodge  dodge dodge dodge  dodge dodge dodge... i can’t kill him !!!!  but i will not give up !!! until i find a opening.  the fish!!!!!!!   -the fish  go out from the door now! rush to her,  strike, she jump  jump on the left but  go down on the floor and strike the other on the chest, got him! and  -            -wave block the second hit direct to undyne- FINALLY! I GOT HIM !!! -but I did a mistake, I strike too strong and they fly inside the door, i got to much power eheheh great! .  the door close behind them, not a problem i just destroy it-  .  what was that green aura... is he healing me ? I don't care maybe he missed the fish. Now lets....I can't open the door!!!!! I cant' cut it down whyy??!!!!... Stats: ATK 2 ....HE LOWERED MY ATTACK HOW??!!!! -  I WILL KILL YOU ALL...No problem I can wait  ACT>SAVE  o wait. -Inside the hall- No, no, no!! Not again!  You stupid idiot! Why you did this again!- Undyne said, holding Wave-...You aren't dust yet! Come on, where is that stupid healing of yours!!! Wave smiled before talking, a slow talk with pause: Undyne...don't worry...it's all going to...be fine.  You can stop her, I know that....... where is Sans? Undyne started crying when she saw Wave's body start cracking with a light coming from it: he's checking Toriel, you saved me again stupid! Why you did that? Wave's breathing was more slow. Undyne: why...you came out? I was feeling something strange... like I was talking with Sans for a long time about the same thing, and I went out to check because of a bad sensation.... and you appeared in front of me....saving me again...why I can't protect anybody! I failed to Papyrus! to Alphys! and now with you! I tried too and you save me twice. I can't do nothing...-undyne cry out- Wave moved his hand on Undyne  face  touching her head: hey...you don't...know? Saving you is my favorite hobby...-He laughed-. Eheheheheh, You can say that in this moment....I'm jealous of you , you are a real hero -she try to smile to him-  -In that moment, Sans entered into the room- I checked the lady. He stopped talking, seeing Wave on Undyne's knee: what happened? Undyne: he saved me again. Sans: not again...I Wave: shhhhh... His body was craking and becoming dust very slowly, starting from the legs: now is not time for that. She came back in some minutes...and..I'm so tired to fight again....- He took a long breath. His leg was shining, his face was cracking and become light-...  You guys are the last line so don't fight or be sad for me. Stop her before is too late.   undyne, you say to don’t be a hero but a real hero show all his power in the last moment of need!.  Before Undyne or Sans can reply a door sound is hear. Sans watched the little creature: I know that promise was a mistake! But now is time to end this because... it's a beautiful day outside, birds are singing, flowers are blooming. On days like this, kids like you, should be burning in the hell! LET'S GO COMEDIAN IS YOUR TURN TO DIE!! The creature was ready to fight and Sans was waiting. wave light fade away with  a last sentence: the hero are born in the moment of true
-The wind is burning! The glass is shivering! The light is on fire! You know.....you are going to burn in the hell!-  Sans and the creature watched around for seeing the origin of that fire and they saw someone walking to them. The ground was vibrating under her, the rock vanished vaporizing itself and the pillar around her was shivering. You... -the fire exploded, making a high light- This was your last kill! I, Undyne, will tear you apart until nothing is left!
The light stopped and a new Undyne appeared from the fire:
Her hair was like it was burning, her armor was black and made like a second skin, with a big hearth in the middle. Red lines connected all her body flowing with mana; Three shiny soul fragments were placed on her armor, her spear became orange, as it was vibrating, it was creating a wind. Her eyes changed their color: one red, one orange...... She smiled and a pressure filled the room. THE GAME BEGIN NOW!
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(and this masterpiece if from @blobtheartist  the original https://blobtheartist.tumblr.com/post/167228097052/so-i-just-went-back-from-denmark-and-i-wanna-try     if you put a like here! pls reblog this amazing artist)
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omg can you please do the same domestic and pregnant s/o hcs but for bokuto, kuroo, oikawa, and semi? thankss!
Oh… My GOODNESS! It has taken me FOREVER to getback to you all! I am very VERY sorry for suddenly disappearing like I did!Work got to be too much, I went into a brief low part of my life, but now I’mback! And I hope my writings can live up to what they once were! Thank you forhaving me! 😊 – Admin Satori
Bokuto Kotarou
Living with Bokuto… It’san adventure everyday. It’s my own headcanon that this boy has some form ofADD, so when you think all is calm and he’s finally settled for the night –there he goes AGAIN! So in short, the house is almost NEVER clean!!!
Pillow forts almostevery. Goddamn. Day. This man child LOVES making blanket and pillow forts withyou, babbling on and on about how “fuckin cool” it was gonna be once it wasfinished. Even if it looked like a pile of blankets in the end, he’d still fallin love with it and burrow under the blankets to watch a barrage of chickflicks, action films, and horror marathons with you.
If you even think you’regoing to eat healthy – You’ve got another thing coming. Bokuto doesn’t “eatgreen”… He’s all about meat, sweets, and Volleyball… That’s it! You’ll have toPRY open his goddamn mouth and force a carrot in there for him to keep hisperfect eyesight!
“Kou, I swear to GOD! You better eat yourvegetables or I’m deflating all your volleyballs and hiding the pump!”
*grumbling followed by the shoveling of vegies intohis mouth without tasting them*
Knowing Bokuto, heprobably forgot to put on a condom – he gets WAY too excited when it comes tosex. Lmao. Now you have a wonderful addition to the family on the horizon.
Now we ALL know… Bokutoisn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer more like a spoon than anything SO he’snot going to figure out you’re pregnant until you start showing… What abeautiful dummy he is
But once you finallytell him, whether it be the day you find out or a couple weeks before the duedate lolol – he’s JITTERING with excitement!!!
“B-baby?? A small human? A small human I canteach about Volleyball? A brother or sister for HINATA??”
“Kou… Hinata is NOT our child.. He’s literallyonly 2 years younger than us.”
