reblog for sample size blah blah you already know
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jangillman · 20 days
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beauty-funny-trippy · 5 months
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For pregnant women in abusive marriages, leaving their is spouse already a difficult decision. Their escape is made even harder in the four states that prevent them from getting a divorce.
Arkansas, Missouri, and Texas all have laws that mandate women seeking a divorce to disclose if they are pregnant, and prohibit judges from finalizing the divorce if they are. No such law exists in Arizona, but judges in practice still will not finalize the divorce of a pregnant woman, according to the American Pregnancy Association.
In Missouri, a law from 1973 requires couples to disclose “whether the wife is pregnant" while filing, and the two must finalize "any arrangements for the custody and support of the children." Justices count the gestating fetus as a child, and have therefore interpreted the law to mean until the pregnancy is finished.
Democratic state Rep. Ashley Aune introduced House Bill 2402 earlier this year, which would remove restrictions around divorcing while pregnant. Aune recently told NPR that "I don't honestly feel very hopeful" about its chance of passing in the Republican-dominated state legislature, but she said she felt compelled to try after hearing harrowing stories from survivors of domestic violence.
"How can you look that person in the eye and say, 'No, I think you should stay with that person,'" Aune said. "That's wild to me."
Activists say that the U.S. Supreme Court's overturning of Roe v. Wade in 2022 left pregnant women in abusive relationships with even less control over their lives, and less access to vital resources. Marium Durrani, vice president of policy for the National Domestic Violence Hotline told the outlet that the group received a 100% call increase in the year following the ruling.
"We're seeing lots more people citing reproductive coercion, sexual coercion, reproductive abuse, or pregnancy coercion as part of their experience," she said. "I mean, we are getting calls that are very explicitly like 'I am pregnant.' 'I am trying to escape.' 'I cannot get resources where I am or in my state or my locality.'"
If you or someone you know is affected by domestic violence, there is help available. The National Domestic Violence Hotline can be reached at 800-799-7233. Other resources can be found here.
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destielmemenews · 10 months
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secretmellowart · 10 months
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Jean Valjean, Javert, and Thenardier are character foils in Les Mis-- and are all heavily associated with wolf and dog imagery. In the symbolism of Les Mis, 'wolves' usually represent criminals/outcasts who attack society, while 'dogs' represent the outcasts who choose to lick the upper classes' boots.
Thenardier in the novel is compared to a vicious wild wolf. Javert is compared to a hunting dog who is the son of wolves; he is a 'domesticated' wolf who is tolerated by society because he hunts down the 'wild' wolves. And Jean Valjean gets both comparisons at different points, because he is somewhere "entre chien et loup," between dog and wolf. Anyway here are my rough takes on their Wolfdogsonas (yes, I know these crosses might be impossible in real life. It's about the symbolism!) Maybe I'll draw more Les Mis furries in the future....
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workersolidarity · 1 month
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🇺🇸 🚨
The United States Congress and Senate passed a series of bills, including three controversial anti-democratic and pro-war bills, two of which were tied together, on Saturday, bypassing public opinion and popular opposition to the profligate, pro-war, globalist, Neolib/Neocon agenda currently driving United States domestic and foreign policy.
Included in the bills passed was a bill to force TikTok to divest from its connections with China at risk of being banned immediately, which naturally was tied to a Foreign aid bill.
However, as even Republican Senator Rand Paul mentioned in an opinion piece in Reason Magazine, the Bill is almost certain to lead to more power for American political elites and their administrations to pressure companies like Apple and Google to further ban apps and sites that offer contradictory opinions to that of the invented narratives of the American Political class.
Before long, Americans, many of whom are already poorly informed, and heavily misinformed by their mainstream media, could lose access to critical information that contradicts the narratives of the United States government and corporate elites.
Horrifically, this only the start. The US Congress also extended the newly revised FISA spy laws, which gives the United States government the power to spy on the electronic communications of foreigners, while also conveniently sweeping up the conversations of millions of Americans, as we learned years ago thanks to the sacrifices of whistle blowers and journalists like Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange.
