#Thanos sure as fuck ain't one of them
iwonderwh0 · 4 months
I've been replaying dbh lately, and: I unlocked Amanda's profile in the gallery and realized I'd forgotten one important detail. That Amanda has the authority and ability to remotely deactive Connor, at any second. The only reason she didn't during the escape of Jericho or Night of the Soul was because he was still UsefulTM. As she could assume control of him anytime, anywhere, but needed him to ingratiate himself to the Jericrew and get close to them before murdering Markus on live TV (and i wondered about that for a while - why wait, why not just kill Markus in the church, or hell, even immediately after deviating at Jerico - but i suppose it's a much bigger negative impact on public opinion to watch an android kill the deviant leader live. Their support is still tenuous, at best. This would likely tip plenty of people into believing that deviants are, in fact, unstable, unpredictable, and dangerous.)
But also...the fact that Amanda could have Thanos snapped Connor at any moment and he would have crumpled to the ground like an electrocuted pigeon. I just feel like, that as a fandom, we don't talk about this aspect of her nearly enough.
Imagine, if you will, Hank waiting for Connor at ass fucking o'clock (for him), freezing his ass off and hoping and waiting Connor wasn't hurt, wasn't laying dead in a ditch, or burning in an alley somewhere- and then he turns and Connor's there, missing a tie, but still with that goofy Superman curl and goofy smile. He's tugging the kid into a hug by the neck before he can think twice about it, and he thinks that maybe. Just for a split second. That maybe the world ain't all bad.
Connor's nearly melted into the embrace, lax (as much as THE stiffest android he's ever met, anyways) as can be, except he suddenly tenses in Hank's arms. Hank leans back, putting distance between them, just enough to look Connor in the eye, except the deviant isn't looking at him. Instead, his wine dark eyes are fixated ahead, wide, blank, and unseeing.
"Connor? You alright?" He asks nervously.
Connor does not reply, or tilt his head, or do any of the other 300 little idle animations he does. His LED is a steady, unblinking blue. He doesn't even seem to be simulating breathing.
"Connor? Hey, talk to me, kid." He knows his voice is edging near panic, but he doesn't care, giving Connor's shoulder a little jostle.
Connor remains unresponsive for 4 seconds, and then-
his LED turns a bright, burning red, his eyes roll to the back of his head, eyelids flickering up a storm, and he starts falling backwards. Hank watches it all as if in slow motion.
"Whoa, hey, hey, hey-" He yanks Connor against him, lowering him until he's cradled almost in Hank's lap. "Con, help me, what do i gotta do? I know fuck all about androids, so you're gonna have to tell me what to do here." He knows holding a hand to an android's forehead won't tell him anything, that they don't even get sick or cold, but he does it anyways just to have something to do with his hands. "I can't-fuck, just please, be ok. Don't do this to me, please-"
Connor's red LED flickers, once, twice, then holds steady for a moment before dimming slowly to nothing. Empty, grey, and lifeless.
Somewhere, far away from the icy slush and the screams bouncing off the detroit streets, Amanda snips another dead rose.
Damm, okay!
Yeah, I think shooting the deviant leader on live tv during the victory speech is surely much more impactful “last twist” than doing it in the middle off some mess where someone else could still theoretically take over the leader role (although it’s not like Connor didn’t try)
So you want that hug scene but with drama? Can’t blame you, haha
Although I’m a huge fun of something like this happening right then and where Connor resisted shooting Markus, once again during the speechtime. I mean, him shooting himself regardless of whetger or not there are Markus. Because if he can resist Amanda when Markus is alive, it’s not entirely sure why isn’t it an option when he’s alone, so shooting himself in both scenarios kinda make sense imo
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themculibrary · 8 months
Ghosts Masterlist 3
Links Last Checked: May 13th, 2024
part one, part two
ain't afraid of no ghost! (ao3) - deniigiq N/R, 6k
Summary: Peter thought about Mr. Stark telling him to be responsible with his powers. Then he thought about Wade recruiting Double D to time how long it took his hand to heal after he stabbed it with a knife. And then he remembered Double D agreeing to it even though he couldn’t read the stopwatch.
Stupider things had been done, he decided, and it’s not like a little ghost hunting was going to hurt anyone.
“Sure,” he told Ned with a grin, “Let’s go catch a ghost.”
(The Spiderman trio and the Daredevil trio meet up to go ghost-hunting, it goes about as well as you'd expect.)