“But he’s my protégé… Don’t tell Sugawara-santhat I adopted him…”
Although he is abumbling dork, he’s a very attentive partner and keeps his eyes on you wheneverthe two of you step out of the house, and the moment he loses track of you,he’s calling you on the phone and sounding like a panicked kid lost in asuperstore lol
Kuroo Tetsurou
This cat man isn’t THATbad to live with. He’s pretty good at cleaning up after himself without makingmuch a fuss about it (TSUKKI!!!!! Looking at you!!!!) But he does tend to leavea bit of messiness in the bedroom than one looking from the outside wouldthink??? Doesn’t hang up his clothes… No matter how much you beg him!!! He’smore of the cook in the house rather than actual cleaning, but he does dabblein doing the laundry and vacuuming when he knows you’re too tired.
Sleeps late. ALL thetime. Wakes up late for work more times than you’d like, but you’re glad he’sgot a silver tongue and gets out of trouble whenever his boss catches him.Dumbass lolol. And it’s a GODSEND when he decides to use his tongue for otherthings ;P His stamina is crazy high and he will drag you back to him over andover until everything in the house/apartment is christened properly 😉
He will LITERALLY teaseyou ENDLESSLY on anything you mess up on… No mercy.
“So they have this firewall buildingapplication, and it helps you build your own firewall an-“
“OH! Really? That’s insane! I would havethought it’d help you build a house or even a fence or maybe a robotic cat- buta FIREWALL? I never would have guess,____.”
“….” *deep sigh* SAAAME
The moment you find outyou’re pregnant – He KNOWS. It’s almost like this guy can smell your pheromones change or something! Like as soon as you walk out of the bathroom, his hand ison your lower belly and his lips are against your forehead and you can’t tellif he’s saying sorry or if he’s feeling for the sign of life?????
It’s not reallyconfirmed that you’re pregnant until you start getting morning sickness a fewweeks later – But he’s right there with you, the whole time. Holding up yourhair and rubbing your back, and you have to stop yourself from gross laughingwhen you notice his nose is plugged up with a wooden clothespin lmao
Even though it’s anunconfirmed ‘maybe baby’, that doesn’t stop him from telling his BrO!!!!
“So… Bo wants the baby named after him…”
“…. Whyyyyy?”
“Because he thinks he’s somehow part of it’smaking because he set us up on that one date in high school when you told me Ilooked like a gross bum?”
“I did NOT! That’s what you told me when Iintroduced myself to you!” wtfKuroo, nice intro
Cuddling with this manhas never been more intense than when he knows you’re carrying his child. Imean, he’s a great cuddler – fuckin cat – but now there’s a central spiralpoint for him to curl into and you have to make sure you’re in thePUUURRRRRFECT position on the couch/in bed before he curls himself around yourgrowing baby
Oikawa Tooru
Okay the Oikawa thefangirls see and the Oikawa you live with are TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE!!!! FamousOikawa is put together and clean and prissy – Domestic Oikawa is sleepy eyed,slouching, and crazy alien theorist lmao … They both complain about the sameamount hahaha
Oikawa is ALL about thecuddles! He loves when you run your fingers through his hair and hold himclose. Having you be that sweet with him makes him forget about his worries,his knee, and the fact him and Iwa aren’t going to the same college muahahasuffer those who are still crying about it
He’s generally prettymessy… He rarely cleans up after himself in private, and it’s almost likeyou’re taking care of a whining toddler who can’t peel himself from your leg.Almost. And He’s NOT ALLOWED IN THE KITCHEN!!!! Last time he was in there, heaccidentally set fire to boiling water????? Of course, he’s very sorry aboutit, and he tries to trick you into letting him make something for you whenyou’re sick, but you know all his tactics and always get him to do somethingelse to save your home
“_____-chan~ You’re not feeling well! Let memake you some soup or something.. My mom used to make me this yummy milk breadand it’d make me feel 300% better in just a few minutes… I just can’t rememberif it’s flour or sugar that I use-“
“No no no, Tooru.. It’s okay… Just come overhere and hold me… I know you can make me feel 400% better.”
“Oh~? ____-chan! So naughty and forward!” As if that’s not something you use on him EVERYtime you’re sick?? Lmao
He only finds out yourpregnant because Iwaizumi notices it first. Of course, the boys best friend isALWAYS over and hanging out with you two, and it doesn’t take long for Iwa tonotice that you’ve gotten a little bit bigger and fuller – he even notices thepregnancy pillow you’ve left on the couch.
“So… ____-san… What’s with the pregnancypillow?”
“Iwa-chan! That’s not a pregnancy pillow,___-chan got it for my knee when it’s feeling sore!”
“….” Fuck….
Needless to say, Iwagives Oikawa the rundown of what to look for in your symptoms, and because youweren’t exactly hiding it from him, Oikawa brings it up with you not longafter! He’s upset at first that you didn’t immediately tell him what was goingon, but after your explaining that you didn’t want your pregnancy to interferewith his school and his career, he feels kind of guilty that he’s made you feellike you were on the back burner
But once he knows… He’sALL over social media, the newspaper, fuck even the news station! Braggingabout how he got his beautiful girlfriend/wife pregnant and how beautiful the babywould be especially with is gorgeous genes! Iwa has had to punch him in the guta few times to get him to shut up lmao
Semi Eita
Nowthis boy is kind of a wild card for me.. I’ve never written anything for himand I’m assuming he’s Nega-Suga so forgive me if he’s not what you think he’dbe
Semi is a good mix of being organized, but messy. He’svery good at picking up after himself but then finding a way to just place themess in a different area… so really you don’t know what he’s ‘cleaning’ otherthan that one space in your apartment/house
The two of you are so in tune with thinking about theother, that there’s not a lot of need for words or what the other wants – it’skind of just inferred and assumed… Not badly though – Meaning, he knows EXACTLYwhat time you’re getting hungry, and you know the immediate moment Satori giveshim a migraine lmao
Surprisingly, he’s very very touchy. He loves to havephysical contact with you in some form or the other. Whether it’s holding handsat dinner on the table, or it’s having his head on your lap watching tv on thecouch – or having his head buried between your thighs in the bedroom 😉
Everything is pretty calm with him, every now and thenhe’ll have a sudden burst of anger and frustration, but you can calm him downpretty easily without getting him too much more riled up.
