huariqueje · 8 months
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The Poplars of Thomery   -    Erik Desmazières , 2017.
French, b. 1948 -
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parisfind · 2 years
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Visiting the home and studio of the artist Rosa Bonheur. This is a visit I have always wanted to make for a long time. Going with a fellow art Academy friend made it much more fun. We made the trip traveling by train going just one stop beyond Fontainebleau to the town of Thomery. A twenty minute hike through a small section of the forest of Fontainebleau had us breathing the smells of the cool fresh cool air on a path that led directly to this artist's amazing space. Formally named the Chateau de By, this odd structure sits about forty miles southwest of Paris. Bonheur dubbed the space "The Domain of Perfect Affection". Rosa came from a family of artists. I should not have been surprised at the large amount of works she created: drawing, painting, print works and a number of small sculptures well represented in the space. So much of her works seemed to have been collected outside of France. She would be the first woman in French history to receive the French Legion of Honour presented by the Empress Eugenie in 1865. Receiving the honor the Empress would state "Genius has no Sex” The place was an artist's studio that one could only dream of working in today. It was hung with a few works in progress and many references she may have used to help create her works. . . . #thomery #rosabonheur #museerosabonheur #artiststudio #animalartist #fontainebleau (at Musée de l'atelier Rosa-Bonheur) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChtsTXJLOhn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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francishpowellwriter · 9 months
A charming festival
In small confined patch of land, close to the Seine an unusual festival, called Au Bon Coin Festival is taking place in Thomery. There is a strong theme, with people walking about in Greek toga-like costumes (tebennos) looking like extras from a Percy Jackson film. The weather is generally kind. There are two main stages for this festival, one is dedicated to bands, while the other is dedicated…
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ninovuarrier · 2 years
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Thomery, 2020, France.
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The Path from Veneux to Thomery along the Water, Evening painted by Alfred Sisley (1839 - 1899)
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classicalcanvas · 1 year
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Title: The Path from Veneux to Thomery along the Water, Evening
Artist: Alfred Sisley
Date: 1880
Style: Impressionism
Genre: Landscape
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Alfred Sisley, series: Moret-sur-Loing
| Lane of Poplars at Moret | Walnut Tree in a Thomery Field | Moret sur Loing | Moret sur Loing the Porte de Bourgogne | View of Moret | Near Moret sur Loing | Poplars a Moret sur Loing, an August Afternoon | Loing River and Church at Moret |
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pwlanier · 1 year
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Ibex Resting
Bonheur, Rosa
Bordeaux, France, 22/03/1822-Château de By, Thomery, France, 25/05/1899
Oil on canvas
Bilbao Museum
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gacougnol · 2 years
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Eugène Cuvelier
La Seine à Thomery
c. 1860
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EUGÈNE CUVELIER (1837-1900)  Fotografos Franceses del Siglo XIX.
Eugène Cuvelier, nacido el 6 de abril de 1837 en Arras, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, fue un fotógrafo francés.
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Su padre, Adalbert Cuvelier (1812-1871), era un comerciante de Arras, pintor y fotógrafo aficionado, miembro del círculo de Barbizon y amigo de Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot y Eugène Delacroix.
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Las obras de Eugène Cuvelier fueron redescubiertas a principios de la década de 1980.En 1991, algunas de sus fotografías se exhibieron en París en la Biblioteca Nacional de Francia.
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Posteriormente fueron exhibidos en el Museo de Stuttgart, el Museo Metropolitano de Arte en Nueva York y el Museo de Orsay en París.
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En 1996, un nuevo libro bajo la dirección de Daniel Challe, titulado Études photographiques, fue tomado de esta exposición.
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En el mismo a��o, el Museo Metropolitano de Arte publica una placa de Malcolm Daniel, Eugène Cuvelier. Murió el 31 de octubre de 1900 en Thomery, Seine-et-Marne, descansa en el cementerio de Thomery.
Nota: La propiedad intelectual de las imágenes ... ( todo) que aparecen en este blog corresponden a sus autores y a quienes éstas las han cedido. El único objetivo de este sitio es divulgar el conocimiento de estos pintores, grabadores, fotógrafos... a los que admiro y que otras personas disfruten contemplando sus obras. No son todas las que son, pero si son todas las que están
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carmenvicinanza · 1 year
Rosa Bonheur
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Rosa Bonheur, artista francese del XIX secolo, autrice di memorabili ritratti di animali, è stata la prima donna insignita della Legion d’Onore sebbene la storia dell’arte tenda a dimenticarla.
Dichiaratamente omosessuale, libera e indipendente, è stata tra le prime donne a indossare i pantaloni. Per farlo, doveva chiedere un’autorizzazione alle autorità che, ogni sei mesi, era costretta a rinnovare.
