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Ugh, I hate weak ass men and women who cheat on their spouse. Grow some balls or ovaries, divorce the “mean” wife/husband and move the fuck on
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dont-stop-reading · 2 years
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I should be excited about TNA Friday and the big wedding tomorrow, but I'm just so sad that TNA is coming to an end. 💔 Before I found the OH fandom, TNA was my weekly little escape. I know, I know... it was a f*cked up story to begin with, but I fell in love with how much Sam loved our MC in Book 1. And don't get me started on M&M. I'm just going to miss it so much.🥹
Now that the story is coming to an end, I'd love some recommendations for TNA fanfics.
Can't wait to see what everyone thinks after the series finale tomorrow.
Hii love 💙
I know how you feel 😿 It feels really bittersweet you’re sad that the books are coming to an end but at the same time you’re happy because Sam & MC are getting their long awaited Happy End.
That’s how I felt with when OH ended I was looking for fanfics because I missed the book so damn much 😿
Sending you much love 💙💙💙💙
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vengefclqueen · 2 years
This book makes no fucking sense I swear.
Why are we even listening to the shit that Addison says?
And why the absolute FUCK, would MC make the decision to ABANDON MICKEY AND MASON.
Like I don't care about Sam, but if you're removing yourself from the family, you're abandoning the fucking boys.
And that's what pisses me off.
They deserve so much better.
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questionablespecies · 2 years
If Sam doesn't divorce Addison immediately in the next chapter I say let them go y'all
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priestess-of-light · 2 years
i really do hope we can fire aditya's ugly ass and cut jenny out of mc's life. doing it in mc's office out of any place??? awful and nasty it really pissed me off
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bladesismylife · 2 years
Can people stop dogging the nanny affair it’s getting crowded for people who actually like the story like me? Y’all just need to either diamond mine In quiet or leave the story if it pisses you off that much
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sfb123 · 2 years
Do you guys remember before I wrote fics, when I used to write food reviews for TRR? Well I did, and I do still plan to get back to that someday.
Today, I am going to return to my roots… kind of. There was just so much terrible food, and food related activity that I felt like it was my duty, as a fictional food reviewer, to comment on it. So may I present…
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First of all, Chef Martin looks like an asshole. Probably the most punchable face in Choices history. And his menu options only made me want to punch him more. Fuck this guy. 
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If you know me, or have followed A Taste of Cordonia, you know I’m a girl that loves a good glass of champagne. Is it mostly for the aesthetic of looking fancier than I actually am? Yes, 100%.
*Side note, since our last culinary journey, I have made a discovery. Edible glitter. Throw a spoonful of that in your champagne and it’s extra fancy as fuck. That was my New Year’s Eve.*
This concoction however, I am torn about. Berries, great. Love a good berry. Except raspberry, not really my scene. I can get past it in a drink if I have to, could we throw some Midori in there instead? No, wait, never mind, that might be gross. 
Would it be? Should I try it? I think I might try it...
... with GLITTER! ✨  
As for the bourbon situation, that seems like a drink for the old timey business man types that will inevitably be invited to the wedding. They’ll sneak away with their gross old man drinks and some cigars on the veranda while making off color jokes about “the good old days.” 
I chose the champagne cocktail. 
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What the actual fuck. They know there are going to be seven year old boys at this wedding, right? Is there going to be a kids option of like chicken fingers or something? If so, can I opt for that? 
OCTOPUS?! Gross dude. First of all, I’m pretty sure it’s well known at this point that I do not do seafood, of any kind. Not even the normal stuff. If you’re going to braise something, shoot ya girl a short rib. 
How do you even eat that thing? Are you supposed to eat the suction cups? Or do you just suck the meat out of it like with lobster? 
Second of all, I know they’re different, but I am an adopted member of House Beaumont, in squidly solidarity, I am utterly appalled that they would harm such a majestic creature. Yes, I know, wrong book. So sue me, my heart will always be in Cordonia.
Bean salad just sounds gross. Could it be because I don’t like beans of any kind? Yeah, probably. And if you zoom in on that picture, it definitely looks more like a soup than a salad. I also don’t do soups, so strike two. 
