#Taff Rambles
tafferling · 1 year
Sometimes I wonder what I’d be capable of if I didn’t have to fork over so much energy to work and could put that energy into... I don’t know. Writing instead.
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taff-ebrum · 4 days
So my original plan for this blog was to post rambles about Taff, her lore, and her history. Which I still plan to do. But I’d like to tell the tale of her lore in an engaging manner. So, out of curiosity, what’s your preferred way of learning about a character?
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I love popping into Lion’s Arch and seeing everyone’s incredibly silly beta character names. Like honestly reblog and put them in the tags I wanna see more.
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swamplatibule · 3 years
Well since nobody asked me about Aurum Argentum I guess I just have to ramble huh (no offense to you guys you’re awesome)
No cuts this time we scroll like men
So this is like a fantasy world, there’s magic and the occasional dragon and also swords, those are cool.
Let’s start with Aurum, shall we?
He’s the king of the Isles (It’s fully called the Leranian Isles, but everyone just refers to it as “the Isles” because I said so). And also? He’s a bitch. Fuck this guy. He sucks. The way Aurum rules the Isles tends to fuck over the people who actually need help in favor of keeping the wealthy happy. Those who support him are pretty much blind to that, but anyone who would dare even say a word against him are quickly taken care of by the guard. So clearly he’s Not A Great Guy.
And on the other end, we have Argentum. He’s Aurum’s younger brother (though only by a year and a half, and that gap seems to be wayyyy smaller when everyone lives for about 1,000 years) and also on what could be called magical house arrest for the rest of his life! For trying to murder his brother! How that works is that there’s this house, and there’s an enchanted dome around it. Anyone other than Argentum can go in and out of it as they please - which will be important later - but for him it’s just this invisible, indestructible wall.
Almost nobody goes near his house. Everyone on the Isles has been told that he’s insane, a complete madman, and would kill them in seconds if they were to step foot through the barrier. The frequent explosion noises coming from that direction don’t really deter that belief (He’s just a very talented alchemist, and also does a lot of experiments because there isn’t really a whole lot else to do). To be honest, Argentum would be very lonely in his lil house if it weren’t for the three different pled who actually talk to him.
Also, you’ll notice - Aurum and Argentum. Gold and Silver. Argentum’s always been second best, and I feel like the names highlight something about the two’s childhood that I can’t really name.
Anyway. Back to the three people.
First we have Adelio. He’s Aurum’s kid, but basically lives with his cool uncle because his dad sucks. Adelio walks with a pretty heavy limp that he’s had since he was born, and he usually walks with a cane. Aurum, however, would rather him use an illusion spell or something and walk without the cane so he didn’t appear weak to the public. And he knows full fucking well that it would hurt Adelio to walk like that, but he cares more about appearance. That’s the first of a long list of abuse.
Adelio went to check on Argentum’s house one day, just out of curiosity, and realized two things. One, his uncle is definitely not crazy, and is actually pretty cool and wayyy less of an asshole than his dad. Two, the man is really fucking bad at taking care of himself. He’ll go for a full week without eating anything because he has quote unquote “more important things to do”. So Adelio just decided that someone’s gotta remind Argentum to take care of himself (And also he just wanted to spend more time with his cool uncle) and started hanging around his house more.
Argentum didn‘t fully appreciate it at first, but Adelio grew on him. They care for each other, and the kid basically lives with him now. It’s... 🥺 I love them.
Aight forget that now it’s time for DUN DUN DUNNNNN Taffeta Vince! She’s... *sigh* where the fuck do I start? Taffeta is a thief-assassin combo, with a questionable moral compass and possibly more questionable number of knives on her at all times. She’s quite possibly the most wanted thief in the Isles, but most people are terrified of her and so they leave her alone. Taff is extremely sassy and chaotic and flirty and she will either kiss you or tear out your throat in seconds. Or both, in that order. You have been warned.
She met Argentum (who I will be calling “Gen” from now on because that’s his actual nickname anyway) wayyyyy before her reputation was as good as it is now. She was a beginner thief, got caught and had to run from a few guards, and went straight towards Gen’s house, not knowing who it belonged to. The guards abandoned the chase, figuring that she had basically just rung the underworld‘s doorbell and they didn’t feel like following. She broke in through a window and chilled in that room for maybe half an hour, until Gen came upstairs and found this heavily injured woman just vibing in his attic without any context.