Nata col nome di Marie Rosalie Bonheur, il 16 maggio 1822 a Bordeaux, era la figlia maggiore del pittore Raymond Bonheur e di Sophie Marquis.
Ai suoi tempi le donne non potevano frequentare le Scuole di Belle Arti e il padre fu il suo maestro e quello dei fratelli e sorelle.
Invece di andare a copiare i quadri del Louvre preferiva stare in campagna e frequentare le fiere di animali che adorava.
Espose per la prima volta nel 1841, a diciannove anni al Salon di Parigi. A ventisei vinse la sua prima Medaglia d’oro, tra artisti come Corot, Ingres e Delacroix.
Per trovare l’ispirazione girava per i mercati di animali e i macelli indossando pantaloni, coi capelli corti e un sigaro in bocca per confondersi tra la folla.
Il suo quadro Aratura nelle campagne di Nevers, del 1949 è oggi esposto al Museo d’Orsay.
La fama internazionale era arrivata con La fiera di cavalli, arrivata al Metropolitan Museum di New York nel 1887, ancora oggi uno dei quadri più apprezzati della struttura.
La sua fortuna artistica è stata molto legata al mercato inglese, era molto apprezzata dalla regina Vittoria, e a quello statunitense.
È stato un raro esempio di artista che è riuscita a guadagnare in vita con le sue opere. Riuscì infatti a comprare il castello di By, a Thomery, vicino Fontainebleau, dove allestì il suo atelier e organizzò gli spazi per i suoi animali. Ci viveva con il suo primo amore, Nathalie Micas, anch’ella pittrice, conosciuta quando aveva quattordici anni da cui non si separò mai sino alla morte di lei, avvenuta nel 1889.
Allevava animali esotici e coltivava le sue passioni, musica, letture, teatro, ma anche sigari, caccia, cavalli. Sezionava i cadaveri degli animali per studiarli meglio.
Riceveva scrittori come Victor Hugo, Gustave Flaubert, i musicisti più famosi dell’epoca, Georges Bizet, Jules Massenet, Charles Gounod, appassionata d’opera, si recava spesso Parigi per assistere agli spettacoli.
Anche Buffalo Bill, che aveva conosciuto quando aveva visitato l’accampamento del Wild West Show, lo spettacolo che portava in giro per l’Europa, dove aveva visto per la prima volta i bisonti e altri animali esotici. Dal loro incontro nacque un celebre ritratto a cavallo dell’ospite americano, che le aveva donato un abito dei nativi visibile ancora oggi nella ex dimora dell’artista.
Nel 1865 è stata insignita della Grande Croce della Lègion d’Honneur dall’imperatrice Eugénie, moglie di Napoleone III, che aveva visitato il suo atelier e insistito per poterle consegnare la più alta onorificenza francese.
Anni dopo la scomparsa di Nathalie, si innamorò della per la pittrice statunitense Anna Klumpke, con ha vissuto fino alla morte e che è diventata la sua erede universale.
Ha lasciato la terra il 25 maggio del 1899 nel Castello di By. È sepolta a Parigi nel cimitero di Père-Lachaise.
I quadri, gli acquarelli, i bronzi e le incisioni presenti nel suo studio, così come la sua collezione personale, furono venduti alla galleria Georges Petit, a Parigi, nel 1900. Oggi il suo atelier è aperto al pubblico come Musée de l’atelier Rosa Bonheur a Thomery.
La sua biografia è stata scritta, nel 1908, da Anna Klumpke, la sua ultima compagna.
Nel 2022 per il bicentenario della sua nascita è stata allestita una mostra al Museo di Belle arti di Bordeaux e successivamente al Musée d’Orsay.
Nel suo castello, ora ribattezzato Château Rosa Bonheur, l’attuale proprietaria si batte per far riscoprire l’opera della pittrice e valorizzare la dimora che contiene molti documenti d’archivio ancora inediti rimasti conservati nei solai e magazzini e che, poco a poco, vengono studiati per arricchire la conoscenza di una donna emblematica della sua epoca la cui memoria non deve andare persa.
Si stima che al momento della sua morte al castello fossero presenti circa 4.500 opere. Grazie alle lastre fotografiche di Anna Klumpke, scoperte nei solai, si è potuto ricostruire in parte un inventario delle opere scomparse. Le immagini sono state il cuore dell’esposizione Le Musée des oeuvres disparues  che presentava un centinaio di opere inedite della pittrice rivelandone aspetti meno conosciuti come le caricature, la pittura storica e paesaggistica, le illustrazioni di leggende inglesi.
Nel castello dove ha abitato è possibile dimorare e godere del meraviglioso giardino dove teneva i suoi amati animali.