There is honestly no winning here, they both sound gross, they both look disgusting, and I bet they both smell bad too. 
I chose the bean salad. At least there won’t be a bunch of octopus that have died in vein when nobody touches their abomination of a “dish”. 
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Whatever happened to chicken or beef at a wedding? Yes, fish is also a suitable option. And I guess duck is kind of a version of chicken? But I feel like a swanky wedding like this would have some kind of fancy steak option. 
... that I would get without question, because if you eat red meat and don’t choose it when you’re invited to a wedding, you’re doing it wrong. 
I’m about to say something incredibly hypocritical, I will be the first one to admit it, so I don’t need you guys pointing it out to me. Okay, here we go...
I love ducks, I can’t imagine ever eating one. 
Yes, I love pigs, and I still eat the fuck out of bacon and other pork products. Yes, I love cows, and y’all just heard my rant about fancy steaks at weddings. Chickens are cool, but I’ll fuck up a good chicken parm, and don’t even get me started on chickey fingies (that’s what I call chicken fingers, because I am emotionally 5 years old most of the time). 
My dream in life is to have a pet duck and name it Duckster. I don’t dream about getting pet pigs, or cows, or chickens, so that’s the difference in my head. It’s stupid, and irrational, but have you heard some of my reasons for not eating things? Then I’m sure you’ve come to expect it from me. 
Now that we’ve ruled out the main feature of the dish, let me tear apart the rest of it. I don’t like red wine, so I can’t imagine I would enjoy that sauce. Polenta? I literally had to google it because I thought that was a kind of cheese (I got polenta and pimento mixed up). Google defined it as “cornmeal mush”. I truly do not think they could have made it sound any less appealing. It sounds like baby food or something, not at all like something I would ever want to put in my mouth. And definitely not something that should be served at a fancy rich person wedding. 
The other option, is more seafood. FML. Let me say it one more time for the people in the back, I. Hate. Seafood. It’s gross, it makes me gag to even just smell it, let alone have it anywhere near my taste buds. What this option did have going for it, was the pesto. If you ask me, pesto is the best-o (that’s just a fun little joke I like to throw around from time to time 😉). But here’s the thing, shouldn't the pesto be over the salmon, not under it? That is how sauce works, right? It’s basically asparagus pesto with a hunk of fish dropped on top of it. 
I chose the salmon. One, because I couldn’t do that to my dearest Duckster, and two, because at least it had pesto. I’ll just save my roll from the bread basket (unless it’s not normal bread and they do some weird thing with it, which they probably will), and dip it in the pesto. That should hold me until I hit the drive thru on the way home. 
That being said, do you think Door Dash will deliver to a wedding venue in Mexico? 
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Alright, now we’re talking. Let me at that cake! Yummy in my tummy! 
Pretty standard offerings, which is appreciated after the parade of yuck that we’ve been dealing with. Chocolate and vanilla are my jam. Dream option, mix the two and have a marble wedding cake. Strawberry is fine, but it will never be my first choice for a dessert (unless they are actual strawberries, dipped in chocolate). 
In the real world, when you have a multi-tier cake, you could usually pick multiple flavors (fun fact, my wedding cake was 3 tiered and our flavors were red velvet, vanilla with some kind of fruit or berry thing between layers, and funfetti). But Chef Asshole only lets you pick one. Apparently his pastry chef can’t handle multitasking. 
I went for the vanilla, I felt like it was a lighter, simpler, choice for a wedding. 
Then things get kind of weird... 
Diamond scene in the restaurant kitchen, violated probably like a million health codes. And 100% there was probably a sous-chef, or that damn pastry chef in the pantry or something trying to get ready for the dinner rush when these two horn dogs come barreling in and making a mess of everything. 
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I like strawberries. Preferably dipped in chocolate or whipped cream (which also makes them sexier, BTW), but I do go back to basics and eat them plain as well. I actually had some earlier today as a matter of fact. 
I like strawberries, but I don’t really like strawberry flavored things (ice cream, cookies, cake, etc).