So that’s how they met.
Shiv is Taffeta’s brother, though they were separated for a very long time and only met again and figured out they were siblings about 50 years ago. He’s a hired mercenary, and also a complete himbo sweetheart who I would murder everyone on this planet for. Very skilled with a bow. He met Gen and Lio through Taffeta, so here’s how he met her-
Long story short, he got hired to kill her. And then heard what her name was and decided to look into it. The two were twins, separated at birth, and Shiv never actually knew what his real name was. He was named by the Random Mercenary Dude who found him (that’s why he has an angsty-ass name) and took care of him. He did, however, know Taffeta’s name, because it was in a letter that was left with him. For some reason, Shiv’s name wasn’t in the letter. Just roll with it.
Taffeta knew she had a brother once, but she didn’t know his name. So when this guy, very bounty-hunter-looking, approaches her and asks for her by name, her first instinct is to attack. And so they’re just fighting and they figure out who the other is and I haven’t worked out the whole thing but it’s FINE i’ll figure it out.
Anyway so there’s Gen with his three friends, and OH YEAH! THIS MOTHERFUCKER!
Let’s talk about Cray Girani for a second.
He’s the captain of Aurum’s guard (Which is called the Gilded Guard, by the way) and also Taffeta’s nemesis. The times there two have clashed? Immeasurable. They’ve both given each other a number of scars and bruises, though Taffeta always gets away. It’s gotten to the point where he’s almost directly hunting her, because of all the shit she’s caused him.
He’s very cold, angery boi, calculating and sharp and doesn’t waste time on being nice. Cray is very commanding and a good leader, definitely, but he’s... there’s some shit going on with him. The man has issues. Maybe he’ll get a redemption arc, but who knows.
And there you go! Just two hours of typing nonstop! Wonderful! Anyway my asks are still open if you wanna know anything about these six~
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fanfictionlive · 5 years
OCtober 2019 - Give your Original Characters some time in the spotlight!
Hejsan! Your friendly neighbourhood Taff here.
Welcome to OCtober!
Can we call this a tradition now? This is year three in which you allow me to run OCtober for you and I feel both honoured and excited.
For the newcomers: During OCtober I'm calling forth all Fan Fiction writers that bring Original Characters to the table. The ones that stand in the spotlight. The ones that drive the story forward right alongside, or even instead, of an established cast. The Self Inserts. The spotlight villains. The love interest of the hero that brightens their day. Original work is more than welcome.
We'll start with an introduction thread in which you're encouraged to show us the stories that feature them and tell us about them. Bring their music. Art of them. Tell us what inspired you to write them as you did. How you went about naming them. What colour of socks they wear. Anything. Gush about them. Ramble about them. And we'll be here to welcome them with open arms.
Each week I'll bring you 2 to 3 prompts and you're welcome to do as many as you'd like or even combine them if you want.
Don't come in here to tell us you don't like Original Characters. This is not the place for you. Shoo.
You get a ticket for two major OCs in the introductions thread.
Original Characters only (had to make that clear again) - If they exists by name in an Extended Universe, they are not considered as Original Characters created by you.
You are welcome to write about different OCs in each prompt, though it will be difficult for the readers to keep up with so many new faces.
Prompt fills can be anywhere from 100 words to 6000 words, but keep in mind that the longer it is, the less likely we will be able to engage with all of the responses.
Prompt fill ratings are not restricted - but anything Explicit / R for explicit sexual or violent content / 18+ will need to be bagged and tagged and cannot be posted in the thread directly. Link to it.
Mingle with the rest of your fellow writers!
...and maybe your OCs can mingle amongst each other too. Who knows, we might get some new ships out of this, for all I know.
Structure of thread:
I will post a reply here to begin with introductions. All OC introductions need to go into that child thread.
The main thread will be updated with prompts each week (Tuesdays). Chuck your replies in here anytime you want!
I'll post a quick "NEW THING!" post when the main thread gets updated which will have a handy link to this one.
Prompt fills can be written on any site and linked back, or written straight in here.
To make it easy to find entries, use a format as a header such as:
Prompt Group #1 | 01 Character Building | Name of Character
Very important final rules:
Have fun!
Prompt Group #1, October 1st
Don't forget to introduce your OC(s) to us! The introduction thread is right heeeere (click).
