#Toulouse the Advocate
seltzher-bottel · 3 months
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Smitten Kitten
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reasonsforhope · 9 months
"New Mexico will establish a permanent absentee voter list and remove barriers to voting on tribal lands under sweeping legislation signed into law Thursday [March 30, 2023] by Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham.
The measure also will automate voter registration during certain Motor Vehicle Division transactions and more quickly restore the voting rights of people exiting prison after a felony conviction. It was supported this year by Democratic legislative leaders and Lujan Grisham, a Democrat, after a similar measure died in the final moments of the 2022 session amid a GOP filibuster...
Republican lawmakers fiercely opposed the bill this year, too, contending automatic voter registration and other measures aren't necessary in a state that already allows same-day registration. But advocates of the legislation, House Bill 4, celebrated Thursday [March 30, 2023] as Lujan Grisham signed the bill during a ceremony at the Capitol with Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver; House Speaker Javier Martínez, D-Albuquerque; and others.
Native American leaders described it as critical step toward protecting the voting rights of people on tribal land, especially those without a traditional mailing address. [More details in/moved to the last key point!]
In a signing ceremony at the Capitol, Lujan Grisham said the legislation would serve as a template for other states. "We want to send a message to the rest of the country — that this is what voting access and protection should look like," the governor said...
Absentee voting: Sign up once
The legislation calls for a permanent absentee voter list to be available in time for the 2024 elections. Voters could sign up once to get absentee ballots mailed to them before every statewide election. People on the list would also get notices mailed to them seven weeks before Election Day. Any election-related mail returned to the county clerk as undeliverable would trigger the voters' removal from the absentee list.
Automated voter registration
Automatic voter registration during some transactions at MVD [DMV] offices — such as when a person presents documents proving citizenship while applying for a driver's license — would begin in July 2025. Newly registered voters would be told they've been added to the voter rolls and that they'll get a postcard in the mail allowing them to decline the registration. For MVD customers already registered to vote, their address would be updated in the voting rolls if they renew their driver's license with a different address.
Restoration of rights
The legislation will restore the voting rights of felons when they leave custody rather than after they complete probation or parole. Inmates would be granted the chance to register or update their registration before release. The Sentencing Project, an advocacy group, estimated the measure will restore the voting rights of more than 11,000 citizens.
New holiday
The bill makes Election Day a school holiday.
Drop boxes
The legislation requires each county to have at least two secured, monitored boxes for people to drop off absentee ballots. State election officials are empowered to waive the requirement or grant requests for additional containers, depending on the circumstances of each county.
Native American voting
The proposal establishes a Native American Voting Rights Act.
[Moved here from earlier in the article]
The measure requires collaboration with pueblos, nations and tribes on establishing polling places, early voting locations and precinct boundaries. It also allows members to register to vote or receive absentee ballots at official tribal buildings — a necessity, supporters said, for residents who don't receive mail at home. "It is truly monumental reform," said Ahtza Chavez, executive director of NM Native Vote and a member of the Kewa Pueblo and Diné Nation. "It requires collaboration with tribes at all levels.""
-via Albuquerque Journal, March 30, 2023
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In your last reply you mentioned that knowing exaclty which deputies Robespierre was referring to in his speech is a question for another day. I take the opportunity to ask it to you now! Are there some primary sources stating the exact names and if not who do you personally think they were? I initially thought he was referring to the deputies on missions that committed many atrocities, but this post of yours ("Robespierre — ”horrified” by excessive Representatives on Mission?")made me skeptical about it.
Nope, no complete list of name was ever found, so figuring out exactly who Robespierre was gunning for is entirely up to speculation. Personally, I think the best way to do it would be looking over several pieces dating back to the months/weeks surrounding thermidor, and the more places a person’s name shows up on, the more likely they are to have been on the menu.
We can start off with Robespierre’s 8 thermidor speech and the people that he does mention by name in it. This gives us above all Cambon, Ramel and Mallarmé:
The counter-revolution lies in the administration of finances. It is all about system of counter-revolutionary innovation, disguised under the appearance of patriotism. It seeks to foment agiotage, to weaken the public credence by dishonouring the French loyalty, to favour the rich creditors, to ruin and to discourage the poor, to multiply the number of unhappy ones, to deprive the people of the national goods, and to imperceptibly bring the ruin of the public fortune. Who are the supreme administrators of our finances? Brissotins, Feuillants, aristocrats and known rascals. Who are the supreme administrators of our finances? Brissotins, Feuillants, aristocrats and known rascals; these are the Cambons, the Mallarmés, the Ramels; these are the companions and the successors of Chabot, of Fabre and of Julien de Toulouse.
In a struck out part he also openly denounces Amar and Jagot from the Committee of General Security:
Amar and Jagot, having seized the policing, have more influence alone than all the members of the Committee of General Security: their power is still based on this army of clerks of which they are the bosses and the generals; it is they who are the principal architects of the system of divisiveness and slander. 
Finally, in one version given of the speech he also explicitly denounces Fouché for his role in the dechristnanization process — ”No Fouché, death is no eternal sleep.” 
Other than that, no names are mentioned, but we do learn about other elements regarding the conspiracy — its members have sought to ruin the revolution through excess on one side and indulgence on the other, some of them are advocates of atheism, and all of it can be traced back to British Prime minister William Pitt, the duke of York and ”all the tyrants that are armed against us.” More importantly, it includes deputies of both the Convention, the Committee of Public Safety (CPS), the Committee of General Security (CGS) and agents of this latter committee. For the CPS, Billaud-Varennes is indirectly denounced: ”Why do those who told you once : I tell you that we are walking on volcanoes, believe that they only walk on roses today?” This is confirmed by the speech Saint-Just tried to hold the following day — ”Billaud often repeats these words with feigned fear: We are walking on a volcano.” The CGS is in its turn distincly denounced for the so called Catherine Théot affair (which I wrote about more at length here). While again no specific names are mentioned, the committee member most implicated in said affair was its president, Vadier, who was the one who read aloud the report regarding it to the Convention on June 15.
Second of all, we can take a look at these notes on ”suspect” deputies found among Robespierre’s papers, written by him sometime after the passing of the law of 22 prairial. On the list is Dubois-de-Crancé, held suspect for behaving like a counter-revolutionary while on mission and having been closely linked with the Duke of Orléans, Delmas, suspect for being a former noble and a ”mad intriguer”, behaving ambiguously at the army of the North and having been allied with the Girondins and then the dantonists, Thuriot, for being an ally of Orléans, having quited down after the death of Danton, going to dinners held by the latter and Delacroix and while there having made ”an attempt to stop the revolutionary movement, by preaching indulgence under the name of morality, when one delivered the first blows to the aristocracy” and trying to arm the National Convention against the CPS when Saint-Just read out the report against the dantonists, Bourdon de l'Oise for throwing orgies and killing voluntaries with his hand while on a mission, making a motion to no longer pay direct taxes which would remove the resource of fish, speaking out against the law of 22 Prairial when it was first introduced, being a fierce defender of the system of atheism and dismantling the decree proclaiming the existence of the Supreme Being, making sarcastic remarks during the festival of the Supreme Being, threatning a young girl with a pair of pistols and saying that, if he were to shoot himself, she would be accused of murder and guillotined, having written a letter to counter-revolutionary saying that the prisoners would soon be released and those responsible for their arrest put in their place, and walking ”with the appearance of an assassin who contemplates a crime,” and finally Léonard Bourdon, suspect for having been a ”despised intriguer all the time,” one of the principal accomplices of Hébert and Cloots, composing a counter-revolutionary, hébertist, opera that was shut down by the Committee of Public Safety, enlarging the number of his lodgers, trying to solicit the liberty of a Dutch banker and then denying it, as well as speaking without taking his hat off and wearing ridicolous clothes at the Convention. 