That’s all I’ve got on strawberries. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Seriously? He decided to use red hot chili peppers? Sam Dalton, suck my kiss (IYKYK. Also, sorry not sorry). 
But for real, what a horribly unsexy idea. Here was his reasoning behind it:
“Chili peppers get your heart racing and your adrenaline going... stimulating the body.”
You know what else they do, Sam? Give you bad breath and the runs. What the fuck is sexy about that? 
Also, where do you think you’re putting your fingers after you touch those things? Because ouch. 
I don’t like any heat in my food, so this is an immediate no for me. 
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This is clearly some kind of a soufflé or lava cake, not chocolate sauce. But it’s chocolate, so let’s go. Can someone grab me the rest of those strawberries from before? 
No? The strawberries are gone? Okay, I’ll need to put the chocolate on something else then...
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Perfect! 10/10 for presentation (for either option, honestly). 
I mean, what can I say about chocolate? I love it, it’s delicious. I think it’s quite obvious that I’m a fan. Let’s just have a Willy Wonka themed wedding and make the whole menu chocolate. The invitations cold be golden tickets, it would actually be super cute. 
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That’s me, I’m Augustus Gloop.
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strangerchoicess · 2 years
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Cinematic Parallels. 
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whoblewboobear · 2 years
Where’s Sofia? 😡😡😡
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Fixed it! 😁
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dont-stop-reading · 2 years
Hello my lovely TNA friends 💙
So now that the final chapter of Book 3 is here, what are some of your impressions? Are you sad? Are you happy because Sam & MC are getting their happy ending?
The unity sand vase was a nice touch 🥰
So I thought instead of just discussing last nights chapter let’s reminisce about all three books.
New readers are as welcome as those of you who’ve played the complete 3rd book 😍
What are some of your favorite moments from the past books?
What made you decide to play TNA? What is your favorite LI? Or with whom would your MC loved to hook up?
Would you love it if TNA had another book? Or even a spin-off?
I’m really curious about your opinions. Let me know 💙
Much love 💙
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vengefclqueen · 2 years
And MC has the AUDACITY to want to ghost the boys?!?!
The adults can choke for all I care.
But what about the boys?!?!?
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genevievemd · 2 years
Am I the only one who thinks it’s incredibly fucked up that our mc in TNA is setting up a date between Sam and Addison?
Instead of just believing and trusting in Sam, because like Robin said
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We should not be planning a wedding if MC doesn’t trust when Sam says he loves them and wants to continue planning their wedding/future.
Obviously, I’ve never had a supposedly dead spouse just pop back in my life, but… like come on. This is so wrong on so many levels.
Without a baseline of trust, this marriage will not last.
I enjoy this series at times, but most of the time I’m just floored by how toxic and fucked up it all is. Everyone, expect the kids, are giant idiots.
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priestess-of-light · 2 years
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dad? you don't have a dad🤨
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Keeping it down
Paring: F! Sam Dalton x F! Anna (The Nanny Affair) Warning: Smut (gag) Description: AU, a little smut stand alone in the 3th TNA book first chapter scenario. Holidays, winter, Anna and Sam wanting to get sometime together worried about the boys hearing. Word count: 1095 Sam's idea to find a cabin for the end of the year was perfect. Anna could feel herself relaxing more at every moment passed in the nature - snow, skiing, having the kids and an army of snowmen? That was how Anna wished to spent her whole winter. The cabin was very silent at night, you could hear a cricket resonant from Montana if you paid enough attention. And that made Sam a little uncomfortable with having sex, knowing Mickey and Mason could hear.