01 Character Building
Your original character is about to join a Dungeon and Dragons campaign (or RPG of your choice) and are building their character. Class. Race. Background story. Stats. Write this any way you want. Have them talk about to someone, have someone quiz them, have them just start playing- or go ahead and mock up a character sheet for them!
02 Overcome
They overcome an obstacle of sorts, regardless if it's a physical one or not. Could be an emotional one. Could be a literal mountain. How do they do it and how does it feel?
As usual, any typos and grammar mistakes are made with tons of love.
Questions? Go ahead and ask. In here or in my DMs, tots up to you :D
submitted by /u/tafferling [link] [comments] from FanFiction: Where Magical Ponies battle Imperial Titans https://ift.tt/2ocxgcZ
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wearethegladiators · 5 years
don’t mind me c de la déformation professionnelle de meuf qui taffe sur des régimes autoritaires all day long
PTN there’s so much things i want to ramble about BUT i don’t have time BUT i’ve been kept awake by random thoughts about the mf rebellion and???? needed to share even tho that’s probably messed-up as fuck mdrrrr, you know i study political science right (ptn puis jsuis tellement fumée par la politique et LA NON ALLIANCE DES GAUCHES que jsuis convaincue que les êtres humains même d’accord entre eux peuvent pas s’empêcher de se bouffer/se diviser so ANYWAY) (SORRY PTN)
  tant qu’on est dans le random l’autre jour je suis tombée sur cette photo de rilès (https://www.instagram.com/p/B0TZgHqIe4v/) et j’ai fait : WESH MAIS C NATHAN LA VERITE. et encore plus en stalkant. et encore plus en stalkant son compte à lui (y a des gens qui commentent ‘’le gars c’est poséidon’’ sous ses photos SORRY BITCH). (et les bagues et le sang tout le temps et le corps et le charisme et les cheveux (NATHAN WITH AN AFRO) et je eurffff jsp y a  un truc je trouve) anyway il a une MOUSTACHE et il sourit comme un gamin et il est tt le temps en baskets et c’est hyper random mais ça me hante depuis des jours, voilà je vais mieux (AH MAIS WAIT IL A NOTRE AGE JSUIS TELLEMENT CHOQUEE????????? je le mettais au moins à 25 ans et easy fin de vingtaine jsuis déphasée comme jaja)
(quand wyn découvrira ses origines natives: https://www.instagram.com/p/ByIon9IJAI_/) (clem out)
(mdr nathan & adrian https://www.instagram.com/p/BjfPWm4ACtt/) (promis j’arrête cette fois hihi)
(affiche de propagande de la rébellion tmtc https://www.instagram.com/p/BVSRUr5liiI/  https://www.instagram.com/p/BXs59slDJxC/)
  anyway : des rebelles pacifistes!! we need that!! lily needs that
non mais en vrai je me disais que tous les ex membres de l’ordre du phénix avaient pas pu rejoindre la rébellion ?? genre rémus lupin, ces gens ultra-idéalistes/poufsouffle là. alors je sais qu’il y en a bcp qui se sont juste barrés, mais mon rémus ?? enfin jsp mais la rébellion a quand même un peu une image de jeunes loups vénères alors que l’ordre c’étaient des vieux hommes sages si sages qu’ils en sont morts, mdr
et jpensais à excidium
et jme suis emballée
et là j’ai pensé à la Transnational Alliance for Restoration of Peace and Democracy (buckle up kids jme faisais chier je suis partie loin)
la TAFROPAD (ui), c’est un réseau d’idéalistes et d’activistes (tout ce qu’on veut : des nationalistes irlandais (my obsession ptn yes you’ll see), des défenseurs des droits des créatures magiques, des militants antiracistes, WHATEVS). en tous cas tous souscrivent à des méthodes de résistance non-violente. le groupe est né de la fusion d’une association bien implantée dans la société sorcière (style charité pour les blessés de guerre, un truc pseudo innocent), d’anciens membres du phénix qui jusque-là faisaient pas de bruit, et de déserteurs de la muggleborn resistance (à cause du bullshit de lily tmtc) et de la rébellion (quand nathan devient un peu foufou tmtc²). donc ils sont tout récents, 2003 style (ils existaient avant, mais ils étaient genre 2 donc pas trop officiel quoi).  