This list also implicates Carnot, who brought a clerk Bourdon d’Oise presented into his offices (a clerk that was later dismissed upon the repeated proposal of Robespierre) and is often communitating with Delmas, as well as Dufourny, denounced as a friend of both Danton and Dubois de Crancé.
Third, we can look at the people Robespierre openly denounced in the weeks right before thermidor. Here we find Pille, denounced by Robespierre on July 16, saying that his conduct ”deserves the most serious attention,” Fouché, expelled from the Jacobins by Robespierre on July 14 for his conduct while on mission and having since become ”the leader of the conspiracy which we have to thwart,” Dubois-Crancé on July 11, accused of showing weakness in the taking of Lyon by Robespierre and expelled from the Jacobins on the initiative of Couthon, and Tallien on June 12 who Robespierre claims ”is one of those who speak incessantly with terror, and publicly of the guillotine, as something that concerns them, to debase and disturb the National Convention.”
If we back a few more months we find Amar, called out on March 16 for his report on the East India company scandal by Robespierre and Billaud-Varennes, who both consider it too narrow. The same day Robespierre also openly opposes a motion from Léonard Bourdon, who, he says, ”it is not yet proven doesn’t belong to the conjuration,” and finally, on April 5 Dufourny is expelled from the Jacobins  by Robespierre as a friend of Danton.
We also have an unfinished, undelivered speech Robespierre wrote somewhere in February-March 1794, before the purge of the hébertist and dantonists. Among the by now executed men, we also find a few that have escaped procecution:
And who are the authors of this system of disorganization? […] It’s Dubois-de-Crancé, accused of having betrayed the interests of the Republic before Lyon. It’s Merlin (de Thionville), famous for the capitulation of Mayence, more than suspected of having received the prize; It’s Bourdon de l'Oise; it’s Philippeaux; it’s the two Goupilleaus (Jean-François Goupilleau and Philippe-Charles-Aimé Goupilleau) both citizens of the Vendée; all needing to throw back on the patriots who hold the reins of the government the multiplied prevarications of which they were guilty during their mission of the Vendée; It is Maribon-Montant, once a minion and declared partisan of the former Duke of Orléans, the only one of his family who has not emigrated, formerly as proud of his title of marquis and his financial nobility as he is now bold to deny them; serving as well as he could his friends at Coblenz in the popular societies, where he recently condemned to the guillotine five hundred members of the National Convention; seeking to avenge his humiliated caste by his eternal denunciations against the Committee of Public Safety and against all patriots.
It can finally also be observed that in his notes jotted down against the dantonists, Robespierre writes that Danton’s influence can be spotted in the writings of Bourdon (he doesn’t specify which one). Robespierre’s ally Claude-François Payan (put on third place on a list of patriots written by Robespierre) did in his turn call for the overthrow of ”Bourdon and his accomplices” in a letter to Robespierre dated June-July 1794.
We can also look at which deputies Robespierre’s collegues after thermidor said he wanted proscribed. These pieces should of course be treated with more caution given the time they were written, but they do still come from people who would have been in the right place to know and most were reported not that long after the fact.
The deputy Joachim Vilate reports in his Causes secrètes de la révolution du 9 au 10 thermidor (published October 1794) to have talked to Barère right after Robespierre had read his speech on 8 thermidor. The conversation, he claims, went as follows:
After a few minutes of silence I asked [Barère] this: ”Who might [Robespierre] have reason to attack?” ”This Robespierre is insatiable,” said Barère, ”since we won’t do everything he wants, he must break the glass with us. Had we been talking about Thuriot, Guffroy, Rovère, Lecointre, Panis, Cambon and this Monestier, who has offended my entire family, and the whole aftermath of the dantonists, and we would also understand him asking for Tallien, Bourdon de l’Oise, Legendre, Fréron, in due time…, but Duval, but Audouin, but Léonard Bourdon, Vadier, Vouland, it is impossible to consent to that.”
Barère himself, along with Billaud-Varennes, Collot d’Herbois and Vadier, reported the following when defending themselves against Laurent Lecointre’s charge of having been Robespierre’s ”accomplices” in 1795:
They are strange accomplices of Robespierre, those who, against his will, made a political report on the religious troubles, sheltered from all research in this matter the representatives of the people sent on mission in the departments, defended Tallien, Dubois-Crance, Fouché, Bourdon de l'Oise, and other representatives whom he relentlessly pursued. […] One day, we read letters and information sent to the Committee of General Security: Robespierre demanded immediate arrest for the two deputies denounced in these letters: the arrest of Dubois-Crancé was discussed and rejected: that of Alquier was strongly advocated by Robespierre who accused us of softening against the culprits and thus losing the public sake.
They also share an anecdote where Carnot would have called Saint-Just and Robespierre ”ridiculous dictators” during a committee meeting in May-June, after Saint-Just had threatened him with the guillotine. This incident is probably what Robespierre is referring to when he on July 1 said: ”In London I am denounced as a dictator, the same slander has been repeated in Paris: you would tremble if I told you where.”
They also write that during a CPS meeting on June 11, its members, with Billaud-Varennes in the forefont, loudly accused Couthon and Robespierre of having written and pushed through the Law of 22 Prarial without anyone else in the committee having been involved, and that the session after that got so stormy that the windows had to be closed.
In his memoirs, however sketchy those may be, Barère also claimed to have remember Robespierre showing a list to the CPS. ”It contained the names of 18 deputies [Robespierre] wanted to indict for going beyond their merit and exercising tyranny in the departments to which they had been sent. I remember a few of these names: Tallien, Fréron, Barras, Alquier, Dubois-Crancé, Monestier du Puy-de-Dôme, Prieur, Cavaignac.”
As for the representatives on mission, I think it’s rather clear Fouché was among the people Robespierre was after (you don’t exactly get called ”the leader of the conspiracy” for nothing). And as can also be seen, Fréron and Barras they too appear, if not in Robespierre’s own papers and speeches, at least on lists given after the fact by people who worked close to him. However, if it can be established that Robespierre possibly targeted these three, I don’t think it can be pinned down that he did so precisely for the excessive violence they exercised in the departments as the story often goes. Like I wrote in the post you cited, judging by what Robespierre says to Fouché when denouncing him, I think it sounds more like he’s accusing him of dechristnanization and falling out with Lyon’s local jacobins than he is of executing too many people (on July 11 he does after all say that national justice in Lyon ”wasn’t executed with the degree needed. The temporary commission initially showed energy, but soon gave way to human weakness which too soon tires of serving the fatherland.”)
For Carrier, I can find absolutly no mention of him in either Robespierre’s speeches and papers or lists given after the fact. The only person pointing him out as someone Robespierre had a problem with that I know of is Charlotte Robespierre in her memoirs — ”Many times [Maximilien] asked, in vain, for Carrier, whom Billaud-Varennes protected, to be recalled.” Charlotte already makes other claims regarding her brother’s supposed moderation that get more dubious when you look closer at them, and in this case we even have a different statement to counter it with. It comes from the deputy Laignelot who during the trial of Carrier had the following to say:
Before Carrier was denounced, I had told this fact to several of my colleagues. I went to see Robespierre; I described to him all the horrors that had been committed in Nantes; he replied: “Carrier is a patriot; that was needed in Nantes.” 
Judging by when Laignelot says this, it can’t exactly be treated as hard evidence either, but I think it is enough to get Charlotte’s claim locked in a word against word duel. It must on the other hand be observed that all the lists from right after thermidor were written after Carrier had been either arrested or executed, and that it therefore doesn’t sound impossible the author would have cleaned up his name would it be true he was on there, but then there’s no way to prove that was the case either.