“GodDammit! Fuckin… cold shower… stupid… pipes…”
“Eita?Deep breaths, sweetheart.” Complete nonchalant lmao
*deepbreaths to chill* “Yeah, yeah… I know…”
But when you come to him and tell him you’re pregnant…It’s like all that frustration and anger rolls off his shoulders and he’s acompletely different person! Sure, he still grumbles and curses about thedumbest things here and there, but it’s 95% less than it used to be.
“Look,____, I know you ‘need’ this, but do you really think we need this stupidtrinket for a baby that’s not even born yet? Won’t it be…”
“Eita~!Don’t be so pessimistic! The baby is going to love this!”
“….Damn thing won’t even be here for another 6 months…” *mumbling/grumbling underhis breath*
He’s even more attentive to your needs now that you’rebearing his child, and his hands are even more on you, rubbing your belly,running through your hair, standing directly behind you while you’re cooking ordoing laundry. He feels if he’s more physical with you and more nurturing toyour needs, that the baby inside will feel his love even if he doesn’t express itoverly once the baby is born
Tbh…I imagine Semi as being a less hot head version of Kacchan from My HeroAcademia!! lmao
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killian-whump · 7 years
I want to know more about your whumpy Neverland headcanons...
Oh, my whumpy Neverland headcanons… Oh, how I love Neverland. Hundreds of years’ worth of possibilities, all with a gleefully sadistic Peter Pan in control of everything and anything that goes on in the realm.
To be honest, my dear, you have played a huge role in shaping my headcanons, as I absolutely loved your idea of a curse turning Hook into Pan’s helpless, mindless little fucktoy for a few decades or so before it breaks and Hook has to live with the shame of all he’s done during that time, all over the island… and on his ship… and in front of his own crew… Oh, so delicious. I’ve sort of adopted that one for my own, I must confess. So a lot of this will likely sound familiar to you ;) Though there are a few changes…
For one thing, I like to headcanon Hook as being completely straight… because I headcanon that he absolutely enjoyed those decades being used and abused by Pan at the time, and that this causes him endless mental confusion and angst afterwards because he just can’t understand how that could’ve been. As far as he knows, the curse was intended to make him do Pan’s bidding unquestioningly, but why did he enjoy it? Why? Whyyyyy??? The idea of him endlessly questioning his sexuality and even his own sanity in the aftermath is just too good for me to pass up.
Also, this gives me the opportunity to make the curse something truly dastardly… As in, the only way to weaken (and eventually break) the curse is for Hook to engage in sexual congress with someone he actually desires - and since he doesn’t like men - and men (and boys) are 99% of Neverland’s population… Well, not a lot of chance for the curse to be broken. Which, of course, is where Tinkerbell comes in. She finally takes pity enough on him that she secretly seduces him under Pan’s nose and that weakens (and eventually breaks) the curse. There’s still a span of time where the curse is weaker but not broken… a delicious span where he knows damn well what’s happening to him and how much he doesn’t want to be doing these things with Pan… but he just. can’t. stop. himself. He sees himself engaging in these acts, and even responding to and enjoying these acts, as if through another person’s eyes… and he’s screaming to himself to stop, to resist, to put up even the slightest fight… but he doesn’t. He can’t.
But, of course, the curse does eventually break, leaving Hook a broken mess of insecurity and shame, because he’s been used and violated SO thoroughly and in front of his entire crew. They knew he was cursed, of course, so they welcome him back as their Captain once he’s out from under Pan’s thrall. Still, he can see the sympathy in their eyes and he knows they can still see him bent over the rail of the ship, taking it in the rear, or tied to the mast, begging his “master” Pan to whip him harder please. He knows it, because he’s still haunted by the looks of disgust and pity in their eyes that at the time never even gave him pause… but give him so much more than pause now. Still, he puts on a brave face (that’s what he does best) and he swears to his crew that things will be different now, that he will never let that demon get the better of him like that again!
And he means it, of course, but Pan’s not about to let his beautiful fucktoy get off (haha pun) so easily. Just because the curse is broken, Pan doesn’t see any reason why HIS fun should stop… and he’s grown quite accustomed to pillaging and plundering Hook’s orifices whenever and wherever the mood strikes him. And seeing as he rules all in Neverland, he sets out to prove he never needed the curse in the first place - that the curse was more of a blessing for Hook than a true curse, because at least under the curse he was able to mindlessly play along with all of Pan’s games… instead of being violently forced to do so entirely against his will.
And that’s exactly what Pan does. He forces himself on Hook repeatedly, making a mere mockery of his many attempts to fight back or prevent the inevitable. And after decades of playing with the pirate’s cursed body, Pan knows how to play that man like a finely tuned fiddle. Hook doesn’t want it. He never wants it… but he enjoys it. And he hates himself for enjoying it, but no one’s ever touched him the way Pan does. No one’s ever brought him to the heights that demon can. And he hates it - and him - and himself - all the more for it.
Pan takes him privately at first, delighting in how he tries to hide the pain, the wounds and the blood from his crew and Tinkerbell. Of course, Hook tries to never be alone after that, but soon learns the error of his ways when Pan rapes him right in front of Smee on one of their expeditions onto land for fruit. He swears Smee to secrecy, of course, and his first mate is good for it. Hook tries to stay sequestered in his cabin on the Jolly Roger, the one place he feels safe… but it’s not long before Pan comes for him, appearing in the cabin and raping him right there, under his crew’s noses, and Hook is disgusted to find himself feeling grateful for the gag stuffed in his mouth that muffles the cries he can’t hold back.
It becomes a bit of a game for Pan, to see how much be can break, bloody and bind his pirate toy… and then watch him wriggle free, clean himself up and glue himself back together as best he can before someone comes looking to check on him. It keeps Pan amused for some time, which is a good thing, as an amused Pan doesn’t look for new and worse ways to amuse himself. But, like with all of his games, Pan eventually tires of this game, especially when Hook starts to put up less of a fight, just accepting the inevitable pain and shame that Pan doles out almost daily now. He misses the fight. Misses the need for violence.
