#Tarlos prompts
theghostofashton · 8 months
Happy Anniversary 💕
How about “Mid-work Coffee deliveries.” :)
thank you 💕💕
went in kind of a different direction with this one than i originally planned thanks to @sanjuwrites. my first time writing outsider pov and it was a lot of fun, i really want to do more of these!
When he steps off the truck, Owen comes face-to-face with his son-in-law.
Carlos is dressed in street clothes and his glasses, and he’s holding a drink carrier with two cups and a shiny brown pastry bag in it. He smiles when he notices Owen. “Owen, hey.”
“Hey, Carlos,” Owen says. “Coffee date?”
“Just wanted to surprise him.” Carlos motions to one of the cups, what seems to be one of those Starbucks frappuccinos TK loves, complete with whipped cream and caramel drizzled overtop.
Owen nods. “Medical was right behind us. Should be pulling up now.”
“Thanks.” Carlos takes a step back, turning to put the coffees down. These visits have gotten even more frequent since the wedding, Owen thinks. At this point, Carlos spends at least part of every one of his days off at the firehouse, if TK is working. It’s either coffee or lunch, unless he’s coming over to join in on something Paul’s made. It’s usually Paul, Owen realizes, or Judd. Carlos hasn’t joined in on any of the meals he’s cooked, which doesn’t feel like a coincidence.
“Work’s good?” He asks.
An expression Owen can’t quite place crosses Carlos’s face, and then he nods. He doesn’t push. TK will know what’s going on there.
Carlos starts to return the question, but then the telltale beeping as the ambulance backs up next to the fire truck cuts through the air and he turns immediately to the source of it, focus pulled. A soft smile crosses his face as he picks up the carrier and walks over. Owen watches him make some small talk with Tommy and Nancy, before TK comes around from the driver’s side.
continue on ao3!
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Week: April 16 - April 22
Prompt #1: Rewrite a conversation TK and Carlos has had in canon how you wanted it to go.
Prompt #2: "It just seems like you don't trust me... I just want you to trust me."
Accepted works: fic's, moldboards, fanart, gifs
All works need to be new works.
All works need to be Tarlos centric
All works need to be properly tagged. - Additionally Please no content that contains incest or glorification of topics such as sexual assault / rape / suicide etc. (This topics may be written about seeing as Tarlos are first responders but please refrain from glorifying these acts.)
All work needs to be posted by Saturday at 5 p.m. EST. Masterlist will be posted on Mondays
Tag the blog and I'm tracking the tag #tarlosweeklyprompts
More information in our pinned posts
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Month: November - December 31
I am sorry that this is late. I got busy with Whump week and didn't have time to get this up. I am combining the months of November and December because it is the holiday session and I know that people will be busy.
Theme of the month: Cozy - if you write a fic that could go with this theme and it's tarlos, tag the blog and I'll reblog it!
Prompt #1: Scenario: TK and Carlos go on what they think will be a quick little weekend getaway but end up getting snowed in.
Prompt #2: "Is there a reason it looks like a Hannukah and Christmas store throw-up in our loft?"
Prompt #3: Winter Wedding - what if Carlos and TK decide to get married in the winter?
Prompt #4: TK and Carlos trying to start their own family traditions (by themselves or when they have a little one) but they feel pressured from Owen, Carlos' family, and the 126 to spend the time with all of them and not apart. (thank you to the person who suggested this from the survey)
Accepted works: fic's, moldboards, fanart, gifs
All works need to be new works.
All works need to be Tarlos centric
All works need to be properly tagged. - Additionally Please no content that contains incest or glorification of topics such as sexual assault / rape / suicide etc. (This topics may be written about seeing as Tarlos are first responders but please refrain from glorifying these acts.)
All works need to be posted by the end of the month, a masterlist will be posted the following Monday. (In this case all creations need to be posted by December 31)
Tag the blog and I'm tracking the tag #tarlosmonthlyprompts
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casaluna · 1 year
someone please write a fic where tk comes to austin after carlos just got married to iris. they're trying to make it work but carlos is falling head over heels in love with the smokin' hot guy - definitely not part of his plan.
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mikibwrites · 11 months
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Ahhh my first ever bingo in any fandom is here! I'll be taking prompts for this, so please drop them here for me if there's one you'd love to see! Otherwise I'll be going through them as I get random inspo :)
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oldfangirl81 · 8 months
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A few hours later they return.
