#Takeomi Kuroiwa
captain-astors · 1 year
No worries! I hadn't gotten a good start on it yet anyways, happy to see you again.
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(12: In class)
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kyanitedragon · 1 month
We're all in agreement that Yoriko and Takeomi's kid has to have Yoriko's hair color but the unique eyes + eyebrows of the Kuroiwas, right?
Well I made some edits of Takeomi to see what their son might look like
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elmaxlys · 8 months
TG Sexyman Poll - Round 2: Gagi VS Kuroiwa Takeomi (Bujin)
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Gagi is a member of the White Suits and Bujin is a CCG investigator.
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canadianlucifer · 6 months
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tokyoghoulnurse · 2 years
Going away on holidays! Now who will drive the car..
You can trust them with your life, you’re free to sleep or stare out the window in an imagination joyride:
Yoshimura, Amon, Hanbee, Iwao, Shinohara, Takeomi, Renji, Chuu, Marude, Koori, Houji, Hirako, Saeki.
Are good drivers but you need to keep them on track:
Hide, Kaneki, Shirazu, Urie, Mikito, Arima, Enji, Nakarai, Kureo, Seidou, Fura, Yoshitoki, Matsuri.
Not the best driver, better split 50:50 with them:
Kazuichi, Arata, Aura, Uta, Kijima.
Would crash the car somehow:
Juuzou, Miyuki, Higemaru, Nishiki, Mougan, Shuu, Furuta, Kaiko, Nico.
Isn’t even allowed behind the wheel:
Ayato, Hooguro, Naki, Tatara, Bin brothers, Donato, Noro, Shikorae.
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aroace-madness · 10 months
I just found out that Alejandro saab (mac's new va) also voices tsukachi from mha, uno from nanbaka, takeomi from Tokyo ghoul and kaigaku from demon slayer
Istg this man is everywhere
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tokyoghoulaspecs · 5 months
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Takeomi Kuroiwa SSR Special DNA
[ID: Official art from Tokyo Ghoul:re Invoke of Takeomi Kuroiwa, in a defensive crouch and weilding a quinque sword. The first image is a screenshot from the app, and the second is a transparent render. End ID]
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lurkerwithcomputer · 8 months
Hug Me Like You Mean It
A/N: Ever since I read @hamliet 's TG highschool AU I've thought about something similar but with ghouls still being a thing.
"Would you go out with me?"
She puts her tall glass of blood down on the counter, with a clunk. The question makes her feel like the world is on pause for a moment, although there's not much action going on in the dorm's common room to even pause in the first place. It's dead empty, actually, and probably a good time for asking someone out.
She can't help but wonder what kind of human would ask out a ghoul.
She doesn't know that many humans. At least, not on friendly terms, except for Yoriko, and a few people from her dorm - her roommate Akira mostly. She's not counting the ones who used to be human - they still confuse her, tying her feelings into tangled knots.
But Yoriko's middle school friend, Takeomi, is standing across from her, cheeks a bit pink. She's seen enough of him in gym class to know the logical reason he'd ask out a ghoul, instead of the human girls he seems pretty popular with. As humans go, he's a rare kind of strong. The ghoul kind of strong. I bet he'd like someone he can give a real hug to without cracking her ribs. On the other hand, he could've asked out any ghoul. She knows her personality is all spikes and sandpaper on the outside, so...
"Why me?"
He winces and his shoulders slump.
Shit. I gave him the wrong idea.
"Hey. Look at me. This isn't a no, really I think you're a good, solid kind of guy. I'm just curious, 'cause you could've asked anyone, and I know I'm pretty abrasive."
He's quiet for a moment. She can almost hear him thinking through her words.
"Two reasons, I guess. One is that Yoriko says a lot of good things about you. The other is a piece of dating advice from my dad: 'if you find a good woman who doesn't know it, pick her and show her' is what he always said."
She feels her face go hot, she has to be bright red.
"Well I think it's working, because I've been much less grumpy with you than I usually am. One more thing," and she watches Takeomi perk up, "I bet I know why you asked out a ghoul."
He blushes heavily but doesn't say anything. She opens her arms wide.
"Come here and hug me like you mean it."