And so one afternoon, Pan yanks Hook out of his cabin. Calls for the entire crew to gather around. Tells them that while he will continue to allow Hook to captain the Jolly Roger, he wants no further confusion about who captains the Captain. And just like that, the fight is back in his pirate toy, because he doesn’t want to be raped in front of his crew. He doesn’t want to be whipped and subjugated and mocked and humiliated in front of them all. Which, of course, means that’s precisely what Pan does to him that day… and any other day that the need strikes him. Because he can. And everyone knows it.
And, eventually, it starts to feel normal. Pan sends Hook and his crew off to fetch things from other realms - magical artifacts, tasty treats, whatever Pan feels like asking for. He’s only granting them a temporary reprieve from Neverland, knowing they’ll be forced to return if they want to live… and they always do. Hook always does, which is the most important part to Pan, because Hook feels responsible for his crew and he knows if he fails to return, Pan will simply turn his sick attentions on one of them. It’s bad enough he’s gotten them trapped (and many of them killed) in Neverland… He’s not about to subject any of them to the curse of being Pan’s sex slave, simply because he’s chosen the easy way out. And it’s this, more than anything else, that repairs his tarnished reputation amongst his crew. That, and the erasure of their doubts about him secretly being in league with the enemy, as more and more of them end up hearing the quiet sobs coming from their Captain’s quarters when everyone else is fast asleep.
In time, something else begins taking Pan’s attention: his magic, the magic of Neverland itself, is starting to wane. He’s desperate to find the Heart of the Truest Believer to renew himself. Hook doesn’t know what it is that’s got Pan so caught up that he doesn’t seem interested in coming after him as often… he only cares that Pan’s daily visits eventually become his weekly ones… and then even his monthly ones… and without the constant soul-crushing assaults clouding his mind and wracking his body, he can THINK. Plot. Plan. Heal.
And that’s when Baelfire lands on his ship, Milah’s boy, and he sees a chance at being a part of something. Something good. Something pure. And he embraces it. He starts to fight off Pan again - and to his shock, Pan backs off. He doesn’t know why, doesn’t even care why (and would never dream it’s because with his magic waning, Pan doesn’t rate “forcing the newly-high-spirited pirate to play” as important enough to waste magic on). It’s a fresh start. A new beginning!
…until it isn’t. Baelfire turns on him, and he falters. He trades the boy to Felix, knowing at least that Pan doesn’t abuse his Lost Boys the way he’s abused Hook - and that such a guarantee isn’t so easily gained by those living on the island without Pan’s protection. It’s what’s best for the boy… but he hopes the boy will never have reason to fully understand WHY.
And when Pan visits him again… he tries to resist, but is easily subdued by Pan, who can see the resistance for the mere token it is. The pirate’s spirit is no longer high. It’s crushed, once more, and he’s easy prey for Pan. He barely even needs any magic to have his sex slave right back where he wants him. Compliant. Broken.
But broken pirates aren’t as much fun… and I think eventually, even Peter Pan tires of his pirate fucktoy… leaving Hook to his own devices, which include healing his mind and battered body as much as he’s able… or at least covering the trauma and scars with miles of leather and swagger and rum. Pan still visits, but Hook is almost numb to it at this point, and he’s finally realized that the less he fights, the less interested Pan seems to be in coming back again.
And eventually, after some decades have passed… Pan’s magic is waning enough that having a ship full of vengeful pirates in his realm (a realm he’s slowly losing control over) is more of a liability than a boon - and he offers them a deal of some kind. I don’t have a head-canon for what that deal actually WAS, but I think Killian would’ve taken ANY deal that would get him out of that place and away from Pan… and I think Pan’s main goal (at that time) was to get Henry’s heart. Which is why, of course, once he got Henry in his greedy little clutches, he’s immediately trying to renew the “working relationship” he and Hook had. And why Hook’s like, “Hell no. Bye.”
Anyway… That’s all of my naughty headcanons about Neverland :D Since they’re just headcanons, I sometimes change parts of ‘em as it pleases me… but there they are, for the most part :D
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gyrlversion · 5 years
26 Things Extroverts Do That Drive Introverts Up The Wall
Recently, we asked introverts of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us what pisses them off about extroverts. Here are 26 things we, as the collective body, would like for extroverts to stop doing, immediately:
When y’all take us places just to ditch us.
“I hate when my extroverted friend drags me to parties and then leaves me alone to ‘meet new people, and branch out.’ They’re used to being able to casually chat with a stranger, but it usually ends up with me trying to fill the awkward silence, resulting in more awkward silence.”
When y’all refuse to take no for an answer, geez:
“It’s super frustrating when extroverts can’t take ‘no’ for an answer without getting mad. I hate cancelling and flaking on people, so if someone extends an invitation to something that I don’t want to do, or that I know would make me miserable, I politely decline (rather than agreeing and later flaking). Extroverts receive it as me being rude, personally insulting them, or alienating myself. Ugh.”
When y’all last-minute plans and expect us to just pivot:
“Trying to make last minute plans or changing plans on a whim. I had to mentally prepare myself to leave the house, and now you’re springing things on me at the last second. My anxiety shoots through the roof and that’s when I cancel.”
When y’all get offended if we ask you to be slightly quieter:
“I hate that when you ask extroverts to please keep it quiet, they give you this look as if you asked them something incredibly stupid and they are going to be terribly inconvenienced by just keeping it low.”
When y’all tell us we’re boring just because we don’t want to talk:
“It pisses me off when extroverts say I’m boring. I’m sorry, I hadn’t realized my existence is to entertain you.“
When y’all act weird just because we’re quiet:
“I’m totally comfortable working on my own (or in silence) in another part of the restaurant as everyone else. But I hate it when people I’m working around give off that vibe, like, ‘What’s wrong with you? You’re making me feel uncomfortable by not talking.’“
When y’all text your entire life story to us, we DON’T care:
“Texting me constantly about every detail of your day. I love you and I’m glad you had a delicious lunch, got your laundry done, and bought milk from a different store than usual, but I only have so much social energy per day and you’re draining it way too fast with inane stuff.”
