#To ALMOST close that distance
completeoveranalysis · 11 months
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Oh!! I love this too! I was going to make a joke about Lava Lamp still sitting on the roof all by himself but Fai made it BETTER by physically coming over and checking on him. Which implies that at the end of the last chapter, when Fai finally looked away from the metaphors of his past and looked up at the sky, he probably saw Lava Lamp up here on his own and went over to try help him feel a bit better. 
Which even on its own is such a great signal of Fai moving away from the things that used to chain him to his fate (ie, the things that he saw in his reflection), and instead actively moving towards this family he’s found and focusing on loving them instead. 
And! And this is a GREAT echo of that moment in the Hanshin republic, where Syaoran was crying alone in the rain and Kurogane and Fai used their kudan to shield him from it in solidarity. But THIS time Fai notices Lava Lamp sadly sitting by himself and HE’S the shadow that falls across him as he PHYSICALLY comes here to help him instead. 
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Now that I think about it this might actually be the first private conversation we’ve seen between Lava Lamp and Fai, which is a bit wild, but also a bit less wild considering WHICH arcs they’ve been through together so far. Even in Infinity Fai was either cloistered with Sakura or Kurogane, so I could be wrong, but this might be their first onscreen bonding!
And it’s going pretty good so far. Fai starts off by expressing concern over his health and Lava Lamp immediately derails it by thanking him for helping Sakura. Which surprises Fai, but then again their devotion to Sakura is pretty much the biggest thing they have in common so far. 
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Oh and THIS is fantastic. Fai has a sad smile on his face as he says that being there for Sakura was pretty much the only thing he ended up doing for her in the end, and Lava Lamp (perhaps with a note of self-derision? Or regret?) says that Fai being there for her probably helped more than anything else at all. 
Which I LOVE in the way that it visually uses Sakura in Infinity as their point of reference. Fai was constantly by Sakura’s side for those months, helping her through one of the hardest things she’s had to do, when she was forcing herself to be alone in order to save everyone else. But I ALSO love that their closeness is purely seen as a positive thing by both Lava Lamp AND Fai, showing that he doesn’t even think of the fact that “being by her side” is what technically let his curse kill her. It doesn’t even come up, he doesn’t even look conflicted about the wording. 
Fai is HEALING and he DESERVES IT. He’s no longer seeing fault in everything he’s ever done, and isn’t blaming himself for the curse that wasn’t his fault or the choices that Sakura made without his knowledge. Now he only sees it as a time that they were close and supported each other and OH that’s so encouraging to see. 
Meanwhile Fai gives him a bit of a hand hover in support, as he considers touching his shoulder 
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They haven’t really had the chance to personally grow close enough for that, with everything else happening. BUT they still look toward the future together, united in their goal to save Sakura, and Fai still stands protectively over him as they look in the same direction.
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theladyyavilee · 2 months
after thinking about it all day now I am insane enough to make it into an actual post, sorry for just copypasting my own tags, but alas xD
this was in response to this post about how buck probably didn't even realize at first how close tommy and he were standing, because him and eddie always stand this close which SO FUCKING TRUE, I just spiralled a little frome there
#but do you also think that NOW the next time he DOES stand this close to eddie he will notice?#DO YOU THINK NOW THAT HE KNOWS HOW CLOSE CLOSE IS AND HOW EASY IT IS TO BRIDGE THAT DISTANCE#HE WILL ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS BE AWARE OF EDDIE BEING THIS CLOSE TOO AND HAVE A TINY PART OF HIMSELF WAITING FOR EDDIE TO REACH IN THE SAME#WAY TOMMY DID BECAUSE REALLY ISN'T THAT THE LOGICAL CONCLUSION TO EASY CLOSENESS LIKE THIS#and like *screams into hands some more* WE KNOW that eddie steps in super close next episode#we know he touches buck#and it isn't the chin it is his shoulder and hip#but really that only makes it more insane#and maybe eddie isn't thinking anything of it because they HAVE always done this THIS IS WHAT THEY DO#they have always stepped close and sought out each other's bodies and touched and just generally had a pull towards each other#but on god I cannot see a world where now buck isn't aware of it in a totally new way#do you think eddie steps close and reaches out to touch him and buck flashes back to tommy stepping close#do you think the feeling of fingers on his chin and fingers on his neck start to blur?#do you think he feels eddie's grip on his hip and for just a second he wonders if there is gonna be a pull that pulls him in unexpectedly#the way that tommy gently pulled his chin towards him? how it was both unexpected and something that he had secretly deep down been hoping#for and been TRYING to provoke by stepping closer himself by swaying closer by stepping in#do you think that for just a moment all of these things blur for buck?#and that has never happened before but HOW are you supposed to ever forget now that you have these new associations#and you have to realize that oh maybe they are not so different from what I have always had#how do you deal with that? with how suddenly suddenly something you have always had has this new meaning and you can't unsee it#but you also can't have it and you have to lock that down because with tommy it already felt like risking everything but in an exhilarting#way#but like this? oh like this the risk is TERRIFYING