The new FISA Law goes further than this, however, granting US Intelligence agencies the power to spy on the wireless communications of Americans in completely new ways.
A recent Jacobin article describes these new powers as a, "radical expansion of government surveillance that would be ripe for abuse by a future authoritarian leader", or it could just be used by the authoritarian leadership we have right now, and have had for decades.
In fact, when one commentator described the new powers as "Stasi-like," Edward Snowden himself replied with a long post in which he remarked, "invocation of "Stasi-like" is not only a fair characterization of Himes' amendment, it's probably generous. The Stasi dared not even dream of what the Himes amendment provides."
The amendment in question just "tweaks" the current law's definition of an "electronic communication provider," which is being changed to "any service provider," something extremely likely to be abused by the government to force anyone with a business, a modem and people using their broadband to collect the electronic communications of those people, while also forcing their victims into silence.
The government could essentially force Americans to spy on other people and remain silent about it. Cafe's, restaurants, hotels, business landlords, shared workspaces all could get swept up into the investigations of the Intelligence agencies.
Worse still, because picking out the communications of a single user would be next to impossible, all of their victim's data would end up being surrendered to the authorities.
Sadly, the assault on Americans by their own political elites didn't end there, to top this historic day in Congress, at time when the United States public debt is growing at an astounding rate of $1 trillion every 100 days, US lawmakers also passed a series of pro-war aid packages to American allies (vassals) totalling some $95 billion.
Included in the foreign aid bill are aid packages totalling $61 billion for the Ukraine scam, $26 billion for Israel's special genocide operation in the Gaza Strip, and $8 billion to the Indo-Pacific to provoke WWIII with China, at the same time we're also provoking a nuclear holocaust with the Russian Federation.
Also buried in these aid packages is the authorization for the United States government to outright steal the oversees investments of the Russian Federation, and thereby the Russian taxpayers.
Astonishingly, and in direct opposition to the wishes of their own voters, Republican support was won without the possibility of conditioning the aid to any kind of border security, this despite the issue being among the top biggest concerns of Republican voters.
Although much of the money is to be used replenishing the heavily depleted stocks of America's weapons and munitions, it remains unclear where the munitions are expected to come from, as US defense production has remained sluggish and slow to expand despite heavy investments and demand in recent years, despite the rapid urgency with which the policy elite describe the situation.
It bodes poorly for working Americans that only a relatively small handful of lawmakers opposed the bills, producing unlikely bedfellows like Senator Bernie Sanders and Senator Mike Lee in the Senate, opposing the FISA bill.
While in the House, the loudest opposition to the foreign aid bill mostly came from populist Republicans such as Marjorie Taylor Greene, Thomas Massie and Paul Goser. Only 58 Congresmembers voted against the Foreign Aid Bill in which the TikTok ban was tucked.
Not one word from American politicians about the need to raise the minimum wage, which hasn't been increased since 2009 despite considerable inflation, nor a word about America's endlessly growing homelessness crises, property crime increases, or the 40-year stagnation of American wages, the deterioration of infrastructure, and precious little was said besides complaints about border security over the immigration crises sparked by American Imperialist adventures and US sanctions.
What we've learned today is that we are highly unlikely to see any changes to the insane behavior of the US and its allies any time soon, neither with regards to the absolutely bonkers Neocon foreign policy leading us to the edge of abyss, nor the spending-for-the-rich/austerity-for-the-poor Neoliberal domestic policy of the last 45 years.
Blue: titles are opinion pieces or analysis, and may or may not contain sources.