When y’all think it’s a miracle if we say anything (and being so over-the-top about it):
“When I say something and they are like, ‘OMG, you are talking!‘”
When y’all are unaware of your voice levels:
“The lack of volume control among extroverts bothers me. I’m a fairly-social introvert, but I’m highly sensitive to stimuli. Loud talking not only annoys me, but really stresses me out.”
When y’all insist on making small talk EVERY time you see us:
“I work at a public place, and the one thing that made me realize how much of an introvert I am is when our extroverted regulars come up to the service desk to chat. They’re nice people, but I’m usually not in the mood for idle chitchat. When I see them come, I always say in my head, ‘Oh God, here we go.'”
When y’all assume our need to be alone is a personal attack:
“An ex would never understand when I needed a night to myself every once in a while to actually relax. He was energized by being around people, I am energized by being alone.”
When y’all assume we’ll always say no to an invitation:
“I don’t like when my friends don’t invite me to something because they’re sure I’ll say no. I want the opportunity to be social just like everyone else.”
When y’all keep talking when you see we don’t want to talk:
“When I’m reading, listening to music, watching TV, knitting, etc and they come to say something. It either goes two ways: 1) They keep talking while I noticeably try to resume what I’m doing and they don’t get the message; or 2) They keep walking in and out of the room and I’m constantly stopping to give them my attention.”
When y’all keep extending plans, we’ve already given you enough:
“I can’t stand it when my friends try to EXTEND plans after the original plan is already completed. Please do not trap me into lunch after our walk at the park, I need to recharge!“
When y’all call us for something you could have just texted instead:
“Please stop calling to tell me something that you could easily send over text. In fact, just don’t call me. Just text me. I hate being put on the spot/caught in awkward conversation and just talking on the phone in general. Please. For the love of Cher. Don’t. Call. Me.“
When y’all invite yourselves to things…like, that’s weird:
“It grinds my gears when extroverts invite themselves to things. One time I was hanging out with some friends and said that I was going to go home to watch a movie. This one guy goes, ‘Awesome! Can we all come?’ No. You can’t. I’m sick of people and am just trying to politely leave.“
When y’all force people to be the center of attention:
“Extroverts make a huge deal about birthdays with food and decorations and cheer. Being the center of attention is a nightmare. It’s just another day to me. I’ve gotten to the point that I refuse to tell people when my birthday is.”
When y’all always feel the need to always say something:
“I have a colleague who, upon finishing her teaching day, regularly comes in and interrupts my lesson JUST to say goodbye. I’m a chatty, sociable introvert, but whyyyyy does she have to do that.“
When y’all be telling other people’s business:
“When my extrovert friends start talking about me and information about me to other people I don’t know (like at a party). It’s not like I have anything to hide or am secretive, it’s just that it took me awhile to build up the confidence and trust to tell you, so please don’t go using it as an icebreaker for me.“
When y’all ignore personal boundaries:
“I have a number of colleagues who stand super close to me and constantly talk at me. They don’t pick up on me not engaging with them, and it just prompts lots of questions, even when I tell them I’m not in a chatty mood. They don’t stop. I’ve had to literally put things like tables in-between myself and these colleagues so they wouldn’t get in my face. If I don’t want to talk, that doesn’t make me upset or shy or needing to be cheered up, I just don’t want to chat.“
When y’all force us to be sociable. Every.Freaking.Day:
“I have a very close-knit group of friends and they insist on getting together EVERY DAY! They are all extroverts and can’t be alone. They all hang out constantly, which leaves me in the awkward situation of either hanging out with them and feeling like I want to be home, or staying home to recharge my social battery but getting FOMO.”
When y’all bring the party to us…we don’t want it:
“My old roommate was an extrovert and wanted me to go out with her, but I always said I was ‘busy.’ So she planned a party at our apartment behind my back. She said, ‘Since you couldn’t go to the party, I brought the party to you.’ I moved out three days later.
When y’all neglect our need to recharge:
“Not understanding that I need time to myself and to recharge before going to social events because it takes so much energy to deal with all the extroverts.”
When y’all think something’s wrong with us:
“When they believe that introversion is unhealthy or disordered. I’ve known extroverts who seem convinced that being an extrovert is the only way to live, and that refusing to be social implies depression, an anxiety disorder, misanthropy, or otherwise something ‘wrong’ and fixable about you.“
When y’all guilt-trip us for the little bit of time we want to ourselves:
“When family comes over and you’ve spent the whole day with them, and you just want to get a few minutes of alone time and your parents get mad at you for being in your room for 10 minutes.“
And lastly, when y’all laugh loudly JUST to be loud:
“I can’t stand it when they laugh really loud, like cackle obnoxiously loud. It’s not THAT funny, Becky!“
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The post 26 Things Extroverts Do That Drive Introverts Up The Wall appeared first on Gyrlversion.
from WordPress http://www.gyrlversion.net/26-things-extroverts-do-that-drive-introverts-up-the-wall/
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I am so sick of being so DUMB at chemistry. Like, my notes are RIGHT FUCKING THERE and I stILL don’t fucking know how to answer the damn questions. Literally more than half of them are marked to get help for. I’m so sick of this. This fucking unit makes me want to stab myself. 
I’m cold, I’m hungry, and I’m fucking failing this stupid unit cause I’m so shit at it and I don’t know whyyyyy
and now a muscle on my ribs is fucking twitching for no damn reason. Great. 
After this studying shit show I’m going to have to go to Hollister and hand in my cover letter even though I applied online because I REALLY want a fucking job there but I’m not gonna get it because no where is hiring and I have no damn qualifications for anywhere but I need money and I’m so sick of my friend acting like she has such a fucking difficult life when she’s literally COASTING and doing fucking GREAT.  
She acts like she has it so rough because she lives in a small apartment. At least you’re fucking ABOVE GROUND. She gets 20$ a week in allowance. She is fucking spoiled and has been her whole damn life. She complained that her mom is only going to pay half of her art classes (SECOND set of art classes) if she gets a 95 in art class. She complained about this in front of our friend, who literally can’t take outside of school art classes because her mom wouldn’t let her and because she would have to pay for the full thing and she can’t afford to because she has to fund everything for her cat. She’s so fucking spoiled and it pisses me off so much. And she’s pretty. She gets everything she wants so easily. She gets the SAME FUCKING GRADE if not BETTER than me while putting in a half asses effort while I’m busting my ass. 