ils sont quand même considérés radicaux parce qu’ils sont pro-démocratie et que bitch les sorciers anglais connaissent pas ça. et ils sont quand même badass parce que c’est la branche de la résistance la plus sûre pour quitter le pays, avoir des faux papiers, etc. (parce qu’ils étaient bien implantés socialement, vivent dans la clandestinité depuis un bye, bénéficient du réseau de l’ordre qui en vrai aurait pu être international ?? genre ils ont dû bosser avec le gouvernement après la chute n°1 de voldy, et aussi parce qu’il y a pas mal d’anciens membres du gouvernement). puis c’est une alliance TRANSNATIONALE, qui existe donc dans d’autres pays, donc ils ont des connaissances à l’ETRANGER. just saying. anyway si rémus est toujours en vie he’s the man. et ce qui m’a donné l’idée c’est une vidéo maradeurs avec alicia vikander en marlene mckinnon qui faisait un discours vénère pour casser le cercle de vengeance/mettre fin à la guerre/etc. etc. bref jveux une alicia vikander en boss. peut-être en susan bones ??? sorry i’m a sucker pour les reboots de persos des livres ptn
  anyway je réfléchissais aussi à la muggleborn resistance, jsais plus ce que tu disais à ce sujet. j’aime bien l’idée que les décisions soient votées démocratiquement et qu’il y ait pas vraiment de leaders, à part peut-être genre 3 personnes qui servent de représentants si besoin (dont lily tmtc) (et tous rescapés de l’évasion du mudblood camp là). bref pourrait y avoir des ramifications là aussi, avec des gens pas trop contents de la secte/mafia irlandaise de lils, mais en même temps c’est elle qui fournit les ingénieur.e.s donc on la ferme HEIN
(bref lily jbosse sur son redemption arc because SHE’S A GOOD GUY (je regardais des vidéos hufflepuff pride aussi et ptn elle est si poufsouffle sans déconner), et à un moment elle va faire la connerie de trop et ça part en ‘’BITCH I’M OUT’’, la meuf devient un électron libre et zone entre les 3 ‘’poches’’ de résistance, elle assume plus de responsabilités. fin elle gère plus les gens quoi. elle court juste après nathan le feu follet et elle pourrait faire des bails genre organiser un rapprochement avec la TAFROPAD ?? OUVRIR LA RESISTANCE A L’INTERNATIONAL?? idk but let her be good pls)
  ptn puis après jme disais que carmen et wynona elles sont trop badass mais qu’elles avaient pas pu être des terroristes TOUTES SEULES. et qu’ils devaient y avoir des poches d’extrémistes aussi. et jme suis encore emportée :’( je pense que la plupart c’est juste des tous petits groupes de personnes presque ad hoc parce que y a le risque de se faire massacrer à tout moment, mais j’ai quand même pensé à 4 groupes un peu côté (MDR JSUIS SI DESOLEE DON’T MIND ME)
les pussy riots (BITCH) : ‘’du nom d’un groupe de musique punk ayant d’abord sévi en Europe de l’Est avant de répandre son idéologie plus au Nord, avec notamment des actions coup-de-poing anti-Durmstrang dès 1996-7. Un groupuscule inspiré de ces actions a pris forme au Royaume-Uni courant 1998, et a donc repris l’étendard. Les Pussy Riots sont exclusivement des femmes ; on y a vu passer plusieurs anciennes Harpies de Holyhead, une chanteuse des Bizzar’ Sisters, une ancienne cheffe la rébellion (wink) ou encore une éleveuse de dragons (double wink). Le groupe est quasiment éteint depuis une purge gouvernementale sans précédent, et n’a plus mené d’action spectaculaire (style attentat) depuis début 2002.’’  
anarchy in the UK : ‘’faction ultra-radicale de nés-moldus, cracmols et associés, prônant le génocide des sang-purs et, plus globalement, des sorciers :’). Ils surfent plutôt sur le pan idéologique de la vague, mais ont commis quelques coups d’ampleur au cours des 5 dernières années. Leur QG se situe dans le monde moldu, où la plupart d’entre eux réside et vive. Certains occupent encore un emploi moldu lambda, mais beaucoup ont tout abandonné pour la cause. La mouvance reste cependant largement à l’état de groupuscule. Potentielle rhétorique religieuse/sataniste derrière tout ça ??’’ (déso je fais de la théologie ptn) (et du coup ils auraient pu tenter d’approcher lily en sentant la dérive venir mais mdrrr je anyway don’t mind me j’ai dit) ; des bons gars qui auraient pu tenter de pratiquer des exorcismes sur des prisonniers sorciers pro-régime.
