#Tantra online school
How is Sexual Energy a Healing Modality by Sacred Sexuality?
Tantra is the approach of existing in a full association with life and owning a living relationship with what is indicated for opening yourself or your senses, your awareness, or your emotions; it is the realization of the current moment and participating validity from that area of exposure. Tantra plunges us more profoundly into the understanding of who we are. 
It completes an active merging of body and spirit. Sacred Sexuality or tantric sex is a sexual practice part of the ancient spiritual path known as Tantra. Tantra is a Sanskrit term that summarises weaving or joining the male and female forces within us, heaven and earth, the human body with the transcendent and the energy.
Tantra is discovering a union with life beyond the separate sense of self. The sacred or tantric sex, an aspect of Tantra, is seen as a door to that transcendent truth once we learn to take advantage of it. Tantric sex involves many erotic activities and physical stimulation of the erogenous zones most people associate with sex. 
A typical tantric session involves sexual energy healing with intimacy and delicacy in sex, which includes hugs, caresses, and, above all, being present in the body and focusing on energy movement between the participating bodies. During tantric sex, you barely move, and attention is focused on a space of devotion and meditation. Suppose you relax and take it easy or speed up and slow down the action. In that case, you can have an online tantra course with Embodied Awakening Academy, which has the expertise to deliver the essence of sacred Sexuality and help you heal with sexual energy, and provide ultimate satisfaction.
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niuniente · 2 years
How did you get into spiritualism and how would someone find resources for starting out?
NOW, this is a quite long topic tbh! I will put in under the cut but first, let's check the possible resources.
My guidance is that if there's any form of spirituality or spiritual practice - a religion (including paganism), witchcraft, spell work, Wicca, Luciferianism, new age, energetic alien cooperation, channeling, near-death experiences, paranormal, paranormal experiences, reiki, past lives, aura, yoga, meditation, mindfulness, occultism, astrology (all astrological forms), tantra, mantras, angels, divination tools (like tarot) - please go for that. There's no one way to a spiritual journey - I know a man who uses pain to enter in a meditative state, and one man who uses mathematics to explain spirituality. There are people who practice spirituality by painting, some with music. Many ways! What interests you?
When I started, I gathered my knowledge by simply going to a library and picking there books of my interests. Sometimes they were good ones, sometimes I made a mistake and didn't read the book because it wasn't interesting. The interest is the key factor here. You can be interested in many topics, and also change your interests freely. I still read and listen topic that interest me the most.
Spirituality has many meanings to people, and there are many levels of dedication to it. If you want to do just occasional spell work, that's fine. If you want to make it as a life style (like me), that's valid, too. Just like there are people who do exercising and sport differently. Not everyone needs to be a pro or a personal trainer when they start (to look for) their exercise of interest.
The key factor, to me at least, in spirituality is to become your true authentic self without judgement. To become a better version of yourself, for your own gain, too. Doesn't mean that you try to be perfect and never have bad days. It means you are who you are, that's enough and all days, bad included, are fine. It's hard to be a human at times! It's fine. It's an art of "Do No Harm, Take No Shit".
My personal recommendations would be, from general spirituality and how to live your life as you, Anita Moorjani, Denise Linn and researching peoples' near-death experiences. Jeff Mara has a wonderful podcast series of the topic on Youtube. Eben Alexander is remarkable NDE person, who you should research!
But, again, go for what interests you. Online is full of material. If you stumble upon something which makes you upset, that's wrong material to you! Turn away and seek for something else.
Now, to your first question of my path. It's a weird little story how my journey started:
I've always been a weird kid. I grew up a non-religious or spiritual family and environment. Finland is not a religious country either. If you believe in God or anything similar here, you're a real weirdo! It's a big "red flag" here.
However, I remember thinking past lives and such topics at the age of 6. When I was 16, I started a divination with self-made runes.
By the age of 19, my life was a mess. Well, it had been a mess overall, but I was in a tight spot. I had started studies to become a chef but I couldn't keep up with the studies. I stayed in my little room where I lived back then, sleeping the days (I didn't know that back then, but I was so exhausted and mentally ill from how my life had been that I was having a burn out, and I was "crashing" when I finally had a safe place to be). I was so far behind that the headmaster of the school said to me that I need to make my mind now. If I want to continue or not. Otherwise, I have to resign from the education as there's no way for me to catch up with 3 months' worth of studies after this breaking point.
I went back home, wondering what I should do. I didn't want to continue but quitting would be a financial suicide.
Suddenly, I was given two options to choose. I call them Material Path and Spiritual Path. I could see them both clearly, all the way to the future, and what would come to me and from be on both journeys. The choices were equal - either one would be valid - but I knew I had to choose. I couldn't have them both.
On the Material Path I would continue the school. I would graduate and soon after that get a steady job with a steady, good income. I would marry this wonderful blond, short, chubby man, who would be a very good husband. We would buy a wooden, traditional Finnish house with two floors, yellow in color. I would get a driver's license and a car. I would have friends and a good social life, nice hobbies and activities. We would also have a dog with my husband, most likely a black Labrador. However, in my 30's or 40's, I would start to feel that something is off. I would not be happy at all, which would make me miserable because all was fine in life. I had a good home, good income, friends, money, hobbies and a most wonderful partner. But, I wasn't being my own self. It wasn't my life. In the end, I would divorce my husband & break his heart, leave my job, leave my friends and lose all my material gains; money, the car, the house, the job, the income. Then, I would start a spiritual journey to become who I was. All the material would be lost and it would take me long time to gather them back - perhaps I wouldn't be able to get any of that back anymore. The journey of Material had ended.
