#Thanks for the Ask Bestie
if you could be in any dimension 20 universe what would it be? what would you be?
ACOFAF is my shit, dude. I love the fey, i love all that fun stuff, all the nature, that’s my VIBE.
i also personally think i would kick ass on Leviathan (FH), i love the pirate vibes and all that, so definitely that one.
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milady-mothman · 7 months
Number 17 for the music ask!
(underrated song)
the chapel by madilyn mei <3
she’s so underrated tbh all her songs are top tier 10/10
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hippolotamus · 2 months
This is on you.
(Can you tell which one I am most desperate for? 😅)
Hmmm, can’t be sure, but… 😅 As you wish 😉
🪩 Mirrorball
A staticky, buzzing sparks at the back of his brain, reminding him that this wouldn’t be the first time.
☀️Weather & Time
“I should go and I shouldn’t have–” “Evan,” Eddie says more firmly this time, cutting off the inevitable spiraling ramble.
💖 Bi Buck
It allows the noise to quiet and mute to something more manageable.
💔💔💔💔 TSoA Coma Eddie
“The doctor says he’s stable. That- that he’s resting comfortably. And all we can do is wait,” Buck reports, almost robotically. Regurgitating the information he’s been given in a way that feels safest. That will protect him from breaking down entirely.  Bobby crosses the room to pull the other visitor’s chair next to Buck, then takes a seat. “Unfortunately, I know a little something about that.” “Yeah, I guess you would,” Buck replies lamely, wincing at his own inability to say anything more helpful.
make me write something
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shslskaterboy · 1 year
💝💤🎶 about hinata for the ask game?👀 (is also an enabler)
Oh noooooo not an enabler! What am I gonna do? Guess I just have to answer the questions 🤷
💤 Hajime absolutely suffers from sleepy bitch disease. He is sooo tired all the time because he’s everyone’s go-to guy, he’s always busy, and just never gets a break, so when he gets the chance he has off days where he just goes Do Not Text Me, Do Not Call Me, Do Not Even Think About Asking Me Anything, puts his phone on silent, sleeps for 14 hours straight, and then does not say a single god dam word all day. He sleeps in any chance he gets, no hour of sleep is an hour wasted, he loves to come home and immediately flop onto the couch where Nagito will play with his hair while he dozes off. Bed time is the only time in his life that is completely quiet and peaceful and he relishes every moment of it
🎶 Look I know in the canon he says he doesn’t have any strong music preferences but hear me out okay: closet emo punk. He won’t admit it to anyone because he’s the ultimate tsundere after all, but all the more reason it makes sense y’all. He’s kind of a bitchy guy, he’s kind of annoyed about everything all the time, he definitely has a lot of emotions he’s not great at expressing, and music is the easiest way of expressing emotions. I think he likes the angrier, punkier style because it resonates with him more, but yeah I think he likes music that Goes Hard
💝 I think it goes without saying that he’s a gift giver. Expressing himself is hard, but nothing says “I love you” more than “hey I saw this and thought of you,” and he does this almost daily. A lot of the time it’s food, sometimes trinkets, other times they’re bigger and more extravagant, which Nagito does not know how to deal with because receiving affection is so foreign to him, but he treasures every new gift with the same level of awe and adoration as the last. I also like to think Nagito has an endless collection of cute and fun scrunchies that have been entirely supplied by Hajime that he rotates every day, and he will never cut his hair short because then he wouldn’t be able to use the scrunchies and that would be unacceptable. Other than gift giving, I think just good old fashioned quality time is a love language for both of them. Sitting on a couch, snuggled up watching a movie, or just doing their own things in silence is something they both love doing, as long as they’re together
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purple-scrunchie · 5 months
What app do u use 2 write ur fanfics 🤨🤨
Bullet points on sticky notes and then real thing on Grammarly (I am so normal about grammar)
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noweakergirl · 7 months
Top 5 characters
Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars)
Sam Winchester (Supernatural)
James Potter (HP/Marauders)
Ronan Lynch (The Raven Cycle)
Prue Halliwell (Charmed)
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stitchkiss · 1 year
can u talk about all of them????? curious 🥹👀
i love you. just wanted to start off on that note.
anyway i decided to only tell you about HALF to keep the suspense going yknow😉 so after doing a coin flip, losing it under a table at my campus cafe, hitting my head on said table when i went to get it, then dropping the coin again, i’ve decided to leave it there and use siri to decide which numbers i’ll tell you about. siri wants me to tell you about all the evens!
2. god i love this one. it was the first thiam idea i came up with. so basically it’s a crack treated seriously in which theo finally kisses liam, but all our sweet lovestruck boy can do is say “kachow” bc he couldn’t find a better word to describe what’s he’s feeling rn. and he gets made fun of so hard for making a cars reference after the love of his life kissed him for the first time. there’s a bunch of other fun things i have that leads up to the kiss too.
4. this idea is also a crack treated seriously bc every single person in this fic is so stupid. so what’s going on is liam enlists mason and corey’s help to ask theo out but they’re all stupid about it bc mason and corey hide in some bushes and whisper advice to liam, but at one point there’s a wasp and mason and corey freak out and one of them says “oh my god! punch that son of a bitch” and liam’s. so unaware of what’s happening so. he ends up punching theo. it ends with theo reminding the three of them that he has supernatural hearing and knew what they were doing akfjjskf
i actually might merge 2 and 4 but we’ll see
6. this is cute idea i had that theo and liam somehow get this bracelet with a heart on it and they end up using it as a way to be honest and vulnerable with each other. so they pass it back and forth when one of them needs to talk about something and the bracelet is a way to help them do that.