All-American Afterlife (ao3) - Zekkass G, 4k
Summary: Bucky's been haunting Steve since he fell off the train.
All Hallows' Eve (ao3) - The_Winter_Writer bucky/steve/tony N/R, 3k
Summary: Tony hated haunted houses. When he escaped this nightmare he was going to kill Natasha.
Beyond The Wooden Fence (ao3) - Ashleyparker2815 N/R, 33k
Summary: In the house next door to Peter’s and Tony’s new house, there is a mom and dad who lost their eleven year old son.
Now, those parents find out Peter moved in next door and they try to get their ghost son to kill Peter so the spirit of the little boy can take his body.
Will Tony be able to save his kid?
Dancing in the Dark (ao3) - Neotorious steve/bucky G, 5k
Summary: Most things happen in the dark, and from the things that you could see to the people that you could meet in the dead of night something just might surprise you. And maybe, just maybe, they could even change your world. For better or worse? Well.. Who's to really say?
Sometimes it all starts with meeting a stranger during the witching hour. The night doesn't always have malice.
Darker Than Black (ao3) - trucizna steve/bucky T, 3k
Summary: Bucky has a monster living under his bed. Now he also has a friend.
Haunted Vacation (ao3) - pinkhairnoshoes steve/tony, ben/may T, 31k
Summary: Tony and Steve invite Ben and May on a vacation to a cottage upstate. It's a good chance to disconnect from technology and enjoy the summer out in the country. The house seems normal enough until Peter starts having nightmares and seeing ghosts. Unexplained things are starting to happen. Steve and Tony are getting increasingly frustrated waking up to things being out of place or damaged. Peter is getting increasingly worried when he wakes up with dirt and grass on his feet but no memory of leaving his bed. The adults assume Peter is acting out for attention. They don't see the ghosts or notice that the house is having an effect on them too.
Hopeless Wanderer (ao3) - Eternal_Peace_is_Overrated bucky/tony N/R, 6k
Summary: James Buchanan Barnes died when he fell from that train in the mountains; not in the literal sense, but very much in the figurative. He’d been molded into the Winter Soldier, the perfect assassin, by Hydra. But Bucky? He was still very much alive, trapped in his new Winter Soldier body, watching as this new him kills and hurts and demolishes. He doesn’t know what he would call himself- a ghost, maybe, a spirit. A soul? This goes on for seventy years, until one Tony Stark comes along and completely fucks up the life he’s trapped in. He watched the man struggle and hurt, seen him at his best and at his worst and somewhere along the way, Bucky fell in love with the self-made genius. And then. Then Tony almost dies, and suddenly, he can see Bucky- the ghost Bucky, who has been tied to him since he met him years ago, no longer stuck to the Winter Soldier. Its been one helluva ride, and Bucky’s new goal? Get his body back so he can kiss Tony senseless. Easy, right?
it slips between my fingers now (ao3) - Lise T, 3k
Summary: After Thanos is defeated, Thor goes (flees) into space with the Guardians of the Galaxy. It's going...fine.
Until he starts seeing his brother's ghost.
Possibly, Maybe (ao3) - castiowl steve/bucky T, 5k
Summary: Bucky is apartment-sitting for Natasha when he meets Steve. They spend the next four weeks embarrassing themselves.
Take Flight (ao3) - blackchaps clint/phil E, 50k
Summary: Werewolves kill Barney, sending Clint's life spiraling downwards. Clint avenges his brother, setting off a sequence of events that ends up with Clint losing his job at the circus and on the run from what feels like every werewolf in the United States. They want him dead. Good luck with that, furballs.
The Afterlife of The Party (ao3) - neversaydie steve/bucky, natasha/sam M, 8k
Summary" [in which Dead Dorks in Love, awkward ghost sex, and a whole lot of accidental feelings happen]
the dangers in the anger (and the hanging onto it) (ao3) - Katbelle T, 19k
Summary: There is a ghost haunting Matt Murdock's apartment. It's not the ghost you think of.
They that Fade and Stay (ao3) - 27dragons bucky/tony T, 3k
Summary: Bucky could only stare for a moment, and then he called, “Steve! I think we’ve got a ghost!”
“Wait, you can see me like this?” the ghost said, suddenly looking out of the TV at Bucky.
“God damn it,” Steve growled from his bedroom, where he had insisted on trying to put his bed together immediately instead of putting it off for a day or three like a normal person. As if either of them had seen any action recently enough to need a bed. “The bastard had better be friendly; we can’t afford to bring the ghostbusters in.”