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vampvelvet · 28 days
okay political rambling at 4am:
i see soooo many nihilist posts on my dash about how both sides of us politics are evil, about how biden is doing a bad job, about how the us government is evil and theres so much corruption. and yes, while that may all be true (i try not to spend long amounts of time reading into So Much negative stuff) it doesnt change the fact that This. is the situation we're in.
the us government is overwhelmingly corrupt and right winged. the left is far more right than most of us would prefer. and unless you are actively PHYSICALLY/MONETARILY protesting (not just reblogging posts), you as an individual do not have the power to do things like changing the democratic candidate or absolve the electoral college or make the government stop accepting bribes.
a lot, a LOT of things in the government are fucked up. they always have been. and i think its VERY fucked up that peoples right to protest is being infringed upon again and again. and i think biden isnt the angel that will save us.
by all means, protest, do what you can/will/must to fight for your rights. *and also*, this is the most important part, ALSO VOTE.
as much as you dont like biden youll like trump even less. as much as you dont like biden it will get worse if its not him. as much as you dont like biden its far too late for the democratic candidate to change. as much as you dont like biden you need to vote.
im so serious.
sidenote! the government isnt entirely dictated by the president. checks and balances and all that. voting for your state government is just as important. a lot of things that happen under any given presidents administration arent necessarily under the presidents control. keep that in mind.
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reblog for sample size!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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jangillman · 9 days
$10 Million Dollar Judge
Alina Habba just WON Trump’s NYC Case!
This is massive news! Alina just WON Trumps case by exposing that Judge Arthur F. Engoron took a $10 Million dollar bribe from someone closely associated with the Biden Administration. She leaked CCTV footage and Emails between the two parties. This has been a clear setup and witch hunt right from the start, the left wants to interfere with the election and steal it like they did in 2020!
This massive revelation will not make it to the MSM. They will do everything to silence our voice and evidence! Do not let them do that under any circumstance. If you want to see all the evidence please join Alina’s Channel bellow.
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It’s time to drain the swamp!
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jackiiiiiii · 4 months
just a friendly reminder to vote blue otherwise Americans might end up living in a authoritarian country :)
republicans, as usual, are up to their little shenanigans trying to fuck with the government to make sure they get into office, including, but not limited to; be wanting to shrink down the government,
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Talking about becoming dictators apparently,
Or raising the age to vote because their base is dying at a rapid rate.
Or, just bending civil rights just a teeny bit aka propose a plan to get rid of the FBI, Department of Education, Homeland Security, and disassemble unions, oh and did I mention this same proposal also includes registering LGBTQIA+ people, porn stars, people who sell porn videos or sex toys, and apparently teachers who have pictures of their same sex spouses in their classrooms as sex offenders, and loosen child labor laws so corporations can make more money while also claiming to be worried about queer people influencing them.... MERKICAAAA🦅🦅🦅🦅
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petrenocka · 2 months
Listen Americans, I sympathize with your struggle, but "Joe Biden is the best president you had in generations and the best u gonna get at the moment" and "he is currently funding a genocide" are not contradictory statements. Your country is just THAT fucked.
And if this makes you doomer, if you are going to give up on trying over this you owe me 100$.
Local fascists of other countries are salivating at the thought of a Trump reelection. The war on Ukraine is still going on you know, it didn't just stop once you got an even worse genocide to pay attention to like a mob in a video game. The Ukranian children kidnapped to literal re-education camps are still kidnapped. Ukraine really could use the support orange man promised not to give right now.
This "I'm going to not vote/vote third party to show my distane for the whole system" it's just accelerationism. It's "I'm gonna let things get much worse much faster, so that more people see how right I am". And what I see so many of you not get is that "things get worse" means a lot of people dying.
Again, I'm sorry for you. It's hard having good morals while living in an utterly immoral country. But frankly, good ammerican lefties suffering from nightmares about the moral stain on their consciousness that is voting for Joe Genocide is not a primary concern for me. I would like to not get conquered by The Third Russian Empire, thank you very much.
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By Josh Marshall
I want to return to this revelatory interview with coconspirator John Eastman, the last portion of which was published Thursday by Tom Klingenstein, the Chairman of the Trumpite Claremont Institute and then highlighted by our Josh Kovensky. There’s a lot of atmospherics in this interview, a lot of bookshelf-lined tweedy gentility mixed with complaints about OSHA regulations and Drag Queen story hours. But the central bit comes just over half way through the interview when Eastman gets into the core justification and purpose for trying to overturn the results of the 2020 election and overthrow the constitutional order itself. He invokes the Declaration of Independence and says quite clearly that yes, we were trying to overthrow the government and argues that they were justified because of the sheer existential threat America was under because of the election of Joe Biden.