I’m so sick of her acting like she has is hard cause “daddy isn’t nice to her”. Guess what, at least you have a really good relationship with your mom. And a community that you feel like you belong in. I have the shittiest relationship with my mom, and struggling with a relationship with my dad ever since I accepted and remembered that he molested me. My friend has no relationship with her dad and an extremely rocky one with her mom.
She has literally one of the easiest lives I’ve heard of. She never has to worry about money. She has a parent with whom she has a stable relationship with. She is really good at her future profession without even trying. She gets really good grades while doing everything last minute and half assing it. She gets guys easily because she’s pretty. She talks to people easily. She has one if not more than one solid support groups. She has no mental health issues that cause her any troubles. She does pretty much whatever she wants. Like, holy fuck, she has it so easy and acts like her life is hard. Fuck off. Try living in anyone else’s shoes for ONE fucking day. You’d die. 
Oh AND, she thinks that being poor would be “fun”. I was talking about how I can’t go into acting because, even though it is the thing I love most and am passionate about, it doesn’t pay nearly enough to be a living wage and I will have to live like a broke ass college student most, if not all, of my life and she said it sounded fun. Living in an apartment where your shower is in your kitchen. Eating shitty food all the time. 
She has it so EASY, she thinks being broke will be fun. She has never experienced being genuinely unsure if you will have the money for food or transportation and THAT’S why she thinks it’ll be a fun little adventure. Being fucking poor isn’t an adventure. It only is if you know you can leave it easily. To her, having so “budget” is having to choose between getting a watercolour paintbrush or getting starbucks. Try having to choose between a paint set and groceries, then talk to me.
When I told her a nicer, shorter version of this, she said that when she was like, 3, she MIGHT have had to live in her car with her family for like 2 weeks before moving into her grandpa’s bigass house, acting like oh, she’s had it rough. She had to live broke for 2 weeks. Honey, talk to me when a) you actually remember what it is like and b) live it for a couple months. THEN tell me it was fun. 
I’m so sick of the odds never being in my favour. I have no fucking money and have to work so damn hard for my marks that I didn’t have time to get any real experience so that my resume would look half decent. I am not even all that good at the profession I’m planning on going into, but I don’t know what else I would do because I don’t have very many marketable skills. Because of me having to work so hard, I don’t have time to have a significant other, and even if I did, the religion that I am currently keeping up the facade that I believe in wouldn’t let me date. My relationship with my parents is shit. I hate being home. I’m always so stressed about SOMETHING because I don’t even know how to not be stressed. And I’m dumb. Like I’m actually dumb. I lack common sense and am neither number nor science smart. Absorbing information is so hard and I don’t know why. 
I... I don’t even know what I want. I just wish I had it a little easier. Yes, there are people out there who have it harder, but there’s always someone who has it harder. I want to be able to look at my life and say “yes, I’m okay with where I am right now.” That doesn’t mean I will be doing perfect, but I want to be okay with my life. Just okay. Be able to focus on only 2-3 problems at once instead of juggling a dozen all the time. 
0 notes
Walmart Parking Lot
I'm prone to analysis paralysis as I can see an endless amount of viable paths within even a small framework and I obsess over how each minor movement will affect the desired outcome. Then I'm frozen or use that to procrastinate. But I really should just purge for the relief of it. That'd the only consistent and predictable reason. Why worry about the outcome or twist anything for the sake of an audience? Shouldn't truth triumph over everything else? If I censor by dilution or omission it just becomes me viewing myself through another person's eyes; and then I manipulate myself and my words with the awareness of knowing how I'm going to be perceived out of self-protection. I'm sick of doing that. It strips me of some truth and I want truth. I'd like to think others do too. Manipulating an audience simply for favor, no matter the context, is not a symptom of truth. I'm tired, I really shouldn't be but I'm tired. Existence is exhausting blah blah blah I'm sick of my own internal diologue churning away with its pattern making when I sit in silence and of how this stupid screen flashes and vibrates all day and I'm sick of repeating mistakes while knowing better. Stupid vague ramblings. Stupid need for attention. As a woman these screens give us too much. I hate it. I love it. I want someone to magically understand it all. ALL. But there are limitations to language and that's just one of the many plagues of a human's existence. And it's why feeling understood is intoxicating. I'm always being bombarded with these random images and memories from this trip and being thrown into waves of emotions and cursing my mind for not letting me forget things while thanking it for sweeping me away despite the ache. I know what to do to quell it so whyyyyy haven't I done it? And whyyyyy am I sitting in a Walmart parking lot writing this? There's some high schoolers on winter break exiting their car with nothing better to do in the boondocks than to make an adventure out of a trip to Walmart before curfew. They seem happy and so young; I see their naivety in the way they move. I remember doing the same thing some years years ago with the newfound freedom I found with a driver's license. A man is wheeling two pink bikes with training wheels in his cart, Christmas gifts for kids. His children? His face is crinkled from stress, not age. Oh god he looks to be around my age. That could easily be my life. I can't think of the love he must have for them. I mean, I can, but I only get rare tastes of the most powerful form of love. Like on that bench in Tel Aviv as I watched the separated family cross the street. And the other day I fleetingly understood that kind of love again as my sister and I watched my dad say it to the baby version of my brother in a home video where my dad honestly looked just like my now grown-up brother. "Do you know how much I love you?" he smiled and whispered in my giggling brother's ear as the camera faded out to black and then pixelated back into another moment from the past. We both felt the wave overcome us and turned teary-eyed to one another to lock eyes in our unspoken mutual understanding. There's a pole decorated in candy cane stripes out front of the "Home and Living" section. December in North Carolina means I'm always turning my AC to heat and heat back to AC in the car, and I'm always checking the weather to see if the day calls for a tank top or a winter coat. How is it a few weeks until Christmas? And how can I be in this headspace one moment but I'll likely be smiling and inquiring about the overworked cashier's life in a few minutes as the barcodes beep? Is everyone else's mind as chaotic as my own? Do they want truth and understanding at the expense of their own comfort? Whatever. I need some cheap, shitty imitation crab sushi and some of those random items that adults are always running low on no matter how they try to keep up.