I will say I think you can still build a functioning thesis that Robespierre was aiming at the representatives on mission, and this for having been too excessive with the amount of executions. However, with so many others deputies explicately named by Robespierre himself, I find it hard to believe they were the prime targets, which is why it’s so strange to me that some historians still portray it that way. 
Given the things written above, my own guess as to which deputies Robespierre was targeting would go a little like this:
Likely on the list: Cambon, Ramel, Mallarmé, Amar, Jagot (openly denounced in Robespierre’s thermidor speech), Bourdon de l’Oise (brought up 6 times) Dubois-Crancé (5 times), Fouché (3 times), Léonard Bourdon (3 times) Delmas, Thuriot (appear on a list of suspect deputies).
Possibly on the list: Tallien (3 times), Fréron, Alquier, Monestier, Billaud-Varennes, Vadier, Carnot (2 times), Barras, Pille Merlin de Thionville, Jean-François Goupilleau, Philippe-Charles-Aimé Goupilleau, Maribon-Montant, Thuriot, Guffroy, Rovère, Lecointre, Panis, Duval, Audouin, Vouland, Prieur, Cavaignac (1 time).
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labellerose-acheron · 3 months
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The Right Honorable Viscountess Belle Bonfamille
Name: Belle Bonfamille Title: Viscountess Magic Status: Mundus
Accoutrement: Heirloom jewelry (her mother's locket) Accomplishments: Equestrian, well-read, knows a foreign language (French)
Scandal: If one looks closely, her children bare a striking resemblance to her husband's valet...also, she had a child quite soon after her and Toulouse were married…
Viscountess Belle, whilst having a few rumors swirling around her, remains a kind and steadfast member of the community, who advocates for the rights of the lower and middle classes. She still keeps in touch with the friends she made while exiled from society. She is far too political for most people's tastes.
However, she doesn't care and will engage anyone in debate.
She is living her best poly life. <3
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influencermagazineuk · 8 months
Celebrities and Their Beloved Canine Companions
Celebrities, just like the rest of us, often find solace, joy, and unwavering loyalty in the company of their furry friends. In a world where the spotlight rarely dims, their dogs provide a unique kind of companionship and unconditional love. Let's delve into the endearing connections between some well-known figures and their canine counterparts. Tom Hardy and His Best Buddy, Woody: The ruggedly handsome actor Tom Hardy shares a heartwarming bond with his loyal dog, Woody. The pair became inseparable while filming "Lawless" in 2012. Sadly, Woody passed away in 2017, leaving a lasting impression on Hardy, who often speaks about his dear friend in interviews. Jennifer Aniston's Love for Dolly: "Friends" star Jennifer Aniston is a well-known dog lover. She has a charming white German Shepherd named Dolly, who has been a constant source of support and companionship for the actress. Aniston often shares glimpses of her life with Dolly on social media, showcasing their adventures together. Ryan Reynolds and Baxter: Ryan Reynolds, known for his quick wit and humor, has a fluffy and endearing friend named Baxter. The actor frequently shares amusing anecdotes about his experiences as a dog owner, endearing himself to fans even more with his relatable tales of dog parenting. Oprah Winfrey's Four-Legged Family: Media mogul Oprah Winfrey is a passionate advocate for dogs and has several furry family members. Her dogs, including cocker spaniels Sadie and Lauren, as well as golden retrievers Luke and Layla, have been cherished members of her household for years. Oprah's love for her dogs has even led her to establish a line of pet food products. Miley Cyrus and Her Rescues: Pop sensation Miley Cyrus has a deep affection for animals, especially rescue dogs. She has adopted numerous dogs over the years, providing them with loving homes. One of her most famous canine companions is Mary Jane, an adorable pit bull mix who often graces Miley's social media posts. Chris Evans' Loyal Sidekick, Dodger: Captain America himself, Chris Evans, shares his life with Dodger, a rescue dog he adopted while filming a movie. The two share an unbreakable bond, with Dodger often making appearances on Evans' Instagram account, where fans get to witness their heartwarming friendship. Ariana Grande's Beloved Pack: Ariana Grande, the pop superstar with a penchant for the petite, has several dogs in her family. Toulouse, Coco, and Myron are just a few of her cherished pets. She's known for her love of animals and regularly uses her platform to raise awareness about animal welfare issues. The Royals and Their Canine Companions: Even members of the royal family are not immune to the charms of dogs. Queen Elizabeth II is famous for her corgis, and Prince William and Kate Middleton have a black cocker spaniel named Lupo who has been a part of their family for years. Justin Theroux and Kuma: Actor and screenwriter Justin Theroux has a special connection with his rescue pit bull, Kuma. The two are often seen enjoying walks and adventures together in New York City. Their bond is a testament to the joys of adopting rescue dogs. Reese Witherspoon's Furry Family: Reese Witherspoon, known for her roles in films like "Legally Blonde" and "Wild," is a dedicated dog lover. Her French bulldog, Pepper, and chocolate Labrador, Hank, are frequently featured in her social media posts, offering a glimpse into her life as a dog mom. Lady Gaga and Her Pups: Pop icon Lady Gaga's love for her French bulldogs, Koji and Gustav, is well-documented. She often shares adorable photos and videos of her dogs, showing the world a softer, more personal side to her larger-than-life persona. Celebrities and their dogs remind us that fame and fortune can't replace the simple joys of companionship and unconditional love. These heartwarming connections serve as a reminder that, in the grand scheme of things, the bond between a human and their dog is something truly special, transcending the glitz and glamour of Hollywood. Read the full article
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randomaccessmike · 1 year
Lessons for High School Graduates from Marcus Aurelius' Meditations
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Ra 61 b, Musée Saint-Raymond Toulouse Marcus Aurelius' Meditations is a timeless collection of philosophical reflections from one of history's greatest thinkers. As high school graduates embark on their journey into adulthood, they can glean valuable lessons from Aurelius' wisdom. This article explores the teachings of Marcus Aurelius and how they can benefit young individuals transitioning into the next phase of their lives. Understanding Marcus Aurelius Marcus Aurelius, born in 121 AD, was a Roman emperor renowned for his intellectual pursuits and leadership skills. His reign was characterized by political challenges and military conflicts. Amidst these responsibilities, Aurelius turned to philosophy and introspection as a means to find solace and guide his actions. Meditations, written as a personal diary, encapsulates his thoughts on a wide range of topics. Lesson 1: Stoic Philosophy and Virtue Ethics Stoic philosophy, a central theme in Meditations, advocates for the cultivation of inner virtue and the pursuit of moral character. As high school graduates face an array of choices and uncertainties, adopting stoic principles can provide them with a robust framework for decision-making. By focusing on personal virtue, individuals can align their actions with their values, fostering a sense of integrity and purpose. Lesson 2: Finding Inner Peace and Resilience One of the key lessons from Marcus Aurelius' Meditations is the importance of finding inner peace and developing resilience. High school graduates often encounter challenging situations, and cultivating resilience can help them navigate through setbacks and hardships. Meditative practices, inspired by Aurelius' reflections, can aid in managing stress and fostering emotional well-being. Lesson 3: The Pursuit of Self-Improvement In Meditations, Marcus Aurelius emphasizes the importance of continuous self-improvement. High school graduates can embrace a growth mindset and seek opportunities for personal and intellectual development. By adopting a proactive approach to learning, graduates can enhance their skills, broaden their knowledge, and adapt to the evolving world around them. Lesson 4: Embracing the Present Moment Marcus Aurelius encourages individuals to embrace the present moment fully. In today's fast-paced world, high school graduates often find themselves preoccupied with the past or future. Practicing mindfulness, as inspired by Aurelius' teachings, can help graduates appreciate the beauty of the present moment, enhance their focus, and reduce anxiety. Lesson 5: Facing Challenges and Overcoming Obstacles Meditations offers profound insights into facing challenges and overcoming obstacles. Marcus Aurelius acknowledges that life is filled with hardships and encourages individuals to develop resilience and perseverance. By adopting a positive mindset and employing practical strategies, high school graduates can tackle obstacles head-on and emerge stronger from adversity. Lesson 