#The Walking Dead Game season 2
nllick · 27 days
I love Kenny
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clemtwdg95 · 2 months
Luke does a "toast" for his 27th birthday (TWDG Season 2) ❤️
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Happy 27th birthday, Luke!
GIFs made by me.
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yellowsugarwords · 7 days
season 2 is the most devastating season of the twdg franchise
I genuinely believe that season 2 of twdg is the saddest season in the entirety of the franchise. like, don't get me wrong, lee's death hurt the most, but season 2 is so fucking grim and dark. it's like watching clementine's innocence die before your eyes. even the damn colour palette in comparison to the other 3 seasons is drearier. I get depressed just thinking about that season. I would argue, out of every season, it showed the most devastation.
season 1: the apocalypse is just beginning - everyone is trying to figure out what to do.
season 3: people know what to do to survive, but it's combatting with other people in how you go about survival that makes it difficult.
season 4: people are surviving, but gangs have almost taking precedence over walkers. walkers are used as weapons by others to maintain power.
season 2: people know about the apocalypse, and people know how to survive, but you're literally watching the very brink of society collapse at the seams. you’re in the transition phase between society not knowing what to do, and going literally mad with power. I think Matthew is a perfect example of the mentality that season 2 displays: that any good left in the world is dying out. and that’s the season where you’re just watching it happen.
in season 3 and 4, you’ve come to terms with it. but in season 2, you’re watching, in real-time, how everyone came to terms with it. you’re watching the trauma that defines society in seasons 3 and 4. and good god it’s harder to watch than once everyone has accepted it.
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fox-from-fairytale · 10 months
For now, if to sit with Luke or Kenny is the most difficult choice the game gave
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obamaonaunicorn · 1 year
Hot take: the best ending for season 2 is Clementine killing Kenny and then going alone, for no other reason than this:
1. At the beginning of season 2, she had no weapon with her and couldn't protect someone she loved, but at the end, she has the means to do something to stop someone else she cares about from getting hurt.
2. As for leaving Jane behind,
At the end of season 1, when Clem saw Christa and Omid, she was hesitant to walk towards them, fearful that they might have been walkers or strangers. At the end of season 2, she's confidently walking into the herd of walkers, fearful of them no more.
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The temptation to start a blog like an "ask the twdg characters!" because there's like one in existence and they haven't posted in ages and I need to do something to motivate me to draw. Would yall be interested? I'll probably focus on season 1 motor inn but i could try season 4 things too.
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shygirl4991 · 1 year
The Walking Dead season 2 Episode 1 All That Remains
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ravensinyouryard · 1 month
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finished season 2 of the walking dead i feel so empty what the FUCK was THAT ENDING????? anyway i have a strong love hate relationship with kenny (i shot him) so to commemorate that relationship i drew this. my fav frame from the second season i think. 💗 rip kenny you wouldve loved river monsters
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bluebutterfly1 · 7 months
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The Chess Pieces Of The Walking Dead: The Final Season
Insp: [X] // [X] // [X] // [X] // [X]
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willemdafinky · 3 months
Kenny: When Carver was beating me, nearly killing me, I felt at peace. It felt peaceful Clem, more than anything I felt in a long time.
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clemtwdg95 · 3 months
Kenny & Clementine Reunite! (Season 2) ❤️
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Very touching moment. ❤️
GIFs made by me.
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yellowsugarwords · 10 months
Hi! I was the one who requested the Twdg cabin group love confession request and I wanted to say thank you so much for doing my request! I absolutely loved it, I really love the cabin group so it makes me really happy to see someone writing for them 💜
If you don’t mind me asking for another request, could I request some scenarios of the cabin group reacting to their S/O being kidnapped by Carver? Like a scenario similar to what happened in episode 2 where the S/O gets taken by Carver while they’re watching Sarah, and when the group returns back to the cabin Sarah tells them all what happened? (Or something similar to this, doesn’t have to be this exact scenario if you’d like to change it up)
I hope I worded this in a way where it’s not too confusing or anything lol
OOOOOH BOYYYYYY the angst is real here. Ima go with that: when they return and Sarah has to fill them in.