"You are the chosen one. We found our notes."
"I would have brought them the first time Kevin if you had just said something."
"Shut up, Chad. We are talking to the Chosen One now."
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guardian-angle22 · 7 months
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Tarlos Wedding Celebration Event [Week 14] -> favorite kiss(es)-> 4.16
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tropetember · 11 months
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Enemies / Friends / Strangers To Lovers
Police / Detective / (Super)Hero // Crime / Mafia / (Super)Villain
Hurt/Comfort / Sickfic / Whump
Coffee Shop / Tattoo Parlour / Flower Shop / Other Retail AU
Rockstar / Actor / Model / Famous AU
High School / College / University AU / 80’s Teen Movie AU
Historical (Regency, Ancient Greece/Rome, Prehistory, etc) / Modern / Futuristic AU
Time Travel / Time Loop (eg. Groundhog Day) / Amnesia / Coma
5+1 / 3+1 (Five Times + One Time)
Accidental Confession / In Vino Veritas (Drunk Confession/Drunk Dial)
Business Partners To Friends To Lovers / Competitor Businesses / Office AU
Huddling For Warmth / Sharing A Bed / Touch Starvation
Slice Of Life / Domestic / Found Family
Monstrous (Human/Monster Romance) / Cultural Differences / Language Barrier
Marriage Of Convenience / Arranged Marriage / Matchmaking / Blind Dates
Future Fic / Reunion / Childhood Friends / Friendship Centric
Getting Together / Love Confession / First Kiss / Break Up/Make Up
Body Swap / Psychic Link / Soulmates / Bonding (eg. ABO, Sentinel AU, etc)
Apocalypse / Zombie / Locked In Together / (Natural) Disaster
Science Fiction / Fantasy / Space Opera / Horror
Genderswap / Rule 63 / De-Aging / Age Changes AU
Canon Rewrite / Fix-It / Everybody Lives / Everybody Dies / Major Character Death
Mythology / Supernatural / Fairytale / Wingfic
Accidental Baby Acquisition / (Single) Parent AU / Babysitting
Mutual Pining / Requited/Unrequited Love / Angst With A Happy Ending
Fake Dating / Didn’t Know They Were Dating / Accidental Dating / Accidental Marriage
Repression / Emotional Constipation / Sexuality Crisis (Gay Panic)
Holidays & Celebrations / Proposals / Prom
Fusion / Crossover / Harlequin / Rom-Com (eg: Hogwarts, Pacific Rim, Daemons, Hunger Games, The Princess Bride, Pride & Prejudice, Love Actually, 10 Things I Hate About You, etc)
Link to Hard Mode Prompt List
Link to Rules & FAQ
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carlos-in-glasses · 12 days
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Rafael Silva's answer to my question "who is the big spoon out of TK and Carlos?" inspired me to come up with the following fic prompts if anyone is interested or is looking for something to help get a story started! 🖤
1) Good friends TK and Carlos fall asleep together and wake up spooning...
2) The first time spooning happens after a hook-up.
3) For charity, TK and Carlos attempt to beat the world record for the world's longest spooning session.
4) All the spoons are missing from 126 kitchen. Fingers are pointed at Carlos "Pudding Thief" Reyes. Arguments ensue.
5) 2x04 AU: Gabriel and Andrea first meet TK because they walk in on him and Carlos spooning.
6) One of them wants to be the little spoon for the first time but is struggling to admit it.
7) TK is in danger. His only weapon is a spoon.
8) Both TK and Carlos need to be the little spoon at the same time. How do they handle this?
9) One of them is trying to get out of being pinned in the little spoon position without waking the other.
10) Carlos and TK's shifts haven't lined up well lately. Both are experiencing severe sleep deprivation because they can't sleep properly without the other to spoon. OR the more angsty version: The sleep deprivation/lack of spooning is because they are broken up...
No deadline, we're breezy, but if you ever decide to do any of these it would be great if you tagged me and also used the tag Tarlos Spooning Prompts because then I can create a collection on Ao3 :)
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rmd-writes · 8 months
Tarlos + 4 (cuddling on the couch)
Because I’m using these prompts to try to shake words loose after a bout of writer’s block, these are all just whatever I can come up with in <20min and barely edited 💖
4. Cuddling on the couch
Carlos wakes with a start and it takes him a few moments to realise that he’s wedged in the corner of the couch and the reason he can’t move is because TK is pressed up against him, seemingly asleep as well.