On the Spiritual Path I would quit the school. I wouldn't ever have a good education. I wouldn't have a stable home but I would be moving from place to another, never settling anywhere. I wouldn't have a partner, nor any close friends or my own circles. I wouldn't have a steady job or a career, and there would be lots of unemployment, too. I wouldn't get a driver's license, nor car, nor money. My income would be very unstable and I would live poor. I would be alone, alone and alone, without much anything. Just barely coming by, by myself. What I would have, however, was my freedom and that freedom would be absolute. Nothing would disturb it nor take it away from me. Then, around my 30's or 40's, the journey would shift more to material. I would start to slowly gain what I didn't have; money, job, career possibilities, friends, hobbies, travels and eventually in the future also my own place and a husband. But, it would take really, really long. The positive side was that nothing I gained would be taken away from me. My material world would grow wider and better and more abundant in all levels, loving relationships included, the older I became.
I immediately knew I wanted to go on the Spiritual Journey. The freedom was what sold it to me, but I now also think it's nice to know that things will be coming to me without them being taken away from me.
I'm in my late 30's now. The life has gone exactly as I was shown at the age of 19. I'm slowly shifting my perspective to more physical, too, as my spiritual journey as "a challenge" starts to be over.
P.S. I can't play World of Warcraft but I love Vol'jin. Vol'jin story is very similar to me; he, too, had to go through spiritual challenges when he was young, and choose between Material Life with No Pain but with No Freedom, or Spiritual Life with Pain but with Freedom. He also chose freedom.
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globalworship · 2 years
Global Arts at EMS - Reconciliation: God's Mission through Missions for All
The Evangelical Missiological Society (EMS) will be at Dallas International University on Oct. 7 & 8, focusing on “Reconciliation: God's Mission through Missions for All.” 
Early-bird pricing ends August 31st, so don't wait to register—it gets expensive after that. An online (Zoom) option is available for those who can't join us in Dallas.
See the draft schedule with presentation titles and a link for registering here: https://www.emsweb.org/conferences/annual/
Nine of the seminars and panels are related to the use of arts:
Finding the Key: A Cathartic Interactive Art Installation in Houston (Anya Ezhevskaya - Dallas International University)
Breaking Down the Social 'Walls' through Visual Storytelling - Interracial Christian Partnership in Indiana (Kersten Priest)
The Reconciliation Cycle: Lives of Sacrifice and Meaning (Matt Taylor - To Every Tribe)
Creatives and Their Communities: Reconciliation through the Arts (Matt Menger - SIL International)
The Eucharistic Bread: Brokenness to Oneness, Remembrance to Foretaste (Melanie Henderson - Dallas International University)
God and The Meals: Feeding and Reaching the Souls through the Liturgical Arts in A Reformed Chinese Church in Indonesia (Carolien Tantra - Southeast Asia Bible Seminary, Indonesia)
Reconciliation through Remembering: Memorials as Places of Integration and Healing (Lydia Hreniuc - Dallas International University)
Neuroscience and the Arts: How Barriers to Reconciliation can be Addressed through Arts and Trauma Healing (Karen Kornelsen, SIL)
(PANEL) Applying Ethnodoxology to the Ministry of Reconciliation: A Conversation among Theologians, Church Leaders, Missiologists, and Ethnodoxologists - Elsen Portugal-Facilitator (Champion Christian College & Global Ethnodoxology Network), with Dr. Karen Fancher (Multnomah Univ),  Dr. Miguel Lopez (Duncanville First Baptist Church pastor), Dr. Al Tizon (North Park Seminary), and some arts track presenters.
I know eight of the presenters and panelists, and highly recommend their seminars.
And don’t forget that there’s a “Watch Party” option that’s good for groups watching together. The watch party price is for groups (like schools, classes, or organizations) who want to watch the conference in one room remotely.
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The event features plenary speakers like Dr. Tony Evans, Dr. Karen Fancher, and Dr. Al Tizon.
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sitarists · 10 months
Shri Sanjeev Korti, a fine sitarist of the newer generation. With more than twenty three years of rigorous sitar training from Ustad Shafique Khan, hails from Gwalior Gharana who is a grandson of Sitar Ratna Rahamat Khan. Shri Sanjeev Korti started to train as a vocalist but after listening sitar maestro Ustad Shahid Parvez, ignited a sudden and lasting passion for the sitar. Plays sitar with both gayaki ang and tantra kari ang. Performed at many prestigious concerts which are aired in AIR and Doordarshan also composed good music exhibiting artistic talent and command over the sitar instrument. Accompanied many light music and kathak dance programme. Shree Sanjeev Korti has completed Sangeet Vidwath and Sangeet Visharad in Sitar.
Shri Sanjeev Korti is a founder of Swartarang Sangeet Academy(R) Bangalore, under his guidence many students are learning sitar in Bangalore and around the world using online classes facility.
Shri Sanjeev Korti has taught Sitar in highly reputed institutes like Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bengaluru. He is a visiting lecturer at Azim Premji University, Bengaluru. Shri Sanjeev Korti has also worked as Sitar Teacher in Indus International School, TISB Bengaluru and Sarala Birla Academy Bengaluru.
