#The Pendergasts
thecollectibles · 5 months
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Art by Dani Pendergast
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Character, book, and author names under the cut
Bram Greenfield- Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli
Kodiak Celius- The Darkness Outside Us by Eliot Schrefer
Remy Pendergast- Silver Under Nightfall by Rin Chupeco
Adam Parrish- The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater
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malicedafirenze · 2 months
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My illumicrate special edition got here look at these beauties 🥹
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21st-century-boys · 2 months
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Evan Pendergast
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v0xtagram · 7 months
Remy and Zidan in a nutshell
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fyblackwomenart · 1 year
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"Kaya, Ghost Assassin" by Dani Pendergast
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at the beginning of the book
Xiaodan, looking at Zidan: he’s perfect (affectionate)
Remy, looking at Zidan: he’s perfect (derogatory)
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Remy, literally dying and being ignored: “It’s important to me that we clear up the whole ‘vampire sex pet’ thing because you see we haven’t—“
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coffeenonsense · 7 months
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noahhawthorneauthor · 3 months
I'm not a lord or lady, but a secret third thing
an arms master
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wormwombs · 1 month
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zeke-in-devildom · 19 days
Dissonance - Bonus: Beyond the Door
Barbatos had dutifully seen to it that his inebriated young master had made it into his bed, with no embarrassing mishaps on the way back from The Fall. A drunken Lucifer had likewise managed to return safely home without incident. All of the brothers had, and even the human. Everything should be absolutely in its proper place, going smoothly and according to plan, and yet something had shifted in the world shortly after Ezekiel had left The Fall with Satan. It had been nagging at the back of his mind ever since, an intrusive bubble of unease that should not exist.
Had the human gone against his advice and informed one of the brothers about his increasing visions? No, that would not cause such a rippling disturbance against the timeline. Barbatos could easily adjust his strategy and plans in the contingency that the brothers became a nuisance over the young psychic’s burgeoning powers. Truthfully they were in very significant danger of becoming a nuisance over the human in general. 
How very predictable.
It was inevitable that they would become overly attached to the mortal. How could they not? The connection to their sister was too hard to overcome. They should know better. A human lifetime could not compare to a demon’s after all, although he supposed higher beings were often subject to falling in love with lesser creatures with short lifespans despite knowing that they would have to eventually be parted from them.
At least there was the small mercy that only Lucifer was aware of the impending death of the brothers’ little pet human. Who knew how badly the others might act out if they were aware of such a thing? It was a shame and a waste, honestly. Barbatos could find very good uses for such a powerful human, and one with such sway over the brothers?
Ezekiel could be a very effective tool to further Lord Diavolo’s goals while simultaneously keeping the Avatars in check. Lucifer’s loyalty was absolute, of course, and he kept his brothers in line to an acceptable extent, but they were restless and unhappy. 
The human kept them happy and occupied.
Barbatos sighed ruefully. While he himself had nothing more than a passing sympathy for the human, he hated knowing how conflicted his young master was on the matter. Lord Diavolo very much wanted to keep Lucifer and his brothers happy. There simply wasn’t anything they could do without putting the tentative peace at risk. 
The sense of unease wasn’t passing. It only grew the longer he allowed himself to wallow in his thoughts. He had not had any intention of checking the future of Ezekiel again tonight. There wasn’t a reason to believe there would be any truly significant change in outcome from the last venture into future timelines. The human was destined to die, that was simply all there was to it. However, that unsettling feeling refused to go away. 
A quick look couldn’t hurt. If there was a disturbance great enough to set off his subconscious this much, then maybe there was a change that was worth noting. He was allowed to steer things in a positive direction until the end of the exchange. It was his solemn duty to make sure that the human survived that long, and the Celestial realm was being permissive for that much. Barbatos simply couldn’t interfere in what came after Ezekiel returned to the human world.
Slipping through time and space he easily located the human’s now very familiar thread of fate. It was strange, however. The once frayed and dull strand was burning brightly now as he followed it, although it still looked very much ready to snap with even a gentle tug in the wrong direction. It was an intriguing development, to be sure. Barbatos followed to the end of the thread, it was still a terribly short leap forward.
Preparing himself to witness yet another sad end to the human’s short life, he stepped into the foyer of the House of Lamentation. That was strange. How would death come to Ezekiel under Lucifer’s own roof? It seemed unthinkable that the Avatar of Pride would allow the human to perish under any circumstances. There was little chance that the human could be killed while surrounded by the Seven Lords of Hell. It was also unacceptable that an exchange student would die while in the Devildom. 
Except this was further out than the program’s duration. How was the human even in the Devildom at such a time? Surely Lord Diavolo would not allow him to stay. The Celestial realm would never stand for it. He would have to go back and follow the entirety of the sequence of events to figure out how the following death would come to transpire.
Just as Barbatos thought to do just that, he noticed something was terribly, terribly wrong with this vision. The color drained from his surroundings, and the demon realized that he was not actually in control of the flow of time. By the time he realized his mistake it was far too late, a foreign tendril of magical power had woven itself around him and yanked him forcefully out of the future.