They must’ve both dozed off. Carlos wonders how long it’s been since they fell asleep. He hears the lock on the front door and realises that the sound of someone at the door must be what woke him.
“Babe,” he says softly. “Wake up.”
Carlos tries to move his shoulder, pretty sure he’s lost all feeling in his arm from TK lying on it.
“Wasn’t asleep,” TK mumbled sleepily and Carlos huffs a laugh.
The door swings open and Carlos looks up. “Hey.”
“Now, I don’t care what y’all do in your own home, but you wanna explain to me why TK is half naked on my couch holding my baby girl?” Judd asks as he walks in, his mouth quirking up at the corner.
Grace laughs behind him. “Awww, you look so sweet! But TK, honey, where’s your shirt. Did Charlie throw up on you?”
TK sits up properly, still cradling a sleeping Charlie to his chest. “She did but that’s not why I’m shirtless.” Grace frowns. “She’s okay, but she had a fever—”
“You didn’t call us?” Judd interjects.
Grace shushes him and places a hand on his arm. “Let the man speak, Judd.”
TK continues. “It was 100, I gave her 5mL of Tylenol,” he checks the clock on the wall, “two hours ago. She was grizzly though and wouldn’t settle, and skin to skin helps regulate their temperature, so.”
“Do you took your shirt off,” Grace smiles. “Thank you, she’s been in good hands.”
“She wouldn’t settle for me,” Carlos says with an eye roll. “Only wanted TK.” He can’t stop the fondness creeping into his voice though. TK is holding Charlie so sweetly as she curls into him, her chubby cheek pressed into his chest and he’s just so good with her.
“You two still competing to be her favourite?” Judd grins, gesturing at TK for Charlie.
“Only because Carlos won’t accept I’m her favourite,” TK smirks.
“You’re wrong,” Judd drawls and TK gently transfers Charlie into his arms.
Carlos takes TK’s shirt from the end of the sofa and tosses it to him. Just as TK pops his head through his shirt, Judd says, “Aunty Marjan is her favourite.”
(You can read all of my intimate moments prompts here)
Cheating and using this as my wip wednesday because I don’t have any wips atm. Thanks for the tags @tintagel-or-cockleshells @celaestis1 @welcometololaland @clottedcreamfudge @kiwiana-writes @wandering-night19 @three-drink-amy @strandnreyes if not for the tags I probably wouldn’t have written anything today 💖
Tagging some people to leave me snippets to wake up to pretty please: @reyesstrand @sunshinestrand @liminalmemories21 @sanjuwrites @redshirt2 @cricketnationrise @nontoxic-writes @stereopticons @lilythesilly @carlos-in-glasses @heartstringsduet @sherryvalli @freneticfloetry @never-blooms @lemonlyman-dotcom @alrightbuckaroo @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @daisymae-12
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strandnreyes · 3 months
#14 for the writing prompts. Thank you.
a kitchen during a black out, surrounded by candles
The knock comes a few minutes after all the lights go out.
Carlos is halfway to the kitchen, intending on grabbing a flashlight and a lighter, but he reroutes because of the interruption. At least his rigatoni was done before the electricity went out—now steaming on the counter—but the leftovers aren’t going to keep in the fridge anymore. What once was a plan to make enough for lunch tomorrow has now left him with way more than he can eat alone tonight.
When Carlos slides the door of his loft open, his day instantly goes from bad to worse when he sees TK Strand on the other side, likely here to yell at him for making too much noise boiling noodles or to blame the blackout on him.
TK opens his mouth, but before he can speak, Carlos says, “Yes, I lost power too. So, no. You can’t charge your phone or shove your ice cream in my freezer or whatever it is you came here to do.”
TK’s mouth promptly shuts and he nods once. “Okay, then.”
read on ao3
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theghostofashton · 7 months
congrats on the milestone. 🌟how about:
married prompt: "I'm going to bed. Do NOT stay up all night." "...Hmm."
thank you so much!! 💕 this one kinda got away from me haha, i hope you enjoy!
“That smells so good, baby.”