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todokori-kun · 7 years
(and tiny Pride. It’s fun how he was like, almost the least sympathetic homunculus (I mean, most people can relate to just wanting to go back to sleep ok dad/mom, so even Sloth…lol), and yet he’s the only one who finds a ‘new life’.)
(only HOHENHEIM’S DEAD, my FMA twin is gone ;-; at least that moment with Trisha was beautiful)
I thought I’d cry with FMA’s ending because I did almost cry during the Ishvalan Civil War flashbacks, but…once again, my eyes were dry XD maybe because TG and AoT made me appreciate FMA’s happy ending more?
TYSM for recommending such a great series, Queen Luna <33333 I’m getting kinda emotional XD
UGH. Idek what book that is but I already hate it because of that line.
Hisoka, Hisoka. He’s like the unholy offspring of Furuta and Sebastian. I love it.
(nah, it’s fine,I don’t mind cursing ^^ thanks for asking though, that was sweet)
Yeah, Junior High is pretty cute :) well, it hasn’t been that long since she started learning cello so she’s still playing simple songs like 'mary had a little lamb’ ^^ she really wants to play more complex songs, though.
GAH SORRY I still haven’t started playing OTL I’ve just been a bit busy and had a lot to think about (because COLLEGE) so I kept forgetting…I’ll let you know when I finally start, sorry ;-;
If Urie/Saiko doesn’t become canon…ok, ok, I can deal with Touken, I can deal with that. HOWEVER. If Urie/Saiko doesn’t become canon and Urie/Mutsuki does, I don’t even know what I’ll do. ESPECIALLY IF ISHIDA MAKES URIE ABANDON SAIKO TO 'SAVE’ MUTSUKI OR SOMETHING OMG
I would never! I’m a nice, sweet cinnamon roll who doesn’t know the meaning of the word 'savage’!
If Kimblee actually took a liking to me I’d try to get him to stop blowing things up. Maybe find him a different hobby. But the sad truth is that there’s probably nothing and no one he likes enough to give up his explosions for XD
But you know how I have a cinnamon roll side and then a troll side? Troll!Evans and Kimblee might actually get along really well. Imagine the suffering…
0//////0 Queen Luna is also an amazing friend! Tysm for everything <333 (I say 'tysm’ a lot but then again, there’s no such thing as too many 'thank you’s? lol. Also, I love how 'Queen Luna’ was just a joke at first but now it’s like an actual nickname I use for you. I hardly ever call you just 'Luna’ anymore XD if we ever met irl I’d probably have a hard time calling you anything other than 'queen’)
Oh wow. Sebastian will fight you for the honor of his kitties
X-men is a seperate universe from MCU, though. (I don’t watch X-men so I’m not sure but I think they and MCU agreed to share the Pietro/Wanda twins?) X-men Pietro is a different character from MCU Pietro so our Pietro is still dead ;-;
Moblit and Evans would go on friendly coffee dates and rant about their crazy queens.
Luna/Armin would be so cute, seriously why do I ship you with so many characters…and idk what puberty will do to Armin(will he even survive to go through all of it? sorry) but the fanart of adult!Armin does look good :)
And wait, 15 cm taller than Levi? I’m maybe 3~5 cm taller than him (and I’m only 13 omg) so that makes you at least 10cm taller than me.
It’s really messed up, which means I’ve gotta draw it now XD
Congratulations with Kimblee might go something like this (warning: this is crack and I’m sorta abusing Kimblee's canon abilities, realistically it probably couldn’t go like this):
Shuu: “Mr. Kimblee?!”
Kimblee: “Tsukiyama…
*blows up the clock on Shuu’s desk*
“You have invented a new kind of stupid-”
*blows up a framed picture of Shuu and Naomi*
“A 'Damage You Can Never Undo’ kind of stupid-”
*sets fire to the carpet*
“An 'Open All the Cages in the Zoo’ kind of stupid-”
*destroys the entire hecking desk*
“A 'Clearly, You Didn’t Think This Through’ kind of stupid.”
*breaks the window nearest to Shuu*
And then, at the end-
Kimblee: “Every sacrifice you make is for my sister, give her the best life-
Congratulations. :)”
*entire house collapses around them*
So you’d contract Sebastian for chocolate?
(tbh I have a sweet tooth too. I’m sorta sensitive to taste so too many sweets at once makes me get sick of them quickly, but I really like them a little at a time (and I still almost never get sick of chocolate))
ty again for the beautiful edit <3
*hugs* thank you, that really means a lot to me.
But did you see the small Kaneki painting I sent you along with the other pics? Because I actually made that as a way to vent..splattering red blood paint all over the paper did help XD (drawing doesn’t always help, though. When I’m really angry I get the urge to raise my voice and say exactly what I’m thinking, only that’d be horrible so I try to keep it down..but that just makes me angrier LOL)
the left side feels more Kanae and the right side feels more Shuu, but either way, it looks really beautiful :D <3 (also that 'I miss you’ omg I’m getting Shuu/Kaneki feels NO)
(Also I hope the Uta edit I sent you was ok? It was like almost the first aesthetic thing I’ve ever done lol
About it, though: I don’t have a pinterest so I searched stuff like 'black and white aesthetic tumblr’ on google and used the pics that popped up…is that ok? Since I’m just downloading pictures I like and playing around with them on PhotoScape with no intention to post it on the internet or show it to anyone other than you? Idek how this works, I’m way too ignorant about the internet ;-;)
Oh, that sounds cool! I don’t listen to much Ed Sheeran but liked his song for the Hobbit ('I see Fire’? I think that’s what it’s called?) and because Shape of You just keeps playing in the manhwa cafe I go to to read manga, that song kinda got stuck in my head and I can’t stop listening to it XD I don’t listen to remixes a lot for no particular reason but some of them are really cool :)
I’m currently obsessed with Hurricane, Castle, Ghost and 100 Letters by Halsey, along with a bunch of Lana Del Rey songs (going to listen to her new album as soon as I can!), Melodrama (Lorde’s new album), and Young and Menace and Champions by Fall Out Boy…also songs from Steven Universe and Adventure Time, like Love Like You and Everything Stays. And all of FMA’s openings because WOW.