the more I am thinking about this the more insane I am feeling? because then I remembered that in the stills from 7x5 we know Eddie has his hand on Buck's side from the way the fabric pulls and EDDIE NEVER TOUCHES BUCK LIKE THAT, he usually only does the shoulder grab! which by itself is insane enough
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we know from the 7x4 stills that even though we did not quite see it in the episode because of the use of close-ups, tommy too had his hand on Buck's side during the kiss/in the aftermath of the kiss, THE SAME HAND ON THE SAME SIDE VERY LIKELY IN THE SAME SPOT
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the fact that they have eddie touch him like this specifically after tommy touched him like this, when he normally doesn't do that? making Eddie mirror Tommy's touch? FUCKING INSANITY
OF COURSE it'll blurr in buck's mind for just a second, there really is no way it doesn't, sensory memory is SO INSANELY STRONG, oh I am going fully insane over this
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glazeliights · 17 days
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ascending the spiral staircase.
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justanotherhh · 4 days
me: dammit stolas you can't just walk away from someone who's struggling to connect with you, even if they're doing so through the poorly processed means of yelling insults, you've gotta give them time to work through it and not need to control everything
also me: [is aware that i also need to engineer situations to go perfectly and if someone started yelling at me i too would immediately get triggered and leave the situation and cry and if i had portal-making powers would yeet them to another continent, never mind just outside the door]
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buddiedaydreamer911 · 2 months
“He and Guzman didn’t have any say in their karaoke song (which still remains a secret)”
“Certain scenes needs a little bit of inhibition-shedding help”
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i am CONVINCED now that the karaoke song is Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfeild and no one can convince me otherwise.
also just wanna say how much i love that Oliver had no fear in kissing a man for this show, but is scared shitless to sing one song. i love that man so much.
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I love your blog I'm very Childe obsessed ever since he implanted himself in my brain wrinkles<3
ANYWAY. So, moth has front facing eyes.. eye? Whatever, anyway that means he's a predator so does he like stalk???
Like full on get all poofy and wiggle as he gets in position!! IF HE HAD PUPILS WOUKD THEY GET BIG WHEN HE FOCUSES? He's so silly I love him sm<33
Anyway, legacy stalking you around the house and pouncing when he wants attention 💯💯💯 So canon, I'm hyv.
moth's fluff gets SO poofy you don't even KNOW
usually Foul Legacy makes a point to greet you when you come home from work, even waiting in the adjacent room for you at times, but some days you'll return to a seemingly quiet house, only the sound of the clock ticking in your ears. you put down your bags... untie your shoes... walk through the hall... and suddenly the moment you step into the kitchen, Legacy pounces! he leaps at you, scooping you into his arms and spinning around with a delighted chirp before nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck, asking for scritches. he does his best to merely surprise you, not scare you, and if he does see you shaking he'll do his best to make up for it with gentle cuddles and nudges
sometimes you'll SEE him stalking you, his crystalline eye wide and focused and his fur all poofed up. Legacy doesn't stop just because you've seen him, either- he'll continue his slow approach, tilting his head and looking you directly in the eyes before he lunges. you just open your arms for a hug and Foul Legacy basically runs into them, wrapping his claws around your waist and letting out content rumbles when you bury your fingers in his lilac fluff. he wants snuggles and he wants them NOW, so you better not have anything planned, because Legacy simply picks you up and whisks you away to his blanket nest, settling you on his lap with a gentle croon and a headbump... looks like any work you have will have to be done with Legacy's arms around you
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lambfromfield · 5 months
i need gwendolyn and (original) elias bouchard to be siblings/twins SO bad. i know it doesn’t make sense. i know it literally defies different universe logic and everything about the way that we’ve been introduced to tmagp. i also don’t care. i need it
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itspileofgoodthings · 30 days
Learning how to love my teenage boy students and they’re learning how to love me within the proper teacher-student dynamic.