TK comes into the kitchen just as Carlos is setting their dinner down, dishtowel draped across one shoulder. As he’s turning back to grab a serving spoon, a pair of arms slides around his waist.
“Thank you for cooking,” TK murmurs, his breath tickling Carlos’s ear. Carlos turns his head just slightly, enough to press a kiss to his temple, and leans back into him.
“It’s just pasta.”
Every ounce of him wanted to just order takeout and curl up with TK on the couch, but after barely managing to squeeze in lunch from outside the past three days, he was determined to cook their dinner tonight. The desire had increased tenfold when TK had texted him and described his shift as ‘disgusting’, warning him that he was getting right into the shower as soon as he walked in the door. Carlos had promised himself he would have dinner waiting once TK had gotten out.
“No it’s not.”
Carlos smiles sheepishly in the direction TK is looking, another bowl sitting beside the dish of pasta.
“I made a salad.” He just chopped up whatever veggies they had left in the fridge and tossed them with some tofu, not a big deal. He’s happy when he can get there before they start to spoil and create something out of them.
“It’s really good,” TK says, once they’ve sat down and started eating. Something warm blooms in Carlos’s chest. He watches TK spear a piece of tofu and pop it into his mouth, the small smile that comes over his face as he chews.
read the rest on ao3!!
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Week: April 9 - April 15
Prompt #1: Write a Tarlos fic inspired by your favorite song
Prompt #2: "Baby, you know I love you, but this is too much."
Accepted works: fic's, moldboards, fanart, gifs
All works need to be new works.
All works need to be Tarlos centric
All works need to be properly tagged. - Additionally Please no content that contains incest or glorification of topics such as sexual assault / rape / suicide etc. (This topics may be written about seeing as Tarlos are first responders but please refrain from glorifying these acts.)
All work needs to be posted by Saturday at 5 p.m. EST. Masterlist will be posted on Mondays
Tag the blog and I'm tracking the tag #tarlosweeklyprompts
More information in our pinned posts
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Month: October 1 - October 31
Hello and welcome to our first ever monthly prompt! I hope you're as excited as I am for this! I did reuse some prompts from my weekly blog because I thought they would do well as longer fics.
Theme of the month: Fall because of course! It's such a great time to have a fall themed month and the possibilities are endless!
Prompt #1: Scenario: There is a mix-up with paperwork and TK is fired for a brief period of time. With time on his hands as Captain Vega works to figure out what happened and how to reinstate TK, TK convinces Carlos to take a week off work (everyone knows that he has many PTO days saved up) and go on a small vacation.
Prompt #2: An AU where Carlos is an author and TK owns a small, whole-in-the-wall bookstore. Wanting to get his book store some more attention (before it fails and he has to close it) he reaches out to best selling author Carlos Reyes to ask him to do a book signing for his newest book at his store. To his surprise, Carlos says yes.
Prompt #3: TK and Carlos decide that they want to be more adventurous in their sex life so they start to try out different kinks and things in the bedroom. How does it go? What works? What doesn't?
Prompt #4: TK and Carlos decide on a Fall Wedding.
The work has to be Tarlos centric but can include other characters.
All work must be properly rated and have appropriate warnings.
Accepted works: fic's, moldboards, fanart, gifs
Please no content that contains incest or glorification of topics such as sexual assault / rape / suicide etc. (These topics may be written about seeing as Tarlos are first responders but please refrain from glorifying these acts.)
All works need to be posted by the end of the month, a masterlist will be posted the following Monday.
Tag the blog and I'm tracking the tag #tarlosmonthlyprompts
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lightningboltreader · 4 months
Work is Published Wednesday
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Happy Valentine's Day my loves!
I present this prompt fill for @paperstorm's 19. Bakery AU involving an abundance of Valentine's cookies/cupcakes -
“I’m Carlos,” he says, holding out his hand. “Carlos Reyes, first responder. Ordered two dozen cupcakes.” The man giggles again. Carlos wants to pick him up and carry him home. “TK Strand,” he says, with a warm hand and a surprisingly strong handshake. “Two dozen vegan, monkfruit cupcakes for my team, courtesy of my health nut father.” “Ah ha!” Carlos returns, receiving several answers about his order at once. But wait. “Strand? Your father’s captain of the 126.” Did he really just tell a stranger about his own dad? TK smiles kindly, choosing to be merciful about having this information. “Yep, for a little while now. I’m surprised we haven’t worked with you, Officer Reyes." Oh, Carlos likes the sound of his name in TK’s mouth. 