(And yeah, movie/anime soundtracks are always so cool <3)
Is... Is your heart okay? I know it’s a big emotional thing!  Yeee, Greed’s death was a huge shock for me as well T^T WhY Did yOu HaVE tO saY GOodByE
The only thing that really shocked me was Ed giving up his alchemy. It honestly made for a bit of an unsatisfying end, like it’s trying to make way for a sequel (that never came)
Yep, I was expecting you to be not so happy with Hoenheim... Well, at least it’s a happy death? Not in battle, but with his beloved?
TG and AoT scar people for life. Kill of their emotions, so they’re unable to cry at sad things, bc nothing is sad in comparison to those two.  Except for a few rare exceptions. Oh, did I ever tell you that I always, without a fail, cry when watching a specific Love Live episode? It’s about a character that I relate to a bit too much, and since it’s a sorta bittersweet character arc, I always end up crying. The music also gets to me. I could write in detail exactly what and why XD
No problem! If you ever want more recommendations, just say so! Even though I’ll probably recommend series without you asking :P
It’s called ‘Court of Thorns and Roses’. I mean, the writing style is more or less ok, and the premise is interesting at first glance, but then everything gets ruined by the author for not being able to create a flawed MC, cause they have to be perfect!  I’ve read another one of the author’s books before, but dropped it halfway, again because on an annoying MC. The only reason why I finished this one is bc it was the only reading material available XD It’s also supposed to be a spin on Beauty and the Beast, but with fairies, but it was so badly done that I genuinely didn’t realize that until I read it somewhere on the internet. It’s also one of the rare series where I intentionally don’t read the sequels. The original book was that bad I’m getting way too emotional over the book XD
Hisoka is breaking my trash-o meter! It’s over 9000!
Ah, that’s a relief... I’ve definitely started cussing a lot lately, and I know it makes some people uncomfortable, so I wanted to ask ^^
Aw, that’s actually adorable! I hope she gets better at it soon ^^ I’ve always loved listening to string instruments...
Naaah, no worries! Take your time with it! It’s no rush, honestly! Do it at a time that’s convenient to you ^^ Seriously, please don’t feel pressured to play it >_<
Let’s be honest. The possibility of Urie sacrificing himself for Mutsuki is way bigger than Urie/Saiko becoming canon. I cry when I think about it, because we all know Urie would be so much happier with Saiko (*`д´*) Ishida, whyyyyy
Right, I totally believe that. Evans, a sweet, innocent cinnamon roll who doesn't get savage at moments. Sure. Because you totally didn’t set the Flame Alchemist on fire with a burn.
I’m afraid explosions are his one true love. Maybe you could get him to paint explosions instead of making them, though. Like, ‘Ok, Kimblee, here’s paper, some paint, go wild. Just don’t set the room on fire, please.’ He’d show his soft side around you only. If there was anyone else in the room, he’d be his usual self, but with you, in private, he’d probably be a tiny bit sweet. Sometimes.  Troll!Evans and Kimblee would be the actual definition of ‘Prepare for trouble, make it double’. I’d probably run away screaming when you’d announce your relationship XD I’d congratulate you later, but still a bit weary when the two of you are together.
Fun fact: I almost blush every time I read the word Queen XD If I was someone who blushed easily, I’d be an actual tomato while reading your messages ^\\\^ I’d probably actually blush if we were walking around and you called me queen... And then bury myself into a hole forever XD
I’d be the person who’d just shrug her shoulders and be like ‘we all have our opinions’. Now that I think about it, I’d probably get on just fine with Ciel XD
Ah, I see. I just remember that there was a quicksilver in one of those movies, but I didn’t remember the details. 
Hanji and I would simultaneously have the glimmering glasses moment XD  The parallels between the duos are really similar :P
He! Will! Survive! He has too... We already had an almost death for him, and I don’t want an actual death to happen. The cinnamon roll doesn’t deserve it. The first time I saw the fan art, my reaction was. *stares at the screen* ‘well then’ I’d liked Armin from the beginning but this was the moment in which he was cemented as favorite character XD
Aw, Evans is smol for now! When I was 13, I was shortest in class, but now I’m among the tallest. Everyone is taller than Levi... That’s just sad XD But, hey, everyone in Cinderella Phenomenon (I will not shut up) is taller than you! In fact, you’re approx. the height of the MC! Cuuute
Well, my stomach totally doesn’t hurt from laughing too much XD That’s a very destructive version of Congratulations, that would probably end up with someone getting sued XD Shuu for emotional damage, Kimblee for blowing up a fucking house.
Unfortunately, not even chocolate can make me sign a contract with that trash can. Sorry Bassy, but you’re not getting my soul.
Aw, that’s a shame... There’s never enough sweets! 
I’m glad you like it ^^
You could always yell into a pillow? Or punch the pillow if you’re feeling especially angry... 
So, basically, I unintentionally made a Shuu/Kanae edit. I’m not even mad XD 
Yeah, it was pretty good! If you want, I can pass you some advices my friend gave to me when I stared making the edits?  The quote is very Uta, tho. I mean, he does revel in other’s tragedy... 
Yes, of course it is! Find pics any way you want! I’m just using pinterest because it’s easier ^^;; A lot of really artsy pics are posted there, so I quickly find what I’m looking for ^^
Yep, I think it’s called that... Most of his songs on my playlist are from his new album, but some are older as well ^^ There’s this remix of Shape Of You. I listen to it waaay too much XD I found it in an AMV and was immediately like ‘I want this song’, so I downloaded it :P
FMA has some of the best openings and closings I’ve ever heard. My favorite is probably the first one, because it’s just so so amazing *^*
I live for the fantasy fight soundtracks.  A few examples are from the anime Fate/Zero or Fate/Unlimited Blade Works, like This Day and Never Again, Unlimited Blade Works and You Are My King. Those would make a snail race look epic.
AAAALSO THE RAGNAROK TRAILER IS OOUT!  I adored Loki’s moment XD ‘Surprise~ This is going to be so much fun’
0 notes