6: Cultivating Gratitude and Perspective Gratitude plays a significant role in Marcus Aurelius' philosophy. High school graduates can benefit from cultivating a grateful mindset, which promotes well-being and perspective. Aurelius' teachings remind us to appreciate the simple joys of life, recognize the interconnectedness of all things, and maintain a balanced perspective even in the face of difficulties. Lesson 7: Building Meaningful Relationships Marcus Aurelius emphasizes the importance of building meaningful relationships based on mutual respect and genuine connection. High school graduates can learn valuable lessons on fostering healthy relationships, nurturing friendships, and leveraging the power of social networks. Balancing online interactions with face-to-face connections is crucial in the digital age. Conclusion Marcus Aurelius' Meditations offer timeless wisdom that resonates with high school graduates as they embark on their adult lives. The lessons derived from Aurelius' philosophy encompass stoic principles, resilience, self-improvement, mindfulness, gratitude, and building meaningful relationships. By applying these teachings, graduates can navigate the challenges of adulthood with wisdom and grace, finding fulfillment and personal growth along the way. FAQs 1. What is the significance of Marcus Aurelius' Meditations? The significance of Marcus Aurelius' Meditations lies in its timeless wisdom and practical teachings. It offers guidance on various aspects of life, including personal virtue, resilience, mindfulness, and building meaningful relationships. 2. How can high school graduates apply stoic philosophy in their lives? High school graduates can apply stoic philosophy by focusing on personal virtue, aligning their actions with their values, developing resilience, embracing the present moment, and seeking continuous self-improvement. 3. What are some practical techniques for practicing mindfulness? Practical techniques for practicing mindfulness include deep breathing exercises, meditation, mindful observation of surroundings, journaling, and engaging in activities that promote focused attention and relaxation. 4. How can high school graduates overcome challenges using Marcus Aurelius' teachings? High school graduates can overcome challenges by adopting a positive mindset, developing resilience, seeking perspective, focusing on inner virtue, and utilizing practical strategies for problem-solving and adaptation. 5. How can gratitude enhance the well-being of high school graduates? Gratitude enhances the well-being of high school graduates by promoting a positive outlook, fostering contentment, reducing stress, strengthening relationships, and cultivating a sense of appreciation for life's blessings. Read the full article
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animala2z · 1 year
Munchkin Cat Breed Personality Special, Adoption, Lifespan, Price
The Munchkin is a fairly new strain of cat characterized by its veritably short legs, which are caused by inheritable mutation. The Munchkin is considered to be the original strain of the dwarf cat.
important contestation erupted over the strain when it was honored by The International Cat Association in 1997 with critics venting concern over implicit health and mobility issues. numerous birth cat associations around the world have refused to fete the Munchkin cat due to the weal of strain and inflexibility of the health issues, the Governing Council of Cat Fancy( GCCF).
The name” munchkin” derives from penL. Frank Baum’s fine occupants of Munchkin Country, formed in the 1900 novel, The awful Wizard of Oz.
Munchkin pussycats are short on legs and big on personality. Learn further about this incredibly cute one-of-a-kind cat strain.
Breed creation And Registry History of Munchkin breed
Short-lawful pussycats have been proven a number of times around the world since the 1940s. A British veterinary report in 1944 noted four generations of short-lawful pussycats which were analogous to normal pussycats except for the length of the legs. This line faded during the Second World War but other short-lawful pussycats were spotted in Russia in 1956 and the United States in the 1970s.
In 1983, Sandra Hochenedel, a music schoolteacher in Rayville, Louisiana, set up two pregnant pussycats who had been chased under a truck by a canine. She kept one of the pussycats and named her Blackberry and half of her gibs were born short-lawful. Hochenedel gave a short-lawful manly alley cat from one of Blackberry’s litters to a friend, Kay LaFrance of Monroe, Louisiana, and she named the alley cat Toulouse. It’s from Blackberry and Toulouse’s waste that moment’s Munchkin strain is descended.
The Munchkin cat was first introduced to the general public in 1991 via a public network televised cat show held by The International Cat Association( TICA) in Davis Oklahoma. still, the strain would not be officially honored at that time. Critics prognosticated that the strain would develop back, hipsterism, and leg problems analogous to those that persecute some Dachshunds. Numerous times, the Munchkin strain wasn’t accepted in nimble competitions due to the controversial parentage.
New Breed Development Programme
Dr. Solveig Pflueger, a show judge, geneticist, and speaker of TICA’s Genetics Committee was a strong advocate for the sanctioned recognition of the strain. Pflueger was also a breeder of Munchkin pussycats herself, having been originally transferred two pussycats from Hochenedel. Amidst important contestation, the Munchkin was proposed as a new strain by foundation breeders Laurie Bobskill and Robert Bobskill of Massachusetts and accepted by TICA into its New Breed development program in September 1994.
One stager show judge Katherine Crawford abnegated in kick, calling the strain a poke to breeders with ethics. The Munchkin strain achieved TICA Championship status in May 2003.
presently, the only registries that completely fete the strain are TICA and the Southern Africa Cat Council. There’s contestation among breeders of birth pussycats as to what inheritable mutations are abnormal and potentially inimical to the cat. Katie Lasnik, director of cat protection and policy at the Humane Society of the United States, has said” parentage creatures for inflated physical characteristics, particularly when it compromises overall health, is reckless”.
Several cat registries don’t fete the Munchkin Fédération Internationale Féline, which refuses to fete what they consider a strain grounded on an” inheritable complaint”, achondroplasia. The Governing Council of the Cat Fancy likewise refuses to fete the strain, considering this strain and others like it to be” inferior” because they’re grounded on an” abnormal structure or development”.
The strain is also not honored by the Cat suckers’ Association. The Australian Capital Territory(home of Australia) government considers the munchkin strain to be” deformed creatures” and the deliberate parentage of them” inferior” because of the” inheritable health problems associated with similar parentage”.
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seltzher-bottel · 3 months
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They’ve been on my mind so much
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beaumont-ague · 2 years
V, A, N, G, O - 2, 5, 7, 10, 13, 20, 24
V - Visionary - Do they have a plan for their future? How imaginative or creative are they? Do they have vivid dreams?
Toulouse is in school to focus on his abilities as an artist and to find his creative purpose. He wants to be a famous painter one day, but he is often self conscious about his work and doesn’t think people will understand or appreciate it as much as he does. Toulouse has always been incredibly imaginable, and his dreams are almost always vivid and clear.
A - Advocate - How do they show their support for others? Are there any causes that they publicly support? Why?
One of the best parts about having Toulouse as a friend is that he is incredibly loyal and down for those he cares about. He will always drop what he’s doing to help a friend in need, or make sure that others can always depend on him. Toulouse is definitely a proud member and supporter of the LGBTQ+ community, but also tries to get involved in things that he or his friends care about. He helped Charlie build a campus club based solely on the other’s interest in aliens and space exploration. He will always support his friends and try to hype them up as much as possible. 
N - Navigator - What’s their sense of direction like? Do they have a set path in life that they’re planning on following? What do they do if they’re knocked off course?
It might seem like Toulouse is a very go-with-the-flow kind of person, but that was something he had to (and still does have to) work hard at. Because he has ADHD, Toulouse often struggles to stay on task and finish things through. He also will bounce from thought to thought, action to action, etc if he can’t focus his mind. He has a great natural sense of direction as far as navigating physically, but mentally he struggles a lot. It takes a toll on him whenever he gets too distracted or thrown off. However, due to past trauma, Toulouse made sure that he would never allow himself to physically get lost ever again, which comes in handy when meeting new townsfolk who get a bit confused in the hustle and bustle. 