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chuchayucca · 2 months
We’re sleeping on Dexter’s possible friendships and the angst that comes with them
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spectrumspace · 2 months
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get eclipsed idiot
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dutybcrne · 2 months
Kaeya oftentimes wonders what it must have been like, living in Khaenri'ah. Reading the tales of Khaenri'ahn heroes Jean's shared with him, of things he remembered his father mentioning, helped him picture it all. As did knowledge the Akademiya has of Dahri ruins he managed to get his hands on one way or another years later, during his visit to Sumeru.
#hc; kaeya#//It was really after meeting Dainsleif that the thoughts increased exponentially; and became almost painful#//Thoughts of what it could have been like; had he grown up a 'proper' Alberich; surrounded by family & the culture he'd been wrenched from#//Of what Khaenri'ah looked like in her heyday; of the countless people lost because of the Cataclysm living their daily lives#//He wants to learn so much more; no matter what it means#//He loves Mond dearly; but it hurts feeling that emptiness from being denied that connection#//Of losing his mother tongue the longer it went unused; of not knowing the traditions he ought to have celebrated#//Rites of passage he must have missed in favor of Mond traditions; holidays; family customs#//Could he have had siblings? Cousins? Aunts; uncles; GRANDPARENTS???#//What would his upbringing have been like? Strict? Lenient? Would they have accepted him as he was? No mask necessary?#//Could his father have truly loved him so closely; instead of keeping him at arms length like he KNEW they'd have to part soon?#//That he didn't want to grow too fond of his own child because he could lose him any moment? (is it a wonder kae does the same at times?)#//What would it have been like; being a Knight of Khaenri'ah? Surely he would have given Khaenri'ah his heart; like he had for Mond#//If Khaenri'ah still stood to this day...would he; Diluc and Jean have still been friends? As fond and close as they once had been?#//Logically; he doubts that; but his foolish heart likes to think the three were MEANT to meet; one way or another#//MEANT to have that friendship they'd once shared (before he went and ruined everything with Diluc)#//Surely they would have found a way to make it work; no matter the distance from Khaenri'ah to Mondstadt#//Maybe they could have bridged the gap between the godless nation and the people of the Anemo Archon#//Ahh; but that's wishful thinking; now wouldn't it be?#//He likes to wonder how it would have felt; having that certain loyalty to his nation; not torn between his family's past & his current on#//Would he have been happier; had he been born to and raised in that nation? Rather than left to live in this one?#//Though he'd have to wonder if that would be true; considering the Archons' treatment of them in the end#//No doubt war would always be looming on the horizon; and if Dahri records were right...Celestia wasn't their only issue#//Still; he can't help but dream; and with a certain; aching longing at that
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kingsandbastardz · 8 months
Finished episode 39. May not have a chance to get to 40 until later next week but kinda working through my feelings which are mixed about this episode:
DFS standing front and center with Sigu sect when receiving thanks is so amusing to me. He's a head taller and super visible too. Just the one prominent Jinyuan Alliance representative.
A part of me feels bad for child Shang Gudao - he lived his entire childhood being the afterthought, with less talent and ability over all. But as an adult, I'm just grossed out by him. Like by his age he should have....like. Found a monk to get friendly therapy from, joined a monastery, become an emo poet. He had options. Though with his karma, maybe he'd end up with evil versions of all of the above.
Why did Shang Gudao's meridians explode? Did his energy backfire through the broken meridians somehow?
Never trust emperors no matter how good their reputation is. D:
I still feel like the bug storyline would have been served better by focusing instead on a Di Fortress arc that leads to mind controlled super assassins storming the palace like attack dogs or something. Because as of now, Di Fortess feels like it's separate from rest of the series and just a blip in DFS's character background. While the palace stuff needs an additional episode to flesh out the emperor and the politics they hinted at
Over all, i enjoyed the episode! Buuuut I found there was a weird emotional disconnect between when the trio were working together and later on when the battle is done and DFS gives them the Styx flowers. It felt like the two were emotionally closer to DFS during the fight, but in the later scene, everyone was taking a big step back and deliberately resetting themselves to an earlier time.
Like FDB repeating an earlier line "You do have a conscience!" As if he's been consistently surprised at DFS doing anything altruistic. I know LLH never explained anything to him, and FDB bought into the demon sect narrative (which tbf is understandable - heretical sects have a reputation for reason) but he's seen evidence first hand that DFS does have it in him to help ppl if he wants to? So i find this flip flopping in attitude strange. He goes back and forth with being familiar and then acting like he doesn't know him at all.