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rupa4343 · 1 year
best yoga training schools,
best yoga training schools,
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Title: Top 10 Yoga Training Schools for Comprehensive Learning and Transformation
Yoga has become a global phenomenon, attracting millions of people who seek physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. As the demand for yoga instructors continues to rise, the importance of receiving proper training from reputable schools cannot be overstated. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner looking to deepen your knowledge, choosing the right yoga training school is crucial. In this article, we present a curated list of the top 10 yoga training schools renowned for their comprehensive programs and transformative experiences.
YogaWorks: With locations across the United States, YogaWorks is a well-established institution known for its rigorous and diverse teacher training programs. They offer comprehensive courses covering various styles, including Vinyasa, Hatha, and Iyengar, ensuring students receive a well-rounded education.
The Yoga Institute: Founded in 1918, The Yoga Institute in Mumbai, India, holds the distinction of being the world's oldest organized yoga center. They emphasize the traditional teachings of yoga, focusing on the integration of physical, mental, and spiritual aspects. Their programs cater to all levels of experience.
Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health: Nestled in the serene Berkshire Mountains of Massachusetts, USA, the Kripalu Center offers immersive yoga teacher training programs. Known for its compassionate and inclusive approach, Kripalu emphasizes self-discovery and personal growth alongside technical training.
Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers: Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers, with ashrams worldwide, offers traditional yoga training following the teachings of Swami Sivananda. Their month-long residential programs focus on the holistic development of students, encompassing asanas, pranayama, meditation, and yogic philosophy.
The Art of Living: Founded by renowned spiritual leader Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living organization provides yoga and meditation programs across the globe. Their training courses combine the ancient wisdom of yoga with contemporary techniques, creating a well-rounded curriculum.
Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute: Located in Mysore, India, the Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute is dedicated to preserving and promoting the Ashtanga Vinyasa system as taught by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. With a strong emphasis on self-practice and disciplined training, their programs attract dedicated practitioners from around the world.
ParaYoga: ParaYoga, founded by Rod Stryker, offers an integrative approach to yoga teacher training. Blending the wisdom of classical yoga, tantra, and Ayurveda, ParaYoga's programs delve deep into the philosophical and energetic dimensions of yoga, empowering students to become skilled and knowledgeable teachers.
White Lotus Foundation: Nestled in the picturesque Santa Barbara Mountains of California, USA, the White Lotus Foundation offers comprehensive yoga teacher training programs. Their courses focus on diverse yoga styles, including Hatha, Vinyasa, and Yin, and emphasize mindfulness, conscious movement, and spiritual growth.
The Bihar School of Yoga: Situated in Munger, Bihar, India, The Bihar School of Yoga is a renowned institution specializing in the traditional teachings of yoga. Their curriculum covers classical yoga practices, meditation, yogic philosophy, and the application of yoga in daily life.
YogaGlo: YogaGlo is an online platform that provides accessible and flexible yoga teacher training programs. With a wide range of courses taught by experienced instructors, YogaGlo offers convenience without compromising the quality of education.
Choosing the right yoga training school is essential for aspiring yoga instructors and enthusiasts seeking to deepen their practice. The top 10 schools mentioned above have earned their reputation for providing comprehensive programs, experienced faculty, and transformative experiences. Whether you prefer traditional teachings,
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trexova · 1 year
Experience the Online Yoga Classes: Why You Should Try Them Too
Yoga (Sanskrit:, 'yoke' or 'union' pronounced) is a collection of techniques and philosophies with roots in ancient India that are meant to calm the mind and help one experience a state of non-identification with thoughts and feelings. Traditional and contemporary yoga is performed throughout the world, and its many different schools, practices, and goals may be found in religions as diverse as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.
There are two primary hypotheses concerning yoga's beginnings. According to author Edward Fitzpatrick Crangle, most Hindu academics support the linear model, which posits that yoga originated in the Vedic period and was inspired by Buddhism. Yoga, according to the synthesis paradigm, which is favored in Western study, is a combination of non-Vedic and Vedic elements.
The earliest reference to what we now call yoga can be found in Rigveda. Several of the Upanishads make allusions to yoga. The Katha Upanishad, written between the 5th and 3rd centuries BCE, contains the earliest known use of the word "yoga" to signify the same thing as it does now. In the sixth and fifth centuries BCE, Yoga's methodical study and practice advanced in ancient India's ascetic and Ramana movements. In the second part of the first millennium CE, Yoga philosophy became known as one of the six official philosophical schools (Daranas) of Hinduism, with its most complete text, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, dating back to the early years of the Common Era. Between the ninth and eleventh centuries, tantra was the source of the first surviving books on Hatha yoga.
The strains of the day can be alleviated and inner calm attained through the practice of meditation. Find out how simple it is to learn to meditate and use it whenever you could benefit from it the most. You can sick out for meditation classes near me for professional training.
 What are the benefits of online yoga classes?
While traditional yoga emphasizes meditation and detachment from material attachments, the term "yoga" in the West frequently refers to a modern form of Hatha yoga and a posture-based physical fitness, stress-relief, and relaxation approach consisting mostly of asanas. After Swami Vivekananda's successful application of yoga without asanas in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Indian gurus brought it to the West. After the triumph of hatha yoga in the 20th century, Vivekananda brought the Yoga Sutras to the West, where they rose to prominence.