Whatever here that's left of me is yours (ao3) - rainbow_nerds steve/bucky M, 41k
Summary: Steve thought he had finally found the perfect place to live. It was bright, airy, and miraculously free from mold and other unwelcome infestations.
Well, for the most part.
He hadn't signed on for a roommate, especially not one who'd been dead for eighty-odd years.
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lady-murderess · 1 year
this is a bit of a MESSY rant so it may not make sense but I just HAVE to try and get all of this annoyance out when it comes to my girl. because I have had a month to sit on it and I'm actually angry
see, as much as I adore gamora and should be happy for the variant because she's still technically my baby, it's hard to be happy for her or to like her, even.
and when it comes down to her new found family? ohoho I'm still just a bit miffed about that. I mean, it's with the ravagers of all people???
I mean I've always trusted James with these characters and I have adored her ever since 2014 the day vol.1 came out, but this was just so random and doesn't really make a lot of sense to me? I guess what would have been nice and would have made it less of a weird thing for me is if we were actually given a reason as to why she calls the ravagers her "people"... because come on, they're not and UGH
I mean at the end of the day, these are the ravagers who our gamora had no respect for
see, gamora is not perfect in any way and she knows this herself, but she does look down on people like ravagers and junkers etc etc. there's this sort of hierarchy in her head, with or without being beside Thanos.
it was there in vol.1, but not so much in vol.2. tbh she only had respect for yondu because of what he did for Peter. But still. her becoming a ravager??? idk??? it sort of doesn't fit??? and I have to agree with Quill on that one, especially when he told this variant something along the lines of "old you would have never become one of them" or whatever he said when they returned to the Bowie after escaping Orgocorp.
I know, I know. these Gamora variants are different, but they're surely the same at the core? when we saw this version of gamora in endgame, she was very close to our gamora and was nothing like this new one - exactly how you would have thought she would have been pre-vol.1
and I knew that gamora could be a bitch, but never this bad... during the first time I went to see vol.3, I was sat there and I just wanted to slap her quite honestly. I get the whole "ravager" attitude but it just completely took over her whole personality and I just didn't quite recognise the character I was watching.
I could understand when nebula made that comment about how people thought she was bad when Gamora was like this all along, but when you rewatch not even just endgame, but vol.1 and vol.2 it's very much like ?????
it's almost like the Gamora we got in vol.3 is completely different to what we got in endgame, really... even though they're supposed to literally be the same version of her. like what the fuck happened to her between endgame and vol.3? like girl who hurt you-
BUT IM NOT ABOUT TO SAY THIS BC STARMORA HAS BEEN ONE OF MY MAIN SHIPS BUT that ending with this Gamora and Peter? I knew she wasn't going to stay, her walking away when everyone was hugging made that obvious. But when she said to him "I'm still not the person you want me to be", and he replied with the "yeah, but who you are ain't so bad either." I'm kind of sat here now after thinking about it like Peter how do you know? you two have just spent basically all of your screen time together arguing and being upset. and with her not wanting to go back and help save the animals with the rest of them and then only doing it in the end pretty much because she felt she had to, this gamora hadn't really shown that she wasn't "that bad"? she was just so against everything, there wasn't really a lot of "good" to her for me to even really justify him saying that.
but yessssss I know this variant is supposed to be completely different to our Gamora, and in Zoe's words this new Gamora is "wild", "very independent", and has a "spunk to her that Gamora never really had". but man, I was just actually annoyed... I don't even know how to explain it...
my girl got shafted big time
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seyaryminamoto · 2 years
Just saw your “Thanos sucks” post and you couldn’t be more wrong. Thanos was a “hero” despite everyone claiming him to be a villain. If you look at our real world; there is strong evidence that a lot of humans, a LOT of people really should die and we’d be all the better without them. Thanos wanted people to learn how to control overpopulation and be grateful, but because as in our real world people are idiots; no one cared. It’s humans who are the problem; not Thanos. And he was right to be (1)
(2) angry in Endgame; there were still a lot of people still living. Tony Stark was the only sensible character living in a cute home with his wife and daughter, until he decided to join the stupids and reverse the snap. Thor was especially whiny; you’re gonna live a thousand years, find a new brother and just get over it already! And as the Falcon and Winter Soldier showed, society went to hell because the Avengers undid the snap; poverty and all. The Avengers are the real villains not Thanos.
... Thanos, is that you?