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imgabysama · 1 year
1 and 2 for astor's tg asks ;)
1. Free card to ramble about a fav
Akira had to take care of Urie and Takeomi sometimes, it wasn't like her at all, but Akira warms up quickly so she doesn't mind taking care of them at all. She helped them with their homework and stopped them from killing each other by playing "ghoul vs investigator", Urie had a little crush on her and was jealous when Akira helped Takeomi, that he was just a very slow and spoiled baby, so Akira had to do everything for him.
After Urie's father died he became aggressive and rebellious, but Akira welcomed him because she had gone through the same thing, she was young too, so she didn't know what to say to him, and ended up reproducing her father's hate speech, which influenced Urie to hate Kuroiwa family
They came to her when they had problems with their studies, both at school and at the CCG, Akira was good at explaining humanities subjects and helping with training, but she is terrible at explaining math and physics, she just did the math in her head and it was so fast that she had a hard time doing it step by step.
Urie never really believed in the potential of his paintings, but one day he showed Akira a painting of stray cats and she was impressed,really impressed, she bought his painting, and Urie felt something like the time Arima complimented him, is a memory that made him smile sincerely. And he gave her a painting of Maris Stella when he graduated from the Academy, she was thrilled again, but this time because it was the first time anyone had given it to her since Amon.
In an alternate line where Shirazu and Urie's friendship (or coexistence) begins before they become quinx, Akira helped Ginshi with his studies as well, helping him improve his reading and writing skills. Urie thought he had already gotten over his crush on Akira, but seeing Shirazu all flustered and red next to her ignited the flame of jealousy in the young boy.
She scolded the three when they did something stupid, broke up fights, yelled at them, called them "brats", they're the only ones who know Akira's big sister skin
2. A thought about the series
I prefer root ending A, because Akira is the last person Amon mentions, instead of Donato, it's petty, but it's a very valuable memory for me and 12-year-old Gaby.
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jisatsu-draw · 2 years
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wearepurplejackets · 3 years
I can't stop imagining that this sh*t happened before Takeomi and Mikey created Bonten. I mean,
Takeomi in the last time line: OH MY GOD, THEY KILLED MY SISTER!!
And Mikey, tired as f*ck: Oh... So, first time?
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spookyc · 2 years
As a Mutsuki fan I think we were totally robbed from not getting to see Kuroiwa deck Mutuski in the face for kidnapping his wife. I think it would have been hilarious.
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tatatatatara · 2 years
Takeomi when he saw Yoriko got arrested
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elmaxlys · 4 months
TGSMP Loser Bracket - Revival Round: Group 13
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Arata is Touka and Ayato's father - Marude is a Special Class CCG investigator - Iwaccho is a Special Class CCG investigator - Bujin is a CCG investigator - Nico is a member of the Clowns group.
TG Sexyman Poll Masterpost
TG Sexyman Loser Bracket Masterpost
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maryshinonome · 3 years
✨Tokyo Dance Festival✨
The long-awaited dance festival has begun in Tokyo, where many people and of course couples came to have fun and have a good time. A whole crowd has gathered on the dance floor and every person dances differently.
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Kishou × Eto
They are two very different people, not only in life but also on the dance floor. During a slow dance, they behave rather calmly and passively towards each other, but when the music changes to more energetic Eto breaks out of his hands and begins to dance with all her soul. And even in spite of his too cold nature, Arima also tries to support her in this, but he doesn’t do it as well as hers. Many people laugh about it (except for Hirako and Ui)
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Take × Kaya
They don't know how to dance (I can say they don't know how to do it at all), but sometimes they attend such events with friends. They go to dance a slow dance, but after 5 minutes of slow movements they fall asleep in each other's arms and stand there until one of the dancers touches them. After that, they will probably go home before everyone else or stay and spend time together over a cup of coffee.
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Uta × Itori
They are the most active and professional couple on the dance floor. Between them is the perfect energy that allows them to have fun in full. Uta knows a lot of dance moves, and Itori is good at playing along with them, complementing their dance well. Everyone looks at them with surprise and admiration, and some girls even begin to envy Itori and her great partner.
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Ayato × Hinami
Ayato doesn't like dancing, but he went to the festival for Hinami and his sister (since she threatened to kill him if he didn't go with Hinami). He feels very insecure and cannot get rid of the thought, which looks very ridiculous. He wants it all to end as soon as possible and he will leave here, but when he looks at happy Hinami, who doesn’t stop repeating that he dances well, all his thoughts fade into the background, continuing to dance with her and not taking his eyes off her
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Koutarou × Akira
Amon has been waiting for this festival for a long time to invite Akira to it and have a good time with her together. For this, he even took some dance lessons for this. Akira is not a fan of such events, but accepted Amon's invitation. He is still unsure of himself and during the waltz he keeps counting from one to three so as not to miss the rhythm. She finds it funny and when she starts to move with him he becomes more confident.