G - Growing - How have they changed over time? How has their self-image changed? Are they more or less of a risk-taker? Has their approach to romance changed?
Toulouse went from an insecure young child who always tried to prove himself and his self worth to an adult who tries not to let things bother him as much anymore. Growing up, Toulouse didn’t have a lot of friends and was always getting into fights with some of his school mates. Most of them were verbal disagreements, but he did have a few minor physical altercations. However, after maturing and moving past those insecurities, Toulouse is much more calm and rational now. For the most part, anyway. He gained a lot more confidence as the years went on, and became less afraid of taking risks. Quite literally, he reached a point where he just said fuck it, why not? Romance was never something he took too seriously when younger. He grew up having a severe aversion toward men based on his family situation, and didn’t have many examples of loving relationships to look at. He knew what love was supposed to feel like, from his siblings and family, but romantically? That didn’t happen until much later. He became a wild flirt the older he got, but loved the attention more than maintaining a relationship. It wasn’t until he met Rachel that Toulouse finally felt that he understood what a romantic relationship was supposed to feel like.
O - Organizer - How organized are they? Do they have any unusual organization systems? What would cause them to be uncharacteristically (dis-)organized?
Toulouse practices what he likes to call “organized chaos”. He is not organized in the slightest. If you looked at his room, you would find bits of things everywhere. A science notebook beside the bed, history notebook on the window sill, all of his painting supplies scattered throughout... Nothing would seem to be in place to any average person. However, Toulouse always knows where everything is. One time, his grandmother moved a belonging of his thinking that she was being helpful. However, Toulouse couldn’t find the item for almost a week, because it wasn’t where he left it. 
2. what is your muse’s favorite joke?
Why are most artists struggling with finances? Because they have no Monet.
5. what does self-care look like to your muse?
Self care for Toulouse would probably be taking a break from the world and just sitting alone either sketching or playing guitar. He also loves to just take naps and listen to podcasts.
7. what would your muse consider a perfect day?
Any time that he got to spend quality time with his friends doing something they enjoy. He’s not picky, but if you know his favorite things, that’s perfect enough.
10. who does your muse consider their best/closet friend?
Rachel and Charlie, hands down. He’s also quite fond of Tina, though he won’t exactly admit that out loud.
13. what would your muse consider their best physical feature?
His smile.
20. what is a way that your muse shows love and affection without words?
PHYSICAL TOUCH. He’s a slut sucker for physical touch, both giving and receiving. He will also go out of his way to plan special things or give someone a gift.
24. what is your muse’s favorite animal? have they ever gotten to see one in person?
Toulouse likes all sorts of cats. Big cats, particularly, but house cats are nice too. He loves visiting the zoo to see the lions, cheetahs, jaguars, etc.
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mattchase82 · 3 years
Saint Dominc and the Rosary
Saint Dominic, seeing that the gravity of people’s sins was hindering the conversion of the Albigensians, withdrew into a forest near Toulouse, where he prayed continuously for three days and three nights. During this time he did nothing but weep and do harsh penances in order to appease the anger of God. He used his discipline so much that his body was lacerated, and finally he fell into a coma. At this point our Lady appeared to him, accompanied by three angels, and she said, “Dear Dominic, do you know which weapon the Blessed Trinity wants to use to reform the world?” “Oh, my Lady,” answered Saint Dominic, “you know far better than I do, because next to your Son Jesus Christ you have always been the chief instrument of our salvation.” Then our Lady replied, “I want you to know that, in this kind of warfare, the principal weapon has always been the Angelic Psalter, which is the foundation-stone of the New Testament. Therefore, if you want to reach these hardened souls and win them over to God, preach my Psalter.” So he arose, comforted, and burning with zeal for the conversion of the people in that district, he made straight for the cathedral. At once unseen angels rang the bells to gather the people together, and Saint Dominic began to preach. At the very beginning of his sermon, an appalling storm broke out, the earth shook, the sun was darkened, and there was so much thunder and lightning that all were very much afraid. Even greater was their fear when, looking at a picture of our Lady exposed in a prominent place, they saw her raise her arms to heaven three times to call down God’s vengeance upon them if they failed to be converted, to amend their lives, and seek the protection of the holy Mother of God. God wished, by means of these supernatural phenomena, to spread the new devotion of the holy Rosary and to make it more widely known. At last, at the prayer of Saint Dominic, the storm came to an end, and he went on preaching. So fervently and compellingly did he explain the importance and value of the Rosary that almost all the people of Toulouse embraced it and renounced their false beliefs. In a very short time a great improvement was seen in the town; people began leading Christian lives and gave up their former bad habits.
The Fifteen Promises of Mary Granted to those who Recite the Rosary Daily
The Blessed Virgin Mary Promised to Saint Dominic and to all who follow that “Whatever you ask in the Rosary will be granted.” She left for all Christians Fifteen Promises to those who recite the Holy Rosary.
Imparted to Saint Dominic and Blessed Alan de la Roche
1. Whoever shall faithfully serve me by the recitation of the Rosary, shall receive signal graces.
2. I promise my special protection and the greatest graces to all those who shall recite the Rosary.
3. The Rosary shall be a powerful armor against hell, it will destroy vice, decrease sin, and defeat heresies.
4.The Rosary will cause virtue and good works to flourish; it will obtain for souls the abundant mercy of God; it will withdraw the hearts of men from the love of the world and its vanities, and will lift them to the desire for eternal things. Oh, that souls would sanctify themselves by this means.
5. The soul which recommends itself to me by the recitation of the Rosary, shall not perish.
6. Whoever shall recite the Rosary devoutly, applying himself to the consideration of its sacred mysteries shall never be conquered by misfortune. God will not chastise him in His justice, he shall not perish by an unprovided death; if he be just he shall remain in the grace of God, and become worthy of eternal life.
7. Whoever shall have a true devotion for the Rosary shall not die without the sacraments of the Church.
8. Those who are faithful to recite the Rosary shall have during their life and at their death the light of God and the plenititude of His graces; at the moment of death they shall participate in the merits of the saints in paradise.
9. I shall deliver from Purgatory those who have been devoted to the Rosary.
10. The faithful children of the Rosary shall merit a high degree of glory in Heaven.
11. You shall obtain all you ask of me by the recitation of the Rosary.
12. All those who propagate the Holy Rosary shall be aided by me in their necessities.
13. I have obtained from my Divine Son that all the advocates of the Rosary shall have for intercessors the entire celestial court during their life and at the hour of death.
14. All who recite the Rosary are my sons and daughters, and brothers and sisters of my only Son Jesus Christ.
15. Devotion of my Rosary is a great sign of predestination.
The Seven Great Blessings of the Rosary
In The Secret of the Rosary (p. 65), St. Louis De Montfort states:
"The Rosary recited with meditation on the mysteries brings bout the following marvelous results:
1. It gradually gives us a perfect knowledge of Jesus Christ;
2. It purifies our souls, washing away sin;
3. It gives us victory over all our enemies;
4. It makes it easy for us to practice virtue;
5. It sets us on fire with love of Our Blessed Lord;
6. It enriches us with graces and merits;
7. It supplies us with what is needed to pay all our debts to God and to our fellow men, and finally, it obtains all kinds of graces for us from Almighty God."