I find it interesting that LLH equates fighting with promises of friendship between the two. Which, I think he thought dfs getting married to him, i mean, being friends that drink and look at the moon together, meant dfs had agreed. To be fair, dfs talks around it without promising anything, but I can see why llh would think otherwise lol.
LLH also repeats an early line to dfs, "You need to break your habit of eavesdropping."
Maybe it was all for the sake of emotional security, but I kinda want to shake them because I thought they moved from this point. But here they are, walking everything back so far they're repeating old lines from earlier episodes. 😬 Boys.
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pastafossa · 1 year
Hi! I’m really enjoying TRT (currently on chapter 56). I was just wondering what size (like the thickness) are the threads in the story? I plan on make a red thread friendship bracelet. Thank you!!
So the thread thicknesses kinda vary, depending on the sheer amount of emotion flowing through it, the level of connection, when stretched by distance, etc. BUT I'd say your average red thread, at an average distance, is probably about the width of your pinky (a good glow/shine in a happy, strong thread kinda makes it look a bit larger than it really is - the thread itself is usually smaller than the glow itself). If you've been friends/lovers/close for ages, you might get as wide as two fingers, but that's fairly rare and you'd have to be standing pretty close together. So I'd say pinky size is the best estimation!
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arklay · 1 year
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#mine.#pair: ewskers#oc: diana#click for better quality ♡#posting this before i start changing more things lmao but yes i went nuts and made my own psd from scratch... don't look at me#changed ages to birth years cause of how much time passes in the story!! and also gives cheeky fc for you hehe runs away#the checkboxes make me scream like he almost had a clean sweep it's so funny. and he could've had one more i'm not even joking. cause their#first kiss was technically both of them... like idk how to explain this but they were already standing close then diana moved even closer#and was tracing his jaw and such and they were just lingering while holding eye contact but he was the one who actually closed the distance#so i mean... yeah. she was just about to and he beat her to it!! but diana made the move to get them into that position in the first place#is what i mean. i just couldn't give him more it was already too hilarious lmao#can't tell if i like the lil icons but i can't doodle so peace and love on planet earth but yes i'm happy with how this came out hehe#clueless levels are cause they are clowns <3 i have a lot of thoughts about all that but yes they both take hints in some aspects but i#think they both have trouble telling if they are genuine or not or if they are misreading the situation or whether something is romantic or#not (unless ofc it's over the top and ridiculous. ahem. excella. cough. explodes her with my mind) but yeah hit him with the tism so he's#learnt how to read people very well as he's gotten older but i think when it comes to actual just genuine like wanting to get to know#someone and not just someone wanting to get in his pants he seconds guesses it a lot. and diana's all stems from being rattled by her past#experiences oughguhh and i mean her not actually having experienced proper feelings for someone until him lmao but she's got trust issues#also there were so many tropes i could use (thank you to bestie elliot for helping me finds names of things) but i had to do i got you a#drawer specifically because that moment has such a special place in my heart!! like i need to finish the wip where i talk about that cause#it makes me so silly i'm not even joking#anyway omg i hope the mentions work because doing this on the legacy editor after copying the html for beta one because the image just#didn't want to work in the beta image for some reason rip
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pagesofkenna · 2 years
project update!! check it out!!
this is a basic draft, every planet outlined and colored so I know where things go so I can remove the tracing material
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and here it is with the tracing material removed!!
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it's over halfway done and it looks so GOOD on the solid black I'm so relieved!!
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megumi 🤝🏽 yuuji
dying even if it’s only for a good minute only to be brought back to life bc fate realizes if they died for real then they would need to find someone else to fuck over. those two are like fates favorite barbie dolls.
apologies if this post is going to seem all over the place, just bear with me. i don’t even know if you’re going to see this BUT it’s okay bc i need to get this out my system 😭.
starting off — god, imagine the chaos that will ensue when megumi tells nobara & yuuji about his very tragic history with the zenins. but like he wouldn’t even tell them straight up, he’ll just make a little deadpan joke (my sarcastic, sassy son) & the others would look at him like : ??? wtf do you mean by that sea urchin head???
