#Underswap Toriel
aimasup · 3 months
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holy shit it's the guys
there's a bunch of versions out there, wanted to make my own!
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anamdreams69 · 1 month
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snail pies and temmies :3
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bluemoth698 · 8 months
After like three months of working on this, I've finally finished my sprites for Underswap Toriel!
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Similarly to in Undertale, Toriel is a bit of a shut-in, spending all her time closed off in her palace. She hasn't been seen by her people in years, with the exception of Alphys, captain of the royal guard, Undyne, the royal scientist, and Sans, her close friend and another royal guardsman. After having to kill so many human children, Toriel feels too heartbroken and ashamed and guilty to show her face to her people, so she just spends a lot of time wallowing in despair. Toriel cares a lot for her people despite being so reclusive, but the monsters of the underground are intimidated by her, much like the froggits in the ruins were intimidated by her in the original undertale, because of how mysterious she is to them and how stern she is as a ruler.
When she's not wallowing in despair, Toriel likes to spend time reading books, baking pie, tending to her bonsai garden, and talking to Sans. She wishes Alphys would ease up around her, as she does care for her but Alphys is far too much of a nervous wreck to really open up to her.
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HUGE HUGE thanks to ChrisTheRaccTamer for helping me with all of the sprites, they wouldn't have turned out nearly as amazing as they did without his help. Also, special thanks to Scare#2461 on Discord, who suggested that i make the shoulder pads into snail shells, that was a really good idea on his part that i think added a lot more to the design.
And as always, feel free to ask any questions you might have about the au!
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just fell down a rabbit hole in your blog and now I’m curious as to whether or not you still ship swap pap and toriel
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capricioussun · 3 months
Some underswap hc bc why not right
☼ Asgore still hopes one day Toriel will simply change her mind, isn't as bitter as UT Toriel, but also isn't as proactive
☼ Muffet is mute, but people often mistake her as being deaf, which can be a dangerous mistake to make if a patron decides to be rude in her presence
☼ Both Alphys and Undyne stutter, though Alphys' is more a natural tic while Undyne primarily only stutters when she's stressed out, and it's specifically more the kind where she'll stop halfway through a sentence and start it over
☼ Sans and Alphys were friends before he joined the guard. It's almost funny, given that neither of them actually want to be in the guard...
☼ Alphys and Toriel have a strange relationship, where Alphys was already a teen when she really met Toriel properly. She somewhat idolizes her, and has a crush on her, which is why she's terrified of failing her
☼ Toriel is somewhat aware of how much strain she's put on those working directly under her, and she feels very guilty for it. She tries to make up for it by baking them pies or other sweets and trying to encourage them to take up relaxing hobbies. It doesn't work that well
☼ Papyrus struggles with anxiety a lot, but it's hard to tell most of the time, since he’s found his patterns and habits and has familiarized himself well enough with most to have an easier time dealing with them
☼ Chara mumbles a lot, so others tend to get the impression they're shy when they really aren't usually
☼ Papyrus and Asgore don't bond over jokes like UT Sans and Toriel do. Asgore tells Papyrus his jokes remind him of someone he used to care about very much, they wind up talking more so about day to day things, or other interests, rather than trading jokes
☼ Papyrus still tends towards putting more effort into his jokes than Sans, however he also unfortunately makes really stupid puns by accident all the time, and only realizes whenever Sans hits him with one of Those Looks, which makes Papyrus groan and bury his head in his hands while Sans laughs
☼ Burgerpants remains unchanged except he doesn't work for Napstabot, he works the nice cream stand in Snowdin (and hates it)
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paintedkinzy-88 · 7 months
So Swap Toriel has always seemed more... aggressive to me. Like, I can imagine her killing soemone when I can hardly imagine it form Canon Tori or Asgore even tho I know they both likely have done so
I kinda agree, but also not??
I can see her personality being very much like OG!Toriel and Asgore: openly nurturing and kind, the mother figure to all monsters, especially children. And she doesn’t want to hurt human children. Much like OG!Asgore, she does it because she thinks she has to.
… But I can also see her being a bit more broken about it, that might lead her to trying to deal with fights she thinks she has to end lethally a lot quicker.
So where I can see OG Asgore being a bit hesitant, and maybe even hoping the human can escape his advances, US Toriel is aiming to kill and get it over with so no one has to suffer longer than necessary. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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sagaverse · 2 years
SagaVerse Out!Code #7
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The information below is canon to SagaVerse only.
Name: Maya (Mother!Toriel) Alias: God mom/Yaya Age: 100+ (Pre-Out!Code) Height: 210 CM Soul: 8 Human Souls Origin: UnderSwap Timeline #22022 Specialty: Hyperslayer Original Author: Revolvius v v v General Description v v v
Maya was a Swap!Toriel in an AT where she adopted the seven humans that fell into the underground. She raised them so they could one day free her kind by breaking the Barrier. But over time, the monster queen became their loving mother instead.
Soon disaster came to them. A new human, the 8th one to fall, went on a genocidal rampage on the entire underground with almost nothing that could stop them. Maya pleaded with her children to help them fight this human, and she reluctantly let them go alone.
What she feared the most came true, all of her children were slaughtered by them. Maya cried her eyes out when her oldest child died right in her arms in front of the killer. She then snapped, and through her connection to her children, she summoned their SOULS and absorbed them. With the power of the seven human SOULS in her possession, the new goddess destroyed their murderer and absorbed their SOUL too.