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themechaneer · 4 years
The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far Pt. 1 || Headcanon
So I’m honestly gonna try and make most of this straightforward and to the point. Mostly because it’d be way too easy to wax on and on about Joel’s parents if I don’t force myself NOT TO. To avoid that this HC is gonna be a 2 parter. But since the beginning I’ve planned to touch on their characters at least a bit if not detail the personailty traits that Joel inherited from them, his relationship with each, who he takes after more. Not just for the sake of details but because so much of who Joel is WAS very much shaped by his parents and the years he had with them. And so without further ado---
I n t r o d u c t i o n s  •  M e e t  t h e  p a r e n t s
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C a s e y  F o r g e s
Born In Queensland Australia Casey spent most of his golden youth around and on his father’s ship. His mother having died years before he and his dad (Mason Forges) had an extremely close bond and worked together host fish & game tours. Not exactly the easiest life but a good one since he was never one to mind hard work. He enlisted with the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) at 17 and after finishing basic was given leave to pursue his studies in engineering and architecture after being accepted at Yale University. 
Social by introvert standards though not one for the spotlight Casey has always been an odd sort of mix of rather contradictive traits. Quiet but confident, reserved yet intense, sensitive and analytical. Naturally kind, imaginative, empathic and observant he’s always been an altruist at heart whose ability to connect with others is mostly unrivaled. Intensly hardworking and humble Casey has always been one to delight in his work and a believer of engaging it and the people he works with and believes in with both generosity and kindness.
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C e l e s t e  S h u l t z
She was born in Paris and raised in ‘The Pink City’ of France, Toulouse as the only child of her accountant father Roy Mercier & dance teacher mother Angela Shultz. As luck would have it despite her parents divorce at a young age and her life having been split between the two her childhood was a mostly happy one. Summer & spring were spent in Paris with her mother where she learned art, to speak her mind, to be the kind, but to take no one’s shit. Autumn & Winter were spent with her father in Toulouse where she was taught politics (universal and social), self-sufficiency, to trust her instincts, and how to stand tall. Once she graduated she moved to the states having been accepted to Yale Law School.
The powerhouse, the devil’s advocate, face of an angel, but a mind and mouth made for war. Remy is a breed almost unto herself as the ultimate debater. Uncompromisingly honest and near blunt to a fault there aren’t many things she loves more then the process of mental sparring. Very much a ‘fuck the rules I’m trying to accomplish something here’ type of person as you can guess social status and social conformity are concepts she’s never had time for and never one to appreciate any level of coddling. Definitely one of a kind and certainly not for anyone who doesn’t have the thick skin or heart for unpleasant truths or hard rationality. If you’re able to get past her abrasive nature you’ll find someone with a brighter heart then anyone you’ve ever known, a vision, a sense of humor, charisma, confidence, genuine knowledge, a playful spirit, and honesty always.
T h e i r  S t o r y
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Casey and Remy attended college together but wouldn’t actually meet till his third year and her second. They actually met at a weekend party when Remy, having noticed one of the seniors having slipped something in her friend’s drink, threw her own, and some choice words of judgement upon the man’s intentions and upbringing. Words escalated to violence that may have resulted in a brawl that not only infected half the people present, but also made a steady path of destruction through the house. 
Chaos ensued, cops were called. In the end it wasn’t police that managed to pull an enraged Remy off her original target before she could actually take his eyes out, but Casey. Casey who’d stayed despite the threat of potential arrest, and got a hook to the jaw for his troubles via a reaction punch from the girl. Remy, completely sobered from her fury by way of shock and embarassment at this point in having realized her mistake tried to apologize only to be shushed and helped out a broken window by the same stranger she’d cracked across the jaw not a minute before. 
Needless to say they both made it back to the dorms a little worse for the night but their freedom intact and both with thoughts of the other on their mind. Remy with how she was gonna find the nameless lad to apologize to and thank him properly. Casey with a bruise already forming on his face and thoughts of how the blonde was by far the prettiest to have ever landed a decent punch on him. 
After finding the other of course what started as a DEFINITELY JUST AN APOLOGY NOT A DATE brunch out together that Casey may have conned/charmed Remy into letting him pay for “Your company was more then apology enough darlin’.” the two took to spending more and more time together. Not dating. Not that. Remy insistent she didn’t have the time or focus control for it despite spending nearly all her free time with the aussie. But also the both of them spending an awful lot of time not dating anyone else despite definitely not dating eachother.
Then came the stranding... The two were stranded in America in the aftermath and by the time everything was said in done in figuring out what the fuck they were gonna do now they were enough in love that when Casey asked her if she’d move in with him in the shelter he’d built she said yes. And the rest as they say is history~. Casey went to work overtime in helping people across the rapidly deteriorating states build shelters as well as taking up work within the cities to fortify shields and underground facilities. He also took other assorted goverment funded projects that eventually led to him contracting with Bridges and assisting with the creation and building of the knots and waystations you find in the game. Remy herself kept busy as well in regards to settlment disputes and a rise in cases stemming purely from the fallout of the stranding itself. 
After his eventual departure from Bridges upon having made his own realizations into the moral structure of the company Casey and Remy moved to their home marking the halway point between Mountin Knot and South of. This was the home where both Kai and Joel were born, where the two were raised by their loving parents, where they said their goodbyes to them when they made the decision that waiting wasn’t an option. And left with every intention of returning with the supplies they’d need. Their final words to their sons being.                       “Look after one another till we return. We love you.”
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chiseler · 4 years
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Emile Pouget (1860-1931) spent his political life on the revolutionary syndicalist wing of the French working-class movement.   Never frightened of revolutionary violence, he was arrested in 1883 and spent three years in prison for a riot that resulted in the pillaging of three bakeries (a riot at which Louise Michel was also arrested) . He was most famous for his newspaper and almanac called Le Père Peinard, which advocated not just syndicalism, but direct action by the workers, principally in the form of sabotage, which he was even able to get the Confédération Générale du Travail to adopt as an officially sanctioned tactic. This article is from the 1898 edition of his almanac.
Sabotage is something great that in a little while will make the fat cats laugh out of the other side of their mouths.
At the last Congrès Corporatif in Toulouse, where a bunch of terrific guys came from the four corners of France, sent by the unions, SABOTAGE was loudly acclaimed.
The place went wild over it.
And all the delegates promised that once they’d gotten home to spread the word on the thing so that the working stiffs could practice it all over.
And I can assure you, my pals, that that enthusiasm is not the result of a passing fancy, a fad.
Not in the least!
The idea of SABOTAGE will not remain an empty dream: it’ll be carried out.
And the exploiters will finally understand that the boss’ job isn’t a bed of roses.
That said, for the guys who don’t know what this is all about, I’m gonna explain what sabotage is.
Sabotage is the conscious kicking of the boss in the ass, it’s the screwing up of a job, it’s a grain of sand snuck into the gears so the machine breaks down, it’s the systematic sinking of the boss’ system...All of this carried out secretly, letting know one know what’s going on when it’s being done.
Sabotage is the baby cousin of the boycott. And fuck it, in a bunch of cases when a strike is impossible it can render some damn good service to the working stiffs.
When an exploiter feels like his workers can’t pull off a strike he doesn’t hesitate to screw them over. Stuck in the gears of exploitation the poor buggers don’t dare speak up for fear of being sacked. They’re eaten up with rage and bend their necks. Eaten up with rage, they still put up with the boss’ prickeries.
But they put up with them. And angry or not, the boss doesn’t give a damn, as long as things go the way he wants.
Why are things like this?
Because the working stiffs haven’t found the right way to respond tit for tat to the big ape and, with their actions, neutralize his screwing.
But the way exists:
It’s sabotage!
The English have been doing this for a long time – and they find it a terrific fucking thing.
For example, suppose a big prison, er... factory whose boss suddenly has a thieving whim; maybe he’s got a new mistress to keep up, maybe he’s got his eye on a chateau...or maybe he has some other fantasy that calls for an increase in his benefices. The bastard doesn’t hesitate; to get the profit he aims at he lessens the number of working stiffs, saying things are going badly. Fuck, he doesn’t ever lack for some kind of reasons.
Let’s suppose that this mangy dog has carefully worked out his plans and his vise squeezing coincides with a situation so messed up that his workers can’t even try to strike. What happens?