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Oh. Guess not.
Look, dude. Really, dude. Mr. Anon. Whosoever you may be.
Let me really unpack what's going on here, can I?
You're a fictional-genocide apologist. At the very least, fictional one. I dare not say if you would be an apologist for it IRL, but it's weird enough to hear about anyone who genuinely thinks genocide would be the answer in any setting, fictional or otherwise. This is not a good look in any sensible human being. This already is enough of a bad point that I really could just stop here because you're very happy to share with us how appalling your morals are, but you know what? I'll keep going.
You're a Thanos fanboy. I get that. Clear as day that you are one. But you know what? You're probably a more disturbing one than expected for reasons that I really want to illustrate to my audience, however large it may be: you're in my inbox with two fictional-genocide apologist asks over an ask I answered... on August 10th, 2019. Your asks turned up in my inbox on November 30th, 2021. This offers two possible explanations as to how you came across that post: first, you somehow dug this post out from the mcu or thanos tags which I used carelessly because I assumed there was so much content posted to those that my little ask wouldn't even feature there, and that means you went back two years and about three months in those tags AT LEAST, looking for any criticism and anti-Thanos takes so you could barge into inboxes with an unwanted and unfounded opinion, trying to justify an intergalactic mass murderer. Second possibility: you singled me out in particular, hell knows why because I've deliberately NOT talked about the MCU in ages, especially in my blog, because a certain movie I hate and its influence in later content has almost killed every shred of love I had for the MCU altogether. Thus, you... somehow came for me, hell knows why, specifically hung up on finding one Thanos post buried in the depths of my archives, to defend, again, an intergalactic mass murderer. Again: this is not a good look. It's actually kind of worrisome. I have a hard time believing my Thanos post is the only one that offended you to this degree... so you probably went to every inbox you could find to defend this fictional character with your edgy explanations as to why mass murder/genocide is completely justifiable. Uh-huh. Okay. Sure. Your morals are worrisome, but you do you as long as you don't actually start enacting this insane set of beliefs in real life.
You are here giving me Kira-like justifications for Thanos's choices. I, actually, brought up Kira from Death Note in my original post to say that, had Thanos done THAT, maybe his crusade would make more sense as a morally-driven one, but I still argued that he has no way of truly being a jury, judge and executioner when it comes to who's a good or a bad person. How the hell does he know? Especially when he targeted such a large group of people. It defies reason, logic and sense. You can't seriously believe that he looked into the hearts of every being in the universe and cherrypicked who was good and who was bad... because hey, if he'd done that, your argument falls and crumbles upon itself, doesn't it? You said the Avengers are the bad guys: why didn't Thanos kill all of THEM? :'D had the snap been easily controlled and targeting the tRuE bAd GuYs™, why the hell didn't Thanos kill all of the Avengers and everyone who could have posed a threat to him, and then left nothing but powerless farmfolk in every planet he wrecked across the universe, for instance? I mean, seriously, what's your reasoning for this? You don't have one, do you? Yep, you don't. Moral superiority argument: denied. Thanos didn't select people because they were good or bad, the snap is 100% random and a bunch of good people died and a bunch of bad ones did too. It's plain stupid. It doesn't resolve shit. And THAT is what I was calling him a dumbass for :') it's not that I don't want villains to be villains, my dude... is that I want my villains to MAKE SENSE. And Thanos does NOT make any sense. That's what my post was about. But apparently you only read the bold lines going "THANOS IS A DUMBASS!" and ignored everything else I talked about, huh?