The popularity of yoga has grown exponentially in recent years, and with good reason. Yoga has a plethora of benefits, from increased flexibility and strength to improved mental health and decreased stress levels.
With the rise of online yoga classes, it has never been easier to get started with yoga. You can find classes for all levels, from beginner to expert, and you can do them in the comfort of your own home.
If you're thinking about giving yoga a try, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, be sure to choose a class that is appropriate for your level. Second, make sure you have a comfortable space to practice in and all the necessary equipment. And finally, be sure to listen to your body and go at your own pace. Yoga for diabetes will help you cure physical issues.
 Yoga is a great way to improve your physical and mental
If you're looking for a way to relax and destress, yoga may be the perfect activity for you. And with so many people now working from home, there's never been a better time to try yoga! But if you're new to yoga, the prospect of attending a class in person can be daunting. That's why we're excited to offer our new online yoga classes, which are perfect for beginners.
In our online yoga classes, you'll learn all the basics of yoga, from breathing and meditation techniques to basic postures. We'll also give you the opportunity to try out different yoga styles so you can find the one that's right for you. And best of all, you can do our classes from the comfort of your own home. So why not give yoga a try today?
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support1212 · 1 year
yoga schools online,
yoga schools online,
Our Tantra teacher training will be taking place at the yoga and meditation retreat center Rishis International, located in the footsteps of the Himalayas, near the city of Rishikesh, known as the Yoga capital of India. 
We ensure to provide accommodation with excellent quality so that you will have a pleasant and comfortable stay. If you are a solo traveler and wish to have more privacy, single-person supplements are available for all rooms. If you don’t mind sharing with other participants, we can find someone of the same sex to share with, or if you wish to book along with a friend you can mention this in your booking, so we can arrange for your shared accommodation.
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sucidedeviwu · 2 years
Chanakya s chant pdf ebook
 CHANAKYA S CHANT PDF EBOOK >>Download (Herunterladen) vk.cc/c7jKeU
  CHANAKYA S CHANT PDF EBOOK >> Online Lesen bit.do/fSmfG
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facultytick · 2 years
Teaching Faculty Jobs 25 August 2022 Announcement & Interview Notification By Faculty Tick
Central Institute of Petrochemicals Engineering & Technology Vijayawada Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following post of Lecturer and Placement Consultant Recruitment
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Lecturer and Placement Consultant post
Central University of Karnataka Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for engagement as teaching faculty in Department of Electrical Engineering purely on contractual...
Online applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Teaching Faculty post
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University Of Technology Applications are invited for the positions of Assistant Professor on contractual basis for the Department of Media...
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Assistant Professor post
SNDT Women’s University invites eligible candidates for appearing in Walk in interview for the following Assistant Professor posts for MCA programme on temporary unaided
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Assistant Professor post
Hind Institute of Medical Sciences invited Applications from eligible candidates for the following post of Principal and Teaching Faculty Recruitment
Vacancy for the Post of Principal/ Medical Superintendent/ Professor/Readers/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor
Delhi Public School Shikohabad invited Applications from eligible candidates for the following post of Principal and Teachers Recruitment
Applications are invited from excellent academic experience for recruitment to the Principal/ Coordinator/ Post Graduate Teachers/ Trained Graduate Teachers/ Primary Teacher post
Shemford Futuristic School Sultanpur Invites Application for the following Positions of Post Graduate Teachers and Trained Graduate Teachers Recruitment
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Post Graduate Teachers and Trained Graduate Teachers post
Rajagiri Christu Jayanthi Public School Vacancy for the Post of Teacher/ Secretary to the Principal/ Technical Assistant/ Office Staff/ Swimming Instructor
Vacancy for the Post of Teacher/ Secretary to the Principal/ Technical Assistant/ Office Staff/ Swimming Instructor
K L Deemed to be University invited Applications from eligible candidates for the following post of Trainers and Various Technical Positions Recruitment
Content Writer / Content Editor / Content – Co-ordinator/ Moodle’s Admin/ PHP Developer/ Mobile App Developer/ Video Editor/ Graphic Designers/ UI & UX Developer/ Designers/ German Language Trainer/ French Language Trainer/ Japanese Language Trainer
Acharya Narendra Deva University of Agriculture & Technology invited Applications from eligible candidates for the following post of Teaching Faculty Recruitment
Applications are invited for faculty positions from eligible candidates at the level of Professor/ Associate Professor /Assistant Professor
MMM’s Institute of Management Education Research and Training invited Applications from eligible candidates for the following post of Teaching Faculty Recruitment
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Associate Professor /Assistant Professor post
Audyogik Tantra Shikshan Sanstha’s Institute of Industrial and Computer Management and Research invited Applications from eligible candidates for the following post of Teaching Faculty...
Applications are invited from excellent academic experience for recruitment to the Associate Professor / Assistant Professors / Librarian post.
Film and Television Institute of India (FTII) invited Applications from eligible candidates for the following post of Teaching Faculty and Various Non Teaching Recruitment
Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor / Academic Coordinator/ Associate Maintenance Engineer/ Assistant Digital Colourist/ Shooting Coordinator/ Psychiatrist / Legal Advisor
Progressive Education Society’s Modern College of Arts, Science and Commerce Invites Application for the Post of Assistant Professor on Adhoc basis (Non-Grantable) and on...