It was the fourth night of the family in that cabin and Anna, although relaxed and enjoying her daytime activities, were getting restless at the lack of contact. "Honey, please. We just need to keep it down!!" She begged Sam for what seemed the 30th times that week. Sam smirked and looked at Anna from above her glasses "My love, we both know you are not able to keep it low - thankfully". Anna sat in the bed. "What if I tell you I have something that might help with that?" She asked looking shy Sam closed her book and turned her upper body to face Anna "Go on..." she teased with a easy smile "So, I went to this shop when you took the kids this afternoon and.." Anna blushed and looked down to her hands. Sam noticed her getting embarrassed "Uhmm. A store,  han? The one that only adults can go?" Her smile widen as Anna cheeks turned grimson red. "Forget about it" Anna said sheepishly turning her back to Sam and getting up. "Oh no, now I wanna know" Sam said pulling Anna back to bed and getting on top of her nuzzling her way to her ear "What could you possibly have bought that would make this" She forced her leg between Anna's thigh earning a soft moan "possible?" Annas desire ignited inside her. She bitted her lip and stared into Sam's lustfull eyes. "I have never used it before... can't I just promise to behave?" Anna said grinding her hip into Sam's thigh "Oh, that won't do. Will I have to tease it out of you?" Sam said increasing the pressure of her thigh slightly and them pushing it all away and standing up "I did see a shopping bag in the closet" She reached to get the parchment paper. "OK, wait, is not what you..." Anna stopped mid sentence as Sam pulled out the toy from within, blushing vigorously. "Oh my.... you were naughty today, weren't you?" Sam grinned as her fingers drawed paths in the leather. It was a black gag. With a small sized ball and very interesting design - it should be a VIP collection. "You were right, this might help " She smiled devilshly as she strolled back to bed, straddling Anna and placing the gag in front of her face. "I just thought it would make it hard to .. well, get vocal" Anna said still embarrassed to death trying to hide her face behind her hands. "It will do so much more than that, honey." Sam smirked - Anna was too innocent to buy that. "The gag will torment you, will make it hard to breathe, it will take out all your hope to selfcontrol..." Sam swallowed hard at the idea. "We should only do this if you trust me" Sam looked at the gag again and then at Anna "May I?" Anna's body was aflame. She has been waiting for some alone time with Sam since they got there, but the CEO would barely spare her a light touch. Playing with that gag made her nervous? Yes. But she couldn't think of anything else since that morning. So she nodded and didn't regret when she saw the pure lust in Sam's glare: "Good girl" The gag was intrusive, it took all of Anna self control to not start drooling when Sam locked it behind her neck. Her tongue was kept backwards as her airway was slightly constricted.  It wasn't comfortable,  but Anna couldn't even pay attention to that when Sam stripped bare on top of her. Sam mouth were in Anna's neck in an instant,  licking a hot path from her ear lobe until her already harden nipple. Sam bitted it slightly at it and Anna felt the gag deepning as she instinctively moaned against the ball. Sam's hand traveled down, she was eager to put her fingers to good use since she was also troubled by the lack of contact in the previous days "I knew you would be wet, but damn, Anna.. you are leaking" Sam nodded approvingly as she circled her clit with just the tip of her finger. Anna's pleasure sky rocketed. She grabbed Sam's wrist and forced it against her, trying to increase the minimum friction she had going on. "Someone is eager, isn't she?" Sam was more than delighted at the sight of a gagged Anna, desperate for her touch. She smirked as she pushed 2 fingers inside of Anna who jumped at the intrusion, shooting her head back with a silent whimp. Sam could see tears coming down Anna's face as the gag hitted her back throat and activated her reflexes again "I like this new toy of yours, my love". Sam kept her rhythm strong and harsh, as Anna kept coordinating her hip movement - each thrust hitting her G spot hard and precisely. Anna was dripping and every plunge made her juices spread all over Sam's hand. With the gag, the only sound heard was the continuous sloshing as Sam kept working Anna until she was ready to come. Sam could sense Anna's wall clenching against her fingers, her legs trembling and her breathing erratic. She first thought about edging her, but she honestly couldn't wait to see Anna tearing down before her. Anna couldn't even feel the gag anymore. Her reflexes were activated so often that it became numb to her as she could only sense a new wave of tears after tears. Sam's mouth joined her hand working on her clit: circling, flicking, pressuring. She had been on the edge for so long waiting for the right moment to come, that as soon Sam's tongue found her clit she could hold it in anymore and she came down hard, leaking all over Sam's face,  in one more teared up wave against the gag.
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tyrilstarfury · 2 years
I hope the TNA wedding happens mid book or earlier, I don't want this to be a will they won't they type of things because we all know they will instead maybe the step mom drama would be more interesting.
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