lieutenant-rancid · 6 months
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Celestial Seasons
c. 2007
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lieutenant-rancid · 8 months
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horror monsters + their actors
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lieutenant-rancid · 9 months
A couple of honest folks
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lieutenant-rancid · 9 months
I stopped watching Hermitcraft for a while because I got busy but came back for decked out and I, I uh,
I forgot they were just like this
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lieutenant-rancid · 9 months
[same anon] yeah he doesnt pronounce the t in peanuts. reminds me of the time where he talked about his shaft and said he would give all his donors a shaft https://youtu.be/bTVx4ZO-Wtg?list=PLaAVDbMg_XArcet5lwcRo12Fh9JrGKydh&t=1805
unprecedented number of etho (almost) talking about dicks clips coming to light today. cora just put this one in the replies of ur last ask in case u didn’t see it. etho rly needs to get in control of his penis i mean peanuts
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lieutenant-rancid · 9 months
Impulse: Oh, I need to get better at improv, I'm not very good at it :(
Also Impulse:
. Roleplays his fake role in Cleo's game almost as much as Ren and Joe, both of whom are famously good at and enjoy improv
. Chimes in every morning wake and nighttime with a friendly, sunny quip to deflect suspicion and make him seem more personable
. Plays the 'bleeding heart' play when Gem is killed and the 'butter wouldn't melt' card when put under suspicion to the bitter end
. Gets stuck right in to pretending to be a kind, caring, trusting mayor who's desperately concerned with saving his beloved town from a malignant "demon" (the emphasis on 'MY townsfolk')
. Unfurls charming, endearing speeches to confuse his fellow players, eventually convincing them to turn on an innocent Xisuma while he laughs smugly in the background
As Cleo aptly titled their video, a Mayor of Madness indeed...
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lieutenant-rancid · 9 months
Scott putting little sproing sounds when impulse jumps is so important to me
[Video ID: A clip from Smajor's video "I Forced Life Series Youtubers to do an Escape Room!". ImpulseSV places glass panes against a wall like a staircase and jumps on them. End ID]
Transcript under the cut!
Impulse: ...(make) ourself a little way out maybe? (Bouncy sounds as Impulse jumps onto the glass)]
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lieutenant-rancid · 9 months
Quick animatic of Cub visiting Scarland, i hope nothing bad happens vv Youtube link vv
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lieutenant-rancid · 9 months
ai makes everything so boring. deepfakes will never be as funny as clipping together presidential speeches. ai covers will never be as funny as imitating the character. ai art will never be as good as art drawn by humans. ai chats will never be as good as roleplaying with other people. ai writing will never be as good as real authors
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lieutenant-rancid · 9 months
people don't talk enough about the trauma callouts can cause and the fact people can and will use them maliciously to destroy the social life and often livelihood of people they just don't like (often out of bigotry too!) since that would require applying critical thinking to what you read and understanding that you can't just go "oh shit this person is being called out they must be Bad"
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lieutenant-rancid · 10 months
japanese game dev in the 90s: hey dude can you make some music for our game about anime girls getting fucked sloppy style
guy who's about to push the PC-98 sound card to its absolute limit and create the most heartachingly beautiful music you've ever heard: Yeah okay
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lieutenant-rancid · 10 months
How I write Bdubs // My favoritest little mossy man // Writing with Rime #2
First of all, to write Bdubs, you have to get into the mindset of someone who is obsessed with Etho (difficult, I know).
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People-pleaser: His core motivation is to make people happy. He just wants to have fun and bring more joy into the world.
Loyal to a fault: He loves to play the role of someone's little guy, their ultimate hype man, their number one fan. When Bdubs attaches himself to someone, nothing can shake his loyalty to them (Mayor Scar in HC S7, Cleo in 3L, Impulse in DL, Ren the King in HC S9, or Etho in everything forever). Once he’s decided that he’s following someone, that person can do no wrong.
Commitment to the bit: He's an entertainer and a court jester at heart. He loves to make people laugh (especially Etho), and he'll commit to a bit, even if it leads to his death. The funnier the bit, the more personal harm he's willing to accept (like playing TNT minecart catch in the middle of a death game).
Charisma: Bdubs is maxed out on charisma. He can talk anybody into anything. He is endearing, lovable, and charming to nearly everyone he comes across.
Improve: Bdubs is a master at "yes and..."-ing other people's ideas. He amplifies those around him, building and creating together. He's great a consensus-building and moving plotlines forward.
FOMO: He has a fear of missing out, which causes him to become involved in things he'd be better off avoiding. He can't help it, he just wants to be involved.
Conflict resolution: He prefers to avoid violence to resolve problems. But can become a bit of a feral cat when under threat. Others don't generally find him particularly threatening, even when he's brandishing a sword and baring his teeth. He's constantly being underestimated.
Self-esteem: He can be very self-deprecating (especially true in his older content). He'll vacillate between appearing to have a huge ego and putting himself down, sometimes to the point that it's downright uncomfortable.
When writing Bdubs, show how he's a chameleon, able to adapt his personality to different characters. Or put him under narrative tension by dividing his loyalties. He can be the underdog you want to root for, or the sycophant you can't stand to see being a massive suck-up.
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lieutenant-rancid · 10 months
is grian eating what now???
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lieutenant-rancid · 10 months
Next Life Series season Scar and Skizz should create a nudist faction.
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lieutenant-rancid · 10 months
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God damn, I am so talented.
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lieutenant-rancid · 10 months
In his single mother arc
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lieutenant-rancid · 10 months
Hey, um... does anyone know— Uh, why's he so
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