In France, the poor exploited would piss and moan, cursing the vampire. A few- the hardiest of them – would make a real stink and find themselves in the calaboose. As for the others, they’d just put up with the hand they were dealt.
In England, dammit, things would happen differently. And this is because of sabotage. The workers would secretly pass the word from ear to ear: “Hey, mates, we’re gonna sabotage the place...we gotta do it on the QT.” And before you know it, production would be slowed down. So slow that if the boss isn’t as dumb as a stump he won’t persist in his prickery. He’ll return to the former pay rate, ‘cause he’ll have understood that going like this for every five cents he saves on each worker’s day he loses four times that amount.
That’s what it means to do what you gotta do.
While those who just lay down and take it would have had their asses kicked, these guys, taking some initiative, manage to pull themselves out of the shit.
* * *
So here we see a beautiful definition of sabotage: for bad pay, bad work.
And goddam this’ll be great when it enters into our way of thinking. It’ll be too damn bad for the boss’ band when the fat monkeys learn from experience that that tile is always ready to fall on their noggins. The fear of losing money and of going bankrupt will calm the arrogance of the fat cats.
Feeling the vulnerability of their cash boxes -which serve as their hearts – they’ll think twice before unloading one of their customary dirty deals on us.
Of course there’ll be some good buggers who, on the pretext that we have to have our eye on the radical disappearance of capital, will find it too petty to limit ourselves to keeping the fat apes in their places and preventing them from showing their claws.
These people have forgotten the two faces of the social question: the present and the future.
Well, the present prepares the future. If there was ever a time when the saying “You made your bed, now lie in it” is appropriate, it’s this one.
The less we allow ourselves to be beaten by the bosses the less intense will be our exploitation, the stronger will our revolutionary resistance, the greater will be our consciousness of our dignity and the more vigorous will be our desire for freedom and well-being.
And consequently, we’ll be better able to prepare the blossoming of that great society where there’ll be no more rulers, no more fat cats.
And we’ll be better able too, when we get there, to evolve in our new surroundings.
If on the contrary instead of starting our apprenticeship in freedom now we show no interest in current life, showing contempt for the needs and passions of the present hour, it won’t be long before we dry out in a world of abstractions and become terrific at splitting hairs And then, living in our dreams, our activity will dullen and, since we’ll have lost all contact with the masses, the day we’ll want to shake ourselves out of our torpor we’ll find ourselves stuck in the mud like an elephant.
So there’s no two ways about it: in order to bring about equilibrium in life, in order to take human activity to its highest level, neither the present nor the future should be neglected.
When one weighs more than the other the rupture of equilibrium isn’t pretty. When we’re stuck in the present we get lost in the pointless and the petty; if we fly off into the clouds we manage to freeze in the ideal.
And this is why I tell the boys who have some balls: don’t lose sight of either the present or the future.
In this way they’ll reactivate the germination of hopeful ideas and the spirit of revolt.
by Emile Pouget
From  the Almanach du Père Peinard, 1898
(Translated by Mitch Abidor)
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newstfionline · 4 years
Numbed to political news (NYT) With impeachment proceedings underway and an election less than a year away, information is crucial. Yet many Americans say they feel disoriented by the rise of social media, the proliferation of online material and a flood of news. According to one recent poll, 47 percent of Americans believe it’s difficult to know whether the information they encounter is true. About 60 percent say they regularly see conflicting reports about the same set of facts from different sources.
Impeachment schedule (Foreign Policy) Public impeachment hearings in the U.S. Congress continue this week, with eight current and former administration officials to testify, including special envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker (Tuesday), Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland (Wednesday), and former Russia advisor Fiona Hill (Thursday). Thursday is also the deadline for Congress to avoid a government shutdown, with lawmakers seeking a delay for a few weeks.
Trump administration’s immigration jails are packed, but deportations are lower than in Obama era (Washington Post) While President Barack Obama--whom immigrant advocates at one point called the “deporter in chief”--deported 1.18 million people during his first three years in office, President Trump has deported fewer than 800,000.
Dollarization in Venezuela (Foreign Policy) Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro welcomed the use of the U.S. dollar on Sunday, after years of forbidding the currency. Dollar transactions have increased in this year as the official currency, the bolivar, lost more than 90 percent of its value. Facing U.S. sanctions, Venezuela’s central bank has been injecting euros into the economy.
Two dead after bridge collapses into river in France (Reuters) A 15-year-old girl and a truck driver died when a bridge collapsed into a river in southwestern France on Monday, officials said. The 150-metre-long suspension bridge in Mirepoix-sur-Tarn, near Toulouse, collapsed at around 8 am local time as a truck, a car and possibly a van were crossing, the local prosecutor said.
Convicted Ex-PM Sharif Leaves Pakistan for Medical Treatment in London (Reuters) Former prime minister Nawaz Sharif left Pakistan on Tuesday in an air ambulance to receive medical treatment in London, his party said on Tuesday, a month after the three-time premier was released on bail from a seven-year sentence for corruption.
China calls on US to stop flexing its muscles in the South China Sea (Reuters) China on Monday called on the U.S. military to stop flexing its muscles in the South China Sea and to avoid adding “new uncertainties” over Taiwan, during high-level talks that underscored tension between the world’s two largest economies.
Last Holdouts Surrounded by Police at Hong Kong University (AP) About 100 anti-government protesters remained holed up at a Hong Kong university Tuesday, unsure what to do next as food supplies dwindled and a police siege of the campus entered its third day.
U.S. Breaks Off Defense Cost Talks Amid South Korea Backlash Over $5 Billion Demand (Reuters) The United States on Tuesday broke off talks on increasing South Korea’s share of the cost of hosting a U.S. military contingent after the two sides failed to narrow differences in a row that has raised questions about the U.S. deployment.
Smoke Shrouds Sydney’s Skyline as Wildfires Burn Nearby (AP) Thick smoke from wildfires has shrouded Sydney and its surrounding areas with health experts warning residents with medical conditions to remain indoors.
Iran Says Calm Has Been Restored After Fuel Price Hike Unrest (Reuters) Protests in Iran triggered by petrol price hikes last week have subsided, an Iranian judiciary spokesman said on Tuesday, a day after the elite Revolutionary Guards warned of “decisive” action if anti-government protests do not cease.
Iraq protests grow (AFP) Striking Iraqis sealed off key bridges and avenues in Baghdad and across the south Sunday, boosting a weeks-long street movement that is demanding a government overhaul. Sit-ins have become the go-to tactic for rallies that erupted in early October in fury over corruption, a lack of jobs and an out-of-touch political class. They have resisted efforts by security forces to snuff the gatherings out and on Sunday thousands came out across the country after activists called for a general strike. In the southern hotspots of Kut, Najaf and Diwaniyah schools and government offices were shut as swelling crowds hit the streets. Protesters burned tyres to block roads in the oil-rich port city of Basra and outside Nasiriyah, prompting security forces to send reinforcements.
Lebanon’s political crisis grows (Foreign Policy) Mohammed Safadi, the top candidate to be Lebanon’s next prime minister, withdrew his name from consideration over the weekend after struggling to form a government with broad support. Sunday marked one month of protests, and thousands of demonstrators across the country took to the streets against the ruling elite. Prime Minister Saad Hariri stepped down on Oct. 29, and a new government would need to enact urgent reforms amid economic crisis. With Safadi out, the chances of forming a government able to do so seemed to grow slimmer.
Russia’s footprint in Syria (Foreign Policy) Just weeks after U.S. special forces began withdrawing from northeastern Syria and Russian and Syrian troops took their place, Moscow has established a helicopter base in the Kurdish-held border city of Qamishli. While Trump partially reversed his abrupt decision to pull all U.S. troops out of the region--sending in National Guard troops and tanks to Deir Ezzor to guard the rich oil fields there as special forces withdraw--the new Russian base reflects a shift in the regional balance of power. But Moscow’s stepped-up military presence could be intended more to protect Syria from Turkey than to compete with the United States.
