#That freelance life
impcoffeeandcake · 2 years
Side Hustles, Freelance Writing, and a Career
I can't count the number of times where someone—either on a Reddit thread or face-to-face—has said, "I love writing. I write poetry and short stories all the time. How can I start freelance writing?" 🤦🏽‍♀️
I have to stop myself and take a step Back to realize that
(a) most people don’t realize that digital marketing and SEO are a thing
(b) most people don’t realize that professional writing is deceptively easy and
(c) The same people telling you that content writing is an easy side hustle are probably trying to shill their course.
The truth is that your learning curve could be anywhere from nonexistent to really steep. It all depends on your base level of reading comprehension, grammar, life experience, and how much you actually read.
As a professional writer in any capacity, your job is to communicate, but that skill alone is deceptively simple, too. You have to know your audience, anticipate their needs, and understand search intent. You'll also have to keep up with social media–which means you'll be using TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Clubhouse for a living when you’re not writing.
And when you’re not writing, scrolling through social media, you'll be reading. Like, read everything¯boxes of cereal, gossip magazines, blog posts about everything from cooking to CNC Machining. And also listen to podcasts about all the above.
After you’ve done all that, you should probably look for local festivals and cultural events to attend. And when you’re there, be sure to brush up on your people skills, smile, and talk to random people. The more life experience you have to draw from, the better. After all, you can’t pull your writing out of thin air.
Oh, and these in-person events should also be in a particular niche, too. No one wants an Brewing Espresso 101 review of the coffee festival you just attended. The best pieces of content, the ones that rank, are from either subject matter experts (SMEs) or connoisseurs.
Now do you still want to be a content writer? 😂
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gaycrittercentral · 1 month
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Dog With a Pearl Earring, acrylic on 2.5x3.5" panel, 2024
lmao kind of an art study I guess? mostly just wanted to mess around and paint a fun little parody of a well known art piece with Sam xD anyway hi I'm not dead hope y'all enjoy!
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the-sassy-composer · 11 months
Twitter has made the mind boggling decision to change DM settings without telling anyone, so you can only receive message requests from verified users. This could present difficulty in clients trying to reach you for work. You can check yours in settings -> privacy and safety -> Direct messages. It'll look like this:
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Make sure you change it back to "allow message requests from everyone" so clients can reach you. HOWEVER- there seems to be a bug (or feature? who knows anymore) that will change it back after a few hours to allow message requests only from verified users. Make sure you check regularly to make sure your settings are the way you want.
Twitter has been a mess since the takeover, but this decision is going to severely impact the ability for clients to reach you. I think it's a good idea to make sure your external website is in your Twitter bio, and pin any other contact info to your profile.
To all the other people out there that use Twitter for work, good luck to us both 🙃
(Please reblog for visibility, this choice affects people's livelihoods and they need to know)
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femmefatalevibe · 10 months
Femme Fatale Guide: Top Career Tips To Set Yourself Up For Success
Figure out where your skills and passions align. Then determine the lifestyle/work culture you thrive in and what sacrifices you're willing to make in your chosen career path (for some, it's always traveling/talking to people 24/7, working late hours, unpredictable/unconventional hours, potentially lower pay/less predictable income, etc.). It truly depends on your top values, your personality, and your goals/priorities in life.
First focus on getting incredibly talented at your craft. Find a mentor(s) who will push you with their feedback/suggestions. Take classes/skills courses/read books & articles to gain more applicable knowledge/hard skills. Join clubs, apply to internships, volunteer, and request informational interviews in your desired field.
Make your skills marketable. Create a professional resume and/or neat portfolio/collection of work samples. Discover and articulate your USP (that should essentially serve as the backbone of your elevator pitch). Frame your skills through a customer/business-centric lens. How does your experience/skillset solve their problems and help a company/client achieve their goals?
Build a network for yourself. Don't be shy to reach out to companies/individuals who inspire you. Speak with your secondary school teachers and professors for connections. Create peer-to-peer networks, too, so you can grow together. Be a fearless networker and connector. Help others, do favors, and make the person glad they met/hired you. Make it your objective to be memorable through your work ethic/providing high-quality work products and showing up with a motivated & overall positive attitude allows people to like and trust you with their time, clients, money, etc.
Master the art of a killer email/cold pitch. Especially in today's world, learning how to sell yourself through intriguing emails/LinkedIn messages is the key to unlocking potential success. One client or opportunity can create momentum that will be useful years down the line, too.
When in doubt, follow up – on an email, pitch, job opportunity, connection, etc.
Be ruthless and relentless with your research. For new contacts, connections, opportunities, and information to support your pitches/job interviews/networking conversations, new technologies, and trends within your field. Read everything credible you can get your hands on. Display working knowledge and practical applications of these concepts and how they can benefit the person in front of you/their business.
Create systems. For how you structure emails/pitches, conduct research, different types of workflows/ work template structures for different types of projects, time-blocking, client funnels, etc.
Get comfortable with rejection. Use it as a primer for self-reflection and refining your craft/processes or help you pivot your approach to help you achieve your goals. Never take business decisions on behalf of a company personally (and vice versa).