For a moment he floundered in the nothing between timelines before crashing back into his proper place in time and space. The kitchen was blanketed in stunned silence for several long moments as the demon reoriented himself. This had never happened to him before.  There were very few beings powerful enough to force him to do anything, and even fewer that could slip along multiple realities to twist time as they saw fit. The human had most certainly not done that. He found himself feeling a bit shaken.
Just when he finally got himself fully under control once more, Barbatos felt something warm and wet drip down his face. Reaching up to gently wipe at the moisture as it hit his lips he stared down at his normally pristine white glove as he pulled it away from his mouth, it had spots of black ichor. The pulse of magic that had pushed him from the future timeline had been immense enough to trigger a violent physical reaction? It staggered him. 
If the level of magic that had been forced onto him was immense enough the pressure alone caused his nose to bleed he could only wonder if the human was even still alive. Had such a force been exerted on Zeke too? Barbatos couldn’t imagine a human surviving such an attack, even if the human in question was rather extraordinary. A momentarily and uncharacteristic twinge of panic had him gripping the counter in front of him just to keep himself steady.
It passed quickly.
Barbatos felt a sense of calm wash back over him as he gathered his wits about him once more. He was not a creature of impulse, his emotions were tightly controlled, allowing him to think rationally. There really were very few beings that could have forcefully pushed him back into his own timeline. Of those beings, only those affiliated with the Celestial realm could be considered hostile, and for now the angels seemed willing to play nicely. That left only one real possibility as to who had done this, and he doubted they would have intentionally harmed him or the human. 
It was still troublesome that they would interfere.
There was only one way to truly confirm his suspicions beyond a doubt. Barbatos made certain that his nose was no longer bleeding and that no mess was to be seen. That would be unsightly and there was no need to alarm the young master unnecessarily. Those matters settled he made his way to his room, making a point to act as if nothing was amiss, it wouldn’t do to start a panic over potentially nothing.
Despite his outward calm it was impossible not to feel a sense of anticipation as he began navigating the labyrinthine collection of doors and odd stairs that made up a large part of his bedroom. Barbatos felt his hands begin to tremble slightly as the door he was searching for came into view. Thick metal chains, once wrapped tightly around the frame, were scattered uselessly across the floor. His eyes took in the inky black frame with intricate silver carvings of esoteric runes, the door itself was the same dark pitch with a silver magic circle engraved upon it. This door was supposed to be locked and secured, but here it stood, slightly ajar.
The blackness beyond the door was impossibly darker than even the frame, seemingly sucking in all the flickering lights of his room, admittedly not a terribly bright section of the room to begin with. With a calmness that belied his now racing heart, Barbatos approached the door, he could hear maddening whispers in the dark, tempting and dangerous. He pushed it closed, finding no resistance as he did so. 
The whispers immediately stopped. 
A simple silver key was withdrawn from his pocket, it twisted easily in the lock and a wave of his hands saw the thick chains dance to life, curling around the door once more to secure it shut without issue. It seemed ridiculous. Barbatos knew that the door would not fight this. It had already been open when he arrived. He had not locked the being out of his reality.
Barbatos had just locked it in.
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malicedafirenze · 7 months
Top Tier Quotes from Silver Under Nightfall
[seeing Zidan for the first time] He was exceedingly handsome. […] Remy hated him already.
He couldn’t stop watching them both. She was back to her chipper self and she‘d never been more beautiful. Malekh too remained as elegant and commanding as he‘d always been. And Remy took that personally.
Xiaodan: "He said he'd rather die than take blood from a vampire. Remy: "Fuck what I said, do what you have to do to get us out of here". Xiaodan: "Give us permission." Remy: "I‘m dying. Fucking fuck me if that‘s what it takes."
Remy: "It’s just that you’re always so hard to read, I never know if you want to fight me or fuck me". Zidan: “It’s both, Pendergast. It’s always been both."
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darklesmylove · 2 years
my favorite panels from the demon in the wood graphic novel:
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1. baby aleksander being afraid of the dark when he’s a shadow summoner will never not make me cry
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2. baghra is a literal hot queen and this is one of my favorite grishaverse quotes
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3. the cute lil joy on his face when he’s summoning is my new favorite thing
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4. i couldnt not include this because look at him
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5. aleksander’s favorite color being sunlight is the purest thing and i always wish he had told alina that rip
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6. crying part 1
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7. crying part 2
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8. this page is so gorgeous and heart wrenching at the same time
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9. like calls to motherfucking like is such a good quote also and i’ll never get over it
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10. showstopping amazing never been done before what a beautiful last page and just gorgeously done
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thecollectibles · 2 years
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Art by Dani Pendergast
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coffeecakecafe · 2 years
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doodles between comms because I have Obliterated my way through Relic and most of Reliquary in less than a week. I’m so tired I keep trading sleep hours for more time to read about the horrors
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