#The sunglasses are a choice
missathlete31 · 3 months
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At least we get Glen at the parties if not the show
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meltlilies · 24 days
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i got inspired seeing @/mail-me-a-snail's alt outfits for vance so i wanted to do the thing too. sfvbhj not tagging them but wanted to say.
it goes main outfit > low profile / dogtown outfit > riding outfit > boxing fit > casual outfit > alt casual outfit (fun edition) > first date with kerry > black sapphire / formal outfit > post-mikoshi / the sun
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inartchive · 20 days
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crown-ov-horns · 2 months
Fine, I'll admit it. With long hair...
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He's very attractive. He really is.
But, he's a harebrained trend chaser, who will butcher his good looks for fickle fashion.
He also looks like he should be wearing a kilt, not a cloak. Because of the long red hair, not David's nationality.
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dmc-questions-anon · 1 month
What a wonderful day to think about how Lady got her heterochromia from her father
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I am putting all the Doctors in a blender to end up with the appropriate amount of gender for me
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willowser · 1 year
willow! first of all, i love all your writing and aus and just everything about your blog! everyone feels so realistic and it’s just amazing ajahakalal!!
second of all, i cannot get love island! kiri out of my head. like imagine he’s getting to know some other girl bc he’s just that nice but then someone else snatches you for recoupling and he realizes that there’s a very real possibility that the two of u won’t be together by the end and the thought just breaks his heart bc bc he really likes you!! you really, really wants to be with u and pursue a relationship outside the show but now he just feels like he blew it when he sees you with your new guy, splashing each other in the pool and laughing so brightly and you’re in your cute little bikini and hnghhhh just can’t stop thinking about this
OKAY OKAY bummer island with kiri is such a rollercoaster, i think you guys have the HARDEST time in there 🥺🥺 but it makes it worth it, in the end 😌🩷✨️
like i'm imagining that every week, all the boys are just hyping him up, telling him that he shouldn't close himself off, he's here to meet people, that's the whole point of this game and stuff — which it is ! but 🥺 he does really like you 🥺 so he ends up....unintentionally being a bit of a douchebag LOL
bc he's telling you that you're the only one he sees !! 🥺 and he's smiling at you on the beanbags, saying, "i wish we were sharing a bed tonight," and he always tells you how nice you look, you're always laughing together, sometimes you get too touchy 😌 BUT THEN ANOTHER GIRL WALKS IN and he's like, "i feel like i would be doing myself a disservice if i didn't try to get to know her," which is so AKGBRUEJQLALA and it's like. by the third time this has happened, you're so done. so beyond done lmao. and he doesn't even REALIZE IT.
a recoupling is happening and it's girls' choice and kiri is — over the moon. because he's thinking that this is it !! that you're going to choose him because things have been going great with yall (💀) and you'll finally be able to move forward, he's really excited to put all his effort into you now and — no, he's really not worried that a new guy just came in and told you he only had eyes for you 🙂 why would he be worried ?? 🙂
and you get up there and — you don't choose him. and he can't believe it.
every time that you could've coupled up in the past, someone has come along to steal either of you before the deal could be sealed. and now the opportunity was right there and he really, really was looking forward to FINALLY being with you 🥺 and having to stand there and hear your speech and watch you choose someone else is like alfhdkakajbfs 🥺 has him so ???? ofc a girl he's been talking to saves him so it's not like he goes home or anything but the hurt is SO CLEAR on his face 🥺
and afterwards, he grabs you as soon as it's appropriate to ask you 🥺 what happened ?? 🥺
and you're kinda not even looking at him 🥺 staring down into your drink or elsewhere. "i don't know, kirishima, he came in here and only has eyes for me, so — i think i'd be doing myself a disservice by not getting to know him."
and he KNOWS that those words are a slap in the face, especially with how serious you look, and he kind of laughs because he's shocked and hurt and doesn't know what to say !! because it's all too real now that he genuinely may have fucked it up !!! 🥺🥺🥺
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Roger Federer | 24 hrs with Roger — London: To London, With Love Pt. I
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pureanonofficial · 1 year
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Kim Strauss as Freddie Trumper in Chess (1992) at San Jose Civic Light Opera.