Applications are invited from excellent academic experience for recruitment to the Assistant Professor on Adhoc basis (Non-Grantable) and on CHB basis (Grantable) post
Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s college of commerce invited Applications from eligible candidates for the following post of Teaching Faculty and Training and Placement Officer Recruitment
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Assistant Professor / Assistant Teachers / Training and Placement Officer post
Rajgad Institute of Management Research & Development invited Applications from eligible candidates for the following post of Teaching Faculty and Lab Assistant...
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Associate Professor / Assistant Professor / Computer Lab Assistant post
Kaveri College of Arts Science and Commerce invited Applications from eligible candidates for the following post of Assistant Professor/ Lab Attendant / Library Attendant...
Applications are invited from excellent academic experience for recruitment to the Assistant Professor/ Lab Attendant / Library Attendant post
Sri Mittapalli College of Engineering invites eligible candidates for appearing in Walk in interview for the following Teaching Faculty, Lab Technicians / DTP Operators/...
Applications are invited from excellent academic experience for recruitment to the Teaching Faculty/ Lab Programmers / Technicians / DTP Operators/ CRT Technical Trainers post
Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth Walk in interviews will be conducted for the following contractual post for Agriculture Engineering Section College of Agriculture
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Contractual Teacher post
Institute of Law & Research (I.L.R.) Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following post of Assistant Professor and Non-Teaching Recruitment
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Assistant Professor and Non-Teaching post
Alva’s Institute of Engineering & Technology Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following post of Teaching Faculty and Software Engineer Recruitment
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Associate Professor /Assistant Professor / Software Engineer post
Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering for Women online Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following post of Teaching Faculty and Non...
Online applications are invited from excellent academic experience for recruitment to the Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor/ Office Assistant/ Lab Assistant/ Web Developers post
Vivekanandha Educational Institutions for Women invites eligible candidates for appearing in Walk in interview for the following Teaching Faculty, Librarian and Trainers posts
Vacancy for the Post of Professor/ Assistant Professor/ Physical Director / Librarian/ Placement Trainers/ Aptitude / Technical Trainers
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Move Your Spirit With Elena Spiritual Guidance & Coaching Online,
Hi, I’m Elena.
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I am a spiritual master, a holistic energetic healer, a yoga and meditation teacher. I love all things yoga, meditation and spiritual awakening for you to Learning out here Spiritual Guidance & Coaching Online. I am dedicated to God. I have been guided by a profound passion to help me transform my existence from emotional pain to self-acceptance, empowerment, and purpose.
I have spent years of intense study and practice with teachers, gurus, sadhus, babas and sages from different lineages. I have lived an ashram-life, practicing meditation, chanting, fasting, silence and prayer. I come from a Tantra lineage, and have done formal studies in the US with Saul David Rae and Douglas Brooks and several teachers from the Bihar School of Yoga. When You Are Interested In Spiritual Guidance & Online Coaching You Can Learning out From Here
I have emerged in my own authentic way to guide clients who come from all over the world. Together we walk on a healing path toward improved mental, physical and emotional health. I am honored to be able to share what I love. I only take students who are committed to practice and personal change, who are eager to learn more about themselves and how to live connected to their highest version.When You Are Interested In Spiritual Guidance & Online Coaching You Can Learning out From Here
I invite you to learn more about my story, my personal journey and my experience.
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Transform Your Struggles Into Strength
You will learn practical approachable mystical tools that fit into your lifestyle. Through transformative one-on-one yoga & meditation classes and spiritual mentoring, I help you transmute your struggles into strength.
Discover Clarity & Insight Into Your Life's Questions
I use intuitive readings to bring lucidity and insight into your life’s questions, dilemmas, and struggles. With transparency and empathy, I offer you neutral guidance, caring support, and encouragement along your journey.
Step Away From What Doesn't Serve You Anymore
I help you find the courage and strength to step away from what doesn’t serve you anymore, to reconnect to your own life’s purpose, to leave fear behind, and to embrace a more fulfilling, joyous existence, so you can make choices based on love rather than fear.
I hold certificates from several yoga teacher trainings in the USA and an Ayurvedic lifestyle consultant certification from India. See the complete list below:
Certified Holistic Atma Yoga ERTY200+, Saul David Raye
Certified Fly Yoga School ERTY200+, Sherry Sidoti
Certified Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant, Chakrapani School and Research Center, Jaipur India
15+ Years of serving my clients on their own journeys to connect and discover within themselves
4 Years intensive study & practice in an ashram in Rishikesh, india
Study with Professor Douglas Brooks, Hindu Tantra, Shrivydia Shakta Tantrism, Anusara Yoga
Study and certification with Saul David Raye, teacher, healer, musician and founder Atma Yoga, Ritam Healing Arts
Residential study and certification at Chakrapani School and Research Center in Jaipur, India
Numerous journeys to India, Bhutan, Bali, Java, Nepal, Thailand to study eastern religion and philosophy
Years of sadhana – meditation, prayer, silence, chanting, rituals, fasting
Traditions, Study & Focus Areas
Tantra, Bhakti, Ayurveda
Energy healing, spiritual mentoring, shamanism, kriya shakti
Heart-centered approach, seeking connection and freedom of creative expression from within
Mindfulness & meditation
Bhakti, yoga of devotion, see the divine in everything 
Non-dual Tantra and study of Shiva and Shakti traditions
Eastern religion and philosophy through extensive travel in India, Bhutan, Bali, Java, Nepal, Thailand
Ayurveda lifestyle practice & technique
Spiritual Guidance & Coaching Online
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rupa4343 · 1 year
best yoga training schools,
best yoga training schools,
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Title: Top 10 Yoga Training Schools for Comprehensive Learning and Transformation
Yoga has become a global phenomenon, attracting millions of people who seek physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. As the demand for yoga instructors continues to rise, the importance of receiving proper training from reputable schools cannot be overstated. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner looking to deepen your knowledge, choosing the right yoga training school is crucial. In this article, we present a curated list of the top 10 yoga training schools renowned for their comprehensive programs and transformative experiences.