Israeli settlements in the West Bank get a pass (Bloomberg/WP) Secretary of State Michael Pompeo announced the U.S. no longer views Israel’s settlements in the West Bank as inconsistent with international law. The move is a boon to Trump ally Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and all but dooms any hope of a peace plan. Pompeo said that the Trump administration, as it did with recognition of Jerusalem as the Israeli capital and Israel’s sovereignty over the disputed Golan Heights, had simply “recognized the reality on the ground.”
Yet another election in Israel? (Washington Post) Wednesday marks the deadline for Israeli politician Benny Gantz to form a government after elections in September drew the country to a political standstill. If the former military chief fails, the country will head back for its third election in less than a year. The deadline looms as Israeli forces continue to clash with the ruling Hamas faction in the Gaza strip, for which a shaky cease-fire is in place. The week’s hostilities, which saw 34 Palestinians killed and sent Israelis to bomb shelters as hundreds of rockets rained down, began Tuesday after Israel killed an Islamic Jihad commander in Northern Gaza with a pinpoint strike on his bedroom.
Seven Malian soldiers killed in clash with militants: army (Reuters) Seven Malian soldiers were killed and 15 wounded when militants attacked a patrol in northern Mali on Monday, the army said in a statement.
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My first French meal at a restaurant for lunch today! Note to self: a steak cooked “medium” in France is the same as one cooked “rare” in the States! The steak was beyond delicious, though, as it practically fell apart in my mouth as I ate it. Accompanied with a Roquefort (very strong cheese) sauce, this dish was truly magnifque! At this meal, I also got to have my first Schweppes Agrumes of the trip -- a citrus-flavored soda not available in the US that my mom and I discovered and became obsessed with in France when we came four years ago!
A double-decker carousel we saw today on our tour of Toulouse! It’s located within the Parc Wilson, named after US President Woodrow Wilson as a thank-you to the US for their help during WWI and WWII. I haven’t ridden on it today, but I plan to go back and ride on the top level with a few of the other exchange students!
A sign on the Metro (subway) doors before hopping on my metro ride back to my host family’s house. It reads, “Not saying hello, thank you, or excuse me... together, let’s draw a line through impoliteness!” which reflects the French cultural politeness to strangers, including the fact that each time you walk into any store or restaurant, you must say “Bonjour!” to the cashier or person working, so as to not be perceived as rude and ungrateful. It is very French to have a sign on the Metro advocating for general politeness!
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labellerose-acheron · 2 years
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Clementine’s Resolutions for 2022!
I want to really focus on new characters. Make sure that they are getting love and attention. I am not gonna lie! It’s hard balancing so many characters and making sure I do right by all of them. I have a lot of wild/intense/complicated plots coming up this year, so I want to make sure that I do them all justice. And I want to really solidify some of my characters’ relationships. That can also be hard for me, because I hate feeling like I’m pushing friendships and relationships on people…but sometimes you gotta advocate for your characters.
OOC Resolutions!
Belle: Get her involved in the RAS! Also, have her help out at least 2 characters with law issues in the new year. Definitely explore her relationship to the town as mayoress now. 
Simba: Get him fucking diagnosed with ADHD! This was on my resolutions for last year, but alas! I have a good set up for it now though, we are making MOVES. It’ll happen. I am determined. I have other stuff too, but that’s really top billing since it’s been so long that I’ve wanted to do this plot.
Toulouse: Have him go back to school. Fulfill his life with purpose, not just being a stay at home dad. He loves spending time with the kids, but he is not satisfied with just that life.
Mei: Leave Swynlake! I know :(, I will miss her too, but her story was never going to end with her happy in Swynlake. I have a way to do this and she will be gone by the summer. 
Thomas: Dad stuff! I am so excited for this. The only time I ever played the dad was like 5 years ago and I closed the character shortly after the baby was born. It’s so fun to explore that angle. Also, either get over Arista or win her back, lmao. 
Candace: Change her major! That’s my big goal for Candace. It’s what I’ve wanted since I picked her up and now that I’ve had her for almost two years, it feels like a good time to start implementing that plot. 
Vixey: Open her shoppe! Get back on the dating scene! That is it for Vixey. She lives a simple life, but I love that for her. 
Danny: Honestly, I picked Danny up for his family, so his plot revolves around them. He is literally a side character. My goals for him are for him to help his family. 
Thistle: Break off his engagement to Wendy, or at least…do something with that, lol. We’ve both just been dicking around. [Redacted.]
Elinor: Explore her relationship to Merida more, get her some new/deeper connections, have her start working at the secondary. And most importantly: I want her to open the castle as a museum. I don’t know if it will happen this year, but I want to plant the idea and start making moves.
Gem: I have a plot for him. It is a surprise though. ;) 
Abigail: Waldo plot!! Start making moves on this. I imagine this plot will be Long Term, so I want to get the gears turning.
IC Resolutions!
Belle: Be a good mum, wife, partner. Win all of her cases.
Simba: Create a memorial garden for victims of the Gala. Be a good board member.
Toulouse: He does not subscribe to New Year’s resolutions. 
Mei: Help all her clients! 
Thomas: Be a good dad. 🥺
Candace: She is too busy and stressed to come up with New Year’s resolutions.
Vixey: Open her shoppe! Don’t go bankrupt in the first year!
Danny: Get better at art.
Thistle: No.
Elinor: Be helpful. :(
Gem: Don’t go back to jail.
Abigail: Release a new podcast episode every two weeks. Solve a mystery!
New Character Interactions!
Okay, so I looked at the fam list and there are so few characters I haven’t interacted with (and most are like…secondary characters and I don’t have anyone in that age range), so I’m going to do a “characters I want to deepen relationships with”. 
Pacifica: I have a great connection with her through Simba and Candace, so I definitely want to do more with her. She’s such a fun character and I think both of those will be very fun and interesting. 
Martin: I like Martin a lot, and I have good connections with Simba and Belle, either one I’d like to develop more! Simba and Martin have interesting parallels with their family pressure and Belle knows that Martin doesn’t actually have magic, which I think could be fun to play with lol. 
Chip and Dale: They’re cute. Belle is gonna join the RAS so there will be ways to interact with them there and also Gail is their coworker. 
Hatter: I know I’ve hc’ed relationships with him through Vicky, but I’d love to actually explore those!
Ferb: I really wanna do more with his and Candace’s relationship in the new year. 
Tod: We love childhood friends. I just think they have an interesting story and the healing they could do would be really nice.
Morey Brothers: They came in and immediately exploded, so doing more with those relationships feels very important to me.
Robbie: I just think that he and Simba are so fun, but I’d love to maybe introduce him to some of my other characters. Gem will be hanging around the Inn so that’ll be fun. 
Plotting Exercise! 
PARA ONE: Nightmare with Ashleigh where Candace doesn’t know her lines or is in her underwear or something silly but stressful. PARA TWO: Texts with Candace’s friends where they are all super excited and can’t wait to see her in her leading role ~~.  PARA THREE: Candace and Emira backstage before the show, Emira says some shit and riles Candace up right before they go on. SELF PARA: Candace freezes up on stage, forgets her lines, and leaves the stage.  PARA FOUR: Someone (maybe Atta/Henry/Pacifica/Rose) finds Candace backstage and comforts her while she freaks out.  PARA FIVE: Candace and Gabriella/Rose/someone talk about the classes they have for this upcoming semester. Gabriella notices that Candace doesn’t seem super thrilled and tries to talk to her about it. Candace admits she doesn’t really like theater and Gabriella gives her a pep talk.
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