Luke: Luke could feel his heart sink - more so crash - into his stomach. He almost felt as though his legs were going to go weak. “What do you mean ‘took them’?” He asked, voice strained yet soft. Luke turned, staring out the still ajar front door, staring into the trees, wondering where on earth they could be out there. Were they scared? Terrified? Cold? Soaked to the bone? Were they lonely? With Carver, any of those things - or even worse, all of those things -  could be true. He felt his knuckles clench and his jaw tighten. “Grab your gun.” He scoffed under his breath. It was raspy and hoarse. “What?” “Luke, you can’t--” “I said,” Luke said, snapping around and cutting Carlos off. His hands had been ruffling through his hair, causing it to be stressed in every which way. He held out a hand - it was shaking - and sighed. He tried composing himself. “I said grab your gun.” He paused between each word. “There’s no damn way I’m about to let Carver take Y/N. Hell no.” Luke seldom became this aggressive. The group knew, as he stormed up the stairs to pack a bag for the trek, that he was dead serious.
Nick: Nick felt the chaos surrounding him, and someone he was numb to it, and feeling it, all at the same time. “No,” was all he could say, staring out of the ajar door, into the woods. “That fucking asshole.” he cursed under his breath, his fists tightening and his gaze averting to the ground. If he was able to get his hands on him, he would rip him to shreds. “We have to go.” “Nick,” Luke said, voice defeated and pained. He knew Luke was pitying him, and he hated it. “We need to think carefully about this,” “We can’t just let them stay there!” Nick countered. Luke’s shoulders deflated, seeing the agony in Nick’s eyes. “Who knows what they’re doing to them right now. And while that happens we just,” he waved his arms frantically, needing to release some of his anxious energy. “Stay here? Until he comes back?” Nick scoffed and shook his head. “No.” He stormed out of the front door, snagging Pete’s gun off of the front porch, and starting away. He could hear the yells and scolds behind him, but kept going. Not long after, he felt a hand on his shoulder, and there stood Luke. “We’re not letting you do this alone.” Behind him stood the rest of the group, bags packed and hiking on their way. Nick nodded, unable to smile, too focused on saving Y/N.
Pete: Pete didn’t say anything, he stood silently as the others asked questions. He couldn’t bring himself to speak or move. All he could think was ‘how could he?’ He wasn’t surprised Carver would stoop to such a level. He was just furious. Without a word, he grabbed his gun from by the front door and started outside. “Pete?” “Pete, stop!” He could hear the group calling after him, asking where he was going. Before he knew it, he felt a firm hand on his shoulder. “I’m going.” He was firm when he flipped around, spitting the phase into Nick’s phase. Nick didn’t react at first, just nodded. “That’s why we’re coming with you.” Behind him, Pete spotted the others slowly gathering their things, trying to prep. He said nothing, but he could feel the love swell in his chest. “I’ll get ahead.” And with that, Pete started off.
Carlos: Carlos’ heart flipped, going weightless for a brief moment, as if he was having an out of body experience. “What?” He leaned in, as though he was having trouble hearing. In reality, he just wanted to deny that he’d heard anything at all. “He took them.” Sarah said again, voice trembling more this time. Carlos attempted to comfort her as best he could, but he felt numb. Every fibre, and every inch. Sarah drew close, clinging to his jacket and crying. He placed a weak hand on her back, his gaze drifting out the door, mind in a million places other than the cabin living room. He gulped hard, trying to force back the pain, but he knew everyone was staring at him. They could tell. Pete placed a hand on his shoulder “We’re going after them, alright?” he said softly, hoping to encourage him without further panicking Sarah. “This isn’t over. We won’t let it be.” Carlos could feel a tear escape, but just nodded, biting the inside of his cheek to distract himself from the crushing pain.
Rebecca: Rebecca could feel herself ready to faint. Just as she could feel her knees start to give way, Carlos and Luke grabbed her, steadying her upright once again. “You can’t be serious,” she said weekly, voice threatening to break. She couldn’t tell if she was angry, devastated, grieving, or all of the above, crashing into her head all at once. “We can’t let him.” She urged, standing upright, attempting to regain her stability. “We can’t let Carver win again.” She could feel tears clambering up in the back of her throat. “Not like this. Not with Y/N!” Her voice broke more and more with every word. Luke tried to keep her steady, hoping she would remain as calm as possible. Rebecca finally lost her grip, fell to her knees, and sobbed. It was certain death to go after them, but definite torture if she didn’t. She couldn’t win. Every fibre of her being ached.