Jan 6th conspirators have spent more than two years claiming either that nothing really happened at all in the weeks leading up to January 6th or that it was just a peaceful protest that got a bit out of hand or that they were just making a good faith effort to follow the legal process. Eastman cuts through all of this and makes clear they were trying to overthrow (“abolish”) the government; they were justified in doing so; and the warrant for their actions is none other than the Declaration of Independence itself.
“Our Founders lay this case out,” says Eastman. “There’s actually a provision in the Declaration of Independence that a people will suffer abuses while they remain sufferable, tolerable while they remain tolerable. At some point abuses become so intolerable that it becomes not only their right but their duty to alter or abolish the existing government.”
“So that’s the question,” he tells Klingenstein. “Have the abuses or the threat of abuses become so intolerable that we have to be willing to push back?”
The answer for Eastman is clearly yes and that’s his justification for his and his associates extraordinary actions.
Let’s dig in for a moment to what this means because it’s a framework of thought or discourse that was central to many controversies in the first decades of the American Republic. The Declaration of Independence has no legal force under American law. It’s not a legal document. It’s a public explanation of a political decision: to break the colonies’ allegiance to Great Britain and form a new country. But it contains a number of claims and principles that became and remain central to American political life.
The one Eastman invokes here is the right to overthrow governments. The claim is that governments have no legitimacy or authority beyond their ability to serve the governed. Governments shouldn’t be overthrown over minor or transitory concerns. But when they become truly oppressive people have a right to get rid of them and start over. This may seem commonsensical to us. But that’s because we live a couple centuries downstream of these events and ideas. Governments at least in theory are justified by how they serve their populations rather than countries being essentially owned by the kings or nobilities which rule them.
But this is a highly protean idea. Who gets to decide? Indeed this question came up again and again over the next century each time the young republic faced a major political crisis, whether it was in the late 1790s, toward the end of the War of 1812, in 1832-33 or finally during the American Civil War. If one side didn’t get its way and wanted out what better authority to cite than the Declaration of Independence? There is an obvious difference but American political leaders needed a language to describe it. What they came up with is straightforward. It’s the difference between a constitutional or legal right and a revolutionary one. Abraham Lincoln was doing no more than stating a commonplace when he said this on the eve of the Civil War in his first inaugural address (emphasis added): “This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing Government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it.”
In other words, yes, you have a revolutionary right to overthrow the government if you really think its abuses have gotten that intractable and grave. But the government has an equal right to stop you, to defend itself or, as we see today, put you on trial if you fail. The American revolutionaries of 1776 knew full well that they were committing treason against the British monarchy. If they lost they would all hang. They accepted that. They didn’t claim that George III had no choice but to let them go.
From the beginning the Trump/Eastman coup plotters have tried to wrap their efforts in legal processes and procedures. It was their dissimulating shield to hide the reality of their coup plot and if needed give them legal immunity from the consequences. The leaders of the secession movement tried the same thing in 1861.
In a way I admire Eastman for coming clean. I don’t know whether he sees the writing on the wall and figures he might as well lay his argument out there or whether his grad school political theory pretensions and pride got the better of him and led him to state openly this indefensible truth. Either way he’s done it and not in any way that’s retrievable as a slip of the tongue. They knew it was a coup and they justified it to themselves in those terms. He just told us. They believed they were justified in trying to overthrow the government, whether because of OSHA chair size regulations or drag queens or, more broadly, because the common herd of us don’t understand the country’s “founding principles” the way Eastman and his weirdo clique do. But they did it. He just admitted it. And now they’re going to face the consequences.