You have zero arguments regarding what I was REALLY arguing about in the post. I don't even remember if Thanos explicitly says that he's trying to "teach" people "population control", because man, I only watched Infinity War and Endgame once and I honestly don't care to revisit them. But, again, you're talking about apples and oranges while I was discussing whether I liked a mountain or beach vacation better: it has no relation with my actual grievances. What did I bring up? That Thanos's plans make no sense. And that's not Infinity War's plan, which is utterly idiotic, whether you ate it up or not, it's THE LONG GAME. We're supposed to think this guy was plotting for the events from Infinity War since, at least, the first Avengers film: look at every single one of Thanos's appearances in every movie between that Avengers and Infinity War and tell me at which point in time did he do ANYTHING that benefited his cause up until Infinity War itself? Hahahahaha never. He TRIED? Yes, and failed every time. Hence, I insulted him because his plans were actually utterly stupid. Giving the only Infinity Stone in his possession to a Loki who got his mind twisted into wanting revenge on Thor was such a stupid concept I can't even wrap my head around who'd ever DO that. Asking a crazed fanatic like Ronan to get one Infinity Stone for him instead of picking it up himself (or sending his genuinely loyal minions like the ones from Infinity War who died in 10 seconds :'D) is so ridiculous I, once again, can't even wrap my head around it. Everything he did failed because none of his plans MADE SENSE. It's stupid. He could've achieved the goddamn snap offscreen for all we know: he could've just taken advantage of the Tesseract's portal opening himself to take the damn thing during Avengers! He could have used the Tesseract to reach every other Infinity Stone's location and take them from whoever held them (not sure if Strange had the time one yet but who the fuck cares, if Thanos had enough stones when he went for the Time one, he totally would've taken it). He could have sacrificed Gamora since before we even KNEW her, well before she could even join the GoTG, because that would've gotten him his damn stone, apparently. Please, enligthen me as to WHY none of this happened? Oh, because Marvel needed to make more movies? Hahaha, that's not a narrative argument. That's external and unrelated to the subject at hand. That's not a way to explain a character's behavior. This is not consistent with the concept of a guy who somehow is "englightened" the way you see him and a genius who found the perfect solution for the universe's problems: this guy is a six-time-sanctioned DUMBASS and I stand by this belief, not because his ultimate goal was stupid, which it is... but because he took like 10 years to achieve said ultimate goal when he could have, arguably, reached that goal in 2 months if he had just bothered to TRY. So, using your words, which I ironically never used in my post, Thanos SUCKS! :'D
The snap is plainly the most ridiculous concept for "population control" that could have been proposed. I'm reading some articles about how this is based on some edgelord philosopher who believed that the food production in the world would always be too little compared to the constant growth of a population, a belief that now seems completely out of place because, while yes, global hunger is still very much real, there's certain places in the world where food waste is ASTRONOMICAL, the problem is in distribution rather than lack of resources in many cases, you could even argue corruption. But it's not impossible to do the opposite damn thing Thanos did, which I'm not even the first person to bring up: MAKE MORE RESOURCES. This guy has the power of the universe at his disposal: he can outright create galaxies, planets, EVERYTHING he wants... and yet he made the harebrained decision to ax everything by half instead. And yes, it's EVERYTHING. Come here with whatever nonsensical argument you want, but here's Marvel proving you wrong: he cut all resources by half too. This is the word of Feige, a guy for whom I don't have a ton of respect due to how he's handled a lot of things in the MCU, but in general, if he approves? It's canon. And so, this is canon: Thanos resolved NOTHING. He killed plants and animals just as much as he killed humans and higher lifeforms of which we're not even aware of. It's plain idiotic to think that this could be a solid solution when the ratio of population and resources is effectively THE SAME after the snap. This is really the brilliant plan you're trying to defend? Because it's honestly laughable. I repeat: this guy has the power of the universe in his hands. He can do ANYTHING with those stones. He could probably even rewrite reality so that populations are somehow self-sustainable and no longer need to eat! No more resources needed whatsoever! :'D He could have rewritten people's MINDS into not being the monsters you gladly accuse everyone of being so that they'd all be nice and share resources properly and devise better systems of resource production! This guy literally can do WHATEVER HE WANTS... And this is it? This is his brilliant choice? This is what he was going for since day one? Congratulations: you're stanning a dumbass.
Anon... this is possibly the most ridiculous argument anyone has tried to have with me. I am partially hoping/believing that you were just trolling around and wanted to rile up people who don't like Thanos. If that's how it is, consider me trolled and consider my time wasted, go cackle like a Disney villain because you achieved your wicked goal... but if that's not how it is, and you SERIOUSLY believe everything you said up there, I'm gonna be pretty harsh and say... stay out of my inbox. Quit embarrassing yourself. Go support fictional genocide elsewhere. I'm not here for this. I'm really not here for this. I'm here to love the things I love, to create content I care about, and occasionally to throw shade at badly written characterss, and your so-called hero, like it or not, is one of the most cringeworthy characters in the entire MCU. And, again: I don't even CARE about the MCU anymore. Practically every new thing I see of it makes me want less and less to do with it. Find someone who actually wants to argue with you endlessly about Thanos because man, I've got plenty of better things to do but roasting you one time honestly sounded like a good time. Doing it again would lose all the novelty, so stay in your fictional-genocide-apologism club and hang out with the reduced population of nasty human beings who believe everyone should get wiped out because they're morally heinous, without realizing how morally heinous you sound by spouting that kind of drivel :'D I mean, let's be real: if the snap was indeed codified for bad people alone, can you be 100% sure you WOULDN'T make the cut? :')
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that-bajan-kid · 4 years
Boku No Hero Academia Chapter 273 SPOILERS
(Well what do you fucking know. He didn't immediately cut back to the mansion. I'm so proud.)