la celtic coalition against pure bullshit (WHAT DID I JUST SAY) (I JUST LOVE MY CELTIC PEOPLE OK) : ‘’existe depuis la première guerre sorcière, et a connu quelques heures de gloire avec sa résurgence [fin 1997], notamment portée par les Macmillan. Une guerre fratricide a poussé ceux-ci à rejoindre la rébellion (suivis par plusieurs de leurs disciplines, dont un certain Fury), ce qui a conduit la coalition à revoir ses ambitions à la baisse et à se relocaliser en Irlande. Suite à la dissolution de l’Ordre du Phénix, Seamus Finnigan (<3333) en a été un membre prolifique faute de rejoindre la Rébellion. L’association a aujourd’hui presque complètement disparu, la plupart de ses membres s’étant rassemblé soit autour des Macmillan ou de Lilliana O’Heimhin (krkr). L’élan nationaliste ressurgit parfois, mais rarement sous la forme des spectaculaires attentats orchestrés avant les années 2000. ‘’
LA TERREUR (en français et majuscules dans le texte) : ‘’un des groupes les plus fameux de la mouvance anarchiste/terroriste. Mouvement national composé de cellules allant de 3 à 50 personnes, LA TERREUR est derrière la plupart des attentats de masse de ces 6 dernières années (et on leur a de toute manière souvent attribué les atrocités commises par le gouvernement contre sa propre population). Le gouvernement a tenté d’insinuer depuis des années que le groupe est une création étrangère pour déstabiliser le pays, et a souvent inventé (?) des liens entre celui-ci et la Rébellion pour décrédibiliser cette dernière. La vaste majorité des résistants radicaux est passée par LA TERREUR à un moment ou à un autre. Mouvement extrémiste d’un point de vue politique également, l’association prône la mise à mort des dirigeants actuels et la mise en place autoritaire d’une démocratie participative. Pour cette raison, plusieurs de ces membres ont récemment déserté au profit de la TAF (preuve que la radicalité est un spectre, ou une opinion). Elle connait également des soutiens à l’étranger, mais comme toutes les mouvances extrémistes, est principalement ad hoc et sans cesse au risque d’être annihilée complètement. ‘’ 
de base jvoulais juste penser à un groupe un peu connu d’anarchos pis comme d’hab j’ai perdu le contrôle tsé
  brrrref like i said don’t mind me (en plus c’est long as fuck) this is just my brain panicking at the thought of the rentrée
aussi like i said je m’étais inscrit sur un forum hp avec une partie du staff d’excidium et l’univers était vachement travaillé avec pleins de ramifications incroyables et i guess que ça a eu un impact néfaste sur moi mdrrrr (wola par contre j’ai bloqué de ouf sur l’histoire faut que je me réinscrive ANYWAY)
peace out homies déso de m’enflammer continuellement et see you bientôt pour un post plus canon et surtout plus cohérent mdr <3333
(btw not to be dramatic but i would die for nathan mdr bebs)
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tafferling · 1 year
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I don't know where I was going with this earlier, but my internet glitched out while I was writing this so it never sent. But then I went heck and immortalized it so I can subject you all to this.
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tafferling · 1 year
No, I am not “letting myself go”. I am shucking the standard pressed upon me since I was old enough to be self aware and revelling in COMFORT and FOOD and LAYING ABOUT and NO RAZORS and living for myself and god damn do I wish I’d had the confidence to do that before I turned older, but here we are, let’s go, this is gonna be great. 
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tafferling · 1 year
Dying Light stopped launching (and generally my PC has been wonky, but that’s beside the point) so I SPEEDRAN a computer re-install last night so I could hang out with Kyle for my birthday since that’s the only thing I will be doing tomorrow (who needs birthday parties or friends over right?).
But the absolute dumbass that I am forgot I had installed Dying Light 2 on my C:\ drive and not on the games drive for, you know, SPEED, and HENCE I have lost all my Dying Light 2 screenshots.
all of them ahahahha
I mean I am okay with that, even if I had some really dope shots in there that I hadn’t shared yet and was going to use for photosets and as headers for Monsters, We. But. *weighs Kyle on one hand, screenshots on the other* Worth it. And I guess that gives me an excuse to play DL2 more again so I can re-take some of those shots.