Alvin: Alvin could feel his stomach tighten and his fists clench. “No way,” was all he could manage to force out. “Alvin,” Carlos said lowly, “I’m sorry.” “Don’t be.” Alvin spat back, turning around. “I’m bringing them back,.” “What?” Luke asked, stunned. “You can’t do it alone.” “Then join me.” Alvin seldom ever spoke this directly. He seldom ever spoke so intensely that you could hear the gruff in his vocal chords. He was livid. He was fuming. Luke relaxed his shoulders, watching as Alvin stormed deeper into the brush. “If you’re coming, pack your stuff.” He said, darting after Alvin. “I can’t lose them, Luke.” He said, so quietly Luke almost wasn’t able to hear. “I can’t.” Luke said nothing, just walked silently beside him and nodded. Alvin had the floor. Alvin made the rules. And when Alvin was angry, no one should ever dare cross him.
𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘮 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 💌☕️♡
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fox-from-fairytale · 10 months
I'm so, so, SO happy that the game let me hug Kenny
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obamaonaunicorn · 1 year
Gone Fishin'.
(mild spoilers for TWDG season 2!)
It was a lovely day. The sun was shining, and there was a gentle warm breeze flowing through the air.
Luke and Sarah walked through the woods, fishing rods in hands, chatting with eachother as they went.
"Thanks for coming with me, Luke," Sarah mentioned. "I've been wanting to learn to fish for a while now."
"Of course," Luke replied, smiling at her. "I'm just glad you didn't ask Nick to go with you instead."
"Why? Is Nick like, bad at fishing or something?"
"Well, he's always talking about how well he can fish," Luke looked around, checking if anyone was there. Then, he looked back at her. "But just between you and me, I'm the only one doing the fishing whenever we go out."
Sarah giggled at this.
Once the pair found the river, they chose a decent spot to set up. Luke showed Sarah how to put the bait on the hook.
"Now, we wait," Luke said, sitting down at the river bank. "It'll take a while for the fish to actually bite."
"That's okay," Sarah replied. "The woods are nice."
Luke casted his fishing line into the river.
"You know, I used to do this all the time with my mom," Luke said, sitting down next to Sarah.
"Really? Was she the one that taught you how to fish?" Sarah asked.
"That, she was. She was patient with me, too."
"Were you ever bad at fishing?"
"Oh, I was terrible when I started, but she never gave up on me," Luke chuckled. "My first time, I got a fishhook stuck in my hand because I wasn't paying attention."
Sarah winced. "Ouch. I don't think I'd want to fishing again after that. I'd be too pissed."
"Oh, believe me, I didn't. But after some prodding, I came around. Can't say the same for my sisters, though," he began. "Eventually, fishing became a thing that we'd only do together."
"That sounds sweet," Sarah said, looking back at him. "Before my dad... I never got to do any of this stuff with him. He told me it wasn't safe, and I'd get an infection or something."
"I'm sorry to hear that, Sarah," Luke said sympathetically. "But hey, now you get to fish with me."
Sarah grinned back at him. "Yeah, that's true."
Suddenly, Sarah's rod started shaking. "Luke, I think I got something!" She exclaimed.
Luke jumped up beside her, obviously quite excited. "Let's reel it in!"
Sarah began to reel in the catch, while Luke stood next to her, ready to help if she needed it. After a few moments, a tiny betta fish emerged from the water, it's mouth caught on Sarah's line.
"Great catch, kid!" Luke said, grinning at her.
"Thanks, Luke," she replied. "It felt like the fish was going to be bigger, though."
"The first catch always feels bigger than it really is. You'll catch a big bass one day."
They continued to fish for a while longer, catching a few more fish between them. It was a peaceful and enjoyable afternoon, a rare moment of relaxation in a world filled with danger and uncertainty.
As the sun began to set, Luke and Sarah packed up their gear and headed back to camp, their catches in hand. It was a successful and satisfying outing, and they both knew that they would remember this day for a long time to come.
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truck-stop-tiger · 3 months
“You and I, Clementine…. We’re far more alike than you realize…”
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my favourite thing to do is headcanon Luke as an actual cowboy
like ik Carver refers to him and Nick as ‘farmboys’ but in my mind this man was a ranch hand for his family owned ranch that maybe he convinced his dad or someone to hire Nick on as like a favour- like Luke was more like country country whereas Nick is a little more redneck than cowboy.
my other favourite headcanon is that the business they were going into was alcohol/whiskey
do I have any reasons for these headcanons? No. Are they near and dear to my heart? Yes!
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