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Holy shit Deku. That's my fucking son right there! I'm so proud. Now get the fuck outta there.
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Izuku has a flash back of that time he saw Shigaraki at the mall where Shiggy explains how his quirk works.
Izuku realises this is all Shigaraki's doing, like no shit Sherlock. Who else do you know has a quirk like this.
Shouto has used Heaven Piercing Ice Wall. It was ineffective.
We got a double page spread of everyone running for their fucking lives. The kids are carrying as many people as they can.
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Everything went to shit so fast for them.
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Tomura I love you but please stop. You're going to kill my children.
Also look at this bitch with his brand fucking new cape and his goddamn stage he made for himself. Are we sure Tomura isn't a Todoroki too. This some dramatic ass shit he's doing. First he wakes up from the dead in the most dramatic way possible and the very first thing he did was steal a fucking cape and destroy a whole ass city. If that ain't dramatic...
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Well that answers that fucking question. Guess X-Less actually did destroy the machine like he said he would. Probably why Tomura went all Thanos on everyone's asses.
Someone says "Do... It..." and I can't tell if it's Tomura hearing voices or if it's him remembering shit. With the way the speech bubble is drawn it could be either.
Tomura picks up an ominous looking remote off the ground while talking about how OP he is now. He also realises that if he's awake then his people are probably fucked.
OH FUCK IT WAS A COMUNICATOR FOR GIGANTO. TOMURA JUST FUCKING SUMMONED THE WHOLE CREW TO HIS LOCATION. WHERE THE CHILDREN ARE. I'm suddenly getting flashbacks to that season 2 (?) intro. The one with Izuku fighting all those fucking villains all by himself.
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Oh right this shit is happening. Between Hawks being on his deathbed and the absolute shit storm going down at what used to be Jakku Hospital, it's hard to keep track of all the reasons to lose my shit.
Wait lemme guess. Fucking Giganto's gonna pick this moment to make his presence known, right?
Fat tells Fumi to take Hawks to their back up team and for some reason doesn't follow him but that's fine.
Mt. Lady is not happy about Geten knocking her flat on her ass and proceeds to punch her way through the ice.
Everyone is following the path Mt. Lady made.
The fuck?
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I was like "Didn't Twice already kill this bitch like five chapters ago?" And then I read the dialogue. Shit, Toga's gonna fucking kill them all. And she can use this no-name's quirk too. Oh fuck this guy's fucking dead lol.
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I expected nothing less from her. You kill those extras Toga. Since we don't know their names then they probably weren't important anyway. You're doing great sweety.
Dabi hops on down to where Compress is literally just chilling on the balcony watching the chaos that is Toga unfold like he's watch the fucking sun set.
Compress is all "The fuck have you been? You're one of the leaders." To which Dabi responds "You too bitch."
Compress says Toga lost it after Twice died and now she's on a suicide mission to take out as many heroes as possible. And then Toga says living is to hard which is a big mood but like also don't do a kamikaze please. I can't have my favourite Yandere vampire villain dying on me.
Toga says she wants a world full of things she likes and that the heroes are in the way of that while sport a truly TERRIFYING face. The for some reason zoomed in on Gang Orca when she said this who, by the way, did actually see that villain that tried to sneak up on him in 271.
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WHOSE FUCKING HA- OHMYGOD FUCKING GIGANTOMACHIA! I completely forgot about his ass and it hasn't even been 5 minutes!
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MY MAN ENDEAVOUR COMING WITH THE CLUTCH. But seriously, there's no way they were dying. At least not out of sight of the students.
If Horikoshi really wants them dead he'd do it in full view of the kids. They're training to be heroes damn it, they need their daily dose of trauma. Fuck, Aizawa is full fledged hero and he still has to take his daily recommended dose of PTSD inducing trauma.
If Shouto wants to be the best hero he can be he has to watch his father die a horrible, pain full death before he resolves his conflicted feelings about him. Hawks still needs to tell Katsuki that he killed Best Jeanest. All Might still needs to die in Izuku's arms. Aizawa and Mic still need to bring Shirakumo back only to lose him for good this time. This is a Shonen manga damn it! Horikoshi isn't allowed to kill important characters off screen.