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mrgaretcarter · 9 months
Honestly I think it would do us all well to go back to kinda cringy feminism again for a little bit idk cause I think maybe for some people the discourse somehow circled back around to supporting sexism just rebranded or whatever so its more aesthetic
#personal#instead of progressing the discourse into idk more inclusion of women of color and trans women#it went in the direction of like glorifying women being stupid and romanticizing beauty standarts#also weird centering of men all over again in feminism and in general for some reason#remember in the early 2010s when emma watson was like obliterated for that 'he for she' campaign#because it prioritized men in feminist discourse and then thats the exact direction where things went later on (and where it is currently)#people care more abt like 'haha this is my golden retriever bf he drinks respect women juice!' than about actual women speaking abt feminis#like being a feminist isnt about social change and women prioritizing each other its abt how dudes are hot when they do the bare minimum!#also have you noticed the rise in lesbophobia both in the sense of persecution of lesbians themselves#and of lesbians relationships and culture which other wlw are also part of (its giving lavender menace)#and also remember how we had the me too movement and then immediately after#everyone still fell for a smear campaing against a victim of domestic abuse?#anyway i would really love to get back to basics of like women should support each other!#and beauty standarts overwhelmingly negatively affect women and girls!#and we still need to incentivize girls to seek out intellectual pursuits especially in STEM and leadership roles!#because we continue to be underpresented in those fields and the only way to enact change is to bring our perspectives to those areas#instead of asking politely for guys to throw us a bone!#also stop acting like its cringe to openly and vocally center and prioritize women in every sphere of our lives possible!#and also maybe go back to actively trying to do that! and considering that a good thing!??#because we're the ones who should have our backs most of all?? idk idk#also where are the teeth??#why is everyone so afraid of being angry now???#its like some people circled back to being afraid of being mistaken for man-hating or something#just for pointing out common sense aspects of oppression without adding an asterisk about how men suffer too!#i thought we all knew there is no such thing as reverse sexism!!!#idk!!!#and this isnt me condoning choice feminism many women are evil and actively work against their own interests#or antagonize other women to make themselves feel important such as terfs etc#but idk its like everyone internalized that 'well women can suck too' so hard that its become like#'*most* women suck and we dont even have to keep trying to empathize and prioritize each other and our issues anymore'
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odinsblog · 1 year
“Last year, the Supreme Court, in an originalist opinion by Justice Clarence Thomas, held that the Second Amendment precludes virtually any gun control limitations that were not widely employed historically.
Thomas argued that if our nation doesn't already have a long and demonstrable historical tradition of limiting access to firearms in a particular way, then the government is not permitted to enact such a limitation today.
But of course, the vast majority of modern gun control laws don't have clear historical analogues. We didn't face the same concerns back then. Guns were much less sophisticated and much less deadly, and our society was very different. Of course, we didn't enact laws way back then to address today's unique concerns.
A few months ago, relying on that originalist decision of the Supreme Court, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals struck down the federal law prohibiting persons under a restraining order for domestic violence or domestic abuse from owning a gun.
At the time of the framing, domestic abuse was not a crime.
A husband had a legal right to assault or even to rape his wife. Thus, historically, there obviously were no laws preventing domestic abusers from owning a gun.
Therefore, under the Supreme Court's originalist rule, such a law is unconstitutional today. And thus, the Fifth Circuit struck the federal law down.
But of course, historically, women were considered to have virtually no rights at all. And women had no ability to vote, no ability to hold public office, no ability to participate in the political process by which the historical laws determining the scope of permissible gun regulation were made.
In that bygone era, the laws way back then were made by the men doing the beating, not by the women being abused.
And yet, originalism tells us that the fact that the exclusionary, unjust political process of a long gone age did not protect domestic abuse victims means that all federal, state and local governments everywhere today are powerless to protect those women.
Every single day in America in 2023, multiple women are shot and killed by domestic partners, and the government can do nothing to keep them safe, because 200 years ago, the men in power didn't think that domestic abuse was a problem.
That's no way to decide constitutional law cases in the 21st century.
It's just not.”
—Prof. Thomas Colby, NO, the Supreme Court should not focus on the ‘originalist’ meaning of the Constitution
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