like imagine itafushikugi going shopping for like traditional japanese clothes for a little festival or some shit (megumi was dragged by his spikes to come along) & nobara is having the time of her life finding outfits for her & the boys. like it got to the point where she’s dressing them herself & she shows megumi an outfit that looked similar to the robe he was forced to wear bc of the zenin (it’s obviously not the same) & megumi just refuses to wear a robe with similar color patterns to the zenin robe.
megumi: that looks like the outfit the zenin forced me to wear. i wonder what happened to it, cause the last thing i know, i got blood all over it. so as the second member of the zenin hate club, im not wearing that….
megumi: wait that blue one looks decent. i’m going to try it on.
nobara: …did he really leave without giving us the “ getting blood on a zenin’s robe” story?
imagine maki complaining about naoya in front of the first years, & maki just brings up naoya’s onesided beef with megumi & her stories of how naoya was so petty back in his childhood made him remember who tf naoya is (megs have selective memory, it’s okay)
megumi: ugh, he was so annoying. i remember when he came to my middle school back when gojo was busy dealing with the aftermath of his evil ex boyfriend evil plan & he basically kidnapped me. i was stuck in a car with that man for 40 minutes..you would hate him nobara.
maki: yeah you would hate him nobara.
yuuji: i’m sorry he kidnapped you??? why did you say that so casually?
nobara: fuck that. megumi is a disney princess, we know this already. BUT we’re just gonna gloss over gojo had an evil boyfriend?
& imagine when megumi finally tells his friends about the zenin clan was when yuuji just came back from the dead & they were asking how tf that’s possible. & somewhere in that conversation megumi just let it slip that his heart stopped beating once & itakugi looks at him in silence:
megumi: yeah the zenin clan basically forced me to exorcise some curses & complete a ritual to get a snake — that snake fucking bit me. it was my least favorite. but yeah i basically died. then yuuta brought me back. then i was blind for a good minute.
nobara, yuuji, & even sukuna:
megumi: it was a terrible time for me. gojo was even more clingier & protective. it got to a point where he started treating me like i was 6 again… reading me bedtime stories, singing me lullabies & describing the pictures in the stories since i was…yknow blind.
cue itakugi & even sukuna wanting to burn down the zenin but ofc they can’t do that…so they settle for pulling pranks on the members & traumatizing them ofc.
IM ALSO imagining how funny it would be for yuuji to be jealous of yuuta. like bro is basically living yuuji’s fantasy world. i’m giggling at the idea of yuuji fighting for his life to be either megumi favorite or nanami’s favorite.
you also opened my eye to the potential of maki & tsumiki… like i also like to imagine that in a happier world, they would understand each other on such a deep level. but they would also find parts of the other that they wished they had. but on a happier note i like to imagine that megumi would suffer whenever it was brought up that his aunt is basically dating his step sister. like maki would be a menace to megumi. every little thing he do? maki is texting tsumiki in a corner.
maki watching itafushi cook together in the kitchen: i can’t believe megumi has a boyfriend. it’s so cute that he thinks that he can hide this from me. lemme go snitch to tsumiki.
maki listening to megumi describe his fight with sukuna, a cursed spirit who apparently has a stripping problem: oh my god. megumi is truly yuuta’s boy. they both got cursed spirits obsessed with them…i need to tell tsumiki.
maki to megumi after witnessing his suicidal tendencies: don’t make me tell tsumiki.
i honestly love your story. the way you added so much more to megumi childhood is beautiful. it just make soooo much sense. but also your characterization of gojo is so precious to me. i’m waiting for gojo to go apeshit on the zenin. i’m also giggling in anticipation at gojo finding out about yuuta attachment to megumi. i like to imagine him to be kind of worried about it actually, bc that’s not fucking healthy. but i imagine him getting used to it since megumi will have a protector in the form of yuuta & his power of love.
i’m also curious to see mai’s role in this story since.
*sighs in disappointment at gege writing choices*
since she had a crush on megumi…yeah. but imma just interpret that as she wants to be his family. it keeps me sane
i also wanted to ask if there’s a chance that you would write a megumi POV of what happened in the zenin clan? ofc i would understand if you wouldn’t since it leaves a much more ominous feeling to the events. plus yuuta running commentary is a good mix of angst & humor so ofc i understand.
Yuuji: man fushiguro almost checks the boxes for a Disney princess. except he was never kidnapped or enslaved
Megumi, sold to the Zenin clan, who later kidnapped him: *sweating*
Nobara and Yuuji would be the co-vice presidents of the "fuck the Zenin clan" club if they knew what happened. They would be the presidents but yuuta and maki are already in a death match for the position and they're trying to avoid the bloodshed. they are not allowed to be treasurer because neither of them know how money works.
megumi is unaware that a formal club has been formed.