Until next time.
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autoboty · 6 years
Thanos, the Great Liar: Part 2
Hey, Thanos, your plan is to genocide exactly half of intelligent life in the universe so that they can all thrive and live in happiness and prosperity, right?
Yeah, I thought so.
But there's someone who went against your plan and betrayed your ideals from the very beginning, someone very, very close to you. It ain't the Avengers. It certainly ain't your stepdaughters. Wanna know who it is?
It's you.
Yes, you. You went against your own plan from its very beginning. What? You don't think so? Then I guess I'll have to introduce - or reintroduce - you to a mutual acquaintance.
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This is Eitri the Dwarf, King of Nidavellir. Not that he can be king anymore, what with you killing all his subjects and mangling his hands.
Eitri here can tell us more about the real you in ten minutes than you can in your entire effing screentime. Just listen to him talk to Thor.
"Three hundred Dwarves lived on this ring. I thought if I did what he asked, they'd be safe. I made what he wanted: a device capable of harnessing the power of the stones. And he killed everyone anyway. All except me. 'Your life is yours', he said. 'But your hands... Your hands are mine alone.' "
There were three hundred Dwarves on Nidavellir. After you left, only one remains. If you even had an inkling of determination to follow your plan, you would have left 150 of them alive, but you didn't. Maybe you think 300÷2=1, in which case you need to get some basic fucking math education. Or maybe you were scared that they would make another weapon, one that could (gasp) even kill you! Because why wouldn't they want to kill you when you finish slaughtering half of them? Then you ruined Eitri's hands so even he couldn't build another mighty weapon. Because you were scared of them. You were scared of their retribution.
Oh, and another thing. Look behind Eitri. Notice how it's completely dark? That's because you extinguished the Forge - the instrument of the Dwarves' work and pretty much the reason of their existence - just so you could be sure nobody could ever wield a weapon as mighty as yours and challenge you.
This is why you are the greatest betrayer of your own plan, Thanos. You went against your own ideals the moment you killed the 151th Dwarf. Not only did you kill much more than half of the Dwarves, you destroyed their way of life and ensured that they would never thrive again. I've mentioned earlier that you lied to your stepdaughter about her home planet, but you also lied to yourself. Your 'plan' was never a real thing, just a mask to hide your true intentions of becoming the most powerful being in the universe. You see yourself as a revolutionary, but you're not even close to being one. You're a maniac. That's all you are: a genocidal maniac, and nothing more.
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kelvintimeline · 5 years
Since I think you are also trapped in the neverending spiral of bullshit that is the MCU, I'm curious so I'm gonna ask: what are your expectations for Endgame? Aldo for the future of the MCU? Will it ever set us free? Because it sure as shit ain't giving us what we want/deserve and that's fact.
My expectations are just... it’s gonna be garbage. To me, Infinity war was a decent film and garbage sequel/continuation/culmination that disrespected the previous lore, thematic values, and heart of the individual franchises that went into it. It shat on Taika Waititi’s vision for Thor/The Asgardians, it absolutely shat on the Wakandas and everything Black Panther set up, and it couldn’t even respect one of its oldest tentpole characters--Steve.
My worst case scenario expectations: Steve dies, Tony gets to retire/mentor Peter (thus ingraining himself permanently into the Spidey leg of the MCU), characters who died before the snap don’t come back (Loki, Heimdall, the Asgardians in general), Scarjo gets a lot of screentime to Let The Audience Know She’s Getting Her Own Film but it doesn’t involve interacting with the Cap crew when she’s the most human and interesting, X men are immediately introduced in teh worst way ever. Bucky takes on the mantle of Cap as you hear the MCU shrug and say “Sam who?”
My best case scenario: Steve is deserumed/retires and passes the mantle onto Sam (who maybe shares it with Bucky so they can take turns and never feel overworked). Tony dies but we remember Pepper and Rhodey have each other and tbh are much better off without him. Wakanda says the Avengers aren’t allowed in their country ever again unless T’challa personally invites them. All of the Asgardians are back and Thor lets Heimdall be king, as he should be, as Thor needs to take a long vacation, which he takes with Valkyrie and he gets topped a lot. We live with the knowledge that both Thor and Loki are bottoms and use that to torment freaks who ship Thorki as its just another reason their ship wouldn’t work (tho it can’t compare tot he whole ‘it’s incest, fucking stop it’ element). Hawkeye retires off screen and it’s referenced in a single line. Antman points out that his daughter Cassie have friends named [insert other young avengers characters] so I can at least pretend that maybe in ten years we can get aFUCKING young avengers movie even tho I know they fucked it up. Vision is mined for Apple tech and is reborn as iPhone V.5 or some shit. Peter comes back to NYC to discover Miles MOrales is doing a better job saving the city than him and also stole his friend Ned because Ned was really just a ripped off version of Ganke anyways.