Give yourself breaks, but don't give up. Tapping out for good is the only surefire way to fail at an endeavor. Be flexible in your path, but zeroed in on your goal(s). Learn when to quit or pivot, and when it's time to coast or seek growth.
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artfartt · 2 months
I just found out Trans Day of Visibility existed so I decided to do a little doodle with these guys
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tio-trile · 1 year
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Noi Noi Noi
Another life drawing session I bought from Zeet Studios! I watched Dorohedoro a while ago and loved it, and Noi is actually my favorite character...so when I saw that Zeet was doing a Dorohedoro themed figure drawing session featuring Noi I had to get it. These are 4 mins, 10 mins, and 20 mins respectively
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diabolicrecreation · 3 months
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Batch of doodles from class notes. I've done so much chemistry this semester it's crazy. On the upside, I did do super well on a biochem test today so it's worth it.
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narnour-momo-007 · 11 months
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roadratk · 5 months
Me and my friend drew randomly picked characters from franchises we like!
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These are all my drawings lol
(I haven't done traditional art in ages)
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princehoneytea · 8 months
sorry no art in a hot second... ive been really burnt out for a long time now and its been miserable, ive been looking for a normie job for ages so that i can make art something i do for myself again and i havent had much luck but.
i have good news now.
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gaycrittercentral · 1 year
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Just a quick virtues au thing that I sketched during yesterday’s lunch break and colored on today’s, teehee. I just think Sloth deserves to take a nap on his husband’s lap ok. And Patience is great for napping on bc he just sits still all day and seems incapable of getting uncomfortable :>
Oh btw I may be too busy to draw responses to every ask, but if anybody feels like asking questions abt these guys I’d be all too happy to write em! They’re just so fun to ramble about hhhdjdhsjhdhss
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cyberdragoninfinity · 7 months
Okay, firstly i love the new profile pic! Secondly, you mentioned you liked Sora from arc v (as do I, he is smol and totally totally innocent) and then I realised that Sora is very much Lester but in a new font.
So I would like to ask you: what if Lester and Sora teamed up (and how much would Primo suffer because of them)
THANK YOU i love my funny doggy <3
anyway youre so right Sora and Lester are definitely the same Breed of Yugioh Guy (i affectionately like to call this type of guy "Little Fuckers")--I'm really excited to watch more arc-v and see Sora. Do Things. :) I think he and Lester could get along SO well if you put them in the same room together and got them talking
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theyre both so experienced in Being Annoying!!! I'm sure Primo will love it!!!!!!!!!!!
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colleendoran · 4 months
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artfartt · 5 months
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theizzizzy · 3 months
Context: Max set a drive in Movie on fire because it was showing a movie about the government being awesome and not all about hiding aliens. (It’s also their anniversary)
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(Max’s shirt says [51] btw, you can guess what that’s a reference to)
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greenerteacups · 2 months
I’ve got a follow up from another ask — you said, ‘[Hermione] would sooner be an auror than Harry would.’
Now I’m curious, what do you think Harry would grow up to do?
Dogs. He gets like four or five really big, sweet, aggressively friendly dogs and just hangs out with them all the time. Takes them up to Hogwarts to hang out with stressed seventh years around exams. Sometimes he brings them with him to fancy galas and war memorials and they chew up all the furniture. What are you gonna do? Tell Harry Fucking Potter, Wizarding Messiah, that his Saint Bernard has to wait outside? Good luck.
Okay, serious answer: I think there are several plausible options. Auror isn't the worst thing in the world, but it's a terrible option for someone with PTSD and an aggressive response to stress, besides which, Harry doesn't seem to enjoy dueling; he'd become an auror out of a sense of duty, not out of interest. Teacher is possible, but as I've said before, the reason most people think Harry would do this is because of his stint with Dumbledore's Army, which was functionally a high-stakes intensive in his favorite subject with his best friends in the world, and not really reflective of... the actual experience of teaching (which is both rewarding and also extremely mundane and often frustrating in a way that Harry doesn't have a great temperament for). I think he might try teaching out of a desire to return to Hogwarts, but that would be the biggest draw.
The one thing Harry does like to do enough to make a life of it, unambiguously, is quidditch. And the thing is, he could probably do it? If you're a quidditch recruiter post-war, and Harry Fucking Potter asks to play for you, you don't care if he can tell a broomstick from a teakettle, you say yes. But I think Harry would loathe the attention of being a pro athlete, and he definitely wouldn't have the stomach for ad deals or promotional tours, so he'd probably end up as a talent scout or a team manager. It wouldn't be a full-time career, since Harry post-war would realistically have no need to work if he didn't want to, but something to do to get him out of the house and keep him preoccupied.
If we're going for maximum realism: The thing with war heroes is: they can't stay out of politics. You're too powerful, and people in power see that, and you either become a player, or you get sidelined entirely and trotted out at state ceremonies. So if we're doing this realistically, Harry is still Ministry-affiliated, and in the best-case scenario, he's an idle war hero living a life of leisure on the board of several philanthropic foundations, floating around and doing whatever odd jobs need doing for Hermione. Worst case, he gets drawn back into Ministry politicking, possibly for good, which is something I cannot believe he would enjoy or find fruitful, but which I believe he would submit to if he thought it would help people.
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