Megumi is suffering SO HARD in any world where maki and tsumiki are together. they won't stop ganging up on him when it comes to his love life and general wellbeing and holding hands where he has to see it. maki lectures him about his suicidal tendencies in the field, holds up one finger, calls tsumiki, and lets her pick up where she left off. maki tries to talk to him about relationships one (1) time and he tries to drown himself.
see i'm pretty open to writing a megumi POV but it, like most of my stories, falls in this nebulous category of "if i have the time." like, i've thought about writing megumi's pov before, there's a lot of stuff that happened that exists as like, background knowledge for me that will never make it through yuuta's pov because it doesn't make sense for yuuta to find out about it. It would be very tonally different, but if i did write it, it would be a different work entirely and i'd be making sea glass gardens into a series.
i'm eternally tempted by the siren call of making my works into a series. If i did it with sea glass gardens, i would want to add a one shot of Megumi's pov during the time leading up to sea glass gardens and a short multi-chapter of the gojo, nanami, shoko teen parenting trio. If I have the time, it will exist; if i don't, it won't.
#ironically the one thing that WOULD endear yuuta to yuuji is finding out about all of this#yuuji would instantly love him for all he did for Their Boy. it's the only way i see megumi actually fessing up to what happened#i think megumi's just someone who's really private and uncomfortable with people knowing a lot about him and he would try to hide this from#itakugi for as long as he could. it probably eats at him that the second years all saw him like this. i think he just hates feeling vulnera#megumi gives him the /extremely/ abridged version of events to get yuuji and nobara to chill about yuuta and how he acts (yuuji is convince#that there's no one who could be that perfect nobara keeps looking for homosexual explanations) and they instantly veer hard into finding#out everything there is to know about the zenin and how to hurt them and also yuuta's like. beloved in their eyes. megumi is their boy.#they love their boy. yuuta saved their boy. ergo they love yuuta now. it's simple math.#tonal shift is a huge sort of struggle with me as a writer just because i change my styles with every narrator#which is why it's kind of hard to flip between works if the tone is too different. i was trying to juggle sea glass gardens and toy rosarie#and i was just internally screaming b/c yuuta and jack could NOT be more different with narration styles and i was like 'fuckkkkkkkkk'#with yuuta i structure sentences with a lot of 'space' in them. i don't have a better word for it i'm not actually trained in writing so#it's all just whatever shit i made up along the way i have no officially terms. anyway. Yuuta's sentences are structured to have this sort#of detached distance between the actual message and the start of the sentence. So we end up with a lot of sentences that start w/ structure#like “yuuta thinks” and Yuuta feels“ b/c I think of yuuta as a very detached person because of how he lived. it's a survival mechanism.#a lot of the meat of what he feels has to come in almost absentmindedly. So you end up with Yuuta's suicide scene and losing the knife and#him having a line like “He swears he never meant any of the bad things he did” and the fact that he thinks his own survival is a bad thing#/he's/ to blame for is almost backdoor'd in as a given premise. it's assumed. it's not even the point of the sentence. he's been living wit#jack murdock meanwhile is an intensively retrospective character that's meant to make you almost feel claustrophobic from how “close” his#narration style is. a lot of the actual message is conveyed through imagined scenarios and emotional recollection. he's a character steeped#in regret who has been torturing himself with it for years. yuuta's survival mechanism is isolation but jacks been yearning to get back wha#he lost for so long and dreaming of it that he's steeped in really vivid internal imaginings.#with jack you have multipage lamentations remembering his son buying cereal with him but yuuta drops the fact that his parents stopped#loving him at some point and it's not even the most important thing in the sentence. it's included as a qualifier because yuuta has accepte#so much of the bad things that happened to him when he shouldn't have whereas jack hasn't accepted ANYTHING that happened.#Yuuta uses a lot of very clean cut grammatically correct narration and jacks is riddled with a bunch of “ain't's” and grammatical errors.#he has an accent for lack of a better term. so you end up w/ two characters who convey information in different ways prioritize different#info in their sentences use different sentence structures etc. so megumi would have a /very different/ style and tone from yuutas that woul#sort of shape any fic that came through him because all of my fics are primarily shaped through the narrator's voice. it's also why I set#kind of hard lines about whether a fic can have any narrator or just specific narrators b/c it determines the whole tone.
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