HONESTLY the movie will probably fall somewhere in the middle of that. It’ll be a decent but underwhelming conclusion to a lot of storylines. Gamora will never be respected as an abuse victim. Steve won’t get the swan song he deserves but maybe Tony will die too. Thanos will be humanized too much but ultimately die. Maybe Thor will get to smile again.
Who the fuck knows? All that I know is that I will be mostly free of Marvel after this, outside of maybe atching the Bucky/Sam show and keeping up with a couple other characters (T’challa/Peter MAYBE/Carol mAYBE/Scott mAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYBE)
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dr-owo · 6 years
Sick ain't gonna stop you from accusing, but also, Thanos | Chapter 2 | Raven | Trial | RE: Daishin, Ren, Keiko, Phoenix, ATTN: Bunji
As Daishin and Ren told him to rest up a bit, Raven actually took them up on that offer and kept quiet. It was hard to constantly focus on the trial anyway, so he might as well let the others do some talking. Although he heard his name being mentioned by Abe, the debate went way too fast for him to properly address it.
However, he would eventually get to it, because he didn’t share his alibi first. Granted, probably no one - or at least, most of them - wouldn’t think that a sick man like him was able to commit murder, but hey, it’s always good to confirm whether someone was being truthful about their alibi or not. 
While Raven waited for the right moment to intervene, he simply rested - before he suddenly felt something wet slam into his face. Startled, he almost fell to his side, but was able to keep his balance. The street magician took the strange thing off his face, only to realize that it was a wipe - and a second later, he suddenly had a bottle of water in his hands. He blinked owlishly, not sure how he got either of them, before a voice was directed at him. Looking up, he stared at a certain dark-haired woman with a bemused expression, but then he chuckled lightly, his eyes still dazed.
“H-Heh... You... g-got me there, but... you’re not in a.. m-much better condition, eh...? You... should rest as well...”
Raven placed the wipe on his forehead, feeling relieved to feel something cold there instead of the heat that seemed to be burning away at his body.
“T... Thanks... A-Aya-nee...”
He opened the bottle of water and took a sip - oh man, who invented water? It was one of the most awesome things ever.
While the discussions went on, Raven was able to pick up some details (something about ghosts and also that they only could vote for one culprit? well fuck), but only after Phoenix’ intervention, did he finally take the chance to speak up again. Not like he should, given his state, but when was he ever sensible?
... If anything, he started to drag himself upward, so he could... lean-stand against the podium. Kind of. Heavy breathing aside, Raven concluded that his legs should support him for a minute or two, before they would throw the towel and let him crash back to the ground. Then again, it’s a conclusion from an incredibly feverish guy, so, uh... Yeah. He’s an idiot.
“G-Guess... we really oughta find out who... who killed Kibou, ‘cause... she’s the last one to die and... w-well, given all the... evidence and... info we got, Phoenix is... r-right to be suspicious of you, Okamura. If... anything, I couldn’t... help but notice t-that you... just happened to be in... a-all relevant locations for... for this case. The... grocery store, w-where the pills were taken... t... the fluffy thing that... made me immediately think o-of... your coat... n-not to mention the kitchen, w-where... a knife was missing... And... and now Phoenix’ account on... y-you leaving makes... you suspicious.”
He supressed the cough that came afterwards as best as he could, but he didn’t seem to stop now.
“And... g-given... Sorakuma’s irritation, I... think whoever i-is the... culprit we gotta vote on... is... n-not gonna get punished, ‘cause... they got the right person... I-- hngh-- really wouldn’t be sur... surprised if... you’ve got prospognosia, Okamura. So--”
Raven stopped again, his knees becoming incredibly wobbly.
“Ohhh, I... d-don’t feel so good, Mr. Stark...”
And with that, he half-crashed down to the ground, letting out a groan before he was caught up in another coughing fit.
Yup, this guy’s gonna disintegrate like a certain superhero that has something to do with spiders.
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