YogaWorks: With locations across the United States, YogaWorks is a well-established institution known for its rigorous and diverse teacher training programs. They offer comprehensive courses covering various styles, including Vinyasa, Hatha, and Iyengar, ensuring students receive a well-rounded education.
The Yoga Institute: Founded in 1918, The Yoga Institute in Mumbai, India, holds the distinction of being the world's oldest organized yoga center. They emphasize the traditional teachings of yoga, focusing on the integration of physical, mental, and spiritual aspects. Their programs cater to all levels of experience.
Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health: Nestled in the serene Berkshire Mountains of Massachusetts, USA, the Kripalu Center offers immersive yoga teacher training programs. Known for its compassionate and inclusive approach, Kripalu emphasizes self-discovery and personal growth alongside technical training.
Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers: Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers, with ashrams worldwide, offers traditional yoga training following the teachings of Swami Sivananda. Their month-long residential programs focus on the holistic development of students, encompassing asanas, pranayama, meditation, and yogic philosophy.
The Art of Living: Founded by renowned spiritual leader Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living organization provides yoga and meditation programs across the globe. Their training courses combine the ancient wisdom of yoga with contemporary techniques, creating a well-rounded curriculum.
Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute: Located in Mysore, India, the Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute is dedicated to preserving and promoting the Ashtanga Vinyasa system as taught by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. With a strong emphasis on self-practice and disciplined training, their programs attract dedicated practitioners from around the world.
ParaYoga: ParaYoga, founded by Rod Stryker, offers an integrative approach to yoga teacher training. Blending the wisdom of classical yoga, tantra, and Ayurveda, ParaYoga's programs delve deep into the philosophical and energetic dimensions of yoga, empowering students to become skilled and knowledgeable teachers.
White Lotus Foundation: Nestled in the picturesque Santa Barbara Mountains of California, USA, the White Lotus Foundation offers comprehensive yoga teacher training programs. Their courses focus on diverse yoga styles, including Hatha, Vinyasa, and Yin, and emphasize mindfulness, conscious movement, and spiritual growth.
The Bihar School of Yoga: Situated in Munger, Bihar, India, The Bihar School of Yoga is a renowned institution specializing in the traditional teachings of yoga. Their curriculum covers classical yoga practices, meditation, yogic philosophy, and the application of yoga in daily life.
YogaGlo: YogaGlo is an online platform that provides accessible and flexible yoga teacher training programs. With a wide range of courses taught by experienced instructors, YogaGlo offers convenience without compromising the quality of education.
Choosing the right yoga training school is essential for aspiring yoga instructors and enthusiasts seeking to deepen their practice. The top 10 schools mentioned above have earned their reputation for providing comprehensive programs, experienced faculty, and transformative experiences. Whether you prefer traditional teachings,
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Students enrolling this program need a dedication at least 2 hours daily for 5 days.
In that two hours you practice one hour of tantra yoga practical (by Flavia, from Italy) and another hour tantra meditation and philosophy (by Yogi Vishnu).
You will receive all videos and audio to practice just after registration.
A manual will be given
The Tantra yoga certificate course can be registered in yoga alliance continuous study program.
Live Question and answer session on appointment.
After registration all materials will be sent to you.
Course Fee 50 USD Only
Phone:  +91-9105127694
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MCM, antheiasilva
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<<This post is a part of a longer conversation about fanfic writers, how they view fanfic, and their writing process. All views are the fanfic writers’ own, and whatever fanfic they choose to write is entirely their own decision. No judgment value will be placed on fic content. These conversations are meant to provide insight for other fanfic writers in whatever stage they are at in their writing life>>
Meet-Cute Monday (with antheiasilva, @antheiasilva​)
AO3 Stats:
Pseud: antheiasilva Pronouns: they/them Current fandoms: Star Wars, Stargate Current pairings: QuiObi (Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan), Gen How many total fic: 28 How many fandoms: 2 Total word count: 182,952 Longest fic word count: 36,182 Shortest: 215 Highest kudo count: 1305 Lowest: 29
What's the story behind your pseud? Being the classics nerd I am, it's the Greek goddess of flowers and Latin for forest. I made it up in high school, and I think the original version was jediantheia but then I wanted to not be so fandom specific. Jokes on me, 20 years later and I'm still obsessed with Star Wars!