💕 Read on A03 - (G), 5k 💕
It's late, so I open this up to anyone who has something to share. Thank you @heartstringsduet, @sznofthesticks, @strandnreyes, @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad, @alrightbuckaroo, @whatsintheboxmh, @redshirt2, @bonheur-cafe, @lemonlyman-dotcom, @liminalmemories21 - I can't wait to read yours and all the other updates in my feed and on A03.
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liminalmemories21 · 8 months
Lim! It’s me! I request 8 please 🥺
So, umm, I got a little carried away?
There'd been a shelf of cookbooks in the condo, before it burned down.  Cookbooks that Carlos had bought when he was in college and experimenting with learning how to make Indian food and Thai food and pasta from scratch, books he'd bought at school fundraisers and church Christmas markets, books he'd been given as housewarming presents when he moved into the condo.  
When he moved into the loft he realized that Carlos had never replaced them, and even though Carlos hadn't left a space for them in the kitchen, he felt like he could see it anyway, where they would have sat.
He goes on a quest after that.  Some of them are easy to replace from alibris or bookfinder: the 1964 edition of the Joy of Cooking - because apparently the new edition had fucked around with all the recipes, Carlos's words, not his, and he'd stared at Carlos shocked when he'd said it because Carlos doesn't swear all that often unless he's in bed; a soup cookbook from some celebrity chef from the 90s that he's seen Carlos make exactly two recipes out of; a copy of the Silver Palate cookbook that someone at work had given him at a holiday gift exchange.
The church cookbooks and Junior League cookbooks are harder to find, and he takes to scouring second hand bookstores and antique stores and thrift shops on his days off when Carlos is at work.  Sometimes he drags Nancy or Marjan or Paul with him.  
"Why are we doing this?" Nancy grouses once.  "I've never seen Carlos use a recipe for anything."
"That's not the point," he snaps, and Nancy backs off with sympathetic eyes.
And, it isn't.  The point is that this is something Carlos had lost that he could maybe give back.  He's never going to be able to replace the pie bird that Carlos bought at the farmer's market when he was 12, or the old wooden rolling pin that had been his abuela's, worn smooth with time and use, or the butter molds his cousin Anna had brought him back from a trip to France.  But this, is something he can do.
It takes longer than he expects, and he ends up with more books than had been in Carlos's collection originally.  But he hadn't been able to resist them, the ones with cheery titles like "Nightingales in the Kitchen" and "Charlottesville: Cooking for Compliments", or the ones filled with someone else's handwritten edits that say things like 'never make this again' or 'add orange juice' or 'your husband will thank you'.
He meant to wait for Carlos's birthday, but he gets impatient, and packs them all in a banker's box and sticks a huge red bow on it, and makes brisket for dinner.  Carlos sniffs appreciatively when he comes home, and doesn't even notice the box on the table until he's coming back from hanging up his coat.
Carlos looks at him, clearly trying to remember if he's forgotten something, and he shakes his head.  "No reason, baby, just because."
"It's not a lizard is it?"
He snorts.  "I wouldn't do that to you, I promise.  You'll like this."
Carlos lifts the books out slowly, turning them over in his hand, stacking them up on the table.  He finally looks at TK.  'I had these at the condo."  He nods. "You bought them for me?"  He nods again, worrying his lip a little, suddenly nervous.  "Why?"
"You kept them, they meant something to you, they had memories for you.  I hate that you lost everything."  He waves a hand when Carlos starts to deny it, or point out that TK did too.  "I know, I was there too, I lost things too.  But, I'd only just moved in, I still had stuff at Dad's.  That was a home you built, and you lost it, and we don't talk about it."  He shifts on his feet, fidgeting with the couch cushion.  "We don't have to talk about it now, just, I wanted you to have something back."  He gestures around the loft. "You give me so much.  You deserve to have everything too."
Carlos kneels up on the couch, wrapping arms around him, kissing him breathless.  He smiles into the kiss.  "You like them then?"
"I love them."  Carlos kisses him again.  "I love you."  And then he pulls back to look speculatively at the kitchen.  "We'll have to rearrange some of the cups to make space for them."
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