8. i also love this one. in this fic liam’s such a fucking dork bc i have this hc that when he gets nervous/anxious he just blurts out history facts. especially when theo’s around (he’s been doing it since he realized he has feelings for theo). so whenever they have intimate/vulnerable moments and liam’s nervous he ruins it by talking about, like, the history of stickers or something. he gets better tho!
10. liam somehow gets possession of theo’s beanie in 6x20 and he keeps it bc it smells like theo. this is all i have so far.
12. the title is kinda self explanatory. liam just gnaws on theo bc he bites to show love. and theo’s like “this may as well happen” i have no other thoughts on this one but i’m getting to it!!
lmk what you think
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mrs-bluemarine · 6 months
Microphone and sing!
Yay ty Sas! I'll answer with Ben!!
Microphone 🎤 - Does your f/o sing or play music? If so, how are they at their craft, and what's your favorite thing about it?
So far, I haven't seen anything involving any spiders singing or playing instruments... unfortunately. Although, I do think Ben would have a nice singing voice ^^ ' it's very gravelly and scratchy, in a hot way. I bet he'd be great at singing Bublé
Song 🎵 - What's a song your f/o knows by heart, and a song you know by heart?
Let me think... you know what. He's a Deep Purple fan now. He loves Smoke on the Water. OH and Black Night. We share a love for Ritchie Blackmore. I on the other hand can sing just about any song from Rainbow 🤭 Since You've Been Gone was my number 1 song this year so I'll choose that specifically
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misschanadlerbong · 1 year
Tumblr media
Send me a ship and I'll do these hcs for them
Who said “I love you” first: Chandler, without even realizing and will instantly go in denial lol
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background: Chandler
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror: Monica because she wakes up early for work and wants everything to be perfect.
Who buys the other cheesy gifts: Chandler
Who initiated the first kiss: Monica because Chandler was too scared.
Who kisses the other awake in the morning: either of them
Who starts tickle fights: Monica
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower: Monica
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch: Chandler, he's such a cutie <3
Who was nervous and shy on the first date: Chandler, ofc!
Who kills/takes out the spiders: Monica cuz she's strong
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk: Chandler
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clingyduoapologist · 9 months
Hey were uo that guy that fell down the stairs. that so crazy
^you exploding
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king-of-thracia · 7 months
💀 for lecuin (or dior. or both if you feel like it)
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
Lecuin has claustrophobia, and I'd say they do have attachment issues. While less a phobia? Fear of not having their free will.
Dior... Oh Dior. I don't think he has any outright phobias. Later becomes more distrusting in fear of being overthrown to pair their false nervous nature in the beginning.
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shslskaterboy · 1 year
👽+🫂 with komaeda!!!! gimme them headcanons
Um yes with pleasure bestie
First of all he is so the Gay with his appointed posse of girlbestfriends, but like specifically I think him and Sonia should be besties. They would watch horror movies together (bonus hc I think she likes slasher/serial killer stuff the most but he likes the Lynchian/psychological horror best) and also do each others hair/nails and talk about boys and ritual sacrifice. Komahina and Sondam go on some truly bizarre double dates but it’s fine because they’re all Weird™️ and they love it
As for weird quirks I feel like he’s probably full of them, because fucking of course he is. I think he likes to whistle/hum/sing a lot as a vocal stim, but the habit that Hajime always has to stop him from doing is knuckle cracking. Or really any of his joints, but like I look at that spindly mother fucker and its like Yeah his joints are POPPING. Hajime has to smack his hands constantly because he’ll get stuck in a loop of trying to pop the same finger every time without realizing it and one day he is going to dislocate it by accident. I think in general he probably has a lot of sensory problems because he is an autistic king and I stand by that notion, but knuckle cracking is the most obvious for anyone to see
Like I’m imagining Hajime coming home to find him under three layers of weighted blankets, upside down over the edge of the couch, and when asked why he’s just like “brain itches” and Hajime goes Yep Understood I Am Getting Another Blanket and that is true love babey
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spaceytingz · 7 months
this or that?
kesha vs pink on the escapism party persona.
oh kesha absolutely, i’ll always take glitter and fun alcohol like vodka vs divorced mother rage and boring alcohol like whiskey and beer
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petricorah · 1 year
5 & 11 for the art asks :)
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
I don't draw a whole lot, so i feel like i post 85~% of digital art but i don't really post traditional stuff. usually i just don't post oc stuff
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
I used to listen to tv until they blocked my ability to screenshare to my tablet, so now i usually listen to music. Ezra Furman is my favorite all time artist, and i love the cowboy bebop soundtrack. Recently I've been listening to Miike Snow, but I tend to listen to a bunch of different stuff (and love new music recs 👀)
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adamshallperish · 10 months
11 and/or 26 for the ask game!!
11 - do you like someone?
nah, i'm not really interested in anyone romantically, currently. my sexuality is weird and i have a really bad case of the "how on earth could anyone i find attractive possibly be interested in me"
26 - what are you craving right now
matcha green tea ice cream
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amiwritesthings · 1 year
20 and 63! ❤
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
i mean, yeah, there are words that i tend to use a lot (the ones i already cringe at when I write them, the ones i search for and then replace half of them with others on the edit). And I guess the overarching theme of pretty much everything i write is emotional intimacy? porn with feelings, softness (but not necessarily fluffiness), sensory stuff (especially aural components). also age gap stuff bc of reasons.
63. Something you hate to see in smut.
evil china, going straight for the throat. i don't squick to easy and i'll give a lot of things a shot so most things i "hate" are mostly word choice related tbh (purple prose and the like). i don't have strong enough feelings about other writer's kinks and preferences to really hate sth lmao thematically.
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