How long have you been reading fanfic? How long have you been writing fanfic? I've been reading fanfic since at least 1997 or 1998. I'm not sure if it was my first fandom and pairing, but I was really into Mulder/Scully fanfic and I remember printing it off high school computers. I know I looked for, but don't remember if there was any, Jurassic Park fanfiction and I did write Jurassic Park fanfiction around that time, but it never made it online. I think it mostly stayed in a notebook. I also wrote some Lord of the Rings fanfic in the early 2000s but that also never made it online. But I did win a high school short story competition for what I would now call Hamlet/Horatio pre-slash in 2001.
I was lurking around Qui/Obi in the late 90s, early 2000s. I remember reading some of “Walk Softly and Carry a Big Lightsaber” in the Master and Apprentice archive on high school computers, but didn't get very far. It was back in the days where I thought I was straight and read a lot of Qui-Gon/OFC. I didn't really start writing seriously until 2017, with Stargate Universe fanfiction (Rush/Young, of course), and then started writing Star Wars Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan in 2018 and never looked back.
Why did you start to write fanfic with your current writing incarnation? I was really interested in seeing the conversations characters might have with each other if they just fucking talked and what their relationships might turn into. With Rush/Young I wanted to see if I could plausibly and in character get them into a relationship, without any gimmicks, tropes, external influences. Nothing against sex pollen or aliens made them do it - I love that stuff - but the fandom had A Lot of that already.
With my first Qui/Obi it was similar. Can I, in character, get them into a relationship with the barriers that exist between them. And the master/padawan legacy is a big deal to figure out. If they were living, breathing humans in all their messiness, with all their trauma and history with each other, all of the power dynamics, and pseudo-parent mentor stuff, how would they figure that out? Could they?
I look at them in “The Phantom Menace” and they seem completely in love with each other in this quiet, respectful, magical way. I remember watching Qui-Gon's death scene in 1999 on the big screen and my heart leaping into my throat because for a moment it really looked like they were going to kiss. I just wanted to imagine that going somewhere in a romantic and sexual way. Not that they aren't already somewhere, but I'm allosexual so that's the trajectory that really pulled me at first.
How does what you do as a career inform the sorts of stories you write or the narratives you chase after? Wellllllll, I do work in mental health so... yeah. No surprise that emotions, relationships, trauma are all pretty central. I also trained as a yoga teacher and I'm studying more and more nondual wisdom and philosophy through yoga, Hinduism, Buddhism, tantra. So the philosophy and spirituality connection is also probably going to be showing up more and more.
Take "After the War" for example, where did the trajectory of healing come from, how much was informed by that work? Quite a lot - but less academic. I have a pretty intense trauma history myself and so all the academic stuff is filtered through lived experience of trauma healing through therapy, self-directed healing, emotional processing, embodiment and somatic therapy, yoga, exploring and healing from intergenerational trauma. There's definitely stuff about dissociation and structural dissociation in “After the War” and the importance of safety in the present, the challenge of coming into and staying in the present, being in connection, receiving love, accepting oneself and all of one's exiled parts of self. What is the Dark side really anyway? I think it's related to trauma.
Disclaimer- it's still fiction and fantasy! So, you know, don't try this at home and all that.
One of the cool things about healing from dissociation is that it is a lot like waking up, over months and years. And I tried to get that effect in “After the War” with the style and structure. It's not linear - there are setbacks. And it's hard - you have to let go of control. You can't rush it or make it happen. You have to come back to acceptance and compassion over and over. And it's not done alone.
So this intersection of fanfic, using known characters and settings, to explore lived trauma and process healing and identity is something I'm fascinated by. Fanfic has a reputation for being non-serious writing (and it absolutely can be! love that for it!) but because it's such an accessible way to write and share and have others read and respond, I feel like it's uniquely situated to give people a chance to say some really personal things. I agree with you 1000%. Fanfic can be healing magic. Writing it and reading it. You can be with your "stuff" whatever it is, with the buffer of the fictional characters and universe and the process of being with the stuff, understanding it, feeling it, having compassion for the character (cough cough, yourself) in it, panning out and seeing it from a distance, focusing in and seeing little pieces. It's all healing and integrating, I think. That's been my experience. You have that great line in Mirrorball where Obi-Wan is right up against the proverbial wall with his frustration with Qui-Gon and then something shifts. Hang on, I need to find it…
"If they are staying true to their established pattern, one of them should walk away, but Obi-Wan doesn’t feel that caged animal drive to get away from Qui-Gon this time. His meditation has helped Obi-Wan peel away his fears and hurt until all that is left is a boundless calm that makes him feel both terribly small and unspeakably large. He knows this feeling for what it is: perspective.
Now he’s ready to face Qui-Gon again."
This state Obi-Wan's in, and the choice he makes here  - that is trauma healing. And I feel like writing fanfic helps me do that. Needless to say, you blew my freaking mind with Mirrorball and I will love it forever. That is what fanfic can give us, I think, among other things - dopamine, endorphins, practicing compassion, more neural interconnectivity etc. This is one of those passages that has lodged in my brain and will never leave. I am both thrilled by it and unspeakably jealous in the best way.
Not bad for a fic thats mostly about Obi-Wan becoming a club kid and having anonymous alley sex, lolol! Hahah, it's about so much more than that.