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Nishiki × Kimi
Despite his arrogant and rude nature, he adores dancing with his beloved girlfriend. For all the time that they were together, they never missed a single festival, although at first he was against it. But every year he became more and more emancipation. They always dance energetically and cheerfully, so much so that compared to other couples who dance slowly and calmly, they can seem quite crazy
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Koori × Hairu
At first glance, it's difficult to say, but Ui knows how to dance (and even better than many of his colleagues). He went to the festival with Hairu as she is very fond of such events where they can have fun. At first they dance a slow waltz, but if he starts drinking then his dance becomes very strange and ridiculous, but Hairu likes it and she starts playing along with him, not thinking about the opinions of others. Although he will regret it the next day when Hirako sends him a video of their dance.
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Takeomi × Yoriko
I can call them the most ideal and adequate couple on the dance floor. They are very gentle with each other. During the dance, they keep their loving eyes on each other, even though Takeomi is significantly taller than her. They feel each other perfectly and that’s why they manage to stay in their rhythm.
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Ken × Touka
Despite the fact that Touka made her brother go to this festival, she didn’t want to go there, because she doesn’t know how to dance at all and she did not want to disgrace herself and her boyfriend, but for his sake she agreed. When everyone went to the dance floor, Kaneki was also going to go with Touka, but she hesitates, explaining everything to him. He didn’t get upset and offered her his help and do as the body tells her. Over time, she no longer feels this fear and with great pleasure begins to dance with him.
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tokyoghoulnurse · 3 years
Hirako boys + Nishiki + Ayato + Arima and Yomo asking their s/o to hurt them in bed... (Feel free to deny @_@)
Tokyo ghoul boys
Unfortunately I don’t write for Ayato! I’ll be happy to write for everyone else though ;) really buttering my roll with Hirako boys and Arima, I have a weakness for Ex-CCG boys..
CW: Knife play
I mean it isn’t that surprising, is it? Surely you could’ve expected your adventurous vixen to ask this sorta thing. He’s just the guy! Bondage, biting, scratching, whipping, even knife play, it’s all on the table!
He’d be rather casual about it actually, rather than feeling embarrassed in asking for it, he’ll happily let his partner dominate him for a while while he lays back. Has zero shame or qualms about being on the bottom and displaying his love bites the day after. Shameless fox!
“Why don’t you get the whip, mm?”
It’s.. a case of self discovery really. His partner scratched his back in bed once and he came (…) to really enjoy the feeling of the sweet addition that was pain while he concentrated on pleasing his partner.
He probably wouldn’t be into too many things actually, mostly vanilla pain like scratching and biting.
“Go ahead. I don’t mind.”
Probably the most surprising one on the list! He’s a pretty vanilla guy really, and would most likely be embarrassed to ask this sorta thing of his partner. Although he’d never (read: with a bit of convincing) admit it, he might even be into hand restraint and blindfolding.
He’s probably falling into Hirakos footsteps on the lines of biting and scratching, but maybe wouldn’t be opposed to some bruising.
“Ah.. don’t make me say it.”
Unsurprisingly calm about it, actually. Probably wouldn’t mind biting or some delicate form of knife or blade play. Little cuts here and there might get him going.
It helps him relax more than anything, laying his head back and closing his eyes for a bit while his partner does their magic.
“Yes? Oh.. I see. Please do.”
Brash about it, encouraging his partner to do their worst and getting really into it. He loves pain and proving a point that he can withstand a lot. Definitely doesn’t mind choking and drawing blood. It entertains him.
He will absolutely reciprocate the pain in bed, diving into big bites and heavy scratches. Leaves many marks behind (only with consent of course.)
“Oh yeah? Go on. Do your worst.”
Mature if not slightly bashful about it. He isn’t embarrassed - no - his partner and him and very open about their needs and don’t feel like they need to hide. Although it was quite the conversation, asking them to bruise him if they really want.
More on the vanilla and passive side. If his partner doesn’t feel like it then he definitely wouldn’t force it, probably scared to reciprocate it back.
“Mhm.. don’t worry.”
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