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parisfind · 2 years
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Visiting the home and studio of the artist Rosa Bonheur. This is a visit I had always wanted to make. Going with a fellow art Academy (PAFA) friend made it much more fun. We made the trip traveling by train going just one stop beyond Fontainebleau to the town of Thomery. A twenty minute hike through a small section of the forest of Fontainebleau had us breathing the smells of the cool fresh cool air on a path that led directly to this artist's amazing space. Formally named the Chateau de By, this odd structure sits about forty miles southwest of Paris. Bonheur dubbed the space "The Domain of Perfect Affection". Rosa came from a family of artists. I should not have been surprised at the large amount of works she created: drawing, painting, print works and a number of small sculptures well represented in the space. So much of her works seemed to have been collected outside of France. She would be the first woman in French history to receive the French Legion of Honour presented by the Empress Eugenie in 1865. Receiving the honor the Empress would state "Genius has no Sex". The place was an artist's studio that one could only dream of working in today. It was hung with a few works in progress and many references she may have used to help create her works. . . . #thomery #rosabonheur #museerosabonheur #fontainebleau #artiststudio #animalartist (at Musée de l'atelier Rosa-Bonheur) https://www.instagram.com/p/Chtu1p8r3SS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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maisons-et-chateaux · 11 months
Durant les 40 dernières années de sa vie, la peintre française Rosa Bonheur s'est établie et a vécu et travaillé dans le petit château situé à la sortie du village de Thomery, en Seine-et-Marne, à la lisière de la forêt de Fontainebleau. Katherine Brault, s'emploie à le faire revivre.
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ninovuarrier · 2 years
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Thomery, France, 2020
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its-tea-time-darling · 10 months
🍉 Thomesa, Thominewt, Newtmas, Thominho, Nalby, Minally, Sonyariett, Minho/Alby (don't know the ship name), Thomaris, Minewby (Minho/Newt/Alby) for honest ship opinion? 🍉
Send me a ship and I’ll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it
thank you for this anon:DD
to crest and saph who got a tag for this post: it's bc i recced your fics :D
Literal perfection, main character + his narrative foil, deontology vs. utilitarianism depicted in the most empathetic of ways, finally culminating and coming full circle in forgiveness and understanding of the complexitiy of the situation at "I tried."--"I know." Without Thomas and Teresa the story would not exist, and the arc they span over the series is by far the most powerful to me. OTP <3
All my Thomesa Fics on AO3, all my Thomesa Edits.
Fun! There's some really sweet fic for them out there, and I think they would have a wonderful dynamic!
I loved it when I first joined the fandom and then burned out of it a little. Difficult at times that it's so predominant in the fandom; if they're not one of your top ships you have to make a conscious effort to filter Newtmas content out for your own piece of mind. Also I seem to like different things about them than many of the other shippers so I don't vibe with all Newtmas content out there. Which is fair and valid, the reasons people like certain ships are manifold and varied, which is exactly what makes fandom as wonderful as it is. <3
A bit of the same as Newtmas, when I discovered it I loved it a lot, but I think I've since written and read about them plenty and I'm more or less saturated on them. Mostly I wrote As Long as I Watch Over You as a canon compliant fic, and to me that's exactly the way they could get together.
It took me a long time to see them (mainly due to how Alby commits suicide in the books which is just not something I cope with well), but now I like them a lot! However I do find it a tedious ship to fix since Alby dies so early on in the series. weaving golden threads of fate was the first (and so far only) nalby fic i've written. (This one is canonverse though.)
Cool! They're definitely interesting characters to smash together bc they're both so stubborn and full of themselves (while at the same time probably harboring deep insecurities). I love Marathon Man by @crestfallercanyon
Love! I have a started Glade fic for them (Run, Baby, Run) that I really hope to finish one day. It's going to start out as them butting heads often and have a.. repressed feelings to lovers arc. :P
What I can say though is that many people seem to love a fluffy and wholesome arc for them in mostly sfw fics, so as an angst, tragedy, darkfic and smut lover there's not as much for me out there. (There seems to be a general trend for wlw content being much more wholesome and fluffy than mlm content, the reasons for which are varied and complex.)
LOVE!!!!!!!!!! Especially at the glade I think they could have amazing dynamics!!! The way Minho comes back from running the maze in the first book and flops down onto the ground and commands Alby to get him water laksdjfalkjsfdsdajklf. (Also a nice ship: Minewby!! (Minho x Newt x Alby))
Cute! I have them in a depressing bookverse post canon fic that's Thomeris (Thomas x Teresa x Aris) where Aris is completely distraught about Rachel's death: Where did you go
Ah lol there you go! I think they could be wonderful! @onceuponabluemoon has one of the few fics on ao3 about them: the Icarus to your certainty
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uranium-einstein · 2 years
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Vieux carrelage dans le château de Rosa Bonheur, Thomery, France. Old tilework in the Chateau de Rosa Bonheur, Thomery, France.
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