The other thing I hear a lot from other writers/readers is that fanfic has the accessibility for people to see identity outside the mainstream they might not get to see. Can you talk about any moments of that for you? Yeah, I mean my drive to write fanfic was at least partially inspired by my gender awakening, figuring out I'm trans and trying to figure out masculinity. I'm fascinated by and adore masculinity. I'm particularly fascinated by Jedi masculinity- Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon are so strong, so competent, so powerful, and yet Qui-Gon kneels down to look Anakin in the eyes. He almost never raises his voice. Obi-Wan too. They have power over themselves and so they don't need to take it out on others. They don't get out of control. That's Anakin, whose possessive need for control of others is trying to compensate for the chaos he feels in himself.
I grew up in a family where men bellowed like the T-Rex in Jurassic Park when they didn't get their way and used physical violence against people much weaker than them. And that's our culture too- damn patriarchy.  Swimming around in healthy masculinity is hard to do! I need fanfic for that! I do value all of the identity representation in fanfic, but I can't say I've been overly compelled by trans Obi-Wan stories, for example. Art seems to be a different story. I have been known to cry when seeing Obi-Wan art where he has top surgery scars.
Oh I love that: seeing non-toxic masculinity in fandom. That’s a really beautiful thing to get from fanfic.
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eatmangoesnekkid · 2 years
End of the Year Celebration
At the end of the "year" many people speak about the things they are letting go or are no longer bringing into the new year. That's beautiful...But for me....the "new" year that most people connect with during this time in December is really about the "return of light" or living in the momentum and celebration that help us to arrive fully resourced, aligned, and brighter into the real new year that happens in March 2022. So, of course I thought,  let me slide on in with some lightheartness and celebrate. A big syrupy so if you don't like too much syrup, skip reading this.
 In 2021, I was more in love, in lust, and resourced. I am solidly clear that I'm being utilised as a channel for divine love and divine wisdom--the sacred arts. I love being widened, fattened up, and expanded and adding more light of goodness in our world. My beloved, my audacious female-bodied guru, and I have drawn closer during the pandemic. Not just sexual chemistry but in our deeper intimacy offline.  The eye gazes, stares, and touch that move out old stagnation--a VALUABLE aspect of health  near and dear to my heart but is relatively unknown. Learning how the “little things” that happen in our day-to-day lives harmonises our organism and the art of surrendering deeply into them is a real game changer in health and wellness. Those little fluttering, goosebumps, and arousing sensations occurring inside are simple manifestations of divine intelligence that lives within us here maximise our longevity in our bodies. It is A PASSION that we can give ourselves by thinking fondly on a luxurious passionate moment....or something that a lover can give to us through sight, speech, or touch....or something that our imagination can gift us when we consciously enter into a daydream on the completion of a project. I sometimes wake up to The Charming Lover gazing upon my face in a gently way and it's a lil bit like being in a movie. And I blush and giggle at the sight of this bedroom scene. I'm also touched daily like this morning's foot rub.  And massaged professionally weekly. We are both touched daily. Sometimes hourly during daylight hours.  I think its important to share that because monogamous relationships are often dismissed for the continuous passion they can bring without decline. Our 6 year union feels like a love story and we choose each other again and again each week. But course it would, for I named my life a love story 15 years ago.
 I do zero things out of obligation. In fact, some months, I put my computer (that houses my books) away at the back of my closet just so I could focus on my aerial and pole skills. Or go on hiatus  and seed myself in all things sensual. Or just rest. It's all so connected. This year i noticed that I no longer people please and stop overfunctioning many years ago. I have also healed my socially curated FOMO (fear of missing out). I am loved where ever I travel, where ever I plant myself. You should see our airbnb reviews from our hosts: they read like the sweetest love poems. I learned this year that pauses, slow sips, slow steps-- my acts of slowness-- are signs of generous action and activity....which have been unconscious seeded wisdom for readers to observe in my second time book publishing journey. I'm closer than I have ever been to completing my body of work that will open many hearts and minds and I created them outside of hustle, timelines, and due dates. I imagine the first series of books of their kind.  
 And I'm also thrilled to put some containers around my work and fully share unfetteredly deeper insights into love, tantra, health, wild, wealth, and feminine and masculine wisdom without any filters in my online mystery school. I don't make frivolous posts on social media. It's too distracting and I do many things, even though I may not be traditionally busy. I have secretly earned more money this year than I have ever earned in my life. 
In 2021, Spending 30 days living in countryside farm house in Italy with my Beloved and our dog with no plans, no computers, and nothing to do was a game changer for what's possible for these bodies we live inside as people.
 In 2021, Traveling to Mexico for two months alone was incredibly nourishing and expansive. Rarely am I without the Charming Lover who does everything--from planning to driving us where ever we need to go, so I got to play in life without the net of having my Beloved around. I discovered I can have it all either way...that I'm actually a decent planner. But I also love allowing the charming lover to lead. I didn't watch one bit of news this year. The density of the external world's programmings, expectations, and belief systems I do not live loyal to nor consent with, as such, I am now going on my 14th year and counting without a cold, stomach ache, or period/lunar cramps. 
And finally I died this "year" again. No longer afraid to be loving, wise, openhearted--open breasted, and free .WIth love, innocence, lightheartedness, health, and smiles.  
Cheers to your love, your loveliness, your health, your wealth, and your blessed fortunes  2022! It's going to be magical. Name it so. Own it as so. Allow it as such. 
One loveliness, India Ame’ye, Author
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