Unable to control her powers, Maya accidentally deleted her timeline, which left her alone in an empty void. After a while of mourning, Core appeared in front of her and offered her shelter in the Omega Timeline. She agreed to start a new life there. Maya eventually began teaching and helping children and others as head of the Caretakers. Now, she is head of both the Caretakers and the Omega Guard.
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sukiretto · 8 months
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Dia 6: Guillotina
No estoy para nada obsesionada con Underswap, ¿Ok?, solo hay pocos dibujos del AU en rutas genocidas. US no es feliz solo porque Blue sea tierno😭
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anon109 · 1 year
Dump of sketches from my underswap AU
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Deciding colors for the mantle.
I've also been trying to update the sprites, keeping them a bit more faithful.
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lieutenant-rancid · 1 year
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Fell Asgore and Swap Toriel fighting. I don't know why.
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voidandabyssal · 7 months
Would any of the confirmed couples of Alphys&Undyne or Tori&Asgore be open (or healthy enough) to a poly relationship? I just want to smooch both goats, is that a crime?
Don’t worry anon, I to crave those sweet, sweet, goat smooch’s and the fish’s😔😔 ladies where are my Undyne lovers at???
Also yeah I do think most of the couples would be down for a poly relationship. I personally headcanon that different types of relationships (like poly ones) are more common in the Underground. What with there being a such diversity of monsters.
UT Toriel and Asgore would certainly be hesitant to add a third to the relationship, especially in the shaky beginnings of their new relationship but I think eventually they would come around to the idea, if it were the right person of course.
UT Udyne and Alphys I think would also be pretty willing, definitely more eager to jump into one then Tori and Asgore. Undyne would definitely be the one to invite you in, Alphys standing next to Undyne nervously as she does. And they’d probably be one of the more healthy poly relationships, both are pretty supportive and kind partners and that extends to you as well
Basil (US Asgore) and Clover (US Toriel) would probably benefit most from having a third in the relationship. Sometimes the two disagree on something and are too stubborn to concede. Other times past mistakes are brought up and old memories resurface. Yanno, typical stuff when you’ve had such a long relationship.
A third person could help soothe any argument’s before they happen and could tell one off if they’ve gone too far in an argument.
US Alphys and US Undyne would be much the same as their UT counterparts, though the two would be more hesitant with their combined shyness. You’d probably have to be the one to ask, otherwise they’d just admire you from a distance together. And they’d be pretty nervous around you, not wanting to mess things up
Doctor (HT Alphys) and Queen (HT Undyne) wouldn’t handle a poly relationship well, the two were brought very closely together through their combined trauma (yaayyy) that any third person would almost feel like an outsider. I think a lot of jealousy would develop for that third person😔😔
Also they wouldn’t be interested in any human partners. Queen can barely stand living next to any. It would take a lot of miracles for Queen to ever be interested in a human
Fell Undyne and Fell Alphys would totally be into one,, if you could keep up with them. Neither of the two are weak by any means. If you’re on the same level of Undynes strength or Alphys intelligence then you would be considered. Otherwise neither of the two want to risk loving someone weak, it’s too dangerous to do, in a world like theirs.
They’d encourage you to strengthen yourself and would govern you the equipment or training to do so. Definitely the ultimate power throuple over here.
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anamdreams69 · 7 months
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more sillies hee hee hoo hoo!!
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(this was waaay funnier in my head)
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achirding · 2 years
WIPtober 10: Where’s Pappy?
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This is.... 90% complete! Gotta do the final few panels! 
Pappy is hidden in every single panel! He gets increasingly craftier, can you find him? C:
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S/o works at one of those scary haunted houses, and skelly was waiting in the back for them and they walk in, holding their nose because someone punched them and now they're bleeding.
Sure! Here you go, thank you for asking :3
I decided to go for a few weirder characters
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Sugar: The second he saw you, he got worried, "Y/n!" He runs over to you and puts his hands on your cheeks, "Oh no, you're bleeding. What happened?" he hurries you over to sit down where he had been resting and starts to wipe the blood away with a paper towel. When you explain what happened, he huffs softly. Of course he's annoyed; that is no way to handle being scared and he thinks that that person needs to get in trouble. If he figures out who did it, he's gonna give them a STERN talking to.
Uprock: Normally they wouldn't be too upset by things, but seeing you bleeding makes them real annoyed. "Y/n, what happened?" They asked and walked over to put a paper towel to your nose. Hearing what happened, they would ask about who did it and go to find that person and drag them back to tell you that they were sorry. Uprock has no time to waste on people that think it's fine to just punch Halloween workers >:( If the person says that they're sorry, Uprock won't be too upset.
Napstablook: They are so worried. They would float over to you and float around you, frowning, "What happened?" when you explain Napstablook would float out to see if the person was still there… just to scare them off on accident. "Oh…" they float down closer to the ground, frowning, "They ran away…" They can't do anything right ;n;
Lady: Well, that is… worrying. She takes care of your bloody nose then walks outside to talk to the person and, honestly, she has a resting bitch face so… yeah, that person says sorry so fast and almost falls over when they run away. Lady is confused but hey! The person said sorry and now Lady is hugging you against her fluffy chest so win win :D
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puzzlekick · 2 years
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dinogoer4 · 1 year
What fan creations are we talking about? Dustswap? Or something worse (the same anon from the last ask)
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