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yuckymuckyy · 6 months
i saw this image on twitter but i didnt have the freedom to say that this made me feel equal parts feral attraction and crushing gender envy:
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deputychairman · 4 months
Embarrassingly, I am following all the cobra Kai cast members on instagram so now they’ve dropped the s6 promo I’m noticing how they posted a few hours apart… each with a personal comment that maybe they even wrote themselves, sincere & engaging all that.., and then against my will I was evaluating a social media campaign in my free time, for FREE.
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
Hot for Teacher AU
Not sure if I want Bisuke or Akino to be Kakashi’s service dog because on one hand Naruto introducing his scary looking dad and service dog Biscuit is funny but Kakashi with a service dog wearing sun glasses at all times in also hilarious.
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digyoman · 6 months
I will listen to any and all Lloyd headcannons!!
What's something you always wanted to get out there? Something interesting you think gets overlooked? Something that deserves clarification? Or anything really! AUs, ideas, random thoughts that hang in your brain.... Please go off!!
(I'm always here for more Stand time!!)
mouse!! thank you for the ask, you are my greatest enabler and i love you for it. <3
honestly this SO hard to answer because i have so much to say. probably too much. i looked through some of my old notes in preparation for this post and all i can say is. jesus christ. there is a lot to unpack and i can’t fit it all into one post so i’m just going to stick with the basics!
so, here are digyoman’s lloyd headcanons 101 (based on the book and mostly vegas-centric!):
he doesn’t like to be alone. super brilliant observation, i know! 👍 he can be left on his own, it’s not that big of a deal, but generally i think he tends to feel cornered when he’s isolated for too long. so, he ends up lurking around the casino a lot, just to be near other people. and sometimes he falls asleep there. if you catch him snoozing at a crap table leave him ALONE it’s none of your business!
he has extremely questionably probably disordered eating habits. i don’t think this needs much explanation. he eats a lot, refuses to “waste” food, and occasionally hoards shit in case of an emergency. it gets better after a while, but never fully goes away.
he probably has some form of ocd. yes this means compulsive showering. it also means he has weird thought loops and tends to draw connections where there are none. he doesn’t think of himself as superstitious, but he’s also out here assuming that he can survive almost any situation by thinking “i don’t want to die,” over and over and that is not a normal train of thought. it is, however, the only way he can make sense of how he’s survived this long, and it gives him an illusion of control in situations where he really doesn’t have any say over his own life.
he dissociates during the executions. anyone who says “pretend like you don’t know him,” while trying to kill someone is not checked into reality you can’t fool me. he disconnects from himself throughout the whole show and probably for a while after, so he has little to no memory of actually crucifying anyone, but he sure knows it happened! it gets a lot worse when the crucifixions happen more often—the frequent dissociation combined with his intense stress over trying to keep vegas from falling apart builds towards a total break from reality near the end. i think glen’s death is a tipping point for him, and even if the bomb hadn’t gone off shortly after that, he would not have survived much longer.
when he first arrived in vegas, he got a kick out of dressing in sharp clothes and strutting around the casinos like a big shot. but after a while of this, he realized they weren’t really genuinely him, so he defaults back to casual clothes. but he still has those outfits and he will break them out again if he ever wants to make an impression!
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keery · 1 year
i think about this photo at least once a day
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dykegeology · 1 year
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'goth is about the fashion' why does the guy who started the gothic rock subgenre dress like that then. The iconic fashion style of ripped black jeans with another pair of slightly longer, non ripped, black jeans underneath them.
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madam-o · 6 months
Ok so clearly Doflamingo got drunk one day, walked into a thrift store, came out wearing that outfit, and never took it off. And he's supposed to be intimidating and taken seriously as a threat. Ok, Oda.
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