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tafferling · 1 year
I have been writing and posting chapters of something or the other on the regular for years now.
But ever since I finished with Latchkey Hero, something had gone missing in the process and I think I figured it out today: the Chapter Finished High.
Always, without fail, I’d get this happy chemicals boost whenever I finished writing (not posting, just writing) a chapter of my Dying Light fic. 
I didn’t get it with Shielding Thing after that. Or with Hiraeth. Or any ficlet I might have written in-between. I don’t even get them with Aphelion, and I love that story and the character immensely.
But. Hey. They are back now.
Every chapter of Monsters, We. that I finish has me all giddy again. Like right now, you know? Cause I just finished one? 
*distant delighted Taff noises* 
It’s nice.
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tafferling · 1 year
When I cooked my food today my nose said “there is something off about this” even though all the labels were still fine.
I did not listen to my nose and believed the labels.
My stomach is now saying “you should have listened to your nose”.
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tafferling · 2 years
I have changed so much of the Dying Light 2 story line for Monsters, We. it’s not funny any more (she says, with affection).
The further in I write and plot, the more details I unearth which make me go “wait, that makes no sense” and I don’t know if that’s because I misremember things or I missed things in the game (I don’t think I did?) and so I keep just chucking bits over my shoulder and completely remoddling the story line and setting details.
One of the first bigger details was how Dylan destroyed the key.
He was so worried Waltz was going to do something horrible with it, he stole it from him and tried to flee Villedor. But he didn’t consider destroying it? I never quite understood that. Maybe it’s because he thought it’d have value later on for him and he could do good with it, but with Waltz’s men closing in on him... 
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tafferling · 1 year
I think I’ve come to understand why I like the X-Files so much more over everything that followed after it. I mean, next to Mulder’s and Scully’s undeniable chemistry which is just superb. 
It’s cause the world doesn’t exist around the agents. They exist in it. The people in the episodes have lives of their own and struggles of their own and so much more character than the “victim for the day” you get in other shows. Plus, so many cases go unsolved, and that’s just so charming?
Anyway, I’m glad I decided to do a rewatch.
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tafferling · 1 year
Watching X-Files.
Episode 12, Season 5. 
Scully POV on seeing Mulder, like... seeing how he acts from her literal POV, meaning all his mannerisms are dialed up to 200.
The dime drops.
THIS IS HOW ZOFIA SEES CRANE :uncontrollable sobbing:
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tafferling · 2 years
I finished writing the last three chapters in Aphelion’s third episode.
They’re 6k, then 700, and then 400 words each.
But that’s fine, cause that means I AM FINISHED WITH ANOTHER EPISODE which I can hardly believe. Only like, another three to go and I’m at 100k words already.
I do know though that I won’t be posting as I go again as I did in the third episode. Instead I will go back to finishing all drafts in the episode before I begin posting. Much like I did for episode one and two. It was easier that way? Let me make smaller adjustments to previous chapters and whatnot before I commited to it for the first public draft.
Sure, I’ll probably lose a few of the readers it picked up since, but maybe they’ll come back at some later point. 
It’s exciting for me.
My first original that shot past 100k. I may even *gasps* finish this.
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tafferling · 2 years
I’ve had a lot of insecurities (for the longest time now). About the years passing. About getting older. About hitting forty this year. 
Sometimes that translated into not knowing where I belong, into pieces not fitting right because I catch myself thinking this is younger people stuff, why are you still doing this. 
That I live alone and that I’ve made a rickety peace with this hasn’t helped much, either. But whatchu gonna do when you’re ace. So far that’s been a deal breaker but you know what, I’m fine with that now.
And then... then I started writing Monsters, We. And I started to see Kyle Crane and Zofia past their thirties. Past what’s considered a serviceable prime according to most everyone. And now I get to actually see see them. In colour. Alive. Made so by the amazing artists who draw them for me. 
And it gives me so much peace? Helps me come to terms with my fourties coming? And then eventually going? 
It’s nice. 
It really is.
And now that I have been all serious and whatnot for a bit, let me revert back to sitting here and making kissy faces at Kyle.
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